#It's been a while huh
bioniclechicken · 3 days
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AMALGAM: Dark Claw
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daikunart · 5 months
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𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧'𝐬 ✨𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝✨𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 | 𝐄𝐏𝟔
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metalheadmickey · 8 months
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ian & mickey x reductress pt 17
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littlekirpichi · 6 months
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undercover in the castle of the Dunbroch clan
also lovestruck
not the best combo oit there...
(also i just wanted to draw Hiccup in a kilt and it shows that it's the first time i draw tartan)
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the-cute-master · 1 year
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Kinda old Jun Togawa/YAPOOS inspired stuff
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justplaggin · 1 month
pop quiz time :D (inspired by this wonderful addition)
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yomakairesident · 3 months
Yokai watch oc art dump <33!
(Guy with the hair is NOT my oc tho, he belongs to @/suppai-limes!!) ((Not tagging in case he's asleep lol))
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that's it :)
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dragonpro809 · 3 months
It's been a while...I'm likely going to purge and restart this blog in a day or so in order to revive it
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likeshipsonthesea · 2 years
No one responds. Eddie lets the loft door close behind him and slides the plate of semi-cold waffles onto Buck’s countertop. A quick glance into the couchless living room reveals no sign of Buck, but Eddie knows he passed Buck’s Jeep in the garage, so he’s got to be here. He takes two steps toward the staircase before he hears the shower shutting off, so he shoves his hands in his pockets and waits.
Buck emerges with a cloud of steam and a towel around his waist, his shoulders pink from the heat and his hair naturally curled. He doesn’t startle as he notices Eddie at the bottom of his stairs. He just says, “Hey.”
“Hey,” Eddie says. “Put some clothes on. I brought you waffles.”
Buck scrunches up his face. “Why?”
“I think the words you’re looking for are “thank you,”,” Eddie says. He gestures in the general vicinity of Buck’s dresser. “Get a move on, before I get hungry and eat them first.”
It’s a testament to how Buck must be feeling that he doesn’t snark back, just does as Eddie says.
Two minutes later, Buck joins him downstairs. He settles down at the counter in front of the waffles but stares at them instead of picking up the fork Eddie so kindly got out for him.
“You use that shiny thing to put pieces in your mouth,” Eddie coaches, leaning against the cabinet opposite Buck. Buck looks up and, now that he’s closer, Eddie can tell that the redness around his eyes isn’t from the shower. “Eat, Buck,” Eddie says quieter, gentler. “You’ll feel better with a full stomach.”
Buck eats. Eddie watches. Ever since Eddie met him, Buck’s eaten like a car crash, where you don’t want to watch but you can’t make yourself look away. He swallows plates whole and goes back for seconds before you can even make a dent in your own portion. It’s admirable, and useful since their meals are so often interrupted by calls.
Now, though, he eats slowly. He chews each bite fully before swallowing. Cuts pieces methodically, stares them down before putting them in his mouth. Buck usually loves waffles, but he doesn’t seem to be enjoying these.
Eddie keeps his arms crossed over his chest, hands twitching to do--something. He’s not entirely sure what, which is why he keeps them around his biceps and doesn’t let himself reach out. When Buck finally finishes, Eddie puts his plate and fork in the sink and then bullies Buck out of his chair.
“What now?” Buck says, grumbles even, as he sways slightly on his feet.
“It’s time for a nap.” Eddie nudges him in the direction of the stairs, staying behind him as they start to ascend.
“I can take myself up to bed,” Buck says, but doesn’t offer any resistance to Eddie’s guidance.
“I know you can.” Eddie’s expecting more of a fight, but Buck just leaves it there, and they reach the top of the steps without another word. Eddie bothers Buck into bed and possibly pushes a bit too far by covering Buck with his comforter and basically tucking him in. Thankfully, though, Buck’s eyes close as soon as his head hits the pillow. “Get some rest, bud.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Buck mumbles as he turns his face into the pillow.
Eddie watches him for a few long moments. His wet hair curling softly around his ears, the way his eyelashes pillow on the top of his cheeks, his lips parting barely as he falls further into unconsciousness. “Of course,” Eddie says, so quietly he doubts Buck can hear.
“Hmm. Hey, Eddie?”
Buck frowns slightly, his eyes still closed. “Have you figured it out?”
Eddie lifts his eyebrows, even knowing Buck can’t see it. “Figured out what?”
“How to be happy.”
Something twists in Eddie’s chest. The same thing that makes him want to reach out, the same thing that makes him want to slip into bed behind Buck and hold him until he’s snoring horribly, the same thing that has to bite its tongue every time it wants too much too quickly.
“Yeah,” Eddie eventually says, his voice rougher than he’d meant it to be. “I think I might’ve.”
Buck hums thoughtfully. “In the morning,” he says, “will you tell me?”
Eddie nods to himself. “Alright, Buck,” he says. “In the morning.”
He stands there until Buck starts snuffling snores into the pillow, and then lets himself out as quietly as he came in.
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utapribr · 11 months
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rurukatt · 2 years
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marlow-holly · 7 months
Hey y'all, sorry I haven't been active the past few months, a lot's happened lol. I'm just taking some time away from tumblr as it's shifted my priorities and I need to get back on track. My wonderful mutuals, I miss you all very dearly, I'll be back soon friends!
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So, if the leaks are true, there's some new Cookies to deal with that are older than the Ancient Heroes...
One of them just so happens to be a Purple and Black Knight with a connection to White Lily...
Have I got some ideas >:3
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daydreamsofdragons · 2 years
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Is it that I can't be here... or that I'm not allowed to be here?
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
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Oh. Ness had a really bad gut feeling. Something like... Something had happened, but what? He didn’t know what it was, but it was something. He immediately couldn’t stop thinking of...
He’d have to try to contact them later. Find out if they were alright. Ness was sure they’d be fine, but usually, his gut never lied to him. Especially when it was a bad feeling.
“You better not have done anything stupid, or I’ll come over there...”
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YO! i SEE movement here so just in case, repeating again I have moved to my main Tumblr account!!! @rabbit-masks !!! Please follow there for more art!!  This tumblr is just to keep my old art alive instead of just deleting.
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