#It’s the people who don’t like racism who are the snowflakes
pointless-letters · 1 year
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“Excuse me, but this spoon is too woke. Please bring me a non-woke spoon.”
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odinsblog · 1 year
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This is recent history. Ruby Bridges is 68yrs old and she is still alive.
Emily Conklin is thee definition of a racist Karen, and she is trying to whitewash the history white children learn by erasing a rated PG Disney movie that has already been shown for years in Pinellas County schools, usually as a part of Black History Month.
Two immediate thoughts that come to mind are:
“The people who threw rocks at Ruby Bridges for trying to go to school in 1960 now are upset their grandchildren might learn about them throwing rocks at Ruby Bridges for trying to go to school.”
Look, Ruby Bridges was six years old when racist white parents (men and women) threw rocks and hissy fits because she was trying to get an education. A full year younger than most of the white children who are now being “protected” from learning the truth about what their grandparents did.
I guess these delicate snowflakes are so triggered by the racism of their elders that they need to get the Republican governor to whitewash away the truth.
I’m almost 40yrs old and I used to wonder how it was that in college, white kids my age genuinely believed that Martin Luther King, Jr. died of old age. But somehow, every single Black person my age knew the truth. How does that happen?? This is how it happens. This is a prime example of precisely how that happened and still happens—because to “protect” them from the truth, white kids weren’t taught that he was assassinated. It’s literally no different than raising generations of white kids to believe that 2+2=5. There’s going to be serious problems when they hit the real world. But what can I say? Conservatives like ‘em dumb and ignorant.
Anyway, this is how you get generations of fully grown white adults who truly honestly believe foolishness like “racism is over,” or “Martin Luther King basically ended racism,” or, “we don’t need affirmative action because there is no more racism; if anything it’s white people who are more discriminated against now.” (The majority of white people polled said the same thing in the 1960s too, btw).
Keeping as many white people as possible ignorant of the truth does not happen by accident. It’s very intentional. And that’s not to say that ALL white people are ignorant of the truth. Some of them, like Emily Conklin, know the truth, but just do not care.
And make no mistake: The same white people who want to keep their white children “pure” and “innocent” have ZERO problems criminalizing and sending young Black children directly to jail for even the slightest misbehavior in a classroom.
Evil, racist cowards (redundant, I know).
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scarrletmoon · 11 months
i’ll think about posting fic again and then i’m reminded that too many people in this fandom will happily excuse blatant racism from others
POC aren’t people, we’re just objects that get in the way of their fun by [checks notes] asking for basic human decency
like why would i share my work with people so selfish that they’d harass someone out of the fandom for daring to raise legitimate issues
and they’re so incredibly two faced bc the same people who insisted i was being bullied into taking down PB were friends with the person who raised issues to me, and they said the most vile, hurtful things bc that person was anonymous at the time. imagine people who you thought had your back turning around and calling you a pathetic, childish snowflake just bc they don’t know it’s you
like. i know i can’t prevent horrible people from reading my work. so maybe the correct choice is to just never post again? shittier people than me can do what they want, but i have a moral obligation to not share my stuff?
in the grand scheme of things this is some pretty pathetic whining (“waaaah i can’t get my little likes and comments on ao3”) and i should get over it but it’s sometimes a little disgusting and genuinely disheartening that i can try and try and try and white people just……..don’t change. and i’m always the bad guy.
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I'm in a bad mood and just straight up using this blog as a diary at the moment. Please excuse the indulgence, posts about old pictures of Chris Addison or whatever it is that I usually have on here will resume shortly.
Reasons why I’m in a bad mood today:
1) Got into an argument with my brother about comedy yesterday, which is always a bad idea, as he has been performing comedy for 13 years but has an incredibly bleak view of what comedy’s supposed to be. This is the first time I talked to him about comedy, and one of the very few times I’ve talked to him at all, since Christmas 6 months ago, when he said doing caricature Chinese accents isn’t racist (for the record he's never done anything like that in his set, it was just hypothetical, but he's the one who brought it up, I don't go looking for fights like this) and I said yes it is and he laughed and called me an oversensitive snowflake and then my mother burst into tears and yelled at my grandparents that they may as well go home because her children have ruined Christmas again with their chronic inability to get along. You know, fun family stuff. I know it could be much worse.
Anyway, I got into an argument with him yesterday that was not about racism, it was just about whether comedy should be focused on soulless commercialism and prizing a shallow club set over something more thought through (not saying all 20-minute club sets are shallow, but the ones he was bringing up are), and it contained the exchange:
My brother: He hasn’t even done a full show.
Me: Yes he has! I don’t know how many, but I’ve heard a recording of his Edinburgh hour in 2017, so that’s at least one. Pretty sure he’s done a bunch more.
My brother: Oh that doesn’t count, that’s a fringe festival, anyone can set up a show there and sell a few tickets because there’s a big enough audience to draw from. I mean he hasn’t done any show where you have to actually get booked.
And then I went home because too much exposure to that perspective on anything was ruining my soul.
2) Applications to work in a school in September have just opened. I applied to 20 schools across the city and I really, really want to get one. I’m okay where I am now, I know I’m privileged compared to many people, and compared to where I was just over a year ago, to be looking for jobs while already having a stable full time job, so I’m not desperate to find something due to risk of unpaid rent if I fail. But I really, really want a school job. For a whole bunch of reasons, the most shallow/least important overall, but also the one that feels most significant right now, is I am getting exhausted and burned out right now, and I would love to finish my UK trip in mid-August and then have a few weeks off work before starting a new job. Instead of getting home from a very busy trip and having to go to work on Monday morning and then having no more time off than 2-day weekends/a couple of 3-day weekends until we get our week off at Christmas. Again, I’m aware that I’m coming from the very privileged position of having a 2-week holiday booked while having a fulltime job (a job that gives me weekends off and a week off at Christmas, lots of people don't get that). But it’s a very tiring fulltime job, and a severely underpaid fulltime job (a school job would be about $8/hour more than I get paid now, and that would still be quite a bit below the national average hourly wage, for a job that is definitely harder than the national average job), and I am tired. I would like a school job where I still have to do this hard work but with somewhat shorter hours, for more money, and with more time off throughout the year. I really, really want that.
Anyway, yesterday I got an email from what would be one of my top few schools in the city where I’d most like to work, offering me an interview. I got really really excited, and then an hour later they sent a follow-up email saying they’re canceling the interview. One sentence, no explanation of why.
3) It’s too fucking hot. It’s too hot. It’s too hot it’s too hot it’s too hot and my place doesn’t have air conditioning.
I was thinking of this today, when you talk on the internet about it being too hot or too cold, you need to specify what you mean because “too hot” and “too cold” mean so many different things in different parts of the world. What are the temperatures that everyone considers comfortable? I have probably had conversations with people about uncomfortable weather where we’ve been talking about wildly different numbers.
I think the temperatures I find comfortable, as in I could feel fine outside if I’m appropriately dressed for the weather, would be about -10 to +15 (Celsius, I do not understand Fahrenheit). Obviously being appropriately dressed is important, I’m not going to be comfortable outside in -10 degrees in a t-shirt. But if I have a decent coat and hat, anything up to about -10 is all right. Beyond that, I’ll feel uncomfortable but basically all right if it’s +15 to +25, or -10 to -20. And I’ll be miserable if it’s below -20 or above +25. My range of temperatures that I find acceptable are not set at those numbers because that’s what I’m used to and it lines up with the normal temperatures in my area – for about three months of the year here, it’s regularly above +30. It just means I’m miserable for about three months of the year. It’s been highs of +34 all week this week. It’s fucking horrible.
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
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Aww shit. I’m sorry this took so long to reply to, I live my life outside fucking tumblr and this was all I was able to type out in between water and snack breaks from fucking @makemebehavelikeananimal ‘s mother.
It’s rich being told by a chucklefuck who can’t seem to shit out two sentences without a spelling or grammatical error that I’m not using the English language correctly. Are you a fucking grammar police? Are you going to shoot me because I told you fanfiction isn’t fucking new, that police kill people, and you’re a fucking moron? 
How ironic.
Meow I do admit what I type out is filled to the brim with expletives and a few run-ons but I think I’m getting my point across. I do understand when you have shit for brains and the attention span as long lived as a snowflakes drifting into the fucking hell shit nuggets like you all must crawl out of it’s tricky for you to do something as simple as fucking read, so let’s hold hands and take a walk through what I typed out just for you since you seem like you need the fucking  help.
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 As you can see at this point of the conversation I’m talking about the entirely un-unique ideal of people taking things that were already known media having fans write fiction about it.
There’s a fucking word for that.
It’s called ‘Fanfiction’
And it’s been around since at least the 14th century. It’s not fucking new.
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Now this point here I’m very clearly speaking to the point of ‘If you don’t like the thing it’s as simple as not interacting with it.’
Anti logic fucking baffles me. Why the fuck are you spending time on shit you don’t like? If you don’t enjoy, say, the new Game of Thrones series, then don’t interact with it. 
It‘s just that fucking simple.
I know I sure as flying fuck don’t after that absofuckinglutly disgusting pile of wet dog shit series finally.
Now having said that, lemme show you something:
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This is my tumblr. As you can tell even though I have a strong opinion about GOT, I don’t post mindlessly hateful shit about it like it’s a fucking keystone personality trait in the Game of Thrones tag of all fucking places. I’ve never fucking posted in it once in fact, well I have now bit it’s more to make a point. 
Because I’m not a needlessly hateful fucking cunt.
I’m just a regular justified cunt. Because I’ve been in two fandoms now that have been consistently shit on by everyone around them for my entire lifespan. If we’re not dealing with actual nazis
In the Star Wars fandom to the point it’s a fucking trope
AND in the Furry Fandom.
And even though every single person I know in both of these fandoms is shouting at the top of their lungs for everyone to, you know, just stop and listen to the fact there are
And actual racists
in these fandoms
and we’re dealing with actual attempts on our lives from these shit stains
the overall news media seems quite content to just sorta laugh like it’s fun.
It’s not fucking fun.
I don't fucking like you but I like you fucking less now that I see you dramatically flinging yourself over a fainting couch screaming about your incorrectly perceived racism and uhh transphobia? IDK were the fuck you’re even pulling that shit from but that’s an ass chewing for another time, because I mentioned that cops kill people and that you’re so fucking stupid you don’t understand that fanfiction has been a thing since humans could fucking write and just mind ya own fuckin’ business when I was actually awaken that faithful day in December back in 2014 while attending that very con at about 1 in the morning by hotel alarms and banging on our door that shit was going down right the fuck now and we need to GTFO. 
Only to learn the sick fuck set the bombs off in the stairwells, the only way to get out of the hotel because the elevators were disabled. So there was lots of people just sorta trapped.
Not the ones who did try to use the stairwell in all the confusion by the way,
those ones breathed in chlorine which isn’t fucking healthy surprise surprise.
Because we were just told to leave the hotel. No one said a fucking thing about the chlorine bomb set off in the fucking stairwells.
19 living breathing humans got sick from that attack. 
Many are still dealing with real life long term effects of what happened to them psychologically.
Some of them are dealing with real life long term effects of what happened to them Physically. Not to mention that this shit happened in the middle of December in Chicago. Everyone was evacuated outside, you know the ones who could actually get outside.
 At 1 in the morning. 
And told they couldn’t go back inside for many hours.
You know, just standing outside in their pajamas in the freezing Chicago winter. Only to be laughed at the next morning by almost every other fucking news channel out there.
You know, at the con that was chlorine bombed by a hateful fuck. 
Someone kinda like you.
I have literally been closer to death in that instance and every single fucking day just by living were I do and being in the fandoms I’m in. My heart doesn't exactly fucking bleed for you because you got upsetty that cops in a country you don’t even fucking live in kill a lot of people and that statement is fucking triggering to you.
I don’t give a fucking shit.
Be fucking mad about it, but don’t be mad at Me about it. I’m not a fucking cop. I’m not even a racist POS like you want me to be. I’m just a furry and a reylo who wants you to leave the fucking reylo tag if you’re gonna be a prick about it.
We were chlorine bombed at a furry con because people like you hate people like me.
You know what’s triggering to me? 
Assholes in my fandom spaces.
I fucking tired of assholes.
I’m fucking tired of anti shit stains who think it’s alright to hate the shit I love and think they can just openly mock fandom they don’t like to the point people in it have killed themselves from y’all’s harassment.
I’m going to happily spend every moment I’m alive telling you fucking pricks you’re not fucking welcome and to fuck off. And if I have to write a fucking mini novel to do it I fucking will.
I’m excited to watch that high horse you’re sitting on buck you off.
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So the next thing I talk about here is how Tumblr’s ‘based on your likes’ algorithm works against you because you’re so fucking stupid you can’t figure out why reylo shit keeps showing up on your fucking feed. This one is actually pretty straight forward, but I’ll explain it simpler just for you:
Don’t want fandom shit you don’t like showing up on your dashboard?
Don’t interact with the fandom.
It’s just that fucking easy.
I don’t like the Naruto fandom and I don’t want to see the content show up on my dash. It’s just as easy for me to fucking avoid it.
Now this next part! My favorite part!
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The part were I watched a whole person take their head and ram it so thoroughly up their own anus they’ve created a singularity that is now wildly spinning out of control, sucking every fuckwad who thinks it’s alright to send ‘kill yourself’ anons to fucking anyone at fucking all in close proximity right into it. So lemme ask what part here you read that implied I was sending you a death threat? Was it this part?
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Naw probably not. I don’t see anywhere I typed something like ‘I hope’ or ‘I wish’ In fact I believe the wording is ‘You Could’
The line ’You could die tomorrow’ isn’t a fucking death threat you daffy fuck. ‘Could’ is an implication that life is fucking fleeting and it can all get taken away tofuckingmorrow. Learn to fucking read for fuck’s sake how do you even use this site? You COULD walk out your door and get plastered by a drunk driver. You COULD sit down to enjoy a nice dinner and choke to death. You COULD walk down the street and find a black bear riding a unicycle handing out candy. But probably not. 
None of these are fucking death threats. It’s not my fucking fault you can’t read one single sentence and fucking understand it, that shit don’t make me a racist that makes you a fucking moron.
‘Could’ isn’t a fucking wish or desire. ‘Could’ is a fucking probability.
 I don’t want anyone to be shot by a cop. Like I don’t want anyone to be chlorine bombed at their own con.
But my talking about either of these things dose not fucking automatically imply I wish them on people, how the ever loving fuck does your warped fucking mind work? 
Do you fly off the handle like this every time someone plays ‘What if’ with you?
Do you throw yourself in to a diaper shitting baby tantrum every time someone tells you something you don’t wanna hear? Is this your fucking life? 
How fucking tiring living with you must be.
Life isn’t a fucking guarantee. That shit can get taken away from you any fucking second, not by my fucking hands that for fucking sure. I just want you to fuck off out of a fandom tag you’re being a useless fucking prick in. I don’t want to fucking see you ever again.
But since you wanna make a big fucking deal about police brutality, let’s check something out here real quick @makemebehavelikeananimal
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Oh, so you’re in the UK?
Well I’m glad reading literacy is just as fucking bad there as it is in America. Maybe the reason all these fanfictions getting turned into movies is so frightful to you is because you can’t fucking read and just assumed the movies have to be read too? Because you understand that’s not how that fucking works right?
Hey, lets check something out here:
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Oh my sweet mother of fucking Christ sailing across the fucking Nile. You’re making 10 shades of shit out of someone pointing out one of the over 1,000 deaths by cops in the US alone in 2021 and turning that shit into some kinda race dig when YOU live in a country that saw 3 fucking deaths by cops in that same year?
What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck.
I have been to a furry con that was Chlorine bombed and live in a country that has had over one fucking thousand police killings in 2021 alone and I’m less of a fucking brainless preachy twat about death than you. I literally have higher odds of dying by cop and I make less a fucking stink about this shit when someone brings it up. I want people to bring this shit up. This shit is fucking appalling, like your reading comprehension.
I’m not fucking sure how you hear someone mention police brutality and the ever fucking fleeting fragility of life and automatically go ‘well they must be being racist at me’ like I ain’t the one actually living this horseshit every fucking day. What kind of special moron are you? You’re going to be spending more time being dead than you ever will alive. You’re just going to have to come to fucking terms with that goddamn shit however someone as fucking stupid as you can, but boy fuckin’ howdy I ain’t gonna sit here and let some ignorant fuck like you tell me I’m racist for simply bringing up death.
Death is a part of life. We all gonna die one fuckin’ day ya dumb slut.
You’re not immune, I’m not immune, your dear sweet mother whom I have been fucking with a healthy vigor every single waking moment since I met you isn’t immune.
I don’t fucking have to wish death on people. Death is just standing aside waiting for one of us to twist an ankle while walking down the non-fucking-exsistant sidewalks we have here in the US because some dicks for brains decided back in the 40s/50s that everyone should have cars and fuck pedestrians which will cause us to inevitably get stuck by a car traveling over 60 miles per hour next to us. Death is just waiting for you to stand too close unmasked to someone with Covid. Death is just vibrating with excitement as some stupid pricks light another gender reveal explosive in a field that hasn't seen rain in 4 months.
I don’t wish death on people. I make a point of that. I’ve been being told to go fuck off and die because I draw furries since I was a child. I know what it’s like to be told to go die. It’s not fucking fun.
I don’t send death threats on this shit stain site, not when I have useless fucking bell ends like ya’ll sending them to me all the time. We’re past the count of 18 by the way, 4 of them have been from your crew. Congratulations, your online friends are just as fucking trash humans as you are. I’ll be honest with you, I want you to live a long miserable life. I want you to survive until you’re a practically immobile shriveled festering lump of bitter old fuck that is just as dead on the inside as your cold fucking heart. I want you to die at an impossibly long age an old bitter cunt surrounded by people you hate and who hate you in kind since you’ve made every personal slight into issues that don’t even fucking involve you because that’s all your myopic world view can work with. I hope one day very far from now you die a very old lonely miserable person because you’re a fucking cunt who never made a single ounce of meaningful human contact in all your long lived years since you’re such a cantankerous stupid fuck who’s physically and emotionally repulsed any person that might have loved and cared for you in your last long moments. Fuck you OP. I don’t give a shit that your a POC. I care that you’re a fucking tasteless cunt spewing needlessly mean shit in a tag you don’t fucking like.
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Now dick off.
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2rocksandastoner · 1 year
Mario: You’ve never played video games and you don’t really know who else to choose. If that’s not the case, then wtf is wrong with you
Luigi: You recognize that Luigi is #1 and that he deserves better. You’re pretty cool
Peach: You’re a 5 year old girl who’s only playing because your mom forced your siblings to let you in, you’re a female twitch streamer that probably sucks at the game but you still have a really good setup and view count, you’re a trans girl looking for euphoria, or you’re a roseboy
Daisy: You recognize who the superior princess is (if this is the case you probably hate Peach), OR someone took Peach before you could get to her and now you’re salty
Yoshi: You’re cool, probably have quite the appetite, and like how cute and carefree he is. You would die for Yoshi. You may also really like Kirby
Birdo: Trans rights, nice
Wario: You watch Family Guy unironically and like offending people for fun. You’d call someone a snowflake no matter what, even if they cried after you stabbed them. You’re a scumbag cis teen boy who’s totally about to cheat, especially if playing with little siblings/cousins. You need to touch grass urgently, but even more so if you’re an adult. You also think racism/bigotry in general is inherently funny. It’s not and you’re probably a walking red flag. How do you sleep at night
Waluigi: You’re jacked and get so many bitches. You’re a god at the game. Your friends adore you, you have an enormous dick if applicable, and you’ll get into a great university but will never get into Smash. Or you’re just in it for the meme and this is your entire sense of humour and it’s annoying 😐 Either way, you may be kind of a loser, but the font of loser may vary. You may also cheat at the game every so often but you’re not the salty type like Wario
Toad: You’re really annoying. Like, it’s your whole personality. You do have potential as a person unlike most people who play Wario, but this is still becoming a problem in your day to day life. Please seek help buckeroo, it gets better.
Toadette: You’re either a little girl or a grown man. If you’re neither of those, you’re cute, do you want my number?
Koopa: You’re scrawny and quiet. You also may not have much of a personality. You may also be a bit of a simp. Do you wanna pick another character?
Dry Bones: You’re scrawny and quiet but also kinda hot. Want my number? Also you may be alt/emo and have fringey hair and you probably don’t have the best diet but who am I to judge
Goomba: …did you hit that one on accident? If not, have you been doing okay mate? If I were to take a wild guess, you just need a blorbo in your life and happen to have questionable taste. Idk man but you’re difficult to read and I don’t like it
Hammer Bro: You’re a teen boy (likely cis) who wants to stand out from those who play Koopa (though you’re not much of a simp). You may also be kind of a dick like those who play Wario (though you have plenty of potential to grow and change as you get older), and you fight your friends with sticks for fun. You also may have had a nerf or sonic phase, and may also like metalworking, cars, or other stereotypical cis male stuff. You would probably call me a slur.
Boo: See Dry Bones, but you may not be scrawny. You’re a bit spooky, quiet, and intimidating at first but really really cool. You don’t smile a whole lot but you’re chill. You dye your hair a lot. Want my number?
Blooper: what
Kamek/Magikoopa: You’re probably a mage in any RPG game. Speaking of which you’re probably a nerd and probably not very into Mario Party. I’d still probably have a short lived crush on you. Keep your nerdy lil head up, fren
Shy Guy: You’re a shy guy yourself, or the feminized version of Shy Guy lives in your head rent free and also you’re trans. Regardless you’re kinda quiet, and you’re cool but either don’t see it, or you know it and (this may or may not be related) you’re kinda quiet (if related, it’s likely because that’s how some cool kids do it. Whatever floats your goat, man.) You’re chill/laid back
Spike: You just wanna be cool like the older cousins you’re playing with because they’re your favourites and you never get to see them, but you’re loud/talk too much and might be kind of annoying. Don’t worry, we know you’re trying your best. Keep smiling, friend :)
Monty Mole: You like to remain somewhat anonymous and blend in with the crowd. Everyone you play Mario Party with questions you, but you understand Monty. Monty probably understands you too in a way
Pom Pom: I have your social security number. Wtf is wrong with you? Where did your life go wrong? You’re certainly not okay in the membrane (as Lily would say). Stop
Bowser: Hey Daddy, I ain’t nobody’s butler but what kind of sandwich do you want me to make you? Pls take my number, there’s a chance you’re a red flag but the green flags who play Bowser are good enough to risk it all for 😍
Bowser Jr: You’re me. You also really like the Koopalings and wish you could play as them. Bowser Jr is your little blorbo and you love him to death. You’re cool. If that’s not the case, you’re the little sibling or cousin that nobody wants to play with because you’re a sore loser and a brat (and you know it and take pride in pissing everyone off) but everyone has to put up with you bc your parents/relatives/etc said they have to. If you’re an adult and fall within the latter category, you’re horrible to smoke with and you tend to get no bitches (I get bitches and run a stoner podcast loved by the rocks and our lovely listeners, it does get better mate) (link in pinned post to both the podcast itself and the trailer if you wanna listen to something stupid, we really appreciate your support!! <33)
Rosalina: You’re not as cool as you wish you were (at least not in your eyes), but your taste in women (if applicable) is pretty good. You want to be like Rosalina irl. Out of the main 3 Mario Girls, if Rosalina is your favourite, Daisy is likely your second favourite
Donkey Kong: You would rather play as Funky Kong, which is a red flag in itself, or you have big dick energy and are either jacked or <5’3”. Also, 🎶 D.K… Donkey, Kong… 🎶
Diddy Kong: You’re like the Toad players but think you’re special. You will either grow up to be homophobic just like your father, or you’re a trans preteen. You like arson and jetpacks, and you have may have trouble growing facial hair if applicable
Something feels missing here but I tend to be able to read people really well, lmk if you guys want one with every Mario Kart character :3
Bonus, Koopa Kid: damn youre old
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bananahkim · 2 years
Heyo!! I meant to tell you on the post on Twitter but I got distracted lol.
The Star and Tom art that has to do with— I’m not really sure what to call it? I’ll say the “toleration” of one’s culture or personhood rather than acceptance!
It somehow really hit home for me? Idk I don’t really get so emotional about art in that way but I just really felt it in my bones. Not only can you feel how sad and beat down it feels to be approached that way by a partner you care for but also how Star is just so…oblivious? I can’t describe how that feeling feels to me but that comic really says it better than I could ever.
You really reached into my guts and jangled some stuff around. It’s stuck with me all day.
Just wanted to say how much I was moved! Really all your art is literally so gorgeous and emotional for what reason!?? Ughhhh it makes me feeeel thingssss.
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No big deal
YEAH! Yes! You understood what I meant! Star just casually doing racist things and not even being aware of it and Tom not understanding it first and being ‘okay’ with it, and then when he thinks about it later and realizes that what Star said(or did) was very offensive he can’t do anything about it. He’s obviously been through this for some time but he still can’t do anything about it because if he does he’s instantly be stigmatized(?) as the angry demon kid who’s ALSO too sensitive, and therefore doesn’t fit for this sweet harmless mewnian girl. Star will never understand or realize what she’s done is wrong, she will never understand how Tom felt and that’s really tragic because Tom loved Star so much.
When I was making this comic I was very insecure about everything, I posted this text on both tumblr and Reddit a day ago and while people on tumblr understood what I meant, a lot of redditors argued that Star was just being herself, she’s a teen, disliking one’s culture doesn’t make you bigoted, she was fighting against racism(therefore she can’t be racist?) etc etc. and it became the 3rd most controversial post this year on the subreddit. I know I shouldn’t mind people like this but I was so discouraged. Maybe I was being a snowflake? Maybe I was just overanalyzing, overreacting, and even making up things?(and then I let go of these thoughts and got mad and made this comic lmao I make more art when I’m mad)
Thanks SO much for sending me this ask, I wanted people to feel the same emotions Tom(must have) felt while reading this comic. Also it feels so good that you got emotional about it, hehe let’s be emotionally destroyed TOGTHERRRR
(I also found(developed? Idk how to say it) a new art style that fit me!)
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papirouge · 2 years
If anyone is pro life, you cannot ever support a scrote like Elon musk who PURPOSELY MURDERED any baby girl to have only boys with multiple women from IVF. I’ve seen so many conservatives praise him for “protecting the kids” and it’s sick. He killed babies
he literally murdered innocent baby girls but people call him based for not like trans agenda. He’s ONLY against it becaus his ex is dating a trans woman and one of his sons is trans. Fuck off fuck off fuck off I hate him so much. I don’t even think we’d see such apathy from the public if it was the other way around. If he was killing only baby boys - people would be sick. But since it’s only girls, it’s a joke. We need to bring up the misogyny even in pro life circles where baby girls had been the target of abortionists for years.
Multiple babies are dead because they were girls… it makes me sick. I hope elons downfall is soon
If we're being honest, Conservatives stan Elon just bc he pissed off the Liberals, that's all. That's this basic, contrarian energy that makes them feel some sort of fulfillment by proxy by projecting themselves onto a billionaire writing shit on the web....tragic. As I previously said, Elon is taking the spot of Trump by being this antagonistic/polarizing character that people pick to project their own obsessions....
With that in mind, there's no point to expect any remote consistency from them when it comes to whoever they chose to support:
it's #freeKanye and #BoycottBalenciaga when Kanye was walking down the catwalk for Balenciaga a few months prior and none of them had the honesty to call this out and decided to target Kim instead...
they pretend being prolife while routinely clowning Black baby mamas when they're the parent who's chosen to keep the baby
they'll clown "wokies" for seeing racism anywhere and make race a bigger problem than it is/make everything political, and the whine about Black Panther and complains it's a devise movie just because it's starred by Black people...
they'll joke about "muh tRIgeRrEd sNowfLaKes" and then act shook about a children fairytale movie with a race switch for the main character... (btw weren't they supposed t boycott Disney a while ago?)
I don't know much about Elon and am not that much interested in him, but it's true there's a weird vibe surrounding his family. Beside the genetic selection of their offspring (that makes me believe they are some branch of 13 satanic families), there's this weird incest thing with his father dating his adoptive daughter which moralist Conservative Elon stans are oddly quiet about....lol Like, you can't clown trans people all day saying they're destroying the Western world, and then turn a blind eye on straight up incest (which btw affects A LOT of people - much more than we think)
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srirachaz · 4 days
the reason why liberal vs conservative youtube debates never work is because conservative talking points are short and sweet (fuck muslims, poc, women, lgbt, poor people, and black people specifically, because “god,” white supremacy, and american exceptionalism and individualism) whereas liberal talking points require time and have nuance (well actually we need equity and respect and community and intersectionality and we need to dismantle systemic racism/classism/sexism/xenophobia and etc etc and this is why—)
also because conservatives lack empathy which is frustrating for the average person with even kindergarten level empathy to converse with.
conservatives also have such conviction that there was no hope to change their mind in the first place, so when the liberal “snowflakes” start crying or get upset bc they can’t understand why the “pro-life” conservative doesn’t care about the safety of children in schools or the welfare of people who don’t wish to be mothers due to any situation, but especially when there was trauma involved or they were a minor, then the conservative won the debate because they kept their cool in their assholeishness
like wtf sorry that i care about people who look different that me and have lives, values, and beliefs that differ from mine.
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mikeo56 · 9 days
I think we can all agree recent years have been a golden era for opponents of free speech:
Riot cops will take a truncheon to your bonce if you hold a sign saying “Prince Andrew is a sweaty nonce”; counter-terrorism police will break down your door if you get too many likes posting “Free Palestine”; you can be banned from Facebook for sharing factual information (to protect the public from misinformation); tech CEOs who aren’t censoring enough can be arrested and forced into compliance; and a guy in Berlin was prosecuted for satirical use of a Swastika by Germans who are supporting another holocaust. Thankfully, these censorship rules don’t go too far…
For example, you can say racist things about immigrants and refugees and this means you have “genuine concerns”. You can tell a Jew who opposes genocide, they’re the “wrong type of Jew” and that is totally fine. Real racism is when you disagree with the establishment.
Thankfully, our hate speech laws are targeting the real racists: ethnic minorities who challenge the establishment, and anyone who thinks Palestinians count as human beings.
Nothing gets a white supremacist aroused faster than telling black and brown women they’re the real racists. Therefore, it’s perfectly understandable that police arrested Marieh Hussein when she held up a sign at a protest, depicting Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman as coconuts, just because their policies blasted brown people to pieces. Anti-genocide protesters are so unreasonable.
The people who hate cancel culture were fully supportive of Marieha’s arrest and wanted her to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is because you have no right to offend people like us, you bastard fucking snowflake idiot cuntfaces, fuck you! Being offensive is only acceptable when we do it.
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One of Marieha’s most ridiculous defences was that she was using satire to highlight the hypocrisy of our politicians. All I can say is anyone who would resort to satire is a child who is incapable of articulating themselves in a grownup manner. Personally, I would ban all satire, unless it’s pro-government satire, of course. We should all learn to punch down, not up.
An Asian woman cannot depict Asian politicians as coconuts, but Asian politicians can tell Asians to fuck off back to where they came from. “How can they be racist when they’re criticising their own race?” is only an acceptable argument when you’re punching down.
Absolutely no one at the anti-genocide protests felt Marieha’s placard caused them “alarm or distress”, but days later, police saw the sign online and decided they should have felt alarm and distress. Clearly, everyone who saw the sign on the day was wrong. Therefore, Marieha needed to be punished to protect the people who weren’t alarmed or distressed.
You might not be able to get a police officer to visit your house when you’ve been burgled, but you can rest assured officers are focusing on the important stuff.
Metropolitan Police recently announced they have a dedicated thought police officer who trawls the internet to identify thought crimes. It appears the decision to arrest Marieha was made when attention was drawn to a photo on social media. It was at this point the thought police officer yelled: “Yes! I’ve caught my first thought criminal!” and eagerly arranged for Marieha to be dragged to Room 101. I’m unclear why she was ever allowed out. Due process is so unnecessary.
One of the more heart-warming aspects of this story is that Marieha was eight months pregnant when she was forced to stand trial, making the process extremely uncomfortable for her.
Marieha’s lawyer argued in court that anti-racists should have “the right to criticise members of their own race for pursuing racist policies”. How anyone can think politicians should be criticised for being racist is beyond me.
The prosecution could not present a single witness to testify they were alarmed or distressed by Marieha’s coconut sign. I’m unclear why they never asked me, because I, a white woman, would have gladly lectured ethnic minorities about their racist opposition to racism. This could have been my moment.
It’s a national disgrace that Marieha was acquitted of the Aggravated Public Order Offence (thought crime). Horrifyingly, the judge decided the thought crime was fine because it came under the “genre of political satire”. All I can say is anyone who appreciates political satire is a fucking weirdo who should be shunned by civilised society. What is wrong with these people?
Understandably, the thought police were devasted by the court verdict, A spokesperson said: “While we did not get the outcome we deserved, at least we vindictively made a mother suffer during the final stages of her pregnancy and put the health of her unborn baby in jeopardy. She will think twice about upsetting the establishment again, won’t she?”
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leftistgamedev · 8 months
I really wish people understood the difference between punching up and punching down
Like why is it that we all universally understand it’s fucked up to beat someone up who’s been been up so much they can’t stand up for themselves and it’s not fucked up to beat up the person who beat them to this pulp to begin with,
but we can’t understand that calling a black person the n-word is fucked up and it’s not fucked up to call a white person a snow roach.
Black people are still systemically oppressed in the US. I don’t know why some white people want to pretend like we’re the new victims of racism because my friend called me a cracker and it made me sad.
Like, I thought the left were the special snowflakes? Some people need to get over themselves.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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The Florida mom whose solo protest got a poem written for President Joe Biden’s inauguration banned just admitted a long history of sharing anti-Semitic propaganda.
Daily Salinas, who is Cuban by birth and speaks English as a second language, petitioned her children’s school to ban students’ access to Amanda Gorman’s poem “The Hill We Climb” in its entirety because it “mentions communism.”
Salinas said her aversion to one word in one poem stems from her Cuban identity.
“I see the word ‘communism,’ and I think it’s something about communism,” Salinas said.
“I didn’t read the words.”
Yet, the one complaint from one mom got the poem restricted BECAUSE FLORIDUH.
I’m pretty sure racism translates across all languages equally because Salinas also petitioned her kids’ school to restrict books about Black poet Langston Hughes as well as Black and Cuban history.
The Miami-Dade School Board opted to restrict all but one book about Cuba from grades K-5 while leaving them available to middle school students.
Because of one narrow-minded Florida Mom.
Since when does one person decide what the majority gets to do, or read?
Salinas said she had just been expressing her “opinion” that they did not “support the curriculum” but declined to elaborate.
She said she had only read parts of the books. “They have to read for me because I’m not an expert,” she said of her kids.
“I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education.”
How much more Floriduh can you get? WAY MORE, as it turns out.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reports that Salinas is aligned with Moms For Liberty and the Proud Boys, which explains SO MUCH.
Long before her snowflake self was worried about a word in a poem, Salinas was shamelessly sharing anti-Semitic posts, tropes, and memes on her social media accounts.
Shocking, said no Jew ever (including your contributing writer here).
Salinas has now deleted a Facebook post where she shared the century-old anti-Semitic Russian-written forgery called “The Protocols of Zion.”
Her post included a list of steps depicting how “Jewish Zionists” would achieve world domination.
She also shared a graphic showing stages such as “Place our agents and helpers everywhere,” “Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism,” and “Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary.”
Yeah, I don’t think this is a language barrier issue.
But in her apology, where she once again leans into the “I posted but didn’t read the whole thing” excuse, Salinas claims to “love” the Jewish community.
Twitter always knows how to handle these Holocaust-denying haters.
Story continues below tweets:
This is white supremacist insanity. They banned ‘The Hill We Climb’ by @TheAmandaGorman because of the “expert” opinion of one racist parent, Daily Salinas, who hangs out with the Proud Boys, that it “is not educational” and “cause confusion and indoctrinate students.” We know… pic.twitter.com/7N1j4KXkR5 — Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) May 25, 2023
Yesterday the @MiamiHerald published an article on Miami Lakes parent Daily Salinas who challenged several books such as The ABCs of Black History. But what they didn’t report & we will reveal is Salinas’ ties to far-right groups like M4L & open support of the Proud Boys. 🧵 1/ pic.twitter.com/2F2e2Eo5CR — Miami Against Fascism 🌴☕️ (@MIAagainstFash) May 23, 2023
Daily Salinas at a Proud Boy rally with her husband Alberto Rego She is the reason for books like ABCs of Black History and Amanda Gorman poem banned Salinas’ has ties to far-right groups like M4L(Moms for Liberty) & openly supports Proud Boys Make her racism famous #Twitter pic.twitter.com/hu4QxrjEMT — AnonOpsUnited (@AnonOpsUnited2) May 23, 2023
Meanwhile, we can all still enjoy Amanda Gorman performing “The Hill We Climb” on the Daily, Salinas.
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pointless-letters · 4 years
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The staff at St. Imaginary’s are ever so good, they really are.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
hello, I’m uh, here to vent? warning, there is…a lot of swearing. a few months ago i was taking a nap after a solid 24 hours of being awake and my brothers were in the same room laughing and yelling and generally being loud as fuck, and after asking for the fourth time to please be quiet because can’t you see im trying to sleep here, i finally snapped and said “can you two shut the fuck up please? it’s good that you’re enjoying yourself but can you maybe do it elsewhere?” and my older brother said to my younger laughing, “it’s so funny when people tell me off for laughing, like sorry im not depressed” I KNOW YOURE DEPRESSED. SO AM I. DEPRESSION ISNT AN EXCUSE TO BE AN INSENSITIVE DICKHEAD. god every time I think about it im filled with such a frothing rage. those two…i love them but they’re fucking assholes. who do they think they are??? they ain’t SHIT. not to mention that my older brother (who is 20) and my younger (who is 11) have been spending more time together, and my older brother has some hella toxic traits that i don’t want anywhere NEAR my impressionable younger brother. despite my best efforts to get my older brother to tone down (I say tone down because because I’ve TRIED to get him to stop, and he fucking WONT. the best I can hope for is that he doesnt say that shit in public) the rape jokes and blatant misogyny and racism and…fuck he’s got a lot of issues.
at a certain point in life you became responsible for your own development, and i can’t get him to change if he doesn’t want to, which, fine, i can accept that, but my baby brother??? he don’t need that shit. he’s been picking up shitty behaviour from him since we’ve been cooped up together at home. he’s been swearing a fuckload (fine, i can understand that one, since I do it too, although not nearly like how I do when I’m venting online) and he’s rude to our mom (what the FUCK. WHY. HOW. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. IM SHAKING THINKING ABOUT IT. THIS WOMAN HAS RAISED THREE CHILDREN ALONE FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS WITH NO SUPPORT FROM OUR SHIT DAD AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO BE RUDE???) and he now thinks that raging and screaming and banging the table and kicking shit around is acceptable when the wifi is slow is completely normal and safe behaviour because our brother does it too. they think it’s funny! there’s so much shit i don’t want him picking up but for the love of god, how the hell do i do that when nobody in this goddamn household listens to me??? my brother made a shitty sexist joke the other day and i snapped and got pissed off at him (for the nth time, fuck) and he, what, called me a snowflake?? “it’s just a joke, you’re such a snowflake.” “what’s a snowflake?” “someone boring” and he had the GALL to look at me with this judgemental look on his face and say “are you a snowflake?” in a drawling voice. sorry if you think I’m BORING because I don’t support your shitty misogynistic views. you’re on your own, you asshole. I’d rather be a fucking snowflake than take that shitty behaviour near our brother. if it was just us two, me and my older brother, i might not have cared anymore after trying to help him the first few times, but there’s a fucking child in this house. you want him to grow up like you? and these two, they raise their voices ALL THE FUCKING TIME. me?? the only time I yell is when I’m calling someone from the other room, or online when I’m demonstrating my fROTHING FUCKING RAGE, such as right NOW. wanna know why? because yelling and shouting scares the fuck outta me, and i don’t want anyone feeling like i do. the reason im so goddamn angry online is because i refuse to be like them and take it out on other people. there’s venting, and there is hurting other people because what, your fucking minecraft won’t load? I’ve literally tried so hard to the point of actual tears to get my brother to stop raging but he just looks at me and says shit like “you wouldn’t understand, you never get angry”. uh actUALLY I CAN MOTHERFUCKING UNDERSTAND. BECAUSE YOU. YOU TWO GRATE ON MY FUCKING NERVES. HOW DARE YOU SAY I DONT UNDERSTAND. THE REASON YOU NEVER SEE ME ANGRY IS BECAUSE IM NOT LIKE YOU TWO. god im so sick of their shit. they’re my brothers and they’re precious, but I want to beat them up sometimes. I’m so tired. pretentious little shits UGH who do they think they ARE.
ray, the amount of time I’ve spent thinking about how to beat some goddamn respect into them is uncountable. every possible conversation that goes through my head i cannot continue because I can hear their responses, and they just fuel my anger even more, and I’m not even going to attempt to hold myself back in my mind. i have daydreams about ripping those two a new one and making them drink their respect women juice. osdjedlsdnkendkdn this is so long and im sorry about that but these two make my blood pressure skyrocket and I’m positive one day I’ll die from sheer fucking rage
Oh baby it really sounds like you needed to let all of that out and I don't blame you. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot from a lot of different directions and the anger, fear, and frustration you're feeling right now is perfectly understandable.
Honestly yeah your older brother sounds like a dick and, in my opinion, I'd be willing to put money on the fact that a lot of the things he's doing? He's probably doing them specifically to get a rise out of you, up to and including bringing your little brother into the mess. Because he knows what buttons to push and what things to say to get you to give him a reaction.
Obviously, I'm speaking from an outside perspective so I don't know all the finer details, but I say start stonewalling him.
Look to your safety first (especially since he seems to think that physical outbursts are acceptable and that kind of thing has a habit of escalating in many cases) but otherwise show him and his bullshit a solid stone wall.
You've tried talking to him, you've tried the emotional appeal. It's not working and it's not because he doesn't know he's doing wrong but because he doesn't want to stop. So don't give him that validation by showing him your outrage or your anger anymore. People who act out to provoke a reaction feed on that kind of thing and it traps you in this never-ending loop.
If he starts acting up then leave the room if possible. If you can't leave the room then scroll on your phone, read a book, stare into the goddamn abyss, just do not feed him that attention he so obviously wants.
If talking to your mom hasn't worked/isn't an option/etc I'd say you could try pulling the little brother aside and trying to calmly explain to him why what's happening is wrong if you haven't done that already. Just make sure you get him alone so he doesn't think he has to perform for your older brother.
It might work, it might not, but at least you will have tried.
Either way darling I'm sending good vibes in your direction and I'm here if you need to vent again.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
Attention fandom:
Seems we have another racist in our midst, and this time, is much worst. Can you imagine watching a show, and referring to the people this show is based on as ILLEGALS. AS RAPIST MURDERERS? That you’re okay with the LEGALS, and the ones who WORK, but the RAPIST AND MURDERER ILLEGALS, is where you draw the line, which by the way, there is such people in every race. But my problem with this is how she decided that due to her SOUTHERN HERITAGE, she could display such ignorance. Now, I’m not from the south, but I’m sure fans from the southern states of America can argue that they’re not as ignorant as this lovely lady. Also, let’s not forget that she’s totally cool with babies being placed in cages and that they LIKED being placed in cages because they are here illegally. So if you would like to block her, here is her username.
Would hate for any of you to experience what we did. You can’t watch a show about POC, and insult their people, spit on their people and think it’s okay. We were called snowflakes for having differing opinions. Differing opinions on television shows, music, movies or books, that’s okay, we have our own interpretation, gray area as some would say.
But human rights? Racism? We draw the line there ladies. She’s going to spout that we don’t support veterans, that we spat on the faces of people who protect our country. False, we don’t, it’s a consensus in America that we appreciate the sacrifices veterans have made, but their lives are being sacrificed to fulfill political means. That’s your pride? Sacrificing your own people?
She states that the resources being used for the “cages” should be used for veterans and you know what I agree, because at no place and time should they have been in cages, should they have been separated from their parents. So yes ma’am, the government should use their resources to help THEIR people. BUT. Don’t you fucking say that America is great, cause it ain’t. What was once a beacon for opportunity, to better ones life? AINT the reality anymore.
You can’t even walk in their SHOES. The hardship they went through, risking it all to come to a country who call them rapist, murderers. POC don’t all categorize all of you as Neo-Nazi’s so I guess we shouldn’t generalized people should we now. There’s a better term for your so called ILLEGALS, non-citizens.
Also, she states it’s disrespectful to kneel for the flag. Now, kneeling is usually a sign of respect and I’m almost certain Kaepernick spoke to a veteran who stated that if anything, kneeling was more respectful. As a white woman, it is absolutely ridiculous for you to CHOOSE not to see that he’s not disrespecting veterans, he’s choosing to kneel due to police brutality, how black people are being killed, people of colored are being killed for not being white.
Regardless, she’s showed her true colors. Don’t support a POC show when you yourself spit on their faces and call people snowflakes.
By all means, I’m not telling you all who you can and cannot follow, but you have the facts.
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aajjks · 2 years
by the way, i am a poc. why are ppl arguing? not all white people are racist just as not all black people are going to rob you at night. those presumptions are unfair and to do with race. just as the n word is designed as a rude word for black people, snowflakes etc. is used for white people. being white is the worldwide hype, i get that. but, it’s everyone who has more melanin that wants to be whiter, that is what is contributing towards race discrimination. it makes being white seem superior. you wanting to be white is contributing to the problem. if you aren’t comfortable in your skin colour, you are contributing to the problem. we’re all of the human race. that is the one race that matters. for everyone else: she didn’t set boundaries. she makes fic only for poc. that is fine. the person who wanted to read knew that but it was the obnoxious comment ‘not like white people’ which was atrocious and way out of line. there boundaries were gone there. if someone said that about a poc people would be coming for them left, right and centre but because it’s someone white, they disregard it because it CAN’t be racism. it’s upsetting me even if i’m not white. the whole point of racism is that every race is treated differently based on skin colour. racism won’t stop if we keep making unnecessary comments that insult one race and praise another. people like them are the reason why racism exists. sure, most racism is towards poc but not all. some towards white ppl (sure they didn’t get lynched etc. but the little snide mean girl comments will be pushed away because it’s not of much magnitude as lynching??). it’s more to do with putting an end to all racism. the little comments, the looks towards certain races etc. and you can’t blame white people for their ancestors actions). also, they call the other person ignorant for reading fics based on poc but that wasn’t their issue it was the rude comment based on their race. i’m not tryna argue but because people view white people as what they aspire to look like; it creates this division that white > black, so they can’t be seen as equal. the unjustifiable nature of the dunya is questionable. why are people being so rude to white people as well? is this your way of getting back at what their ancestors did? nothing has to do with the fic being based on the writer’s description of the black oc. it was to do with the rude comment. can you people not read? how would you feel reading a white oc based fic (that you chose to read because you don’t care about the race of the oc - it doesn’t change much about the story) and then the writer dissing black people. not all people who read ‘x reader’ fics are imagining themselves. i, for instance, imagine the character as based in the story because the characteristics of the oc will never be the same as me. i’ve had times where as a poc, they describe blushing, but it doesn’t matter to me because i don’t view the character as myself. hating all white people is discrimination against white people. i have met lots of white people who are not racist and those who are. it doesn’t mean i hope for them all to die. stop being drastic. if one friend betrays you, will you, in turn, betray your other friends? no, that just cause more issues.
I think writing fics specifically for poc is setting a big boundary itself, and I checked out their blog and they have specified that they only write for poc’s and are not comfortable with white & minor people interacting!
Yes presumptions are unfair but i think that should apply to all.
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