#Is that Harry as the Green Goblin took to just
ask-cloverfield · 5 months
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asterthought · 1 year
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This is what happens when I reintroduce myself into a Hijack brainrot while I'm still in the Parksborn one.
I kinda got inspired by @sboochi 's ROTBTD Spider-verse AU
Rise of the brave tangled dragons x Spider-Man AU where Hiccup is in Peter Parker's place meaning he got bitten by the spider and turned into a superhuman. Jack, even being his best friend, doesn't know about it.
They're both in college, Hiccup is in some STEM major, Jack is in arts, but they're roomates. Jack visits Hiccup often at his lab but one day he ends up messing with an experiment that was using pure liquid nitrogen. The accident gives Jack not only terrible frostbites in his face, hands and basically everywhere else, but also gives him the ICONIC ice powers.
I was planning to make it a little more simple by making Jack just be the Green Goblin (II) to keep him close to being the Harry Osborn of the story, but I decided to make him a slightly more original "villain" by giving him a backstory related with his actual powers. Anyway, you can see I also took inspo from Dane's Green Goblin for the very simple desing I made-
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
Well, imagine that! 🩷💜💙 2
(Part 1)
"Okay, guys! Gather around, it's time for Spin the Bottle!" Gayatri giggles holding the empty bottle, her brown eyes spotted her boyfriend's friends and students from her school sitting around the circle. "Remember, 7 heaven in the closet, when you get picked!"
"Spread out everyone. Oh Miles, you can sit with me." Gayatri said wanting everyone to mix into the circle.
Pav sat next to Hobie, "This is exciting and nerve racking! I feel my heart pounding so hard against my chest!" He turns to his closed friend as he touch his chest to feel his heart raced. "Do you get that, Hobie?" No response from the Spider-Punk, "Hobie?"
The Indian teenager spotted Hobie staring longing at Miles, no surprised there. "Hey," He pokes his punker friend.
"Huh, what were you saying, mate?" The punker snapped out of it for the moment.
Pav grins widely on his face, "Dude, you were staring at Miles, again. Why not ask him out?" He whispers lowly.
"Me, staring at Peter Pan? Nah, I was admiring that tacky painting over there." Hobie lies.
"Come on, man. Why do you deny it so much?" He quietly asked, noticing Miles busy talking to Gayatri. Then, saw Hobie softly smiling at the way Miles would shyly laughs or his big wide addicting smile while talking to Pav's girlfriend.
"It's not easy... I want him to be honest about himself." Hobie admits, "I rather wait."
"Are you sure?" His friend asked being skeptical, "Your the jealous type, dude. I saw how upset you got when he mentions about him and Ganke kissed. Also, will you handle it with this game."
"I'm all for Miles to experience as much as possible, mate. I'll be fine." Hobie casually said trying to shrug off the conversation.
"Okay, just letting you know there's a lot of cute guys and girls in this circle." Pav hums with his eyes around the group, he spotted Gwen talking to a random girl.
"Okay, everyone! We ready!" Gayatri asked out loud.
"Wait! I like to join!" The group looks over to where the voice was coming from, it's a very handsome student from their school, Hari Oberoi.
Hobie's body tensed as he saw Miles gawking at the guy. Hari Oberoi, Pav's Harry Osborn, in the world the teenager boy is known for his good looks and charming gaze. His brown hair in a lazy slick back with gel glistening by light in the room, he got taper fade and clean long stubble beard that suit well on his face. His skin tone brown, eyes almost golden and perfect white straight teeth, with expensive shirt, jeans and Jordans.
"Hari! Okay, just sit around. Guys make room." Gayatri smiles happily, she seems to know Hari through their modeling career, before she got with Pavitr. Many of the girls in the circle were excited to get the chance to kiss Hari Oberoi, he's such a handsome guy and a part time model.
Of course, Oberoi family are rich with all their powerful connections, they had to put their handsome son on a modeling agency. It's one way to keep the family's name on good terms, even if Nalin Oberoi is Green Goblin. But no one knows that except for the Spider Band.
"So, who wants to go first?" Gayatri started off checking to see who wants to go first, she saw know one brave enough. "Okay! Okay, I'll start." She offers, having to spin the bottle first.
It landed on a girl causing everyone to, "Oooohhh," at the two. The teenager girl blushes as she and Gayatri got up to go in the closet and kiss for seven minutes.
"Wow, Gayatri is so brave. I don't know I can do it." Pav said with awe, "My palms are sweaty."
"Lad, you need to relax." Hobie said in a calm tone as he took out a joint, then spoke out loud to the group, "How about some real fun, eh? Anyone do to share spliff?" He took out his lighter to lit up his joint, he did the first puff-puff then pass it to Pav.
Pav gasps, "Smoking! Hmmm..."
"Oh come on, Pav. You either do it or you don't!" Gwen groans.
"Okay. Okay. Fine!" Pav smoke a bit of the joint before passing it around, he started to cough out loud making Hobie laugh.
"You good, mate? Sounds like you took it good." Hobie teased already feeling his high coming, his eyes on Pav with a smirk on his face. The Indian teenager's eyes suddenly turned red already feeling it.
"Whoa!" Pav rub his eyes already feeling weird, "I never gotten high! Is this what it feels.. feeelllsss... fffffeeeeeeeeeellllllssssss...sss like? LYKE? LllIike? Why does that word sound so weird?" He lost his train of thought. "I feel so relaxed and giggles." He hugs Hobie's arm having to snuggle against him.
Miles' watched the two getting all touchy and close, he'll be lying to himself if he says he wasn't jealous. The way Pav happily wraps around Hobie's arm, slowly snuggling against him with his face buried in his crush's chest. The sixteen year old nibble the inside of his bottom lip, he's envious of Pav. To be so openly confident, and speaking his mind, Miles wishes he can do that. It's hard for him to do it.
Soon the joint came to Miles' hands, he felt Hobie's eyes on him. "Gonna smoke it, Peter Pan?" He asked with a gleam in his eyes.
Miles felt bashful, "Yea..." He placed his lips on the crutch of the shared joint, then inhale twice, before exhaling two smoke rings. The group were impressed at him.
"Wow, ain't that a lil neat trick, luv." Hobie smirks widely, knowing Miles had smoke before.
"Nuthin' special." He shrugs feeling a bit glad his crush is impressed.
"Wow, Miles. How do you do that?" Pav asked.
Gwen said, "That's new."
"Me and Ganke always smoke at parties." Miles said, tasting the weed on his tongue. He could feel his high coming- Whoa, Hobie carry some strong shit.
Soon Hari got the joint, then took the crutch around his lip inhaling the product. Soon he blew out a smoke shaped like a jellyfish. "Wow." Miles stood surprised with the other group.
Hobie rolled his eyes, "Show off." He thought. The slick back hair teenager gave sheepish smile as he passed it to the next person.
"How did you do that?" Miles finally asked the guy.
"You do the O method then push it with your hands then you follow it with the ghost method. It's much more cooler with a vape." Hari grins at Miles, having his eyes on him.
"Wow, maybe we need a bong." Miles said.
"Maybe." Hari chuckles showing off his charming smile.
Gwen looks at Hobie with a sly grin on her face, her punker friend looking mad-mad. The way he's glaring at Hari talking almost flirting with Miles.
Soon Gayarti and the other girl came out of the closet with their seven minutes up. The group grins widely at how bashful look. "What did we miss?" She asked.
"We passing around joint, baby!" Pav spoke out first, he noticed her lips swollen from all the kissing. Hobie ended up with the joint then offer to the two that didn't try, "We to give it a go, mate?"
"Sure!" Gayatri said as she take a couple of hits then passed it to the girl she made out. She coughs, "Ohh, wow. This stuff is strong!"
"Only the best." Hobie cooly said.
"Oh Miles, you wanna go next?" Gayatri passed by the joint to Hobie as she went back to her seat alongside the other girl.
Miles' eyes widen having a warm deep tint on his cheeks, "Uhhh- Sure?" He went over to spin the bottle, he's hoping to land at Hobie. He could feel his palms sweating from being nervous.
The bottle spinning around the group. "Who's it gonna be?" Pav asked being excited for his turn the suspends gets him so hype.
The bottle landed on Hari, causing everyone to gasp and oohed with a much louder tone. Some of the girls giggles seeing how two cute boys were gonna make out. "Ooh, Miles!" Gayatri nudges him with her left shoulder, "Look at you being lucky. I heard he's a great kisser."
Hobie's hear that having his body tensed up. Jealousy spikes through his veins, seeing the cocky bloke getting up as he run his hair trying to play it off cool.
Pav gasps, "Even the way he gets up is so cool."
Hari stood with a gleam in his eyes, a perfect smile on his face. Miles got up being shy, "You can do it, Miles." Gwen cheers for him.
Mile gave a weak grin when he got up he didn't realize how tall Hari was. "You ready?" Hari asked him.
"Ye-yeah?" He stuttered being overwhelmed by the part time model, he's more majestic closed up.
Gayatri giggles opening the closet room for them to go in. "Have fun, but not too much fun!" She chimes as the two walks inside the room. Hobie could only glare at Hari, watching their backsides going in the dark room. "Seven minutes in Heaven!"
Miles hears Gayatri after she closed the door behind them, he slowly breathe taking in the room's scent and Hari's expensive cologne. The two were quiet... too quiet...
"Come on, do something Miles! You done this before." He said to himself being nervous. His hands was going to take Hari's handsome's face, until he stopped hearing the teenager's voice.
"Hey, if you're nervous, we don't have to kiss." He finally said.
Miles eyes widen hearing Hari's voice, he sounds so kind? Really off putting with his face. "Oh, um... I'm sorry." The young Spider-man finally said unsure if Hari didn't want to kiss him, or is a straight guy. Good thing, it's dark enough that the other teenager won't noticed his expression.
"No! No, don't apologize. Actually..." Hari quickly turns to Miles trying to reassure him, "I never do stuff like this. I rarely go to parties."
"Oh... have you ever kissed a boy?" Miles asked, "Because I can get why-" Har said, "I've kissed people before, but doing this... it's all new."
"Hey man, it's cool. We don't have to... we can lie." He said hearing Hari sigh in relief.
"Thanks... it's just I thought I would look cool joining, but I didn't expect to be picked so soon. I should've stayed home and play my video games."
"Oh, you play? What kind of games?" Miles asked, he hopes there's games he knows in this world. "I like Street Fighter."
"Oh me too! I'm into a lot of fighting games like Mortal Kombat and sports games like NBA 2K22."
"Sweet. Those games are fire. Do you play Fortnite?"
"Yeah, I'm not good at it. I still have my first generation outfits." Hari chuckles feeling comfortable talking with Miles. "Say... what's your name? I haven't caught it."
"Miles! My name is Miles. Yours?" Miles asked, he already know his name but it's best to be polite and asked.
"Hari. I'm friends with Gayatri, because we have the same agency." Hari casually said, "You know her through her boyfriend, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm friends with Pav."
"How did you two meet?"
"Online. You know him, he's always social."
"Ha, yeah. I don't know where he gets it all. I get too nervous meeting new people, and I still get nervous around my small group of friends. I rather just stay at home and read my comic books."
Miles gasps, "You read comic books! I mean, sorry, man. I just- I'm a fan of comics too. I collect figures."
"Me too!" Hari's eyes widen finally meeting someone with the same taste. "I have five figures in my collection room. I'm planning to buy this expensive Chung Lee one, but I really want to buy some Copic marker set."
"Do you draw? And I collected some stuff like Power Rangers, G.I Joes, and Transforms way back but I do want to get some One Piece ones. Zoro is my favorite."
"You like One Piece!" Hari's eyes gleamed, showing his nerdy Otaku side. "I'm sorry, I rarely get to meet a fan. I normally don't talk to a lot of people... my dad is very strict."
Miles could hear the excitement of Hari's voice washed into a soft bit of sadness when mentioning his father. Yeah, no kidding, he's dad is Pav's nemesis, the Green Goblin! "Well, I can be your friend. Who's your favorite One Piece character?"
"Ugh, my queen, Robin!"
"Ah, nice!" The two sat on the floor talking to each other, then the next thing, they know- Hari cup Miles' face with his thumb softly rubbing against his plump lips. The young Spider-man let him lean over to kiss, soon they were tongue kissing.
Miles could feel his heart pounding against his chest, as Hari took control of their kisses. Their mouths not willing to let each other go, which made him more surprised. He likes this. "Wow, kissing Hari is so different than Ganke." He could feeling his body being excited like all of his worries melted away.
"Mmm." He let out a soft cute moan to breathe slowly pulling away from Hari's lip.
"Heh, that's cute, Miles." Hari went back to kissing him on the lips feeling their salvia parting on their lips. Miles merely took the kiss falling on his back, they were too into it at this point.
Outside of the door, the group waited for the two come out. "They been in there for ten minutes!" Gwen finally said.
Gayatri giggles, "I guess, they are having so much fun."
Pav nodded, "Wow, I didn't know Miles can be so- Hobie, what's wrong?" Noticing his friend going over to the closet with a beer in his hand, he had enough of this.
Hobie roughly kicks the door open without giving a shit, "Hobie! We're in Gayatri's home, you don't kick people's doors like that!" Gwen shouted.
"Gwen, it's fine." Gayatri actually liked seeing Hobie all jealous for his crush, she was hoping for him to do something about it three minutes ago.
Hobie turns to Gayatri, "Sorry, luv. Seven minutes is the rules!" He kicks the door open again having to breaking the latch using his Spider-man strength.
This caused Hari and Miles to jump by the sudden burst of the door being swung open. Hobie had a dark look on his face witnessing his crush being lay on the floor by that fucking wanker. Hari lift his head up being surprised still breathing heavily almost drooling, even his hair and clothes became a bit out of placed. "Huh? What's wrong?" He finally asked.
Miles cover his mouth trying to maintain his breathing after such an amazing heated kiss. He got all hot and bothered, forgetting this was a game. "Hobie?" He finally asked being embarrassed his crush had to look at him like that.
"Aye, you two get out. It's been ten minutes. Having fun, Peter Pan?" Hobie asked a bit more rudely, his tone sounded annoyed.
"Oh shit, right! The game." Hari smiles bashfully, he got up taking Miles' hand to get him up. "Sorry, didn't know it was a big deal."
"No, it's fine." Miles added, he finally show his swollen lips a bit plumper from all the kissing. "You're a great kisser, Hari."
That ticked off Hobie a bit more, he chug his beer, "Hah, right..." They're not together. It's okay for Miles to be polite and flirty with other men, still it pisses off the punker.
So, Hobie did what he do best, he slouch on Miles' shoulder giving a dark glare at Hari already giving him a 'fuck off, he's mine' look. "Luv, are you really that impressed? I feel a bit cheesed off since you haven't got to try," his hand lift Miles' chin up as their lips get closed, "me."
"Huh!" Miles' eyes widen almost feeling Hobie's breath on his lips, their lips being closed until Gayatri playfully nudges Hobie away from Miles.
"HAHAHAHA! You wish! You gotta play the game, Hobie! Miles. Hari, sit back down! We're still playing." She grins widely cockblocking the punker. Miles pouted being disappointed he didn't get the kissed he wanted, but shrug it off having to sit back down.
Hobie grunts on Pav's girlfriend, "Aye, why did you do-" Gayatri's merely smiles having a sort of glare on her face, "That's for breaking my closet door, and you have to play the game to get to kiss Miles!"
"Ugh, hunky dory, mate." The punker grunts knowing she's pissed off at him, he rather avoid her lecture. Lips meet the rim of the glass bottle beer to take another swig of beer, his eyes on Miles.
The sixteen year old Spider-man gave him a sheepish smile and shrug. Better luck, next time! Hobie gave one last glare to Hari, who avoided his gaze. Geez, it's not like he knew Miles' was taken.
The game went on with more twists and turns!
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jell0buss-37 · 11 months
Why not? (Peter B Parker x reader) pt. 3
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God he is such a hunk.
This one took a long time, but there are nods to my Peter B headcannons in this!
Warnings: near death, an epiphany, and a kiss
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
He can't exactly pinpoint the moment he started, but he knows exactly when he realized what these feelings were. And when he had felt the same attraction from you towards him. Only, it wasn't him. A fact that he had put into his head to remind himself of a thousand times probably, and a fact that pained him more than that of MJ's. He finds himself looking back on it, sometimes sadly, more often than not fondly though.
Especially now, as he finds himself in a strange place, staring at an image of himself in a televised obituary.
It makes him wonder what would have happened if he hadn't have been scared to just buck up and face his feelings like an adult. Someone you deserve. He can't wallow in self pity right now though, where the hell is he? All he knows is that he needs to figure out what just happened, and fast. He'll have to lie low for a bit, obviously, given that this does not feel like home, and according to what seems to be a different universe or some alternate timeline, he was dead. Damn, if only he'd payed more attention to Harry whenever he would talk about his work.
Oh yeah. Harry. The one who had gotten him into this mess in the first place.
He doesn't know why he even decided to take that story on to begin with. Maybe it was the way that glint, that adorable glint of yours that had brightened up at the mention of how his ex roommate was working for Oscorp. Maybe it was the enticing promise of an easy and early end to your guys' shared night, with really tempting movie night plans. Well, any night was tempting if it was with you. Hell, you were his best friend! Why wouldn't he be excited to just hangout with you? To just do anything if it was in your presence? He couldn't help but feel that pride swell in his chest whenever fellow reporters referred to you two as the dynamic duo, who always somehow get to the bottom of any story.
Either or, his judgement was severely clouded due to the Osborne. Norman, Harry's father, had been a very docile man in comparison to his son, a man who just wanted to support his son and his work. However due to that devotion he had been killed in a horrible accident in the Oscorp main lab. Something Peter had tried so hard to prevent, but just happened to fall short in saving Harry's only peace. His grief had turned him cruel, a fast Nemesis of Spiderman. The Green Goblin, as he's known throughout New York. Although Peter hadn't known Harry, his childhood friend, had been the creature in green. Nor Harry with Peter.
It was when he and you had made the trip to visit Harry that Peter had to make a horrible discovery, as well as one of the best discoveries in his life.
Due to his close connection with Harry, they were able to get access to Oscorp facilities "easy peasy!" Peter boasted to you, that shit eating grin of his flashing his features again, making you giggle and roll your eyes fondly at his antics. "It's actually more complex than that, Pete." You hear from behind you, the voice scaring you out of your wits.
"AH- o-oh, uh, Mr Osborne! A pleasure to meet you-" he cuts you off, taking your hand that you had out stretched, bringing your knuckles to his lips to breathe a kiss to your skin. "Please, call me Harry. Mr Osborne was my father. And the pleasure is mine." He speaks with an air of confidence. He seems well put together, handsome. It made you… uncomfortable.
Peter picks up on it immediately, swooping in quickly to help you, while also humbling his old friend. "Woah, Hare, who knew you figured out how to talk to women! I'm proud of you man, those YouTube videos I keep emailing you are finally starting to pay off man!" He claps a hand on Harry's shoulder, effectively taking his attention off of you.
Harry just rolls his eyes. "And how've you been then, Pete? It's been, what, 17 months now? And yet you're still single?? Yikes." He digs at Peter. All he does is laugh, bringing him in for a bear hug, which Harry reciprocates willingly. It had been over a year since he and MJ split up at that point, and he'd say it's safe to say he'd moved on at that point, and can now look at those times as a fond memory. He wasn't really looking for another relationship at that point either. Hell, his best and most stable relationship he had was with you! Why go and add something else to that? You were more than perfect for him. And he was happy with how things were.
You both went up to Harry's office, and enjoyed their playful banter, writing down any juicy stories, wether it be about the company or about Peter. You loved seeing Pete in his element, finally relaxing around someone other than you. His smile was infectious. Although, Harry seemed to be more annoyed, constantly looking at his watch. It was as if he had somewhere to be. Neither of you thought much of it, at the time. He was an important man.
Once it was all over, you and Peter were just walking down by yourselves, you teasing him about his childhood more. Both of you just enjoying yourselves. You both had set foot outside when suddenly it had happened. The top of the building had exploded.
You were in complete shock. All you could do was look up in awe and terror, you hadn't even noticed Peter dashing off. He was gone so quickly, he knew something was off, his Spidey senses going haywire the second you walked out of Harry's office. It's why Peter had rushed you two by suggesting a movie rather than a tour of the facility.
He was suited up quicker than ever, swinging in to help any civilians inside, his main goal being to find Harry. He made it closer to the top, calling out Harry's name as he was putting out different flames. He was mid-air in swing when he was suddenly knocked to the ground, the air in his lungs being knocked from hitting the wall to the side.
"Well well, spiderman, it looks like my hypothesis was correct. You were here the entire time!" He grabs Spiderman, pinning him to the wall. "I could smell you." "Huh, and I thought this new shampoo was working better for me." Spidy chokes out. As he's about to shoot a web into the goblins eyes, it seems someone beat him to it, as a brick hits the goblin in the back of his head, causing him to drop the Hero.
"It's not nice to throw people, dickhead!" At the sound of your voice, his heart stops. Why were you here!? You should be safe on the ground! Before you knew it, the Villain was back on his feet, and snatching you up, jumping through a window and landing of to his air board, Spiderman shooting a web out to attach to the aircraft, tailing behind.
The sounds of your screams were ringing in his ears, as well as the sound of his heart racing. He couldn't panic thought he had to save you. You all had landed on the roof, where Goblin had dropped you off to the side. Spiderman was already on him though, and you watch in awe as they fight, grabbing your camera. After all, that's why you'd ran back up there. Where danger was, Spiderman was soon to follow.
Before you know it, the hero had a leg up on the monster, webbing him down to the ground. It seems a victory was soon! Until one of the Green Goblins bombs were tossed your way. Everything happened in a blur, Spiderman dashing to push you out of the way, the bomb going off and knocking you over the edge.
Peter's heart stopped. One moment you were there, then you were plummeting to your death. He was after you quicker than ever. The sight of your body falling engraving itself into his memory and into the fear in his heart.
You had felt everything in slow motion, absolute fear over taking your senses. You closed your eyes, accepting your fate. Until you feel your head on a hard chest, your body being encompassed in a bear hug, and you hold on to him for dear life, bringing your arms and legs to wrap completely around him. He swung you two over to a nearby rooftop, landing safely.
Your heart was racing a millions miles, and you felt his on your chest. It was so loud, so… comforting. His arms were wrapped around your waist. You felt safe. Until he sets you down and starts yelling at you.
"ARE YOU INSANE!??? WHY THE HELL WERE YOU UP THERE WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY ON THE GROUND WHERE I LEFT YOU!?? DO YOU KNOW YOU COULD'VE DIED TODAY!?" He was talking a lot, holding your face in his hands and inspecting you, they felt so warm. You feel your legs give out, and you fall into his chest, your eyes stinging with tears. He went silent, instead holding you, his fingers carding through your hair.
He smelled so familiar. You looked into his eyes, tears streaming down his face, and his heart stopped. You looked so beautiful. You were alive, and here, and so goddamned beautiful. He couldn't help himself. Before you knew it, you felt a warm pair of lips on your own. Your heart was racing, and they were so soft. And warm. You can't help but melt into him even more. He pulls away, a smack separating your lips. He pulls down his mask almost too quickly, and holds your face in his, commiting the lovesick look in your eyes to memory. And then you were panicking.
"PETER!!" You startle him out of his daze with your panic, scrambling out of his arms and frantically searching for your phone. In all of this action you had completely forgotten about him!!! He watches you as you run around, his heart swelling in his chest at how worried you were for him. Oh no. He's in love with you.
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sciderman · 4 months
GWEN DEATH ASKER AGAIN!! I’m just going to use 🕸 to identify myself from now on 😮‍💨 also sorry if this whole argument is getting to long or annoying you :(
All in all I don’t believe the death of Gwen was ever fully Peter’s fault. The fault was on Green Goblin (obviously) Gwen and Peter. Yes Peter did act ahead of time by webbing Gwen to a car but righttt before Harry shows up, Peter is fighting Elektro. He is literally about to die before Gwen shows up and helps him kill(?) Elektro by over charging him like a battery. Peter in that moment knows he would’ve died if Gwen hadn’t intervened, I believe that in that moment he forgot about everything, Gwen was literally his hero, she saved him and he forgot his whole mentality of her being constantly in danger.
Then comes in Harry. He really couldn’t have predicted that psycho injecting himself with literal SPIDER VENOM (just points out how weird harry is in that movie) in that moment of him arguing with Harry about how not giving him his blood is the best thing to do, he forgets about Gwen. In his mind she’s safe, she’s gone, until of course Harry directs his attention to her.
Peter wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen, neither was Gwen. Both of them only knew about the threat of Elektro and I feel like they are both equally responsible for her death.
Peter was too slow, he reacted to slow and he was directly involved with killing her. Gwen knew she was running head first into danger after being told not to, being told to stay out of it and be safe. She knew there was a risk and she took it.
Harry literally just took pride in killing her 💀 bro smiled when she died he had no regrets.
All in all there is a Peter Parker effect. (PP effect) He hurts everyone he loves in one way or another across multiple forms of media.
With Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, he hurts Aunt May, Uncle Ben, MJ, Norman, Harry, Gwen, even Eddie Brock who he didn’t know that well.
With Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man he hurts/kills Captain Stacy, Flash Tompson, Aunt May, Gwen, Harry, Uncle Ben, and even kinda Doc Connors in a self blaming PP way.
With Tom Holland he hurts Liz, Ned, Aunt May, (almost Gwen Stacyifies MJ) and also probably uncle Ben.
Went off on a lil rant at the end but basically Peter is just a sad lil guy who gets brief comercial like breaks of happiness. And his commercial break barely lasts a few seconds each time 😋
the PP effect… yeah I’m keeping that
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homiesondaweb · 9 months
Shout out to @frogs4frogs for finding these picrews for spidersonas for shawties that can't draw! I didn't want to hop on her post with her Sona and rambles for jt, So! I made my own to ramble on lol.
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This is Etta Hampton (Ezy) aka The Recluse the one and only Spiderwoman of New Tulsa on earth 9539
Etta is 17 and lives with her Uncle Barney who owns the Urban Stables that most people in North use for boarding. Etta's lived with her Uncle Barney since she was seven after the death of her parents in a mysterious OzCorp Refinery explosion. She has an army of aunties and cousins that live on the East Coast in Old York or DC.
Etta is incredibly smart, soft spoken and caring. She loves ATV or horse trail riding, welding, pottery, and botany. To the point she plans on triple majoring civil engineering, mechanical engineering and sculpture after she graduates from the Parker's Gifted Academy. Her uncle is her biggest supporter for her education and hobby pursuits and gave her her own garage/studio to work in.
Etta is best friends with the fire chief's son Bart Brown (9539's Hobie), the Bugle Radio's owner's daughter Merry Jameson ( 9539's MJ) and Harry O. (9539's green goblin who just causes more chaos over harm, absolutely hate his father) who the world fattest crush on her and she is 100% oblivious to it.
When Etta was 14 she stormed off after an argument with various of her visiting aunties about her "manish" pursuits she took her four-wheeler and went off trail to a forbidden zone that was the contamination and closed of remains of the OzCorp Refinery. While exploring the remains, Etta was bitten by a radioactive Brown Recluse when security guards had cornered her and she was forced to hide in one of the old R&D offices.
She has the usual power set for a spider person: Spidey sense, the ability to stick to walls, super strength and super agility. Along with long sharp nails that are extremely durable and sharpened canines that have a paralytic and necrotic venom. Etta has two specialty abilities: one is to produce different kinds of acid from her hands and apply it to her organic webs to create different kinds of traps or help her to escape. The other is an ability to control her temperature to the point she can send heat waves of energy off her body or stun/shock others with a fridged touch.
As the Recluse her biggest foes are Cyclone Sandman, Cotton Mouth, and King Scorpion. She has a half allyship with the for hire thief/ spy Prowler (Miles M. Davis) and Green Goblin (she usually just catches and releases with his antics) the fire chief and sheriff work well with her. In school as her regular persona her academic rival is Miles.
Etta tricked out an ATV to fit her theme and made it hover/wall fly so she can still get to places that don't have the highrises that need her help. She controls it remotely sometimes to help rescue people or lead the emergency services to a location/criminals she's taken care of. This causes her Uncle Barney to think she is a close friend of Recluse and works on her tech. He likes Recluse but is highly worried for 'both' their safeties.
The only "Canon Events" she has gone through is the death of her parents and giving up being Spiderwoman for a while after she failed to save a little boy's parents during a train derailment caused by Sandman.
Miguel sent Jess and Ben to recruit her for the Spider Society after she dealt with a Vulture variant and he worried over the fact that her Gwen Stacy event hadn't occurred yet (death of Harry in her case, his spine snaps as he is GG when she tired to stop him from plummeting after a mid-air battle) they haven't explained this to her yet. Etta tries to stay in her world but really likes collaborating on inventions with other spider-peoples and usually sticks to the R&D or repair department over missions.
Is works besties with Margo but highly distrusts Lyla. She partial mentors under Jess and let's Gwen stay in her dimension sometimes when Hobie's world is overwhelming.
Loves blooming onions and other savory snacks, it's not unusual to see her as Recluse snacking on jerky or street corn. Tamale ladies love her. Often wears overalls or jeans jackets over her spider suit. Has hella Spotify followers because her playlists are absolutely fire (even Miles admits this)
And that's kinda it! I have hella backstory about my girl, please ask about her😁💛
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peterpcrkcrs · 9 days
Okay great news, folks. I'm working away at the next chapter of The Night We Met, and I've got some housekeeping things to announce.
Harry Osborn will be in this fic, but his father (and thus the Green Goblin) will not. Just mentioned, but not in the fic. And I'm playing in the sandbox of Tom Holland's Spiderman movies, so technically, the Osborns don't exist/haven't been introduced yet. So I'm taking that oppurtunity to introduce one of my own. I'll be basing him on the previous Harry characters of course, but the face I have in mind when writing which you can picture if you like (or anyone else, whoever you want, James Franco or whoever) is Dylan O'Brien.
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I did a search for Harry Osborn fancasts and he came up, and my beta and I agreed so it turned out like that. Okay. Harry in this fic, which is No Way Home-compliant but diverging into an AU, will be sort of friendly with Peter. He won't know Peter or remember him because of the effects of the spell, obviously, but he won't be a complete asshole either. I might introduce Flash Thompson to be the jerk bully, not sure yet.
2. Daredevil will also make an appearance. Ever since the scene in FFH when Murdock told Peter he needs a good lawyer, I had this idea that what if Peter had a mock trial class in school and maybe Murdock teaches that class. (I actually had a mock trial class in my senior year, so maybe figures). And it'll be Charlie Cox, of course.
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3. I've made a silly little trailer for the fic. It's really dumb, honestly, because grandma (me, I'm not actually a grandma but technology is not my friend) doesn't know how to use capcut well. She's still figuring it out, whoops. But if you wanna see it, here's the link:
That's all for now. If you took the time to read this, you're awesome. Stay tuned for more!
I usually try to promise update schedules, but this fic is being written as the inspiration hits me so...we'll see where it goes?
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evilbonehag · 8 months
My Sort of Polished Timeline for Norman Osborn’s Descent Into Madness, Mischief and other general Goblinness- All My Bullshit Beneath the Cut
• “if you give them your everything, they will hate you for it” NORMAN OSBORN WHO GAVE EVERY PIECE OF HIMSELF- who tried to be everything, who tried to be a good son, a good husband, and in turn a good father but could not. Norman who gives too little too late- “please come sit with me, I know it’s late-“ “dad I have homework” Norman who tried and tried to love through distance (it was his father’s love) HOW ELSE CAN A FATHER LOVE (CAN A FATHER LOVE AT ALL?!)
• Repression. Try being severely mentally ill and a homosexual in the 70’s (HA! MONEY WON’T SAVE YOU!) You go out in drag in college and hope no one knows its Norman Fucking Osborn, son of that Connecticut Republican Senator who wants to increase military spending. You fuck your roommate in secret, you can’t tell him you love him because “Norman I never liked that Octavius boy, his parents are immigrants aren’t they-?” You’re just not that kind of guy. You’re experimenting, you’ll probably settle with a nice Catholic girl someday. You have a project to finish.
• Oscorp. You know nothing about money, about business- (You don’t need to honey, it’s Daddy’s dollar anyway!) You just want to show them- show them what visions of flight and fear filled your head as a child, scribbles on a notebook page brought to life in steel and chrome. The glider, the suit, the mask. (They’ll take your dreams if they can pay you for them- PEOPLE ARE DYING FOR IT NORMAN, THAT IS WHO PAYS FOR YOUR DREAMS OF FLIGHT)
Icarus falls.
• Octavius doesn’t believe in you anymore. Harry is three and you’re newly divorced. Dad won’t keep backing your company if you don’t have something to show for it. You work harder than you ever have in your life to get this shit to take off. (you don’t want this- Norman, NORMAN, you wanted to fly remember?)
• Harry is 16. Dad is long dead. Oscorp has become more than you ever hoped (more than you wanted). The military is applying pressure- you just want to succeed. You will get this to work if it kills y-
• Spots in your memory. Harry seems fine. You don’t see him often. Who is that in the mirror?
• You have a wall of masks in your apartment. A very private joke- you always loved Halloween. Masks are important to you (You always loved to hide from the world, Norman) (FRIGHTENED CHILD) Someone is speaking to you again (a friend) Stromm? Emily? Otto? (No. Your oldest friend) You don’t see Harry anymore.
• When you were a child you saved all your money to buy the most terrifying Halloween mask you could find at the drugstore- green and evil looking, with yellow eyes. Your mother recalls that you wouldn’t take it off, “You scared me so badly, you cried and screamed if I tried to take it from you- I thought I’d get a call from the neighbors, you made it sound like I was hurting you, Norman” Kids in your class picked on you and you wanted to scare them for Halloween. Something about your mask made your feel safe. Your father took it and hid it from you after the holiday.
• You get kicked from Oscorp by your own fucking board of directors. Final nail in the coffin. (Give them everything and they will hate you anyway) WHERE IS HARRY?
• There’s a boy in a mask swinging around outside- saving New York, they say.
• You’re fine. Harry has a girlfriend now (She looks like her- she’ll hurt him she’ll hurt our boy) you like his friend Peter, his aunt is lovely. You almost all look like a family. (Harry is gone from you, you’re ruining everything, he knows you favor his friend, you FUCKED UP, your son is LEAVING) No. Wrong. Not gone-
• Spider-Man, hero of New York City We know exactly where Harry went.
• Harry’s playing around- Harry’s run away, out past sundown- (then who’s the ghost of a boy walking around the apartment?) (NO, WHO IS THE BOY IN THE MASK WHO WILL NOT LISTEN?! A BOY WHO WEARS A MASK JUST LIKE HIS FATHER) He has to learn, we have to teach him what it means to GIVE AWAY EVERYTHING and for what? For a city, for a girl who will both break his heart?
• Break his heart and bring him home
We wear our masks to hide them from us and to hide us from them
• Harry is home. Harry is home and we did not see it. Who is Spider-Man?
• You find out you were wrong- maybe this friend, older than all the others is wrong- dangerous- We neglected our son- You neglected your son for a week chasing a delusional fantasy. Harry does not wear a mask like you do. (HARRY IS NOT A COWARD LIKE HIS FATHER) Harry cannot be Spider-Man. Harry lost his girl to Peter Parker and cried for his father alone, HIS FATHER WHO WAS NOT THERE
“I have to rectify certain inequities.”
• make it up to him now. Find Peter Parker.
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angerydj · 3 months
Did u have a fav character in ps5 spiderman?
(Or did you wish some other characters would have made an appearance?)
Gonna talk about this but make a like no spoiler area
God I absolutely love the game at the start loosing my shit over marco and his entire story line was so sweet and tragic and being able to get more inside his mind (quite literally) was so cool
Honestly the only thing I didn’t like about the game was killing off the villains, as far as I remember the main confirmed kill was Scorpion I hope not vulture. But even if Kraven did kill him it felt a lil cheap, and old man dying of spinal cancer even for Kraven it would of felt like an unworthy or even unfair fight.
Venom and Harry’s story line amazing loved it along with all the other symbiots and seeing lizard was 👍👍👍
I did love and hate the boss mechanics, like fighting the same boss over and over again was really fun but got a bit boring.
And seeing Otto at the end made me loose my mind I really do hope in the next game we a moment with Otto and Peter in similar fashion to Miles and Lee that just pure hatred from what they took away from them. And hopefully fingers crossed we see the green goblin in the next game. And ofc a Peek inside ottos journal.
As much as I’d love to see all the six together again keeping some of them in the dark does add to mystery and makes it all the more exciting when they appear.
I have yet to finish all the side missions just the main story so I could very easily be missing details or other lil bits but over all yes I loved it so much it was heartbreaking it was exciting full of action and I would play it all day
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romancemedia · 11 months
Spider-Man Cartoon Love Triangles
It’s just dawned on me how Harry Osborn has been in a love triangle with Peter Parker involving either Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy in 2 separate Spider Man cartoons.
Spider-Man: The Animated Series - Mary Jane Watson
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In the beginning of the series, Peter and Mary Jane were set up on a blind date by Peter’s aunt May and started dating. In season 2, Harry became interested in Mary Jane and constantly asked out her, but she turned him down. However, when Peter’s role as Spider-Man caused him to neglect their relationship and push Mary Jane away, it lead to their break up and Mary Jane in the arms of Harry, who gave her more time and attention than Peter ever did. In turn, Peter quickly regretted his actions and despite his attempts to move on, he still remained deeply in love with Mary Jane and in time it was clear the feeling was mutual. When Harry and Mary Jane suddenly got engaged, it finally made her come to terms with her true feelings, realizing she sees Harry as a little brother and that Peter has always been the one whose had her heart.
Mary Jane ends her engagement to Harry and finally gets back together with Peter and their relationship is far more stronger and stable than it ever was before. However, Harry becomes angry and bitter, believing Peter stole Mary Jane away from him and refuses to listen to reason. Eventually, Harry’s mental state becomes greatly affected after Mary Jane’s disappearance and through his father’s manipulation, causing him to become the next Green Goblin and institutionalized. 
The love triangle is finally brought to an end when Mary Jane returns and she and Peter announce their getting married. Although Harry crashes the wedding and tries to force Mary Jane to marry him instead, he finally ends his ways after Liz Allen confesses she truly loves Harry.
The Spectacular Spider-Man - Gwen Stacy
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In the beginning of the series, Peter, Gwen and Harry were a close group of friends, but it was obvious that Gwen has always been in love with Peter, who is oblivious to her feelings and finds himself growing closer to Liz Allen, the most popular girl in Midtown High. Gwen becomes saddened and jealous over Peter and Liz’s attraction while at the same time, she became concerned for Harry when he starts becoming addicted to the Green Goblin drug. In the season finale, Gwen finally acts on her feelings for Peter and they share their first kiss!
By season 2, the love triangle took full effect when Peter and Harry both realized their feelings for Gwen, but Gwen gets together with Harry since Peter decides to purse a romance with Liz instead. Despite their relationships with Harry and Liz, both Peter and Gwen made it obvious they are still head over heels for each other. Throughout the season, slowly yet surely, Peter truly comes to terms with his feelings, realizing that Gwen is truly the one and only girl for him. 
In the series finale, Peter and Gwen finally and officially declare their love for each other with plans to break up with Liz and Harry so they can finally be together. However, unknown to the lovers, Harry overheard their confession and was angered over their love and betrayal towards him. Following the suppose “death” of his father, Harry manipulates Gwen into staying with him, forcing Peter and Gwen to remain apart, much to their heartache.
Harry starts out as Peter’s best friend, but slowly becomes his rival over their romantic interests and eventually goes from being his friend to enemy.
Harry becomes angry and bitter when both girls chose Peter over him.
The Green Goblin is somehow involved in both love triangles.
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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With Christmas and New Years upon us at the time, it just felt like the time to pull the trigger on a pic I’d been meaning to get off my plate for quite some time.  After all, this always felt like a Christmas/New Years-type scene in my mind.  You know, redemption, rebirth, togetherness...all that fun stuff. ^_^ For those who are wondering, this is loosely based on a scene I was planning for, late in my Spectacular Spider-Man fanfic series (which I'm STLL looking for co-writers for, so if you're at all interested or KNOW anyone who might be interested, my door is always open ^_^).  But first, a little bit of background/spoilers, to put this picture in context.  Throughout the course of my fics, Peter and Gwen find themselves slowly inching closer back together.  But between finding out that Peter is Spider-Man, gaining Spider Powers of her own, after being experimented on by Miles Warren (who becomes the Jackal, after being exposed to the Globulin Green) and barely surviving an attack by Harry Osborn, as the new Green Goblin (and attack where her father, George Stacy, is crippled), Gwen reaches a breaking point.  As such, she heads abroad and away from Peter, in the desperate hope that some soul searching will help her decide if a life with Spider-Man is really something she can handle.  She tells no one where's she's going, save for Mary Jane. However, months later, Peter has his mind swapped with Otto Octavius, who places his old body in a chemical-induced coma and proceeds to take Spider-Man's life for his own.  Mary Jane, sensing that something is horribly wrong, contacts Gwen, telling her that she can't wait anymore and it's time for her to come home.  Returning to New York, now as Spider-Woman, Gwen fights alongside Anti-Venom to defeat Octavius and restore Peter's mind to its rightful body.  But when Anti-Venom leaves to return to California, Peter and Gwen are left behind to deal with the fallout of her leaving.  In the ensuing discussion, Gwen reveals what prompted her to become Spider-Woman and how the resulting transformation has left her feeling more confident to return home. Which brings us to the image in question.  The basic image is Peter and Gwen finally reconciling, at the perfect time of year to do it, no less.  This was more or less how I've wanted it to look for years.  However, when a DA member came to me, with the same basic idea, only including Peter and Gwen being inadvertently spied upon by a character from another series Greg Weisman was very closely tied to (bonus points if you can guess who), I thought it was too good to pass up, so I gladly stole the idea (don't worry, he didn't mind).  So basically, we had romance, a bit of humor and enough of a holiday theme to make it timely. ^_^ Oh, and yes, the background is a photograph.  I'll admit, I got lazy and took a shortcut.  I just didn't have the time (or the strength) to draw a background that detailed.   Still, the quality is low enough that you really can barely tell. Well, that's all for now.  Hope to like what you see.
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thefox198783 · 11 months
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Son Of Osborn
In this universe Peter is biologically son of Norman Osborn, brother of Harry Osborn. (And he used to be 5,6 now he is 8ft) (and had short hair before growing)
Harry is aware that his father is emotionally and psychologically abusive. Which is why he does not like him but he has to tolerate him for Peter's sake. (He even tried to protect Peter from Norman only to make it worse)
He got the scar from Norman indicating that he had hurt Peter physically as well. Which is why Harry dislike for Norman turned into hatered.
Backstory: since he is biologically son of Osborn. Norman has favored him the most. Meanwhile Harry takes the role of spider-man. Peter was indoctrinated by Norman's insanity and manipulation (and drugging him on a daily basis) making Peter just as insane as him, but only using his insanity in important situations. Since then Norman has made Peter do Goblin missions for some time to get spider-man off of his back (not to get caught). But after Norman's "death" Peter went nuts deciding to kill spider-man completely. Overtime he took over the business (not that Harry wanted to be apart of this anyway) and creates plans to get rid of spider-man. Harry tries his best to get it out of him to forget it but Peter was insisting on getting revenge. During the summer after his "death" Peter met a girl to say at least and fell in love to the point he became obsessed with her wanting to care for her and not lose her like he lost his father, Harry noticed this and tried to give Peter some advise (so Peter won't create plans to kill him as spider-man and try to find out his plans in his office) so he could have fun, but non the less Harry was happy that his brother found someone to love (or he thinks like that).
Unfortunately in one of the spider-man and Green Goblins fight. Harry's identity got revealed to Peter and only Peter. It made him go even more insane with grief on why would his own brother do this? Why whould he kill him!? He couldn't kill him but beat him near to death and returned to his home (Harry may have survived but he never returned knowing that his brother would kill him if he did).
Since then, Peter hasn't seen Harry (only in fights though). Overtime he feels sad that he lost another family he doesn't know what to do. He want to forgive him but why should he? Harry killed their father.
It breaks him even more when he finds out that his father is truly not dead but was hiding? Why did he faked his death? He was grieving and tried to get revenge on him only to find out that he's still alive? Did he frame Harry, just so Peter would hate him? He is torn apart on trying to get his dad back or try to make amends with his brother. So he tries to get fresh air, maybe talk to his l̶o̶v̶e̶ friend. Maybe she can help him! Give him advice! Yeah it will go smoothly right.
Not everything goes smoothly
And there she is. Looking different? Red skin? Halo? Wings? Is she what? A demon? She's covered in blood. He stares in shock until blush covered his face, it only made him want more of her. He got closer to her wanting to hug her but she backed away.
"What's wrong?"
"You know we can't be together right?"
"What! why!?" His eyes wide in shock and panic. Why. Why won't you be with him? Are gonna leave him as well?
"Because. A villain and a guardian won't work, we are mortal enemies"
"Besides I'm from another dimension, i can't live here. I have to go back home" she turns and walks away while the poor boy drops on his knees tears dropping from his eyes. But then she stops
"Unless" he looks at her
"Unless what!?"
"You can prove yourself. Are you up to the task?" She turns behind again looking at him directly.
"Then. Leave villainy behind come with me or" she walks towards him before touching his face "stay here and continue to be a villain"
He couldn't lose her. Not this. Nor ever. He lost his father and his brother. He couldn't lose her again. So with the obsession and love in his eyes he tracked down Norman. Murdering him as a result, using the head as the trophy he wrapped it as the present and showed it to her.
As much as the girl wasn't expecting the head she took it as the 'proof' of him leaving his villainy behind. He left the universe with her never to be seen again.
Now he has grown. He's much stronger and dangerous than ever before.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Fic Masterpost
Oh, boy. Okay. Here we go.
I have written literally hundreds of thousands of words of fic, and this is where you can find it! Consider this a kind of annotated bibliography.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger | 300,000 words and counting
How Draco Malfoy met a girl on a train, ruined his life, started a war, and ended one.
Notes: Oh, honey. This is my baby. The longest fic I've ever written, the currently running one, and the one I'm most fond of. A Gryffindor!Draco AU that retraces all 7 books. Slowburn Dramione (SLOW, slow burn, a simmer, currently more like a suntanning) with Golden Quartet vibes. I pre-write all the books and then release them in weekly updates, kinda like a serial publication, so you always know when your next hit is coming!
Volume I, "Green and Golden," composed of Years 1-3, finished early in 2023. It's currently releasing Volume II, "Son and Heir," which just finished the first act of Year 4.
The Climb
Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Harry Potter | 22,000 words
"...in the event that I, Lily Evans Potter, and my husband, James Potter, become deceased," read Albus, "I do hereby name Severus Snape as sole legal custodian of my son, Harry James Potter, until such a time as he comes of age." He folded his glasses on the table. "Fuck," said Severus, with feeling.
Notes: An unexpected brainworm that I had while compiling a Severus playlist for Lionheart, which rapidly spiraled out of control. It's a "Severus raises Harry" fic, which I never had a taste for until I started writing this — I realized there was so much more juice in the narrative idea than I'd realized. I like how I use voice and style here; I think I made a real leap in technique between SWHTWW and this one.
the scenes which hold the waking world
Six of Crows, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey/Wylan van Eck | 70,000 words
Thirty million dollars for a secret. That's the payout for Kaz Brekker, the most dangerous, ruthless, and talented extractor in the dream industry — if he can manage it. But to have a chance, he needs the best. That means finding a team willing to attempt the impossible: a knife-wielding cat burglar, a college dropout with perfect aim, a sullen ex-Navy SEAL, a drop-dead gorgeous former Soviet spy, and the estranged son of their rich employer. If they can avoid killing each other, they'll go down in history. If they can't, none of them may wake up again.
Notes: This was my first novel-length fic, and I'll always have a soft spot for it. It's an Inception AU with the vibes of Leverage meets Ocean's 11, with a side of psychological trouble and codependency. Read if you like spy movies, heist stories, or dangerous criminals whose Achilles heel is being unable to stop talking shit to each other.
someday we'll linger in the sun
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Namor of Talokan/Shuri | 40,000 words
As the legends have it, after she earned the blessings of Bast, the Princess Shuri took a god for a lover. The legends say less about what happened in between.
Notes: Another drabble that spiraled wildly out of control. (You may notice a theme.) I watched Black Panther over Christmas break and thought, "Wow, that's an incredible storyline that didn't actually happen, wish someone would write it." Technically unfinished, but I think the existing chapters serve as a complete story. Unfortunately, no plans to come back to this one; I might mark it as finished at some point, because it feels settled to me.
it's a western, henry
Dimension20: Fantasy High, Riz Gukgak/Fabian Aramais Seacaster | 10,000 words
Nobody fantasizes about kissing goblins in the moonlight, or taking them out on ice cream dates after class. Especially not beautiful half-elves on the bloodrush team, who could have anybody they wanted (and probably do). It's the beginning of a bad joke. A goblin and a half-elf walk into a tower... And the goblin ends up slain on the floor while the half-elf walks out with the princess.
Notes: My first fic, which started as a writing exercise. A character study in fantasy race relations and a love story between a nerd and a jock in which the jock is the anxious one. Working title for a while was "it's not easy being green," before I found the fancy Siken line. I still think there's some good humor in here, and I like rereading it from time to time.
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jell0buss-37 · 11 months
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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hopper-parker · 26 days
[Log 12]
«Daddy wake up. *Shakes mer* Daddy. It's 3 O'clock. Daddy?!.»
*Mer lay passed out on the bathroom floor, covered in his hair and blood, snoring.*
«Hehe! Why's there hair? Did ya cut it?»
*No response. The cupboard lay open, scissors were still in the sink and mer's goggles still sat safely beside them. He took them and turned them on.*
«Norm... Why's dad on the floor and won't wake up?.»
*Appearing on the lenses, norm greeted him cheerfully.*
[Mr. Osborn has [CENSORED] choosing to [CENSORED] rather than face [data unavailable (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)]
*He looked confused. Clearly something was wrong again. His dad usually chose the floor to rest when he felt unwell and Noah knew this. Obviously something was wrong with norm as well since he seemed to be more censored than usual.*
«Command: norm replay events.»
[Access denied]
« Norm relay- n-no... Norm Replay events.»
[Access denied]
*He clenched his teeth and balled up his fists in frustration*
[Mr Osborn has forbidden access to you, Mr O'Hara or Mr Osborne to any previous events or logs. Please try again later. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)]
*As badly as he wants to throw the goggles into the shower and stomp on them, he puts them back down and rolls his dad over as best as he can.*
«Daddy?! Please wake up. I want toast.»
*Noah crouches down and moves the green mop of hair out of Mer's face, immediately recoiling when he sees all the dried up, encrusted blood around his nose.*
*Mer's eyes flutter open and he shoots up*
«Wha-?! Where?? Noah. Why are you out of bed so late at night?»
«It's the afternoon. You slept in hair and blood. Why are you bleeding? Daddy are you okay?»
*Mer takes his fingers to his nose as gravity causes fresh blood to replace the encrusted blood. He tries his best to keep his tone calm and even so Noah doesn't get scared.*
«Argh... Sugar... *Covers Noah's eyes with his hand* Don't look, don't look. It's okay. I just fell.»
*Noah continues looking through the cracks between his fingers*
«Go on, out. Daddy needs to clean up the mess.»
«Can I have toast?»
*Mer nods and uses the toilet as leverage to get up, groaning on the way up.*
«Yeah, go sit by Harry for now and fiddle with your gadget. Ugh... Norm, How long was I out?»
[Approximately 48hrs 5 mins and 60 seconds.]
*He creeps out of the bathroom, trying to be quiet as he passes through the bedroom and back out into the loungeroom. Harry was still asleep and Noah didn't feel comfortable enough attempting to wake him, choosing to curl back up in his blanket instead. The apartment is so small that he can hear the conversation between his dad and norm from out there.*
[Your symptoms are abnormal.]
«Shut up. I'm fine.»
[There are very minute traces of an invader in your system. It's wrecking havoc against your organs. Please seek medical attention.]
«I'll go to a doctor when I'm dead. Can you please just be quiet while I sweep up this hair?»
[Your cells seem fine. Zero cell death. Your heart rate is irregular. If you consume anymore [CENSORED] you'll become a goblin again. Do you want that?]
«To be honest, I just want to clean up my mess and go make everyone breakfast. Can I do that first?»
[If you don't mix it with grove sap again, the same thing will happen. Do you want to [CENSORED] to know?]
«How many?»
[Zero sir.]
«Dead on zero or zero point something??»
[Dead on zero left.]
*mer gathers up all the hair and puts it in the trash, hopping out of the bathroom and into the kitchenette to make tea and toast.*
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ewzzy · 1 year
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Alright so I got a bunch of notes on a panel of Gwen and MJ. Me being me I gotta go back through the Masterworks collections and see what their relationship actually was from ASM #25 when MJ debuts to Gwen's death in ASM #121.
Here's their first meeting. Romita is drawing, but Ditko's queen bitch characterization of Gwen is still there.
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It doesn't take long for Romita to change up Gwen. Also note MJ saying "Have a happy!" because her main character trait is phrasing that you just have to assume were normal at the time.
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Now that we've established the girls it's time to put them in direct competition. Can you tell Romita drew romance comics before he took over Spider-Man?
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But hey it's not all competition! Next time we see them they're hanging out without Pete at all!
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They're surprisingly friendly at this point.
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Gwen starts dating Pete more consistently, but MJ points out "I only loaned him to you, lady!"
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MJ's habit of sniping at Gwen starts to kick in.
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Even when Pete goes missing...
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When MJ get's a job as a go-go dancer she's still thinking about Pete even if Gwen doesn't seem worried.
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The timeline here gets a little funky because this story got published in magazine format first and then shoved later into ASM Annual 9. MJ and Gwen act like they're meeting each other for the first time.
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Then afterward all walk off into the sunset (and fodder for those of you shipping a trio)
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Then there's a whole lot of nothing where Gwen & MJ never interact outside of 2 panels in Marvel Super-Heroes #14 drawn by future ASM regular Ross Andru. Chances are this was drawn way earlier because Gwen is based on her design from Ditko's era.
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So the reason for the lack of MJ was she went with her aunt to Florida. Now that they're back it's time for sparks to fly.
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And fly they do! Though maybe that's more Flash Thompson's fault.
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But don't worry we're shipping him off to 'Nam with some kisses.
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Next up is what started all this for me with those notes at the top. Pete loses his powers because of a flu, confesses his secret identity and has to walk the whole thing back. This scares Gwen something fierce and MJ spends the whole time tossing out one-liners.
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As I said in the old post, this is all hilarious with the retcon that MJ always knew Pete was Spider-Man. After that we go more than a year without MJ and Gwen on panel together, including the death of Gwen's father. It really looks like MJ is a non-factor at this point. Gil Kane takes over art duties and has a big reunion when Harry gets out of the hospital and Flash is back from war.
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Then the next time we see them is a hundred pages worth of comics later in ASM #116 and that's a redo of the magazine again so the relationships get reset by about 50 issues.
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See? Isn't that exactly like the magazine / Annual 9 from above?
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Anyway, they spend that issue campaigning for for a mayoral candidate and getting along great. Gwen has a big kiss with Pete and MJ is super supportive even if her Harry is annoyed.
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And whoops we're running out of time because we're racing toward Gwen's untimely demise. We get one final bit with Gwen and MJ on panel together worried about Harry's relapse right before the Green Goblin gets to work.
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And that's that! Every on panel interaction of Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson in one tumblr post. Looking back, they're put in competition by Lee and then Conway writing it, but Gwen is so clearly who they've picked that MJ falls to the wayside.
What do you see in their interactions? I'd love to hear what others think about their relationship.
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