#It was very hard to narrow the list down to just these ones. anyways he's my pathetic little babygirl and I love him dearly
tiistirtipii · 1 year
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Proof that The Eclipse is the Perfect Story. insp
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catcze · 8 months
not particularly a request if u don't want it to be but as a fellow wriothesley enjoyer I wanted to share this idea
fontaine is based off of france right? so the thought of wrio being able to speak french and absolutely using that to his advantage to be a flirt has been driving me insane. he would be INSUFFERABLE (especially if his s/o isn't fluent) and I'd be loving every second of it
(also love your works <3 it's the main fuel that's been making me so horrifically down bad for him)
OH ?!!? MY GOD ?!?! HEHAKJDJ FUCK I HAVE TO WRITE THIS I CANT NOT !! It's a little short and a little sweet, but i hope you like it!
(Translations listed at the end! I used google translate, so if there's any mistakes, please feel free to correct me!!)
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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Wriothesley has started to say things to you on the regular— but for the life of you, you can't understand. It starts first on a slow day. You're lounging in his office, reading a random book you've plucked from his shelves. He's just looking through some papers, doing nothing too important.
Then, Wriothesley glances up from his papers, lets his eyes fall on you. "Tu me rends si heureux."
And you're furrowing your brow in confusion, staring at him. It's a phrase form his mother tongue, that much you know. But you're not sure what it actually means. The way his smile is a bit too mischievous, you don't think that he intends for you to understand, anyway.
"I'm... sorry?" You ask. What else can you say? You're pretty sure from his insufferably smug expression that he's not going to tell you what it means anytime soon. At the very least, you're pretty sure he's not shit talking you to your face.
Your eyes narrow.
He can see the question on the tip of your tongue, the suspicious glance you cast his way. Wriothesley just chuckles and goes back to the papers on his desk.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart."
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The next time, he does it as you're having dinner across from each other in the cafeteria. Your meal is halfway done, having been practically shoveled into your mouth. It probably paints an unflattering picture, but you're too hungry to really care. Resting on the table, he's stubbornly gripping your hand in his own, fingers intertwined. Even though it made eating much more difficult, Wriothesley would scowl and reach back for your hand whenever you tried to take it away, so you just considered it a lost cause.
Lost in filling your stomach, you're almost don't hear what he says.
"Je ne peux pas imaginer le reste de ma vie sans toi." Wriothesley mumbles, thumb stroking the back of your hand tenderly.
You narrow your eyes again, a silent question.
Wriothesley just smiles secretively and raises a hand to his mouth, miming zipping up his lips and locking it with a key, then tossing it away. He winks at you, and you roll your eyes. No answers today, apparently.
"Are you ever going to tell me what it is you've been saying?" you ask once you've swallowed your food.
"Mm. Maybe one day. If I feel like it." And he's grinning again— the cheeky one that he wears whenever he one-ups you, that showcases his dimples and his teeth. You kinda want to punch him, but it also makes you remember how handsome he is when he smiles.
"Fine," you grumble, sighing. You busy yourself once more with your food. "Keep your fucking secrets. See if I care." You do. A lot, actually. You're very curious now.
Wriotheley just smiles and lets you eat.
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But he slips up, one evening. To be fair, it's late at night after a hard day's work. Both of you are exhausted— a tangled mass of limbs and sheets on your bed, both of you halfway asleep already.
Your head is cushioned on his chest, nose pressed against his collarbone, and his arms wrapped around you. Wriothesley's nose is pressed into the crown of your head, breathing in the smell of your hair. His breaths are deep and slow, and you can tell without even looking that his eyes are fighting to stay awake. You're no better, though.
Just before you nod off though, you can feel the brush of his lips against your hair. "Je t'aime. Je t'aime tellement," he says quietly, lips brushing the strands in affection. If you had just been the slightest bit more asleep, you might not have even heard it.
But while you may not be fluent in his language, may know little else aside from the most basic of phrases, you recognize that one. It's hard not to, when it's arguably one of the most popular phrases from his mother tongue. Je t'aime. I love you.
Something gooey finds its way into your chest, and the blood rushes through your body as you're overcome by the sheer sweetness of the man you're laying on. Slowly, you crane your neck up to face him, and can see the slight widening of his eyes, the quiet oh shit that runs through his head.
"Is that what you've been saying?" you ask, voice just as quiet as his. Wriothesley hesitates, arms tightening their hold on you.
"... generally, yes."
You smile gently, scooching up enough to press a kiss to his jaw, then to his lips, giggling when he leans down to make it easier for you. You bury your head into his neck then, resting your cheek against him. "I love you too, Wrio."
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Tu me rends si heureux. — You make me so happy. Je ne peux pas imaginer le reste de ma vie sans toi. — I can't imagine the rest of my life without you. Je t'aime. Je t'aime tellement. — I love you. I love you so much
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7s3ven · 5 months
Hii I loved your daughter of hades x luke fic when is part 2 coming out?? But I had an idea like what if something happened that got her mad and something happens with her flames like they turn black or blue and is like a really strong flame and then luke comes sees this and calms her down and people are like ohh woowww.. bcs he was the only one that could do that
Part 2 is coming out soon! :). For now, I’ll write a short(ish) one shot about your cute idea! 😽. This can be read as a standalone but it makes references to the og so if some parts don’t make sense, you know why.
( master list )
HELL-FIRE : part 1 / part 2 (in progress)
( this is a little spin-off from hell-fire )
Luke (PJO) x Hades! Reader
A/N : completely unrelated, but I believe I could write the most toxic things if I tried hard enough.
Warnings : injuries, y/n and luke making out at the end but I didn’t write it very descriptive just in case lol
Y/N was never one to participate in capture the flag. She always came up with a weak excuse to skip it and Chiron had to let her past in fear she’d blow up the camp. Again. It had happened a few times actually.
“Why won’t you play capture the flag?” Luke asked as he shoved a chip into his mouth. The pair were on their routinely midnight walks, which had become a regular thing after their first stroll. Y/N wasn’t so keen on getting caught again but Luke could be very persuasive.
“It’s just a game.” Y/N lightly scoffed, gripping the bluebird chip packet tightly so it didn’t fall out of her grasp. “I don’t see what the big deal is… there’s nothing appealing about it.” She mindlessly shrugged.
“Hm, I can think of a few reasons why you should play.” Luke grinned while Y/N arched an eyebrow, somewhat curious. “Firstly, I’ll be playing with you. Secondly, we’ll probably win. And don’t forget about the glory.”
“Glory is fine but you know what’s better? Not breaking a leg in a stupid game.” Y/N sarcastically smiled while Luke rolled his eyes. During Y/N’s first and only game, she had broken a leg. Granted, it happened while she was rolling down a steep hill.
“Come on, Blaze. You’ll love it.” He assured her, patting her back.
“I’ll hate it even more if you’re with me.” She grumbled in response, her tough facade never faltering. But Luke could see the apples of her cheeks turning pink and he noticed the way Y/N’s eyes darted to glance at him. She couldn’t help but let her eyes flicker to his lips for a split second.
“Why do you love such a game anyway? It’s a waste of time.” She shoved her hands into her pockets.
“Annabeth is captain and she’d be overjoyed if you came. I think she has a kiddy crush on you.” Luke chuckled to himself while Y/N rolled her eyes for what seemed like the fifth time in an hour.
“Nobody has a crush on me.” She uttered, kicking a small stone across the grass. Luke’s eyebrows raised and he paused.
“Okay… what does that make me then?”
Y/N quickly turned her head to look at him. She spluttered, tripping over her own words as her mind tried to decipher his statement. Y/N was always calm and collected but only Luke had seen this side of her. The flustered side, the embarrassed side. “You… you’re lying.” She finally decided on something to say.
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Don’t play jokes on me, Luke.”
“You think my affection is a joke? Blaze, I literally get you flowers every day and watch you burn them then throw the petals away. Have you noticed how I don’t give flowers to anyone else?”
“It’s a stupid gesture.” She muttered, “Besides,” Y/N cleared her throat, looking away like she was embarrassed. “I don’t always throw the petals out… sometimes I keep them.”
“Oh, charming, witty, and a hopeless romantic. So, what’s the reason you hate capture the flag so much?”
“It’s stupid. That’s the only reason. People take it too seriously here.” Y/N signed, shoving the bag of chips into Luke’s arms.
“Play one game with me?” Luke asked. Y/N frowned, shaking her head.
“Not a chance. Nice try, though." Y/N briefly smiled before she walked back towards her cabin. Luke was quick to rush after her.
“One game. For Annabeth, at least. She likes your style of fighting.” He begged, blocking her path. He clasped his hands together, pleading her. Y/N sighed at his pitiful attempt but she was tired and every time she tried to step around him, he stopped her.
“Fine.” She snapped. Luke’s eyes lit up and she’d be lying if she didn’t feel her lips twitch into a small grin at his happy demeanour. “Good night, Luke.” She said, bumping his shoulder as she brushed past him.
“Night, Blaze.” He called out after her, “I can’t wait to kick Clarisse’s ass tomorrow!” Y/N huffed in amusement.
“Don’t let her hear you say that.” She uttered, yanking open her rickety cabin door. It creaked and Y/N almost cringed. She’d have to ask someone to fix it for her. The door handle was almost falling off too.
“Hey, Y/N, catch.” Luke unexpectedly tossed something red towards her. She barely managed to grasp the strange object. She stared down at it, shaking her head.
“Did you seriously just give me a pomegranate?” She asked, but she didn’t burn the gift this time.
Luke shrugged as he walked towards her once more. “I heard it’s your favourite fruit.” He said, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. It was, which was ironic considering the story about Hades and Persephone. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, Blaze.” He tucked a stray lock of Y/N’s H/C hair behind her ear, smiling. He was far too close for comfort but Y/N’s body made no move to shove him away. She didn’t know if she even wanted to move.
“You should go, Luke. Before we get in trouble again.” She muttered. Luke cleared his throat, nodding.
“Right… yeah. I’ll leave.” His eyes flickered to her lips for a moment just as Y/N’s had before he thickly swallowed. “Sweet dreams, Blaze.”
The moment he was out of her sight, Y/N hurried into her cabin and slammed the door behind her. She buried her hot face in the palms of her hands, quietly groaning in frustration as she slid down the wall.
She was starting to fall for Luke.
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Y/N fiddled with her metal helmet. She aimlessly rocked back and forth on her heels, taking notice of the gazes she was receiving. It was rare for Y/N to even be outside, let alone play a game of capture the flag.
She could see Luke talking to Annabeth and quickly excusing himself to jog over to Y/N’s side. “I wasn’t sure if you were actually going to show up.” He chuckled.
“This is stupid.” She muttered, scoffing.
“And yet you’re still here.” Luke slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her towards Annabeth. “Hey, Annie, look who decided to join us.” The young girl’s eyes lit up and she sent Y/N a small smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me she was coming, Luke?” Annabeth questioned.
“I only convinced her yesterday.” Luke shrugged, “But she’s joining us now so will that change the plan or?”
“Of course it will.” Annabeth sighed, annoyed with Luke.
“If it makes it easier,” Y/N piped up, “I can just guard the flag.” Annabeth bit down on her lower lip as she thought long and hard, mumbling to herself. She finally decided on an idea.
“I have a better position for you. You’ll be taking Luke’s place.”
“What?” The brunette boy behind Y/N questioned, “But… huh? How come I have to guard the flag? You know how much I like attacking!”
“The other kids are scared of Y/N,” The young Athena girl turned to Y/N, “No offence. Whether we let Y/N guard or flag or let her take the opposing team’s one, we’ll still win because we have an advantage that the red team doesn’t.”
Luke raised an eyebrow, “And that is?”
Annabeth heaved an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes at her brotherly figure. “We have the daughter of Hades who’s rumoured to be quite a good runner.”
“You did track?” Luke turned his head to face Y/N. She silently nodded. Annabeth ushered Luke off and he led Y/N over to his squad, which was temporarily hers. “Stay safe.” He said as he checked Y/N’s armour for the fifth time in two minutes.
“What are you, man? Her mother?” Chris teased, shoving Luke. “Stop worrying about her. We’ll keep your girl safe.” Luke sent his friend a warning glare.
“One scratch,” He said, “And I’ll tackle you.” Chris raised his arms in surrender.
“You got it, captain.”
Y/N fumbled with her heavy sword. She bit the inside of her cheek, watching as her teammates effortlessly fought off the opposing team. The words Annabeth whispered in her ear swirled around in her mind.
“You’re our advantage, Y/N. I need you to lie low and don’t give your strengths away. Act weak, to put it simply. Once you reach the flag, go full out.”
Y/N’s sword clashed with another and she pushed the girl back, causing her to stumble. Chris disarmed the captain of the squad and she reluctantly gave up due to the sword being held at her throat.
The game felt like hours to Y/N. Every turn they took proved a new challenge. Y/N had opted to hiding behind trees to save her energy, something she wasn’t proud of but Annabeth had full faith in her. She didn’t want to let the poor girl down.
“No sign of Clarisse.” Chris said, expecting the curly-haired girl to jump out with her spear. But she didn’t, only confusing the blue team more. “She usually hunts here for the first two hours or so.”
Y/N licked her dry lips. She was at the back of the group but when she spoke, everybody turned in unison to look at her with hawk-like eyes. “They most likely changed their tactic too.” She said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
“So if she’s not here,” Chris mumbled.
Y/N nodded, finishing his sentence. “Then she’s going for our flag.”
Luke, on the other hand, wasn’t having nearly as much fun as Y/N. He groaned as he circled aimlessly around the flag he was forced to guard. He knew Annabeth was lurking around somewhere with that invisible cap of hers.
A twig snapped, earning Luke’s attention. His head snapped towards the sound. The forest seemed to grow quiet; the birds stopped chirping and the wind that had been howling in his air for the last hour floated away. He furrowed his brows, taking a careful step forward.
There was another snap. Luke called out to nobody in particular as he adjusted his grasp on his sword. When nothing happened, he turned back to the flag only to see that it was gone from its position perched on the rocks.
Luke ran forward, reaching out a hand to grab Clarisse’s shirt. His fingers barely wrapped around the fabric but she pushed forward and Luke lost his grip “Shit!” He yelled as he watched Clarisse run off with the flag. He angrily kicked a rock, knocking it into a nearby tree.
“Luke, what’s wrong?” Annabeth walked into the clearing, removing the hat her mother gave her.
“Clarisse has the flag.” Luke seethed, clenching his jaw. Embarrassingly enough, she stole it from right under his nose. Another one of their teammates crashed through the bushes, loudly panting and wheezing.
“Y/N has the red flag!” They exclaimed. Luke and Annabeth exchanged a look, knowing that they could still win this game if Y/N moved quick enough.
The said H/C-haired girl sprinted through the vegetation, gritting her teeth as she willed her legs to move faster. Vines and stray branches slapped her in the face, cutting her cheeks and grazing her sun-deprived skin.
The armour was slowly her down and she quickly removed her helmet, letting it crash to the ground. Her sword and shield was next. She could hear the blue team cheering in the distance as she ran, her lungs burning and her ears ringing from pushing her body past its limit.
She spotted Clarisse up ahead, also holding a flag. It was a race to see who could get to the border first. Y/N wildly panted as she approached the safe zone, not daring to slow down. She could see the fury in Clarisse’s eyes as Y/N impulsively jumped over the border in a last desperate attempt, not thinking much of it.
She hit the ground harshly, rolling and hitting a few rocks. She hard Clarisse scream in frustration, throwing the blue flag to the floor in anger.
Y/N’s teammates helped her to her feet, slapping her on the back and loudly congratulating her. But an Ares boy wasn’t as happy with Y/N’s win as her team was.
He blindly slashed his dagger at her, aiming for her face but Y/N quickly moved. The dagger cut her arm instead, splattering blood everywhere. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Y/N screamed, grabbing the boy’s dagger and tossing it at his shield. The metal loudly clattered against each other, causing the campers around her to flinch. “You almost slashed my face!”
“It’s not like it was worth anything anyway.” The arrogant Ares boy brushed her anger off. Y/N scoffed, taking a step towards him.
“The whole point of this stupid game is that it’s a mock fight. It’s pretend. You don’t have to actually try and slice someone in half.”
“It’s not just a stupid game.”
“You almost killed me over a game that requires you to capture a flag. So yeah, I’d say it’s stupid. And idiotic.”
He swiftly punched her. Y/N was knocked back by the force. She gasped in disbelief, feeling thick blood trail down her chin. “Are you insane, or something?!” She exclaimed, standing up. “Mentally impaired? Mentally challenged? Psychotic perhaps? The game is over, so stop trying to fucking kill me!” Her voice increased in volume the more she spoke. She could feel tendrils of rage slither up her body, wrapping around her and refusing to let go.
“You Ares kids are just like your father! Always so overconfident and obsessed with glory!”
“Like you’re any better! You have Hades as your father.” He tauntingly shoved her, “You didn’t exactly win the lottery either. At least I have siblings, you spoiled only child! The guys were right. You are pretty but you’re also a bitch. I’m surprised Luke tolerates you.”
Suddenly Y/N’s armour was melting. Thick droplets of metal pelted to the floor to join the small puddles of blood and the other campers stepped back when they spotted a small group of flames dancing across the grass.
Only, the fire wasn’t pink or blue or red this time. It was black.
“Oh, shit.” An Athena girl muttered, stumbling backwards. She grabbed another Hermes boy, clutching onto his arm. “Get Luke. Go find Luke!” She tried to calm Y/N down but nothing was working. If anything, it only made things worse.
“I don’t get why everybody’s so scared of you.” The Ares boy continued to taunt her. He circled around her, waving his sword as he laughed. “You aren’t even that strong. I’ve never even seen you play capture the flag. Is it because you’re scared you’ll ruin your nails? Or are you secretly weak?”
“Shut up.” Y/N muttered, glaring at him. It was no secret that Hades had a temper that rivalled Ares’. Unfortunately, Y/N inherited it.
“I bet daddy doesn’t even like you. You probably annoy him. I mean, you don’t fit here either. You should join your dad in hell. That’s where you belong.”
“And you belong in the infirmary with a broken neck.” Y/N snapped. The flames below her crackled, reaching out for anything to burn. You could practically see the heat rise from the fire and another Ares kid yelped in pain when the flames’ heat ate away at her leg, almost melting her flesh and creating a sizzling sound. But she was a meter away from the fire.
“Don’t get too close.” Clarisse warned anybody who tried to interfere. “It’s too hot.” The fire was slowly making a circle around Y/N and the boy, whose name Y/N finally remembered was Jordon.
Luke barged past the trees, quickly walking towards Y/N with large, meaningful steps. The flames made a path for him, like snakes that knew not to harm him.
“What the fuck, man?” Luke harshly gripped Jordon by the front of his shirt.
“Oh, her boyfriend’s come to rescue her. Hooray.”
“Shut your mouth.” Luke grumbled, dropping Jordon and scoffing. “Blaze, let’s go. Get your nose and arm patched up.” He wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her away from the growing crowd.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, asshole.” Jordon sneered, “You’re getting soft, Luke. And for what? A little slut whose only achievement is having Hades as a father? She’s probably a crack whore too.”
Y/N’s temper finally snapped.
She whipped around, ignoring Luke’s warning. She drove her hardened fist into Jordon’s face. “That’s for calling Luke an asshole.” She muttered, grabbing onto the sides of head and slamming his nose into her knee. “That’s for calling me derogatory names.” She finally kicked him between the legs. Everybody watching winced in pain as Jordon fell to his knees. “And that’s for punching me, shit face!”
Her flames exploded once more, causing another cluster of panic. Luke quickly took action, grabbing Y/N by her shoulders and spinning her around. He knew words wouldn’t be enough to distract her so he did the only thing he could think of. He kissed her.
It was a stupid idea but her flames grew gentle once more, morphing from black to pink. The kiss was a quick one as Luke pulled back, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. But Y/N grabbed him by his necklace and pulled his forward, kissing him once more.
Chris whistled loudly from the sidelines, “Ay! Get it, man!”
Y/N’s lips tasted like metal and Luke realised he should’ve cleaned the blood off her face before kissing her. The red liquid stained his skin when he pulled away for the second time, gazing at Y/N with a vicious urge to kiss her until her lips bled. Unfortunately, Chiron arrived before Luke could sneak Y/N off.
“What’s going on here?” Chiron looked at Y/N’s injured face then at Jordon who was picking up his bloody dagger with a bruised hand. Finally, Chiron’s eyes landed on Luke’s face. Blood trailed from his mouth and smeared around his cheeks. Without context, he looked like he had just devoured somebody.
“Sir, Jordon cut Y/N’s arm, though he was aiming for her face, and punched her even after the game ended. Then he started calling her names. And uh, Luke calmed her down… somehow.” Someone from the blue team piped up, earning a glare from Jordon.
“I think it’s very obvious what Luke did to calm her. You three, see me after Y/N is treated.” Chiron demanded. Luke led her away, teasingly grinning.
“So, you wanna talk about what just happened?” He asked. Y/N scoffed, pulling him behind the Hermes cabin. His back was pressed harshly against the wood as Y/N clenched her jaw.
“You are infuriating, Luke.” She poked his chest, “And annoying. And obnoxious. And you are practically the bane of my existence… so why do I want to kiss you so bad?”
After processing her words, Luke didn’t waste a second in pulling her closer towards him. Y/N kissed him back with all her pent-up anger, frustration, and hatred towards nobody in particular and Luke welcomed her rough approach.
“Let’s get your nose and arm fixed up.” Luke uttered, not wanting to ignore Y/N’s injuries. She reluctantly followed him into the infirmary and sat down on a nearby bed. “So, was my calming technique good?” He teased.
Y/N shrugged. “It was alright.” She spoke with a joking tone and Luke grinned as her hair flared pink again. He loved watching those brightly-coloured flames, especially when he was the cause of them.
PJO TAG LIST (why is there a 50 user limit 😡) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @niktwazny303 @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303
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dirtybitfic · 2 months
Lets get horny
chris x y/n
Contains- talking about sexual topics, smutt, kinks, dom-chris, bondage, blindfolds, choking, slapping, rough, orgasm control, dirty talk, degradation, breeding kink, daddy kink.
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y/n pov-
The guys decided to make a r-rated video and see how it goes and naturally they asked me to join them they said it was a "comfort" thing having me there when they talk about such topics.
I obviously said yes so right now we're parked in a spot and getting the camera ready.
i'm sitting in the back with nicks as he's going through the list of questions and topics well be talking about.
i've never been one to share my personal life on social media so i'm a bit stand offish with the video i'm about to be in but id do anything for them so here I am.
okay cameras set but y/n scoot closer to the middle so the camera can see you. matt says and I scoot closer touching legs with nick . I feel bad im so much in his space but it is what it is.
okay everyone ready nick asks and we all say yes.
Okay hey guys today were doing a rated r video since you all seemed to really want one nick says and we all nod along.
as you can see we have y/n here with us matt says looking back at me and I give an awkward smile and nod .
okay nick what's the first topic chris asks as he smiles a devious look on his face as he rubs his hands together.
okay umm first kiss stories well start if off a little chill he says
ill go first . okay I think I was like 15 and I was hanging out at the. park with some friends and I kissed a girl that was there and yeah thats it matt says as he smiles and looks at chris to go next
okay It was like 8th grade and I kissed a girl at our dance win the hallway and yeah that was my first kiss he says and then looks back at us .
I look at nick brows raised
I role my eyes as he smiles
okay fine ill go . I was a freshman in highschool and I went on a movie date with a kid who was literally 5'2 I shiver from the memory but yeah he kissed me
I look at nick waiting for him to answer
umm I think I was 17 and I went on my first date with a guy and he kissed me when he dropped me back off at home and yep thats it ... okay next topic .Ummm loosing our virginity
oh god I sigh as I lean my head back in embarrassment
ill go first I guess . It was senior year for me . it was very awkward chris says
I lost mine junior year also very awkward
I lost mine senior year
I internally scream as I know I have to answer now
I lost mine sophomore year
damn youngest out of all of us chris says smiling back at me and I cut my eyes and mouth "turn around" making him put his hands up in surrender and turn back around chuckling.
okay now well get into the juicy stuff , most embarrassing thing thats happened during sex he says with a laugh .
well there was one time a girl was riding me and I leaned forward at the same time as her and we but heads really hard and she started crying he says laughing
ooh awkward I say laughing a bit too.
there was one time a girl asked me to choke her and I gripped to tight and she choked cause I was pressing on her wind pipe
come on chris everyone knows you squeeze the sides not the middle I say rolling my eyes and smiling
okay ms choking expert he says looking back at me narrowing his eyes.
I shrug my shoulders
since you have so much to say lets hear yours he says tilting his head.
okay fine... there was one time a guy tried to talk dirty to me and I laughed right in his face
poor guy matt says and we all laugh
okay there was one time as guy hadn't uhh cleaned up the area well and I literally left cause I just couldn't do it nick says shaking his head.
I laugh damn nick
yeah yeah anyways next one this ones mostly for y/n cause its how many times has someone made you cum during sex and obviously its easier for guys then girls
I sigh as my face Gets red .
I look down at my hands as I mumble zero
sorry what I didnt hear you
I said zero
wait what ... never matt asks shocked
nope never I say as I get embarrassed
damn thats embarrassing for the guys you've been with chris says laughing .
okay now lets ask how many times have you two made someone cum
matt and Chris look at each other smiling
4 times I think matt answers shrugging
wait all in the same day I ask shocked .
yeah why he asks looking back at me smiling
oh nothing just wish it was that easy for me I say as I look out the window .
he nods his head in understanding as we all look in chris's direction
oh uhm I think 6 he says smirking after .
damn okay then well now we have some questions y/n wanna find a good one he asks and I say sure as I take the phone scrolling through trying to find a good one.
okay this one is bold but what's your kinks I read off as I look up .
I have a couple but ill say two ... chocking and... bondage but not like ropes just like belts and shit matt says turning a little red as he sighs and looks at chris .
ummm ill say a couple of mine , slapping, chocking uhhh breeding and daddy kink he answers confidently before looking back at us .
I try and hide the blush that creeps up o my face. I have a little crush on chris so hearing these things about him have me flustered and a little turned on.
nick you go first I say as I think through all my crazy ass kinks trying to think of the ones that won't be to crazy to admit.
okay uuh chocking, slapping and like dom and sub type thing he answers then looks at me .
hold up let me look through my list real quick .I say as I open my notes app
damn you got a whole list Chris asks a little shocked
yeah why is that a bad thing I ask a little nervous
no just didnt know people keep lists
well ... shit I don't know if I wanna out myself like this I say as I read through my list realizing most of them are a bit out there compared to theirs
nick looks over my shoulder whispering a damn making me smack him
girl you freaky the last one is crazyyy nick says as he chuckles.
now we have too know just read the chill ones matt says as he looks back at me
okay ummm... humiliation, impact play which is like slapping and whips and stuff , umm fuck thats the most chill one
they cant be that crazy chris says with raised brows as he looks back at me
oh don't be too sure about that nicks says and I smack his arm again.
okay fine ill say three more , choking , dom and sub and uhh cnc
wait what's cnc
umm consensual non consensual
hold up matt says as he looks up the definition
oh wow he says as he reads it and hands it to chris too read
oh ... so its like a submission type of thing
yeah I guess so idk I think its more liking the idea of playing out being forced even though its fully consensual
hmm okay I understand it better after you explained it like that
okayyy next one I say getting embarrassed . I look through the questions finding one I know will be juicy .
okay biggest sexual fantasy you have I read off as I look up waiting for one of them to answer
how about you go first this time matt says smiling back at me cocking his head to the side
nah last tike I checked this is you guys channel not mine y'all go first I sass back . I need to get a feel for how crazy there's are so I can narrow mine down to the best one to say out loud.
okay fine whatever i'll go nick says as he talks about his fantasy of someone overstimulation him which is very tame compared to all of mine.
okay mine would be like role playing as like a teacher or student or something like that Matt says as he looks at Chris waiting for him to answer.
okay mine is to have complete control over a girl like tying her up and going for hours until she's crying and begging me to stop chris says as he smirks .
my legs clench and I can feel a pulse start in between my thighs .
I gulp as they all turn to me waiting for me to answer
i... ummm I have a fantasy of being fucked by a guy in a ghost face mask I say as I get red and embarrassed
oh come on you have to have one more freaky than that chris says as he looks at me with a smirk
I mean I do but some of them I don't want to share to 6 million people I bite back making it obvious I don't want to share the other ones.
I know one of hers nicks says smiling and I slap his chest harder than I meant too
shut the fuck uuuup nick I say in a sing song voice showing my annoyance.
nah nick tell us chris says as he narrows his eyes at me like hes challenging me.
I sigh as I cover my face and sink lower in the seat
she has one of being tied down and blindfolded and being over stimulated and also..
I cu them off by slapping my hand over his mouth as he still says it into my hand but its muffled .
okay okay well stop chris says as he laughs and turns back around .
I take my hand off oh nicks mouth and he smiles wide before opening his mouth and the words fall out
being forced to crawl to a guy by a collar and chain he rushes out before scooting further away from me knowing im gonna beat his ass
both matt and chris eyes pop out of their head as they turn to me mouth open and brows raised
I read it in a book okay now turn the fuck around I say as I grab nicks arm and mouth "im gonna kill you"
he just smiles and goes to do the outro to the video.
once we finish we headed back to their house since I was sleeping over .
nick tells me hes gonna be in his room editing for a bit and I know that means he needs space and quiet so I decide to chill on the couch.
as im zoned out on my phone a hand grabs my shoulder making me jump .
I look back and see chris
he smiles at me and I return it
come with me he says as he holds out his hand
what why I say as I get up and take his hand
you'll see he says with a expression I cant place .
I gulp as I follow him to down the stairs and into his room.
he shuts the door and locks it making me even more nervous
so he says as he tilts his head and smirks
soo i question back as I stumble back as he steps closer
what did you think about the video he says as his hand comes up and traces my jaw
I gulp which makes him smile harder
it was fun I guess I-i don't know I stumble back again as he gets even closer .
mmm I know you liked it ... you wanna know why he asks as I smirk grows onto his face and his eyes sparkle with lust.
wh-why I question as my heartbeat accelerates
I saw the way you got red and your thighs clenched when I talked about all the things ive done
mm I hum as he closes the space between us so his front is flush with mine
his hand slides into my hair at the back as he pulls it tight making me look up at him
do I turn you on y/n he asks as he leans in closer our faces so close if I moved forward just an inch our lips would touch.
my face heats up as my knees buckle
I- uh I don't ... I cant even finish my sentence before he interrupts me
I think I do ...I think you want me just as much as I want you he says as he presses a soft kiss right under my ear making me whimper
am I right he whispers into my ear making me gulp.
I- y-yes I whisper . His hands moves to my neck squeezing a bit causing me to whimper .
He smiles as he walks me back until my legs hit the bed and I flop down on the edge .
He stands above me as I look up at him through my lashes.
here's what's gonna happen your gonna be a good girl and strip for me ... and then im gonna tie you up and use you . does that sound good ma
I whimper as I nod my head and start slipping my sweat shirt over my head then my shorts and underwear .
good now lay down he orders and I scoot myself further onto the bed and lay down.
He grabs my wrist as he ties my right arm to another one connected to something behind his bed frame then he switches to the other one doing the same thing.
I tug a bit too see how much movement I have which is little to none.
He moves to my legs and ties them so im spread out for him .
I whine from the way my limbs are tightening from the stretch which only makes him smile and chuckle.
fuck you look so hot tied up for me he groans as his hands roam my naked body until his hands move to my tits and he pinches and pulls my hard nipples making me gasp and arch off the bed. He continues groaning and adding a couple light slaps to my tits as he starts sucking on my neck leaving marks as he goes along.
Im a whimpering mess for him and ive never felt so alive. I never thought that video would lead to this but ive always wanted a man to do this too me and the man being chris makes me ten times wetter.
chris p-please I whine out in a begging tone wanting him to touch me where I need him most . I know I sound pathetic judging by the way he smirks into my neck .
what do you want baby he asks as he looks down at me .
a-anything just please I whimper as I look into his eyes.
he smiles before he moves to be in-between my thighs
fuck so wet for me he groans as he runs his fingers through my wetness making me gasp and buck into him .
his mouth all the sudden latched around my clit and he licks and sucks at the perfect pace that has me whining . He slips one finger into me and pumps it in and out making my legs tense and shake.
F-fuck chris I whine as I try and close my legs but remember they are tied and I physically cant close them.
he adds another finger and starts sucking on my clit sending my body into overdrive with how much pleasure im in.
f-fuck fuck oh-my I cry out as I shaking and gasping for air . Im so close and he can obviously tell by the way my body is trembling .
Come on slut cum all over my face he says before going right back to sucking and licking.
I scream his name as I reach my orgasm and my body goes tense in the restraints army legs shake .
thats it such a good girl he praises as I come down from the high . His fingers are still pumping in and out .
Im trying to catch my breathe as he comes back up and hovers over me placing kisses and bites on my neck and chest . He curls his fingers to perfectly hit the spot that drives me crazy.
C-chris wait I he cuts me off
You're gonna take it. I know you can he says in a deep gravely voice that makes me even more wet.
im whimpering and breathing heavy as I feel pressure build and squelching sounds can be heard signaling i'm going to squirt.
f-fuck oh-my god chris I cry out as I feel my juices spray out of me all over the bed, his hand and my legs.
he pulls out his fingers and grabs my throat as he brings me into a deep needy kiss.
I knew you'd look pretty when you cum and before I even have the chance to comprehend what he just said my legs are untied and i'm flipped over onto my knees and back arched. My arms are uncomfortably crossed over each other pulled tightly by the restraints.
I hear clothes rustling and it only takes a second before the bed behind me dips and I feel his body right behind me.
His hand comes down on my ass making me gasp .
you like that don't you he says in a dark tone with a bit of amusement mixed in.
he slaps harder
I said don't you he waits for me to answer
y-yes I l-like it in stutter out
good girl using your words he whispers in my ear before I feel him rub his tip along my folds making me whimper .
My breathe is taken away as he slides into me so deep that all I can do is cry out .
He stays still for a second stoking my back sweetly before his hand grabs my hair tightly and he starts slamming into me relentlessly.
I scream out as he somehow thrusts more rough than before.
I’m moaning and shaking as he continues slamming into me with such force my wrist burn from the restrains and how they continue tightening with each movement.
Just a good girl taking my dick so deep
He says to me as he lets go of my head and it drops on-top of my arms
Fuck fuck IM GONNA CUM I cry out as my legs start to shake and my arms tense
Not until you beg me for it
He says as he grabs my hips and angles my back so he hits even deeper making me to struggle to get any words out.
p- fuck please can I cum please I whine out holding my orgasm back painfully.
mmm no I think you can do better than that he says as he continues his rough deep thrusts
my legs are shaking and im gasping trying do get the words out
PLEASE FUCK PLEASE DADDY CAN I CUM PLEASE I scream out praying to god he'll finally let me.
fuck yeah you can cum he groans out and I immediately break as I cum harder than I ever have before . I scream out as i'm coming down and legs continue shaking .
such a good girl for me he groans as he slows his pace down giving me a moment to rest.
He pulls out and flips me onto my back as he stares down at me .
god you're beautiful he says as he slides back in .
I blush as I continue looking into his eyes.
he comes down to kiss me and he starts pounding into me again . I try my best to continue the kiss but fail when he lefts my legs onto his shoulders and hits my spot repeatedly .
f-fuck oh my god I moan as his hand comes down to my lower stomach where he's bulging inside me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he groans as he smirks down at my face morphed into full pleasure.
mhm fu-fuck im gonna I cry out but cit myself off as my juices squirt out all over him and the bed below.
fu-fuck he groans in pleasure as he watches me squirm and whimper.
my legs shake on his shoulders as I start to become very overstimulated.
c-chris I c-cant I whine as I try and move my arms to push him away but fail.
come on baby you can give me one more I know you can he says in a deep sweet tone as he strokes my hair.
mmm o-okay I whimper out as he does my legs and lowers his body flush with mine and his arms wrap around and under me lifting my lower half up just a little .
he starts pounding into me rough again and his thrusts get sloppier telling me hes close too.
fuck your gonna be a good girl and cum with me he groans into my ear and I whimper and shake my head in response .
my legs start trembling around his waist and my whole body starts twitching the closer I get to my final orgasm .
All that can be heard is skin slapping and my heavy breathing mixed with his deep groans.
he groans loudly into my ear bringing me even closer to my orgasm.
fuck come on ma cum for me he groans and I do just that .
he thrusts a couple more times before he fills me up and his body drops onto mine as we breathe heavy .
Jesus I say as im still catching my breathe and he comes up and invites my arms and I sigh in relief and I stretch them .
he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel and then cleans me off .
that was... the best sex ive ever had he says smiling down at me
yeah same I say as I laugh a little .
can I tell you something he asks as he looks at me with a slightly worried expression.
yeah of course I say as I sit up and give him my full attention.
ive wanted to that for so long like ... ive liked you for a while I just was to scared to tell you he says as his face gets a bit red from embarrassment .
chris... i've liked you for a while too I just didn't want to scare you away I say as my face gets red and I cant help but smile.
he brings me into a tight hug making me laugh and he laughs too .
you free Saturday he ask and I look at him
yes why
cause we're going on a date he says with a big smile on his face.
we lay down and get comfortable and drift off to sleep.
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vulpisnocturna · 10 months
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Ahh I rarely write for Gojo and this came out very long lol
Link to NSFW prompt list
18) Hate sex. Character could not hate Reader more, and the feeling is mutual. So of course Character and Reader have insane sexual chemistry, fueled by the humiliation and indignation they feel at being so aroused by each other. What are they supposed to do?
19) Character finds out that Reader is a virgin and finds Reader's overwhelm to be a huge turn-on as they have sex for the first time
Part I
NSFW - minors do not interact
Warnings: hate sex, virgin reader, slight age gap (reader is 22, Gojo is 27), degradation kink, slight dacryphilia, loss of virginity, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), Gojo can’t stop talking, hard dom Gojo, squirting, drunk sex, creampie, slight praise kink
3.8k words
Gojo was easily the most annoying person you had ever had the misfortune of meeting. Loud and boisterous, bratty and childish, arrogant and vain, he was the bane of your existence. That was because you were not immune to Gojo’s looks. And god would he have that shit-eating grin plastered on his face if he knew. You would never hear the end of it. He already teased you enough as it was, you could not let him find out you thought he was hot too.
As you looked at him flirting with someone at the club you were in, The Pulse, you hated the feeling of jealousy in your stomach. Hated when he caught you looking at him, his glasses sliding down his nose a little and revealing his mesmerising eyes set on you.
You flushed, gripping your drink tightly and downing it to get rid of the feeling of warmth in your body as you looked at him wearing that white shirt and black trousers that did nothing if not highlight how beautiful he was.
‘Thinking about me, mh?’ his voice came much too soon and much too suddenly, and you jolted, almost bumping into his chest. You spun around, glaring at him. He towered over you, and he was certainly accustomed to using that to his advantage.
‘Aww. Did I scare you, sweetheart?’ the way he said the pet name was mocking, degrading. It made your blood boil.
‘Fuck off, Gojo’ you huffed, crossing your arms. It did not occur to you that it would make your cleavage more noticeable. But as he lifted an eyebrow and the glimpse of his eyes you could see trailed down to the hem of your neckline, you could not help but get redder and redder. From above, he would probably be able to see much more than you had wanted to show off in that dress.
‘You’re so tense. You really dislike me, don’t you? You know, the feeling is mutual. You are quite a rude, angry girl. But because I am a kind man, I will give you one chance at slapping me in the face. If you manage, well, you get what you clearly crave, and if I catch your hand, you drink with me. Just to get you less stiff and less annoying. Maybe I can finally see you smile. Assuming you are even capable of it’
‘You talk too much’ you said, considering your chances. Maybe you could take him off guard. Maybe he was drunk and wouldn’t notice. Maybe you wanted him to buy you drinks anyway.
‘Shut me up, then’ he said with a wicked grin. Your eyes narrowed.
‘Deal’ you said. You went back to sipping your drink, his closeness and dead calm presence both irritating and turning you on. And then, with no warning, you swung your hand. He caught it in a death grip near his face. You swung your other hand, and he caught it as well. Your eyes widened as you pulled your wrists free.
‘Tsk, the deal was one try… you always overdo it. You’re quite arrogant, aren’t you?’ he said in a low, intoxicating voice. You swallowed, your lips twisting in an embarrassed grimace.
‘Prick’ you murmured. He laughed, handing you a shot. You downed it as he guided you towards a secluded booth, gesturing to the waiter as he ordered more drinks. You sat down, crossing your legs and nervously glancing at him as he plopped down next to you, quite a bit too close. The warmth radiating from his body was making you dizzy. You didn’t know if you wanted him as far away as humanly possible or even closer.
He put an arm behind your back and over your shoulder, making your whole body tense up as he chuckled to himself.
‘Relax… you know, I’ve been thinking-‘ he started, but you cut him off with a groan.
‘Don’t hurt yourself’ you muttered. Gojo’s eyebrows furrowed, and his mouth twisted in a comical pout. You almost wanted to laugh.
‘Funny. So funny. I wonder if you’ll still be full of jokes when I pin you against a wall and fuck you’ he said, a sultry smirk on his face. Ah- he was using sex as a way to get power over you. He could see your reactions to him, and he was embarrassing you. And it worked. You grew rigid, your mind picturing the scene as your thighs pressed against each other and your face grew hot. He would probably laugh hysterically if he knew you were a virgin as well. Probably tease you about that too.
‘Maybe it’s just what you need. Suppose you need the anger fucked out of you’ he continued blabbering, making it worse and worse.
‘And you think you’re the best choice for that?’ you hissed, not looking at him as you gulped down the drink that the waiter had put in front of you. Gojo put a hand on your thigh, his long, slender fingers splayed and slightly curled to grip your flesh. You swallowed, looking anywhere but at him.
‘Of course. I’m always the best choice. Besides, you like me, don’t you?’ he taunted, his breath fanning your ear and sending shivers down your spine.
‘No- you’re a vain cunt’ you retorted, praying he would not push any further, because you knew that if he did, you might make a huge mistake and end up in his bed for the night. But Gojo had never done anything in his life apart from pushing buttons. He was like a child left unsupervised in the cockpit of a plane.
‘You wound me. If you don’t like me, why are you pressing your thighs together? Are you all worked up over this much already? You know, you don’t have to like my amazing personality to like my cock’ he continued, seemingly drunk off his face to be saying that shit to you without so much as flinching. He placed a kiss between your jaw and your ear, in a spot so sensitive you couldn’t help but whimper.
‘Good girl. I like you better when you whimper’ he said arrogantly, the hand on your thigh stroking lazy circles around the hem of your dress. You couldn’t even think anymore.
Was this a good idea? Definitely not. Would you regret not taking this chance even more if you refused? Probably.
‘I like you better when you shut up’ you said, clashing your mouth against his. He tasted like sweet rum and a faint trace of mint. And he was maddeningly good. The type of kiss you’d expect to see in a film where two people had done nothing but pine for each other for months. Not that that was your case. But if you could forget his comments, his arrogance, his taunting manners, then you could admit that this was the best kiss of your life. That his teeth sinking into your bottom lip and his tongue exploring your mouth felt like heaven on Earth.
‘Let me take you back to my place’ he murmured after you pulled back to breathe, his fingers tangled in your hair, your hands on his nape, feeling the softness of the short white strands of his hair.
Fuck it, you thought. You wanted this. Needed it. Needed him. Then you could go back to hating him.
‘Take me back to your place then’ you said. He did not need to be asked twice. He left a bunch of cash on the table and guided you to the back door, keeping it open for you. After the stifling air and tension of the inside of the club, the cool air felt nice on your skin and in your lungs, but it did nothing to quell the tightness of your lower stomach.
Gojo tapped away at his phone before he put it back in the pocket of his trousers, pulling you into him and kissing you again, this time, much more feral and unrestrained as his hand grabbed your ass and kneaded it. You were feverish, consumed by his touch, biting his lip and sucking it roughly, just so you could hear him moan.
‘Aggressive. I like it’ he groaned, smacking your ass and then leaving you to stand next to him as if nothing had happened. The taxi stopped in front of you less than a minute later, and you briefly wondered how he’d managed to predict that.
All the way in the taxi, Gojo’s hand was resting on your thigh, softly stroking your skin, making you squirm in your seat as you felt yourself grow more and more aroused as well as nervous. Would sex really be that good? Would it hurt a lot? Would he see that you were a virgin? What would he think? You hadn’t even gotten to being touched by a man other than kissing and dry humping. You masturbated regularly, of course, but you’d never done anything else despite being 22. Gojo was five years older than you, and a known fuckboy. He had probably had so many women who had known exactly what to do, how to touch him, how to behave. And you only knew what you knew from general knowledge, your friends and reading the occasional smut. But this would be different, wouldn’t it?
As you started to overthink, you noticed that the taxi had pulled to a stop. Gojo got out of the car and opened the door for you in a gesture that you would not have expected from someone like him. His hand settled on the small of your back as he guided you towards a lavish, modern house that you should have expected from him. He was filthy rich, after all. But it still surprised you. Your thoughts, however, were interrupted as soon as the door closed behind you and Gojo pinned you against it, kissing you with such fervour your knees were weak. There was no time to overthink what was going to happen after as he pushed his leg between yours, making your clit throb at the friction it offered. His tongue licked the length of your throat, only to nip and suck as his hands freely roamed your body. You clutched his shoulders, pulling his hair, grinding against his thigh, breathing shakily when he gripped your ass with strong fingers.
‘Show me how much of a brat you really are. Don’t tell me you like it sweet and gentle. That would be quite the disappointment, sweetheart’ he said, kicking off his shoes. You did the same, and as soon as you had done so, Gojo flung you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, laughing and slapping your ass when you squealed.
‘I won’t drop you, no need to squirm around’ he chuckled, evidently having the time of his life as he dropped you on what you assumed to be his bed. You bounced once on the mattress, immediately pinned down by his body as he climbed over you, gripping both of your wrists and trapping them above your head as he licked the swell of your breasts.
‘Gojo-’ you whimpered when his hand started to fumble with the zipper of your dress. Your heart was pounding in your throat, but he did not seem to mind as he pulled the zipper down, starting to peel the sleeveless dress off your body.
‘It’s Satoru when you want to scream it. Or you can give me a cute pet name if you want’ he said, throwing away his glasses and turning on the lamp on the bedside table as he removed his shirt. You stared at his toned abs, the muscles on his arms, his slim hips, the lines that disappeared under his trousers along with a small trail of white, almost invisible hairs.
‘Should have done this much earlier. You are quite a pretty thing, aren’t you?’ he asked, his eyes roving down your body, liquid with want as they lingered on your bare chest.
‘It’s quite selfish of you to keep these hidden’ he continued, kneading your tits in his large hands, rolling your nipples between them, making you forget your embarrassment as he started to suck and lick them, making your clit throb in your drenched panties.
‘Shut the fuck up, Satoru’ you moaned quietly as he pinched your nipples. He snapped his tongue against his teeth, tilting his head, his unruly hair framing his angelic face, on which a wicked smirk was painted.
‘You are so rude… I know how you can put that mouth to good use, sweetheart. Show me if you’re just as filthy when you suck my cock as you are when you insult me’ he taunted in your ear, sucking on the curve of your neck. You tensed up, biting down on your lower lip. What would you do? Would you try and pretend you knew how to do that? Or tell him? No, you couldn’t tell him. You wouldn’t be able to survive the humiliation.
But Gojo didn’t seem as oblivious as you had thought him to be, because he lifted his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stopped moving.
‘What’s up?’ he asked, staring at you with those hypnotic eyes, ‘you don’t have to- if you don’t want to’
His moment of kindness and thoughtfulness confused you. You weren’t used to it. You swallowed, averting your eyes, caught unprepared.
‘I- have never done it before’ you said, burning from shame. Gojo’s eyebrows lifted, and he tipped your face towards him again.
‘Okay. Tell me what you like. What works for you. If you still want to keep going. I promise that as much of a dickhead you might think I am, I’m not such a prick. Just tell me what you’re thinking’ he said oddly gently, staring into your eyes until you crumbled.
‘Satoru, I don’t know what I like. Because I have never done this before’ you begrudgingly admitted, feeling as though you would implode from the shame you felt soon. Gojo looked… perplexed.
‘You’re a virgin?’ he asked, almost disbelieving.
‘You been hanging out with a bunch of monks up until now?’ he laughed, giving you a playful smirk. Your brow furrowed.
‘What the hell are you talking about?’ you muttered, though you had to admit his playful tone was making you feel more at ease.
‘I’m saying you are way too hot to be a virgin. Or were you waiting for me? You’re so sweet. Let me make it unforgettable for you. Ever got your pussy licked, sweetheart?’ his eyes were dark with lust, and you shook your head weakly, feeling a tightness in your stomach at his words.
He grinned, looking almost elated. Almost as if this was turning him on even more.
‘Aren’t you cute. After this, you might not want to let me go. You just sit there and look pretty, mh?’ he crooned, his hand cupping between your legs, making you whimper when his fingers pressed slightly against you.
‘You’re so wet. Such a cute little cunt. Seems you like me more than you’d like to admit, sweetheart’ he grinned, pulling the fabric to the side and stroking you, tearing broken moans from you that you tried to contain.
‘Shut up, Satoru- ahh!’ you got cut off by his fingers flicking your clit as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He was good. So good. So much better than you. It was like he knew straightaway what you liked and how you liked it, and then did something more that you could not describe.
‘Don’t tell me what to do, pretty girl. I know you like my voice way too much to want me to stay quiet. You’ll see’
And you did. The first lick of his tongue on your bare cunt was like fire in your veins. It made your back arch and your fingers curl on his scalp, your hips jolting away from him and into his face at the same time. He moaned, unable to shut up even as he lapped at you, sucked on your clit, pushed his tongue inside you and quivered it on your clit until you were sobbing and thrashing and he had to keep you pinned down with your thighs locked on his shoulders. Every time you tried to scoot away from him you were pulled back, until tears ran on your temples and pleas you had never wanted to utter to him poured out of your lips inbetween whines that sounded so filthy you were unsure they belonged to you.
When he lifted his head and pushed two fingers inside you, scissoring them and stretching your muscles, you were undone by the burning look in his eyes, the way his lips glistened, his chin damp with your slick.
‘That’s a good girl. You moan like a proper slut, don’t you? Look at you, crying for me. Are you going to cum, sweetheart? I know you can do it for me’ he said in a sweet, thick as honey voice, his fingers curling inside you as he sucked on your clit, making you cum with a sob and a breathy moan, your eyes scrunching up. You felt light and airy, like you were floating. Gojo lifted himself up, wiping his chin and standing up to take off the rest of his clothes. You gulped as you stared at his hard cock. It was thick even in his larger hand, and you struggled to imagine how much it would hurt. You weren’t sure you could take it.
‘Next time, I’m teaching you how to suck it. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? A little slut like you… you’d cry for it, I bet. But for now, I want to feel just how tight you are’ he said, stroking his cock with the fingers that had been inside you, spreading your slick on his length.
‘Are you on the pill, sweetheart?’ he asked, and you nodded, thinking you saw him grin for a second before he nestled himself between your legs, spreading them with his knees.
‘Breathe for me, pretty girl. I’ll be gentle with you until it doesn’t hurt anymore. You can hold onto me, just try not to tense up’ he said, rubbing his cock on your labia and your clit, making you twitch and rake your fingernails across his shoulders. He moaned along with you as the tip of his cock pushed inside you, thick and hot, making you pant with the burning sensation that followed as he pushed a little more.
‘Fuck- you’re fucking amazing. You’re doing so well for me. Good girl, just a little more’ he groaned, his eyes narrowing as your muscles squeezed him. There was some sort of resistance and then a sharp sting, but Satoru had the presence of mind to stop and wait for you as you dug your nails in his back and gritted your teeth. The burning feeling started to quell down along with the pain, and your muscles eased up a little around him, until you could feel just how full you were, and how good it was.
You rolled your hips tentatively around him, and he bottomed out, giving another shallow thrust and making you whimper before he pushed all the way in, until his balls rested against the curve of your ass.
‘God- Satoru…’ you moaned, arching your back as his hand gripped your thigh and the other wrapped around your throat, his thumb pressing on the side.
‘Good little slut. You were made for my cock, weren’t you? You hate me so much, and yet, your little cunt loves me. What does that say about you, mh?’ he crooned, starting to slam his hips against you, making you whine as though you really were a slut as he said. For some reason, the insults he was throwing at you were doing nothing but making your clit throb and your lower stomach tighten into an even tighter knot than before. And he seemed to know it too.
‘You wanted me to be your first? I don’t think you’ll be able to forget me now. You love this too much, don’t you? You’re such a mess, sobbing and drooling for me. Such a cute slut’ he drawled, his cock pressing against your g-spot with every thrust, the tip kissing your cervix, making you cry with pleasure. His words echoed in your head, making you feel dirtier, hotter. Heightening the sensations in your body.
‘Please, ‘toru…’ you moaned after a few minutes of torturous pace, slow and rough, meant to drive you insane.
‘What do you want? Tell me’ he urged, playing with your nipples and sucking on your chest, where you were sure you’d find purple marks in the morning. You didn’t care at all.
‘Harder- fuck me harder. Fuck me like you hate me’ you said in a frenzy, and he groaned, slipping out of you without a word and flipping you on your stomach, gripping your hips and lifting them unceremoniously before he pushed his cock back inside you inch by inch.
‘You want to cry more for my cock? You’re so desperate. Take it then’ he groaned, voice gruff as he fisted your hair and pulled, starting to fuck you so roughly you near screamed his name.
‘That’s right. Fucking scream- serves you right for mocking me. You just wanted this, didn’t you? Wanted me to have your cunt all to myself. Bet you touched yourself every night thinking of this. God you must have hated it- wanting me so badly’ he panted, smacking your ass and pounding into you until the knot in your stomach snapped and released, making you gush around him. Gojo moaned and let out a dark laugh.
‘God, you love this so fucking much. I was right, huh? You need the anger fucked out of you. I prefer you like this- so much sweeter’ he hissed, his hand snaking underneath you to roll your hypersensitive clit between his fingers, making you jolt and squirm.
‘You’re going to cum again. It’s only fair. Just one more time around my cock, and then I’ll cum inside you’ he said, pushing even deeper in that position, hot tears running down your face, your makeup ruined as you fisted the sheets desperately, pushing your ass into him until you felt yourself squeeze him again, your clit pulsing, your mouth open in a silent scream as you came again, seeing white. Gojo moaned, his thrusts getting more erratic until he came with a groan, pushing lazily into you.
He slipped out of you, making you hiss a little from the pain. You both collapsed on the bed, your arm draped over his torso as he caught his breath, his eyes closed.
Maybe you loved to hate Gojo Satoru, you thought.
Part II here
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kangaracha · 7 days
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n this is dedicated to the three readers who left such lovely messages after the last chapter, particularly the one who left a long list of tags when reblogging the masterlist yesterday. just a reminder that i love and appreciate you, and your comments mean the world <3
previous | masterlist | next
You're sitting in a small, empty waiting room, away from the hustle and noise of the main room, when I.N flies through the open doorway and straight across the room, his feet moving so fast that you swear he almost crashes into the wall on the other side.
"Hide me," he says, sliding onto the floor on the far side of your seat.
You blink in confusion, frowning as you look down at him. "What?" 
"From Changbin," he says, his breath hitching in his throat like he's been running for miles, and aggressively waves a hand towards the door. "Don't look down here. Hide me."
"I.N-AH!" Changbin's voice cries in the hallway as if summoned by the very mention of his name, the final syllable drawn out long and loud. The sound, and the grimace that covers I.N's face in response as he sits there curled against the wall makes you crack a smile, your eyes tearing away from him and back to your phone screen just in time to feign innocence as Changbin appears in the open doorway, a wide grin on his face as his eyes search the visible parts of the room.
"I.N-ah~," he calls, cajolingly now, and leans through the door as if that will be enough to entice the younger boy out, to make him forget about the deranged yelling that had followed him down the hallway just a moment before. "Come on, I.N-ah. I just want to give you my love."
From behind him, you spy Hyunjin with a camera in one hand, hovering over Changbin's shoulder as he hesitates to come into the room. His other hand is covering his mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. "He's not in here," you tell them, resisting every urge to look down at the boy hiding behind your chair - or to break, a laugh trying its hardest to bubble up to the surface of your lips no matter how hard you shove it down. "He ran past going that way." You point out to the hall again, in the direction Changbin had been heading.
Changbin stares at you for a moment, eyes narrowed like he's trying to figure out if you're lying or not. "I saw him come in here," he says, but only like he's testing the waters - not like he's sure of the fact, or willing to defend it with his life.
A smile creeps across your face. "You're seeing things again," you say, and watch him scoff and bluster, withdrawing from the doorway. 
"Our noona is lying to me," he says to the camera, and then giggles when he looks back to see the look on your face before he leaves, saying something to Hyunjin that you can't quite hear when their voices fade down the hallway, following their footsteps.
Several seconds later, I.N climbs out of hiding, circling around you to slump onto the other end of the couch in a sigh of relief. "I knew I could trust you," he says, a hand tossing his hair away from his forehead and then reaching to drag his own phone out of his pocket.
"Is this what you usually do for your vlogs?" you ask in return, your phone sinking into your lap. "A lot of screaming and running around?"
A wry smile crosses I.N's face. "Changbin does that anyway. Hyunjin just happened to be holding the camera when he grabbed me." He pauses, and then adds, "Isn't this how every practice goes too?"
You shrug. "There's usually less chasing. Maybe it's just because the practice rooms are smaller."
"And they can lock the zoo animals in with us." You snort a laugh and lift your phone again, your restless scroll continuing. Several seconds of silence stretch between you before I.N comes up with another question. "What are you doing in here alone?"
"Nothing," you sigh, and the phone drops away from your field of vision again, replaced with the sight of the other side of the room. White walls, folding tables covered in mess, abandoned chairs. Boring. Thoughtless. "Trying to find something to do that isn't thinking about tomorrow. I don't know, nothing important."
"You could always poke Changbin into tackling you," I.N suggests lightly. "Usually when that happens to me, I can't even remember what I was doing before."
You wince at the thought of it; so far, you've stayed away from the roughhousing that occasionally breaks out and you'd not intended to get involved in the future. Not as a victim, anyway. "I'm good, thanks," you reply wryly, making light of the curl of anxiety that rattles at your ribcage for no particular reason. "It was really loud up there earlier, so I came down here."
"I should have come with you," he sighs. "I didn't know we were being nervous in peace down here."
The way you look at him, head turning sharply and eyes narrowing as your thoughts race to catch up, makes him do a double take, confusion clouding his eyes. "You're nervous?" you ask; and sure, it's not so strange when you think about it and remember the jitter of nerves that crawls up and down your spine every time you go near that stage, but for him to feel like that too, a whole day before you go out there and do the job you came here to do? Surely, after three years, it got easier than that. Surely he couldn't be that nervous.
"Probably not as much as you are," he tells you, "but yeah. It's a big stage, and there's a new song-"
He stops like he is going to say more and then drops it, the end of his sentence hanging unfinished in the air. "I thought you'd be more...used to it, by now," you say, a hand waving in the air vaguely like that will help to explain your case. "Not that you wouldn't be nervous at all, but..."
"I think the others are," I.N says, leaning back into the cushions of the couch with a shrug that slumps his shoulders downward. His hands fiddle idly with his phone in his lap, snapping the case on and off as he thinks. "I feel like I'm still learning though, like you. That's why Lee Know teaches me a lot."
You're aware that you're staring at him like he's crazy, but he takes it in stride, not even flinching under your scrutiny. "If you're this good and still learning, I've got no hope," you tell him, and then you slump back too, one leg sliding up under you so that you can lean on your shoulder.
He openly scoffs at you. "You're just as good as me. And you came in here and just started...fitting in and working."
"That's a lie," you insist, but the absurdity of it all makes a breathy laugh bubble up from inside your chest, easing the tension that keeps building there. "I don't think I fitted in at all when I started. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm actually going to make it to debut; or that I even belong here."
I.N's lips twist, his eyes softening. "Sometimes I don't either," he admits.
You laugh again, this noise far more undignified than the last one. "Wild thing to say when you've been in a successful group for three years."
The look he gives you is cutting, his eyebrows raised high. "Yeah?" he questions. "And you saying you're not going to debut is any different?"
"I haven't debuted yet, global idol," you point out. 
"Because tomorrow is so far away," he says with a roll of his eyes.
"Technically, I don't debut until an official comeback," you argue.
"You think you're just going to leave after performing with us tomorrow?" he scoffs. "Be more serious. It's embarrassing for you."
"I am being serious!"
"You're being ridiculous."
"I'm calling Changbin to come and get you."
"Not if I leave first."
You stare at each other for several seconds, your phone raised in the air between you like a threat. I.N is the first to break, lips pinching together tight in an effort to swallow the smile that eventually breaks them, the giggle that bubbles up at how stupid an argument this is. "Don't call Changbin," he says, breaking about as fast as you'd expected him to. "I'll break your phone."
"Who are you, Seungmin?" you question; your phone moves out of his reach anyway, just in case. "You spend too much time together."
"Only since you came," I.N throws out carelessly. "He won't leave me alone." The way he says it is innocuous, like he truly doesn't mean anything by the words, and you believe it; but still, it sticks in your mind.
"No one leaves you alone," you point out, carefully stepping around the implication that Seungmin likes hanging out with you. Or taking care of you. Or something. "You're too cute to ignore."
The face I.N pulls is disgusted, the mirror image of the expression he gives the other boys when they start paying him too much attention. "Maybe you spend too much time with Changbin," he suggests.
The dryness of his tone is funny enough to make you laugh, the noise bursting unbidden from your mouth. "I'm just stating a fact," you assure him. "You're cursed with that face. There's nothing you can do about it now."
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"Have you ever toured in Australia?" you ask some time after Chan has taken over the laptop again, your career as Stray Kids' producer as short lived as it was spontaneous. You're sitting now in one of the armchairs from across the room, dragged over next to the table in the pretense of having any kind of input in whatever he is doing as he fiddles endlessly with the details of Han's song.
"We went last year," Chan says, glancing up at you. "Why?"
You shrug carelessly, leaning back in your chair. "Just wondering. I haven't been back in a while. It'd be nice to go one day."
He pauses a moment longer, his hands on the keyboard. "How long is 'a while'?"
You realise you might have made a mistake when your lips press together around the answer, reluctant to give it. "Since I came to Korea?" you spit out eventually, when the tension in the air reaches the breaking point between too late to answer and not saying anything at all. 
The look he gives you says everything he needs to, though his mouth opens to back it up anyway. "You haven't been home in - six years?"
"Sixish," you confirm. "Something like that."
"Why?" he presses. "You've never had a holiday?"
"I've never had time," you say defensively. "Every time my holidays came up, I was working on evaluations or something, so I just never got there."
He shakes his head, returning to his work. "We'll tour in Australia," he says, like it's a promise that is his to keep, not some employee of the company whose name you don't know. "And you'll get a holiday before that."
"Why do I feel like you're going to force me to take a holiday?" you ask, drawing your legs up underneath you.
The look that he shoots at you between edits on his computer screen is withering enough to belong on Minho's face - and without words attached, his gaze saying what it wants all by itself. "Did you take every holiday you had as a trainee?" you ask. 
"Most of them," he answers primly. "And I went home a couple of times too. Like a normal trainee."
"Don't call me weird," you say, but there's no heat behind your voice - only the weakness, maybe, when the realisation of how much time and distance has stretched between you and a place you keep calling home, brushes up against your mind. You hold it at arm's length rather than embracing it, unwilling to sit here and cry about it on a night like this. 
"You're not weird," he answers. "Just unsocialised."
The incredulous look you give him is met with a laugh, the sound of it high and infectious as it invades the room. "No one ever taught you how to do anything except work," he explains. 
"Hey," you say, as if you're offended. "I'm fun. I know how to have fun."
"How to have fun at work," he insists. 
"Are we not having fun right now?" you question.
"And what are we doing right now?" he fires back, pointing at his laptop.
It takes you several seconds to realise the corner he's backed you into, your eyes tracking from the laptop to him several times. "Working," you sigh in defeat and wrap your arms around your knee, drawing it up towards your chest like a shield as you sag into the back of your seat.
"It's okay," Chan says smugly. "At least you are fun to hang out with. Some people don't even have that going for them."
"I'm so fun," you insist, knowingly doubling down to avoid having to accept the compliment. "Companies can't resist me. Teachers never want me to debut and leave their classes. I'm the most fun person in the world."
"Everything you just said was about work," he points out with a wolfish grin.
You sigh again, loud enough that he can't miss it. "Maybe it's all I think about," you allow. "Maybe after this and comeback, I could make time for something else."
"After comeback?" he echoes. "That's another month away."
"And yet, it haunts me."
A smile pulls at his lips, but he doesn't reply, distracted by whatever he's fixing on his laptop. You wait as he listens to the song, running one part over and over again and fiddling with a fine detail you can't see or hear, even if you were the one looking at it. 
His voice catches you by surprise when he speaks a minute or so later, your ears just grown used to the comfortable silence that had fallen over the room. "I never asked why they took you out of Midnight."
"Oh." You sit back, rubbing at your tired eyes. "I didn't 'fit the image they had for the group'. Not pretty enough."
"I'm sure that wasn't exactly what they meant," Chan says slowly.
An acerbic smile twists at your mouth. "Maybe," you allow. "I don't know. It's the obvious answer - have you seen Midnight? They're all insanely beautiful, and I'm just - okay, I guess."
You have a feeling, as you watch Chan's brow furrow and his eyes narrow in thought, that you might have revealed your thoughts to the wrong boy first. Maybe you should have told Minho instead, or Seungmin or Jeongin, friends that would tell you you're wrong at an arm's length. Chan is a fixer, on top of everything else that he does, and that look in his eyes is only an indication that he's finally narrowed in on his next project.
"Well, you're a better visual than all of us in SKZ," he says, the firm tone of his voice only confirming your suspicions. "And I don't mind if we never look as good as Midnight."
"Lying is such a bad habit, Bang Chan," you say lightly, trying to lift the suffocating, sombre blanket of air that has fallen over the room. "I look at you guys every day. I know how pretty you are."
"You lied first," he scoffs. "Saying you're ugly. You can't just go around spreading rumours like that."
"I didn't say ugly," you argue. "I just said I don't stand a chance next to those other girls."
"Liar," he insists, and struggles to swallow a grin.
"I'm not!" You sit up straight in your chair, the energy that suddenly rushes to your voice unexpected. You realise only a moment later that you've spoken too loud for a hotel room in the middle of the night and swallow down the way that your heart picks up pace and a smile fights for control of your face, lowering your volume before you continue. "I'm telling you, the bar is so high. I waited four years for that debut, and some of those girls just walked in and got a place. Not that they didn't deserve it, but like..."
"Lee Know did that," Chan points out. "Debuted in six months."
"Do you know Ellie?" you ask; and to your surprise, he nods. "I think she was here for weeks before they added her to the predebut lineup. I feel like I don't even really know her, she's been here for so short a time. And she knows idols from all kinds of groups already - the more I think about it, the more I'm like...how did I even think I had a chance? Maybe I should have just known I wouldn't debut."
"Maybe you were just always meant to be here with us," Chan offers before you can spiral any further down that particular rabbit hole - pulling you out into the light, shovel and all, like it is nothing to him. "Lee Know nearly got taken out of the group too, you know. Maybe the people making these decisions just don't know what they're doing."
Your eyebrows raise in surprise. "Really?" you ask, distracted by this new piece of information. "I need to watch your survival show. I've missed so many key points."
"No," he groans again, burying his head in his hands. "We're not watching that. Forget anyone ever mentioned it."
"All of you need to get your story straight," you tell him. "Seungmin says I need to watch every piece of content ever filmed, you tell me not to watch any of it; how am I supposed to know what to do?"
"You should know not to listen to Seungmin by now," Chan says. 
"I think we should watch it," you counter just as quickly. "I think it's a great idea."
"No," he insists. "It's four AM. Go to bed. Don't watch bad TV shows."
"You just told me I need a new hobby."
"Get a normal hobby."
"Watching reality TV is a normal hobby."
"Don't watch the show."
You swallow a smile, struggling to keep a straight face as you stand and stretch, your feet wandering one step at a time towards the door. "I'm going to watch the show," you tell him, deadpan. "I'll tell you all about it in the morning."
"No," he complains again, like if he says it enough he'll be able to stop you. He makes no effort to do anything else though; just sits there and looks pathetic, weighing up whether whining is worth it or not. "Go to sleep."
"Are you going to sleep?" you ask pointedly, taking in the sight of him sitting there at the table, his work still open on his laptop.
The moment that he notices, he closes the laptop, dragging himself out of his own chair. "Yes," he claims, too bold for someone who is always up at this hour. "You know what I'm not doing?"
"Watching that show in the middle of the night."
The way he says it makes you crack, a laugh huffing from your throat just before you choke on it and the effort of holding it down. It makes him laugh too, the sound escaping all too easily from his mouth. "Goodnight," you say before he can celebrate his victory, backing towards the door. 
"Goodnight," he echoes, his smile softening his voice and lighting up his face in a familiar, joyous way. Your feet don't hesitate at the sound of it, but your heart does, your chest aching for something you don't think you've ever had, but maybe you have found - your spine crawling at the thought of it being over, even though you will wake up in the morning and he will still be here, and all the others will be around you too, and-
And you will debut, on that stage, in front of the thousands of people that love them even more than you do.
You try to leave the thought behind you as you close the door, back there with Chan, who will have the sense to throw it in the trash where it belongs, but it sticks to you, echoing in the hallway as you take the short walk back to your own quiet room, slinking around incessantly in the shadows when you turn off the lights and slide underneath the covers of your bed, resolving to at least lie here until the alarm goes off in the morning.
Tomorrow, you will debut.
Tomorrow, you will debut.
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids
@hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts
@puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night
@d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk
@minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification
@starssongs98 @weirdhumanbeinglol @morinuu @the-weird-mold-in-the-sink @bokkiesplace
@amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @skzstaykatsy @blackhairandbangs @jungkookies1002
@hyuuukais @imsiriuslyreal @thatonedemigodfromseoul @gini143 @mercurywritesstuff
@splat00z @filmbypsh @palindrome969 @crabrangoongirl25 @enzos-shit
@jabmastersupriseee @kayleefriedchicken @hynjinswrld @duhgurl @cheshireshiya
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purelyfiction · 19 days
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━◦○◦ⓢⓞ◦○◦ⓘⓣ◦○◦ⓖⓞⓔⓢ◦○◦━ .t.w.o.
NFL QB Jake 'Hangman' Seresin AU x Popstar F!Reader
Summary: NFL Quarterback Jacob Seresin is in hot water from a streak of bad decisions, just as you go through the worst public breakup of your life. With people slandering both of your reputations, your publicists hatch a plan to bring both of you back into favor and keep the heat off until spring - that is if you can keep up the facade.
Word Count: 2,999 words
Author Note: :)) I know it's shorter than the first part but I am trying here y'all - I really am. but!!! more Celeste and Jake for your trying monday night xD ━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━
There are only so many ways to avoid conversation, which is why Jake’s fiddling with the radio. It makes you nervous, seeing how he man-handles the wheel with one hand, the touch pad in the car with the other. Who was the genius to put touch screens in vehicles anyway? That seemed like a stupidly dangerous decision. But you weren’t an engineer so that meant it wasn’t for you to worry about. Or maybe it was since Jake was fucking around with it while operating a motor vehicle. 
“Shit, there is literally nothing good on.” His voice is low before he asks the AI assistant again to play a specific song. You turn your face to the glass of the passenger door, trying to hide the growing smile on your face as the country song plays. “What?” 
“I didn’t say anything!” You defend, looking at him while actively battling the grin. 
“The thing on your face - you’re smiling, why are you smiling-”
“I can’t just smile?” 
“Not out of the goddamn blue like Jeffery Dahmer, you can’t!” It’s now that you realize that there’s a subtle twinge in his voice. He’d relayed plenty of stories to you at the bar but not once did he mention where he was from. And the slight drawl on his lips helps you narrow it down slightly. Well that made sense now. The pop country track wasn’t out of the blue when you pieced it together. 
That isn’t why you’re giggling though. Instead of answering his question, you lean into the door, watching the landscape whizz by. 
“Gonna answer my question?” He prompts once more. 
“I’m just smiling!” You try, looking at him with a laugh. The look on his face is one that makes him look like he’s almost about to explode under the stress you’ve seemingly put him under. Finally, you relent. “I- well I wrote this. That’s all.” 
Brows furrow as he turns down a road. “I’m calling bullshit.” Now your lips part in amused shock. 
“Are you joking? I wrote this!” You give an astonished laugh as you slowly approach a modern looking gate overlooking the driveway to a residence. 
“No. Prove it.” Off the top of your head, you begin to list the chord progressions, C. F7. G7. F7. C. As he parks the car, he’s still being stubborn. “That proves nothing other than you can play the song.” Scoffing with a roll of your eyes as he pulls his phone out, tapping something on the screen. The large gate slowly begins to recede into the bushes next to it. 
“Here.” You hand him your own phone, Google provides not only the lyrics, but the song writing credits at the very bottom. Jake squints and points to the name, reading it out loud to you. “Yes!” 
“That doesn’t say ‘Celeste’.” Now he’s smirking, leaving your head falling forward. You quickly move to your purse, grabbing your wallet and then your ID, throwing it at him, causing both of you to laugh when it hits his face. He scrambles to pick it back up, looking at the plastic. Then, not unlike a bouncer at a bar, he cross references the name on the card to the one on the screen. Jake then has the audacity to bend it for authenticity. 
“Oh give me that.” You snatch both of your belongings out of his hands and he holds up his hands in defeat. 
“Fine, fine.” The gate is open now, a rolling road of pavement that opens up to a mammoth of a house. You pull into the garage, finally moving into the conversation again, somewhat bluntly. 
“Is it so hard to believe I wrote a song about sex?” Jake doesn’t answer. Instead, he gets out of the vehicle, shutting the door behind him. Before you can utter a word, he’s come to the other side and opened the door. 
“No. Though, you writing a country song is.” His head disappears from the door frame and he leads you into the house. “It’s not a bad song. You did the whole thing?” 
You are slowly following him in, your head craned as you take in the massive building. For its size, it’s very ordinarily decorated. There aren’t massive and astonishingly expensive art pieces on the walls or marble staircases - it was… dare you say: cozy? It was familiar and welcoming in the way a home should be, not sterile and rigid like most homes in the neighborhood were. Of course, you only knew this because of Restoration Hardware and the likes. 
Jake is easily leading you to the kitchen, which is less ‘normal’ than the rest of the house. Recent appliances and modern finishes adorn the kitchen, from intricate coffee machines and luxurious wine fridges. He’s stuck his nose into one as you gape at the rest of the house. 
It finally dawns on you that maybe you should answer his question. 
“I did. It was one of my favorites but.. The entire thing just felt too… out of place for my style- you own this place?” Jake nods. You’re not sure if it’s in response to your question or to your response. 
“Sounds about right. I can’t imagine you singing country music.” He’s moved around the kitchen toward the fridge. “And no, I don’t.” 
You freeze for a minute. If he didn’t own this place… 
“Then whose house-“ 
“It’s my mom’s.” Well that wasn’t listed in any of the answers you’d predicted he’d give you. Still, he’s pulling a bottle of wine from the wine fridge, reading the label and then sitting it on the counter. 
“Your mom owns a place… in LA?” He starts digging into drawers, looking for what you can only presume to be a wine bottle opener. You help him in his pursuits, pulling random drawers open. 
“Well… it’s- okay so I bought it for her. She really loves the drive to Big Sur on Highway 1 and so she’s got this place to stay at and then there’s my place in San Diego. My place isn’t big enough to house my whole family, so they crash here when they’re in town for football games, they just take a quick flight up to SD. Or make the drive if they have the time.” You’ve found the wine opener by now and are unintentionally holding it hostage. He’d bought his mom a house so she didn’t have to stay in a hotel in San Diego? And he just flew her home whenever she wanted? 
“So.. you crash here because no one can tell when it's your mom or you here?”
He shrugs. “Sort of. It’s as close to home as I can get without boarding a four hour flight.” Jake pushes the bottle in front of you, and you distract yourself by opening the bottle as he putzes around with his phone. It begins to ring as you screw metal into the cork. You preoccupy yourself with your task as he disappears to the other side of the room. The blonde paces the room as he settles on the phone. An unfortunate look crosses his features and it certainly doesn’t inspire anything confident in you. While he hangs up, you are still struggling with the damned cork in the bottle. “Well, that was my lead security guy.” Jake speaks, leaving your attention on him as you hopelessly tug on the bottle and the jammed instrument in the glass neck. 
“And what does Mr. Security have to say-” your question is punctured by the pop of the stubborn cork. As well as the splash of decade old fermented grape juice all over Jake’s mom’s nice granite counters. And your very new, very white tank top. Defeatedly, your hands let the bottle gently come to the surface, staring down at the mess. For some reason, you don’t immediately respond to the mess. You just… stare.
It isn’t until Jake comes along with paper towels, bumping your hip with his own to nudge you out of the way. “Don’t worry about it.” The wine is cleaned in no time, and you hazily fill two waiting glasses. 
“What a waste of good wine.” You complain, before nearly gulping your first sip down. Jake simply laughs. 
“Happens. Anyways, Wells, he said they can’t get to your room.” Setting your glass down you’re about to explain how reception desks work. The quarterback beats you to it. “Now listen, smartass. I know what you’re about to say, cause I would’ve said the same thing-” he laughs. You tandemly giggle along with him, “the hotel literally can’t get into your room. The key card reader is malfunctioning. The guy who fixes them won’t be in until tomorrow.” The groan off your lips is paired with your footsteps as you move to his living room.
“Great. Well,” you take another sip, pausing in the middle of the room, “guess you made a smart move of bringing me here then. We have an out if we get caught. ‘My room was malfunctioning so like the gracious gentleman you are, you let me stay at your place.” 
“My mom’s place.” He corrects, slowly following you into the room with massively vaulted ceilings. There are beams across it, dark in color. If the sun was still up, the entire thing would be flooded with daylight from the skylights in the ceiling.
“Right. Your moms.” You spend time staring up at them, admiring how he was a whole ass homeowner as you count his skylights. Eight skylights. When your attention comes back to the horizontal plane, Jake looks over at you as he tosses his phone to his couch. When he does, you realize your own voice is softly playing over the built in speakers. 
“Are you quizzing me? Is that what’s happening here?” You squint at him teasingly as he sets his glass down. “No, I’m putting it on so I can learn it. If I consistently listen to things on a loop my brain seems to soak it up - almost like a sponge.” The blonde disappears from behind the couch, down a hallway, leaving you to admire the stone fireplace that crawled to the ceiling, basking in the notes and chord progressions you’d strung together. 
“Oh, so I’m not studying, you are.” You call out to him, letting it echo down the hall. He mimics your call. 
“Yeah. My coach will have me benched if this doesn’t go well. So, I’m gonna be damn sure I know everything about my girl.” 
You know what he meant. The word wasn’t meant to be possessive, or affectionate. Except, coming off of his lips - so naturally like that… it was easy to mistake it for genuinity. 
“That tracks. What are you even doing over there?” As you call out, your feet are slowly making their practiced patterns from choreographed rehearsals timed with the song playing over you. 
The realization makes you giggle. You haven’t performed this in over four years. So it was silly you still knew it. But it also was just plain silly. Dancing around to your own music, tipsy in a multi-million dollar house in the Hollywood hills, with a stranger who let you spill wine on his quartz counters. The whole thing is something from a novel. 
“You ruined your shirt, and your stuff is locked in a hotel almost thirty minutes away, so-” Jake has looped around the couch by now, watching as you step in time with your music. One hand grips to a pile of clothing, his other hand pointing your direction. “If you plan on me learning this then you can forget it.” The clothes drop to the leather of the couch as you continue to step with the words, shimmying for emphasis. 
“Oh come on, it’s so easy.” Moving to the coffee table, you set your glass down, grabbing his now empty hands and pulling him further into the room. “Ready? Just follow my steps.” 
And he does, doing as best as he can as you emphasize the words, using them as the tempo with your steps. You know that’s not how your dancers did it, but that’s how you’d done it. Using the words were like landmarks, signifying when you needed to do specific motions. Jake seems to pick it up, somewhat effortlessly, with an uncanny ease. 
“Oh you totally dance.” 
“I don’t.” 
“You do. Don’t even try to deny it.” You tease him further as the song ends and transitions into the next one. This one has a heavier tone to it, but it doesn’t stop you from following the steps. Your mind floods with the dance moves and the arena tour. The catwalk into the crowd, the sultry steps you took alongside the music. The outfit you’d had on. God, you had felt so hot in that outfit. It was one of your favorite tour costumes. You’d wanted it back from wardrobe when the tour was over - but the Music Hall of Fame had wanted it for a display not even three months ago. Otherwise you would’ve worn it to New Years Eve. It was your favorite. 
It was Jonah’s favorite. 
Jake has stopped dancing at this point. His attention has moved to each of the coordinated moves you made until you got halfway through the song, grabbing your glass and sitting next to him where he was perched on the arm of the chair. 
“Your turn.” You tease, only to sip from your glass. Surprisingly, Jake downs his glass and stands up. 
His dance moves are horrible. Downright awful. But you laugh all the same as he tries to sing along, getting the words wrong.   You shake your head and continue to grin as you begin to sing along to the words. 
“I’d walk through the fire if you were the flame, couldn’t care less if they call me insane, I don’t need the fortune and I don’t need the fame, I just need for you..” The note drags out as the song picks up, your hand slapping against the couch with the drum as Jake continues his terrible rendition. Finally you finish the line, “to say my name. Say my name! I’d take it all on, face all of the pain, say my name!” 
The instrumental approaches the bridge, an overlapping conversation in the background of the audio, ‘Celeste’ over and over in low sounds. But Jake’s voice catches you off guard. He’s stopped dancing by now, but you look at him all the same. Your name falls off his lips again. When you look like you’re about to question him, he just laughs. 
“You said to say your name.” Rolling your eyes, you finish your wine, moving back to the kitchen to grab another glass. You wouldn’t tell him, but so few people called you by it anymore. It was refreshing. You retrieve the clothes he’d dropped to the couch, before giving him a pointed gleam of a smile. 
“I’m gonna go change- bathroom?” He points you in the direction of the room, and you quickly slide in. Once your shirt is off, you’re dropping it into the sink, the water running as you try to get out a stain that was on the verge of being fully dry. That was, admittedly, less than helpful. Still, your soggy shirt is the least of your problems when Jake comes knocking on the door. 
“You okay?” You open the door and show him the shirt in the sink. There’s a low laugh that comes from him. “I have a laundry room- here, give me that, I’ll go put a stain remover on it and let it sit for the night.” You don’t exactly know why, but you are kind of shocked that he offers. You had imagined he would just turn and leave you to your failed attempts, but instead he’s been rather compassionate to your cause. Though, it doesn’t take him long to mock you for your misfortune. You then remind him that this was his wine that was causing the problems after all.
Jake then proceeds to ask you about each song that comes up over the speakers for the remainder of the night. He surprises you with his questions on specific words, asking what they mean and making you laugh as you play dictionary for the man. When the bottle is finally empty, the two of you have sprawled out on the couch, the ceiling having transformed into some form of entertainment for the two of you. 
When you try to stifle a yawn, the blonde slowly pushes from the couch with a low grunt. It makes your stomach surge. Being in close quarters with a man like this was one thing: the sound he’d made was a completely other itinerary. One you never planned on following. The only plans you wanted to follow were the contractual ones you’d signed off on the other afternoon. The way that Jake was standing in front of you, holding out a hand to help you off the couch was making that more difficult. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed, popstar.” Drowsily, you take his assistance, but his strength pulls you up way harder than you were anticipating, leaving you flying into his chest and leaving him to subsequently catch you. When he does, you’re only in a fit of giggles as he holds on tight, feeling how his breath falters as he tries to return it to its regular rate. “You think that’s funny?” He smirks, moving the two of you now in some makeshift waddle, arms locked around you. His breath comes hot over your shoulder as you move through his house - his mom’s house - and toward a room. When the door creaks open, another damn near erotic sound leaves the athlete behind you. You know you didn’t cause that sound (even if you kind of wished you had). That was the work of one disassembled queen bed frame against the wall of the guest bedroom.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Puppy Love 3
Find my CoD masterlist
More adorable puppies, a minor confrontation, and John finally makes a move. 
Warnings: Brief confrontation, vague threats, some anxiety. 
Word count: 1.4k
John Price x f!reader
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Gaz made it to Price’s office in record time, keeping his ears open. The last few days, Soap had been making noises about going to see the puppies (and the cute breeder). But Gaz was determined to keep him and his flirting away from her. 
She wasn’t right for Soap. But she might be right for Price. 
Price took one look at his expression and chuffed. “I don’t want to hear who did what,” he grumbled, looking back at his paperwork. 
“No, sorry, Captain,” Gaz was quick to correct. “We’re avoiding Soap and going to see the puppies.”
“Why are we avoiding Soap?” Humor had returned to Price, though he didn’t get up yet. 
“Because he’s an annoying sod.”
“True enough.” 
When Price still hadn’t moved after nearly a full minute, Gaz narrowed his eyes a little. “I thought you wanted to see the puppies.”
“Mm.” Price frowned down at whatever report was in front of him. “You don’t need me to hold your hand, Gaz.”
“‘Course not, sir.” Gaz quickly filed through his plans. “I just like your company that much.”
Price chuffed again. “You’ll manage one day without me.” 
Damn. This was not going the way it was supposed to. Why had Price decided to be so stubborn now of all times? 
Inspiration struck and Gaz strode over to the desk, pulling his phone out and navigating quickly to his texts. “Don’t you want to see these cuties?” He kept his voice light as he turned the phone around, letting Price see a picture of all seven puppies trying to climb over the baby gate. 
And, conveniently, letting Price see the caption below:
Would you share this with John too? So he can see how much of a menace these little rascals are.
Gaz saw the moment Price read the caption, his lips parting ever so slightly. “Well. I suppose I could go with. Since you don’t want to go alone.” 
Gaz grinned. “Thanks, Captain.” 
Price waved him off, getting to his feet. Gaz tucked his phone away again, trying hard not to be too smug. “Let’s go see the pups.”
“I’m sorry,” you reiterated, standing firm in front of your door. The step didn’t give you very much height, but enough that you weren’t stuck looking up at the asshole in front of you. “The puppies are all spoken for already. If you’d like, I can put you on a waiting list or get you the contact information for other breeders.” 
“I was told you had a puppy available.” The man crossed his arms over his chest. He’d been rude the entire time, and something about him made you want to get him off your property as fast as humanly possible and never let him near a dog. 
“I’m afraid that’s not true. They’re all spoken for.” Your smile felt forced but you clung to it anyway. 
“If you’re lying to me–” He took a single step closer, and you dropped the smile, taking a half-step back to press your back against the door. 
A car stopped outside your house and you both froze. Kyle and John emerged from the car, both of them taking in the scene. 
“Hope we’re not interrupting,” Kyle called with a friendly smile. 
“Not at all,” you immediately piped up, though you refused to move. 
The man glowered at you but backed off, apparently unwilling to press the issue with witnesses around. He turned and stalked away, narrowly missing colliding with John’s shoulder. 
“You alright?” Kyle asked, jogging the rest of the way up to the front door.
“Fine,” you said, plastering on another fake smile. “It was nothing. Come inside, please.” You fumbled for a moment before you got the door open. Your hands were shaking. You were quick to stuff them in your pockets. “You can definitely get an idea of their personalities now,” you told Kyle, walking them to the kitchen. “Need me to open the gate?”
“Nah, I’ve got it.” Kyle glanced at you one more time before he stepped over the gate, immediately getting mobbed by the puppies. 
“The boys are the red, purple, and white collars,” you said, taking a step back. “Take your time.”
“You sure you’re alright?” John asked very quietly from next to you.
“Of course!” Your smile felt too brittle but you couldn’t let go of it. “Go play with the puppies, they love new people. Excuse me for a moment.”
You didn’t give him a chance to object, instead walking away as smoothly as you could. You rounded the corner to the front door and double checked it was locked before you leaned your head against the door, breathing deeply.
You’d always been terrible at confrontations. Always. And this one had been bad. 
Sometimes you hated living alone, not having someone to lean on. 
One last deep breath and you forced your shoulders down, your smile more natural. 
Clearly you hadn’t been missed, though. Kyle was sitting on the floor with one puppy in his lap, another pouncing on his boot. John was standing in the kitchen where you’d left him, though he was watching Kyle. The fact that neither of them was looking at you helped you relax a little bit more. 
“I was serious, you could sit with them,” you told John, smiling at him.
He shook his head a little. “Nah. Gaz can have his fun for now.” He paused there, one hand lifting to stroke briefly over his facial hair. “So someone did express interest in the last pup?”
“Uh, not exactly.” You shifted your weight, looking down and off to the side. 
“What happened?” He kept his voice low and nonjudgmental. 
“I just…” You floundered for a moment, unsure where to even start. “He came up to the door asking about a puppy. But he was… rude. Off. I don’t know why he wanted a puppy but I doubt it was for the right reasons. So I… lied.” 
John was silent for long enough that you peeked at him, nervous. He had apparently been waiting for that, because he nodded once. 
“Trusting your gut is always a good idea,” he murmured. “You made the right call.”
Your shoulders relaxed the rest of the way with that little bit of validation and you smiled. “Thanks,” you whispered. 
“Do you have anyone nearby if he comes back?” 
“Not exactly.” You shrugged, shifting your weight nervously. “I don’t open the door without checking who it is first, anyway. And I’ve got a baseball bat.” 
John was quiet for a few moments before he shook his head once. “I’ll give you my number,” he offered. “You can call me if you ever have problems.”
You blinked, eyes going wide. “Are you sure?” You couldn’t help but fuss with your shirt a little. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
He smiled crookedly, eyes warm. “You won’t be,” he assured you. “Promise.”
So you pulled out your phone and took down his number, and then texted him your name and a picture of the puppies so he’d have your number as well. 
(Still cuddling his puppy, Gaz couldn’t entirely hide his glee. This had worked out even better than he’d planned!) 
“Well, Gaz? You know which one you want?” 
Kyle popped up from the floor, grinning and holding his puppy to his chest. “This one.”
“Purple collar, got it.” You made a note in your phone. “He’ll be ready to go home in two weeks.” 
“Perfect.” Kyle chuckled when the puppy licked his chin. “Yes, we know you’re cute.” 
You smiled. "Looks like he's bonding with you already. That's good." 
"Can't wait until I can bring him home." Kyle set the puppy down with a sigh. 
"It'll go by faster than you know." You reached over to pat his shoulder. 
"I know." He didn't quite pout… but it was close. "Guess we'll head back now." 
You nodded, standing to the side to watch them head to the front door. Kyle walked out and jogged over to the truck, but John stopped just outside the door. 
"I meant it," he murmured, low and serious. "Call me anytime. For any reason. You'll never be a bother." 
"Thank you." You smiled at him. "I'll see you soon."
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murkycran · 1 month
Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List! :D
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
Summary: A shortage of suppressants in Hell means that Vox is going to be enduring a heat for the first time in years. Who better than the Vees' resident pimp to help him through it? Afterall, the last thing they need is for someone to complicate the situation with "feelings" and Val was the best at keeping love and lust separate. Until now.
TLDR; Valentino plays himself.
Notes: SO FUCKING FUNNY. Cannot read this in public bc I laughed too much. Val and Vox are both idiots. Perhaps the most human depiction of them that I've seen, especially during sex. Neither of them are suave or coordinated, but by god are they trying.
system takeover by Subedarling
Summary: Velvette has never been the type to play hero. But when a mysterious new player enacts a dangerous plot to usurp the Vees' power, taking her two idiots hostage in the process, that's exactly where she finds herself. Now she has no choice but to go on an impromptu rescue mission, maintain the facade that everything is fine to the outside world, and prove why she's the backbone of the Vees—and she hasn't even had her morning coffee yet.
Vox and Val are going to owe her so hard after this.
Notes: Technically Velvette-centric but I'm including it anyway bc it does have Staticmoth; found family. She's so badass in this, I love it. The Staticmoth is very sweet. :3
even if i quit there's not a chance in hell i'd stop by Subedarling
Summary: Valentino stretches his arms over his head as he enters the kitchen, yawning. His robe is hanging loosely around him, and God, if Vox were to run his hand down his chest he could probably count all his ribs. He stops short when he sees the plates waiting for him on the counter. His eyes narrow. “The hell is this?”
“You know, most people would say thank you when their partner makes them breakfast,” Vox says dryly.
Notes: Very tender. A good kind of hurt. Deals with ED.
Parvulus by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox woke up to something... unusual. Terrifying, even. He calls Valentino, desperate for the help.
Valentino is, of course, irresponsible, and Vox is exhausted.
He just wanted to get through the day like normal, why did this have to happen?
Notes: Written before season 1. The art of Tiny Vox is not linked, but I've seen it before and it is SO CUTE. If anyone has a link, please share with me so I can link it here!
A Wager of Desire by Heliosolar
Summary: Valentino and Vox have a small dispute over something meaningless, so they make a bet.
Vox has to last an entire dinner while at Valentino's mercy.
What could go wrong?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. One of the first Staticmoth fics I read. :)
Venenum by Heliosolar
Summary: During an uneventful meeting, Vox makes the mistake of stealing a drink from Valentino.
Notes: Written before season 1 release.
Getting Railed (By Child Support) by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: The female of several species can store sperm for many years prior to using it to fertilize her eggs. As it turns out, spider trains do this too.
Decades after their romantic fallout, Overlord Choo Choo Charles is knocking on Val's door to demand he take responsibility for the results. By way of kidnapping his boyfriend to lure him to his den.
Notes: One of the crackiest fics I've ever read. Vox is an idiot with a horrible sense of self-preservation and Val fucks a spider train without birth control. Just...read it, okay? I literally cannot think about this fic without giggling like an idiot every time.
Beautiful Monster by IceBlueButterfly
Summary: “You’re late,” is the first thing that comes out of Vox’s mouth.
That sharp smile somehow grows wider.
“I believe the term is ‘fashionably late’ baby,” a smooth voice with a light Spanish accent replies.
Which… okay if Vox is being honest, is kind of hot.
Screen heating up a little more, Vox shoots a bored look.
“Or just late,” he snips back. “Oh well,” he claps his hands. “Doesn’t matter, you ready to get down to business?”
“Oh baby,” a bright gleam in even brighter eyes, “I’m always ready to get down.”
Vox is already regretting this decision.
OR Moments in time throughout Vox and Val's relationship. Vox may have no idea what the moth demon will bring to his life, but neither does Val.
Notes: A very nice exploration of how Vox and Valentino's relationship evolves.
Only a Shadow by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox shows up on the hotel’s doorstep with no memory of how he got there or who he is. They agree to house and heal him, and slowly but surely he finds joy in becoming better. Then Valentino shows up and is forced to choose between self-altering addiction and the closest he’s ever come to love.
Meanwhile, Velvette has a new potion brewing, one that will grant her more power than the Vees ever had. Only Vox and Val can stop her, but will goodness really overcome evil? Or will they be only a shadow of their former selves?
Notes: The Voxval is currently toxic and only just now being touched on in Chapter 9 of the fic; I say 'currently' because the author explains in the AN of the first chapter that both Vox and Val will go through some "self-discovery and healing". Seriously, just read it. It's very good!!
You Found Me by passthevoxcord
Summary: Long before Velvette came along, it was just them. Vox and Valentino. Valentino and Vox.
Notes: Includes some interesting headcanons for Vox and Val.
Virtual Reality by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox gets tired of his cybernetic biology being a barrier to his sex life, so he starts a new project to fuck Valentino in VR. Val will try anything once, but he has something else in mind.
Notes: Surprisingly sweet. ^_^
Muted by passthevoxcord
Summary: Val helps a nonverbal Vox deal with sensory overload.
Notes: Sweet and tender. :)
Freaky Friday by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox and Val wake up stuck in the other’s body, but it’s no big deal because they both know how easy the other has it. Right?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Sweet take on the different challenges Vox and Val face in their daily lives.
Something Akin To Love Series by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Vox's taste in partners is delightfully self-destructive and that's an itch Valentino is more than happy to scratch.
It's not safe or sane, and whether or not it's technically consensual is heavily up to interpretation, but what they have is probably something akin to love.
A collection of StaticMoth fics set in generally the same continuity.
Valentino is awful and Vox is unfortunately really really into that because a control freak in the streets is a masochist in the sheets.
Notes: Has 2 parts, both very much worth reading. Very funny, lol. Vox is in a hell of his own making but enjoying it at the same time.
Update Prescription by innerfray
Summary: Vox tricks Valentino into getting his eyes checked. They're forced to confront the nature of their partnership.
Notes: One of my favorite Staticmoth oneshots. Felt like an interesting take on Val's blindness. Angst so good...
Like Moth to a Flame (Or to a Bright Blue Screen) by datweirdo
Summary: Valentino is a moth after all
Notes: Cute and funny!!! "You fucking murdered him" lmao
30 Decibels by Shortsighted_Owl
Summary: Somewhere, under the low humming of the monitors, the quiet gurgling of replacement coolant being piped into Vox body, a new noise - dry, yet somehow viscerally wet, and so very soft - made itself known, but only just.
And Valentino almost missed it. - After a fight with Alastor, Valentino watches vigil over Vox’s broken form.
(What if Vox still has organic vocal cords, and after a fight with Alastor, the synthesiser he uses to amplify his voice is destroyed. What if Valentino hears Vox’s real voice for the first time?)
Notes: Heed the tags, there is in fact body horror lol. Sweet but mildly horrific. <3
Priest, mailman, cruise captain or chef? by Destabilize
Summary: Inspired by Vox's outfits in Stayed Gone - Val and Vox try out some kinky stuff with a priest outfit, to mixed success.
Ah ha!” Val squealed with delight, wine glass drained and thrown on a sofa, “This!” Val was standing proudly by the wardrobe holding up a long red robe with a hat and some kind of sash. Vox scowled, “Is that a fucking priest outfit?”
“Si! Isn’t it fun- it’s in your colors too!”
“You wanna be a priest?”
“No baby! You be a priest and I can,” Val sidled up and leaned down, puffing some smoke in Vox’s face, snaking an arm around his waist, “lead you astray...”
Notes: Surprisingly cute and funny! Vox fails epically at roleplay and it is hilarious.
riding out the drop by spoondrifts
Summary: Like he’d said before, killing Alastor was Vox’s kink, not his. He had been prepared to sit back and enjoy the temporary chaos until Vox got over himself.
What he hadn’t accounted for was the possibility that Vox was exactly as obsessive, bitter, and desperate for Alastor’s acknowledgement now as he had been seven years ago. Distance hadn’t made the heart grow fonder: distance had made a highly detailed revenge scrapbook complete with a conspiracy corkboard done up in red string.
Or: Valentino gets fed up with Vox's fixation on the radio demon. They fuck about it.
Notes: Features (sex favorable) asexual!Vox! :D (I lowkey headcanon him as ace ever since the "better than sex" comment)
Featherstone by spoondrifts
Summary: “To me,” Vox told the baby, “it seems like bad parenting to leave your helpless kid for a whole month with two unstable psychopaths and their parole officer. But hey. Who am I to judge.”
No intelligent reply was forthcoming.
Or: not-so accidental baby acquisition, starring the three least responsible idiots this side of the Pentagram.
Notes: Big Vees as family vibes. Wish so desperately this was canon.
vark attack by tarltonnnnn
Summary: Valentino has to petsit Vark for a day. Chaos ensues.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Vark is a big dumb (and very cute) baby.
Unplugged by pinkpunchy
Summary: Vox looks like he’s going to vomit. Valentino frowns.
“For the one who suggested this, you’re being a real pussy.”
“Fuck you! Just give me a sec.” Vox spits out, muttering darkly as he adjusts his shoulders on the pillows, trying to arrange his body for the moment he loses all function. Valentino, despite his impulsive nature, waits patiently. His manicured nails drag along the spot where cable and port connect, thumb smoothing up and down the flat surface surrounding it. Vox’s breath is coming faster now, not slower, something Valentino is tuned into as naturally as his own breathing.
A large hand grasps a corner of Vox’s screen, tilting it up and putting an immediate stop to his fidgeting. Valentino smiles, red eyes narrowed to slits.
“Do you trust me?”
Notes: Sex as a...trust exercise? Lol I'm joking, but seriously. Sweet and hot at the same time.
Electric Desires: Lust, Power, and Unspoken Longings in Hell by Dani69696969
Summary: Vox is starting to get fed up with Angel Dust being the only thing Val talks about when Vox is right there, ripe for the taking. Inspired by Vox looking happy that Angel might have quit in Episode 2.
Notes: Very sweet. Plot with porn. :)
The Art of Pimping by MarenRose
Summary: Desperate to close a deal with one of the most lucrative investors in Pride, Vox does the unthinkable and pimps out Valentino for a one-time date. What could go wrong?
Notes: Vox's jealousy and possessiveness really brings out his stalker side in this lmao. Vox is a little pathetic and that makes his jealousy all the more funny to me. :D
Welcome to VoxTek Enterprises! by MarenRose
Summary: Subsequently, Valentino, of all people, has become the office’s saving grace.
(A series of VoxVal ficlets through the eyes of Vox’s assistant)
Notes: Pretty funny! Vox's assistants are really going through it. One of the tags is "Imagine being happy to see Valentino" lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued)
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: Whelp, the results are in, and the vast majority of you guys voted to how the Rogues will react to a reader refusing to reciprocate their affections. When I tell you it was hard to narrow down the title to fit the header image lmao but I hope it still makes sense! Starting up first with the Riddlers...duh and the rest will follow shortly I promise! Hope you guys enjoy! And thanks so much for voting again!
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Reader Ignores The Riddlers' Affections
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
Listen, I don’t think it’s even worth it to see his reaction. 
He’s not that big on affection as it is. 
Now that you finally somehow warmed him up to the idea…
You’re gonna tease him? 
You know this isn’t…normal for him
Why give him a hard time??
FINE, be that way…it’s not like he enjoys your hugs or kisses anyway…absolutely stupid.
(not really, please don’t ignore him)
There’s no point in mentioning that miniscule sigh of relief he lets out when you kiss his cheek. 
He will never admit to it.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
He’s going to immediately think he’s done something wrong. 
Did…did he do something wrong?
Oh, gosh…did he forget a birthday? Anniversary? Holiday?? No..he couldn’t have..
You’re always so forthcoming with your hugs and kisses.
At the very least, you always reciprocated. That’s how Edward knew he was…doing it right.
Like many Riddlers on this list, this is new to him. 
Please don’t tease him too harshly
Man’s will get mad confused and flustered. 
You have to be as quick to apologize and comfort him. 
Kiss him until your lips are numb and your arms are falling asleep.
And please don’t do it again
Gotham Riddler: 
Are you upset? Has your mind drifted to something else? 
He puts his hand on your shoulder or taps you lightly. 
Okay, you acknowledged him, he gives you his signature tight lipped smile.
He leans in and gives you a peck on the cheek
After a pause he taps his own cheek.
You’re supposed to return it…don’t shrug and walk away!
This leads Ed to anxiously ramble about every decision he made that day, apolgizing for each one, cause clearly you’re mad. 
The only way to get him to shut up is to kiss him. 
Tell him he’s fine, you were only messing with him. 
He’s relieved but, please, don’t do that again. 
BTAS Riddler: 
Ed loves to give you adoring kisses on the cheek and sweet hugs. 
It’s quite routine, whenever he first sees you, either in the morning or in a new room he does it. 
You always return the gesture. 
So he’s taken aback when you blatantly ignore him. 
At first he wants to think you were distracted about something, or something is wrong.
When you remain steadfast, he becomes flustered. 
However, the minute you see his face fall, you can’t keep it up. 
You hug him and kiss him back, surprising him.
You apologies giggly, saying you only meant to tease him a tad.
You both agree you took it a bit too far. 
You promise not to do it again…for now with a kiss. 
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
Ugh fine, whatever. 
Don’t come crying to him when he leaves. 
You should’ve taken his affections when you had the chance. 
He doesn’t have to stick around, kiss your cheek or hand, wrap his arm around you.
Nope, he just did it cause he knew you liked it. 
(also knew it’d give him brownie points to your pants later)
Although that’s likely the reason you stopped returning his gestures in the first place. 
Is it so hard to actually be romantic without expecting something? 
Likely the only Riddler where you hold out from returning ANY affection for the longest. 
It takes awhile, but Ed eventually becomes to frustrated and pent up. 
The moment he admits you may have a point or better yet, he may be so torn up to apologize. 
You return the praises, kisses, and caresses. 
You will never forget the absolute sparkle in his green eyes. 
Twojar Riddler: 
Edward is taken aback.
He too tries to think if he’s done something to piss you off. 
Yet, when you don’t give him a straight answer, he’s likely to pick up on the fact you’re just teasing. 
Well, two can play at that game. 
What once started as a means to get him to grovel to his knees towards you…
Winds up being an almost two week long challenge to see who yearned more for the other. 
Who wins is totally up for debate. 
Regardless whoever wins or loses…you both get yours in the end. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
Ed cringes, but sighs in exhausted defeat. 
He’s already assumed your cross with him because he has been neglectful. 
Things have been crazy busy at the office, case after case…
And you both know he can’t afford to say no to too many of them. 
When you turn your head from his lips and don’t get off the couch to hug him. 
He already knows your hurt, and already sets the wheels in motion to make things right. 
Eddie almost breaks your heart when he outright apologizes if he’s been neglectful of you. 
You instantly go to him, wrap your arms around him and shake your head. 
Insisting that it wasn’t him, you were just teasing, he hadn’t done anything wrong. 
Now you’re the one apologizing, not realizing how good of a front you put up. 
All is forgiven in the end, with a sweet long kiss.
Telltale Riddler: 
Probably, no most definitely, the one least bothered about it. 
He finds it annoying more than anything. 
You constantly nag him about showing a lack of affection.
So now that he shows it, you're going to ignore him?
Fine, suit yourself.
But don't come bothering him later about him not trying.
It doesn't take long for you to realize you may have messed up. 
You instantly apologize, saying you were just teasing.
Even asking how it feels to be ignored…
(which he has been guilty of doing to you when you kiss or embrace him)
Edward rolls his eyes and just sighs. 
You guys still have a ways to go, but there has been some progress.
Young Justice Riddler: 
Another riddle lad that thinks he's messed up somehow. 
When you turn your head to the side to dodge a kiss.
Eddie's hurt almost instantly.
He's also immediately thrown into panic mode. 
Oh my god, please comfort him
He’s about to cry
You hug him and kiss him. 
You didn’t mean anything by it, just wanting to tease him. 
Please, please don’t tease his wee heart like that. 
Eddie can only take so much. 
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
Edward instantly assumes you're mad at him for something. 
If anyone is aware of his shortcomings it's him. 
He wouldn't be surprised if he messed up somewhere. 
But when it comes to you, it's harder to sweep under the rug
Ed asks if something is wrong, usually, you return his kisses with your own. 
It's extremely discouraging, especially from someone…the only one who has encouraged him in anything. 
After dodging a couple more pecks and embraces…you can't keep the act up anymore. 
You just can't handle that saddened look on his face. 
You spend most of the evening reassuring him, insisting you were just teasing. 
You promise not to ever turn down his affections again.
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odinsblog · 1 month
Have you ever been over something, and then years later, someone, out of the blue, brings it up and it really just knocks the wind out of you?
Okay, so this is about high school. I’m nearly 40, so that’s multiple lifetimes ago, right?
I’m pretty sure that I’ve posted about this here at least once, but I can’t find the post to link to it
Here’s the deal
In high school I wasn’t …. hmm …. Idk exactly how to describe it. I played sports (track, football, swimming), but I wasn’t POPULAR popular, right? But I also wasn’t NOT popular
My high school (in Florida) hadn’t been desegregated for very long, and there weren’t a LOT of Black students but there was enough of us so that we felt as comfortable as you possibly could given the circumstances
But I was like a universal joint: I played well with others and I fit in well with almost everyone, and if you don’t include some of the overtly racist teachers, I had almost no enemies (don’t get me wrong, I definitely had my share of fights with school bullies, but after you win enough of those, they kinda stop trying you)
I cannot even tell you why, but for some reason in senior year I decided to run for president of the student class
Wild, right?
So after all of the preliminary votes, it narrowed down to two people (I was more surprised than anyone that I actually made it that far - I guess bc I never really expected to win, maybe running for student class president was kinda like a high school bucket list thing for me?)
Anyway, my final opponent was a white guy named Bill. I knew Bill because in high school somewhere along the way, it was impressed on me that I should participate in as many non-athletic extracurricular activities as possible, to make me a better rounded person, and I was in the SUPER FUCKING RACIST Interact Club with Bill. How racist was Interact, you ask? Well, you had to “apply” for membership to Interact. When I applied, I had no idea what it was. I just knew that my student counselor had suggested it to me, and why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(my graduating class was 2,500 students large, so it wasn’t as big as some of the schools I had attended up north, but it was “big” for Florida)
A teacher was responsible for actually running Interact, but the students really RAN it, know what I mean? Even though I had been working since I was 10yrs old, my Interact Club interview was probably my first real interview. It was kind of a big deal. Like, you had to schedule it and dress up for it and everything. And if you got accepted, your name got put up on a placard, prominently located on one of the main halls of our school
My first interview question, from the teacher in charge of the “club,” was: “Can you take racist jokes against Black people without getting angry?”
To say the least, I was 100% completely caught off guard—I knew what racism was, and I definitely knew that it was present in my school, because I’d experienced it firsthand from other students and teachers, but for some reason I wasn’t expecting it to happen at Interact Club. Silly me
I suddenly became acutely aware that I was the only Black person in a room full of white people: the teacher/advisor, about 10 students who were already members of Interact, and mf Bill. Because OF COURSE Bill was already in Interact, and he was just grinning from ear to ear as I sat there in front of the classroom in this fucking “interview” from hell
BUT…! Anyone who knows me knows that one of my core personality traits is, if I get hit—no matter how hard—I always always always hit back. After a moment or two, my response was: “Yeah, can YOU take racist jokes about crackers?”
NGL, I’m not known for my quick wit, or always having the deftest or best clapbacks, but I surprised myself. I really patted myself on the back for that one
Nobody said a word for what seemed like an eternity. It was enough time that I still remember wondering if I might get detention or suspended or something
Finally, the teacher just said, “Okay. You’re in” and he got up, and quietly left the room. Leaving me alone with Bill and 10 not very amused white boys. Bill wasn’t grinning anymore
One or two of the guys got up (I was fully ready to fight, and I was cocky enough to believe that I could take them all down), but they just shook my hand, congratulated me and then they all left the room too
I would later learn that I was the first Black student in my county to get (“accepted”) into the Interact Club. This motif of, “first Black person to…” would follow me around in a lot of aspects in life, until my late 20s
Now, fast forward to the day before Election Day for student body president. It was my very first time giving a public speech. To a crowded auditorium full of my classmates. It was a little bit nerve wracking, but once I got into it, it was easy peasy. Enough so that I actually remember relaxing on stage and even ad libbing a few jokes into my speech. All in all, it wasn’t a bad experience. In fact, I kinda enjoyed it
Lmao, I made a shit ton of promises that I had no idea how I would keep, like getting the school to play music from the local Black radio station in the cafeteria during lunch—and the auditorium exploded in cheers and applause with this impromptu commitment of mine. Like I said, it was a good experience
Bill gave his speech, but I remember it being flat, bland and boring (kinda like Bill) and there was a smattering of claps here and there, and I distinctly recall thinking, “Is Bill really bombing here?” It surprised me because I was like, he had home field advantage, right? I mean, I could count on the Black students to vote for me, but collectively we didn’t account for more than about 15% of my student body class. We had to be bussed in. Bill shoulda been killing it. He had home field advantage, right??
The day after our speeches, was voting day. The principal told Bill and I that we would each be given the results in person before last period, and then the winner would be announced via intercom at the end of the school day. The principal made it clear that the loser would be expected to gracefully accept the outcome and shake hands with the winner. He was looking directly at me as he said this, but it didn’t bother me that much because I never really expected to win. I was outnumbered, but I was proud of myself for making it this far. And everyone who I passed in the hallways was telling me, “Don’t worry, O, I voted for you. You got this in the bag.” A surprising number of white kids were saying this to me. The football team, cheerleaders,… like … a lot of white kids. Hmm… interesting
Weirdly, the closer that me winning seemed like a real possibility, the more I wanted it. But there was no fucking way that I was going to actually win
In the middle of that day, announcement day, I was called to the principal’s office via the p.a. system. I was shaking walking down to the office
I made my way into the office and the school secretary smiled at me and told me to go to another room down the hall where “they” were all waiting for me
I get to the closed door of the room, take a deep breath, gather my nerves, open the door and go in
And the ONLY people in that room are Bill and that fucking Interact Club teacher, and a few members of the Interact Club. Bill is wearing this giant smirk on his face, and the teacher is smiling. “You lost,” the teacher bluntly told me. “Now shake hands with Bill”
And I start to shake hands, because all of the wind is rapidly leaving my sails, and I’m literally deflating in front of everyone, but just before my hand meets with Bill’s hand, I pause and ask, “How much did I lose by?”
This wasn’t me trying to buy time or anything, I genuinely wanted to know. I was just curious. The teacher looked like this question caught him off guard, and he looked back at two of the students, and then they looked at each other, and they whispered to each other, and then one of them raised one finger, and the Interact teacher said, “You lost by one vote”
Somehow, that was even worse than losing by a hundred votes
And Idk where this presence of mind came from, but I asked if I could get a recount (losing by one vote wasn’t sitting right with me)
The Interact teacher said he didn’t think that was allowed, but he must have seen the look on my face (I was definitely going to go ask the principal) and he gave me a disapproving sigh and said, “Okay, we’ll do the recount. Come back in an hour.”
And I was like, “WHO will do the recount?” and he gestures to the Interact Club members and himself
Oh. Okay.
I just walked out without saying anything. Bill and his friends and the racist teacher were in charge of the vote counting. Great. Fine. Whatever
Needless to say, when the “recount” was done, I still “lost” but this time, I was told that I lost by 2 votes
So yeah, it wasn’t thee worst thing to ever happen to me, but it left a really bad taste in my mouth, ya know? After it was announced to the entire school, everyone was coming up to me for days afterwards telling me that they voted for me and they couldn’t believe that I didn’t win
I always believed that I had won, but it was high school. Whatchagonnado? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It wasn’t a life defining moment or anything, it was just something that happened, but it’s not lost on me that I still recall everything as if it happened last week
But I did let it go and I moved on
It’s something that I haven’t thought about literally in years. Decades, in fact
Until recently
I was out running one morning and a guy was going in the opposite direction and he kinda stared at me as I went around him. And then he yells, “Hey, is your name Odin?” and I stop and go back and tell him yes, and we start talking, and it turns out that he went to my high school. I completely do not remember him, but whatever. It’s always kinda nice to see old faces from old places
So after a few minutes we do the obligatory, “hey let’s exchange phone numbers and keep in touch” thing, but even though I gave him my phone number, I had absolutely no intention of ever contacting him. I’m busy. I got shit to do
Maybe a month later, I get a phone call and it’s the dude who I bumped into who knew me from high school. So in real time, it’s last week
We’re talking and I’m ready to hang up after about 30 seconds, but I don’t want to be rude so I let him keep talking and waited for the right moment to jump in and throw in an excuse to end the call
He’s going on and on and says, “I know you didn’t recognize me that day, but I was trying to talk to you and tell you something, but you seemed like you were in a rush…” and I’m thinking to myself, yeah, much like right now, and for some reason I get unusually blunt (in social settings I’m normally more patient and accommodating, but something felt off, and I really was busy)
Then he says, “I need to tell you something, but I …”
Long silence
Look, man, whatever it is just say it
“Thanks, I just never thought I’d … I want to get it off my … (long sigh)”
Just say it
“You won that election back in high school. I was one of the people counting the votes. You won. You won by a lot. We gave it to Bill”
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nitrateglow · 5 months
Favorite films discovered in 2023
2023 kind of sucked, but it was a fruitful year for me as a movie geek. I finally got around to seeing films that have been on my TBW pile for years now. I also gave myself a challenge that I actually completed: watch at least one film from every year between 1900 and 2023.
Anyway, I'll stop beating around the bush. Here are my top 20 favorite film discoveries in 2023. (The order is very, very loose from 5 on down. I genuinely had a hard time narrowing the list down to 20, let alone ranking everything.)
When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (dir. Mikio Naruse, 1960)
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This well-regarded drama follows Keiko, a bar hostess who's just turned 30 years old. She has limited options as an unmarried woman in postwar Japan. Considered "old," she has to marry soon or scrape enough money to buy her own bar. With its jazzy score and first-person narration, When a Woman Ascends the Stairs has a noirish vibe but it certainly isn't noir at all. Though the film is tragic, what moved me so much was Keiko's character. She has a tough lot and her story is ultimately tragic, yet she is determined to keep going, even if life won't give her a break.
The Boy and the Heron (dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 2023)
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Miyazaki's current "last film" is certainly his most abstract and puzzling. I imagine it'll be one of his more divisive titles in the years to come, but count me among its fans. While being "in the know" regarding the current state of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki's 60+ year-long career in animation allows one to better appreciate the many allusions and themes within the film, it stands just fine on its own as a surrealistic adventure about grief and the power of art. Also, damn, I LOVE hand-drawn animation so much.
Black Cat (dir. Kaneto Shindo, 1968)
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Kaneto Shindo's Black Cat is yet another confirmation of my feeling that horror pairs best with humor or heartbreak. While there are some morbidly funny moments, Black Cat is largely a devastating supernatural horror story about a young samurai who encounters two mysterious women in the woods, not realizing they are the ghosts of his murdered wife and mother. Even worse, they've sworn to kill any and all samurai they encounter, since their deaths were the result of raping, pillaging samurai-- but they remain human enough to desire an exception. I was creeped out thoroughly by the chilly atmosphere and imagery of this film. I liked it even better than Shindo's Onibaba and that was one of my favorites from 2022!
Malcolm X (dir. Spike Lee, 1992)
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I usually dislike big movie biopics for being stuffy and formulaic. Malcolm X avoids both of these issues. Directed to the hilt by Spike Lee, this film is passionate and compelling, about as far from a stuffy Oscarbait biopic as you could imagine. Also, Denzel Washington is AMAZING in the titular role. Like, we're talking one of the best performances I have ever seen because not only is Washington convincing as Malcolm X, he also perfectly portrays his arc from zoot-suited young criminal to uncompromising activist leader. I was absolutely mesmerized the entire time-- it's a long movie that never feels its length and I'll definitely be revisiting it in the future.
The Kiss Before the Mirror (dir. James Whale, 1933)
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James Whale’s horror movies are listed among the finest 1930s cinema had to offer, but his other works remain woefully overlooked. The Kiss Before the Mirror is a strange marital drama set in a dreamlike interwar Vienna. A lawyer defending a murderer who shot down his cheating wife comes to discover his own wife in the midst of a casual affair. Will this discovery lead to another killing? Despite the lurid plot elements, Kiss is closer to Kubrick’s introspective Eyes Wide Shut than a typical 1930s melodrama. Both husband and wife are complex characters struggling with destroyed illusions, making the story a hell of a lot more complex than you'd expect.
Five Miles to Midnight (dir. Anatole Litvak, 1962)
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I am so glad I ignored the meh reviews on this one because I would have missed out on one of the best thrillers I've seen in years. Sophia Loren is a woman desperate to shake off her narcissistic, abusive husband played by Tony Perkins. When Perkins is wrongly believed dead in a plane crash, he hides out in Loren's apartment so they can collect the life insurance money, split the funds, then part amicably. This being a Hitchcock-style thriller, it doesn't work out that way. What sells the film is the psychological cat-and-mouse game between Loren and Perkins's miserable, mismatched married couple, and a noirish sense of doom lends a great deal of atmosphere.
Shoes (dir. Lois Weber, 1916)
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Shoes is the best Lois Weber film I have yet seen and it still packs a wallop a century-plus since its initial release. Mary MacLaren plays a young woman single-handedly supporting her family on a five dollar a week salary. She wears shoes that are falling apart but can never seem to save enough for a new pair-- that is, until an unsavory way of getting the cash presents itself, much to her horror and temptation. This is a heartbreaking little film that showcases a lot of what I love about 1910s American cinema. There's less glamor in the settings and nothing at all genteel or cleaned up about the poverty on display. MacLaren is wonderful in the lead too, her performance a quietly compelling portrait of quiet desperation.
Jeopardy (dir. John Sturges, 1953)
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Barbara Stanwyck was in such a wealth of films that I can forgive myself for not realizing this one even existed. After seeing it, it's easily in my top five favorite films of hers. On the surface, the plot sounds like fodder for sleazy sex fantasy: a housewife on vacation is kidnapped by a hot escaped convict. She's racing against time to save her husband from drowning after the tide comes in at the beach where he's trapped; the convict has a very specific price for any aid he's willing to offer. Stanwyck's characterization complicates the situation and the direction amps the tension to a breaking point. Great, great stuff!
Girlfriends (dir. Claudia Weill, 1978)
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This film came across my path in a weirdly personal way. One of my sisters got engaged this year. We've been close all of our lives and shared an apartment for years, so this is going to be a big change for both of us. Girlfriends is about a young woman whose best friend is getting married, meaning she'll be on her own for the first time. In addition to making this adjustment, she's a photographer currently hired for weddings and bar mitzvahs, but dreaming of entering the larger world of art galleries. I guess you could say it's a 70s version of a quarter-life crisis film (Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha takes A LOT from it). The performances and direction are exceptional, having that unglamorous, lived-in vibe I love about the films of this period. It also just happened to come into my life at the most resonant time, so there's that.
Ivan the Terrible, Parts One and Two (dir. Sergei Eisenstein, 1945 and 1958)
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As a person who hates the idea that realism is the only valid form for cinematic drama, Eisenstein's hyper-stylized Ivan the Terrible movies are a joy. The compositions are like something out of a painting, the acting is operatic, the writing mythic and sweeping. The dance number in Part II is one of my favorite scenes in any movie ever. Best of all, the films rise above their propagandist origins, becoming a fascinating study of institutional power set against individual charisma.
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times (dir. Emilio Miraglia, 1972)
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I've been getting more into giallo lately and The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is among the more memorable titles. You have the fashion world setting, a disguised murderer running around in a red cloak, over the top kills, a villainous junkie who looks like Bucky Barnes, a spooky castle with death traps, the works. It's a movie where I don't really care too much about the plot. It's the off-kilter, sinister atmosphere that draws me in, as with most giallo movies.
Little Miss Sunshine (dir. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, 2006)
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It took Alan Arkin dying for me to finally get around to seeing this much beloved 2000s gem. I expected to only be interested in Arkin as the drug-addled, foul-mouthed grandpa, but the entire movie is so warm-hearted and hilarious that I fell in love with it whole hog. The characters are all quirky without being Quriky (tm), if you know what I mean. And I love the final message about just living your life and not worrying about whether or not you're "successful" in the eyes of society. An old theme to be sure, but done so, so well here. (Also, the mercilessly satirical jab at child beauty pageants is pure gold.)
Pom Poko (dir. Isao Takahata, 1994)
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I feel like a lot of western anime fans only see Pom Poko as "lol that movie where the tanuki have comically oversized testicles." And yeah, that is indeed something in this movie but there's so much more. It's one of the boldest films I've ever seen, an "animated documentary" (to use Takahata's words) about a village of tanuki waging war against humankind's encroachment upon the natural world. It's such a genre grab-bag, critic Daniel Thomas' description fits it best: "The story weaves through slapstick comedy, social commentary, satire, surrealism, and tragedy. It changes moods much the way the tanuki change form, bending and molding into a new shape, and relentlessly moving forward." I still think Only Yesterday is Takahata's best film, but Pom Poko is strong competition and yet another film I can see myself rewatching many times to come.
Bullet Train (dir. David Leitch, 2022)
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I still kick myself for not seeing this in the theater when it came out. Bullet Train is a wonderful lark of an action film. On first watch, I recall thinking it was like a live-action anime shot in a very Tarantino-esque style. I've seen it a few times now and I enjoy the hell out of it every time. And if you don't like it, well, you just might be a Diesel.
That Cold Day in the Park (dir. Robert Altman, 1969)
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Another film with a so-so reputation that I really enjoyed. Sandy Dennis (who's gradually becoming one of my favorites with every performance I see from her) plays a virginal rich woman who takes in a handsome young guy one cold day. Her initial kindness quickly curdles into erotic obsession and her house guest has his own secrets. It's an early Robert Altman film and not his most polished work, but that makes it all the more fascinating to me. It's a creepy psychological thriller with a haunting ending, as well as an interesting time capsule of the late 1960s.
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (dir. Russ Meyer, 1965)
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Where has this movie been all my life?? It's a bizarre campfest about three criminally minded go-go dancers who romp across the California desert, strewing all kinds of havoc in their wake. It's such a strange movie that I don't know how to describe it properly: it's got a New Wave sensibility to it all the while indulging in exploitation B-movie nonsense. Definitely a fun film to watch with a group.
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (dir. Chantal Akermann, 1975)
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I finally bit the bullet to watch this one after it topped the 2022 Sight & Sound list. Do I think it's the greatest film of all time? No, but I don't like singling out any work of art for such a designation. Putting aside all the drama that ensued when this was granted GOAT status, Jeanne Dielman is a striking film. It's definitely not something you just throw on casually-- you need to set aside the time to watch it and be in the right headspace. My initial mild interest morphed into a sense of anxious dread as the film ground along its three hour runtime, its protagonist struggling to retain her total sense of self-possession and control as she's thrown off her groove by unexpected events.
The Wicked Lady (dir. Leslie Arliss, 1945)
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This is not high art by any means. It's melodrama with a capital M, laying the cheese on thick. Margaret Lockwood plays a devious, scheming femme fatale in 18th century England who's a gold-digging noblewoman by day and a highwaywoman cavorting with bad boy James Mason by night. This is easily the most entertaining of the Gainsborough melodramas I've yet seen, dripping with soap opera antics, sumptuous costumes, and camp-a-plenty.
War and Peace (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk, 1966-1967)
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There is no substitute for reading Tolstoy's massive novel, but this 1966 Soviet version is definitely a fine work in its own right. Filmed in three parts, it's about nine hours long and it does a good job capturing the interior lives of the characters in the source material. Everything about it is just breathtaking: the costumes, the sets, the massive numbers of extras during those battle scenes. It's the kind of intellectually and emotionally stirring epic that makes all those hours fly by.
The Sweet Smell of Success (dir. Alexander Mackendrick, 1957)
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I often chafe when people act as though all 1950s American cinema were Leave it to Beaver wholesomeness and buttoned up repression. Some of the nastiest Hollywood movies I've ever seen came out of the 1950s and The Sweet Smell of Success is prime among them. Among the best of the late classic noir period, it follows Burt Lancaster as a popular but monstrous newspaper columnist who uses his power to control the lives of everyone around him, particularly his sister, to whom he has a borderline perverse attachment. The dialogue is as sharp ("You're dead, son. Get yourself buried." "I'd hate to take a bite out of you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.") and the cynicism as thick as the best of Billy Wilder. If you love noir, you can't miss out on this one.
What were your favorite film discoveries of 2023?
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justsomeno1s · 1 year
I know this probably exists already/better, but enjoy this list of Fear & Hunger Souls, Complete with personal (flawed) interpretation; Both types confirmed and not!
Endless: Adventuring or theiving, Tresspassing or Vigilantising- The rogue's soul. Held by Cahara, Nilvan, and Karin. Seems to be a soul of freedom- No rules apply above their own, moral or not.
Enlightened: Knowledge and the Pursuit of it, enstrengthening one's mind and becoming closer to the Gods- The Scholar's soul. Held by Enki, Valteil, and O'saa. Seems to connect with knowledge and learning, Notably in regards to Magic/the Old Gods.
The question is, would an enlightened soul be inclined to pursue non-godly knowledges? Like, science or something?
Tormented: Suffering, Loss, Endurance, Overcoming one's phyiscal limits- The Prisoner's Soul. Held by Ragnavidr, Ronn Chambara, and August. Seems to be a double edged sword- You will suffer, but you will endure it.
Dominating/Domination: Charisma, Leadership, Interpersonal Skill, and a Lack of Reflection- The Leader's Soul. Held by D'arce and Francois. While not always in positions of power, it seems that Dominating Souls are inclinded towards interaction, whether human or not- When unable or unwilling to remain human, Francois instead breeds and raises his hounds. Stubborness and a lack of introspection may also connected, as both characters that have this soul type are displayed with this trait.
Notably, none of the Main Termina Cast have this soul type.
For the others, there are only one known holder each soul type to my knowledge. Therefore, we can only look at the individuals for information.
Solitary: Independence, Survival, Introversion, Withdrawal- The very concept of being alone. The Hermit's Soul. Held by Levi.
Is there a notable difference between "forcibly excluded" and "personally chosen" solitudes for the individual?
Caressing: Care and concern- Caretaking. Held by Abella. Most clearly shown in her backstory, where she picks up working against the war.
Shadowed: Overlooked, capable- Assumedly hardworking/passionate. Held by Olivia.
Tainted: Defined by contradictory actions and thoughts- Bad things, good reasons. Held by Marcoh.
It could very well be a variance from "Petty theif feeding family" to "Robin Hood" to "Mercenary w/o empathy for victims". Its hard to narrow down.
Changeling: Adaptiblity and resilience- When others would break, changeling souls bend. Held by Marina.
Could it represent variance? idk brain's fuzzy.
Latent: Untapped potential, inability to give all. Held by Tanaka.
Could it attract death? Or is Tanaka just super unlucky?
Radiating: Burns bright, then burns out. Short but exceptional life. Held by Samarie
I dont like Samarie, but her life was certainly beyond normality- even in universe.
Blank: A subdued nature- Quiet, a background character. Held by Da'an.
Da'an doesn't get moonscorched, instead getting possesed by Pocketcat- Could it that his soul allowed him to be overwritten by pocketcat?
Chaotic: Goal oriented, but two-faced- Willing to do anything to get what they want. Cares little for alliances. Held by Pav.
Decrepit: Self absorbed and uncaring- Cares only about self and own pleasure. Held by Caligura.
I don't have a complete grasp on some of them- Changeling, Blank, Chaotic and Decrepit are all some level of unsatisfying to me, but I dont know how to improve them.
And then there's Henryk' Suffocated soul- I have no fucking clue. Is it repression based? Want based? The opposite? I don't understand Henryk very well, and that means I can't break him down into his "base components" so to speak. He's a catcaller, a master chef who feeds the entire group for free, and potentially the first moonscorched. He's skilled with melee weapons, a massive flirt, and poisons a vulnerable group if given the chance. All of that is great, but tells me NOTHING about his soul.
Guess that's what happens when your main claim to fame is "mysterious backstory", lol!
Anyway. Enjoy this blurb of my thought process! Please feel free to let me know what I got wrong/missed!
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multimilfs · 2 years
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader: One, Two, Three Strikes 
Summary: "You're the only one who gets to call me that, you know."
A/N: Prompts found here!
This... got a little out of hand. I wanted to include the throwaway line from this last episode where Jacob mentioned Melissa getting pissed about the bartender at the batting cages cutting her off. I felt that wasn't appreciated enough! I also ended up doing some research on places in Philly so I could give names of real places.
So Phield House and JinWei are real places. However, I altered Phield House to fit what I needed from it. I couldn't find any actual batting cages in South Philly to use, just baseball fields. This was the closest I could find. Anyway... little ramble over. Please enjoy!!!!
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld @greenawaysprentiss
Warning(s): None
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“Hey Melissa, what’s the address for the batting cages?” 
Janine pops her head into Melissa’s class during quiet time, doing a very bad job of whispering her question. The redhead rolls her eyes as all of her students look up. Awkwardly, Janine smiles and waves. 
“It’s Phield House, near Chinatown,” Melissa says. When Janine only stares back blankly, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, “Near the Vine Street Target?” 
Her eyes light up with recognition and Melissa wants to sigh again. No matter how long they’d been in the city, these kids would never know how to traverse it. Just last week she’d had to break down the way to City Hall to Jacob. City Hall! And didn’t they have Google like everyone else? She’d never understand why they couldn’t do a search, but hey, she was happy to help. 
“I know where that is!” Janine says eagerly, “Thanks, Mel!” 
Melissa’s neck snapped as she glared, jaw clenched and lips pursed as she narrowed her eyes. The younger teacher jumped slightly and held her hands up, “I mean–Melissa, thanks Melissa.” 
Turning and rushing from the classroom, Melissa didn’t relax until she was well out of her sights. 
When grading papers, Melissa has a tendency to grumble under her breath. The habit goes unnoticed by her and usually it's soft enough that it doesn’t disrupt lunch. Today, though, she’s practically growling as she marks with her red pen; damn Ashley for distracting her class, these quizzes are atrocious. 
Jacob pulling up a chair and flipping it so he can sit backwards is the last thing she wants or needs, but it happens anyway. He folds his arms on the back of it and she can see him smiling in her peripheral vision. 
“Melissa,” Jacob says, extending the end of her name, “Mel, what’s up?” 
She pauses to put her pen down, taking off her glasses and folding them. 
Her voice is calm, “What did you call me?” 
But her eyes are hard and dangerous. Jacob’s own widen and he stutters, scrambling for some kind of explanation, assuring her that he didn’t mean anything by it and he wasn’t meaning to hit a nerve. When her stare doesn’t change, he stands abruptly and trips over the chair, stumbling back to his own table. Melissa isn’t satisfied until he’s sitting and avoiding her eyes at all costs. 
“You gave that boy a heart attack.” Barbara says, shaking her head. 
“Nothing, Melissa, nothing.” 
Gregory looks awful—like he’s seen some shit he can’t unsee. He’s staring at the wall when Melissa happens to pass by and glance in. The room is empty and he should be grading the newest round of quizzes before meeting everyone at the batting cages, but he’s staring blankly at the wall instead. 
His trance is broken when Melissa steps into the doorway. The young teacher can’t bring himself to straighten his posture or his clothing, his tie hanging loosely around his neck. 
“Sup, Mel.” 
“Try again.” 
The intense look on her face and her arms folded over her chest finally make him sit up. He nervously straightens his tie, hands fidgeting. 
“I mean Melissa–uh, Schemmenti–Ms. Schemmenti. Hello.” 
She’s silent, staring him down. Then she nods. Backing out of the room and continuing on her way, it isn’t until he can no longer hear her heels that he lets out the breath he was holding. 
The Abbott crew is surprised at how busy the Phield House is when they walk in. It’s a Thursday, why on earth are so many people out this late? They weave their way around the basketball courts to meet Melissa who is leaning against one of the batting cages, drink in hand.
“Glad you all made it,” She nods, “Anyone been here before? Just me? Alright well, choose a bat that works for you and we’ll set up the speeds on the machines, I reserved two cages.” 
Some of them start at the bar, but it doesn’t bother her too much. They’ve got plenty of time. The next day is a holiday so they all have an extra day off, meaning it won’t hurt them to stay out late. Melissa can feel herself yawning anyway. Damn school nights. 
Janine and Gregory are picking out their bats, Janine giggling over some comment that she can’t hear, but the way Gregory looks at her is like a scream in the face; it’s a soft, fond smile she’d know anywhere. She wonders when he’ll work up the courage to ask Janine out. They’d be good for one another. 
Jacob has sauntered over to the bar and ordered himself a large, neon-colored drink with an umbrella. He’s leaning against the bar while Ashley loudly flirts with the bartender; a young guy with big biceps that must be new. When he slides her drink across the bar—also large and neon—Ashley tactlessly puts her hand over the bartender’s when she takes it. The action makes Melissa cringe. 
Caught up in a date with her Husband, Barbara is notably absent. Melissa can’t help but miss her best friend. She was the only one from work who’d come with her before and they had a pretty good system to keep things fun; whoever missed the most baseballs bought the next round. Melissa was usually pretty good and tipsy by the end of it and they’d call Gerald to drive them home. 
When the doors to her right fly open and she catches the scent of familiar perfume, Melissa looks up to see you in the door, looking around, clothing and hair haphazard. You smile when you catch sight of her and rush over, “Mel!” 
Everyone’s heads snap to look at you, fear freezing them in place, but you remain oblivious. Melissa’s face is soft. 
“Hi, honey,” Melissa greets you, taking your hand as soon as it's offered and placing a quick kiss on the back of it, “Nice to see you showing up on time.” 
“Don’t start, alright? The parking situation here is awful.” 
“Maybe it would have been better if you arrived on time.”
“If tardiness bothers you so much, you could have picked me up. Listening to your road-rage is one of the seven wonders of my world.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s the first?” She raises an eyebrow, sipping her drink.
“Don’t fish for compliments, Schemmenti,” You laugh, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, “Now, introduce me to your coworkers so we can crush them?” 
Melissa has always been open and proud of her love for both men and women, but showing affection—or being shown affection—around her coworkers makes her blush. She’s got a reputation to uphold. Blaming the blush on her drink, she introduces you to everyone while dodging every knowing glance from Janine and Jacob. 
A round of baseballs is under your belt and a few drinks in your system when Melissa catches the glint in your eyes. The two of you have just crushed Jacob and Ashley; the pair missed nearly every baseball—Jacob flinching from every one and Ashley insisting she’d been a dancer, not a baller. 
She’s wary of the look in your eyes. It’s too similar to the one her brother gets when he approaches her about money, insisting this will be the time the Jets win. She’s started to tell her brother to piss off, but she hasn’t worked up the ability to say so to you. 
“Behave.” Melissa murmurs as you pass. Your smile tells her you’re going to do the exact opposite. 
“I have a proposition,” You say, making sure everyone is paying attention, “Losers next round pay for drinks.” 
There’s a murmur of excited agreement and one ear-splitting cheer from Ashley. Melissa just sighs. She wishes absently that Barb was here to help manage everyone, but knows with a few drinks in her system that the woman is just as bad. 
“Prepare to be well and sufficiently liquored up, gorgeous.” You smile and hand her the bat she chose, stealing a kiss. 
“Like I’m not already?” 
“Liquored up for free, then.” 
Melissa purrs, “Now that is more my speed.” 
Your knees go weak when she takes the bat from your hands and tips back the remainder of her drink. It’s sexy watching Melissa do something physical; the way her hands flex around the grip and she swings with precision like she’s sober. Watching her drop and swing the bat between balls makes your mouth water. It’s almost as good as the time she delivered a right hook to a guy who was a little too eager to get in your space. 
She’s such a dreamboat. 
When Janine and Gregory start swinging, you’re a little nervous about your wager. The pair is good. Janine’s a little off, the alcohol in her system helping little, but Gregory is like a machine. His form is mechanical and stilted but he hits accurately every time. 
Melissa has started to notice too. Her grip is white-knuckled and her body impossibly tense. Your stomach twists. Losing honorably is not a trait Schemmenti’s have and when she misses a swing, you can feel this going downhill very quickly. You step up to the chainlink separating the two of you. 
“It’s just a friendly wager, honey,” You say, “If we lose I’ll pay for your drinks anyway.” 
She glares, “We are not going to lose.” 
And so it goes on. Melissa hits and so does Gregory, both snapping the balls back like a missile. You hit and Janine misses. Gregory hits and Melissa gets a little too angry, missing by barely an inch. On… and on… and on. You want to bite your nails. 
It comes down to the last hit when Jacob tells you this will decide the round. If either misses, it’ll go to the opposing team. Melissa squares her shoulders and Gregory fixes his feet. Both are gearing up to swing. 
You remain silent, not bearing to disrupt the redhead’s focus, no matter how badly you want to tell her it’s just a game. Damn your moment of cockiness. 
“You got this, Gregory!” Janine cheers right as the ball launches. 
Melissa swings. Gregory does too. 
Melissa makes contact. Gregory misses. 
A cheer goes up around you. So focused on the pair, you failed to realize that a crowd had formed to watch. Melissa doesn’t acknowledge them when she steps out of the cage and hangs up the bat. Her eyes are set on you. When she’s close enough, she fists two hands in your shirt and yanks you into a mind-numbing kiss. 
God, you love it when she wins. 
She’s a confident woman on any given day, but winning gives her an extra boost. The smile on her face gets impossibly smug and she holds herself like she’s infallible and she kisses like there will never be another opportunity. 
“Well done.” You whisper, feeling her shiver. 
Melissa drags you to the bar and orders—the cheapest drink she can get, you notice with a knowing smile—but the mood dissolves when the bartender denies her. She’s been cut off, he says. If it weren’t for your hold on her arm, she’d be pulling it back to throw a punch. 
Everyone at the bar seems to freeze when he says it. This is Melissa Schemmenti he’s talking to, not just any broad in Philly. A Schemmenti. You try to explain this, putting yourself between Melissa and the young bartender, but he just waves you off in a way that makes your blood boil. You ache to let her at him. The usual bartender—Vinny—would never dare to cut her off, especially not when she was barely tipsy like this. 
“I don’t know who you think you are,” Melissa says, “but you have no idea who you’re dealing with!” 
“Ma’am either you walk away peacefully or I have to call security.” 
“Security?! Who the fu—” 
You can see in your mind exactly how this is going to go. Putting your back to the bartender, you wrap your arms around her neck, moving her away from the bar. It’s enough to make her pause. 
“Mel, gorgeous,” You whisper sweetly, “He’s not worth it. We can go to Ricky’s and get takeout from Jinwei after, alright? Don’t let some dumb kid undercut your win.”
Melissa doesn’t say anything. She stares you down, almost glaring, but you’re unphased. You pull her into a secluded area and run your fingers through her curls until her muscles relax. Leaning forward, a quick kiss turns her to putty in your hands. 
It takes a few moments before she says anything. She takes a second to look you over and appreciate the view, wrapping her arms around your waist. 
“You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” Melissa says, surprising you. 
“Call you what?”
You can’t help the sweet smile that spreads across your face, “Softie.” 
“Oh, fuck you.” 
“Mm. Name the time and place.” 
Melissa rolls her eyes, but looks at you in the way you know and love. She is a softie on the inside though she may try to hide it. You love every bit of her and can’t help but feel touched at the information she’s shared with you. 
You can’t help but kiss her again and she accepts it eagerly. Before it can get too intense, though, she pulls back. 
“You said something about Jinwei?” She grins. 
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lunar-years · 3 months
oh, ”Stay awake.” for the prompt list if you want?
uhhhh. Undoubtedly this was not the fic fill you were expecting for this prompt. i used it very loosely and I am truly sorry for this result...something consumed me.
Roy sits on the balcony of his posh fucking rental, staring out at Marbella’s shore. He’s got private beach access here, a boardwalk that leads to the sand and then down to the swirling deep blue, where a person can float and maybe, if they're lucky, forget themselves for a while in its depths. But the waves are too high to swim today, and anyway, it’s getting dark now. 
Beneath him, there’s a massive pool he could swim in instead, if he wanted. Dive in and spend a moment breathless beneath the water. It might do him good, that chance to briefly cut off the oxygen, to move around for a bit underwater, then feel the relief of the first lungful of air when he breaks back up through the surface. He’d do it, if he wasn’t feeling so fucking…stuck. Stuck to this chair, stuck to his stupid life. In need of permanent fissure, that's him. If he could only force himself to walk down to the pool, he thinks, and not look back. Maybe he could drown himself in it, and make it look like an accident. 
He's twirling an engagement ring around in his right hand that's meant to be on Keeley’s ring finger. 
The diamond is light pink and oval and massive, set into two narrow, curved bands of smaller yet still brilliant diamonds. It’s fucking perfect for Keeley. Showy, but not grotesquely so. Colourful and chic. Fun. Roy had it custom made for her. Let the jewelry consultant talk his ear off about settings and carats, then signed his name on the dotted line for the most expensive options on the list. 
Fuck, he’d even showed it off to Rebecca, weeks and weeks ago, before he booked this trip. How fucking embarrassing was that? He’d only just gotten it in from the jeweler, the rock freshly nestled in its deep red velvet box. His boss cooed over it convincingly and agreed that yes, it looked just the ring for Keeley, and yes, the subtle pink hue was awfully inspired, and yes, Keeley would undoubtedly love it. Roy had left her office feeling rather proud of himself, totally oblivious to what she’d probably been trying to tell him between the lines, given the way her eyes went all narrow and her forehead pinched tight right after he’d told her where he was planning to propose, and when. The extravagant trip he envisioned that would end with him down on one knee. 
Rebecca had blinked at him and clucked, with a smile like plastic, Wow. Well, I imagine that will come as quite the surprise! Which at the time felt like praise for his careful planning skills and in hindsight seems more like her small way of warning him. Like she’d known all along Keeley was going to say no. 
Had everyone? Roy had only told Rebecca and his sister about the ring, but maybe everyone else had guessed it, or assumed it was coming. Assumed, possibly, how it would end, because who in their right mind would want to marry him? He was just the sort to do something this pathetic, to propose in a last ditch attempt to save what was already broken. Maybe they all saw it. He swallows down the rising, unpleasant rush of bile in his throat and thinks back to Keeley spreading stories about him around work, how clingy he was and how needy and how he never left her alone. So this wouldn’t be the first time everyone else knew more about his relationship than he did. 
For one fleeting, wild moment, he envisions himself flinging the ring right off this balcony and watching it make its way, impossibly, all the way out to the sea. Gets brief satisfaction at the thought of the ocean swallowing it whole, entrapping it below the waves where he never has to think about it, or look at it, ever again. In his hand, the ring stills its incessant twirling and Roy crushes it under his fingers instead, pressing it so hard against his skin he’s sure it’s going to leave a mark on his palm, and hopes, ludicrously, that it will somehow be permanent. A reminder.
Behind him, inside the villa, Keeley’s asleep on the bed he had covered in rose petals while they were at dinner. Roy thinks he might stay up all night, sitting out here as it gets too dark to see the water below, just to avoid the awkwardness of joining her. Or is he meant to sleep in one of the guest rooms? What, exactly, is the protocol for when your girlfriend turns down your proposal but tells you she does in fact still want to be with you, marriage conversation aside? He’s the only person he knows that that’s happened to; he hasn’t even read about it books.
Roy’s spent the past three weeks alone here, missing her terribly. Has he now ruined their one glorious weekend together on the first night, before it’s even properly begun?
She’d flown in just that morning. Roy took a car to the airport to meet her, feeling jittery and excited in equal measure, happier than he’s felt for days. It had been a long fucking three weeks on his own, hardly able to find time to even FaceTime with her, what with how busy she was with her new firm. The whole time, her parting words before he left her for sunny Spain—You never know, maybe the time apart will do both of us good, babe—looped through his mind on constant repeat, curdling in his gut like sour milk. 
Realistically, he knows they’ve been on two separate trajectories for a whole now, like rockets shooting off to two different edges of space, nothing but gulf and galaxies between. This weekend was meant to be their way back to one another, the anticipated culmination of their big compromise: Roy would still go to Marbella, alone, and Keeley would make the time to come join him halfway through, just for the few days she could manage with her new job. 
His original proposal plan, the one he told to Rebecca involving a gorgeously romantic six-week couples retreat, had gone out the window the moment she’d turned this trip down, but even so, he’d adjusted it accordingly. Fitted his plans around hers, because that’s what suitable, well-adjusted couples did, wasn’t it? Convinced himself he could be flexible. Convinced himself he could wait. It just needed to happen, he just needed to present her with this ring, and she just needed to slip it onto her finger and say yes—and everything that felt wrong would be fixed. 
He’s a fucking idiot. 
He should have seen this coming. Even their reunion had felt off. She’d stepped through the baggage claim pulling her cheetah-print suitcase behind her, and subsequentially dropping it at the sight of him in order to run over and leap grandly into his arms. When they kissed, it felt just as good as it always did, like puzzle pieces sliding into place, soothing over the open wound inside of him he hadn’t quite realized he’d been nursing, all this time. But the wound didn’t close just because she was there. As soon as she stepped away again, retracing her steps back to retrieve her suitcase, the gulf only seemed to widen. 
So then he'd taken her back to the villa, carrying on about the itinerary he’d spent the first half of his time here perfecting. He’d show her around the place first, give her time to get settled, and after that they’d still have plenty of time to get ready for dinner. He’d booked a private dinner on the water. A romantic, candlelit feast of seafood and drinks and dessert, after which he’d just go for it. He had what he wanted to say all lined up in his head: I love you Keeley. I want to spend forever with you. Then back to their room, which by then would be decked floor to ceiling with rose petals and heart balloons and champagne, ready for their exuberant return.
The first part went even better than planned. As soon as they made it through the front door, Keeley pounced on him, locking her fingers against his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling him closer with all the hunger and passion and desperation they’d had in the beginning; that thing he’d been chasing for months. Passion got pushed aside when there were emails to check and businesses to run. Sex became a bit of a chore, maybe. But not now. Not anymore.
She let him carry her bridal-style to the master suite, setting her reverently down in the king-sized bed, stripping her adoringly, in between frantic kisses. They fucked hurriedly, Keeley’s suitcase abandoned in the entranceway and all thoughts of unpacking and giving a tour through the house abandoned with it. Then they fucked again, with much less haste. Like they’d finally managed to convince themselves the moment wasn’t about to be ripped away from them and were now letting themselves enjoy the thing proper. She was here now. It was all going to be fine. 
After, though. Lying tangled up in the sheets, sweaty and naked and satisfied, Roy said something innocuous about getting up in time for a long shower together before they had to ready themselves for dinner, and the mood in the air shifted. Keeley frowned, “Oh I don’t know babe. Can you still cancel it? It’s just…” she exhaled and flopped her head back onto the pillows, hair splaying everywhere, “I am so fucking tired. That plane was an absolute misery, there was loads of turbulence and this one crying baby who I seriously think might have been possessed by some sort of crying demon, and…God, it really was awful. Also, before I left I had a meeting with my new employees. They hate me, Roy, I really think they hate me. How am I supposed to run a firm if all of my employees hate me?”
She stopped just long enough to breathe, or maybe she’d caught the look on his face. “Sorry, I know I swore not to talk about work on this trip.” A quick peck of her lips to his cheek, a little plea for forgiveness. It felt cold. “Just us for the rest of the weekend, I promise. So…dinner. What if we order in, just for tonight? We’ll spend the whole evening in bed, it’ll be fantastic. We can take a lazy nap, and then eat whenever we wake up, fuck again, midnight skinny dip in that fucking amazing pool out back—"
Of course she didn’t know about the candles and rose petals and the ring burning a hole in the safe deposit box in the closet, but Roy still stiffened. “No, we can't nap. We have to stay awake,” he bit out quickly. “We have to go to dinner. It’s already set up.” 
Keeley kept talking mindlessly, even as Roy’s brain seemed to be burrowing itself in the sand, taking his sanity with it. “Well can’t you just call and postpone it? We can do the fancy dinner tomorrow, babe, once I’m more rested.” She was smiling. Her face seemed to say, this isn’t a big deal, babe. 
But it was. Because Roy didn’t want to wait until tomorrow. He loved her today. He wanted this to happen today. The room felt unstable, like the bed was spinning in the opposite direction of the walls. It felt like something was slipping from him that he couldn’t name, even now. He was desperately trying to grasp at it with too-slick fingers even as it evaded his hold. “It has to be tonight, Keeley. There’s a different dinner planned tomorrow,” he snapped. 
She stared at him in alarm. 
“I have different dinners planned all weekend. I’ve put a lot of time into making this fucking—nice for you. For us. I’ve had a lot of time to put it together, since I’ve been here all the fuck alone.” It was much harsher than he'd intended, but he couldn’t take it back once he'd said it, and he didn't try to. The thing he was trying to save dipped further from his grasp. Keeley’s mouth snapped shut. The words hung in the air between them, heavy in the silence. 
“Fine,” Keeley snapped back, eventually. Even her voice sounded more tired than angry, and the guilt gnawed at his chest. “Heaven forbid I want to relax on my bloody holiday. We’ll do it your way, then.” Then she rolled off the bed, shoving aside the sheets as she untangled them from her form, then angrily stomping towards the ensuite. 
He made to get up and go after her, but she looked back at him with steely eyes, stopping him in his tracks. “I’m showering, Roy. Alone.” 
Of course it went terribly, after that. How could it not? He should have called the whole thing off, should have agreed to lounge around and eat takeaway in bed and do nothing but fuck in the pool. He should have forgotten about the ring for the evening. 
(He doesn’t think it would have made any difference. That’s almost the worst part.)
At dinner, the tension between them dissipated on the crests of bottomless cocktails and conversation. On laughter. Keeley looked fucking incredible in a flowery sundress. The food was divine. And the first thing they did was apologize for biting one another’s heads off, agreed that it had just been a long day. A mutual peace offering. Roy fingered the ring in his pocket until the time came to sink to his knee. 
When he did, her face shattered. Not in the way he’d wanted it too, the way he’d pictured. Not the kind of shattered that happens when the joy gets so full it could burst. No, this was the same kind of shattered way she’d looked at him when she told him she couldn’t spare the time to spend six weeks with him in Marbella. Like she pitied him, almost. Like she was hoping he’d stop or say it was all a joke. That he’d take it all back. 
“Roy,” she started softly, already shaking her head. 
Already shaking her head. 
“I love you, Roy,” she promised, eyes glistening. The words were a buzz in the background.
(The worst part, by far, is how much he loves her in return. He loves her so much he doesn’t know quite what to do with it. If a proposal isn’t the right place to put it, where is? He doesn’t understand why the love can’t fix them. Why it isn’t enough.) 
“We’re not ready for this,” she continued, openly shedding tears by then. Somewhere off to the side, their waiter was probably alarmed, holding the cake with congratulations! swirled onto its plate in dark chocolate that Roy had paid extra for, unsure what to do with it, waiting for instruction. Roy was too humiliated to check for certain. He was still down on one knee. It was starting to throb. Carefully, he raised himself back up. 
She was watching him with a look of great remorse as she repeated, “We can’t get married right now, baby. It isn’t…I don’t think it’s the answer, yeah? Maybe eventually, but not now.” It sounded exactly the way we’ll be fine had sounded the day she’d packed up her office in Richmond. Like they definitely wouldn’t be fine. Like her answer to marriage wasn’t not now but quite possibly never.
He’d nodded. He’d lowered himself back into his chair, feeling clammy and numb. He’d waved the waiter over to close the bill. 
Staring out at the sea that’s gone dark, he tucks the ring back into his pocket with the startling, crippling, clear realization that he's got to break up with her. He feels like his heart has been wrenched out of his chest and stomped on, then shoved back in for him to live with. He feels like she’s right, and it wouldn’t have worked even if she’d said yes. 
He’s such a fucking mess, he thinks, and she deserves better. She’s on top of the world, and here he is dragging her down into the water. Maybe they both know they’re broken beyond repair, just waiting for the other one to call it off. He’s not sure he can do it. These days, he misses her even when she’s in the next room. 
He slides open the door to the balcony and steps back inside after one last glance at the ocean, which he can hear even if he can’t see. Fuck the guest bed. He makes his way into the bedroom and crawls in next to her. A couple more rose petals flutter to the ground. 
“Roy,” she breathes, as soon as he’s settled himself under the thin sheet, the air too hot and humid, even with the AC cranked, to sleep under anything heavier. Her voice is quiet and sad and cracked and small. It sounds like she’s been crying the whole time he’s been outside. 
He shuts his eyes and says, “I’m sorry,” to the air. He doesn’t know quite what he’s apologizing for. Asking her to marry him? Assuming she’d say yes? Even just thinking about breaking up with her just now? Her, the best person to ever happen to him? The best anything, end of. He draws himself closer and wraps his arm around her torso, just to feel her—her skin, the smell of her hair and the dip and fall of her stomach as she breathes in and out. 
It’s its own familiar kind of self-torture, holding something in his hands as he loses it slowly. Like the last year of football, magnified by ten. Waiting for the final hammer to fall as he cradles the thing he loves in the palm of his hand and feels it drip through. 
“Are we still okay?” she whispers, cupping her fingers over his own clasped ones. Maybe he’s not the only one desperately clinging on. 
He tells her yes, but the truth is that he doesn’t know. 
The deeper truth, the one he can’t face, is that he doesn’t think so. 
He thinks it’s already over. 
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wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
Ma Neteyam pt.11
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Part 10, Part 12
Summary: Family reunions have their drawbacks.
Warnings: daddy kink, stockholm syndrome, anal, explicit content, kissing, biting, hair tugging, power imbalance, omegaverse, sexual tension, the usual stuff.
A/N: Finally managed to finish this. I truly underestimated how hard it is to write scenes with more than just a few characters. Anyway, the writing is not my favorite but hopefully it turned out ok. 
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“My word, Kxolo. What’d you do to the poor boy?” Pulo’s voice dripped with teasing ego as he pointed to the omega passed out in the Olo’eyktan’s lap. 
Neteyam's back was flush against Kxolo’s chest with his head dropped backwards onto his shoulder. Pure exhaustion laced his sleeping features as the alpha continued to run his fingers along the boy’s hair and down to his navel before repeating. The sensation had easily put him to sleep at breakfast, but Kxolo didn’t dare try to wake him or stop the motions. The two had barely been able to keep their hands off of one another for the past couple days after the festival. 
“Nothing he didn’t ask for.” His even baritone nonchalantly answered, but the curves of a proud smirk were etched into his expression. Pulo let out a dark chuckle at the insinuation before continuing to eat his food. 
“Trust me brother, we are aware.” Epok teasingly said. Neteyam was not known for being quiet when it came to their lovemaking. It seemed that he lost all sense of shy modesty when his alpha was pleasuring him. 
“Shut up, you skxawng.” Vamai hissed ferociously at the beta. “He could hear you.” She said, referring to the bashful sleeping boy. The two narrowed their eyes at one another; a silent challenge. Although Kxolo knew Vamai had grown to be very protective of Neteyam, he also could sense that there was something else lurking beneath the surface. Her and Epok had a continuing game of secret tension that was starting to throw off the group dynamic. 
“Kid’s out like a light.” Pulo disagreed. “He can’t hear a thing.” The other alpha continued to eat with a relaxed posture, completely oblivious to the silent fight occurring between the omega and beta. 
Kxolo felt conflicted at watching the scene. He could not tell what had thrown the two so out of loop with one another, and he wasn’t sure if he truly should want to know. Vamai had always been known to be stubborn, a true free spirit. Perhaps it was foolish of him to think that Epok could handle her in the first place. The beta was fairly stern considering his status, but perhaps that was still no match for the lively omega. He yearned to pry and see what had happened between them, but that was not his place. Besides, he was sure if things went wrong with Vamai it would be Neteyam lashing out at him in her place. 
Still, he couldn’t help but notice the tired strain in her eyes as she fidgeted in her spot. As usual, the omega wouldn’t sit still for a moment but her movements were lagging behind their usual speed. All signs pointed towards a great lack of sleep. As Olo’eyktan he couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility for the young omega. Her close ties to Neteyam only intensified this feeling. Kxolo made a mental note to drop by Vamai’s house and speak to her father. Perhaps he could provide some insight on her sleep deprivation. 
As the group engaged in sleepy conversation over breakfast he ran through his head all of the tasks that would need to be fulfilled that day. The list had grown quite long over the past few days as he had prioritized his special time with Neteyam over some of the duties. The flicker of notion towards those times filled his thoughts with the delicious sounds that came from his omega just that morning. How sweetly the omega had begged to be filled with his cum as he drilled his small frame into their sleep matt. There was nothing that put him in a quite a good mood like waking up to claim his needy little mate before the sun even rose. 
Neteyam’s head lolled slightly to the side against his chest, snapping Kxolo out of his thoughts. 
He let out a deep sigh before starting to pepper small kisses against the boy’s face. It had become an effective way to gently draw his lover out of his slumber. However, the omega simply whined and turned to hide his face completely against the alpha’s chest so he could continue sleeping. 
“Ma Neteyam, you need to eat. Wake up.” He purred atop of the boy’s braid covered head. Seeing the way the omega curled closer to him in search of refuge and sleep, made his hindbrain purr in satisfaction. Neteyam had become extraordinarily more clingy and demanding of Kxolo’s time and touch and the alpha was basking in the neediness. A part of him wished to just let the boy continue sleeping to his heart’s content, but that was impractical. He did not have the luxury of endless time. 
“Kxxoolo.” His name came across as a battered barely discernible whine from Neteyam’s lips. Amused fondness rose within the alpha at the sound. The Olo’eyktan sometimes wondered if his favorite way to hear his name come from his omega was when it was strewn into nonsense sounds, especially when those sounds were stuttering moans. 
“Come on, baby boy. You can take a nap later.” He found that slight shoves of his shoulder against the boy’s head finally roused him enough to open his golden eyes and pout at him. The boy’s eyelids dragged with every blink. The omega let out a sigh before tiredly rubbing at his eyes. The alpha kept in the coo that was building at the back of his throat. 
“m’not hungry.” Neteyam mumbled while setting back into a more comfortable position on the male’s crossed legs. 
“Neteyam, you know how I feel about getting three meals a day.” The soft voice was laced with a stern undertone. He sent Vamai a soft smile as a form of thank you as she handed him a plate of fruits for Neteyam. 
“Yes, I do.” Neteyam sighed. Kxolo could tell by the tone that his sleepiness was wearing off. The Olo’eyktan grabbed a piece of cut fruit and held it to Neteyam’s down turned lips. He leant in close to the shell of the boy’s twitching ear so that no one else could hear his words.
 “Listen to me now and I promise to make it worth your while, later. I know how much you love daddy’s rewards.” And rewarded the boy had been over the past couple days. Each act of obedience had brought mind numbing orgasms that left his sweet omega babbling out incoherencies. 
The heat from Neteyam’s cheeks radiated onto the skin of Kxolo’s own faced pressed to his ear and yet, the omega’s lips parted. A satisfied hum rumbled in his chest as he fed the boy piece after piece of fruit. They continued that way till the plate was empty and Kxolo had deemed it a sufficient breakfast. 
“Good boy.” His lips tickled at Neteyam’s temple as he spoke the words before a kiss was placed in the spot. He didn’t miss the way he shuffled against the touch, seeking more praise. The alpha had come to find praise to be one of the greatest tools when working with Neteyam. He wasn’t sure if it was because of his omega hindbrain or rather the results of the boy being the eldest child constantly seeking approval. Either way, the male made a great effort to express his appreciation to his mate consistently. 
“We should get started soon, brother.” Tamil’s gentle voice broke through their little bubble. The apology was clear in his tone and eyes, but Kxolo knew the male was right. There were people he needed to meet with and preparations to check on for tomorrow. 
“Started on what?” Neteyam asked while fiddling idli with one of Kxolo’s long braids. 
“I’m afraid I have some tasks I have been putting off for the past few days. Besides, there are some last minute preparations to check on for the big day tomorrow.” Having the entire Sully family over to visit was not a small task. There were many precautions that he needed to put into place to ensure it went smoothly. 
He had proposed the idea to Neteyam as something to help better relations between the clan and his family, especially after the incident with Lo’ak. The omega was quick to jump onto the idea, having missed his siblings greatly. No matter the risk, Kxolo couldn’t turn down the thing that brought such a bright grin to his omega’s face. Things were still tense between him and Jake Sully, but even he had agreed quickly to the idea. 
He helped Neteyam off of his lap and back onto his feet as they began to gather gear. 
“I can come help.” The boy offered. His heart warmed at the sound. 
“I appreciate that baby boy, but I think it’s best that you stay behind. Besides, you still need to finish that necklace for your sister.” He gently reclined the offer.
“Yeah that’s true.” Neteyam mumbled softly. Turning around to look at the boy he found a small twinkle of something else in his sad eyes. No matter how hard the omega tried to hide it, Kxolo could tell he was reluctant to be without his alpha. 
“I will be back before you know it, baby boy. Then you will have me for the rest of the night.” He gently cupped the back of Neteyam’s neck and pulled him into a slow kiss. He pulled away to whisper lowly, “To do with whatever you’d like.” The cocky smirk that spread across his lips did little to veil the lewd insinuations. 
Neteyam bit his lip as he tried to fight the rising heat that came to his cheeks. Kxolo forced himself to look away from the boy before he took him against the nearest tree in front of everyone. He had a love-hate relationship with Neteyam’s habit to innocently bite his bottom lip. It conjured up obscene images and now memories of what those lips looked like wrapped around his cock. Sweetly trying to take his length in like a good boy. 
He gave him one last peck on the forehead before starting to walk off. Kxolo could practically feel the anxiety rolling off of the boy as he made his way over to the direhorse. Despite his enthusiasm at seeing his family, Neteyam had been fretting and worrying over the visit more and more as it got closer. It seemed that there was no end to the amount of things that he could find to obsess over when it came to the upcoming day. 
“And Neteyam,” He called back at him, turning his head to look at the boy. “Don’t overthink it.”
It was clear from the way the omega’s ear pushed back against his braids that he knew exactly what the older male was referring to. His tail flickered nervously, a contrast to the roll of his eyes he sent Kxolo. 
“I’m not.” 
Kxolo mounted the direhorse in one swift motion. Looking across the clearing at the boy he could see his arms crossed defiantly. 
“I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head.” Kxolo teased. He connected tsaheylu to the direhorse and checked to make sure the pouch was secured properly. Tamil was already riding ahead slowly, in order to patiently wait for the Olo’eyktan. 
“That’s just your imagination.” Neteyam insisted playfully. 
“Whatever you say, baby boy.” He hummed with a smirk before shooting him a wink and taking off. The horse jolted and galloped to life underneath him. “Be good!” Kxolo shouted one last time before his figure melted into the thick of the forest. 
Neteyam tried to ignore the knot forming in his stomach as he walked back to the clearing where Vamai sat. She helped some of the other clan members clear away the remains of breakfast while she waited for him. His eyes caught hold of the way Epok glanced back at her occasionally from the small circle of hunters he was gathered with. Oblivious or not, Vamai didn’t show any signs of acknowledgment towards the beta as she talked to the other clan members helping. 
“Ah, finally done crying over your boyfriend?” She teased upon seeing Neteyam return. Already used to her antics he simply rolled his eyes in exchange. Together they helped the clan members clear everything away before running off towards the direction of Vamai’s family’s hut. 
“Now, let’s see what I have to help you finish this necklace.” She rummaged through different baskets inside of her room. Vamai seemed to have endless amounts of gathered and made beads, feathers, and vines used for jewelry. It soon became clear how she had so many different extravagant tops and hair pieces every day. He wondered how long it took her to craft each one. 
His eyes swept over the various baskets that littered her room until they fell on one in particular. It was filled with carefully pinned pieces of homemade paper, each showing various sketches and colorful pastel artworks. He gawked at the vivid color and shading that brought each piece to life. The few that were hanging out were streaked with imagery that reflected that of the bioluminescence of the night. The free strokes that danced across the page were almost messy yet it formed an eloquent representation of Pandora at night. 
“Oh those aren’t done!” She exclaimed quickly while taking the piece from his hands. There was no evidence of anger in her tone but she did start to quickly scramble to put away the loose drawings and pieces. 
“Did you make those?” He sat on his knees in front of her as she continued to fuss with them. Neteyam managed to pick up a piece of a detailed Na’vi drawn upon it. He instantly recognized the woman as Leynyey. The detail in her expression and mannerisms were stunning. 
“Well yeah of course, but most of them aren’t ready.” Vamai explained, but made no move to take the current piece from his hands. The thick and smooth substance used to create the lines and details felt familiar. He finally realized that they were made from pastels as his eyes found the carefully rolled sticks of color sitting in a tiny basket. 
“Wow Vamai, it’s stunning.” 
“Well aren’t you a sweet talker.” She lightly teased as an effort to hide her bashful expression. 
“Who makes the materials?” Neteyam quietly asked while picking up one of the pastels. Vamai seemed to be more at ease now that the rest of her art was put away. 
“My mother. It started out as a way to get out some energy. I think my parents figured if I had something else to do with my hands I wouldn’t run off as much. Jokes on them, art requires in person references.” The small breathless laugh was accompanied by a genuine smile as she looked at the carefully crafted pastels. The fondness for her mother glimmered in her eyes and it made Neteyam want to properly meet her parents instead of the occasional run in. 
“You know,” Vamai’s voice drawled out in her usual playful manner. “I do take requests and you have great cheekbones, Nete.” He inevitably blushed at her insinuation. He had never had someone draw him before. The omega was not sure what he would do with a picture of himself anyways. 
“Thanks Vamai, but I think I would rather have one of the forest or some other wild idea that comes out of your head.” Mischief flashes in her eyes at the comment but it only dwindled for a moment before she shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Now,” She clapped her hands together to bring his attention back. A feigned serious expression flitted across her face. “We have some work to do.”
The two began to rummage through each of the baskets pulling out various pieces to use in making Tuk’s necklace. There were only a few finishing pieces that needed to be added to it but Vamai’s suggestion became quite intricate and adorning. 
“She’s only eight years old, Vamai.” Neteyam laughed, his eyes crinkling in sync. 
“For Kiri.” Her insistent voice clarified. “A good brother doesn’t make a necklace for one sister and not the other.” Vamai continued to weave the material together, already working on the beginning of the top of Kiri. Her nimble figures made it easier to expertly loop and pull the pieces through quickly. 
“I guess you’re right but doesn’t that mean I have to make one for Lo’ak too?” Neteyam laughed while attaching the last of the feathers to Tuk’s necklace. He was surprised when there was a pause before a strained laugh left Vamai’s lips. His eyes raked up to check her expression but she quickly busied herself with the work at hand. 
“I didn’t take your brother for one that cares about jewelry.” Neteyam struggled to read her tone as she spoke. He knew that Lo’ak and her didn’t start off on the right foot but he hoped they could at least learn to be civil around one another. They were both very important people in his life and he wanted them to get along. 
“Well yeah maybe not so much. He usually is more interested in weapons, especially if they are ones from the Sky People. My dad has spent a lot of time teaching him how different technology works.” He doesn’t miss the confused look that crossed her face. 
“Technology? Like what?” Her brow bone furrowed and Neteyam reminded himself to use better vocabulary when talking to her about Sky People stuff. It was easy for him to forget how little this clan knew about Sky People and their traditions. The omega spent a good amount of time explaining random things to Kxolo about Earth and how it’s different. The alpha was patient and he tried his best to understand the bizarre things that Neteyam struggled to describe. 
“Well I’m sure Lo’ak will be happy to tell you if you ask him tomorrow.” He snuck the suggestion in with the best nonchalant tone he could muster. Vamai’s face, however, dropped at his words.
“When they come to visit tomorrow. You are coming, aren’t you?” Neteyam’s brows kissed as he watched her fidgeting increase. Her small fingers paused in the middle of weaving the material. His own anxiety started to rise as he watched her shift constantly with a nervous expression. It was rare to see the small omega caught off guard. 
“Oh Nete…I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to intrude on your family time.” The hesitant apology stained her tone as she looked at him with a grimace. 
Neteyam was quick to shun those concerns. 
“You wouldn’t! It would actually be great to have you there.” He didn’t bother to hide the urgency in his voice. She finished tying off one part of the necklace with a knot before looking up at him. His stomach curved into a knot as he anticipated her response. Neteyam was banking on her being there. The idea of his family meeting with Kxolo while they still hated him was already putting him on the verge of an anxiety attack. Vamai’s presence always had a way of calming his nerves as she reminded him how silly his worries were. 
“Nete you can’t flirt me into agreeing.” The teasing tone didn’t quite reach her frantic eyes. At the point of desperation he grabbed her arm to grab her attention. 
“Please Vamai! I need you there. You are living proof that I’m not absolutely miserable here.” Neteyam begged. 
Her expression softened significantly. The girl’s golden eyes gleamed with a new emotion as she stared back at him. 
“Aww Nete! You do like it here, I knew it!” Vamai gave him no time to respond before her small figure was practically tackling him over in a hug. His reflexes were the only thing that stopped him from tumbling onto his back as one hand shot out to support their combined weight. His mouth parted and gaped for the right words like a fish. Still, he refused to let the weight of her words sink in. 
“Well I just…don’t want my parents to worry.” The explanation fell on deaf ears as she squeezed him tight. The arm not holding them upright snaked around to return the hug. Despite the spiral of thought that threatened to take over from their topic of conversation, it was heartwarming to see her so happy. He prayed to Eywa that it would be enough to get her there tomorrow. “So…does that mean you’re coming then?” 
Vamai finally pulled away to let him breathe. 
She let out a dramatic sigh, nerves still evident in her eyes, but there was a visible tremble in her resolve. 
“Fine fine, you sweet talking flirt. I’ll be there.” There was still some reluctance in her teasing tone but Neteyam was relieved to find her bending to his request. He grinned till the stretch in his cheeks hurt as he thanked her. Finally feeling calm again, the two continued to work on the jewelry while sharing stories and jokes. 
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“Stop fussing over it.” The deep timber from the alpha didn’t stop Neteyam’s twitching fingers that rolled the necklaces back and forth between them. These pieces of jewelry were the only things he could control concerning the visit tomorrow. Images of his father’s angry expression from the last time he was over flashed to the forefront of his mind. 
“I’m not.” A shiver crawled down his spine as warm kisses were tenderly placed along his neck. He could feel his mate’s larger frame pressed behind from where Neteyam sat with his legs crossed. Skilled fingers released the clasp of his necklace for it to fall away and expose his neck properly. 
“What do I have to do to get you to relax? Huh baby boy?” Kxolo purred darkly as his hands wandered along the expanse of stripped skin with familiarity. Chills ran through his veins releasing the tension that had been building in his bones. His body welcomes the intimacy without restraint, already pulling his mind into the abyss of obscene thoughts. Strings of reasoning slowly frayed as his arousal grew. 
Sharp teeth nipping along his jaw temporarily brought him out of the haze.
“No marks, remember?” His soft voice trembled as he told the alpha. 
Kxolo didn’t show any hesitation or pause in his movements as his hands lowered towards the omega’s loincloth. A sharp smirk spread across his lips at the feel of Neteyam’s hips already bucking back into his touch in anticipation. He easily slid the boy’s body backwards till his back was completely flush against his chest. 
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.” His deep timber drawled while skilled fingers gently ran over Neteyam’s bulge. The omega shook his head, as if to settle his thoughts back into coherency. Kxolo was cheating. As always he held the unfair advantage, using it to lure him into submission. To tempt Neteyam’s lewd fantasies out of hiding. To give in to the torrid passion that lived within his primal nature. 
“I-i don’t have a way to cover them up.” Neteya whined as Kxolo’s hands slipped under the band of his loincloth. “You’re insatiable.” 
“Hmm I guess you’re right.” Kxolo leisurely droned. His large hand wrapped around Neteyam’s stiff cock, thumb running along the slit of the head. “Can’t help it when you taste so good, baby boy.” His declaration was confirmed with open mouthed kisses attacking the column of Neteyam’s throat. The omega’s eyes fluttered shut, resistance already slipping. 
“But I suppose I can keep my oral fixation under control for one night if that’s what you need.” Kxolo spoke between kisses. Neteyam hardly had the focus to understand the agreement, but he nodded anyway. The hand teasing at his cock was becoming insistent as it rallied the omega’s pleasure and hunger till it bubbled at the surface. He was caught between bucking upwards into the firm grip and arching backwards to feel the male’s bulge against his winking hole. 
“You said…you said I could have a reward, daddy.” The omega softly whined as his head fell back against Kxolo’s shoulder. The alpha began to pump the boy’s length slowly till the anticipated whimpers fell from Neteyam’s lips. 
“I did say that, didn’t I? You have been such a good boy after all.” The smooth as silk voice washed over Neteyam till he was pulled into a short sloppy kiss. “Well then, tell me what you want.” The pace increased till his breaths were forced into erratic puffs of air. 
The necklaces had been forgotten and shoved to the side in the midst of the shuffle. 
Neteyam was past the point of shame or modesty. He had learned and grown accustomed to accepting the staggering pleasure his alpha provided. It was easier to succumb to the pleasure and comfort that came from their moments of intimacy. His overflowing mind would empty into the white noise of serenity. 
“Want your cock daddy please!” His small hands reached back to grip Kxolo’s thighs, as if to urge him forward into his hole. The resounding growl that echoed through their hut indicated success. 
“Eywa, baby. Such good manners. Gotten so good at asking for what you want.” His words were laced with deep moans as Neteyam began to grind back against his clothed member. Whether from Neteyam's shining slick or Kxolo’s precum, the blue loincloth showed a darker wet spot. “Want daddy to fuck all those pesky thought out of your head, hm? Get you dumb on my cock?” 
“Y-yes…ngh…yes need you need your cock.” The scrambled sentence was all it took to break the last bit of restraint in Kxolo. He had Neteyam bare and on his hands and knees within a matter of seconds. 
His tongue licked at the sweet arousal glittering along the boy’s hole with eager intensity. Each swipe was rewarded with a cacophony of slurred noises that rang like a sweet melody in the alpha’s ears. His fingers prodded and pushed past the rim, marveling at the eager acceptance of Neteyam’s hole. He found that sweet spot with accurate precision before curling his long fingers against it. 
Neteyam moaned and struggled to reach his hand back for Kxolo. He somehow managed to grab at the band of Kxolo’s loincloth and drag his hips forward, a silent begging to fill him already. 
“Such an impatient, little thing today, aren’t you?” Kxolo teased but his loincloth was quickly pushed to the side and the head of his cock lined up to the tight little hole. The familiar pleasure of being stretched raced through Neteyam as his member was easily pushed past the rim and onward till his ass was flush against Kxolo’s pelvis. 
“YES! Ah, so deep!” Neteyam screamed in ecstasy. Kxolo let out a strained chuckle at the exclamation. 
“Yeah? This what you wanted, baby boy?” He teased while beginning to roll his hips smoothly. Neteyam nodded shakily while moaning. 
His pace became brutal and unyielding. The mushroom tip kissed and teased at Neteyam’s g spot till he was only a mess of nerves and moans. This only spurred the alpha onward, hearing the pitiful whines leaving the gorgeous boy’s lips. The pleasure was all consuming. Sounds of slapping skin and discombobulated pleas and moans filled the room as they each got closer to their highs. 
“Thank you thank you thank you.” Neteyam sputtered out in a constant stream. The sweet string of words made Kxolo’s eyes dilate as desperate groans left his lips. 
“Hush, baby boy. Just let daddy take care of you.” Kxolo moaned, knowing that those intrusive worries were finally long gone from his omega’s head. 
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Vamai crouched low against the protruding branch. From up in the thick of the trees she was at a perfect vantage point to see the Sullys land. She was sure to keep her own figure hidden behind the overlapping layers of overgrown vegetation. Only her eyes peeked around the thick branch she held onto. 
She cursed the increased heart rate that made her ribs hurt as she noticed one Sully in particular dismount his ikran. She realized it was the first time she had seen Lo’ak in broad daylight. Only images of his freckled covered body lit by eclipse bioluminescence dominated her dreams every night. They had always taken place during the night, his presence sometimes nothing more than a shadow that consumed her. 
To see him in the light, however, was worse. 
Her eyes could easily follow the muscular lines along his abdomen or marvel at every shift of his flexed deltoids as he moved. Even from her high ground position she could see just how tall he stood while among his family. She could remember how small she felt that night, having to crane her neck to glare up at him, but most of all she hated how much she liked it. How her body would send a rush of arousal through her system every time the image of that cocky boy came to surface in her mind. 
Vamai had never felt so prey to her own instincts before in her life. 
Usually she could reel back the desire to submissively play the omega part. It had simply become a nagging voice in the back of her head that she had tuned out. 
And yet, Lo’ak was ruining everything. 
Damn him.
“I need everyone on their best behavior.” Jake’s deep voice could be heard from her place in the trees. He was set to work making sure the ikrans were settled and in place while also debriefing the family. 
“Tuk, hold my hand.” Neytiri gently insisted. Tuk was already on the verge of running into the forest solo as her family was taking so long. A small smile graced Vamai’s lips as she saw how the small girl bounced on the balls of her feets while holding her mother’s hand. 
Vamai wasn’t quite able to catch what Kiri was saying to Lo’ak as he tied his braids back, but the look on his face hinted at it being another meaningless sibling squabble. She leaned forward as he subtly fixed the straps of his loincloth with a huff. Agitation pricked at her skin at how interested she became in his pointless movements. 
The family moved as a unit. Jake led the way, showing they held no weapons to the warriors at the checkpoint. It became more difficult for Vamai to move and jump between the trees as they got closer to Home Tree. The pathways were congested with other clan members going about their duties. Her paranoia kept her from those paths as she didn’t want anyone to see her unfounded interest in the Sullys. 
Her feet were scraped and pulsing from her leaps when they finally made it to where Neteyam and Kxolo stood. Peeking from above she watched as Tuk completely abandoned her family and bee lined it to Neteyam. 
“Neteyam!” She flung her small body into his arms, quickly being received. 
“Hey Tuk.” He spun the girl around easily before settling her on his hip. The babbling began immediately. At a speed that made her own jaw hurt, Tuk began to fill him in on every single thing that had happened over the past month and a half. 
The edges of Vamai’s lips twitched as she moved to lay on her stomach against the branch. It was obvious that Neteyam was struggling to show interest in the girl’s words as he was glancing back at the rest of the family quickly approaching. His smile warmed into a vibrant relief watching them draw near. 
Jake was gracious enough to extract Tuk from his arms so that Kiri could quickly envelop her older brother in a hug. The moment was tender as Neteyam proceeded to hug each family member with a smile on his face. Vamai happily swung her feet at the sight of her friend finally smiling without reserve. Even the awkwardness of addressing the Olo’eyktan behind Neteyam could not overshadow the joy that filled their reunion. 
Kxolo gracefully signaled to Neytiri and Jake to say, ‘I see you’. The two returned the notion, however strained. Still, it seemed this could not dampen Kxolo’s mood as he watched how happy Neteyam was with Tuk now situated on his back. Tuk babbled while Kiri tried to get her to calm down and wait a moment. To say Neteyam was unbothered by the babbling was an understatement. He practically coached her onward with well placed questions and sounds of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’. 
“We welcome you, Toruk Makto, and your family.” Kxolo formally greeted them. The respectful words exchanged could not mist over the silent tension between the two Olo’eyktan as Jake returned the sentiment. Neteyam’s focus was split between his siblings and the Olo’eyktans’ interactions. Even from high above, Vamai could detect the worry in his golden eyes. Something told her this was going to be a long day. 
The group began to walk towards the dining area, but paused as Neteyam said, “Where’s Vamai?” His family exchanged confused looks, all not understanding who the eldest Sully was talking about. All except Lo’ak. There was a sparkle of interest in Lo’ak’s expression that Vamai played off as a trick of the light. 
She silently cursed herself for getting caught up in snooping. With rushed movements she flung her body from tree to tree, looking for a way down that would not point to her original location. The small vines and twigs made it hard to travel lightly without a sound. Her maneuvers became careless as she rushed through the nearest path down to the ground. She finally sprung and rolled across the forest floor in one swift movement. 
To her dismay, the landing had drawn the attention of the group. She felt the weight of their stares but it was Kxolo’s silent command to come forward that had her lightly jogging towards the family. 
“There you are, slow poke.” Neteyam said in a light tone. Vamai was grateful for his attempt to lighten the awkward situation and yet it was clear in the relief in his expression that he too was grateful for her. 
“Sorry I’m late.” Vamai tried her best to put on her best charming smile, but she could feel Kxolo’s eyes on her. 
“You’ve already met Lo’ak but this is mom, dad, Tuk, and Kiri.” Neteyam introduced her. She didn’t miss the side glance that Jake sent Lo’ak. It was times like these that she hated her habit of noticing every detail. “Everyone, this is my friend Vamai.”
Time to turn on the charm. 
“Olo’eyktan Toruk Makto, Neytiri of Omatikaya” She said while portraying the respectful gesture. “It is so nice to meet Neteyam’s family, you are all he talks about night and day.” Vamai smiled warmly while giving the other omega a teasing bump with her hip. The coalesced mood of fire and ice barely gave way to her friendly greeting but Neytiri’s gentle smile sped the process along. 
“Always happy to meet one of Neteyam’s friends.” Neytiri warmly responded. It was hard to bask in that warmth when there were two piercing gazes on her from two different directions. From the corner of her eye she could make out Lo’ak’s undivided attention, but she did not allow herself to turn towards him and see in what way he stared. The other came from her Olo’eyktan whose eyes pointed down towards her leg. 
“Come, we have a spread prepared.” Kxolo shuffled the group back onto their path towards the dining area before positioning himself next to Vamai. “How is it that I find you with a new cut every day?” His baritone voice slid under the group conversation, undetected by the others. 
She glanced down to find her left leg already sporting a fresh cut trickling with blood. 
“Who would’ve thought there would be so many sharp sticks in the forest?” Vamai nervously joked. Kxolo simply rolled his eyes fondly and handed her a spare bandage. He was used to her reckless behavior at this point. 
It was strange sitting around the familiar area with such new faces. While there were moments of ease where Tuk would sit on Neteyam’s lap and share a funny story, there were also moments where the stifling awkward looks between the Olo’eyktan was suffocating. It seemed that the mood was able to switch at a flip of a dime. An unpredictable social setting to navigate. 
Vamai quickly came to realize how accustomed she had become to their usual meal time routines. She was used to making cracks at Epok while Neteyam and Kxolo snuggled close with their seductive whispering. She was used to muttering jokes under her breath to Tamil until his soft demeanor finally cracked into a smirk as he held back laughter. Now sitting here with the Sully family and watching as Kxolo was very careful with where he put his hands, it felt wrong. 
And then there was Lo’ak. 
Lo’ak whose golden eyes would randomly fall and linger on her frame as she shifted in her place. She made the mistake of trying to scare off his gaze by focusing her own on him. This, however, was taken as a silent challenge. His curious eyes held her own as he sat with a relaxed demeanor she could not fathom him holding in such a confusing scenario. 
There were too many things to focus on at once. Too many people to watch and anticipate their reactions. 
“And grandma has been teaching me how to properly extract and use bark to create healing remedies.” Kiri continued her story. 
“Yeah but the bark is super sticky and really hard to get off your hands.” Tuk jumped in to inform them.
“I told you not to try and make jewelry out of it, little sister.” Kiri fondly teased her, causing a small spit of laughter to rumble through the group. Tuk of course stuck her tongue out at her older sister in rebellion. 
“Vamai,” Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of Jake addressing her. “I hear we have you to thank for keeping Neteyam company. What sort of things have you two been up to?” Jake’s eyes were soft and the corners of his lips twitched upwards, but Vamai could still feel the weight of the attention dragging her down. Usually she would gladly take the spotlight and work a crowd but something about having the awkward situation combined with Lo’ak’s intoxicating focus on her, made it feel suffocating. 
She rolled the turquoise beads hanging from her loincloth between her fingers.
Neteyam’s eyes connected with hers. 
What exactly had they been doing? 
“Oh well you know just the usual running around and what not.” It was lame. Perhaps the poorest answer she had come up with on the spot. Vamai’s mind raced to find something to remedy the response. “But you know, no one ever told me what a great dancer Neteyam is.” Her light teasing voice was a direct contradiction to the pounding rhythm of her heart. 
“Neteyam?” Lo’ak’s tone was drenched with doubt as he raised an eyebrow at her. She didn’t bother to look his way. It was better to forget he was there. 
“We had a festival the other night. Vamai and Neteyam had a lot of fun on the dance floor.” Kxolo explained smoothly. “Maybe too much fun.” The Olo’eyktan said underneath his breath with a small smirk.
Neteyam’s cheeks tinged a light pink as he looked towards Vamai. The rising anxiety was almost palpable to her, even from across the fire. 
“Yeah he has quite the moves.” She said lightly with a wink. It felt more like a mirage of her usual demeanor than a reality. Three more twirls to the beads. 
“I have a hard time believing that.” Lo’ak chuckled and somehow the aggravating arrogance crumpled her anxiety in an instant. She gripped the beads to the point of almost breaking. 
“Well perhaps he has never had the right partner.” The feigned tease was only a top coat to the underlying challenge that sizzled beneath. This time when their eyes met, she held his gaze. The continuing conversation was only mumbled background noise as she forced herself not to squirm. The beginning of a crooked smile along his face was what set the fire off within her. 
Detailed daydreams of flinging herself across the circle to tackle him and permanently wipe the smirk off his face swarmed within her. His head would hit the ground with a thump and she wouldn’t give him a chance to breathe, let alone fight back before she would be scratching bloody marks down his cheeks. Disregard the fact that the alpha had at least forty pounds of muscle on her, she knew how to use what she had. Her agile movements would find Lo’ak’s weakness and extort them in order to keep him down. He would buck and squirm underneath her with great force, trying to escape. His abs would flex with every buck, every thrust. The new friction bringing just enough pressure to her core to tease and excite. To show what strength his toned body held. How easily he could thrust and roll those hips. 
She looked away. 
Vamai’s train of thought was going off the rails. 
She blamed the frustrating dreams that plagued her mind each night. 
Ignoring her stomach that was doing backflips, Vamai tuned back into the conversation. It somehow had drifted to Neteyam’s health. From the uncomfortable posture Kiri held, she could tell it was not going in a good direction. 
“Mom, I’m fine. I eat three meals a day and sleep at night and visit the healers tent when needed.” Neteyam assured her while Tuk fiddled with his braids. A look was exchanged between Neytiri and Jake. A silent conversation everyone else was not privy to. Kxolo watched the interaction closely. 
“Yeah well it’s not just that, son. We need to figure out what to do about your presentation. You can’t be more than a couple weeks out at this point.” Jake’s deep timber spread silence throughout the group. It was deafening. Vamai looked to Kxolo and saw him staring at Jake with narrowed eyes. The only person immune to the awkward subject was Tuk as she continued to stick Neteyam’s braids through spare beads. 
“And what exactly do you think needs to be done, Toruk Makto?” Kxolo questioned, shoulders tense. 
Vamai could practically see the anxiety rising within Neteyam as the exchange started to take a turn. She tried to think of someway to steer this conversation in a different direction, even a distraction that could throw them off the path. 
“Well maybe first I should be asking what has already been done?” Jake’s voice was an intruding rumble, barely held back from a growl. His jaw clenched while staring the other Olo’eyktan down. Kxolo didn’t show a sign of retreat as he gazed back with the same intensity. 
Vamai panicked. 
This was the last question Neteyam wanted to be answering. She could see it written on his face. 
Her sense of responsibility over the situation began to swell. The omega knew why she was asked here. As Neteyam’s friends she was supposed to support him, keep him from having an anxiety attack from the tense situation. There had to be a way to intervene safely. 
“Is that what you are asking, Jake Sully?” Kxolo questioned with narrowed eyes. Hostility started to preemptively arise in the air at the anticipation of undesired truths being told. 
Vamai looked down subtly at her bleeding leg. She still hadn’t wrapped it. No one besides Kxolo had noticed it yet. This was her chance. This would be her performance. 
“Oh shit!” She exclaimed. All eyes snapped to her. It occurred to her that perhaps there was a better choice of language she could have chosen. She held her leg and scrunched her face up into a feigned pained expression. “I think I cut my leg!”
The wound was not serious in comparison to her usuals but the blood was enough to draw attention and concern. Neytiri was instantly moving to her side to inspect it. Lucky for Vamai, she had accidentally gotten some dirt rubbed into it during her roll. The risk of infection was enough to steer the conversation off topic. 
“You must cleanse it before it gets infected, child.” Neytiri warned her. Lo’ak leaned forward to try and get a better look at the minor injury. She ignored the concern painted across his face. 
She caught Neteyam’s eyes for a moment when no one was watching and gave him a reassuring wink. His tense muscles visibly loosened from the silent communication. 
“Good point we shou-”
“Neteyam, why don’t you take your friend to the healers tent to get patched up? Bring your siblings too.” Jake cut in. It was an order, not a request. 
“But dad-”
“That sounds like a great idea. You can give your siblings a tour around the village afterwards. Your parents and I can talk in the meantime.” Kxolo smoothly interjected. For a man that was undoubtedly about to be interrogated on his sex life, the Olo’eyktan was rather calm, even offering himself up to the wolves. Vamai scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Neteyam on the other hand was already setting Tuk down and trying to voice his protests. 
“Now, Neteyam.” Jake’s order cut off any scrambled argument Neteyam had a chance of making. 
Vamai and the Sully kids were quick to get to their feet at the sound of the harsh voice. Guilt started to seep in as Vamai realized her last minute distraction had not brought the desired results. 
Just before they headed off in opposite directions she noticed Kxolo calmly kissing Neteyam on the forehead and whispering encouraging words. Vamai wondered if Jake Sully could see the way the omega melted into the touch. If he did, it only increased his stern rage as he pierced the back of Kxolo’s head with a seething glare. As the three walked away, Kxolo sent his mate one last encouraging smile and wink before disappearing. 
Tsahik, as always, was unfazed by Vamai’s appearance at the healer’s tent. Her interest was only slightly peaked by the company that the omega brought, but didn’t comment on it as she cleansed her wound. Tuk filled up most of the time by asking questions about the clan which Vamai was happy to answer, but Neteyam was eerily silent. Even as they left the tent, his head was always on a swivel, looking for hints of his parents and Kxolo. 
Throughout the tour Neteyam contributed a few sentences here and there, most likely for his sibling’s sake, but the worry never left his eyes. While Tuk was fairly oblivious to the underlying threat, Kiri did her best to try and lighten the mood with well placed jokes and compliments. Vamai was coming to like the girl more and more as she continued to soothe the atmosphere throughout the tour. Lo’ak was silent for the most part, but she caught him staring at her or the small bandaged wound periodically. 
His presence was kicking up a wave of emotion within her, but Vamai could not focus on those. 
They finally made it to the lake and Tuk immediately set off to gather whatever pretty stones she could find. Kiri followed closely to watch over her little sister. It seemed like the right time to finally address the elephant in the room. Vamai went on her tiptoes to sling a comforting arm around Neteyam’s shoulders. 
“It’ll be fine, Neteyam. Kxolo knows what he’s doing.” She tried to say with the most reassuring and light tone she could manage. Neteyam was still stiff under her touch. 
“Come on guys! Come play!” Tuk’s adolescent voice rang across the lake’s clearing but it was ignored. 
“I suppose he is lucky dad was forced to leave the guns at home.” Lo’ak mischievously teased from his casual position propped against a nearby tree. Vamai knew that she couldn’t expect much more from the brother that hated her Olo’eyktan but his comment still managed to set her off. Her blood began to boil as she narrowed her eyes at his perfectly relaxed expression. 
He was inescapable. Always there to torment her in her dreams and now here to agitate her during the waking hours. There was something about the younger Sully alpha that had her emotions swiping into a whirlwind within an instant. It seemed to be his special talent to get under her skin without even trying. 
Without another thought she stomped over to him, reached up to grab a fistful of braids, and yanked. Hard. His responding hiss sizzled into a deep laugh as his eyes lit with mischief. 
“Is there an end to your snarky comments?” Vamai growled out with pinched eyebrows. The hidden threats, however, did nothing to intimidate Lo’ak as his pained laugh continued to rumble from his chest. He ducked in order to relieve some of the pressure from the hair yanking, finally bringing him closer to her line of sight. 
“Is that as hard as you can pull?” The tip of his canines peaked out from his delighted smirk. 
“Ok ok break it up.” Neteyam’s panicked voice broke through the moment. He quickly swatted at each in order to create some distance between the two. “It’s fine, ok? Let’s just try to get along and play with Tuk before she throws a fit.” The uneasiness in his expression was obvious, causing the two to give in to his requests.
Vamai strengthened her resolve to ignore the alpha as they walked over to the Sully sisters. Playing with Tuk turned out to be a very serious and immersive experience. She had a firm grasp on the casting, scenery and intricate plot lines that were expected to be executed. Any unwanted leeway from this vision was quickly nipped into a bud with an adorable angry scowl. Vamai didn’t mind however. It gave her an opportunity to lose herself in the role she was assigned. 
Watching Lo’ak play Toruk while Tuk clawed to his back as Toruk Makto was simply an added bonus. 
The youngest Sully girl was barely able to hang on as Lo’ak dramatically twirled and swung his body to mimic the mighty ikran. The struggle only brought an endless spew of giggles and half hearted protests from Tuk. It was obvious this was not an uncommon game for them to play together. 
As their game progressed, the tense worries began to melt away. Vamai became lost in her dedication to play a mighty Omatikaya warrior along with Kiri while Neteyam focused on portraying a Sky Demon trying to attack them. Even the eldest brother slowly found it easier to smile and laugh as they screamed and ran after each other. 
Tuktirey giggled as her small legs tried to run after Vamai and mimic the girl's boisterous warrior calls and movements. Her efforts were rudely interrupted by ‘Toruk’ catching Tul in his arms and throwing her small body over his head. The joyous pleas for release were ignored as he roughly spun the girl around by her arms. Kiri tried to save her from their brother’s wrestling, yet even she could not keep her laughter at bay. Neteyam suddenly let out a war cry before coming to ‘attack’ the rest of his siblings. 
“I’ve got the hostiles!” Neteyam bellowed before crashing into the group. The result was a collapsed entanglement of the Sully kids on the ground screeching and laughing. The wrestling continued as Vamai watched fondly. 
What she wouldn’t give to have siblings of her own. 
Once the commotion had died down, Neteyam remembered the necklaces he was to gift his sisters. They instantly agreed to follow him back to his hut to retrieve them. 
Lo’ak didn’t follow.
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Her hands scratched along Lo’ak’s shoulder blades as their lips tangled in a domineering kiss of unbottled lust. Teeth came into the mix as they each tried to take control of the passionate kissing. It seemed the harder she nipped and pulled at his lips or spontaneously tugged on his bound braids, the hotter his determination burned. Lo’ak’s sly smile could be felt against her lips in short moments where they came up for air. 
His tall frame looming over her blocked the sun. The tree bark against her back scratched and rubbed uncomfortably against her soft skin as she subconsciously rolled her body against his. Still, her body soared with every sensation that came, completely enraptured by the feel of his soft lips against her own. His large four fingered hands gripping her hips were hot to the touch. Goosebumps pricked her skin. Her hindbrain was purring back to life but she ignored its lure and aggressively pulled his muscular body against her own. 
One of his hands moved to assertively cup her cheek.
Arousal coiled in her core at the feel of his tail possessively wrapping around her thigh. 
She was quickly becoming drunk off of his lips, the kiss turning sloppy and obscene. Still, she did not yield. The bottled anger and annoyance had given way to lustful expression. Another way to let the electricity in her veins release into explosive sparks. The tighter he held, the closer his body pressed against hers, the longer his scent wrapped around hers, the more her body sang to life. It was a similar feeling of adrenaline she received from running through the forest at night. No restraint. No control. 
“Come here.” He mumbled against her lips. Large hands yanked her hips forward before she had a chance to refuse. Her clothed core pressed against one of his thighs, achingly close to his obvious bulge. The new pressure coerced a soft moan from her that was released into their kiss. 
Vamai knew later that she would blame her drenched pussy on the lack of sexual attention over the past couple weeks. However, in the moment, all her tempted hindbrain could scream for was Lo’ak. The need to feel his touch against her core. To feel those sinful lips gather her slickness. 
It became more exhausting to fight the tongue invading her mouth for dominance. The grip on his shoulders shifted to entangling within his silky braids, ripping out the band holding them together. 
“We need to start harvesting on the west side before the supply runs low.” The unfamiliar voice made the two freeze. Both their heads silently turned to watch the two clan members off in the distance passing by. 
Ice chilled through her veins, preventing even the slightest of movements. They were a moment frozen in time as the two na’vi walked through the distant bushes. It wasn’t until the strangers were completely out of sight and sound that Vamai attempted to move. 
She roughly shoved at his shoulders. His slight stumble backwards finally allowed the omega to gasp for air. Her mind was still swirling with desire but the presence of others was a helpful wake up call. 
“This is a bad idea.” Vamai breathlessly panted out. 
“Seems like a pretty good one to me.” Lo’ak calmly spoke, gently tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. She refused to look up at those sparkling golden orbs. 
“They’re going to notice you’re gone, skxawng.” The omega scolded him sternly.
“Trust me, they won’t. Don’t worry so much, little snitch.” His knuckles affectionately ran along her cheek as he spoke. It took everything in Vamai to not lean into the touch. 
It had been too long since she had been with a male. That was it. 
“Besides, I come bearing gifts.” Lo’ak said with a wide grin. Her curiosity was oddly peaked as he reached into the small pouch tied to his loincloth. The omega focused on regaining her even breathing as she waited. 
A simple piece of jewelry was extracted from the pouch. He held it up for her to see the woven piece with a small pastel pendant in the middle. It was a delicate but enchanting piece, so different from her usual jewelry. 
“You brought this for me?” Vamai couldn’t hide her confused expression as she tilted her head up to look at Lo’ak. 
“I made this for you, little snitch.” He beamed with pride. The confession made her head spin as she realized what was going on. Lo’ak wasn’t just playing with her, he was courting her. “Now let me put it on you.” 
Vamai didn’t bother to fight him as he carefully secured it underneath her hair so it lay sweetly along her forehead. He smiled unashamedly down at her as he shifted the piece to lay perfectly. The omega’s heartbeat was back to an abnormal pace. It felt as if a wire was strangling it in her chest as she looked up at his glowing expression. 
“W-why would you do that?” She stuttered out. 
“Oh I see, we are still feigning denial. I guess I can play along.” Lo’ak laughed warmly. “You know me, I make jewelry for all my brother’s friends.” Sarcasm etched deeply into his teasing tone, but a ping of jealousy still rang through Vamai at the false words. 
“I don’t do relationships.” Her panicked confession came out in a rush. Perhaps she could turn him down before things got out of control. Friends with benefits was all she had allowed for several years and she would be damned if she let some arrogant Omatikaya alpha come in and change that. 
There was a flicker of emotion in his eyes but it was fleeting before his relaxed composure returned. 
“I think the circumstances require an exception, little snitch.” 
Vamai didn’t want to investigate what circumstance he was referring to. Those dreams were nothing, just simple imaginations of her sexual appetite coming to surface thanks to her subconscious. And Lo’ak. Lo’ak was just infatuated by the competitive game they played. He too would come to his senses and get over his little crush. 
“I don’t know what circumstance your imagination has cooked up, but it doesn’t change anything.” 
“One dream about a girl is not uncommon, but every fucking night? I know what that means, Vamai.” Lo’ak stated while staring down at her. Vamai’s breath caught in her throat. 
Coincidence. Just pure coincidence.
“Do you dream of me too?” The drawled question was released against the shell of her ear. The omega couldn’t remember when he got so close. The blush that invaded her cheeks was involuntary as her thoughts were yanked back to the vile and seductive dreams. “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
The air was quickly becoming stifling. It felt that no amount of oxygen could fully bring the reprieve she desired. Every inhale was drenched in his unique essence. It was dizzying. Drowning. 
Suddenly Lo’ak stepped back. The space helped to clear her thoughts as he reached into the pouch again. 
“Anyways, I have something else that I think will help.” His casual tone was an infuriating contradiction to her racing heart. 
The small devices that he held were obscure to her eyes. One appeared to look like a necklace but hardened pieces along the length gave it a foreign look. The other strangely shaped piece was something Vamai herself could not have cooked up. She leaned closer to inspect the pieces. 
“These will allow us to speak to one another even from long distances.” Lo’ak explained before attaching the pseudo necklace around her throat. She flinched as he put the other strang piece into her ear. 
“By Eywa, what are you talking about, Lo’ak?” Vamai asked in frustration. 
A hint of mischief fell upon his face as he took ten steps backwards. His fingers reached for the identical necklace he wore before all of a sudden sound was erupting in her right ear. 
“I’m talking about this.” 
Vamai didn’t even register the words as she jolted at the unexpected foreign sound in her ear. Without a thought her hands slapped the small piece out of her ear as she let out a startled scream. The omega’s heart pounds against her rib cage as she tries to understand what just occurred. 
Lo’ak’s laughter was uncontrolled as he bowed over to clutch his knees. The sound strummed at her heartstrings but she was too infuriated to show it. It was painfully obvious who was to blame for her mini heart attack. 
“LO’AK YOU FUCKING SKXAWNG!” Vamai screamed at the laughing alpha. 
His steps towards the fallen earpiece were jumbled as he continued to laugh uncontrollably. He held his hands up in surrender before gently picking the piece off of the ground. “Sorry…sorry…I just-” His own unrestrained laugh cut off the sentence.
“You could have at least warned me!” It was becoming progressively more difficult to maintain that angry composure with his infectious laugh bouncing along the trees. His breath came out hoarse as he tried to calm down enough to speak. 
“I know I know. I’m sorry it’s just your face…” He failed to finish the sentence once more.
“It’s not funny!” Vamai demanded with crossed arms and blushing cheeks. She could feel her own laughter threatening to build in her lungs as she looked at his scrunched smiling face. It was settling the mood into an undesired tone of familiarity that she did not appreciate. It was easy to imagine they were simply friends, getting up to no good on the outskirts of the village. Easy to imagine how Lo’ak convinced Neteyam to do reckless things when that charming smile and infectious laughter was sure to accompany their adventures. 
Lo’ak finally regained control. He let out a giggled sigh before coming back up to his full height. 
“I mean it is” Vamai raised her hand in preparation to slap that smile off of his handsome face. “But it wasn’t nice. I admit that. Ok?” His unoccupied hand easily wrapped around the wrist of her upturned hand to hold her back. Laughter still echoed in those gleaming eyes. 
“Fucking sky demon magic.” Vamai muttered before yanking her wrist out. 
“Not magic; technology.” Lo’ak clarified before gently putting the earpiece back in place. “But don’t worry, I promise it won’t hurt you.” There was a more serious timber to his promise. He gave her a reassuring smile. 
Her first instinct was to trust him. 
The nagging of her hindbrain had taken a different tune as she stared into those golden orbs. It swayed and lured her to accept his words as truth. This alpha was different. He would never hurt her. He would protect her. Cherish her. 
The sweet promises floated like a familiar melody through her conscious brain. 
Perhaps Vamai did not completely believe it, but trusting him in this seemed harmless. 
“Here, I will show you how to use it.” Lo’ak kindly helped her navigate the buttons and explained briefly how it would work. Her rising curiosity hung onto every word he spoke. She had never seen or even been allowed around Sky People gear. It felt oddly exciting. 
“There you go, you’ve got it, little snitch.” Lo’ak proudly praised after she had successfully communicated something down the line. The praise wrapped around her like a warm blanket, encasing her happily. Vamai shoved the feeling away before it could show on her face. She shouldn’t care what he thought. His praise meant nothing. 
“You might want to be careful about using it in front of Neteyam. He actually knows what it is.” Lo’ak ran his knuckles softly against the side of her face. “But if you ever get bored or need my help, now you can reach me whenever you want.”
“Wishful thinking.” Vamai teased him but only warm affection was returned in the form of a smile. A part of her knew it was important to push his touch away, but it was warm and gentle. It soothed at her constant jittery nerves. For once, she could be still, but not trapped. 
“LO’AK!” Distant voices called for his return. The tall alpha let out a regretful sigh at the sound. 
“I have to go, but I will let you know where we can meet soon.” He promised. 
“Who says I want to see you soon?” Vamai furrowed her eyebrows in an attempt to solidify her disdain. 
Lo’ak leaned in and stole her lips in a slowed passionate kiss. His hand cradled either side of her face. Once pulled away, he breathed in the air deeply. A lazy smile traced his features. 
“Your sweet scent tells me all I need to know, little snitch.” 
Her thighs pressed together in response. Vamai’s inflamed cheeks only glowed brighter as realization settled in. Before a proper response could be formulated, Lo’ak was jogging off into the forest. 
“Goodbye Vamai!” His baritone timber sang happily as he gave her one last glance over his shoulder. 
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Taglist: @theunfortunateplace​ @4ashes-stuff​ @perfectprofessorloverapricot​
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