#Its the Amalgam
orbdotexe · 3 months
bc i need cryptid to know what i mean when i say. The Amalgam.
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I plan to connect both of them. The Floof Arch.
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parallelpie · 4 months
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It's shocking at how many versions of this bot can fit this motto to a T.
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breadmecoshy · 2 months
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Experimenting with style on these two
I feel a little empty, since I finally finished the oumota comic. I can start drawing another one while I have the strength....
I have comic ideas that are tearing my soul apart. Or I can just draw something romantic ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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martyryo · 3 months
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Happy late women's day 😼
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dayurno · 2 months
robin cross and kevin day parallels actually go so crazy. they both spent their formative years in a basement underground with exy-obsessed captors. they both saw exy as freedom. they both were isolated even within the foxes’ group of outcasts. they were both under andrew’s protection. it cost kevin jean to leave the nest and it cost robin another girl’s life to escape her kidnapper. robin carried her racquet with her to self-soothe and kevin restrings the net of his when he’s anxious. they’re even bird coded
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Mushroom body
(for @mikkeneko)
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jet-teeth · 10 months
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Another concept/sketch batch I have been sitting on for a while, suppose I could toss this out into the aether now haha Basically it's a whole chaos space marine warband based around mimicry and infiltration - they look like a suspiciously normal space marine chapter from the outside but OOPS! It's all mimics.
(And not just the space marines/power armor, but everything is game: crew fused with their vehicles, transforming weapon "familiars," etc. It gets silly.)
They stem from the Raven Guard but can end up anywhere, and will take on the colors/appearance necessary to pass undetected. there is a catch though: their presence has a tendency to cause things around them to start to warp and glitch and in extreme cases, essentially cause little warp micro-rifts that end up mimic-ifyng things around them - so they pretty much have to operate solo to have the best chance at keeping their disguise up.
This CAN work to their advantage though if they are attacking in full-force as a warband, and some older members might have fallen too far to Chaos to keep up a normal "shell" anymore, so the overly mutated fellows have to be put to different uses (in fact, there a degree of hierarchy of mutation stages that influences how they organize themselves as a warband & determines everyone's primary functions. And it's not really one over the other either - there are not all that many of them, so they have more luck spreading their influence clandestinely versus relying on brute force of any kind, that would have to be for emergencies. So, some of the more senior & mutated fellows might be more powerful on a physical/psychic level, but it is also like a forced retirement from their infiltration role, so it limits what they can do to further the warband's interests.)
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nicolloyd · 24 days
my hot ninjago confession take is that im not really into the shipping culture and i have come to accept it
like if its canon or close to canon then sure but anything else im just not too into, id rather focus on the family dynamics between in the show :)
i hope to one day find my people where u @
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himejoshiangels · 2 months
unfortunately thinking hard abt how Bruce meets duke at three vastly different times in his life and how he watched the innocence and cheer leave him as he got older and more jaded only for his spirit to blaze with hope when he matures into the signal
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rugwurm · 6 months
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back to my roots
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elkaseltzer · 2 months
asking for definitely no reason absolutely no drawing in progress why do you ask? details of the types of deer below the poll
Blacktail- known for having large ears. common in western america
Whitetail- known for (gasp) having white tails. common in western america.
Elk- second largest species in deer family, although most people dont really think of them as deer. known for screaming. common in foresty america.
Reindeer- you know dasher and dancer and donner and vixen. found in mountainous northern america.
Coues- a specific type of whitetail. called "grey ghosts", they are known for being elusive. common in arizona mountains
Roe- small, reddish deer. has antlers that look actually pretty close to his. not native to america
Fallow- the deers with the spotted backs. usually kept deer, not necessarily wild in america. invasive to united states
Red- one of the largest deer species. they bark and roar. often dark red/brown with cream bellies. used as venison. have been found in texas, georgia, and pennsylvania
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howlonomy · 2 months
First of all, This AU, your art, and m!clover are just- kicking my hyperfixation to a whole new level, tbh. I adore all of this sosososo much and I was deadass stimming from how excited I was!
On that note! You've mentioned that Clover has the (albeit small outside of very specific circumstances) possibility of melting with too much DT, so as such, my angst loving ass, wonders if you could give us an idea as to how that might look, if that's okie!
(And as an aside: This is purely headcanon, but with the little heart (soul?) attacks they already have sometimes, I imagine that if they tried to force themselves to keep going through an attack, their body would not like it, and start dripping just a little bit, stabilizing again when things calm down, but it still begins. For instance, if an attack happened during a serious battle or smth. and they couldn't just stop, for obvious reasons.)
Anywho! Those are just some thoughts after reading through literally all of your monster clover au stuff over the span of a few days!
FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU!!! that makes me so happy to hear how much you’ve been enjoying the au augahaug 🥹🥹
second of all, here ya go!!
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i imagine the caption would be something like “you feel the eyes of judgment weighing upon your soul” or something like that. AND I LOVE THAT IDEA SO MUCH i think something like that would happen outside of this little au within and au as well!!
clover practicing new attacks with kanako and they push themselves a little too far and just. a fleck of dust shakes off their hand. its not great but it gives good standard for what their limits are.
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wasabijean · 6 months
rip freakazoid you would’ve loved tumblr
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gayvampyr · 1 year
it is very frustrating to see AI art on instagram get tens, even hundreds of thousands of likes and shares and views meanwhile art made by actual people that took hours upon hours of labor gets no attention at all. very soul-crushing reality that makes me want to give up on sharing my art
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annie-of-the-arts · 7 months
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stimmy ena for all of your stimmy ena needs
[reblogs > likes + reblog my art!!!!! now!!!]
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xxalphaclownxx · 18 days
alenoah this, noco that, noaheather here, nemma there,,
what u guys r missing out on is NOSÉ‼️‼️‼️
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