#It's also my new profil pic on AO3
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Just married.
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I'm back, more or less. And I have a new profile picture, because the old one looked a little dopey and I like how crisp and angular this one is. My digital artistry skills might not be all that, but I'm pretty proud of the result. Also, I just realised that I have an ask page. So I've enabled it, and now if you have any burning questions about any of my written work, or about my crippling peanut butter sandwich addiction, or you just wanna say hi and share a drawing, then you may do so. Depending on life and my headspace, I may not get around to answering things right away, but I'll do my best to respond when I'm able to. I appreciate your understanding in advance.
I will continue to write in the meantime, and I'll post updates here every now and then, or when I finish and upload something. There's now a link to my AO3 profile on my page, so if you want to snoop around and see what I do, then you're more than welcome to do so. Any and all feedback, whether through kudos, follows or comments, is always appreciated :) So that's it for now. Enjoy the new crow, and have a nice day!
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starryeyedjanai · 9 months
bad boys do it better
rated: teen | @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: modern au tags: dating apps, innuendo, bad flirting read on ao3
Eddie finally opens Tinder after downloading it in a fit of desperation.
He's tried everything but these stupid apps—bars and clubs and pottery classes and rock climbing—trying to find someone he can connect with.
But he's mostly found guys that string him along with whispered sweet nothings and half-promises they don't intend to follow through on.
So he makes his profile and then promptly fumbles and drops his phone because— no fucking way.
There's no way this is real life.
There's no fucking way the first guy to pop up is Steve fucking Harrington, his unfortunate and longest lasting crush in high school.
He picks up his phone and sees Steve's face staring back at him, unassuming, a bright, cheery smile on his face.
Steve, 28 2 miles away "Hope you like bad boys because I have it on dvd and vhs" Interests: baseball, basketball, live music, movies
He taps to get to the next photo and lets out a shaky breath—the shorts of what can only be his Halloween costume are so short, exposing hairy thighs that Eddie wants to sink his teeth into.
The next photo is a snapchat picture of him grinning wide, cradling what might be the world's ugliest dog, the text across the screen reading my nephew is so handsome 🤩🤩🤩.
The last is an obligatory shirtless mirror pic, not showing off washboard abs, but the soft, toned skin of his stomach.
He closes the app, sets his phone down, and breathes through his nose.
This can't be real, right? In what world would Steve be the first person in a sea of profiles in San Francisco of all places?
Eddie expected him to chase after Nancy Wheeler when she went to Boston, but he didn't stick around long enough in Hawkins to find out if they ever rekindled their will-they-won't-they relationship.
Maybe he's just visiting. Maybe he found his match and just forgot to delete Tinder. Because there's just no way Eddie has this kind of luck.
He opens up Instagram and searches for Steve and finds him right away because they're probably still Facebook friends.
He scrolls through his profile and deflates a little, because all of the pictures on Tinder are from his Instagram. Which means it's probably much more likely that someone is catfishing using Steve's pictures.
Because the Steve from high school wasn't into men. And he's hot enough for someone to use his pictures to scam people or whatever.
He opens up Tinder again and his thumb is swiping right before he thinks about what he's doing.
It's a match!
Okay, now he knows it's a catfish. Or maybe it's a bot.
There's no world in which Steve Harrington would swipe right on him in the twenty minutes it's been since he created his account.
He types a message to "Steve" saying so are you a bot or just a catfish?
He doesn't get a response right away, so he clicks out of the messages, looking at profiles of what are hopefully actual people he can connect with.
His phone buzzes when the message from Steve comes in.
Hi3 Eddiems, cl!ck th3 linkin my proffile to . achat I am waitin9
He rolls his eyes and goes back to perusing profiles. It's not like he thought it was really Ste-
His phone pings with another message and he clicks back into the chat immediately.
That was a joke. There's not even a link in my profile
Eddie's heart beats a little faster, his fingers typing out a response.
So a catfish then?
Why do you think I'm a catfish?????
Because I know the guy in those pictures and there's no way hes into men. That guy was a jock extraordinaire in high school and very straight
You're awfully judgey for someone who was so anti-conformity in high school. Whos to say I haven't changed?
Or like, learned new things about myself?
Eddie's breath stutters in his throat.
Also you didn't really know me since we never talked.
Okay, I mean. It's pretty easy to guess that I was counterculture in high school by looking at me. So I'm still on the fence about the catfish thing
How about we meet up then? So you can see me in all my nearing-30 glory
And watch bad boys on dvd and vhs with you?
Dude, I am not inviting you to my house on the first date
That's a third date kind of thing
Oh yeah? Is it a back-to-back feature? We start with the vhs then move to dvd?
He can't believe he's entertaining this. A catfish wouldn't offer to meet up unless they thought Eddie wouldn't call their bluff. He kind of wants to see where this is going.
No see, we start with the dvd playing in the living room and then when we inevitably start being bad boys🥵 in the middle of the movie, we can pick it back up on vhs in my room later
To be clear, we stop the movie, right? I'm not sure bad boys has a soundtrack meant for the kind of activities we'd be doing
Oh for sure. I'd even put on my "let's get it on" playlist. As a treat.
Eddie can't help but grin. Even if this guy is a catfish, this is maybe the most fun he's had talking to someone in a long time.
Are you serious about meeting up?
Uh yeah, I can't have you thinking I'm a catfish forever
What's your favorite brewery?
Wanna do tomorrow afternoon at like 2 when it's not busy?
That sounds perfect
He isn't sure if it's really Steve or if he's going to be met with someone else or stood up, but at least he'll get to drown his sorrows if it doesn't work out.
Well—he's unsure until he gets the 'stharrington started following you' notification on Instagram a few minutes later.
He screams into his pillow so loud his neighbor thumps on the wall.
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odyssean-flower · 11 months
The Winding Path of Fate Chapter 4 - Spring: Moving In
Masterpost Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: You move into Neuvillette's (surprisingly modest) house Warnings: None except for restrictive gender roles, also for some reason Fontaine’s regency england (sort of) now? Note: I update this story on AO3 first so please subscribe to the fic there if you’d like to read it faster Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of neuvillette standing on the skull of the guy who failed to prevent his birth (or something like that)
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Neuvillette had a busy schedule today, so he couldn’t accompany you to his house. So, he had the Melusine Liath show you the way. Come to think of it, it was kind of funny how you didn’t even know where he lived even though you were married to him now.
“I have to go back home to get my things first,” you told Liath.
“Sure thing, Madame Neuvillette,” Liath said cheerfully, dropping her voice lower when she called you Madame. Madame Neuvillette. Those words gave you a sense of vertigo. Better get used to it for the foreseeable future.
Liath had been quiet during the earlier ordeal, but now she was humming and skipping alongside you.
“Congratulations on your marriage! I do wish that there could be a grander ceremony, though, and that all my sisters could be there as well. Hehe, they were so jealous when I told them that Monsieur Neuvillette asked me to be the witness.”
“Ah...sorry about that,” you said. “It must have been very dull and underwhelming for you.”
“No, it’s fine. I know how busy Monsieur Neuvillette is. I don’t think he would hold an extravagant ceremony even if he did have time. He prefers to stay out of the spotlight, you know?”
You thought about the first time you met him and your subsequent run-ins with him and had to agree. It was a strange quirk for someone with such a high-profile job, but perhaps he simply wanted to avoid the public gaze after spending most of his time being at the center of it. But why take such a job, then?
“Yes, I can tell,” you said. “I can relate to that.”
You and Liath went down the elevator and headed for the direction of your boarding house. No one looked or paid much attention to you at all. You had half-expected a giant spotlight to shine down on you as soon as you left the Palais Mermonia or a loudspeaker to announce that you were Neuvillette’s new wife. The world hadn’t changed after your marriage, even though the new ring on your finger felt like a shining beacon.
Of course, you weren’t so naïve as to assume that this would remain the case for the rest of your marriage. It would certainly get out sooner or later. You had no idea what you would do when that time came but opted to leave that aside for now.
“You know, Madame, I’ve seen you at the Palais many times before. To tell you the truth, I was a bit afraid to say hello to you because you always had that scary look on your face, but now I can see that you’re not like that at all. You’re a bit like Monsieur Neuvillette in that way. Humans are always too intimidated to approach him, but he is really very friendly.”
This wasn’t the first time you were told that you had a face that put people off. You honestly didn’t understand what they were talking about. As far as you knew, your expression was just how you always looked. But it might be a problem when it comes time to teach children. You made a mental note to work on it later.
“He is certainly more approachable than I expected,” you nodded, slowing down a little bit so that Liath wouldn’t be left behind. “And thoughtful to boot.”
Liath beamed. “Ah, that’s just what I’d expect from Monsieur Neuvillette’s wife! You really do understand him well!”
I wouldn’t go that far, you thought, but said nothing. You knew that the Melusines were close to Neuvillette, but how much did they really know about the truth behind this marriage? Should you try to find out what Liath knew?
But before you could say anything, you had arrived at your boarding house. It was a small, old building that housed twenty or so young women at any given time, and it had been your home for more than a year.
You asked Liath to wait outside and went in. You had already paid the remainder of your rent to the landlady, so all that was left to do was to get your already packed suitcase and sign out. Most of the other girls were out at work during this time, so you thankfully didn’t have to worry about running into anyone and having to make awkward conversation about why you were leaving.
A respectable young lady of a noble family technically should have found lodging with another family of similar rank. But you didn’t have any connections in the city that could take you in, and though you would never admit it, it was kind of fun having to live on your own and being responsible only for your own needs. Having to scrimp and be frugal wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world, but that feeling of freedom, of having to assert yourself? It was like breathing in cold air after spending a long time being suffocated.
To think you wouldn’t be able to experience that feeling again for a long time, now that you were married to the most powerful man in the nation (a fact that you still couldn’t wrap your head around). And even after this marriage was over, your job as a governess meant that you’d be at the mercy of whatever family you were assigned to.
Don’t think about it too much, you told yourself. Just keep looking at what’s in front of you and keep moving.
Your room was small and cramped, with most of the space dominated by the bed, closet, and desk. But it at least had a window, which made you more fortunate than some of the other boarders. Plus, you didn’t need to share it with anyone.
Your belongings were packed into your battered leather suitcase. You hadn’t brought much with you when you moved here, and you hadn’t bought many new things either. You wouldn’t need help carrying your suitcase, at the very least.
Picking up your suitcase, you turned back to look at your room one last time. The covers were neatly tucked under the mattress, the floor was swept clean, and everything you owned was in your hands. It looked just like how it was when you first moved in here, like there was never anyone living here at all. It probably wouldn’t be long before someone else moved in.
There was a weightless, hollow feeling in your chest as you walked down the narrow hallway that led to the front door. You felt like a ghost haunting the place where you once lived, like your existence had already been erased. This was a familiar feeling, one that you had felt at balls, dinners, and other social gatherings. A feeling that was your constant companion when you studied alone in your room while everyone else was out. You suspected that you would become even more acquainted with this feeling in the coming days and months.
Stop being so dramatic, you shook your head to get rid of this mood. You knew what you were signing up for. Just grit your teeth and get through it like you’ve always done.
Just then, you ran into a girl who was coming out of her room. “Oh, hey,” she said, then took a better look at you. “Wow, you’re dressed nicely today. And you’re moving out too. What’s the occasion?”
You weren’t exactly friends with this girl, but you had gone out with her and some other boarders for desserts from time to time, and it was fun listening to them gossip about the latest trends or scandals, even if you barely contributed. You wonder if she’d remember you for long after you leave.
A ready excuse was on your tongue, but you hesitated. The hollow feeling welled up inside you once again. But for some reason, you somewhat felt like defying it.
You looked the girl straight in the eye and said, “I got married.”
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Liath was chattering away as you two walked to Neuvillette’s house, but you couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying. Your heart was beating too quickly as you finally came to terms with what you had done today.
I’m actually married. I’m actually married to the Chief Justice of Fontaine.
You snuck one quick glance back at the receding boarding house. A surge of sudden homesickness welled up within you. You shook your head to clear it away and tried to think about something else.
At least you could enjoy the nice weather today. For the past week before your marriage, it had been cloudy and downcast, which hadn’t really helped your mood or nerves. You closed your eyes and tilted your head towards the sun, basking in the warmth.
The scenery around you gradually changed from familiar and welcoming shopfronts and apartment buildings to the stately and gated mansions of the Fontainian elites as you ascended towards the upper part of the city. The houses here weren’t as big as the country homes outside the city where the nobles spent most of the year, but they were still impressive. You tried not to gawk at all the finery around you, but it was difficult not to make comparisons to your small family home, located in a sleepy village just outside of the city.
I’m Madame Neuvillette now, you told yourself. Act more like it.
You straightened your back and stared directly ahead.
“We’re here!” Liath said, stopping in front of a wrought iron gate. “This is where Monsieur Neuvillette lives!”
There was a long white gravel path that disappeared up ahead, lined on both sides by trees. Neuvillette’s house was more isolated than you imagined.
Liath took out a key from her pocket and inserted it into a small door set into the gate that you hadn’t noticed until now. It was just the right size for a Melusine. Did Neuvillette have that installed for them? That’s really sweet, you thought with a surprising rush of warmth.
“I’ll run ahead and tell Ms. Marie that you’re here,” Liath told you. “She’s the housekeeper.”
“Okay,” you nodded, and watched as Liath ran down the path.
Left alone, you sat down on your suitcase. It was quiet here. All you could hear was the chirping of birds and the hum of bees. You had already gotten used to having the chatter of your boarding house neighbors and the sounds of activity outside your window as your daily background noise. This silence was discomfiting.
I want to run away.
That thought suddenly appeared in your mind. It wasn’t the first time.
You tapped your feet on your ground, trying to reason yourself to calmness. There’s nowhere for me to go. I can’t return home, especially after this whole affair, and I don’t have the money to find another place to live.
I want to run away.
“Shut up,” you growled to yourself. “You can’t change anything now.”
“Pardon me, Madame?” A woman’s voice came from behind you.
“Ah...” you jump up and spun around. Liath was back, accompanied by a middle-aged woman with brown hair and a friendly-looking face. “Hello,” you greeted her. “I’m--”
“I already know who you are, Madame Neuvillette,” the woman interrupted with a smile. Then, before your amazed eyes, she curtsied deeply. “I am Marie, Monsieur Neuvillette’s housekeeper. Welcome to your new home.”
She unlocked the gate and let you inside.
“I’ll be taking my leave now. I must get back to my post,” Liath announced.
You felt a jolt of shock upon hearing those words. You hardly knew Liath, but with her departure, you would truly be left all alone. There would be no going back.
The feeling of distress was so acute that it must have shown on your face, because Liath smiled at you reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Madame. Ms. Marie is really nice, and Monsieur Neuvillette’s house is incredibly comfortable. You’ll settle in quickly, I’m sure. And I think Monsieur Neuvillette would try his best to come home early today.”
Take me with you! You wanted to shout, but instead you plastered on a smile and said, “Thank you, Miss Liath. Have a safe trip back.”
“Bye!” Liath waved, then skipped off.
Marie closed the gate, then said, “Shall we go, then?” She picked up your suitcase and started walking back down the road. You hurried after her.
The white gravel road was somewhat dark due to the shade of the tall verdant trees on both sides. However, dappled sunlight still shined down through the leaves. It would be a calming, peaceful walk under any other circumstances, but you were a bundle of nerves. You should probably be asking Marie a million questions right now or at least making friendly conversation, like a proper lady, but try as you might, you couldn’t get the words out. Funny, you hadn’t felt this nervous when you moved to the city by yourself for the first time, or even during your marriage ceremony.
Marie didn’t seem to find your silence strange, though. She simply looked back and gave you friendly smiles every now and then and didn’t attempt to strike up a conversation. Perhaps she could tell how tense you were, which made you feel worse. The ability to maintain a veneer of calmness was one of your strengths.
Eventually, the road reached its end. Before you stood an elegant two-story mansion, yellow-bricked and blue-roofed. It had a wraparound porch that looked out onto a prettily arranged flowerbed, as well as a birdbath. The mansion was encircled by trees that cast their shade over it, giving it a somewhat gloomy appearance.
All in all, it was certainly a stately mansion, if a bit plainer than what one would expect for the residence of the Iudex.
“Huh...” a breath slipped out of you.
“Not what you were expecting, Madame?” Marie laughed.
You felt your face turn red. “No, no! It’s just that...I assumed that there would be more floors, and columns, and such...” you cleared your throat. “There must not be very many servants working here, then.”
“Not at all. It’s just me, and occasionally some hired help for the garden.”
“Just you?” you exclaimed.
“Yes. Monsieur Neuvillette prefers a solitary lifestyle, and he does not stay at home for very long due to his busy schedule, so there is no need for a lot of hands here. Ah, perhaps that will change now that you are here.”
“Oh, no, I doubt it. I can take care of myself just fine. There’s no need to change anything just for me.”
It was true, even back home, your family only had a single elderly housekeeper who had been around since your grandfather’s time, so you were already used to cooking for yourself and doing household chores. The thought of having to manage servants gave you a headache, so this came as a relief.
“You’re a lot like him, so humble and self-effacing. I can see why Monsieur Neuvillette took such a liking to you,” Marie said.
You smiled awkwardly but said nothing. This was the second time so you had been told something like that to you today. Does Marie know the truth about this marriage? I need to ask Monsieur Neuvillette about this later.
There were too many unknowns here for your liking.
You followed Marie inside the house. The interior was tastefully decorated but not ostentatious like the mansion that held the ball you attended last month. For someone with such a complicated outfit, his taste in fashion does not seem to extend elsewhere, you thought.
“I’ll bring your suitcase to your room, and then I will show you around the house, if that’s all right with you, Madame?”
“Yes, that sounds good, Marie,” you nodded.
You climbed the wooden staircase to the second floor. There was a set of double doors at the far left end, which you presumed to be the master bedroom. But to your surprise, Marie headed to the right and opened a door at the end.
“This is your room, Madame,” she announced, setting your suitcase down on the end of the queen-sized bed.
The room was much bigger than your old room at the boarding house. It consisted of a large bed with a floral bedspread, a wooden desk, an empty bookshelf, a vanity, and a closet. There was a closed door in the corner. You caught a glimpse of a window seat behind lacy curtains. Everything looked elegant and little-used.
It suddenly struck you. You had been so preoccupied with the marriage of convenience itself that the fact that you would have to sleep in the same room as your husband never occurred to you. But you supposed that you didn’t have to worry about that now.
“Monsieur Neuvillette wished for you to be comfortable during your stay here, so he had this guest room prepared for you,” Marie said, as though reading your thoughts. “I’m glad to see it getting used now.”
The word “stay” caught your attention. Stay implied temporality. Did Marie know everything? Before you could ask her, she gestured towards the closed door. “That’s where the bathroom is.”
Marie went on to show you around the house. As you guessed, Neuvillette’s private quarters, including his bedroom and study, were in the left wing. The drawing room, kitchen, dining room, and Marie’s room were all downstairs. There was also a garden in the back.
After the tour was done, Marie told you that lunch would be ready in a few hours. You decided to rest in your room. You were suddenly feeling exhausted.
Once you got to your room, you closed the door behind you and flopped onto the bed. It was incredibly soft and comfortable. It felt like you could sink down into it forever.
Is this what it’s like to stay in a hotel? You thought. You had never had that experience, but you thought that this was what it would be like, this mixture of giddiness from being in a new environment and the distant acceptance that you wouldn’t be here for long.
After lying on the bed for a few minutes, you decide to unpack your things and look around. The closet was far too big for your few articles of clothing, which looked tragically out of place inside the mahogany interior. You placed your books, including your beloved Remurian history books, on the bookshelf. You went into the bathroom to put away your toiletries and was greeted with the sight of a large, claw-footed bathtub, neatly arranged shelves of bath products, and a wide marble sink.
You closed the door firmly behind you and flopped back down onto the bed. The thought of moving again sounded like torture.
How did things turn out this way? You thought. I’m completely out of my element here.
The hollow feeling returned, stronger than ever. You buried your face in your pillow.
It would be one thing if you were brought here to work. But being a wife? Such aspirations, if they ever existed, had died out long ago within you. You weren’t sure you could even pretend to be one anymore.
It was funny how fate, seemingly so straightforward for you, could take this unexpected turn. You devoted yourself to becoming a governess out of the belief that you would never marry, and yet here you were, married to the Chief Justice himself (albeit temporarily). All the uncertainties and anxieties about the situation whirled through your mind. What would happen if people found out? Would you ever get hired by a family after this was over? Neuvillette said he would keep this marriage a secret as much as possible, but considering how it was the Hydro Archon who ordered him to get married, that would mean that you would have to meet her one day, as well as whatever high-society friends you had. Not to mention the fact that when all of this would inevitably come out, how would you deal with all that attention?
You buried your head in your pillow. It felt like you had dug yourself into a deeper hole.
Something your mother said came back to you. It had been during one of your arguments over giving up your future, when you had tried to explain that it was your destiny to become a spinster.
“Fate isn’t something so set in stone, my dear. Anything can drive it off course.”
You weren’t sure you believed that. In your opinion, some people were just destined to serve certain roles in life.
Yes, being Neuvillette’s wife was just another role. You needed to just think of this as a side path to your true goal. Sometimes, you had to go through temporary obstacles to achieve something. One year wasn’t so long, after all. Perhaps whatever you gained from this side path could help you in the future. You could try to make connections with the upper-class people in Neuvillette's circle, securing a good placement for yourself after this was all over. Or at least this could make for a funny story to tell people much later in life.
You sat up on the bed. Just like how you brute-forced your way into mastering all that a governess needed to know, you could brute-force your way into learning how to act as the wife of the Chief Justice. You wouldn’t be like Remus, panicking after something unexpected happened and making the worst possible decisions, leading to his downfall.
No, you would prepare as best as you could and keep moving forward. There was no other way.
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The pile of paperwork on Neuvillette’s desk didn’t decrease in any way, which was to be expected even after his marriage this morning.
Neuvillette methodically made his way through them. After a few hundred years of doing this, it had almost become second nature for him. What was different this time was that he found his mind wandering more often than not, and not towards the usual subjects.
Well, it is only natural for someone to be distracted when they got married a short time ago, he mused.
Neuvillette had been invited to many weddings in his time and even officiated some, so he knew that this one wasn’t particularly standard. But he thought that it was a pleasant one that suited the tastes of everyone involved. If possible, he would have liked to have the ceremony near a nice, quiet body of water, preferably in the shade, but there was no point in regretting things now.
The image of Miss [Name]--no, his wife—flashed through his mind. He hadn’t told her at the time, because he sensed that it would only make her even more uncomfortable, but he thought that blue brought out the color of her eyes and cheeks, giving her a more cheerful and sprightly air. She should wear brighter colors more often, he thought, but suspected that she would only give him that dead-eyed stare again.
It only occurred to him now that she might have chosen to wear blue today to match him. That made him feel pleased. It meant that she was going into this marriage with no hard feelings. There was something else to that feeling of pleasure as well, but Neuvillette couldn’t quite pin it down. That wasn’t anything new, though. Perhaps he would identify this feeling sometime later.
As Neuvillette signed more documents, he could keenly feel the weight of his ring on his hand, even though it was plain and simple enough that his glove could fit over it without issue. He had the rings made a short while ago and was glad that they were a good fit.
He could still remember the sensation of his wife’s hand against his own skin and the focused look on her face as she put the ring on him. How long had it been since someone had touched his skin? It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, though.
That was a good way to describe this whole affair. Not unpleasant.
He wondered how she was doing right now. He hoped she was settling in well. Though he had no doubt that she would get along well with Marie, he still couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. Did the room suit her taste? Should he have consulted with her beforehand? There was still so much he didn’t know about her.
For example, part of the reason why he had chosen her to be his wife was because she seemed to be a person of little emotional ups and downs. In his line of work, he often had to deal with intense emotions, something that could still overwhelm him at times. However, after getting to know her better, he learned that she wasn’t as calm and placid as he expected. There was a raging turmoil underneath that seemingly tranquil surface.
But it wasn’t all negative. He smiled slightly as he recalled her spirited speech about Remuria. There was something so charming about seeing a serious person lighting up in that way.
Neuvillette moved on to the next document, which wasn’t a document at all but a note. He sighed, recognizing the handwriting. It was from Furina.
He skimmed it before putting it aside. He already knew its contents before opening it. It seems that she wishes to continue her daily harassment of me even in writing, he suppressed a sigh. Furina had a packed schedule for this month, so she probably couldn’t find the time to storm into his office, hence the note. But eventually, he would have to tell her about his marriage and most likely introduce his wife.
He decided to put such thoughts aside for now. There was no use in worrying about possibilities.
At the very least, I hope I can look forward to a peaceful time at home today.
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Taglist: @just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
Ok, so something different to distract you.
I have this HC that Tom actually lurks on here and AO3 and reads our fics.
It makes me wonder what his handle would be. Would it be something so obvious that no one would think it was him and just someone else in the fandom? Or would it be more obscure and he can roam and lurk freely.
He must know we write stories about him.
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OK let's assume for a minute that after a cointreau or four, Tom enjoys whipping out the ol' laptop and seeing what's new with Loki because he's sentimental and wants to know his boy still gets love.
Bold as Brass Tom
Something like @kingtwhiddleston (sorry for tagging you but I just feel like your username would be perfect...) I think is so obvious that it would be, like you say, 'it couldn't possibly actually be him' - hiding in plain sight. Cue Zawe rolling her eyes as he chuckles to himself.
Touch of Mischief Tom
Something like @loki-is-my-alter (which is quite a good blog name and apparently, not taken) - he'd blend in just fine, reblogging all the Loki gifs and having a grand time on his lil blog with a profile pic of himself.
I also think he'd join in on Loki discourse on this account, things about his personality and what what. Some nice art, perhaps.
Deep Cover Tom
Something obscure - @1269londonjapes
He'd have a blurred avatar and we'd all block him cos it's a blank blog there ain't shit in the bio. Sorry, Tom.
In this world I will now HC with you @mochie85 - he sometimes reads a fic. But only if the guys are round and it's all a bit of a laugh. They do the voices between them. I think it sounds fucking great. Guys night wouldn't be complete without some live reading blush-inducing ribbing.
Annnnd that's my take.
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rosefuckinggenius · 7 months
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New profile pic from here because Pancake-JD owns my heart 💙
I also wrote a little Jdox ff on Ao3, if you’re interested!
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lucienne-my-beloved · 6 months
I was writing to prompts recently and wishing I had some good prompts featuring my favourite Sandman characters. So here we are. You are welcome to send writing prompts for Lucienne, Gault, Rose, Jed, Unity and Jessamy. I will try to match your prompt length—if you write me a story I’ll write the next chapter; if you give me a sentence I’ll expand on it for a sentence. These will be tagged #ficlets for Lucienne, and will go up on ao3 if you give permission.
I will also reblog original art or writing about these characters! You are welcome to tag me if you’ve made something new!
(Other characters are welcome in the prompt or art, as long as one of these characters is a main character. Dream can wingman for Lucienne but not vice versa. You get the idea.)
Header by @athymelyreply | Profile pic by @designtheendless | My main blog is @tryan-a-bex (Tryan, they/them) | There’s a tumblr community now! Dm me for an invite!
Thank you for playing with me!
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dinosquad-central · 4 months
Alright, after running this blog for over a year I've decided to make an actual pinned post—complete with a guide to my tagging system.
First off, who am I?
I am the sole moderator of dinosquad-central, obviously. You may call me Dino Mod, and I use any pronouns, including neopronouns that do not begin with x or z.
My Favorite characters are Caruso and Buzz. I don't actually know that much about dinosaurs in general; I just think they're neat. I'm the event coordinator on the Dino Squad discord server. And I love getting asks! (Although sometimes it takes me a day or two to answer them)
I tag posts with #dino mod to indicate that they are either original posts from me, or things I've reblogged wherein I added something to the body of the post, rather than just the tags. So if you want to browse my thoughts on the show, that's the tag to do it.
Now that you know who I am, what's Dino Squad and where can you watch it?
Dino Squad is a 2007 cartoon about five teenagers who can turn into dinosaurs, and you can watch it for free on YouTube. The first episode is called "The Beginning", but the series is episodic, so the order you watch doesn't really matter after that. If you want to watch in in order, there's an episode list on IMDB.
In the immortal words of my original pinned post, reblogged from @/deerlyloved: "Dinosquad is so bad please watch it forever 😌"
If you already know Dino Squad and want to hang out with other fans, we have a discord server! Anyone is welcome to join.
Is there anything else you should know?
Yeah, a couple of things, actually. But this is already getting long, so I'll continue under the readmore.
Firstly, I need to give credit where credit is due, and make sure y'all know that the person who made the banner I use for this blog, which is also the quintessential "there's like five of us" dinosquad fandom meme, is @scoutbot. Everyone say "thank you, scoutbot!"
My profile pic, on the other hand, is lifted from official Dino Squad promotional material, but if anyone wants to draw me a new one, I'd be willing to trade you a fic for it—DM me if interested.
Secondly, there's one type of tag I don’t list in the tag guide, and that's the type I use to fawn all over everybody's Dino Squad posts. In such a small fandom, every time someone makes something new for it, they do so knowing it won't get much engagement, so I want to make sure they get at least one person who with enthusiastically give a kind, thoughtful, personalized comment on their post. Creating for a small fandom can feel thankless, but I want to mitigate that as much as possible by saying thank you thank you thank you for hanging out with us and participating in our fandom.
I'll mention it a few times in this post, but as long as you tag a post with #dino squad (as one word or two) I am basically guaranteed to see it, and I'll reblog almost anything in this fandom. So if you want more of the stuff you like, I strongly encourage you to create it! I love to see new takes and new faces in this fandom, and I will always lift you up.
I think that’s it.
Wait, didn't I say something about a tagging guide?
Buckle in, because my tagging system is extensive and thorough.
Lets start with Basic Tags.
Every post about the show (which is 99% of what I post, since this is a Dino Squad blog) is tagged with both #dino squad (two words) and #dinosquad (one word).
In most other tags that feature the name of the show, I use the one word version, for consistency. More on that later.
Posts that are not about the show, usually either dinosaur/paleontology related posts, or occasionally technical information about this blog itself, are tagged with #not dinosquad. For cool dino fun facts and art, this is the tag to explore.
Every post on this blog contains at least one of these tags.
Next, how about some Character Tags.
Whenever a character is mentioned or very strongly implied in a post, I tag it with their full name, similar to AO3's character tags. You can follow any of these links to read every post featuring that character.
#Victor Veloci—That's his name, don't wear it out!
#Joanne Moynihan—AKA Ms. Moynihan, beloved mentor of the squad
#Rolf Maxwell—AKA Max, the squad's fearless leader
#Fiona Flagstaff—The Girl™
#Rodger Blair—Smartest kid in school
#Neil Buzzmati—AKA Buzz, the one who likes "punk stuff"
#Erwin Caruso—Yeah, his first name is Erwin
#Peter (Veloci's Assistant)—Remember him? Appears once in the first episode and never again?
#Rump (dinosquad)—The squad's pet dino-dog
#Liam (dinosquad)—Fan favorite autistic character
#Terri Flagstaff—Fiona's sister
#Winifred the Snake—Buzz's pet python
Obviously, some of these characters are going to have more posts in their tag than others, simply because people like and post about some characters more than others. If you want more post about your favorite character, Make Them. As long as you tag your posts with the fandom, I can basically guarantee I'll find them and reblog them to this blog.
That's not all, though, because there are also a lot of original fandom characters, and I tag for those, too.
If you want to see all of them, I use the tag #dinosquad oc on every post that features one, but I also tag them with the OC's name, in case you're curious about a specific one.
#Vega Veloci—Teenage transfem lesbian clone of Victor Veloci, created by @prometheus-adam
#Violette Veloci—Another female teenage clone of Vitor Veloci (though which one of them is trans is left to interpretation), created by @ufolvr
#Valentino Veloci—Male teenage clone of Victor Veloci, created by @al-gay-tor
#Iggy and Chloe—A pair of OCs by @musekicker who will be given individual tags when they have full names
#Gyrian Maelstrom—Buzz's dad who works for RaptorDyne and is also a dinosaur, created by @ufolvr
#Moss 'Rat King'—RaptorDyne employee self-insert, created by @hotratking5592
#Thysbe Ginko—RaptorDyne employee favored by Victor Veloci, created by @boysiinberry
#Miss Disma and Mouche—Head of PR at Raptordyne and her assistant, created by @boysiinberry
#Kalyeen—Raptordyne grunt, created by @boysiinberry
A lot of people seem to think that Veloci would be into cloning—can't say I would argue with them lol. On the discord server, people have shared way more OCs than this, but I can only reblog the ones that get posted about on tumblr. I anticipate this list will grow.
Ship Tags are a subset of character tags
Like with characters, if a ship is explicitly mentioned or strongly implied in a post, I will tag it with a ship tag in the format of characterA x characterB where A is the character whose surname comes first alphabetically. Posts about ships are also tagged with #Shipping.
#Rodger x Max—Those who like this ship often cite S1E2 "Growth Potential" as one reason
#Buzz x Caruso—Those who like this ship have cited S1E12 "Not so Great Outdoors" as one reason
#Moynihan x Veloci—A ship that is much more popular on the discord server than on tumblr
#Peter x Veloci—Remember Peter? Appears once in the first episode and then never again?
#Fiona x Vega—Ship between Fiona and @prometheus-adam's OC, Vega Veloci
#Caruso x Max—Those who like this ship have cited S2E10 "Scents and Scents Ability" as one reason
#Ginko x Veloci—Ship between Victor Veloci and @boysiinberry's OC, Thysbe Ginko
Most of the ship tags are pretty lightly populated, some only have one post. Suffice it to say, shippers are a minority in this fandom, but I still dutifully tag ships when they appear. If you want to see more of your fave ships, or have an idea for a ship not on this list, Create for it! I will happily reblog any ship for this fandom.
Now, let me tell you about my Categorical Tags
If you're looking for a specific type of post, for example, if you just want to scroll through all the headcanon posts, or all the fanart, that's what the categorical tags are for. These tags are usually accompanied by the word 'dinosquad' somewhere in there, and many of them are listed as featured tags on this blog as well.
#Ask—Someone sent me an ask to which I decided to post a public reply
#Character Analysis—These posts will always be tagged with the character being analyzed as well
#Crossover—These posts will always be tagged with both the other fandom in the crossover, and the primary character(s) from the other fandom that feature in the crossover
#Dinosquad AU—Posts about the Dino Squad characters or concepts in an alternate universe, whether it's completely different, or just minor canon divergence
#Dinosquad Fanart—Also tagged with #art and #fanart, in addition to the fandom specific tag
#Dinosquad Fic—Fan writing, typically, but not always, in the form of a link to Archive of Our Own
#Dinosquad Headcanons—Posts containing either a single headcanon, or a list of headcanons regarding the characters or world of the show
#Dinosquad Meta—Posts about the technical aspects of the show, like animation or writing, as opposed to the plot/characters/etc.
#Dinosquad Theory—Theories about the show, both in regard to the plot/characters, and the production (but usually the former)
#Episode Review—Posts in which a specific episode of the show is being analyzed, summarized, or otherwise reviewed
#Incorrect Dinosquad—Also tagged with #incorrect quotes, in addition to the fandom specific tag
#Poll—Posts that have at least one poll in them
#Prompt—Idea(s) meant to inspire the creativity of the members of this fandom. General prompts are distinct from the Dinosquad Monthly Prompts in that anyone can post them at any time. (more on the monthly prompts later)
#Rereblog—Posts that have been on this blog before but I'm reblogging again, either because something new has been added to them, or because there was nothing new for me to post, so I picked some old favorites to pad my queue. This tag stands in the place of all the things I originally tagged the post with, so when I use it I'll only add tags that apply to the new reblog
Most of these tags are self explanatory. Many have sub-categorical tags, which I've included either in the descriptions above, or in the Content Tags section.
After that come the Content Tags
Content tags tell you what's in the post, aside from characters, obviously.
#From the Dinosquad Discord Server—Posts containing content which was screen-shot or copy/pasted from the fandom discord server
#Dinosquad Monthly Prompt—The monthly prompts are part of an ongoing, year-round event hosted by the fandom discord server. Posts in this tag include not only the monthly prompts themselves, but also art and fic created to fill the monthly prompt. Members of the fandom server can DM me on discord to suggest prompts.
#Dinosquad Secret Santa 2022—We did a fandom holiday gift exchange in 2022 and posts with this tags are the gifts created for it
#Digital Art and #Traditional Art—Two self-explanatory sub-categorical tags for Dino Squad fanart
#Feathered Dino Forms—Posts wherein the characters' dino forms are described as or drawn having feathers
#Overheard at RaptorDyne—Posts about working at RaptorDyne, mostly incorrect quotes.
#Max Gets No Respect—Posts about the squad disrespecting Max, also mostly incorrect quotes
#Morally Gray Ms. Moynihan—Posts talking about the possibility of Ms. Moynihan keeping the kids dinosaurs on purpose, or similar theories/headcanons/AUs/etc.
#Trans Buzz—Posts regarding the popular headcanon that Buzz is a trans man
#LGBT+—Posts containing queer content, such as sexuality/gender identity headcanons for characters
#Trans—Same as above, but for specifically trans-related content
#Screencaps—Posts containing screen captures from the show
#Memes—Posts containing memes either related to the show or otherwise
There are probably a few more character-specific ones that I have forgotten, but I'll keep updating this tag guide continually as needed.
There is no #Gay Caruso tag because... well... Caruso. That would be every post about him lol. Maybe one day I'll go through his character tag and add it to every post where it's relevant but it'll have to wait until I'm really, really bored.
Lastly, I have Warning Tags
I don't really have warning tags for things that were in the show, like I'm not gonna have a warning tag for sharp teeth or carnivorous eating habits, because... well... it's a show about dinosaurs. If you had a problem with that kind of thing, you probably wouldn't be here. I also won't use the CW tags for passing mentions—my thinking is that if something's not really in the post I don't really need to tag for it.
#Cursing—I know most people don't have a problem with explicit language, but this blog is technically for a kids' show, so there it is
#Blood CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of blood
#Injury CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of one or more injuries
#Death CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of death
#Body Horror—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of body horror (excluding dinosaur tranformations)
#Long Post—For posts that are more than two screen-lengths on mobile. I will not tag something as a long post if it has a readmore, unless the part before the readmore is longer than 2 screen-lengths.
If there is anything not on this list you would like me to have a warning tag for, or if there's a post you think should have one of these warnings, but I forgot to add it, just shoot me a DM, or an ask, and 99% of the time, I will gladly add a warning tag.
Well done making it to the end! GOOooo GO DINO!
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boyfriendyke · 2 months
after 2+ yrs of never logging into my ao3 w the excuse that i forgot my password, i finally reset the pass so i could look at it because i got curious and nostalgic. the genshin impact profile pic was a jumpscare lemme tell you. and everything is from sophomore yr of highschool or even older and it is making me cringe a little. but there were Also eight new comments in my inbox and theyre all very niceys <333
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airbendertendou · 2 years
s/o w a non-sexual oral fixation ♥︎ [including mikey, draken, yuzuha & senju]
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
MIKEY ♥︎ tbh i can see him being the same ♥︎ he always needs something sweet in his mouth if he isnt talking ♥︎ has gotten into the habit of bringing your favorite candy with him everywhere! ♥︎ if you’re like me n chew on things you shouldnt [cuticles n lip skin] he notices n yanks your hand away from your mouth to put a piece of candy in there  ♥︎ has mitsuya n draken carry your fave candies too! ♥︎ no one in toman allows anyone to say anything mean to you abt your habits <3 [baji has put someone in the hospital before when they called you a baby for sucking on a lollipop ♥︎]
DRAKEN ♥︎ has literally dealt w this before bc of mikey lmao ♥︎ always holding your hand so you cant mindlessly chew on it!  ♥︎ someone once made a lil sexual ““joke”“ abt your habit n they were on the ground before you could even blink ♥︎ you literally were jus saring down at them w this giant seething half-bald guy behind you menacingly  ♥︎ knows to keep your mouth busy when you’re bored or not talking ♥︎ has helped you out so much ):  ♥︎ i also grind my teeth all the time so i can see him like squeezing your cheeks until you stop or else your jaw will b sore
YAZUHA ♥︎ challenges you to eat spicy food w her stinky older brother ♥︎ you win bc taiju sucks <3 n you get a kiss on the cheek from her so win, win! ♥︎ has bought you so many different brands / flavors of lip balm to stop your teeth from ruining your lips  ♥︎ tries new lollipop flavors before giving them to you bc her fave must b the one you like more ♥︎ also paints your nails if you bite them! nail polish does not taste nice, youve discovered ♥︎ made hakkai start carrying around some lil treats for you when you come around n she isnt home <3
SENJU ♥︎ makes you drink ice cold water before shoving mint gum in your mouth ):< ♥︎ says its to stop you from self destructive chewing but tbh jus wanted to laugh at you! ♥︎ also chews on candy when her mind is elsewhere ♥︎ gave you personal permission to steal wakasa’s lollipops <3 [he buys you both your own bag off-handedly but you can see him watching you fondly ):] ♥︎ takeomi now has to watch after the two of you n hes got such a headache lmao ♥︎ has choked on a piece of gum mid-fight before so she makes sure you always spit it out n take precautions 
i know this wasnt properly written out but i hope its okay! i also took an oral stimming route on this lmao thank you for your request ♥︎ 
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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tossawary · 11 months
Hi Tossawary, I've been thinking of changing my profile picture for a while and I'm wondering what your stance is on people using your fanart for it? I had a look on your FAQ page but couldn't see anything regarding it. (Also I hope your AO3 inbox hasn't exploded from all the comments on Servant to a Different King)
Hey! I am perfectly cool with people using my fanart as a profile pic, that's very cool and thank you for asking me. Go for it if you feel like it! I meant to reformat some of my fanart into profile pics a while back for fun... I should put that back on my to-do list at some point.
My inbox is... in a really good state! In that I have received many wonderful comments on my most recent fic and I look forward to more now that "Servant to a Different King" is complete. Posting anything also tends to get a few comments on other works here and there, especially because all of my works are linked by a SVSSS series. Sooooo... my inbox is now at 4,174 "unread" comments from within the past year or so (1,379 threads on my new fic)... and I'm getting to them! Slowly!
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redsnowdrop · 5 months
I changed: names, profile pic, cover and themes of my profile and now everything feels way better.
I have decided to put more effort on this blog, I will not bring anything related to my persona (even tho I have posted something in the past but I don’t think I’ll delete it since I felt like it in that moment).
FOR NOW I will bring Spy x Family theories (since I started using this blog to post them) and FanFiction about it AND F1 (I think I’ll publish them mostly on AO3 but if I see this blog growing I think I can post them also here. Let’s see!)
I’ll keep you updated on when I will start writing and publishing my fan fiction but I will need more time, since I’m studying in this period and I want to finish a private fan fiction first.
I don’t guarantee I will keep everything like this, people change and this blog will change with me. Hope to hear some support! Thanks guys!
P.S. please forgive me if you find any grammatical errors, repetitions or, more in general, poor choices of words but English is not my first language. I have been studying it for years but there is always something new to learn and I’m willing to improve my skills!
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critical-birb · 8 days
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Huge props to @axidentshappen for not only letting me use their amazing art for my profile pic but also for sending me two different cropped versions akdkskdjrj. They are a GIFT. 💖
Changing my Ao3 Pfp to this also as soon as I'm back from the holibobs and have my pc again.
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 6 months
New getting to know you game!
Favorite movie: My Neighbor Totoro. It's the first movie I can ever remember watching, and it will always, hands down, be my favorite. It started my love of Studio Ghibli movies.
Favorite book: Splintered by A.G. Howard. A dark and twisted Alice and Wonderland retelling about Alice's descendant, filled with a lot of crazy, creepy, and wonderful details. Read it years ago and it instantly became my favorite.
Favorite any fandom rare-pair: The Ancient One and Kaecilius. I always assumed they had a relationship, and I headcanon them as having had one. Unfortunately for me, there is very little content with this air. Six stories. Just. Six. If that isn't the ultimate rare-pair, I don't know what is it.
Movie and/or TV show that you watched in the past year that surprised you, but you would totally recommend: For the movie, that would be The Hunt (Jagten). Recommended to me by an AO3 author. It's about a man wrongly accused of sexually abusing a child in his kindergarten class, who is also the child of his best friend. I've never had a movie make me so angry before. I mean, I get why people were making assumptions and such, but what got to me most was the guy he had known since they were toddlers didn't even give him a moment's benefit of the doubt. Didn't take a single moment to listen to him. And the kid (teenager) who actually led to the whole thing happening, even unintentionally, never spoke up or was pointed out.
For the TV show, that's tied between Hannibal and Supernatural. I was little apprehensive about both, because while I wanted to watch Hannibal when it first aired, I wasn't allowed (too young) and I'd never watched anything so dark or violent. But now it's my favorite TV show, and I would totally recommend it. It's dark, twisted, and really intriguing. I love Hannigram.
As for Supernatural, I'd seen some clips of Sam and Dean over the years, and one episode I watched, they seemed like complete jerks, so I was iffy about starting it. I feel silly for being hesitant now, because it is SO good. It's funny, compelling, and interesting, even if sometimes the Winchester brother break-up angst gets on my nerves.
What's your profile pic and why?: Profile pic is Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal, in the episode Primavera. It went with my header, which I changed after getting mad at the old one (for petty personal reasons), and I love the lighting in it. I also really liked Abigail's outfit and hairstyle in that episode.
No pressure tagging: @keepmeinmind-01, @creative-girl, and @inastarlesssky, plus anyone else who wants to play! I don't know who follows me or is a mutual and likes to play these.
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corujalesbica · 2 years
This blog stands with Palestine 🇵🇸
Please dni genocide supporters, terfs, transphobes, homophobes, racists and xenophobes
Hellooooo, my name is Robin and I'm a non-binary Brazilian person, I've been on the Hellsite for a little over two years and I have had and have many dear friends here.
Here's the masterlist for my fanfiction on tumblr, stories I love so very dearly thou I do think I have much room to improve my writing. I haven't been writing on here much but I'm also BallOfDepressedMoonlight on Ao3. I write mainly Tododeku, Dabihawks, Togachaco, nobamaki, itafushi and I've been thinking of starting to write for the pjo fandom.
I also have an account for my art @queer-artsy-lil-shit I have open commissions for art and writing, more info on my pinned post there. If you want to commission art though, please consider my friend @art-with-adrien
annnddd I ran @thesaddestgaycompetition for a while.
So that's me, hope u guys feel welcome here and I'm always up to chat. There are no such things as social rules, my asks are open and I love meeting new people.
Tumblr family :)
Profille pic by AMAZING artist @bildadthefuckingshuite
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
hello hi hey I'm icarus (but I'm also fine with virgo) and welcome to my blog!
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idkf how you got here but uhhh congrats?
also sorry if parts of the gif look weird idfk how to fix it
I'm a neurodivergent artist who talks about gay vampires (wwdits) a lot!
I do have other interests tho like ofmd, good omens, hannibal, re-animator, interview with the vampire, the band ghost, the world of mr plant, south park, and so much more (it's just that wwdits is just what I think about the most)
things I've made:
I've written a few fic before and one can be found on my blog! it's a post season 4 nandermo fic and here's a link if you wanna check it out :)
as for the rest can be found on my ao3 here! (I'm not going to move the post season 4 fic there mainly cause idk if I really wanna)
I made a uquiz a while ago that basically tells you what you would be if you where in the wwdits universe (a vampire, a familiar. an energy vampire etc)
I have an instagram that I just post my art to and that's really it
things I like to make:
as you can probably gather by now I primarily do pixel art but I also like to doodle/sketch with good old pencil and paper
I make a LOT of kandi (primarily singles) buuut I don't really post it on here (I mean unless someone asks me to I'm more than willing to share)
I kinda write? like I've written fics before and I DO have a bunch of wips but it's kinda hard for me to finish a fic due to the fact that I get distracted easily and the fact that I'm really dyslexic (you have no idea how badly I wanna fist fight the english language in a denny's parking lot at 3am)
oh while it's not a medium or anything but I'd like to mention I LOVE to draw characters from the media I like as pastel bunnies! (tho at this current moment it's primarily wwdits characters I draw) is it weird? yeah but I like to so I'm not stopping anytime soon if you want a rough explanation as to why I made a long post about it
fav characters:
guillermo de la cruz from wwdits (seriously I'm fucking feral for this man he's my top blorbo atm! he has my gender in a chokehold and I relate to him A LOT also harvey guillen is just really fucking hot-)
nandor the relentless also from wwdits (not as crazy about him but like he fascinates me and I love his goofy cringefail vibes... HE'S ALSO REALLY HOT-)
dib from invader zim (while I haven't watched invader zim in a while I still consider dib to be a fav! hell he's my fucking profile pic. he's one of the first ever characters in something I've seen that I've related to)
stede from ofmd (he's a huge fucking mood and I too jump into things head first without any plans whatsoever)
argos from twomp (a new addition to my fav character list since I stumbled upon twomp more recently. idk I just like him like go googly eye man date that murderous plant dude! wow that must sound weird to those who don't know what the world of mr plant is XD. it also might have to do with the fact that he's kinda socially awkward)
mr plant from twomp (another new addition. idfk something about that murderous plant I find oddly relatable? I think it's the fact that he's also socially awkward. arguably more than argos)
herbert west from re-animator (idk I think this autistic man with no care for ethics is neat)
I have more but for now those are the ones I'm gonna list :)
other shit:
as I've already said I have dyslexia, I possibly have ADHD (never officially diagnosed buuuuut really fucking confident I do and a past therapist said I most likely do), I keep running into situations where I question if I have autism or not so take that as you will, and despite what it may seem I have really REALLY bad social anxiety (well I have overall anxiety too but let's just say there's a reason I spend a lot of time online and not out and about)
asks as you can already tell are open
DMs are also open (tho I will say it's mainly to mutuals)
nandermo shipper but I'm fine with other ships involving the two :)
overall I try to be nice on here cuz there's enough negativity out there why add to it? tho key word here is try (I've gone on small rants here before and there's the possibility I will again)
I really REALLY fucking love bats and frogs THEY'RE JUST LITTLE GUYS HOW CAN I NOT?
there will be moments where for one reason or another (sleep deprived, sad, bored, it's a tueday, etc etc) I'll be reminded that oh yeah I fucking love frogs and will just start spam reblogging frog posts so be warned if you see me reblog a frog photo and read the words frog blogging or frog posting in the tags run while you still can (or don't cuz frogs are the best and need to be loved and cherished)
tag stuff:
misc thoughts/ideas/this tag is mainly random shit: throwing up my thoughts onto tumblr again
theories/meta/looking too much into small stuff: word garbage™
answering asks: answering stuff
my art: *funny tag for my art*
bunny art related posts: bun stuff
mothman memo related posts: mothman memo stuff
fanfics I've written: gather around and lend me your time
edits I've made: edit shmedit
memes I've made: brought to you by ms paint
show + tags thing: + tags
all the weekly wwdits sparkle on images: sparkle on it's gay vamp day!!!
posts that involve irl friends of mine: friend chaos
follow for a fuck ton of reblogs, art, and long tangents about whatever takes over my mind atm
thanks for reading, have a nice day, and remember: baby bats are called pups
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this has nothing to do with this post I just thought this was important info plus I just wanted to throw in this cute bat image I found on google
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