#It can really inspire writers to create more content and it's AWESOME
fluffyhare ยท 2 months
((Oh shoot I was mid-ask and pushed the wrong thing and Iโ€™m not sure it sent so starting over ๐Ÿ˜…))
Anywho hello hi there I really hope you donโ€™t mind the like spamming (and interactions in general from nsfw blogs); I just really couldnโ€™t help myself bc Iโ€™m resonating so much with your content and tags and you seem like a genuinely lovely human with absolutely adorable artwork so I wanted to show you some appreciation ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’— It immediately comes across how much you love and care for your OCs via the lore youโ€™ve created and the utmost tender way you talk about them and the way they interact with each other ?? ๐Ÿ˜ญ itโ€™s impossible not to fall in love with them too. I also hope youโ€™ve heard copious amount of feedback about how brilliant your writing is - so detailed, so warm, so intimateโ€ฆitโ€™s extremely flustering and endlessly endearing and Iโ€™m so grateful you share your gift with all of us on here! In particular, Iโ€™m positively fascinated with Averyโ€™s backstory and anatomy and am loving discovering the depth of the layers of thought that you put into composing him. Excited to learn more ๐Ÿฅฐ
((((Iโ€™m also approaching my third decade of life next year and itโ€™s always nice seeing rep for folks my age in the community who are still enjoying and exploring their relationship with this โ€œkinkโ€(using this term lightly bc I know everyone may not consider themselves to fall under that umbrella). I too met my partner on here, and itโ€™s beautiful to hear that things can work out in the long run so thank you for that tidbit of reassurance ๐Ÿ’— sending wishes of happiness for you both!!))))
Sorry again for this long winded ramble I was just inspired and wanted to send the warm vibes I received while perusing your awesome blog back your way!!! Hope you have a lovely day ๐Ÿ’•
Anon... my god! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’™ /very positive
Crying into my tea on a Sunday morning... god, I am so touched by this, I'm just falling apart...
Let me respond to this sequentially, so I don't just get flooded with emotion (and if you've been watching how I post, you already know this is going to be long as fuck... Sorry! ๐Ÿฅฒ)
1. I am absolutely okay with NSFW blogs interacting with me, and spam interactions don't bother me at all! The only interactions I don't want are from minors and dickheads, haha. No worries on this, peach.
2. Fewer people interact with my fic than with my art, but when I tell you I treasure every single thing people say about my fic... god, there's just nothing like it. My fic is so, so close to my heart. I've been a writer much longer than I've been an artist, so I feel like I can really express myself through writing in a way I can't with art... I'm trying, but I'm not quite there yet! God, thank you so much for your kind words... I am so grateful that the warmth and love I feel when I'm writing is felt by others, too. I really try to capture the very essence of how these characters and their emotions feel in my mind and heart.
And you like the lore, too? ๐Ÿฅบ My long-winded rambling? My wordy expositions? God, my heart! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’™
3. I am so happy to know you met your partner in this community, too! I am really wishing the best for you, and yes, it absolutely can work out! My spouse and I are very different from each other, but we are still best friends after six years, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
4. I feel like this community tends to be younger, especially here on Tumblr, so it's kind of refreshing to hear from someone in the same phase of life as me. If there's anything I didn't expect, it's that I would still be exploring my feelings about tickling (and, well, intimacy as a whole) well into adulthood. It's funny how things come back around, though... I was making tickling doodles in my diary when I was just a kid, but I stopped (and, stopped drawing altogether, really) after high school. Had to work through a ton of shame, religious trauma, and just a metric fuckton of other shit, all to come right back around to doing tickling doodles again, haha! I was delighted to find that, at 30 (and with a whole lot of new experiences and context), it still makes me just as giddy now as it did then.
All of this is to say... There may be common threads throughout one's life, but we aren't really set in stone the way people think. You can absolutely discover, and rediscover, yourself and what brings you joy over and over again as you grow and have new experiences. If I can give any advice on this, it's this: Don't close yourself off. You only have this one life, so use it to experience all you can. Even if you're shy, like me... do your best to lend a kind word, an ear, or a hand as often as possible. You never know who, or what, is gonna set your soul on fire.
Anon, thank you so much for this ask... And if you ever want to chat, I'd be more than delighted. ๐Ÿ’™
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alfryco ยท 1 year
okay your ask inspired me so more AH asks for you: 1, 5, 8, 25, 34, 48, 51!! <3
Thank you for the questions Emrys :3
1) How did you get into AH?
Already answered, but I got into them by seeing a video somebody made on youtube with a bunch of other fandoms that were popular on Tumblr in 2014.
5) Favorite team?
Whatever the hell team name Trevor and Alfredo have now (tho Team Nice Dynamite is always right behind them in my heart)
8) Favorite AU?
Hmm favorite AU would have to be the Fake AH Crew AU just because of all the memories I have of messing around in that AU and all the great content that people have created using that AU. There's just so much to do when the characters you're playing with are literal criminals.
25) Has a video or specific moment ever made you emotional?
Not sure if this is for like sad emotional or happy emotional or whatever, but the first video I can remember off the top of my head that made me emotional in the sad way was when Meg had to host The Know after Monty passed away.
34) Have you seen the musical?
Yep I have! Watched the whole thing when it was mixed with the GTA video.
48) If you have one, whoโ€™s your favorite fic author or fan artist?
OOoohhh boy do I *cracks knuckles*
Since I know I can't narrow this down to like one author and artist I'm just gonna do a handful of the large amount of people that have created some of my favorite works and inspired me/influenced me with how I write.
So author wise I have to first give it up for @confusedeevee who without her I would most likely not be writing AH fanfic like I am today, plus she's an excellent beta, amazing writing partner and always helps me brainstorm when I need it and will listen to me rant and rave about all my au ideas even tho it's probably 3 am for her :') and her fics are out of this world, please go read them.
Next is @futureboy LIGHT OF MY FUCKING LIFE who fed (and continues to feed tbh) my alfreyco cravings and has some of the best written dialogue out there and a head full of incredible ideas when it comes to writing! They just have some of the best writing out there and they're honestly killing it with the ST fics right now.
And since we're talking about Alfreyco (because how could we not am i right??) @jusst-you-wait is honestly really to blame for me still writing AH fic to this day, because this lovely alfreyco obsession of mine started when I read her Fake AH fic about Trevor and Alfredo investigating some abandoned building for Geoff and that's all she wrote. Also one of the best hype mans out there and such a great writer!
And I can't forget @shadeofazmeinya and @sorcererinthestars who also have some of the best fics out there in my opinion. And tbh I included both of them in one thing because one is not far from the other when it comes to fics and tumblr and there places in my HEART! Love these two so much and both have them have produced such fantastic work in this fandom and appreciate that every single DAY.
Ok now with artists unfortunately there aren't as many as there used to be in the ye olden days of the fandom, but that doesn't mean we don't have some excellent artists still!
Firstly is @keeningthoughts who without them I would not have the lovely alfreyco outlast fanart that I cry over almost daily and would not have known the joys of being in a server dedicated to a podcast co-lead by two very silly boys. Clay, your everchanging art style and the art you've drawn, no matter how silly, have always made me so happy when i see them on here or twitter :3
And then @ursifors who has created some of the most awesome art in this fandom. Just the way you draw the AH members (and Jeremy lbr) is so incredible and fun to look at. Your shading and the way you draw expressions are always the best. Like the way you nail people's faces is just ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
51) Any videos, series, podcasts, etc. youโ€™d recommend to new fans?
Would definitely recommend Red Web (how can I not?) if you're into spooky things and conspiracy theories, but for general AH stuff I would recommend Off Topic because that is always a good, tho sometimes chaotic, way to get a feel for the vibes at AH. As for videos, any Between the Games and Shenanigans videos are always great to watch. Series wise, there are always MC and GTA videos, which are CLASSICS even if they're older and Play Pals which is ๐Ÿ‘Œ. Always recommend those. Some more recent ones would be GMOD and 7 days to die. Also the Rage Quit anniversary video they came out like two weeks ago. That was an excellent video.
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ceruleanwhore ยท 1 year
So, as I've been seeing more criticism of LO and Rachel with recent developments in the comic, I just wanted to talk about what I think are the two main issues with the comic which aren't completely, directly Rachel's fault. This may come as a surprise given what I've said about her and her comic in the past, but the more I think about it, the more I think most of the problems with LO come down to these things and no, I don't think it's just that she can't write.
First and foremost, I think that this story would have been more set up for success if it wasn't written as a take on Hellenic paganism but, rather, an office romance with original characters drawing inspiration from the stories and religious/folkloric characters of the Greek mythos. I say this because most of the criticism I see has to do with how the comic versions of these religious/folkloric figures and stories is inaccurate and (rightfully) claims that it is disrespectful, but also because working off of an existing canon, be it literary or religious, is inherently very limiting. Writing a story with original characters, not using an existing canon, would both get rid of a ton of the backlash that has really stressed Rachel out while also giving her a ton more freedom with her characters and the story. I mention stress because I think it's extremely clear that another significant contributor to the issues with the comic is Rachel's anxiety, primarily when it's exacerbated by people like me pointing out that her comic isn't good.
The second thing is that I really don't think that serialized writing and publishing is a good idea for anyone or that it is conducive to writing in general. Think about it: if you're writing a story start to finish, chapter by chapter, and publishing each chapter as you go, you then are left with no wiggle room for the whole creative process. If you publish every chapter as soon as it's written, you can't go back and change a major aspect of the story when you're 20 chapters in or whatever, which you absolutely can do when you keep it all in your drafts until the whole thing is complete, like most novels are. Rachel, by using Webtoons, has not been allowed that most integral part of the creative process, which is changing your mind and editing stuff and even rewriting the whole thing ten times over if that's what you want and need. If she'd been able to create the whole comic in its entirety in the safety and privacy of her drafts before ever publishing it (while being open to advice and constructive criticism from people she should be bouncing all this off of and getting input from as part of this process,) then the inconsistencies and plot holes that we love to point out might not have even been there and, again, she could have been spared all *that* backlash as well.
Anyway, I just wanted to say this because while I do think it's fair to point out the flaws in the comic or to express one's disappointment with how it's gone over time, I think it's really important to acknowledge that a lot of it comes down to circumstances and not just oversimplify it as Rachel being a talentless hack. I'd also add a reminder that Tolkien literally rewrote and then rereleased The Hobbit after it was originally published, so I'd just like to say how much I would honestly love to see Rachel allow herself to do the same. Like how awesome would it be if, after the whole stressful experience of the serialized publishing on Webtoons and everything, she then let herself turn off all notifications and just take her sweet time editing the whole thing to her heart's content and then republish it when (and if) she wants to? Because, speaking as a writer, writing or doing art or anything like that should be a joyful experience, which I think she hasn't exactly been allowed to have in this because of circumstantial elements like what I've said and all the backlash she's gotten throughout her creative process when she wasn't even done yet. Yes, I love to criticize this comic as much as the next person, but I also can recognize that this creator hasn't really been allowed to, well, create and it's not exactly fair.
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sotwk ยท 1 year
hey! i know you've probably answered some of this before, but which of your OCs is your favorite- whether your favorite to write, or to imagine headcanons for, or which has the character design/background you're most proud of or most looking forward to writing more of in the future?
Hello Anon! (Whether you're the same Anon who has asked me the other questions about my OCs or a new Anon altogether--I love you!)
I did answer a somewhat similar ask a while back where I babbled on about how I wish I had more courage to write and post stuff about Queen Maereth, my Elvenqueen, beloved Mother of the awesome Princes. She has a TON of history I meticulously interwove with Tolkien canon that I have written down only in notes. Alas, I am so terribly gun-shy about sharing them and I hope that, with a bit more encouragement from Readers (like you!), this will change soon.
But below the cut I will answer YOUR awesome question:
Favorite to write, or to imagine headcanons for: I genuinely cannot choose amongst the four OC princes which one I enjoy creating for because I can honestly say they inspire and excite me equally. What's so fun is that they're all different from each other, with their one common quality being they're all such GOOD GUYS. When I think of ideas for the 5 brothers (favorite food? hobbies? kissing style??), I go across the board, so they all have equal amounts of HC information in my notes.
Character design/background you're most proud of: Character design-wise, not necessarily most proud of, but I will admit Crown Prince Mirion is my favorite, purely as a matter of personal taste. I subconsciously based a lot of his characteristics on Hector of Troy, who is for me THE ultimate hero prince. Plus I gave him Henry Cavill (most beautiful man alive imho) for his face claim, so yeah--I kind of just created my ideal blorbo in this character.
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Most looking forward to writing more of: AH! So the funny thing I was just telling my friend @achromaticerebus earlier is, some Readers have commented on which of the OC Thranduilions they like best, and no one has yet chosen Prince Turhir as their favorite. I am not at all offended by this (neither would Turhir really; he could care less about being popular), but I do find it amusing since Turhir is the most like Thranduil in both personality and interests. Everything I have written so far about Turhir shows him as a hardened warrior who's colder than his brothers, so I look forward to showing the softer (in)side that's actually pretty sexy. I think he's the type of person you just need to get to know before you fall head-over-heels for them. Did I mention his face claim is Sam Heughan, Jamie from Outlander?
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Bonus writer secret!
I have been toying around with ideas for a possible (possible only, cannot stress that enough, I am afraid to promise anything, lol!) multi-chapter story that places a female OC or Reader in "Golden Age" Woodland Realm, where the lucky lady gets to hang out with the entire Royal Family and their household. Turhir is my top choice to be the leading prince in this story and the potential romantic interest.
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orphicpoieses ยท 1 year
๐˜๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ธ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ!
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๐™ต๐šŽ๐š‹๐š›๐šž๐šŠ๐š›๐šขย โ€” ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน
Hi and welcome to another monthly recap!
If you are new here: Welcome! I usually do a personal recap at the end of each month, where I talk about how my writing went, important news and life recently.
I quit doing these for about 2 months now, but I am back again on making these little insights in my writer life.
๐™ถ๐šŽ๐š—๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š• ๐™ฝ๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐šœ
โžต I gained some new followers! If you are new on my blog: Hi and welcome! Nice to meet you! Feel free to tag me anytime or send me a message!
โžต There was an unplanned hiatus in January, but I am somehow back now.
โžต I started a new project. No, not a โ€œnewโ€ new project, but a new book within my current project series.
โžต Back in the game since end of the month.
โžต My complete draft sits around 100k words (I donโ€™t have an exact number right now, since half of it is written by handโ€ฆ) and I am very proud of it.
โžต With the begin of the new part within the project, I am finally on the last few steps to finally finishing the first book of the series!
โžต Writing is currently not that bad. I write around 1-2k words every morning, so the story is currently growing really fast (which is nice!).
๐™ฟ๐šŽ๐š›๐šœ๐š˜๐š—๐šŠ๐š• ๐š‚๐š๐šž๐š๐š
February is the month I like somehow the most. Maybe, because my birthday is in February, but also it is kinda short and sweet. I finished my semester now and have a lot of free time currently, which is used for DIY projects, drawing and writing. But besides that, everything is a bit boring right now. Still active on the socials like Instagram and this beloved hellsite, even if I donโ€™t know what to post at the momentโ€ฆ I might take a break for a while from actively creating content and just lurk around, posting here and there something and just having a look for new inspirations.
๐™ธ๐š–๐š™๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐™ฟ๐š˜๐šœ๐š๐šœ
This month was very quiet. The only posts I consider good are my self-reposts and the snippet I posted.
โžต a snippet from a side project
This month, I want to thank all my new followers for joining this small community of mine. You are awesome! ๐Ÿ’•
๐šƒ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š—๐šŽ๐š  ๐š–๐š˜๐š—๐š๐š‘
โžต more free time! (I have to wait until April for me to get back to uni)
โžต I hope to get a good amount of my book done by the end of the month, so I can get back into the new semester with something to edit.
โžต Hopefully more activity on this hellsite. Everything was very quiet in the last four months, maybe now, I see some new or familiar faces again!
๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ๐˜ด ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ!
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always-a-joyful-note ยท 1 year
Thinking some fandom thoughts and then about ORV's portrayal of an author-character-reader relationship with the story and realising how....lacking at times the whole death of the author perspective on media can be.
(Turned out to be long and rambly so I put it under a cut. If you like death of the author, probably not for your worldview? Also, beware major ORV spoilers if you care about that)
Like, perhaps I'm misinterpreting something here, but in ORV, we had these three characters plus an entire system that gave us a look into the relationship between author/reader/character. And focusing on the Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja, and Yoo Joonghyuk dynamic, I realise that none of them really died. Pushing asides Joonghyuk and Dokja for the moment (as I am talking about death of the author), we have Han Sooyoung whose consciousness faded after finishing Ways of Survival.
However, I don't know if we can really call that death of the author, really. Because Sooyoung's whole purpose in writing ORV, her authorial intention, was to save Kim Dokja's life...which she DID. And even after the story left her hands, her intentions were imprinted into the story itself. Yes, Dokja realised that the system was lenient to him because of (spoiler alert) his status as the OD. But at the same time, I think that Han Sooyoung's authorial intent to keep Dokja alive with WoS can also be taken as a factor in the system's leniency towards our reader.
And just jumping from that back to my original point, while death of the author IS fun and can be awesome for reinterpreting stories that the author may have intended as problematic (to our modern standards, at least), to separate the actual story itself from its creator seems just....a tad disrespectful to the author.
Or maybe disrespectful isn't the right word. Like, say, even if said author is objectively the worst of humans, there remains the fact that the story in essence has part of them embedded into it. It doesn't make sense, at least to me, to only give "morally okay" writers the allowance of people who put a part of themselves in their works. Any writer, even those who are writing for money imo, can't help but put part of their own selves into their story...and to separate the story from the author just because we hate the author or hate their beliefs seems a bit counter-productive. You can't just say, after all, that this author's vulnerability in their writing is okay because it's Correct but this other guy's vulnerability should be ignored because it's chalk full of Problematic Content.
But again, that's not to justify authors you dislike or the deeply wrong messages implied in their works. Especially those that could easily be shooed away by employing death of the author. But I think I'd consider fanfic or analyses that ignore authorial intent and their message to be something...new entirely? (Best way I can say it is something something death of an author employed to help the reader create their own narrative inspired by someone else's story rather than it being used to ignore author intent and claim our interpretation is what canon actually meant).
I think there's a saying in music as well as writing that you could play the same exact score or write the same story, it's just that things will come out different depending on the player or writer. (That's not a perfect comparison because the player/musician who WROTE the score could be considered a reader/author relationship...the point is more that the same thing will look different in the hands of different people. And that just as the reader will interpret something in their own way when reading/re-reading (another ORV reference), the author also has placed in their own interpretation and intent in that own work...which should at worst be respected because they DID make that content (and then we proceed to brutally revise it to make something we like better xD) or at best be taken as "word of god" for lack of a better term)
Not sure if any of this makes sense, and I definitely don't have any factual evidence to back up this opinion, but it was just something I was thinking of.
TL:dR? Death of the author is FUN and actually pretty cool but I think the things coming out of it are new(ish) things/works entirely, and og author's beliefs/intentions are important to consider for that text they wrote in of itself.
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carnal-lnstinct ยท 1 year
for the writers ask: ๐Ÿ’– โœจ๐Ÿซ˜ ๐Ÿฆท ?
๐Ÿ’– What is your primary writing goal for this year?
Finish DWD and Delicate.
โœจWhat's one area of your writing that you think needs the least amount of improvement?
I like to ramble set up a story as if I can come back to it for more, so I guess the length of a fic? xD
๐Ÿซ˜ Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
More holiday events! If I space them out right. Bringing back Scourge of the Stars and Smutember, and I will be doing Kinkmas and something special for Spring season that's a little similar to VDay Event โ™ฅ It's early in the year so if any other events come up, I may try them out if I like them. Also, I was inspired by actually chatting with some friends before about what I write it made me want to open up more about my writing process and things I wanna do with fanfics. But I couldn't really find any group chats I trusted at a glance or find anything for dbz fic writers (specifically spicy content ๐Ÿ‘€ but not entirely the premise). I really wanted to take the loneliness out of the writing process and create a space for other dbz writers to have the same. Somewhere to come together and chat, be weird together, bounce ideas, simp and gush over dbz f/o's, share their updates, writing events and fics to help boost traffic to their stories and generally support each other! But I am old and know nothing of discord anymore! so it's a "project" but very much still an idea. It was something I enjoyed in my RP groups that I really miss a lot and hope to find in others who share my love for reading and writing dbz fics โ™ฅ
๐Ÿฆท Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
So a looong time ago, I started working on a FINAL final chapter for Conton City Lockdown to play around with the soulmates/destiny trope and it got pushed deep, deep down in the WIP barrel. I said I would come back to and finish. But it got lengthy with JUST dialogue and now I kinda don't wanna fill in the blanks uwu so idk what to do with it but I don't wanna give it up either. Here is a Snippet w/ some context. The CCH essentially doesn't believe in destiny (despite literally being the one to save all of history), but she starts to โ™ฅ
TP: "Could you see yourself doing anything else with your life now? The Time patrol does kind of take over."
Goku: "I guess not anymore. Not knowing what I know now, anyways." "It makes me think a lot about the first time I saw you."
TP: "Stopping Mira? That was a pretty big win for the Time Patrol with your help."
Goku: "It was." "But that wasn't the first time I saw you."
TP: "..What?"
Goku: "Don't you remember? You fell out of the sky." "It was a miracle you came when you did. Ol' Raditz was really giving me and Piccolo a hard time, he really had us thinking on our toes and nothing we hit him with seemed to work. It looked like we were really done for. But then you suddenly appeared." "You saved me." "But I guess we undid that when Piccolo shot me."
TP, surprised: "..My special mission.." "My first time patrol for Supreme Kai of Time was to save you?"
Goku: "Really? That's pretty awesome!" "The first time Supreme Kai of Time came to me for help, she was sending me to help you with Mira. Isn't that something?"
TP: "Holy shit.."
Goku: โ€œYeah, I didnโ€™t really remember too much about you until I saw you again. All I had was this vague memory of a strong warrior who helped me and Piccolo. I could remember your strength but nothing else. I wanted to see them again.โ€ย โ€œThen I finally found you, fighting again, way stronger than you were back then. It all came clear. Knowing that we both had become stronger since then made me excited!โ€
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lucithornz ยท 1 year
Fic Masterpost
Hey everyone! Here is my fic masterpost. Below you can find all of my completed and ongoing works. Additional links and posts about me, my writing and projects also linked at the bottom.
I try to keep this as up to date as possible with current chapter count progress etc.
Thank you for reading, and comments on my fics seriously make my day! I don't bite :]
My AO3
Meet the author post
Keep reading below for a Detailed List of my Fics, Updates, Boundaries, Collabs, and Beta Reading โ†“
My Fics!
A list of my ongoing and completed fics, please feel free to talk to me about them and writing in general <3
Formula 1 Fics:
Red Horse (4/16) | Lestappen | a/b/o, rivals to lovers, rivals with benefits, Alpha Max, Omega Charles | Rated E
Just One Question? (6/6) | Lestappen | exes to lovers, padelgate, angst | Rated M
Losers Love Company (one-shot) | Lestappen | padel date, sexual tension | Rated M
Spa Fever (one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, smut | Rated E
Burn Darker(1/4) | Lestappen | vampire AU, angst, happy ending | Rated E
Aurelian Cycle fics: Brilliant Disguise(12/12), No Surrender(15/?), The Sacrifice That Mattered(1/1)
Black Company fic: Winter Burns(1/1)
Anon fics: Fics I have on anon due to the darker nature of the work. Most carry a Dead Dove warning so please be sure to read the tags
I'd Call That A Bargain(one-shot) | Lestappen | omegaverse, Dead Dove, breeding program, dub-con | Rated E
If you want to know about updates to a specific project I leave my anticipated upload schedule in fic notes(usually on ch 1).
For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter, that is where I post about when new chapters go up, and will say if chapters are delayed etc.
I am not opposed to you politely asking about updates in my comments sections, so long as you keep it respectful(or funny) and don't overdo it. I totally understand the worry over fics updating, and I take it as a compliment that you're that worried about my silly little story :]
Minors - If you're a minor do not message me, and do not interact with any NSFW content I create. I am an adult, and I do write some stuff rated T, but a vast majority of my work is rated M or E and intended for an adult audience only.
Critique - Critiques of my work are fine, though I'd prefer to not see it(don't tag me etc). Tip - Compliment sandwiches are your friend. Anything that is overly negative/harassment in comments will be deleted. Keep things civil and within reason and we'll be fine. I have thick skin, but I do this for fun and don't have time for this type of thing. If there is a serious error in a fic feel free to dm me about it. I'd rather you dm if there is a factual error or a glaring typo, rather than pointing that out in a public comment.
Inspired works - if for some reason one of my works inspires you to create your own thing(art, fic, headcanon, etc), awesome! Please tag me and stuff, I wanna see it. I don't really care about credit or anything(we're all here to have fun). But if you make something based off something I create I seriously will probably cry(in a good way). Please tag me in anything you create <3
Sharing - Feel free to share my works on Twitter(for non-rpf works) or with your friends, fic clubs etc. However please do not share my RPF works on twitter or Tiktok. I'd appreciate them not being broadcast on platforms where they could be easily seen by the subjects.
And please let me know what you think, I love interacting. However do not repost my works to any other platforms(like Wattpad). I only post on AO3 and would like to keep it that way.
Interacting - I seriously just love being in fandom communities. It's why I love comments so much. I just wanna chat about blorbos, ships, writing, fandom culture, and everything in between. Go nuts, comment away, tag me on Twitter, send asks on Tumblr, I promise you aren't bothering me.
More About Me as a Writer
Here are some posts to get a better sense of where I am as a writer, and what my tastes are with regards to storytelling. Just so you can get a taste of my specific brand of crazy ;)
My favorite fanfiction trope post
Weirdest places I've written fanfiction post
Beta and Collabs
Beta requests - If you are looking for a beta reader(in my fandoms) then reach out, I might very well be interested(if it's for the Aurelian Cycle the answer is a preemptive YES). Just let me know the project you're working on and the type of feedback you're looking for and I'll get back to you.
I have a pretty quick turnaround time, but I am an adult with a full time job, so it depends on how busy I am.
Writing Collabs - if you are a fellow fic writer and want to collab and write something together, yeah I'd like to talk. I've never done it before, but it sounds fun :) I am picky about ships though. Other Works These are previous fandom works that I am no longer active in. I am always happy to talk about them so don't be afraid to send asks or comment <3
DNF/MCYT fics: The Hounds of Love(11/11) Unsought is Better(9/9), Suffer Love(UIB sequel)(9/9) February 15th(5/5) I'd Lie(24/24) Hecate's Little Demon(5/7) One Fated Thread(3/3) Haunted Deep(3/3)
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elderdragonblu ยท 2 years
questions for fic writers: 9, 15, 16, 32, 37, 48
9. How do you find new fic to read?
I mostly find new fics by searching through specific ship tags on AO3, and sometimes Iโ€™ll add in another tag like โ€œheavy angstโ€ or whatever Iโ€™m trying to find within that certain ship tag, other times Iโ€™ll just have the character names and then another tag if Iโ€™m looking for something specific to the character (Iโ€™ll also add other tags to narrow down the search, but sometimes without narrowing it down I can find fics that I wasnโ€™t looking for but are fun to read!)
15. Whatโ€™s your favorite AU that youโ€™ve written?
Itโ€™s gotta be my Mute!Max one, I know I never shut up about it but itโ€™s SO WHOLESOME. Plus, Danaโ€™s on it and like!! Cโ€™mon!! Itโ€™s Dana!!
16. Whatโ€™s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I really want to see more โ€œsoulmate aus but the actual โ€˜soulmatesโ€™ donโ€™t love each other romantically like theyโ€™re supposed to and both actually love other people while remaining besties with their soulmates.โ€ Iโ€™ve always found the idea of soulmates odd, like the concept is cute but I want something thatโ€™ll break that mold and Iโ€™ve considered writing an AU like that.
Another AU I wanna see more of are Love is Strange ones, not for any particular reason other than I think love is strange is wholesome and it deserves more content.
32. Whatโ€™s your ideal fic length to read?
Depends on whether weโ€™re talking multi chapter or one shots. I prefer one shots to be at least three thousand words, however when it comes to rare pairs Iโ€™d take anything given the scarcity of them. I donโ€™t have a max limit because oneshots are awesome and I love long shit because Iโ€™m insane.
As for multi chapter fics, as long as itโ€™s over three thousand words I donโ€™t really care for how many chapters it may have.
37. Promote one of your own โ€œdeep cutโ€ fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I posted this one recently, but Execrable was a fic i really enjoyed writing and was based on the owl house (cause surprise I like toh too) and just possession in general. I like how I paced the scenes and how I made it noticeable that someone is possessed in the Oneshot. Im still really proud of it, and I think it deserves more traction.
48. Whatโ€™s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
I was rereading a fic called Rewrite the Stars by War_On_Mars cause itโ€™s similar to a multi chapter story I wanted to try and create so I was looking for inspiration. Itโ€™s also a really good fic and series and recommend you not only read it but everything else that War_On_Mars makes because itโ€™s good writing and good storylines like what else is there to say.
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seobayindia ยท 3 months
How Can Professional Content Writing Solutions Maximize Your Business's Success?
In today's digital world, being noticed online and getting people interested in what you offer is super important for businesses to do well. And one big way to do that is through really good content. Content is like the foundation of your online marketing plan. Whether you want more people to find your website on Google, get lots of likes on social media, or become a big name in your industry, having awesome content is the key. A digital marketing expert knows the value of great content. They understand how excellent content can build their online presence. Let's explore how leveraging professional content writing services can unlock the door to success in the digital realm.
Elevating Brand Identity: Professional content writing services empower businesses to elevate their brand identity and stand out in a crowded digital marketplace. By creating content that aligns with the brand's values, tone, and objectives, expert writers help establish a consistent and memorable brand presence across various online channels. Whether it's through website copy, blog posts, or social media content, professional writers ensure that every piece of content reflects the brand's unique personality and resonates with its target audience.
Enhancing Online Visibility: In the digital age, visibility is key to attracting and retaining customers. Professional content writing services employ strategic SEO techniques to enhance a business's online visibility and improve its search engine rankings. By conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing meta tags, and creating valuable, keyword-rich content, professional writers help businesses increase their organic traffic and reach a wider audience. With enhanced online visibility, businesses can strengthen their position in the market and drive sustainable growth.
Engaging and Informative Content: Effective content writing goes beyond mere wordsโ€”it captivates, informs, and inspires action. Professional content writing services specialize in creating engaging and informative content that resonates with target audiences. Whether it's through compelling storytelling, thought-provoking blog posts, or visually appealing social media content, expert writers know how to capture the audience's attention and keep them engaged. By delivering valuable insights, expert opinions, and actionable tips, professional content writing services help businesses establish trust and credibility with their audience.
Driving Conversions and Sales: Ultimately, the goal of digital marketing is to drive conversions and increase sales. Professional content writing services play a pivotal role in this process by creating content that persuades and converts. Whether it's through persuasive product descriptions, compelling calls-to-action, or informative landing pages, expert writers know how to craft content that inspires action and drives results. By addressing customer pain points, highlighting product benefits, and guiding prospects through the buyer's journey, professional content writing services help businesses maximize their conversion rates and generate more sales.
Saving Time and Resources: Outsourcing content writing to professional services allows businesses to save valuable time and resources while still reaping the benefits of high-quality content. Professional writers are skilled at researching, writing, and editing content efficiently, allowing businesses to focus on other core aspects of their operations. Additionally, professional content writing services often offer scalable solutions, allowing businesses to scale their content production according to their needs and budget.
Effects Of Bad and Non-SEO-Friendly Content
Bad and non-SEO-friendly content can have detrimental effects on your business in several ways:
Low Search Engine Rankings: Non-SEO-friendly content fails to optimize for relevant keywords, meta tags, and other SEO best practices. As a result, search engines may have difficulty understanding and indexing your content, leading to lower search engine rankings and decreased visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Decreased Organic Traffic: Without proper optimization for search engines, your content may struggle to rank for relevant keywords and attract organic traffic to your website. This can significantly limit your ability to reach and engage with your target audience, resulting in fewer website visitors and missed opportunities for lead generation and conversions.
Poor User Experience: Badly written or poorly structured content can create a frustrating user experience for visitors to your website. If users struggle to find the information they're looking for or are turned off by grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, they're likely to leave your site without taking any further action, leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement metrics.
Lack of Trust and Credibility: Non-SEO-friendly content may lack authority and credibility in the eyes of both search engines and users. If your content is outdated, irrelevant, or inaccurate, visitors may question the trustworthiness of your brand and seek out more reliable sources of information, leading to a loss of trust and potential customers.
Missed Opportunities for Conversion: Content that is not optimized for SEO may fail to effectively guide users through the sales funnel and prompt them to take action. Without clear calls-to-action (CTAs) or persuasive messaging, visitors may be less likely to convert into leads or customers, resulting in missed opportunities for conversion and revenue generation.
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Decreased Competitiveness: In today's competitive digital landscape, businesses that neglect SEO-friendly content may struggle to compete effectively with competitors who invest in high-quality, optimized content. Without a strong online presence and visibility in search engine results, your business may fall behind in the race for customers and market share.
In conclusion, professional content writing services offer businesses a strategic approach to creating high-quality content that drives results in the digital age. From elevating brand identity and enhancing online visibility to engaging audiences and driving conversions, expert writers play a crucial role in helping businesses succeed online. By leveraging professional content writing services, businesses can unlock the door to success and achieve their digital marketing goals with confidence.
Are you ready to revolutionize your Business with SEO-friendly Content? Reach out to us today and discover how our content writing services can elevate your brand's online presence and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Don't miss outโ€” Visit our website and contact us now on WhatsApp to get started!
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amstories ยท 9 months
Newsletter #14: October 2023
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Dear RNAs,
It's been a while since I've written a newsletter. Seasons are changing so fast so here's a summary of my highlights and milestones for the past months.
Wattpad Ambs Update
Ficlet Fridays S04
Inkspired Inktober
Wattpad Ambs Update
In case you missed it, I'm no longer a part of the Ambassadors Program since August. After evaluating my circumstances and busy schedule, I know that I can no longer commit to being an ambassador in Wattpad. Being a part of this program taught me a lot. Here are the few things I learned from Wattpad Ambs:
Never underestimate the value of meaningful conversation for your well-being.
Be aware of what you're saying, and how it could perhaps be misinterpreted.
Take a breather if something you are reading is annoying or angering you.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart!
The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.
And lastly, "Be kind, always." Wattpad Ambs taught me to always look at another online user as another human behind that account. Whatever they might do or say, that account is being handled by another human who has feelings or a circumstance that we know nothing about. That's why it's important to always be kind.
I'm grateful for the work that every Wattpad Ambassador is putting out there, whether seen or unseen by the Wattpad community. You, guys, are awesome!
For those who wants to join the Ambs program, I highly recommend it only if you love to serve the Wattpad community and reading (because you'll do lots of it).
Whenever I think of it, I still can't believe it happened. Last MIBF, Ardor was launched and I had my very first book signing. Crazy!
Ardor is an anthology of 21 short stories about love. The title means a strong, intense feeling of love. This is KPub PH's first anthology book project and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of this.
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To be able to publish one of my stories is already a miracle, but to be able to have my first book signing in MIBF is even more than my wildest dreams. Publishing a book was never the goal for me. I was already content in writing stories and sharing them on my online platforms.
So I wanted to thank you, my RNAs, for reading my stories. Every support you give goes a long way already, whether it be just reading, commenting, or sharing any post I make. Thank you also for those who already got a copy for themselves. By buying one, you're also supporting 20 other writers. I hope you read theirs, too! Special shoutout to KPub PH who has been so accommodating to me, whether online or in person. I'm deeply grateful that you have chosen my story from the hundreds who submitted their manuscripts. Thank you for being an avenue for me to experience such a miracle as this.
Ficlet Fridays S04
As you may have observed, I stopped posting ficlets since July. I'm officially ending Ficlet Fridays S04. I apologize for those who were waiting for the JenJer ficlets. They are still in my drafts pero iipunin ko muna sila. The main reason why I challenged myself to post a ficlet every Friday this year is to see how far could I commit myself to post regularly.
Since I'm still a student and a person who has different other responsibilities, this challenge became my gauge as to how I can be present as a writer while juggling different roles in my life. I'm doing another writing challenge, Inspired Inktober, to help me start writing about what I really want. It just wouldn't make sense for me to continue writing S04 when there's S05 already.
No worries. My remaining ficlet drafts from S04 would see the light someday.
Ficlet Fridays S05: Inkspired Inktober
For the past months, God has been dealing with me my creative calling. He has continued to affirm that He was the one who placed that desire and dream for me to pursue creatives. One of the ways my creative calling has been manifested is through the stories I create. As a daughter of the Creator, God has given me the gift to create through words and writing. And I just know that I ought to use that gift to reflect God's character and to tell God's story well.
Having a Christian creative community also encouraged and pushed me to pursue this calling. Over time, I became more intentional in the things I write. I also began to reflect and review on the things I've wrote before. So don't be surprised if I begin to unpublish certain stories on my profile.
One of the things that I wanted to do to grow in my creativity is to join Indie Beginning's Inspired Inktober for Christian creatives. Since there are no rules about mediums, interpretations, number of prompts you follow, or how often you'll create, I'll proceed with writing ficlets.
In the ficlets you'll read for Inkspired Inktober, you may expect new characters I might introduce in the (far) future. But for me, these characters have been sitting at the corner of my mind, waiting to be introduced to the world. One day, I'll share their entire stories to the world. But for now, all I could offer are ficlets--only fragments of who they are. And I'm stoked to share them to you!
Don't worry. I might also write about familiar characters you know, depending on the prompt given.
As you journey with me this Inktober, my prayer is that you would encounter God somehow in the ficlets I write.
Thank you for being a part of my creative journey. It's a privilege and an honor for you to allow me to enter your world as you enter mine.
nagkukwento, AM
0 notes
stickywizardlover ยท 2 years
vlone hoodie
A hoodie is usually a garment that addresses up The pinnacle and neck.
A hoodie is actually a garment that addresses the head and neck. On the earth of manner, it is utilized to deal with up The top and neck. This may be accomplished by many various methods.
The hoodie is really a garment that covers the complete human body and is also worn on The pinnacle, neck, or shoulders. It is typically manufactured from a comfortable material which include cotton or polyester, typically using a drawstring at the top.
A hoodie can be a warm and cozy piece of clothes that folks usually dress in on chilly times.
The hoodie is often a vintage bit of garments that can be worn by equally Gentlemen and girls. The hoodie has existed for a few years, but it surely hasn't changed A lot given that its inception.
This information will concentrate on the hoodie as being a trend product and the best way by which designers have used it to generate new layouts.
Hoodie is actually a hugely wearable and practical garment. It truly is a flexible piece which might be worn being an outerwear, like a jacket or as an everyday sweatshirt.
Hoodies are a fashion staple for Gals for decades. This is because of their versatility and functionality. They are a great way to costume up or down with regards to the event and temperature.
A hoodie is often a heat and cozy garment which can be worn by both Adult men and women. It is a very adaptable garment that may be utilized for various instances. A hoodie can be worn for each day actions, and for the duration of special events like festivals.
A hoodie is often a garment that addresses the head, facial area and neck. It is usually worn by Males.
A hoodie is often a bit of clothes that covers your complete overall body. It is normally worn which has a jacket.
The hoodie is The most iconic parts of apparel on the earth. It's been close to for over 100 decades and it has been worn by several renowned persons, from royalty to rock stars and in many cases politicians.
A hoodie is usually a warm and cozy garment that could be worn all 12 months round. It can be an excellent merchandise with the cold Wintertime months, but also a superb bit of clothes for the new summer season days.
Hoodies are quite possibly the most adaptable and versatile piece of apparel that every one of us wear. They can be a boogie wit da hoodie found in a variety of colors, types, and measurements. It can be a wonderful gift for virtually any situation.
This hoodie is made of 100% organic cotton and is particularly designed to keep you heat and cozy in the winter. It can continue to keep you dry, but if it rains, it may also secure you from your rain.
The hoodie is the best way to continue to keep warm within the Wintertime. It truly is fabricated from a heat content that retains you cozy and cozy, whilst becoming fashionable simultaneously.
We mustn't think of such AI writers being a substitute for human copywriters. They just provide help for the information writers by obtaining rid of writerโ€™s block and producing material ideas at scale.
AI creating assistants are ever more obtaining well-liked during the office. Some corporations utilize them when they have to generate written content for a particular matter or area of interest. Whilst electronic organizations make use of them to crank out all types of information for his or her clientele.
A hoodie can be an legendary piece of garments which can be worn by both equally Adult males and ladies. It comes in many different kinds, colors and styles.
Hoodies are an awesome source of inspiration for designers, artists as well as other Resourceful persons. Also they are very popular amid style fans who would like to glance great at get the job doneโ€ฆ
A hoodie is actually a heat, cozy, and trendy garment.
This article will give you the knowledge you need to know concerning the hoodie:
The hoodie is a popular merchandise between all ages and genders. It is usually worn by Little ones, teenagers and girls. This text tries to examine the background from the hoodie and its use in different cultures world wide.
The hoodie is a popular product of garments. It absolutely was initially worn by the American rock band The Grateful Lifeless. Considering the fact that then, it happens to be a image of fashion and individuality.
A hoodie is a jacket that addresses The complete human body. It is usually worn on cold times.
A hoodie personalized can be a personalized style and design of a hoodie that's been produced by an artist or designer. It can be utilized being an accent to generate your individual design extra exclusive and exclusive.
It's a hoodie you can put on for being additional comfy.
That is a hoodie custom made created by a human designer. The hoodie was intended with the assistance of AI and it had been produced in collaboration having an AI writer.
Hoodies are a very important accessory for guys. Virtually Every person wears them. So, it's time and energy to provide them with some adore and a spotlight.
An great hoodie is an extremely useful accessory for any gentleman. It can be utilized as being a scarf, a jacket, or simply a cape. But It's not just the outer overall look which makes it cool. It also has a number of other capabilities like warmth, comfort and safety through the chilly weather.
A hoodie is often a warm, cozy garment. This is a garment which can be worn from the Winter season or summer time. Additionally it is utilised as a piece of apparel to keep heat and cozy.
A hoodie is often a garment that covers The top and neck. It's worn by Guys and women in cold climate.
The hoodie is an informal clothes item which can be worn outside the house. It truly is an everyday vogue merchandise that arrives in different types and shade possibilities.
Plenty of people use a hoodie to deal with their head, but it is not normally The easiest method to accomplish that. A hoodie may be used being a defend versus The weather and maintain you heat.
A hoodie is undoubtedly an item of clothes, normally made out of wool or other fibres, that addresses The pinnacle and neck. The word "hoodie" originates from the word "hood". A hooded sweatshirt is additionally in some cases referred to as a sweatshirt or sweat shirt.
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shinidamachu ยท 4 years
Dragon ball au when Inuyasha was prince of all saiyans, Kagome would be scientist and Mohora would be their future daughter who stop events of tragedy
Iโ€™m all about that! InuYasha is definitely right there between Goku and Vegeta. Like, he is the ultimate himbo (Goku. Baby boy. Baby) but he is also a royal asshole (hands Vegeta).
Kagome as a scientist is a pretty fucking amazing set. She could totally be like Bulma. She is got the brains for it. Although, she would probably have to sort out her problem with math for that to happen (it surely crushed my dreams to become an austronaut). But she is got plenty of Chichi on her too so I guess it all works both ways?
Anyway, I will just leave this here real quick:
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PS.: I think this makes Moroha Gohan. Just a little gobling goingย 
That was very, very interesting, anon.
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