#Invisalign Journey
weaverorthodontics · 2 months
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pradhamdentalclinic · 10 months
Hyderabad Top Invisalign Provider
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Each set of aligners brings you closer to your dream smile. Picture it: the confidence that comes with a beautifully aligned, healthy set of teeth, all without the hassle of bulky braces. Make an appointment with our orthodontist for invisalign treatment visit https://pradhamdental.com/invisible-braces-in-hyderabad Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Q3VdarXjmyHfWj7UA
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anbuselvi1 · 2 years
How Long Does Invisalign Take?
How Long Does Invisalign Take?
With Invisalign’s innovative and comfortable approach, you’ll be able to achieve a beautiful and confident smile without the hassle of metal braces. Discover how long does Invisalign take and what’s involved in the transformative process. Do you want to address your crowd of unruly teeth, but you want to do it without having to wear noticeable metal braces? Or maybe you had braces as a teenager,…
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summerlinsmiles · 7 months
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #100
This will be my 100th generic letter to you. Imagine that! Assuming you can hear me somehow, we've been on a very unorthodox journey for a while now, no? How marvelous!
I spent some of today checking on my epoxy spheres. It needed a few small adjustments. I made another mess. But I'm feeling pretty good about how these are gonna turn out, and I'm looking forward to showing the finished spheres to you very soon!
I spent the bulk of today writing up descriptions for various items, though. I'm pretty excited about it, actually! But I can't tell you what it's for; sorry about that. With any luck though, my intentions will become clear in maybe a decade or so, assuming I can maintain my focus and my faith in my own efficacy. I suppose we'll see.
Along the way, I made myself a couple mugs of jasmine green tea! I was surprised, though, to find that we were out of milk. I improvised with whipped cream for the first cup, and ice cream for the second cup!! And I gotta say, these were THE BEST improvisations!! 11/10 stars, absolutely would recommend! I'll show you a couple pictures!!
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At 4pm today I went for my orthodontics consult. I went to go see an orthodontist because I've got some weird jaw issues on my right side because of the way I gotta move my face when I try to chew things. And also, my dentists have been bugging me about getting orthodontics done for the last couple years, because there are certain teeth in my face that can't be cleaned properly because they got confused and wandered off, presumably to chase butterflies.
I was hoping that I'd be able to get away with using Invisalign to avoid needing to get teeth removed, but… well… the fact of the matter is that I simply do not have enough jaw to work with, and I am WELL beyond the age when things like palate expanders would work. So 4 of my teeth need to come out in order for the inside of my face to be aligned properly.
…And this really fucking sucks, because if my parents had given even a fraction of a genuine shit about me, this ALL could have been prevented. My jaw could have developed properly with upper and lower expanders. I could have avoided the crowding and the overbite and the crossbite and the resulting damage to my jaw joint if this had been taken care of like it should have been when I was a little girl. But, no. Instead, my parents were too busy being in denial about the fact that they wish I was not born. So here we are.
The reality that is, "because of my parents' negligence, I now have to get body parts removed and pay lots and lots of money because insurance doesn't cover it past a certain age" is just… fucken… it's WILD, man. Admittedly, I'm struggling with it. And I'm struggling with the resulting VERY angry thoughts. But that's okay. I can feel angry. It's allowed. And thoughts are just thoughts - passing noise that is not reflective of who I am or who I wanna be:
…I can make use of my coping skills. The technique outlined in the video above is one of them, and I make ample use of it on a near-constant basis.
Admittedly, I don't really understand why we can't just use the Invisaligns to scooch my molars back to where my wisdom teeth used to be (I thought being able to move teeth backwards was the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT, but I could be mistaken, so whatever). But I forgot to ask. I'll call them up tomorrow and find out.
Anyway. Wanna see my skull? And my weird-ass teeth? Of course you do. Why not. But I'll put it all the way at the end, after the part where I put my name, just in case you don't. Hahaha…
…Ya know… Sephiroth… admittedly… some days I get real tired of this meat-mech I'm piloting. I've got a host of rather unpleasant genetic issues. The defective collagen thing sucks; it impacts literally my whole body. The misshapen skull thing sucks. The misshapen eyeballs and misshapen lenses thing sucks. There are other things - lots of them; it'd be a long list if I wrote 'em all out. I'm really not gonna be sad when the one I've got can't clunk around derpily anymore. But I'm not gonna rush the process, either; I've got shit to do - I've gotta make sure someone I love is safe, even if it might take me a long time to get it done.
But ya know. Maybe when it's time to go get a new meat-mech, maybe by some small miracle, I'll get to visit you for a bit until it's time for me to cycle into something new! Tell you what - if that happens, I'll bring you some matcha ice cream or something, okay?
For now… I'm gonna get back to writing up lists and descriptions of items; if you're not gonna make sure you're safe, then someone's gotta, and if someone's gotta, then I might as well, right? I mean… what else am I gonna do while running around confusedly in a capitalistic hellscape on a dying planet? Aside from eat cheese directly from the refrigerator like a weird little goblin, anyway…
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
P.S. Weird pics of my skull and teeth below, if you wanna see!
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babycatlix · 4 months
final invisalign update: retainers
okay, in my last post about my teeth, i was scheduled to get my attachments and buttons off. my mouth was SO DRY 😰 the only way to get the material off is to file/drill it off, which makes so much dust, more dust than you think. and i had to rinse my mouth like 4 times before it felt like we got all the dust out. but once that part was done, my teeth felt surprisingly, normal. when i mentioned this to the assistant she said, "it is surprising! it's because the attachment material isn't bulky, like brackets are." and that really made sense to me.
then my orthodontist came over, looked my teeth over to make sure all the material was off and then he did the final filing. evening out my teeth, it's called "hollywood" where they take off the sharp tips and such. yes, i could've said "no, leave them." but him filing the sharp tips off it actually fixed the incisor that was missing the corner. he filed them so they were even. it was really just on the top, and i think if i had asked, he could've also filed my incisors to be sharper, but i'm okay with them looking even and not sharp bc at this point, my incisors wouldn't be sharp anyway, they would be worn down anyway.
after that, i got scanned for my retainers, we did after pictures and x-rays. then it was time for the big reveal, i was shown my new teeth for the first time! i was very shocked at how they didn't look too different, since i got to see my teeth the whole time, BUT she showed me my before pictures and wow! i didn't think my bottom teeth were THAT bad and i didn't think my front tooth was sticking out that much, but the pictures don't lie. anyway, after that the staff came over to congratulate me 😁 i got a box of goodies that i wasn't allowed to eat when i had my invisalign.
at my wednesday appointment, i got my retainers! they were tight, which meant my teeth had started to shift and it wasn't that long from the time i didn't have a tray in, to when i got them (about 72 hours total), which motivates me more to wear them. for anyone who doesn't know, your teeth continue to shift and move throughout your life, even after braces. so when your orthodontist gives you a retainer, you wear that shit for the rest of your LIFE. my retainers are clear, like my invisalign trays, but a much sturdier material. my bottom retainer is currently different, made of a heavier material to make sure my bottom teeth don't move at all. the assistant explained that they've noticed when they don't use this material for patients that have a lot of initial crowding with invisalign that the teeth still shift back a little even with a retainer, so they use this heavier material for the first 8 weeks and then change to the standard material.
speaking of, i wear my retainers 24/7 for 8 weeks, except for when i'm eating and drinking anything that isn't water. i go back in july for a retainer check-in to make sure my retainers fit properly and if my bottom teeth are doing good, i'll get a new bottom retainer that's the same material as my top retainer. i'm not sure if i'll have another settlement period for my molars yet, but i'll find out in july! but if all goes well, i only have to wear my retainers at night after that. and i'll continue to wear them at night, every night until my orthodontist tells me otherwise.
for now, this is my final update and the end of my invisalign journey. it was fun, informative, and surprising! i also want to say, it's never too late in life to get braces or to get your teeth straightened if you want! i am so in love with my teeth now and i can't stop smiling. i was actually scrolling through my instagram and before getting my invisalign, i never smiled showing my teeth. my final pics of my teeth after these appointments are the first pictures on my instagram where i'm showing my teeth. and even when i send snaps now, i smile with my teeth showing. i wouldn't say that my straight teeth have boosted my confidence, but i am so happy with my teeth now, i can't help but show them off!
anyway, i hope you have a good week! make good choices, stay safe out there, and stay hydrated my friends! 🩵
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ohtobeleah · 7 months
OK, this is for ToE and I don’t know if you if you can come up with something with it, but did any of the kids ever have to get braces and if they didn’t, did they get Invisalign later on in their adult life? I just started my Invisalign journey and today is the first full day and my mouth hurts. 
I always pictured Riley having braces. And I feel like she hated them with every fibre of her being. Kids can be cruel, so it’s probably no surprise to you or Rooster that Riley comes home from time to time in hysterics because some kids have been calling her names.
“Little punks,” Rooster hates when his children are made to feel like they aren’t worth the world. “They’re just lucky Riles won’t give up their names or so help me god I’ll—“
“You’ll what? Big guy?” You chuckle as you hand your husband a cup of tea. Bradley takes it kindly with a sigh. “I’ll talk to her teacher at drop off tomorrow, there’s no need to go throwing kids around.”
“Plenty of kids have braces! I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal,” Bradley groaned in frustration as he took a small sip of his tea.
“You know Jake had braces growing up?” You decided to test your husband’s stance. The raised eyebrow said it all. “Yeah, I had to fix a few of his wires in the metal room a few times so his dad wouldn’t beat the shit out of him for being too reckless.”
“What a nerd,” You don’t mean to, but tea spills out your nose at your husband’s comment. But it proves your point.
“Let me handle Riley’s situation, you big bully.”
Send me a concept ToE
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Discovering Your Perfect Smile: Teeth Straightening with Church Road Dental Practice in Cardiff
In the bustling city of Cardiff, amidst its rich cultural tapestry and vibrant community, Church Road Dental Practice shines as a beacon of excellence in oral care. Renowned for their dedication to patient satisfaction and clinical expertise, Church Road Dental Practice offers a comprehensive range of services, including cutting-edge teeth straightening solutions that can transform your smile and boost your confidence.
The Importance of Straight Teeth:
A straight, well-aligned smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also plays a crucial role in overall oral health. Misaligned teeth can contribute to a host of issues, including difficulty in cleaning, increased risk of decay and gum disease, and even jaw discomfort. Beyond functional concerns, crooked teeth can also impact self-esteem and hinder social interactions.
Introducing Church Road Dental Practice:
Nestled in the heart of Cardiff, Church Road Dental Practice stands as a trusted ally in your journey towards a straighter, healthier smile. Led by a team of highly skilled professionals, they combine clinical excellence with personalized care to deliver outstanding results tailored to each patient's unique needs and desires.
Comprehensive Consultation:
Your journey towards a straighter smile begins with a thorough consultation at Church Road Dental Practice. During this initial appointment, their friendly and experienced team will take the time to understand your concerns, assess your oral health, and discuss your treatment options in detail. Whether you're dealing with crowding, spacing, or bite issues, they will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.
Cutting-Edge Teeth Straightening Solutions:
At Church Road Dental Practice, they offer a range of advanced teeth straightening solutions designed to address a variety of orthodontic issues. From traditional braces to innovative clear aligner systems like Invisalign, they utilize the latest technology and techniques to achieve optimal results with minimal discomfort and inconvenience.
Expert Guidance and Support:
Throughout your teeth straightening journey, the team at Church Road Dental Practice will be by your side every step of the way. They will provide expert guidance and support, ensuring that you feel informed, comfortable, and confident in your treatment decisions. Whether you have questions about your aligners or need adjustments to your braces, they are always available to address your concerns and ensure your satisfaction.
Transforming Smiles, Transforming Lives:
For many individuals, straightening their teeth is more than just a cosmetic enhancement – it's a life-changing transformation. With Church Road Dental Practice as your partner, you can achieve the smile of your dreams and unlock newfound confidence and self-assurance. Whether you're preparing for a special event or simply want to feel more confident in your daily life, they are dedicated to helping you achieve your smile goals and live life to the fullest.
In Cardiff, where beauty meets tradition and innovation, Church Road Dental Practice stands as a beacon of excellence in teeth straightening. With a commitment to clinical excellence, personalized care, and patient satisfaction, they are dedicated to helping you achieve the straight, beautiful smile you deserve. If you're ready to take the first step towards a brighter, more confident future, schedule a consultation with Church Road Dental Practice today – because your perfect smile awaits.
Church Road Dental Practice
33 Church Rd, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2DY
02920 614 444
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zot3-flopped · 10 months
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'My Invisalign journey' 🙄 Liam will be footing the £5k bill.
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ageofana · 8 months
Starting Invisalign journey tomorrow. Been off track with eating recently. Hoping it gets me together. Having to take the trays out to eat seems like a lot of work.
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netflixandnudez · 1 year
I start my Invisalign journey on Jun 16th which means I got like 2 weeks to eat as much Aloo Gobi as I can 😭 don’t know how imma survive without Curry.
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stardentalclinic · 9 months
Braces Specialist in Pimple Saudagar | Star Dental Clinic
Looking for a confident, radiant smile? Look no further than Star Dental Clinic, your trusted braces specialist in Pimple Saudagar. We offer a comprehensive range of orthodontic solutions to transform your smile and boost your confidence.
Why choose Star Dental Clinic for your braces treatment?
Experienced and passionate orthodontists: Our team of highly qualified orthodontists boasts years of experience and a dedication to delivering exceptional care. Personalized treatment plans: We understand that every smile is unique. We'll work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your individual needs and goals. Wide range of braces options: From traditional metal braces to discreet ceramic braces and Invisalign clear aligners, we offer a variety of options to suit your lifestyle and preferences. Advanced technology: We utilize state-of-the-art technology to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and comfortable experiences. Affordable and flexible payment plans: We believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile. We offer competitive prices and flexible payment plans to make braces accessible to everyone.
Warm and welcoming environment: Our friendly staff will make you feel comfortable and at ease throughout your treatment journey.
Contact: 8055889900
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signatureorthodontics · 2 months
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drgarima-123 · 11 months
Tripathi Dental Clinic in Lucknow - Dr. Garima Tripathi
Dr. Garima Tripathi Dental Clinic In Lucknow
Experience expert care, advanced treatments, and personalized service at our Dental Clinic in Lucknow for your perfect oral health. Your smile transformation begins now.
We Make Smiles Shine Brighter
Tripathi Dental Clinic In Lucknow
If you are looking for huge clinics with fancy lights and shoe covers, then we are not your people but if you are for a sustainable, environment-friendly, sterile, and well-structured workflow dental clinic, your search ends with us. Equipped with doctors holding more than two decades of work experience, methodical and well-trained assistants, the latest machines, and world-class dental materials, Dr. Garima Tripathi Dental Clinic in Lucknow ticks all these boxes. We are a decent-sized, easy-to-reach, bang in the center of a premium commercial, Gomti Nagar location. Aesthetics of the clinic are such, that you’ll definitely leave on a happy note. We believe in an appointment-only work approach which gives us time to prioritize one patient at a time avoiding chaos.
However, for an initial consultation or in need of emergency treatment, you can just walk in and you will be satisfactorily taken care of!
Tripathi Dental Clinic in Lucknow, USP is guiding you correctly without overdiagnosing or over-treating you.
We have to our credit thousands of satisfied patients, the world over. Spanning generations of families who will give you impressive testimonials, should you need one.
Dentistry has a few words relating to it more than anything in recent times. Digital dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, or painless dentistry, and in reality, the word describing it more than anything else is Ethical. Ethical dentistry takes precedence over everything else and that’s exactly at the core of this particular dental practice.
Treatments & Services
Keeping Your Teeth Healthy & Shining
Restorative Services
Composite fillings
Ceramic inlays,onlays and crownlays 
All types of crowns including DMLS,Lithium di silicate and zirconium 
Root Canal Treatment including single sitting RCT
 Full mouth rehabilitation 
Orthodontic Services
Metallic and ceramic braces
Aligners including INVISALIGN
Self ligating braces
Cosmetic Services
Complete smile design
Closure of gaps, re-shaping of broken or malformed teeth using E MAX veneers
Composite restorations to correct minor deformities
Bleaching of teeth to whiten yellow or stained teeth
Surgical Services
 Painless surgical extraction of teeth
 Imp actions of wisdom teeth
 Surgical removal of cysts and other pathologies
Schedule Your Appointment Today
Don't delay your journey towards optimal oral health and a brilliant smile. Schedule an appointment now at our Dental Clinic in Lucknow, and let us guide you towards a healthier and more confident version of yourself. Experience the unparalleled care and expertise at Dr. Garima Tripathi Dental Clinic, where your dental well-being is our top priority.
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hayesdental · 1 year
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Transform Your Smile with Invisalign Treatment at Hayes Dental Clinic
Ready to experience the discreet and convenient solution of Invisalign treatment? Hayes Dental Clinic is your trusted provider. Learn about the benefits of Invisalign, the treatment process, and how our experienced team customizes your journey to a beautifully straightened smile. Uncover the possibilities of achieving a confident, realigned grin with Invisalign, delivered with precision and care.
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