#It's my journey arc
mikaiink · 1 year
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Genli, the caregiver & culinary enthusiast .||
Might be getting better at this? perhaps... [[ !!! Spoilers Ahead !!!]] Genli, is one of Kass & Amalia's daughters; I remember her from BoTW being the one who wasn't that fond of singing but was very enthusiastic about food. Specially the dish known as Salmon Meuniere - which becomes the key of a quest, in order to get the sisters reunited and sing at Warbler's Nest. Later on she finds appreciation for singing with the help of Link (which she roasts and says "You don't look strong as Teba...If you fight that bird monster, you'll probably lose!"- I found this hilarious) and the return of her father, Kass.
During the events of ToTK, similar to her sisters- she is given a role. Luckily for her, is one involved with food. Mostly focused on recollecting and making food for the villagers- in which Link helps acquiring the necessary ingredients. Out of all sisters, I feel she would travel for a bit to different regions- to learn new recipes and techniques when cooking. But will come back home and settled-down, opening her own kitchen to feed not only her own folks but travelers as well.
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robbie-verse · 9 months
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i started watching one piece !!!
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 10 months
Friendly reminder that the suffering and torment Xie Lian experienced actually made him LESS kind, and the lessons he learned as a result of that pain were that human life is meaningless and compassion is worthless and people don't deserve your help or care or love for them. Xie Lian had to backtrack and reject these new lessons in favor of the old ones he had already known in order to return to being kind.
Xie Lian losing everything he loved and knew, being stripped of his power, autonomy, safety, and community, and being ridiculed and humiliated, did not teach him anything worth knowing. He did not learn any valuable or important lessons from it. In fact, he needed to consciously decide that he wasn't going to let it change him and work to go back to the person he was before all that shit happened in order to avoid turning evil.
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caelanglang · 4 months
20 years of prayer and more...
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Happy 20th Anniversary to D. Gray Man!! ✨🎉
To my favorite manga who literally changed the trajectory of my life 🫶
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frau-kali · 8 months
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Black Sails Anniversary Week
Day 4: Favourite Story Arc - Silver accidentally starts caring
"It's a funny thing, the more those men need you, the more you need them. And it drives us to do the most unexpected things."
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genericpuff · 7 months
me in the last couple days leading up to new rekindled updates:
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me after rekindled updates and i see everyone's reactions and tags and theories which makes it all worth doing it over again:
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wolfjackle-creates · 10 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 20: FINAL
So guess what I realized this morning. Today, November 13, 2023 is the one year anniversary of me posting my first DPxDC fic to tumblr. It was the original fill for this very fic. (Which you can find here.)
So I decided I just had to finish this arc and get it posted. This year has been amazing and so much fun. I've become a much better writer and joined a community that has brought me so much joy. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad so many of you like to read what I'm sharing.
I noticed I got a few new readers over the past week or so, so welcome to all of you! Hope you enjoy this early update!
In personal news, my nephew was born and he's adorable and I'll be meeting him tomorrow! (As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to make food for his mom.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
In the end, it ended up taking several hours for Danny, Sam, and Tucker to escape their families and converge on the park. In that time, Tim had called Bruce to let him know he’d be back in Gotham by tomorrow and finished most of his homework.
While he worked, Wulf and Bart were having an animated conversation in Esperanto.
Tim was pretty sure Wulf would be bringing Bart to the Ghost Zone for a tour sometime and started making plans to learn Esperanto himself and bribe Bart to get in on them.
Cassie was helping Conner sort through some of the music Sam had given him. Tim was jealous as he solved more banal trig questions. Why did school have to be so boring? He tapped his pencil on the paper in time to the beat of whatever music Conner had playing.
Tucker was the first to arrive. “Danny and Sam not here yet?” he asked as he plopped down next to Bart and Wulf.
“Nope. Haven’t heard from them, either,” said Tim. He opened his phone notifications again just to be sure, but there was nothing new.
Tucker shrugged and pulled out a stick of jerkey to munch on. “Not surprising. The Fentons will be all overprotective after the mayor was kidnapped by a ghost on live TV. And Sam’s parents are just as bad. Only they smother rather than check the weaponry.” He turned to greet Wulf in Esperanto.
An email came through on Tim’s phone and he groaned. “Our evening interview was canceled. No one wants to hear us try to defend Phantom anymore.”
Cassie cursed. “Course not. Bet the paper won’t publish our editorials either.”
Conner looked over, confused. “Won’t they? Clark works for the Daily Planet. They publish stuff like that all the time.”
Tim didn’t look up from his math as he answered, “That’s the difference between a big, Pulitzer winning publication and a small-town op-ed.”
Tucker sighed. “Well maybe someone will remember your interviews from this morning in a positive light.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Come on, we can’t change it. So let’s move forward. Next step, make friends with more ghosts! Wulf says there’s a bunch of cool people in the Realms.”
“Realms?” asked Tim.
“It’s what he says the Ghost Zone is actually called. The Infinite Realms.”
“Huh. I’ll have to check JL databases, see if they have any information on them.”
Tucker asked something in Esperanto and Bart burst out laughing as Wulf looked on in confusion.
With Bart’s help, though, he rephrased until Wulf was able to reply. And then the three kept to Esperanto. Tim really had to find time to learn it.
Sam was the next to arrive. She grinned and sat down next to Conner. “How you liking the music?”
Conner grinned and showed her the sheets where he ranked the bands so far based on which songs he’d listened to. She then took over the speakers and searched for specific tracks to try and change his mind about some of the bands he liked the least.
Tim let his eyes close as his friends’ voices washed over him.
After some indeterminate time where he dozed between sleeping and awareness, a foot nudged his hip. Tim grumbled out what was supposed to be a, “What?” but was too mumbled to really be understood.
“Come on, Secrets. You can do better than that.”
Tim cracked an eye open to see Danny grinning down at him. He pushed himself up slightly and blinked heavily in the sunlight.
“Finally got away from your parents?” asked Tim.
Danny collapsed on the ground next to him. “Ugh, don’t remind me. They’re freaking out over everything that’s happened the last few days. Jazz and I are basically going to be on lock down until they feel confident the ghosts are gone.”
“Did you have to sneak out to get here?” asked Cassie.
Danny shook his head. “No, I told them I was going to find you guys to make sure you were all safe. You’re welcome to come back to ours tonight, by the way. Mom and Dad basically insisted on it.”
“What do you guys think?” asked Tim. “Spend one more night here at Danny’s and head out in the morning?”
Cassie sighed. “My mom’s already freaking out that I’ve been gone longer than planned. I should get back tonight.”
“I’ll stay,” offered Conner. “I’m your ride home, anyway.”
“Why don’t you come to my place, Conner,” offered Sam. “Your nails need a fresh coat after fighting today. And I need teach you about the different brands of makeup and what to look for in terms of cost, quality, and ethicality. Plus I can get you more music.”
Tim laughed when Conner looked to him. “Go for it. Have fun.”
Conner grinned. “Then yeah, let’s do it!”
Bart shrugged. “Wulf is going to go back to the Realms soon. I’ll head out after. Wally and Linda want me over for a family dinner tonight.”
“Well, looks like that’s it, then,” sighed Danny. “Been fun having other heroes around.”
Tim nudged his shoulder. “Join the Young Justice. You could join us and we'd help out whenever you wanted. Get you around people who actually appreciate what you do for them.”
But Danny was already shaking his head. “I have to stay here. And now Amity trusts heroes even less. I want to improve that, not make it worse.”
“Even if you don’t join,” declared Conner. “You’re not getting rid of us now.”
Bart nodded his agreement. “Yep. We’re gonna be stopping by all the time. You’re in the group chat.”
“Exactly,” agreed Tim. “And we’ll figure out ways to help you. Starting with how to minimize property damage. That seems to be the big thing people focus on. You can make shields, right? How big can you make them and how much power do they take?”
Danny smiled wryly. “Can’t say I’ve really tested it.”
Tim laughed. “Well, I know one thing we’re doing tonight. We’re going to go back to Nasty Burger—” Tim looked around at the whole group “—all of us. Then Cassie and Bart are going to go home. Danny and I, at least, are going to take a nap. Then we’re gonna test the current limits to Danny’s powers.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together. “You know, this is just like gaming with you all those years.”
“Yeah, well, it’s best to be thorough.”
“We’ve measured, like, his top speed and stuff,” said Tucker, pulling out a PDA. “Want to see what we’ve got so far?”
“Absolutely.” Tim took the device and looked through it. “You’ve a decent amount of information here. Maybe instead of taking a nap, I’ll help you organize it and come up with a testing plan.”
Conner flew over to him and pulled the PDA out of his hand. “Not after pulling an all-nighter you won’t. We’re going to get some food, then the two of you are going to sleep for at least four hours.”
“I’ll set Jazz on you, too,” threatened Sam. “Don’t think I won’t.”
Tim pouted as the device was given back to Tucker. And grumbled more when Conner picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Come on, food time.”
“I am going to put kryptonite in your phone,” threatened Tim.
“Bingo!” shouted Cassie.
Danny laughed as he stood. “Does this mean I can join the next round?”
Tim scowled. “Traitors, all of you.”
And that's the end of this Arc! Arc 3 will pick up where the original fill did. (Only this time, Tim won't be the only DC character there to help Danny.)
I'd say something like I can't believe it's only been a year, but so much has happened to me in the last twelve months that it feels like a lifetime ago, to be honest. But it's been a good year and I'm glad this community has been part of it.
Please follow the subscription post if you want updates for when I start transferring this arc to AO3 or begin posting Arc 3.
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boylikeanangel · 1 year
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clinging onto these pictures like a fucking lifeline right now honestly. the pearl necklace. buttons' jacket. the slow but sure process of shedding the skin of blackbeard and becoming "just edward" once more. the proof that ed is not lost, it's a long road but he's finding himself again and most importantly he's trying. he's been forgiven by the crew, he's one of them again. they're lending him their clothes. he's wearing little gifts from stede. he's happy and he's healing and he has FRIENDS. he really is going to be ok ohhhhhhhh
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As far as character progression goes, I'd argue that the most important aspect of the RLJ reveal isn't just Jon learning that he isn't Ned's son. The most important part is him learning that he isn't Ned Stark's bastard son. He's spent all his life chasing after Ned's shadow, trying to prove to himself and to the world that he is worthy of being Ned Stark's son, "let them say that Eddard Stark had fathered four sons not three", “he was not a Stark but he could die like one” and all that. He's internalized the shame of being the one stain on honorable Ned Starks' reputation
“But it’s a lie,” Jon insisted. How could they think his father was a traitor, had they all gone mad? Lord Eddard Stark would never dishonor himself … would he? He fathered a bastard, a small voice whispered inside him. Where was the honor in that? And your mother, what of her? He will not even speak her name.
So it's important for him to finally stop chasing after that elusive shadow. It's important for him to understand that Ned's dishonor was a deliberate choice that he made by himself, and it's thus no fault of his own. Once Jon internalizes that, then he can finally move on and ask himself, who am I? What do I want for myself? What can I be in this world, just as I am? So far, he's been unable to do that successfully because he still has an incomplete (and false) understanding of who he is.
#jon snow#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#jon specifically being ned’s bastard cannot be overstated#it heavily colors his outlooks on his own life and how he navigates through the world#like let’s talk about his sex hangups for example#being ned's bastard is so so important to his character arc#ffs whenever he meets someone new it’s always you must be ned stark’s bastard#it’s how he and everyone else understand his role in life so for him to progress as a character we need to ask#what happens when jon is no longer ned stark’s bastard?#what happens when the one thing that drove him to the wall - to seek glory and kickstarted his heroic journey#is proven to be false?#what then?#what does he do then? where does he go then? who does he become then?#I think he will at first be resistant - and it’s been my personal theory that his learning of robb’s will#will coincide with that and that will be the greatest temptation for him#just like with stannis’ offer and how he agonized over it he will try to cling to some form of#-I can still be ned’s son can’t I? look robb legitimized me as such-#yes I think he’ll already be aware of his parentage by the time he learns of the will#but ultimately he will choose to forge his own path in the end just like he chose to remain with the nw#which then doesn’t look good for the kitn prospects I’m ngl 😬#because just like accepting Stannis’ offer meant desecrating his father’s gods#accepting the will while knowing that he has no right over his now cousins would straight up be usurpation regardless of age or skill#and I can see grrm throwing in that moral dilemma for Jon because his arc is full of them#but just as he rejected stannis and ended up as lc then his final rejection will lead to something else that is greater - king of winter 🤭#Just my opinion tho 🙂#tagging#eddard stark#r plus l equals j#As well
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[blows a kiss out to sea] for the Mighty Nein pirates arc
#I'm!! I have so many thoughts about why this arc is SO GOOD#But the short version is like#It is an arc about Fjord and identity and power and self and agency as he faces the truth of his patron and faces a rival warlock#But it is ALSO about Fjord grappling with those things bc he is ALSO processing grief and sadness and a search for direction and purpose#and grappling with disappointing disillusionment in how the world and people in your life (including maybe yourself) isn't what you thought#and about coming to resolve he has the agency and strength to not allow these things to deter him from purpose and place in the world.#And—this is why this is a PHENOMENAL arc—so is the rest of the Nein. Individually and as a group.#All of them are grappling with feelings of grief and sadness and disappointment and directionless and helplessness#just the grand malaise and relentless shapelessness of what living often is#They also as individuals and as a group together also find that resolve and strength to carry on and find self and purpose and direction#They all begin to process the very same things in their own lives and in their shared experience as The Nein. Simultaneously and together.#It's an arc about Fjord and self and agency in the face of disappointment and grief and disillusionment.#It's an arc about the Nein—individually and as a whole—and self and agency in the face of disappointment and grief and disillusionment.#It's SUCH a strong arc bc ALL of them are taking the same internal journey—structured around Fjord's very externalized version of it.#And it's got incredible vibes (pirate warlocks of a leviathan!) and some GREAT set pieces. And every NPC in the arc is iconic as is Twiggy.#Anyway. In my feelings about this arc. I said this is the short version and yet.#Critical Role things#CR meta
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thousand-sunnies · 8 months
To the surprise of no one who knows my writing habits and favourite tropes, I wrote a Corazon Lives fic! Complete with a bunch of Heart Pirates shenanigans, Law having a mild panic attack, and general good vibes.
The Benefits of Drinking with Strangers on AO3, just under 14k words. Go read it if this sounds interesting to you, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!
“I don’t know what you heard,” Rosinante says in a half-whisper. “I don’t know where you heard it, I– no, of course I know where you heard it, but whatever Doffy told you–”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Penguin suggests, because he might still be floundering a little, but he’s not going to take that kind of slander. “If you imply that we’ve taken anything Doflamingo has said to heart, I’ll take it as a serious insult to our intelligence.”
“And character,” Shachi adds.
“And captain,” Bepo says, because he may be a pushover sometimes – okay, often – and he may still be blinking at Rosinante like he’s seeing a ghost – fair enough – but Penguin has never known him to be anything but unwaveringly ride-or-die for Law.
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This is my personal Shibuya Incident Arc.😭
The last episode💔
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lucassinclaer · 6 months
i think the most important thing about steve's growth is that it wasn't facilitated by romantic love. it wasn't that he only changed because of a girl. that's what he says in episode 1 when he tells nancy "she's not like other girls" and he reinforces it to himself in season 2 when he says the exact same thing. and then he hangs onto it in season 4, because it's the comfortable thing to think.
but it's jonathan and nancy in combination that get him to tell off his friends and make amends. he goes to jonathan first - he doesn't know nancy'll be there. his first act of repentence (cleaning up his own insults) isn't something he does performatively.
and the thing is, it'd be a delicious thing to acknowledge in canon. that he's convinced himself that it was the girl who changed him but that's not actually the case. that there can be just as profound of an emotional effect illicited by a guy who was protecting what he loves. that it was a multitude of things. that he might have convinced himself because he's used to the type of dynamic tommy gave him - always instigating, provoking, never holding him accountable. and that's never jonathan, who is principled and thoughtful and observant. and it's only a little bit nancy, who has been forced and grown past that.
steve himself tries to put his situation in easy terms that conform to society's pre-occupation with women as the emotional sponges, with cishet normative romance, but it doesn't work. because it's not real. and steve can no longer hide from reality.
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druidposting · 1 year
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Response by @gorgynei on this post;
I honestly dont even have much to add to this comment because I completely agree. Everything we know about Tharizdun is framed around how he's different from the other deities in some alien way. It's apparently also said that "It is feared that the nature of Tharizdun, being unlike the other deities, could shatter the Divine Gate alone if unleashed", which is presumably why they have him chained and bound by the prime trammels and the six shackles. The other Betrayer gods were all banished, but Tharizdun is the only one who had to be (and continues to be) physically chained within its plane.... Besides Predathos, who had to be physically bound within Ruidus and sealed behind a divine gate. So.
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renthedevil · 2 months
ya know it’s probably just a design choice buut it would be really funny that Troy’s not a natural blond bc his eyebrows are black (in the official art that i could find anyway lol)
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pikahlua · 5 months
Horikoshi is attacking me personally with this chapter
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