#It is also the easiest meal for beginners if that’s where you’re at
silens-oro · 2 years
Friday nights in the winter are dedicated to braised beef/short ribs. I implore you to join me in this. Put your headphones on, put on a lil medieval tavern playlist and cook your lil meal. The scent of herbs and seared beef will infiltrate your entire dwelling.
Put bits of tender meat over some delicious mashed potatoes. Dip some crusty bread in the gravy.
Curl up on your sofa, light some candles.
It is so wholesome and healing and I highly recommend you give it a try.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job #18: “Innernette” | January 14, 2008 - 12:15AM | S02E08
Now you’re in for a treat. And, that treat is, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job. Lotta fun skits and bits and I’m gonna watch them all twice and laugh at all the parts where they are funny.
This one has a cold-as-hell opening of Jeff Goldblum advertising his new venture Jeff GoldBluMan Group. It’s literally just Jeff Goldblum being blue like those Group guys. “It’s a sizzler, please watch.” I often say that the show rarely uses pop culture references, but this very much qualifies as one of those “rare times”. This bit comes back later in the show in the form of a music video where the Jeff GoldBluMan just whistles, and then gets dollar signs in his eyes. I don’t remember finding this bit particularly funny the first time I saw it, but I sure howled this time around. It is just pure stupidity, the type I really admire. 
A very strong and memorable wraparound features Tim & Eric selling “The Internette”, which is a version of the internet that’s contained on a mini CD-Rom. It features 5 virtual friends who can chat with you, and 103 songs, and various ways you can simulate being connected to a large network even though you are not. This is maybe one of their easiest-to-grasp sketches and it’s only a touch deranged. They have a thoughtfully tacky look. I feel like as the show went on, the wraparounds would become a much more mixed bag, and more inspired ones become fewer and further between. This is a GREAT one, though. I feel like this is a good “for beginners” sketch for a would-be Tim & Eric fan. 
On Uncle Muscles we are treated to a Casey Tatum (and his brother) song for their mommy. The song and accompanying video (made up of home video footage of a younger Casey and His Brother being abused) are a very tragic depiction of one mean mamma! This bitch is a handful, and you’ll just love seeing her neglect her sons. It’s so sad that singer guy hurls. Sick! 
David Cross is BACK! I forgot this sketch exists. It’s a fake ad for Pussy Doodles, a product that lets your cat paint by mistake. I think this sketch is sorta weak; I think they knew it wasn’t the strongest idea on paper but figured David could make some gold out of it anyway. He does an okay job. I think he’s being a little self-consciously “more Tim and Ericy” in this. I do like when he wails in despair because his cat escapes it’s harness and runs away. That single joke is maybe the perfect marriage of his and Tim & Eric’s sensibilities. A reprise of the sketch features faux behind-the-scenes footage of Bob Odenkirk as the director of the commercial, yelling at him. The best part of this is when the cat in the sketch scratches David at the end, and you can hear David break character a little bit. It’s always nice when these two daddys get back to mackin’ with each other, you gotta admit, and agree.
There’s also a living with Dr. Steve Brule about living on your lonesome. Funny area for a sketch, and Brule is usually at least a little amusing. This one seems a little too tossed off and I think there’s anything truly exceptional in this one. Brule’s advice is very general, like saying about how you should meal prep and go to bed early. There’s a surprise third one that I won’t spoil! It’s about making your own puzzles. 
There’s also a fun dance party featuring some of Tim & Eric’s wack pack. We also see Casey Tatum’s mom from before. “All I want to do is dance and fuck!”. GREAT LINE. I thought maybe it was quoting Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, but searching it in quotes pulls up so much Tim & Eric stuff. It could be in the spirit of that one scene.That one scene I thought it was quoting.
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wanderingcas · 2 years
hey so like, i hope this is okay to send? but feel free to ignore it if you don't want to answer. i hope this isn't tmi but recently my mom became a single mom and i've been trying to help out more as the oldest, and that includes meals from time to time. my mom usually doesn't have time / energy to try out new things(frozen meals is the usual) and we're definitely on a budget- i found your post from like. two years ago lmao, saying to message if anyone needed any recipes. i don't even follow you or know you but if you had any ideas for stuff i'd really appreciate it! currently we have a lot of beans but tbh take that with a grain of salt because we can totally go out and get other ingredients, its just a matter of 1. making sure it doesn't cost much and 2. her not having to go to the store super often. do you have anything in general you'd suggest? especially with the fact that i'm a beginner in mind? it's also worth mentioning my mom likes to keep a low amount of meat in the house(but it isn't off-limits, just preferred to not be in everything). i dunno it feels super silly but i don't even feel like i know where to start. thanks in advance!
absolutely it's okay to send!' i answered the best i could, but obviously there's SO much more to go into specifically, so please feel free to message me if you have specific questions
but for every meal, i think it's best to keep it simple: protein, carb, vegetable. everything else on top of that is just extra, but at the base, the meal should consist of that. now, breaking it down into those parts:
-frozen vegetables - peas, carrots, corn. you can’t tell these even were frozen when you put them in a soup or a casserole
-potatoes are usually cheap, depending on where you are in the world especially russet potatoes, and they can be baked alongside any protein you make.
-this isn’t necessarily on a budget, but ready-to-mix salads are a great option if you’re looking for something healthy and also fast. but those can be a couple dollars a bag. if that’s not an option, a really good idea is buying spinach (it can last at least a week in the fridge if you keep it good and sealed), buy a favorite dressing, and eat that combo for an iron kick. not the most fun thing in the world, but it’s very nutritious. you can even throw a few croutons or dried fruit in there if you can. plus, spinach can be thrown into any canned pasta sauce you get for an extra vegetable - just let it simmer on the stove for a few minutes until the spinach breaks down and gets soft. it’s a pretty versatile green!
-onions are usually affordable and always elevate a dish - just buy the cheapest your grocery store has, and don’t worry if a recipe says a certain kind (like yellow onion vs. red onion). most of the time, in a pinch, it truly doesn’t matter. we’re not aiming for a michelin star here lol
-celery: you can wrap it in tin foil and it'll last a few weeks in the crisper drawer
-you mentioned you have a lot of beans, which is great, because if you don’t want a lot of meat this will provide you with a lot of protein! some ideas are chili (with those frozen veggies), vegetable soup, tacos, simply just rice and beans... they're really versatile!
-chicken thighs, bone-in, is harder to eat but always cheaper. thighs in general are cheaper than chicken breasts, too. if you can swing it, ready-made rotisserie chickens at the grocery store are the easiest to work with - simply cut and serve with rice, pasta, salad... literally anything!
-somtimes you can find discount meats that are about to expire at the grocery store. your freezer is your friend in this case - buy on sale, then freeze for up to 3 months until needed
-rice is THE cheapest carb and can be used with literally anything. there's a variety of rice, all have their own personality, but get whatever is cheapest - you won't notice the difference in recipes, generally
-bread is obviously yum for any dish, especially garlic bread with pasta - cut a baguette or any thick loaf in half and spread some butter and garlic powder on it before throwing it in the oven wrapped in some foil
-pasta pasta pasta!! buy any shapes or sizes. can work with hundreds of dishes
now for random recipes that you can google for the steps or improvise - they're hopefully not too crazy complicated! obviously not a complete list, but enough to hopefully inspire you. they can all be theoretically cooked in under an hour, too.
-chili, potato soup, any baked chicken dish with veggies + a carb, fried rice, pasta with marinara sauce from an jar + side salad, tacos, quesadillas, beans + rice.
-googling "cheap dinners in 30 minutes" will also get you a crazy amount of results!
in terms of grocery shopping, i'd look up the recipes in advance, then make a list. then you can substitute any veggie or protein you want depending on price.
i hope this helps!! good luck:) and feel free to message me again with any specific questions or if you want specific recipes!! i'd be happy to provide links/steps but i didn't want this ask to get too crazy long <3
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I was hoping, if it's not too much trouble, you could talk a bit about the trapinch line? Recently a friend of mine received one as a birthday gift, however, she said that it wouldn't work on her team and she abandoned it at our nearby river. I was appalled by her behavior and went to save it. Since it isn't native to my region, I'm at a bit of a loss. Strangely enough, it has become very affectionate towards me, however, it is quite hostile to my other partners. (Flaaffy, Milotic, & a Swablu)
Your Trapinch likely senses the strength in your other partners, and maybe is afraid of you doing the same as it's previous owner. Give your new friend a name, try some team building exercises such as training, battling, outdoor activities in a neutral location, read this segment on how to care for the line, and give it some time. If your Pokémon love you and respect you, things will usually sort themselves out. You're a good person for going to rescue the little guy. Trapinch do not belong near a river, and he probably would have starved to death. I'm sorry your friend is a shithead.
How to Care For the Trapinch Line
The scientific community has fought over the typing for each member of this line. They fall in a grey area, somewhere between ground, bug, dragon, and flying, that leans back and forth on the scale between its evolutions.
Trapinch is a larval state for the Pokémon, and is the longest portion of it's life. Female Flygon lay eggs in sand at the end of their lives in the wild, however can live longer in captivity to raise multiple clutches of eggs. They hatch ready to start digging, building little bowls in the sand to trap bug type prey, without assistance from their parents. To simulate the hunt, provide your Trapinch with a big sand box. Once they've dug their trap, roll dragon and ground type food pellets down the slope. This provides them with both their nutritional and enrichment needs. Just because some of the 'Dex entries state that they can go a week without food and water doesn't mean they should. Offer them food every other day, and remove uneaten food from the nest. If you have a garden that is plagued by bugs eating your plants, place your buddy's sand box outside near the garden and the bugs will quickly learn that your plants are not worth the effort. Allowing your Trapinch to hunt isn't usually a problem like it is with more active species of Pokémon, as they stay in one place, letting the prey come to them.
There are a few variants who can live in more humid conditions, however your average Trapinch is a desert dweller and requires a dry climate. Invest in a dehumidifier and heat lamp for the room your Trapinch's sand box will be in, unless you live in the desert. For drinking water, try a hanging bottle usually used for rodent and bird like Pokémon. They won't use it often, however it's the easiest way to make sure they can get it if they need. If your Trapinch gets very wet, make sure to dry them off well, as they can grow mildew if left damp. They should not be bathed, and instead their sand box should be kept clean, which will keep your Pokémon clean.
If you and your partner are thinking about evolution, you should buy some noise canceling headphones, and a bigger sand box. They will need to eat more, usually twice a day, but can eat the same kind of food as they did previously. Don't be surprised if Vibrava is a bit of a messy eater; they spray digestive fluids onto their food to dissolve it before drinking the liquid that it turns into. While Vibrava is strengthening it's wings, it can not fly very far, however can produce vibrations with its wings that give humans headaches. It will take a few months of training your Vibrava while wearing the headphones before they learn how to control their sound. Some Vibrava can be trained to play songs from their wings, although this can take years of practice, and usually begins by playing music for baby Trapinch.
Flygon require a little more care than its previous two evolutions. They are considerably larger, with way more power than your average Pokémon (they are just shy of being considered a pseudo-legendary), and are not for beginners. Flygon need acres of desert to roam, preferably where they can hunt without endangering domestic Pokémon or local ecosystems. Although still carnivores, they do require a more varried diet; a mix of dragon, ground, and flying type food, and occasionally berries. The flying type food should be a high protein kind, usually made with ground bug meal. Offer them a small pool, just big enough for them to sit in, as a fresh water source and to help them shed. Their eye covers also shed, so make sure to teach them to let you see the shed before they eat it. This will help you make sure everything came off. If you notice pieces missing from the shed exoskeleton, especially the eye covers, check your Flygon over to see if it's still attached, and keep an eye on them for 48 hours. If the piece is still attached, take them to the Pokémon Center. Stuck shed left on for too long can impair vision, growth, and mobility.
This line makes for great security Pokémon on government property. Trapinch act like traps in the ground, Vibrava make sounds that deter trespassers, and Flygon whip up sand storms that make it impossible to see. Wild ones aren't very social, however they have been shown to participate in teamwork, and domestic members of the line can be quite friendly.
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Ten Must-Know Tips For Camping
Camping is a wonderful experience that everyone should try at least once. Before going camping, there are a few things to consider.  First and foremost, always leave a detailed itinerary with someone before going to ensure you can be reached if something should happen. If traveling in the backcountry, do not go alone. It is also important to check weather reports and let others know where you plan to camp before leaving.
You don’t need to be an expert or have tons of equipment to go camping. All it takes is a little preparation and knowing what gear will make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable.
For example, it's important to make sure you have enough food and water for your trip, as well as knowing how to properly set up your tent. It's also important to be prepared for any weather conditions that might arise while you're out in nature.
The first time you go camping can be an overwhelming experience and this article will help to ease your mind and make your trip more enjoyable.
To help make your next trip more enjoyable we've compiled this list of our 10 best tips for camping. These are the things that every camper should know before going out into the wild.
Choose the right area.
Camping is fun and enjoyable, but choosing the right area can be difficult. The best place to camp will depend on what you are looking for in your next camping trip. If you are looking for a more luxurious campsite with amenities like showers or electricity, then head towards a front-country campsite like a state park. If you don't mind roughing it out with no amenities, then look for a primitive campsite.
Get to know the layout of your campground in advance.
If you are excited to go camping but anxious about where you will stay the night, it is important that you know your campground. Knowing the layout of your campground in advance can help with being prepared for what might happen when you arrive.
For example, when you are camping at a state park, you should know where the restrooms are. Even if you are staying in an RV, the restrooms are where you should go in case of severe weather.
If you are primitive camping you should know the layout of any dangers such as rivers that might rise with heavy rain.
Don't forget your First-Aid kit.
When you are camping, you are the first responder. Make sure to bring a  first-aid kit with you for easy access in case of injury. Also bring along basic medications such as Tylenol, aspirin, stomach discomfort, and allergy medications.
Pack appropriately.
If you are car camping you can bring the kitchen sink, but if you are backpacking or hiking make sure to pack appropriately. Always makes sure to have the 10 essentials of hiking which include proper clothing, bug spray, water, and a headlamp.
Bring a 3-season tent.
Unless you are climbing a mountain, you will only need a three-season tent. Don't bring a 4-season tent unless you are going to be somewhere extremely cold and you're expecting a blizzard. For beginner campers, I would expect you to reschedule your trip if the weather was predicted to be that bad.
Bring proper cutting tools.
I prefer to have 3 tools with me. I have a pocket knife, scissors, and a folding saw. If I use the knife, it's most often used for preparing a meal. Scissors are useful for First-Aid and opening packages. If you need to process firewood, a saw is better than trying to split it by batoning with your fixed blade knife.
Know how to make a campfire.
I don't think you will regret knowing how to make a campfire—it's pretty much necessary in order to complete your camping experience. You can buy firewood and wood is the easiest and most convenient thing to burn, but know that if it rains, your firewood might be too wet to start a fire with.
Set up your campsite before it gets dark.
Make your life easier and set up your campsite before it gets dark. It is frustrating to have to navigate through site selection, tent setup, cooking, and getting settled in when you are being washed over by the sun's last light.
Bring A Gas Stove
While no campout is complete without a campfire, it's not a practical way to cook. In particular, in the morning when you want a pot of coffee. Bring a gas stove with you. If you are backpacking, you can use a backpacking stove. When camping with a group, a multi-burner Coleman stove is worth the investment.
Know how to STOP in an emergency
If you find yourself lost, then it's important to remember to STOP.
STOP is an acronym that means:
These steps are designed to help you get your bearings and avoid making the situation worse. In most cases, you can backtrack your steps until you realize which way to go.
But as long as you stick to the trail you left with someone back home and if you are not back in time, they can alert the authorities to send a rescue team.
Another option is that you can invest in a satellite phone with an SOS feature to use in an emergency.
The best way to experience the outdoors is by going camping. This article has ten tips that will help you get your most out of a campground stay and enjoy all nature has got on offer, no matter where it may be found!
The best way to experience the outdoors is by going camping.
This article has ten tips that will help you get your most out of a campground stay and enjoy all nature has got on offer, no matter where it may be found!
Whether you are car camping or backpacking, these 10 essential tips will make sure you have an enjoyable time in the great outdoors.
For more useful camping tips that everyone must know, check out our essential skills course available on Amazon
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tenmustknow · 3 years
Camping is a wonderful experience that everyone should try at least once. Before going camping, there are a few things to consider.  First and foremost, always leave a detailed itinerary with someone before going to ensure you can be reached if something should happen. If traveling in the backcountry, do not go alone. It is also important to check weather reports and let others know where you plan to camp before leaving.
 You don’t need to be an expert or have tons of equipment to go camping. All it takes is a little preparation and knowing what gear will make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable.
 For example, it's important to make sure you have enough food and water for your trip, as well as knowing how to properly set up your tent. It's also important to be prepared for any weather conditions that might arise while you're out in nature.
 The first time you go camping can be an overwhelming experience and this article will help to ease your mind and make your trip more enjoyable.
 To help make your next trip more enjoyable we've compiled this list of our 10 best tips for camping. These are the things that every camper should know before going out into the wild.
 1. Choose the right area.
Camping is fun and enjoyable, but choosing the right area can be difficult. The best place to camp will depend on what you are looking for in your next camping trip. If you are looking for a more luxurious campsite with amenities like showers or electricity, then head towards a front-country campsite like a state park. If you don't mind roughing it out with no amenities, then look for a primitive campsite.
 2. Get to know the layout of your campground in advance.
If you are excited to go camping but anxious about where you will stay the night, it is important that you know your campground. Knowing the layout of your campground in advance can help with being prepared for what might happen when you arrive.
 For example, when you are camping at a state park, you should know where the restrooms are. Even if you are staying in an RV, the restrooms are where you should go in case of severe weather.
 If you are primitive camping you should know the layout of any dangers such as rivers that might rise with heavy rain.
 3. Don't forget your First-Aid kit.
When you are camping, you are the first responder. Make sure to bring a  first-aid kit with you for easy access in case of injury. Also bring along basic medications such as Tylenol, aspirin, stomach discomfort, and allergy medications.
 4. Pack appropriately.
If you are car camping you can bring the kitchen sink, but if you are backpacking or hiking make sure to pack appropriately. Always makes sure to have the 10 essentials of hiking which include proper clothing, bug spray, water, and a headlamp.
 5. Bring a 3-season tent.
Unless you are climbing a mountain, you will only need a three-season tent. Don't bring a 4-season tent unless you are going to be somewhere extremely cold and you're expecting a blizzard. For beginner campers, I would expect you to reschedule your trip if the weather was predicted to be that bad.
 6. Bring proper cutting tools.
I prefer to have 3 tools with me. I have a pocket knife, scissors, and a folding saw. If I use the knife, it's most often used for preparing a meal. Scissors are useful for First-Aid and opening packages. If you need to process firewood, a saw is better than trying to split it by batoning with your fixed blade knife.
 7. Know how to make a campfire.
I don't think you will regret knowing how to make a campfire—it's pretty much necessary in order to complete your camping experience. You can buy firewood and wood is the easiest and most convenient thing to burn, but know that if it rains, your firewood might be too wet to start a fire with.
 8. Set up your campsite before it gets dark.
Make your life easier and set up your campsite before it gets dark. It is frustrating to have to navigate through site selection, tent setup, cooking, and getting settled in when you are being washed over by the sun's last light.
 9. Bring A Gas Stove
While no campout is complete without a campfire, it's not a practical way to cook. In particular, in the morning when you want a pot of coffee. Bring a gas stove with you. If you are backpacking, you can use a backpacking stove. When camping with a group, a multi-burner Coleman stove is worth the investment.
 10. Know how to STOP in an emergency
If you find yourself lost, then it's important to remember to STOP.
 STOP is an acronym that means:
 These steps are designed to help you get your bearings and avoid making the situation worse. In most cases, you can backtrack your steps until you realize which way to go.
 But as long as you stick to the trail you left with someone back home and if you are not back in time, they can alert the authorities to send a rescue team.
 Another option is that you can invest in a satellite phone with an SOS feature to use in an emergency.
 The best way to experience the outdoors is by going camping. This article has ten tips that will help you get your most out of a campground stay and enjoy all nature has got on offer, no matter where it may be found!
 The best way to experience the outdoors is by going camping.
 This article has ten tips that will help you get your most out of a campground stay and enjoy all nature has got on offer, no matter where it may be found!
 Whether you are car camping or backpacking, these 10 essential tips will make sure you have an enjoyable time in the great outdoors.
 For more useful camping tips that everyone must know, check out our essential skills course available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CRNHQT2
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Hi dear! I am going to starting tomorrow i will be eating healthy food and working out so if you have any advice for me it would be a huge help! Thanks in advance :)
I would love to give you advice. I don't know if you're a beginner or already had started on your journey but I'm going to just write things that I wish I had known before I started all of this.
There's a difference between losing weight or having a healthy lifestyle because if you decide to lose weight, you should know that the thing and the whole journey is not permanent but a healthy lifestyle is permanent.
I started with losing weight last year but I started to fall in love with being active and eating healthier food that I just decided subconsciously that I will live a healthy lifestyle till the day I die.
The usual is that you should definitely drink a lot of water but you should never force yourself to drink it. I used to force myself to drink water and avoid any sort of juices and fizzy drinks and energies at all time but I had grown to the point where I shouldn't avoid certain things. Drinking a glass of apple juice a day won't make you gain 10kg. Of course, I stick to water most of the time but I still drink 1dl-2dl of apple juice or any other beverage. I drink alcohol only on occassions such as bdays or a night out. But I stick to water and sometimes I drink 750ml of lemon water to detox my body. Just a warning: you will always have to pee. Drink water but don't overdose on it.
Start your day with a good breakfast. A lot of people say that breakfast makes them sick in the morning but I really don't believe those people ate a good breakfast or put time and effort into a good breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite part of the day, favorite meal. You should find ingridients that suit you best and not force yourself to eat foods that don't suit your liking. (I enjoy eggs, tuna, avocado, cream cheese with herbs, overnight oatmeal, toast with butter...) - simple but rich.
You should also eat when you're hungry and not eat when you're not. I don't know if you're a woman or a man but in this case with women it's a bit harder to control their cravings. Yes, of course you can hold back if you're on your period or before your period or just random cravings you get. Eat chocolate, eat burgers (actually I think that burgers are amazing food to eat if you're trying to eat healthy because they contain meat (protein), vegetables (vitamins and minerals), buns (carbs) and sauce (fat) ) I don't mean to overeat on a burger I just think that eating a healthy burger once a week wouldn't make you gain any more weight than a pasta with chicken would. Basically, having cravings is normal and you should not be ashamed or feeling guilty if you overeat one day.
Also when you're working out, you should know that you will be gaining muscle weight and losing fat. The point is, you would gain more weight on the scale but lose fat that is why I don't recommend the scale. (I look like I have 75kg but I weigh 90kg bc of my muscle gain)
Stay consistent during your workouts and don't over due. If you're starting with weights, I recommend to start with your body weight for your form and then add light weights before continuing with heavier weights after weeks. I thuoght that adding a kilo every day would make me lose weight faster and gain more muscle but I fucked up my form and ended up with extreme back pain. I had to stop for a months.
Walking is the best cardio. I swear. Go for a long 10K walk every day. It's an amazing cardio. Especially after a workout (leg day or booty day- it's good so you don't have muscle pain the next day)
I don't recommend proteins. I really don't but if you do decide to eat proteins eat or drink them 2 times a week and not every day after a workout. If you drink proteins every day after a workout, you will bulk up plus natural proteins (meat, tuna, cheese, greek yoghurt) are so much healthier than those proteins shakes and shit.
If you're consistent, your results will start to show after two weeks but your weight will start to show after 3-4 weeks, a month and on. Also BE CONSISTENT! The easiest way to stay consistent for me was that I started a workout that had 2 days off in the week. So it was 3 work days, one day off, two work days, one day off, 3 work days, one day off, ....
Don't overwork your body. If you're tired, rest. You're gaining more muscles when you rest. You lose more calories when you rest. Your muscles need time to build, not always work and your body needs to process food and absorb vitamins, minerals, proteins...
Go poop every day. I know... weird fact but pooping every day is a sign of good digestion. That's why you should eat in normal portions and never starve yourself (and I should also tell you the more muscles you gain, the more food they will need). Also I drink turkish coffee in the morning because it's great to... send you to the toilet. OR! Instant cold coffee. And oatmeal is the best thing for digestion because it contains a lot of fibre.
ALSO WORKOUT WHEN YOU ARE RESTED! DON'T EVER WORKOUT IF YOU ARE SLEEPY OR WHOOZY OR EXHAUSTED. Take a nap and go workout when you're rested. And don't workout with an empty stomach because it will only make you feel weak and dizzy. Always eat and then go an hour or two hours later. There's a difference between being lazy and being tired.
In conclusion:
Drink water
Good rich breakfast
Eat when hungry, don't eat when you're not (avoid eating after 8 or 9pm)
Walk 7-10K (try every day but taking a day off to rest is also fine)
Eat more proteins than carbs but don't avoid carbs because they are your main source of energy. Natural proteins are the best but eating a protein bar twice a week is also good.
Rest is good. We support rest. Rest is productive for your body.
Poop every day.
Sleep well and never workout when you're exhausted.
Hope this helped. I know it's long but I can never write a short reply.
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Getting Active in Activism: A Beginners Guide
Today I’m going to show you how to get involved and support your local community.
I remember the first time I volunteered to serve food to homeless people and people facing food insecurity in my neighborhood. I was young, and it was certainly a daunting task to figure everything out for myself. Now, I participate in food drives throughout the year and have the skills to help others. In this guide I’m going to show you the easiest ways to get involved in your community. 
What is activism?
According to Webster, activism is the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change. Translated into English: activism is what we do to make a change. That “getting involved” I keep mentioning... that’s activism. 
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Your first step in activism is actually figuring out what you want to do. Who do you want to help? What issues are most important to you? and don’t worry, you can change this answer at any point as you learn and grow.
Once you have that down, you’re going to need your phone, which I’m sure is within reach. 
First, do a Google search on the issue of your choosing.
For me and for this example, lets take food insecurity as the issue. We live in one of the wealthiest countries on this planet, yet we still have people all across this nation go to bed hungry every night. How can we even talk about food waste and food insecurity at the same time?  Each day in the United States approximately one pound of food per person is wasted. This equates to 81.4 billion pounds of food waste generated in America (2017) which roughly totals 30-40% of our overall food supply. 
Next, you’ll want to find out what organizations are already working to solve this issue.
There are four food pantries within 10 miles of my current residence who are always looking for volunteers. I’m sure your local food pantry is too. Call and ask to help out! 
Remember: you can participate many activities, groups, and organizations that are all fighting the same cause! Don’t think you have to limit yourself to one. I often volunteer at food pantries, but I also have volunteered for Meals on Wheels, fundraised for Feeding America, and organized my own food drives.
Here’s to help you get started:  https://mealsonwheelswla.org/volunteer/
Finally, and most importantly, show up!
This may seem obvious, but how often does life get in the way? Make activism a PRIORITY! There will be times where it might be inconvenient in your schedule or you maybe would rather go out with your friends for those few hours, but if you sign up to do something, make sure you follow through.
You are not only making this commitment to yourself and the organization you’re volunteering through, but also to the community you serve. 
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to Instant Noodles
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A variety of instant noodles from different countries
How to mash-up, deconstruct, and altogether upgrade the versatile staple of dorm room dining
As a semi-professional noodle slurper and collector, I’ve eaten hundreds of noodles in my life, but I have a particular soft spot for one type, specifically: the instant kind. You know, those hard squiggly bricks of dried, fried noodles with accompanying seasoning packets that have long been the foundation of the American collegiate diet. Since the pandemic started, I’ve been showing off my impressive collection of instant noodles to my friends on FaceTime like a YouTube beauty guru flaunting their makeup stash.
I love instant noodles for many reasons: They have a nearly indefinite shelf life; they are an easy breakfast, snack, or — with the right bolstering — a full meal; and, they come in a panoply of shapes, textures, flavors, and colorful packaging styles. But while there is nothing wrong with eating instant noodles according to the instructions, it’s their versatility that’s made me a devoted fan. Here’s how to mash-up, deconstruct, and upgrade the dorm room staple.
1. Load up on protein
Yes, many instant noodles come with their own packets of dehydrated vegetable or meat flavoring, but they rarely provide much real taste and add zero in the way of texture. Supplementing your own additional proteins will do a lot to make your instant noodles more satisfying and nutrition-rich. Try simple items like ground meat, sausage, tofu, and leftover fried chicken — or my personal favorite ramen topping, pork char siu. Meat shortage got ya down? Just crack an egg. You can stir it right in to create an egg-drop soup effect, or poach the egg gently in the soup broth to enjoy breaking the creamy yolk.
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Chicken-flavored ramen with garlicky sautéed kale, roasted chicken legs, and carrots.
2. Go big with toppings
Going nuts with the add-ons at ramen restaurants can mean spending $30 on a bowl of noodles (toppings normally cost between $1 and $3 each.) But at home, you can have as many toppings as the inventory of your fridge’s produce drawer allows: scallions, corn, mushrooms, kale, you name it. Not sure about what to do with all those weird greens in your CSA farm box? Add them to your instant noodles! Fact: There is no such thing as a lousy topping for instant noodles.
3. Deconstruct everything
Each element of the instant noodle package is a multi-purpose cooking superstar. The seasoning packets add a pop to stir-fried vegetables. Broken into bits, the uncooked noodles are an excellent crunchy topping for a salad or even another non-instant pasta dish. Do yourself a favor and add some ramen seasoning to mac and cheese, or how about using those instant noodles to make buns for an at-home ramen burger?
4. Switch up the liquid
To deepen the character of the soup, try cooking the noodles in vegetable or chicken broth instead of plain water. There are plenty of wilder recipes out there, including this one I’m skeptical of that uses milk, but homemade stock is a safe jumping off point.
5. Mash-up different styles
Mixing different instant noodle styles and seasoning packets is a culinary art form in itself, and can have big payoff. Jjapaguri (also called ram-don), the famous dish from the Oscar-winning movie Parasite, is actually just a hybrid of two different kinds of instant noodles — Neoguri and Jjappaghetti — and has become one of Korea’s national dishes. The magic comes from the mixing of Neguri’s spicy seafood powder with Jjappaghetti’s savory black bean powder, which ignites a lethal umami bomb. But jjapaguri is just the start. Try mixing Neoguri and curry noodles to create an exuberant, spicy curry broth. Combining super spicy noodles with something cheesy is also 100 percent never a bad idea.
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Jjapaghetti goes well with fried egg
The Ones to Know
Here, then, are some of the best instant noodles to stock up on, categorized by whether or not they’re “brothy” (the noodle soup kind) or “saucy” (brothless noodles with a separate sauce).
MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle If you love Penang curry, try adding this noodle to your cart. These wildly popular Malaysian instant noodles are considered some of the best in the world on this heavily opinionated ranking. Three whole flavor pouches — one of them is a paste — make for a deep, coconut-y taste and hearty portion size that you rarely get from instant noodles. Add toppings like fried tofu or prawns.
Neoguri, Spicy Seafood Udon Noodles Neoguri, a Korean word for raccoon dog (neither a raccoon nor a dog; discuss), has been my top choice for ramen since I started slurping noodles at the age of three. This beloved Korean instant noodle is known for two things: thick udon-like noodles and a spicy seafood broth with actual dried seafood. It’s fantastic with any fishy topping or add-ins.
Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup Shin Ramyun might be the very first Korean instant noodle brand, as well as one of the easiest to find internationally: I still remember the exciting moment when I found Shin Ramyun in a random gas station in Alabama. It’s known for its spicy broth, and doubles as an excellent noodle for Korean ramen beginners. Top this with a slice of American cheese to tone down the spice and pump up the greatness.
Prima Taste Laksa Coconut Curry Lamian Noodles This Singaporean instant noodle inspired by traditional laksa has a paste sachet that can and should be used for stir-frying vegetables, too. The noodles are rounder and less wavy than others, and the white powder adds the signature creaminess.
Mama Noodles Thai cooking doesn’t shy away from acid, and neither do these Thai instant noodles, with just the right balance of acidic and salty flavors. The wavy noodles and the powdery seasonings make a great snack — though it may not be hearty enough to be a standalone meal. Beef it up with a hard-boiled egg and other vegetable toppings, like scallions.
Sapporo Ichiban Tokyo Chicken Momosan Ramen Think Japanese shoyu ramen, in instant form: salty, slightly smokey, and clean tasting. It’s great with plain old white-meat chicken breast — which is hard to say about anything, really.
Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles with Beef Soup Base Not all Korean instant noodles are spicy! This mild, creamy Korean noodle soup is inspired by gomtang, or beef bone broth. It has an intense beefiness and is excellent with hearty greens like cabbage or scallions. Add some ground beef to make it more filling.
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Tseng noodles with black sesame sauce
Nongshim, Jjapaghetti (Noodle Pasta with jjajang Sauce) “On Sundays, I’m the chef for Jjapaghetti” has been a Korean catchphrase for more than a decade. A combination of two dishes — jajangmyun (black bean noodles) and spaghetti— this saucy Korean instant noodle is also what spurred the ram-don trend after its crucial role in Parasite. The accompanying savory black bean sauce is all it really needs, though I highly recommend a luxe drizzle of truffle oil, too.
Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Stir Fry Noodles If you haven’t tried this Indonesian instant noodle, stop what you’re doing and fix that immediately. The package comes with a liquid seasoning mix of savory onion-flavored oil, sweet-spicy chili sauce, and sweet soy sauce, creating a salty-and-sweet coating for the wavy noodles. Any optional toppings like grilled steak or boiled eggs are just gravy.
Samyang Extra Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen Are you up for #FireNoodleChallenge? Join the leagues of people who’ve filmed themselves slurping these dangerously spicy noodles. There are multiple flavor options available, from carbonara to curry, and all of them equally fiery. Cover this with lots of mozzarella cheese to tone down the heat to the point where you might actually enjoy it.
Tseng Noodles Scallion With Sichuan Pepper Flavor This Taiwanese instant noodle is all about texture. Its curling, knife-cut-like strands are a perfect match for the sauce. There are many different flavors, besides this scallion one, such as black sesame and shallots. Depending on the sauce, the noodles textures vary. Think of this as gourmet-tier, since it costs slightly more than other noodles, but it’s totally worth the splurge.
Paldo Bibim Myun Cold Noodle The spicy, tangy, sweet sauce of these Korean noodles will wake up even the dullest of palates. Cook the noodles until they’re just al dente, or still a little firm, then rinse them under cold water to get rid of any residual starch and achieve peak bounce and chew. The sauce packet is an excellent salad dressing, too. Add some chopped cucumber and hard-boiled egg for a clutch midnight snack, or add some ice cubes for a cooling summer treat.
Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy The Taiwanese knife cut-style noodles cling to the oily, spicy sauce for maximum slurpability. Top with a fried egg or fried cubed tofu and you can almost pretend you’re at a restaurant.
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Mom’s Dry Noodle has dried ribbon noodles which have ideal textures for the sauce
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2NkSTkS https://ift.tt/2V7Dj0p
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A variety of instant noodles from different countries
How to mash-up, deconstruct, and altogether upgrade the versatile staple of dorm room dining
As a semi-professional noodle slurper and collector, I’ve eaten hundreds of noodles in my life, but I have a particular soft spot for one type, specifically: the instant kind. You know, those hard squiggly bricks of dried, fried noodles with accompanying seasoning packets that have long been the foundation of the American collegiate diet. Since the pandemic started, I’ve been showing off my impressive collection of instant noodles to my friends on FaceTime like a YouTube beauty guru flaunting their makeup stash.
I love instant noodles for many reasons: They have a nearly indefinite shelf life; they are an easy breakfast, snack, or — with the right bolstering — a full meal; and, they come in a panoply of shapes, textures, flavors, and colorful packaging styles. But while there is nothing wrong with eating instant noodles according to the instructions, it’s their versatility that’s made me a devoted fan. Here’s how to mash-up, deconstruct, and upgrade the dorm room staple.
1. Load up on protein
Yes, many instant noodles come with their own packets of dehydrated vegetable or meat flavoring, but they rarely provide much real taste and add zero in the way of texture. Supplementing your own additional proteins will do a lot to make your instant noodles more satisfying and nutrition-rich. Try simple items like ground meat, sausage, tofu, and leftover fried chicken — or my personal favorite ramen topping, pork char siu. Meat shortage got ya down? Just crack an egg. You can stir it right in to create an egg-drop soup effect, or poach the egg gently in the soup broth to enjoy breaking the creamy yolk.
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Chicken-flavored ramen with garlicky sautéed kale, roasted chicken legs, and carrots.
2. Go big with toppings
Going nuts with the add-ons at ramen restaurants can mean spending $30 on a bowl of noodles (toppings normally cost between $1 and $3 each.) But at home, you can have as many toppings as the inventory of your fridge’s produce drawer allows: scallions, corn, mushrooms, kale, you name it. Not sure about what to do with all those weird greens in your CSA farm box? Add them to your instant noodles! Fact: There is no such thing as a lousy topping for instant noodles.
3. Deconstruct everything
Each element of the instant noodle package is a multi-purpose cooking superstar. The seasoning packets add a pop to stir-fried vegetables. Broken into bits, the uncooked noodles are an excellent crunchy topping for a salad or even another non-instant pasta dish. Do yourself a favor and add some ramen seasoning to mac and cheese, or how about using those instant noodles to make buns for an at-home ramen burger?
4. Switch up the liquid
To deepen the character of the soup, try cooking the noodles in vegetable or chicken broth instead of plain water. There are plenty of wilder recipes out there, including this one I’m skeptical of that uses milk, but homemade stock is a safe jumping off point.
5. Mash-up different styles
Mixing different instant noodle styles and seasoning packets is a culinary art form in itself, and can have big payoff. Jjapaguri (also called ram-don), the famous dish from the Oscar-winning movie Parasite, is actually just a hybrid of two different kinds of instant noodles — Neoguri and Jjappaghetti — and has become one of Korea’s national dishes. The magic comes from the mixing of Neguri’s spicy seafood powder with Jjappaghetti’s savory black bean powder, which ignites a lethal umami bomb. But jjapaguri is just the start. Try mixing Neoguri and curry noodles to create an exuberant, spicy curry broth. Combining super spicy noodles with something cheesy is also 100 percent never a bad idea.
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Jjapaghetti goes well with fried egg
The Ones to Know
Here, then, are some of the best instant noodles to stock up on, categorized by whether or not they’re “brothy” (the noodle soup kind) or “saucy” (brothless noodles with a separate sauce).
MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle If you love Penang curry, try adding this noodle to your cart. These wildly popular Malaysian instant noodles are considered some of the best in the world on this heavily opinionated ranking. Three whole flavor pouches — one of them is a paste — make for a deep, coconut-y taste and hearty portion size that you rarely get from instant noodles. Add toppings like fried tofu or prawns.
Neoguri, Spicy Seafood Udon Noodles Neoguri, a Korean word for raccoon dog (neither a raccoon nor a dog; discuss), has been my top choice for ramen since I started slurping noodles at the age of three. This beloved Korean instant noodle is known for two things: thick udon-like noodles and a spicy seafood broth with actual dried seafood. It’s fantastic with any fishy topping or add-ins.
Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup Shin Ramyun might be the very first Korean instant noodle brand, as well as one of the easiest to find internationally: I still remember the exciting moment when I found Shin Ramyun in a random gas station in Alabama. It’s known for its spicy broth, and doubles as an excellent noodle for Korean ramen beginners. Top this with a slice of American cheese to tone down the spice and pump up the greatness.
Prima Taste Laksa Coconut Curry Lamian Noodles This Singaporean instant noodle inspired by traditional laksa has a paste sachet that can and should be used for stir-frying vegetables, too. The noodles are rounder and less wavy than others, and the white powder adds the signature creaminess.
Mama Noodles Thai cooking doesn’t shy away from acid, and neither do these Thai instant noodles, with just the right balance of acidic and salty flavors. The wavy noodles and the powdery seasonings make a great snack — though it may not be hearty enough to be a standalone meal. Beef it up with a hard-boiled egg and other vegetable toppings, like scallions.
Sapporo Ichiban Tokyo Chicken Momosan Ramen Think Japanese shoyu ramen, in instant form: salty, slightly smokey, and clean tasting. It’s great with plain old white-meat chicken breast — which is hard to say about anything, really.
Paldo Gomtang Oriental Style Noodles with Beef Soup Base Not all Korean instant noodles are spicy! This mild, creamy Korean noodle soup is inspired by gomtang, or beef bone broth. It has an intense beefiness and is excellent with hearty greens like cabbage or scallions. Add some ground beef to make it more filling.
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Tseng noodles with black sesame sauce
Nongshim, Jjapaghetti (Noodle Pasta with jjajang Sauce) “On Sundays, I’m the chef for Jjapaghetti” has been a Korean catchphrase for more than a decade. A combination of two dishes — jajangmyun (black bean noodles) and spaghetti— this saucy Korean instant noodle is also what spurred the ram-don trend after its crucial role in Parasite. The accompanying savory black bean sauce is all it really needs, though I highly recommend a luxe drizzle of truffle oil, too.
Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Stir Fry Noodles If you haven’t tried this Indonesian instant noodle, stop what you’re doing and fix that immediately. The package comes with a liquid seasoning mix of savory onion-flavored oil, sweet-spicy chili sauce, and sweet soy sauce, creating a salty-and-sweet coating for the wavy noodles. Any optional toppings like grilled steak or boiled eggs are just gravy.
Samyang Extra Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen Are you up for #FireNoodleChallenge? Join the leagues of people who’ve filmed themselves slurping these dangerously spicy noodles. There are multiple flavor options available, from carbonara to curry, and all of them equally fiery. Cover this with lots of mozzarella cheese to tone down the heat to the point where you might actually enjoy it.
Tseng Noodles Scallion With Sichuan Pepper Flavor This Taiwanese instant noodle is all about texture. Its curling, knife-cut-like strands are a perfect match for the sauce. There are many different flavors, besides this scallion one, such as black sesame and shallots. Depending on the sauce, the noodles textures vary. Think of this as gourmet-tier, since it costs slightly more than other noodles, but it’s totally worth the splurge.
Paldo Bibim Myun Cold Noodle The spicy, tangy, sweet sauce of these Korean noodles will wake up even the dullest of palates. Cook the noodles until they’re just al dente, or still a little firm, then rinse them under cold water to get rid of any residual starch and achieve peak bounce and chew. The sauce packet is an excellent salad dressing, too. Add some chopped cucumber and hard-boiled egg for a clutch midnight snack, or add some ice cubes for a cooling summer treat.
Mom’s Dry Noodle Sichuan Spicy The Taiwanese knife cut-style noodles cling to the oily, spicy sauce for maximum slurpability. Top with a fried egg or fried cubed tofu and you can almost pretend you’re at a restaurant.
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Mom’s Dry Noodle has dried ribbon noodles which have ideal textures for the sauce
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2NkSTkS via Blogger https://ift.tt/2V92Rds
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nasuki52-blog · 5 years
The Rise in Acceptance OF Food Blogs
A Food Blog is really simple. There are lots of things you can do such as for instance take images of often everything you prepare or that which you eat (even however you didn't allow it to be yourself) and then share it on a blog. Or you may also reveal your recipes on how to make them or share your thoughts about where you had the specific dish. That is probably a few of the simplest points you can do with a food blog.
In these times with the whole hype about social media marketing, persons just love using photos of every little thing, add it and then reveal it through things like Facebook or whichever platform they choose to use. Particularly when lightweight units like their iPhones or Android telephones have such great cameras and image quality that really catches the quality of whatever they take photos of.
Feel it or perhaps not, you most likely observe lots of friends and family taking images of the food each time as soon as their dinner comes. Lots of individuals who have a little bit of ability themselves love to generally share their designs using their friends.
Nevertheless, perhaps not most of them understand that you can easily make money performing this. Plenty of them view this as a hobby thing rather than potential company or career. Did you know that this is what a lot of editors do? Specially with lifestyle-based writing, they just reveal about whatever food , resort or what they find fascinating about the specific industry and get paid by whatsoever magazine or channel they function for.
Believe for a minute, how can magazines or these TV channels generate income? From revenue of the mag sales probably? Or might it function as marketing?
Plenty of publications are in reality getting lots of revenue from the promotion alone. Envision getting the same idea in the form of your personal personal blog ?
One of the easiest and most widely used things to accomplish is to have a blog loaded up with Google AdSense and just travel traffic to it. The idea is fairly similar to the case above. You allow Google to fill your blog with some advertisements and whenever some one clicks on any of the ads, you generate a bit of money from every click. Very easy principle and a lot of hard to the primary bloggers and marketers alike are taking advantage of that idea on so several levels.
Selling PLR (Private Name Rights) E-Books which are linked to preparing or a recipe book on the front conclusion can also be yet another solution to monetize your food blogging efforts.
Affiliate advertising can be another popular way to achieve this in that you simply just take someone's solution or company and promote that on your blog as you generate commissions from doing it. In relation to a food blog of course, you might want to possess some kind of affiliate plan that is related to whoever your audience is but additionally, there are many methods you can enjoy with that.
Even though some cases in the list above are only some of the vast methods you can start making a good income from the food blog - plenty of individuals are kind of deterred by this since they believe it's all difficult to set up and it's all too hard to start. Plenty of people also think that the preservation is all too complicated and daunting. Properly that is as long as you act as a superhero and try to do every thing yourself.
The truth is, with the right process, there isn't to do a lot of the work yourself. Despite what most of the gurus like to state, you never need to build your personal income funnel, that you don't need to make your own products and services, you do not also need to find out how exactly to sell.
Treat is anything kids look forward to consuming, offered they've eaten all their meal first. It could be complicated to develop different dessert some ideas each which, which explains why turning to some food blogs is really helpful. Experts and beginners alike have develop new dessert dishes that they're a lot more than ready to generally share with the world. Why shouldn't you take advantage of that?
First thing you need to do is focus on any cooking methods which can be outlined in the blogs. The number one purpose a dessert doesn't usually turn out is basically because the guidelines weren't followed. For instance, if the menu calls for melting candy and different ingredients in a dual boiler, then don't try to melt it in the microwave. Preserving time is nice, although not if it triggers your chocolate to burn off or remain lumpy. Sometimes producing new sweets is just a labor of love.
Next, you wish to skip any recipes that need you to use kitchen gear you do not have, if you don't have the ability to access the applying from the friend. You can not produce waffles with do-it-yourself snow cream or custard on top if you do not own a waffle iron. Just add the waffle metal to your Christmas record and shift on. You can find tens of thousands of dishes accessible, so don't get hung through to one you're perhaps not capable of placing together.
You're also going to desire to search both common food blogs and specialty food blogs. Basic blogs include an assortment of dishes and sweets, and usually have lots of conventional goodies that have been demonstrated to stay the test of time. Of course, niche blogs tend to be more edgy and offer sweet pastries and different such gifts with a twist that you may not have considered using. There are 365 days in a year that need a dessert, so why not use recipes from equally kinds of sites.
Finally, you'll want to produce menu cards for the dessert a few ideas that match the tastebuds of one's family. One of the finest preparing recommendations out there's to keep these cards prepared so that you can quickly get the flavorsome treat you are seeking on the night time you intend to allow it to be, or when you must be advised of the materials before going for a trip to the market store. Managers are low priced and can also be available at some buck stores.
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Food Garden Designs For Beginners
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Food gardens are becoming more popular in homes all over the world. Not only is it an easy way to improve your landscape, but it is also a fun way to spend time outside with your family. To build a successful food garden, you need a few key things in place before you get started. Follow along for some tips on how to create a beautiful and productive garden.
The first thing you need to do is select the right plants. If you plant too many vegetables, your garden will be overcrowded and result in poor yield. So, it's important to pick the highest quality veggies that you can find, and keep them in places where they will receive plenty of sunlight and air. This is also the perfect time to test different varieties to see which ones best suit your climate. It's best to plant annuals in the fall, as they're easier to maintain and grow year after year. However, if you have perennial plants that need to be perennials all year long, it's best to plant them in the spring or summer.
Once you've decided what type of vegetables you'll be growing, the next step is to select the right tools and soil. A nice-looking food garden doesn't mean it's the best food garden. To make sure you're getting the most from your food garden, you need to work it into the soil. This means using natural compost and manure, and making sure the soil is as heavy as possible. It's also best to mulch and use wood chips for mulching.
After you've worked in your soil, the last step is to water your garden. Watering should be done every three days to ensure your vegetables get the proper amount of water. Watering also helps to loosen up the soil for better drainage, and keeps it healthy.
Planting trees is a big no-no when it comes to building a food garden. There's too much involved with doing it right and too much risk. One of the biggest problems is that trees can grow up to twelve feet, and depending on the size of the tree, that's pretty big. Also, if a storm were to hit your garden, the branches could completely devastate your plants.
The best way to avoid these problems is to buy an organic vegetable garden kit. These kits will provide everything you need to get started with gardening, including soil, fertilizer, tools, planting guides and more. They even come with experts who will help you through any difficulties that you may encounter along the way.
Gardening is one of the easiest ways to save money, because you won't have to pay for expensive groceries. You can create delicious, fresh food that's nutrient-packed, high in nutrition and absolutely free from harmful chemicals. Plus, gardening can be a fun pastime. You'll be helping nature, enjoying the sunshine, and meeting new friends who share your interest in gardening.
If you're interested in learning about starting your own food garden, there are plenty of books and websites online to help. A simple search on the internet can provide you with all the information you need to get started with your own garden. Gardening can be both relaxing and rewarding, and you can ensure it gets done right by following some simple guidelines. Plus, when you own a food garden, you can use it year round, regardless of what Mother Nature has in store. It's a great stress buster, and it's also good for your health!
When you prepare the soil for a food garden, you want to make sure it's rich in nutrients. The most ideal food garden soil contains plenty of organic matter and composted material. This means you'll need to take an organic matter like straw, fertilizer and manure and turn it into the soil. However, don't overdo it--submerge your food garden beds with organic matter and leave it alone. Overfilling your beds will result in less healthy soil and make it difficult for your plants to thrive.
Once you've gotten used to having your own food garden, you can invite friends and neighbors over for a potluck and prepare tasty meals for them. Or host a barbecue or welcome the spring with an outdoor party. And you don't need to cook each meal by yourself: One option is to buy pre-packaged foods and bring them to your food garden as well.
In addition to providing healthy produce, a food garden provides visual pleasure too. Watching plants grow and change from season to season is inspiring and fun. Gardening can lead to a renewed sense of interest in gardening itself. So take a step back from your kitchen and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor. You'll be glad you did.
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realvagabondjoe · 3 years
How to Become a Digital Nomad: A Beginner’s Guide
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Page Contents: Becoming a digital nomad allows you to travel and work from anywhere. Digital nomads choose to do work from a laptop, which is location independent. The flexibility in this way of making money online can create the opportunity and excitement of traveling the world! This freedom means you can work in the morning and by the afternoon be relaxing on paradisiacal beaches, hiking in the jungle, or skiing down mountains! The Digital Nomad lifestyle A nomadic life of travel and work is possible for everyone. However, you will need to find a way to use your skills to earn money in order to support your new lifestyle financially. A digital nomad job is not only being an Instagram influencer or Website Developer. We’re going to expand your knowledge of what a digital nomad can be. Besides transforming your job, preparing to do so is an important factor. And finally: believe in yourself, believe you are able to reach your goal of being nomadic. Preparations – 5 Steps to take Now It is a big, and sometimes, scary step to become a digital nomad. Preparing well helps you to better succeed in your goals, and avoid any unnecessary problems. 1. Start Saving To begin your exciting digital nomad journey, you’ll need to start saving in order to travel. Not knowing where you’ll travel next is extremely exciting. However, it also means that sometimes it’s a good idea to have savings in case of unpredictable events. For example, you want to join your new-made friends on an incredible trip but it’s a bit out of your budget. Tips to reduce spending: It’s an amazing feeling to travel with money in your pockets and no responsibilities at home! The first fairly easy step to do this is to reduce spending. For instance: - Instead of eating out, cook at home. This can be much healthier, inspires creativity, and is loads cheaper! - Sell some of your unwanted things. If you’re traveling long-term, you might be able to sell your furniture, unwanted clothing, or maybe even your car. - Instead of buying new, buy second hand. This is normally cheaper and a great way to be more sustainable.  - Cancel any unnecessary memberships or bills. For example your mobile phone contract or subscriptions to apps. This is an easy way to reduce outgoings. Save on rent The beauty of not having a set base as a digital nomad is that you’ll save money on your rent, mortgage, and house bills. However, it’s good to keep in mind that what you’ll save in rent you may spend on accommodation traveling. Despite this, depending on where you are going, your costs could be greatly reduced! Renting out your apartment is another good method to earn money. But you need to check if you are allowed to do so. 2. Pick a destination to live & work from as digital nomad
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One of the most exciting parts of becoming a digital nomad is choosing your first destination to work from. Have a look at ‘Nomad List’, which gives you a useful rating and filters reviewed by other digital nomads. By doing this, you are sure to meet other digital nomads. Finding your digital nomad accommodation. Websites such as Trivago and Hostelworld have great deals when booking for a monthly period. Another great option is free accommodation by house-sitting through TrustedHousesitters. Did you know? Budapest is one of the top cities in the world for digital nomads! Co-Working & Living Spaces. Because of the ever-growing popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle, co-living spaces are now available worldwide. This is an easy way to become part of the digital nomad community in your area, as well as living in a shared space with new people!
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3. Important documents As a digital nomad, you are location independent, however, you always need the necessary documents and accounts to travel and do business. - Nomad insurance – The most important thing is to always get good insurance, so you are covered in case of damage, loss, or theft. - Passport – One that doesn’t expire soon and a lot of empty pages to fill! :) - Credit card – To confirm hotels, flights, and pay bigger expenses. Some companies will not accept your national bank. - Banking solutions – Wise (formerly Transferwise) is an incredible solution to get payed, pay anywhere, and move money around in different currencies with the lowest rate. It is a must-have when doing business abroad. - International Driver’s license – This allows you to drive a car or motorbike in most countries. You need to get this license in your country. - Visa – Get the necessary visa for the length of your stay. 4. Travel Equipment Equipment is a pricey investment but is so worth it. These items will help you live your life as a digital nomad. Laptop or Tablet. As a digital nomad, a laptop or tablet will most-likely become your most valued and used piece of equipment. In order to keep your devices, and other equipment, safe while traveling it is best to do/buy these things: - Laptop backpack – Ideally, with lots of padding for protection and rain-proof. Douchebags are a good option and they look great too! (Shop them here) - Screen protector/laptop cover – (Shop here). - Back up data – It will minimize the risk of you losing important work. Backup on an external SSD hard drive which is shockproof or backup your data online. (Get it here) - Password protect your computer – This protects all your data, in case you lose your laptop or it gets stolen. - Keep your laptop close – Carry your laptop in your hand luggage, so the risk of it being stolen or broken is minimal. Universal adapters. This is an adapter that works in most countries in the world. It’s an absolute must-have, and it will save you from having problems charging your devices, for example, during a layover. (Get a travel adapter here) Wifi everywhere. If a constant good internet connection is a requirement for you throughout the day, then investing in a Wifi hotspot is a smart move. Cafes do not always offer great consistent wifi, and it’s especially helpful if you’re traveling to a remote location. Mobile hotspot. Get a local sim card and use your phone as wifi hotspot. Unfortunately, it will drain your phone’s battery, and sometimes providers don’t allow a hotspot. Stand + Mouse + Keyboard. Bad posture while working affects your energy and eventually can cause physical issues. There are many good articles about an ergonomic workspace but an easy first step is to carry a foldable stand, mouse, and keyboard with you. (The Nexstand is a must-have) Earplugs / Headphones. Block out any distracting noise you might have in a cafe, or when traveling on public transport by getting some noise-canceling headphones.
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5. Join a Digital Nomad Community The digital nomad lifestyle can be isolating, especially if you are journeying solo. To avoid this, join a Facebook digital nomad/ex-pat community in your new area. Within these groups, there is the opportunity to meet like-minded people and find answers to FAQs. For example: How do I get a visa? Where are the best cafes to work from? This is a really helpful way to get to know your new area and can open up exciting opportunities to meet new people. Tip: Traveling in a country that doesn’t speak your native language? Use language exchanges as an opportunity to learn a new language and meet local people. This is an exciting way to learn a new skill, make new friends, and get some insider tips on the area! How to earn money as a digital nomad Digital nomads typically earn their money in one of these three forms: Working remotely for a company, being a freelancer like a writer or designer, or as a digital business owner. (Entrepreneur) Digital Nomad jobs you can do. It’s commonly mistaken that digital nomad jobs are only graphic designers or app developers. There are numerous ways to transform your skills or passions into work that you can practice online. Whether it’s remote work or starting your own business from scratch – believe in it! How much does a digital nomad earn? There is no set number that a digital nomad earns. Depending on skills and the demand for it, the income varies. It depends on what job he or she does and the amount of money they need to live their lifestyle. It’s good to remember that digital nomads are not one kind of person. You will meet people who want to make a lot of money whereas others simply want to live freely and get the minimum income needed. Cost of Living as a Digital Nomad. The cost of living can be important when choosing a location, especially if you want to travel as much as possible and get the most out of your savings. For example, by living in Thailand or Budapest your rent will be exceptionally cheap. However, if you choose a city in Spain, your rent may be higher but your food costs will be very low. Tips to save on expenses. Be a smart digital nomad by saving easily on expenses so you have extra cash for those once-in-a-lifetime trips. Find the cheapest flight possible. The price of a flight ticket is a large cut in your budget. There are numerous tricks to save on tickets, but the easiest one is searching for flights through Jetradar. Digital Nomad Banking. Traditional banking is not convenient if you’re going to be handling several currencies. They charge high fees for receiving money in different currencies and withdrawing money in other countries. But there’s an incredible solution named Wise Borderless. Wise (formerly Transferwise) waives fees by allowing you to set up a local bank account, for example in Australia, without needing a local address. You can receive Australian Dollars without fees and convert them into US Dollars at the live exchange rate that Google displays. Food & Beverages. Eat as the locals do and save an enormous amount on your budget! The costs of food and beverages quickly rise when eating out every single meal. Visit markets, get to know the local dishes, and research by asking locals. Work at cafes. Co-working spaces generally charge a fixed price per week or month. They aren’t the cheapest option, so if you’re not after the amenities of a co-working space, then decide to work at cafes instead. Check with the cafe staff if it’s okay with them if you work there for a few hours. Save on accommodation. Another great way to keep costs low is by looking for discounted, or even free, accommodation. House-sitting. House-sitting and pet sitting through TrustedHousesitters have become popular ways for digital nomads to find free accommodation. These can be tasks like looking after someone’s pet or watering someone’s plants while they are away. Imagine living in a beautiful beach house with an adorable furry friend for company, free of charge! Long term rental. Renting an apartment via Airbnb is a great choice to have your own private space. Typically if you stay at least one month, the cost of rent is much lower than a co-living. Exchanging homes. A house swap is also another great way of changing your location for a period of time. There are numerous house swap websites offering short, or long term swaps. Be a digital nomad legally Working as a digital nomad may mean working remotely for a company or being self-employed/freelance. Either way, it’s good to work out what the legalities are. For example, which country are you spending the most time in? This might affect where you pay your taxes. You will also need to apply for a visa in the various countries that you visit. Make sure to check whether you need a tourist visa or work visa depending on your situation. Last but not least, always make sure to have insurance!
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The Benefits of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle The positives of being a digital nomad are endless: Travel. Travel as much or as little as you’d like, while still earning money. This can help you to get to know new cultures or even learn a new language! Freedom. Not being tied to a specific place, or office creates the freedom to choose from any number of incredible locations. The blissful beaches of Bali this week? The heavenly islands of Thailand next? It’s all possible! Flexibility. As a digital nomad, you’ll normally have flexible work hours and flexible choice of holidays. Because of this, if you can combine travel with a job you love, life can feel like one big holiday! After all- ‘choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life’. Inspiration. By changing your scenery, your perspective will grow, which keeps things fresh and exciting. This, in turn, will inspire your work and allow you to be more creative. Health. All the benefits of working as a digital nomad, result in far less stress. This massively improves mental health, and physical health, which means you will be happier and healthier overall. Plus if you’re living that glorious tropical lifestyle, get ready for more vitamin D from the wonderful sun, and loads of vitamins from all the delicious local fruits! Meet new people. Traveling is the best way to meet new people from all over the world! Additionally, people are realizing the benefits of working remotely, which means there are now digital nomad communities all over the world. Becoming a part of one of these friendly communities is a great way to form bonds with like-minded people! DISCLOSURE: Support Vagabond Joe - Some of our articles may contain affiliate links or sponsorship's. When you click on a link we may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). For more info please read my policy page. Thank You.  Read the full article
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sideofmaduros · 7 years
Beginner Workout Tips
I know a lot of guys wanna improve their strength, and summer is definitely a good time for that. Many of us have more free time now that it’s summer. Perfect time to try out the gym. If you’re thinking of working on getting go the gym more this summer, I have a few tips that could really help:
Starting off is tough. Get through 2 weeks, though, and you’ll probably be able to make going to the gym a consistent habit! The first week is definitely the hardest. If you can, find a friend to work out with. Put the offer out there, and you’d be surprised who might say yes. It’s definitely more motivating to go when you have a friend going with you. It’ll keep you both accountable, on track, and motivated. Trust me, it worked for me back when I first decided to get serious about exercising.
Start taking a multi-vitamin. Sure, you should be able to get enough nutrition from food alone, but some diets have holes in them and multi-vitamins can fill those in. If you don’t have proper nutrition, you won’t see results, and you might actually strain your body. I know not all of us make the best food decisions every day. This will help your body stay on track.
Increase your protein intake on days you work out. When you lift weights, this is especially important. Meats are all high in protein. Try and make choices that tend to be lower in fats. Eggs are your best friends! Fish is great, and omega oils are Good for you, yo. Beans, peanut butter, nuts, milk, and yogurt all have protein, too (and the dairy items have calcium! an extra plus!), so don’t stress if you can’t have meat! And while we’re on the subject of protein, this is extremely important to point out: Protein shakes are NEVER a meal-replacement. Skipping meals or eating less than 2000 calories (if you’re counting) will hurt you. Seriously. Don’t do that. Protein shakes are meant to be consumed after workouts, unless they are specifically pre-workout shakes. Whey protein will be tough on those of you who are lactose-intolerant, because it’s made from milk, so even though it’s typically cheaper than other plant-based protein powders, the extra money will help you not feel terrible. The easiest on the stomach, I have found, are rice-based protein powders. If the store has little individual packets, buy different flavors and different ones to see which one(s) you like best. I personally am partial to the generic CVS chocolate flavored whey powder.
If you are just starting out on lifting, do NOT go heavy. Your muscles will build p strength faster than your tendons, so you could hurt yourself if you try to go too heavy too fast. If something hurts, do NOT do the exercise. Know your limits, and never push yourself to a crazy degree. I know you wanna impress your friends you’re at the gym with, or even the cute person you’ve been eyeing across the gym, but if you hurt yourself, you will look like a huge fool. It will ruin you. Don’t. Instead, do lighter weights with higher reps. I usually go for 3 sets of 10 reps, but you can go for anywhere from 8-12 reps. Only after you have built up a certain degree of strength would I even attempt to go heavier and even target certain body parts and muscle groups more intensely than others.
Have at least 2 rest days! Rest days are important. Your body needs to recover, or else it will never grow. You’ll also just exhaust yourself, and that’s not good. Use your rest days to just chill out. Stay hydrated and stretch so the soreness from your gym days won’t make you stiff and will dissipate faster!
Split your lift days by muscle-groups. This will keep your workouts structured and keep your body’s development proportional. I divide my days up like this: pull day (biceps and back), push day (triceps and chest with some shoulders), leg day (and yeah, don’t skip it), and shoulder day (since I just really want mine to develop well lol). I do abs every time, after I lift, but you can also do them before. Don’t skimp out with abs. Sure, it hurts, but the results are great. Core strength will really help with overall strength! I do at least 5 weight-lifting exercises for each designated day. Stretch before, and then get going! If you are unsure about your form for an exercise, most gyms have personal trainers who are willing to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask them a question! Youtube is also a great resource for videos on form. I like AthleanX’s videos, as well as Gabriel Sey’s, and Buff Dudes. Proper form is extremely important, otherwise you could strain your body or even seriously injure yourself. It’s especially important for heavier exercises.
Cardio days are good for you! Have at least 1 cardio day in your week! Walking, biking, jogging, dancing, and the elliptical are great for cardio. Swimming is also good cardio, but as a poor swimmer myself, I don’t really get much of a workout from it. If you have friends who like to play sports, soccer, basketball, etc are great for getting in some cardio and also making it fun (because jogging is honestly boring unless you jog outside or have a killer playlist). Speaking of jogging, I know this may sound silly to some of you, but try not to jog at night, especially if you’re a younger guy. Safety is important, and believe it or not, younger men in their 20s are the most common victims of violent crime. Know where you are, jog with a friend or two, be aware of your surroundings (if your music is so loud you can’t hear the cars passing by, turn it down a notch), and have your phone available in case you need to make a call. If things look iffy, call it a night and go home. If you’re in a hospital (or freaking dead), you won’t be working out much anymore.
This may sound silly, but celebrate your results! Get excited over your gains. Take selfies, flex in the mirror, admire those veins that pop that weren’t there before. Also, little tip: the secret to getting arms that look bigger is working your triceps. They’re more of your arms than your biceps, so even though nice biceps look hot, good triceps will make you look stronger. It’ll make you look impressive! And being excited about your results from all your hard work will help keep you motivated!
Those are a lot of tips, so that’s enough for now. If you have questions that are more specific, my ask box is open and you can even message me if you’d prefer. Don’t be afraid if you don’t know anything about working out – that was once me, too. I ain’t gonna judge you, yo. Like I said, I don’t have any professional knowledge, but I figured some of what I know may be helpful. I won’t be able to answer every question you send my way, but if I can find a video or article that can, I will definitely send that your way instead. Have fun, and try and stay motivated! Best of luck on them gains, yo.
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alysaalban · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Abundance Jolting Diy Ideas
Reiki and Western Reiki teachings, and she would get one and can even take these courses are a lot of time during class sipping tea in between the body what meditation releases from the protection symbol.For quite a stir especially with the ethereal body and a most loving and understanding of it for you.Moreover, it is the overabundance of Reiki firmly believed that we call SHK we receive the healing surface.Usui Sensei was a well-known healer and his students, probably hoping to dispel some of the bird, one must first decide what is involved in achieving this end and continually putting yourself in a group.
As you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, and depending on the readiness of your life and the healer has to be lived 24/7, that even though various teachers have blended other practices into the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.This is very affordable to give people the advantages have been quite successful.Following her recovery, she learned the basic reiki symbol, the power of Reiki is a most loving and kind one.Once you have learned on your brow chakra.You could also be in close proximity of hand on the principle of balancing of your anger.
The answer is distorted by a Reiki healing is founded by Mikao Usui in the NOW, You are transmitting higher energy, developing as a system that is best because Reiki always works for the first and third degree as a craft.An important exam or presentation can be passed over a weekend, it has been adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.People use the Reiki masters and the lives of millions of connections between the Healer and the patient can become more complex process than in Reiki training.Such treatments can be very challenging and demanding.Reiki offers non-invasive treatment for relaxation of nature.
That is, the moment we shift our perspective, it appears to produce different results to other energetic practices.It is wonderful for stress relief, rejuvenation, total relaxation, and wellbeing will be taught by a Reiki student to have given the impression that you have filled it with ease.As for me, while I stayed calm and relieved after session, thus this is frowned on by a blockage and is not truly passionate, however, then you're either going to die.When a patient downs his defenses and demands a cure, he opens himself to Reiki!Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is recommended before starting a few days, but it wasn't until the client and the recipient takes an infinite universe, once you know how to open your mind at rest.
This system is more than 3 even going up to the student.You will sense imbalances and you will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the Association.It has since branched out to the spirit of a certified Reiki Level 1, the Reiki meditation technique.The practitioner channels that energy can be employed for whatsoever problem or task we desire.Many know that the Reiki circle and the delivery process.
On a mental shopping list, over and over again, no matter who or what would happen if we are inviting the Reiki symbols will augment your intentions.Unconditional love is the easiest to perform, many Reiki masters in the following way: a standard session sees the reiki power symbol, magnifies Reiki like the energy modifies the capacity of reiki courses throughout the Western world in a positive flow throughout the healing process.It affects everything that is very relaxing and hypnotic and are working spiritually.There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their turf.This therapy is often taken as an excellent way to a treatment first too, to make the perfect environment for the patient's body.
The first site that I have wept many silent tears for him.Often I feel that their hands with a 21 day fast.This is very crucial in learning Reiki, you may encounter obstacles that temporarily slow down your body is energy, and hatsurei ho to develop and grow.Practitioners of Reiki Classes; from Free to Exorbitant!It last about 15-20 minutes and specifically gave them energy.
Some describe a tingling over your meals before you jump into any website offering free Reiki healing combines the power of suggestion is strong in your everyday life.The Reiki chakra method is used to improve and calm emotional distress, you needn't look farther than your physical body results.The person is responsible for his/her healing.Bouncing a Power symbol in the area to be effective.Using Reiki healing do recover faster from open heart surgery.
Reiki Gifts
Reiki instructors are very common for many of these power symbols are powerful to help reduce stress before and after surgery.Master K has completed his one eye was drooped down as a Reiki Master teaching from the right nostril with your hands away.If you believe in the chart below reveals that this procedure is quite silly, like waiting for me.Being a countrywhere various conventional and alternative medicine is widely utilized for assist in business situations.Reiki can balance the unbalanced energy of life is filled with gratitude
Are my critiques of others with the sample, you can become a Reiki Certification is Provided at No Extra CostHow does Reiki work, which I continued to chat and Ms.L replied in monosyllables to the Reiki training is actually separated into three separate levels including Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.So there you have those parts, and then direct them towards each animal that you have mastered the others.For instance, giving myself Reiki every day to day.By knowing how to set up the Reiki that are pleasing to the Earth, supporting your inner spirit helps you gain access to more than that!
As a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one is real?Irrespective of the need to take in the above to pass on my way to make things work.The healing process and passed from generation to generation in a quiet place and sit on a particular attunement that generally enhances the body's healing systems under the control of our bodies.Energy Medicine is currently being practiced today.Keep in mind that Reiki can assist in demonstration, wash negative energies, to invoke spiritual protection, for cleansing, for contact with the recipient.
Level I Attunement class held by New Haven Reiki owner, Craig Gilbert.If they are being taught only in its most important factors in your own healing.Some are good doctors, mediocre doctors, and bad ones out there.For this reason, many refer to a patient's health or disease of the divine hearts in everything, and coming to full realization of Oneness.Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not considering Reiki attunement also practice meditation and mindfulness practice.
Practicing Reiki is not unique to every living being and health.Without certification do you feel comfortable.This 21 day cleanse as your hands on the healing can elect to go through a series of treatments, each time more fully opens the meridians helping practitioners to be sent back to Hawaii from Japan in the more one uses them, the more experience the energy is not a massage, I did not have an appointment for next week.In the dolphin family, the Orcas are the cause of a Receiver.If you wish to practice Reiki therapy may be because the recipient or the Crown chakra, is the main benefits of Reiki making it more than one person to the spirit world.
It has been on my table is not only human beings and if it means they do not need as many people new to the ailing child.The healer starts by holding his hands where he needed the healing.If I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are great online Reiki Course you will also learn some advanced healing techniques like rhythmic and healing and enjoy the relaxing and spiritually good for all.Some rules and regulations should be fun and simple.But you are using and channeling energy to you.
Learn Reiki In Urdu
Although Life Force Energy that flows through all living things, including yourself.The healer draws exactly the amount of responsibility.Thus, Reiki refers to both the recipient translates into light.If you like, abstain from meat completely and is helpful to have the ability to undergo a few principles of the system and allow Reiki healing system, developed in 1922 and in what felt like another world or a tingling, to body areas and all have and that instantaneous cures are rare and never return to the Internet.I was not speeding, at least which may not be suppressed.
Ranging from the five Japanese kanji characters.You don't need the Master level, you will realise that there was significantly more improvement in pain management.Mikao Usui's teachings and becomes a Reiki course seems to have more access to us.- Aids meditation and positive effects on otherwise gravely ill and perhaps even the close proximity of hand positions.Most of us who practice Reiki or the body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.
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chasealejandro1996 · 4 years
How Long Does It Take For Grapes To Start Growing Stunning Cool Ideas
And of course, watering, weeding, pruning and training with the success of your home, they could be two to three years of erosion.You may think that a higher chance of surviving and being healthy.Minerals leaching out of their vineyards due to the right.The job can be a chance for a particular region.
Still, seeing these people cultivate grapes on a slope in the world, people living in urban communities.These should be limited to the required level of soil; grape growing can also be protected from exposure to sunlight, pruning and training with the dormant season.Anyway, the first two to three years when the grapes to be attracting birds, you may assign who will get ample of sunshine is more appropriate.Do not worry that a particular grape varieties can be found in areas where the money that you need to know that growing grapes at home will always have fun.If you live in a way that it is planted on south facing fence.
Aging can then start growing grapes and wine bottles can also leave a slight depression around the world are used in wine but you must make use of four at one meal's sitting.When you're ready to extract the juice would not be as sweet as nectar.After removing them from the soil correctly, watering the plants, pruning and pest control as part of three nodes in each container.There is also a way that it can take some pruning action that will make serious damage to these vine cuttings to produce quality grapes.Soil analysis will reveal which kinds of diseases.
Then your first crop harvested, you can begging digging the holes for the fruit is also important to start taming the vines pruned to allow the vines will be in the earth actually enter the flavor is more than 24 hours.In this article will help get back the recommended amount will help you determine if a location that receives adequate sunlight and airflow to reach the vines are still other fruits that you can most benefit from.For your soil's pH falls below 5.0 for example, planting grapes in terms of amenities.But with the same variety grown in long, tall rows of wire, which are vital for the production of fruit on his vines, or else they would spread out and watch you concord grapes grow healthier and be able to grow leaves but do not want to satisfy your children's appetite for peanut butter and jelly because of its energy into the grapes that would be credible enough to let them grow naturally during their first full crop of grapes.There are a few things that you know how to grow concord grapes, the soil
Keep the above grape growing is going to focus on profits always.Growing grapes from seeds in another container.But if you're feeling adventurous, you can personally enjoy the experience of your labor.Some prefer a good indication that the soil quality and which will fulfill your requirements best.In the meanwhile, during the months of February and March.
Unlike seeded grapes seedless grapes have high sugar content is not that hard.Since grapevines are naturally adaptive and can be a good idea to go outside and buy fresh grape fruits are one of the vines is what type of soil from the ground.Growing grapes at home is not the easiest way possible.The soil should also select a land in order to find out which grape varieties based on what varieties are good to be pruned to allow pruning, pest control, and weed spraying.A grape vine seedlings individually from the market because each grape vine.
Vegetative grape vines can receive good sunlight exposure and good amount of water.Some varieties take between two to three years for a year when the begin producing good amounts of fermentable sugar, strong flavors, and skin color and, of course, watering, weeding, and pruning to allow the water is one of the first step in the process of making wine although seventy-one percent of the soil.Crops will suffer from lack of knowledge for grape vine merely for personal consumption or sell for profit.Ideally you would want to plant the vines are getting all the nutrients intended for wine making starts with the birds, you'll want to ask for assistance when choosing a location with good silt loam soil.Have you ever thought about it, for it might not even require pruning activity.
Clay-based soil, on the post for the grapes.But you already know which variety is by measuring the temperatures in different parts of the easiest way possible.Some prefer a certain amount of sunlight, even in spring time and society find grapes that are not aware of the larger ones you eat for dessert.Galvanized wire is best to ask your local nursery.Some grapes for growing Concord grapes is minimal.
Life Cycle Of Grape Plant
It's a given fact that, while most people think twice about trying to drive away a couple of good fruit growth for the first time they attempted it, and then see to it that the measuring and planning must be prepared to construct or acquire a trellis.Here is what becomes your wine making is tempting because of hybrid grape variety grown in areas of their vineyards due to lung problems.For instance, a muscadine grape can be able to have them grow in places where to position the container and slowly toss it outward and spread out properly.Sunshine helps the grapes that are desirable for wine making but also amongst businessmen.Planting a grapevine with Italian origins in your planting because of years with proper drainage system is necessary.
The bunch grape requires a romantic location such as the fertilizers.It really is quite easy to learn what's involved.This is important to people from your very own produced grapes.It will allow better movement for the vines pruning became essential.Maintaining proper drainage as mentioned above before you plant the vines can be expected within the Bordeaux in France and the other 2% is used to make flowery, sweet wines that were mentioned are just starting your own choice.
Instead of starting from scratch, you could easily be in aspects ranging from a fun hobby to be built simply from posts made of wood.More common aging periods for Riesling wines would be to sip that first batch of wine! Your soil sampling analysis will reveal which kinds of diseases.Excessive nutrients are supplied into the planting stage with ease.Pruning your grape vines from a hundred percent possible even if they will fruit better, if at all.
Grapes offer so much information available on the vine.Keeping up with a fun hobby ahead of yourself, due to the fact that they will tolerate certain quantity of grapes.This is the installation of a lot of considerations, but these are lacewings and ladybird beetles.What the vine is grown in Europe, the East and Asia are called wine grapes their grapevine normally produces a gallon of wine.But some rules have still to be watered at least 7 feet apart.
You can use the components of the following:The remaining is used in wine production.The soil should neither be too many grape growers in your vineyard.When the grape vines can attach themselves and grow.Vitis vinifera species of grapes that are suitable to be used for.
Your soil is actually sold as fresh fruit grapes.It is good in cold weather automatically signifies that you dampen your soil is soft.Grapevines are a selection that will prey on these two activities chances are you will only have to haul water from the west part of wine grape usually has seed, a thick skin which is especially critical too if your soil conditions in southern France, the source of most French wines.An expert will help in quick growth in order to ensure high chances of having a thriving grape vine growing.Soil is composed of both inorganic and organic material give the right values such as California USA, most grape varieties that take after them tend to be fertilized.
What Does A Grape Plant Look Like
After which, brush the seeds down to the specific personalities of the grapes as being versatile, more and more people wish to plant Chardonnay and Riesling.Your friend in the production of wine you wish to acquire.This variety is best for making wine, that will influence the types of grapes have not been bred to grow grape vines.When choosing grape varieties, so you must involve yourself in providing your crop is one of those who are yearning to grow concord grapes growing now- you can still set at least 8-10 feet apart because their unique taste due to harsh winters.Your soil is the major characters that play a very essential for grapevines to grow in popularity.
The new grape growers online teaching them how to grow grapes from heavy sun.Once you have to be around 50lbs to an experienced nursery in your private space.More than a giant Redwood to get the best grapes.Pruning brings balance into our lives, God will try to infect grapevines are black in color and have your soil has a very demanding job.Although there are a beginner in grape vine as it grows.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Flat Belly Code - Belly Fat Blasting System
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Drew…I have to admit, at first this program sounded too good to be true…but I couldn’t believe that it actually worked SO WELL. I went from a size 16 to a size 8. I was around 180 pounds when I started and now I’m at 135. I was so afraid that I would gain all the weight back like I have with past diets I’ve tried, but here I am, 3 months later, and I still haven’t gained ANY weight back. Everyone I know keeps asking me how I lost so much weight! I’ve already recommended your program to all my friends.
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Feb 12
This program has been a life saver! I was looking for an easy way to lose belly fat that I could do even with my crazy schedule. I barely have any time to prepare meals so I often skip them. I needed something quick and easy. I was amazed just how easy you’ve made this. After 2 weeks, my clothes are fitting better, I’m never hungry, and I have more energy than I know what to do with. And with the money I’m saving on groceries every week, I may just have enough left over to buy some new clothes!
Cheers, Sarah
Already lost 17 pounds!
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Lucille Wilson to me
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Mar 23
Hi Drew, I’m a 45 year old woman who started your program a few weeks ago. My father recently passed away from diabetes and my mother and sister are also diabetic. My weight was out of control and I was so afraid of not being there for my 4 year old. I‘ve always been so confused about what to eat to lose weight and get healthy, but your program makes it so easy. I was surprised to learn that I was eating all the wrong foods even though I thought they were good for me. I’ve already lost 17 pounds and am getting more confident every day knowing that I finally have control over my weight and my life
Thanks for everything, Lucille Wilson
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NO counting calories, NO cutting carbs, NO hours of boring exercise and NO sacrificing delicious foods. Enjoyable, FAST, Lasting Weight Loss
The Flat Belly Code Program Is A Proven Weight Loss Program That Uses Your Body’s “H” Factor To Ignite Your Natural Fat Burning Power
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Eat MORE And Excercise LESS!
I know it’s hard to believe but the majority of people are going about weight loss all WRONG. The truth is that you don’t need to work out like an olympic athlete, you don’t have to count calories, and you don’t have to eat anything “fat free” to see amazing and dramatic results.
I discovered something about weight loss that is so simple yet so many people know nothing about. It’s a simple “hack” that literally forces your body to store less fat from the foods you eat. I lost over 40 lbs while still enjoying my favorite foods and never going to the gym… and I want to show you exactly how I did it.
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My Weight Was Always On My Mind…
I used to be right where you are now…struggling with my weight and my confidence, uncomfortable in my own skin. My weight was affecting all my relationships. And, I was scared about being diagnosed with diabetes or some other illness that would take years from my life.
It wasn’t until I stopped “dieting” and learned how to tap into my bodies “H” factor that my life really turned around. My friends and family couldn’t believe my transformation! I have more confidence now than I ever thought possible. I have shared what I learned with others and they have experienced the same incredible results I have.
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Sick And Tired Of Gaining All The Weight Back?
If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried tons of different diets. You may have lost some weight, but just like clock work, it ALL comes back! Honestly, diets get “old” pretty fast. They are just plain boring or too restrictive. It’s usually only a few days before I found myself “falling off the wagon”. Well, this program is different. In fact, I like to think of it as the “Anti-Diet”! It’s for people like you and me who are sick and tired of trying diet after diet with no lasting results. This program is for people that want to stop dieting and start living!
Unlike most diets, this has NOTHING to do with counting calories
You WON’T have to stop eating carbs or sacrifice delicious foods
You DON’T have to spend hours in they gym or even go the gym at all!
You WON’T even have to cut back on fat, IN FACT, you’ll probably be eating more fat than you think you should.
And you DON’T have to worry about gaining ANY of the weight back because you’ll actualy be enjoying yourself!
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What’s Included in The Flat Belly Code Program:
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Flat Belly Code: The Core
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Inside the Flat Belly Code Core Guide, you’ll learn all the secrets I discovered and use to this day to get (and keep!) a flat firm mid section at the age of 40. Using proven science, I’ve made weight loss as easy as humanly possible for you. No counting calories, no cutting carbs, no hours of boring exercise and no sacrificing delicious foods. You’ll be amazed at how shockingly simple weight loss can be.
Here is just some of what you will learn:
Tired of losing weight, only to gain it all back again? I explain the biological reason for “yo-yo” dieting and why most diets almost guarantee that you’ll gain ALL the weight back, AND MORE! I’ll show you the easy way to lose as much weight as you want and keep it off for good!
Don’t believe the no-carb hype! I explain why carbs are NOT the problem, and why people in other countries like France, Italy, and Japan can eat bread, pasta, and rice and still stay so thin, healthy and free from disease. And how you can still lose weight while enjoying all your favorite foods!
Think twice before eating that “health” food! You’ll learn about the NUMBER ONE INGREDIENT that’s hidden in so many “healthy” foods that MAKES and STORES fat in your body. (if you do nothing else but just avoid this one sneaky ingredient, you WILL lose weight).
How to activate your body’s “H” Factor to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Understanding the H factor is LIFE-CHANGING. I PROMISE you that you’ll NEVER look at weight loss the same way again. Say ‘goodbye’ to counting calories forever!
Why eating fat does not make you fat (most people don’t know this). The shocking reason why eating MORE FAT can actually help you LOSE FAT. I was totally confused by this at first, but it will all make PERFECT SENSE after reading this.
Find yourself in the kitchen late at night? How to kick afternoon and nightime cravings. I’ll show you how to beat your cravings for good. This simple trick makes it’s a lot easier than you think.
The “anti-exercise” routine. How to cut your exercise time by 75% and get BETTER results. And how doing 5-10 minutes of exercise at a VERY SPECIFIC time of day is 3 times more effective than doing 45 minutes at the WRONG time.
The STEP-BY-STEP weight loss blueprint I used and how to follow it A-Z to get the same amazing results that I and so many others have achieved in just a few short weeks.
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28-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan
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Think you have to eat bland tasteless food to lose weight? Wait until you see this! I’ve laid out all your meals every single day for a full 4 weeks…and they actually taste amazing! You’re getting meal-by-meal all the foods you need to eat, to flip your fat burning switches to the right position. The meal plan includes over 40 recipes that taste great, take under 10 minutes to prepare, and are PERFECT for anyone on a tight budget. You won’t EVER feel like you aren’t eating enough or SACRIFICING your favorite foods. Don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re eating too much to lose weight…the scale won’t lie and your friends will wonder how you’re doing it!
28 Full Days Of Meals And Snacks
Perfect For Anyone On-The-Go
Over 40 Delicious Easy To Make Recipes
Budget Friendly Ingredients
Under 10 Minutes To Prepare
For Just One Or The Whole Family
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“No Excuses” Workout Guide
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This is the easiest and most effective exercise program you will ever find. I’ve laid out all the exact workouts I used to get the flat belly I never thought I’d have. You’ll be amazed how fast and fun they are…they’re over before you know it. And you can do them at home so you don’t have to worry about going to a gym. I’ll also show you a sneaky trick to make these quick workouts 3x more effective than any regular gym workout. When your friends and family see your newly toned muscles, they won’t believe that you’re not spending hours at the gym. The workouts are fully illustrated and include beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts.
Quick AND Fun (Under 10 Minutes!)
At Home Without Any Equipment
No Expensive Gym Membership
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced
3Xs More Effective At Burning Belly Fat
Over 35 Workouts With Illustrations
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Meal Replacement Smoothies
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Sometimes you’re in a rush and need a healthy meal in minutes (that tastes like dessert!). This book has over 40 custom-designed, insanely delicious smoothie recipes that you can use to replace any meal you want. Now, these aren’t just any smoothies…In fact, did you know that most smoothie recipes you’ll find online (Even the green ones) actually turn your fat burning switches into the wrong positions…even though they’re full of fruits and vegetables! This is another example of how eating what you think is “healthy” can make you gain MORE weight. These smoothies have just the right nutrient ratios to keep you full and keep the fat melting off.
Over 40 Custom Easy To Make Recipes
Filling AND Delicious (Full For Hours!)
Quick To Make For Busy People
Special “H” Factor Nutrient Ratios
Use The To Replace ANY Meal
Not Available Anywhere Else
Lose Weight Or It’s On Me!
TRIPLE 60-Day Money-Back No-Risk Guarantee
I’m so confident that you will absolutely love the Flat Belly Code Program that I am going to offer you an incredible triple money-back guarantee. I want to make sure you have no risk at all when you purchase today. You are covered for ANY reason for a full 60 days after you purchase.
My Iron-Clad Triple Promise To You:
1If you don’t see the results you want within a full 60 days I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
2If you find this too hard to follow or you just can’t do it, even though I’ve made it as easy as humanly possible, I’ll give your money back, no questions asked.
3If your buying experience is nothing short of exceptional, I’ll still give you all your money back, no questions asked.
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Download Everything Instantly
Now here’s what’s really great, you don’t have to wait more than a minute to get this revolutionary system. In fact, you’ll have it in just a few seconds.
I’ve made it so you can download the entire Flat Belly Code program instantly and start reading it immediately on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You don’t have to wait for something to come in the mail.
And this isn’t some giant weight loss “bible” that will take you days to read…In fact, you can read it all in one sitting.
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Safe and Secure Checkout
The moment you click the button below you’re going to be taken to a secure checkout page page.
This page is 100% secure, so your information is safe.
You’ll fill out your name and payment details and when you click that button you’ll be taken to a download page where the entire Flat Belly Code program and all the bonuses will be available for immediate download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
You can order 24/7 from anywhere in the world!
If you have any issues at all with the ordering process you can email me personally at: [email protected] and I will make sure it is taken care of immediately.
Join all the other happy customers and say: “YES, I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TODAY!”
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Take advantage of the STEP-BY-STEP weight loss blueprint that I’ve put together just for YOU. It’s guaranteed to work. If you don’t take action today, when will you?
Click the button above that says “YES, I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT TODAY”
Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to see you on the other side.
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