#It's both my headcanons for him that match canon and my redesign for him in my rewrite
i’ve been so excited to post this you have no idea
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important notes and headcanons:
first and foremost, when Cadenza went missing so did his style. she would usually help him pick out his outfits and when she wasn’t around to help him, he just grabbed whatever he had lying around regardless of if it matched or not.
when cadenza dyed his hair back to its “natural” color it was a shade or 2 too light so as time goes on you can see it grow out.
he likes having somewhat long hair because he can put it in a pony tail and braid it an stuff.
-this next one is pretty intense so fair warning-
so when he was transformed into a shadow knight, he never technically died. he was grabbed and the shadow lord instructed gene to have him brought to the ritual table and turned. because most shadow knights are transformed before being resurrected, they don’t feel anything. laurance, however, was very aware. he could feel his soul being split in half, his bones breaking and mending themselves, his teeth sharpening, his eyes enhancing. he felt every inch of it and could do nothing to stop it. sasha is still haunted by his screams.
the only thing that got him through his time in the nether and prevented him from being corrupted by gene was that he needed to make sure aphmau was ok and that she made it home safely.
when garroth first saw laurance after he’d been rescued by ungrth, he was sure he was looking at a ghost for a split second.
laurance writes poetry in his free time, sometimes reciting it to cadenza to ask her opinion. it’s usually not great….
when laurance was about 9, both his parents died to to illness. he was forced to the streets and had to resort to stealing. he had been doing this for a couple years when one fateful day he tried stealing some bread from a little girl he’d never seen in town before. she caught him and cheerfully brought him to her fathers asking “can we keep him??” that girl was cadenza.
he hates wearing armor. it’s heavy and clunky and loud. he much prefers to wear normal street clothes much to garroth’s disapproval.
he loves cooking and does all the cooking in the guard station. he’s pretty good at it too.
he has nightmares due to his time in the nether. sometimes he’ll yelp or scream out. whenever this happened while he was living in the guard station, garroth would come into his room to pull him out of it and comfort him after he came to. garroth got hit a lot as a result. gar never minded but laurance still feels guilty.
the darkness on his fingers is due to being only half a shadow knight. the longer a shadow knight lives, the further up the darkness creeps, only stopping once the calling is answered (if you know what i mean) or until it reaches the shoulders/hips.
the tattoo on his palms are the source of all his shadow knight abilities and the scars on his face enhance them.
so… in this universe aaron is not alina’s father… it’s laurance….! he found out about aphmau’s pregnancy the same way he did in canon only this time he didn’t leave out of anger or betrayal. it was because the calling was becoming too much to handle. he loves aphmau so much but as long as the shadow lord lived he would only be able to see her with an ancient hatred in his bones. he feared he’d hurt her or their child so he left for their safety.
aphmau never knew that he knew about their child, but when she went to the nether to find him, he asked her name.
his shadow knight armor isn’t… armor…. it’s more like a shell, designed to look as intimidating as possible and be as sharp as possible. it materializes whenever his shadow knight form pops out or whenever his body thinks he’s in need of protection.
once when aphmau was trying to pull him out of his shadow form she cut her hand on it. she has a scar from it and he can’t look at it without feeling guilty.
every so often his vision goes. usually when he’s extremely angry or stressed his vision will just. go. it normally only lasts a few seconds or minutes but each time it happens he can’t help but think “this is it. this is when my vision is taken from me once and for all.”
alrighty! that’s all i have for now! i’m sorry i know that was a lot but i just love this guy so much you don’t understand 😭 i hope you enjoyed and feel free to add any more larry headcanons you have
next up is very talented seamstress
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seakayants · 29 days
One piece headcanons and redesigns (Ace lives Au) :
(Ace, Yamato, Isuka and my oc Benny in that order!! 🤓👆)
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look at this ugly man.
(There’s also Oc content in purple)
he got his own room when he became second commander but rarely used it since he wasn’t used to sleeping alone (he was used to sleeping with his brothers) and he would go back to his division and sleep with them instead. 
His crew would use him as heater when passing cold islands (both spade and whitebeard) 
He almost drowned in soup and sake a concerning amount of times.
He doesn’t get hangover since he’s made of fire and doesn’t absorb the effects of the alcohol. Poison also doesn’t work on him (unless if its like a devil fruit or smth) 
He also gets insomnia due to his irregular sleep patterns, gets nightmares a lot. The crew’s nurses tried giving him medication to help with his narcolepsy but none of it worked since they would dissolve the next morning. 
Sometimes he touches a hot kettle or stove accidentally and says “Ow” but then remembers he can’t feel it. 
Had a crush on Isuka and would purposely run slower so she can catch up to him and fight. 
Makes self deprecating jokes about himself and concerns the crew (he secretly believes in all of them)
Parents and kids love him, the type of friend your parents compare you to. 
He used to bark at people on all fours when he was a kid.
Literally turned red as a tomato when Thatch told him about the implications of a vivre card. (Vivre cards are often used by lovers who are apart to keep track of each other (this isn’t canon btw i just think its too cute not to)) 
Stares at the tiny piece Yamato ripped off of his vivre card every night. 
Begged on his knees for Thatcher to fry eggs on his back but was always told no since it was unhygienic. 
Was used as a heat source in boiling, cooking, etc. 
the scars around his body are from Benny trying to mutilate him throughout the years.
Ace lives Au:
Doesn’t get into too much arguments with Luffy post marineford since Luffy would just pull the “I broke into prison to save your life” card on him and instantly win.
Would tease Sabo about his crush on Koala but immediately shuts up when Sabo brings up Isuka or Yamato.
Tracked down Isuka and asked her to join his crew but then they got into an argument and the people around them thought they were breaking up. (she still joined anyways)
Had to start wearing shirts so he won’t be too recognizable but thought they were too itchy. He’ll wear matching outfits with his crew to not immediately rip off his shirt. 
Took Luffy’s advice and tried to kidnap Benny to his crew but got his ass beat (he was still recovering from his injuries) 
Had to be physically restrained so he would stop moving so much and reopen his wounds. 
Lights a candle for whitebeard and garp during day of the dead with sabo and luffy.
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look at this beautiful man
Ace botched his haircut. He tried doing that thing where you use fire in cutting hair but messed up cuz he has no experience, Yamato doesn’t care that much cuz his hair growth is fast anyways, plus he had the same haircut for like 100 years so any change is good change.
Manhandles people when he’s excited, it’s easier for him since he’s 8’8 and he can easily grab someone and throw them around like a rag doll. No one is safe.
Since Ace also manhandles ppl when he’s excited the two of them just start wrestling.
Tried giving himself a stick and poke tattoo of Oden’s name on his arm to mimic Ace’s tattoo…he wears long sleeves for a reason.(He started viewing Oden as more than just an inspiration and instead of an idea and symbol of freedom, that’s why he tried to tattoo him on his arm, it’s a lot like the Whitebeard tattoo for him. )
Doesn’t like wearing bracelets or accessories on his arms cuz they remind him of the chains that used to trap him.
Likes to put jewelry on his horns though, he puts them on like those baby stacking tower rings.
Didn’t bind because Oden didn’t need to. He also did his own top surgery. His scars are still visible in his wolf form.
Some wolfish traits stay long after transformation so sometimes Yamato would just:
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Is a gym bro.
Started getting more body hair the more he transformed into a wolf, he likes it since it makes him look more manly.
Swings his kanabo around like a toy and scares the living daylights out of anyone close to him.
Sometimes forget not everything is as strong as him and hands extremely heavy things to ppl like its nothing only to be surprised when they drop to the floor.
Says “Okay, no more Mr. Nice guy” and rolls up his sleeves. 😭
Ace lives Au
Literally jumped up to the ceiling and hit his head when Ace asked him to join his crew, he didn’t even let him finish the sentence.
Now has a tattoo sleeve of scales running down his arms to cover up his old tattoo.
Wouldn’t stop crying and embracing Ace when they met each other again, Ace couldn’t understand anything he said through the tears.
Explored every inch of Wano with Ace’s formed crew before he left with them to become pirates.
Started his own logbook where he keeps note of all of his adventures.
Him and Deuce chat about their own respective books. They also both beat up anyone who makes fun of their handwriting. Half the crew are drawn with stink lines in Deuce’s book now.
Almost drowned like, 50 times cuz he kept admiring the sea. Jumped in after a Sea king cuz he forgot he can’t swim.
Likes getting scratches in and out of his wolf form.
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okay she’s highkey unrecognizable but uhm let’s ignore that. Look at this beautiful woman.
She was teased by her colleagues about Ace and she had to threaten nailing them to the walls to shut them up.
Rumors started spreading that her and Ace were star crossed lovers and she had to explain to headquarters what happened 50 times so they won’t fire her for being in relations with a pirate.
Wrote letters to Ace but never sent them to him in fear of judgment and what would happen in the future.
Started to become less cruel after the incident in Sabaody and treated pirates with more mercy, she got shunned by the other marines about how she’s grown soft but she ignored them. No one will know the violence it took for her to become this gentle.
She used to be scared of even the smallest candles but her fear became smaller as she grew up, she still freezes up near burning houses though.
She never had the time to treat her burns when she was still in the marines so they were often itchy and irritated her in battle.
Gossips with other female marines in a sort of sleepover when its their break, they chat about anything there and almost NOTHING ever comes out.
Got stationed in Impel down as a guard for a couple months and had to physically stop herself from hurting the other guards cuz they keep torturing the prisoners for their own enjoyment.
She gave the prisoners extra food when no one was looking and would chat with them, she also apologized to some of the pirates she sent there and cried when they forgave her.
Used to be awkward with kids but now is really good with them.
She sometimes finds herself thinking like her late mentor and feels guilty about it.
Puked when she heard that Ace was sent to Impel down since she knows how cruel it is there.
Has a death grip on things, if she fell asleep holding something she would NOT let go.
Ace lives Au:
Once again, Ace botched her haircut. Stop using fire on people’s hair Ace. She hated it for a while and insisted on wearing Ace’s hat for the time being, after a few months passed and her hair grew out a little she started to like it since she’s always wanted shorter hair.
Got a burn cream from Marco and puts it on every few hours, Ace sometimes helps her apply it when she’s too tired after a fight.
Started dressing more tomboyish when she finally left the marines like how she always wanted to if it weren’t for those darn dress codes.
Braids Otama’s hair when there’s nothing else to do, she sees her as a little sister.
Immediately gave all the information she knew about the government to the revolutionary army the moment she quitted.
Met up with Benny to apologize for joining the pirates before she left and secretly kept contact through letters with secret messages and code names before they had to cut contact.
Is besties with Deuce and they both chat about medical stuff and whatnot.
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bro thinks she’s part of the team 💀
Ace gave her some burn cream since he felt bad for burning her and Benny thought he was just making fun of her. (she still took it)
Was banned from using weapons since she kept wasting them on warlords and yonkos and the marine government didn’t want a war happening cuz their rookie marine shot Shanks. She had to start using broken musical instruments given free at the music shops.
She still threw pianos at warlords and yonkos.
The only reason she isn’t fired is because Garp took her under his wing, not entirely because she has potential to surpass him but because she’s funny as hell (unintentionally).
Listens to “It’s About Drive It’s About Power” in her training montage while being trained by Garp.
Ripped off Ace’s necklace with her teeth and almost choked on the beads so Ace had to perform Heimlich maneuver while her colleague was watching. It was a quiet ride back home to base.
Has thrown more Pianos on Ace than the average musician has played in their life.
has severe prosopagnosia and doesn’t recognize anyone until they introduce themselves to her again. Only recognizes the people she talks to daily but only through heir voice and mannerisms.
Thought a colleague was a spy for the enemies and confronted him in the entire cafeteria for it. He was just a closeted gay. Her friend called her homophobic for a week straight after that.
Has not gone a day after a month she enrolled in the marines where she didn’t wear the uniform. Not even on breaks.
Called Ace “Ass key” while trying to read his tattoo.
I’ll add more but I ran out of ideas. Thanks for reading guys.
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melodyatlas · 1 month
6, 9, 12 for the ask game
and bonus if you want, for the NSFW Alphabet, J, R, and W for Tim and maybe Slade? ❤️
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
Each step Slade takes closer to the pair shows just how much Dick thinks he's going to free them when he gets close enough. Too bad, pretty bird. His fingers thread through Dick's shiny locks when he's within reach, first softly, a sweet reassurance that everything's going to be okay. Then he tightens his grip, tugging back a few inches, just to watch as it jerks Tim along with him. The matching yelps it pulls from the Bats is music to his ears, and he's sure they're both glaring at him from behind their white-out lenses. His lips curl up in a mean grin, “Hey, pretty bird. Looks like someone clipped your wings here.”
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
cut me open, take my heart - by Sandrine
of course my rec is gonna be a jaytim fic lmao, its so gooooooood, one of my faves! it's jason finding out that tim has some Feelings about him and knives and them playing around with that. the characterization of both of them is so good, and i rly like the authors voice and how they portray jason and tims dynamic
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
oooh i actually dont rly come up with a lot of crazy aus? my birds of passage series has an alternate dimension where the bats are all genderswapped and a couple of them end up crossing into the main verse? but i dont think thats very far out there 😂
J) Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tim - i think tim is like, weirdly clinical about it, but also does it all the time lmao. need to fall asleep? jack off. stuck on a case? jack off. overwhelmed by all the WE work that he shouldn't actually have to deal with but does? jack off. he swears by it as a means to clear his head
Slade - tbh i don't have any headcanons for slade about this and when i tried to think on it more all that popped into my head was him pulling out creepy stalker photos of the titans from back when he was in that fued that he's just held onto for this specific purpose gsjgdkdbdkdn like just imagine a shot of dick in his nightwing suit taken from 4 blocks away with a shitty red target drawn over him, that's what slades using to get off and it works
R) Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc)
Tim - yeah, so tim canonically made out with lynx on a rooftop and seeing as how he was still unsure if she was an undercover cop or actually running a gang, i definitely think he's up for risks. i also know that like openly sexual core four is highly fanon but cmon. they were a bunch of hormonal teenagers in stressful situations with little and then no adult supervision. they definitely blew off steam together. and you don't mess around with an Amazonian, a speedster, and an alien and NOT be game for experimentation lmao
Slade - slade is nothing but risk in bed babeeyyy, his wife shot him in the face and you can't tell me that he doesn't regularly have what they call hatesex with dick on the regular (it's not hatesex, it just makes them feel better to call it that), im just saying that kind of taste does not lend well to vanilla sex with no experimentation lmao
W) Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Tim - i think bc tim knows he can lie to bruce and get away with it and also got away with embezzling an entire batmobile so young he realized he could do Anything and get away with it, so i think he uses that for purposes that others might find questionable but he literally always has a reason, like for example "tim, why did you buy a chuck e cheese and hide it in the batarang budget?" "oh, we realized a bunch of members of the titans didnt ever get to experience having a birthday party there so i bought one, had it redesigned back to the old 90s aesthetic and then we marathoned parties for everyone so they could get it"
Numbered Ask Game
NSFW Alphabet Ask Game
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orangepanic · 3 years
bumi, izumi, iroh and tahno
Wow, that's a lot! All fun characters though, I'll do my best.
Bumi II
Headcanon A:  realistic
Bumi is actually fairly wealthy. He's had a steady government job his whole adult life and doesn't seem to have a house or family to spend it on.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Bumi learned to knit from Zuko, who learned to knit from Lt. Jee. We stan men who knit.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Bumi joined the United Forces not to get away from his family or prove himself, but because something inside him compelled him to never stay long in one place. He loved the idea of both being part of something and constantly moving, meeting new people. Every time he was in one place too long he'd get twitchy. It wasn't until he was in his sixties someone pointed out air is the element of freedom. In spirit, Bumi was always an air nomad.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Bumi had a long, hard think about whether or not to tell Tenzin he could airbend. He almost didn't. If you look in his diary you'll see sketches of the abandoned air temples and how they could be fixed up, and of airbending moves. He was very close to starting his own group.
Headcanon A:  realistic
Izumi has always been a rather serious, no-nonsense person. Her father called her five going on forty. Raised mostly in the palace during a tumultuous time in Fire Nation history, her bent towards organization and being rather conservative is to some degree a coping mechanism for that uncertainty. She might not be able to prevent assassins coming for her father, but she could certainly organize her dolls by height.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Izumi has large feet and later in life is prone to bunions. She rarely wears hard-sided shoes, instead preferring slippers. No one can tell the difference under her long robes.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Izumi used to beg her mother for a sibling, not realizing that Mai and Zuko were actively trying, and that Mai had suffered from a number of miscarriages. There was a lot of crying behind closed doors which Izumi picked up on but didn't quite understand beyond a vague sense that it was her fault.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Izumi had a series of conversations with Ozai when she was in her late teens. She told herself it was part of being prepared to lead the Fire Nation. Deep down she was simply curious. Ozai humored her, if for no other reason than he was bored. She stopped the day he asked her to firebend so he could "see what you can do." Even at 18 Izumi knew better than the let Ozai's judgement of her skills sit on her conscience.
Iroh II (I'll try to use ones I haven't shared)
Headcanon A:  realistic
Iroh finds the United Forces uniforms uncomfortably hot for firebenders, especially in warm weather, and has redesigning them perpetually on his to-do list. He never gets to it.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Iroh is meticulously organized. This includes matching and folding his socks (which are all the same anyway) and labeling all of the leftovers in his refrigerator with the date and contents. One time he had to shave part of his head to properly heal a cut on his scalp and the fact his hair was uneven drove him nuts for weeks. If you want to mess with Iroh put something in the wrong place.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Iroh is actually a very lonely person who sometimes has trouble connecting. He throws himself into his work to compensate with the vague idea that at least there he has a purpose. The times he is without work are very dark ones for him. Injury recovery is particularly hard.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Iroh and Asami love each other very much and live happily ever after. But you knew that. So something else might be that Iroh runs marathons. He's a bit of an exercise nut and finds that physical training helps a lot with his mental health. He's only done a few as it requires him to be shore-based for a few months to fit in the training, but the ones he's completed he really enjoyed. Iroh looks forward to running more in his retirement.
Tahno! God I love Tahno, he's so fun.
Headcanon A:  realistic
Tahno is exactly as confident as he seems. He really does think he's the shit, it's not an act.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Tahno's hair is actually a drab, no-color brown. The sleek black hair he prefers is a dye. He's been dyeing his hair since he was twelve.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Tahno's parents are both successful diplomats, and his family is fairly well-off. They had such high hopes for their oldest son following in their footsteps. Unfortunately, pro-bending was the only thing Tahno was ever good at. He's smart, but not book smart, and his grades were only middling. He has no interest nor aptitude for diplomacy. Throughout all of Tahno's successes he has to live with the fact he's still a crushing disappointment to his parents.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
After his pro-bending days are over Tahno opens a bar with his little brother, Kenobi. Kenny does the books and makes sure the place stays solvent while Tahno brings in the crowds and hits on anything that moves well into his sixties. Their parents are suitably horrified but eventually visit and admit the place has charm.
Ask me about characters!
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insomniac-jay · 4 years
Redesigning The Trigger Happy Havoc Boys
So this lovely post you should look at got a lot of positive feedback, I decided to to make the one for the boys since some of them have the most atrocious designs ever (Looking at you, Hifumi).
Makoto Naegi
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Listen, I know Naegi is meant to be generic and boring but for the love of GAWD, please at least give him a good outfit. For starters, I made his hair curly because I headcanon him to be Asian and Hispanic mixed. Also he’s fat and he has freckles.
As for his outfit, I decided to give him a black long sleeve shirt, a dark green t-shirt with a four leaf clover on it, a black hoodie with some graphic designs because his canon one is cursed and ugly, ripped jeans, and red sneakers. He wears a chain on his pants with lucky charms on it.
Byakuya Togami
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For someone with so much money, Togami has very poor taste in fashion and haircuts. Someone get this man a stylist. First of all let’s get rid of his Karen haircut and traded it for slicked back hair. Next I gave him wider glasses. When it comes to his outfit, I decided to dress him a designer suit. He wears a white jacket with cuffs and gold lining, a dark green shirt, white pants, and designer shoes. I gave him gloves bc he doesn’t like to touch plebians (except for his bfs) and gave him more bling bc he likes to flex. I want him to be the obnoxious rich kid.
Leon Kuwata
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Listen I know his whole thing is like whether or not he wants to do baseball or rock music, so I gave him a mix of both (or at least tried). The roots of his hair are black but then turn to ginger because of his mixed heritage and made his hair longer. I also gave him more piercings because I want him to look like a true punk.
I gave him a black Letterman jacket with all sorts of pins on it such as a trans flag, a bisexual flag, BLM and Eat The Rich on one of the sleeves, and an anarchy symbol. His baseball uniform is the one from the splash art because it’ll be easier on my life. I got rid of his ugly ass shoes because they’re a crime against humanity and a cardinal sin. They are replaced with some good ol’ punk boots.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Hiro’s canon outfit is so ugly Kodaka ffs give your characters good designs. They looks like a hobo outside a 7/11 that might scam me.
First of all I gave them glasses rights because I believe in glasses Hiro supremacy. Next I gave them vitiligo and tattoos because I also believe in that. For their outfit, they wears a black shirt but it’s hella unbuttoned bc they lack in self preservation, dark purple jacket with star signs on it, black pants, and sandals. Also, I gave him the dreads from their beta design bc pls,,, give them good hair. They also wear a headwrap. 
Mondo Oowada
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You can tell I’m gonna have way too much fun with this one and that I’m gonna play favorites. I gave them tattoos and a missing tooth bc I can. He also has scars on his body bc y’know he gets into fights. One of the sleeves of their jacket is missing because I refuse to believe that wouldn’t happen, he doesn’t wear a shirt and instead wears a haramaki, and black pants. I replaced his loafers with boots bc to quote my mutual on Discord, “When you gotta lead the gang at 6 but go to church at 7″. I also have him a headband bc that’s the style.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Another redesign that you all can tell I’m both playing favorites and having too much fun with. I gave Kiyotaka fangs so him and his bf could match. Next I gave him round nerd glasses bc he hits different with those on. For his outfit, I decided to keep his canon outfit but make it even better. I gave him more medals and a tie as well as gloves and a belt. He also gets a sash with all sorts of pins on it.
Hifumi Yamada
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Hifumi ily and kin you but Kodaka did you so dirty. First, I fixed them fucking leg proportions bc they are my villain origin story. Next I made pheir hair soft and curly. For pheir outfit, I gave phem a dark grey cardigan, orange suspenders with anime pins on them and a few pride flags on them, khakis, and some sneakers. I also gave phem an ita bag.
That’s all. Might do Goodbye Despair next, who knows.
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Please respect the pronouns I use for certain characters.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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Same As Sallva: Tronia, so an AU of Sorts I Guess.
Name: Nellie Axolte - I had actually been thinking about Axolotl when I came up with his last name. As in the Giant Space Salamander Mabel and Dipper ran into in that non-canon adventure they had. So yeah, I like Gravity Falls quite a lot.
That’s really cool! Did you also know the axolotl is a legit existing creature? Also looking into Gravity Falls theories it seems that the predominant consensus is that Axolotl may in fact be Xolotl, the Aztec god of lightning, death, twins, monsters, misfortunes, . We can work with that to get him a first name that ties back! He’s also listed as a dark personification of Venus (the planet, not the goddess, though that gives us room to play with it), so maybe we can use that to get him a new first name!
The Romans looked as Venus’s evening star aspect and called it “Vesper,” which seems easy enough to convert. How about Repsev Axolte? Sounds suitably alien.
Age: 4.15 Sweeps, 9 Years
Strife Specibus: Staffkind - I like Bō Staves. Their cool. Anyone who can use one is awesome. Both Aang of Avatar and Nami of One Piece use them and those two are awesome.
If I could make a suggestion, maybe they can have a modification that lets it be used like a slingshot to hurl spears? That’s an atlatl, which sounds a little like axolotl.
Fetch Modus: Pictionary - IDK why. It just seems to fit him for some reason.
If we’re going off Xolotl’s “twins” alignment, maybe Jade’s Memory modus! You’ve gotta find the twin before you can access the item!
Blood Color: Teal
I think he’d be better suited as a purpleblood if we’re gonna push the axolotl theme?
Symbol and Meaning: Libun - It actually really represents what I feel like his personality would be like, if I’m being honest. And it was actually my friend that had chosen his Symbol
Derse and Breath…I wasn’t sold on it, initially, but I like Derse especially with the tweaks I made to his bio. As a purpleblood, this would make him Capriun, the Cartographer, which is great for a character whose skill is navigation. Even better, Xolotl is the god of twins and this is one of the Soleil twins’ signs!
Troll Tag: titanicVamps - I was actually thinking of both Titans and Vampires when I came up with it. I don’t know why though. My brains weird.
Maybe axoLittle? I think it would be super cute to go with his aesthetic.
Quirk: He doesn’t have one. He actually writes everything completely with proper punctuation.
>If you wanna add something, maybe he just encloses his thoughts in accents like this?<
>To look like the gills on the sides of an axolotl’s face<
Lusus: A dog with bat wings. Mostly because I like both dogs and bats
I think the dog bit works given its association with Xolotl, so how about a Mexican hairless dog (also known as Xoloitzcuintli, or “water dog”) with axolotl gills so it can traverse the water more easily! Good dog, best friend.
Personality: He is hyperactive and a happy-go-lucky kid. Though, there are times when he can get pretty serious, which is a bit scary now that I think about it. Never piss off a happy-go-lucky kid. Um… I don’t know what else to put here. I know how he is, but I can’t put it into anymore words. Sorry.
It’s all good! This initially reads as a Prospit description, but the interests I’ve added could potentially make him Derse.
Interest: Crossdressing, His Lusus, His Moirail, wood carving
Idk that crossdressing needs to be a specific interest of his. He can just be a dude who wears skirts sometimes. It also sort of lines up with my headcanon that highbloods are more likely to adopt signifiers of femininity to align themselves with the Heiress. Woodcarving is def. a good hobby!
But let’s expand more based on what we know about Xolotl! His role as a deity was to protect the sun as it traveled through the underworld each night. You could make him a guide to trolls trying to traverse the ocean! Especially good since people sometimes used the evening star to navigate.
Since Xolotl is associated with lightning, maybe he’s a stormchaser? This would be especially interesting as a nascent Seer of Breath; he’d be exceptionally good at predicting where storms would start.
As for monsters, misfortune, sickness, deformities…maybe the “sun” he’s trying to guide are vulnerable lowbloods who feel that they don’t stand a chance in modern troll societies? He could guide them to islands where they could form their own communities, opening their minds to the possibilities of a better life!
Title: Seer of Breath
Land: Haven’t thought of one yet
Maybe it’s too on-the-nose but I really think Land of Tidal Lightning (LOTL), which is COVERED in stormy ocean and extremely difficult to move around. He would need to use his windy powers to part the seas and create paths through the planet.
Dream Planet: Derse
More Info: He’s Sallvas Moirail. He is a literal Seer, but he loses this ability after he Rises to God Tier. Or at least, that what he told Adrium. I haven’t decided on whether or not he’ll actually lose this ability or if it will get stronger after his rise because of his Tier. He foresaw Sallvas Lusus’ death and warned her. She refused to believe him and they got in a big fight and ended their Moirailgence(?). After the event happened Nellie went back to her, which shocked the hell out of her. From then on, Sallvas never doubted him again. As you can probably guess, they became Moirails again. He was, and still is, friends with Nepeta and Equius who he met when they went to Alternia.
I think I like the idea that he voluntarily gives up using his abilities for some time before god tiering. If we run with the Xolotl idea, he would need to reach a point where the risk involved with guiding a troll would be so great that he would refuse to use his powers, akin to Xolotl crying so much at the thought of having to sacrifice himself to move the sun that his eyes fell out.
Since this isn’t an Insert, you can go to town on him. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for the submission! Redesign to follow.
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Nellie’s original outfit can be credited to naphal, whose sprites I edited, and you, whose drawings I referenced.
Horns - I wanted a little more axolotl reference in there! Since Purplebloods are known for extremely weird horns and I already had to make them loop down to match the symbol, I decided to give them three curls to look like axolotl gills. I had a lot of fun spriting these.
Face paint - As far as we know, all purplebloods still wear facepaint or something circus-y, but I didn’t want to make him look mean! So instead I tried to do the axolotl :D face.
Tube top - I was just going to slap his symbol on but then I realized it could be easily incorporated into the design!
Skirt - I wanted to continue with my headcanon that highbloods might like to dress similarly to the empress. I haven’t reviewed the Tronian fuchsiablood yet, so I used Feferi as the inspiration. Hence, the swim top and bi-colored skirt. But unlike Feferi, Repsev is not a high enough caste to wear all that color without reason. So instead, I used his moirail’s colors.
And that’s it for your troll! Hope you like the changes I suggested.
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