#It's aunt flow talking I'm ok
Part 10:
Lydia says her goodbyes to the rest of the group. They hug her, wish her luck. They don't mention that they're ready for battle. That the molotovs are a normal accessory.
Nancy walks up to her.
"Are you sure about this?" Nancy asks.
"Yeah Aunt Nancy it'll be fine." She gives her a stern nod and heads over towards her parents.
"Ok kiddo, you ready?"
"Yeah," she breathes out. "Let's go."
They're in Steve's house. A house she's never seen before. She's looking around his room trying to learn everything she can about him through the small details scattered around. She's sitting on his bed cross-legged. Steve and Eddie sitting in chairs across from her.
"How should I do this?"
"Um...maybe just talk about your thoughts when you got here?"
"Ok so...when I woke up and the first thing I saw was Robin I thought 'oh normal' until I saw how young she looked, not that she looks that old now-"
"Right sorry, nervous. When it set in what was going on I was filled with hope. I wanted to see you so bad. I hadn't talked to you since I was five and five years olds don't make good conversation. I believed in a second chance for just a minute. I thought when you saw me, you'd know me. You kind of did. You saw yourself in me I could see it on your face. I was so happy to see both of you again a part of me didn't care that you didn't know who I was. I was just happy to be in your presence."
Steve starts laughing.
"That's funny!" It's uncontrollable now. "Why would you think something so stupid."
Eddie tags along, "I raised you for twenty years alone and all you care about is him? You ungrateful, stupid, piece of-"
"Hello Henry," Lydia says calmly.
Steve looks at her with little shock on his face until his mouth unfurls into a nasty smile.
"Hello Lydia."
He grows, transforms into the monster she's heard so much about.
"Why have you taken an interest in me huh? Still tricking girls into doing what you want?"
He holds out an arm and her throat constricts. She's not in Steve's bedroom anymore she's in a vine covered room.
"Trick you? No. I'm here to help you. Just as you can help me."
Lydia scoffs.
He turns back into Eddie.
"Aw don't be like that munchkin~ don't you want to help dear old Pa hmm?"
"How dare you wear his face." There's fire in her eyes. It hurts to speak, hurts to breathe.
"I can help you you know? I can bring him back in your timeline."
"All I have to do...is hear a yes. Join me. Lend me your body and I can make you a family again."
She feels goosebumps run down her arms. That's the signal.
"Ok Henry. Deal."
It hurts. It flows through her like lightning. It's the most pain she's ever been in. She's back in Steve's room but she's not in control. She can see everything from the back of her mind.
She can see Nancy pointing a gun at her. El has her hand raised and Steve and Eddie look confused. Good.
"What are you doing Nance? You're her family! Put the gun down! That's my daughter!"
"Not anymore Steve."
"We will stop you Henry," El says.
Vecna laughs evilly. "You silly humans think you could have beat me? I've taken the one you care for the most. You would never hurt this form and now I will turn it into a vessel of my own creation. I know your plan. I know anything she knows." He sounds off like their voices have merged. It's equally off pitch and there's vibrations with every word.
There's something wrong. Vecna knows. When he searched through her memories he was unable to see them all. Time travel is a crazy son of a bitch, and I'm sure the brain block El but in her head didn't help either.
He thought he'd win. He actually thought he'd succeed.
He finally realized what they've done. What's about to happen.
"No!" Vecna screams. "You fool!"
El rips out a scream. A gun goes off. The ceiling collapses.
She feels her body explode.
Hours before the end:
"Can I speak to you?" Lydia asks Nancy.
Nancy nods at her, face serious.
They go to a private room away from everyone else.
"Aunt Nancy...when I was a kid you were the coolest person I ever met. I wanted to be you when I grew up. I know everything about you. You were a vital part in raising me."
Nancy looks surprised. "Ok? Why tell me now?"
"Because I know you so well, I need you to make the right decision. You're the only one I trust. My parents can't know."
"He has to possess me I have to be bait. The only wait they were able to beat him in my timeline is when he took on my dad's human form while the other people destroyed his physical body."
"We did that though with Max."
"No you don't understand he fully put himself into Steve's body. Leaving his physical body just a husk to be burned. He thought he could turn it into an impenetrable vessel. He didn't realize his powers wouldn't work. How weak the human body was...which brings me to my next point."
"What is it?"
"I need you to make sure I die."
"They're going to try to stop me. I know it's the only way. I'm taking my dad's place in this timeline. Someone has to die...why not let it be someone who didn't belong here to begin with."
Nancy's eyes well up with tears but she agrees. Brain over heart. Like Lydia knew she would be.
A primal scream rings through the house. Her dad's are screaming, holding her body. She wishes she can understand what's going on.
"He's gone!" Dustin shouts, trying to get them to let her go. "Maybe we can save her?" She doesn't know when he got there. That's good. It means their part is done. She's lost track of time. She's losing so much blood.
Oh. That's right. She's dying.
"It had to be done. I had to take your place. I won't make it." She coughs up some blood.
"NOOOO!" They're wailing. It hurts her ears. Don't they understand? They fixed it. They won. They should he happy.
"She's my daughter! You won't take her from me!"
"I just got her I'm not losing her!"
She can feel a tear drip down her face she doesn't know who it belongs to. She feels closer to her dad than ever before, she understands how he died now.
Her face is turned so she looks directly into their faces. They're red, tear stained, swollen. Mouths open in uncontrollable sob.
"Hey," she whispers. "It's ok."
"I'll see you again soon."
And she dies.
One chapter left! The epilogue...
Please comment!!!
Now complete!
@tinyplanet95 @jaytriesstrangerthings @bookworm0690
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i23kazu · 2 years
valorant found family brainrot below: disclaimer: these are all my personal hcs. if you disagree, please just move on :^) they may be very ooc also im very new to valorant so some things i say may or may not be canon. pls dont hate huhu
ok i intentionally made the young adults abit more kidlike FOR A REASON bc they make my brain go weewoo in a very very good way.
firstly – roles!
• dads of the year go to cypher and brimstone. cypher can be a gentle dad and he's usually the comfort / gentle dad that the younger agents like. brimstone tends to more of the discipline / also comfort side of being a parent, but its safe to say that both dads can switch roles easily. the agents love them :) (also the voiceline from the killjoy-cypher interaction talking about the dark web makes my brain go to mush.)
• moms of the year goes to (obviously) sage! and more distantly viper and reyna. i love the idea of the other two being more mentor-like towards some of the agents – like viper to raze and reyna to jett and killjoy. i read about it somewhere and i'm not sure whether it's canon but its defo fanon in my mind. sage is #1 mommy (heh. sagemommy69) and she's genuinely so gentle and loving its unreal. it hits harder for jett because of the whole omega-alpha counterpart venice confusion thing that left her and her bio mom's relationship cut off.
• uncles include breach, omen, chamber, kay/o, harbour. the tough love uncles: breach, chamber, sometimes omen. i can see kay/o and harbour being uncles that offer a bit more TLC when people need it though. i like to think that killjoy and chamber have a somewhat okay relationship because of them being brainiacs <3 again im not too sure what's canon and what's not but this just made sense in my head
• aunts include fade, astra and skye! i was debating on whether or not i should put skye as one of the moms but she defo gave me more of a big sister/aunt vibe so she's here. fade is one of the agents that the younger agents can talk to about their problems – she's more down to earth than anyone else and can often get phoenix and jett out of their heads. astra has a super comforting vibe but i love the hc that she can do really good girl talks with the female agents. and skye is just comfort. she lets neon and jett play with her wolves :D
• second to last; sova gets his own category because i wasn't sure where to put him – as a kid or an uncle? but i realised there was a middle ground hehe. therefore, i give him the burden of being the oldest sibling – the innate nature to protect and care, but also the longing to be cared for the way he does for others. all the younger agents regularly go to him for advice because of his calm, cool and collected nature! he also just generally gives good advice while instilling confidence in his younger siblings teammates.
• lastly, the kids <3 phoenix, yoru, jett, raze, killjoy, neon! i loveloveLOOOOVE the idea of the five being siblings since they're all relatively close in age – yoru albeit reluctantly, i think. phoenix and jett get along so well ; a bit too well, the older ones think. they're often up to pranks around headquarters and regularly get raze onboard, and neon likes to tag along with her squish-squish attached to her hip. yoru begrudgingly takes care of the younger ones like killjoy and neon, although killjoy protests that she doesn't need his protection. (yoru does it out of his respect for reyna.)
secondly – more headcanons!
cypher knows how to do the girls' hair because of his daughter.
brimstone has a soft spot for the younger female agents (/p) and often lets them out of training early, much to phoenix's disdain.
sova gives HELLLAAAA good advice!!! plus he's literally free-flow confidence. he oozes confidence to his teammates.
cypher can cook really well and often makes dinner.
astra loves sitting down with her girls and talking them through whatever problems they have.
secretly, yoru goes to reyna to talk to her (get comfort) when he wants to (when he desperately needs validation from a parental figure)
harbour and breach both train the younger team!
when missions go well, brimstone and sage treat the whole team to a good meal.
when neon gets nightmares, the #1 person she goes to for comfort is cypher!
yoru also likes to hang out with omen because #emobois support group is definitely a thing
sage tries to get jett and raze to read more as a pastime but that usually fails. because the both of them cannot sit still for the life of them
skye and sage try to get everyone to sit down and have a meal together every week bc team bonding! but ofc that doesnt always happen bc of how tired the agents are from their missions.
sometimes neon feels left out bc of how young she is compared to the rest of the agents — even the younger group :,) ♡
the team likes sharing songs from their native languages!!!
also hc that cypher knows how to speak multiple languages and once he heard neon listening to pano by ZT and he just went “sweetheart who hurt you”
and neon is just shocked bc tf???? dad knows how to speak my language??? yes he does hes a cool dad
sova sometimes gets torn between the whole needing to protect and wanting to protected and the parents definitely give him the option sometimes when he looks so burnt out
sage loves talking with him because of how reliable and collected he is and she loves to give him advice when he needs/wants it! (ofc, he defo asks for it)
cypher uses a lot of petnames!! sweetheart, darling, dear, etc <333
brimstone’s knows all of the agents favourite foods and he tries to cater to everyone’s likes for dinner at least once a month bc the smiles on their faces are #worthit #loreal #becauseyou’reworthit
honest chamber is just there and viper just. does not vibe with him. she tries to leave the room when he enters but i love the hc that once he tried to kabedon her to stop her from leaving but she flipped him around and kabedon-ed him instead. then left like the girlboss she is
skye takes over the medbay healing when sage needs a rest!!!
also i think sage and omen’s relationship is slowly getting better but i like the idea of them being able to communicate without talking. just body language — nodding heads, eye contact, head pointing, etc
reyna trains the agents very hard but she also gives good breaks!!
once she tried to squeeze neon’s shoulders because the girl was clenching and neon yelped. turns out she’s not a massage person yoru is though and he goes to her when hes alone (/p)
game nights!!! phoenix beats everyone and got cocky until he played with omen and omen TRASHED him. so bad to the point where yoru started patting phoenix’s back out of sympathy
riot please just give yoru a good support system he needs to work out his anger issues and aggressiveness
brimstone and kay/o can often be seen hanging out together i like that
kay/o tried knitting once and hes not bad at it! just that it was too tedious and now he has a half done scarf in his room.
raze and cypher like to bake together :) <3 (theres a fanfic about this on ao3 but i cant rmb the name)
harbour is the second agent the younger ones go to for advice, next to sova!
also movie nights. when they watch horror movies, fade can be seen putting a palm on whoever’s knee to comfort them a little bit :,) its her own way of loving others
ok this is getting very long i’ll make a part 2
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Survive - HoTD Zombie Apocalypse AU - HoTD x F!Reader PT 3
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Warnings: characters death, slapping, talks of suicide, implied smut(got lazy didn't wanna write it lmao), crying
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We drive as fast as our cars can take us, Jace driving as me and Nyra hold Luke in the back. Nyra’s tears fall free as I try to bite mine back.
“Come on baby, you're fine, you’ll be fine. Jacerys pull the car over!” She yells causing him to abruptly stop, almost causing our caravan to crash.
Luke’s eyes are shut, sweat is covering his face and he is moaning in pain. He doesn’t have much time.
“Come on aunt Nyra, let’s get him on to something comfy. Rhena and Baela grab the pillow and blankets, set them on the ground ok,” I say while picking up Luke in my arms, trying to be gentle.
I lay him gently down on the blanket, his head is propped on the pillow. Jace and Nyra are silently talking with him.
I walk away so I can throw up. I was supposed to protect them, why did I turn my back? Why didn’t I make sure it was clear? All these different thoughts flow through my head as I empty my stomach. A hand runs down my back and a water bottle is put in my peripheral vision. I take a sip rinsing my mouth and spitting the remnants of bile from my mouth.
“Oh Aemond, why didn’t I—I could have stopped this, Luke is over there dying because of me!” I turn my face into his chest as I let the tears fall.
“If this is anyone’s fault it’s my own, I told aunt Nyra that I would look out for him” he says running his palm down my head. It’s comforting.
We walk back towards Luke to say our final goodbyes. I kiss his sweaty forehead and whisper how much I love him and that I vow to never let anyone else die from a simple mistake.
He passed in Nyras arms, she moved the pillow so her lap could hold his head. Her screams haunt as the tears fall from her eyes as she cries out.
“My sweet boy,” she leans her forehead against his whispering words only the seven know.
I walk over to her and embrace her, “Aunt Nyra we have—we have to shoot him so he doesn’t come back as one of them, if you or Jace-”
She slaps me across the face, startling everyone, “This is all your fault, you were supposed to be watching him!” She tries to lunge at me once more but is pulled back by Jace. He gives me a sympathetic look.
Aemond pulls me up to inspect my cheek, “She doesn’t mean it, she’s just in shock, she—she will be better when we bury Luke I hope, and when we get to the cabin,”
“Aemond, it’s probably better if you do it, I can’t bring myself too” Jace says, swallowing thickly as he comes over to us, his mother now being consoled by the other children and Alicent in the back of Jaces SUV.
Aemond uses a spare blanket and covers Luke before he pulls the trigger, I turn my head away unable to face the act. I silently walk back to my car and pull out the shovel I had in case of emergencies. As I pass Aemond, he reaches a hand out to grab my forearm.
"Y/n let me help, you shouldn't do this alone," his eyes pleading.
"I have to do this alone, when i finish go grab everyone and we can have a funeral for him." I say eyes looking down, i gear him sign and release my arm. I walk a few meters away from our caravan and begin digging Luke's grave site. I dig 4 feet down before struggling to get my foot out of the hole.
I walk back to the group, laying down my shovel. I see Rhaenyra and she's calmed down a bit, she lifts her head when she sees me. Her lower lip quivers, she exits Jace's SUV and wraps me in her arms.
"I'm so sorry my sweet girl, you didn't deserve the words I said to you," she cries into my shoulder, "I'm sorry"
I wrap my own arms tightly around her form, "Aunt Nyra I forgive you, but could you ever forgive me for not protecting him?"
"Oh sweetling, there was nothing either of us could have done. You have been here since the beginning, you have protected my children, Alicent's children. You are our rock. I am grateful for you,"
I want to let the tears fall once again but I hold them in. For Nyra, for Luke.
"Come Nyra let us bury him," I sadly smile as I walk towards Luke's body. I gently pick him up just as I had when he was bit, I carry him towards the burial site.
We have the funeral. Giving the Velaryon family a chance to say their goodbyes followed by the Targaryens. Cregan and I stand at the back, near the willow tree. Once everyone had gone back I approached his grave and sat down, not caring about the dew ridden morning.
"Luke, my sweet Luke. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I promised you I'd protect you and that we would make it out of this hellscape. I'm so sorry. I vow I won't let anyone else die, not on my watch. You were such a sweet child, always wanting to help me out when I'd babysit you and the other littles. I will always miss you but you will forever be in my heart. Forever." I let the tears finally fall free from my eyes, I looked over at the group. They were all comforting everyone, I walked over and got into the driver seat of my car.
"Are you alright?" Aemond asks as he sits into the passenger seat, his hand lays on my knee rubbing soothing circles.
"Y—yeah, um we need to head out, it's not safe." I say turning the key in the ignition. I pull the walkie up, "we need to head out, no one else dies today or ever, i swear of it. We have about 12 more hours of drive, if we do it right we can make it to the cabin by 7 pm tonight."
"OK let's head out." Jace says from his car.
"Got it," Cregan says from Aemonds car as well.
We make the trek, passing by abandoned cars, bodies laid out on the highway. We see messages for missing loved ones about where to find each other. I can only pray to the seven that Cregan and I's families are still ok up at the cabin.
There have been 3 shift changes as well as one refueling. Aegon took over for Jace, Heleana for Cregan and Aemond for myself, since then we have made it to just the outskirts of winterfell.
It looks the same as kings landing. Bodies, zombies and blood everywhere. I want to throw up.
"We need to keep going, we can't restock here. We aren't too far from Grandpa's cabin now," Cregan says over the walkie.
"Yes," I say as I feel Aemonds hand reach out for my thigh once more, "I just want my dad to be ok," I say more to myself than to Aemond 'I can't lose anyone else' I also wanna add but the words die in my throat.
I keep my eyes front, soon enough we pull into the cabin's front gate. I hurriedly get out of the car and over to the unlocked gate, hand on my gun. I wait till all the cars have made it past before I close the gate once more and reenter my car.
"It's just up this path," I point, Aemond proceeds to pull up to the cabin.
"Oh my gods," the words slip out of my mouth before my brain can make any sense of the abandoned cabin. I'm already out of the car, I hear feet running behind me I can only assume it's Cregan.
"Dad?! Aunt Gilliane?! Someone?!" I rush through the front door of the cabin only to be met with the sight of my father and Cregan's mother both dead on the floor.
"Mom!" Cregans voice breaks.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I crumble to the floor fists pounding into the floor. A scream I don't recognize as mine escapes my throat as Cregan walks back outside. The tears fall each soaking the wood flooring as I ball my fist staring at the bodies of two people I cared for deeply. They were supposed to be fine! They should have been fine!
I feel arms wrap around me, I try to fight against whoever it is. I can't leave them! They pick me up and carry me outside the front door.
"No! I can't leave them, they can't be alone!"
Aemond holds my face in his hands as he quietly tells me to breathe, "Come on Y/n take a deep breathe in, you're gonna pass out if you don't breathe,"
"Shh, Y/n/n, you're safe," Aegon whispers into my ear. It was him who grabbed me. Aemond must have sent him.
"M—my dad and Aunt Gilliane, th-there gone," I blubber as tears and snot fall down my face.
I look to my left and see cregan on the ground being comforted by Heleana and Alicent. I can feel my racing heart in my ears, it's all too much. Too much. I release a shuddering breath, I can faintly hear Aegon and Aemond saying my name before everything goes dark.
I awake in a bed, my head hurts and everything is fuzzy. I turn my head when I hear the bedroom door open.
"Oh Y/n," he rushes in, pulling me into his chest. Soon the memories come back to me and the tears return. I cry into his shoulder, my hands run up his back and grab fistfuls of his shirt as he kisses my head. I feel safe here in his arms.
“My dad, what happened? Where did you move him too?” I pull out of his shoulder, my voice is weak and fragile.
“We moved him and your aunt out to the, we’ve buried them alongside your mother, and Cregan’s father and sister. It looked like a biter got them, it seems like they both wanted to go out on their own terms,”
“Where’s Cregan? I have to see him, he—oh god,” I cover my mouth with my hand.
“He’s fine, Heleana is looking after him as we speak, just as I am with you,” he says as he pulls out a bottle of water and a granola bar from the bag he brought in, “here you need to eat.”
I gently take said food from him, only now realizing how hungry I actually am and the fact that my headache wasn’t just from sobbing but from hunger as well, “how long was I out for?” I sip the water.
“About three hours, while you were out we found a breach in the property fences, however we’ve secured it, we’ve also seen some wild life,” Aemond speaks as a true leader, you smile at him. Slowly leaning in, you kiss him gently.
“Woah, what was that for?” A dopey smile appears on his handsome face.
“For being here, protecting me, taking charge. Everything honestly. Without you I think I may have offed myself the moment I saw my dad.” I say while reaching for his hand.
“Well it’s because I love you,” he says while placing his hands on my cheeks and pulling me back into a kiss that makes my head spin. I lean back down and pull him on top.
“I love you Aemond, so much” I say as I feel him press against me, “Take me away for a little while, to a place only we know.” I pull my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side just as Aemond does the same.
A few hours later we both lay bare in my room, I draw shapes into chest as he runs his fingers through my hair.
“We can survive this, we’ll be safe here. We can rebuild and reinforce the gates and make them higher. We have food, water, guns. This will be a safe haven for us.” I say as I look up at Aemond.
“Yes, that sounds like a wonderful plan. But for now, it’s been an eventful evening, so sleep. Aegon and Jace are taking the first watch. I’ll take the next so when you wake I may not be in bed with you.” He says as he kisses my forehead.
“I love you,” I say snuggling closer to him and listening to the sound of his heart beat as it pulls me into a deep slumber.
“I love you more, my sweetling” he says into my hair.
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A/n: wow only 1 part left!! This was such a fun series to make! I hope you all enjoy this one!!
Tag list: @anaisbambia @valeskafics @wanderingcl0ud @dothrckis
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stargleam-star · 1 year
Short stories/fics I may write for characters
Been thinking a lot about getting into writing fanfics as opposed to just little summary posts. It might be a fun activity to do to get the creative juices flowing in between writing for my fanseries. So here are some of my ideas:
Goldenflower' Guilt- I've already talked about this one on here but I'm determined now to make it become real. And damnit if I have to do it myself I fucking will. To summarize this story would be about Goldenflower's life, how she fell for Tigerclaw and how she handles the fallout of everything he causes, plus her thoughts and feelings about her kits' treatment, etc. You can read my exact thoughts about how'd this work here
Dustpelt's Disdain- I always found it funny how consistent Dustpelt's been in his dislike of Ashfur. I want to explore why he feels that way. So that's what this story would be about
Scourge's Society- A fic exploring everyone's favorite edgy cat society, Bloodclan! I wish we'd gotten more info on it, and while I think the snipits we see in The Rise of Scourge, Graystripe's Vow, and Leopardstar's Honor are cool, they can definitely be expanded upon. That, and I really want to write about Scourge's days as leader. I feel like Bloodclan wouldn't be as bloodthirsty as they're typically written to be, at least not at first.
Tawnypelt's Reign- ok this one would be diving into AU territory. The Erins did this girl dirty when they made Tigerheartstar leader (he should not have been resurrected like that come on!) That and Tawnypelt's novella sucked balls. So I'd want to write a story about what should have happened
Swiftpaw's Ceremony- A tale of Swiftpaw, and how he was determined to become warrior, at any cost. In his attempts to prove himself worthy, he risks his life and the life of his cousin Brightpaw, to find what's been killing Thunderclan's prey. Before traveling to Starclan, Swiftpaw gets to stick around long enough to see Firestar rise to power, and finally grant him the name he's been after for so long. For this story, I will be borrowing a concept from my fanseries called the Dying Apprentice Ceremony. Swiftpaw will be the first canon cat to be honored with this ceremony
Cinderheart's Ghost- this also dives a little into AU territory. This fic would revolve around Cinderheart, and how she's haunted by the ghost of her dead aunt, Cinderpelt. Except its in a somewhat metaphorical sense. Basically Cinderheart is still a reincarnation of Cinderpelt, but its like. A legitimate reincarnation. Not whatever the hell the Erins were trying to write. Cinderpelt's not actually haunting Cinderheart. But it feels like she is, because sometimes Cinderheart remembers things that she's never experienced, or feels emotional about things that don't pretain to her. And some cats treat her oddly, like Leafpool for example. Also this story would contain some cinderholly romance for otp reasons
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fic-rambles · 27 days
Late Night talks
Summary: Alexis came over for some late night venting about her dad.
Pairing: Javier Esposito x reader x Kevin Ryan, Alexis Castle x Aunt!reader.
Warnings: None. (idk how to end stories?)
Based on s6 ep7.
I love Alexis with all my heart, but the last thing I wanted to be doing at 11:30 at night was listening to her complain about Castle.
The dinner they had planned at Alexis's house didn't go exactly as planned & as a result Alexis is no longer on speaking terms with her father.
"Why can't he trust me! I'm an adult capable of making decisions" the frustration is clear in her voice. "You should of seen it, he was so rude to Pi"
She has been here for at least half an hour, sitting on the edge of my bed that I share with Kevin & Javier. She at least brought me a coffee.
"Look I don't agree with the way your father acted, but I do think he is right, you have only known him for a month. Don't get me wrong Pi seems really nice but how much can you really know about someone after only a month." I can see her get visibly annoyed the more I spoke but I keep going. Turning I look at Javier & Kevin, who are pretending (terribly) to not be listening.
"Would either of you let your daughter move in with a guy after a month?"
"Oh hell no"
"Like hell I would"
Both giving me a 'bitch please' face.
"But he had no right to act the way he did, how can you be on his side!?"
"I'm not taking anyone's side, I am just stating my opinion. You don't have to take any of my advise, just like you can ignore what Castle says too."
The annoyance flows from her face.
"Now if you don't mind Alexis I think it's time for you to go home, the three of us really need to sleep." I give her a soft smile.
i don't want to be an asshole, because she needed someone to vent, but we have work early in the morning.
"Oh yes, sorry. I'll text you tomorrow!" she hopes of our bed and heads for our bedroom door.
"Don't forget to lock the front door!"
i flop backwards on the bed, in-between the boys.
"I'm sorry guys, I didn't think she would be here that long. I'll make you both strong ass coffees in the morning."
Kevin cuddles up to my left side while Javier snuggled up to my right side.
"s'okay, but I will take that coffee" Kevin's voice was muffled in the crook of my neck. The corners of my lips turned up at the feel of his lips against my neck.
OK so first story, I will say I have no idea how to end stories so if anyone has advise please let me know.
Anyway thanks for reading :)
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seokmins · 2 years
I'll answer asks tomorrow maybe <3
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shelbystales · 2 years
Honor and Blood - Part Eleven
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Read previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Summary: you are a gypsy and your family lives near Birmingham. Tommy Shelby needs a favor and Johnny Dogs says you’re the one he should ask for. A meeting is scheduled and when Tommy meets you, he is instantly drawn to you.
Warning: Swearing, smut
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
You woke up with a sliver of light on your face.
Opening your eyes slowly, you saw that you were in Johnathan's hotel room. He slept peacefully beside you, completely naked with only a bit of the blanket covering his cock. Moving slowly on the bed, trying not to wake him up, you sat up wrapping your naked body in the blue sheets.
"Good morning" you heard him say in a sleepy husky voice as he stretched.
"Hey" you smiled and stood up walking over your pile of clothes on the floor.
He arranged the pillow behind his head so he was now half-sitting. Following you with his eyes, he asked "did you sleep well?"
"Yeah," you nodded, tucking in the sleeves of your dress, "did you?"
"Hell yes," he replied smiling. You smiled back and went to the bathroom to wash your face.
In the bedroom, he got out of bed and put on his pants. He walked up to you, stopping at the bathroom door he asked "want to go out for coffee?"
"Sure," you said muffled as you dried your face on the towel "there's a delicious bakery close by"
He smiled and nodded "well we can discuss the contract there" you nodded and dodged past him as you walked through the bathroom door into the bedroom. "Listen, y/n..." you stopped walking and looked at him "I don't want it to get awkward between the two of us, ok? I mean, yesterday was... fuck, yesterday was really good. but I'm not interested in a relationship for now. I just think I'd better make that clear. This is just a casual thing" he said scratching his head clearly nervous and you nodded
"Yeah, don't worry. I can do casual" you winked "I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the lobby. ok?" you smiled and he nodded.
While waiting in the lobby, you felt good. You were afraid you'd wake up regretting what you'd done, but no... you were feeling really good.
However, some facts from last night still bothered you, the main one being that you couldn't get there with Johnathan. Something so easy to do with Tommy. The worst thing is that it wasn't even because he was bad in bed, on the contrary, he was good, really good. You felt a little frustrated about it, afraid to admit the reason why... but you weren't going to let it ruin your day.
During breakfast, you talked about your personal and business life. he was an easy man to talk to and conversation flowed naturally.
The terms of the contract were set and he even proposed to help in other ways, such as providing better materials for your aunt to work with the silver. he even proposed that you consider working with gold-plated jewelry, but you didn't think it was time, it was a step bigger than your legs could handle and that could be a problem for the store. 
"Y/n, I have to say it was great spending this morning with you, but I have a meeting tomorrow in Scotland. So I have to go home and get ready to go out again." He said after paying the bill.
"It was really good Johnathan" you smiled
"I'll have my team write your contract but it probably won't arrive until next week. I apologize in advance for the delay but this week is too busy for me." he siad as he got up and ready to leave
"don't worry" you got up "I'll be waiting"
"Bye y/n," he said and kissed you on the cheek
"Bye," you smiled and watched him leave the bakery.
As you were already in town, you decided to stop by the store and see how things were going. As soon as you arrived, you came across your brother cleaning the shop.
"This is new. What are you doing here?" you asked Patrick. He doesn't come to town much so you were taken by surprise.
"We don't have a lot of hunting going on, so I go where I'm needed," he replied as he cleaned the shop window. 
"hm, good to know" you smiled "is dad around?"
"yeah, he is inside. By the way, I didn't see you last night…where were you?" he asked, squinting suspiciously. you smiled and ignored his question "oh it's not over... I'll find out" he said as you walked away from him
You found your father in the storage room. He had his back to you and seemed to be playing with the tapestry pieces
"What are you doing?" you asked
"oh! hey honey. Just seeing what we can change around here... change the window pieces, I mean" he said and you nodded
"I had a meeting yesterday," you said "I have a new silver supplier"
"oh, look at you! That's good, honey. Your aunt will like the news," he said turning to you and clapping his hands to clean the dust
"Did you have any luck looking for a shed or something like it?" you asked leaving the small room with your father
"yeah... not really" he said and took a deep breath "everything is so expensive it's not really worth it"
"Dad, we need this for the next month at the latest. In fact, we should have found a place to do this by now." you spoke annoyed
"what is the problem?" Patrick asked joining in the conversation
"Dad still hasn't found the place to put the machines I bought to help make the clothes" you clarified
"but I will," your father said
"Yes when?" you asked annoyed "What happens when the machines arrive? will we put them in the store? this store barely fits us. we need more space, Dad. I could easily look for it but you said you would!"
"y/n is right father," Patrick said
"Look, I'll fix this today, okay?" he said 
"I hope so," you said, and just as you did some clients entered and you stopped the conversation. 
Walking over to your brother as your father attended the customers you whispered "please don't say anything to dad"
"Were you with Thomas Shelby?" he asked bluntly
"No," you answered frowning 
"Good, I won't tell him" he smiled and you smiled back. 
"Thank you, see you later" you hugged him and left. 
Before you went home you stopped to put an end to your contract with the other silver supplier. It was a short and uncomfortable meeting. The man that you were in business with had the courage to say that you had no idea what you were doing and that you should just stop trying to pretend you knew, that he was doing you a favor just by considering having you in a room with him, amongst other insults. 
Walking out of his fabric and on your way home you just decided not to let him get to you. You would get home and take a good warm bath then have a good lunch with your family and spend the day with a good book. He was not going to ruin your day. 
When you arrived, you were surprised that Taffee didn't come to greet you like she always did. Walking around the camp you looked for her, sometimes she's with the kids, she loves to be with them, you thought.
You saw the kids in class, Dawn, your dad's dog, was lying there while your cousin was teaching, but no sign of Taffee. 
Where the hell are you? Did you lock yourself in my caravan again? you thought to yourself again.
Walking to your caravan you were taken by surprise, at no time did this possibility cross your mind. 
When you saw Tommy sitting on the stairs in front of your caravan with Taffee between his legs as he petted her, you felt all that mix of feelings that only he could get out of you, these feelings that you were trying so hard to suppress. Your heart raced, butterflies took over your belly and your palms started to sweat. 
Oh great, you thought wryly.
"What do you want?" you asked as you approached him. As soon as Taffee heard your voice she jumped up and went to you all happy. "hey baby!" you said as you petted her
"We need to talk," he said standing up
you nodded "ok... talk"
he looked around "can it be inside?"
You took a deep breath and nodded. You need to be strong now, you told yourself as you made your way inside your caravan. 
You sat on your bed and watched him close the door behind him. Taffee jumped on your bed and laid there paying attention to the both of you. 
"so?" you pushed him to start speaking after the silence got too uncomfortable 
"Do you want to talk business first?" he asked and you shrugged indicating that you didn't care. 
He stood there for a few seconds as if he was sizing up his moves before playing. suddenly he grabbed one of the chairs from your small table and pulled it out in front of you and sat down. 
"Y/n... I was using Grace to get what I wanted. I would never have invited you to that shit of a party to do that to you" he said calmly as his piercing blue eyes were locked on yours "I took her there because I thought that it would help me win Kimber over".
"Did it?" you asked
"Sort of..." he answered shrugging
"I was told you were away" There goes your strength, you mocked yourself. Swallowing hard you added "you lied"
he let his head fall forward as he nodded subtly.
"I did," he said lifting his face and pursing his lips "and I don't know why" he breathed deeply "I guess telling you a lie was easier than telling you my plan"
"It was not a plan I was proud of" he said "look, y/n..." he took his hand to your face, caressing you gently "I never wanted to hurt you, never... if I knew you were coming I would never have invited her" you laughed pulling your face away from his touch "what?"
"you for real?" you asked and he looked at you confused "you should never have invited her in the first place" you said angryly
"I know... I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry. I'll make this up to you, to us"
"Are you?" you asked and he nodded 
"I am" he continued nodding
"Did you fuck her?" you asked making him chuckle
"No" he answered amused at your question 
"Do you want to?" 
"That's a lie" you stated and he frowned "don't ask me how I know it, I just do. Gypsy sixth sense... oh and I also have eyes, she's a beautiful woman"
"Not as beautiful as you" he said and you rolled your eyes at him "Ok... how does this sound: whatever the smallest desire I have to fuck her doesn't even come close to the desire I have to fuck you," he said 
"Weirdly satisfying to hear" you answered honestly and he smiled 
"yeah?" he asked and you nodded.
Your eyes were locked on each other’s for a moment. Pulling you close gently, giving you time to say no if you wanted to, he kissed you, but as Taffee normally did when you two kissed she started liking your faces. He growled frustrated and you smiled.
"Just a second," you said cleaning your face as you stood up and took Taffee outside "go for a walk, girl" you petted her and watched her run to the kids. Closing the door behind you, you tuned to Tommy, who was standing up less than two steps away from you after he placed the chair back in place. "So... you want to talk business as well?" you asked and he smiled 
"Yeah" he took a step closer to you "but it can wait, ey" He ran his fingers through your hair, resting his hand on your cheek, and you gently lean into his touch "I missed you" his husky voice sending shivers down your spine.
Were you doing the right thing? just accepting his apologies like that?
Well, for some reason you knew he was telling the truth, somehow you always knew. And truth be told, you were crazy about him and shit, that was scary, but you didn't want to give it all up after one fight.
He made you feel good, he paid attention to you and you wanted him like you never wanted anyone before. You would be crazy to just leave him like that.
You wraped your arms around him, resting your hand against the back of his neck as his lips touched yours.
His hands on your hips pulling you closer to him. he kissed your neck, his teeth lightly gliding over your skin, your nails gently stroking into his.
You were both in sync as you got lost in the feeling. You were missing him and you could feel how much he had missed you too, almost desperately wanting each other's touch. 
His hands traveled down to your skirt, making you gasps as his fingers found their way around the hem of your underwear.
You left gentle kisses on his neck and jawline strongly holding onto the back of his neck, pulling him close. Fuck you wanted him so fucking bad.
"Tommy, I want you. So bad" you purred into his ear as your fingers traced his jawline, drawing tinny circles on it. 
You gasped and smiled as your body was quickly lifted off the floor and carried to bed. Pressing your body against the bed as he kissed you. His fingers brushed the buttons of your shirt, quickly unbuttoning them. 
When your shirt was off, he stood up to remove his jacket and waistcoat and threw them on the floor. You sat and began to unbutton his t-shirt whilst he pressed his lips against your neck, gently sucking at it. 
He then slipped the skirt off of your body and trailed his hand up and down your thigh admiring your body before he dove back in and pressed his body on top of yours once again. 
You began to unbuckle his pants and slid them off him whilst his hand brushed over your bra, taking them off. 
"Fuck" he mumbled gently squeezing one of your breasts as he took your nipple to his mouth "you're so fucking beautiful, love" he added making you smile.
He then moved his hand down to your underwear, teasing at the hem before inserting his fingers inside.
"You're so wet, love... always so wet for me," he said as he left kisses down your neck and breasts. 
"I am, Tommy" you mumbled in moans as his fingers started caressing your clit. 
You took your hand to his briefs and found his length and slowly began pumping him. He let out a moan and pressed his head against your forehead. 
"Enough teasing, ey," he said after a while.
Moving on top of you and taking off your panties then his briefs. He then lined himself with your entrance and locked his piercing blue eyes on yours as he slowly pushed himself inside of you. Your juices making it too easy for him to slide inside. 
"Oh, fuck" you moaned feeling his length inside of you. 
He gave you a few seconds to adjust before he started thrusting into you.
His head buried in your neck, his ears close to your lips making his senses intensely engaged in the erotic sounds that came out of your mouth as he fucked you. 
He sped up his pace getting rougher, thrusting each time deeper, if even possible.
One of his hands found its way to your clit, circling over it. Taking you by surprise as you felt the knot in your stomach grow so fast making you cum easily under his touch. Your moans got louder, but still, you had to control yourself. 
"Fuck I love hearing you" he purred as his lips found yours again as he began lustfully kissing you. 
"Well as much I want to scream your name, caravans walls are thin and there's a class going on outside," you said smiling and he gave a small laugh, resting his forehead on yours once again. 
You wrapped your legs behind his lower back and shifted your weight, putting yourself on top of him. You smiled as you tossed your hair back, feeling the confidence the new position gave you as you began to move on top of him. 
"So. fuking. beautiful," he grunted as you rocked over him. 
You could feel him so fucking deep.
Resting your hands on his chest as you supported yourself through your movements. His hands strongly held your asscheeks, helping you with the intensity of the movement.
You took your time, doing whatever felt nice... and oh, how fucking nice it felt.
"You need to stop, love..." he said closing his eyes "I won't last much longer" he added
"It's ok, my period is due this week" you said increasing your speed. 
In response, he growled and his grip got stronger on your flesh.
He turned you around, abruptly making you gasp at the surprising movement. 
He took your hand on his and brought it to your clit, stroking it gently. 
"Make yourself cum, love. Cum again, this time with me, ey" he purred, sending shivers down your entire body. You managed to nod before he started his relentless thrusts. 
"Holy fucking shit" you cursed arching your back overwhelmed by the feeling. 
You looked at him and you could see how intently his eyes were watching you paying attention to your every move. He got closer to you to kiss your lips, leaving a few kisses until he reached your ear.
"Cum for me" he whispered increasing your arousal
"I'm close, so close" you said closing your eyes.
You felt his lips on yours again and the knot in your stomach was growing so much that you felt like a tsunami was building inside you. Without any warning, the tsunami wave broke inside you, making you shudder under him almost losing control of your body. Hot, sensual moans escaped your lips pushing Tommy to his limit. He gripped the bed tightly as his seeds spurted inside your walls. Moaning on your ear as he rested his head on your shoulders. The two of you breathing loudly as you enjoyed the sensation your orgasms left your bodys.
You pulled his face towards you and kissed him softly, moving under him to allow him to lie down and when you did, his body simply dropped onto your mattress.
You smiled and sat up to grab the blanket that was folded up at the end of your bed to cover your bodies. When you did, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you once more.
"It took us long enough to do this," you said jokingly
"Somethings are worth waiting for," he said resting his head on yours while caressing your body. 
You laid together for a while. Him stroking your hair as he felt relaxed for the first time in many years. Without much choice he soon fell asleep, after all his body was exhausted. He didn't sleep well last night, worrying about losing you.
He wanted to bring back what Arthur told him yesterday, but he wanted to make things right first. Arthur was drunk and he wasn't a realiable source. He woke up hours later to you trying to keep Taffee out of the caravan.
"No! out! common Taffee help me out here. Get out!" you whispered to her but she thought you were playing with her. Thomas shifted in bed and your attention went to him. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" finally letting Taffee win, you let go of her leash and she quickly ran to Tommy jumping on the bed with him and licking his face.
He smiled "don't worry about it, ey" he sat down trying to stop the mad dog
"I brought some food," you said
"What time is it?" he looked around a little confused
"nine" you replied
"Nine pm?" he asked and you nodded "fuck I blacked out"
"Yes" you nodded and jumped in bed with them, "I thought you needed some rest, you were so fast asleep"
"You can't even imagine," he said and pulled you close making you laid in his arms again.
Taffee laid on your foot finally calming down. he gently pulled you to a kiss hoping she wouldn’t see it start liking your faces.
He then closed his eyes again as you rested your head on his chest.
"What does this mean?" you asked feeling nervous.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes "it means you're mine"
"And you're mine?" you asked
He chuckled "Yeah, pretty much" he said and you smiled.
“Good” you kissed him
With that, you were finally able to admit to yourself why you didn’t get there with Johnathan. The thoughts of Tommy as he fucked you. Everything was as clear as the day. You wanted Tommy, not him. And now you had him. Tommy was yours.
Tag List:  @abbygraceasd@tsnelf7 @blyanyan @thecrazytealady @chaoticevilbakugo @mestiza003 @itsmadamehydra @captivatedbycillianmurphy @faatxma @onlydeadcells @l1-l4 @hellstears @randomfanfics02 @literishdegree99 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @hellstears @alexxavicry @goodnightnsel @rito4ka @moon-river-drifter @Thenattitude @strangunddurm @fixtionlover @shittingonyourgrave @Dolllol2405 @atomicsoulcollecto @allaboutsml @aberrant_annie
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 06 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Point of No Return
“(Y/N)! Go get the door!” Your aunt yells from the kitchen. “I'm busy here!”
“Ok!” You turn off the blow dryer, quickly fixing your hair before rushing downstairs. “What are you doing?”
“Grandma's cake.” She answers as you move to open the door. “Who's this?”
“Monica, probably.” You're still speaking when you unlock and pull it open. Your heart skips a beat when you see it isn't Monica. You raise an eyebrow to see him leaning against the door frame, a smile spreading through his lips.
“It's just Billy, aunt,” you say, raising your voice a little. Pushing him backwards, you close the door behind your back. “What are you doing here, Hargrove?”
“It's our day off. You promised to go to my place to meet Maxine, remember?”
Oh, you completely forgot about that. “I made no such promise.” Crossing your arms, you jump a little when the door is opened again. Turning around, you see your aunt with bright eyes.
“(Y/N), won't you invite your friend in?” Her tone makes you blush.
“Goor morning, Miss Florence. Actually, I'm just here to pick her up.”
“I can't go today, Billy. Diane is baking something nice and–”
“No, no, no. She's going.” Diane cuts you off, grabbing your arm and pulling you inside. “Go change out of your pajamas, honey.”
“But–” She gives you a meaningful look.
“(Y/N), go change.”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh. “I'll be right back,” you tell Billy, ignoring how embarrassed you are, and the smirk on his lips.
You run upstairs, trying not to think too much about where you're going. You were kinda hoping he'd forget about that, but you'll try to keep in mind what Monica said. There's no reason to overthink. When the moment comes to make big decisions, you'll make them. You do enjoy being around Billy, and you do have fun together. The whole feeling you have when you're around him is unlike anything you ever felt before, and some part of you is starting to get addicted to it. On the pool, you have found yourself excited for the lunch break because you'll get to talk to him... It scares you, but as you change into a lilac blouse and jeans, you make up your mind for the day. You'll be with him today, so you'll make the best of it.
After taking one last look in the mirror, you take some money because you remember saying something about pizza. You take a deep breath before leaving the bedroom. But you move backwards abruptly when you see Billy standing outside. “What the hell!” You exclaim, pushing him and closing the door.
“Can't I see your bedroom?”
“No.” You wouldn't mind actually, but you decide to tease him since he came all the way up here without asking.
“Then you won't get to see mine.”
“That's fine by me.” Shrugging your shoulders, you bump into him as you move back downstairs. “I'm going, aunt. See you.”
“Have fun with your boyfriend, honey.”
You freeze by the door, feeling as if Diane just betrayed you. You feel Billy's eyes, burning, and you bet he has that stupid smirk on his face. “He's not my boyfriend,” you shout at her, grabbing Billy's arm and pulling him out.
You're impressed by the fact that he opens the passenger door for you, but since you're still blushing, you avoid his gaze. The short trip to his house is silent as you hope what your aunt said fades away... And you're also memorizing the way there.
Soon enough you're at his front door, and you watch as he unlocks it. “The place used to suck, but I've been trying to fix it, so... Don't mind it. It's not as cool as your house.”
“Uhm...” You mumble, stepping inside and looking around, taking in the place. It's not bad as he described it, it's cozy...
It's Billy's place. You feel weird to be here, as if you're giving a whole new step closer to him. “How many girls have you brought here?” You suddenly need to know if you can allow yourself to feel special.
“One.” He moves to stand before you, holding his index finger up, then slowly pointing it at you.
Taking a deep breath, you step back, smiling. “You brought me here to meet your sister. Where is she?”
“Max!” He yells suddenly, at the top of his lungs and you jump, heart racing.
“What the hell.” You breathe out, slapping his arm playfully. His bare arm. You haven't noticed the sleeveless tattered dark gray shirt that leaves his arms exposed. You have to force yourself to look away, meeting his blue eyes. “Why did you do that?”
“Did I scared you?” He smiles, towering over you.
“Yeah, you did.” You step back again, eager to put some distance between you and him. “Jerk. Go get your sister before I change my mind and go home.”
“She's probably listening to music.” Billy walks away, disappearing in the hall. You're left alone so you walk around, noticing the bench press he has in the middle of the living room. Walking around it, a piece of paper above the TV gets your attention. Taking it, you sigh to read Max's handwriting. “She's not in her room.” Billy says as he comes back, gesturing at the hall.
“Be back in fifteen minutes, shithead.” You read the words out loud to him, showing the paper.
Billy takes it from your hand, rolling his eyes. “I'm gonna kill her.”
“Sorry that you have to stay alone here with me. It must be a true nightmare, Billy Hargrove.” Raising an eyebrow, you smile at his expression. “What about that?” You walk around the bench press, standing behind it and trying to pull the barbell up. The thing doesn't even move, so you try again, using more strength, but nothing happens. “Whoa, this thing is heavy.”
“I work out almost every night, so I just leave it here.”
“That you work out is pretty obvious.” You gesture at his arms and chest.
“Yeah. I'm glad you noticed.” He comes to stand behind you. “Let me just–” He picks the weight up, both his arms around you, keeping you caged between his body and the bar.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a low voice as he starts moving the damn thing, up and down, up and down. “Ok, I'm just a tiny little bit impressed to see you lifting this thing up, but put it down, please.” He knows the effect he has on girls, and he also knows you're not immune to it.
He doesn't say anything, pulling the bar up once again, forcing it a little against your shoulders, pushing you backwards until your back hits his chest. His solid, strong chest. “You're such a jerk, Billy.” Why is your voice so weak? You look at his left arm, how tensed his muscles are. “These things are heavy. Put it down before you drop it and hurt me.” You need to get away from him. Being this close is dangerous, because you feel something coming from the back of your mind, an idea that had never crossed your thoughts before.
“I'd never let anything hurt you.”
You turn your head to the side, just enough to look at him. He's already looking, those blue eyes threatening to drown you. Your eyes fall on his lips, of how close they are. You could easily tiptoe now and find out how his lips would feel on yours. It feels like he knows exactly what you're felling because when he moves the bar to give you more space, you turn around, almost as if you're being pulled towards him, like a magnet.
But you know you shouldn't kiss Billy. It would be a point of no return. That's it, a big decision... But right now, the last thing you want to do is think. You just want to feel, and let these feelings flow out.
When you're face to face with him, you feel the bar on your back, pushing you against his chest, making it impossible to run away. As if you would even if you had the chance. “You know I hate you, right? For doing this.” You whisper, as your arms involuntary move to lay on his chest.
“I'm not–”
“Hey, shitface. I'm back.” A girl's voice drags you out of your numbness, and Billy puts the bar down on the bench.
“That's disgusting.” Someone else says and you step away from Billy, catching your breath and clearing your throat. Max isn't alone. She brought a small army with her, five people, and everyone looks the same age.
“Perfect timing as always, Max,” Billy complains. “(Y/N), this is Maxine, my dipshit sister. And the rest of her gang.”
“The gang that saved your ass, you mean.” One of them says, his voice a little muffled, which makes you giggle a little. “Dustin, nice to meet you.” He steps forward and shakes your hand. “So. Are you Billy's girlfriend?”
“No, I–”
“Ok. These are Lucas, my boyfriend.” Max starts, and you feel Billy sighing when she names the boy. “Will, Mike, Eleven, and Dustin you already met.”
“So these are your saviors,” you say, turning to look at Billy.
“Every single one of them.” He answers.
“If you two aren't dating, why did you bring her here, Billy? Wasn't there a rule about not bringing your flings to the house?” Max mutters, walking past you and to the TV. The others move to seat on the couch and some on the floor.
“(Y/N) is not a fling.” He says, rolling his eyes. You try hard not to smile at what you just heard.
You're a little uncomfortable since Max's friends keep staring as if you're a ghost. Their eyes fly from Billy and back at you, and they even gossip, whispering on each other's ears. “Max, you look like a very smart kid.”
“I am.” She says with a smirk. “Unlike my brother.”
“So, if I make you a question, would you be able to answer real quick?” You smile at her curious face, as you slowly step backwards, closer to the hall and further away from Billy.
“Billy's room?” You burst out, speaking a fast as you can.
“First door to the right.” She yells, just as fast as you spoke, and you're off, like a lightning bolt because you see Billy moving.
You run through the hall and literally throw yourself on the door, opening it and almost stumbling in. You're laughing when he grabs your wrist, giving up when he notices you're already in. “You got me there, I'll admit.”
It's your time to smirk at him, teasingly, stepping further into his bedroom. “What did you say before? That I wouldn't get to see your room?” As you speak, you start pacing around. His room is more organized then you expected. His bed has a dark red blanket over it, and it looks very comfortable. There are movie posters on the walls and a sound system on his dresser. You move to stand before the mirror he has on the nightstand beside his bed, looking through the colognes he has. “Which one you use?”
“All of them.”
“No, there's one you use more often.” You have the scent vivid in your memory, so you quickly go through the small bottles, bringing them close to my nose. “This one.” You look up, meeting his eyes through the mirror.
“It's my favorite.” He says, moving a little closer.
“Mine too.” Thanks to the proximity, you can smell it, irradiating from his body. It's fresh and strong, very masculine. “I mean... I like it.”
Billy takes the bottle from your hands, opening it. “Here.” He pour some on his index and middle finger, bringing them to your neck, on the soft spot below your left ear, pulling the hair away, and does the same on the other side. You feel the cold liquid spreading through your skin, and the scent surrounds you completely. “Now you smell like me.”
What should you say? Or do? You're frozen, inebriated by the closeness, by the low sound of his breathing. “I...”
“Hey, lovebirds. We're watching a movie.” Max says, and her voice brings you back to Earth. She has such perfect timing to save your ass. “You can either come and watch or stay here and make out. You pick.” And she leaves.
“Movie...” You tell him, catching your breath.
“Did I make you nervous?”
“I just want to watch the movie, Billy.” Grabbing his hand, you pull him towards the living room. “We're watching the movie,” you tell the kids.
“You and you. Move.” Billy gestures at Dustin and Will, who immediately stand up from the cough, giving you and Billy enough space to sit down.
The movie is already starting, and you roll your eyes to feel Billy's arm around your shoulders. You're aware the kids are staring, but you guess they're not used to see Billy like this with a girl. But you try to really focus on the movie, as you slowly relax.
You feel as you move closer to Billy, your legs touching. The movie isn't very good, and you laugh when Billy sigh's out of frustration. The kids seem to like it though.
“Not a very good one, right?” You whisper to him.
“You picked the wrong option, princess.” He snaps back, and you immediately remember what the other option was.
“What makes you think I want to make out with you?” You turn your head to look at him, using all the sassiness you have to cover up the truth. That you want to kiss him so bad, a fact that you just realized today. You've been wanting to kiss him for a while now, but you know how dangerous it would be.
“You think I don't notice when you blush? Or when you start breathing fast? Or when–”
“Shhh.” Someone mutters, and your eyes move back to the TV, abruptly. You feel Billy's chest moving when he laughs.
“I need to know something...” He whispers, and you feel as his arms slide down, encircling your waist and pulling you closer. You can feel his breath on your hair, and whatever is on the TV right now is just a distant blur. “I need to know if you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre
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mamawolfblood · 3 years
Forbidden Flame 3
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Chapter 3
Mako pov
Once we got back and Iris was looked over, The village wanted us gone. I didn't want to cause her anymore harm. I packed my things when Sokka came to my tent. "Hey Mako listen I overreacted on you. I know you would never hurt Iris or anyone here. I know you love her and she loves you. Mako what your planning to do will make her feel worse." He said calmly placing a hand on my shoulder. I started to cry again holding my face. "You have every right to be afraid of me. My people have done so many unspeakable acts. I love her so much it hurts Sokka seeing her like that, knowing what he did to her destroyed me. " I said not knowing when I got to my knees. "As far as I am concerned you are the only fire bender I trust. We are leaving with the Avatar why not join us. Iris already agreed to come along and I think it would be good for the both of you." He said leaving me to think. I was about to get up when a pair of arms wrapped around me. My hand over her's taking in her warmth and closeness. "I know you would never hurt me Mako. You are not the one to blame Zuko is. I tried to fight him off. I was not strong enough to, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of braking me. *Turned him to face her.* now you get up drie those eyes. What's done is done and can't be changed. Stop feeling sorry about it and do something that will prevent it from happening again. Help us destroy the fire lord and end this pointless fucking war. *sigh* We leave at day break you have till then to choose." She said leaving my tent her words rattles inside me. I however didn't need to choose because there was only one choice.
Iris pov
I was helping Katara pack the sattle hoping Mako would come with us. He has yet to show but I can worry about that later.  "Looks like he isn't coming I'm so sorry Iris." Katara said hugging me. I sigh looking back at his tent begging to the spirits to make him come. I sigh getting in the sattle only to find him already there. He pulled me into his arms holding me tightly. "There is nowhere you can go that I will not follow." He said before kissing me tenderly. While in the air I couldn't help but wonder where we were going first. We soon arrived at the southern air temple. It looked so empty but Aang was blind by happiness to see it. The structure was beautiful Aang was talking about how him and his friends played games, and did all kinds of things. While in a room know as the sanctuary
I felt an odd pull to a water bender statue. "Thats Avatar Kuruk he wants the best Avatar." Aang said making me jump. "He looks like my dad." She said in a thinking tone. "You might be related he was a bit of a ladies man." He said before going over to the statue of a fire bender. He stared at it as if trying to figure out something. "Aang who is that?" Katara asked making him jump. "Thats Avatar Roku." He said then Sokka had to be Sokka. Mako ,Aang, and Sokka ran after a lemur. After a few minutes the statues started to glow. "Well that can't be good." I said running with Katara finding Aang in the Avatar state. Katara managed to calm him down we all walked up and hugged him. "I really am the last air bender." Hearing him say that broke my heart because there was nothing anyone could do.
Time skip to night
I sat up watching the stars I couldn't sleep. It's not that I can't sleep just can't get comfortable. "Iris is everything ok?" Katara asked sounding concerned. "I just can't get comfortable to sleep." I said making her go pail. "Iris when is your aunt flow supposed to visit?" She asked quietly. I thought about it "a week from now....oh no no absolutely not." I said in horror remembering what Zuko did. Tears stream down my cheeks Katara held me letting me cry into her. "You need to tell Mako. This isn't something you can hide." She said rubbing my back.
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 Written by my internet friend Colt many years ago.
     I woke up to the intense pain like that of a migraine headache.  I could feel every hair on my body it seemed, with an undertow of muscle aches all over my body.  My mind was spinning round and round, trying to figure out where I was.  The room was dark, I could sense that the room was strangely familiar, but I couldn’t make the connection.  Oh, the pain, how I wished it would go away.   As I grappled to sit upright, the pain instantly started to tighten its grip on my head.  My eyes started adjusting to the darkness of the room.  Fear and panic started to run through my mind, this just wasn’t where I remember going to sleep.
       The last thing that I remember was that I had gone to a friend’s party.  I had started feeling strange at the party so I had left and went home.  I vaguely recall entering my house and going to my bedroom and falling face first onto my bed.  And that was all I wrote. 
       But, now here I am in this room that I have no idea how I came to be in.  My eyes started adjusting to the darkness of the room.  I could make out that there were two small kids sleeping on cots, and another person that I could hear breathing but couldn't place where they were.  I realized that I was now sitting up on a sleeping bag that was on the floor.  My brain struggled to figure out where the hell I was.  Completely paralyzed by the fear I felt continued its grip on me.   And the ungodly pain in my head.  I couldn't even wish that much pain on even my worst enemy.  Yet, for some reason, the surroundings were so familiar, but I couldn't make the connection with my excruciating level of pain.  I must be having one of my migraines and hallucinating at the same time.  That was the only explanation that I could think of at this point.
       When I quit trying so hard to remember my surroundings, the answer hit me with a vengeance.  The room I was in was my Aunt and Uncle’s basement.  Their basement had a one very large room with a pool table, tables, couches, and a bar.  Ok, I must be dreaming, this just can’t be real.  It didn’t make any sense to me.  As I sat up on the sleeping bag, I realized that I was wearing full biker leathers.  Judging by what I could feel against my skin, I had on a pair of leather pants tucked into tall boots, a leather shirt, a leather jacket and tight fitting gloves on.  The leather felt very warm, moist, and sweat soaked against my skin.  The leather felt like it fit me like a glove all over my body which felt soothing on my ragged nerves. My eyes had now adjusted to the darkness and I could see well enough to get around the basement.    
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       I NEED air!  I couldn’t make any sense of how I come to be in these surroundings.   I was still petrified of what has happened to me, and maybe some fresh air will help.  I carefully stepped around the obstacles in the basement, acting like a cat trying not to make a sound as I made my way upstairs.   The boots and leathers I was wearing started to make plenty of noise, so I did my best to adjust my movements to quiet down the leather creaking.  It seemed as though my hearing abilities were magnified greatly over normal, it must have been the fact that it was dark in the room and of course the fear I was experiencing.  It seemed to take forever climbing up the non-carpeted steps without making any discernable level of noise.  After climbing up the steps, I found myself in the kitchen.  I needed something to drink to my quench my dry mouth.  I carefully opened up the fridge and grabbed a Mountain Dew (I almost did not recognize the Mountain Dew can) and left the kitchen.  Finding the back door to the house, I gently opened the door so as to not wake anyone up.  I stepped outside onto the cool patio cement floor, it was obviously summer time.  I set my Mountain Dew down on the patio table.  The night was deafening to me, it just seemed too quiet for some reason.  As I sat down on a bench on the patio in the bright moonlight, I could see something that almost gave me a heart attack.  In the driveway were my cousin’s Torino, '40 Ford and my Uncle’s Dodge truck that they had back in the early 70s.  Also in the driveway were two Harley Davidson motorcycles.  The Harleys could explain why I'm clad in full biker leathers. This can’t be real!  I went and looked at the license plate of truck, and it had 1973 stamped into it.  Looking out towards the front of the house, I could see my Dad’s GMC pickup truck with its camper shell on it that we had back then too.  In front of Dad's truck, was a Chevy Malibu.  It looked as though we were on one our annual summer vacations back to Denver Colorado.  I could feel something in one of the pockets of my jacket; it was a pack of Marlboro reds in a box that were just a bit smashed.  I managed to pull out a few cigs without breaking them.  The cigs were not totally damaged, just a bit bent from being squished a bit in my jacket from laying on them.  My hands were very shaky trying to strike a match to light up that magic first Marlboro.  My leather covered hands finally made the match come to life and lit that first Marlboro.  I took a very slow and deep drag, feeling my tenseness starting to subside 
somewhat.  Exhaling slowly making smoke rings in the night air with the bright moonlight casting its light on the rings.  The smoke rings against the bright moonlit night fascinated me for a few minutes distracting me from my situation.  I was completely puzzled, trying to figure out a rational explanation for my predicament.  I could only remember that when I went to sleep last night, the year was 2003, 30 years from where I was now.  And all of a sudden I realized I’m NOT the same person.  In the summer of 1973, I was only 9 years old, how could I be this adult sized person?  As I finished that first cig, I started to panic again with a new found fear, I lit another cig.  Then I popped the top of the Mountain Dew can on the table.  I took a big gulp of the magic Mountain Dew, cooling my throat all of the way down to my stomach.
       Realizing that there was something in one of the jacket pockets, I reached into the pocket pulled out a wallet.  I slowly opened the wallet, afraid of what I would find; I hadn’t even looked at myself in a mirror yet.  Using the bright moonlight, I looked at a driver’s license for someone that never existed, yet here it is.  The license was a Florida driver’s license.  Well, my family used to live there in 1973.  I carefully inspected the license, looking at the picture, the printed information, realizing that I must truly be this ���new” person.  The name printed on the license was Kirk Derek Colten McCormack; the birthday was October 15, 1956; and the address was where we had lived in Florida at that time.  OOOOOh my God!!!!!  I must be somebody else, but in my own family?  The Twilight Zone was REALLY  happening to me I thought.  My hands still shaking, I lit another cig.   Right now, I couldn’t get enough nicotine to alleviate my fears and anxieties.  At that point, I couldn’t discern one reality from the next.  I was in a REAL Twilight Zone.  Where was Rod Serling?  He had to be around here somewhere telling the television audience of my predicament it seemed.   Did I really look like the guy in the license picture?  My curiosity compelled me to run over to my Uncle’s truck to look in the mirror to see what I looked like.  The reflection startled me so much that I jumped back a bit after the initial view of myself in the mirror.  It was ME, the guy in the license picture and in the mirror.  Yikes!  I could swear I must be having a nervous crack-up or something. 
       I know I must be dreaming this whole thing.  I thought I should just go inside and go to sleep and I will reawake in the year 2003 where I belong as Jeremy McCormack.  Quietly opening the back door to the house, I slipped inside.  I decided to lay down on the couch in the family room.  To my relief I fell asleep rather quickly. 
 Chapter Two
       I awoke suddenly to someone shaking my shoulder.  I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that I had just been experiencing a vivid nightmare and that all was back to normal.  My Aunt Ruth and I made eye contact and it startled me.  Oh, my God!  It looked as though I was going to continue to suffer this mind bending nightmare.  Aunt Ruth was talking to me, but I really couldn’t make sense of what she was saying.  She repeated what she had just said to me.  Aunt Ruth kept saying that I didn’t look very well, and that I appeared to have a very high fever.  Her hands were like ice on my face.  Aunt Ruth said it must be all of the leather I was wearing.  I think I was delirious to say the least.  All of a sudden, my “brother” Jeremy and sisters Rebecca and Jeanette popped their faces in front of me asking me if I was alright.   I jumped back a bit again, seeing my “own” self in front of me. At that moment I was truly freaked out and jumpy to say the least.  It seemed like everyone in the house (my parents, cousins, brother and sisters and my Aunt and Uncle) were surrounding me like I was the star attraction, looking at me making their own diagnosis of the situation.  I could sense that they must have thought I was high on something, because of the way I was acting (not realizing at the moment that Colt experimented with drugs occasionally).  Finally I sat up, still feeling dizzy.  I finally convinced everyone that I had a migraine last night and just needed to take a shower and clean up and that that would help me feel better.  I somehow managed to stand up even though I was a little disoriented and negotiated the steep staircase to the basement.  I now realized that I was feeling the same way I did when I went asleep in 2003.  Someone must have slipped me some kind of drug back in 2003, and I was just having a brilliant nightmare.  My thoughts were that I must go with the flow of this “dream” so I could survive it and then it would be over and I could return to who I was originally. 
       I went downstairs into the basement.  I found where "my" stuff was which was in a duffle type bag next to a sleeping bag on the floor near my Uncle's pool table.  I opened up the bag to go through the duffle bag looking for some clothes to change into after I took a shower.  Somehow I had to get some time alone, to try and get my wits together.  While I continued to be in deep thought, Dad walked over to me asked whether or not that I felt good enough to still go on our planned motorcycle ride.   I quickly answered that I thought it sounded groovy. Going for a motorcycle ride would most definitely give me the time to sort things out without too many interruptions.  I could then deal with my situations without my family thinking that I was an absolute stoner and high on something.
        I went back to rummaging through the duffle bag so I could get a better idea of who I was now, that is when I discovered quite a surprise.  I had mostly motorcycle leathers, 3 or 4 pairs of leather pants, several pairs of tall boots, several pair of leather western shirts, a leather vest and several motorcycle jackets completed the leather gear.  The scent of the leather gave me a momentary "high" that I could never get enough of to tell the truth.  I was rather stunned for a minute.  The leather gear was very soft and actually rather stylish for the time.  Several pairs of the leather pants, some were the 70s style bell bottom styles.  A couple pairs of pants were vintage (to me any how) motorcycle styled with zippered pockets instead of the regular kind of pockets.  What surprised me was the fact, that there were motorcycle leathers in the suitcase.  My last “lifetime,” we didn’t own any street motorcycles, just an old dirt bike. The rest was the usual 70s styled clothes and stuff of the like.  There was also a small box that was full of Indian turquoise silver jewelry.   
       I settled on a set of leathers similar to what I was already wearing.  A sleeveless black leather western shirt, a pair of breeches, and a pair of highly polished knee high engineer boots (which I had on at the moment).  I went to the bathroom, closed the door, and began to take off my sweat soaked leathers.  I started with taking off my gloves. On my fingers were several Indian silver rings and a wide silver bracelet laden with different colors of turquoise.  When I slipped off my jacket, I noticed a wide black leather watchband.  I sat down on the toilet and pulled off my glossy boots.  When I took off my leather shirt, I felt that I had a few silver necklaces around my neck.  I pulled off a leather strap that held my long hair into a pony tail.  I felt a thick mustache on my face that was shaped like an upside down horseshoe.  I finished getting undressed and turned on the hot water to the shower and slowly entered the stream of hot water.  The hot steamy water of the shower beating down on my face felt so refreshing.  
I soaped myself up thoroughly not paying attention to my "new" body.  I did notice that when I was washing my hair that I had several earrings pierced in my left ear.  I must be really into jewelry.  My life in 2003 I could have cared less when it came to any kind of jewelry.  The hot water soothed and relaxed my entire body.  After I was rinsed clean I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off.  That was when I noticed that there was a full length mirror on the back side of the bathroom door.  I took a towel and cleaned the steam off of the mirror.  I looked in the mirror, and I noticed my “new” body was quite attractive.  The reflection of my “new” face in the mirror was a young teenager and those pearly whites were flawless looking.  I stood probably about 6' tall and my body was very muscular as though I spent years lifting weights.  My straight, thick, long, dark brown hair fell between my shoulder blades.  My long brown hair was so soft and silky.   My face had chiseled features with a pearly white smile that was just flawless.  My thick soft manicured mustache made me look like a rock star with my long hair.  I could now see the ear piercings in my left ear.  My darkly tanned skin was smooth, tight, with a soft and fine covering of dark brown hair all over.  My eyes were an unusual purple color that could mesmerize anyone.  My strong hands started feeling all over my body sensing the newness of it all.  My hands of course found their way to my crotch.  My hands found my cock with huge balls and started working it over a bit.  In just seconds, it stood tall and proud at least 12 inches long and nicely thick.  Within another minute, I shot a huge load all over the full length mirror on the back side of the bathroom door.  The orgasm seemed to last for minutes, and a release that I so desperately needed.  At that moment, I froze for a moment as I shockingly discovered that I was staring at TWO cocks both hard as a rock.  When I had shot my load, it came from BOTH cocks.  Ok, so now I am some sort of freak was the next thought on my mind.  But then I realized that two cocks were better than one, with double the pleasurable sensations.  I guess it won't be that bad being a freak.  
 Chapter Three
        My mind realized that I had better finish getting dressed.  I slipped on the cool black sleeveless western leather shirt.  The shirt fit like it was tailored for a perfect fit.  I only snapped the front of the shirt about halfway exposing the valley of my chest between my well defined pecs and the brilliant silver necklaces.  I placed the wide watchband on next.  I kept all of the jewelry on while I took my shower as didn't want to deal with that detail.  Then I slipped into the black leather breeches (these breeches were non-flared) making sure that I adjusted for my cocks, one down each leg.  The fly was made with exposed metal snaps from the crotch all the way up to the waistband.  Rather sexy looking I thought.  My thighs filled out the legs of the breeches so smoothly.   I tucked in my smooth black leather sleeveless western styled shirt.  Then I snapped up the fly of the breeches and buckled up the wide basket weave belt.  The pant legs, now that was a different story.  Each leg had a zipper that extended from crotch to the bottom of each pant leg.  I put on a pair of socks and then I zipped myself tightly into each leg of the breeches.  The leathers that I had just shoehorned myself into were the tightest leathers that I had ever remembered wearing in my other life.  At the bottom of each leg was an elastic stirrup that looked like it was designed to keep my breeches from bunching up when I sat or stood up.  The breeches fit perfectly like the shirt.  The breeches fit so smoothly that there was no way I could put much of anything into the pockets.  Next, I pulled on my highly polished tall engineer boots which the boot shafts came to just under my knees that were made by Dehner Boot Company.  The closest way I could describe how I looked for the most part was that of Maxwell Caulfield in the movie "Grease 2" when he was in his slick full leathers at the end of the movie.  I stared at myself in the full length mirror on the door admiring myself for a few minutes and absolutely delighted with what I saw.  I was a little narcissistic for a few minutes at my killer looks.  I finished getting ready by brushing my hair and teeth.  I tied up my long hair into a pony tail with a strip of black leather with a snap on it.  I was as ready as I could be to face more of my continuing dream.
       Mom (who wouldn’t be my Mother this time around obviously - because Mom and Dad hadn’t gotten married until 1961), knocked on the door to see if I was done, so Dad could clean up.  I told her a few more minutes and I would be done.  I quickly cleaned up my mess and finished getting myself together. 
       I went back to my sleeping bag and grabbed my 50s D-pocket styled motorcycle jacket which I noticed was lined in a light weight red perforated leather and a pair of black tight fitting gloves.  The gloves I placed into my breeches back zippered pocket about half way in.  I gently placed my mirrored aviator sunglasses on the front of my leather shirt where it was snapped up halfway.  Where I placed the glasses drew attention to my exposed chest.  These few details such as the gloves in my breeches pocket, and hanging the sunglasses onto my shirt just seemed to flow out of me naturally.  I could feel my raw sexual energy emanating from my body which I had no control over.  There seemed to be an overwhelming power over me on how I carried myself (as Colt).  My movements seemed to be guided by that power that I couldn't put my finger on.  I guess it must have been Colt's sub consciousness that was controlling me.  It seemed as thought my mind was an overlay on top of Colt's mind. 
       I double checked to make sure my wallet was still in my jacket and grabbed another pack of Marlboros and matches which I put into a pocket of the leather shirt.  I went upstairs to the kitchen where Aunt Ruth offered me breakfast, but I decided on a couple of cans of Mountain Dew instead.  My nerves were too shot to eat anything right now.  My sisters, brother (me before this dream started), and Mother were in the kitchen eating breakfast with my Aunt.  Dad was downstairs in the basement getting ready to go on our ride.
       I went outside onto the patio with my smokes and the cans of Mountain Dew.  Sitting there on the patio smoking and taking big gulps of Mountain Dew my mind was doing quick flashes of my "life" as Colt.  The temperature was warming up quickly.  It must have been around 80 F now, sunny with brilliant blue clear skies.  The time was probably around 10:00 am.  The warmth of the day made my leathers start to glue themselves to my skin.  The sensations of the leather against my body began to turn me on.  I was becoming highly aroused at this point. 
       I decided to find a distraction to suppress my hormones for a while.  I turned to my mounting curiosity to check out things around the house to see if I could remember more.  So I decided to walk around and check things out.  I walked around the house to the front yard and was checking out what I thought was a Malibu that I saw last night (I was a car enthusiast back in 2003 so this car was intriguing).  When I got closer to the car, I noticed that there were not any Malibu or Chevrolet nameplates on the car.  There were a lot of differences from that of a Malibu.  At first I thought it was a customized car but there were nameplates that read Beaumont SD and 396.  The nameplates had a maple leaf on them.  The car must be Canadian.  I thought what a strange name for a car and perplexed as to why it was in the States.  As I did a quick look over of the car, it became apparent that I was beginning to "remember" more and more of Colt (and less of my former self) and that the Beaumont was mine.  The Beaumont was red inside and out and appeared to have every gadget you could possibly order on a car back then when it was new.  The car just plain sparkled. I must have been a stickler for keeping it looking impressive all of the time. 
           As I returned to the patio to sit down, everybody except Dad and I were leaving to go visit our Grandparents.  I lit another Marlboro and opened the other can of Mountain Dew. I sat transfixed upon the gleaming Harleys sitting in the driveway.  One of the Harleys was a red and black Electra Glide with a bunch of accessories and goodies on it.  The other Electra Glide was silver and was a bit more spartan.  My mind was flashing more bits of Colt's memory.  I then knew that the red and black Electra Glide was mine.  It was a '70 model that I paid cash for.  I thought how could a teenager pay cash for a late model Harley?  I probably would remember the answer to that question soon as well.  The silver Electra Glide belonged to Dad and it was a '65 model (the first year of the electric start Harleys).  I noticed that the driveway was clear of the cars and truck.  Everyone but my Aunt must have gone to work.  On the far side of the garage was a trailer.  I suddenly remembered that Dad had towed the trailer from home.  Dad brought the Harleys in it and some of our luggage.   
       Dad called out to me from the back door of the house.  He said he would be ready in about 10 minutes.  I went inside and grabbed my jacket.  I slipped on my 50s motorcycle jacket.  The red leather lining felt terrific against my naked arms.  I stuffed my smokes into my shirt pocket.  Gently pulling my sunglasses from the front of my shirt I slid them onto my face adjusting them for the perfect position.  I grabbed my black leather gloves from the back pocket of my breeches and slowly worked each glove onto my strong hands.  I found the keys to the Harley in one of the jacket pockets.  I moaned softly with the pleasurable sensations of being totally engulfed in tight fitting, shiny, and highly polished black leathers.  DAMN!  I knew at that moment that I was HOT looking exuding sexual energy at full power.  My cocks started to snake down each leg with considerable strain as my tightly leather clad legs were doing its best to prevent it.  I knew that it would be just a matter of time before I would shoot a considerable size load of cum down each leg.  At that point I didn't care, I welcomed it actually. 
I loved it!  I went outside to the bikes and started my Harley.  Dad walked out of the house (and locked the door) fully clad in glistening black leather from his neck down.  I realized that I had an air of confidence that I had never felt or experienced even in my "previous life" being around my Father.  Dad's personality was totally different from my last "life".  Dad and I (Colt) seemed to have a very tight knit bond between us in this life.  Dad was now a very cheerful person and was insistent on having fun whenever possible.  He also had a very different physical build of his body.  He was much more muscular than he was in the other realm.  We both seemed to feed one liners to each other so we were laughing a lot. 
  Chapter Four
       Dad strutted over to his bike fluidly.  It was almost sexy.  He started his gleaming silver Harley Electra Glide.  My bike was pretty much all warmed up and ready to go. Oh the feel of the exhaust pulsating from the two Harleys just made my pulse quicken and start my adrenaline pumping.  Oh I was pretty excited about going for the ride.  I told Dad told me to lead the way as I knew how to get to Evergreen by going the long way.  We were going to have lunch in Evergreen and then cruise around and head back to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Westminster.   Dad thought our ride should last about 4-5 hours.  I then lowered myself on to my vibrating Electra Glide.  The vibrations made my cocks come to life again.  I slowly zipped up my 50s leather jacket up to the snapped lapels.  I reached up and turned up my collar to look "cool".  This ride is going to be great I thought.  I kicked my bike into first gear and slowly let the clutch out and I was heading down the driveway.  I gently eased the bike onto the street with Dad behind me.  Once I was on the street, I had to just let loose on the throttle and raced Dad to the end of the street.  Dad was right beside me.  Oh, my gawd, this was certainly better than the Harley I had in 2003.  Just feeling the raw power of the Harley going down the road was thrilling my senses.  We headed over to the Boulder Turnpike and went towards Boulder.  The warm sun beating down on my black leathers and the wind in my face and from the speed going down the highway was so invigorating.  I surely enjoyed the wind blowing through my long hair. Between feeling the heat from my leathers to the vibration from the engine of the Harley, I suddenly shot copious amounts of cum down my legs in my leather breeches.  Oh that felt so good!  What a way to have an orgasm!  I didn’t care that I was going to have a mess to clean out of my breeches when we were done with our ride. 
       As Dad and I approached Boulder (it sure looked different from what I remember in 2003), my mind was starting to remember more memories of Colt the “brother” I had become.  I was beginning to see more and more memories flashing in my mind.  It was so strange to feel my two lives becoming one.  More memories began to come through the more relaxed I became.  My old life was starting to fade to where it was beginning to seem like it was the dream.  The real Colt personality was taking over my old personality little by little.   I could feel the transformation take over me.  I was feeling so revitalized with more energy and drive, but with a sense of a responsibility that I was here to accomplish something that I couldn’t do previously.  On the west side of Boulder, Dad and I turned onto Hwy. 93 heading south towards Golden.  Oh, the thrill of it all.  Everything seemed to be making more sense and I started feeling more comfortable with myself being Colt.  I decided to let my mind relax enough so that I could remember more of Colt's memories.  Being on the motorcycle with the wind in my hair I now was able to be by myself to where I could just let the memories flow through.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Word Count: 1,569
Warnings: None, kinda sad
Request: Love your stuff , is there any chance I could request a Draco x reader where Draco breaks up with you/reader because he’s a death eater , but then discovers ( reader/you ) is also a death eater and they feel less lonely going through together ? Thanks x
A/n: So sorry this was late. I had family at my house and no time to write. I hope you guys like it!
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“No.” You sobbed out, voice wavering. “No. You can't do this to me Draco.”
    “We’re done.” He repeated, his face was vacant of any emotion.
    “How are you okay with this, just being ‘done’. Did the past two years mean nothing to you?!” You cried out, tears streamed down your face in salty rivers as you looked at the boy you loved, still love.
    “It's better for both of us.” Draco sighed out looking anywhere but you. He feared if he locked eyes he would take it all back.
“How is this better?” You sobbed in an angry shout.   
Because you are safe. “It just is.” Draco looked at his feet in shame and guilt but he knew what he was doing was right. He knew.
You scoffed at him eyes full of sadness and fire, “Why?” you asked. This question got him to finally look at you and he regretted it instantly. Your face was red and cheeks blotchy, your hair was a mess and your eyes were shining with tears and rimmed with red. You looked beautifully broken and it killed him. He wanted to take it all back.
“Why?” You repeated, speaking through gritted teeth.
Because I did something bad. Real bad. And if you get caught up in this I wouldn't be able to live anymore. Because I pledged myself to someone besides you, someone evil. Because I love you. I love you so much. More than anything. “It's just not working out.”
Your face crumbled to dust. You felt your heart break in two. You wanted to hate him but you knew you never could. You never would. You hated yourself for it, but you never would.  You looked at Draco, his face absent but his eyes were full. Full of nothing. And it terrified you. He looked so different all of the sudden. He was so suddenly empty.
“I guess this is goodbye then Malfoy.” You spit out. You saw him flinched at his last name before you turned and retreated to your dorm. The second after the door slammed shut you let out a sob. You felt yourself fall apart. How could he leave you? How after everything? You slid to the floor shaking with sobs. You curled in a ball, you felt your hand reach up your sleeve and grasp the mark made there. You ran your thumb over the deadly imprint and whimpered silently in the dark. You had never felt so alone.
Draco sat in Charms and he found his gaze landing on you again. The two of you haven't spoken since you broke up and he felt like he was drowning. The truth was that he had always been drowning. He had been drowning his whole life. But you had been there. You had been his life raft and now he had jumped off that life raft and he realized he had forgotten how to swim. He was drowning once again. He watched you, your head bent over a paper and quill as you took notes. Your y/h/c hair was in a dutch braid that hung down your back and he imagined running his fingers through its silky texture and shuddered. He had never missed anything so much in his life. How could he just abandon you?
You felt his eyes on you everywhere. His icy glare found you at all times, at meals, in the common room, classes, even the library. You wished he would stop. It made it very difficult to ignore him. You wished he would just disappear. Disappear from the school, the world, your head. He seemed to be the only thing from keeping you from drowning in your thoughts before. But now you were drowning in your thoughts of him.You hated that he had so easily hurt you. You hated being so secluded. You hated yourself. Your bitchy family and your crazy mother. You hated your legacy. You hated what you always knew you would become. But it's too late now anyway. Soon you'll be killing people before being married off to a murder. It's ok right? Who marries for love anymore anyway?
“You alright man?” Blaise asked.
“I'm fine.” Draco awnsered curtly. He had been trying to focus on his Potions essay before you walked into the library. Now he was glaring at his ink while trying to ignore your deep green robes.
“You've been weird since you broke up with y/l/n you sure your over her?” the boy asked flipping through a textbook he hadn't bothered to read.
“Why would I break up with her otherwise.” Drco pointed out, his teeth gritted his grip on his quill tightening.
“True,” Zambini laughed, “You know they’re plenty of bitches in the sea.”
Draco flinched wanting to slap the other boy. How dare he disrespect you like that? But instead he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. “I dont want to date anyone.” Draco snapped, his head whipping to meet his friends eyes.
“Alright,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender, “You just seem like you need to get laid.”
Draco scoffed and once again went back too staring at his ink while trying to write as Zambini laughed about soemthing stupid he heard somewhere. Out of the condor of his eye he say you leave your seat and his eyes followed you out, your robes billowing behind you.
Finally after 30 more minutes of getting nothing done he packed up his stuff and left the library. His feet felt heavy and his heart felt like it was broken and hollowed out, then filled with lead. He was being dragged down into black water by his psychotic family. His father had his right ankle. His mother his left and his aunt was tugging on his robes as he walked back to the common room.
Then he heard something that propelled him downward quicker than his family could drag him. He heard your cries. He didn't hear them often, only a few times before, but he could recognize them anywhere.
He walked past the bathroom twice. Both times hating himself a little more. Finally he gathered the courage and stormed into the bathroom. He was greeted by the sight of you lying on the white tiled floor in tears.
You glanced up hearing his footsteps and pushed yourself into the corner, drawing your knees to your chest. As you did so he caught a glance at the one thing you were trying to desperately hide.
Draco walked over to your cowering form and slid to the floor beside you. His eyes were soft and comforting. He watched as you tried to dry your tears you had always been so ashamed of.
“Hi.” He spoke eventually and almost starting laughing. He had just said hi. Which seemed ridiculous.
“What do you want?” You spoke harshly, your words like venom.
Draco sighed, he wasn't sure what to say. “I want to see your wrist.” He finally answered shakily.
You flinched at his words. Fresh tears brimmed your eyes, everything grew blurry. “Why?” you croaked.
“I know what's on it. I just want to be sure.” He spoke voice cracking, his own tears streaming down his pale cheeks
Slowly you raised your right sleeve as you did you let out a whimper, the sight of the mark made you want to cut it off your skin.
Draco had begun to heavily cry now, sixteen years he had kept locked deep inside him came flowing out as he looked at the dark ink moving on your wrist. He then reached for his own sleeve and pulled it up with shaking hands. He looked up at you and attempted to smile. It was more a grimace.
When you saw the mark on his arm your tears sobs stopped and tears rushed silently down your face. “They got you too.” You whispered, your voice breaking.
“They got me too.” Draco repeated reaching out to touch your inked arm. When you felt his fingers close aground the mark you felt it disappear.
“I broke up with you because didn't want you getting dragged into it.” He paused as your hand reached out to grasp his right wrist mimicking his actions, “I just didn't want you to get hurt, I love you too much and I'm so so so sorry, I should have just talked to you and,” He began to weep, “I just hurt you instead.” He finished his voice breaking.
“I love you too Draco.” You replied shakily. You then release your grip on his wrist and placed your hand on his cheek, using your thumb to wipe his tears. “I love you so much, please don't ever leave me. I couldn't do it, do any of this without you.” You then leaned in and placed your lips on his. It was a slow, sweet, sad kiss. He tasted like salt and you were sure you did as well. His lips were chapped yet soft. He kissed you back slowly as more tears slipped from his stormy grey eyes.
When you pulled away we stared at his red rimmed eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of peace. You felt calm. Like you were safe. Finally safe.
"I'm here for you. We will get through this together." Draco croaked out his voice a raspy whisper.
"I love you Draco" You said leaning into him. He faced you and wrapped his arms around you as you leaned into this chest.
"I love you too," he whispered into your hair, "if we drown, we drown together."
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First Reactions To Logan’s Playlist
K first song let’s do this
White and Nerdy-Weird Al Yankovic
Wtf this song was definitely Joan’s idea I mean who else would think of ‘White and Nerdy’ for Logan
Is this like canon he listens to this stuff or like songs about him???
Not Perfect-Tim Minchin
Bo Burnham better be on Logan's playlist
Is this about the mindpalace/inside of Thomas’ head??? Cause like???? Ouch???? I think????
Lol nvm it’s not sad lmao
I take back my take back it is sad
So this could be literally “in his mind” or it could be figurative and it’s really messing with my funky flow
Cool instrumental
Love the voice sounds a little like MARINA and Regina Spektor
Oh no I’m two lines in and I can tell it’s gonna be sad
Wow Logan is just out here being relatable isn’t he smh 😔👊
"Cause you're a smart kid, but you're still a kid" LOGAN REALLY BE OUT HERE BEING RELATABLE ON MAIN
The Elements-Tom Lehrer
Sounds like what piano class would sound like if I took piano class
Something you would listen to in science class
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out vibes
Lmao nvm
Gonna go look up the lyrics rn brb
A sad bop
Philosophy cool
Human-Tank And The Bangas
Logan playing this to comfort himself because this singer is the only person who has ever told him this
Last???? Relationship???
Okay I'm not a shipper BUT my theorist analysis obsessed brain is just SCREAMING about Roman and Patton
Observation: Logan is probably atheistic and this song covers God a lot. I don't have a conclusion or anything just pointing that out
This woman do be calming tho like yes I'm beautiful yes I'm special thank you
Okay so I already knew Logan wasn't okay but he 100% isn't okay
Fittet Happier-Radiohead
K two words in and I can tell this is gonna be sad here we go
Employees? Or maybe…other sides?
Minor key ok
So I heard of a good therapist just downtown-
The Watchtower-The Dø
I paused it cause I need a second after the last one
Guys as someone who dissosiates a lot I think Logan might be dissosiating
Dissosiating to protect himself from his emotions
Y'all just trust me in this one
Coming for the TØP brand I see
K ready to start again here we go
Fire beat I'm vibing with it
Is he trying to distance himself from his emotions to try and perform his tasks better like watching from a Watchtower???
This is the first character I've seen that might dissosiate which only means one thing
I'm gonna be projecting an unholy amount in my fanfiction
"No one in particular" hon who hurt you
City Lights=Emotions (which he considers distractions)??? Maybe??
I'm a William Finn fan come on this isn't my first rodeo
Art Is Dead-Bo Burnham
We all love some good Imposter Syndrome (tm)! :D
This gives Learning New Things About Ourselves' a whole new meaning
Ngl this is the first time I heard the degrading of the piano at the end and I'm here for it
In My Mind-Amanda Palmer
Oop we LOVE setting up impossible expectations for yourself to the point you have a cripplingly horrid self esteem! :D
Logan I've done this before and trust me it isn't worth it the mental breakdowns are too taxing
I'll do it when I'm older=I'm never gonna get around to it
I don't wanna be the person I wanna be either
Why do I perfectly understand every lyric am I ok
Live!!! While you!!!! Can!!!!
At least there's a happy ending
Okay so I've decided that once I'm done I'm gonna make a list of songs I think would fit in the playlist
Algorythym-Childish Gambino
K its spelled incorrectly get ready for some metaphors my dudes
Intro is cool definitely very very Logan WOAH OKAY CHAIN SMOKER
Gonna go look up lyrics I don't understand shit
The chorus sounds like Thanksgiving at my Aunt's house where like 100+ African American relatives blast house music and dance until their feet falls off
Nvm no it doesn't
Adlibs are everything
Letter C-Zach Sherwin
This gives off the same vibes as that one pickle video by Charlie Puth
Roman vs Logan rap battle but it's this
I don't really see why this is related but sure
Time Adventure-The Marcus Hedgehog
Okay Logan has too many songs talking about one (1) person who is it
I have a gut feeling that it's about Thomas and how Logan used to be enough "back then" but now he thinks he's not cause like let's be honest when was the last time someone gave Logan a strong sincere thank you for all that he does????Excluding DWIT (which doesn't really count in my opinion cause they said he was cool, not like an integral and arguably the most important and powerful side) nobody really appreciates Logan???? Hugs???
Anyway plz ignore this is just how my brain works
K next song
The Breach-clipping.
Is this Daveed Diggs???? I haven't listened to Hamilton in like forever is this Daveed Diggs???
Sound effects
Really just gonna fry my eardrums like that huh
What I Do For U-Ra Ra Riot
Okay scrap anything and everything I said about it being the sides Logan is 100% talking about Character!Thomas
Erase Me-Ben Folds Five
Ooh this intro reminds me of this one particular musical songs but I don't remember which one
Wait have I listened to this before????
I've listened to this before!
Okay I need to stop being distracted
NOOOOOO don't Erase Yourself!!!!
Logan really just do be having no Self Esteem don't he
Okay so theory: Logan didn't pop up in person in the last video because his eyes were too red from crying
I have 0 evidence so it's not a very good theory but…
Just throwing it out there
One More Time with Feeling-Regina Spektor
Oh no it's Regina Spektor
Oh no I'm gonna cry
Okay so Logan doesnt wanna block of all emotion, only permit some to show???? But most of the time block everything????
Did I get that???
Nobody!!!! Thanks!!!! Logan!!!!
Awww he just wants love and recognition
Tbh this sounds a lot like Roman they have so much in common despite their constant arguing
Galaxy Song-Monty Python
Ooh Monty Python
I haven't listened to Monty Python so I sadly don't know the context
Really just dissing all of the other sides aren't we
Can't really blame him tho
Very scientific
Sweet with dark undertones. Love it.
Equation-Hans Zimmer
Later I'm gonna check the equations if they're correct XD
Sunrise-In The Heights
K to this is one of my favorite love songs ever it's just so sweet and as someone who's bilingual the concept is just amazingly wonderful so yeah I may be freaking out
Also because WHO??!!
Okay I said I wasn't a shipper but let's be honest this is probably about Roman not romantically but like
But Logan is definitely Nina in this situation it just fits so well with her character for the same reasons I really wanna play her (but never will cause I'm exactly 0% Latin American smh) yeah the pressures to be the smartest and then it backfiring horribly and oh God what if Inùtil is also in the playlist ahhhh
Okay moving on
Bohemian Groove-Will Connolly
Okay I'm still not recovered from the last song but I need to continue or else I'm never gonna finish this playlist
Your friends haven't surpassed you Logan you belong with them okay????
Emptiness despite success??? Millennial who???
Vibing with it but also are you okay
Nvm I know the answer already
Hug All Ur Friends-Cavetown
Okay so Logan is a Cavetown gay noted
Self validation??? Who's she???
Lies. You care so much about what other people *sides* think about you
Maybe Logan listens to this song to remind himself to not care too much
But it doesn't work and it's getting to him more and more
That took a turn
Breathin'-Thomas Sanders
Good move
Don't really have much to say on this
The Bidding
New idea for us fan writers
The pronunciation of beurgoise
Okay I'm like pretty certain at this point that all of the songs that mention a someone else is about Character!Thomas
A Better Version
But also since I know the song in terrified cause the feels are gonna come in I just know it
Wait so is Jayce supposed to be Thomas???
I am suddenly feeling much more uncertain about my certainty
Okay let me unpause and just listen to it (even though I already know all of the lyrics)
Okay so I'm a dumbass and apparently this song isn't even part of the playlist
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Okay so I'm an idiot and the last few songs have all been "related to playlist" and not in the actual playlist I'm big dumb.
Anyway here's my list of songs I think would fit. (BTW, I only went off of lyrics for these ones. I realize that there’s a general sound and vibe for the playlist, but I decided not to follow it.)
Hug All Ur Friends ~ Cavetown
Bohemian Groove ~ Will Connolly
Guiltless ~ Dodie Clark
Lifeboat ~ Laurens O’Keefe
The Bidding ~ *idk who*
I Am Not A Robot ~ MARINA
Inútil - Lin Manuel Miranda
Through The Eyes Of A Child ~ AURORA
Community Gardens ~ The Scary Jokes
Let me know if I should do this with the other playlists as well! :)
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spidey-d00d · 5 years
I've Got You [Peter Parker x Reader] One Shot
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“I got you. It’s going to be okay, I promise. Please you’re going to be fine” 
Warnings; Near death, pain, fighting, kinda sad not gonna lie
A/N; This took me 10 years to write but I hope its ok! I have another come either sometime during this week or end of this week. Anyways, let me know what you think!
“This is going to be dangerous. We all know it, but it needs to be done for the safety of the people in Queens. This is the home of one of our own too, so we make sure we help them and get the job done as soon as possible.” Steve blabbled on the same thing he had been all week. Everyone was prepared and knew what was about to take place, you all knew something bad was going to happen during this mission. You could just feel it, and that is why Steve keeps repeating his same speech over and over again. 
You stared off into space, but your eyes focusing on the glass wall behind Steve who was in front of the conference room. Thinking about all of the things that could go wrong, the people you could possibly lose. You were still young, just 20 years old. That is barely anything, you have barley lived, but this is what you signed up for when joining the team. You knew what was to come. You understood the risks you would have to face on a daily basis.  
You didn’t want to think about losing the one person who was important to you. He was everything that kept you, well you. He was your rock in everything. Losing your parents and not having family, helping you from your mental stability, to training, to any paperwork that you struggled on. He was there no matter what. 
Snapping back to reality, the group was dismissed with 20 minutes to collect your things and meet back together to start the mission. No one said a thing to each other, knowing everyone was considering the factors to this mission. Going to your designated room, you started getting clothes, both mission and everyday clothes just in case. You never know what is going to happen even if everything is planned out to the minute. It could all change in an instant. You took one last glance at the picture that resides on your nightstand. 
It was of you and Peter, on one of the biggest nights of your lives, the day you were announced as Avengers. After, well everything on Titan, and the rest of the planet, when Tony half-assed put you two on the team, and five years later after everything was better in the world and you and Peter came back from being dusted and stuck in a world with Strange and Shuri, they had a real press conference to reveal the team in a whole, new and original. 
You debated on if you would take the picture, before catching yourself. ‘I will be back to see this picture. No doubt about it, because I am me, and these are the Avengers. Everyone is going to be okay and come out of this fine.’ Deciding not to add the wooden frame to the bag, it was zipped up and thrown by the entrance to your room, before you did one last sweep to make sure nothing would be left behind. 
You were trying not to psych yourself out because that would just lead to issues, but you couldn’t help it, something was bound to happen. Everyone knew it, but they tried to ignore it. 
Life was about to get a lot more complicated, a lot more than anyone thought. 
Coming back into the view of others, you knocked the last person out in your block. 
The team had split up onto different blocks to get done with the agents of the other side faster. It was tough, but without them knowing where you were, it was a little less pressure. 
Over the intercoms, you could hear many people struggling. You didn’t realize how many people Hydra had under their belt but you did now. 
Running to the nearest person, who happened to be Natasha, you turned yourself invisible at will so they wouldn’t see you coming. Someone had Nat pinned down on the ground, so you ran up, wrapping your arms around his neck, choking him and pulling the body off of hers.
She was confused at first, before remembering your powers. You two fought side by side before clearing her block in a matter of minutes. 
You were getting tired and weak, and so was everyone else. This is a fight like no other. They never stop coming, from every direction, they just started multiplying. 
Soon, all of the Avengers were in one area, backs pressed against each other, staring at the impenetrable circle of enemies forming around everyone. Somehow, like a magnet, your hand found his. The ones that hold you tight when you needed someone there, and the ones that always ran themselves through your hair. They were covered by a thin material of red and baclk stripes, but you could still feel the warmth. It comforted you just a little, knowing he was there. 
It was quiet from the group of Avengers, all assessing everything going on in surrounding areas. Knowing what was about to go down, Peter turned to you, slowly. 
“I-I love you, and I need you to stay safe, okay? I can’t lose you, not today, not ever. So you stay safe and you don’t get hurt alright?” He said as fast as possible. You knew he was nervous because he was rambling, but this was not the time. 
“I will be safe Parker, if you promise me you will come out of this without a scratch or Aunt May will have Cap’s ass. I love you too.” You tried to make light of the situation, and held up your pinky. 
He held up his pinky, intertwining the red fabriced pinky to your bare one, both of you leaning in to kiss your thumbs, something you two had been doing for a while to seal the promise. 
Not long after, the circle was closing in, and you started getting more worried each step the otherside took. 
Soon, you had no choice but to fight. All you did was throw punches and try and not get hit. Punch after punch, and kick after kick, it seemed to never end. You were far past exhausted but there was no room for error because it wasn’t only your life on the line, but also the citizens of Queens. 
You were one push away from being knocked onto the ground, but you couldn't let that happen. You were going to finish this fight even if it was the last thing you do. 
All of a sudden, a new feeling in your body was occurring. You had never felt this before, but it felt like a wave of energy was flowing through your body and it was building up so fast you didn’t have enough time to process anything before it was released. 
It felt like fire in your veins, burning every inch of your body as you screamed in agony. You don’t know what the wave of energy did, because after it left your body, you fell onto the ground. Barely breathing, you were starting to fall in and out of consciousness. You could see blobs of color but other than that, you weren’t seeing much. 
In a matter of seconds, there were many heads above your face. You couldn’t make out who it was, but you felt someone lifting your head onto their lap. As they kept brushing your hair away from your face, you knew it was Peter, you could just tell. There was a lot of people talking but you focused in on his voice and only his voice. 
“I got you. It’s going to be okay, you’re going to be okay. You promised Y/N. You’re going to fine!” He started getting louder, something that happens when he is starting to get worked up. “I know it hurts, but you need to stay awake. Keep your eyes open for me okay? Keep looking at me!” He continued, trying anything he can to keep you awake. 
Everything hurt, it hurt so bad and you knew that closing your eyes and going to sleep would take the pain away but Peter kept keeping you awake. It was quite annoying, but you knew it was for the better.  Fighting sleep, you focused on the blob of red above you. He hasn’t taken his mask off yet. Odd. 
Suddenly, you were being picked up and someone started moving you. Groaning in pain, they started picking up the pace. 
You could remember much after that, but the next thing you knew, you were in a comfy bed. Your eyes were closed, so there was probably some sort of time difference from the last thing you remember. 
Slowly opening your sensitive eyes to see the bright room, you winced because it burned. You could hear rustling coming closer to you, but you focused on opening your eyes still. 
Soon enough, you fully opened the,, and were met with Bruce, Tony, Cap, and Nat standing over you. 
“Wh-what happened?” You cleared your hurting throat. 
“You released some sort of burst of energy, that wiped everything out for blocks and blocks. How did you do it?” Bruce was fascinated in your random outburst. 
“I don’t know, honestly all I remember was being tired from fighting, and then the next thing I know, its like a fire in my veins, and then pain, a lot of pain.” You tried focusing on the past events but not a lot was coming to mind. 
“Why don’t we give her a little bit to wake up some more before we bombard her with a thousand questions okay?” Natasha tried to push the three boys out of the room. “Feel better Y/N/N [Your Nickname] “Thanks” You let out quietly, slightly smiling her way. 
They left the room and you started to look around, turning to see a very broken looking Peter in the seat next to you. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, nose red and stains from where his tears repeatedly trailed down his face. You had never seen him like this since… well ever. 
“Pete..” You let out quietly. 
“I thought I lost you. You promised, you promised that you were going to be safe and not get hurt.” He let out very quickly, all in one breath. 
“I didn’t know that I could do that, I swear, and I'm here now, I’m okay now.” You tried showing him you were okay by sitting up, but it sent an excruciating pain up your spine. You groaned and fell back onto the bed, and Peter was up in an instant.
“Are you okay?” He let out frantically, but you just nodded, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment until the pain passed. 
“Im fine” You let out with a breath after the pain passed. 
“Now come here please.” You moved, to your best ability without hurting so he could lay on the bed with you. 
Climbing in next you, he put one arm behind your neck and pulled you close to him. Laying your head on his chest, you smiled, knowing he was real and really there. You weren’t dead and everyone was now okay, the mission was over and you weren’t, so all was good at the moment. 
“ I love you Parker.” You grinned. 
“Even though you scare the shit out of me most of the time, I love you too.” You could hear him smiling. 
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Tales of Dreamland: Party's Over
A black man in a black suit paced. They were on top of a skyscraper in a golden dance hall. Behind him his brother tried to assure him. "She will be here." "They were kidnapped an hour ago, man! We don't have time to waste." "We put out the call, Aunt Linda will be here. Count on her."
Right on cue, an elderly white woman appeared. She seemed irritated. "What is it Louie?" "Ah! Thank God you've come, I need your help." "You always need my help, you called me just a few seconds ago to help you find your keys!" "When was that?" "Just a minute ago.. Can't have been more than two." "No, you're in the Time Bubble. When did I call you, when I lost my keys in 3046?" "I believe so. Why?" "This is 3048. Linda… My fiancé was just kidnapped from our rehearsal. Grace, she's gone." Her face paled. "I-I think it had something to do with the problem at Lakeview, you know when we lost her sister?" "Tina? What happened to Tina?" "I thought you already looked at that, we talked about it two months ago!" "To you, maybe! But.." Linda sighed, turning and smiling at the other man. "Hello Sean. It is so nice to see you." He nodded, she snapped her attention back to Louie. "You have future analysis, something I don't currently have. Do you know how many hoops I will have to jump through because you couldn't- I'm not trying to cast blame here - why didn't you call for someone ahead of me who already has the results?" "Because.. I-I don't want to lose her too." Tears formed in his eyes. "Please. I'll do anything!!" "Fine. Just don't grovel, I hate that. You're lucky you're my favorite outcome for my niece. I'll see what I can dig up. It may not be complete." "Thank you Linda." "Could have had a dentist for a nephew-in-law if Gracie didn't mind a little light snoring…" She muttered, disappearing from view for a moment. She reappeared, holding a large red dossier. Undoing the thick dark red ribbon she muttered "But nobody can dance like you, she says… Alright, today is a week before your wedding in 3048, April 27th?" "June 4th." "Oh, so you didn't get that promotion… That's ok, that's ok. A lot of this is stream-of-consciousness direct from the Garblebot. It'll take me a bit to sift through it. Lakeview was… 3042. Oh," Her hand flew to her mouth, her face rapidly reddening as tears began to flow. "Oh Tina.." "Linda.." "Just- Give me a moment. I have to give you this news just after I'm done processing it. When was that?" "Two months ago." "Two months ago… So I won't be able to tell you then about this kidnapping. Makes it impossible to change the outcome. Are you sure you don't want to wait for analysis? We can send it backwards once we have it." "But if it's the same as Lakeview, we won't get the analysis until over 5 years later! We have to act now if it is the same ones!" "The realtor Mr. Robert Zumag and his accomplice Kitty Flanchette are serving their infinite sentence in Time Jail already. They won't be temporally released for ten years, and even then it is slated to be for only a few years at a remote cabin in Laos. We don't currently know who did this. I'm not sure how I can help." "Well, just tell me what you can see." "I'll try. You'll just need to correct me if I say something inaccurate; this isn't just the current timelines but several alternate realities too. Here goes:"
The rehearsal went off flawlessly. Everyone got to the blimp in time, no drama - "outside, Leana and Megan did fight over who got to catch the practice bouquet" - Oh, so that continued through the rehearsal. After the ceremony concluded late, the blimp was already docked here. Grace and her bridesmaids got onto their mega plane. They were heading back to the family estate. - "Yes, but they never arrived." - OK, did you notice anything about the pilot? - "No." - Did anyone?
Louie whirled to address his father-in-law "Perry?" "He was taller than me, thin." "Probably because he doesn't have your appetite for sponge cake!" His brother, Marlin, laughed and slapped his belly.
Very well. Tall, thin… Narrows it down. He was either the kidnapper, or someone else did it. -"..That really doesn't narrow it down." - Not from your perspective. When did you realize she wasn't where she was supposed to be? -"Not too long ago, a half hour." - Good, good. For how annoying this is at least you acted promptly. Parallels to Lakeview… Grace and Tina were there looking for a beach house. They found a realtor in a strip mall, the next morning there was a minor flood… Let me check weather patterns. -"What does the weather tomorrow have to do with right now?" Sean interjected - I'm sorry, did you want to sift through Garblebot's garbage? There's whole chunks of this that is just fanfiction of the Great Gatsby. No? -"..Fanfiction?"- Yes. The damn machine found an alternate reality where he is an accomplished writer bot, and a bizarre other reality where he is a terrible hack fanfic writer. Seems to prefer the latter one. We usually edit it out before doing analysis… but there wasn't time if you wanted this fast. That night in Lakeview, Tina went missing. She went back to the realtors office, and her car was later found abandoned in a Target parking lot. No one ever saw her alive again… The poor sweet child. She was always too trusting. The mega plane is still in motion. -"It is?? Do you know where it'll end up?" - I'm not sure yet. It arrives at its destination sometime soon, however. Close to here. Actually very close.
A loud thud caused everyone to turn towards the docking bay. Through the large window they could see it was the same plane. They waited tensely. Finally the dock doors opened. The bride to be and her bridesmaids were happily chatting, carrying large bags from an elite shopping conglomerate. "Grace! My god-" He rushed to embrace her. She was stunned, albeit smiling. "You're alright! Are you hurt?" "No, I'm- I'm fine. Aunt Linda! What are you doing here, I thought you had work?" "Hello dear, I am at work. Your groom said you had been kidnapped, I'm glad so see all is well." "Kidna- Oh, no!" She laughed, "Of course not. We just decided on an impromptu trip to the Skye Malle, as a way to get these two past their bullshit." She pointed to her previously problematic friends. They were now chatting and clearly past their differences. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you darling, we just lost track of time is all. Hope I didn't have you worrying too much?" He flashed a nervous smile. "Whaaat? No, I- was never really worried." "Except you were." "Yes I did. I'm sorry, I freaked out. You weren't answering your phone-" "You called me?" Pulling out the device, she gasped. "Oh my, it was on silent! I'm so sorry honey. I didn't mean to make you worry. And Aunt Linda, I'm so sorry you were bothered at work for this!" "Only a minor bother for my favorite niece. Just glad to see you are ok dear. Could you make me some of your caramel brownies when you see me next?" "Of course! Do you know when that will be?" "I don't. I will have to pick up another shift here to make up for lost time. Pleasure to see everyone; but for me, the party is over."
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