#Ivan is a necromancer
ghostcond · 11 months
necromancy needs to come with a free therapist or SOMETHING dude, this can't keep happening
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bloodredx · 8 months
Day 18: Found Family
Placing her teacup back on the saucer with a gentle clink, Lady Serena looked out across her garden as the flowers swayed in the breeze. It was a peaceful night, the moon full and bright cast long shadows over the courtyard. Across the ways, her ward was muttering to himself as he pulled weeds. The words he mispronounced were the ancient ones she taught him. A hint of a smile touched the corner of her lips.
“Having a good night, my lady?” Elysia’s voice was soft as she poured a refill of warm blood into Serena’s now empty cup.
“Certainly.” Her fingers wrapped around the warm cup, indulging in the gentle heat.
“You seem pleased with something.” The calming blue of her eyes sparkled in the low light.
She stifled a small chuckle. “Nothing of note, Elysia. Just take it as the internal musing of an old woman.”
Elysia pulled out her own chair after pouring a cup for herself, taking a seat and adjusting the skirt of her dress with precision. “I don’t think that you’ve ever mused. Not like that.”
“No, I don’t suppose I have.” She took another sip, eyes drifting up to the roof to see her consort meditating, his silver curls following along with the breeze. Serena had half the mind to believe her was redirecting the wind himself, he may well could have been. She focused again on her lady-in-waiting. “Is Ivan well?”
Elysia now smiled herself. “I think he’s fine. Things have calmed down for us recently. Thank you for that.”
“It was nothing, really. Considering… everything…” Serena closed her eyes a moment, reflecting solemnly. “I really ought to be the one thanking you.”
“Oh, I-“
Serena raised a hand to stop her. “Speak nothing on it. The comradery is far more than enough in recompense.” The normal frigidness in her tone had evaporated. “Truly, you and the others mean more than I have words for.”
Elysia turned her head, not sure of what to do or say. The Lady spoke candidly often, especially in her work, but never about herself or her emotions. Yet somehow, it felt right, not forced or artificial like some other words. As if some turmoil had finally begun to settle down within her lady’s heart. “Seems like we’ve settled into place.”
Smiling behind her teacup, Serena agreed softly. “So it would seem.”
(OC-tober prompts by @oc-tober2023 can be found here. Elysia and Ivan belong to @gi-ie-ru.)
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drfirsnogayny · 8 months
Some sketches from Biolitary school in Halloween style
I asked permission from @gabycantart
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Matilda is an angel, Prescott is a demon (or opposite). Emily is a scientist (most likely a mechanical scientist). Elilah is a clown. Coriander and Janet are doctor and nurse.
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Snake is an alien. Joseph and Gustav are pirates. Susie is a ghost mermaid. Mr. Rhonda and Jimmy are Druids. Ivan is a necromancer. And Cory's kitty.
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Agatha is a werewolf, like the other Hall Monitors.
Maybe I'll do more later
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xerith-42 · 2 months
What if we would actually include some minecraft mobs in mcd rewrites?
We talked about Endermen being called void creatures, or maybe voidlings
And then we have zombies, and skeletons.
Although creepers would prove to be difficult, and there's also the question of why are zombies a thing?
Shadowknights are undead beings, and we see ghosts. But what about zombies? Why would they exist? Maybe because of magic in the ground? Causing some area's to be infected with zombies and skeletons and the sort. With this magic possessing dead biodies. Maybe they're shadow souls attempting to possess a dead body?
Shadow souls are such an unused and overlooked part in mcd to be honest.
Either I leave out creepers, or they could be smaller creatures. Like a big bug. That explodes when it dies due to some kind of chemical reaction. (And sometimes leaves ice cream behind/J)
I've wanted to figure out how to adapt mobs into my writing for so long and you just hit the nail on the head!! Zombies could come from like a graveyard or burial sight that gets hit with magic or even fully reanimated by a necromancer type beat. Nana uses her magic to control dolls. Who's to say maybe Ivan or Zachary couldn't have the control magic to rise an army of the dead?
Obviously it isn't easy, takes a lot of training, and a lot of physical strength, but it would be so cool to see! And maybe one of the skeletons they raise gains a level of autonomy to start acting and thinking and existing on their own. And they start talking. Just saying.
As for creepers, I always like taking the og Game Theory route and saying that they're a spore. A mushroom that once only grew in maybe the Ygadrisil forest, with the unique ability to sap away at the life force of the creatures it's bonded with in order to strengthen its own hive. Infected plants or people can be severed from the connection, but they still have that life force in their body. Maybe that's why Malachi experimenting with the sampling gave him life again.
And when that along with Aphmau planting one happens, the spore starts to spread but takes on a different form. A form of a wandering creature faintly reminiscent of humans, but distinctly not. And when aggravated, they explode to damage the thing aggravating them, and to respread a reduced number of the spores. So they can either lie in wait, or reform.
And maybe one part of the hive gets really into ice cream or somethin idk
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gayferret420 · 6 months
Originally Chase found out about the whole necromancy thing from Moana when Tabatha died for the umpteenth time
Moana taught him how to do it incase something bad happened to Tabatha when she was gone
He started testing it out on small things like toads and lizards and plants
It went well, so he started trying it on bigger things, like dogs, birds and other animals
He got really good at it and desperately wanted to try doing it on a human, but unfortunately getting your hands on a dead body is more difficult than you would think
But with some illegal methods and a few cops getting black eyes, he revived someone! Yippe!
And he DID do it well. Not as well as he does it now, but for his first time? He did amazingly!
Moana did have to fix the person up a little bit, but over all Chase did great!
And after that he started doing it more often, and eventually he got amazing at it.
Like your great great great great grandma who died in the 1930’s? He could bring her back as long as you have the body (which at that point has probably decomposed but yk it’s the thought that counts)
That bag in the fridge that’s labeled Dead Dove: do not eat? Make that Alive Dove: still do not eat
And when he moves to Amber Beach, he starts a business off of that!
He feels bad for charging people for it but have you seen how expensive rent is? And he doesn’t charge as much he probably should for such a service, the highest he’ll go is $3000 dollars, and if its a little kid or pet than he’ll do it for free
And of course, like all things that you desperately want to keep a secret from your friends, they find out
One day, when Chase wasn't there, Shelby burst into the base and slammed a paper down on the table, and told Tyler and Riley about this ad for a necromancy service, and they decided that they would investigate it
So they went to the cemetery (morphed to add intimidation factor) and saw a man digging up a grave
welp that's probably the guy
Shelby walked up to the man and tapped him on the shoulder
“Now what do you think you’re doing, Sir?”
The man replied, “Fuck off Shelby, I’m busy.”
“Chase? W-What the fuck are you doing?”
“Oh you know, just my job. Say, you wanna watch me revive this guy?”
“Wait, what? You can actually bring people back to life?”
“Well yeah, I wouldn’t offer the service if I couldn’t do it.”
“Uhm…sure then. Tyler and Riley are here too if you don’t mind them watching.”
“The more the merrier! Plus, now I get to show Riley magic.”
(chase and riley are dating btw. i didn’t know how to put that in sooner lmao)
After a bunch of revival bullshit and dealing with a very violent teenage girl everyone except Chase is pretty shaken up by the whole thing
And the fact that Chase is treating this so casually is not helping
Riley especially, because what do you even do with this information? Suddenly the dead can come back to life as if nothing happened and you just have to deal with that
And on top of all that you learn that your boyfriend has been doing this for months and hasn’t told anyone.
Riley was more concerned than angry since this wasn’t the most legal business and Chase could probably get in a lot of trouble for it
And also you know. Digging up corpses and seeing horribly mangled bodies every day probably isn’t good for the psyche
Plus not being afraid of death could possibly lead to some dangerous decisions (which it has and will)
So overall Riley is cautiously supportive while also wondering about the morals of bringing back the dead
Tyler is freaking out about it but in a “This is SO COOL DUDE!” way
And Shelby is also freaking out about it in the way you expect for someone to freak out about it
But in the end everyone is kinda on board with it at least a little bit
And they decide not to tell the other rangers because they don’t want Ivan to burn Chase at the steak because of witchcraft
And this is probably a bit much for Koda
And they don’t feel like dealing with Kendall
And there is more but this post is long as fuck so I might make another one about it
also if you want me to scream about this and other AU’s and just chiley in general to you directly feel free to dm me I need more friends
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mateushonrado · 29 days
Notable details on these four characters
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Status Post #10998: Now that Star Wars: The Bad Batch is over after a three-season run with a satisfying conclusion along with a flashforward epilogue (not unlike in Rebels) focusing on Omega and Hunter with the former accepting General Syndulla's offer to join the Rebel Alliance as a fighter pilot which hints at a possible appearance for her in future media like either The Mandalorian season 4, Ahsoka season 2 or something else, I just like to cover on the four Project Necromancer test subjects who had a high M-count like Omega in terms of their alien races and could make an appearance in a future instalment, given that they survived the events of the finale.
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Bayrn (voiced by Shelby Young) is an infant Tarlafar male who appeared in the third and final season as a recurring character. Tarlafars debuted in Solo: A Star Wars Story with the inclusion of Wamoth (played by Warwick Davis).
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Jax (voiced by Ivan Sinitsin) is a young Mirialan male who appeared in the third and final season as a recurring character. Notable Mirialans include Luminara Unduli, her former Padawan turned Inquisitor in training Barriss Offee, Synaran San and Vernestra Rwoh (who will appear in The Acolyte played by Rebecca Henderson) along with that he's one of the notable male Mirialans depicted outside comics and novels with examples from the latter two being Aven from Knights of the Old Republic, Merven Getter, who appeared in the High Republic series of the current continuity.
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Eva (voiced by Olwyn M. Whelan) is a young Iktotchi female who appeared in the third and final season as a recurring character. Notable Iktotchis include Jedi Master Saesee Tiin and Darth Cognus, who herself appeared in the Old Republic series from the Legends continuity.
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And last but not least, Sami (voiced by Naiya Singh Padilla) is a young Pantoran female who appeared in the third and final season as a recurring character. Notable Pantorans include Riyo Chuchi, Notluwiski Papanoida (who was in fact played by creator George Lucas in Revenge of the Sith) and his daughter Chi Eekway.
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sunflowerpieivan · 2 years
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I prepared something for Halloween too!👻🎃🌻✨
Maybe this is a little bit strange idea, but make Feli a necromancer and Ivan a zombie sounded funny and nice!
Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃🌻✨👻
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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Necromancer by Ivan Vilmant via ImaginaryWitches
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slasheru · 9 months
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nightmarist · 8 months
Alright finally writing our previous DnD session !
All previous parts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Yilcer | Part 5 |
The party has been shopping around, budgeting their treasures. They also came to an argument with Yilcer about whether her Archdruid Helvega is the same as the Sigurd Helvega they faced ages ago.
This particular session was very lore-heavy. I was worried they'd get bored, but pleasantly surprised by how immersed they were and how much they enjoyed piecing together bits of lore they each had, so I hope I can translate that well enough to text here.
Yilcer refuses to believe her Archdruid is the same Helvega as the necromancer they met, but it's mostly due to Ivan's petty one-sided feud with him: Ivan insists he's a bad guy because Sigurd let him drink his blood knowing it was tainted because he's "always wondered what would happen."
Tork had to mediate between them.
In the mean time, Xehara went back to one of the shop keeps, Zephyn, a Tiefling who has half his face seared to the bone, a seasoned adventurer who has definitely seen a lot. He asks Zephyn about his necklace, since Zephyn's wares are mostly jewelries. Zephyn personally isn't sure but suggests if it's magic and can't be taken off, he should ask a wizard or sorcerer.
The group gets back together and goes to Glamours and Gores, a magic and magic items shop run by a half-elf wizard named Dravor, dressed in midnight-black robes with subtle hints of gold threads, wearing gold pauldrons and chains.
Dravor sells them a few items, including some scrolls (Fireball, Speak With Dead, Grease, Disguise Self).
Dravor looks through a few of his tomes and tells Zehara the necklace is certainly of Ancient time, but can tell little beyond that. There is an enchantment attached to it, but he wouldn't necessarily call it a curse as much as he would call it soulbound. He did not detect any outright cursed or dark magic on the necklace, but it seems that its refusal to be removed is part of its duty, and that Xehara would have to be the one to find out what that is.
Yilcer wanted to open up a bank account since the ancient coins they have cost a fuckton of gold for just one. The Three Lizard Bank recognized her surname, Helvega, and asked if she was related. She at first didn't want to say, but passed a persuasion check after backtracking. They gave her a vault key to a Helvega vault. She at first refused to let anyone else go with her, wanting to discover the secrets of her Archdruid herself.
The vault was massive, but had very little actually inside.
Five portraits were stacked against the wall. She didn't recognize any except one: her Archdruid wearing a teal, armored robe holding a book, a quill, wearing a silver ring with a purple stone. But, what was unusual, is that his eyes were normal. White sclera, dark black irises.
There were stacks and stacks of letters neatly arranged, and several books. They were all in a language she didn't know, however, ad she cursed at herself, realizing the others were studying this language. She found a safety deposit box and opened it. Inside were:
A broken pearl necklace, a large amethyst flower, a large peridot flower, an opened letter with the wax seal preserved of an axe and a lavender stalk crossing but in a language she didn't know, two silver rings with an amethyst and a peridot respectively (that she recognized one as in the portrait) with engraved phrases in another language, four small black obelisks, and a pitch black dagger coated in rust or old blood.
She went back and very frustratedly demanded the others go with her.
They had ONE scroll of Comprehend Languages and had to choose which of the items they were going to read. I gave them the choice of:
A stack of old letters. A stack of new letters. A stack of ancient books.
Either way I was going to give them the safety deposit box letter and rings for free since they're quick reads.
Everyone examined all the items in the room.
The group recognized the portraits as the indiiduals from the Godkiller temple as well as portraits hanging in Sigurd's office at the Elk God's temple: Eloise Starguard, Asa Heilung, Razvra Zhiat, and finally a portrait of Sigurd himself. However, the fifth was recognized but unexpected: A heroic portrait of a middle-aged man with chopped brown hair and scruffy beard. He is Xehara's target.
Everyone mulled over these portraits.
Xehara and Tork looked at the two stacks of books. One of them was a stack of language books in many languages. They recognized Sigurd's handwriting in various notes, as it seemed he was learning all these languages himself. The second stack of books were neat and they passed a check to determined they were preserved by the same magic that had been preserving Razvra's body (and now-decapitated head....)
Tork and Xehara passed a Wisdom check so I allowed them to understand the subject of the books but not fully translate them. They were five books about the Usherian Pantheon, seemingly each about a god, but couldn't decipher what the fifth book as about.
Yilcer is the one who used the Comprehend Language scroll and chose to translate the older stack of letters.
Here's a copy paste of my notes:
Sigurd details that there is a sickness disturbing the local flora and fauna in a way that seems unnatural or supernatural. He asks permissions to travel to the temples, as the Divination Chambers seem to be having difficulties connecting to the gods. It’s a strange, otherworldly thing he’s never seen before. But, like any illness, Sigurd insists he can take it.
Asa seems to be the first of his companions, as he sends a letter to the central Ushurian temple, the Temple of the Quartet, detailing her aid in soothing frenzied creatures that have come to illness. The Temple of the Quartet seems to be located near Fjorsom and Brislat. Asa is apparently a warrior nun dedicated in Ranger arts. She and Sigurd travel to Draghule together and find the dragon god suffers the illness. He details the symptoms:
It is of ragged breath, drooling from its mouth with a wretched stench of death. It is rather unable to move and appears to have a bloat. He and Asa, as skilled healers each and Asa of great animal-clinictic study do what they can to aid the Great Dragon, but little seems to help it. Sigurd informs the Temple of the Quartet he will attempt his Final Measure, and perhaps self-study its signs and symptoms. They reply to him with prayers for his own health, and thank him for his sacrifice.
He details that after curing the illness, he and Asa were blessed by the visage of Galdramadur Himself, in draco-humanoid glory, thanking him for his service and sacrifice. The god seems to be doing much better, and even said that the mortal coils of the great beast God-Avatars can occasionally suffer mortal-inflictions. Sigurd, however, tells the Temple he does not find this illness to be very…. Mortal.
Sigurd has hired a band of mercenaries to travel with him and fellow priests, to protect them from the troubles that would meet them traveling from Osanisk to the southeastern shores to travel to Aeonaclys.
Letters are addressed to his mother. He has a few letters from his mother praying for his safety. A few of the letters describe the band of mercenaries, a barbarian, a fighter, a pair of wizards, two paladins briefly, small things about their origins and personalities. A few funny things, such as Asa scolding them for brutishness towards animals and plants. He details one particular paladin longer than the others – the description is certainly Razvra.
He keeps in touch with his mother. His mother calls him Siggy.
In Aeonaclys, he mentions to a nun that an Angel barred them from entering Morthana’s temple at first. He reveals it was because Morthana’s avatar had been sick, as well, but eventually allowed him upon realizing he healed both Galdramadur, Desmaduke, and Ranmaya. Morthana herself soothed him a most dreadful tale. He does not write this tale, only insists that when he returns, it would cause a dire stir amongst the worshipers and can only be told in person.
Aloise, an Angel, joins him as she feels it is her duty to do so.
He tells his mother about small things. He tells her he thinks Razvra would enjoy their farm because he enjoys gardening, and hopes to show him someday. He said Razvra also likes horses, and tells her they should get one or two. Razvra’s horse is named Tabernackle. He includes a drawing of Razvra combing its hair.
He finished cleansing each God-Avatar. 
He is asked a few times by clinicians and worshipers about his health. He insists it’s simply taking time for his own body to heal such an alien illness. He assures them he will be fine. It’s no different from healing a flue or a leper.
Most of the letters thereafter are between Sigurd and The Three (Razvra, Eloise, Asa), detailing small everyday things of their lives, keeping in touch for years. There seems to be a lot of peace now. Razvra and he live in a place called Alma, on their own farm. Sigurd’s mother had passed and he was given well-wishes – there are flowers pressed between these letters.
Asa has children in the Brislat grove. Eloise jokingly complains of the never-ending petty mortal sufferings she hears as a Guardian in Aeonaclys. Eloise and Asa both ask him about his health. He says it’s hard to keep it contained, but his body can manage it. It’s the least he can do for faith.  
More time passes but new letters to them state Razvra is going with him “like old times” to visit the temples and god-avatars to cleanse the Godsickness again. Eloise and Asa both tell him to be careful, reminding him that his body is still recovering from last time. He cleanses them all again. Years pass.
New letters state his worry that the sickness is returning at exponential rate. He cleanses the gods, but they only get sick again. Eloise and Asa offer to help him, they’re own clerical abilities they believe could combine with his. He refuses, saying he doesn’t want to put his beloved companions in any danger.
Months pass.
He writes to them he fears the god-avatars are beyond saving, or will be soon, but the priests refuse to believe him.
Asa and Eloise insist he must make them see truth, that the avatars are still bound to mortal coil.
Sigurd tells them the priests are afraid the gods would cease if their avatars cease. Sigurd insists that the gods use the avatars to deal with mortal complications but otherwise would be powerful enough to resume new coils. They are GODS. The primordial essence of all life. They would not “cease”
They each agree to search for new Great Beasts that can withstand the power of the gods.
Months go by between letters, some are from Sigurd to priests, priests being upset with his line of thinking, finding him blasphemous to think anything could contain the Godsouls. Sigurd insists that avatars need not necessarily be Beasts, but any powerful being willing and capable of becoming the mouthpiece for a god would do.
Many letters are collected, addressed to Sigurd, from many priests, priestesses, nuns, monks, nobility, commoner, renouncing him as a Blasphemer. He has been stripped of his title as Ascendant Priest.
Sigurd vaguely mourns in a letter he has blood of his brothers on his hands for the foolishness of blindness. And soon, the blood of his greatest devotion will be on his hands, too.
The rest of the letters are only from Asa and Eloise, frequently writing to him, asking for his reply, asking for Razvra’s reply, asking Razvra to keep Sigurd safe. They resort to begging for an answer before the letters stop. Sigurd had one, seemingly unsent reply: I can fix it.
In between the letters are various illustrations (that I did not draw lol)
Some drawings of Razvra, Asa, and Eloise, mostly doing mundane things: Razvra brushing his horse's hair, Asa gholding her hand out to a small animal, Eloise hanging laundry on makeshift posts, some various figure drawings of various monks, nuns, priests, and priestesses, a few drawings of buildings, a few of the interior of the Forge Temple but with people, a few of the Elk temple but with people, a few of an oceanic temple, a few of a stone temple, a blood stained drawing of the goblet.
Ivan stealthed and took the drawing of the goblet (as a reminder, his people were said to be created by the magic of a goblet, and some time go he found and took the very goblet out of the Godkiller temple, but has very little knowledge of its true purpose otherwise)
The group told Yilcer they've been to two of the sketched temples and described vaguely what the found there, but told her little else.
I also let them read the rings and deposit letter.
The letter read:
Happiness, many believe, is the enchanted palaces we read of in our childhood, where fierce, fiery dragons defend the entrance and approach; and monsters of all shapes and kinds, requiring to be overcome ere victory is ours. But I know this work, and I know this life. I know the fear that punctuates the depths of the gut, the heartbeat of finality when you believe you are on death’s final knell. But I too know happiness. The mending of the soul that comes after gore, the soothing of gash wounds by the palest, most charming light, the tenderness of a kiss to the smallest scrape. I will always the sword-arm to he who is forever my healer, the mend of my heart – Sigard Vega
Ring with a dark purple stone says: Until Nothing Remains
Ring with a dark green stone says: Except for Our Regrets
Knowing Razvra and Sigurd had been married, they determined these were their wedding rings, vows, and gifts. They asked to see my illustrations again and everyone said how sad it was realizing the rings and flowers were in their respective color palettes:
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They determined everything in the deposit box was particularly special, and almost ritualistic. They determined (without my confirmation but they are correct) that the four obelisks were likely tied to the fact there were originally Four Champions (Sigurd, Razvra, Asa, Eloise). The dagger, they determined, was likely what Sigurd used to kill Razvra, a very stark contrast to the beauty of most everything else in the box, and an almost sickly keepsake to remind him of what he had done.
I also gave Yilcer a particular piece of information that she shared with the group:
All names come from languages, and while she can read that Sigard Vega is a name, she can, at this moment, understand its translation and roots. Sigard means "Victorious Guardian" and "Vega" means way. I also told her, you realize that the name Helvega means "The Way to Hell"
Ivan speculated very correctly that the reason why the Godkiller is symbolized by a dead horse is because it's a bastardization, a symbol of what Sigurd had lost and thus changed his name to "The Way to Hell" showcasing his own descent of mourning to madness.
Ivan also had a very correct speculation, but I hadn't confirmed it yet, that when Sigurd said the God-Avatars needn't be beasts, he asked Tahir about the Revenant Ritual. Tahir's brother is a Revenant, which in my game means he is a body possessed by another soul. Tahir said that when he saw his brother, he had been stabbed through the heart and wrists to bleed and die so that his body could make room for another soul. Ivan compared this to the ritual they vaguely came across in the second or third session, cultists who did the same in the name of the Godkiller.
Yilcer offered information at this point:
She had asked her Archdruid before the adventure if he had ever seen this blight before. He said yes, once a long time ago, long before she was born. She asked what it was and he said it was something unnatural, or perhaps supernatural, but otherwise did not know. She asked what he did to stop it before, he told her he did "something terrible." She asked if he would have to do it again, and he simply said "I hope not."
Tork put 2 and 2 together: They found Razvra's body in the temple of the Dragon God. They found the Elk-God's body in the Godkiller's temple and an empty temple of the Elk God. There are two more champions, and two more temples. One of the champions is a guardian of the Raven goddess Morthana.
They looked at the portraits again. The one of the mystery man, Illark, had a broken frame. An Investigation check proved that it was likely thrown or otherwise smashed in frustration, but they found it strange it was still preserved with these others if Sigurd had been the one to throw it.
They also noticed, but no one seemed to pick up on my hint yet: Asa, the elf woman, had red hair and tawny skin. Yilcer passed a check and determined she was an Eldarin like herself (who is also from Brislat if you remember / read Yilcer's backstory).
They flitted back and forth between whether they wanted to sell Sigurd's stuff or not. Yilcer very much did not want to, but they all decided his story was already too fucking sad AND they decapitated his dead husband - "We have to leave him something!" Tork said.
They took the stack of newer letters as well as all the books, but left the portraits and deposit box.
They asked the bank teller how old the vault was. She looked through records and found it was actually the very first account the bank ever opened and sadly did not have any official dated records from back then, but its several hundred years old. They asked when the last time someone came an she told them about a hundred years or so (which is about when Sigurd met/adopted Yilcer but no one noticed that yet).
They bought a few more things in town now that they remembere why they went to the bank to begin with: Yilcer has an account now and exchanged an Ancient coin for gold to finish their shopping spree.
After Tahir got the Distinguished Outfit from all over the shops, he decided to flirt with Dravor as a distraction. Dravor rolled a nat 1 so he was very much enamored by our dog furry in thigh highs while Xehara stole the remaining 4 speak with dead scrolls and four comprehend language scrolls. Everyone was trying to get him to steal more than that but he refused. Dravor, being a nervous wreck while Tahir continued to flirt with him, gave Tahir a special potion of healing that does 10d6 + 10 healing. Tahir kissed him as thanks and the poor man nearly passed out.
I REALLY need to draw Dravor because he's like. A tall foreboding goth wizard with long dark beard who was reduced to blabber. I told them it was like when Kiff in Futurama gets nervous and just can't say anything.
I might make a list of the things they bought if anyone is interested, A few items I ripped from BG3 but a few I made up for their particular individual needs. I'll have to ask my note-taking player what they got, though, thank the gods he's been helping me keep track.
Ivan thought about his vampire clan has a triumvirate of gods. An Angel of the Moon named Mani, A Demon of the Sun named Kuukul, and a Necromantic Sorcerer named Erste. After seeing Eloise being called Manaven in another language at a previous temple, he determined that Eloise is likely the Moon Goddess he and his people worship. His people have a temple carved into the mountain that is said to hold the corpses of their gods, but no one except the absolute elite are allowed to go there. He realizes Eloise's body may be there, but has no idea who Kuukul or Erste may be.
Before we wrapped up I gave them a summary of important locations:
The scrolls Sigurd gave to Amin (Tahir's brother) to give to Xehara has portraits of Illark and one is the seal of Stillas, a beautiful city-state of commerce and wealth. It is possible Illark could be there. It's about a 3 week journey.
Much further to the west is Brislat and Fjorsom, and thus where the Temple of the Quartet is.
To the east they may find the origins of a peculiar necklace they found in Sigartha.
To the Northwest is Osanisk, an oceanic country and home to the Temple of the Angler Goddess.
To the far east or they could Osanisk are docking points where they will have to take a boat to Aeonaclys, Ivan's home, and thus where Eloise might be (and thus putting Asa in Osanisk).
They seem to prefer to head towards Stillas, so we'll find out next week.
If you all need it, here's are the Maps:
Cities Map | Countries Map
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They are currently in between the desert mountains in a valley called the Caravan Carnival in Dauthas, also called Paripahari (not labeled, sorry), it is a long river that connects the oceans and cuts through Stillas where a great many caravans convene together, a Silk Road of sorts.
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naviculariis · 3 months
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If, for some weird reason, either link ever breaks, here is the FULL muse list.
Below a cut bc I'm not a monster.
→Dracule Mihawk
→Eustass “Captain” Kidd
→Massacre Soldier Killer
→Nefertari Vivi
→Nico Robin
→Rob Lucci
→Benn Beckman
→Blackleg Sanji
→Vasille “Necromancer” Albescu [ PRIMARY ]
→Captain Astoria “Nachteis” Wyvernhill [ SECONDARY ]
→Captain Malekai “Wolf of the Sea” Kuznetsov [ TERTIARY ]
→Black Leg Sanji
→Tony Tony Chopper
→Nefertari Cobra
→Crew of the Tombstone Pirates
Vasille’s crew:
Captain: Iris “Tombstone” Karim
Second Mate: John C.
Navigator: Orion Karim
Gunner / Carpenter: Roy H.
Sails Master: Nemeria “Gravedigger” Karim
Doctor: Ronan O'Byrne
Crew: Raven, Morpheus
→Crew of the Crimson Grace
Malekai’s Crew
Right Hand, Assassin: Kaith
Quartermaster: Hestia
First Mate: Ilya
Second Mate: Ivan
Navigator: Arlo
Boatswain: Olivia
Carpenter: Jack
Surgeon: Nathaniel
Gunners: Krys, Tylse
→Sabryna “Death Witch of the South Blue”
A person from Vasille’s past of whom he did not part well with. Devil Fruit user. Fortune teller.
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griseldagimpel · 8 months
Tagged by @lazaefair - thank you!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
John Gaius Meets an Atheist: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50300140 (The Locked Tomb)
“He’s made up. And maybe they’ve been making him up for a really long time, but God isn’t real.”
2. The Love of Flesh: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46826743/chapters/119151544 (The Locked Tomb)
                Naberius considered. “And you, the Resurrector, are asking me, a small venomous lizard, if I’m mad at you?”                 “I am.”                 “In that case, no,” Naberius said, giving the emperor a curious look. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Lord, I’m going to go bite my necromancer.”
3. Horror and the Divine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44955919/chapters/113117860 (The Locked Tomb)
For all that he loved the emperor, he reminded himself that it would have been beyond presumptuous for him to think himself worthy of God’s bed.
4. Sullied Dreams: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42260559/chapters/106111362 (Avatar-Inception Crossover)
“That’s always been Mr. Fischer’s attitude. Twenty years ago, everyone thought he stood to gain the world. Now look at him: his empire has expanded into space.”
5. Sicktime: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39661620/chapters/99288474 (Our Flag Means Death)
Buttons was having a séance with Olivia, Fang, and Ivan when Roach approached them. It was a very tearful affair. It turned out that doggy heaven and bird heaven were next door to each other, and Karl was celestial next-door neighbors with Fang’s dog. Luckily for Roach, they were just finishing up.
6. Precious, Fragile Things: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37048234 (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
“Mew,” the kitten cried weakly after the milk had been consumed.
7. Victory Condition: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35652970 (Tenet)
“There’s so much power in them,” Ms. Abigail pattered on. “If there was only a way to collect that power, humanity could both mitigate the damage of hurricanes and have a renewable source of energy.”
8. Harm No One: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32351245 (Lost)
Wet branches conspired to smack Locke’s face, roots reached up to entrap his feet, and the moon was disinclined to light his way. Other than the half mad cackle and cough combination from Boone, the only sounds were Locke’s feet sinking into the dark mud and the grinding sound from the jungle that increased volume no matter what direction Locke tried to run. The animals were silent, and even the wind seemed afraid to blow.
9. In the Southern Hall Displaying the Kente Cloth: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29243400 (Piranesi)
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Sarah told me. “Oh, God, I could kiss you.” Then she blushed and said, “Forget that.” James looked angry when she said that, and I felt that he was a bit cold to her after that for the rest of the time it took for the tide to recede. Sarah is preparing breakfast now as I write this, and James is packing up the supplies. I wish I understood what was wrong.
10. Jerso the Frog Prince & Iron Zampano: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16008497 (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Zampano nodded. Stepping forward, he put his hands on Jerso’s shoulders and pushed him up against the wall. Zampano followed the thrust, putting his body up against Jerso’s body and his lips to Jerso’s lips. Jerso closed his eyes and kissed Zampano back.
Tagging anyone who wants to participate!
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elljayvee · 2 years
OFMD characters, if they were in the Locked Tomb.
Stede is a Third House necromancer who never really "got" the Third House style and spent his life doodling skeletons and reading everything he could get his hands on (mostly Fifth and Sixth-written textbooks) about bone magic. Bought a fancy, expensive, faster-than-light shuttle, hired a crew, and headed to the Ninth House. Dreams of becoming a real bone adept. He brought along some books and jam and an inadequate supply of grave dirt.
Ed is not a cavalier. I know, he looks like a cav.  Ed is a Ninth House bone adept who is bored of skeletons and wants to learn more about animaphilia, which he has been using to give himself muscles. Also, Stede's shuttle costs more than the Ninth House has in its coffers, which Ed thinks is very sexy of him. Ed bets if he plays his cards right, he can get a cool shuttle for the Ninth out of this romance.
Izzy is a Ninth cavalier and so, so sick of Ed's nonsense. He wishes he was born in the Fourth. He wishes he'd applied for Cohort placement and ended up on the front lines with necromancers who aren't Ed. 
Jim is a Sixth House necromancer who gives zero fucks about necromancy and trained themself as a cavalier in secret. They think Izzy needs to get over himself. 
Oluwande is Fifth House, of a Resurrection-pure cavalier line, who met Jim in the Cohort when Jim saved his life with his own sword. He saved Jim right back, and the two of them have been inseparable since. 
Lucius is a Fifth necromancer and Black Pete is a Fifth cavalier and YES they are married. Black Pete is a notable storyteller, and Lucius is known for his beautiful drawings of Cohort officers. 
Ivan and Fang are both Fourth House cavs and former Cohort. They think Izzy is a weird little martinet who should've been Second House but are smart enough not to say anything to his face about it. 
Frenchie is a Sixth House necromancer whose music and bizarre theories about women and cats are all connected via the necromantic theorem he's been working on that is nearly ready. Anytime now. His research is progressing, anyway. 
The Swede is a Sixth House necromancer but the Sixth likes to pretend he's not.
Buttons is a Third House necromancer and the Third WOULD pretend he's not but he's the best necromancer they've produced in a thousand years so they have to tolerate his eccentricity.
Wee John is a Seventh House cavalier who signed on to Stede's crew after his necromancer died of blood cancer. He likes how many healthy necromancers are on this odd crew. He's never met a healthy necromancer before.
Roach refuses to tell anyone his House and there's a running bet among the crew as people try to deduce it. He's a cavalier but everyone thinks he's a necromancer and he hasn't disabused anyone of that notion.
There are no members of the Eighth on the crew and frankly everyone is glad of it.
The Badmintons are Second House cavaliers, and it shows.
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hadesbeast · 2 years
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Artist Ivan Vilmant…Necromancer 😈 ~ßεศş†~ https://www.instagram.com/p/CfXcIZVBktR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grimm-rider · 1 year
Entry 21
In the Dancing Hut we made preparations for our final confrontation against Rasputin. Shopping at Glagonargs, and casting long-lasting spells, that sort of thing. And after some consideration, I thought of a solution to a little problem I’d been contending with for when we faced Rasputin again.
That is: we knew he had some healing magic, probably some fairly powerful healing magic. And he knows my condition. I didn’t doubt he’d take advantage of it, if only out of spite.
But Master Keisuke had given me the solution already, months ago. I just hadn’t thought of it because back then it wouldn’t have worked. Because back then I hadn’t been giving thanks to the Pallid Princess for my gifts. But now I have been worshiping her for some time. So, in theory, the crystal’s ability to convert positive energy should work for me.
But I decided I needed to test it first, not go in blind. So I roped Edeya into my test. She already knew about the Pallid Crystal after all. I knew that revealing that the crystal worked for me would be basically telling her that I worship Urgathoa, since she’d identified the crystal when we last spoke about it, but honestly? I’m a necromancer, that’s not really a huge revelation.
Besides, I was only really keeping my worship secret early on because it would have caused a lot of drama and would have made it more difficult for us to work together. I don’t feel so much like that’s the case now, so I don’t really care if the others know or not anymore. Of course, I also keep my worship of Norgorber secret on principal, god of secrets and all that, but that’s not really a requirement and more just feels respectful. Also his worship is illegal in, like, a lot of places. So that’s a pretty good reason to not just wear his symbol out in the open or anything like that.
Anyways, Edeya agreed to help me, and I explained to her that I needed her to use a weak healing spell on me so that I could test if the Pallid Crystal would work. She did as I directed. And it worked! The positive energy was funneled through the crystal and came out as its opposite, washing me in the familiar cool relief of negative energy rather than the searing pain of positive energy. I told her that I was going to be wearing that in the fight against Rasputin, although I tucked it under my clothes so he wouldn’t see it. Let him hit me with a Heal spell. It would be funny.
Edeya asked if this was a new occurrence. I said yeah, it was a new thing. She asked if it was a good new thing, and I confirmed that it was a good new thing.
I don’t know what the others would think about it, but it’s been pretty good for me so far. That desecrate ability Urgathoa gifted me allowed me to make Ivan, and he’s certainly had his moments—even if Rasputin still went and showed me up by making a Dullahan with a fucking Nightmare mount.
I’m not over that.
And I mean even if I didn’t get any boons, I can worship who I want. I like worshiping Norgorber. He aligns well with me. The boons are just a nice bonus proving that I’m doing well.
Anyways, gods aside, after a bit we were done with our prep work and ready to return to Paulina’s graveyard to speak to the Tombstone Fairy.
She was there, digging new graves for the freshly fallen—many familiar faces amongst them, being people we’d killed ourselves.
I produced the body of the man we needed her to revive, and she worked her magic.
After a number of minutes, he sat up screaming, ranting about Rasputin. It took a moment for him to calm and look around, registering where he was. He cursed, saying Rasputin literally shot him in the back.
The man we’d been calling M introduced himself as Viktor Miloslav. He was a mechanic who worked with Rasputin and some other guy named Nikola Tesla in building the World Engine. Which was itself a machine that ran on a mixture of machinery and magic to create a demiplane.
We produced the blueprints, which we’d found in the Abbott House, and gave them to him to look over. He declared that he knew how to shut down the four towers so that the cathedral in the center of the camp would become visible. It would remain visible for an hour before the machinery reset itself.
And hour would be plenty of time…hopefully.
We agreed to go with him to each of the towers to help him shut them down.
The first two were uneventful, although after the second one I noticed he was getting pensive. He seemed twitchy and bothered by the things he was seeing as a result of his work. If I was reading him right, he had the look of a man who was about to do something desperate to himself. Probably right after he finished shutting down the machines.
As if to confirm my theory, after the third tower Viktor tripped on the path between the third and forth towers, falling into a snow drift. As he stood, I saw him pocket a gun which had fallen to the side of the road.
No one else called him on it. No one else seemed to be making any moves to talk him down from whatever he was about to do.
I began to realize I was probably the only one who had read his body language, and seen him pick up the gun.
I can’t say I cared what this man did to himself. How he dies is his own business. If he doesn’t want to live to see a world without Rasputin, that’s up to him.
But he was going to do it in front of my friends, and that was going to upset them. Nestian is so focused on protecting people, and Edeya has her thing about redemption…it would be cruel of me to just let this all unfold in front of them without stepping in.
So I casually said to him that even the best men can be manipulated by men like Rasputin—those with silver tongues. Viktor said I sounded like I spoke from experience. I told him quite honestly that I have been told I have a silver tongue—and I haven’t always used it for the kindest purposes. But today I hoped I was doing something good. That last part was maybe laying it on a bit thick, but I wanted to get the point across that someone could make something better of themselves.
Viktor asked how a man like him could hope to repent when we’d brought these horrors into the world—things not meant to exist on Earth. I pointed out that he was taking a good first step, helping to stop Rasputin and get rid of these abominations as he viewed them. Viktor was quiet for a long contemplative moment, then I saw him subtly dispose of the gun. He told me that perhaps he would have to be here when we got back, to see this through to the end. I told him that’s the spirit—after all we needed someone to bear witness to our victory.
After my…pep talk, of sorts, we arrived to the final tower. Viktor made sure we were prepared, and then shut it down. The cathedral appeared where the ruins in the center of the camp had been—both magnificent and terrible.
It only remained in the camp for a moment, before the ground began to shudder, and the entire building began to rise up into the sky. Thousands of feet into the air.
A single beam of light breaking through the gloom of the camp signaled where we could rise up to enter the demiplane.
On the ground below us, the remaining Russian soldiers and monsters gathered to hinder us—not that they stood any sort of chance.
Aenland led the charge with Nevra and Ivan, cutting a bloody swath straight through the center of our enemies. I followed with Talsune and Roscoe, breathing a stream of fire down on those unfortunate enough to be below us. Cesseer darted forward, almost faster than the eye could follow, taking out enemies as she ran, and reaching the light even before the dragonkin. When she stood in the light, it began to lift her skywards, as if gravity had been reversed. Anastasia followed not far behind, along with Edeya. Finally, Nestian cast Cheetah’s Sprint on himself and burst through anyone left in the crowd that dared get in his way still, shooting like a bullet from the tower into the beam of light.
We landed outside the large doors to this grand cathedral to some unknown god. As we approached four figures from the stained glass animated and pulled away from their windows, standing to hinder us.
But worse was what was bound to the front door. A spirit was crucified across the entryway, staring at us with burning hatred.
A crucifixion spirit. A phantom born of the suffering of one who died in torment, killed by being crucified, who bears a particular grudge against casters of divine magic and wishes to see them suffer in the way it has suffered.
Unfortunately, Nestian and I both have magic that falls into the category of ‘divine’ magic. His is more like ‘the divinity of the natural world’, and I don’t know where my magic comes from but everything that reacts to divine casters reacts to me so it’s some sort of ‘divine’ magic.
The spirit went after Nestian first, using its powers to pull Nestian’s soul from his body, and forcefully crucify it, overlaid over the spirit. Nestian’s body fell limp to the ground—not dead, but not entirely alive either.
I immediately directed Roscoe to kill the spirit. That thing needed to be gone immediately. It was dangerous. And it had Nestian in its clutches.
An instant later, Nestian gasped, his soul snapping back into his body as he shrugged off the spirit’s hold over him.
I cast Destruction on the Crucifixion Spirit anyways for good measure.
The four stained glass beings were closing in, one causing a deep bleeding gash across Nevra’s scales. Anastasia said something about us ‘angering the saints’, I don’t really know what she was talking about but it seemed to be in reference to whoever the glass was meant to depict.
Aenland shoot a flurry of arrows at the glass figures, shattering three of them.
And then I quit being terribly aware of what was going on as the spirit pulled my soul out next, hanging me over the doorway. The pain was excruciating—like being doused in positive energy just constantly.
It didn’t last long. I distantly heard a gunshot, and then a moment later I snapped back into my body, on the ground at Talsune’s feet. Roscoe had destroyed the spirit. And Cesseer had shattered the last glass figure.
So there was nothing standing in the way of us entering the cathedral proper.
I did take a moment to heal myself and Nestian’s souls though. Our bodies were unharmed, but the damage the spirit had done was to our souls—much like when I use my own Soul Siphon ability on people. Thankfully I don’t just know how to damage a soul, but how to heal one as well. So I fixed us both up.
Then we entered the cathedral.
And were immediately met by the most unexpected sight any of us could have imagined. Baba Yaga, standing over the corpse of the Erosdaemon—Rasputin’s most recent lover.
She told us that we’d been taking too long, so she decided to break herself out and take care of things on her own. There was nothing left to do here, so now we could feel free to leave.
I was confused, but didn’t immediately clock what was going on.
Nestian, however, did.
He began to approach ‘our kindly grandmother’, offering his arm as though he were trying to help any regular old woman. Baba Yaga told Nestian that he wasn’t listening to her, and that it was time to leave.
Nestian told her that it was unwise to wear Baba Yaga’s face.
The figure cursed, then dropped the illusion. The corpse vanished, and where Baba Yaga had stood, we now saw the Erosdaemon. She quickly summoned four other daemons, and began her assault.
Which was short-lived as Aenland shot a volley of arrows into the heartbreak daemon and killed her instantly—immediately returning her summons back to where they’d come from.
Ahead of us was a very unsteady looking pile of pews, which we surmised were going to fall when we approached. I cast spell resistance on myself because I realized we were getting closer with each step to Rasputin, and I wanted to have that on when we faced him. I also put Oracle’s Vessel on Talsune so I could heal him myself in a pinch (I’d already put it on Nestian and it was hilariously useful).
We approached the pews, and they fell as predicted. We all avoided them, and saw on the opposite side that the three Nosferatu we’d heard about were awaiting us. The Brothers Three taunted us, invoking the Pallid Princess’ name, and in particularly taunted me as being less smiled upon by our shared mistress.
Then they smote Aenland, Edeya, and Nestian, and filled the room with negative energy using their channel energy powers. It did a lot less than they expected since they hadn’t expected Talsune and Nestian to both heal from it. So joke’s on them.
Then Roscoe entered the room and started shooting the nearest brother. The entire building starting in the room had a Desecrate effect—which empowered all of Rasputin’s little undead, but it empowered mine too.
One of the vampires turned and tried to dominate Nestian, but he was immune to it. The look on the vampire’s face was priceless. These guys really thought we weren’t going to upgrade our tricks when we knew they had our shadows to learn what we had up our sleeves beforehand.
Aenland shot off all his arrows on the vampire that smote him—but a few missed due to it being empowered against him. Very unusual for Aenland’s generally sharp aim. Nestian followed up against the same vampire with a little more luck, severely injuring him and forcing him into his swarm form. The swarm of bats retreated up the stairs—biting and injuring Nestian, Edeya, and especially Aenland along the way.
I cast Destruction on the nearest Nosferatu, the same one who Roscoe had shot and who was cockily telling me how the Pallid Princess favored them. Talsune followed my spell up with a devastating sword swing, although the vampire somehow still clung to his undeath.
The Nosferatu followed up my attacks by trying to grab me, but I was too fast for him and avoided his touch. No vampire bites for me today, thanks. Like I said, these aren’t the sexy kind of vampires.
Then we heard a sound coming from beyond the nosferatu—where Rasputin and his remaining minions were in some kind of ritual, frozen in a stasis we couldn’t get through to harm them. The World Engine overflowed with power, and we were all struck with a massive amount of acidic energy.
That was something we were going to have to figure out how to stop, because we couldn’t keep fighting with it blasting us every few seconds.
There was also an overpowering smell of decay and disease which had been growing. Very Urgathoa, I can’t say I was terribly surprised. But after the World Engine went off, the source made itself known. A gods-damned Daughter of Urgathoa appeared at the bottom of the stairs to one of the towers. She looked around after asking the brothers why she had been called, then addressed me directly, informing me that Urgathoa knew my quarrel was only with the nosferatu—but she didn’t like my friends. So the Daughter turned and tried to shoot Edeya with Enervation.
But Nestian did as Nestian does and pulled her out of the way, taking the hit instead. Which was hilarious, because Oracle’s Vessel. He got empowered by the spell rather than having his soul sundered by it. The Daughter of Urgathoa seemed dumbfounded by this revelation.
I heard an amused chuckle in the back of my mind. I think their mother found that particular turnabout funny as well.
While I was focused on the Daughter, Talsune cut through the Nosferatu we’d been fighting, separating him into his swarm form. Then he stepped away from the swarm to avoid us being overwhelmed and bitten like the others had been—smart move, partner.
This gave me the freedom to figure out what to do about the Daughter of Urgathoa—preferably without fighting my goddess’ highest ranked followers. I turned to the Daughter, and told her that I had things handled here. Then I cast Dismissal. Because I had surmised that the brothers had summoned the Daughters of Urgathoa here, they weren’t created by Rasputin like most of the other undead in this place.
The Daughter failed to resist my magic’s pull. As she faded back to Abbadon she agreed that perhaps I did have this handled. Then she vanished.
Unfortunately…two more Daughters of Urgathoa came down the stairs a moment later. I told the others that I could dismiss them like I had the other one, and asked them to focus on the last vampire. I wouldn’t be torn up if they killed the Daughters of Urgathoa themselves without my directing or help, but I’d rather just send them back to the Pallid Princess and leave her children intact.
Aenland dealt with the third brother, popping him into swarm form as well, then seemingly on a lark he began attacking the World Engine. His attacks caused it to temporarily shut down—avoiding another blast like before. Edeya surmised that if we did enough damage it would cause it to shut down momentarily, although it would always power back on so long as it had its power source (Baba Yaga).
Cesseer had nothing else to attack, so she ran past me and told me that I might be going non-lethal, but she wasn’t. I gave her no complaints, as I said above. Cesseer began slashing and kicking the Daughter nearest me. Anastasia followed that up with a bullet to the Daughter’s head—but being undead that only slowed her down, didn’t kill her.
The other Daughter, the one not occupied with Cesseer and Anastasia, began slashing at Nestian with her scythe arm.
I focused and cast Dismissal on that Daughter first, removing the immediate threat to Nestian. She gave me a nod of acknowledgment before vanishing. Then I tried to finish things with a quickened Dismissal on the final Daughter, but she stubbornly resisted the call back to Abbadon. And made me waste some of my most powerful magic.
A moment later Aenland finished the final Daughter off.
Two out of three wasn’t bad. And no one can blame the others for killing the third one—she was trying to kill them first.
The vampires had all fled to their coffins and would be a later problem, as they wouldn’t recuperate enough to join into another battle for at least a full day. We’d have killed Rasputin and done something about this demiplane by then.
We got into position, ready to strike when the stasis on Rasputin and his followers was to fall.
The purple energy fell, and Rasputin looked around at all of us. He bemoaned that he thought he’d have time to finish his ritual—he’d thought it would take us weeks to figure out how to get into his demiplane, and he’d have time to ascend with mythic power.
So now he intended to deal with us himself—in style. With a soundtrack and everything.
What is with me and knowing guys who make their own soundtracks for their demiplane? First Master Keisuke, now Rasputin. It’s not a complaint, honestly I like the flair for the dramatic. If I ever make a demiplane I’m adding music too.
Hm, maybe that’s what it is, I just hang around people with very similar tastes. And those tastes are being dramatic stylish necromancers.
Anyways. We had been ready for when the stasis energy dispersed, and when it did most of us threw our attacks onto the nearest undead sniper. Everyone but Nestian, who threw a fireball into the back of the room and caught three snipers and Rasputin himself.
Then I ordered Roscoe to not bother with the small-fries and to go after Rasputin. He laid into him—negative energy and all. Our magic might be similar, but he clearly didn’t share my affliction. Too bad for him.
Rasputin retaliated. He crushed a diamond and cast miracle. He cast a spell on us that damaged and gravely weakened us depending on how much of the Black Rider’s power we had left. Aenland was the only one left unaffected, having already used up all of the power granted by Baba Yaga before entering this battle. Nestian and I still had some small dregs of power left, and Edeya still had her entire reservoir of power left and was therefore the most badly affected.
Afterwards Rasputin called upon our stolen shadows, summoning seven Shadow Demons to face us. They looked like the twisted silhouettes of each of us, possessed by the demon that had stolen our shadow.
Then Rasputin turned his full attention on me. ‘Calio, let’s dance’ he said as he tried to cast a Destruction spell on me. But that spell resistance I’d cast on myself came in handy, absorbing the spell and leaving me completely unharmed. I laughed and agreed to his dance, casting my own Destruction spell back at Rasputin. Mine hit, because apparently any spell resistance he had was only against morally good creatures and guess what? I still don’t give a shit about the universe’s morality bullshit. Although Rasputin still resisted the worst of the damage, he did take some—cuts appearing across his body as I invoked Norgorber to kill the unkillable. I asked him if that was a good enough dance for him, and he complained about the spell feeling like a thousand paper cuts. I didn’t bother correcting him that it was actually shortswords—although I did quickly shoot down the idea that the god I’d invoked was the King in Yellow. I’m not going anywhere near that.
Talsune followed my spell up with a burst of flame breath aimed at Rasputin, which he partially dodged out of the way of, but he did get a little scorched.
Then Aenland’s arrows went zipping past me, and killed three of the snipers in one fell swoop. He had apparently decided to clear the masses.
Which was good, because the snipers on Rasputin’s command began aiming solely for Edeya. She managed to take hit after hit, but there’s only so much one body can take. Inevitably she fell—not dead, but unconscious and bleeding profusely. As she fell Rasputin said to her ‘sorry cousin, but you are one of us. I know you’re the most dangerous.’
Nestian ran to her side and funneled a potion into her mouth, managing to get her back on her feet enough for her to cast Heal on herself and return to the fight in earnest. Which was good, because I don’t have any healing that isn’t Breath of Life, and I’d rather she not die just so that I can heal her.
 Nestian kept Edeya by his side for the entire rest of the fight, keeping anything else from hitting her.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t really focused on that at the time. I only noticed it later, after Nestian was already by Edeya’s side and Edeya was fully healed. Because at that same moment the Shadow Demons were trying to Magic Jar each of us. They had a pretty dismal success rate—until one aimed for Talsune. It slithered its way into my partner’s mind. Talsune’s thoughts were smothered, replaced by the oily voice of the living shadow that promised me nothing but malice and harm.
I was somewhere between blind panic and rage at this creature’s invasion into Talsune’s head.
Illivor said something about needing to go to Edeya—I was vaguely aware of Edeya still bleeding out at that point and agreed with her that was for the best. She flew off, and the thing inside of Talsune forced him to take a swing at Illivor—but she was small and quick and the creature probably wasn’t used to Talsune’s form, so it missed.
This horror only lasted for a moment. One moment of drowning in shadows as the mental link between my partner and I was corrupted by a demon, one moment of rage at my friend being ripped from me—before Anastasia shot Talsune and dispelled the possession effect, flinging the demon out of Talsune and back to the edge of the room where it had been before.
At that same moment Roscoe was continuing to follow my initial orders to shoot Rasputin, and Ivan had helped Cesseer to shut down the World Engine for another short moment. In frustration with my pets peppering him with bullets and smashing his machines, Rasputin ordered his remaining snipers to destroy Ivan and Roscoe.
Talsune was looking rough after Anastasia shot him—not something I’m upset with her over, I’m extremely grateful that she expelled that demon from him. But between that and Rasputin’s orders to destroy my undead, I decided some healing was in order. So I cast a mass inflict critical wounds, hitting myself, Talsune, Ivan, Roscoe, and Rasputin for good measure. Rasputin resisted the damage more or less, but the rest of us healed a good chunk. Then Talsune breathed another breath of fire at Rasputin, which caused him to use up his Moment of Prescience to avoid the burst of flame. I’m calling that a win, since he would have been hit head on if he hadn’t used a spell to avoid it.
A burst of electricity shot through the coils that made up the World Engine, as well as the last two remaining snipers, as Aenland had Nevra breath lightning. Then Aenland killed one of the two surviving snipers with his arrows, although one managed to survive the onslaught somehow.
And then the three headed dragon Radimir appeared. Aenland had warned us that he had been in the back of the room, invisible, casting a Dominate spell. But there was little any of us could do about it. Now he released his spell. On Nestian. Unaware that he was immune. The look on the dragon’s face was priceless.
Nestian promised the dragon that he was going to die today.
My original orders to Ivan no longer applied since he didn’t have a machine to hit anymore, so I had him step in to take a slash at Rasputin, honestly not really expecting much given his previous showing in battle. I was mostly trying to annoy him and force him to have to concentrate on his spellcasting.
Instead, he beheaded the man in a single clean swipe.
So the first Rasputin kill went to Ivan, apparently. I hadn’t even had him do a Death’s Calling yet.
Afterwards the remaining sniper shot the Dullahan, as per their orders to destroy my undead—especially since he just slayed their master. Which, fair, but also fuck you.
Anastasia took aim and fired a deadly accurate shot into one of the three headed dragon’s heads. It was probably cathartic after all the emotional turmoil he’d put her through—she deserved it.
I didn’t get long to focus on that, however, as the shadow that had temporarily possessed Talsune attacked both me and my partner. On my orders the shadow was shot multiple times by Roscoe. I wanted that shadow dead dearly for what it had done—but not as much as I wanted Rasputin permanently dead.
Rasputin rose back up, reattaching his head to his body and revitalizing entirely. He looked good as new, whereas we’d been wading through multiple fights throughout the day.
At least he was down four snipers this time.
Rasputin locked eyes with me and said he was sick of these games, then he reached out and touched Ivan with a Heal spell, damaging Ivan to the brink of destruction.
Immediately afterwards the ground split open beneath us and sickly green flames licked at us as he cast a quickened Flame Strike. Ivan was destroyed instantly, his body dragged into the green fiery depths by shadowy hands. Me, Talsune, Aenland, Nevra, and Roscoe all got caught in the unnatural flames as well.
Aenland came out of the flames firing, his arrows killing the final sniper and peppering Radimir with shots.
I was incensed at the destruction of Ivan. I’d liked that Dullahan. He’d been made using Urgathoa’s gift, and wielding Urgathoa’s weapon. He was as much a piece of art as a pet made to serve me. And Rasputin tore that away from me. I told Rasputin to quit breaking my toys, then cast Horrid Wilting on him and half the Shadow Demons. Three of the demons died instantly, including the bastard who’d possessed Talsune, and it badly injured the rest.
Rasputin shot back that I’d just killed him, but I rightly pointed out that Rasputin had killed me first. Rasputin said fine, then now we were even and could stop this.
Did he really think that? That just because we’d evened up the number of times we’d killed each other we could just pack up and stop the fight and go home like none of this happened?
I was going to respond, but then the others expressed their confusion over Rasputin having killed me before, and I realized with everything that happened with Radimir and Anastasia the day before it had kind of slipped my mind to tell anyone what I’d talked to Rasputin about. So I told them it was a long story and I’d explain later.
Rasputin, petty bitch that he is, said it wasn’t that long of a story: I’d spurned Rasputin so he’d killed me. Exasperated, I said fine, if you wanted to give them the abridged version that was it.
With all said and done I followed up my Horrid Wilting with a quickened Boneshaker. Because I can be a petty bitch too.
Talsune couldn’t breathe fire at Rasputin again, so instead he stepped over to one of the coils and smashed it, shutting down the World Engine for another brief moment of respite.
Rasputin used some internal power to move unusually fast, and turned to the three headed dragon. He told him to get out there, then teleported him to the other side of the room—right next to Nestian. The dragon made three breath weapon attacks against Nestian and Edeya—which Nestian dodged entirely, and Edeya used the Black Rider’s power to protect herself from, taking some damage from Rasputin’s ongoing spell, but entirely negating the fire breath and getting rid of the negative effects he’d imbued on her for her powers, now that she’d used them.
Nestian turned and laid into the dragon, slaying it, then followed up in a whirlwind of slashes—killing all three of the remaining Shadow Demons surrounding him and Edeya. In an instant they went from being surrounded by four enemies to being surrounded by none—excluding Radimir’s body, which was slowly regenerating. But I had a plan for that. The same one I’d used on trolls so many times before.
Cesseer darted into the middle of the World Engine coils while it was shut down, resisted Rasputin’s Anti-life Shell with her spell resistance, and landed a flying drop kick on him. Honestly if this hadn’t been such a dire situation, Cesseer fighting Rasputin would have been kinda hot.
Then, suddenly his entropic shield shattered, as Anastasia shot her father—making it easier for her, Roscoe, and Aenland to land a hit on him.
So I had Roscoe follow her lead, firing four more negative energy bullets into Rasputin’s head. And his body slumped a second time. My undead: 2, Rasputin: 0.
Okay Rasputin does have 1 if you count him destroying Ivan, but that doesn’t sound as impressive.
This time death only lasted a split second, before Rasputin rose once more—even more infuriated that my undead had killed him a second time.
But he aimed his anger at Cesseer, who was next to him still. He cast a Harm spell on her.
Thankfully she resisted the worst of it.
Then he shot a quickened dispel at me, removing the Nine Lives spell Edeya had cast on me—leaving me far more vulnerable. I was pissed because it was just more of him destroying my cool things. I told him as much, and he complained that now I’d killed him twice. I told him to do a better job not dying.
Aenland made a comment that was basically ‘just kiss already’, and Edeya noted that she was pretty sure we already had. I decided to ignore the peanut gallery.
Instead, I decided to remedy the ‘keeps being killed by Calio’s undead’ problem by just killing him personally. I hit Rasputin with a Destruction spell, which tore him to shreds this time rather than just leaving small cuts. And I followed it up with a quickened Boneshaker, which I used to snap his neck and at the same time drag him away from Cesseer to avoid a repeat of him popping up and casting Harm on her.
Talsune knew my plan for taking out Radimir permanently, and while Rasputin was down he took the last vial of acid I had long ago squirreled away in the bag of holding, then he flew across the room to the three headed dragon. Talsune threw the vial on the dying dragon, shutting off his regeneration and killing him permanently.
Nevra breathed lightning on the World Engine’s coils again. Once it was safely shut down again, Aenland mentioned that he thought Baba Yaga was being held upstairs and asked if we had things handled down here. We agreed to him scouting ahead, so Nevra and Aenland darted past Rasputin and his anti-life shell using the extra room I’d made by dragging him to the side, and they disappeared up the stairs.
Cesseer stepped forward and readied an attack for when Rasputin returned to life. Nestian approached, but couldn’t get into attack range due to the anti-life field. Roscoe and Anastasia readied a shot for when he came back as well.
In the moments before Rasputin rose again, there was a noise from the World Engine, and then it shut down entirely.
Rasputin rose again, but he was beginning to show signs of strain. There were holes in his skin in places, like old wounds reopened, and his movements were more erratic. Rasputin said something about how he couldn’t hear his mother anymore. I was too far away to attack him, but he was immediately hit by Cesseer, Roscoe, and Anastasia’s attacks—and Anastasia dispelled his anti-life shell, leaving him vulnerable to Nestian and Talsune.
Immediately after, Rasputin crushed a second diamond to use one final miracle.
He momentarily reactivated the World Engine, and energy burst from it, hitting all of us.
Almost everyone resisted as the demiplane tried to banish us back to the material plane. Except for Talsune, who began fading away from under me as the energy engulfed him. He promised me that we would see each other again when this was all over.
He was gone before I could tell if he was worried about losing another rider while he was sent far away, where he couldn’t help. I had to hope that he had faith in my abilities—and my persistent survivability.
Aenland popped back out of the stairwell once the energy cleared up and declared to us all that he had procured Baba Yaga. Then he seemed to realize we were still fighting, and he flew in on Nevra and stabbed Rasputin at unusually close range for him.
This time everyone prepared to strike him when he rose again. I trudged over from the other side of the room and readied a mass inflict spell. Nestian prepared to bring down his axe. Cesseer was ready with her shotel, and Roscoe and Anastasia had guns at the ready. Rasputin rose again—only to be immediately cut down. He was dogpiled, slain by Nestian’s axe before he even had a chance to react.
This happened a second time, everyone dogpiled him the moment he rose from the grave and he went down again.
The final time he got up was different from all the others times. I could feel it. He had no power. He was a regular human, lacking any of the magic that had made him so impressive. Nestian and Nevra impaled him on one of the coils, and I began walking towards him, casting Death Clutch as I did. I ripped his heart from his body.
Weakly, his final words were ‘it looks like you’re breaking my heart again, Calio….’
I don’t feel bad. He was a shitty human being, and I doubt I had any genuine feelings for him the first time around, no matter how much alike we might have been in…certain ways. I think it would be easier if I could just remember the life I had before. If I could remember what things had been like with him, or even just why I’d betrayed him and Elvana, I think it would be easier for me to not care.
Anastasia told us that we should destroy all signs of this place. She formulated a plan that involved stringing up a bunch of grenades that we would set off after we’d jumped off the edge of the cathedral. She gave us these parachute things, which worked like manual featherfall. She also reminded us of these victory cigars that Dimitri had given us, telling us that we had to celebrate properly when we killed Rasputin. I offered my Spark cantrip to anyone who wanted to partake in the cigars—I lit my own first, because I was definitely not saying no to a victory cigar.
Then we all threw ourselves off the side of the flying cathedral, pulled the string on the explosives, and the entire place went down in a fiery explosion. I dove through the air, free falling for a time with Roscoe swooping around me, before I pulled the cord on my parachute and my decent slowed as a large cloth thing popped out of the backpack and caught the wind. I drifted to the ground, then removed the pack and made a beeline for the Dancing Hut, the others right there with me.
In front of the Hut was a lone Mirror Man. Reflected in its mirror was the fake Edeya.
She was looking at our handiwork with a satisfying look of horror on her face, as the cathedral crashed to the ground.
We stopped before the Mirror Man. Mirror Edeya told us that she had a message for us. Then she vanished from the mirror, and a new image replaced her visage.
Queen Elvana herself.
This was our first chance in my memory to actually have words with the Queen.
I smirked at her and with as much sweet venom as I could muster said ‘hello again, my Queen’.
Aenland took the more directly annoying route, borrowing Rasputin’s nickname for his sister and saying ‘hello, Elvie’—which almost made me lose my cool and burst out laughing, not gonna lie.
Nestian was the only one who had actual words for the Queen rather than poking the hornet’s nest—go figure. Nestian told her that her days were numbered.
Elvana took us all in with the cool disregard of a monarch who has never had to consider anyone below herself before, and wasn’t going to start now.  Although I definitely saw a twitch of annoyance at my and Aenland’s jabs.
When she spoke, she didn’t acknowledge anything we’d had to say to her. Instead, she thanked us for killing her ‘useless brother’, and told us that ‘as thanks’ she would give us one chance to return home to our families, and she would leave our friends and families untouched. But if we returned to Irrisen, we would die like everyone else.
Then with a fury I think most monarchs would find unbecoming, she punched the mirror on her end and shattered it.
Mirror Edeya’s features returned to the mirror. She seemed almost uncertain, almost awkward, as she confirmed that was the message, before she vanished from the Mirror Man and it slumped lifeless to the ground, its mirror shattered.
We all entered the Dancing Hut to decide what to do next. That would be difficult—we had found Baba Yaga, but not two keys back to Golarian, unlike the last ventures.
But hopefully our questions will be answered, because as we began to unwind in the Hut a familiar old voice spoke to us. Baba Yaga addressed us, saying how good it was to finally, formally, meet her four riders.
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parasite-core · 1 year
15 OC Questions
I’ve seen this a few times in the OC ask tab and decided to do it for Calio
1. Are you named after anyone?
I don’t think so, not that my parents have ever told me. My name’s definitely not a traditional Irriseni name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don’t know. I don’t cry over things often. Or ever.
3. Do you have kids?
Not yet. Greta and I have talked about it a little. So, you know, at some point. When we aren’t busy running around saving the world from a mad queen bent on freezing the entire world over.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
It’s my third language, after Skald and Taldan.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their body language. Are they relaxed or on edge? How do they seem to feel about me at a glance? I adjust how I interact with them accordingly.
6. What's your eye color?
Hell if I know at this point. It used to be green, but I can tell the shade’s changed since I lost my memory, and I’m bad with colors, so I’m not really sure if it’s just a different shade of green now or a totally different color (red and green tend to look very similar). I haven’t bothered asking anyone, because it’s a weird question, and at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter that much.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Why does it have to be scary movies or happy endings? What about epic tragedies? Stories where the hero is doomed from the start and makes all the wrong choices and inevitably fails, and you’re with him every step of the way anyways.
8. Any special talents?
I’m a very skilled necromancer. And I can turn into a spirit for a short period of time. I am extremely good at talking to the dead. And I’m just generally very good at making things be dead.
9. Where were you born?
A small village around the outskirts of Irrisen.
10. What are your hobbies?
I’ve tried my hand at bookbinding, and am pretty good at it.
11. Have you any pets?
Only if we include the undead ones. I have a troll skeleton named Reggie, a dragon skeleton named Leviathan, and a Baykok named Roscoe. I had a Dullahan named Ivan, but *someone* destroyed him.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I’m not really a sports guy. I’ll leave that to Ratibor.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I find history moderately interesting. There’s a lot that can be gained from the past.
15. Dream job?
Is it cliche to say I don’t dream of labor? I was raised an innkeeper’s son, but that life is so droll. I’m meant for greatness. This adventure has only cemented that in my mind. I’ve rubbed shoulders with royalty and myths. I looked a Demon Lord in the eyes. I travelled through time and to other worlds. The only life for me is more glory and adventure in the future.
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