#It would mean the whole world to me if yall liked/reblogged or comment what you think <3
ell-arts · 11 months
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Family History
"For a very long time, I didn't know that I had any uncles. Mom never talks about her family...
But I remember one time, when I was small, I was playing in the storage room and came across an old photo of Mom when she was younger. That's how I found out she had two brothers. It was the only picture I ever saw of her with her family.
They looked so happy together...I wish I knew what happened."
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This is an exploration into the Spheros family history, specifically a part in their history where things were actually good, the times that nobody wants to talk about because it's a time long forgotten. The brothers actually got along and together with their sister, they formed a close-knit trio of siblings and made a formidable Pac-Pong team, their favourite sport. Their best years were their high school years. After that, everything changed.
So yeah, this is how I envision their sister (Elli's mom) to look like :)
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pinkipeachiikeen · 1 year
Mint Chocolate Curse (Sakusa x Soulmate F! Reader)
----Mint chocolate chip is a commonly discussed flavor, some swearing that it tastes like toothpaste, others swearing that anyone who believes that has obviously never brushed their teeth before because no mint toothpaste tastes like that. Sakusa never cared much for ice cream in general, he doesn’t like things that are prone to mess, after all but he didn’t necessarily dislike mint chocolate or anything.
That was until it was marked on his body for all eternity at the ripe age of twelve.
Here, it’s mint chocolate chip! Was tattooed in what could best be described as a fun, cheery, font, which was ironic because those  two words were rarely, if ever used to describe Sakusa.
It was also ironic because he seemed to be the only person in the universe who didn’t want a soulmate. ---------------
Yay my first mini-series! This will be chapter one out of three, so stay tuned for the next two parts! likes, reblogs and comments are extremely appricated, especially comments since they encourage me to write more!
Warnings: tiny bit angsty (Kiyoomi isn't good with feelings yall) but overall cute and fluffy!
WC: 5000+
Everyybody has their icks when it comes to food. Sometimes it's because of texture, like grisly canned fruit or squishy jellies. Sometimes it's a food combo that turns people off, like pineapples on pizza. Sometimes people just don’t see the appeal, like mint chocolate chip. 
Mint chocolate chip is a commonly discussed flavor, some swearing that it tastes like toothpaste, others swearing that anyone who believes that has obviously never brushed their teeth before because no mint toothpaste tastes like that. Sakusa never cared much for ice cream in general, he doesn’t like things that are prone to mess, after all (But when he and his cousins made the occasional bike trip to the local ice cream parlor he opted for rocky road) but he didn’t necessarily dislike mint chocolate or anything.
That was until it was marked on his body for all eternity at the ripe age of twelve.
Here, it’s mint chocolate chip! Was tattooed in what could best be described as a fun, cheery, font, which was ironic because those  two words were rarely, if ever used to describe Sakusa.
It was also ironic because he seemed to be the only person in the universe who didn’t want a soulmate. 
Soulmates were by no means rare, and it's estimated that about 50% of society has one of some sort. It's not particularly an easy science to study since soulmate marks tend to diffrate from person to person, some had more visible marks, like his cousin, Motoya and his soulmate Kaori with matching smiley face tattoos (of all things) on their wrists. While others, like Sakusas mom, are ‘blessed’ with gold marks where their soulmate first touched them. The former usually had indications around middle school, like both Sakusa and Montoya did. Where the ladder could appear anytime, as long as you make contact with your supposed other half.
It does’t matter if you are full grown adult.
It doesn’t matter if you are married to another.
It doesn’t matter if you already have two kids and completely normal, healthy life. 
Sakusa’s mother went her whole life thinking she didn’t have a soulmate. She grew up, fell in love, had kids, all just to be ‘blessed’ one day at a supermarket when she accidently brushed hands with a stranger who just happened to pick up the box of cereal she dropped. Her hand, and her world, apparently was incased in gold.
And Sakusa’s? 
His shattered.
Sakusa didn’t know until years later, after years of tears and fights and prolonged silences between him and his mother that were always laced with regret that his parents marriage was an unhappy one. His father was unfaithful and would never miss a chance to put his mother down, a stark difference to the man she fell in love with. Sakusa, of course, never saw that. Too encased with his own childish worries, like every child should be. He just thought his mother was being selfish, destroying the only home, the only family he ever loved. He  didn’t understand that the family, the home he adored was only being held together by fragile threads. Ones that his mother was holding together, using everything and all that she had. Ones that were tearing her apart in the process.
His childish ignorance caused years of pain and uncertainty between his mother and him. They were finally in a secure spot, his sister looks happier than ever with her almost two year old (something Sakusa could never understand, he think kids are germ magnets, but to each their own), his father is out of hiis life (which Sakusa has grown to learn, is actually a blessing)  and  his mom and stepdad are living their best lives, together. His stepdad isn’t half bad either. Sakusa can see the twinkle in his mom’s eyes, one he never seen with she was with his dad. 
Despite that, Sakusa can’t stand to look at his soulmate mark, or even the sight of mint chocolate chip flavored anything. 
As soon as he got his mark, gone were the days of peddling bikes to the ice cream shop and the thrill of frozen, chilled delightfullness on a summer day. Hell, Sakusa even struggles going through the frozen aisles at grocery stores and the 7-Eleven. Oh and god forbid he finds something other than ice cream thats mint chocolate chip flavored. Mint chocolate chip cookies in the normally safe cookie aisle one almost took him out. Hell, he can’t even enjoy mint gum or use minth toothpaste! His stupid soulmate mark was a daily hindrance for him, and he hasen’t even met the person!
And  if Sakusa had anything to say about it, it would stay that way.
Because soulmates only cause pain. Whether it be now or in the long run. He knows that thought is irrational, soulmates can be wonderful things,  but he can never forget those nights his sister held him close to her side, trying to drown out the screams and yells of their parents. 
He can never forget how his father  spit out the word ‘soulmate’ with such malice and hatred, and now his brain refuses to think of soulmates in any way but with the same malice and hatred from his father and the same fear of that ten year old, crying in his sisters arms.
So Sakusa is fine  with living with all the absurd avoidances and paranoia. Fine with all the constant anxiety that comes with walking past an aisle. He’s fine with the underlying anxiety that comes with the blooming of flowers in the Spring, because that means Summer, the season of sweet treats is just around the corner. That is all fine. He won’t go out with his teammates after school for sweet treats after gruiling hours in the hot gym and he won’t run into the 7-eleven with them to grab some  Gatorade. That is all fine. Everything is safe in the gym. There is no mint chocolate chips in the gym. 
There WASN”T 
Not until the teams sweet new manager noticed Sakusa was out of his dear hand saanitizer and offered some of her own. Those damning five words. Said oh so politely, graced with a smile, completely aware of the toll it had on the ravenette, the devastating blow you would leave in your wake;
“Here! It’s mint chocolate chip!”
You were well aware of the….challenges being the volleyball team's manager would bring. Watching  your cousin manage Fukurodani was enough to prove that managing a hearde of teenage boys was akin to being a zookeeper to a bunch of wild animals.  Nonetheless, you decided you were readily up for the challenge when Motoya, your cousin's soulmate, practically begged you to be his team's manager when you made an offhand comment about how you were soon transferring to Ichiyama. Why not? You thought, Kaori loved managing her team, despite how rowdy there are and it’s a great way to get to know people at your school and in the surrounding area. ‘It gets you more in touch with the community!’ Kaori said when I asked for her opinion. ‘It's a great opportunity! You should totally go for it!” ’ 
Her words rang steadily in your ears as you watched Sakusa stare at you with such fear and disgust in his eyes. He slowly backed away, still maintaining eye contact, before running into the locker room. 
Y’know, if someone saw his reaction they would probably think he watched someone get stabbed, not that he was offered hand sanitizer. 
His departure left a silence in the room, everyone having been startled by their ace’s erratic behavior. Their trailing eyes watch his departure before they all settle onto you. Great,  you think,  bitterly. First day and I already fucked it up. 
The team's captain clapped his hands and signaled everyone (and himself) to get back to what they were previously doing,  ‘Sakusa’s gonna Sakusa.’ he said as you made your way to the corner of the bleachers, making yourself as little as possible,  still reeling from your embarrassing rejection, if you could even call it that. 
You’ve been warned of Sakusa’s tendencies, how he was a ‘clean freak’ (in Motoya’s terms) and not one for people in any way, shape or form. He was independent and liked his space, and most importantly he liked cleanliness. You respected that, being an introvert yourself and wanted to show him that. You were new to the team and you wanted to show that you are here to help and not impose, so you kept your distance with him and gave most of your words of encouragement, jokes and quips to the other members, while sneaking glances of Sakusa whenever you could. You waited for the right time to introduce yourself  and you found the perfect opportunity to when he ran out of his hand sanitizer. So you grabbed your bag (a bit too eagerly to be natural) and unclipped your keychain hand sanitizer, offering it to him. 
Apparently, that was NOT the way to go.
Your eye caught the almost copper brown of Motoya entering the gym after grabbing his water bottle and you quickly (and as calmly as you could, trying to make him not realize that his cousin publicly embarrassed you in front of his whole team) sped walked over to him, catching his attention.
“Hey, y/n!” he said cheerfully, and you couldn’t stop but notice the stark contrast between their greetings- or Sakusa’s lack thereof. “How’s your first day going?”
“Good, good!” you lied. “I just got  a quick little question!”
“Yeah, what's up!” he replied, taking a swig of his water.
You take a deep breath in before spewing out, almost illegabily; “Is Sakusa allergic to mint? Or is he one of those people who really doesn’t like mint chocolate? Cuz I offered some of my mint chocolate scented hand sanitizer and he kinda flipped out? I don’t know why he would unless he was allergic or just really really can’t stand mint chocolate, although i thought that was just wit-”
Montoya spat out his water. 
You subconsciously step back, thankful you weren’t in the spray zone. 
“I just offered him some of my hand sanitizer?” you almost whisper, handing him the small travel  sized bottle that was still in your hand from your previous embarrassing moment. It seems like you were collecting embarrassing moments like pokemon cards, now. But instead of having a mighty Charizard to show off on the playground you get sleepless nights of cringe-infested thoughts. 
“Yeah uh,” he gulps. “Uh- did you just kinda hand it to him like ‘here?’’' he asks while handing the bottle back to you, reenacting what he guessed happened.
“Uh, yeah.” you say, unsure. “Was I not supposed to?” You ask slowly.
“No, no, It’s just,” he bounces on the balls of his feet. “Did he say anything to you?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the ‘p’. “Just looked at me like I killed his puppy before booking it.” You share, thumb pointing to the locker rooms. “Just before you got here, too. You should’ve seen it.” you say sarcastically. “It was suuuuper embarrassing.” 
Motoya’s stubby eyebrow twitched as he gave an awkward laugh. “I’m sorry, Sakusa is kinda flighty around new people, like a cat, y’know?” he gives you an awkward pat on the shoulder. “I’ll go talk to him!” he announces, albeit a bit too loudly, causing the very few whose attention he didn’t gather with the spit take seconds prior to be engaged in your business, once again. 
What the hell did I get myself into?
The door slams open, causing a startled Sakusa to slam his fingers against his locker door. Motoya, either unbothered or unnoticing of his cousin's pain, waltzes straight up to him and gives him what Sakusa might perceive as something just as unbearable, a hug. 
“Oh my god, how insane is this?” he cheers. “Your soulmate is my soulmate's cousin! Your cousin is her cousin's soulmate!” he pauses; “Wait did I get that right?” he shrugs. “You know what I meant, regardless. I’m so happy for you!’
Sakusa rolls his eyes. “I’m glad you are happy about it.” he grumbles, awkwardly shrugging his cousin off.
“Oh come on,” Montoya whines. “Don’t tell me you are still all ‘anti-soulmate’.”
“I’m not anti soulmate.” he grumbles, closing his locker. “I’m just fine without one. I don’t need someone to come in and make my life all ‘special’.” he said, waving his hands for effect after the word ‘special’. “I’m fine on my own.”
Motoya groans. “No one said you weren’t, Kiyomi.” he settles on the bench next to his cousin. “I don’t know what you heard, but soulmates aren’t meant to change your life or you in any way”
“Tell that to everyone on tv. Or the media. Or literally anyone, because they’d all say something different.” he deadpans. 
“Well, they’re wrong, or clearly haven’t met their soulmate yet, if they even have one. Relationships of any and every kind are different. Whether they are soulmate bound or not.”
“So what you are saying is…?”
Motoya lets out a long excgarated groan. “God, why must you have the emotional density of a cactus? What i'm trying to say is that your relationship with your soulmate is yours to figure out, not anyone else's. The only thing I can say for sure is that running away from it will only cause pain.” he informs. 
Damn, when did Komori get all wise? Sakusa thinks.
“Besides, she’s our manager, whether you like it or not. You can’t avoid talking to her forever.”
Sakusa smirks, and Montoyas face falls.
“You’re right.” he said, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “But I can for now.”
“And how, please tell me, are you planning on doing that?”
“Sakusa has damaged his throat and won’t be able to talk to anyone for 2 weeks or so. Until then, he will be using a mixture of his notepad and the text-to-speech app on his phone to communicate. Thank you and no further questions.” Montoya states to the team an uncharistical lack of enthusiasm that one can usually only find in an unamused Sakusa. 
“What is this, a press conference?” the captain asks before sighing it off and ushering everyone to practice as usual.
“This is only gonna blow up in your face, y’know that right?” Motoya murmured as they set down their water bottles on the bleachers. 
Sakusa ignored him, or at least didn’t care enough to write out a response. 
“I bet this is great for you, avoiding your soulmate and limiting human interaction even more so than you already do.” he sighs. “Damn it Sakusa, I thought taking those two sick days would’ve knocked some sense into you. I’m guessing Auntie doesn’t know?”
This made Sakusa stop in his tracks. 
Sakusa quickly scribbles on his notepad, 
And she won’t find out, right?
Even without those words being verbally said Motoya knew that the question he wrote was more of a statement, a threat, if anything else.
Motoya raises his hands in defense. “Hey, I'm not gonna tell her anything! Sheesh.” he shakes his head in disapproval. “Just know that she’s gonna find out one way or another, and she’s gonna tell you the same thing I did. Probably more aggressively, cause I doubt she’ll appreciate you leading your soulmate on like that, giving everyth-”
Sakusa stops him with a cold glare. Fiery words sat on the tip of his tongue, You have no idea what happened, what she went through. What I went through. But Sakusa could tell that Motoya knew he overstepped. 
“I’m sorry” he sighed. “I’m just worried for you, okay? I know I wasn’t there when everything happened, but I was there for the fallout.”
Oh really? I’m sorry I kind of forgot we moved into your family’s house when my father kicked us out due to my mothers new ‘golden’ addition to her skin. Apparently, having a soulmate mark was the epitome of unfaithfulness, and father would definitely know, since he was screwing the neighbor’s barely legal daughter. 
“I just don’t wanna watch you hurt again over a soulmate, yours or not.” he references again, to his mothers past. Can’t he just drop it? And they say I'm bad at reading social cues. I’m clearly uncomfortable.
“The mere thought of having a soulmate shakes you up so bad that you adjusted your entire lifestyle, man.” he states. “You shouldn’t have to live in fear of the frozen aisles!”
Sakusa’s eye twitches. He reaches for his notebook again before Motoya stops him. 
“I know that you don’t wanna talk about this, so I won’t force you to. I just want the best for you, and I'm gonna be here for you, no matter what dumb decision you make. Got it?”
Sakusa stays quiet, both slightly annoyed and slightly thankful. It pains him to admit, butespite how annoying he thinks Komori is, he can’t deny that he makes up a large part of his support system. 
“That being said, it looks like Y/n’s on her way over here, so good luck and don’t fuck it up!” he whispers before dashing away to join practice.
That piece of-
Sakusa takes back his inner thoughts complimenting his cousin as you shyly walk up to him, hands hiding behind your back. 
“Hi, Sakusa!” you greet, a tad too cheerful for Sakusas taste as he takes a small, almost unnoticeable step  back. “I- um,” you stutter. “I’m sorry to hear that you hurt your throat, we missed you the past two days! Practice wasn’t the same without you.”
Sakusa pulls up his text to speech app and presses one of the prerecorded answers.
She nods in acknowledgement. “So we took the big test yesterday,” you share, revealing the notebook that was kept behind your back. “And I wanted to know if you needed the notes I took the day prior? We took a ton of them the day prior and without them you probably couldn’t get more than 50%. Why our teacher thought loading us up with important info the very day before a test that large was a good idea, I couldn’t tell you.” Sakusa awkwardly accepts the composition notebook from you, mentally questioning if you always shared that class. “ But I can tell you that the test is open notes, and these,” you tap the top of the composition notebook. “Are the best in the class. Guaranteed.” you promise with a smile. Before Sakusa could type anything out in response, you’re out the door. Sakusa only understood ‘called in to work’ and ‘babysit’ before you were out the door, leaving him dumbfounded.
Since when did we share a class?
When did the teacher announce this supposed big test, and why wasn’t I informed?
And why the hell is she being so nice to me? From what I heard I embarrassed her in front of everyone the last time she attempted to talk to me. 
Brushing off the questions for now, Sakusa notices the neon sticky note stuck to the cover of the notes, decorated with a series of digits and a little note reading;
Text me if you have any questions! Good luck, I believe in you!
Followed by a small smiley face. 
Sakusa’s eyes kept reading it over, his mind trying to rationalize his slight flutter in his chest. Stop that. He tells himself.
Luckily, he gets called out to the court by his teammates, making him push both the notes and the questionable feelings aside for the time being.
As  much as Sakusa wanted to steer clear from any possible occurring thoughts about his soulmate, he needed to look over the notes you gave him if he wanted to keep a decent grade. He gave an over dramatic sigh as he plopped down in his desk chair, digging into his backpack. He grabs the composition notebook (eyes strategically avoiding the pink sticky note on the cover) and flips through it to roughly find the section he needed to study before placing the notebook on his desk. Eyes flicker over the neat text, decorated with highlighters and multicolored pens in places stating important information. He can’t deny, the notes are pretty good. His eyes continue scanning until they meet… a volleyball? It seemed so out of place compared to the pristine notes. Yes, there were a few illustrations, but most of them were related to the subject, not anything random like a volleyball. He was going to just shrug it off before he realized that the volleyball wasn’t the whole illustration. Connected underneath to the volleyball was… no way. 
Directly under the volleyball was a little chibi, who seemed to be spiking the volleyball. Normal enough, he supposed, but that's not what really caught his eye. The chibi had a number ten on its little jersey, and more noticeably, a mop of curly black hair.
He squints his eyes, bringing the notebook closer to his eyes. “Is that…..me?”
Sakusa tries to internally debate the possibility of the chibi volleyball player being him, but what other volleyball player wears a mask while spiking? He’s the only one he knows, and he bets that he’s the only one you know too.
Against his better judgment, he pulls out his phone.
You would love to say that you weren’t sitting around mindlessly scrolling through your instagram feed hoping that Sakusa would text. You would love to say you were being productive, whether that meant studying or finishing that anime series you told your friend you would finish. But, no. You were laying down on your bed, head over the side, hands in the air holding up your phone that has been remotely silent for a good while now. Trapped in an endless cycle of likes in saves, drowning in the shame of worrying over a boy. One that isn’t even bothered to give you the time of day. 
That of course, changed when your phone buzzed from an incoming text message, and all shame went out the window. 
For the time being at least. You were pretty sure you would be feeling pretty embarrassed later looking at the red phone shaped mark you obtained on the bridge of your nose, but that's a later issue. 
After picking up the phone and inspecting it for any damage, you quickly opened your messages to find an unknown number. Finger ready to click on it, you have to physically restrain yourself. Wait. What if he thinks I'm clingy or something  answering too fast?
You groaned and threw your phone on your bed. Stupid social rules.
Deciding to busy yourself for five minutes or so by cleaning your room, (cuz hey, at least that’s productive and you can’t say you spent the whole evening waiting for a text from a boy who you thought wouldn't actually text. ) you hurriedly grabbed piles of clothes from all throughout the room, and righteous decided if they were clean and to be folded, clean enough to be thrown on the chair and which ones needed to be banished to the dirty clothes. Once the clothes were away you sorted out your bed stand, threw out all the trash that littered the floor, and sorted out your nightstand to only hold the essentials needed, you finally allowed yourself to check the clock. 
Damn, only 12 minutes past.
Maybe Sakusa should text more often. You think as you plop down on your bed to a now 90% clean room, one which you’ve been putting off for far too long.
Opening the text, you are greeting with a curt;
This is Sakusa.
From the volleyball team.
You didn’t know if you were gonna outwardly cringe or keel over laughing. This man texted with such awkward straightforwardness, the only person you could compare it to was your grandfather. 
Thumbs ready to type, you start your sentence, before readily erasing it. 
Three times.
Ugh why is this so hard! 
You sat there silently debating what you could type that doesn’t make you sound like a complete dweeb before you realized, there's a chance he saw you type, 
then untype, 
then type again.  
Internally groaning, you throw caution to the wind and reply with a simple;
Hey Sakusa!
What’s up?
Wow. It really took you that long to write four words. Cringing, you put your hand to your upper face, partially shielding yourself from the embarrassment, and partially facepalming yourself. 
Through the cracks in your fingers you see the little chat bubble appear, gluing your eager eyes to the screen. 
I have a quick question.
Waiting an appropriate fifteen seconds, you reply, Shoot. I’ll probably have an answer. 
I’ll probably have an answer?! Who the hell says that?! 
Before you could chastise yourself further, a reply pops up. 
Is this supposed to be me?
Followed by a picture of a familiar sketch.
Everything then moved in slow motion. Heat flooded to your face and ears as you dropped your phone and hid your face in your hands as if it could shield you from the embarrassment of your crush finding your little doodle of him.
 Without looking away, hoping that if you kept staring at the photo it would suddenly combust from everyone's memory, you slowly fumble around for your pillow,
put it to your face
and screamed.
Rocking slowly back and forth in his desk chair, Sakusa stares at his phone, waiting for a response. It said seen, was she just staring at it .He swats down the irritation laced with the tiniest bit of worry. Why should be getting all upset?  You probably had to go to the bathroom or something. There's a ton of reasons why a person would be left on seen. 
I mean Sakusa does it all the time, usually because he couldn’t be bothered to respond.
His eyebrows furrow.
 Is that why she isn’t responding? Does she not care?
Before Sakusa’s thoughts could really start to spiral, his phone dings.
Three times. 
It was practically vibrating as Sakusa scrambles to pick it up. 
Sakusa wasn’t one that could be described as ‘chronically online’, but his cousin was, so he could easily identify that the random bunch of letters cluttering his screen was a ‘keyboard smash’ and not you having a stroke. 
Sakusa chuckles. He’s never heard you swear before, but he suddenly has a strange need to hear you curse in real time.  He can picture you frantically typing, not caring for the typos. I bet she’s all flustered. Cute.
I tend to doodle in class, it helps me focus, its a mindless thing really.
Recently ive been doodlin a lot of volleyball related things bc im the new manager and its on my mind a lot.
So that includes you.
 Please please PLEASE dont find it creepy.
If you look at the other pages you can probably see sketches of some other players!
Sakusa flips through the pages, indeed seeing some chibi versions of his teammates in various poses; spiking, serving and receiving. But he cannot deny the fact that there seemed to be many more curly haired, masked players decorating the sheets than any other players.
Why are there so many of me? He replied
The phone went silent.
Well you finally respond. 
It’s not my fault you outshine the rest.
Maybe try toning down the talent, maybe the others would occupy my mind more.
Sakusa's eyes float over the two texts, again and again, never quite processing them 100% as  his lips turn into a goofy smile that he’d deny ever graced his face.
I’m kidding, of course.
For the most part, at least 
You weren’t sure how you made it past the doors of the gym after the back to back mortification you experienced with Sakusa. Wasn’t embarrassing you in school enough? Did he really have to embarrass you at home too? I guess that one was on me, though. I gave him the embarrassment ammo with the book and the gun with my phone number. Why must I torture myself like this? 
Your internal monologue was interrupted by the “Ahm.” of someone clearing their throat. 
Turning around too fast for your body's liking, becoming disoriented you spot Sakusa, who like you, was startled by your quick response.  “Oh hi Sakusa!” You say, hoping it wasn’t obvious that you were just thinking about him. “What’s up?” 
He hands you the notebook, equipped with a new post it reading a simple ‘Thanks’
“Oh! Of course! I hope they helped!”
He responds with a simple nod before returning to the court.
Waiting a few seconds to create distance between the two of you, you dive into the notebook to assess the damage
Oh god. 
You gulp. It’s so much worse than you thought.
Nearly every other page was decorated with a little doodle of some sort, with an absurd amount of them being the very boy you oh so happily handed them to. What the hell was I thinking? You racked your brain to think of any reason you would have willingly  handed this notebook to anyone, especially Sakusa, but you couldn’t come up with any besides ‘pretty boy make brain go brrrrrr’
What the hell is wrong with me?  
You suddenly became overwhelmed with a pleasant urge to bang your head against a wall. Maybe a nice brick one would knock some sense into me..
Your internal rambling comes to a sudden halt as your eyes flicker over a paper with a careful cut into it.
You weren’t the most neat person, despite all your attempts to make your notes aesthetically pleasing (in a desperate attempt to make you study), you tended to just rip out a piece of paper if you needed to glue it on a study guide or on another page. You rarely used scissors, especially on the margins of the paper where the doodles lay….
No…. it couldn’t be. He wouldn’t… right?
Another check through the book confirmed your fear, the doodle missing is the one Sakusa messaged you about the night prior. But why though? Why would he cut out one of the doodles? What was he planning to do with it? Knots began to form and tighten in your stomach. You began to ponder asking him what he did with it, but part of you didn’t want to know. Images of crinkled up paper in the trashcan flashed through your mind. 
You grimace.
 But if he really didn’t like it enough to cut it out… why did he only cut out the one? There were several doodles of him in the notebook. Hell, why did he cut it out at all? It seems much easier to just not look at the notebook if it caused him so much anger. It doesn’t make sense. 
Unbeknownst to you, across the gym several of Sakusa’s teammates were thinking the same thing when they spotted their oh so cold and stoic ace typing away on his phone, showcasing his newly decorated clear phone case.
One that just happened to be a chibi volleyball player that looked a bit too much like him. 
141 notes · View notes
supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
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Part three
Pairings: Marcus Pike x reader
Warnings: fluff, pretending to be married, mutual pining, smut 18+, explicit, tequila drinking, getting blind drunk.
Summary: you hit a bump in the road on the journey to your sisters wedding, one that ends with you married to Marcus.
A/N: ok so we’re all caught up to the prologue now. There is still way more to come, I gotta give Marcus a happy ending, or do I? 🤔 also thank you so much for all the love on this series, it really means the world to me 🥰
Gif: @doin-stuff
{Comments and reblogs really appreciated}
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Less than 24 hours earlier
Two hours out from New Orleans and you’d barely spoken to Marcus. Stunned by his earlier confession, your mind is reeling. Things shouldn’t be complicated at all, you love him, you know you do. He’s the one you could see a future with, but you can’t let go of the hurt you felt when he was with Theresa. You can feel his eyes on you, but you don’t look at him once, your emotions are all over the place, you need to process things.
You turn to see what has Marcus so riled up when you see smoke coming from the engine.
“That’s not good.”
The car stutters to a stop at the side of the road and Marcus gets out and lifts the hood. You hop out and walk around to him.
“The car is knackered.”
“Please don’t say that. What are we going to do? Lauren will kill us if we don’t get there on time.”
Marcus looks to you with a sympathetic look. “I’ll walk back to that gas station we saw. See if I can get some help.”
“Marcus that was an hour ago. Oh god we’re not going to make it.” Marcus pulls you into his arms and holds you tight. “We will get there, if I have to carry you there myself, we’re going to make it.”
“Thank you.” Suddenly the sound of an engine in the distance pulls you apart. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah, quick wave them down.”
You run onto the road waving your arms like a crazy person. The bus slows down and pulls in behind the car.
“Yall ok there? Havin’ a little car trouble?”
“Yeah I think the engines gone. There was smoke coming out of it anyway.”
“Y’all need a ride? We’re on our way to New Orleans for a tequila festival, we’re a band ya see and we’ll be playing the whole weekend.”
“That would be amazing. We were actually heading there ourselves.”
“If your wife would like to hop in, I can give you a hand with the luggage.”
“Oh we’re not….we’re not married.”
“That’s not a problem is it?”
“Well not as long as your engaged, we are a Christian group and if y’all are going to be sharing a bed you need to be married or at least on the way to it.”
“Oh we’re engaged. Haven’t set a date for the wedding yet but hopefully soon.”
“Glad to hear it son.”
Once everything was loaded onto the bus, Marcus comes and sits beside you. Leaning in to whisper, “eh we’re engaged.”
“What.” Your eyes are blown wide in shock. “Well they apparently have a room for us, paid for and all, but they would only let us have it if we were married or at least getting married. Sorry.”
“Eh…I….ugh it’s fine. It’s not going to be that hard to pretend we’re together.”
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After arriving to your room, you had a shower and changed, before you headed out for dinner. Marcus was dressed in jeans, white T-shirt and that god damn leather jacket. This man was out to torture you. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah. Where are we meeting them?”
“They said to meet them in the court yard.”
When you arrive there’s lantern lights draped everywhere. Tables are decorated, food table full and tequila everywhere. “Wow, this is amazing. That food looks so good.”
“There you two are. Ok let’s all start on that tequila, shall we.”
“Oh well I was hoping to eat first, I don’t really have a tolerances or alcohol.” You look to Marcus for support but he’s already making his way to the bar. “Ugh.”
“Come now girly, plenty of time for food later.”
You we’re drunk. No…really drunk. Greg..Craig?! No James, had filled you with tequila and you were so happy right now. You we’re dancing with Marcus, his arms around your waist swaying to the music. Or was that the drink. Doesn’t matter he’s holding you, you don’t care. Maria, James’s wife came over to you both, excitement flowing off her.
“We’ve had an amazing idea. James is an officiant and he wants to marry you both. There’s this lively spot down in the gardens under an arch. What do say?”
You smile at her and look towards Marcus, who is nodding his head at her.
“Great, ah I’m so excited! I’ll go tell him now. This is so romantic.”
Standing under the arch way decorated in flowers and fairy lights you look at Marcus. You find him already looking at you, adoration in his eyes.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Marcus my boy you may kiss your bride.”
Marcus places his hands on either side of your face before kissing you softly. After the ceremony more drinks are had and you stumble back to your room. Stripping out of your dress Marcus comes up behind you and you can feel his hardens cock on your ass. Is he naked? He nuzzles into the side of your neck, “god I want you so bad baby.”
Turning in his arms you lean up and kiss him. He helps you remove your underwear and bra before laying you back in the bed. He lays in between your thighs and strokes his cock along your wet pussy. With one thrust he sheaths himself within you. You both let out a moan.
“God I forgot how tight you are. So fucking perfect baby.”
You lock your ankles behind his ass pulling him closer. “Just fuck me already.”
He begins pounding into you again and again. It’s rough and hard and your head is spinning. “I’m close, want you to come with me. Can you do that baby?”
He lowers his hand between your bodies and rubs circles over your swollen clit. That’s all you needed to send you over the edge. Your whole body tingles as you come, screaming his name like a prayer. He spills inside you and rolls off you, burying his face into the pillow. Within minutes you both succumb to sleep.
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Present day
Waking up to the sun shining in through the balcony doors, you turn, burying your face into the pillow with a groan. God your head hurt. What the hell happened last night. You try to go back to sleep, but are pulled from your dreams when you hear a light snore from your left side. Your eyes shoot open and you turn around slowly to be met with a mop of brown hair. Did I sleep with someone last night. Oh god! He begins to stir and you hold your breath hoping not to wake him. When he’s fully facing you, you let out a gasp. No, not him. Your freaking out, trying to recall what happened last night, but nothing is coming to you. When he turned, the duvet fell from his body slightly, revealing an extremely naked Marcus Pike. Oh Jesus, did we have sex? You quickly look under the duvet to reveal that, yes, you are also very naked. No, no this cannot be happening.
You sneak out of bed and dress quickly, trying to leave without having to face rejection. You go to grab your phone when you spot a piece of paper under it. What’s this?
Marcus groans as he sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes.
“What time is it?”
“What…..what happened last night?”
“I thought it was obvious….we had sex. Great sex by the way.”
“No….I got that, thank you Mr. Obvious. I mean this.”
You shove the piece of paper into his face. He takes it off you and begins to read.
“We’re married?”
“That’s what I’m asking you!”
“Well according to this, your the new Mrs. Pike.”
This cannot be happening, I’m married to the love of my life and he doesn’t even know it!
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if we had 5 more minutes — f. w.
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Summary: You thought you could save Fred from the rumbles of falling stones; you did your best, only to be in the rumbles with him instead.
Words: 2,160 words
Warnings ⚠ : ANGST, TW: Death, TW: Battle of Hogwarts, TW: war, TW: injuries, Fred died, you died, big Pain™, I strongly suggest tissues and a dozen of comfort chocolates, I cried so you will too, Basically An Emotional Rollercoaster, Read At Your Own Risk
Disclaimer: inspired by Billie Eilish's cover of The End of The World, so... ya'll know this is going to be a painful ride. Buckle up your seatbelts and enjoy. Reblogs and Comments are Highly Appreciated! <3 p/s: reading this with the song at the background really helps with the tear pouring effect ;)
Disclaimer 2.0: i know what yall are thinking... what tf is syaf doing, posting a fic when she’s in a hiatus she just posted yesterday? Also where is mad hatter chap 5 and epilogue? well, my brain likes to conjure up ideas at very inappropriate times (like rn) so bare with me and uh i’ve been really physically and mentally exhausted from work (retail is bathshit crazy) to write the mad hatter series so idk when will i update the two chapters but i’m working on it! thank you for being patient, and im sorry for causing you guys to wait for so long, ilysm don’t kill me <3 
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The end of the world.
The Battle of Hogwarts looked like the end of the world. Curses and spells thrown left to right, different kinds of bodies found at each corner and crook, walls here and there crumbling as down as hope for freedom. And blood.
At that point of time, the pools of blood on the floor look the same; pureblood or not. Because they bleed the same anguish red.
You didn't need to see the apocalypse of the world anymore. Screw the end of Mother Earth; this battle in front of your eyes was more than enough — sadly — to be your end of the world.
“Hey,” You called, causing Fred to turn his head around to your direction, his lips etched up a smile before replying with another hey. You sat next to him, the place where George had sat before he got up and left to speak with Professor Lupin.
Evil is winning, and good is losing. But then again, what difference would it make; if good kills as many as evil? At the end of the world, there is no good and evil alone. There are desperation, madness, and hunger for power, lust for victory brought along with them.
So, at the end of the world, you chose to be side by side with your lover, Fred Weasley. The red-headed dork you’ve taught yourself to pour your love into had become the very source of your life. He is your elixir, he is your soul, heart, and happiness.
It was silent for a while, none of you had anything to say. Yet the silence was comforting, with only the presence of each other as calming as it is. “Y/N,” Fred suddenly turned his head to you, biting his lower lip in contemplation. “Hm?” “Can you just stay at the Burrow?” 
You blinked, “What?” Fred sighed, “Can you just stay at the Burrow right now and not join the war? I- I don’t want you to join in-” “Fred-” “I-It’s dangerous and it’s literally a war a-and I don’t want you to get hurt I would- I would rather die than have you hurt-” 
“Fred!” You raised your voice, your hand clasping onto his securely, an effort to calm his frenzied thoughts. He stopped rambling and stared at you with those doe eyes you adored so much, “You know I can’t do that.”
“We need everyone on board for this war. I am no exception- bloody hell, even your parents are joining in, Freddie!” You tried to explain slowly, and Fred closed his eyes in denial of defeat. 
“I love you,” he suddenly blurted out. He noticed the slight fluster you had, your eyebrows were raised for a millisecond before they furrowed upon a realization, “Wait, why are you saying this now? I-“ “I love you, Y/N,” he repeated himself and you shook your head, realizing what he was doing, “Wait, hold on a minute, no-“
He was saying it in case anything happens.
“Y/N, I love you-” “Don’t you dare say it one more time like you’re not gonna make it, Fred Weasley, I swear to Merlin,” You cut him off, your jaw clenching at his absurdness. “… Aren’t you gonna say it back?” Fred asked, his voice was small.
“I-” You sighed, “No, I won’t because I don’t want to say it right now, given the circumstances,” You paused, your voice quieting down, “It felt like a goodbye when you say it like that.” “Then when will you say it? We’ve been dating for almost a year and you'd never say it before,” He said.
“Really? This is the time to argue about this?” You gave him a pointed look, but your expression softened as you understood the meaning behind his actions. “Look, Freddie, I- You know how I feel about us,” You sighed, looking down at your hands on your lap, “You know I’m not that expressive with my words but- but I’m trying and- okay, let’s make a deal,” Fred’s ears perked up the mention of a deal. "I'm listening," he drawled.
“I’ll say the words when the war is over,” Fred gave you a sour look that clearly said ‘really?’ and it caused you to huff a smile, “Once everything is over, and everything is okay again, I’ll say them as many times as you want me to, okay?” Fred leaned into your touch as you cupped his cheek with your hand, kissing his forehead.
“Even if I made you say it a thousand times?” He asked and you chuckled, your heart warming at his childlike question, “I’ll say it for an hour if you asked me to.”
It happened so fast.
One second you were fighting off the Death Eaters with Percy and Fred, and then the other, you find your body aching at the major pressure from the rocks and debris that used to be Hogwarts’ protective wall from the outside world.
It was dark, and it was dusty, but you were too unconscious to notice. That was until you felt your cheek being patted a few times. As you gained consciousness with a cough or two, you also gained the pending pain spreading all across your whole body. You couldn’t feel your legs, or safe to say your whole lower body part. 
Memories of you a few moments ago trying to push Fred away from the rumbles but ended up facing the falling stones head-on with him instead began to flow back into your mind. How foolish could you be to act like a hero, as if you could sacrifice yourself for him to live.
“… Y-Y/N…”
You turned your head with a silent grunt, and your eyes fixate at the body beside you, a few feet away, Fred. 
He had blood leaking from his nose and ears, probably from the impact, and his face was dusty with debris from the stones. As he looked at you, he threw you a smile; a weak, hiding the fact that he’s in immense pain kind of smile.
“F-fancy seeing you here,” he grunted with a wince, a smile nevertheless rested on his lips. “Fred…” you could only mutter his name, closing your eyes for a brief second at the growing pain on your thighs. The pressure from the rumbles had slowly increased, and you felt yourself losing consciousness again. Only to be brought back to open your eyes as Fred poked your cheeks a few more times, “Hey, hey, s-stay with me, love.”
“We’ll… We’ll be okay.”
You winced at the trickling sensation on your skin as you tried to move your fingers towards him, “It’s… It’s impossible, Fred…” You voiced out, your voice cracking up. You saw Fred’s lips quivered before he threw you another comforting smile, “Don’t… Don’t say that. We’ll make it… I-I know we will.”
“We… We will?”
Groaning from the injuries on his body as he tried to move closer to you, he nodded, “We will.”
You felt his fingers trying to reach for yours, and you handed him assistance as you hooked your fingers with his. His hand was cold, trembling. But it was Fred’s. And Fred’s hand is always warm.
“It’s… It’s so heavy,” You whimpered in pain, looking at Fred for comfort. All Fred wished to do at the moment was to be strong enough. Strong enough to push off these rumbles pressing onto his body. Strong enough to pull you out from the pain. All he wished for was for you to not be in pain anymore. But he knew he couldn’t do anything. The rumbles were too big, too heavy, and it would take a while for anyone to find them at the bottom of everything. 
Fred breathed out heavily through his mouth, slowly finding it difficult to breathe through his nose anymore, trying his best to look strong for you, “Stay with me, love. S-stay with me. Five more minutes. F-five more minutes and they’ll- they’ll save us…”
“Five more minutes, I promise…”
You saw the desperation in his eyes, trying his best to somehow keep you afloat until you two are saved. You heard muffles from the other side, Percy screaming for Fred and you. His screams were sad and painful to hear; you would’ve cried for him if it wasn’t for the constant high-pitched ringing in your ears.
“Fred, h-hold my hand. P-please,” You whispered, finding no more strength to say anything louder than a whisper. He instantly intertwined your fingers with his, stretching as far as he could to reach you; no matter how screeching the pain in his lower body was.
“Fred,” You called him again. He chuckled a bit, “You’re… you’re saying my name a lot of times right now, darling.” You huffed a smile, the corner of your lips twitched, “… I want to ask you something.”
“… Anything.”
Your eyes met his, even in the darkness, his eyes still managed to look so beautiful. So earthly beautiful. “… Are you happy, Freddie?”
There was something about the way you say it, Fred couldn’t get a touch of what it was but… it felt like a goodbye. As much as Fred hated to admit, he wasn’t holding on much longer either. He was bleeding heavily from everywhere, his wand was out of his reach, and his body was starting to numb. His vision began to blur by itself, hence he blinked his eyes repeatedly. Trying his best to see your features clearly, one last time, if the worst happens.
This is it, he thought. This is the end of my line. 
Finding an urge to cry, but didn’t have enough strength to sob, Fred let out a tear or two onto the dusty surface he laid his head on, his eyes closing after the content stare of your beautiful— though bloody and dusty— face. How ironic, he’s slipping away first even though he was the one who said five more minutes.
If only you had five more minutes.
“W-with… With you? Heh, always… “ The whisper coming out from his mouth caused you to narrow your eyes at him. It felt strange, it felt wrong. Was he saying goodbye? Watching Fred close his eyes was alarming, so you gained all your strength to pat his hand a few times, “H-hey, Freddie… Five more minutes. Hang… Hang on for five more minutes, please.”
You squeezed his hand, and he naturally squeezed back, only this time it was weaker than usual. His grip on your hand started to soften, but you tightened yours desperately. The pain all over your body was partially forgotten, your only focus was on keeping Fred breathing and alive, as well as yourself. 
“I’m… I’m trying, my love… but I’m sleepy… and tired…” he mumbled, his words became slurred by time. He was on the edge, you realized that. Upon the sad realization, you bit your tongue, trying your best to prepare for the worst. “L-look at me, darling,” Your voice quivered, feeling the sandy surface on your temple as you tried to force your eyes open, to properly look at him, “Look at me.”
You knew it. He was slipping away from your fingers, and you were slipping too. It didn’t matter anymore even if Percy bulldozed his way to you now, it was too late. Simply too late. And that’s none of his faults. It’s none of his and none of yours.
Some things are just meant to be.
You took your other hand and placed it onto his cold, dirty cheek. Caressing his cheekbone gently, you gave him a comforting smile, “Fred.”
He looked at you, a faint smile on his lips. He’s at the end, you acknowledged. You widen your smile to assure him, although the tears escaping your eyes say otherwise, “… You make me happy. You make me so so happy. And I… I love you.”
“I love you, Freddie.”
With a big smile, Fred widened his eyes weakly, letting out a sigh of content as he looked at you with gentle eyes,“… Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?“
Gentle eyes that soon hollowed empty.
“Yeah,” the dam of your tears broke down, “Took me a long time...” You squeezed his now lifeless hand, trying to find comfort and warmth from him for the last time. You smiled at Fred, whilst tears rolling down your temple slowly as if mourning the passing of your lover for you. You inched closer to him, careful not to graze your injuries, and met your nose with his.
You caressed his cheek, finally feeling yourself lose consciousness. This is it, you thought, I won’t wake up ever again. “You said we’ll be okay,” You whispered weakly, huffing a content smile on your lips. Staring into his eyes that had held so much love and pure unadulterated affection for you all these years, now empty with no trace of life, had sent you into pain more powerful than the injuries present on and in your body.
“I guess we will be, after this.”
“… You spent your last five minutes with me, huh?” You felt yourself going in and out of consciousness, and your vision blurring continuously, “Aren’t you a sappy git,” the mere whisper escaped your mouth with a sigh. The warm smile never left your lips, and the only thing in your mind was how peaceful he looked as of that moment, and you wondered if you’ll ever be in that state of peace, with him.  
“No- no- no!” someone was shouting. “No! Fred! no!” And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them with his hand on Y/N’s head, and the pair of lovers stared at each other without seeing, the ghost of their last smile still etched upon their faces.
On our last few drags of air, we agree
I was, and you were
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@multifandom-but​ @sirenswhispers​ @lilac-skies-xd​ @obsessedunicorn24​ @foggyturtleknightangel​​ @evewithluv​ @softlyqoos​ @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13​ @lilypad-55449​ @fiantomartell​ @hopemalfoyweasley​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @bucketandpotato​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @adoregin​ @littlechillies​ @phuvioqhile​ @sweetnspicysimp​ @wand3ringr0s3​ @harrypotter289​ @emptyporsche​ @tallyovie​  @potters-heart​ @amourtentiaa​ @lunalovecroft​ @loveboyhalo @lupinsclassroom​ @breadqueen95 @iwritesiriusly @rcwenaclaw​ @sevsbitxh​ @freds-slut​ @acosmis-t​ @colorfulprofessornickelangel​ @vote4weasleys​ @anchoeritic​​ @alluringshawn​ @cute-sidney​ @anna-banana-13​ @lostaurorax​ @emrysts​ @rosietoesy @lilgeorgie78 @prismarts @an2402lths
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last-necromancer · 3 years
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AU 'transformation'
As I mentioned some time ago, multiple times even, this blog will be switching from Borderlands AU to a completely new AU set into a fantasy world I made up my whole BL AU story, came up with fun HCs, created lot of lore and many others stuff but that stuff never really got out. Even though it saddens me how much was never used or shown thing is that the Twins fandom is really small.. I have been focussing fully on BL stuff since the trailer of BL3 and lately, it became so hard to try to make anything BL related. For me, for now, BL stuff are not such a hot topic anymore so it'S time to move forward with those characters I love so dearly Backstories will be slightly different, the story as a whole will be different, but the characters as you knew them will be the same - J is still the same bastard slut, but he is dead and a necromancer - Ari is still lil lazy shit, still a huntress, but also an assassin - Troy is still depressed hiding behind a fake ego, but also a dragon/demon hybrid This doesn't mean I will never do anything BL related anymore but if you are here mainly for BL the new AU has almost nothing to do with BL bar having a different version of Troy in it I got many asks that are not directly BL related and they will be answered but with the new AU and I would love to keep answering asks even with the new AU I really hope those who follow this blog for the characters and not specifically BL will enjoy this new AU and that those who are here for BL specifically will give it a chance I want to Thank everyone who supported me and likes my OCs for all the asks, likes and all~ I really appreciate every single like, ask, reblog or comment and I love to chat with yall It is my goal to not only have fun myself but to share the fun with others! Last thing I want to mention is that I am open to fun OC stuff or touching some RP elements with yall so do not hesitate to hit me up! Again, Thank you all that are interacting with what I am making and making this collective fun~ <3
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
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They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Perchance to Meet Final
Hi everyone!!
It’s finally here!! I decided to give you all an early birthday gift with this last installment. I want to thank everyone who liked, commented, and reblogged this story it truly means so much to me! This story is kinda my baby on this blog and I hope I did it justice. I’m excited for the future yall! And thank you for being on this journey with me!
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x fem!reader
Enjoy the last chapter!
The dim lights of the bookstore provide appropriate background for the employees closing up. Kona and (Y/n), now co-owners, are closing up for the night after a successful day of handling demanding children, strange grandmothers, and eager 20 somethings looking for a new hangout. It was long and tiring but incredible.
After the two of them finish writing up and closing the books and organizing the store for the next day, Kona heads up with (Y/n) into her apartment.
“Just so you don’t forget,” Kona starts, “you’re taking a few days off this upcoming week right?”
(Y/n) nods as they enter the apartment. Right by the door are a couple of suitcases and boxes and the pair pick them up and head back down to the storefront. “Yes Kona I didn’t forget. I’m just staying with Shota for a little bit.”
“And you need half of your life with you because?”
“Oh hush,” she chides, “I’m just moving some of my stuff into his place! Even though he lives at the school…”
Kona chuckles as they load up his car, “right, right. Whatever you say.” She sticks her tongue out at him as she shuts the car trunk. (Y/n) then slides into the passenger seat and she and Kona are on their way to the dorms at U.A.
After a bit of driving, they’re driving past the gate after security let them through. The young woman feels her anxiety skyrocket as things start to connect. This is her first time somewhat moving in with someone, her first time really meeting his students, and the first time she’ll meet his coworkers and learn more about his job. It’s exhilarating but frightening.
Kona looks over to her and places a hand on hers. “Hey, you’re gonna be safe here, otherwise I wouldn’t have allowed it.”
She snickers at him and starts to calm down. Upon entering the grounds, she sees heights alliance and is in awe of the tall buildings and the beauty surrounding them. She never realized just how big the campus was and now seeing it up close is how Shouta described it doesn’t do it justice.
And speaking of Shouta, there he stands right where he said he would be. Her lips upturn naturally at him and she can’t help but smile at her man. He’s hers, and she’s his. His hands are in his pockets as per usual as he sees you pull up, signature snarky grin on his face. When she opens the door, he takes her hand and pulls her into a hug.
He kisses her then, softly and wraps his arms around her waist not entirely caring who could potentially catch them. Most of his students should be in their dorms and Aizawa had a feeling he’s going to be introducing her to a lot of his coworkers tonight.
“Let me take your luggage for you,” he whispers in her ear and walks to the back of the car. Once he opens it, he stares at her in a deadpan. “Did you really pack all this stuff?”
“I mean, yes? Who knows how long I’ll stay here or if an accident happens. And besides I’ll need extra clothes just in case.”
He scoffs as he picks up your luggage and sees Kona carrying your extra box. “Is this your way of saying you want to move in together?”
That causes (Y/n) to visibly straighten. She had considered it, but maybe now is the right time to talk about it? “I mean, maybe? I’ve been thinking heavily about it. Is that okay?”
He holds her hand and brings it up to his lips and kisses the back of it. “Of course kitty cat,” he whispers huskily, “I’d love to move in with you at some point.”
Unfortunately, this act of intimacy wasn’t missed by wandering eyes. Upon walking up to the faculty dorm, two pairs of eyes were peering by the door in eager anticipation. Blue and green eyes look between themselves and matching sinister grins greet the couple.
“’Zawa she’s here!”
“This is her? She’s gorgeous! How could you keep her away from us for so long?”
“Well I met her first, Nemuri.”
“You don’t have to rub it in, Mic!”
Hearing the two friends banter makes Aizawa roll his eyes and holds onto (Y/n) tighter as they walk past the troublesome twosome. “Hey,” Nemuri steps in front of the couple, “I’m Midnight! But my friends call me Nemuri and I think you and I are going to be great friends!”
The sapphire eyed woman sticks out her hand toward (Y/n) and the latter takes it and smiles at her. Midnight squeals and takes her away from Aizawa, skillfully sneaking in a “I’ll take her to see some of the other teachers,” and the two of them were gone. Aizawa rolls his eyes again, something he figures he’ll be doing a lot of over the next few days, and asks Present Mic to pick up the slack.
The blond man walks with the always tired man and sparks conversation. “You must really love her, huh?”
Shouta hums and nods as they approach his room. The two men put her belongings down and then head back out to the common room. His eyes soften as he sees Nemuri introducing (Y/n) to some of the teachers that weren’t dealing with students freaking out about the festival tomorrow. The large and beautiful smile on her face makes everything they’ve waited for and been through worth it.
“Yeah Hizashi, I really do.”
It had been years since the bookstore owner had set foot on a school campus, let alone for a school festival. Seeing the school at night was one thing, but seeing it in the day time is something else. The courtyard was dressed and set with tents, balloons, stalls and more. Her eyes lit up with childlike joy, but she wasn’t going there just yet. She had to meet her festival touring partner. (Y/n) walks down toward the front of the school and is greeted by a black car and outstep two people. One with a blinding smile, and the other dressed adorably.
“You’re Miss (Y/n) right? I’m Mirio! And I’m sure you already know Eri-chan here.”
She can’t help but smile at the energy the third year exuded. Shouta had told her that he had lost his quirk in the battle, but he is incredibly strong to be here right now smiling. The attachment he has to Eri is one you don’t miss. “It’s nice to meet you Mirio! Eri has told me so much about you.”
He smiles back at her and the three of them walk toward the school. Eri holds onto both of their hands as they walk through the festival. Eri is the first to speak up. “When will I see Midoriya? He’s performing soon right?”
“Yes he is! And that’s where we’re headed. Do you want to be up front with me or sit in the back near Aizawa-senpai?”
Eri ponders Mirio’s question looking between both adults and then answers, “I wanna see Midoriya up close!”
Her response makes (Y/n) giggle and nod. The three of them speed walk toward the gym where class 1-A is having their music show. Once the trio reaches the gym, Aizawa spots (Y/n) and motions her over, letting Eri and Mirio to find a spot close to the front. The stoic man stands at the back, taking in the large crowd in front of him as he waits for his partner to join him. He does his best to avoid the stares and whispers of students about his class and about the strange woman that was allowed to come onto school grounds.
The entire performance is mesmerizing! Her eyes were blown wide the whole time; she knew they were incredible but to even put on a festival performance like this as first years? Her high school could never compete! To her right, Aizawa watched her in silent amusement at her childlike wonder at his students. He thinks to himself that this was the right way for her to see his students as just students and not victims of tragedy. He wanted the whole school to see it. And he knew his class would do just that.
Once that was over, the couple walked out into the gym lobby and waited for the large crowd to disperse. As they waited, (Y/n)’s mind began to drift off. This is his world and he’s openly sharing it with her. Although schedules had prevented the two of them from truly immersing into each others worlds, it’s nice for it to finally happen. The content woman hadn’t noticed the small smile that graced her features, but Aizawa had caught it. With how close they were, he reaches out his pinky to connect with hers for that little bit of intimacy they could do in public. The touch alone sends electric shocks through her body, finding out the man next to her does enjoy small acts of intimacy like this.
With the students moved on to the next thing, Aizawa leads them into the gym where his students are cleaning up. He spots Eri and Mirio talking with one of his troublemakers and his heart almost stops. He hears a gasp from beside him, most likely in recognition of what he saw.
“Eri,” she starts as happy tears form in her eye creases, “she’s smiling.”
The moment is short lived when Mineta interrupts the trio and begs them to clean up faster. As they finish cleaning up, Aizawa calls his class to his attention. He congratulates them on a job well done gives them their well earned praise. The class is excited but can’t help but keep sparing glances at the beautiful stranger next to their sensei. The only one who knows but is already nervous at the potential questions.
Aizawa lets his students go and is already heading toward the exit before they can bombard him with annoying questions. (Y/n) does her best to stifle her laughs because she can feel the questions lingering in the air as they leave his students confused. She can already hear the questions from different voices asking about who she is to their sensei and if they’ll see her more often. The noise fades when the couple walks outside to the rest of the festival to visit different vendors and stalls. Her ears pick up on something that surprises her is that there’s a fashion show? This school has everything.
She feels a tug on her pinky and looks up to meet unmoving eyes. Shouta directs them to a shaded and covered area that upon first glance, can’t be seen by passersby. He pulls her into the trees, checks for any onlookers, and places a sudden yet passionate kiss on her lips. She leans into his body, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. Their lips move and mesh like the waves crashing upon the shore, natural and effortless. When they pull apart, he places his forehead on hers and intertwines their fingers. “I’ve been wanting to do that all morning,” he breathes over her lips.
A giggle escapes her lips as she pecks his lips in happiness. She wants to deepen the kiss, but knows that Eri is waiting for them. She pulls at his arm for them to rejoin the festival and he huffs, disappointedly. Noticing this, she pulls him close to her mouth in order for her to whisper, “and we can continue this later where we can be as loud as we want, Sir.” She winks and skips toward Eri and Mirio who seemed to be looking for her.
Aizawa is usually a very stoic and composed man, but hearing her whisper that made him not leave the shaded area for a couple of minutes.
The sunset over the edge of campus lit up the sky in beautiful oranges and purples. The festival went off without a hitch and it seemed that Eri had the time of her life. And so did (Y/n). The young girl was taken to the third year dorms to hang out with them and give Aizawa some much deserved alone time. He had finished chatting with Shinsou, his new mentee, while (Y/n) refreshed herself in the ladies’ room. Upon her return, she has to do a double take because she’s certain she’s seeing double. Two pairs of eyes turn to her as she slowly approaches.
“Oh Shinsou, this is (Y/n). You’ll see her from time to time.”
She waves at the lavender haired student and he lifts his eyebrows to acknowledge her. Looking at how close they are he speaks up, “Girlfriend?”
“Hm. Well I’ll see you tomorrow sensei and sensei’s girlfriend.”
(Y/n)’s mouth still hung open at the exchange that she was part of but also wasn’t part of. Shouta waves off Shinsou and starts walking in the opposite direction with her. Regaining her composure, she questions the man walking beside her. “So you’re just going around calling me your girlfriend when you haven’t even asked me?”
Aizawa turns his head toward her with his eyebrows furrowed. “I thought we established that back at the hospital.”
She laughs loudly as they approach the stairs leading to the roof. “All you did was tell that student I’m your girlfriend. You never asked me.”
All he does is hum and lead the woman up the stairs and to the rooftop where he had spent many hours before in his youth. With the moon starting to rise, he knew the fireworks commemorating the end of the festival would start soon and he wanted them to have the best view. Once the door is opened, she’s left stunned at the view. With the fire pits below them leaving little flakes and smoke to float into the sky as it transitions from purple to a deep blue.
“Shouta, this view is incredible.”
The awestruck woman doesn’t notice the change in demeanor of the pro-hero beside her as they walk further out onto the roof. Aizawa wants to capture this moment forever, just seeing her in this light on top of a place he can almost call home with fireworks about to start. He checks the time and then walks behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
“Be my girlfriend. Again.”
“That was more of a demand.”
“I’m only gonna ask once.”
She chuckles at his stubbornness and turns her head to kiss his cheek. “See that wasn’t so hard? All you had to do was ask.” He rolls his eyes and holds her tighter as they sway to the music playing in their heads. Maybe it’s the music from the night they met or the music from his student’s performance. The fireworks begin to light up the sky in front of them, decorating the dark night with an array of bright colors.
The show continues as the couple still sways to their own rhythm. Minutes later the show ends and applause can be heard from down below. The couple completely content with each other and the atmosphere they have created ignore the world around them. Aizawa is the first to break the mood by turning his girlfriend around so they’re face to face.
“The night we met, I almost didn’t go out with my friends.” His confession earns an eyebrow raise and a look of realization from his other half in front him. He takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips, grasping her palm and kissing the top of her hand.
“But I’m glad I got the chance to meet you and fall in love with you.” She hadn’t noticed it until it was too late. He was down one knee, at the place that has been a huge part of his life, eyes full of love and adoration for the future despite the trials and tribulations they may endure. He wants nothing more than for her to be part of his life forever.
“Will you marry me?”
Thank yall so much! Taglist: @kiribaku-queen @shinsouskitten @shinsotired @cupcake-rogue @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus @maat-the-prescriptive
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pinkykitten · 4 years
Mirrors of Nightmares
IT chapter 2
Bill Denbrough x sister! female reader (non-romantic)
Warning: gore, blood, violence, horror, death, cursing
Specifics: horror, platonic, violence, angst, action, one-shot, race neutral reader, brother/sister
People: bill denbrough, little boy, pennywise 
Words: 1,513
Requested: By anon Hi!!! I just saw it chapter 2 and it was so good! Could you write where the reader is bill denbrough little sister (by like 1 or 2 years) and she was apart of the losers club and they come back to Derry and she goes with bill in the mirror maze and after the kid dies she has a panic attack and bill has to help calm her down and comfort her?
Authors Note: my first IT fic! i luv this movie franchise thing sm like yall have no idea. my fav is richie and i luv bill hader on a scary kinda level u know? but im srry for taking a gazzilion years, life is a butthole and keeps me away from fun and u guys. 
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It was fear. You felt almost your stomach drop entering into Derry again, after so many years. As trees move side to side from the wind and shake so did your hands. You began to see yourself as fragile and weak once more, just like when you and the rest of the gang were little. Sometimes you felt alone in all of this nightmare, like the world was a vast, endless space of black nothingness and you were fighting to stay alive, all alone. Bill - your brother - made you look at life through another lens. He kept you alive. He made you feel strong. Whenever life seemed unbearable he was there for you just like the older, protective brother he was. His number one - when entering into this memorable town again - was making sure you were safe.
If only he could suck - like a vacuum cleaner - all those terrible moments from that terrible clown that laid burrowed in your head. 
In the moment of hero or a savior you put someone above you. Someones safety and life on top of your own. Their life is in your hand. No matter what you do you are the ending decision of their fate. 
“Not this little boy,” you cried in your mind as you and Bill teamed up as sister and brother, like a team, but it was no cheerful time. Time was ticking and either you and Bill stop Pennywise from hurting this boy or the boy becomes non existent. 
The carnival was supposed to be a trip full of laughter and fun but instead it made you anxious. Hearing the different, loud noises made it difficult to focus, along with the hoard of people leaving and entering. 
“This way,” Bill waved his hand forward as he started sprinting. 
You followed him, feeling your heart beat rapidly and vigorously. Your eyes tried to find the little boy. He was not safe. He was in grave danger. “There!” You see the young kid giving tickets to a little girl. “He’s right there.”
“Hey! Hey kid!” Bill shouted as he ran to the child. “Kid!”
The blonde haired boy walked in the fun house. Not knowing the evil that followed him. 
“He can’t hear us.” You both jump into the twirling of the carnival entrance and are greeted with neon, glow in the dark clowns that sway back and forth on a path. 
One hits Bill as he passes. You go to his aid. “Are you okay Bill?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Lets go.” He grabs onto your arm, protectively. 
As you proceed there is a huge room filled with only mirrors. It makes you dizzy and unsure as you see you and Bill through your reflection. “Where did he go?”
“I don’t know but stay close.”
Lights were blinking constantly making your eyes and head hurt. You and Bill touched the mirrors to try to find an exit to continue on to find the kid. That was all part of the game, all part of the chase. The kid walked by further away. 
“Kid!” You and Bill shouted over and over in unison. 
Bill ran and was greeted with glass or the mirror. 
You went to the opposite end to try to find another way to the child seeing as Bill was blocked all around. You knew this was Pennywise’s doing. “I know I can find him.” You were met with a dead end and tried to go back to Bill but you were enclosed in one area. “Bill!” You got frightened as you couldn’t go back to him. The side you were on was getting smaller and as you turned to your right you saw the little boy. 
“Y/n!” Bill screamed. He sprinted to you and the kid but was met with another glass. 
You saw Pennywise walk past you with a horrific smile on his face. “Bill I saw IT! IT’s here! He’s here!” Bill’s forehead pressed against the glass. He felt powerless. 
You placed your hand on the glass. “Whatever happens Bill promise me you will help that boy. Please.”
Bill started to panic as his breathing became harsh and tears were starting to fall from his eyes. You were his baby sister, he vowed to protect you all his life. “N-o y/n! N-n-no!” He tried breaking the glass. 
“What are you two doing here?” The kid was confused. “Both of you stop following me!”
“We’re only trying to help you,” you said. 
“I-I’m gonna g-get you both o-o-o-out.” Bill became more and more afraid. 
Suddenly, behind you and the child Pennywise laid his long tongue flat against the glass, licking up. The sight and noise was chilling. The face of the little boy’s was traumatic. 
“No stop. Stop!” Your whole body shook. 
“Please,” Bill cried some more feeling useless. 
“I’m here. I’m right here just t-take me,” Bill pleaded to Pennywise. 
Pennywise started to cackle as he hit the glass of yours and the boys with his head. 
“Son of a b*tch!’ Bill cursed. 
You screamed as Pennywise did it harder and faster. You and the boy both huddled by the corner of your glass rooms. Bill, repeatedly, tried breaking the glass. He tried with his hands, fists, feet, but nothing worked. Your eyes teared up as you saw the glass cracking with each blow Pennywise gave it. This was the end. It was either you or the kid and a hero puts the kid first. You gave a knowing look to Bill to remind him of what you asked for. 
Pennywise paused and gave a huge, demonic smile. “Billy boy, which one do you choose? The boy or your sister?”
“No Bill don’t do this. Remember what I told you.”
Bill screamed, “stop! No!”
“I am going to give you a riddle. If you guess right you save the kid but I kill your sister, if you guess wrong I save you sister but I kill the kid. You only get one try and if you don’t answer at all,” Pennywise smile grew, “I’ll kill them all.”
There was an argument going all around. Bill felt pressured and didn’t know what to do. He loved you more than life and needed to save you but the boy also needed saving. 
“Bill please, I’l be fine.” You smiled, tears falling down. 
“...fine. I’ll do your riddle.”
“The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?”
Bill thought in his head all the possibilities. 
“Bill choose-!”
“No helping him,” Pennywise shook his finger. “Time is ticking, what will it be? You only have one chance.”
One chance to choose the fate of the people in front of him. 
“A lie?” Bill asked. 
The world became quiet and Pennywise’s smile enlarged showing more teeth and fangs. “If only you said coffin.” Pennywise broke through the glass and ate the little boy right up. 
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Blood splattering on the glass.
You and Bill screamed as the lights flickered showing a gone little boy who knew nothing of this nightmare and was purely innocent. 
“No,” you felt defeated, crying. You and Bill finally met up at the exit of the mirror rooms. 
“Oh my God,” Bill embraced you. Fighting the urge to sob uncontrollably. 
“I’m sorry Bill. If I didn’t leave you none of this would of happened.”
“Its not your fault.”
You remembered that boy. How scared he looked but yet there was hope in his eyes. Hope that the adults would save the day. The memory of his wine colored blood splattering on the glass flashed within your mind. You bent over a trash can to hurl. 
Bill patted your back, “that’s it. Let it out.” 
You couldn’t breathe. The drumming within your chest increased to a rapid pattern. You tried to search for a comfort object that your eyes could land on. The activity was busy at the carnival and made it worse for you. The noises, screams, cheers. Panic was bubbling in your gut and you were about to erupt like a volcano. “Bill.”
Bill knew that look. For Pete’s sake you were his sister! He pressured you to sit down and tuck your head in between your legs. “Breathe y/n. You’re okay. I’m here and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”
You did as you were told. Gripping onto Bill’s hand like when you were little and you ran to his room claiming you saw a monster under your bed. He would let you cry and console you. He was your calming system. You felt at home and safe with your big brother. Bill hugged you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
“Sometimes I think I’m crazy, that its all in my head.” You sniffled. Voice rough and scratchy from the screaming and crying. “Then IT does something like that that makes me see that its all real. That Bill, that is what scares me the most.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I know.
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
Please Reblog, like or comment! It means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it:)
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amoebacore · 4 years
thank you for 2019 ♡
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- - - - i created this blog in february of this year because i came across the word “cottagecore” on tumblr and thought it was super charming and just the sorta relaxing, sweet lil thing i needed!
since then i got to be a part of a cottagecore discord where i met some very nice people some of whom im still friends with! i later made my own cottagecore discord(s!!) and ive gotten to meet even MORE lovely amazing people, one of whom (you know who you are) who has become basically my “second in command” for ALL the servers i run (cottagecore related or not skdjdk) and a super dear friend despite only meeting this year in march — ive gotten to meet handfuls of really interesting and incredibly sweet people and its really really just... neat? being able to bring a buncha people together who might not have met otherwise :,) it warmbs my heart, makez me stupid happy!!
the servers aside, ive made INCREDIBLE progress personally with music related things and ive gotten so much more comfortable with sharing my music and singing around others and thats HUGE for me because of past issues and put downs and anxieties that always stopped me from being able to even Talk about it :( and its literally ALL thanks to yall????
you are all SO hugely supportive of me and you say the absolute most sweetest things ive EVER heard??? yeah someone saying i sound “nice” is... nice! but yall will pull out the most wonderful words and make such genuine real compliments where it doesnt feel like those pity comments you get sometimes and it means the absolute WORLD to me i really mean it and being like interested not only in just listening but buying and supporting my stuff also means the world since im really struggling with money and future plans and all this i super need that sort of like.... support and backing and whatnot and its so like comforting to have that, honestly. also your support when it came to that patreon thing i posted back in... whenever that was dknskd the summer-ish like that also genuinely meant so much to me, that yall would reblog it or check it out or help any way you could like that was so sweet and it really did mean so much because that person is very special to me and im just so thankful
overall, just random kind words about my character or my blog or even just a “have a nice day!” like ive never had so many people be so kind and wonderful its all so new and so lovely!! so thank you all SO. SO. SO!!!!!!!! much for making my 2019 what it was. i honestly dont know how stuff would have been if it wasnt for yall and like this whole sorta community and the people who have joined my servers or helped in creating them and whatnot
i hope your new years is lovely and full of good energy whether its by yourself or with others - heres to a whole new decade!! im really excited :,,)
— amoeba 🌱
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alloveroliver · 5 years
QuickFics Event has concluded~
Thank you so much, everyone!
I am very proud of my one-year accomplishment!
I want to thank everyone individually that has participated, not only in the event but on my blog for the past year! I can’t do that personally, BUT I hope this post serves as a widespread THANK YOU!
You guys rock, and I’d be nothing but a silent writer without you XD. I love having a community to share things with and like-minded friends to make! I’ve met so many people that I cherish since I began this blog!
Thank you for every reblog on my fics! These mean the world!
I appreciate all the likes and comments! Having feedback on my work is something that helps me grow and change. Not only do I want to write things that make a difference, but I also want to make entertaining things!
Thank you to everyone that sends me personalized asks and sharing your positivity with me!
And a huge thank you to all my followers! This event was for yall, and I hope my appreciation came across with this event!.
I wanted to get kind of personal in my post so if that’s not your thing then don’t click “read more” lol and know that I adore you!
It’s funny. I don’t like commitment XD I think that’s why I got into otomes in the first place. It is. But, one of the things I have learned this past year is that there’s nothing wrong with committing. I used to be scared of what could happen. But life doesn’t care and will always be unpredictable no matter what you do. This has improved my friendships, my job, my family relationships, and that life lesson is the result of this blog lasting!
I never imagined I would stick to a hobby for so long tbh. One of my fav hobbies is language learning, and I usually stop after a few months and jump to another language. I ended up having the basic “Hello, how are you.” phrases in several languages and nothing past that. (Maybe some colors and curse words XD lol)
BUT then writing happened to me! (again?) Writing is something I secretly did as a child until my mother found one of my stories and showed my father and they laughed about it together :( It was a mermaid story, and it was about a mermaid girl meeting a human boy and becoming friends with them. But, somehow (with my 5th-grade knowledge of writing) the wording was so hilarious to my parents that it needed to be ridiculed. They made fun of spelling mistakes I made, typos and even the name of the boy I was writing about. (Wyatt, which I thought was a badass name. Calling him “What”) And I stopped writing, full stop. Unfortunately this wasn't the only instance of this. I didn’t want that kind of attention from my parents like that :(
In high school, I aced all my literature classes and always got complimented on my writing from good teachers. I started a notebook (because I knew if I started writing on my family’s shared computer, my mom could find my writing and ridicule the story again) and HAND WROTE a more mature version of the said mermaid story. It had lore, and it had love, loss, sacrifice, and an MC that I adored! I hand wrote enough to fill up two and a half one-subject notebooks. (How did my hands not fall off??? I probably wrote close to 45k words by hand out of fear that my work might be found out again...)
This had me spin-off with some other stories, and the spark seemed to be there. (All written in notebooks ofc) But life got in the way. I didn’t know any other writers, and I didn’t know where to go from where I was. In college, I took a creative writing class, but the teacher dropped the course, and I was defaulted to another English/writing class that was hella boring. It had a hand in making me hate writing all together for a while. It just didn’t seem like writing was something I was meant to do. So much was against me, so I quit. Again, thanks to my fear of committing to anything for long periods of time.
Fast forward to five years. I began reading a lot of books, unapologetically this time. I used to try to read what people didn’t make fun of, but when romance books were my fav thing I had to sneak them. Then I found fanfiction, and I was FLOORED. There were so many short stories, little universes, about my favorite otome/anime OTPs!!!
I have always been a dreamer. Daydreams ruled my life for as long as I can remember. There was always a side story playing in my head, ever-changing but always magical. It was amazing for me to see other peoples daydreams and fantastical stories written out and shared with the world! I appreciated them so much and wanted to hug each story and say, “Thank you for existing!” lol.
It took me a while, years, but I cracked open my computer (now only owned by me) and began typing away. It was terrible lol like super bad. I hadn’t been in school for a while, so I forgot all about “first person,” “second person,” “Third-person,” even basic grammar and editing. I spent a few months writing, and literally taking free online English grammar courses to relearn a bunch of stuff. xD
I still don’t know everything (obvs lol, like who does?), but I like where I am at, where I am going, and how I’m growing. 
Being able to write out my daydream was an absolute savage feeling. It made the story more real. The daydream was like smoke, and my written story was solidified matter, tangible. There was suddenly color, and scents, voices coming through, and lots and lots of emotions I didn’t know I’d feel. A community of people that I could share all this with as well, that didn’t ridicule me for my stories but instead lifted me up and encouraged me!
Now that I am writing again. I feel like I learned a whole new language, and I can express myself. It’s as if I couldn’t speak for so long and now I can sing.
35 notes · View notes
anon-luv · 6 years
I’ll Never Be Her *(FINALE)*
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Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Genre: Angst/ Romance
Summary: You loved him with all your heart, but he could only give you half of his.
Jimin was the love of your life, your night in shining armor when she wasn’t around.
She was his ex girlfriend,  his first love, actually she was his many firsts and she kept coming back.
He had warned you she was his weakness, but you didn’t listen, because to you having him even if it was only partially was better than not having him at all.
At least for now.
Rated M: Sexual Scenes and Languages that might not be appropriate for all ages.
Word Count: 5.2K+
Author’s Note:  Hey loves. Sorry for taking so long writing this chapter. I wanted it to feel realistic and not too overwhelming since the whole story was quite an emotional bomb. There is an epilogue coming out which will have a few surprises and let you peek in into Jimin’s and (Y/N)’s life 2 years down the road.  You can choose to stop here or go ahead and wait for the epilogue, it is up to you loves. It will be a short epilogue drabble so it may be up by next weekend. Thank you all for sticking through this!! I know we all divided into Teams for the boys and we all cried and debated over y/n’s life together. I hope you enjoyed this story and I am hoping you will enjoy my future ones. I have so many things going out of hiatus that will continue to be written and some new projects I am working on. My upcoming works so far include(for those curious souls): 
Goodnight Moon (BadGirlGoodBoyAU Jungkook OneShot)
Countdown To Us  Chpt 2 (SoulmateAU) TaexReader, YoongiXReader
Aphrodesia Chpt 1 (Jungkook StripperAU)Untitled (Jin BestFriendAU One Shot)
New (SEQUEL to Borrowed) Yoongi X Reader
I want to thank all my readers and mutuals for their support.
Specially @b-angst-tan who has been a lovely editor/ beta love her!!
I also want to thank @msserenityli for helping me choose the twins names lol. That took me forever and a day.
It took me forever to get the courage to post this, so I really hope you enjoy. Show me some love. I really enjoy reading your comments, messages, and tags when you reblog. LOVE YALL!
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You were more than sure there was a knife piercing through your lower abdomen as you yelled obscenities up in the air for the world to hear.
Magical. That was what the birthing coach had repeated countless times as Jimin held your hand as you practiced breathing techniques in that vomit-green mat.
LIES! They had all been lies. The feelings, the breathing techniques, and the way Jimin had held your hand while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
“I FUCKING HATE THAT MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH AND HIS FREAKING SPERM. CURSE HIM TO HELL!!!!” you yelled as Jin’s car came to a complete stop in front of the hospital driveway.
“I think you need to relax and breathe, remember like Ms.Hope made you do in those classes you took,” Jin said with a grimace as he jumped out of the car to help you out.
You glared at him through the window as he rushed his way into the building only to come out running with a wheelchair in tow, “You mean the ones you forced me to take??”
“Hey, I didn’t tie you down and take you against your will, I just signed you up and paid without asking you first” Jin opened the door carefully helping you up and placing you on the chair. A nurse came out after him to escort both of you into the lobby where a few other ladies grimaced your way as they patted their stomach while they panted almost in a synchronized fashion.
“We just need some information sweetie, think your partner here can take care of that while we wheel you to the back to start our assessment??” the older looking nurse asked as she took over the wheelchair.
“We are not together together, but sure. Don’t worry about it (Y/n), I got this.” Jin replied as another wave of contractions hit you full force.
“Ahhh ….okay...okay” you shouted as you were rolled into a light blue hallway, Jin no longer by your side.
You took deep even breaths trying to relax your tensed up muscles. Your birthing plan had not included a solo labor, but unless Jimin had some sort of superhero intuition you would have to adapt and conquer the situation.
“Okay hun, let’s get you in a gown before anything. How far apart are your contractions??” she asked as she assisted you on your swollen tomato red looking feet.
“Umm…. I would have to say between. Every 6 to 8 minutes and about 30 seconds each… I think-” you replied slightly stuttering as the weight of the situation started falling upon your shoulders, you were about to become a mom. Your eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and fear.
The nurse smiled softly in your direction, “Don’t worry about it. You got this, you are a strong one I can tell” she said winking your way.
You nodded at her silently as she started making her way out of the room.
“Go ahead and rest. The doctor should be in at any second” she said closing the door behind her.
You made yourself right at home laying on the strange and slightly hard medical bed. The monitors in the room were scattered around the place making the place feel a tiny bit intimidating. The 40 inch TV on the wall seemed oddly comforting and homey and you would be more than delighted if you could only figure out how to turn it on without falling on your face as a weird plan started flowing through your mind of standing on a chair and jump to reach the power button. The plus and minus button on the white control on your bed seemed to be the solution as you examined it closely, scared it would send one of the monitors into a frenzy you clicked it cautiously as if the slow touch would lessen the trigger of whatever was about to happen.
“I hope to the heavens this doesn't set off an alarm” you whispered to yourself as you made your mind up to click the plus sign. As soon as you pressed the red button the bed vibrated and roared to life as your feet rose up in a surprisingly high speed tilting your feet up towards the air whilst your hospital gown scooted upwards leaving all your lady bits uncovered.
With your luck, it shouldn’t have come to your surprise to hear the door slam open right on time to witness your a la nude display, a deep low chuckle flowed through the air, “I see you are anxious to get them treasures out huh??”
“Oh shit, I mean I am sorry for cussing … I just… sorry Doctor Kim” you stammered out trying to cover your blushing cheeks with your hands.
“Don’t worry about it, darling. I heard you cussing down the hall, as long as those bad words are not thrown my way we are all peachy in here, now let’s get them feet back in place huh??” he replied with a chuckle as he pressed a button on the side of the bed leveling you out back in place and raising the headrest a tiny bit making everything more comfortable.
You eyed the handsome doctor from top to bottom taking in the contrast of his serious demeanor versus his kind words. As if he knew he was carefully examined he threw a rectangular smile your way quickly lifting up the tension in the room.
“These beds can be tricky, and quite amusing if you are in the right mood.” He said as he slipped on some gloves, “Now let’s take a look and see how far along you are. Open your legs slightly for me… this might feel slightly uncomfortable. Do you blush quite this often on a daily basis??”
Your blush depend as you managed to shake your head no as you felt a cold sensation making you jump slightly in place.
The door opened once again at that exact moment, Jimin’s head poking in looking flushed and slightly out of breath, “Sorry am I late??? I came here as fast as I could manage with the after-school traffic” he said as his eyes wandered around the room taking in the dull colors on the walls and weird medical jargon scribbled across random anatomy posters, then landing straight on the sight of Doctor Kim with his hand right up your gown.
Jimin coughed awkwardly, trying to remind himself he was in a professional setting and that he had to get his mind out of an endless pit of the gutter it had landed on as his instinctive self-had placed almost automatically as he came to the realization of how handsome Dr.Kim truly was.
“Actually, you are right on time to assist on labor pains. She is dilated at a 6 and currently on active labor" Dr. Kim explained as he stood up taking both of his gloves off as he walked towards Jimin, “Now it is expected of the father to assist the mother of his children through this enchanting life changing yet painful journey through comfort during these times, but if you give her any trouble I will personally kick your ass out of here, and it will no longer be Doctor Kim in the room, but Kim Taehyung just an FYI buddy” Dr. Kim stated as he gave him an innocent broad rectangular smile his way and a wink your way.
“Epidural??” Dr. Kim asked as if the previous conversation hadn't happened a few seconds ago.
You nodded, “I think I am going to….Ahhh,” you said being cut off by another rush of contractions.
“Got it… the anesthesiologist will be right in” Dr. Kim stated as he walked out of the room leaving you alone with a disheveled looking Jimin.
You frowned his way trying to ignore his presence yet failing. You were clearly mad and frustrated at him and he knew it.
“(Y/N), I am sorry… I  had to go” Jimin began to explain as he approached your bedside. His voice barely above a whisper and trembling at the end. You knew he was on the verge of tears, but at this point, you could care any less as another yelp came from your lips from the stabbing sensation on the back of your spine. You breathed in deeply trying to ease the painful sensation that had traveled upwards making your whole body squirm uncomfortably.
“You … didn’t have to go Jimin. No one was holding a gun to your head. You went because you wanted to, you needed to be there for Stephany, even if it meant leaving me behind AGAIN” you said as the pain that flowed through your eyes switched to rage as you eyed him from head to toes.
“No no, that is not at all what it is. It has never been Stephany (Y/n). I went to say goodbye. Yoongi called me, and he told me he was planning to propose a change of scenery to Steph and I knew I had to say goodbye, not to Stephany so much as I had to go say bye to Nataly. That little girl is like a niece to me and she reminds me so much of the bright and cheerful Stephany I had once called my best friend. She has so much light in her and I… that little girl is like a piece of Stephany I thought had been lost and I am so scared that she will get hurt just like her mama did. I have been there for her just as much as I have been there for her mom, and I know the whole situation Stephany is putting Yoongi and Nataly through is completely unfair to the both of them. I should have been there for you… I am sorry” Jimin replied as he buried his face in his hands, “I am so sorry, and I know that won’t change a thing but-”
“AHH!” you screamed as your uterus roared to life once again making every other issue in the world seem minute to the immense pain now bursting through you.
Jimin ran towards you grabbing a hold of your hand immediately, “Breath (Y/N), Breath…”
“Easy for you to say you son of a bi...AH!!!!” you replied earning you a grimace from Jimin’s whose hand looked redder than a tomato as you held on to it as your life depended on it.
Sweat was now dripping down your forehead as Jimin ran his fingers through your hair and counted breaths easing you out of the contraction.
“That felt like it was a lot longer than the last one,” you said as you adjusted yourself. The previous discussion left behind as the reality came once again crashing full force in your face, “Jimin… I am scared” you admitted in a quiet sob as he scooted himself into the bed beside to you.
“It is okay to be scared love. If you weren’t I would be scared. Our lives are about to change in a manner of hours...maybe even minutes. You and I have not had the greatest of relationships in the world, and I took you for granted for so long… I can’t even fathom to ever forgive myself, but I can tell you right now that I am going cherish every single second of the day beside our little angels tenfold. You are my family (y/n), and if you can give me another chance to prove it to you...I would give my world up for you. I know today was not the greatest of examples, and once again I shouldn’t have been scared to let you know what was going on. You are more than just my girlfriend, you are my partner in crime and I should treat you as such. I LOVE YOU! I will love you always and forever...even if you choose not to be with me anymore” Jimin said as tears slowly traveled down his reddened cheeks.
You took a deep breath swallowing the words he had spilled as a sweet hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night. The tension that had been sown into your aching muscles relaxing almost into nothingness, but before you could utter a word another contraction pushed through the surface once again throwing you into fits of rage.
“JIIIMIIIIN!!!!” you yelled painfully as he bravely took both your hand in his.
“Breathe (y/n). Close your eyes and imagine little hands and feet, and the smell of baby shampoo, the pain is worth it …. The pain will be less and less” Jimin tried to soothingly whisper in your ear.
“BULLSHIIT!!! This pain will not goo AHHHWAY!” you said almost ripping his hands off as you grasped onto them tighter, the pain increased to a level it hadn’t before knocking your breath out of the continuous rhythm it had settled into before making you slightly dizzy and nauseated.
Doctor Kim came in with a smile on his face, “Well won’t you look at that monitor, we are definitely close, and the anesthesiologist is barely on his way! Let me check you once again because your contractions have definitely increased in duration… If you excuse me”
Jimin nodded looking at the doctor wide-eyed as he assessed you once again as the cold sensation of the gloved made you wiggle with the alien sensation.
“Well...we can’t wait much longer you are at a 9 now. That was quick…” Doctor Kim said talking more to himself than anyone else in the room.
The door opened as Jin walked in looking at the floor lost in thought, “I swear they have way too much paperwork….. Like how many times did I have to print your name?? Don’t they have those sticker name labels or something??” he complained as he plopped himself on the nearby couch finally looking up to inspect his surroundings. Jin smiled at the doctor and then looked at Jimin with relief clearly radiating off him.
“You made it!!” Jin screamed enthusiastically. I frowned his way as I put two and two together, but right before I could question him….
“You kissed??” Jimin asked completely shocked sending a death glare towards Jin.
“I smell drama” Doctor Kim said winking at both their ways.
“She was confused Jimin… she could only think of the worst possible scenario at that point, and I mean it wasn’t even that long of a kiss cause her water broke….and wait doctor shouldn’t you be doing something?? You wink too much” Jin said defending himself as your screams only got louder.
“You do wink too much...Look I don’t care about the kiss. All I know is that I am glad you were there when I wasn’t. Jin you deserve…” Jimin said to Jin almost completely blurring your loud pants only to be cut off when you screamed once again.
“JIMIN MAKE IT AHHH!” you said as the pain started to subside once again.
“Okay, well the epidural won’t do much at this point. We are going to go ahead and prep her for delivery. Are you ready to start pushing??” Dr. Kim asked as he started to make his way out the door.
“I don’t…” you stuttered.
“PERFECT! What about you Daddy??” Dr. Kim said genuinely smiling at Jimin for once.
Jimin looked your way as his face brightened as fresh tears traveled down his cheeks, “More than ever”
Jin grimaced as he stood up from the couch, “This is my queue to walk out of here before my face hits the floor. I fainted when they showed us the birthing video in class, I can only imagine what a live one will do… I will go wait at the waiting room with Nat and Yoongi”
You turned towards Jimin questioningly, “Wait… why is Yoongi here?? Is Steph okay??”
Jimin placed a finger on your lips, “Shhhh…. I will explain later. Steph is no longer my problem. This is a moment for you and me only. Everyone else is a speck of dirt in this infinity galaxy that is us, now are you ready?”
“More than ever” you replied as Jimin kissed your forehead. For a second a smile adorned your face...For a second until another contraction made its way.
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2 pairs of eyes, 40 baby toes, 2 pairs of chubby little feet, a full set of hair, one head a little on the bald side with very light thin hair, and 2 cries that sent your world into a spiral of happiness.
Roilan was born at 20:17 with a full cry that rattled throughout the hallway, a future opera singer was what Dr. Kim said as soon as he burst into baby cries.
Leilani was born at 20:25 a lot more stubborn to let the world know she had made an appearance. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to cry, but as soon as Doctor Kim assured her health seemed to be at 100%  she was back asleep almost automatically.
There was something incredibly magical of watching Jimin cradle both babies as he sang soft sweet lullabies as their little hands wrapped around his fingers.
“They are beautiful” Jimin whispered to himself as tears threaten to spill down my face.
“To be honest they look like little old people, a little swollen and wrinkly but nonetheless beautiful” a deep voice called out from the door, “It happens with all newborns, so don’t worry in about a few hours the swelling goes down and they look a hella lot cuter”
“Yoongi??” you asked out loud confused as he entered the door with a very excited Nataly in his arms. As soon as he placed her down on the floor she came running towards you with an excited and curious glint in her eyes.
“Aunty (Y/N), did you already have your parasites??” she asked clapping her hands in delight.
You raised your eyebrows confused, “What Natty??”
“Yeah, my dad was talking about how babies eat out of the mommies like parasites” she explained nodding her head in full understanding.
“Well … umm... That is strangely correct, but it doesn’t sound too nice to call them parasites, but we can call them Leilani and Roiland.” you replied as you patted the unruly golden hair on her head.
“Leili and Roy!!” she scram now running towards Jimin who quickly smiled her way as she kissed both heads and started talking to babies as if they could understand her perfectly, both pairs of eyes trying to focus on her for now blurry figure as they tried to suck on their hands.
You turned to look at a smiling Yoongi, “Parasites??” you questioned him with an eyebrow raised.
“You tell me how I was supposed to explain it to a little girl. She asked why every 4 words… Anyway, congratulations love!” he said engulfing you in a hug which you returned automatically.
You looked behind him expecting to see Stephany walking in at any second. Yoongi’s eyes traveled to your line of sight, “No, she is not here, and she won’t be around for a while”
“But you and Nataly?” you asked concern written along the creases in your forehead.
Yoongi just shook his head, “Steph thought it would be best to let us go, at least until she is better, but at this point… I am not sure if she is coming back”
You nodded now understand as to why Jimin had run away from your side earlier today. You turned to look at Jimin and Natalie as they simultaneously sang ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to the once again sleeping twins.
“I am sorry Yoongi I wish…” you replied only to be cut off by his hand interlacing with yours.
“No. There is nothing any of us could’ve done to help her. We tried. We all did. Jimin sacrificed so much and at the end of the day, she always fell back to old habits. I had a lot of people tell me she had to hit rock bottom to actually try and help herself out of this, and maybe she finally did. All I need is that little girl by my side to keep me going. She deserves a whole lot more than I have been able to give her in her short life, and I am going to make sure I fulfill my duty as her father and best friend. My focus will be on her. She needs me, and if Stephanie ever decides to come back... Well, that would be nice, but I am done waiting” Yoongi said confidently, “Now I am sorry to interrupt your moment, but Nataly and I just came by to say goodnight. It is late and time for her bedtime. Jin wanted us to wait a little longer, but Nataly wanted to see the babies before she fell asleep.”
Nataly kissed Jimin and the twins goodnight and then jumped on the bed to kiss your forehead and engulf you in a hug with her tiny little arms, “Love you, Auntie”
“Love you too princess. Be good with your Dad” you replied as you watched her jump into Yoongi’s arms as a gummy smile appeared on his face.
She smiled back at you, “Always”
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Jin came in an hour later with 2 giant bears. One pink with a giant tutu, and one blue with a baseball bat. He tiptoed into the room afraid to wake up the twins as they both slept on their baby hospital beds.
“You know Jin you can just walk normally in here,” you said to encourage him to walk quickly to your bedside. Jimin had fallen asleep in the recliner as if he had been the one who had just given birth and pushed out two little humans through his privates. Soft snores spilled from Jimin’s plump lips as Jin peeked in to see the twins.
“They are so cute and tiny” Jin squeaked out in a quiet yet excited tone.
“Yep yep. I make cute babies..what can I say” you replied winking his way.
Jin placed the bears on the side table and then sat on the edge of your bed, “Winking might just be contagious, you are not allowed to hang out with that doctor anymore (y/n). I am glad everything went okay.” his eyes traveled to a sleeping Jimin, “and I am glad you are happy”
You nodded as you reached over to take his hand, “I am… and I am sorry.”
“Wait, what are you sorry for??” Jin asked quietly tilting his head to the side making his manly features look like those of a lost puppy.
You sighed scared to speak the words out loud, as if by not saying them everyone can go about like it had never happened, “The kiss” you stuttered, “I am sorry it took me so long to realize how you felt, and I am really sorry…”
“You don’t have to say it” Jin cut you off looking towards Jimin, “I know…”
“But you don’t. If things between Jimin and I weren’t so complicated. If I had the strength to just let go….it would be you” you said as silent tears traveled down your cheek.
Jin scooted his way closer to you and grasped your face with his hands delicately as if you were made out of this world’s finest crystals, “(Y/N), that is the thing… I am not what you want. You and I are best friends no matter what, through thick and thin. Maybe I should’ve told you how I truly felt, but I knew that with what was going on between you and Jimin it would be taking advantage of the situation and I didn’t want that. I wanted you. I want you.”
You shook your head, “Jin you deserve so much more than me. You need to be someone's number one, just like you told me so many times. You are gold Jin”
“You are gold” Jin replied instantly, “I think I need to go ahead and go home for the night. I will go by your apartment and make sure the doors are locked”
“Thank you Jin,” you said unsure of what you should really say.
Jin nodded and turned to face the door walking almost reluctantly out the door.
“Wait, Jin!” you yelled unconsciously.
Jin turned to face you puzzled at your sudden outburst.
You slowly sat up from the bed and wiggled up on your feet slowly marching up to him, not quite sure about what you were doing at this point.
As you stood right in front of him you tippy-toed and laced your arms around his neck and rested your head on his chest, “I love you Jin. I love you so so so much, and I wish I could be in love with you too, but I am in love with Jimin and it would be highly unfair to you.” ��You separated yourself from his chest and peered up into his eyes, “Best Friends??”
Jin leaned in and placed a soft kiss in your forehead, “Best Friends until a Zombie Apocalypse falls upon us and I get bitten, then I can make no promises I will want to eat your brains… of course if it makes you feel any better I would choose your brains over any others”
“You are so weird” you chuckled as you let him go.
The soft cries of Leilani shook you both back to reality, “I am thinking she might be hungry, she has only woken up to eat so far”
“Time to go then,” Jin said waving a small bye as he stepped away.
As soon as Jin was out of sight you heard some movement from the corner of the room “She is more than likely hungry”  Jimin’s voice surprised you as you scooped her tiny body up in your arms.
“I think so too. She is a sleepy head” you sat on the bed and latched her onto your breast which she quickly took as her little hand went into a tight fist.
Jimin walked towards Roilan who was still quietly sleeping, “I still can’t seem to believe they are already here”
“Yeah me either,” you said smiling.
“(Y/N), I heard what happened with Jin, and I am sorry for everything I put you through, but is it true?? Are you still in love with me”
You nodded right away, “I have no doubt I am, but to be honest I am not sure what I want to do right now. I need to focus on the babies and every time I let you in we fall back into the same routine. We can give this another go, but we would have to start from the beginning once again you just have to give me some time to adjust to everything.”
“You can have all the time you want” Jimin replied as a bright smile appeared on his face, “This is like the best day ever”
“Calm down there. When I mean from the beginning I mean literally dates and all” you replied, “Nothing too serious or dramatic until I feel comfortable”
Jimin nodded, “I will take anything I can get, but will it be too much to ask for a kiss??”
A deep voice broke through the room catching you and Jimin by surprise, “Did you not hear the lady?? She said to CHILL! Anyway congratulations on your bundles of joy, how are you feeling??” a civilian dressed Doctor Kim Taehyung asked as he approached you with a small gift bag, “This is for your minions and this is for you” he replied handing you 4 large sunflowers that shined as bright as him. A small card rested upon the petals which you quickly opened curiously. A blue inked phone number was scribbled across with a smiley face.
“That is my personal number in case you ever need anything… and now that you are dating… casually...” Taehyung replied winking playfully your way.
You chuckled at his joking demeanor while Jimin’s sudden change of mood was written all over his frowning face.
“Anyway I have to go sleep, the bed is calling to me. Goodnight!” Doctor Kim said walking away without giving Jimin another glance.
“Goodnight Doctor Kim” you replied earning you a cheeky smile from the clearly amused doctor.
“You can call me Tae,” he said as he skipped his way out the door.
“I don’t like him,” Jimin said sitting next to you in the bed.
You rolled your eyes at his pout and then leaned in quickly to kiss him catching by surprise.
“But I like you...scratch that I love you. I am so in love with you” Jimin rambled on and on until you once again leaned in to capture his plump pink lips. You knew you had told Jimin you wanted to take things slow and at your own pace, but you had a feeling that wouldn’t last too long with all these boundaries you were trying to set between the both of you. You were so head over heels in love with him, and you could finally confidently say he felt the same.  At that very moment, everything felt perfect, and then not only one cry but two cries erupted loudly through the room forcing both of you to separate from the passion filled kiss.
“Welcome to parenthood” Jimin whispered happily.
“That smile won’t be there for long, especially at 3 in the morning Jimin” you replied as you traded babies now latching Roilan on, “Leilani requires a burping session and then diaper change”
“Yes Ma’am” he replied in an over exaggerated deep voice as he saluted.
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Hey loves. Sorry for taking so long writing this chapter. I wanted it to feel realistic and not too overwhelming since the whole story was quite an emotional bomb. There is an epilogue coming out which will have a few surprises and let you peek in into Jimin’s and (Y/N)’s life 2 years down the road. Some stuff will not be pink and fluffy, and there is like I said a little twist in the story which to be honest I am still debating myself about. You can choose to stop here or go ahead and wait for the epilogue, it is up to you loves. It will be a short epilogue drabble so it may be up by next weekend.
Thank you all for sticking through this!! I know we all divided into Teams for the boys and we all cried and debated over y/n life together. I hope you enjoyed this story and I am hoping you will enjoy my future ones. I have so many things going out of hiatus and will continue to be written.
My upcoming works(for those curious souls):
Goodnight Moon (BadGirlGoodBoyAU Jungkook OneShot)
Countdown To Us  Chpt 2 (SoulmateAU) TaexReader , YoongiXReader
Aphrodesia Chpt 1 (Jungkook StripperAU)
Untitled (Jin BestFriendAU One Shot)
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venomsbabe · 6 years
Eddie brock headcanon
Ok so me and my sister was discussing a headcanon or idea in general.
You can reblog,discuss,and like but do not take. This is my writing and i have worked very fucking hard on it.
Its angsty as all living fuck so be warned for a feels trip.
However i would like discuss or tell you guys my idea and theories.
Ok so i know eddie brock doesn't have a good relationship with his father. And he is estranged from him. Hasn't contacted him for a loooong time. But what if he still writes letters. And his dad never really wrote him back.after a while eddie just stopped all together writing to him and just dropped it all.
But what if his dad did read some of the letters? What if he read a lot of the letters that was when he was going through shit? Especially when he was struggling with the symbiote? His dad didnt know quite what was going on. But he knew his son was in distress or going through shit.
What if at his fathers last few days in his life realized he was wrong for his bitterness towards his son. And wanted to tell him how much he loved him? And was gonna bury the hatchet so to speak.
He was gonna write his son a letter finally explaining things. But his father died of a heart attack or some natural cause.
Eddie finding out his father is dead. Not from a superpowered villain,not from robbers,not from carnage or some other foe of his. Just old age. Something completely out of his control.
His father in the unfinished letter telling his son eddie that he's sorry. Sorry for everything that he has ever said or done. Sorry for the neglect of a father's love. Sorry that he failed him,his mother,his sister,and god. Sorry for everything. And he said he could never give eddie back those years lost,but he was gonna try to right things here and the now. But he can't...his heart gave out...grim reaper knocking saying it was time.
Eddie never got a chance to make things right with his dad in person. But he now knew. His dad really did love him. He just couldn't shake grief of death of his mother.
In the letter it talks about his dad saying.
Eddie i loved your mother. I loved her more than life itself. She was my rock eddie. She made me a better man. The loss of your mother took my whole life away. I was so wrong to blame you. I was so stricken with the loss i became a monster. Bitter old man i was. And I'm sorry edward. Will you ever forgive your old man? I wouldn't blame you if you don't. But the real question is...will god ever forgive me? That i guess I'll find out soon.
I'm sorry,im sorry for everythi...
And it scribbles off and little blood droplets are on the bottom of the letter from coughing. His dad died before he could truly finish the letter.
Eddie finding this would not only get closer,but redeem his dad,add more meaning to his backstory and explain why eddie sometimes acts the way he does,its relatable af,and also its haunting as shit!
So much fucking angst man.
I cried when me n my sister was talking bout this idea last night. I shit you not!
Tears. Because this shit is novel worthy.
Eddie can finally truly say I'm sorry to peter. Peter doesn't know exactly the context.
But to eddie....it means the world to let go.
The symbiote has a new found understanding of human emotions,Eddie's past. And more respect as his best friend and basicly second personality.
Eddie brock keeps all the letters he found. All the unopened sent ones,all the opened ones both fully read and half read,and the final letter.
His father having understood that his anger was not the answer. And wanting to make things right with his son. Only to be taken by the fate that is lifes end from old age. Never saying truly in face to eddie. How he felt.
But the words...the words still stick with eddie.
He knew what they ment.
His dad loved him. Always have. He just couldn't shake grief and the pain of loss. So he bottled it up....instead of learning to breathe and open up.
His dad was proud. But he still was haunted by his past.
More so because he lost his son,not to anyone but himself.
So he tried at his final moments say what needed to be said.
Those three words eddie brock needed to hear ....
You matter eddie.
(If you loved my delicious angst. I can write a story for it if you'd like. Let me know if yall want that)
(Also like i said. DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY OR HEADCANON!!! you can like,reblog,or comment,but DO NOT USE! )
If you wanna discuss this futher. Shoot me an ask,message,comment below or reblog. BUT DO NOT TAKE MY IDEA,STORY,OR HEADCANON!
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keiziahknight1886 · 7 years
My take on SnB:Vs Episode 14, another long trash post from yours truly. Damn I should make ‘My take’ a thing now! LONG. SUPER LONG since I’m ChariNina trash
WARNING: This post is very long and includes rants as well. Read at your own risk.
First I would like to finally say the words I’ve been meaning to shout to all yall, anti or not.
That was good, that was reeeeaaaaaal good. WHAT? STILL DON’T BELIVE ME YOU PIECE OF- beautiful human flesh THEN LEMME POINT OUT HOW AND BRUH THIS IS GONNA BE LONG.
First up, my harto. I was stabbed multiple times because of that new opening and no it’s not because I have a raging cold that I feel like something is stabbing my heart I legit felt that. Like bro look at this.
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LOOK AT IT. (Apologies for the low-quality screenshots, I couldn’t help myself since I hadn’t downloaded it online and was streaming it so yeah)
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You know it’s legit when they’re the first ones in the OP but wait there’s more! (You clearly know this is gonna be pure ChariNina with a little bit of something something but still mainly ChariNina)
Okay time out, let’s appreciate the Chari fan service since people were complaining that they were making Nina fan service now.
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I certainly am not complaining though,
Okay back on track, things I like to point out during this episode (basically all the ChariNina in this episode) and starting with the OP.
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Okay fine since I like this I’ll- OH WAIT OH MY GOB THAT’S LUCIFER. BABY!!! I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR 1 SEASON AND A HALF NOW OMG YOU STILL LOOKING FINE. Oh hey Azazel you’re looking okay too. You both look fine as hell though… quite literally huehuehuehue
Okay back to the OP, it was siiiiick. Some people said they didn’t like it compared to the 1st OP but this one was sick and intense like the first one, sure a little different, more on green less on red but it’s amazing for me. What I do want to point out are these.
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Me while watching: GO NINA, RUN TO YO MAN!
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Still me: *quiet*
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Still me: *gasp*
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Okay now to the episode, I’m sure most of you have seen it so I’m not gonna make story tell cause yall are here to see this trash of a post so you know how it goes, but still here; cute Nina coming home scene which is cute.
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Yep, cute. Also, Nina is flexible af
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Okay now were moving to the moment where all of us were either too focused and in it to fangirl or were fangirling because of everything that has been said.
Second up, OMG.
Me while watching this: Nina you better say yes.
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SHE SAID YES OMG!!! I made it sound like she said yes to Chari proposing to her… that could be arranged though…
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Me: *starts to fangirl*
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Me: *Fangirls even more*
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Me: *insert lenny face here* (This galaxy is beautiful btw, props to the art in BahaSoul this is legit beautiful)
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Me: Hihihihihihihihi. Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue. I am pointing out again to the people who thought Nina’s heart was broken after she found out Chari was the King in the previous eps please go and suck on this.
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Me: *pauses*
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Me: Naw Nina you don’t mean that girl… I mean you hated what he did as King, not as Chari!
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Me: I know Nina… well I don’t know but what I would want is for you to get together.
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Me: SEE NINA?! THANK YOU FOR GETTING MY POINT. YOU DON’T HATE HIM, YOU JUST DIDN’T LIKE WHAT HE DID! (Let’s appreciate the triple A writing here like this is some emotional sht right here)
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Me answering for Nina and the fandom: YES.
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I just want to point out how I said before that Nina wasn’t broken. Sure she felt hurt and this proves it now but she’s mostly confused and is in a state of wonder as to why he did all these things and how she should feel towards a person she loves but is doing all of these things to the other races. This is like Romeo and Juliet yknow. *end of serious*
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Okay I just wanna point these out. The last images of Nina’s flashback to Chari was when Chari was smiling at her, and the last one was with his disguise as Chris. I feel as though this symbolizes that she didn’t fall in love with a king but in fact a person; a kind and great guy as she describes herself.
I mean look at this.
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Ehem, anyway. I like what Jeanne is pointing out here.
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(Jeanne really is literally the fandom in this right now)
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Me: IT AINT A MAYBE JEANNE IT IS REAL! But seriously this is some good sht right here like dang, wow. This speaks to a whole other level, this can be applied in the real world.
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Some of you maybe pointing out ‘but Jeanne doesn’t know who she likes and if she does she will definitely say no to this!’ My gob you antis never really shut up huh?
Do you really think Jeanne doesn’t have an idea of who this person may be when 1.) she saw how the king interacted with Nina back at the prison and 2.) she was literally there when Nina fought as a dragon to save her! She saw how Nina didn’t bite off Chari’s head when he came near her and it would be impossible for her not to see how she de-transformed into a human and he carefully caught her because she was fkng there and watching!
And if she really doesn’t know who this person Nina likes do you think she’ll hinder Nina from finding her happiness when the girl who was a complete stranger to her decided to be kind and help her? Nina could’ve left her but she didn’t and that’s because that’s who Nina is. Do you really think Jeanne would be selfish enough to try hinder Nina’s feeling for Charioce? Do you really think Jeanne would be the type of person who would tell Nina she can’t love him because he’s a bad guy?
Gob if you think so then you really don’t know who Jeanne D’Arc is and is just trying to make a way to break of Charioce and Nina.
Jeanne isn’t selfish enough to try and separate Nina from Charioce because of what he’s done. She might ask Nina if she’s sure with this and if Nina answers yes then she’ll support her, if Nina answers she doesn’t know then Jeanne will help her. Jeanne won’t stop Nina from loving who she wants and I want to make that perfectly clear not unless the creators suddenly decided to make Jeanne a dck which is highly not possible.
Okay moving on.
Here we have Nina contemplating on life rn. Don’t worry Nina baby we feel you.
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You know something else I really liked this episode? Mama Dragon, I mean she’s not a dragon but Imma call her Mama Dragon. Mama Dragon is so nice and lovely and I feel bad because she lost her hubby, now I see where Nina gets her charms!
Also, thank you Mappa for giving us a legit mom and not some hot super model mother who looks the same age as her daughter. Very nice.
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Mama Jeanne and Mama Dragon mom time. This is legit probs the only time Jeanne has ever cried her feelings out, leave it to a mom to comfort another mom.
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Overall, I am very happy with how this episode turned out. We go an insight of Nina’s feelings and saw how she’s coping with the info she got. This gives a new depth to Nina since people just see her as an overly optimistic person but just because she’s optimistic doesn’t mean she doesn’t have trouble too. Now I’m happy most especially about badass granny dragon! Like look at her! She’s so cool!
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Ah 2017 has been a good year for romance. Not for me though but ChariNina’s romance is enough to make me feel happy for love.
I was gonna add my ED thoughts in here too but that would be a liiiiitttttlle to much for one post (as 2k words isn’t already ‘too much’) so if you’re interested you can go ahead and see that too!
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Well this ends another long a** post and yes, this is canon now, you just saw the proof.
I hope you enjoyed my thoughts, I aint here to cause arguments and those anti anti things are just forms of expressions so don’t take this too seriously and attack me, although I would like to hear your thoughts my intention is not to cause fights but to fangirl and give my honest opinions.
Feel free to reblog and comment and have a ChariNina filled life!
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zoenightstars · 7 years
Post-It Notes, ch9
on Ao3
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch8 | ch9 
IT’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly posting this is making me super nervous because it’s been such a long wait? which im very sorry about? so i owe yall a really good chapter in return for u guys being so lovely and patient <333 
thank you to @sadrien and @reyxa for being the best cheerleaders ever, love you guys <3 also HUGE shoutout to sadrien for beta-ing (ish??) for me. god bless i lov u 
as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!!! (please reblog omg i want 2 know what u guys think!!!) 
Adrien is drowning. The harsh blue of the memory of her eyes pull him in deeper and deeper, and Adrien doesn’t know if he wants to stay above water anymore. He now knows for sure that the post-it notes had been Marinette, but he still almost can’t believe it. It feels like a dream that is too good to be true, but Adrien hasn’t woken up yet.
Adrien is so in love. And he is so fucked.
Adrien sinks into his chair as he spins in it absentmindedly. The words “I love you” scrawl their way across his vision again and again and again. He hugs the note to his chest.
“I love you,” he murmurs, swooning a little as he says it.
“Aw, Adri-chou! I didn’t know you felt that way about me!” Plagg coos as he zips into view.
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Plagg, you know I hate it when Chloé calls me that.”
“Adri-fromage, is that fucking better?”
“I hate you.”
Plagg’s tail droops in mock disappointment. “You said you loved me! I thought we had something special, Adri-gruyére!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Whatever you say, Adri-parmesan.”
“That cheese isn’t even French, Plagg.”
“Hey! We don’t discriminate here.”
“Whatever. The point is, Marinette said she loves me!”
“Disgusting,” Plagg replies.
“I'm not sure you're understanding the gravity of this situation. She said that she loves me.”
“Mhm. Can I have cheese?”
“You're heartless. I'm calling Nino. Get your ass in my bookbag.”
“There'd better be cheese in there,” he grumbles and then disappears into its contents.
As the video call ringtone plays, Adrien stares into space, thinking of his near future with Marinette with equal parts hope, optimism, and abject horror. What the fuck do I do now?
“Hello? Hello? Dude. Bro. Lover boy? ADRIEN,” Nino screeches through the speakers, sending Adrien sprawling onto the floor due to an acute case of being startled shitless with the most notable symptom being falling out of chairs.
“Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me!” Adrien yells as he hauls himself back into a normal sitting position.
“Dude, you were staring off into space with the same facial expression as a lovesick puppy for an entire sixty seconds,” Nino scolds.
Adrien blushes, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Was I?”
“I’m pathetic,” he groans.
“I’m not gonna argue. Anyway, you called because…?”
“I repeat, you called because…?”
Adrien taps on the screen with a confused expression on his face. “Is something wrong with my audio? I heard you the first time…”
“God you’re dense,” Nino mutters. “Adrien. Buddy. Pal. I heard you loud and clear. But what about Marinette could you possibly have to talk about with me?”
Adrien scowls. “I don’t know, maybe she said she loves me and I don’t know what the hell I should do now?”
“Ask her out? I thought that was a no-brainer?”
“No. No. I can’t do that.”
Nino throws his hands up in frustration. “Why the fuck not?”
“Because… I… can’t?”
“You’re an idiot.”
“But think about it! What if she says no?”
“She won’t.”
“Nino, if she says no I will literally die of embarrassment.”
“Good thing she won’t say no, then!”
“Okay. Let’s just say she says yes—”
“—She will—”
Adrien glowers at him. “If she says yes, what will the kids at school think?”
“I promise you, other than me and Alya, nobody is going to give a shit.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one. But why do you give a shit about what she thinks? She sucks.”
“Fine. What about Rose?”
“Gay. Next?”
“I don’t fucking know, Juleka?”
“Gay. With Rose. Next?”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh my god. You haven’t noticed?”
“They’ve been dating for months. No wonder you didn’t notice Marinette was into you.”
Adrien ignores the jab. “Huh. Okay, but what about Nathanael?” Adrien crosses his arms with a sort of gotcha expression on his face.
“Who cares? Marinette isn’t into him, she’s into you!” Nino, clearly, is not got.
Adrien, the smooth lady killer that he is, hangs up on Nino at the suggestion that Marinette is in love with him. Good going.
Adrien’s phone buzzes, and he pushes off from the desk and rolls the chair over to his bed to pick it up.
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 bro did u just hang up on me
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf …
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 anyway do urself a favor just ask the girl out
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf i dont deserve her :/
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 maris a smart girl with standards if u didnt deserve her she wouldnt be in2 u love urself and date her pls
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf r u sure….
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 u have my blessing, marshmallow ~alya
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf hold on ur w alya rn? oh ym gd o has alya been listenign htis whole time hello??? ¿¿¿¿????? dude answe r me dud e
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 read 5:27 pm ✔
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf ARE U SHITTIGN ME THIS IS BETRAYAL nino blocked
Adrien chucks his phone back on the bed. I really need new friends, he thinks, feeling the heat rise in his face. But no sooner does he do this than his phone buzzes again.
From: unknown number To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: unknown number um...sry who is this ?
From: unknown number To: marshmallow ya girl alya B)
From: marshmallow To: queen alya oh
From: queen alya To: marshmallow r u mad @ me? :((
From: marshmallow To: queen alya a little :/ not if u dont tell mari what i said tho
From: queen alya To: marshmallow thank god ok and i wont dw u have my word marshmallow
From: marshmallow To: queen alya thx
From: queen alya To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya yeah ?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow u rlly like mari, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya um yes am i that obvious
From: queen alya To: marshmallow yeah u are but thats beside the point i really think u should ask her out i mean both so i can write that im 2 for 2 as a wingman on my resume but also because ur both my friends and i want 2 c both of u happy
From: marshmallow To: queen alya okay…? wait 2 for 2?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow i wingmanned myself and the boy thank u very much
From: marshmallow To: queen alya im not sure that counts?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow shut up let me finish >:( if u rly like mari which u clearly do dating her would make u happy, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya god yes
From: queen alya To: marshmallow ur a nerd anyway i know that if you ask her out, marinette will literally be the happiest girl in the world also i dont know how much longer she can take this post it thing shes like this 👌 close to imploding i worry for that girl anyway long soliloquy short date the heck out of my best friend pls and thank
Adrien puts down his phone and slowly exhales. Well, he thinks. I may not deserve Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but she deserves to be happy.
Adrien hopes he can at least give her that.
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