#Isaac grossman x reader
p1nkm1lkslug · 20 days
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5 year old Issac
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rubyafton · 11 months
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Here. Have your healthy dose of Isaac.
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The Creeps
Laughing Jack
🤍 Headcanons/Drabbles
General Headcanons [SFW]
Rainy Days [SFW]
Jack Helps Reader Relieve Their Needs [NSFW 18+]
Bad Mental Health Days with Jack [SFW]
I’ve Got You [SFW]
🤍 Full Length Fics
None, yet
Will Grossman
🤍 Headcanons/Drabbles
General Headcanons [SFW]
🤍 Full Length Fics
None, yet
Isaac Grossman
🤍 Headcanons/Drabbles
General Headcanons [SFW]
🤍 Full Length Fics
None, yet
Frankie The Undead
🤍 Headcanons/Drabbles
General Headcanons [SFW]
🤍 Full Length Fics
None, yet
Multiple Characters
🤍 Headcanons/Drabbles
Creeps Comforting Their S/O On Their Period [SFW] [All The Creeps]
Creeps Relationships With Each Other [SFW] [All The Creeps]
Creeps Being Introduced To Modern Technology/Social Media [SFW] [Laughing Jack, Isaac Grossman, Frankie The Undead]
Comfort From The Eldest [SFW] [Laughing Jack, Isaac Grossman]
Calling The Creeps Your Husband [SFW] [All The Creeps]
Calling The Creeps Pookie [SFW] [Laughing Jack, Isaac Grossman, Frankie The Undead]
🤍 Full Length Fics
None, yet
🤍 The Origin Story of Laughing Jack and Isaac - Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Sickening Whispers
Ghost!Isaac Grossman x GN!Reader
Warnings: paranormal elements, angst, horror, parents screaming, physical injuries, gore, blood
A/N: No it hasn't been a year since I've updated this. Your losing your mind. Just read it and pretend it didn't take a year. WHICH IT DIDN'T
Chapter 6: Nightmare
The library was now the place you were at the most instead of your own home. Why be there when you could be here? Instead of hearing your parents fighting, you can learn more about the house and take notes. You can also study what you wanted to go into for college. So being here was a perfect idea.
After talking to your brother, you wrote down any paranormal happenings the rest of the week. How many times a week did your brother see the small child who you now assume is some sort of tulpa or poltergeist, even maybe? The mask was still as hyper as ever, and the feeling of being watched never left your mind. The attic door closed even if you took two steps out of it without any wind blowing. 
Your best guess was how much time Isaac’s parents spewed their hatred for him; they must have made him out of the image they see him as. Their thoughts on how much they despised him. Their hateful thoughts created a personality stuck in your world, forever stuck inside the home where his parents built him.
Because Isaac had died at the age of 22, not at 7, he either channeled his childhood hatred into this being before he died, or he made it when he was 7. While you had no real clue if you were correct, that’s the best you could come up with when it came to him. 
That’s why you believe there are separate entities at your home. Your brother is the only one to see the boy. You also remembered that your brother saw the boy staring at your door but never going in. Was there some force blocking him or something?
Whatever it was, you were going to figure it out. Even if it took you all day.
You didn’t notice you fell asleep until someone softly tapped your shoulder. Your eyes flutter open to see the lovely librarian you met last time.
“Oh dear, did I stay till closing? I’m sorry I made you stay late because of my lack of sleep schedule.” She only let out a small laugh before patting your back.
“Oh no, dear, you’ve only been asleep for an hour. I just happened to be passing by and noticed all your notes and what your researching. You’ve taken up the entire table with your books and papers.” Your eye finally gets used to the light before seeing that she is correct. 
“Oh geez. Guess I didn’t realize.”
“It’s quite okay, but I must warn you about the subject you seem to have dived into.” The lady grabbed one of the books and started flipping the pages.
“I don’t know if you're doing it or not, but playing with the dead is a hazardous idea. Nothing good ever comes out of talking to the dead. The ones who say they’re good as always the most evil.”
“Yeah, I know. I-My friend has this problem in their home, and they don’t have a car to do this themselves, so I’m kind of stuck in it. Plus I really want to help because they’re always so scared of what's going to happen next.”
“You're a good friend, my dear. I can see that you care about others, even if it affects you. Tell you what, I know someone who can help you. They have some paranormal equipment that you can borrow. Would you like me to call them?” Your heart races at the thought. What could they have?? You’ve searched for stuff like that before, but you didn’t want to waste hundreds of dollars on stuff that didn’t work. 
“Yes! Please! Thank you so much for doing this!” You felt your luck turn around, knowing that this was perhaps a new step in the right direction.
“No problem, my dear. They live near so it’ll be quite easy to call them. Please wait here. I’ll make sure to get you when they arrive.” She sends you a small smile before walking over to the front area of the library. 
You started rejoicing that you finally had a bit of support. Just at least one step ahead rather than be 26 steps behind.  
You only had to wait about 20 minutes for the person to arrive. But it took forever for them to show you how to work each of them and what they were for. There was a lot more stuff than you initially thought, but if it makes it easier to figure out what’s going on, then you’ll take it.
They said you were given just basic standard stuff, but to you, it felt like you were holding the power of god in your hands. EVP to hear whatever the spirit has to say, an infrared thermometer to detect cold spaces, and a camera just in case to catch it. 
It wasn’t much, but it was all you needed to finally get a little bit of sleep at night.
Once you got home, it was pitch black outside, with only the car's headlights and the house's indoor lights on. Barley illuminated the dark forest that surrounded your home. You had to gather up all the stuff before taking a deep breath and rushing towards the door as the car's headlights turned off, leaving you in almost complete darkness. 
‘Get in the house. Get in the house. Get in the house.’ Luckily, the door was unlocked, and you quickly jumped in and locked the door behind you. Finally, let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad your home! I was getting worried about you!” The concern in your mother's voice made your beating heart calm down a bit. 
“Sorry bout that, mom. I was at the library, and I fell asleep. And you know how long it takes to get here from town.” You laugh nervously as you hold all the books and files you’ve checked out and the equipment in a backpack you were given.
“I know. I’m just a worry wart. Glad to see you at least still have your learning spirit.” Your mom gave you a kiss on the cheek before you went up to your room.
‘Okay, now wheres that stupid key?’ You carefully try stuffing your hand in your pocket to find it, only to come up short. Annoyed, you fear you’d have to go back outside to check in the car. 
“Looking for this?” The sound of your brother's voice scared you and almost made you drop everything in your hands. You looked at him and saw that he held the key that should have been in your pocket seconds ago.
“You dropped this on the ground when you left earlier. I’ve held onto it to ensure dad doesn’t sneak into your room or anything. That and you don’t lose it.”
“You scared the shit outta me! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Your brother only laughed as he scooted past you, even though the stairs to the attic were super narrow. You could hear the door being unlocked as it opened and your brother's footsteps going in.
“Man, your room’s a mess.” Raising your eyebrow, you turn to look, only to see your room completely trashed. Your bedding was thrown all around the room, and your clothes were pulled out from your closet/dresser. Copied documents were scattered across the floor.
“You can’t be serious right now…” You simply sighed as you walked in and placed everything down by the desk.
“Damnit. I just cleaned it too.” You start gathering everything so you can hopefully return things to how they were before you left.
“Does the ghost always do this?” The sound of your brother picking up some of the scattered documents made you smile in relief at having a helping hand.
“Thank you for the help, but no. Not always. It’s like it has tantrums or something.” Your brother let out a nod of acknowledgment before continuing to help you.
“Well, now that that's over, I can try these things.”
“OOOOO, can I help?!” Your brother started jumping up and down in excitement. It was cute, and you would have let him if it weren’t for the fact that you were scared of how the thing would react to all this going on.
“How about tomorrow? I know we're both excited to use these, but shouldn’t we get well-rested and ready to go in case something happens?” Your brother held a pouty face before taking a deep breath and walking towards the door.
“Tomorrow, we can. Plus, we can try all day since you don’t have school.” A smile plastered on your brother's face as he closed your door and ran down the steps to his room. You laugh as you grab the key to your door and put it in your nightstand drawer. 
The only thing lighting your room was your phone flashlight now and small fake candles that lived around your room. Your father told you to get rid of the real ones so as not to ‘burn the house down.’ You were initially annoyed, but then again, it was an ancient house, so his concern was valid.
You went to your dresser to get changed before going to bed. You weren’t hungry for anything; besides, you had already missed dinner. You were just too tired to even think about food. 
It was a lovely couple of minutes of clean thoughts before you were reminded of the mask that had made its home in your closet. No matter what you did, it always came back in that one spot. You ended up just forgetting about bringing it back, as it was shown to be a waste of time. 
A sigh left your lips as you put away all the documents from the hours before and hid the equipment given to you under the bed. You didn’t have the energy to even try it out tonight or look more into everything. Your brain was just exhausted from all the reading and research it did. So you only changed into your pajamas while throwing your clothes in the hamper. The sound of the wooden floorboards creaking under you made your eyes even heavier.
You simply closed your eyes as you felt sleep overtake you.
You open your eyes to hear the sounds of loud whispering coming from your closet. It's not like this was the first time the mask has done this. It does it all the time, but for some reason, tonight, it was louder than it ever has been. Not to mention it spoke clearly enough to the point where you understood it.
‘Come here’
That's all it said over and over again. It gave you the creeps, so you desperately tried to ignore it, but your body started shifting out of bed before realizing it. 
Its voice kept getting more and more louder as your body finally managed to get off the bed. Its words rang through your ears as you felt your bare feet hit the freezing cold floor. No matter what you did, it seemed like it wouldn't stop or listen to you. The floorboards creaked as your body walked towards the closet.
The sound of the closet door opening made your heart skip a few beats as a blast of cold air hit you. 
The mask still whispered to you, but it was pounding in your head now. Echoing off every surface before its tune changed. 
'Wear it
You didn't even get a chance to second guess what was happening before your arms reached out and grabbed the mask. It felt ice cold while you were holding it but at the same time scolding hot. Your body didn't even seem to mind as it soon pressed the mask against your face. 
Putting it on, you felt your body go utterly numb as your eyes soon were the only thing that worked. You could turn your eyes around and such, but you had no control over your body. It was like you were having sleep paralysis but wide awake simultaneously. 
The sounds of your feet shuffling across the floor rang through your ears as you felt your body go towards the locked door. You knew you locked it when your brother left, so there shouldn’t be any reason that you’d be able to get out. 
But the sound of the door unlocking made you rethink what actually happened. Cause when you looked down, there in the door was the key. 
A sharp cold breeze hit your body as the door opened. Your body moved down the stairs without any effort that it made you feel as if you were air itself. There wasn’t a single creak of the floorboards. Your body even knew where you were going even though the house was as black as night.
You desperately tried to remember every way your body was going, but your mind was going blank, and the fear wouldn’t let you focus on anything other than what's happening in front of you. Which was only worse as it got only darker the father you went into the house. 
Your body stopped suddenly in front of something. It stood there for about a good 5 seconds before moving again. Pictures started playing in your mind about where you could be, but you were answered when you heard the familiar creak of a kitchen drawer opening. 
You knew which one that was. Only one drawer made that noise. 
The knife drawer.
You soon felt the weight of the situation hit you harder when you realized how bad this could go. Why did it come down here? Why grab the knife? What's the ghost gonna do now? You couldn’t even move your body or do anything to stop it!
The feeling of your body moving towards the stairs gave you a horrible feeling down in your gut. There was no reason to be going upstairs with a knife in the dark of night. Nothing with good intentions. 
No matter what you did against yourself, your body kept moving forward with the knife still clasped in your hand tightly. All you could do was stare in horror as you saw your body walking toward your parent's room.
Pushing open the slightly open door had your heart pounding in your chest. You could feel your body gripping the knife harder as your body walked more angrily towards your sleeping father. 
You stopped right in front of him and just…watched him. Watched him breathe in and out as he slept there peacefully without knowing. Just as you were staring at him, the hand with the knife lifted up quickly before slamming back down forcefully. 
You’ll never forget the sickening crunch and slicing noises you heard as the knife plunged into your father's rib cage. The knife went up as soon as it came down. It stayed still for a bit, almost as if contemplating, but when your father opened his eyes, the knife went back down once more. This time with more hatred and force behind it.
Your father tried grabbing your hand but couldn’t catch it with how fast it was going up and down, making holes in your father's chest. 
Opening your mouth to scream at him and tell him it’s not you, you're not controlling it, someone controlling you only for nothing to come out. You could feel your eyes water as the feeling of warm blood slowly covered your hands, making your stomach churn. 
It just wouldn’t stop. The sound of skin slicing and bones breaking rang through your ears and echoed through the room as you screamed for it all to stop and end. Not even a word left your mouth as your mouth stayed closed the entire time. 
You look into your dad's eyes and see them go from fear to lifeless in seconds. His once lively eyes showed nothing but an empty husk with no soul. You screamed no and begged him to return and that you were sorry.
You kept screaming until the words finally came out of your mouth. 
Screams echo through your room as you jump out of bed. The screams were your own as you tried to determine what was happening. To your horror, the mask was right beside your bed with a red liquid sprayed. You walked away from it and towards your door as it all came running back to you. 
You quickly open the door without grabbing the key and rush to your parent's room. Gripping the cold metal handle, you slam the door open, and to your relief, you see both your parents lifting themselves up from bed and rubbing their eyes to see what’s going on. 
Seeing your father alive and breathing made you collapse to the floor in the middle of the doorway. 
It was so real. The feeling of breaking bones and ripped open skin never left your mind. The sound of all those horrible noises was enough to make you cry even harder. 
“Sweetie, are you okay?!” Your mother jumped out of bed and rushed to your side quickly as she hugged you. You tried to get out the words, but nothing came out. Only gasps for air and cries.
“It's 3:28 in the morning! What are you doing?!” Your father yelled at you. You look at your mom before scooting closer into her arms as you finally get the words to tell her what happened. 
The tears blurred your vision, but you could feel your mother wiping your tears as she tried to calm you. 
“God, look at you! Your too old to be crying like this! Only babies cry as hard as you are right now.” Your father's words stung as they only made you cry even though you tried to stop.
“Your child is crying, and this is how you respond?! How rude and horrible could you be?!” The feeling of your mother helping you up gave you a sort of calm. She rubs your arms before wiping one last tear.
“It’s all okay, sweetie. Me and your father are okay. Do you want me to walk you to your room?” Even though you felt like a child, the thought of your mother being with you when you entered the room helped you stabilize your breathing. 
Nodding your head, your mother starts walking with you to your room. Before you left, you could hear your father mumble something under his breath. Choosing to ignore it, you just walk with your mom to your room. 
As you walked towards the stairs, a cold breeze hit you as you looked up at your door. It was wide open but as dark as night itself. Fear settled in your stomach, but your mother went right up and into the darkness before turning on all the false candles you had around your room. 
Only when everything was on did you step foot into the room. 
A single step was all it took to feel the usual unwelcoming presence in your room, but this time, you felt more safe knowing that your mom was here to at least see you in bed.
Looking at your nightstand, you notice that the mask was gone and nowhere to be found. You weren’t gonna complain about it. Just ignore it and continue going back to bed.
You didn’t waste any time going in as the bed was much warmer than the room's cold atmosphere.
“Alright, honey, I’m gonna go back now, okay?” You wanted her to stay with you until you fell asleep, but you wanted her to get some sleep too. You also didn’t want her to fall victim to whatever hell you were in as well.
“Okay. I love you.” Your mom kissed you on the forehead before repeating the words back. The sound of her footsteps leaving and the door closing reminded you that you were once again all alone. At least, you hoped so. 
Covering your head with blankets, you try to make sure that the rest of you is covered before grabbing your phone and putting on some music loud enough for it to block out any noise from outside but quiet enough so that your parents don’t hear it. 
Having at least some sort of noise that isn’t your own thoughts made going to sleep a little easier.
A bright light shone on your eyes as you squinted them before opening them. Rubbing your eyes, you see that your room is now covered in sunlight, and you take a deep breath before sitting up. 
Just then, a searing pain spreads through your body as you grab your shoulder quickly. It's where the source of the pain seemed to be coming from. The pain was intense enough to have your eyes watering, and you let out a small slew of cuss words. 
You clasped down on it, giving it a little pressure in hopes of calming it down for a second. Standing up, you walk over to your desk to see what could be giving you such pain. 
Lifting your shoulder sleeve down, your face contorts into a look of horror as you see whats giving you so much pain. 
A red bite mark right on your shoulder.
It looked so new, so fresh. You could feel the pulsating and pain it was giving off. Hell, it might have even been hard enough to give a bruise or bleed. But you were so confused about how this could happen. No one had a key to your room, and you usually hid that in your drawer.  
You look at the bite mark once more, and the confusion on worsened. If your parents or brother were to come in your room, why on earth would they bite you? And how come you didn’t wake up? You didn’t have any animals, and there was hopefully no way one could’ve managed to get into your room. 
Plus, the bite mark had human shaped teeth.
It was positioned in a way where a romantic partner would bite their lover. But you didn’t have one, so why was it there, of all places?
The pain started getting worse so you grabbed a blanket from your bed and wrapped in around yourself before grabbing the attic key and making your way towards your door. Hopefully getting an ice pack or hot pack would calm down the pain at least a smidge. 
You didn’t even make it to the second flight of stairs before your heard the yelling coming from the kitchen. Annoyance filled your being. It was already so early in the morning what could they possibly have to fight about?
Sighing, you turn around to go back upstairs and suffer with the pain to avoid the fighting but you heard your name being caught in the mix. With that being said, you silently tip toed down the last flight of stairs and hid behidn a wall to the kitchen. You just wanted to eavesdrop on what they could be talking about with your name in the mix.
“They should be out of this house! They’re old enough to find their own home! We’re broke enough as it is so it’s simply another mouth to feed!” Alarm bells start ringing in your head as you remembered something that you read in that journal.
‘We barely afford to feed ourself! How are we suppose to feed it once it gets older?!’
The fact it was so similar sent chils down your spine. Your father wanted you to come home because he worried about you since the job market is picky and rent is high in town. So why know after all this time did he change his mind?
You couldn’t help the rage that came over you. Without thinking, you stepped out from behind the wall, letting yoru blanket fall to the floor behind you. If he wanted to say something about you he could say it to yoru face.
“Hey! You might have forgotten that you asked me to live here! Cause you were worried about me! So why now are you acting like im such a damn burden!” Crossing yoru arms as you walk up closer to him. 
“Cause all you do is whine and moan! Never doing anythign other then staying out or being in that room of yours! And don’t talk to me like that in my house!”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I actually help mom with household stuff, help my brother with his homework, take him to and from school all things that you never do! I go to job interviews! I got to the library to study things and get away from your screaming! And maybe I would rather be in the attic then have to listen to you scream to my mom!”
“Oh please! I do so much for this house! You don’t know what your talking about since your so stuck up on how your ‘better than me’. I bought us this house and i allow you to live in it!”
“Oh you mean a house that you no longer put effort in?! All you do is sit on yoru lazy ass while mom, me, and (B/N) do all the work! You knew that it’d take a while to get this house fixed up but now you’ve given up on it!”
“You will not talk to me like that in my own home! Stop being such a disrespectful little shit! Pack your shit and leave and don’t you come back as long as im in this house!”
“Like hell I’ll leave! I’ll leave the day i know its safe for mom and (B/N)! With your temper and other sides of you that your showing who’s to tell what you’d do!” Not even seconds passed when you saw your father raise his hand high. As soon as if cracked down you managed to catch it before it made contact with yoru skin. 
Your mother looked at you and you looked at her before turning your heads and looking at your father. You looked into your fathers eyes and you thought yousaw a twinge of regret and shock before it quickly vanished and turned into anger.
Ripping his hand away from your grasp he shoved your harshly. The shove made you lose footing as you stumble into the kitchen counter, your back hitting it hard enough to paralyze you. You feel to the ground as you try to gather back the air in your lungs as you try to move but your back was just in to much agony to do so. 
Your mother rushed to your side quickly. She put your head on her lap as you could see her hands shake in either anger or sadness. Maybe even both.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!? How dare you do something like this to your own child! You should be ashamed of yourself! This is not the man I married! Get the fuck out of this house before I call the cops on you!” Your mothers voice boomed through the entire house, almost enough to wake the dead even more. You’ve never heard her scream like that before in your life. 
“Fine! Whatever you stupid bitch. You’ll come crawling back like all women do.” Your father stomped out of the house and slammed the door behind him. The whole house suddenly grew quiet. The silence was cut by your mothers sobs as you looked up at her. Tears poured down her face as she held onto your still struggling form. 
“It’s okay, honey, I’m here. No one can hurt you as long as I live.”
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courageous-grace · 6 months
So last night .... I've decided to "re-write" Laughing Jacks origin story. Really I'm just filling in the plot holes-
You know, to make it make some sense at least, I can't promise you people that it's gonna be the best shit you've ever read, or anything. I'm a better artist than I am a writer, so bare with me here.
I'm also better at drawing gore then I'll probably write it too, so yeah-
I'll release the story on my Wattpad account when fully completed, I'll probably draw pictures ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Everyone likes pictures!
Yay for pictures!
When I do complete the story, I probably would want someone to test read it first before actually posting it, because that last thing I need is a 13 year old to remind me that my gammer is trash- (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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Heyyy, i really like your creepypasta x reader and I wanted to ask if you would do a Isaac grossman and will grossman sometime 💜💜
Nah, I don't like him. I don't really plan on writing for him.
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beebubb · 3 years
LJ: this party sucks, wanna hang out at my place with will?
Y/n: ....this is my wedding with isaac..
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endeenderman · 3 years
Reading this for the 4th time till the Creator updates it~
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hellish-crew · 2 years
hello!!! My name is ash and welcome to my creepypasta sideblog <3 (though this is more like a hellcrew fanblog hehe)
I use they/he (higher priority for they/them plz <3) and am 18. the rules for this blog are below ~_^
respect the following!! Plz and thank you <3
I write for:
🩸 The hellcrew cast! (mainly Julius the dressmaker, Killian lynch and Octavian the heartless. in case u didn't notice yet vivi is my fav hehehe >:3) (I will try write for the others in hellcrew too! but I don't think I know enough to be accurate so i'm sorry for that :( ) 🩸 Jeff the killer 🩸 Jane the killer 🩸 Nina the killer (<3) 🩸 Slender man 🩸 Ben drowned 🩸 EJ 🩸 Jason the toymaker 🩸 Bloody painter 🩸 The dollmaker 🩸 Homicidal liu 🩸 Nathan the nobody 🩸 Papa grande di magico 🩸 The rake 🩸 Seedeater 🩸 Funnymouth O)_(O 🩸 Judge angels 🩸 Lazari
if you are unsure about a pasta not on the list dont be scared to ask! ^_~
I DON'T write for:
🩸 Offenderman (ew) 🩸 LJ 🩸 Isaac grossman 🩸 Any snuffbomb oc really. 🩸 Sally 🩸 Ticci toby (I just don't like him i'm sorry)
Ground rules!!!
I do hcs! I also do x reader and pasta/pasta posts ^_^ rqs are open!! x reader posts also includes smut~ I am a little bit selective about that though! Also please dni and block #nsfw on my blog if you are a minor i don't want you guys seeing that
I also do art sometimess but I'm not very good at it yet :( so please excuse if it's bad
also if your asks or rqs make me uncomfortable I simply will delete ^_^
AND NO NSFW FOR LAZARI OR BEN I see them as kids
that is all, byebye have fun and let's be friends!!!
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germvity · 3 years
hello! im germ and i own this multifandom blog.
im mainly a writer but i like drawing and editing things too ☺️
my reader is gender neutral unless stated otherwise.
blog name was: enavity
this blog will contain swearing! if that's something you don't like feel free to leave!
don't repost any of my stuff please
reblogs > likes (but idm!)
personal writing tag: #germvity writing
personal random talk tag: #germvity venting
don't use my personal tags pls and ty
i do not tolerate: racism, pedoph!lia, death threats/r@pe threats/r@pe jokes (they were never funny and never will be) (will write dub-con but nothing else!), su!c!de baiting, threats of s*lf h*rm/sh baiting, homophobia/transphobia/anti-lgbt, abuse giving people shit for their religion, posting hate for a fandom i write in: i.e i write for slashers sometimes and ik people think we condone their actions even tho we don't + they're fictional soo chill.
i'm uncomfortable with some kinks such as:
feet, scat!!!, ageplay (fucking gross), snuff, heavy bondage, extreme bdsm, spanking/cropping, slave/owner (more maybe added idk)
(fandoms and stories below cut)
• ENA - joel g:
ena, moony
• DBD:
surv: feng min, yui kimura, jake park, elódie rakoto, quentin smith, felix richter, yun-jin lee, cheryl mason, leon s. kennedy, steve harrington (more may be added)
killer: danny johnson (ghostface), demogorgon (pls don't judge me 😭), michael myers (shape), sally smithson (nurse), anna (huntress), rin yamaoka (spirit aka best girl who deserved so much better), f.j.s.j (legion - seperate ownly), adiris (plague), caleb quinn (deathslinger), talbot grimes (blight), charlotte deshay (twins), ji-woon hak (trickster) (more may be added)
max, nikki, neil, nerris, harrison, preston, sasha, erin, jasper (aged up only!), david, gwen, daniel
kaeya, amber, venti, albedo, diluc, childe, razor (more may be added)
(more may be added)
requests closed atm!
(human versions/animal!reader only i don't do animal/human (ironic isn't it bc i write for demo-))
ash, kris, agnes (aged up), mr fox aka red bc he canonically doesn't have a first name (aka dilf 😩), stan weasel, felicity fox, franklin bean (please his voice is perfect)
jeff, ben, toby, tim/masky, brian/hoodie, helen/bloody painter, jane 😍, eyeless jack, laughing jack, isaac grossman, sally (PLATONICALLY), (more may be added)
asra, julian, portia, nadi 💜, muriel, lucio, valdemar, vulgora, volta, vlastomil, valerius
adrien, chat noir, luka, nathaniel, chloe, alya, marinette, alix, félix, kagami
brian stells, sophie walten (fem only), jack walten, felix kranken
william afton (fnaf series), michael afton/schmidt (fnaf series), jeremy fitzgerald (fnaf series)
cloud strife <3, biggs, jessie, reno, leslie kyle <3
edward richtofen, tank dempsey, nikolai belinski, takeo masaki, marlton johnson, abigail “misty” briarton, michael “finn” o’leary, albert “weasel” arlington, billy handsome, sal deluca, scarlett rhodes, bruno delacroix, diego necalli, stanton shaw
rises the moon // leon kennedy x reader
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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nikolay1 · 3 years
Ask: open
I write for :
Isaac lee grossman
Frankie the undead
Hobo heart
Eyeless Jack
Jane the killer
Jane the everlasting
Nina the killer
Jason the toymaker
Candy pop
Do not send ask if the questions are closed. They will be deleted immediately.
You can ask up to 5 characters per question, if you want more you will have to ask again.
Please don't be impatient.
Tumblr can sometimes eat the questions so you can send the same question more than 3 times.
Please do not request nswf on this blog.
ABSOLUTELY nothing religious
Character x character (unless the couple is polysexual)
Character × Character + reader
Etc etc..
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p1nkm1lkslug · 2 months
throwback to when I had a dream where I was married to Isaac (?) And because he's "British🇬🇧💂 🗣️💯" And I'm Pakistani I just hit him with the "you didn't just colonize my land...you also colonized my heart 💖"
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rubyafton · 10 months
Season greetings from the Tobester.
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Had a photo shoot w the Lil guy <3
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Hii this is sorta based on your last post but the older creeps reactions to reader calling then pookie? They be so confused, and a bit offended because they wouldn’t know what it means 😆 also I love your blog and hope you’re doing well! Hope you and your cousin are doing okay after last week
I love these goofy requests, they make me so happy. Me and my cousin are doing okay, she’s still very shaken up but she’s finally talking normally and eating full meals.
Calling The Creeps Pookie
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Laughing Jack
“Goodnight, pookie.”
A scruff of black hair appears in your periphery. “Pookie? What is a pookie?”
Turning your head reveals your beloved, messy haired and open eyed, now wide awake. You would have never guessed he was trying to sleep seconds ago. Now there’s determination in his eyes. His entire face is just screaming he’s gonna get to the bottom of this. You mentally curse yourself for even speaking. Another sleepless hour to come, but what else did you expect from your clown?
Jack props himself up over you, tilting his head and smiling with teeth. “Is that some kind of new pastry I haven’t heard of? Are you calling me a cupcake? Is it because I’m so sweet?”
Before you can defend yourself, he’s nuzzling against your neck, being careful not to poke you with his pointy nose, stealing all sorts of nibbles and kisses. “You are so precious to me, my baby.”
Through your blushing cheeks, you tell him that although he is very sweet, you’re not calling him a pastry. It’s simply another one of your pet names for him. The explanation doesn’t calm Jack’s excitement, he’s still all over you.
“I’ll be your pookie, then. But that means I’m your only pookie, right? No other pookies involved?”
It takes some time to get him to shut up, get him off the pookie talk, and go to sleep.
Since that night, Jack calls you pookie sometimes, freely, and without a care for anyone who is around. Calls you pookie very loudly in front of Frankie just to see the annoyed look on the man’s face and giggles in your ear about it.
Although he probably doesn’t understand the real meaning, he doesn’t care. He thinks it sounds cute, a cute little word to describe his cute little partner, and that’s all that matters to him. As much as he is your pookie, you are his.
Isaac Grossman
“It looks beautiful, pookie.”
Isaac slowly stands from his perched position at the edge of his garden. He’s even slower when he turns to face you. When he does, the pure confusion etched into his face almost makes you burst into a laugh. He’s frowning, with squinted eyes and pinched brows.
“Did I mishear you, love?” he asks, idly holding the garden shears in one hand. Now you can’t stop the laugh that jumps out from how devastatingly lost he sounds. The poor man.
Coming to his side, you reassure him that he heard you very well. You explain that it’s just a pet name, like dear or darling. Only it’s a more goofy choice. You assure him that it still holds as much affection as the others.
“Oh, I see,” he nods. A softened, relieved smile crosses his handsome features. “That is very kind of you to call me such things, my love.”
Isaac understands it. Eventually.
You do have to show him the written definition for him to fully get it. You spend a few moments holding your phone out for him while he adjusts his reading glasses to read the definition. He doesn’t mind the extra time learning about it, of course.
Isaac doesn’t mind when you call him that. It’s as if you called him any other pet name. Even as silly as pookie sounds, he likes how happy you look when you call him it. It soon becomes one of the various names you call him in your relationship, weaving its way in with honey and sweetheart and all the others.
Isaac would call you it too, but he isn’t that silly. He thinks it sounds weird coming out of his mouth. It doesn’t mix very well with his accent.
Frankie The Undead
“How’s the paperwork going, pookie?”
Frankie stares at you from across the room like you’ve just cursed him out. Like you’ve recited a riddle in an unknown language. Like you’ve just uttered something nonsensical. What on Earth did you just say?
He stops everything he’s doing and puts his full attention on you. Despite the multitude of papers on his desk, he puts all his pens aside. His body language screams it all. Explain yourself, now.
Usually, one would feel vulnerable under the heat of his glare, but you burst into laughter immediately.
Frankie, however, doesn’t break. He remains gawking at you, one eyebrow twitching. And despite how he feels, he can’t help the way his cheeks heat up. He had to admit that hearing your laugh was one of his favorite things, but what the fuck was a pookie?
Just a pet name, you explain between laughs and giggles. You think that’ll break his stare, but it only hardens further after your explanation. The man straight up frowns. He rolls his eyes with a groan, leaning back heavily into his office chair. He’s so dramatic, but you adore his dramatic ass.
Frankie takes his pen back in hand. “I will accept any other term of endearment besides that,” he grumbles, returning to his work, pretending to be unbothered.
From then on, using the word around him becomes a running joke. You only say it just to get him riled up and pissy. Although he hates every second of it, you enjoy every bit of terrorizing him. Sometimes you randomly come up to him, hug him and pretend to be sweet, and lean in only to whisper the word in his ear. It earns you a gentle swat to your arm and a warning. However annoyed he may get, he’s still just your grumpy pookie.
Although Frankie voices how much he despises the word, he never tells you to stop using it. It makes you question how much truth he’s actually telling you.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
Creepypasta Tweets pt.1
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creeps-and-pasta · 3 years
If you still write headcanons, could you write some for Will Grossman? (And maybe some Will x reader with him)
Hello! I don't do any X reader stuff, but I DO have a bunch of Will Grossman headcannons!
-hes adopted by two loving parents, lives in the city (he's american)
-geeky, awkward kid with only a few friends. He's a huge film buff, loves old movies, especially Alfred Hitchcock films like Psycho and The Birds.
-really unsure of his future, what he wants to be, who he is, etc. So he looks up his ancestry and discovers that nearly everyone in the Grossman family tree has suffered some horrible fate, or were horrible people themselves.
-The trail goes cold at Isaac's father, and he begs his parents to let him go to England so he can learn more. He's especially interested in Isaac, who was an alleged serial killer who died a gruesome fate, there's a lot of mystery surrounding Isaac.
-one thing leads to another, and he meets Laughing Jack. Will never states that he's part of Isaac's family tree, and LJ takes an interest in him, not knowing why he feels a strange connection to him.
-Will actually tries to get into the whole killing business, with LJ helping ease him into it. It didn't work out.
-He's the only person who can tell LJ what to do without getting stabbed.
- He steadily becomes better at picking up on strange activity in the city, recognizing monster hideouts and getting better at dealing with creepypastas
-I like the idea that he eventually gets into alchemy, learns a little bit of magic, and starts fully investing himself into the world of creepypastas without ever becoming a murderer himself
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