#It's just bc is he really gonna get a napkin to wipe it off. Too cumbersome
taruruchi · 7 months
I started a drawing in class (paper, obviously) and finished it like 2 mins before it became 12. So it counts as valentine's day. And since it isn't Feb 15 in all countries yet, yes. It still is valentine's day
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Context: They went out to some pastry shop and bought cupcakes, Taru tried to eat one and got frosting on her nose. Azul stifles a laugh and wipes it off ("How did you get frosting on your nose?" // "You try eating it without getting it on your nose. It's very hard!")
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romanarose · 8 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 8 Part 2
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Bickering and THEN FUCKING!
Warnings: Bickering, Lorelei's issues WIIIIIIITH: Body image, her body count, her daddy and mommy issues, racist white men, military men, generational trauma, implied horrors committed during the vietnam war, trust issues. Will issues wiiiiiiith horrific child abuse, OCD, Benny, his back! Benny's issues wiiiith bulimia, ALICE. FUCKING. PIV sex, blowjob, dick so big it kinda hurts, lil cock waming, smooching smooching smooching, aftercare.
A/N: Okay now chapter 8 is fucking done. I cannot fucking wait for chapter 9 bc it's gonna be SO FUCCCCCCCKING DRAMATIC. We fianlly will get the full scope of what Alice is doing to our dear Benny and why Benny isnt himself.
Lorelei packed her things in the hotel room in a fury, hobbling around in bare feet but still wearing her dress. She wanted out, she wanted to go home. 
After she had cried out all her tears on Frankie’s chest, he guided her over the table, his arm fast around her still. For a moment she worried Jana would be suspicious of her, but Jana wasn’t a jealous woman. She took a napkin, dipping it in water and stood to wipe off the make-up that had smeared. 
“I think I’m gonna just go to my room…” Lorelei mutters with a sniffle. Jana stands up and puts her flats back on.
“I’ll come with.”
“No, thank you.” She shook her head, gathering her things but not looking at either of them. “I’m just gonna go home. Thank you, both of you.” And she meant it. Lorelei left, heading out of the ballroom and around the maze of the fancy hotel until she found her room again.
Lorelei wasn’t sure what she wanted, she wasn’t sure why she was so goddamn mad. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe it was the frustration of a long night, worry for Ben, anger at Alice for what she’s doing to him and things she’s said to Laci. Maybe she was just tired. Or maybe she was struggling with the fact that when she allowed herself to fall into him, the vulnerability was betrayed. She felt bad that she didn’t ask what Will saw, and that she didn’t follow him to confront Benjamin and Alice, but she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to carry that much further.
“Lore? What are you doing?” Will’s voice was soft and cautious as he entered the room. Lorelei kept her back to him, shoving her clothes into her bag. 
“I’m going home, Will.”
There was a pause. “...To Philly?”
Lorelei stopped, hanging her head and sighing before she turned around to face him. “No, William. That’s not my home. I’m gonna call a taxi back to town, you stay here and sleep outside Ben’s door or something, I don’t care.” She turned back to her work, trying to keep her make-up and skin care organized still.
“Lorelei, I’m sorry for leaving you on the dance floor, I am, Fish already chewed me out.”
“I get it. It’s fine. Ben or more important to you than me, that makes sense.”
“Baby, what are you-”
She was practically shoving things in her bag now, anger making her less organized. “He’s family. Chloe’s family. I’m just here to help you fulfill your dreams of fatherhood, although you parent Ben enough I don’t how much time you’ll have for her.”
“Don’t say-”
Lorelei didn’t mean a word she said, but the words poured out of her uncontrollably. “He’s your brother, I’m just some bitch you came inside.”
“Lore!” Will strode over to where she was, gently turning her to take a look at him, finding tears in her eyes as she gazed up. “Don’t you ever talk about yourself like that. Ever. You understand me? Do you really think when we had sex, it meant nothing to me? Lorelei Giang, I have wanted you since the day I met you, you know how disappointed I was when Ben said you had a boyfriend? Every time, every fucking time I ran into you, I ran those scenes through my head for hours, trying to memorize all the details because that is all I thought I’d have.” His face is earnest, pleading, begging her to understand what she meant to him. “What we shared that night was something beautiful, Lorelei, and out of it came our daughter, out of it came our friendship. Our friendship is something I value, but Lore, you’re crazy if you think that’s all I want.”
She was unsure how to take his words, standing there with his hand on her shoulder still. She took a step back, letting his hand drop. “What do you want, William?”
He sighed, exasperated. “I want you, Lorelei, why is that so hard for you to understand?”
“I have no doubt you want me,” She emphasized, crossing her arms and putting that symbolic barrier up. “That’s not the point. You think I don’t want you? You think that I haven’t gotten myself off to the memory of that night 100 times? You think I could watch you take care of Rosie, watch how you love your friends, see you smile and laugh and protect me and look so goddamn tall doing it and NOT fall in love with you?”
Her words fell heavy in the air, tension and frustration and love and longing all swirling around, suffocating the room.
“You love me?” Will asked, quiet and hesitant.
Lorelei threw up her hands. “Of course I do, William! Have you any idea what it's like to live with you every day and see the kind of man you are and not fucking suck your dick about it?” 
Will blinked in confusion for a moment before his brain caught up. “They whyyyy aren’t we together?”
Will watched her for a moment, as beautiful as ever in her red dress, even though most of her make up was off. Perfection. 
“Lore… I know you’ve been hurt real bad. I know your dads, Tyler, all the men in your life have failed you none fucking stop, but-”
“But what? You’re different? You’d be better? You’d never kick me out or hit me r call me a whore-”
“Do you have any idea the amount of men I’ve slept with, Will?”
“I don’t care, I really don’t.”
She threw up her hands. “I’m 34, only a few relationships in my life, several men  per year, several per month sometimes-”
Gentle, Will stepped up, gathering both of her hands into his. When she didn’t pull away, he brought them to his lips, kissing the knuckles as he looked down at her. After pause, he spoke quietly. “Why are you telling me this.”
The tears were hot down her face, streaming down heavily. Lorelei looked up at Will, his kind eyes willing and open. It all came out. “Because you don’t love me, men don’t love me. They want me. They want to fuck me, and that’s fine, I like to fuck but they always think they can change me. Men, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but especially white men and military men,” Will was both. “See asian women a certain way. They think we’re submissive, quiet, virginial. You ever watch 90-Day Fiance? The amount of men that seek out women from Asia, like the Philpines, they always say creepy as shit about what they want in a woman, and they are sorely fucking dissapointed when they realiz we are real fucking people not a fuck doll that cooks for you!”
Still holding her hands, bringing them to this chest, he made sure the grip wasn’t tight. He didn’t want her to feel trapped, like he’d hold her there. He’d never force her to do anything or stay anywhere she did not want. “Princess, do you think I think that way? Do you think I don’t see you as a person?” He tried not to sound offended, like it was a personal attack. While he knew he wasn’t the sort of man she was describing, and he hoped she didn’t see him that way, he knew that she lived an experience he would never fully understand. The best he could do was listen, and not be on the defense.
Lorelei shook her head, “No, I don’t think you are… it’s just… I’m Vietnamese, Will. Do you have any idea what happened to Vietnamese woman when American soldiers came?”
Will could feel his skin grow hot. He did know, he knows that sexual abuse of women in general by military men but especially the native women in foreign wars was a massive fucking problem, and he knew the Vietnam war was some of the worst out there. He knew that that sort of generational trauma would not just go away by him being nice.
“I’m not saying you’re like that-”
“I get it.” Will reassured. “I understand, I’ve heard and delt with men in my tropes that talked about wanting to get stationed in South Korea or other Asian bases. And for what it’s worth, which I know isn’t a lot, I’m really fucking sorry you have felt this way you’re whole life.” It all made sense. Her being sexualized her whole life, the push to be submissive, which is a word Will would never describe her as, nor would she want to. The abuse from her step-dad, abandonment from her bio dad… it was a miracle that she came out of it all as well adjusted as she was. Will was so fucking proud of her.
Lorelei sniffles, calming down more in Will’s firm touch. “It’s not just that. My mom and step-dad didn’t help, always making me feel like my worth was tied to my looks when I have so much more to offer.”
“You do, you are so fucking wonderful, Lorelei.” He let go of her hands and for a moment she lamented the loss, but was quickly comforted by a strong, bear hug, ever-careful of the swell of her stomach. “I understand why you’re hesitant to get back in a relationship. I understand if you don’t want to be with me, now or ever.” Will took her face in his hands, guiding her to look up at him. Her he loved her dark eyes, the way her face was full as she gained weight, he loved her thick, strong hair and those creases between her eyebrows and on her forehead from frowning. He loved her. “But I swear to you, Lorelei, I love you exactly as you are. I don’t need nor want whatever version other men have tried to force you into, I don’t love you because you are the mother of my children, I don’t want you to look or act any way other than yourself. I love you in all your badass, take-no-shit, sweet-as-pie, caretaking, punch-your-stupid-ex-until-he-lost-a-tooth” Lore giggled at that, making Will smile. “Pin-up model, strong-as-hell, James-Dean-loving, sexy-as-shit madness.”
He kissed her forehead. He kissed her nose.
Lorelei pulled on his tie and to her lips, kissing him hard, passionate and wet.
Their first kiss.
Will returned it with no hesitation, opening his mouth to her and wrapping her up in his strong grasp. He’s intoxicating, swallowing up her insecurities, her fears, her tongue, all in a desperate pursuit for Will to make her feel like she’s worthy, like she’s safe. Will explores every inch of her mouth, the chip in the the moller from her brother putting pebbles in her food, the snaggled canine and her uneven front teeth from her never wearing her retainer since the week she got her braces off. The faint taste of red lipstick.
He tries to pull away, but is still desperate to be close that Will keeps his lips pressed against hers.  “What does this mean?” He pants, “for us?”
“It’s means I wanna fuck you.” She pulls him close by his belt, feeling a hardening bulge against her swollen belly.
“Lorelei.”  His breath was hot against her skin, voice strained like it was taking everything in him not to fuck her into the mattress right then and there.
“It means…” She goes for his belt buckle, desparate and needy and so goddamn horny for him, having fuck no one but a vibrator in months, and that was getting more and more difficult. “That I want to be with you, Will, if you’ll be patient.”
“I will.” The belt slide off.
Next, she went for the maroon sports coat. “And you’ll call me out when I’m being a brat.”
She felt him smirk against her before going back to kissing, and undoing the corset top with a little tug. “I always do.”
Her touch slowed, just a bit as Lorelei’s voice dropped an octave. More gentle. “And will you let me take care of you, so you don’t gotta carry everything on your shoulders?”
His touch slowed in time with hers, the kisses less frantic, less consuming. Taking their time. “Y-” Will stops, almost like he’s hesitating in the promise. He swallows thickly. “yes…” He slowly unlaced the dress, fingers warm against her skin.
Lorelei begins unbuttoning his shirt, but stops when she remembers. Shirt stays on. “Sorry” She whispers, and begins to rebutton what she did, resting her forehead on the peak of his chest still exposed. “Sorry…”
Will’s hands stopped her fingers. She looked up at him. Will wanted her, he wanted her fully and she’d shown him so many harsh parts of herself… but this was something he needed time for. It had taken a long time before he was comfortable with Emily seeing this.
“Just… don’t touch my back, okay?” A compromise. A start.
“Okay.” Lorelei nodded and whispered, continuing to unbutton. “You can take off my dress.” She knew he’d want permission before making a move like that. Shaking fingers on her shoulders, sliding down her arms and over the floral tattoo on the upper half. He pushes the loose dress down gently. She takes on her black panties. Then, her body is exposed fully to him. Although they’d been nearly naked together before, this felt new/ Much more vulnerable. 
“Fucking beautiful.”
Looking in the mirror the last few months, she didn’t feel beautiful. She was growing accustomed with how her body was changing, she was bring a life into the world, for fucks sake. Still, she didn’t feel beautiful. Right now, with Will. She felt fucking sexy.
She went back to unbuttoning him, with every few inches of skin exposed, Lorelei planted kisses on his chest, never breaking contact with his baby blues. Lower, lower still she sunk down as she kissed him, down to the ever so slight swell of a belly. Hitting the gym couldn’t stop the fact he was nearly forty,, and they’d be snacking pretty heavily the last few months. She loved every inch. As she kissed down his happy trail, sinking to her knees and unbuttoning his pants, Will tried to insist she didn’t have too. Yeah, she knew that. But her mouth was fucking watering for it.
It happened slow, it HAD TOO, he was so fucking huge she had to take her time. And Frankie was supposed to be BIGGER? Jesus fucking Christ. As Lorelei swallowed him, lower and lower down his shaft each time, she felt him fully. The hair on his thighs as she licked the salt pre-cum off his tip. The scar, clearly a bullet wound, on his abdomen as she sucked on his balls. Her painted red nails digging into the meat of his ass as she gagged around him, attempting to bury her face in his blonde hairs, but not quite getting there.
It was only when she gagged hard that Will pulled Lorelei off him, slightly in awe as the strong of spit connected from her mouth to his cock. “C’mon, lemme feel you.”
“But I wanna take you all the-”
His large, pale hand found her golden brown face. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later, princess.”
She kissed him, hard and passionate and all consuming as she pushed his naked, perfect body to the bed, making him sit. “Need you inside me.”
“Baby, let me open you up first-”
“William Miller.” She took the moment to be taller than him, admittedly still not by much. “I have wanted to fuck you so goddamn bad since the second your dick pulled out of me, and I opened myself up this morning on a massive pink fucking dildo because I am incomprehensibly horny every goddamn day.” Lorelei pinched his cheeks, dark eyes intense. “If you’re not inside me soon, I will literally cry so goddamn hard you have no idea.”
After a beat, Will burst out into bellowing laughter that Lorelei mirrored in giggles, squealing when he picked her up and placed her to straddle over his body. Loreilei knelt on the bed, excitement thrilling her, filling her with electricity that she couldn’t doubt for a second Will was feeling as he smiled up at her. “You know…” She spoke softly, cardingehr fingers through his blonde hair. “Our first time was special…”
“I know.” He matched her soft tone, caressing over her stomach. He loved Lorelei and Chloe with everything in him. “I know…”
“But this?” A kiss on the forehead, adoring the way his fingers squeezed her hips. “This feels like the first time. Our first real time…”
“I know exactly what you mean…” His voice was nothing short of wonder.
Eyes shut tight, Lorelei lined herself up with Will’s cock, gripping his shoulders and resisting the urge to hold onto his back. He was so much, was he always this much? She was definitely swollen, feeling much more sensitive as she slowly took him. Will didn’t pull her down like many men before, instead she realized he was holding her up with his hands under her ass, allowing her to go at her own pace. When she finally took all of him inside her, sighing in relief as she was spread across him.
“Let’s just stay like this for a minute.” William whispered in her ear, playing with her hair. He must have known how overwhelming it felt for her.
She nodded, eyes still closed tight, holding onto him. She felt full, so goddamn full it was unreel, her walls pulsing around him and struggling to adjust.
“I’m gonna touch you, beautiful girl, okay? Gonna make it easier.” While one hand never left her hair, Will’s right hand went between her legs, playing with her clit. Small circles, playing with the pressure until he heard her whimper. “Ah, just like that?” He continued at the pace she seemed to like, wet slick coking his fingertips. It didn’t take long for a small orgasm to take her over, just enough to allow her to relax and provide extra natural lubrication.
Still Will didn’t pressure her to move. Lorelei stayed like that, clinging to him like her rock in the ocean as her orgasm subsided. It was then she opened her eyes. In there frenzy, neither of them had taken note of the mirror right above their headboard. A well-placed mirror was nothing new to Lorelei, but this was not that scenario. She wasn’t admiring hers or a partner's body, she wasn’t using the scene as porn… she was looking at Will’s back.
All across it were lacerations. Broad or small, mangling his skin up and down his back. Whippings if she had to guess. And from his dad was her first guess. He said he was above, he said he hit them… she never could have imagined it was anything like this. She wondered how many of these lashings he’d taken for Benny. 
Slowly, she began moving, up and down on him, tears in her eyes. She couldn’t protect him as a child. She couldn’t protect him as a teen. She wasn’t there to hold him or nurse him back to health. But she’d be there from now on, taking care of him and his racing mind and their precious child.
With his hands on her waist, he aided her as she rode him. Up and down, he filled Lorelei up over and over again, turning her into a moaning mess as he gazed up at her in adoration. She was his everything. His two girls, in his arms at this moment.
“I love you, Will, I fucking love you.” She felt buried in him, just as he buried himself into her cunt, everything that surrounded her was William. Nothing mattered but William. She didn’t need to wonder why her dad left, because Will wouldn’t leave. She didn’t need to wonder why Tyler hit her, because Will would rather die. She didn’t need to wonder why she wasn’t enough for her family because she was enough for him.
“I love you, Lorelei, I love you so goddamn much and I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry this whole time I made you think I didn’t.” His eyes shone with tears, just as hers did. Their faces came crashing together, faces ever-so-slightly wet with a mix of soft tears.
Together, they orgasmed in unison. 
Will fell backwards on the bed, taking Lorelei with him in his arms. He pulled out carefully, so, so carefully, and even still she whimpered a bit. Will kissed her forehead with an apology, then went to get some things to clean her up. When he walked back, naked and broad, a sun god in all his glory, his stride stuttered a bit at he took note of the mirror.
He didn’t say anything at first. William cleaned between her legs, telling her how good she did, how pretty she was, how much he loved her. Then, after putting her in his sweats and t shirt and pulling pants on himself, Will nudged her exhausted body until her head rested on his lap. There, he did as much of her face routine as he could without a sink. He wiped up all her make-up, then used cotton pads to apply toner. Finally, he took out a serum she brought and her jade roller, dripping it on her face and carefully rolling it.
“So, I assume you saw my back then?”
“Yeah.” Lorelei whispered. “We don’t gotta talk about it.” She sounded sleepy, Will’s touch oh-so soothing. The jade roller felt nice. “I won’t touch your back or anything until you’re ready. Even if that’s never.”
William smiled at her, Lorelei’s loose curls falling all around his lap. “Thank you, princess. I’ll tell you about it, I swear. Just not now.”
“Okay.” Drifting off, she had enough energy to reach up and touch Williams face. “Baby?”
“Hm?” He asked, eyes steady on his work. He didn’t wanna miss any parts, but he didn't want it in her eyes or mouth.
“What happened with Ben?”
Will sighed, putting down the jade roller. He thought back to the moment he left Lorelei. It was stupid, he knew. Not a lot should be able to pull him away from dancing with the love of his life. But when he saw Ben, knuckles bright red and face puffy, he knew the signs. There was no denying it, and he knew it was Alice’s fault, with the comments she’d been making on his eating.
“He’s throwing up again.”
I hope this all seemed to flow naturally. I was trying to hit all the points I wanted to ;-;
ANYWAY get ready to dread the next chapter lolololololol
Please let me know how you felt about them getting together <3
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
Ok hear me out. Spencer is dating Reader and she’s always hated that she’s been more chubby/curvy. And one night in the middle of a case she calls him crying and Spencer just gets really soft and calms her down after a bad nightmare. And his heart breaks cause his loving girlfriend hates her body. So Spencer plans this elaborate date and proposes maybe? You can decide if the team have met her or not. I’d like it to be the original team but if you wanna combine the original and new teams together that’s cool too!
no bc my body image issues have been rampant lately so this is personal as hell to me. I work out a lot and i’m fit but i’ve never been SKINNY like i have thick legs and muscular arms andnnfnfjndjnffn so this is personal.
I modified this a bit but it’s still the same premises hope you like it! ***BTW IN THIS UNIVERSE THE S3-7 CAST EXISTS FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW— SO THE LATER SEASONS HAVE MORGAN AND HOTCH.
also sorry this is a long
TW: body image issues, discussions of food & weight, insecurity, crying, kissing
WC: 1.5k
You know, pragmatically, that you have nothing to worry about. Spencer chose you. And for the past four years, Spencer has worshipped you every day— again and again. He is the most loving, considerate, and tender partner you could ever wish for. He is near perfection.
You’ve met Spencer's friends many times. You’re not close with either of your parents, so the team of profilers welcomed you into their arms with grace and care. Each and every one of them is beautifully amazing and exceptionally brilliant.
Spencer‘s friends are not only badass, but they’re also gorgeous. JJ, Emily, and Garcia are national treasures— so visually stunning it’s almost sickening.
You knew he used to have a crush on JJ way before he met you. You’ve also heard the tale of Lila Archer, the celebrity actress who made out with your boyfriend in a pool. Spencer’s had an eventful life, full of beautiful, sweet, magnificent women— so why does he choose you?
You view yourself as bland in comparison. What do you have to offer Spencer that he can’t find elsewhere? You don’t have toned abs, slim hips, and slender arms. You’re not striking in any way.
Spencer calls you every night when he’s away on a case. He’s never missed a call, even when he got shot in the neck and kidnapped by a murderous cult. He’s reliable and consistent, and that eases your worries a little bit.
It’s eleven pm in D.C. and your phone rings right as your getting in bed.
“Hi, my love,” Spencer says breathily, his voice slightly muffled by the phone. He’s away in Ohio for a case.
“Hey.” You reply, the sweetness in his voice soured by your mood. “How’s the case going?”
“Good. JJ and I are about to pass out in our beds— we’re so tired.”
You can’t help the way your face drops. “Oh. Well, get rest.”
Your about to hang up before he interjects. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Why?” You know better than to lie to your boyfriend, who happens to be an expert on human behavior.
“Okay, I know a lie when I hear one. (Y/N), baby, what’s wrong?” He pleads.
You can’t help the tear that rolls down your cheek. “God, I’m sorry. I just miss you so much. You always know what to do when I’m feeling like shit.”
Spencer knows how much you struggle with self and bodily acceptance. He hates the world for making you feel anything less than incredible, both inside and out.
“I miss you too, so much, (Y/N).” His voice is thick as if he’s going to start crying too. “I love you so much, so fucking much. You have no idea how beautiful and amazing you are.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” He laughs through a sob that wrecks his body. “You deserve everything in this world. I promise to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. You are the love of my life.”
You wipe the tears from underneath your eyes. “Sorry for keeping you up. You must be tired.”
“Never, if it means I get to talk to you.”
“I love you, Spencer.”
“I love you too, (Y/N). More than you’ll ever know.”
Spencer wakes up the next day with a newfound determination. The team solves the case as fast as possible, and by the end of the night, they’ve boarded the jet back home.
Spencer has more than enough hours to think about you and how much you mean to him. Hotch is seated directly across from him, rereading the case files.
“Hotch?” The wiser man looks up from his files, raising an eyebrow.
Spencer pauses for a moment. Maybe he’d be better asking Morgan or JJ for advice, considering Hotch’s tragic circumstances regarding Haley.
But no one loves like Hotch does-- sincerely, passionately-- stronger than anything else in the world. Spencer decides there’s no one better to ask.
“How uh did you know that Haley was the one?”
Hotch’s eyes soften for a bit. He clears his throat. “I knew since the day I met her that I would love her for the rest of my life unconditionally. She makes me complete. Do you feel that (Y/N) makes you complete?”
He already knows why Spencer is asking for his advice, steering the conversation in that direction.
“Yes. She’s my world.” Spencer whispers.
“Then it’s simple, really. Love doesn’t need to be complicated and precise. It’s what you do with it that matters.”
“I want to marry her, Hotch. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.”
Hotch smiles, “Then do it.”
Spencer feels the rush of excitement as he gathers everyone on the jet, including the prior sleeping passengers, filling them in on his big plans.
“I need all of your guys’ help.”
There’s a firm knock on your door at four in the morning. You know it isn’t Spencer because he has a key, but who could it be?
You take a cautious look out of your peephole to find Penelope, Emily, and JJ outside.
“What are you guys doing here?” You yawn. “For god's sake, it’s four am.”
“We know, and we’re sorry.” Penelope smiles.
“Is Spencer alright?” You ask, wondering if things suddenly went wrong during the case.
But by the joyous look on their face, you know nothing somber occurred.
“Spencer’s completely fine. But, we need to you to get changed and come with us. FBI’s orders.” JJ chuckles.
You change into warmer clothes in minutes, and the BAU ladies usher you into Emily’s car as fast as possible.
“So, no ones gonna tell me what’s going on?”
They shake their heads, “We’re just... running a quick errand.”
After a few more minutes of driving, Emily parks on the side of a dimly lit street.
“I need you to put this on.” She says, holding up a blindfold.
“Are you guys gonna murder me?” You joke, slipping the fabric over your eyes with little resistance.
“Quite the opposite, actually.” You don’t have time to think about what Penelope means before you’re being yanked out of the car.
You walk, guided by JJ, for four minutes. The grass beneath you crushes below your boots, and the hushed whispers of Emily and Penelope behind you do nothing to calm your nerves.
“Okay,” JJ says, halting to a stop. “You can take off your blindfold now.”
You hesitantly slip the blindfold off, revealing a brightly lit table in the middle of a secluded field. Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi are standing off to the sides.
Suddenly, Spencer emerges from behind a tree, dusting the leaves and dirt off his adorable sweater.
“Hi?” You laugh, utterly confused by this situation. “What’s going on?”
His hands are shaking, and he has to swallow a few times before he can speak. “I-I uh got y-you apple pie— uh your favorite.”
Spencer walks you towards the table, where a small slice of warm pie sits lonely on the table.
“Y-you should um... eat it.” He urges, pointing at the knife and fork next to it.
You glance around, trying to gauge the emotions of everyone around you, but fail. Stupid profilers and their poker faces.
Your fork cuts into the heavenly smelling pie, and you scoop up a bite into your mouth.
“It’s... good? I’ll pretty much eat any pie you give me, Spencer.”
He smiles, “I know that. But t-this is a special pie.”
“You should t-take a closer look— at the pie.”
You inspect the dessert, completely puzzled until a glinting piece of silver catches your eye. Spencer notices the shock in your face and catches the plate that almost falls out of your hand.
Morgan hands him a napkin, and when Spencer pulls an apple-covered ring from the slice of pie, you almost faint.
“No way.” You gasp; tears spring to your eyes as Spencer wipes the ring clean.
He holds it tightly between two fingers, bending to kneel on one knee.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), I knew from the moment I met you that you were the most special woman I’d have the pleasure of meeting. A month later, you asked me out for our first date, and I couldn’t believe that someone as gorgeous and amazing as you would settle for someone like me.” You scoff at his humility.
“I spend every moment loving every part of you, (Y/N). None of my love will ever stop— ever. I promise to share my heart with you until the very end. There is absolutely no one I would rather be bonded to for the rest of my life. You are better than my dream girl because you’re real. You’re here, and you chose to love me every day— the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Y/N), will you do me the honor and great privilege of allowing me to become your husband?” You silently sob.
“Please say yes.” Spencer smiles.
“Yes!” You exclaim, pulling him up to hug him. “How could I say anything but!”
The dam breaks, and the entire team begins to cry as you and Spencer share a passionate kiss, almost collapsing down onto the grass from the sheer force of your love. He slips the ring onto your finger; it belongs there.
“I choose you, (Y/N).” He repeats.
“I choose you, Spencer, always.” You whisper into the crook of his neck.
Nothing’s ever felt so right.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
omg omg i know matthews birthday isnt for a couple weeks but i would die for a bday sex one shot omg
i made you wait so long for this i'm so sorry omg. one-shots usually take me longer bc i want them to be detailed!
summary: reader has plans for Matthew’s 41st birthday, but things take their own turn. 
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, oral (male receiving), degradation, Soft!Dom Matthew with some fluff, too; fingering, creampie, implied age gap. 
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
word count: 4.3k
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I haul the enormous bag of flour onto the counter, grunting. it's early afternoon, and my day has been spent wrapping all of Matthew's gifts and trying to plan out the perfect birthday celebration. he's turning 41, and all I want is for him to feel as special as he feels to me. the cake is the last piece of the puzzle, and I'm hoping that my less-than-excellent culinary skills improve over the course of the next few hours.
I set out all the ingredients first, swaying to my music while I go through the recipe and decide how much I need. it shouldn't be too complicated, right? just chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. I thought I'd try to recreate the Rumple Buttercup cartoon with it, but now I'm not so sure. that might be flirting with disaster.
instead of deciding right there, I just get started on the batter. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
the air is thick with sweetness and warmth as the oven slowly pre-heats and I stir together the silky smooth chocolate batter. I pour the mix into a round baking pan, tapping it a bit to make sure it's even, before pushing it into the oven. naturally, I lick the whisk clean.
my phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Matthew's texted me.
on my way home now!
my heart stutters in my chest as I check the time. he's definitely early; he told me this morning that he wouldn't be at home until at least seven. my eyes flicker to the cake, over the messy kitchen, and back to my screen.
yep. can't wait to see you. followed by a series of heart emojis. I start to panic a little. this throws my whole schedule off; I was going to do my hair, pick up food from his favorite restaurant, set the table, litter the bed with rose petals. I wanted everything to be just right for him; it's the first time he's had a birthday with me.
and now he's going to come home to me with flour-dusted cheeks and a half-baked cake. I quickly clean the kitchen and wipe my face before running off to the bedroom, rifling through my closet for something nice. thank god I already showered this morning because there's no way I'd have time now. I find the dress I'd planned to wear, red and slinky and pretty, before dropping my clothes and changing right away.
truly, I move at the speed of light when I do my hair, scatter the rose petals, and call the restaurant to get our order started. we'll need to run out and get it, but Matthew likes going for walks, so that shouldn't be a problem.
the smell of chocolate wafts through the house while I tie an apron around my waist and get a bowl out of the cabinets. the cake needs to cool for a while, but I might as well get started on the frosting. who knows how long that'll take?
too damn long, apparently.
Matthew opens the front door while I'm halfway through my crumb coat, the soft green shade of the Rumple Buttercup colors coming along nicely. I start to panic a little when I hear his footsteps on the stairs.
"Y/N!" he calls out.
"kitchen!" I respond without moving. he probably shouldn't see the cake, but at this point it's too late. there's fluffy buttercream frosting and food coloring all over my apron. all I can do is wait patiently as he strolls into the room.
"what are you up to?" he sets his hand on my back, smiling.
"making your cake, birthday boy."
"mmm." he wraps a hand around my arm, drags it down while leaning his chin on my shoulder. "looks really nice so far."
"you like the color?" I ask.
"I do." he mumbles, starting to touch my waist. "what material is this?"
"you know I love that." he squeezes my waist and I have to resist the blush spreading up my cheeks. he's affectionate right now, and I want to resist, but it's hard.
"what're you doing?" I question playfully in response to the drifting of his fingers down my thighs.
"I'm excited to see you."
"I'm excited to see you, too, but we have a strict schedule tonight."
Matthew groans and drops his head into the space between my neck and shoulder. his hands don't leave my hips.
"why?" he whines.
"because I want you to have the best birthday ever." I smooth off the top of the cake, sighing when he digs his fingernails into me. it feels heavenly, and the featherlight kisses he's leveling on my jaw are making me woozy.
"making me wait?" he brushes over my ass, squeezing the flesh lightly. "that's cruel."
I laugh a little and swipe my finger through the frosting.
"try this and tell me if I'm still cruel."
he grabs my hand in both of his, sliding my index into his mouth and licking it off of me. my jaw drops in surprise before he pulls away and drops it. it's unbelievably sexy.
"that is really good." he smiles, then kisses my cheek in an alarmingly innocent manner. he knows what he's doing. "don't be a tease, darling."
"you--" I stutter, trying to regain my concentration. it's futile at this point; it isn't until he moves away from my body that I'm able to keep working on the cake. he only glances with a knowing smirk, walking around the counter to sit across from me.
"how was your day?"
"my day was jam-packed with planning for a little ingrate's birthday." I joke.
"I'm not an ingrate." he protests. one look at his pout and I feel guilty for teasing. standing on tiptoes, I lean over the counter and plant a kiss on his mouth.
"you're right, I'm sorry," I sigh. "I just had a whole plan and when you came home early, I didn't have time for all of it."
"what can I do?" he offers immediately. I scowl.
"you're not gonna help me prepare your birthday celebration, silly."
"but I wanna make it easier."
"you wanna make it easier?" I ask, the corners of my lips quirking up. he nods enthusiastically and I hold his gaze. "I need to go pick up our dinner, so you can walk with me."
"ooh, yes!" he leaps up in an almost child-like manner, coming around to my side again. I nuzzle into his shoulder as I finish piping the face onto the cake. he snorts when he sees the completed project. "is that Rumple?"
"shut up, it looks so bad." I complain. my body leans into his in defeat. even though I tried, Rumple looks like he's been possessed and exorcised in one sitting: he's got crazy eyes and a lopsided face.
"no, it's beautiful," he pecks the top of my head. "he's supposed to look funny."
all I can do is turn around and hug him, giggling at the absolute monstrosity that I've created. he wraps his arms around me tightly and we start to sway a little.
"I feel like Victor Frankenstein." I laugh. he untangles our bodies to tilt my chin up and look at him.
"you're way cuter." he rubs my nose with his own. I'm smiling so big, it hurts. he makes me so unbelievably happy, I can't imagine not being by his side. Matthew is the best boyfriend in the world, and I really want everything to live up to his expectations.
our fingers thread together briefly before we get ready to go pick up our food.
"I am literally going to combust." I giggle, throwing my napkin onto the table. red wax drips down the sides of the candle between us, and Matthew's eyes are starry as he watches me talk.
"good?" he asks.
"amazing. how was yours?"
"could barely get it down." he gestures to the empty plate. I throw my head back and laugh more than I should. Matthew frowns. "what?"
"that's such a dad joke."
"really?" he laughs along with me until we're both just smiling brightly at each other. I don't want to step too far; we've been dating under a year, still. but I see myself with Matthew forever. we've already moved in together; I've never felt so strongly as I feel for him, and I think that he feels it, too. in our bones.
"yes, but I like dad jokes."
"come here." he holds his arms out and I get up from the table, walking over to sit on his lap. he shifts so I can be more comfortable, and I place both hands on my stomach.
"I have such a food baby right now."
"do you?" he sets one hand over the bump. I lean my head into his shoulder, curling up a little. he starts to rub my tummy gently, holding me close while we sit in a relative quiet. "I like it."
"mmm." I hum, wrapping my arms around his neck. although he could easily turn this sexual, he doesn't. we just linger, breathing and letting our food settle. I really am full; the chances of me falling asleep are higher than not.
I ask Matthew to tell me more about his day as I sit there, and the rumble of his voice in his chest is soothing. as the candle wax drips further and further down, I watch it with lethargic eyes. I've had a hard year-- Matthew's made it better. he can read me like a book, and he listens like I've got all the answers in the world. I love him. and when I head to the kitchen to slice the cake, he follows me with his arms around my waist. we move like two people who have been together a long time, like we can anticipate the next person's movement down to the flicker of their eye contact, down to their step.
"I can't believe you have room for dessert." I grab a knife from the drawer, along with some plates. Matthew kisses my head.
"I've got room for multiple desserts."
"was that a sexual allusion or are you actually hungry?" I turn briefly to gauge his behavior. if he hasn't had enough to eat, I'll feel horrible. but he leans down to my ear. it still sends a shiver down my spine.
"definitely sexual," he smirks, then retreats. "let's do this, though, first. I want a piece of Rumple's eyeball."
"just get out the candles so I can do this for you." I push him away. he heads to the cupboard and returns with the pack of candles that I begin to spear into the cake. I only put in ten because there's not room for forty-one, but he doesn't seem to mind as I light them up individually.
"go sit down! you weren't even supposed to come in here." I laugh as I lift the dish into my arms and shoo him into the other room. Matthew gives me a sidelong look, smiling for an unknown reason, before following my orders.
he pretends to look surprised when I bring the thing out to him, mouth making a pleased O shape.
"wow!" he cheers.
"make a wish, then, my love." I tell him. he inhales deeply, then blows out the candles. one or two stragglers remain, their flames flickering before he tries again and snuffs them out. I clap my hands.
"happy birthday, baby!"
he grins at me and starts to pluck the candles out of the cake. "you didn't sing to me." he says.
"trust me, that was a gift in itself." I laugh before picking up the knife. "how big a slice do you want?"
Matthew seems to think for a second on this, squinting as he examines the thing.
"alright then." I cut an enormous hunk out, making sure to get one of the maddened eyeballs on it before sliding it onto the plate and giving it to him. "enjoy."
"oh, I will." before I can move to sit across from him, he reaches out and pulls me into his lap. I let out a surprised noise, but settle in anyway on his thigh while I cut my own slice of cake. we eat together.
"it's actually pretty good." I'm impressed with myself. sure, it's not a super complicated recipe. but I still did well. Matthew wraps his arm around my waist, one hand holding his plate while the other digs the fork in.
"it's amazing." he nods through a mouthful of food.
"how's the eye?"
"how you'd expect a vitreous humor to taste." he jokes, laughing as I elbow him in the ribs. "ow!" he complains. I swipe some of the frosting off the top of his slice and tap it over his nose. he wrinkles it at the sensation.
"maybe I'll just leave." I move to get up, but he keeps me in place. his little smile, so determined in its happiness, makes my heart soften. for all of his teasing, he's weak for me, and I love it. when I lean down a little to lick the icing off, he blushes.
"when can I have you?" he asks quietly, one hand resting on the top of my bare thigh. it tightens around my skin, growing more aware of my presence in his lap. I bite my lip and mull this over, subtly draw the hem of my dress up a bit just to tease him.
"I'm thinking..." this time, he lets me get up. my fingers slide through his, dragging him with me. "now."
Matthew gets an excited grin on his face before I spin around and lead him to the bedroom. a couple candles are burning, filling the room with a deep, sensual smell that he inhales as he stops in his tracks.
"did you put rose petals on our bed?" he chuckles, staring at me with his eyebrows raised in an adoring expression. I run my palms up his chest, stopping below his shoulders. I poke my tongue between my teeth as I smile.
"yes, I did."
"very romantic."
"is it?" I lift an eyebrow. it takes everything in me not to pounce on him right then.
"consider me seduced."
"if you ever use that word again, I'm calling this off." I laugh. he silences it in a kiss, eagerly gathering my body up in his arms as he tilts his head to deepen it. a slight moan slips through me, pleased with the gentle, innocent pleasure he elicits. he's softer than velvet. when he crushes the silk of my dress in his fist, lifting it over my ass so he can touch me without barriers, he groans.
"did I pay for this?" he rolls the fabric between his fingers.
"mhmm." I hum.
"good." his breath hitches when the zipper comes down easily, the garment falling to the floor and leaving me in brand new black lingerie. his eyes move hungrily over my body, pupils dilating further as he takes in the curves of my figure.
"this is new."
I twist around a bit, showing him the back as well, his grip on my waist loosening only to allow me this movement. "you like it?"
he groans. "I love it."
I want to start undressing him, greedy for the sight of his naked body, but he reaches down and lifts me into his arms, my legs wrapping around him while he carries me to the floral-covered mattress. I sink into a rosy paradise, almost give into the alluring sensations he causes with his fingertips over my skin.
he's between my legs, teeth seeking out collarbone and the swell of my chest. it would be so, so easy to remain here, pinned down and allowing him to let loose on me. every deliberate shadow on my body is like a sunburst. but I can't.
I grab his shoulders and yank him down next to me. he peers at me with a smile, wondering what I've got in store. the answer is too loaded to fit into one sentence, so I watch him move up the bed until he's resting his head on the pillow, my legs moving to straddle him.
"taking control?" he questions. he knows I don't usually like to be on top. instead of replying, I reach behind me and undo the clasps of my bra, sliding it from my arms before tossing it somewhere else. his eyes widen and he goes to grab at my tits, but I'm too quick. I lean down, unbuttoning his shirt and drawing my nails over his chest as I lower myself to his pants.
Matthew is silent, open-mouthed at the red marks I leave behind on his smooth skin. it's intoxicating for me, too, and I work quickly to tug his bottoms down his legs, the boxers with them. when his dick is released, I let him struggle through a moment of no contact.
"let me touch you." he goes to stroke himself. my gaze flickers between the length he's now gripping in his hand and the needy look on his face. I want to fuck him right now. every cell in my body aches for him, for the pleasure that so violently rips through my veins when he's inside.
"not yet." I betray myself, and his hips buck into empty air when he sees my torso so close to his erection. when I drop my head and lick up the underside, he lets go of himself and allows me to tease him. I pause at the tip, then hold the base while I spit on it.
"shit!" he grunts as I start to swirl my tongue around him. his fingers run through my hair. "suck on it, baby."
all I do is moan, the vibration torturing him. I peek up through my lashes and see the veins in his neck throbbing while he resists the urge to fuck my mouth. I soften and lower my head slowly, inch by inch swallowing his cock. he hits the back of my throat. the slight gag that runs through me makes him sigh. it's then that I tap his hand as our signal to push my head down.
Matthew loses it. he starts to shove my mouth onto him, fucking it, one hand reaching behind him to grab the top of the headboard while he groans.
"choke on it... fuck." he moans. there are tears in my eyes from the pressure, but I keep looking at him the whole time. he's gorgeous, mouth dropped open in ecstasy while he goes between rolling his eyes into the back of his head and staring with an intense desire.
every time I gag, he lets out an unholy noise and gets excited all over again, his hips moving to meet my lips until he's on the edge of falling apart. his cock twitches and I moan, but he's not willing to finish.
"get over here so I can fuck you." his voice is borderline raspy as he forces himself to release my head. I sit up and wipe the spit from my mouth, crawling on top of him again to leave some of my favorite marks on his neck. he's mine. every bite stands to prove it, and his quick breaths let me know that he's not going to wait much longer.
his fingertips hook in the waistband of my panties and he pushes them down my thighs, purses his lips while he watches me shimmy out of them. it's wonderful, seeing the disarray in his face whenever he catches sight of my naked form. he never knows where to touch first, moving over my breasts to my waist and hips down to my legs. like he's trying to blend our bodies together by simply drinking me in.
I tense when he reaches out and sinks two fingers into me. I'm so wet, it takes almost no pressure.
"fucking soaked, huh?" he smirks. my hands steady themselves on his shoulders as he starts to pump in and out of me. I groan.
"get inside, please." I murmur nearly incoherently. he starts to go faster, his cock throbbing against his stomach. but he wants me to squirm and beg.
"oh, so you've got demands?" he teases. his fingers curl in my pussy, brushing over my special spot, and I almost gasp at the pleasure. "after making me wait?"
"I just--" I start to defend myself, but it's fruitless. he guides my face down to his, whispering in my ear.
"let me guess: you just wanted me to have a good birthday?"
"yes." a choked, desperate reply.
"let me show you what kind of present I want, then." he removes his fingers and lines himself up at my entrance, pushing me all the way down before sliding the pads of his digits into my mouth. I lick them clean while I moan. his cock is so deep inside me, I can barely breathe.
the combined pressures between my hips and on my tongue, make me give up on drawing this out. it feels so good, I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to. I rise up a bit and sink onto him again, his jaw clenched at the sensation. he lets me do this a couple times and then pauses my actions.
"get on your hands and knees." he orders. I lift myself obediently, whining slightly at the loss of contact, before he sits up and switches positions so that he's kneeling behind. I wait patiently for him to do what he wants with me. he doesn't disappoint.
softly, he pushes my head down so that my cheek rests against the pillow while he slides in from the back. it's a completely different angle and I can barely handle the way he works through the tightness, his moans louder this time.
"thought you could sit on it and I would just let you?" he chuckles darkly, pulling out and moving in. my breath rattles in my chest at the repeated, delicious intrusions. my eyelids flutter shut while he keeps talking to me in that commanding, low tone. "you're my little slut."
the moan that comes from my lips is pathetic, like a mewl. he plows into me and my face presses into the mattress.
"such a perfect little pussy," his hands lure my hips to him while he groans at the new depths he keeps finding. "so responsive for me."
"faster, Matthew." I whine. although he's not going slow, I need more. the slam of his body against mine, from this angle, creates just short of enough friction for my clit. he follows my request, however, and fucks me at an insatiable pace.
"you like that?" he grunts. I literally don't have the mobility to nod, so I shove my ass back instead to take more. he bucks. "you feel so fucking good."
I whimper and he starts to stimulate my clit by reaching around, lowering himself a bit to do so. he keeps his arm pressed to my stomach so he can feel the bulge of his cock sliding in and out of me. "good girl. take it."
my fingertips fist the sheets and I whine as my orgasm approaches. he switches the pattern of pressure, finding what makes me fall apart fastest. I'm on the edge, my mouth dropping open in a silent cry. my hips start to move on their own, working against his cock as I moan his name and tumble into the abyss.
"Matthew, right there-- fuck me, fuck me--" I moan. he rams his hips so hard, the headboard slams the wall and he groans.
"you're gonna make me break you, baby." he warns. I bite my lip so hard that I almost puncture the skin, feeling like a planetary collision is occurring within my lower stomach. I'm coming up on a second climax.
"break me, then." I dare.
Matthew wraps his arm around my chest and brings me up so that I'm leaning against his chest while he whispers in my ear. "defiant little whores don't get my cum."
"but--" I complain, hips wriggling for more while he thrusts into me.
"apologize or I'll stop fucking you right now." he slows just to demonstrate the torture of not being inside me. I grasp at his hips to coax him, but he's determined. I take a shaky breath at the smooth, slow movements.
"I'm sorry." I beg. he reaches down and starts to play with my bundle of nerves again. as much as he wants to make me crash, he loves the way this feels, too.
"mmm," he hums while laying sloppy kisses along my neck. "good thing I wanna fill you up for being so sweet today."
his thrusts are uncontrolled and needy, rapid pushes between my legs that cause me to start shaking all over again. he rubs my clit and moans in my ear, spilling.
"I love you so much." he mumbles. the hand holding me to him squeezes one of my tits while I arch my spine and enjoy the slowing pace of our bodies. I moan his name.
"I love you, too." I'm in awe of how he changes for me, his attitude shifts whenever we're in bed. it's cosmic, how we fit together. and his withdrawal from my body causes both of us to collapse onto the bed with exhaustion.
I can only suck in air for a while. my limbs are like lead, in the best way.
"that was hot." he mutters. I turn to him, admiring his beautiful features, and nod lazily.
"a successful birthday, then?"
"after that cake? yeah." he scoffs jokingly and I giggle before curling into him. he traces his fingertips down my skin. "do you wanna take a shower?"
"I'm so tired." I groan. Matthew glances at me.
"I'm the one who just turned forty-one."
"shut up."
"come on, then. let's get you cleaned up."
he rises from the mattress, bringing me with him. a few stray rose petals flutter onto the ground.
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dimpledlavendeer · 3 years
Enhypen reaction to finding their s/o crying
warnings: actually none because this is fluff but please don't read if you are a sensitive person ♡
May contain typos
I wrote this because one of my friends gave me the idea while we were talking ♡
A reminder that requests are now open ♡
Heeseung 𖦹
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Heeseung would be so worried for you
He would immediately pull you into his arms when he realized your red eyes and the tears on you cheeks
He would wipe your tears with his thumbs and place small kisses everywhere on your face
His eyes would get teary too
He would constantly tell you sweet things while kissing your forehead
"I'm here okay, you aren't alone, I would never leave you alone."
He wouldn't let go of you from the hug until you calm down and say you're okay or at least he sees your smile
He would patiently wait for you to tell him without pressuring you to tell what it was about
When you do tell him he would listen to you pulling you onto his lap while laying on the bed and stroking your hair slowly
He would lay on the bed with you for hours cuddling you, would sing to you when he sees you eyelids getting heavier and you struggle to keep them open, you would find peace in his arms and voice
Jay 𖦹
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His eyes would burn when he sees tears falling from eyes to your cheeks
His rage would built up so fast, he would be so ready to throw hands to whoever that made you so upset
He would run to you and cup your face, pressing his lips on yours
You would tell him what happened while your face was buried on his chest
He would let out couple of curse words out of frustration
He would help you wash your face and then take you out for a ride around the city to calm you down
He would buy you ice cream to eat while he is driving and he would let you choose any song you want to play
He would never let go of your hands
When you guys get back home he would convince you to took a warm bath while he cooks for you
He would make sure you drown in his small little presents thru the whole week too, buying cute plushies, accessories anything he thought that would look cute
Jake 𖦹
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He called you after practice to let you know he was getting out a little bit earlier today
When he heard you sniffing he knew something wasn't right
He asked if everything was okay and you couldn't help your voice from cracking
He would say he's gonna be there in 10 minutes and literally rush to your place because he would be extremely worried
He would buy all kinds of stuff on his way to your place whether it's food or something else
He would drop everything on the floor once you open the door for him and just pull you in his arms
He would ask questions non stop because he would be so panicked
"What happened? Are you okay? Who made you cry? How can I help? Do you want me to get you something?.."
And then he would Apologize for asking too many questions while pecking your lips
Honestly his little clumsiness would make you smile a little <33
Sunghoon 𖦹
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You were supposed to meet with Sunghoon to go out today but you couldn't because you had a bad argument with one of your classmates
You left school early and just closed yourself into your room turning your phone off
You didn't even bother to change your clothes or remove your make up and you just throw yourself to bed
Eventually you fall asleep while crying
Sunghoon called you many times but could never reach you, he tried texting you to but you never responded so he got worried and a little bit pissed off so he stormed into your place yelling your name
When you didn't answer back his worries grow even more until he opened the door of your bedroom and saw your crawled body on the mattress
His heart would break into million pieces when he saw your ruined make up due to your crying
He would accidentally wake you up while caressing your cheeks and smile to you asking if you were alright
He would let you cry laying on the bed like that while patiently listening to you and when he made sure you're done crying he would clean your face with a napkin
He wouldn't tell you anything but he would probably see that one person who made you cry and make sure they can never disturb you again bc that's how protective he is
Sunoo 𖦹
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This little bean would literally shed tears with you
His heart couldn't take seeing you cry
He was at your place for a sleep over and went to the kitchen to get you both snacks
But when he came back he saw you crying because you missed your family
He would throw snacks to a side and come to hug you
He would say that he understands you while slowly patting your back and telling it's okay
Meanwhile he also would get teary eyed but will deny that he also cried
He would tell you some of his embarrassing school memories to make you laugh
Or put a random song on would drag you to dance with him
Eventually you would give in to his cuteness and dance with him because you know he's just trying to make you feel better by trying to distract you from bad thoughts
Jungwon 𖦹
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You went to visit jungwon while they were practicing for their comeback
But while you were watching them practice you found out that you failed one of your classes so your expression unintentionally changed
When you felt that your tears building up inside you, you get out to wash your face
When you get into the restroom you couldn't help but to shed a few tears bc you tried your best but it was just not enough
You got stratled when you heard the sound of the door opening and you turned your back yo hide your face while trying yo wipe off your tears
You heard him calling you "y/n are you.. are you crying? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine" you would say buy your voice would be enough for him to understand
"Then look at me or I am getting inside." He would say because he isn't the type to let you suffer alone like that when he knows you are not okay
He would buy you something warm while you two talk, after he patiently waits for you to finish your talk he would also mention the mistakes he makes to show you that it's normal and he would invite you to their dorm for that night for a movie marathon
He would mention to the boys that you weren't feeling well so when you go to their dorm at night all of them would baby you, of course jungwon in the first place, he would let you tease him all you want instead of teasing you for that night and would actually do some embarrassing stuff to make you smile
Ni-Ki 𖦹
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He would realize something was off when you didn't respond to one of his jokes the way you usually do
His playful mode would totally turn Into serious when he realizes you are more silent than you normally are, sitting with a poker face
He would be hesitant to come and ask you what was wrong so instead of talking at the first place he would come and sit next to you silently
He would give shy glances at you while sitting like that, honestly I see him as pretty patient person so he would actually sit there in silent like that until you decide to talk with him
His presence would actually make you feel better since he is just trying to show you that you aren't alone with his actions because he is rather a shy person when it comes to things like this
When you start talking about your day and talk about what was bothering you, he would remain silent, nodding at your words sometimes to show you he listens
He would start talking when you ask about his opinion, he would say things that will not only make you feel better but actually would help you see things in a better way
He would remind you to not be so hard on yourself even tho he is so young he is very mature
He is that type of person that you can sit with for hours even tho you don't really talk because his presence next to you would be comforting enough
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emeralddaydream · 3 years
𝙸𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝙸𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙾𝚏?
Kit x GN!Reader
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Rating: General
Word Count: 2848
Warnings: None, just lots of fluff✨
Requested by Anon: Mayhaps prompt 84 (“No, Mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”) with Kit Walker, but instead he's talking to Jude, Thomas, and Julia. Kit had been dating you for a while and he accidentally had let it slip that he loves you to his family (they all tease him about it constantly). You were planning on visiting later (so everyone could go to the park together or do some other adorable activity) and Kit just knows that someone is going to tell you, and he is trying desperately to avoid that
A/N: Okay, firstly, anon, thank you so much for your lovely message. I haven't been too kind to myself lately (workin' on it), so I really appreciate you being so understanding💜
I kind of went off the rails with this one, and it doesn't actually include the prompt sentence, and the prompt itself is a lil different, but same basic idea, I think... I really hope you like it!!
Also, Jude is healthy bc I refuse to make this angsty.
The title comes from 'I Think I Love You' by The Partridge Family, and on that note, I'm also dedicating this to one of my favorite humans. She's not really into AHS, but David Cassidy is her mans, so Sierra, this one's for you!! Thank you for always being a wonderful friend💜💕
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“Jude, I need your help.”
In general, Kit Walker considers himself to be a pretty easy-going guy; usually, there isn't much that gets to him. But today’s different. There’s something that he’s simultaneously ecstatic about and dreading.
Today's the day you’ll be meeting his family for the first time.
“With?” Jude’s smirking amusedly where she sits across from him at the kitchen table sorting dish ware and arranging it carefully in the picnic basket in front of her. Kit glances at the clock on the wall and sighs; he's got just over an hour before he, Jude and the kids are supposed to meet you at the park, and he couldn’t be much more anxious about it if he tried... Not for nothing, though.
“I just wanna make sure today goes well.” He finishes wrapping the sandwich in his hand, placing it in the basket to join the plates.
“And you don’t think it will?” Jude raises an eyebrow; she may be a particularly perceptive woman, but it isn't very difficult to see that there's something Kit isn't saying.
His mind drifts for a moment to the other night, when he and Jude sat in the living room, chatting quietly after the kids had gone to sleep. She’d asked about you, and before Kit knew it, he was spilling his guts to her, finally speaking the words he’s been unable to say to you. It’d felt amazing to finally get them out... until he noticed Julia peaking around the door frame, brown eyes trained on he and Jude She scurried off, giggling quietly down the hall, and when he asked her about it the next day, it was clear to Kit that his daughter had heard the entire conversation. And it didn’t need to be said that she had told Thomas; the two of them have never kept anything from each other in their lives…
“I hope it does.” Kit replies after several moments of silence. He’s not at all concerned about whether or not you’ll get along with his family. There’s no doubt in his mind that Jude will be taken, and the kids are going to adore you. “I just need help makin’ sure they don’t say anything.” He glances toward the two small figures in the next room where they lie on the floor, markers in hand as they draw colorful pictures and fill out puzzles from the day-old newspaper Jude had provided to keep them occupied.
“About?” Jude's smirk grows into a playful grin. She’s having fun with this; a little too much, in Kit’s opinion. He scowls and she laughs quietly.
“About... y’know?”
“About how you love them?” Jude’s voice carries into the next room a bit too loudly for Kit’s liking, and his eyes go wide. He places a finger to his lips, eyes darting to the children to make sure they’re still distracted; so far, so good.
“Well, when are you going to tell her? You’re not getting any younger, y’know.” Kit's unable to stop the smile that breaks across his face.
“Soon. I just… need to find the right moment.”
“There’s no such thing as the right moment, Walker," she chortles, rolling a bundle of silverware into a napkin. “But…I’ll do my best.” Kit smiles gratefully, but she shakes her head continuing. “But they’re kids. Kids'll say whatever they want to.” Knowing she's right, Kit groans, running a hand through his hair before feeling around in the pocket of his jeans for his pack of cigarettes.
He's in for an interesting day.
The worn wood of the bench feels rough under your fingers as you tap against it anxiously. You take a quick peak to your right again, in search of the vehicle you’re waiting for. It’s a big day. In just- you glance down at your watch for the fifth time – two and a half minutes, your boyfriend is supposed to arrive with his family.
It terrifies you.
It’s not that you have any issues with kids. You love them. Becoming a parent has always been a part of the plan for you. However, you don’t have much experience with them and, this is the first time you’ve ever been with someone with children of their own. It’s... intimidating.
Kit, however, has been nothing but reassuring. A small smile crosses your face, thinking of the last thing he’d said to you when he'd called last night. Don’t worry, babe. They’re gonna love you.
God, you hope he’s right.
Kit’s told you so much about his kids over the last several months the two of you have been together, and you can tell by the warmth in his voice, by the way his eyes light up when he tells you something funny one of them did, that they are his world. As they should be. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
There's absolutely no doubt in your mind that you've fallen head over heels for this man... That’s what's so frightening; you don’t want to screw anything up. For anyone's sake.
You’re in the middle of reciting some of the things Kit had told you about the kids- ‘Julia’s really into football right now, a little chatterbox, and Thomas loves readin’, but he’s pretty shy’- when you hear tires making their way along the narrow dirt road. Turning your head again, your stomach flips when you see the familiar station wagon- much fuller with people than normal- pull into the small parking lot. You smile, raising your hand in a wave when Kit sees you, and swallow hard.
The driver’s door quickly opens, and Kit makes his way over, basket in hand. The passenger, Jude, stays behind to help the kids out of their seats.
“Hey, you.” Kit murmurs, a smile on his face as he leans down to press a tender kiss to your cheek.
“Hi.” With a shaky breath, you take your bottom lip between your teeth when he pulls back. With a sympathetic smile, Kit takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“They’re gonna love you,” he reminds, and you huff a laugh. Julia begins speaking excitedly as she hops out of the car; you can’t make out what she’s saying, but she sounds enthusiastic, so you’re taking that as a good sign.
“If you say so.” You grip his hand more tightly and he chuckles as the two of you make your way toward the sound of the animated voice.
Now or never.
“Y/N!” You jump at the sound, completely taken off guard- even more so when something barrels into you, wrapping around your waist. You look down to see the small girl- the one that you recognize from the many pictures Kit has shown you -beaming up at you. Kit laughs, scooping her up into his arms as Jude moves to stand in front of the three of you. Thomas hangs onto her hand, hiding behind her dress.
“Y/N, this is Jude, Thomas, and you’ve already met Julia.” He shakes his head, tickling his daughter’s ribs until she’s leaning into him, in a fit of giggles.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you all,” you say, hoping the smile on your face doesn’t come across as uneasy.
“We could say the same to you. This one,”- she gestures to Kit- “is talking about you constantly.” You smile widely at this, eyes moving to Kit to find his cheeks turning rosy.
“Oh, really?”
“Uh-huh!” Julia chimes in, Thomas slowly nodding his agreement.
“Oh, you.” You nudge Kit’s arm gently, and his eyes shift quickly back and forth between the children. Jude lets out a trill of laughter then, taking Julia’s hand in hers.
“Why don’t we find somewhere to sit? I’m sure we’re all getting hungry.” The kids agree enthusiastically, taking off in a sprint toward a nearby gazebo where several tables sit. “Hey, slow it down, you two!” Jude calls, following them.
You turn to Kit, who brings your hand to his lips, placing a kiss there; there’s something about his expression that you can’t quite place, but he seems happy, so you’re happy. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says, letting your hands fall and dangle together as the two of you slowly make your way to the table where the children sit, awaiting their lunch. Julia laughs beckoning the two of you over, and there’s a shy little smile on Thomas’ face. Your nerves are slowly fading, and you let out a breathy sigh, smiling up at him.
“I’m glad I’m here, too.”
The meal is fantastic, and by the time you’re wiping your mouth on your napkin and placing it down on the empty plate in front of you, you can hardly remember why you were so panicky about this meeting in the first place. The food is delicious, Jude accepting your compliments on her potato salad graciously. The two of to you discuss your job, her asking about the intricacies of what you do. Not in a prying way, though; she seems genuinely interested.
It’s not long before the kids take to you, either. Julia already has, it seems, as she insists on sitting across from you while you eat. She tells lots of stories; everything from the science project she and Kit have been working on for school, to the time that Jude took her and Thomas to the zoo.; you find out that hippos are her favorite animal. “Isn’t it so cute when they wiggle their ears??” she asks.
Thomas takes a bit more coaxing, but not much; not when you decide to ask him what his favorite book is. His eyes light up and he brings up several, speaking excitedly about a chapter from the one he's currently in the middle of.
“Daddy, can we play now?” Julia asks, setting her fork down; she bounces around like she’s ready to jump out of her seat, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Sure,” Kit chuckles, placing his empty glass of iced tea on the table. I’m just gonna use the bathroom real quick, but go onnahead.” He stands, patting your shoulder. Shooting what he hopes is a discreet glance Jude's way, he moves toward the small bathroom stalls a few yards away.
Jude laughs, a soft smile on her face, watching as Julia moves to cling to your arm. “Alright, Thomas, it. looks like it’s you and me. What do you wanna do first?” She takes the small boy’s hand, and he leads them in the direction of the sandbox.
Julia glances around, and when she sees that everyone’s out of earshot, she leans into you, bringing a hand to her mouth to ask, “Y/N, can I tell you a secret?”
Her over-exaggerated whisper and enthusiasm make you giggle, and you nod. “Sure.”
She climbs into the seat beside you, leaning in closer to speak into your ear. “My daddy loves you.”
You’re quiet for several seconds, having absolutely no idea how to respond. You look down at her, eventually stuttering out, “O-oh… really? How do you know that?” You're half expecting a nonsensical answer, but when she opens her mouth, the young girl is serious.
“I heard him and Nana talking about it the a couple'a nights ago when I got out of bed for a drink of water.” She grins up at you. “…But I can just tell.”
“H-how can you tell?”
She shrugs. "He smiles when he talks about you." Her answer is so simple, so pure, and it holds so much meaning; you're sure there's a dopey grin growing on your face right now.
“Well, your dad’s pretty great. And I think you’re pretty great, Julia.” Her smile grows impossibly wider as she wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. You hold her tiny frame and are on cloud nine when you spot Kit closing the door to the restroom behind him; when he sees the two of you still sitting there, he makes his way over.
Kit chuckles to himself, overcome with joy when he walks out of the bathroom to see you holding Julia in an embrace, smiles on both of your faces. He walks slowly toward you, silently praying that his daughter hasn’t said anything she shouldn’t have. So much for Jude’s help… Should'a known better. He glances at his friend, sitting on the edge of the sandbox with his son. Jude looks up, smirking, and he rolls his eyes at her.
Nevertheless, he’s decided. It has to be now.
“What’re you two doin’ over here?” He places a warm hand on your arm as he stands behind you, appraising his daughter. “Jules, I thought you wanted to play? You’ve been sayin’ how excited you were for the jungle gym all week.” Julia’s small legs swing back and forth as she watches her father, with a shrug.
“I wanted to talk to Y/N first.”
“Well, we can keep talking while we play, then,” you decide, standing quickly, but Kit grabs your hand, stilling you.
“Actually, I wanna talk to you about somethin’ real quick.” His voice is low in your ear, and he watches his daughter tensely.
“Oh, o-okay.” Your eyes move to Julia and you smile. “Why don’t you go down the slide a few times, and I’ll be over there in a minute?”
“Okay!” The little girl jumps from her spot, sprinting toward concrete of the playground.
“Be careful!” Kit shouts after her. With a chuckle, he takes his previous seat and pats the one beside him. You smile happily, leaning your head on his shoulder when you move next to him.
“They’re really great, Kit. All of them.”
Kit smiles proudly, watching as Jude helps Thomas make some sort of sculpture in the sand. “They are,” he agrees with a nod. “Jude likes you. The kids really like you.”
“I’m so glad.” You sigh in relief, turning to meet his gaze. “I was so worried they’d all hate me.”
“How could they?” he asks, leaning in to place a sweet peck to your lips. You smile against his mouth, your own tingling as he pulls back. You can’t help but glimpse toward playground to see if the kids have noticed. They’re still preoccupied, but Jude’s noticed; she sends you a wink and your cheeks grow warm. Seeing the exchange, Kit scowls playfully, waving a hand at her. She laughs, turning back to the sandy masterpiece Thomas is working diligently on.
“So,” Kit begins... Deep breath. “There’s somethin’ I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you about.”
“Okay.” Your heartbeat pounds in your ears. “What’s up?” …Could it be?
“It’s something I’ve wanted to say for a while, actually. He’s looking at his hands as he says this, biting down on his bottom lip when his gaze finally meets yours. “I haven’t felt this way about anyone in… a long time. Not since...” He trails off, but you know he’s thinking of the kid’s mothers, so you nod in understanding. “Honestly it’s a little scary, but I think I- I mean, I know I-“ He cuts himself off, and takes a deep breath, shaking his head slowly. “Christ. I dunno why this is so hard, I just…” He sighs deeply.
“…I love you, too.”
“You… you love m- wait, what?” His eyes grow wide, and he groans after a moment, knowing exactly who the culprit is. “Julia told you?” You can't help but laugh quietly, nodding your confirmation. “I shoulda known. My little blabbermouth.” A wistful smile grows on his face, and the amount of adoration you feel for this man in this moment is staggering.
“So… it’s true, then?” you ask, taking one of his hands in both of yours.
He nods, smiling as he leans in to press his forehead to yours. “I love you, Y/N. I do.” His voice is hardly above a whisper, but it feels like a shout; a declaration. Your returning smile is bright, certainly one of the best Kit’s ever seen- one he’s sure he’ll remember for the rest of his life -and when you wrap your arms around his neck, his own widens further, the muscles in his face beginning to ache, but he couldn't care less.
“I love you, Kit Walker. So much.” You move in for a kiss of your own; it’s short, but full of more meaning than any you’ve ever had.
Pulling back, you pat his knee gently. You stand from your seat, offering a hand out to him. “C’mon. Earlier, I promised Julia I’d watch her on the monkey bars.” Kit laughs, taking your hand and slinging an arm around your waist once he’s standing. You make your way to where the girl is currently whizzing down the largest slide in the park, squealing with laughter. Glancing at the sandbox, you see Jude eyeing you, a knowing smirk on her face; you blush, but smile back.
Right here, right now, moving toward the laughter of Kit’s loving family, there isn’t a sliver of doubt in your mind that this is meant to be.
This is where you belong.
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taglist: @therenlover, @tatestripedsweater, @kitwalker02, @ladyfogg, @mossybank, @undeadcortez, @sallyscigarettes, @xmaximoffic, @samsassinparvismagna, @liandav, @kitwalkerangel, @elaineygrace, @milly-louise @americxn (please feel free to fill out this form to be added/removed for future fics)
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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Sorry this is late! But I wanted to read a little bit more of the manga to really capture their essence the best way I can. Having said that, there are no spoilers here. I did both the sfw and nsfw~ Hope you like it! <3 Reposting this bc the tags weren’t working.
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|| SFW ||
He's all about subtle signs of affection. He won't give you a bear hug in front of everyone but during LOV meetings he will slide you a napkin that says "you look good tonight". You have a box where you keep those messages.
One of the cutest things about him is his deep chuckle. It’s pure, it the closest to honest laughing you’ve heard from him. You’ve only heard him do that sound few times, and maybe that makes it even more special
He has a hard time feeling vulnerable, which mean you shouldn’t expect romantics confessions. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, he does, but he’s working on a way to express it.
Trust is a big no no from him. He doesn’t trust people, and even if he does trust you a little bit, it’s not completely. You accept this, knowing his childhood may have something to do with this and his personality and you decide to just show your trust in him in any way you can. He’s surprised the next time you fall asleep on his chest while on his bedroom, trying to comprehend why you would show such a vulnerable side to him. After this happening a few times, Dabi discovers it feels good to be trusted on.
When he’s cuddling, he’s always the big spoon. You’re still working on convincing him to be the little spoon. He likes laying on his side, his hand on your hip while he lays his head on his folded arm. Sometimes, he will caress your skin with his thumb in soothing motions.
You enjoy sitting in the bar and getting drinks with Shigaraki. You’ve managed to get Dabi to sit at least for a little while with you two, but he doesn’t stay for more than a couple minutes. He rolls his eyes as he goes away, knowing he will have to deal with your drunk ass later when you come find him in his bedroom.
The first time Dabi fell asleep next to you it wasn’t planned. He was tired, came back to his room to find you reading on his bed. While mumbling something, he laid next to you. He had the idea of taking your clothes off, but he was out before he could try. He woke up a couple of hours later, jumping, just to see you were still there, holding the same book. He pretended not the notice the blanket you had put over him to keep him from being cold. It hasn’t happened again, but it’s a victory in your book.
When you’re in any of the LOV’s meetings, you tend to take Shigaraki’s side more than Dabi’s. Not because of anything particular, but you think it’s better to follow a clear leadership. This sparks jealousy from Dabi, not saying anything out loud but it definitely ticks him off. If you want to know how he lets that frustration out...
|| NSFW ||
Listen, you didn't hear it from me but guys with daddy issues have HUGE dom vibes. I don’t make the rules.
This fella will dominate you every chance he gets. Even in the odd chance he agrees to let you ride him, he's going to be topping from the bottom.
Expect filthy language. "You like sucking my cock, slut?" and so on
You were the one that sided with Shigaraki, you really expected nothing would happen?
Loves overstimulating you, he gets off of the slight pain before the pleasure speaking starts again. He's always in a competition with himself to see how many times he can make you come.
Spanking is a must. If it doesn't make you clench around him, it wasn't hard enough.
Daddy kink? Not so much. Yes, he has daddy issues but calling him daddy doesn't vibe with him. Sorry.
Grunts deeply instead of moaning but holy fuck, you could just come from hearing him like that.
Loves cockwarming when he's done. He won't cuddle you after sex, but he will keep his cock deep into you while burying his face on the crook of your neck. That's romance for him.
Loves fucking you in all fours and instead of grabbing your hips or pulling your hair, he'll put his hand around your neck, steading him. Oh yes, choking turns him on too.
One time you were behind the bar, pouring another glass for you and Shigaraki when you felt him grabbing your ankle. You squeaked and looked down, seeing him smirk at you, holding his finger to his lip, telling you to keep quiet. When Shigaraki asked what happened, you lied you saw a bug. You continued your conversation, feeling him opening your legs, lowering your underwear and burying his face on your crotch. You damned your decision to wear a skirt that day, as you did you best to hide the fact your boyfriend was about to make you orgasm. Just a little reminder of whom you belong to.
Since each time you have sex is at least two - three rounds, he likes cumming on your face on the first round. Please, please, please lick your lips and wipe your face with your finger only to suck on it. It helps him get hard again (almost instantly) for the next round.
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Shigaraki Tomura
|| SFW ||
It’s not regular dating. You don’t have a set day for anniversaries, there wasn’t a question asked. You two were more of a gradual thing: from the drunk kiss you gave him out of the sight of the others to the very sober kiss you both exchanged when you talked about what happened the night before, things kind of unraveled from that.
Tomura told you to keep it on the low because of the fear of putting an even bigger target on your back if people found out about you two. He then admits it’s also because heroes would try to kidnap you to get to him and he didn’t want them to see an opening.
Fair point
You found out it’s quite amusing to have a secret relationship.
He slowly starts opening up to you. Even if he starts with small details that seem to give nothing out at first, you begin to grasp a better idea of who he is. You find yourself falling more in love each day.
Isn’t quite fond of the relationship you have with Dabi, even though he knows it’s friendship. Tomura has caught Dabi checking your ass multiple times when you don’t see him, but if Tomura tries mentioning it you brush it off, saying he must check out other girls when you’re not looking.
Tomura’s a little emotionally insecure. He won’t sit you down and talk about it, but with time, you started noticing little tell-tales that he was giving your relationship way too much thought.
That was your cue to get him alone on his room and sit on his lap. You would wrap your arms around his neck and just say there for a moment, comforting him, wishing he could tell you exactly what was bothering him. But you knew he wouldn’t just confess, so being extra cuddly was the next best thing.
Biggest pet peeve, he enjoys when you kiss him all over his face. He always rolls his eyes while you do this, but he’s really into it, don’t be fooled.
Will draw intricate patterns on your face with his finger. Softly, almost not even touching skin, it just relaxes him.
|| NSFW ||
High-key very into fingering. Whenever you're in a group meeting he will try and finger you under the table if he has the chance. You better not let anyone realize this though, so keep your game face on.
A little bit sadistic at first, not gonna lie BUT can be persuaded to fall a bit on the sub side if you play your cards well
A secret to push him over the edge is praising. Throw your eyes back, let him feel how your body is trembling from pleasure and be very vocal about how good he's doing you. He'll start thrusting so damn hard you'll see stars
Hair pulling but not just hair pulling. More like wrapping your hair around his wrist in a swift move and then grabbing a handful and pulling it, making your head tilt backwards. Perfect for doggy style.
Loves taking you on different furniture, but one of his favourite places is a chair. He gets to see all of you bouncing against him and it’s easier for you to reach orgasm in that position.
Is into leaving small biting marks all over your body. Just a little reminder he’s been there.
Will eat you out like it’s his last meal. You’re not getting him off unless you’ve had at least three orgasms. If you can squirt, he’s a big fan, especially when he’s doing that.
Moans A LOT when you’re the one sucking his cock. Puts a hand behind your head to make you go even deeper, loving the sound of you gagging against his erection.
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spencerspecifics · 4 years
What about a moried fluffy fic based on You Belong With Me by: Taylor Swift
You have no clue how much I absolutely love this song prompt thank u anon moreid is my shit here we go. (It is fluffy but it’s angsty in the beginning so yeah stay for the fluff thanks.) And I’m so sorry this took so long to get up! I took some time off from writing bc of lots of factors.
Lowkey TW?? Slight homophobia Bc Derek’s gf thinks he’s “too gay” even tho he’s just bi Also, song lyrics are in bold lettering. They’re going to be part the story here and there to help plot and whatnot so yeah!
You Belong With Me
Spencer had a problem. Namely a person problem. A Derek Morgan problem. Spencer didn’t hate Derek, quite the opposite, actually. Spencer was crushing hard on the man. And he couldn’t do anything. Spencer would rather lose his right hand then tell Derek how he felt about him, he couldn’t risk their friendship over his stupid little crush.
But just because he hid his feelings, ignored them through hell and high water- it didn’t mean they weren’t real, or weren’t there. They were both very real and apparent. Every time Derek called him ‘pretty boy’ or ‘genius’ or ‘handsome’, every time Derek wrapped his arm around him casually or did small things to showed him he cared, caused Spencer to blush and go speechless. Spencer was smart, but how to react to someone you’re infatuated with giving you attention, he’d never be able to solve that.
Time and time again, though, he found himself in situations where it was just him and Derek- and everything in his brain and body would scream at him to tell him how much he liked him, tell him how they should be together. It just made sense, after all.
Long paragraph short, here are the four times Spencer felt like they belonged together, and the one time Derek realized they do belong together.
“...You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset. She’s goin’ off about something that you said, ‘cause she doesn’t get your humor like I do...”
Spencer hung out with Derek a lot, it was just by default. He wasn’t a social individual, but he pack bonded with the team. Spencer saw everyone there as his friends, so yeah, he hung out with Derek. They would go do things together, grab lunch, get coffee, meet up to go shopping. Painfully mundane tasks that were so domestic it could cause spencer another migraine if he thought about it for long enough.
It was on one of these mundane days when problems slowly arose. They were in the mall, sat in the food court. Spencer was looking over a new book he had just bought, it was a thick book on physics, it would probably take him a day or two at most to read it, his tray of food in front of him was still mostly untouched.
Unlike Spencer, Derek was eating. Though it was greasy mall pizza, it was still food. Derek decided he’d run a few extra miles to work it off as some sort of consequence for his action.
They sat in silence, Spencer already flipping through pages quickly, mouthing the words he was reading over to himself; and Derek chewing silently as he watched the genius in front of him.
That was, until, Derek’s phone rang. Breaking the ambiance that had surrounded the two. Spencer didn’t look up, he was too invested in the book in front of him. Derek reacted, though, wiping his hands off on a napkin before grabbing his cell phone out of his back pocket. He looked over the caller ID, it was Melissa.
Melissa was his newest fling, Spencer had heard bits and pieces of Garcia and Derek’s conversation surrounding the topic, but he knew the bare minimum- deciding best to not involve himself with how his crushes romantic life was soaring- meanwhile his was crashing.
Spencer didn’t know it was Melissa though, not until Derek pulled the phone up to his ear and said; “Hey, Melissa!”
If anyone on their team was with them and watching Spencer, they would have noticed the way his eyes looked off the book for a moment, up at Derek, before immediately turning back down; to reread the same page he didn’t need to reread because he could just go back into his memory to figure out what the words on the paper meant to say. But he had to reread the page. The strongest memory in the whole universe couldn’t tell him what was on the page in front of him, he was distracted.
Melissa on the other line started speaking. Derek listened before responding; “Oh, not much, Y’know- just at the mall with the doc.”
Spencer kept himself staring down at the book in front of him, even though he could feel the blush rising up to his ears. It was stupid that made him blush like a schoolgirl. But he couldn’t help it. So instead, he hid in the pages about quantum mechanics. Something real, something not confusing. Something that was pure and basic and understanding.
“No-“ Derek chuckled, “No, pretty boy ain’t that type of doctor,” god, this was going to be the death of Spencer. Pretty boy always was something that made him melt. He couldn’t help it, god knows he tried. He did all the distraction techniques he could find. None of them really worked.
Spencer opted to hide in his book more, act like he wasn’t listening to Derek. Even though he was. He was always hooked on every last word the man spoke, it always mattered. This was just a hopeless effort, Spencer realized, as he sunk down in the uncomfortable plastic chair.
“Now, what on earth are you- hey, baby- beautiful, what are you-“ Derek started, sounding concerned.
Spencer couldn’t help it at this point, he looked up over the top of the book. Derek was looking at his phone in bewilderment. It was no longer up to his ear.
“...Everything okay?” Spencer asked curiously after a moment. Derek just sighed setting his phone down on the table next to his food tray. “I don’t even know, man. I called you pretty boy and that made Melissa flip- she was all like ‘who’s pretty boy? We discussed you being bisexual already, you better not be changing up on me’. Then she hung up.”
“That doesn’t make sense.” Spencer replied, book still up between him and Morgan. “Yeah, I’m confused. It was a joke.” Derek explained to Reid, as if Spencer was ever owed an explanation regarding this.
“She must be insecure.” Spencer theorized plain and simple. Derek watched him curiously instead of asking anything to lead him on, “If she gets the idea that we’re a thing- just based on a nickname, then she’s gonna hate you and Garcia. You don’t need someone like that.”
Derek sighed, “You’re right. But I really thought she was great.” “Maybe she is,” Spencer shrugged, “I don’t know her. You do. All I’m saying is, she won’t like you and Garcia if she didn’t like my nickname.”
That elicited a chuckle from Derek, a sound Spencer always cherished in hearing. “Yeah, I can’t have someone hating my favorite boy wonder,” once again, Spencer could feel the blush coming onto his face. He was just hoping the lighting inside the mall food court didn’t make it all too obvious. “I’ll talk to her about it.” Derek decided. Spencer just nodded, not entirely wanting to talk right now.
“Yeah.. um, do what’s best.” Spencer agreed blandly. He wasn’t sure what else to say. And wasn’t this just laughable? Giving his crush dating advice? Spencer wasn’t stupid, but he was in this scenario.
“Yeah, I will. Anyways,” Derek continued the conversation casually, reaching out covering Spencer’s book with his hand. “What are you-“ Spencer started, confused. “Taking away your book. Eat before your food gets cold.” Derek spoke plainly, as if this was so obvious. He pulled Spencer’s book out of his grasp, setting it down next to himself; before pushing Spencer’s untouched tray of food in front of him.
“I’m not very-“ Spencer started, already trying to reach back for his book. Derek just shook his head, pulling the book closer to him. “Nuh-uh, not today. Not today. You’re eating. No if’s, and’s, or but’s.”
Spencer sunk down in his seat a little as he finally caved, agreeing and eating the mall food. Granted, it wasn’t great, but it was food, and he did need to eat. Last thing he had eaten that day was a granola bar for breakfast, and Derek knew that he forgot to eat.
He ate in silence as Derek watched him, before moving his gaze to casually watch the other mall patrons. It was so entirely stupid and domestic of them. It was nothing special, it wasn’t even that good of a memory. But for some reason, Spencer knew that was the first time he felt something new towards Derek. More new than just his crush. It was a new, overwhelming feeling of “I wouldn’t treat you that way” “I wouldn’t care if you called someone babygirl” “I would be better for you” before finally, his mind landed on, “you belong with someone who wouldn’t judge. Someone like me. You belong with me.”
That’s when Spencer knew he was fucked, more so than before.
“...I’m in the room, it’s a typical Tuesday night. I’m listening to the type of music she doesn’t like. And she’ll never know your story like I do...”
The second time was at Spencer’s apartment. He had complained about his bookshelf not being stable enough to hold all his books, and Derek had practically invited himself over; “C’mon, Reid. It’ll be good. Get some quality time without the ladies, we can order Chinese, plus I can show you how to fix your shelf so you don’t have to ask for help next time.”
So yeah, now they had gone directly from work to Spencer’s apartment- the only pit stop being to Derek’s house to pick up his toolbox, as Spencer didn’t have one.
Spencer wished he wasn’t such a pushover, because damnit, now he was gonna be in his apartment with Derek. That didn’t seem like a problem to anyone else, obviously- because they weren’t crushing hard on the guy. So Spencer just had to stand there and hide how much he liked Derek, and how at home Derek made his apartment feel- because it felt better with him there. He belonged there.
Spencer ignored his thoughts as they got into his apartment, he led Derek over to the problematic bookshelf in question. Some of the books had toppled off the shelves, and were on the ground below. “Damn, Reid, you don’t mess around with all these books.” Derek joked lightly as he looked over the immense amount of books Spencer had shoved onto the shelf; Derek squatted down, lowering the tool kit next to him as he started taking books off the shelves one by one so he could further inspect what was wrong with it.
Spencer protested, not understanding Derek was joking, “It’s not my fault- the bookshelf is supposed to hold books, if it can’t do what’s promised then that’s on the manufacturers error.”
Derek just chuckled slowly in response before replying, still pulling books off the shelves “Don’t worry, pretty boy, we’ll get this sorted out for you, alright? Just get some music on so we got something to hang to.” Derek wasn’t looking at Spencer, thank god- or he’d see how the genius got so flustered so quickly, how quickly a blush spread across his face, and how he immediately looked away from him, to the walls, the floor. To look at anything but Derek.
“Yes- right. Music.” Spencer changed his focus, he couldn’t think about how good it felt to be called a pet name by Derek. He couldn’t let himself think about it, or else he’d never stop. So he busied himself with getting some music to play through the quiet apartment, he turned over to his old radio that was sat on his study desk, it was a loud radio, that’s why he got it. It was compact, but if he put it in the bathroom he could hear it from the kitchen. It was the perfect device for him.
Spencer turned the radio on, the channel he always listened to was already tuned in, so he left it that way. Soft instrumental music started flowing out of the speakers, Derek stopped his motion of putting books down to turn and look at Spencer semi-curiously; “What’s this music?” “Classical.” Spencer replied easily, looking down at the radio as he messed with the volume dial that always seemed to be loose. “It’s on 88.1, they play strictly instrumental and classical pieces. It’s nice.”
Derek didn’t respond, Spencer didn’t need him to respond. It was an inconsequential conversation about music. If Derek didn’t like the station, he was more than welcome to change it to another. But he didn’t, it was Spencer’s apartment, and the soft classical music playing just seemed fitting to play there. Plus Derek just wanted the music as a background sound to help him focus, it wasn’t really important what it was- just that there was music playing.
Spencer went off to the kitchen to find the menu he had saved from the local Chinese restaurant that does deliveries, meanwhile Derek continued pulling books off the shelves. Melissa would hate him for being here, ever since the call at the mall, she was convinced Derek was going to leave her for him- or for another guy. She thought he was “too gay” to stay with her, obviously that’s not how him or his bisexuality works. But Melissa didn’t see it that way.
God, everything Derek saw, Melissa saw differently, it was ironic he was even with her. He saw Penelope Garcia as his best female friend, his babygirl. Melissa saw her as a threat, they had a whole argument about it. Melissa had finally stopped seeing Garcia as a threat when he told her that Garcia was wrapped up in Kevin drama. He wanted to tell Garcia about all of this, but he knew that if he did she would immediately tell him to dump her. Anyone that came between their friendship wasn’t allowed, and that wasn’t a rule Garcia had made up, it was more of an understanding they had come to about their dynamic as friends.
Derek just hadn’t dumped her yet out of fear. This was his first significant other in so long, it felt like a failure to start something and end it. He wanted to fix it. Though he knew it was unlikely he could, he still wanted to try.
Derek kept thinking as he finished pulling the books off until there were none left, he then pulled on the board of the shelf to see how unstable it was, all while continuing to think. He thought about Melissa, but none of it was really positive. It was all what she would hate about him being here, other than the obvious of being with Spencer (which she already disliked. She hated the genius and she hadn’t ever spoken to him, which Derek didn’t think was rational at all.) She would hate how Spencer’s apartment was, the green walls and shelves of books, the lack of a television, the soft glow from the lamps. Derek found every single last one of these qualities endearing, it helped show who Spencer was as a whole. Melissa would see it as a problem.
She’d say green was a gross color, that Spencer needed to be aware of pop culture and get a television, she’d say that Spencer didn’t get out enough and he lived like a hermit; she’d say the lighting was weird and dark, instead of soft and calming.
Derek let out a sigh, deciding to abandon his thoughts as a whole, because they were just starting to irritate him. Spencer was great the way he was, Melissa was being problematic; and him and her really needed couples counseling or something. That was the decision he landed on as he gave his full attention to the wiggly boards in Spencer’s bookshelf.
Derek pulled on the shelf again to test it’s strength. It was loose, pretty close to just falling down altogether. It was good he was here to fix it, Derek concluded, as he reached for the screwdriver in his toolkit.
The night continued on, Derek went through part by part, working on fixing Spencer’s bookshelf; meanwhile Spencer had ordered them dinner from the local Chinese place. Reid had thought about setting up the dinner at his kitchen table, before immediately regretting that idea. This was casual, it wasn’t some type of sit down dinner with Derek. That’s the last thing he needed, Spencer decided, as he walked over to Derek and handed him the carton of beef broccoli and a pair of chopsticks to go with.
Derek took them and put them down next to himself quickly, before pivoting into a sitting position on the floor and turning himself away from the bookshelf, facing exactly to the dinner table- which is where Spencer had opted to sit at, alone.
“What’re you doing all the way over there?” Derek’s spoke out to him. Spencer tried to be casual, “All my stuff’s over here, and it’s not that far from you,” he shrugged, hoping Derek wouldn’t go any deeper. But of course, he did. “And I’m over here, so bring your stuff my way- you’re gonna make your repairman eat sitting on the floor alone? That’s cold, man.”
Spencer rolled his eyes as he picked up his carton of orange chicken and rice, “Okay, I’m here.” He tried to sound like he was annoyed, instead of stupidly simultaneously happy and unhappy with derek’s request (happy because his stupid crush on Derek, unhappy because of the same, unfortunate reason).
He made his way over to Morgan, sitting down across from him and using the back of his couch as a makeshift chair prop to lean against. He opened up his food, as Derek was now satisfied with this series of events and had gone back to paying attention to his beef broccoli. Spencer picked up his fork, ready to eat and just ignore how he was feeling, when Derek spoke up again; “Seriously- you still don’t know how to use chopsticks?”
Suddenly, Spencer was giving Derek a glare that had no malice, while Derek just chuckled at Spencer’s fury. “I’m tellin’ you. You need to learn how to use chopsticks.” “It’s fine.” Spencer argued weakly, “No way, if suddenly all the forks, knives, and spoons vanished, you’d have to eat with chopsticks.”
“Not true if sporks are still a thing.” Spencer pointed out, “I’m gonna smack you.” Derek replied, now it was Spencer’s turn to laugh.
“...But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts, she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers. Dreaming ‘bout the day when you wake up and find. That what you’re looking for has been here the whole time...”
The third time was when Spencer had resigned, accepting his feelings for what they were. He was now simply playing the waiting game, of waiting his crush out- because god knows he can’t go on like this forever. He hated how things have changed from a small crush into a serious never ending stream of thoughts he had whenever he was with Derek, but that’s how it was for him now.
He had ways to keep himself in check, though. As he always did. One was re-reading long old stories to himself from memory. It usually worked pretty well, and it was a good way to just pass the time in general.
Except for one, especially horrid time, when the FBI baseball team had a game against the CIA’s.
Spencer wasn’t playing, thank god for that. He wasn’t good at sports, though that one time he played baseball with Derek earlier in the season was a great memory he loved to go back to and remember. But that was a fluke, and he knew if he played again it wouldn’t go nearly as well.
Since he wasn’t playing, him and the rest of the team had come along to bring Morgan moral support from the sidelines of the bleachers. What Spencer hadn’t expected was Melissa showing up, too.
She showed up at the same time the team did to the field, they set up on the bleachers with some blankets and a basket full of snacks (courtesy of one Penelope Garcia.) and then she was suddenly walking over, surprising the team.
“Hi- um, are you Garcia? Is this the area for the BAU?” She asked, she had shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, and was wearing a flowy pink and yellow sundress. She was pretty, borderline beautiful, there was no denying that.
Spencer decided to start re-reading the books in his head by that point. He could already guess it was Melissa, as Rossi wouldn’t have invited a woman to this event until at least the ninth or eighth date (though with Rossi, Spencer never really knew how he operated in terms of dating, and he had no desire to know). Spencer also knew she wasn’t Hotch’s, as Hotch was too focused on Jack and the team to even consider dating.
Emily was single, and definitely would not invite a guy (or girl) to this either. J.J. was happy with Will, and Penelope had the on and off thing with Kevin. So yeah, Spencer deduced easily that this beautiful mysterious woman was Melissa.
The fact Derek invited Melissa rubbed Spencer the wrong way. But it wasn’t his business, he reminded himself, as he did his best to start focusing in on pride and prejudice in his mind.
Garcia began welcoming Melissa, even though it wasn’t necessary; “It is! And I am! Hi! Are you Melissa? Derek told me you were coming!”
Spencer did his best to not focus on Melissa, skipping forward a few chapters into pride of prejudice in his mind, to keep himself focused. He got pulled from his book though, as Melissa introduced herself and Garcia started introducing the team back;
“Well, grandpa over there is David Rossi,” “Easy, or else you won’t get those extra vacation days I offered you.” Rossi replied simply as hell, reaching for a bag of chips from the basket. “Fine- that esteemed gentleman right there is David Rossi.” “Better.” Rossi responded, a small grin showing across his face. Melissa laughed softly with Garcia and Rossi for a moment before Penelope continued on;
“That’s Aaron Hotchner, and his son Jack.” Garcia pointed them out, Jack was playing on his Nintendo DS, only looking up to wave briefly as Hotch reached over to shake Melissa’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” “You too.” She smiled at him.
“Those two lovely ladies are Jennifer Jareau and Emily Prentiss, plus Jennifer’s hubby Will and their adorable son Henry,” they all shook hands with Melissa, and J.J. briefly told her that it wasn’t necessary to call her “Jennifer” but instead “J.J.” as that was the name she was most used to.
“Then, we got Doctor beautiful brain, Spencer Reid.” Spencer looked up, giving Melissa a small wave, finally looking her head on. He had seen her, sure, but he hadn’t made eye contact with her until right now. And damn, she looked wild behind the eyes. And not in a good way. She was perky, seemingly almost as positive as Penelope. But that positivity didn’t reach her eyes. She looked Spencer up and down, and there was something deep in her gaze that made him want to get up and walk to the CIA side of the bleachers. It was clear he was going to have to walk on eggshells around her, and he wished he knew why.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Spencer offered up as a greeting, “You too,” Melissa replied, smiling as she turned on her polite charm again. It was only in her eyes he could see her distaste towards him. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Melissa settled down, sitting next to the rest of the team as they waited for the game to start. She was thankfully seated near Emily, J.J., and Garcia. So Spencer and her’s conversation was limited.
That was until, he was brought up in conversation; “Oh geez- one of the funniest things was when Spence and Morgan got stuck in that elevator together,” J.J. recounted, causing all four of them to laugh; meanwhile Spencer didn’t react. He was still deep in his mind reading, and though he heard his name called, it didn’t cause him to want to stop.
“Yeah- I heard about that from Derek, he said Spencer spouted off some fact about people and elevator deaths because he was scared.” Melissa turned to Spencer as she spoke, giving him an in to speak. Spencer didn’t realize she had even turned to him, as he was fully focusing his brain power on the pages of the book he had read over before.
“Uh.. what’s he doing?” Melissa asked in a hushed voice to J.J., “Oh- he’s just reading. Spencer, hey.” J.J. said, leaning over and tapping his shoulder, finally catching his attention; causing him to open his eyes.
“Sorry- what?” Spencer finally spoke, as he was fully there and listening to them now, instead of somewhat ignoring them and focusing on a memory of a book.
“..J.J. said you were reading?” Melissa asked curiously, obviously confused. Spencer nodded, “Yes. I was. I have an eidetic memory so I can look back at anything I’ve ever read. So sometimes I go back and read books I’ve read before.” Spencer explained awkwardly, “I do it to, uh, pass the time.”
“Hm.. that’s.. that’s cool. Derek mentioned you were smart, recounting lots of facts.” Melissa said slowly, it seemed like she was trying to gain some sort of edge in the conversation, but thankfully Emily butted in casually- not realizing the odd atmosphere that was slowly building.
“Oh yeah- Reid’s always doing that. Talk to him on Halloween and all he talks about is how paganism played a major role in the now very American, very non-pagan holiday.” The girls laughed on innocently as Melissa gained a serious look in her eye again.
“You know everything?” She asked him, “No.” he replied, he was self assured in this field, he knew how to handle himself when people were doubting his intelligence level. “I just know a lot.” He clarified.
Melissa looked like she was ready to speak, say something to him- he had no clue if it would be good or bad. But everyone’s attention got redirected on the whooping sounds both teams made as they entered the field. The game was starting.
Spencer had stayed focused on the game, even running statistics and probabilities in his head on who would come out victorious. Rossi made a joke they should bet on the game like people do on horses, and he’d just cheat and use Reid to make sure he won.
The rest of the team didn’t go for that, as they would employ the same strategy as Rossi, and Spencer was smart enough to give them all the wrong answers so he would actually win.
It was now the third inning, J.J. had gone with Hotchner and Will to take a short walk with the kids, as they were getting bored in their seats. Rossi went off to flirt it up with the older woman who was running the concessions stand, and Emily and Garcia had gone off to the bathroom together.
Now it was just Melissa and Reid alone, and Reid didn’t like her company. He didn’t mean it in a rude way, but also maybe he did- for his very stupid and very personal reason that she was actively dating his crush. But besides that reason, she seemed off, and on a team of behavioral analysts, he couldn’t be the only one who noticed.
There was something wrong with her, but Spencer couldn’t place his finger on what. That was, until, she sat down next to him on the bleachers. “So,” she started casually, “what’re you reading up there?” “Pride and Prejudice.. have you read it?” Spencer replied, doing his best to make polite conversation.
Melissa shook her head, “No, way too long of a book for me.” Spencer just nodded, an “Ah” sound escaping his lips before their conversation entirely diminished as they sat in silence, watching the CIA’s team line up for batting.
Derek was on second base, and while he waited for the CIA team to finish lining up, he turned to the only two people still on the bleachers and waved. Melissa waved in response excitedly, “Go Derek!” She shouted for good measure, Reid on the other hand just gave a small wave to him.
Their personalities were very different, Spencer gathered.
“Derek helped you with a bookshelf the other week, right?” Melissa asked after silence had settled over them, and Reid had almost returned to his brain book. Her question stopped him from reading, though.
Spencer nodded, “Uh, yeah. He helped fix my bookshelf, the boards were all wobbly and books couldn’t stay on.” Melissa hummed in response for a moment, before looking back out to the field. Derek was now busy talking to a teammate, a guy Spencer recognized from the terrorist division.
“Look, Spencer,” Melissa finally spoke again, letting out a sigh before she continued on; “We both know Derek is an attractive man, a great man. But he’s my man. I don’t need you confusing him and making him switch sides- believe me, I want to think that you two are just the best of friends and that’s it. But I don’t believe it, not for a second, especially not after hearing how he talks about you, and finally meeting you.”
Spencer stayed quiet, not looking at Melissa, instead opting to stare at his hands, that were now firmly clasped together as he took in what she was saying. “We are just friends, though..” Spencer finally spoke up in a weak defense for himself. Melissa just chuckled, their pleasant conversation had somehow turned to her speaking to him in a sickly sweet malicious tone.
“I don’t think you are. I think there’s something more, and I don’t want things to go any further- with either of you.”
Spencer stayed quiet again, seriously considering exiting the bleachers and getting a cab (as the team had carpooled over to this event together.) and just leaving, going back to his apartment and faking the stomach flu for a day and a half. It seemed so appealing to just disappear right now.
Melissa continued on after she realized Spencer wasn’t going to say anything. “I’m not trying to be the bad guy here, Spencer. You seem very kind, and smart. You told me earlier you don’t know everything, but you know a lot,”
Spencer nodded, that was true, he had said that, she kept going; “I hope you now know where your place is. Away from Derek. And I hope you know you aren’t alone with me talking to you, I would be telling Penelope Garcia the same exact thing, except she has a boyfriend, Kevin. Derek told me. So you’re the only single one who poses a problem. I hope we can be friends- but you need to back up.”
And that was all, she got up and moved away, and just in time as Emily and Garcia made their reappearance from the bathroom and onto the bleachers.
Spencer stayed frozen, however. Not really sure what he could say or do. All he knew now is that he had a very good reason to dislike Melissa. And he did, as much as he hated to admit it. He disliked Melissa, he wanted her gone. He didn’t want her and Derek together.
He was now only more sure that he would treat Derek better, he wouldn’t go around threatening his friends- he couldn’t even imagine that as something he would ever want to do.
Spencer stayed, shrunken on the bleachers as he watched the team play, staying quiet and reserved while Melissa and the rest of the team cheered.
Spencer just hoped Derek figured out that Melissa wasn’t good for him sooner than later, or else he’d never get out of the relationship scratch-free.
“Walkin’ the streets with you and your worn out jeans. I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughin’ on the park bench thinking to myself, ‘hey isn’t this easy?’. And you got a smile that could light up this whole town. I haven’t seen it in a while since she brought you down. You say you’re fine I know you better than that. Hey, whatcha doing with a girl like that?”
Since Spencer’s unfortunate encounter with Melissa, he had done his best to steer clear of Derek. Only being with him when necessary (and they were only really together for work, though for the few latest times that Derek’s invited him out to get food or see a movie, Spencer’s declined).
Derek had subtly caught notice, wondering why Reid had been declining his invitations. At first he thought it was because Reid was busy, he was somehow also getting a bachelors degree in philosophy at the moment, it made since if he had limited free time.
But then he did more thinking, and even if reid was busy- he always made time for Derek. Morgan knew that for a fact, because every time he needed help (work related or not) Spencer was there, and ready to assist. Even if Reid was studying, the kid read so fast he only needed to read something once to remember everything. So it didn’t make sense. Not at all. Spencer was avoiding him.
So why? Derek now had to get alone with Reid, he needed to see what this was about.
And Derek got his chance, after solving a case in the sleepy city within Maine, called Rangeley. The teams plane was having a malfunction issue with a part of the engine, so they were stuck there for an extra day. Unfortunate for everyone else, but a blessing in disguise for Derek. It was the perfect time for the team to hang together, maybe get some meals or see a movie. But Derek set up a plan.
Morgan knocked on Spencer’s door the morning they had nothing to do, with his plan already getting set in motion. This was step one, of many.
Reid responded in his own special fashion, opening the door a crack to look out at Derek and into the hall, his hair looked messy, he was still slightly bleary eyed- and he was still in his pajamas and mismatched socks. He had just woken up.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Derek asked, he didn’t want to start this morning off on Reid being rudely awoken. Reid nodded as he opened the door more, stepping forward the slightest bit. “Yeah, but it’s okay. What’s going on?” Reid was already aware of the plane situation, the whole team had been told last night, which forced Derek into making this last minute plan.
“Nothing- the team doesn’t have anything to do. Wanna go get breakfast?” Derek asked, trying to phrase his words and himself casually. He didn’t want Reid to get suspicious and back out. He just wanted answers from his best friend, that’s all.
Spencer rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before responding. “Okay, yeah. Let me go get changed.”
They arrived at an Ihop. It wasn’t anything special, but it was the nearest breakfast place to the hotel, so it worked for them. They were greeted by a hostess who showed them to a booth.
Spencer didn’t know why he agreed this this, he shouldn’t have. But in his half-awake and still somehow sleep deprived mind, breakfast seemed like a good idea. A great idea, in fact. But he now was anxious again. He didn’t want to deal with Melissa, call him scared, nonconfrontational, weak- whatever. He just didn’t want to have to deal with her. He enjoyed hanging out with Derek, but he knew if he did then it would be inevitable that he would end up facing her wrath again.
Almost immediately after the hostess showed them to their booth, their waiter appeared to take their orders. “Goodmorning, what can I get started for you two?” The older gentleman, whose name tag simply read “John” asked them.
“Just some coffee, please.” Derek ordered for the both of them. He knew what Spencer would want to order, and he also knew how bad Spencer was at conversing with people he wasn’t familiar enough with. John just nodded, saying a quick; “Comin’ right up!” Before walking off to leave them alone.
“Is the rest of the team coming?” Spencer asked as he stifled a yawn with his hand. Derek shook his head, “No, they all wanted to sleep in. Lucky I dragged you out of bed, though.” He joked, hoping to lighten the mood in the room. Spencer just smiled sheepishly for a moment before looking back down at the table.
They stayed quiet, which wasn’t unusual for the two, especially considering they were both still tired. But Derek didn’t want there to be silence, he wanted to talk about what was going on. “Reid-“ he started, but before he could continue his sentence, John was standing by the table with a pot of coffee. Derek and Spencer both wordlessly pushed their mugs over towards John, watching him fill them up with coffee in silence.
John finished pouring and stepped back, “I’ll give you folks some more time before ordering.” Derek just nodded at him, “That would be great, thank you.” And with that, their waiter was gone.
Reid was now focused on his mug of coffee, grabbing some sugar packets from the container on the table and ripping one open after another, before finally pouring it into his coffee. “How many sugars you plan on putting in there?” “Two.” “You’re already ripping open a third packet, Reid.”
“Oh.” Was all he said in response, Derek sighed, Spencer wasn’t acting right; he hadn’t for a while but this morning was peak Reid-being-weird, so Derek needed to take a stronger approach; “Reid. What’s wrong?”
“Hm? Nothing’s wrong.” Spencer said all too quickly to be believable. Derek rolled his eyes, watching the tired genius grab a spoon and stir his coffee with an intensity he never normally used. “That doesn’t work on me, man. We’re all profilers. I know when something’s up.” Spencer stayed quiet, still stirring his coffee with the spoon.
Reid didn’t want to be in this situation. He knew he should’ve hidden himself better, said and acted in different ways. Derek knew something was up, and Spencer couldn’t hide it forever. Especially not from him. He hated lying to Morgan.
“So..” Spencer spoke quietly, “What do you think is up?” Derek rolled his eyes at Spencer again, “Don’t talk to me like an unsub trying to stall. Somethings wrong. Did I do something- was it something I did or said?” Spencer put his spoon down as he watched Derek.
“I gotta be honest, Reid. I don’t know what’s going on here. We used to hangout so much, and suddenly you’re giving me the cold shoulder. I thought it was because of your studies- but you’ve done written whole thesesis while we’ve hungout. So it’s not you being busy with school. You make time. Why isn’t there any time now?” Derek kept going, voice raising in intensity as he got to the end.
Spencer wanted to say something, he wanted to say something so bad. But he didn’t know what. So instead he took a sip of his not-sweet-enough coffee. Derek watched him as he did so, intensity not wavering.
Spencer put the mug back down onto the table before he finally found his words, “It’s not you. You didn’t do anything.” “So what is it?” Morgan asked him almost instantly. Spencer sighed, he didn’t want to say it was Melissa. He couldn’t, he didn’t want to make Derek feel bad, he thought Derek was happy with her. He didn’t want to ruin that, even if Melissa was terrible. Derek was seemingly glad, and Spencer didn’t want him changing from positive to anything else (except somehow maybe more positive.)
“It’s nothing.” “It’s definitely not nothing, Reid. Please tell me.” Derek pried more. He couldn’t let this go. Spencer sighed, a weak sign of defeat. “Okay- but. I’m sorry. This involves Melissa.” He admitted, looking up to see Derek had a confused expression on his face. “What about her?” “When we went to the baseball game a few weeks ago and met her. She was really pleasant at first, but as soon as we were alone on the bleachers together she told me that I needed to stop being so close with you. And it really freaked me out, she saw me as a threat.”
Derek leaned back in the booth bench, unsure of what to do. “What did she say?” Derek finally asked after a moment, deciding he wanted to know what Melissa said to Spencer in full to make him act like this. Spencer didn’t deserve to be treated this way, he just didn’t. “I’m not going to-“ Spencer started, Derek just cut him off, “Yes you will. I know you remember what she said. So tell me. Please.”
Spencer fidgeted with the handle of the mug, “Okay, okay.. she said that you were her man and then she said, ‘I don’t need you confusing him and making him switch sides’...” Spencer spoke once more after that, before he could forget, “She also, um.. she said she would tell Garcia the same thing, except she didn’t because she knew she was with kevin.”
Derek stayed quiet, looking at Spencer before looking back down at his mug of coffee. Spencer stayed quiet, he didn’t know what he could say or do right now to make this better.
“I’m sorry.” Spencer finally decided to speak after it had been silent for a few minutes. “I didn’t want to tell you because you-“
Derek held his hand up as a simple gesture, indicating Spencer should be quiet. Spencer hushed up quickly, watching Morgan, who was sitting silently still, staring down with an intensity that could burn stronger than the sun. He stood up after a moment, pulling out his wallet and putting two twenty dollar bills down on the table, in front of Spencer. “For the coffee. Get some breakfast, too. I need to go.” “Derek, I-“ Spencer started, standing up, he wasn’t gonna leave Derek alone, especially to process this large amount of information. but he had started walking away, back turned to reid- leaving him alone at the booth. He wasn’t going to come back, and as much as Spencer wanted to follow him and never leave his side- he could tell he should leave him alone, at least for now.
After that whole experience, Spencer didn’t stay to get breakfast. He finished his coffee, paid, and left quickly. Deciding Derek needed space, and he wasn’t sure what else he could do, so he tucked tail back to the hotel. He lied to himself, saying maybe he could nap or watch T.V and ignore his imploding thoughts.
He couldn’t ignore his imploding thoughts, if that wasn’t painstakingly obvious. Spencer’s mind reeled from every aspect of their breakfast, to how he was curt and almost rude to Derek- he now wished he hadn’t been, but how else could he have acted? He didn’t know. He hated how things had went. He should’ve lied and told Derek he didn’t have the time for breakfast.
So, when Spencer finally got the hotel, he sat and thought and waited, waited for any sounds outside of his hotel door. Derek’s room was directly across the hall from his. So he waited for the sounds of the door opening, the beeping of the keycard, the sound of footsteps that were muffled by the soft carpet. Anything that would show Derek was back, back close to him, close enough to him for a conversation again. Because he knew that they needed to talk.
Spencer was counting. One hour and eighteen minutes passed before he heard any sounds of life that would match what he was waiting for. Namely, he heard the footsteps approach by his door, and then the beep of the keycard. And finally, the door opening and shutting quickly. Derek was there, he was back, Spencer got off his perch on the bed in record speed, exiting out to the hall and crossing quickly.
He was about to knock on the door, hand raised in the air, before he slowed himself down. Was this too much? What if Morgan didn’t want to talk to right now? What if Derek thought he was lying and was mad? Oh god, that terrified Spencer. He hoped Derek knew he wasn’t lying, he could run any behavior test he wanted to, but he wouldn’t lie to Derek. Not now, not ever.
Spencer still had his hand raised in the air, standing directly in front of the door. If Derek thought he was lying, he would prove he wasn’t. Nothing mattered right now, Spencer decided as he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Spencer heard movement from inside the room, before Derek opened the door. He looked stressed, the lines in his face were hard set, this was how he looked when he dealt with an unsub. This isn’t how he should be looking on a day off. Derek said nothing as he looked at Spencer, “Can we talk?” Spencer asked him after it was clear Derek wasn’t going to start talking.
Derek nodded. Wordlessly opening the door more, and stepping back to allow Reid inside. He stepped in, Derek’s room was a mirror copy of Spencer’s, simple and small. He had his duffel sat on the floor by the small twin bed provided by the hotel.
Reid stood in the room, Derek moved past him to sit down on the edge of the bed as Spencer messed with some loose thread on his jacket, “I, um... I got your change..” Spencer started, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the wad of cash and coins. He wasn’t sure what to say now that he was inside Derek’s room. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, so he wasn’t sure how to prepare. Derek wasn’t acting like himself, so he didn’t know what would work.
Spencer went to hand it back to him, “Reid, no.” Derek started, causing Spencer to stop in his tracks, holding the money in silence.
“You didn’t come here for that.” Derek motioned to the money with his hand. “No. I didn’t.” Spencer mumbled awkwardly, shoving it back into his jacket pocket, the coins clinking together all too loudly for his liking.
“I’m sorry.” Derek sighed after a moment, “I shouldn’t have ran off like that. It’s just- I couldn’t believe what you were saying.” Spencer nodded, he wanted to say so much to Derek. He wanted to say, “I swear on my mother I am not lying”, he wanted to say “I’m sorry, I should have stayed quiet” he wanted to say “I care about you so much and I don’t want to see you walk away, I don’t want to lose you”. But Spencer couldn’t talk, he wasn’t sure what would come out if he spoke.
“I, uh, I called Melissa.” Derek told him, “After I left. I called her, I asked her if she said that to you, and she said she didn’t say it like that,” He took a breath before continuing on, “I asked her what she meant, because she wasn’t denying what she said. She just was saying the wording was off.”
Spencer found his small, awkward voice, deciding to look down at the floor instead of Derek. He was scared of what he would see. “What did she say the wording was?” He asked Derek, “She said she was harsher than that, told you to back off. Then she tried to explain herself, as if any of what she did was acceptable and could be fine under the disguise of caring for your significant other.”
“Reid, look at me. Please.” Derek sighed, not continuing whatever else he was going to say. Spencer finally looked up to meet his eyes. Derek just looked tired, leaning awkwardly on the couch, as he kept his gaze on Spencer.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause this.” Spencer apologized, he had no clue if he needed to. But it felt like what he had to do.
“No, don’t.” Derek shook his head, as if to knock the apology out of his brain. “Thank you for telling me. Thank you. The red flags were there, Reid. And there were so many. I was just ignoring them.”
Spencer stayed quiet, watching Derek as he admitted this out loud; “I just- I wanted to make it work. But the fact she said that to you, and was gonna tell garcia, I just-“ Derek shook his head again, a mixture of defeat and anger simultaneously now instead of a signal for reid to stop.
“It upset me. I couldn’t believe it. So I called her and that happened and... and...” Derek trailed off, sighing simply as if that was the end of the sentence.
“...You broke up?” Spencer asked carefully, not wanting to misjudge. Derek nodded, rubbing his face with both hands. He was stressed. Spencer could tell.
“We did. It’s for the best. I can’t be dating someone who is like that. Especially not to you, or Garcia. That’s the biggest deal breaker out there.” Derek spoke, he was still serious but he was also sort of joking in a way to help calm the atmosphere down.
Spencer didn’t respond right away, instead moving to sit down on the edge of the bed, a few feet away from Morgan to give him plenty space. Derek didn’t like that, pulling on Spencer’s hand and motioning him to sit directly by his side.
Spencer complied, but cursed his face for causing a blush to form. This wasn’t the time to savor the feeling of Derek’s strong grip on his hand. It wasn’t.
Spencer was now sat down next to Derek, he wasn’t sure what else to say, so he stayed quiet. But he knew he didn’t want to leave Derek’s side now. He needed to be here. It couldn’t be easy for Derek.
“I’m sorry I left you at the restaurant.” Derek spoke after a while of them sitting side by side. “It’s okay,” Spencer told him, Derek gave him a sideways glance that proved he didn’t believe what he was saying.
“I didn’t end up having breakfast, though. I was worried.” Spencer admitted. Derek let out a low chuckle, and god, Spencer loved that sound. When was the last time he heard it? It used to be as common as hearing traffic in downtown Quantico, but as of lately; he hadn’t heard it often. Spencer knew in the back of his head, it was probably Melissa. Small things had changed with Derek during their time of dating.
First, it was calling Spencer “pretty boy”, and Garcia “baby girl”. Derek stopped saying it, and as much as garcia was worried about him, Derek had assured her he was okay. (Spencer didn’t mind the nickname stopping, as he finally didn’t have to come up with an excuse every time he blushed in front of the team when Derek would call him that.)
But then, Derek showed up to work looking tired, and sure- the job took long hours and restless nights and way too many coffee breaks. But he looked like he was losing that energy in his eyes. The excitement that made him join the team. He had told Spencer it was originally he missed Melissa. But now, Spencer was second guessing that.
Things had slowly changed with Derek, so small that Spencer didn’t even notice fully. But if you looked at all the reasons why he changed, it could be tied back to Melissa.
Good riddance. Spencer thought to himself. In ordinary situations, he would hate to think that, but today he didn’t; as he heard Derek’s soft, low chuckle. He didn’t want to ever stop see Derek being himself. He wouldn’t stop him from anything, he knew he wouldn’t. All he would want to do is care about him, kiss him, fall asleep in his arms, have a nice dinner with him- things a real boyfriend would do.
He would let Derek be himself, he wouldn’t stop him from working, he wouldn’t want to fight, he wouldn’t want to play games, and god knows he wouldn’t stop Derek and Garcia flirting. That’s what kept them happy, together, and secure.
“I’m sorry you guys broke up, but if it’s any consolation. You belong with someone better.” Spencer admitted, not adding on the last part he always wanted to say. If he could say it, lord knows he would. But he couldn’t tell Derek they belonged together. He sounded insane.
Derek softy bumped shoulders with him in an act of thanks, “Thank you. Now c’mon, let’s go get you some real breakfast, pretty boy.” He said as he stood up, the blush immediately rushed back into Spencer’s face. God, that name would be the death of him. He was seriously going to die like this.
“You still got my change? ‘Cause you’re paying.” Derek joked with him as he turned to pull on his coat, “It’s your money, why don’t I give it back to you?” Spencer asked him, the conversation now changing to a much lighter tone. Derek shrugged, “You paying a cashier will help your people skills. Now c’mon, I saw a good restaurant with outdoor seating that’s by a garden. You can give me plant facts while we eat.”
“...Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night. I’m the one who makes you laugh when you know you’re ‘bout to cry. And I know your favorite songs and you tell me ‘bout your dreams. Think I know where you belong, think I know it’s with me...”
Derek’s growing love for Spencer Reid was so slow he didn’t realize it until it was bursting out of his chest. It wasn’t obvious, it wasn’t, at least not to Derek. But suddenly it was everything Spencer did, it had his attention and captivated his thoughts. If Spencer was rambling about something, Derek would listen. Even if he didn’t care, even if he was tired, or hungry, or even mad.
To put it simply, it was every single thing that Spencer had ever done for him, suddenly making Derek feel something. It was every little funny thing Spencer did, it was every factoid he spat out to the team at the round table, it was how he was there for everyone in less than a second if needed, it was how Spencer complained about modern television, it was how Spencer grumbled in his sleep when they had to wake him up to get off the team’s jet after a long case. It was everything.
Every one of those instances just made something inside Derek squirm. Before, when Derek was dating Melissa- he was able to hold that feeling at bay. But it had now been months since his and Melissa’s breakup, and he had nothing to stop his mind from thinking about Reid, so the feelings and thoughts about the genius only grew stronger.
He thought about him nonstop. About how Reid was precious, amazing, handsome, smart, and god- he was borderline perfect. And what had originally started as a small inkling feeling inside of him was growing, growing into something almost unmanageable. It took everything in Derek not to just lean over and grab the genius’ hand as he was waving it around when speaking about something he was passionate about, and holding it tightly.
It was getting worse, day by day it was hell at work. But it was the best suffering in the world. Seeing Spencer sat at his desk, deep in thought as he typed reports out, along with emailing scientists and doctors on the side. God, Reid was an absolute genius. Morgan wasn’t sure if he could easily get over that fact anymore as he used to. Now Spencer’s smarts had more meaning, and he wasn’t sure why.
Spencer’s smarts always mattered, and definitely came in handy for the team, saving their asses more than once. But now, his IQ level was something Derek caught himself almost worrying about.
Spencer wouldn’t ever say it, but what if he thought Derek was stupid? The brawn to his brain. Nothing more than a dude to tackle the bad guys and handcuff them down. What if Spencer thought he wasn’t a good person, a good friend?
Now, along with the growing admiration, he also had growing fear. Derek was now going back and forth between doubting himself and wanting nothing more than pulling Spencer into a janitors closet and kissing him until they needed air.
Yeah, Derek was screwed. Work was painful. But he wouldn’t stop, he couldn’t. Even if he wanted to, he kept going along, because every day he saw Reid that feeling inside him only grew, and he didn’t have the willpower to stop it, and even if he did- he probably couldn’t. This was the strongest he had ever felt in a long time. It would take an army to stop how he felt (and even then, he might still beat the army).
The night it all went down wasn’t what derek intended it to be, he was pretty much planning on hiding his crush on reid to the grave, not admitting it to anyone ever about how he felt. Because as Derek saw it, Spencer was too smart for him. Definitely out of his league.
Because in Morgan’s mind, how dumb could he be? He had been slowly falling in love with his best friend, all while not even realizing it- and dating someone who was absolutely horrid during that entire process. It was enough to make him smack his head against his wall.
Derek was working late the night it happened, going over this same dilemma in his head as he finished up the last of his reports to turn over to Hotch.
Nothing was happening in the bullpen, and for the first time in forever, Spencer had left before the work day ended. He had been complaining of a stomachache, and Rossi had smartly deduced he was sick, and even though Reid didn’t want to leave- the team all but kicked him out the door, telling him he wasn’t any good working when feeling like vomiting.
Derek had missed him since he left, he felt stupid admitting that, but it was the plain and simple truth. His days were just better with Reid, and there was no other explanation than that. As stupid as it was, Derek had come to agree with that fact a while ago, and now it was just normal, him missing Reid. But thankfully Reid didn’t leave often enough for it to be bad.
That being said, Derek still worried. Deciding to call Reid, it was only 7 p.m., after all. Surely Reid was still awake.
His cell phone ringed as Derek held it up to his ear, twirling his pen absentmindedly between his index and pointer finger as he waited for Spencer to answer.
And he did, he sounded groggy, but he answered; “Hello?” “Hey, Reid.” Derek spoke, a small stupid smile creeping its way into his face. “How are you feeling?” He asked, he heard Spencer shuffling on the other end of the line, then the faucet running.
“I’m okay... just really dizzy now, so I got myself some water.” “Did you eat enough today?” Derek asked him, changing tones from a concerned friend to something more.
“Yes, I did. You don’t need to worry about my eating.” Reid said simply, he wasn’t the type of guy who liked being watched over. Derek understood why, but this was still necessary.
“Reid, c’mon now. When was the last time you ate?”
“11:23 a.m., Garcia gave me a muffin.” Spencer admitted after a beat of silence, “Reid, you’ve been not eating for almost eight hours- no wonder you felt so sick, man!” Derek said into the phone as he stood up, shrugging his jacket onto his shoulders, deciding to leave now. The reports were almost done, anyway.
“Well, I’m not hungry so it’s fine..” Reid argued weakly in response, “Oh no, no. Don’t even, Spencer. I’m getting you food and taking it to your place. Now go lay down and take some tylenol, drink that water you got.”
Spencer huffed weakly, but made no move to argue or protest Morgan inviting himself over. “Fine. Please get me chicken noodle soup.”
As agreed, Derek got Spencer some chicken noodle soup from a great nearby deli Spencer had told him about a while ago. Derek was proud of himself for this choice in food, even if Spencer had requested soup, he hadn’t requested where. And Derek felt smart for remembering one of Spencer’s favorite places.
Derek arrived to Spencer’s apartment, the door was left unlocked so he came in, carrying the container of soup in both of his hands, so he pushed the front door shut gently with his foot.
“Hey, Reid. I’m here,” he called out into the apartment, as he made his way to the bedroom, finding a sleeping Spencer on the bed, covered in a few miscellaneous blankets to keep him warm.
Derek sat the container of soup onto the nearby bedside table, next to spencer’s near empty water glass, before looking down at reid.
Spencer was perfect, regardless if he was awake or asleep. But asleep he was so peaceful, so calm. Derek could so easily keep Spencer safe from everything in his sleep, hold him in his arms and help ground him. He knew Spencer got nightmares, everyone on the team did. But he knew if he was there, he could help, he could make it better.
Spencer was breathing softly, his face looked slightly flushed, and his hair was all over the place, some strands had fallen onto his face directly, which Derek gently pushed out of the way to get a better look at Spencer.
“Mmm..” Spencer mumbled in his sleep, a response to Derek touching him, Derek took a sharp breath in. God, he wanted to just tell Spencer right now he felt, he so badly did. And Spencer was asleep, what was stopping him? He could say it and Spencer wouldn’t remember. Because unlike conscious Spencer, unconscious Spencer didn’t remember things.
So before his brain could catch up to his body, he did. “I love you.” He told Spencer softly, it was barely above a whisper. It was so quiet he was sure Spencer didn’t hear it at all, but it was just Derek’s unfortunate luck that Spencer started to stir.
“Hm?” He asked, sitting up slowly, Derek pulled his hand away from where he had tucked the strand of hair away.
“I said, I brought you soup.” Derek lied easily, hoping that “I love you” and “I brought you soup” were interchangeable sounding sentences. Spencer just nodded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes slowly as he turned to look at the container on his bedside table
He didn’t suspect anything, Derek let a breath of relief out internally as Spencer reached for the container. “It didn’t come with a spoon, so I’ll go get you one.” Derek told him, getting up to go back into Spencer’s kitchen and grab a spoon from the silverware drawer.
When Derek came back, Spencer was more awake, holding the container of soup in his hands expectantly as he waited. Derek handed him the spoon wordlessly, before sitting down on the bed next to Spencer. “How are you feeling?” Derek asked him, as Spencer hadn’t tried out the soup yet (he was waiting for it to cool a bit more.) “Tired- sorry I left, by the way.” Reid responded slowly, he still felt the tiniest bit groggy.
Derek shook his head, “No Reid, don’t apologize. Are you feeling any better?” Spencer nodded slowly in response, starting to stir the soup to help it cool down. Derek watched him, the soft light from the only lamp on in the room casted off shadows throughout the walls and onto Spencer. He looked beautiful, even if he was wearing pajamas and his hair was messy and he was stirring his soup while half awake.
To Derek, he looked perfect. And once again, Derek’s body moved too fast for his brain to catch up with. He was suddenly talking; “Reid, can I tell you something?” He asked the tired genius, who just nodded and gave an “Mhm” sound in return as he continued to stir his soup.
Derek breathed in, he couldn’t go back. It was now or never. He turned to face Spencer, and if he hated him after this, so be it.
“I was an idiot, Spencer. When I was with Melissa, searching for a good moment to stay happy about was rare. But the entire time I’ve known you, everything’s been a good moment. Every opportunity I’ve had with you has let me grow and become smarter, and a better person..” he took a second to look back at Spencer, who was now looking at him with an expression he couldn’t read.
“But I’ve still been stupid. Because the entire time I was with her, I only looked forward to being with you. I missed the best thing right in front of me, and I hope you know that I am not normally this dense... but..” this was the hardest part of his whole speech, how the fuck was he supposed to admit something like this?
“But,” he started again, “I like you, Reid. I really like you. This entire time I was chasing the wrong person and following dead leads, like a rookie on a new case. But I realize the only person that makes me feel anything is you- and... I think, I- no. I am. I am falling for you. And I don’t even know if you like guys but-“ It was by this point Spencer put his soup down back on his bedside table, the soft sound shut Derek up easily.
“You’re falling for me?” Spencer asked, just simply clarifying what he had said. Morgan nodded, standing by it. “Yes. I am.”
Spencer breathed out a sigh of relief, something Derek hadn’t expected him to do. “You aren’t stupid... I- um. I’ve been falling for you too.”
That made Derek light up instantly, “You have?” Spencer nodded sheepishly, staring down at his fingernails instead of Derek. “I wasn’t expecting you to...” Spencer mumbled, as if that was a sufficient enough explanation on his part on why he was relieved and surprised.
“It just snuck up on me. I can’t get you out of my head, you’re all I want.” Derek admitted, more brashly than he would’ve liked to phrased things. But that didn’t seem to bother Spencer at all, as he started to lean forward slowly, Derek leaned forward too, reaching up to put his hand on the side of Spencer’s face to help him stay steady. Their lips were inches apart, but Spencer spoke. “Derek, I want to kiss you so bad. But if I’m sick I don’t want to risk infecting you-“
“Pretty boy, I’m breathing your air already. And I don’t think you have the flu, just low blood sugar.” Derek told him, which quickly shushed Reid up. They leaned forward more, and all the feelings of angst and dread that had built up between the two disintegrated as their lips touched slowly.
It was a soft kiss, a chaste one. But there definitely was passion behind it. Morgan stayed close to Spencer, resting his forehead against his.
“I belong with you...” Derek mumbled, he didn’t care if Spencer heard it anymore. He should hear it, he deserved to hear it. He deserved to know he was the only one Derek wanted.
Spencer pulled back, a small smile playing on his lips the entire time. “I can’t believe it...” he mumbled to Derek after a moment. “You should. You said it yourself, I belong with someone better. And it’s you. I just hope you agree.” Derek told him honestly, not leaving anything he said to chance. Spencer nodded, “Yes- you belong with me. Absolutely, yes. I agree.”
Derek smiled, pushing a loose strand of hair back behind spencer’s ear, before leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on Spencer’s forehead. “You eat that soup, I’ll go get you some more water.”
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hamartia-grander · 4 years
I think about all the things a person wouldn’t experience living their whole life on tattooine. I don’t know if it exists in Star Wars but I’m going to assume it does... so what would it be like if Din took Cobb offworld and he got to try ice cream for the first time in his life?
There IS ice cream in Star Wars!! According to Wookiepedia, "Ice cream was a type of food which could be made from milk, including the blue milk of banthas" (so, just ice cream;) and "Nectrose Freeze was a type of ice cream flavored with nectrose crystals." Nectrose ice cream is a common delicacy on Batuu in fact.
SO. Firstly I deduce that while Din knows what ice cream is, he hasn't had it since he was a kid with his parents. Cause, I could be wrong, but the Covert doesn't seem like they'd waste resources on getting ice cream unless it was with their own money, and by then Din wouldn't care enough to waste time. 
That aside, Din takes Cobb off world, and they get ice cream, not because Din necessarily wants it, but because he remembers its taste, and when Cobb says he's never tried it, Din decides he'll do whatever he can to get the Marshal some ice cream (because he loves him). 
(disclaimer: we're gonna pretend either they're in private somewhere or this is after Din decides to stop wearing the helmet 25/8 in public cause his helmet is off in this.) 
Cobb would definitely just bite directly into the ice cream (obviously bc he's never had it) and immediately regret it. 
Din would say "Now, it's really cold, so don't-" but Cobb's already bitten into it. He'd recoil in shock and Din would absolutely laugh at him (because he loves him). Cobb would smile, embarrassed, and Din would say "What I was going to say, is that it's very cold, so you cannot just bite into it."
Cobb: Well how else would you eat it? 
Din: You lick it. 
Cobb:... You're kiddin', right? 
Din: No. You lick it. 
Cobb: That's a lie. You just wanna see me lick something. 
Din smiles but shakes his head: No. I mean it. Watch.
Din takes his own ice cream and licks it, and Cobb just stares. Then he tries, and ends up flicking some onto the table. He's got ice cream on his lips and Din wipes it off with a napkin. They smile at each other lovingly and by the time they actually get to eating their ice cream, it's already started to melt. 
As far as ice cream flavours go, Din would get chocolate because, while he likes ice cream, he sees it as just too much of a luxury to try new flavours when he's perfectly fine with chocolate. Cobb however sees this green ice cream with chocolate chips in it and decides he won't try any other. Din doesn't care to try some of Cobb's, but later, when Cobb expresses his gratitude to Din for the trip, Din kisses him. He tastes the mint on Cobb's lips and decides it's his new favourite flavour. 
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babbushka · 4 years
Happy Sinday, Miss Z!!! I’m sure you get requests like this a lot bc it’s such a brand lol. But I just love a huffy Flip who you’ve been teasing while you’re out with him. Nothing specific in mind, but can you please give us some more of that? Thank you!
Anonymous said: Flip pulling you into his lap and growing Behave into your ear. That’s my prompt submission lol. You have such a beautiful voice! It matches the rest of you 💋
(public shenanigans, fingering, teasing, dirty talk/name calling)
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He knows exactly what the fuck you’re doing, when you go swaying your hips back from the bar top. Your skirt is too short and your halter top is too low cut to not draw attention, and it makes Flip’s palms sweat, makes his jaw clench. When he called and asked you to meet him and some fo the guys from the station at the bar, he didn’t anticipate you taking an opportunity to drive him wild.
“Beer for my baby?” You smile playfully, ass cheeks practically hanging out of your skirt as you bend over and place the Coors down in front of him, your hand ‘accidentally’ stroking the neck of the glass bottle. “It’s ice cold.”
“Behave.” He yanks you down onto his lap with a scowl, but you only grin, so smug, pleased with yourself.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You shrug, your tits looking so fucking good in that top, nipples peeking through the fabric from how thin it is.
“Ketsl, I mean it.” Flip warns, but you only loop your arms around his shoulder and sit sideways on his lap, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“Or what?” You whisper as he takes a big swig of beer.
“Or I’ll make you fucking come right here.” He replies matter-of-factly.
It’s a really dark bar, crowded and busy. All your friends are out dancing or playing pool no one is paying attention to this corner of the dining room. He could very well make you come, you both know it. As long as you kept your voice down, no one would see what’s going on underneath the table, no one would see his hand sneaking between your legs.
You kiss his cheek again, eyes dark and lashes thick when you ask,
“Is that a threat, or a promise?”
He spares exactly two seconds looking around to make sure Jimmy or Ron isn’t coming back too soon, before prying your legs open enough that he can slide a few fingers through your folds. He sucks his teeth when he feels you already wet. How long had you been waiting for this?
He shifts you around on his lap a little more to get a better angle, and once he does it, his fingers sink into the warmth of your pussy easily. He can feel you open up for him, can feel your body welcome him eagerly right away. He can’t move his hand too quickly, because then everyone will know what he’s doing – no this has to be slow, can’t draw attention to the way your pussy is dripping around his hand.
“Oh fuck – fuck, Flip.” You whine and whimper, happy little sighs of pleasure as your legs spread on their own, just a little more, just so he can slip in another finger and get you nice and stretched, nice and relaxed for him.
“You like that you gorgeous slut?” He’s decided he’s going to fuck you in the bathroom once he’s gotten you hot and bothered; he’ll push you up against the sinks and make you watch your face when you come on his cock, his cock which jumps in his jeans. He’s hot and bothered too.
“Uh huh, harder?” You grind down just the barest bit onto his hand, and the pads of his fingers pull out from inside your cunt, instead working on swirling around your clit, hard and stiff and begging to be sucked as it is.
“You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, you know that?” Flip thunks his head down onto your bare shoulder, careful to avoid the straps of the halter so they don’t come undone. The music in the bar is loud, the lights are low, and he can’t believe he’s fucking doing this – but then again, yes he can.
“There are – oh! – worse ways to go.” You laugh, a laugh which turns to a hiccup real fucking fast, your arms starting to shake around him.
He fingers you harder harder harder, rolls and pinches at your clit, gets it throbbing, your pussy so wet that he’s going to have a dark spot on his jeans when you stand up. That’s okay, he reasons, if it’s already a mess he doesn’t have to hold himself back from fucking you until you gush in the bathroom.
“You’re so spoiled,” He groans as he trains his ear to the slick sticky sounds of your come as you chase your pleasure, your mouth dropping open right there in a dark corner of the bar. “Spoiled princess, go ahead and cry on my fingers, go on.”
You shudder out and blink out your orgasm, wet droplets clinging to your lashes, whole body electrified for a couple glorious moments. He can feel your pussy clench and flutter around his fingers until he pulls out, wipes the mess on a shitty paper napkin that he tucks into his pocket; can’t leave any evidence behind.
You really will be the death of him, he thinks, because soon you’re sliding off his lap and crossing your legs, kissing his cheek with a wink and an overly innocent and nonchalant,
“Your beer’s getting cold.”
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isabellitah · 4 years
Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
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Title : babie hen
Pairing : none
Warning : a few cuss words and this is long ok
Request : Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
Note : Hiii 🤍 i hope this is to your liking hehe
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i made a wholeass scenario before i reread the request and noticed the word hEADCANON SO IM V SORRY THAT THIS WAS DELAYED I-
Number Eight-
ah yes, the sweetest babie in the whole world, as mentioned by Klaus at some point in their lives
said babie is also their mother hen- well, aside from Allison that is
Luther Hargreeves
eightie always makes sure that Luther never overworks himself
and when he does, your always there for him
making sure he’s hydrated
feeding him lil snacks so that he isn’t starving
i bet you sliced off the crusts of the sandwich bc we all know Luther can be a big babie too hmph
and you’re just overall being there for him, supporting him like any sister would do for their older brother
but when he tries to over overwork himself, which is rare as it only happens when he’s anxious about something, you bet your ass you trapped him in a water sphere and nyoomed him to his room and onto his bed- basically forcing him to rest gorl he’s wet he has to shower before napping but ok-
now that that big babie is in his room, time to check on big babie number two-
Diego Hargreeves
Diego- the lil menace currently chasing Klaus with knives for who knows what reason
you weren’t even gonna ask
it’s nothing new
but anway-
you called them for snacks thus ending their “game of tag”
game of tag my ass-
more like pin the dagger on Klaus
while eating the sandwiches you made them, you noticed a lil bit of jam on the corner of Diego’s mouth
the moment Klaus ran off after eating his sandwich, and Diego stood up to follow him, you took a napkin, licked it a bit, and wiped the jam off of Diego’s face
lil murderous babie blushed and whined at you to stop
you kept wiping at his skin as though the jam was still there just to play with him
anyway, after you stopped, he quickly left to - maybe - go find Klaus
before he left though, he turned to you, wrapped his arms around you, mumbled a quick “thank you eightie” and ran off
keeping in mind where your three siblings are, you decided to go find Allison
Allison Hargreeves
surprisingly, you find both Allison panicking in her room
apparently Luther asked her out and she doesn’t know what to wear, how to style her hair, how to do her make-up, should she wear ma-
she was freaking out bc she never thought Luther would gather his wits and actually ask her out !!!
she wasn’t prepared ok
and u forced Luther to sleep i- reminder to wake him up later
maybe he tried to over overwork himself bc he’s nervous about their date oop
you immediately entered the room and shut the door behind you
first date, so it should be a good experience ok
keeping this in mind, you calmly told her to sit down on her bed and take sips of from the glass of water beside her bed
going through her closet and picking out a casual outfit was easy- Allison has great taste so it wasn’t a challenge at all
clothes and shoes done, and Allison is now calm
you gently lead her to her vanity and slowly started doing a half-up half-down hairdo
for her makeup, you went with a natural makeup- neutral eyeshadow, mascara, a bit of blush, and red lipstick
dress on, heels on, hair done, makeup done, sister immaculate
you were done
simple yet elegant- was how she looked
standing behind the seated woman known as your sister, you slightly teared up- you don’t know why exactly but you-
you felt like a proud mom aww
Allison hugged you and thank you profusely
“Don’t you dare ruin my masterpiece,” you threatened with a wink
you were rewarded with a giggle and a smile
dismissing yourself while she went ahead and took selfies,
you immediately went to go look for Luther i-
after waking him up, it wasn’t hard to stop his whining and convince him to start moving,
you just had to remind him of his date with Allison
and poof
mans was gone
nah not really- he just went to go change
now that you think about it- how’s Klaus?
with that thought in mind, you went out of Luther’s room in search of your high brother
Klaus Hargreeves
you found him in the wine cellar
of course
“Klaus, what’re you doing here?”
“Eightie! Fancy seeing you here 🤍 how are you? I haven’t seen you since you fed me that sandwich- great sandwich by the way; the filling was mwah chef’s kiss,”
he said smiling while holding onto vodka 🤍
you internally rolled your eyes and grabbing his wrist, led him upstairs and into his room
you sat down on his bed with your back comfortably resting on his headrest
he just stood their looking resigned
he knew what was about to happen
you do this at least once a week
secretly he was happy though
these weekly talks always made him feel light by the end of the conversation
anyway, he laid down with his head onto your lap
the moment you started combing your hand through his hair, he spilled everything that bothered him
how his power still scared him- seeing the dead anywhere and everywhere
some trying to talk to him
some just creepily staring at him
and some- some trying to harm him
and that he sometimes felt useless or like a nobody in the family
how he felt like such a disappointment
you listened to everything - even to the ones he never said out loud - calmly and patiently
and when he was done, you slowly started refuting everything he said with various memories
his powers once helped you both help a lost soul find his way back home
he always tries to lighten the mood whenever the tension in the room gets high
he’s always there for all of you, offering his love, whenever and wherever
he sets back his problems in order to help you all solve your problems first
the more memories you recall, the better Klaus felt about himself
and that’s what mattered
Five, Ben, and Vanya Hargreeves
after staying to talk with Klaus for a bit longer, you excused yourself after he claimed to be taking a nap
walking around, you hear faint rustling from inside the study room
walking in, you see Five, Ben, and Vanya in various positions by the couch
Five was sitting on the floor, back pressed against couch
Ben was leaning against the arm of the couch with his legs on top of Vanya’s
and Vanya was sitting cross legged on the couch
all three were listening to Ben read a poem
a poem possibly written by him considering the book he was reading was journal
you were about to excuse yourself to give them their privacy when Ben called you over and invited you
looking at your other two siblings and receiving a nod, you thanked them and sat on the floor beside Five who then leaned his head onto the top of your head- yes, you were short
Ben continued reading the poem and you were right- it was poem
a poem that seemed to be about his feelings
you were saddened by how he felt when you were younger but hearing how he feels now boosted your mood- especially when you heard that your siblings were a big factor on why he felt happy and motivated nowadays
hearing a faint grumble beside you, you tapped Five’s thigh to get his head off you so that you can get up
after some grumbling and whining from the man-child, you got up and said you’ll be right back
you left after kissing their cheeks, earning a smile and a blush from Ben, a smile from Vanya, and a pout from Five who still didn’t want you to leave
you pinched his cheek for good measure before running off giggling
arriving at the kitchen, you were surprised - but not really - to see Five there
apparently he went into the kitchen “to help you carry things”
sure- he just wanted to see what you’d make
and so you made them all sandwiches and trimmed the sides off of course which earned youa pleased hum from your ever so helpful brother
his sandwich, after his persistence, had two extra marshmallows
after making their sandwiches you convinced him to head on first with them
and once he left, you went on to make tea for yourself, juice for both Ben and Vanya, and your special brew for Five
once entering the room, the tray of drinks was immediately snatched from you and popped onto the table with Five wearing a cat got the canary grin, “ahh the only person in the world who knows how to make a proper blend- aside from me of course.”
you rolled your eyes and thanked him for his rare compliment on your coffee making skills
Ben and Vanya thanked you for the snacks and you beamed at them and kissed their cheeks as a reply
which led to Five asking you where his kiss was
knowing you’ll get nowhere arguing with him, you kissed his cheek while he was in the middle of ranting of why he deserves a kiss too
which led to his rant being cut off and him spluttering while slowly turning red
which led to you, Vanya, and Ben laughing which resulted in Five slowly smiling and joining your laughter as well
and that’s how you spent your afternoon- the four youngest siblings bonding- talking and laughing about anything and everything under the sun until you ran out of topics and just laid in comfortable silence to the point where you all fell asleep
and that’s how the eldest four siblings found you-
Allison placed a blanket over all of you before leaving with Luther to go on their date
Diego took the trays, plates, and cups you used for your snacks and brought them downstairs before leaving to gomeet with Detective Patch
and Klaus- Klaus laid down next to you so you were in between him and Five and feel asleep almost immediately
the first sleep he’s had in years that didn’t contain nightmares- and of course it was because you were there
you were always there for him- for all of them, really
you never shyed away from showing affection
and you never failed to show your love and care for them
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imaginexsa · 4 years
Fake Date (Peter x Reader)
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A/N: Hey guys! Oh my, it’s been so long since I last posted hahahaha I hope you are all doing well and that you guys are all safe and healthy!! Also, honestly, this fic was a lil hard for me to write because I honestly don’t think baby cinnamon roll Peter would be like this but it was also an interesting experience and I really enjoyed writing this!! HEHE hope you guys enjoy!😊
Request: hey! Would I be able to request a scenario with peterxreader? I was thinking something like reader likes peter but they’re just friends and he’s into someone else and enlists the reader on a fake date because he’s trying to make the girl jealous (like she’s at the place they have their fake date). And the readers never been on a date before and gets upset because peter doesn’t treat it like a proper date and basically ignores her all night bc of the other girl? Sorry if this is too much 😭
Part one(here), Part two
“Go on a date with me?”
You stared at your friend, blinking. Once. Twice. Is this real? Your crush is actually asking to go on a date with you?
“Please?” Peter asked you with a smile.
“B-but, I’ve never been on date before,” you admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Peter tilted his head slightly, his brows furrowing slightly. “Really? Why not? I think you’re pretty cute.”
You felt your face turning warm and was about to say something when you saw Peter’s gaze shifting.
Following his eyes, you saw that he was looking at Allison who was another girl in your class. Oh…you knew it was too good to be true. You smiled back at him. “Thanks, Pete, and sure, why not?”
He looked back at you, his smile widening. “Thank you, Y/N! You’re the best. I’ll pick you up at 7? Friday night?”
Peter patted your shoulder with his bright smile still plastered on his face before walking off to find Ned. You stared at his back and rubbed your shoulder subconsciously. Well, you could at least lie to yourself and pretend that it was a real date, could you?
“You shouldn’t have agreed.”
You turned as you heard a voice from behind you, seeing MJ walk towards you with her arms crossed over her chest. You gave her a weak smile and shook your head. MJ was the only one who knew about your crush on Peter. “It’ll be my first date ever and it’s with my crush, isn’t that what most people wish for?”
MJ raised a brow before she threw an arm around your shoulder. “If you get hurt, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
You chuckled and nodded your head, looking forward to Friday.
Peter had told you that the place he was taking you was a homely diner so you didn’t have to dress up that much. You wore a simple denim skirt and a shirt, putting on your sneakers before shouting to your parents that you were leaving.
Just as you opened the door, you saw Peter standing outside, his hand raised as if he was preparing to knock the door. He retracted that hand and moved it to scratch the back of his neck with a sheepish look. “Uh, hi.”
You felt your face flush. You had gotten too excited that you were prepared to just wait for him at your porch. Tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, you gave him a small smile. “Hi.”
He was wearing a plain white shirt with a denim jacket and dark jeans. Boy, did he look good.
“You look good,” Peter said, looking you up and down before putting his arm out.
You grinned and accepted his arm, locking arms with him. “You look good too, my good sir.”
Peter laughed as both of you headed to the diner, chattering and talking about anything. It was really nice and it felt just like a real date to you.
When the both of you arrived, you were directed to a booth and the both of you made your orders. As the waitress walked off with both your orders, you started to talk about a topic when you noticed Peter’s eyes drifting past you, his smile slowly widening.
Ah, it’s that look again. You really didn’t know what you were expecting when the person he was looking at came to view, immediately making you shut your mouth.
Allison walked up towards your table with a grin. “Hey, what’s up guys? What a coincidence.”
“Hey, Ally!” Peter replied. “Oh, I’m here with Y/N, we’re on a date.”
You looked away and muttered under your breath as you put the pieces in your head together. “Yeah, a coincidence.”
Allison’s face dropped slightly when she heard the word ‘date’, but continued her upbeat tone. “Ah, I’m sorry for disturbing then. I hope you guys have fun.”
She waved goodbye before walking away, however Peter stopped her. “Are you alone? If you are, maybe you could, you know, join us?”
“I don’t know…Y/N, are you okay with it?” Allison asked as she slowly walked back.
You could feel Allison looking at you and you drew in a quiet breath, knowing how happy Peter would be. You forced yourself to smile and look at her. “I’m okay with it, the more the merrier, isn’t that right, Pete?”
Peter nodded and scooted over in his seat so that Allison could sit down. You felt your heart sink as you saw the scene in front of you. The waitress came and put your order down in front of you and went to take Allison’s order.
You stared at your food in front of you as you picked up a fry from the plate, listening in to the conversation between the two people in front of you but feeling too awkward to say anything. Feeling your appetite disappear, you slowly put the fry back down as Allison piped up.
“Right, Y/N?”
“Huh?” Looking up at them in surprise, you saw Allison looking at you expectantly while Peter had that dopey smile on his face, not really looking at you, making your heart clench more.
“I was saying that Peter is so clumsy, but I can’t deny that it’s a really cute trait,” Allison repeated.
You forced yourself to nod as you wiped your fingers on a napkin before saying sincerely. “Yeah, he’s real cute.”
Peter turned his head to look at you when you said that, shocked. You smiled at him. “He’s really cute and has a great personality, I really hope for the best for him.” Something that I can’t give him.
Looking back at Allison, you felt your smile falter a little but you didn’t want her to see your hurt as you pushed yourself up. “I hope you’ll be able to give him the best.”
After saying that, you turned and immediately walked out of the diner. You don’t think that you’ll be able to sit there as a third wheel for another minute even though you knew that the main purpose for this date was to make Allison jealous because Peter knew she’ll be there. Sucking in a deep breath, you held back your tears as you started walking to the direction of your home.
Well, as long as Peter is happy, you’ll try to be happy for him.
You had really, really hoped that you could at least enjoy this date, or this fake date, to a certain extent. Letting out another sigh, you really regretted agreeing to it. As you reached home, you noticed MJ standing at your porch, leaning against the entrance.
Stopping in your steps, you felt something lodged in your throat, your vision becoming blurry. MJ moved to stand directly on top of the steps and opened her arms and you didn’t hesitate to run straight into them, the tears you were holding back now freely falling from your eyes.
“I told you, didn’t I?” MJ said as she hugged you back, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“Shut up,” your voice muffled as you cried into her shoulder. Of course, MJ knew this would happen, she always seems to know what would happen. You sniffled slightly. You know that you probably shouldn’t think this way but you wished that Peter had chased after you at least, but you almost laughed at the absurdity of it.
“Hey, hey, you’re gonna get snot all over my jacket,” MJ laughed as she put her arms around your shoulder and brought you back into your house. “Com’on, let’s get you all cleaned up.”
MJ opened the door and lightly pushed you to go in first before she glanced back with a glare, watching Peter look at your back with a pained expression before she shut and locked the door behind her.
Tags: @sammysgirl1997​, @melconnor2007​
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Same story line as always you the Curtis sister... I recommend reading the other ones to have more of a familiar idea what is going on but its fine if you don't... ENJOY! Pls tell me if you like like these BC i continue to write them but Idk if anyone is enjoying them.STAY GOLD
“Wake up greaser!” Two-Bit said as he jumped on your bed “Heya Two-Bit, what’s going on?” you say tiredly 
“Where’s the rest of them ?” 
“Well Pony and Johnny had a field trip today and they had to leave early for school so Steve, Soda, and Darry went to drop them off then go to work after.”
“What about Dal?”
“Lord knows”
“Well looks like it’s just gonna be you and me Y/N”
“Good deal Two-Bit” 
“You get dressed and I will go start breakfast”
“You got it”
As Two-Bit left the room you got out from under the covers and began making your bed and thinking about how much you really appreciated Two-Bit. You heard the eggs frying on the pan and began getting dressed, you didn’t have much so you took an old DX shirt from Soda’s closet that he said you could have and  a pair of black skinny jeans and combat boots Dal got you for Christmas. 
“Hey Y/N what do you wanna do today?” Two-Bit asked as you walked into the kitchen 
“Not sure… wanna watch Mickey?” you said grabbing 2 plates from the cabinet 
“I got it! Were gonna have my famous Two-Bit days where we do what two-bit does.”
“And what does that consist of Two-Bit?” you said with sarcasm in your voice 
“ Well since your a mighty fine drinker, were gonna have a beer-chugging competition” 
“Ok but we can’t drink to many or Darry is gonna scream our heads off even though your the only one who’s gonna get drunk cause I don’t get drunk”
“Yea yea hand me those plates” 
After handing two-bit the plates you went to see if Mickey was on and luckily it was. Two-Bit put your plate on the coffee table and he sat next to you. You sat in silence for a few minutes with Mickey playing in the background. 
“How are you and Dal doing?”
“Huh,” you said with egg in your mouth 
“ you know we all saw yall kiss in the rain at the movies”. You choked on the eggs that you were about to swallow and then you spit it onto your napkin and wiped your face off. “Yall watched us”
“ Two-Bit yall are freaking creepy. Good thing Darry wasnt there” 
“We told him” 
“ What!” you said dropping the plate and began dragging Two-Bit to the ground. “Ima cut your air Two-Bit” 
“Ima cut your air Two-Bit, “ two-bit said in a high pitch voice trying to mock you and rolled out from your grip. You laid on the floor and he was standing above you and said “ we didn’t tell him, just wanted to see you get mad” 
“Damn you Two-Bit,” you said as you sat up and grabbed your plate taking it to the kitchen.
“You are on dish duty,” he said 
“Hand me your plate” 
“Which beer did Darry say your allowed to have” 
“You can pick any, as long as we don’t have more than 6 pack,” you said drying your hands. Two-Bit walked into the living room again and you followed him “ ok on the count of 3 we chug this beer. 1...2...3!” you chugged so fast your were done and you slammed the empty glass on the table and you watched Two-Bit take his last sip “ Beat that Two-Bit!” you said wiping your mouth “ Pretty good Y/N, another round later?”
“You betcha “ 
“Let’s play cards and later we can go find Dal or something” 
“Let’s do it” 
You guys played for what felt like days and decided by lunchtime to go to DX and see what was going on. 
“Hey Two is it cold outside you said walking to your room” 
“Not too bad, but you might want to bring a coat” 
“ Alright thanks,” you said. When you opened your closet barely anything was there. Like you always do you went to Soda’s closet and grabbed a jacket and walked out to the living room where two-bit was putting on his leather jacket. 
“You ready yet?” 
“Yea let’s go… did you bring a car or are we walking?”
“Walking,” he said opening the front door 
As you guys walked you made jokes about people coming by and you guys slashed some Soc’s tires might have been Cherry’s car. You slashed one side and he slashed the other side and then hauled out of there. When you got DX you saw some girl flirting with Soda and he wasn’t having it. He saw you and looked at you with a face saying ’help me’ and you winked at him with one eye and ran up to him and hugged him saying “ hey babe” and he hugged you back and went along with it. The look on that girl’s face “I think that’s enough gas” she said pulling the pump out of her car and driving off. “Thanks, Y/N,” Soda said pulling away from your hug and looing at your outfit up and down “we better buy you some new clothes,” he said putting his arm around your shoulder and walking up to Steve and Two-Bit who were messing around with some broads who probably stopped by to see Soda. “Soda you letting Y/N wear your clothes now,” Steve said 
“Yea what about it?” soda said grabbing a windshield wiper
“Yea what about it?” you said grabbing the windshield wiper out of Soda’s hand and whacking Steve in the head with it. Steve was holding the side of his and then you tackled him to the ground. You were rolling all over the ground tackling him when you put him in a choke hold “ want me to cut your air Steve?” 
“Then say it dont matter” 
“Hell no”
" the im cut your-" 
"Hey there y/n" you heard from behind you. It was Dal. You got really fast and ran to him then jumping up and wrapping your legs around his back. Before you could say anything you guys were kissing infront of all of them. In the middle of you guys kissing your hear all the boys making smooching sounds with their back turned to you guys hugging themselves while moving their hands up and down their back. Dal let go of u quietly and picked the windshield wiper off the floor whacking each one of them in the back of the head with it. You laughed as the all turned around in pain and surprise. " when yall plan on telling Darry" Soda asked snatching back the windshield wiper from Dal. " do we have to?" You wined " unless you want him to find out the hard way" steve interrupted " I will find a right time to do it" you said
" listen me a Soda got to get back to work" Steve said walking towards a car he was working on before you and Two-Bit got there.You gave Soda a hug and waved him good bye. Two-Bit, Dal, and you walked around for a bit before Dal said "the sky's getting dark pretty soon im gonna have to go" 
" where you off to" you asked 
" gonna go see Tim" he said 
" see u tomorrow" You said giving him a hug 
" take care of her Two-Bit and layoff of her otherwise i will have your panties in a twist" Dal warned him 
Two laughed and waved as Dal walked into an alley. On your way home you stopped by the dingo to get some dinner for everyone when they came home. 
When you got home you set everything down and set the table. " when is everybody getting home?" Two-Bit asked " i think around 5:30" you said looking at the clock " about an hour til, we can watch Mickey and have a drink till they get here" you said smiling " good thinking" he said walking to the fridge grabbing 2 beers. You both sat and watched mickey slowing sipping on the beer. You leaned your head on his should with the beer in your hand. " Two-Bit?" 
" yea y/n" 
" have I ever told you I love you like a brother" 
" have i ever told you I love you like a sister" 
A warm feeling rushed over your body as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder 
" if you ever need anything two, im here for you if you need me" 
" same to you y/n" he said as he lightly cheered your beer 
From outside the window your heard sniffles. " the hell was that" you say as you open the blinds to see Soda and Steve hugging and pretending to wipe tears of their eyes. You got up closed the blinds and locked the front door. " yall can come in when Darry gets home in an hour" you say while looking into the window. "Hope it ain't cold out" Two- Bit yelled as you sat back down next to him.
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livesincerely · 4 years
2 and 9 for its beginning to look alot like- bc i loveee that one 🥺🥺
2. What scene did you first put down?
This fic was prompted by an ask from the lovely @livininmyhead, who asked how does Jack handle Christmas for Tony and Charlie, and it ended up spiraling into its own multi chapter fic because I’m me.
The very first thing I wrote was the scene in chapter one where Tony and Charlie wake Jack up on Christmas morning and Jack makes them breakfast. I’m pretty sure I started with the part that goes:
“Jack,” Tony whines out the moment he chokes down his last bite. Both sides of his mouth are coated in crumbs and smudges of peanut butter. “Can we open presents now? ”
“Wipe your face,” Jack reminds him, adding a smear of jelly to his own slices of toast. “And your hands.”
“But can we?” Charlie asks, rubbing at his mouth with a napkin too. “Can we, can we, can we?”
“Well, I dunno...” Jack says, pretending to think it over. “Maybe we should wait a few more hours, make sure the Christmas spirit’s really sunk in…”
I just really, really, really love big brother Jack, and especially all of the mundane ways that relationship presents itself.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Actually! In the last chapter, the conversation between Jack and Davey originally had an entirely different trajectory! I couldn’t quite make it work so I ended up replacing it with Jack’s story about how he realized he was in love with Davey, but I’ll insert what I had below.
This would’ve come right after “That’s probably for the best,” Jack says. “Though, I’m tellin’ ya now, if anyone ends up with sufganiyot in their hair again, I’m groundin’ both of ‘em ‘til Easter.”
Davey rolls his eyes, but there’s no real annoyance in the action.
“Yeah, sure you will,” he says.
“I will,” Jack insists. “What, you think I won’t?”
“No, I know that you won’t,” Davey says. “It’s December. It’s Christmas.”
Davey bites his lip, then seems to think better of whatever he was about to say.
“Nevermind,” he murmurs, shaking his head.
“Oh, now you gotta tell me,” Jack says, sitting up. “What?”
“Jackie, you’ve spent your whole life making sure the boys have nothing but joy each Christmas,” Davey says, fondly exasperated. “What makes you think you’ll be able to bring yourself to do anything else?”
It’s nothing that Jack doesn’t already know, not really. But there’s something about the way Davey says it⁠⁠—like it’s just so obvious⁠—that hits right at the heart of him. Whatever argument he might’ve had falls away, his throat going tight around a sudden surge of emotion.
Davey must read something off his face, because his expression softens.
“You love them,” he says, voice gentling. “You love them so much, Jackie, it’s okay to give them a little bit of leeway every now and then, especially considering everything the holidays mean to you.”
“It’s jus’ important to me that they get…” Jack starts, trying to find the words. “That they have everything I can…”
“Darling, I know,” Davey says after a second, understanding what Jack hasn’t said. “You don’t have to explain anything, I know, I get it.”
His fingers sweep delicately across Jack’s forehead⁠—holding Jack’s face between his hands like he’s something infinitely precious⁠—then leans forward, tilting his head down until he can press their foreheads together.
“They’re lucky to have you,” Davey murmurs. “We all are.”
Maybe it’s the holiday getting to him. Maybe it’s the bit of eggnog he had earlier or the smell of pine and the hint of candle smoke in the air or maybe it’s just the way that Davey’s looking at him, honest and open and loving, but suddenly Jack’s heart feels too big in his chest⁠—like his entire self might burst open.
“I’m lucky to have you,” he whispers, reaching up to grasp at one of Davey’s hands, lacing their fingers together. “I love you so much, Davey. You don’t even know how much I love you.”
“Sure I do,” Davey says, simply. “It’s about as much as I love you.”
“Fucking stop it,” Jack says. “You’re gonna make me fucking cry.”
Davey just laughs, giving his hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
“Merry Christmas, Jackie,” Davey says.
You can definitely see where I was able to repurpose some of these lines in the final version, but this part of the conversation just didn’t quite mesh with everything else. Plus, I really love the speech Jack ended up with, so it all works out. 😊
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utopianvoices · 5 years
dating au | k.hongjoong
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
the dumbest tbh
will say the dumbest most stupidest things when you’re around because he just gets so nervous
and blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind
especially when you’re left alone with him
“bRB i gotta go feed my pet cactus.”
actually really really wants to spend so much time with you bcs he’s practically in love with you
but is constantly worried he’ll say stupid things and that he’ll never get a chance with you because who likes dumbasses
the members definitely know that he likes you
tbh i think the whole world knows he likes you
except for you ofc
because we need this obliviousness for the plot
how he confesses
with the possibility that you don’t find out about his crush on you
boy’s gonna be extra af and compose a song for you
because that’s what he was made for 
to produce bops and to love you
his two main purposes in life
will spend hours in the studio thinking about all the time you spent together and will write pages and pages of lyrics
gets the song done quite fast too
stares at your chat for hours thinking of what he should send you
finally seonghwa gets irritated and snatches his phone, types something, and hits send, before throwing the phone back to hongjoong
will check his phone in horror 
“can you come over to the studio at around 8pm? the one near the fountain.”
okay maybe it wasn’t too bad.... and it was the best thing he could’ve said without having to worry too much
let’s all thank park seonghwa for doing god’s work
almost drops his phone when he receives a reply from you
“sure! i’ll be there.”
can’t stop smiling at his phone
but as the time reaches 8pm boy will be a mess
frantically cleans the studio and dusts the place
arranges all the chair properly and even cleans up his desktop
you know, just in case
jumps when he hears a knock on the studio door at 8pm sharp
and rushes over to open the door for you
greets you and guides you over to the chair that was set up beside his producing chair
you are: confused
“i-i produced something and was wondering if you could check it out for me?”
..... hold uP
kim hongjoong asking you for music advice?????
you were sure pigs were flying outside the window
but either ways you agreed
of course
what were you going to say? no?
he clicks the mouse a few times and pauses right before hitting the play button
sensing his hesitation, you look at him, and see him taking a deep breath before looking at you
instinctively you shoot him a smile, seemingly relaxing him and soon the room is filled with a soft guitar sound
you were surprised at first—ateez songs usually didn’t sound like that—but you decided that he was trying something new, so you just enjoyed the song
that’s when you heard the lyrics
and they sounded very familiar...... almost as if you had gone through them with him
you turn slowly towards hongjoong, mouth slightly open as you see him smiling nervously at you, finally realising what was going on
your crush made a song for you
and he likes you bACK 
it turns sappy real fast, let’s be honest
there’s tears streaming down your face because who wouldn’t cry
the memories the lyrics brought back were overwhelmingly precious and you couldn’t help but be emotional
and seeing you cry makes him cry
soon it’s a crying mess
as the song ends, you throw yourself onto him, clinging onto him tightly 
“that was so beautiful. i like you too joong. so so much.”
he hugs you back equally as tight, basking in the moment, thankful that you liked him back 
first date
i highkey wanna say studio date but that’d happen later on in the relationship
for a first date tho, this korean big minion will bring you for a picnic!
with home-cooked food and everything
obviously he didn’t cook it..... he begged seonghwa and wooyoung to help him put together some simple food
he was aiming to impress
finds a place under the shade and lays the mat down, while you help lay the food and drinks on the mat 
y’all get comfortable and start eating, exchanging words here and there, the occasional giggle escaping you when you see food that was stuck at the side of his mouth
after you’re done eating, y’all just lay on the mat, side by side, arms touching, and talk about everything under the sun 
quite literally
as your conversation progresses he’ll build up the courage to slowly intertwine his fingers with yours, heart beating a million beats per second
almost dies of relief when you intertwine them back tightly, his thumb automatically rubbing the back of your hand
if it rains, he’ll quickly pack the things up while giving you his jacket so that you could cover yourself and get to a shelter first
just overall willing to put you first no matter the circumstance
would prefer to fall sick himself rather than seeing you go through the pain of sickness
whipped culture
first kiss
so cliche
you were on your fifth or sixth date at the local coffee shop close to hongjoong’s studio
he had been really busy, and you were fine with leaving him alone
but he wasn’t
found the small loophole he had in his schedule and immediately made plans with you at his favourite place
you were halfway through your simple date, with him telling you all the things that had happened throughout the times you were not together
and you intently listening because that is the key to a good relationship everybody
you take a sip of your drink, so immersed in his words that you don’t realise the little blotch of whip cream that was sitting right at the corner of your lip
but hongjoong did
immediately breaks out into a smile, wondering how you managed to be so cute even with whipped cream on your face, as he reaches for the napkin laying beside his drink
you watch him cluelessly, wondering what was going on
until he reaches towards you with the napkin
well damn...... you just made a fool out of yourself
except you didn’t because he found you cute as fuck 
but anyways
leans over the table and gets close to your face to wipe the cream off
and you can’t help but stare at him as he does so
clearly it was doing Things to his heart
unconsciously moves his face closer to you, eyes flickering down towards your lips and back up so fast that you would have missed it hadn’t you been staring at him
a loud bang from somewhere in the shop jerks the both of you back to your senses, hongjoong immediately retracting his face and you feeling your face heat up from the moment you just shared
he mumbles something under his breath and passes you the napkin, looking everywhere but you, as the almost-kiss replayed in his head over and over again
the rest of the time at the cafe was spent in a slightly awkward setting, neither of you knowing what to say after that little incident
when you’re done, you walk him back to the studio, your hands making contact every once in a while 
you finally reach the studio and say your goodbyes to him, giving him a lingering hug 
as you pull away, you realise that hongjoong’s arms were still snaked around your waist, trapping you in between him and his arms, your hands resting comfortably around his neck
stares at you for a few seconds before going in for a kiss
no warning 
as he pulls away slightly, forehead resting on yours, he lets out a small chuckle 
“should’ve done that at the cafe.”
safe to say he gave you a few more kisses before unwillingly parting ways with you
first fight
doesn’t really happen until very far into your relationship, when you’re 100% comfortable with one another
it’s all just really bad timing
you’d be over at his place, complains piling from the other members that he was overworking himself to the point of exhaustion
and that he hadn’t been taking good care of himself
you would initially go over to make sure he’s eating his meals properly and was getting enough rest
but when you saw him you knew that he definitely wasn’t getting enough rest or food
“you really need to start taking care of yourself, joong.”
“i know, it’s just that i really need to finish this soon.”
the conversation kind of escalates from there
because you’d be back a few hours later, and he’d still be glued to his computer at the same position
seeing this, your worry turns to frustration and you start to nag at him to take better care of himself
and he just bursts
all the stress from deadlines, producing, and just generally everything, comes pouring out on you
and he wasn’t in the right mind to care about the words he was using as well
you’re shocked at his words, but instead of walking away, you argue back, prolonging the argument
tbh the argument doesn’t stop till one of you gets your head straight and decides to talk civilly about things
sometimes it’s you, but most of the time it’s him
it’s just in him, as a leader, to separate the rational and irrational part of his brain and try to set things straight properly 
after the fight you both just cuddle and promise each other that you’ll take better care of yourself and be more understanding 
favourite things to do together
will really enjoy working on songs with you around
firstly because you know when to get him to stop and take a break before he passes out in front of the computer
secondly because it just gives him a sense of peace
whether you’re doing your own work beside or dozing off in his lap
he’ll give anything to spend the day with you at the studio, although no words need to be spoken
is way more productive with you around
can finish his work twice as fast sometimes and it just gives him that much more satisfaction
doesn’t know it at the beginning, but he slowly comes to the realisation that you’re his muse and that just by being with you gives him utmost happiness
general affection
similar to seonghwa, wouldn’t initiate cuddles often
but if you were to show any signs of wanting to cuddle, is instantly by your side
his favourite is to usually cuddle with you on the sofa that was placed against the wall of his studio
it was definitely not big enough for the two of you, so you’d practically be lying on top of him, while he softly plays with your hair
cuddling time is prime time for deep talks
will talk about his day while y’all are cuddling and will share any worries he has
it’s the time when he’s the most vulnerable, so he might shed a few tears if he was feeling really stressed out
loves it when you run your hands up and down his arms—it was like his personal comfort
prefers to be the big spoon because our boy wants to protecc
but definitely wouldn’t mind being babied sometimes
being the leader of seven crackheads isn’t an easy feat and these are the times he feels like he can be stripped off his leader role and just be a normal boy in the arms of his lover
loves to kiss you everywhere including your face while you’re cuddling
your hands, shoulder, neck, even your fingers
just takes the time to admire every part of you and will always go to sleep with a smile after doing this
on normal days, wouldn’t really feel the need to be physically close to you because he’s so busy with producing 
but once he’s done, you have a whiny baby on your hands
will not rest till he gets at least five kisses from you
and not just pecks
it has to be proper kisses
will shake his head and say that it doesn’t count as a kiss if you just peck him on the lips
you’d think that make out sessions were rare with how busy he was but oh boy are we wrong
his go-to when he’s feeling too stressed is kissing you so buckle up and prepare for a long ride when he comes straight for you after slamming the studio door open
will be really gently though
it’s like kissing you helps him get his focus back, as much as that doesn’t make sense
but what even makes sense in love
feels much more rejuvenated after your little session, and he’s back to the studio, more inspired than ever
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: all the guys want cheerleaders; jon moxley
So... I think that arguably, my favorite universe/pairing to write is Jon Moxley and my OC Jane. Apparently so because I have like 5+ universes just for them and counting. I’m seriously tempted to definitely sit down and like... plan out an actual fic bc this is getting outrageous lmao. Anyway, here’s another thing. This is a teenage!jon and jane. So this is one of those inflexible / non changeable parts, btw.
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles  }
Jon decides to surprise Jane by coming home just to take her to some stupid dance. And surprise her, he does. Fluffy af. I mean.. In Mox’s typical way of being fluffy.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Jane
Uhhh... fluffy surprises.
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“Everything looks like shit on me. That’s it, I’m not going to this fucking dance.” Jane threw down the fourth dress and stared at herself in the mirror, shaking her head. She was only even going to this stupid thing because her grandmother was making a big deal about her going.
It wasn’t like she wanted to go. The guy she’d rather go to prom with was gone, he left town to go off and become some kind of famous wrestler or something. His own words.
As if on cue, the phone rang and Jane grabbed for it. Mox promised he’d call her the second he got where he was going. “Well, dickhead?”
“Hey to you too, Janey.” blue eyes darted around the bar and when the guys got too loud, Mox gave them all a silencing glare. It only got him teased by Callihan and Cole, but Mox ignored the two jackasses and turned away, busying himself by doodling on a napkin. “Ya find a dress?”
“I’m not goin to that stupid prom.”
“Janey, c’mon. Ya promised ya grandma.”
“I know, I know.. I just.. I don’t wanna. Besides, I look like shit in all the dresses she picked up for me to try. Besides, I asked that dumbass in my Bio class if he’d take me as a friend. Turns out he’s already goin with someone. Or I’m ugly as fuck and he’s just too polite to point it out. Or he’s lyin and…”  Janey trailed off, rolling onto her back on the bed and Mox sighed on the other end of the line.
“First of all, ya not ugly. Second, ya don’t have t’ go with somebody to go.” Mox calmly pointed out. He grabbed the beer Callihan bought over to him and took a long sip, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth as he finished. “Ya grandma just wants ya to have a good time. She’s tryin to cheer you up.”
… just tell her already, damn…
He was hell bent on not ruining the surprise though. He knew how much Jane really wanted to go to prom and thanks to peeking in her journal when he stopped by to see her before he left town, he knew exactly why she was digging her heels in about going.
Apparently, she only wanted to go with him. But she’d never admit it, she’d never admit a lot of things she wrote about him in her journal and those things… They were another huge reason he was out of Ohio and trying to make a name for himself. He wanted to be the best he could be, for her. He wanted to be able to give her everything he thought she deserved, despite knowing that she’d be fine with just being with him.
He wanted to give her so much more.
Jane eyed the phone and bit her lip. “ I don’t wanna go, okay? Why’s it so important I go, huh? It’s gonna be lame.”
“If you don’t go, ya gonna look back and regret it.”
“Or maybe I won’t, Mox.”
Mox took a deep breath, trying to keep from telling her exactly why he wanted her to go so badly. If she didn’t go, then he couldn’t show up in the stupid damned tuxedo. He couldn’t give her the necklace he’d bought for her.
… but if she doesn’t wanna go, maybe you could surprise her at home… take her out somewhere real nice… ya gonna have plenty of money, man… and the thought had him taking a deep breath.
“Maybe ya won’t. If ya don’t wanna go, don’t. I gotta ask ya somethin, okay?”
Jane raised a brow and rolled over onto her stomach, propping on her elbow. She tried to picture him, all sweaty and probably bloody, probably fresh from a fight.. She found herself wondering if he was wearing the sleeveless vest, or if he’d just fought in jeans tonight. She found herself wishing that she wasn’t stuck in stupid Ohio, doing what she promised him she’d do. She didn’t get why it was so important she stayed, she could’ve easily finished high school wherever he wound up. It would’ve been their big adventure, just like they always talked about. She could’ve gotten by on her photography and worked as a waitress too.
She just missed him.
She hadn’t seen him in over a month and she was afraid it was going to be like her parents all over again.. One day, she’d try to call their face to memory and realize she couldn’t anymore. The thought had her eyes stinging with tears and she wiped at her eyes, scowling about it.
She just didn’t want to forget him or lose him too and now that he was gone, despite him diligently keeping in touch, she was so afraid that very thing was going to happen.
“Ya there, Janey?”
“Yeah. I was just thinkin.. Ask away.” Jane sat up and took a deep breath or two. This happened, it was a fact of life. Sooner or later, she reminded herself, even the best of friends drifted away from each other. It sucked and it was sad, but it was true.
And she was most likely going to lose him before she ever got to tell him just how special he was to her and how much she loved him, faults and all.
“Ya trust me?”
“That’s a stupid fucking question, Mox. You know I trust you. Probably one hell of a lot more than I trust anyone else.” Jane answered quickly, wondering what made him ask that.
“I need ya to go to our place. Saturday.”
“But you were saying a minute ago you wanted me to go to the stupid fucking prom too.. What do you want me to do, Mox…” Jane trailed off and he chuckled. “You said ya didn’t wanna go to prom. So, I thought maybe if ya went somewhere you were comfortable instead, might make ya feel better.”
… it’s only gonna remind me you’re not here, but okay.. Jane almost said it aloud, but she didn’t dare. Instead, she agreed to go to their spot on Saturday night at 6. And given that her grandma had already given her a ‘free pass’ for the night, Jane decided that maybe she could just get ready like she planned to go to prom, go to their little spot down by the docks and change somewhere in a bathroom. Why Mox wanted her to go, she had no idea, but it certainly seemed urgent.
“Okay, grandma. I’m heading out.”
“Wait, I want to get a picture of you, sweetie.”
Jane tapped her foot against the floor but she smiled, nodded and let her grandmother get a picture of her. She felt guilty for not just telling the woman she wasn’t going to prom, but she was going to wander around the docks, she knew it wouldn’t matter but her grandma would worry the entire time, but she also knew that she might disappoint the older woman.
That was the last thing Jane wanted to ever do was to disappoint her grandma.
After her grandma got another picture or two and hugged her, Jane set out, walking quickly, cursing the stupid heels and the wind and the fact that the stupid dress didn’t have any sleeves at all and herself for not bringing a jacket.
She hadn’t even been able to grab a change of clothing, her grandmother had wanted to hover close, to reminisce about her own prom and how her grandpa saved her from the unwanted advances of some “uppity jock guy” that night. And Jane, well.. She’d had fun listening to the woman’s stories, and letting her grandma do something. They’d been talking and her grandmother admitted that it wasn’t so much wanting her to go to prom, but wanting her not to stop living just because that “sweet boy two doors down” was gone. Her grandmother had apparently been worried about her as of late, because she hadn’t been as bright or as happy as she had been before Mox left.
Jane stopped to lean against a factory and leaned down, taking off the stupid heels, glaring at them as she rubbed her foot.
It was almost 8 now and she was within sight of the docks.
Someone was standing there, their back facing her.
In a suit.
They weren’t so much standing there still as they were pacing a little. Jane almost just turned and left whoever it was to their pacing, but then, the pacing man turned to face her and when she saw him, she didn’t think or bother censoring herself, she just started to run right for him, flinging herself at him as soon as she reached him. Mox wrapped his arms around her, easily lifting her off her bare feet, breathing in the scent of her shampoo because God knew he’d missed it the entire time he’d been away.
“Mox? Is this why you kept tryin to make me go to prom?”
All Mox could do was shrug and stare at her. “Fuck..”
“What’s wrong?” Jane cocked her head to the side, looking up at her friend. Mox blurted it out before he could stop himself.
“Always thought ya were beautiful but goddamn..” he mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his head as he stared down at her.
Jane almost laughed, thinking he was just kidding her, but the look in his eyes stopped her in her tracks. He dug around in the pockets of the stupid suit, swearing, almost panicking when he thought he might have left the box with the necklace inside on the bus he’d gotten off of earlier, but finally, he found it and pulled it out.
“I got ya somethin.”
“Shh.. There’s somethin I been wanting to say. If I don’t say it now, I won’t.” Mox was doing it again, the pacing and mumbling thing he tended to do when angry or nervous. Jane reached out, stepping in front of him and stopping him where he stood. “Say it then, Mox. You know you can tell me anything.”
“I love ya. I love ya so goddamn much and goin away, it wasn’t cos I wanted t’ leave ya, ya gotta know that. It was cos one day, I wanted to… I bought ya this. I saw it and I remembered how upset ya were when ya lost the one like it ya mom gave ya.” he held out the box and Jane opened it, staring at the rose gold heart shaped locket that was almost identical to the one her mom always wore when she was alive. She wiped at her eyes and for a second, his face fell.
Why was she about to cry?
“I fucked up.”
“No, no. No. This is.. It’s perfect and it’s beautiful and I..”
Words were failing her at the moment, so she rose to tiptoe, tugging at the tie that he hadn’t even tied right, pulling his mouth down to her own, pulling him into as deep a kiss as she could. Mox deepened it even more, gripping at her lower back, holding her up as best as he could.
“Ya what?”
“I love you too. I always have.”
“I was gonna take ya to that one real fancy restaurant.. If ya hungry?” Mox broke the kiss to ask and Jane gave a soft laugh, nodding.
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