#Is an asshole apparently
fyreflys · 3 months
Yeah okay Yep I’m so done with the Dream team & that whole side of the Minecraft content space. Fuck GeorgeNotFound bro holy shit.
I could go on a whole rant about how pissed I am, how I spent 3 years of my life writing for a fandom & growing so much as a writer and an artist and as a person bc of these CCs, only for me to keep getting fucked over by them again and again, and to be increasingly fed up with the fandom.
But this isn’t about me. This is about the victims. Support victims.
Not sure what I’m gonna do with all my art & fics yet (will probably anon or orphan them- not sure if I can handle deleting them when I put so much heart & soul into so many of them, but I also don’t want them in my google docs and I don’t want them in my AO3 stats so I’ll probably orphan). I’m going to sleep on that. But I’m definitely done with this fandom. I have been for a long time, but have clung on bc of fandom friends, but I’m done now! So incredibly done!
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martian-astro · 2 months
Vedic astrology
D9 is so accurate, like I said before, I do paid readings in real life (Tumblr is also real life, but you know what I mean right?) and I was reading this woman's chart and she had a lot placements in her d9 that indicated that her husband would be a huge gossiper and she got married a week ago and today I met her husband and this man knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, he's also really sweet, it's so nice to see.
I wanna make Vedic astrology content, but I have noticed that it does not get as much attention as Western and Its kinda sad. if you want to see the level of compatibility between 2 people,then Synastry and composite is the most accurate. but if you wanna know how your spouse is gonna be like then d9 for the win. I had a lot of faith in juno and groom persona charts but....I just don't find it accurate. I'm sorry. I know A LOT of people and it has never managed to correctly predict their spouse's nature or appearance, for 2-3 people it was kind of accurate but I think it's just a coincidence. And I tried using Jupiter persona chart as well, but that too didn't work.
If you are into astrology and want to know more about your future spouse, I would highly recommend you to take a look at your d9. According to ME, it has never been wrong, like not even once.
I was actually just looking at Beyonce's d9 and everything fits like a puzzle. she has venus in 1st, born to be a star, gaining success through marriage, sun in 2nd, getting a lot of money through spouse, mercury in 8th, joint accounts with the spouse, marriage of conveniencence (let's not act like beyonce and jay-z actually love each other), saturn in 10th, VERY VERY AMBITIOUS, Jupiter in 11th, a lot of social influence through marriage....
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
Rangi: I don't want to give you up to the next generation!
Kyoshi: Noted
Kyoshi: *doesn't die for another 7 fucking generations*
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obae-me · 19 days
Oh yeah, I don't have a type.
Says me, the person with exactly one type:
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arsenicpanda · 10 months
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the #1 archiereggie shipper, but in a homophobic way
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kidovna · 2 years
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The sirens and the marooned pirate
My artwork from the Sparkle and Sea charity queer merpeople zine!
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burnyourtrains · 3 months
Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art Stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art stop stealing art
This means reposting without permission. Feeding into ai. Taking as your own. Not giving credit to the artist. Posting things that aren't yours in the first place. Etc.
This goes for fanart, original pieces from the artist, writing, gifsets - anything someone took the time to make.
Stop stealing art
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AITA for repurposing characters from a closed species?
Probably low stakes but eh, I wanted some second opinions.
So a few years back I (M, age doesn't matter but Adult) was a part of this closed species group that never really got off the ground, and during my time I won some raffled characters for said species, all created by the owner. I had a very, VERY bad falling out with the owner (M, also adult) for a lot of allegations on their end and just some interpersonal issues I had with them as well.
Flashforward to now and I got these guys just...sitting and rotting in my Toyhouse account. The owner's never made a move to reclaim these designs from me or anything, so I've considered just repurposing them all into OCs completely cut off from the closed species. Asked a couple friends about it and this one friend is EXTREMELY adamant that I'd be an asshole for repurposing these guys but like...I can't really give them back because I can't contact the owner (and even if I could I wouldn't WANT to) and I can't really sell/raffle them off because the closed species, again, never really got off the ground and I don't wanna make money off of other people's work, no matter how shitty said person is.
So am I the asshole for wanting to repurpose these characters from a closed species that I can't really do much else with?
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tungtung-thanawat · 23 days
The editing for my stand-in has to be one of the best and most clever use of scene transitions, framing and b-roll to support the narrative as it moves forward.
Absolutely love the instant noodles parallel of their relationship status. Ming and therefore the show’s obsession with not just Joe’s back but also Tong’s is such a wonderful obfuscation of who is truly in Ming’s heart.
The juxtaposition of Joe holding the engraved cat couples mugs while Ming drunk out of his mind calls him Tong while hugging him from behind.
The shot of Joe dropping them and the mugs breaking but Ming is still holding him.
Who’s the real Ming? The one that bought those cups even though he thought they were stupid because it would make Joe happy. Or the one that calls him a stand-in.
What are Ming’s true intentions? The ones with which he left the Christmas Dinner (to be with Joe). Or the ones spurred by his heartbreak (when he learns about Tong and May’s engagement)
And most importantly, who was Ming reminded of when he saw the new Joe from the back?
The visuals and narration of this show is very rich and vivid but stays solidly away from becoming corny. It pushes the narrative forward and additionally heightens it to an almost thriller like state.
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crippled-peeper · 7 months
It’s a real damn shame the US’s “help” to Mexico right now is focused on the safety of “US citizens” when Mexico’s actual literal military offered to help the US after Katrina and they showed up in force for us. a true shame indeed
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enden-k · 1 month
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not some random idiot joining my world, asking me what my sig means; me asking them what they think and them babbling smth abt me bullying ppl who like haitham or me pretending to be haitham bullying ppl like. are you that dense or just pretending bffr im bullying haitham in bed what do u think it means 😭
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zhoras-bitch · 2 months
My biggest pet peeve I had with the demo was how the narrative insisted that MC was mad at Ais or found him annoying and pushed them to be mean to him, and I thought that was lowkey uncalled for. Like, he threatened MC once when they met, which, dick move, sure. But MC literally barged into his place, and in the world where everything is trying to kill you all the time, I can't really blame Ais for a little hostility towards strangers. And after that, he was pretty chill, actually. He helped MC when they almost fell into the weird magical pool, answered all of their questions and even had one of the soulless escort them back. And when they meet afterwards, MC is mad at him for... kicking them out to go drinking, as they put it? Which was so weird to me, like, he literally owed MC nothing and he did much more than that already.
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luckthebard · 2 months
Absolutely buck wild to see scalpers trying to resell D20 Live tickets for more than T Swift tour prices and then turn to see ttrpg twitter celebrating it as some kind of “win” proving the industry is thriving.
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popstart · 1 month
how i imagine most ships with noah playing out
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originalaccountname · 11 months
I love how insane skk are fr. Dazai sets Chuuya up to be tortured and Chuuya’s response is “okay that crosses a line, I’m going to punish you now by stringing you upside down from a lamppost and spinning you until you throw up, and if I didn’t need you to be in working condition I’d do worse” and Dazai’s just like, yeah that’s fair. And neither of them thinks any of that is weird
They are so funny for real, everyone around them are completely baffled and they just keep going like it's all normal.
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But also, I'm of the opinion that Dazai didn't particularly want Chuuya tortured. I think he messed up his timing and tried to play it off. This boy showed up alone to a high-security secret lab only armed with a taser, barely let Adam take care of Shirase while insisting they needed to get to Chuuya now, or else Chuuya would commit a grave mistake. And he messed up on finding him too! If Chuuya had not made his own choice then, Dazai would have been too late to stop him! He completely messed up his grand entrance!
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Chuuya was also taking his revenge for Murase becoming collateral though, not just Dazai letting him get tortured by N to gain some time without his consent.
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churomo · 2 years
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what my brother probably saw when i was dying from heat stroke
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