#It's the guilt tripping I'm telling you
seysei · 2 years
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Let's be fr he dominated everyone with this I'm laughing, but jokes aside misono being under his brothers protection even while the said big brother is not present will always get me. See how Jeje shot on the ground to push him away so he wouldn't be cought up in this like the rest when he drinks the blood.
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cruilty-ink · 7 months
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Guess what week it is :>
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suokumi · 6 months
A friendly reminder not to bully artist for not drawing you gifts
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a-rand0m-bl0g · 4 months
Reminder to ALL my followers and ESPECIALLY my mutuals.
I have severe anxiety and I tend to overthink what people say and I am also extremely self conscious.
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If you're my friend... I think about you a lot.
#mine#most of the day I'm thinking about the people I care about#trying to cheer you up if something's gone wrong#oh you'd like this song I think. wish I could say this to you hope I remember after work. wonder what you're up to#feeling my feelings and thinking my thoughts and putting the words together to tell you about it because I want us both to get to share#and most of this is over text so like it's gonna be different and probablynmore detached for most people#and people are busy and I disappear when I'm busy or not up for talking but#I've been feeling like an afterthought a little#I'm trying to take steps back and not put so much tume and effort into reaching out to people if they're not reciprocating but...#it really doesn't feel good#you're on my mind and I want you around and I want to hear what's up and what you're thinking about and how you're doing#and I guess. i want to be on your mind too. i want to hear that I'm present in your life even when I'm not nect to you.#this is specifically about my closest friends and my partner I'm not asking acquaintances to tell me how much they think I'll like something#but like. hey? you tell me you love me. what does that mean for you?#not as a guilt trip but genuinely I am building my personal version of love and maybe I'm not seeing what you're doing. love languages etc#but I am feeling very alone. and not very loved#I'm not too sure what to do about this. I'll keep trying to talk about it#at some point I have to acknowledge when people aren't listening or can't do what I'm asking though
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scrawnytreedemon · 10 months
So many Tumblr posts, even joke posts, consist of ordering people what do do.
#scrawny rambles#people have pointed out adjacent topics before#like guilt-tripping and shaming#but god the sheer amount of posts on this platform that are just telling people what they should and shouldn't do???#someone will like something or want to see more of it#and instead of doing more themselves or hyping up the thing they like#they take this weirdly bitchy condescending smiling-through-your-teeth tone saying why y o u should do it#usually including that you're not doing it because of x negative reason#i don't even disagree with the core topic or the thing they like most of the time#i'm just so fucking sick of it#i see this alot when it comes to shipping stuff too. and. ugh.#hot fucking tip: you're not going to get people to consider this thing with zeal if you're making it sound like a chore#all fan-creations come from passion and you're not going to inspire passion with guilt#or condescension#even if what you are pointing out is infact correct and true#as a bisexual afab *something* it makes me more intimidated to go into these spaces#i'm *less* likely to do it#like on that particular topic it is not wrong to say misogyny has tinted both the way female characters are created and handled!#that it is infact shitty that they get sidelined by their male peers even those more underdeveloped them#but like. most of these people aren't actively trying to be misogynistic. and most of them are also subject to *some* flavour of misogyny#you're guilting the victims of the phenomenon for struggling to connect with characters tinted *by* misogyny#it isn't just that they're underdeveloped it's that they're like. less than representation. if you get what i mean.#unfortunately of course this ends up carrying into characters that are genuinely well developed and that is shitty#it's good to point that out! but would it kill you to cut down on the guilt-tripping and *painfully* evident bitterness#this stupid topic has been losing me sleep for awhile now send tw-- ah shit. x?#lmaooo
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dredshirtroberts · 1 month
pardon me while i emotionally process all over everything
Monday's just decided to kick off really hard - it's only the one thing, and it's just stewing in the back of my mind really hard and has been for *checks time stamps* 2.5 hours.
the important thing for me to remember is my dad (and my mom too) is not owed nor does he deserve an explanation for why i cut him and mom off. They truly honestly probably do not understand why I made that choice and frankly i think the fact that that hasn't changed over the past year is telling about how little they truly look at their own actions.
I want to explain but as soon as I put it into words, I can immediately strike myself down with the things that I know they will say. Any attempt at giving any explanation will be met with denial and that's just not a battle I feel like participating in.
I spent my whole life doing the emotional heavy lifting for my family of origin and I got tired of it. I'm struggling with the way my brain is wired because of it on a daily basis. This effects my whole life and my loved ones. And it didn't even do what it was supposed to when i developed the coping mechanisms.
I am really really cognizant of it because we've added a 4th person to our home and I'm scrambling to learn them and their tells and their moods quickly so I can be The Best At Helping in any situation. And I'm running into the wall of "that's not my job and is generally unwelcome unless asked for specifically" and so I am sat here taking in footsteps and movement styles and tones of voice trying to catalog them for future reference and not being able to do anything with that and knowing it's a flawed coping skill to deal with an unstable and volatile home life in my early childhood and I just want more than ANYTHING to be able to backsass and confront my parents about the way they've fucked me up and I can't.
i will type it all out and immediately change my mind - the words aren't correct, they can never be correct because the words don't matter. I could say everything perfectly and it wouldn't make any difference because my parents are dead set on invalidating any stance I make for myself and myself alone.
And also guilt tripping at the end of truly bad news (but like, neutral truly bad news) is not the way to get an explanation. It's a way to make me angry that I cannot begin the proper grieving process ahead of time because you're making a last ditch attempt to dig into me and not let me get away without an answer to the question you do not deserve to have answered. There was no indication they have looked at themselves and seen the way that they treated me was bad enough to cause my brain to splinter into multiple different people just in order to get by. They do not understand how much i wanted to die when I was trying to be a good kid for them. And they can't understand because they didn't pay attention then so me telling them about it now will look like i'm making things up.
They also have in the past given me large sums of money that I didn't have to work for dad to get, but it always came with other - more fraught - strings to deal with. and knowing that they bailed me out makes me feel super guilty for not giving them an explanation but it also really hammers home how much I just cannot say "you treated me badly" because they will throw that money in my face and say "we did everything for you, we deserve your love for the bare minimum of affection!" and money, btw, is not affection but they don't know that and now I have to figure that shit out.
and also we never repaired our relationship after I stopped working for him. I'm pretty sure he took my leaving the company personally - and he should, it was because of him I couldn't work for him anymore - but i know it's been worked around in their minds as my choice for completely unfathomable reasons that they clearly just cannot wrap their heads around because it doesn't make sense. why would i just cut them off, they've been good parents! why would I just leave the company, he was a great boss!
but they weren't, and he wasn't, and I suffered for it and I hid my suffering and because i hid my pain (as i was taught to do from VERY early on because i have been in pain MY WHOLE LIFE) they will never believe i was in it in the first place. because they don't believe me about my physical pains either and never have. why would they care about the mental and emotional pains?
they'd probably also come back with "Everyone's messed up by their parents, you need to just get over it" if I did bring up that their behavior towards me fucked me over. Because that's what they've said in the past - maybe not directly to me but in general.
a lot of my assumptions of their responses are based on what they used to just say. or continue to say. or how they'd say it. or how they'd talk about specific other people who i didn't think were bad people but boy did the way they talk about them make me go "well i guess i can't like that person now" and it isolated me from everyone. I had no way out, I had no escape i had no one but myself.
well and my internet friends but for a very long time I had a hard time remembering those were real fucking people on the other end of the internet connection, because i didn't have anyone else but the computer and those who i had a connection to through said computer.
oh and the reason this all came up?
my grandpa's going into hospice - he was in the hospital all weekend. he's the one with cancer that he stopped treating because the treatments were taking too much of a toll on his body. They had to cut their vacation short to take my grandparents back home and that same day my grandpa went into the hospital - dad made sure to mention the vacation to me, because i guess that's important. Didn't tell me any details on how the hospice thing is going to work (maybe he didn't know, maybe he didn't think that's important for me coordinating how to contact my grandparents to check in but whatever), but it was imperative that i know that their vacation ended early so they could take him home. And it was important to guilt trip me at the end to try and reopen communication with me on the email i deliberately did not give out to them, and they had to circumvent my blocks elsewhere in order to acquire because they didn't ask me for it.
I don't know how many people in my family know I'm not talking to my parents. I don't know how far that information has spread I don't know who leaked my email to them (that's a strong way of phrasing it but it feels about as violating, since i rock up into my inbox today and get jumpscared by my fucking dad's name and his absolutely abysmal choice in subject lines. literally could have said "grandpa update" or something similar. no he just said "Stuff" and then opens with "Hope you're doing well. Grandpa's in the hospital" and like????
he got lucky i opened it because i can see the message preview and knew it had important information. I might have seen it and gone "y'know, I don't care what he has to say about "stuff"" and hit delete and not known.
but like WTF dad. wtf.
go to hell, my dude. go to the absolute eebiest of deebies you cuntwaffle.
and take mom with you.
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constellationcrowned · 9 months
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((I want everyone to keep something in mind in regards to this blog and this is going to sound like a general, common sense post (and in a way it is) but it's also hi I'm in your house, whispering into your ear, telling you to call ga//amestop and ask them if they have bat//tleto//ads---, blah blah, basically it's personal too:
With me, regardless of blog or content, both communication and engagement go hand in hand. Communication and engagement needs to go both ways.
I love posting and reblogging memes and calls and will continue to do so but you folks---old mutual or new mutual doesn't matter---need to take the initiative yourself sometimes too. Be enthusiastic. Be spontaneous. Be proactive. I don't want to ask people to write with me all of the damn time nor do I want to chase after people all of the time because if I have to do that constantly over and over again it starts feeling incredibly one sided even when it isn't (because ofc people have lives, specific interests, anxiety, and whatever else which are all things that I deal with myself and I understand how that can stop someone from doing something, but that's how it feels especially over an extended period of time) and I don't need to explain how disheartening and draining that can be.
My seeming to interact with only one person---and for both of my blogs it's @magioffire and we all know that---it's not because we're being stuck up, elitist or whatever inane and incorrect term people want to throw at our feet it's because we engage and communicate. The give and take between us (both from an ic and ooc standpoint) never feels imbalanced or even transactional (I really hate using that word but, again I gotta stress this, that's how this makes me feel) and I have never felt like I needed to chase them down for an interaction or had to fight for a scrap of their time---which feels like a feat bc Blair has a lot of people scrambling at their door---and I cannot tell you how huge that is. That sounds like a huge sweeping thing to say, I know, but I mean it in all of the little ways too. I could post some stupid bullshit on here; not a starter or a meme just a little random muse thought or observation, and 100% of the time here comes Blair telling me what they think or adding on to it or just...whatever. They're here for both me and my muses for the big and small things, whenever I've asked and, more often than not, when I haven't (or couldn't) and that's incredibly important. It's that kind of stuff that makes what we have special and that's putting it super lightly. And yes, our relationship both as friends and as writers has developed over a long time, and we did click immediately that's true, but there's never been any doubt to cast upon the work and effort both of us have put forth.
And this post isn't to say that I'm demanding constant or immediate attention from you all---because, again, we all have lives, health issues, etc, etc, and all of that takes precedence over a hobby as I've said before and will say again and again---but....put some effort into it when you have the capability. Yes, like the calls that I post or send a meme in, absolutely, but also message me on your own and ask a question or shoot a muse a random prompt or just @ me in a post. Show me some enthusiasm and engagement on your end because right now it feels like I'm doing all the work all of the time and that's tiring. I'm tired of handing stuff to people all of the time---I'll keep doing it, obviously, because I need and want to engage on my end and love throwing stuff at people and providing opportunities---all I'm asking for is understanding and reciprocation.
If you can't reciprocate for whatever reason? Tell me.
If you're unsure about something, no matter what that something is? Tell me.
If you need help or even a specific kind of accommodation in order for us to start interacting or continue interacting? Tell me.
Don't just assume that I don't want to write with you or that you can't ask me for things. Don't assume that I'm being a snob or whatever else just because I seem to be paying attention to a certain mun full time because do you know what that actually is? That's friendship. That's effort. That's me giving back what I've been given. That's me reciprocating the enthusiasm, love and creativity that I've been handed, nothing more. There's nothing unobtainable or gatekeep-y about that either, you just need to be earnest and forthcoming with me and I can assure you that I'll return the favor in kind.))
#;;ooc: mun muttering#long post#this isn't a guilt trip of any sort (it doesn't even feel right calling it a vent tbh) I'm just being earnest in my point here#I'm tired of constantly pulling teeth (and this is an issue for both old and new mutuals rather than one over the other)#it just....doesn't feel good. there shouldn't be this much of a struggle for *any* of us#and are we all going to end up on the same level as what I have with Blair? No absolutely not and that's not what I'm asking for#the difference between them and you all is the lack of struggle and just...the earnestness to put it mildly#I'm honestly tired of people trying to give me shit for writing w/ them so much because??? why wouldn't I???#getting mad because I'm having a blast with someone who wants to write with me and actually does/tells me? that's nothing to be jealous of!#in fact you should strive for it yourself!! you could have it all too if you just crawled out of your own hole and thought for a second#I am incredibly fucking lucky and blessed to write with Blair; they've greatly influenced me both as a person and as a writer;#and every day I return that kindness and attention with more (hopefully) great content regardless of what or who we're writing#because they do the exact same thing for me every single day and that should be celebrated#stop wasting time trying to pit people against each other or feeling left out and actually step in yourself#I've said this before and I'll say it again: the main thing holding you back from interacting with me is you#so think about it and just...get over whatever is telling you that you can't and just do the fuckin thing. come have fun
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aeterna---amantes · 1 year
|| Ofc since Saturday we had a program, yesterday we had a program, today spouse made a program as well because why would ANYONE stay at home on their last fucking rest day?
I'm not looking forward to go out with my family YET AGAIN. Honestly I just want to stay home, write or play games - fifth anniversary of Detroit: Become Human and I got my first broom in Hogwarts Legacy yesterday so I could spend time having fun alone as well -, I have three fic wips and tons of roleplays I want to answer on here and on my side blogs but I simply DO NOT HAVE THE TIME. You can't even IMAGINE how frustrating this is.
And tomorrow I'll have to go to work! Fucking insane! I WANT TO PULL MY FUCKING HAIR OUT!!!!!
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robotpussy · 1 year
its always "be your own person, i support you self expressing yourself" but as soon as i mention anything i want to do all of a sudden its the wrong decision and i should just do whatever my mum tells me
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areyoudoingthis · 10 months
it's so fucked up that people keep telling me that my parents love me and suggesting I shouldn't cut contact with them while I'm trying desperately to process and put into words all the ways in which my parents hurt me throughout my life, all the things i should see as violent instead of normalizing them and excusing them or pretending they don't exist
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bokettochild · 2 years
My mom: Please tidy the bookshelves
The bookshelves:
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Me: *does as told, talking to myself quietly about the books and trying to track down different pieces of at least five different series' at once*
My mom: You sure like talking to yourself, huh?
Me: Why not? It's not as if I'm going to tell myself to stop talking
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altruistic-meme · 11 months
was gonna say i can't believe my mother would pull this shit, but actually I can believe it
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ablednt · 1 year
Being a systeen in an adult system while also being the host is such an experience because like yeah there's the obvious "I have to act the body's age most of the time bc singlets don't know how to interact with systeens" thing but like you'll end up playing therapist for your headmates toxic girlfriends who tell you to call them mom like ok points for accuracy but ma'am I am 15 and I do not want to bear the brunt of your relationship problems. You know this all of our dynamics hinged around the fact a systeen was frontstuck why are you talking shit about me and putting all this pressure on me I am internally a child come on
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oreana-galena · 2 years
Stop stalking me!
CW: mentions of sa / stalking
Wendi.. if you're here, stalking my profiles... get the FUCK OUT OF HERE...
You stalked me for 8 yrs after our breakup. I remember you and not in a pleasant way. You ruined me even during our relationship. You were not EVER healthy for me.
I don't care what changes life may have graced you.
I DON'T.. Leave me alone!
It's NINE years later, and you're still finding and stalking around my socials?
I get it, I never changed my online name. I'm easy to find. But that means: it's EASY to avoid me!
You never. EVER. had my consent in mind when we were together. Those dark moments live forever in my brain, and I won't forget it.
8 yrs later, and you STILL show up??
I'm livid. Shaking. The fact you hit like on 2 images on my Instagram shows you're hovering around my stuff. Probably testing the waters.
The waters are still not for you to swim in. Go away. Right now!
Block me like I did you on Instagram! Leave. Me. alone...
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tristanrambles · 1 year
Me through clenched teeth with a white-knuckled grip on my pen: My Art has Value, the Only One who has to Like it is Me, My Art has Value---
#tristan rambles#it's so frustrating that i KNOW i should care about my art for me and not worry about the level of attention it gets#but there's still the part of me that just wants someone to look at something i make and go 'wow...' and tell me the details they notice#i guess i want to make something worth falling a little in love with. enough to make an impact and be worth spending spoons to talk about#i want someone to see a character design i make or textures/colors i use and go !!!! and share that feeling with me#maybe i'll get there and feel more solid in my abilities one day! i'm still gonna art regardless and make things that make me happy.#i want to keep growing and learning and i'm still excited for the journey and every step i'll take to becoming a better artist#but i wish it was easier to set aside the internal expectations and not have my joy at making something tarnished because#my brain can't let go of the idea that not getting enough responses/the ''right'' responses means my art isn't ''good enough''#tbh the change in attention is unsurprising given i've shifted into more original character stuff instead of fandom. i expected it too#but the logical understanding doesn't hold up against the emotional yearning sometimes. and it's annoying as heck.#but it's also my problem and my own thing to unpack. this isn't a guilt trip so much as me wanting to throttle the part of my brain#that can't let go of the desire for attention to such a degree it's taking away from my enjoyment of the process#like fuck you my guy let me like things and feel proud without staring at the numbers/replies
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