#It’s just a general thing
cyber-streak-extra · 9 months
Just a (sentient) Spring Bonnie fic that I was wanting to do for a while :) @maraariana01
Title: The Rabbit’s Sorrow
Description: Spring Bonnie remembered what they were supposed to do——entertain children and make them happy. Now, he deals with the consequences of the opposite.
TW: Character Death+Blood.
The yellow rabbit blinked. Scanning the area, they recognized that they were standing atop the stage in the diner. A man—Mr. Emily—was walking away.
He watched the man for a few seconds, before turning to his left. There, Fredbear stood patiently, messing with his purple bow tie.
Spring Bonnie knew what was going to happen—and they assumed that the bear knew, too. Mr. Emily and Mr. Afton had been talking about it for a while.
Before today, the yellow rabbit remembered performing—although, with those few times, it had been different. It hadn’t been when the diner was open.
Both Mr. Emily and Mr. Afton had their own children. They remembered him and Fredbear getting to meet them all, and perform. It was more of practice, the rabbit figured.
Today was going to be different, though. He and the bear knew that. Today, the diner was going to open up.
“Spring Bonnie?”
The two animatronics stared at the other as they spoke in unison. The rabbit’s ears twitched. “Sorry, Fredbear.” He gave a tiny smile.
Fredbear held out a hand. “It’s alright, Spring Bonnie.” The bear assured. “Do you want to...?”
The rabbit’s ears twitched again, ever so slightly beginning to lower. Spring Bonnie sighed. “Are you... nervous? Even just a little?”
Shaking his head, Fredbear moved from his spot, and inched closer to the yellow rabbit. He placed a hand on their shoulder.
“No...” He began, “But, Spring, I’m sure that everything will be alright.” What’s the worst that could happen?
Staying silent, the yellow rabbit only nodded. They trusted their friend—he didn’t have a reason not to—the bear was probably right.
Shortly after being worn by Mr. Afton again—after he’d finished, Spring Bonnie found himself unable to remember anything after that. Had they been shut off?
Letting out a shaky breath—one that the rabbit didn’t need—Spring Bonnie slumped against the wall, ears twitching and lowering.
Spring Bonnie could remember their purpose very well—to make children happy. To entertain them. Fredbear had been made to do that, too. Of course he had.
Although, the yellow rabbit had quickly discovered that there were two different ways that he and Fredbear would get to be able to perform.
Animatronic Mode—what he was in right now—and Suit Mode. The yellow rabbit... didn’t like that last one very much. But it never seemed to bother Fredbear.
When in Suit Mode—usually being worn by Mr. Afton—Spring Bonnie always noticed how they could see and hear, but unable to do anything else—like control himself.
Despite that, the yellow rabbit had assumed—had hoped—that everything would be alright—that nothing bad would happen—whether they were in Suit Mode or not.
As Spring Bonnie stared down at his hands, stained red and yet to be clean, the yellow rabbit had a feeling that nothing would be alright. Not after that.
They’d messed with the door, but only once. The yellow rabbit hadn’t really been trying that hard to begin with. He didn’t want to leave when he looked how he did.
Either way, when he’d chosen to mess with the door nearly an hour ago, it hadn’t budged. It was locked, it seemed. Mr. Afton’s doing, the rabbit had assumed.
They knew the room well enough—it was where Mr. Afton had been deciding to keep him, and the yellow rabbit had gotten bored pretty quickly.
Spring Bonnie’s ears, already rather low, went down further, covering the yellow rabbit’s eyes. It only happened to be himself in the room, nobody else.
His memories, for some time now, had been... iffy. They couldn’t understand why. But, there were parts that weren’t coming to him at all, or seemed... blurred?
Spring Bonnie had to lift their ears up as he scanned the room. Where are you, Fredbear?
Placing a hand on the wall beside him, he used his other to pull an old box closer. Then, the yellow rabbit began to look through it—tossing things around.
Come on, come on... The yellow rabbit continued tossing things around. The box seemed to mostly contain plushies—merchandise—but nothing they wanted—needed.
Shaking, the yellow rabbit continued his search through the large box—maybe he missed something? He needed to get it all off!
Huffing, Spring Bonnie shoved the box away, some of the merchandise spilling out of it as they did so. The animatronic rabbit grabbed at their ears.
A quiet whimper escaped the animatronic. “W-Why did he have to...” They trailed off as their eyes spotted the wall beside himself.
It was his handprint—the wall was stained, too, with the yellow rabbit’s bloody hand. Spring Bonnie flinched, letting go of their ears, which lowered once more.
He could notice how both of his ears were red now, too.
The yellow rabbit’s ears twitched at a sudden sound, breaking the silence that had lasted for nearly half an hour. He only looked for a second, before his gaze fell back to the ground.
The source of the noise was Mr. Afton, finally returning, and Spring Bonnie had felt himself tense. Mr. Afton seemed to be holding something.
Spring Bonnie could hear the door shut again, followed by footsteps approaching, but they didn’t look up. They didn’t say anything, either.
He didn’t even know what to say after what had happened. The animatronic didn’t know what to do. Was there anything that he could? He hadn’t been able to prevent anything.
For a moment, the yellow rabbit’s gaze drifted down to one of his hands. They wondered if there was something that they could do to Mr. Afton. He was close enough.
Just as quickly as they had started to raise a hand, considering getting up on their feet, the yellow rabbit had, just as quickly, stopped.
Letting out an unnecessary sigh, Spring Bonnie’s ears twitched at the familiar voice of Mr. Afton. He sounded annoyed. “Made more of a mess, I see...”
The animatronic just remained still, shutting his eyes.
From where the both of them stood, Spring Bonnie could spot a little girl with blonde hair. She seemed to be in the middle of playing one of the games.
But... she looked sad. The rabbit could understand that. And he wished that there was something that he could do for her. He thought he was good at comforting.
There had been sad or distressed children at the diner before. Both the rabbit and the bear usually tried to help—they thought Fredbear was the best at it.
Mr. Emily always tried helping out with a lot, too—whether just as himself, or when he was in the bear—when the animatronic happened to be in Suit Mode.
Spring Bonnie couldn’t recall a time where Mr. Afton ever really did much—it didn’t seem like he was that good of a comforter, compared to Mr. Emily.
A quiet chuckle escaped—yet it didn’t belong to the animatronic—it had been Mr. Afton. Controlling the suit, the two of them began approaching the young girl.
Spring Bonnie knew what was going to happen. They knew what Mr. Afton was going to do. He had mentioned it—and he had seemed so... happy.
If it were possible, they wanted to stop this—if it were possible, they wanted to help the girl. But it wasn’t. As long as Mr. Afton had him in Suit Mode...
Spring Bonnie took a quick look around, and realized that the two of them had moved. How had he not realized? Looking down, he saw the girl.
“He’s not really dead...” Mr. Afton spoke up, alerting the young girl of the presence behind her. She turned away from the game, sniffling.
The yellow rabbit noticed how he was doing some sort of voice, yet it wasn’t the first time. Mr. Afton never seemed to use his real voice when wearing them.
Wiping at her eyes, the girl stared up. “H-Huh...?”
If it were possible, Spring Bonnie would have frowned. The girl’s dog... he’d heard Mr. Afton say something about it.
Please, don’t listen to him! The yellow rabbit tried to get the words out, he wanted to warn her, but unfortunately, they remained thoughts.
“He is over here,” Mr. Afton continued. Not taking his eyes off of her, he pointed in the direction of another room—Spring Bonnie knew that it was only for employees.
He’d never seen it before, but, other children had been rather curious about the room—even trying to use it as a hiding spot for hide and seek.
“Follow me...”
Don’t listen! Please, don’t! He’s not there! The rabbit’s voice remained unheard.
Mr. Afton had crouched down—Spring Bonnie had crouched down—getting more to the girl’s level. A yellow paw was held out in front of her now.
The girl stared, before a smile started to spread, and she took hold of it. No!
“What’s your name?”
“S... Susie.”
“Well... let’s get you to your puppy, Susie.”
Spring Bonnie had assumed that there was only one box in the room—and he’d already looked around in it earlier. What he wanted hadn’t been in there.
However, as the yellow rabbit paced around, they tripped over something—managing to grab the table nearby, so that he didn’t fall.
Ow. Carefully letting go of the table, the yellow rabbit looked down, and spotted a box. It wasn’t the same one as before, though. He could tell that.
The original box had been surprisingly small, and was white. He’d left it in another part of the room, anyways.
This one, however, was a bit larger, and was a dark brown. It didn’t seem like it had been opened yet—at least by the yellow rabbit.
Ears twitching, Spring Bonnie lowered himself, staring at the box. He messed around with the tape that was on it for a couple of seconds.
Once the tape was off—but partially on their hand, and as the rabbit tried to get it off and on the ground, they opened the box with the tape less hand.
Peering into the box, there didn’t seem to be too much inside of it—at least compared to the other one, that had contained quite a lot of merchandise.
The rabbit’s ears shot up upon spotting something. Something familiar. He hurriedly began moving the other items in the box, so that he could reach it easier.
Carefully, the yellow rabbit pulled out a purple hat. Spring Bonnie knew that there were other hats—including others with the same color. There wasn’t ever just one.
There was never just one of anything—including the rabbit himself. He’d seen other suits before—in the parts and service area once—and the employees only room.
It was... strange.
Despite that, Spring Bonnie knew. They knew who the hat belonged to—he knew that it was the right one—it belonged to his friend. It was easy to recognize.
Ears slowly lowering, the rabbit held the purple hat close to their chest.
The two of them were wandering. Mr. Afton had chosen to be more out in the open this time—rather than simply watching from the corner, like before.
During that process, it seemed like he had rather quickly spotted someone—that he had chosen who would be next.
A young boy was up ahead at one of the tables—it wasn’t his first time being here, Mr. Afton knew. He grinned behind the yellow rabbit’s mask.
If the man wasn’t stopped, then it would be the boy’s last time, Spring Bonnie realized.
He didn’t know what he could do—he didn’t want the same thing to happen. They hadn’t been able to stop Mr. Afton from taking the young girl—Susie.
She’d looked so... terrified. She sounded so terrified.
Given that the boy had a plushie of the animatronic—which was across the table at the moment—and he was talking about him—Spring Bonnie assumed that the boy liked Foxy.
The yellow rabbit wasn’t very surprised—who wouldn’t like a pirate fox? A lot of other children seemed to like him, from what they’d heard.
A woman sitting beside the boy, who the rabbit had to guess was his mother, began to stand up. “Fritz?” She spoke gently.
The boy, Fritz, looked up at her. “Hm?”
“I’ll be back in a minute, alright? I’m just going to do to the restroom.”
Fritz nodded. He turned away from his mother as she began walking away, reaching to take another bite from a slice of pizza.
When he felt himself beginning to walk again—or, rather, Mr. Afton, the rabbit attempted to come to a stop. However, the yellow rabbit continued. Mr. Afton, stop!
Before anything was said, Fritz seemed to hear the footsteps, and turned, dropping his pizza back onto the plate. He waved.
The yellow rabbit waved back. “Hello, kiddo!”
Fritz waved again, smiling. Although the boy didn’t say anything, remaining silent.
“Do you like Foxy, kiddo?”
Fritz’s smile was quick to grow, and he immediately nodded. Oh...
He’s... he’s bad! Fritz, don’t listen to him! Don’t listen to Mr. Afton! The yellow rabbit wished that the words would actually come out—that they would be heard.
They hadn’t been heard earlier with Susie—he was never heard when he was in Suit Mode—unless it was Mr. Afton. Mr. Afton shouldn’t be heard right now.
“You know,” Mr Afton continued, his own grin growing. “Foxy wanted to see you!”
Staring with widened eyes now, Fritz pointed at himself, raising an eyebrow. No, no no, no...
The yellow rabbit nodded his head. “He needs help! Your help!”
Upon hearing that, Fritz immediately got out of his chair. He looked around for a second, before back up at the rabbit.
The yellow rabbit held out a large yellow paw in front of the boy. “Follow me, kiddo! Let’s go help Foxy!”
Fritz reached forward, taking hold of the animatronic’s fuzzy paw.
Spring Bonnie sat at the edge of a small table in the room, feet slowly swinging, as Fredbear’s hat remained close to his chest. They didn’t plan on letting it go.
I should have tried harder. The yellow rabbit’s grip on the hat tightened, and his ears remained lowered. I could have stopped him..
But they hadn’t. Despite wanting to, they hadn’t been able to prevent what had happened. Those kids were gone—and he had been apart of it.
They’d trusted him. They’d trusted Spring Bonnie. Not the man wearing and using the rabbit in the moment. Not the man using him to take their lives away.
While their memory hadn’t been the best for a while—even with far more recent moments—Spring Bonnie could remember all of the kids. They could remember their voices—screams...
They remembered each of the kids being so terrified. There was confusion at first—at Foxy not being there, or a puppy not being there, or...
Confusion—shortly followed by becoming frightened. Or, confusion, followed by bits of excitement—figuring something was hidden—and then fright.
“Did they... did they think I wanted to...?” The yellow rabbit wondered aloud, voice barely above a whisper.
It was a rather distressing thought. It was something they’d never wanted to do—they didn’t dream of ever harming a child. Why would they ever want to?
He’d seen Fritz’s before she left for a moment—the rabbit had seen all of the children’s loved ones. Nobody had been aware what was going to happen. How would they know?
The animatronic hadn’t really seen any of them after that. He couldn’t tell when it had happened—how long had it been already? How were the parents?
Were they trying to find their children? If a search was happening, how long had it been going on for? It had felt like yesterday when Mr. Afton had used him for that.
However, the animatronic rabbit had a feeling that it had been a little longer than that. Everything felt rather slow, though.
How were the parents handling everything? None of them knew what had truly happened—the truth. Did they have hope that their children would be found? Found alive?
What was going to happen if everything was figured out? How would they handle it all? I’m sorry..
When Mr. Afton had been using him, Spring Bonnie had thought back to his springlocks. For a moment, he thought that he could take back control—maybe use his springlocks to stop the man.
But... they knew everything about their springlocks. In the past, there had been some accidents. A few times when in Animatronic Mode, and once, way earlier, with Mr. Afton inside.
Unlike the previous moments, it hadn’t been caused by water—he couldn’t remember what exactly had been the cause, though. Maybe Mr. Afton had done something wrong?
Despite wanting to stop the man, the yellow rabbit hadn’t wanted to hurt him—they didn’t want to hurt anyone. So, attempting to use those had been crossed out.
They didn’t like the springlocks very much.
The yellow rabbit’s ears twitched at the new noise. It wasn’t much of a good one—crying, Spring Bonnie realized. Didn’t that mean someone was sad? What was wrong?
It sounded like a child. While the Diner wasn’t open yet today, the rabbit knew that Mr. Emily and Mr. Afton were here. The two’s children were usually brought here with them.
Charlotte—Mr. Emily’s daughter, was rather sweet. Spring Bonnie remembered a time where she had given him and Fredbear some drawings.
There was Michael, Mr. Afton’s eldest—the boy aways had a Foxy mask with him. Spring Bonnie had taken notice to three other boys a few times—they had their own masks, too.
With how the crying sounded, the animatronic doubted that it could be Michael, though. He didn’t recall him being brought here today, either.
Then, there was Mr. Afton’s younger children—Elizabeth and Evan. The younger boy always seemed nervous about Fredbear—but he carried around a plushie.
The yellow bear looked up from the ground, and towards the yellow rabbit, his own ears twitching. “Are you hearing that, too?”
Spring Bonnie nodded. As he started to get off of the little stage, the rabbit glanced back at his friend. “Let’s go. Maybe we can help them?”
Fredbear let out a quiet hum in response. He set his microphone down, and hopped off of the stage—stumbling for a moment, but he didn’t fall.
Remaining by each other’s side, the animatronics began to wander, trying to find where the crying was coming from—and the source.
Fredbear came to a sudden stop, and tapped Spring Bonnie on the shoulder. The rabbit turned their head to look at the bear. “Hm?”
The animatronic bear pointed, and Spring Bonnie followed along. He was pointing at a room towards the right. It wasn’t too far from their stage.
The door was closed, and while muffled, the crying was closer. Spring Bonnie couldn’t remember where the door led to—or what the room was used for.
“Hello?” The rabbit gently called out. He moved towards it, Fredbear following behind him. While there wasn’t an answer, Spring Bonnie opened it.
In the corner of the room, he spotted the source of the noise. It was Mr. Afton’s youngest son, Evan. He held a plushie close to him tightly.
“Hey...” That caught the child’s attention—looking up at them after a second with watery eyes. He scooted back ever so slightly.
Slowly, Spring Bonnie took a step inside. He glanced back for a moment, only to find Fredbear partially hiding himself. His ears twitched.
“I know how he feels,” The bear whispered, “He doesn’t need to see me right now. I don’t want to make him more stressed, Spring.”
Humming, Spring Bonnie turned back around, focusing on the young boy. He took slow steps, before kneeling down. He tried not to be too close—he wanted to give him enough space.
“Hey, buddy... what’s wrong?”
The boy just sniffled in response. He opened his mouth for a second, seemingly to say something, but all that came out was a cry.
The rabbit knew of his springlocks—what could happen—and how they were typically set off. The rabbit knew what typically caused him to malfunction. But, they could try to be careful.
Spring Bonnie spread his arms. “Hey, kiddo... want to come here? It’s okay.”
Evan stared at the yellow rabbit in front of him, wiping at his eyes with one hand—while the other kept a grip on the Fredbear plushie.
A few seconds passed, and the young boy started to make his way over to where the yellow rabbit was. He fully sat down, instead of being crouched.
Sniffling, Evan hugged the fuzzy rabbit, and Spring Bonnie carefully wrapped his arms around him. “It’s alright...”
Spring Bonnie hadn’t been able to help it—they’d just felt rather curious. They’d looked out through the window a couple of times, but had never gone out.
They’d always wanted to go out, even if it was for just a few minutes or so. There wasn’t really anything that he wanted to do—he just wanted to be out there.
He remembered speaking to Fredbear about it once or twice. And while his friend seemed a little curious, he never seemed to want to actively go out.
After going through the front doors, Spring Bonnie simply stood there, staring up at the sky. He could see things flying above him—birds, if he remembered right?
Looking at the sky, there were a lot of clouds up there today. There wasn’t much blue that they could see through those—or the sun.
Drip. Spring Bonnie’s ears twitched, and then they looked around for a second. Yet, they didn’t see anything that could have been the source of that.
Drip. Drip. Drip. They looked around further. For a second, Spring Bonnie thought that he saw something hit the ground near him.
“Spring?” While somewhat distant, they could still recognize Fredbear’s voice from inside the Diner. He was finally active, it seemed.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. As the yellow rabbit turned to look back towards the doors, he flinched at the sudden feeling of something hitting him.
It wasn’t hard or anything—but... rather weird. Something wet? Wet—it made them feel weird... and a little bad. Not good. What was it?
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
The feeling wasn’t good. Spring Bonnie began to back up as it continued—was it getting worse? They could feel themselves beginning to twitch—shake. Their vision was... glitching?
The yellow rabbit shuddered at a sudden feeling of... pain? Pain? Through his glitching vision, he looked up—the wet stuff was coming from the sky.
Spring Bonnie felt himself start to fall back.
Fredbear? The yellow rabbit felt his ears twitch. Why did he sound so... concerned? “Spring Bonnie?”
Starting to see again—which, thankfully, their vision didn’t seem so... weird, like earlier, Spring Bonnie started to look around.
He wasn’t outside any longer. He was back inside the Diner—in the room that was used for repairs—and also happened to contain other suits.
To their right, Fredbear sat. His ears were lowered, and with one hand, he held one of the yellow rabbit’s.
“Spring Bonnie,” The yellow rabbit turned away from his friend at the other voice—Mr. Emily’s. He was standing in front of the two.
“What were you doing outside?”
“I just... it looked nice. It was nice.” The yellow rabbit answered after a moment, moving closer to the yellow bear.
“Fredbear told me he saw you out there when he activated. He saw you collapse, and came to me, all panicked.” Mr. Emily explained.
Spring Bonnie glanced back at his friend—if it were possible, the rabbit would have frowned—both of them would have. “Something hit me...”
“It’s raining outside.” Mr. Emily answered.
“Raining?” The yellow rabbit’s ears twitched. “Why did that... why’d it cause me to do that?”
“Well,” The man started.
The last time he’d seen the children... Spring Bonnie couldn’t entirely recall. Evan... the boy was going to have a birthday. It was going to happen at the Diner.
No. Spring Bonnie shook their head. They messed with Fredbear’s hat, before placing it atop their head. With their ears lowered, it wasn’t much of a problem.
It already happened. His birthday happened. The yellow rabbit could remember discussions of it here and there—and then the events... mostly.
Misty. Foggy. Blocked. That’s what he’d taken to referring to his iffy memories. It was the best thing that the yellow rabbit could come up with.
He remembered Mr. Afton arriving at the diner that day—Evan close behind him, holding the Fredbear plushie close like usual. He’d seemed more nervous than usual.
Michael had arrived a little later—wearing his Foxy mask, like usual. They could remember the teenager’s friends with him—each with a different mask.
The yellow rabbit could recall everything up until Evan, Michael, and the teen’s friends started to make their way towards the stage.
He didn’t understand why Evan was always messed with—were siblings always like that? The yellow rabbit wouldn’t know. He didn’t have one.
Mr. Afton and Mr. Emily’s children... Spring Bonnie hoped that they were alright. They hadn’t seen any of them in some time. Do they know?
Are they alright? Spring Bonnie shifted around slightly, staring towards the door for a moment, before down at their hands. Did he do anything?
A boy, just a little older than Susie and Fritz by the looks of it, was wandering around—almost seeming a little lost. Mr. Afton...
Just like the previous times, as the two of them made their way to the boy, the yellow rabbit’s attempts weren’t doing anything.
Springlocks... He heard pop up within his mind. The yellow rabbit knew how they worked—but he himself had never activated those willingly.
Every other time it had happened—so far, they’d counted four, it had been on accident for one reason or another. Mostly water.
The springlocks hurt. Hurt him—and Mr. Afton. He’d been in Suit Mode the time the last accident occurred—and the man had been wearing him.
Spring Bonnie wanted to stop him. He did. But to hurt him? Hurt anyone purposely? Even with what the man was doing, he didn’t want to hurt him—or worse.
Even if the yellow rabbit chose to go through with that idea, he didn’t know how to activate the springlocks by himself—he couldn’t do anything right now.
“What’s the matter, kiddo?”
The boy looked up, frowning. “I... didn’t mean to get separated from her. There’s just... a lot of people here, and...” He trailed off.
“Your mother?”
The young boy nodded.
Mr. Afton clapped his—the yellow rabbit’s—hands together. “Oh, dear...” He hummed. “Well, kiddo, I’ve got some good news!”
Without waiting for a response from the boy, he continued. “I know where your mother is! She’s worried sick.”
“She is?” His frown grew.
As he nodded, the boy spoke up again. “Can... can you take me to her, please? I don’t want to let her keep worrying...”
“Why, of course!” Mr. Afton hummed. He reached down, carefully picking up the kid. The boy was a bit surprised, but was rather relaxed.
As the three of them began walking away, Mr. Afton glanced back at the kid in his arms. “What’s your name?”
Looking around... this didn’t seem like the same place, Spring Bonnie realized. Where he’d been in before, it was much smaller, and there were a few boxes and a table.
This was different, though. This room was somewhat bigger, and there wasn’t much in there except for three gray arcade machines.
What? Ears twitching, Spring Bonnie looked around further, yet there really didn’t seem to be much else. The room seemed rather old, too.
What am I doing here? Slowly, the yellow rabbit began to rise. Who had moved them? Had Mr. Afton come by and done so for whatever reason?
He didn’t remember the man coming by recently. But then again, the rabbit’s memories still hadn’t been great.
Thinking back, everything was starting to get misty—foggy—just like the memories that were further back. But it wasn’t like they weren’t accessible.
Everything felt like it was starting to get... mashed together. As he spent time in that room, it all, frankly, felt the same.
As the yellow rabbit stood to their full height, ears continuing to twitch, they felt as if... something was missing? But what?
Spring Bonnie lifted a hand to rest atop his head, and that was when it hit the rabbit hard. The rabbit’s eyes widened.
“His hat!” Spring Bonnie shouted aloud, ears shooting straight up. They thought they heard a sort of static in their voice—but that was the least of the animatronic’s worries.
Spring Bonnie knew that he’d been keeping Fredbear’s hat on him. It was either in the rabbit’s hands, or atop his head, in between his ears.
“Where...?” That time, the rabbit could hear the static far more clearly. Spring Bonnie moved away from where he’d been, and began wandering.
Drip. Drip. His ears twitched at the noise, but the rabbit didn’t pay much attention. He took a little mental note to try and be careful.
They hadn’t planned on leaving it—was it hidden somewhere in this room? Had it fallen off when they were being moved? Was it still in the other room?
Where was that other place? Why had they been moved?
Struggling, they began moving the last arcade machine back to its original spot. Just like the last two, there wasn’t anything—not the hat.
The yellow rabbit lifted their head, no longer staring down at the ground. They froze, staring at their hands that rested against the arcade machine.
Spring Bonnie had sworn that they were fine—that his hands had been clean. However, staring at them now, both were stained. They were red. There was blood.
The yellow rabbit stumbled backwards, his stained hands—his body—beginning to shake. “N-No... no...”
The animatronic kept going backwards in his panic—at least until he felt himself hit the wall behind him. There, the yellow rabbit stood, shaking.
They shut their eyes tightly, a whimper escaping the rabbit. Spring Bonnie slid down, sitting in the old, lonely room.
He’d never liked anything being this quiet. The only noises from within the room were the rabbit’s own noises, and an occasional drip.
When Spring Bonnie reopened his eyes a moment later, not bothering to move his ears, a wave of confusion—yet at the same time, relief, hit the rabbit.
Staring down at their hands, they were... clean. There was nothing—there was no blood—on them any longer.
Spring Bonnie remained silent—no longer trying to speak. Despite their attempts, nothing had been working. He wasn’t able to warn anyone.
Mr. Afton was simply continuing, and all the yellow rabbit was able to do was watch. Has he always wanted to do this...?
The two of them began approaching another child. He’d just gotten something—although Spring Bonnie couldn’t tell what—as a prize. It looked like a plushie.
Leaving that area, he began walking off—seemingly towards where some of the games were. I thought he was good... nice...
Using the yellow rabbit’s arm, Mr. Afton moved the big ears—which had been lowered, blocking his sight. He moved them back up.
Both of them knew the kid’s name. Spring Bonnie thought that he heard a woman’s voice say “Jeremy.” He couldn’t see where the boy’s parents could be.
They’d been hoping that someone would see the two of them—that they’d see Mr. Afton—that someone would take Jeremy away. Maybe because it was time for him to go home.
Yet, that wasn’t happening. Nobody was preventing the terrible events. Spring Bonnie couldn’t—the children’s parents weren’t ever close by. Gabriel had even been lost—separated.
As the two of them stopped next to Jeremy, Spring Bonnie glanced towards the game for a moment. All of them seemed rather fun—but they’d never gotten the chance to play any.
It seemed like a lot of children liked one that he’d seen earlier—the one Susie had been playing before Mr. Afton came around. Although, he didn’t know the name.
Jeremy was staring up at the two of them—at the yellow rabbit. “Hey, kid.”
“I’ve got a big surprise for you!” Mr. Afton began, chuckling. “Let’s just say that it might involve some cake—some special treats—and certain blue bunny!”
“Oops!” Mr. Afton placed a hand over the yellow rabbit’s permanently grinning mouth. “I think I just ruined the surprise... didn’t I?”
Completely forgetting about the game, Jeremy moved closer, shaking his head. He reached forward, grabbing the yellow rabbit’s other hand.
“No, no! It’s alright, Spring Bonnie.” Jeremy answered. It isn’t me...
“Come on, let’s go!”
He chuckled, then nodded, removing his hand. “Alright!”
As the rabbit laid there, having not moved for some time—what was the time?—how much time has gone by already... even more?—he began to think further.
Drip. Drip. Drip. The yellow rabbit barely paid much attention to it—it wasn’t near him, anyways. However, it did seem to be happening in more areas.
What if they had been able to do something? Anything? Was there anything that the yellow rabbit could have done to prevent what Mr. Afton had done?
What if he had, somehow, managed to control himself? Get himself back into Animatronic Mode, not Suit Mode. What if he had been able to say something?
If they had ever been able to do anything, then the children would be alright—they’d be perfectly okay. He wouldn’t have been used to harm them. Mr. Afton wouldn’t have been able to do it.
The parents wouldn’t have lost their children—they’d all still have them. They wouldn’t need to be scared or worried—none of them would be needing to grieve.
Maybe the rabbit should have tried harder.
Drip. Drip.
“Hello!” The yellow rabbit tiredly stared down—fully seeing once Mr. Afton moved their ears again. He seemed just a little annoyed about that.
In front of the two of them, he saw another kid—how many had Mr. Afton lured already? What number was she going to be? The rabbit hadn’t been counting.
The girl had long black hair—long enough that it was, currently, held together in a ponytail. Compared to the other children Spring Bonnie had seen, she seemed somewhat older.
They were all still young, though. They were all still just children. Children that didn’t deserve this. Any of it.
Like Jeremy, Spring Bonnie thought that he had caught her name earlier—although, he couldn’t fully remember it. It had started with a C.
The black-haired girl stared up, backing up slightly. Yet she didn’t leave. Please do... you need to...
Spring Bonnie dived into his mind—thinking back to previous moments. Better moments. He thought he could still hear the two of them—Mr. Afton and the girl.
They didn’t want to hear him. They didn’t want to hear what he was saying. They didn’t want to hear panic—the screams. Why is this happening...?
Why did it have to be happening at all? What did the children do to deserve this? Spring Bonnie had a feeling that the answer was nothing. They didn’t do anything for this.
The children were innocent, Spring Bonnie knew that. They were here at the restaurant for one reason or another—the place was supposed to bring joy, he knew that, too.
Spring Bonnie didn’t want to be used for this. This new purpose that Mr. Afton had chosen to use him for. Does he enjoy this? Why?
The yellow rabbit snapped back to his surroundings when he felt his hand move. Looking down, it was being held out for the girl.
“Come along, Cassidy.”
The girl—Cassidy, stood there for a moment, staring at the fuzzy hand. Spring Bonnie hadn’t been listening, but he wondered what Mr. Afton had told her.
They’d been listening when Mr. Afton had spoken to the other children. Maybe to see one of the others? They wished they could frown.
Cassidy reached over, taking hold of the yellow rabbit’s hand. Mr. Afton held it tightly, so that she wouldn’t be able to run off.
“You’ll love it!” He chuckled.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Drip. Drip.
Spring Bonnie groggily stared in the direction of where a new noise was coming from. It was something he’d heard before, but hadn’t heard it in some time.
Footsteps. Someone was here—wherever ‘here’ was. They’d never left the room. They couldn’t. Who...?
He didn’t have to wonder for long. A few moments later, a man burst into the room—he looked rather panicked. In his left hand was an axe, which was promptly tossed aside.
The man looked... a little different at least, but was still rather recognizable—at least to Spring Bonnie. Mr. Afton...?
The yellow rabbit had assumed that it was only him—but if he was running, and seemed scared...
Spring Bonnie stared, startled, when five small figures appeared behind Mr. Afton. They were all rather short—somewhat see-through, and each had masks.
One had a Chica mask, the one across from her had a Foxy mask—then a Bonnie mask, and a Freddy mask. Then, one had a yellow Freddy mask.
It sort of reminded Spring Bonnie of Fredbear—but with the hat, it was black. Black tears were spilling from the eye holes of the mask.
The yellow rabbit kept staring. They knew those figures. They recognized those ghosts. They were all something that the animatronic wouldn’t forget.
The children...? Spring Bonnie had heard of ghosts—they were something that he somewhat believed in, but had never imagined seeing.
The ghost with the Golden Freddy mask—which Spring Bonnie had to assume was Cassidy—he remembered her hair—began approaching Mr. Afton.
The other ghost’s simply remained where they had first appeared, watching the two of them. What is she going to do? She seemed angry.
“Stay away!” Mr. Afton, as he backed away from the approaching ghost girl, began looking around in a panic.
The yellow rabbit would have frowned when they realized that Mr. Afton had spotted them. He was grinning now as he hurried over.
In an instant, Mr. Afton was by the animatronic’s side, and hurriedly began putting Spring Bonnie on. The children watched, glancing at each other.
Mr. Afton, wearing the yellow rabbit, took a few small steps towards the group of ghosts. Spring Bonnie heard a noise from the man—laughter.
The ghosts glared, yet none of them got any closer. They stared at the two—but seemed to be watching something else.
Spring Bonnie heard it. They hadn’t been focusing on it much—it hadn’t ever hit them while they were stuck in the room yet. They knew what it was, though.
Water. It had been doing that quite often. His best guess was that it was raining, and because of some holes, it was free to come inside.
The yellow rabbit... started to have a feeling on what was about to happen. It felt obvious.
Spring Bonnie felt anxious. The last times it had happened, it had never been good—it had hurt. Usually only himself—but then Mr. Afton had a springlock failure once.
It had hurt them both.
He felt himself go tense—the rabbit could hear Mr. Afton’s laughter quickly come to a halt. The water had finally started hitting him.
Mr. Afton was going to go through another. Spring Bonnie was going to have another. His previous one involved the man—and so was this one.
He’d felt horrible the previous time—he hated seeing Mr. Afton in pain—he hated hearing Mr. Emily panic—he hated hearing the screams.
The screaming... speaking of which, it had started again. Spring Bonnie wanted to do it, too. But he couldn’t. He remained silent. It was all he could do.
Just like how he had done with the children, the yellow rabbit tried to block out the man’s screaming. The children’s had been worse.
He remembered most of them begging—begging for the rabbit to stop. He remembered them being confused. Sad. Scared.
Spring Bonnie didn’t dare look around at himself. He could feel Mr. Afton’s blood beginning to pour through parts of his suit. He didn’t want to see it.
Even if they looked, the rabbit had a feeling that they wouldn’t see a lot for too much longer—they weren’t feeling good. Their vision was getting bad.
In the corner of the room, the children remained, all watching. What do they think...? The yellow rabbit found himself wondering.
The children kept watching—none saying a single thing. Did they ever think that I wanted to...? What do they think now...?
As Spring Bonnie felt himself and Mr. Afton collapse onto the ground, the yellow rabbit realized that he didn’t hear any screaming.
Yet, despite that, the yellow rabbit knew that Mr. Afton was still alive—for now, at least. They knew how long it would be. It wasn’t something instant.
When Mr. Afton had gone through the springlocking years ago, Mr. Emily had been there to help him—the man had been sent to a hospital.
The man had gotten help.
This time was different. Of course it was. It was going to stay that way. The man wasn’t going to get help.
From where Spring Bonnie lay, he could see the children suddenly disappear from the room—leaving only him and Mr. Afton.
Spring Bonnie knew that this was going to be different. Mr. Afton wasn’t going to get help—did anyone know that the man was in this place? Did anyone know what he did?
The yellow rabbit himself wasn’t going to get help, either. The only person that had ever seen him more recently was Mr. Afton.
Did anyone know where either of them were? What’s going to happen?
Where’d Fredbear ever go? The yellow rabbit wondered.
Is he okay? Will he be okay? Spring Bonnie felt Mr. Afton twitch. A noise escaped him—but it wasn’t much of a scream.
The yellow rabbit was feeling worse—they knew what was going to happen shortly—and nobody would fix them. He tried not to feel that scared.
I wish I could see him again... A noise escaped again—but Spring Bonnie didn’t think that it was from Mr. Afton. What would he think...?
Spring Bonnie had never wanted to harm Mr. Afton—having shoved the springlock idea away rather quickly. But... a part of the rabbit felt... relieved. Happy.
Maybe this was the best option...? The animatronic wondered. He didn’t know what else could be done. Am I bad for feeling that? Thinking this?
As everything faded—the yellow rabbit feeling himself disappear—shut off—one last thought presented itself. He would’ve smiled wider if he could.
Mr. Afton won’t be able to harm anyone again...
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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frankierotwinkdeath · 3 months
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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spitblaze · 7 months
I don't see people gas up gnc and butch transfems nearly enough, can we get a fuckin round of applause for gnc and butch transfems
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disc80s · 8 months
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notgreengardens · 5 months
I kinda hate how the main take away in general seems to be "hahaha I love being a hater, kendrick is the king of being a hater hahaha" or "drake has a secret daughter" and not "there are mysogynist sex pests and pedophiles in the hip hop industry and kendrick used his clout to very publically call out one" like can we please not drop the pedophilia out of this conversation YET AGAIN like the jokes are funny and I also make some but I feel like this should be front and center of the conversation and men in positions of power always get away with this shit
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ot3 · 11 months
i love the artistic stylings of studio ghibli as much as anyone else does but im kind of sick of anything with like vivid environments and big blue skies being branded as ghibliesque. because its like. you know where else you can hypothetically find some vivid environments with big blue skies? my friend the great and wonderful outdoors are here for you
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
BTW... PSA.... even if we arent mutuals if youre in my notes regularly theres a Very high chance i am still fond of you. yes im vaguing someones tags on the compliment the person u rbed this from post. but like. positive vaguing? THE POINT IS im weird abt following ppl but IM STILL SENDING U FOND VIBES...
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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acidgirl · 1 year
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thunderboltfire · 6 months
I have unwittingly witnessed a new level of the absurd. Behold, the AI-generated equine anatomy models.
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Ah yes, my favourite parts of the equine body. Paster and... *looks at the smudged writing on hand* boob. At least this one looks purely decorative and the being actually looks like a horse. But don't worry, it gets worse.
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If we completely ignore the hipopotamus musculature of this one, there's still a lot of things that don't make sense in this one, like a tail that ends in a series of bone spikes and a complete lack of molars. You could make a cool pokemon on the basis of this, but it's not even in the realm of being an actual anatomy help.
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I'm firmly convinced this is not a horse, this is something that really, really wants you to think it is a horse. The more you look, the more things look... wrong. The more details turn out to be shifted, bones crammed in to fill in the familiar form, its shape merely implied so that the human mind fills the gap. Of course the text seems like gibberish, because its anatomy is incomprehensible. it's either a parasite or a monster and in each case, it's an eldtrich body horror. I'm kind of angry at how well this joke writes itself.
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bixels · 10 days
End-of-Splatoon thoughts.
Thinking about how since the very start, Splatoon has had a feature where players can draw and post artwork and spot them as graffiti on walls or billboards. Or how the weapons have always been paint brushes and rollers and ballpoint pens. Since its inception, Splatoon has been dedicated to engaging its players with the act of creation and creative expression, showing them how their art can build communities and (literally) change the world.
Thinking about finding golden human-made music discs buried underground for thousands of years, and a grand finale music festival. About the Voyager Golden Records. About those human handprints etched into concrete in Alterna. Did those human artists know it would end like this? First a fiery death and then, eventually, a worldwide celebration of music to represent our shared past, present, and future. Did they know that their songs, insignificant in the face of extinction, would one day become the solution that will save the next dominant life-form from the same fate?
Thinking about how eerily similar the Octarian domes are to Alterna. About how close Inklings and Octolings were to repeating the same mistakes as humans. But their doomed fates were undone not by some miracle technology or military power or a rocket, but by music.
Thinking about how humans wiped themselves out with war, and our parting gifts were liquid crystals that somehow paired with the DNA of primeval inklings and somehow infused them with our memories and culture and a Song. And 12,000 years in the future, that same Song will end a war.
Thinking about how art and music and punk culture and rock & roll and friendly competition and petty arguments and water guns aren’t uniquely human concepts, but the fundamental qualities of intelligent life. An inheritable spirit that can cross evolutionary bounds.
Thinking about the theme of Splatoon, that art and music and fun will not die with the human race. That every piece of art we create is a seed we sow for future generations to reap. That our legacy is ingrained into the crust of the earth. That long after we’re gone, the oceans will remember, and they’ll pick up where we left off.
Thinking about how Splatoon says that the essence of humanity –– the thing that will outlive us –– isn't war or prejudice or destruction or greed, it's a song.
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catmask · 6 days
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cubert.... warmup for today, 30 minutes
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spitblaze · 4 months
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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blahlahblash · 5 months
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Pt 1
Classic Sonic and Tails are just built like that. No discrimination.
I apologize for my janky freaking hand writing too.
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vaxxman · 18 days
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"Do you miss the time when you used to do no harm?"
Old habits.
Merc behaviour is based on a nice little comment @up-in-flames-writing left on one of my comics :)
Rambling and more silly drawings below.
Loosely based on the Solemn Vow's public blurb:
Art lovers will cherish the bust of Hippocrates, commemorating a time when the Medic still thought doing no harm was a good idea.
I am absolutely convinced that Medic carries dextrose drops with him. German pharmacies throw these after you when you buy anything at all. I went to check if this one specific brand I know of had been around since the 60s and 70s and yes, it was.
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Small acts of kindness I can see Medic doing is giving everyone one of these if they are tired. I'm talking about Engineer mostly.
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Or they snack on them when solving practical problems together, like during the teleporter bread tumor incident.
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