#JOKING JOKING i dont like when my notes get decimated
starswallowingsea · 1 year
its may and i still havent made a viral post this year. losing my game
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale reviews: ML Season 4 episode 18 Wishmaker
-So basically career day for students. But there is like a fair for it.
-Chloé says she is rich and that it doesnt matter.
-Adrien has a crisis over what he wants to do. Confirmed that adrien only models because his dad asked him to.
-Adrien saying that Ladybug will eventually replace him... ( Oh hi rocketear, Optigami and Sentibubbler. The angst is still there
-Plagg being more successful cheering adrien up.
-Marinette felt sure until her kwami started questioning her purpose.
-So she goes to the Fair and Alec proves he is litterally an awful human being.
-Andre getting roasted! XD
-Well gotta give points for Andre the ice cream man. He really believes he has value.
-Andre just DECIMATED ALEC! WOW. I respect the Ice cream man now. i gotta move him off the list.
-Andre backstory revealed.
-Well Luka's voice got deeper in the english dub.
-Luka is an instrument maker? You know what that makes sense. Side note... He is like 15 right? Boy already has a career making instruments...
-Well this platonic Lukanette sure is interesting. He actually makes a decent Tikki. Maybe if he was a kwami it would be better
-Alec swinging in with a guitar app to roast Luka. Points on that one but My bet is it doesnt work
-Oh! Luka pulls out the Violin. So this was how it was confirmed
-OH MY KWAMI THE CRINGE OF THAT MONOLOGUE! But yea, Luka is right tho.
-And Alec showing cracks in the persona.
-Marinette impressed with Luka for a moment and Luka just like "Oh Adrien is right there."
-So now we get to Sad adrien
-This episode is sending mixed signals. I dont like it.
-Also Adrien's fear is legit
-Oh wow Lukadrinette moment. Is this going to be their version of loveater?
-Luka is basically the Andre of Music.
-Okay so he is listening to both.
-And he plays the violin. Well this was nice
-Alec just keeps taking the L's today. Point is if you are doing what you love, you cant let others shame you for loving it.
-Alec just had a breakdown. Dude... please give him a hug
-Shadowmoth you are doing that same s*** to your son
-Wishmaker looks cool.
-Luka really prominent in this episode. I am on the fence on this
-Croc jagged doesnt know how to swim
-Chat noir takes down the robot.
-Someone wanted to be a cucumber... He got turned into a cucumber... That is the funniest s*** I have ever seen.
-Okay so the phrasing is Chat noir was confused on why Ladybug would get revealed if she got hit. Marinette admits to wanting to be the knitting fairy.
-Chat noir confessing he had no idea what he wanted to be. Just realized Chat noir really hasnt been making any jokes so far... Okay I am NOW CONCERNED
-Luka CHILLING WITH his crocodile dad is hilarious. "Dad Crocodiles know how to swim." "I didnt know that as a kid" DID THEY JUST EXPLAIN A PLOTHOLE AWAY!
-Viperion appears.
-I am getting a very bad feeling about this.
-OOO! They added sparks to the transformation. Cool.
-Wishmaker making a convincing arguement.
-Oh Luka screwed up
-And... Marinette just got exposed... Also the costume is adorable! But Luka knowing when it was his fault... WHAT THE FRIG?!
-Also Adrien... sweetie. You deserve better than that dream
-So senti-adrien theory might hold more water than we thought.
-I am just gonna say it. Viperion... You SUCK TODAY.
-And thats how they win.
-Wishmaker charm looks cool.
-Alec decides to make a new show.
-Dude... Luka F***ING LIED! Like I get why but... oh Kwami I have thoughts
-So no cap. ALEC'S new costume is amazing!
I am pissed for both of my children.
Marinette put her trust in Luka and when she asked if he knew HE LIED TO HER. He basically knows who she is and thats a danger she cant predict. Luka doesnt have an akuma charm! Luka is a danger to her. HE SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER! WHAT HAPPENED TO HONESTY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TRUTH MATTERS?! THIS ISNT A MATTER OF FEELINGS LUKA! THIS IS A MATTER THAT IS CONCERNING!
And Adrien. Adrien has yet to tell anyone his identity. And the first person to find out is someone he never told? This is even worse because LAST EPISODE! Adrien found out about Carapace and Rena Rouge. His faith in secret identities is going to be shattered.
Despite my emotions.
I am still iffy on him knowing tho
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Dumbass got stabbed III
I really thought I had finished with this two shot but after a request from @/booksrlife300 on ao3 asking for the aftermath I really couldn't resist making it a three shot. And my writing demon certainly agreed because it really went wild during my plane ride.
Anyway here is part three (and i think the final part) to dumbass got stabbed.
Recap (since it's been over a year):
Percy gets stabbed by a monster after coming back from the movies with his friends and the first place he goes to is Jason's house. Jason nearly has a heart attack after Percy collapses on his door and then he pulls him inside and stitches him all up.
This fic starts with Percy waking up the next morning.
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Percy wakes up to searing pain. It spills across his skin like an upturned sowing box. He doesn't know where it's coming from because it feels like it's coming from everywhere. He can't even take stock of his body because he feels like one big pincushion. He supposes being stabbed makes him a pincushion.
He doesn't want to open his eyes. He can feel the light behind them. Too bright. Too loud. Too not how he feels.
He feels like deep darkness. Like the darkness just before a star explodes. The darkness before the sky erupts. The kind that blankets all of his senses except the one that pings danger. That's red and wailing at him. But then pain so untamed it turns his vision orange lances across his side and his eyes snap open with a low howl.
He can see white ceiling. He can see black dots. He hears scrambling, clothes rustling and something falling over. And then he can see blue eyes. And then he can see skies and oceans and glass bottles and concern like mothering hens staring down at him.
"Percy," His name is a growled gasp. Sleep still clinging to the strings of his friends voice box, scratching it's way down his throat.
"Hello, I'm in immense pain." Vaguely he notes that he sounds like an automated machine relaying it's faulty inner workings. That's half how he feels now that the burning-orange pain has lessened to a caution-yellow.
"Here," A golden hand, fingers wrapped in individual bandages, long and racing with green veins, holds out a square to him. It is small and unassuming. Nobody would guess it holds the food of gods. Then again nobody would guess those gods existed.
His mouth feels as though he's been eating his clothes for sustenance the last week. All heavy tongue, dry saliva glands, and teeth too smudgy to be healthy. He considers turning the square away for some toothpaste and a glass of water. But neither of those are going to magically cure the wound marking his side. So he opens his mouth, his jaw, and let's Jason drop the square onto his tongue. Warm fingers brush his lips as they pull back and he wants to chase the lightning-blue zing that they leave behind against his sarcastic mouth.
Instead he snaps himself shut and chews slowly. Only half interested in the cookies, then brownies, then soda— which he somehow knows is blue— disappears down his throat. He feels the magic working through his veins, skin stitching itself together. A headache he didn't know he had disappates.
With a long exhale he relaxes back against cotton cushions and finally takes a good look around the room. He has every detail of it already memorised, having spent many a day and night in this position bothering his friend endlessly. There's the singular shelf that houses old trinkets tattered and bruised from years of moving; the single arrow from Thalia's set— given in protection and as a reminder that she would always be there, for real this time; there's the gaudy new York taxi keyring he had given the blonde, now without the ring part, so of no real use; and the snow globe from Piper when she visited Paris. The soft yellow wall— lemon drizzle if you want to get specific— sits in perfect contrast to the charcoal grey of the rest of the room. It sort of embodies Jason's whole presence. The desk, well used and scattered with books and paper and Chinese takeout containers, sits in the corner opposite the bedroom, right near the window. He says if he can see the city he can breathe a little easier. He knows what he's working towards. Percy thinks it's so he can see the sky and know there's always a way to escape.
Him and Jason are good at that. Escaping. From bad situations, from big feelings, from each other. There's always something left unsaid between them. It drives their friends mad, but it's all they can do to stop from becoming hurricanes and devouring the entire universe.
"How are you feeling?" The blonde is sitting in his swivelly squeaky desk chair, leaning over him with all sense of care and concern. It makes him feel like duck egg blue.
"Much better thank you." He attempts a grin. He hopes it's not a grimace. "No matter how many times I get stabbed it doesn't seem to hrut any less."
Jason narrows his eyes, "I wonder why."
See that's what Percy likes. Everyone else is always giving him disapproving looks and worried scoldings when he says things like that but Jason? Jason indulges him, makes it feel not so suffocating to always be injured and bruised and relying on little squares of God-food to get him through the month.
"How do I look?" This time it's definitely a grin. He can feel the green of his eyes go emerald with amusement.
"Very pretty as always." The reply is solemn, but there's a twitch of pink lips and it's all he can do to not reach over and touch it.
"Want to tell me what happened?" A frown replaces the amusement and he wants to rewind the last few seconds again and again. "You were a little...out of it when you showed up."
"Yes I suppose getting attacked by a monster makes all the smart chemicals in my brain go a little foamy."
"You don't know what attacked you?"
And he is pinned to the bed, to the room, to the world. Because nobody can read the words behind his words the way Jason can. Can read the emotion behind his pauses and the expressions behind his masks. He is neon purple.
"It was dark." He resigns himself to the story. When he's done, laid all the boring details bare, he studies the floors.
The silence stretches around them, cocooning them into something too delicate to touch. It feels almost awkward, or it would if he knew anything about that when he was here. Instead it's just quiet.
"Can you stand? You need a shower."
"Oof Jase," He puts a hand to his chest, hurt painted like clown's make up falling across his face. "I can't look that bad."
There's a precious smirk, full of quick whips kicking up in his friend. "It's the way you smell actually."
He takes an exaggerated whiff and nearly gags. "I smell like I'm decaying." He shudders.
A laugh bursts from the blonde and Percy doesn't want to move in case the music ends. He feels candy floss pink in that moment.
"Right up you get. I'll sort out breakfast and then you can entertain me for the day."
"You don't have to take care of me." He rolls his eyes, sitting up with a hidden wince. His feet settle on the floor. He's grateful neither of them acknowledge that he came here in a haze. That Jason did take care of him. That when his mind was nothing but blinding pain this was the first place his legs took him.
"I'm not taking care of you. I'm using you for entertainment."
What his friend doesn't realise is that Percy can read all his hidden scripture just as well. How "entertain me" means I'm keeping an eye on you. How "mind helping me with this" means I can do it just fine by myself but I want company. How winks mean "it's a joke between us" but smirks mean "it's honesty but gently". It warms his heart to know he can do this. It's a sunshine yellow thing to know someone the way they know each other.
"You good?" Jason stops at the door when he still hasn't moved from the bed.
"Yes just preparing to haul my very large body into your very small shower." He feels the eye roll more than see it. It tugs a smile onto his face.
"I'll remind you that I'm an even larger body and I make it work."
"How on earth do you ever have shower—"
"Percy Jackson!" He is snapped into a laugh.
And then he's in the bathroom and his mouth is full of mint bubbles and although there are circles as deep purple as squished plums under his eyes they shine with contentness. He doesn't fear or worry. Not here. At home, in his mother's house, he's the protector from monsters only he can decimate. At camp he is the protector from monsters that are determined to destroy. But here. He is just Percy. And his protector is cooking pancakes in the kitchen. He is just Percy. And he is sage green as he steps into the steam of the shower.
He looks down, catching the fading wound on his abdomen. His brown skin let's droplets of water rest briefly before rippling and they go racing down to the tiled floor. He stands there for a good minute just staring blankly. But then he hears the sound of a kettle whistling and it jolts him into action as he scrubs the grime and gross of yet another something trying to kill him, off his body.
By the time he's done— sweats and a loose tee rummaged from Jason's closet draping over his too hot skin— the pancakes are neatly stacked on two plates and fresh steaming coffee sits to the right of their food. He feels honey brown.
"Looks delicious."
"I know the way to your heart." The blonde shrugs.
"It's more of a journey than most bargain for." He laughs quietly.
"Dont worry I've brought my hacksaw and my hiking boots I'm willing to run through Amazonian forests."
"Well that's relieving," He grins around his mug. "I was beginning to think I'd be stranded in my stone tower forever."
"All alone?"
He snorts, "No I've made friends with all manner of being. I can't be alone, you know that." He bites into his pancake, blueberry slipping off his fork with a thudding splash into the syrup.
"I do know." The blonde's voice is all buttery and melting. And the truth that comes with it knocks a new vein into Percy's heart.
They're quiet for a few minutes as they devour their breakfast. When there's mere sips of coffee left he settles back in his chair and regards his friend.
"What manner of entertainment am I providing today?"
"Whatever you want but I'm not leaving the house."
"Oh good I don't know if I can make it ten steps out your door without half crumbling to dust these days."
"You wouldn't."
"Mhmm," He hums distractedly, gaging the weather to decide if they're going to huddle up with movies and far too many blankets or throw playing cards at each other while drowning in lemonade. It's a movie sort of day, he decides.
"You wouldn't turn to dust." Jason is saying. "You're too much god and too much good to die like monsters." There is that silent reading again.
"Maybe I was." Percy shrugs, "Before you know..."
And he doesn't need to add anymore because the big space the catches onto that sentence no matter how much time separates those events from the now still means the same thing. Before Tartarus. Before he made a ventriloquist puppet out of a goddess. Before he became unhinged.
"You are not a monster for protecting yourself. Or others." Golden voice is firm. Solid.
"You may be the only one who knows and thinks that."
"Doesn't matter it's still true."
"Okay enough seriousness." He doesn't have the energy for their circling conversation. "Shall we binge Pirates of the Caribbean?" For a stormy grey second he thinks his friend is going to keep their talk going but then he sees the surrender behind the blue eyes and a part of him unwinds.
"We can." There's a raised eyebrow accompanying the agreement and he knows there's conditions attached. Like a damn insurance plan. "If your promise to let me walk you home this evening."
"My big bad wolf." He teases.
The blonde responds with a low growl that makes his whole body turn a violent azure blue. "Fine. We shall stare at Captain Jack Sparrow and then you can valiantly walk me to my front door and shake hands with my mother."
"Wonderful. Now let's get some blankets down."
Jason smiles as he stretches on his tiptoes to reach the fluffy ones. He feels the soft material under his palm but the there's a hand over his brown one and it's tugging the blanket down. He sticks his tongue out at his friend.
Percy is ocean blue.
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coffeeclubbuchan · 4 years
Stressed Out - INabber
So, I hit a block with another thing but I still wanted to write something. I ended up writing a Library AU with Fraser because I was inspired by that goddamn bear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s the first actual piece of writing I’ve ever put up so constructive criticism an’ all that jazz is appreciated! 
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Fraser x (gender-neutral) reader
1.7k words
Work had been a lot lately and you were starting to feel the stress catching up with you. Your bosses at this point might have been out to get you with the piles of work they have mounted on top of you. You just wanted it all to slip away; to have a day when the papers and numbers aren’t clouding your brain that leaves you longing for an escape of the mindless work you have to do day in and day out. That’s how you ended up taking a drive on a Saturday - not knowing or caring where you were going, but only hoping to have some sort of fun with it.
You had been driving for about half an hour now and decided to pull onto the side of the road and get out of the car. The weather had been slowly getting worse and soon it was going to be unsafe to drive in. It was starting to pelt it down with rain, so quickly you grabbed your backpack, haphazardly throwing it over your shoulders and darted into the closest building.
That said building was a cozy library, grand old oak bookcases stood high against the walls. Spines of books - old and new - were coated everywhere the eye could reach. There were various wooden desks situated in between the bookcases. Not too many people were currently there but there was a quiet buzz to the room. It was almost tranquil; a polar opposite of what your chaotic life had been recently.
Deciding to not just stand in the doorway forever, you shuffled into the room. Your honest expectation had been for people to turn and look at the newcomer walking into the library - but no, everyone who was there barely even glanced a look at you, which was a huge relief.
You started looking at the front bookshelves, trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. To an outsider, you would look like you were browsing, but really you just had no clue where anything was and was extremely overwhelmed with what seemed like an endless choice of books.
Nothing immediately grabbed your attention, so you walked deeper into the library. You had walked into the European History section. Now, there had to be something here that you would enjoy. You used your knowledge of the good ol’ Dewey Decimal System you were forced to learn in secondary school to help you locate the books.
‘941, British Isles… no…’ You thought as you scanned around the area; running your index finger along the bookcases as you walked along, noting all the literature surrounding you.
‘944, France and Monaco. I guess I could read about the revolution?’ You started gazing around the self, lost in your own thoughts but was quickly taken out when a voice spoke to you.
“Ma’am, do you need any help finding something?” You turned around to face a tall man (and a good-looking one at that). The light brown-haired guy stared back at you. His features soft and welcoming, with round clear glasses and his hair swept over to the left. He was wearing a dark green and navy tartan button down with black ripped skinny jeans. You read his name tag that was pinned to his shirt - ‘Fraser’ it read and. Oh! He asked you a question! ‘Answer it Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself.
“I’m trying to find something to read while waiting out the storm. I... I don’t know where to start looking” You stated honestly.
“Well, what do you want to read?” The guy - Fraser responded.
“Have you got any suggestions?”  You asked.
“Hmm,” Fraser started, “I normally read fiction, so if you’re only here until the storm blows over you could read something by ‘Terry Pratchett’ or ‘Phillip Pullman’?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. Show me the way o’ wise librarian,” You replied. Fraser turned around but you could see the small grin he had on his face. I mean it wasn’t the best one liner, but you’ll take it.
Fraser led you in between winding bookshelves until you got out of the non-fiction area. It leads straight onto the fiction part of the library, so you both walked forward with you trailing behind.  
Even just from looking at the back of Fraser, you could tell that he was cute looking. It wouldn’t be a surprise to you if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend. You could see his shoulder blades pressed up against the shirt and saw how the clothing clung to his arms. He wasn’t jack ripped, sure, but you could still tell that he had some muscles from working out and you always found lanky boys to be cute and charming, so it didn’t really matter anyway.  
‘Y/N!’ You shouted at yourself, ‘You literally just met the guy and you’re practically planning a wedding! He doesn’t even know your name!’
You didn’t want to give it your internal self (the smug bastard) a point but you have to give it to them. You shouldn’t be thinking about these things when the poor guy was just trying to do his job.
You gripped onto your backpack straps, taking in note the surroundings - it was similar to the other part but had more colour to it; In one corner a specially - 'children's books’ your brain (un)helpfully supplied. In that corner, the walls were painted pastel baby blue, with darker blue bean bags dotted around and you saw a large pink teddy bear sitting propped up against a wall. That had to at least be a 5 foot - why is it so big?!
Fraser looked over his shoulder to make sure you were still following and saw you looking at the pink bear.
“That’s Winnie, Will brought him in and the kids who come in seem to love him, so we’ve just kept him.” Fraser said fondly.
“Who’s Will?”
“He’s another guy who works here, he works on Sundays normally. Said some girl got it for him, I’m not sure - wasn’t really paying attention to him,” Fraser stated and you both walked over to see Mr. Winnie - the big pink bear.  
You each sat down on a bean bag facing each other and you turned your head to look at the bear.
“Hello Winnie, it’s nice to meet you!” You exclaimed while picking up his pink paw to shake.
Fraser looked at you out of the corner of his eye and chuckled. You turned his attention back to Fraser, “Wild guess here, but is he named after Winnie the Pooh?” You questioned.
“Yeah, we aren’t very creative when it comes to name making, and we saw a person looking at the books and just called him that,” Fraser replied.
"I think it's a rather cute name," You said. 'Fucking hell Y/N, laying it on rather thick there' Your inner voice whinnied at you.
You sat and quietly talked to Fraser for another half an hour, you found out that he played League of Legends and that this was his main job, and he created videos as a hobby. (also, he did find out your name during the conversation) The chat was winding down, but Fraser had a curious glint in his eye.
“You wanting to ask something?” You gently asked.
“Yeah... don’t think I’m pushing anything here, but you seem really cool and I want to get to know you more. Are... are you single?” He quietly asked, a blush rose on his cheek bones. “If you're not that’s fine! I’m just asking, and we can be friends and-” He quickly added, babbling on a bit more.
“Fraser,” You stated, moving your hand to rest in on his knee. “I’m single, I’m not seeing anyone.” You chuckled and slightly shook your head.
“Well I was wondering…” The blush that was on his cheek slowly worked its way along his nose, extenuating his freckles even more. “Could I get your number and maybe we can plan to meet up again?” He said. The word ‘date’ never left his mouth but was heavily implied.
And because at heart you're a person for the theatrics, you felt that just putting your number in his phone was too simple. You swung your bag round, so it sat in your lap and went into the front pockets to grab a sharpie. You found it and took Fraser's hand in yours and wrote on his arm.
[xxxxx-xxxxx ~ Y/N] and drew a little heart below and filled it in black. You put the pen back in your bag and swung it back round, pulling the straps back over your shoulders. You stood up from your bean bag and saw Fraser softly running his finger over the heart.
“Text me later,” You said, and he looked up at you with fondness in his eyes. You winked and spun on the heel of your foot. ‘Fuck yeah, what an exit’ You thought, and the rain had cleared up enough to drive, so you made your way around the bookcases and reached the front door.
Once you had gotten into your flat, you sat on your couch and started thinking.
‘Today, I never ended up where I expected to. What started as an escape turned into something much more than I could have ever predicted. Was this the thing that could take me out of the pit I’ve been slowly falling into? Maybe the thing I was missing was another person? Someone to help, care, comfort, protect, joke -’
A loud ping off your phone took you out of your thoughts. You sat up straighter and grabbed your phone - seeing it was from an unknown number.
“hey! Its fraser from the library! did you get home okay? are the roads bad?”
As you were reading the text a few more came in -
“If the roads are too bad I can come pick you up if you want?”
“Wait if your driving dont respond to that”
“oh god please dont crash because you were reading my texts”
‘Yeah’ You giggled to yourself ‘this is definitely going to be the start of something special’
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avvidstarion · 4 years
For the album ask game... how about The Black Parade?
oh ABSOLUTELY. i LOVE you. this is all subject to change at the drop of the hat bc im wishy-washy and i love all of these songs anyway so
this got WAY too long so i am putting it under a readmore shhvkldlkdgjlkdsj
not including b-sides:
1. Teenagers- kind of a basic pick i know, BUT, in my defense, the song slaps. it’s such a fun song, especially when you’re singing it at the top of your lungs. the guitar part is super cool too- im trying to learn it rn but it’s a slow process bc im bad at guitar.
2. Mama- what can i say. it fucks. the old time-y feel, the harmonies/background vocals, the layers. the guitar goes so fucking hard. banging lyrics- “you should’ve raised a baby girl, i should have been a better son”??????? songs to be trans to.”but the shit that i’ve done with this fuck of a gun” is the kind of lyric that you can only properly convey if you’re screaming it at the top of your lungs. the whole ending is just. mind blowing
3. The End.- LISTEN!!!!!!!!! the end is WAY TOO FUCKING UNDERRATED!!!! oh my goddd i love it so much. i love it SO much. it’s such a perfect beginning to the song. the lyrics are great (”now come one, come all, to this tragic affair” if you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you can find out first hand what it’s like to be me”, “another contusion, my funeral jag. here’s my resignation, i’ll serve it in drag. you’ve got front row seats to the penitence ball, when i grow up, i want to be NOTHING AT ALL!!! SAVE ME!!! GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!! SAVE ME!!! TOO YOUNG TO DIE, AND MY DEAR!!! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME JUST WALK AWAY AND TAKE ME!!). the bit with the snapping and the ooooohs is fun too. such a good song, it could honestly be 1 or 2 but my ranking system isnt based in logic and makes no sense to even myself
4. House of Wolves- house of wolves was my favorite mcr song for a good chunk of time, but as a result i’m kinda burned out on it, which is why it isn’t higher.  however it is still number four  because it’s objectively a fucking amazing song. the guitar is so fuckin fun, the lyrics are great, and it’s just. fun to dance around and sing it at the top of your lungs. you better run like the devil cause they’re never gonna leave you alone!!!!! tell me i’m a bad, bad, bad, bad man!!!
5. Welcome to the Black Parade- the big man itself. the titular song. their biggest hit. a lot of people shit on wttbp for being popular and, like, pretty much the only song of theirs to ever be on the radio anymore (and even then it’s once in a blue moon), BUT. it got popular for a reason. it’s a really good song. i love the structure of it, i love how it builds and builds and builds. the lyrics are wonderfully done- “a world that sent you reelin from decimated dreams/ your misery and hate will kill us all”, the whole “do or die, you’ll never make me” stanza is The Ultimate rallying cry. and the “im just a man, i’m not a hero” is just. ughghghdlkslakdjglsdkg. the titular song of an album entirely about death and dying and misery being SO hopeful and SO upbeat really portrays the album as a whole much differently- mcr is known as The Emo Band because, yeah, their aesthetic is dark and their songs touch dark stuff but they have never been all whiney and boo-hoo-y and melancholic for the sake of melancholy. there’s always been a positive note to their music and a lot of people just don’t get that which makes me sad. anyway. wttbp is fun and i like it and i like the drums and the trumpets at the end. marching bands fuck
6. Blood- ok so the pattern here seems to be that i favor the fun songs over the slow ones, and blood sticks with that. much like with mama, i love the old time-y feel. i love that this is like a fun little bonus ditty to end the album on. the lyrics are silly and fun and jovial, and the piano is great. love it and it makes me happy
7. Disenchanted- OUGHH. OUUUUUGH. i know cancer is objectively the saddest song on the album, but disenchanted just hits different. “when the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen/ i hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene” just DECIMATES me, man. the acoustic guitar is a nice change of pace, and the vocal performance is just. so fucking emotional. especially the “woahhhhhhhh-ohs” at the end. great song, makes me Feel Emotions
8. The Sharpest Lives- ok so i know this is pretty much in the middle of the list, but i want to stress that i dont hate any of the songs on this album, so even the middle of the list is pretty fuckin good imo. the sharpest lives makes me go batshit.  the lyrics are so fucking wild. “a light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be” is SO fuckin sick like OH my god. what a line. also “there’s a place in the dark where the animals go/ you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow/ juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands/ drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, romeo” like WHAT?????????????? GERARD POPPED OFF W THIS ONE FOLKS!! also i love how at the beginning the whisper-y vocals bounce from ear to ear. also “so why don’t you blow me......a kiss before she goes” is fuckin hilarious. honestly this song should be higher but i havent gone through a phase where i’ve been obsessed w it yet so it stays down here for now. one day it will take hold and be all i can listen to for a month straight and THEN it will climb the ranks. 
9. Cancer- makes me cry like a liddol baby. my mom doesnt let it play in the car cause it makes her too sad. twenty one pilots covered it and it was FUCKING AWFUL so the song is kinda ruined now cause i can only think about their shitty cover. like the AUDACITY. but anyway besides that the song is heart wrenching and amazing. the hardest part of this is leavin you!!!!
10. Dead!- look, i know technically the end. and dead! are the same song/ are just continuations of each other but i’m listing them separately bc dead! is, to me, the worse of the two. not that it’s bad or anything, it just doesn’t pop off the same way the end. and all the songs before it on the list do. however i do love the guitar at the beginning and the solo, and the “one! two! one two three four! LA LA LA LAs” are super fucking fun. 
11. Famous Last Words- i used to hate this song!!!! i truly did!! it’s obvs not on the top of my list now or anything, but i have grown to appreciate it a lot more than i used to. like with wttbp, it is the silver lining of the album that betrays its optimistic side. it’s a happy final message to a dark album. the ending is fucking amazing. I am not afraid to keep on living!!!! i am not afraid to walk this world alone!!!!!!
12. Sleep- Sleep is, unfortunately, just kinda boring in comparison. i almost forgot to even put it on the list. however, i do like the “the hardest part’s the awful things that i’ve seen” and the “a drink, for the horrors that i’m in. for the good guys and the bad guys, for the monsters that i’ve been” lines. also the “three cheers for tyranny, unapologetic apathy!” line. but overall it’s just. eh
13. This is How I Disappear- i have. complicated feelings on tihid. on one hand, it reminds me of my favorite oc, re, and is on their playlist. on the other hand, i have grown bored with it over time. it just doesn’t stand out to me at all really. that being said, i do really like the “who walks among the famous living dead” and the “can you hear me cry out to you” stanzas. 
14. I Don’t Love You- while i dont think idly is a bad song at all, it just simply isnt my kind of song. i do think gerard’s vocals are extremely strong throughout, especially during the “when you go, would you have the guts to say/ i don’t love you like i loved you yesterday” line. like wow ok maam please continue. but overall i just dont vibe w breakup songs bc i cant relate
including b sides: 1. Heaven Help Us
2. Kill All Your Friends
3. Everything else
4. My  Way Home is Through You
my reasoning: 
heaven help us is tied for my favorite mcr song Of All Time. everything about this song is catnip for lil old me. the angsty christian imagery, the vocals, the guitar. all of it. the lyrics make me lose my mind, especially the “will you pray for me? or make a saint of me? and will you lay for me? or make a saint of- cause i’ll give you all the nails you need/cover me in gasoline/ wipe away those tears of blood again/ and the punchline to the joke is asking ‘SOMEONE SAVE US’” and the “you don’t know a thing about my sins/ or the misery begins/ you don’t know, so i’m burnin! I’m burnin!!!” parts. like i absolutely vibe with this song so fucking hard. i sing it constantly, it’s great to sing (very stimmy for me), it sounds beautiful. i am obsessed with it through and through
similarly, kill all your friends also speaks to my very soul. i can’t pick favorite lyrics bc id just have to copy and paste the whole song. i love the build-up, i love the time progression throughout the song (it’s been TEN FUCKING YEARS since i’ve been seein your faaaaaace rounnnnnd heeeere), i love the “you’ll never take me alives”. literally everything about this song makes me emo. it just Gets Me. it’s literally about my greatest fear. all my friends growing up and moving away and getting on with their lives without me, leaving me to rot in my hometown waiting for them to return. we only see each other at weddings and funerals, so it’s time to kill all your friends so we can party when the funeral ends!! it’s probably tied with heaven help us, but i’m putting it at number two just because it didn’t hook me as strongly as hhu did. it’s more of a strong, steady favorite than a “this song has latched on to my very soul and i have to listen to it on repeat over and over and over again”, if that makes sense. it’s still in my top 5 mcr songs though
i never vibed with my way home is through you. i don’t listen to it often, and i just don’t really feel it. it’s not bad, it’s just. eh.
anyway if you’ve read this far down i love you so much. thank you for listening to me ramble, mcr means a lot and i love to infodump about my music tastes. i really really appreciate being given an opportunity to do so <3
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devintrinidad · 6 years
10 GIFs of Anime that You Love, Then Tag 10 People
Just got tagged by @chemicalflashes.
One of the first few anime I watched. I adored how the intricate stories were intertwined with others; how a bystander in one scene could be a hero or a villain in another. A choice that one makes can easily have devestaring consequences. And of course, the mastermind himself: Orihara Izaya.
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Death Note
Oldie, yes. Overrated, probably. Completely worth watching and still able to discuss a decade after completion? Along with a few movies, musical adaptations, and a live action remake? Oh, yes!
Favorite characters are Near and Misa. The former for his cool nature that resembles L’s, but ultimately serves as a better allegory for Justice because he doesn’t find Kira for fun. No, he captures and probably would have him imprisoned for life because it’s his duty as L’s successor. He’s also heavily under-appreciated by the fandom. The latter for her adaptability and unpredictability in situations. Did you guys watch the Yorsuba arc? The girl was calculating how cute she was going to be. Plus, she’s not mentally well (her parents were murdered in front of her), but she still managed to handle herself SO WELL during her time as a prisoner under L’s inhuman methods to seek out the Second Kira. Again, she’s under-appreciated.
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Death Parade
Brilliant idea. Has a possible tie in to Death Note. The opening was laughably so misleading!
There are some flaws, like plot holes and unfinished storylines, but it held up pretty well. We learned about the characters through how they interact with one another—especially when put under pressure. The Arbiters are amazing in that they can’t question the system, and yet, in the end, Decim tries to understand and formulate how Chiyuki is going to be finally put to rest.
If nothing else, just watch for the skating scene and the opening sequence.
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Cells at Work (Hataraku Saibou)
How could I not add this show??? I’m not that great science, but I have been intimately acquainted with how the body works (I’m frankly disappointed no one has called 1146 a granulocyte yet and we haven’t seen any neurons in the manga 😞). Also...3803 is basically me: I’m terrible at directions, I’m continuously learning new things because I moved away, and the way she met 1146...is kind of how I met my best friend, hehehe.
That said, I’m really in love with this anime/manga fandom and hope to continue writing for it. (Insert self promotion: please read my fanfics on my main platform which is ffnet!)
Another reason why I love CAW...
The neutrophil squad.
...and wbc x rbc...and by that, I mean any or all of those wbc squad can get paired with 3803. Because I have a soft spot for reverse harems. *cough Ouran High School Host Club*
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Hetalia: Axis Powers
This show made me love geography and my country so much. It’s funny, it’s hilarious, and it’s so heartwarming how the fandom likes to make all sorts of fanmade stuff to expand on what Hima-papa gives us. (YES, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2018, I SHALL REFER TO HIMARYU-SENSEI AS HIMA-PAPA. FIGHT ME.)
Is Hetalia dead? I don’t know, but the fandom and one particular FanFiction by @cultureandseptember really helped me out a few years back.
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Bungou Stray Dogs
I love literature, good looking animation, and smarmy little know-it-alls who like to play the fool. Hehehe, I’m planning on reading No Longer Human when I get the time. Does that mean Osamu Dazai is my favorite character? Well...
Can you blame me if I said yes? He’s so charming and enigmatic that you can’t help but love him. However, I think I really love him because I struggle with dark thoughts and suicidal ideation from time to time. I haven’t actively sought it out quite like he has in the past, but well... hehehe! I can also relate because he’s kind of like an outsider in the Agency due to his past—he’s different because he can’t actively cancel out your abilities, which always makes him a threat.
Anywhoozles, I’m still waiting to see the movie...Le sigh.
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K Project
This. This is not the best anime out there. Seriously.
The animation gets wonky here and there, they do the women in here a huge disservice, and they put too much emphasis on how great Mikoto Suoh. Like, he’s great and all, but the dude has no effect on the story except for the last season.
With that said, I think the main selling point here isn’t the anime, but the side materials like the manga/novels. You get to appreciate the backstories of so many of the characters and you get to feel for them because some of them have suffered so much! (Read: Fushimi Saruhiko).
I think you can get the same amount of enjoyment if you stick to the novels/manga.
Favorite characters: Scepter 4 Alphabet Squad. They are the best boys. Also, Lieutenant Awashima Seri. And Fushimi Saruhiko. You know what? Just put down Blue Clan here. They’re all nerds and they enjoy it.
Also: Domyoiji Andy reminds me of U-4989 from CAW. So...
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Violet Evergarden
Remember how I said that I liked literature? This entire anime is about the power of not only the written word, but of also the act of writing, sending, and receiving those words. The anime may be episodic in nature, but you can really connect with the character through her terrible backstory and really feel for her when she realizes that she needs to face her past. PTSD is real and I think the anime really handled the post war aspect of this torn down world really well.
I’m also a sucker for typewriters, steam punk, and characters that don’t really know how to function in society (but learn over the course of the story).
Watch this if you want feels...and get ready for episode ten.
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Samurai Champloo
This takes place in feudal era Japan.
But there’s rapping.
And breakdancing.
And guys spraying paint everywhere.
Also, there’s a sunflower samurai we gotta look for???
Hahahah, while episodic in nature, this was a joy to watch. You never get to know the characters really well and when we reach our mission’s end, it seems to fall short, but it’s not about that. The journey is what makes this anime worth it simply because the characters interactions are rife with hilarity and all three mains balance each other out. There’s a fanfic out there that describes them in detail, but in a succinct manner that had me melting. (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2351750/1/The-Order-of-Things) check it out when you have the time.
Anyway, for those of you who have watched it, I sincerely hope that they meet again in the future.
(But, let’s be real. They probably didn’t).
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Tokyo Mew Mew
This isn’t a joke.
I have a soft spot for this anime because this was my first ever anime I watched where I realized that this was anime. This was like my gateway anime. Not Sailor Moon. Not Naruto.
Looking back on this, it wasn’t the best—it’s your typical monster of the week deal with some environmental activism involved but for what it’s worth...it’s good??? Like, even the 4Kids dub (DONT CRUCIFY ME) even added some songs that were really great??? Bree Sharp’s Don’t Wake Me Up was my jam??? It fit better than the original Japanese counterpart???
TMM also introduced me to shipping, FanFiction, and amvs. That’s right, without this little gem, I would be writing/writing/thinking about FanFiction. I probably wouldn’t have been an anime watcher without this magical girl anime from the early 2000s.
So, yeah. This anime will always have a place in my heart because without it, I probably wouldn’t have become the person I am today. Thank you, Tokyo Mew Mew.
(This was also the birth of my first OTP before I knew what OTPs were: Kisshu/Ichigo...although nowadays, people are calling them Quiche/Strawberry? Hehehe, there’s so many things wrong here, I only like interactions, not the implications. That’s why I’m completely okay with Aoyama/Ichigo being endgame—and they’re actually really cute in the sequel manga???)
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Honorable mentions (because I only thought of these now after I wrote analyses and gifs):
Five Centimeters Per Second
Ouran High School Host Club
Kimi no Nawa
Wolf Children
Psycho Pass
(There’s like a dozen more, but nah. I’m good).
Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap!!!
I’m tagging everyone who reads this! MWUAJAHAHAH!
I’m kidding; I don’t have that many friends here (if any) who are into anime so, umm...try it!
Thanks to @chemicalflashes for this amazing opportunity to find out why I love anime so much!
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
my first initial thoughts on TLJ when saw it below the cut from conversation. super, super long, and lots of spoilers.
izzy complains about star wars
first thing: so the whole arc with Finn was pointless
you could actually cut out that entire arc and almost nothing would change there was no pay off and they failed completely, and it's ... not good writing in general
the pay off didn't have to be success, and in fact they should have still failed completely
the pay off SHOULD HAVE BEEN Rose and Finn connecting with the downtrodden underclass of Canto Bight, and inspiring hope for a new rebellion in the sequel, for one example
the pay off SHOULD HAVE BEEN stormtroopers SEEING that they had an option to leave, that Finn left and survived, and not only survived but kicked Captain Phasma's ass and escaped
and other stormtroopers SEEING this and realizing they are not bound to stay, they dont HAVE to remain in the First Order, and rise up
as it stands, Finn ... goes through the same bull shit character arc of the first movie, nearly gets killed off, and doesn't even have ONE line of dialogue with Rey. 
he’s constantly brutalized and that brutalization is played for laughs, compare to the treatment of Kylo and his injuries which are in no way treated as funny. multiple people have said this better, but you know what? they’re right
Rose and Finn also save a bunch of slave animals that will probably be recaptured but don’t do shit for the slave children which they could, actually, save ... and we’re supposed to buy that one brief moment in which Rose goes “I’m with the resistance” and gives one kid a ring, is supposed to be inspiring when in actuality they did not do anything for those kids and even more likely got them into a huge hell of a lot more trouble because those kids were responsible for those animals
Rian’s explanation for the kid at the end? makes even less sense, as he attributes it to Luke Skywalker who wasn’t even there as opposed to Rose and Finn, who were. 
second thing: Poe Dameron is almost completely OOC
but not OOC in a way that I can buy, but OOC in a way that is super stereotypical and typecast “hotblooded latino men” ... who gets taught a lesson by a white woman ... but the lesson doesn't even matter because he still retains / takes command when they're on Crait anyway.
he gets a slap on the wrist for shitty overall behavior and it has no weight to it because by then nearly everybody died anyway and so he has to take command anyway.
it only makes sense not as Poe as established by TFA (which I did rewatch yesterday) and expanded canon, but as a young, hot headed, specifically latino boy/man. incredible. 
third thing: "The Jedi need to die" but the reasons brought up aren't the actual, real, serious hypocrisy that the Jedi Order are even responsible for.
instead, it's shit they can't actually be held accountable for, ie. allowing Sidious to rise to power --- literally something they couldn't have prevented. there's no mention of the actual things they're at fault for doing (accepting and using an army of slaves, acting as the arm of a corrupt government that did in fact hurt harm or otherwise look away from corruption in the galaxy)
by presenting it like that it frames the very idea of the Jedi needing to die out, it frames the valid concern that they were hypocritical, arrogant, and vain ... as ridiculous and borne out of a cynical and broken man's depression, instead of very real, very legitimate problems they contributed to in the prequel trilogy
fourth thing: the lesson we're supposed to take away is that we cannot hold onto the past as it leads us to destruction ... but that lesson is completely and totally undermined because Rey still has the books ...
the original Jedi Lexicon from the Old Republic books Luke thought he destroyed, but they're .... still on the Falcon? ?? Finn takes out a blanket to cover an unconscious Rose, and the books are in that very drawer
fifth thing: I also just ... don't buy Luke's attempt on Kylo's life. Luke went out of his way, defied everyone and everything, even the rest of the galaxy, to save Vader ... even when Vader absolutely gave him no reason to believe in him.
so he ... saw the darkness in Kylo and decided to ignite his lightsaber over him in the middle of the night? like, forget about the EU, forget about all of Legends, who cares! just the original trilogy, I would never believe Luke would do that to his own nephew.
I mean, maybe AFTER the destruction of the Temple, or literally ANYONE ELSE in the Jedi Order would do that to Kylo
Luke, Luke I don't give a fuck about what's expected of a Jedi Jedi Luke? 
like .......... all they had to do was like ... just say or frame it as Luke was tricked by Snoke, say that Snoke fouled his senses or made him see the “future” and confuse it with the at-then present. that’s what the dark side is about. they already had MULTIPLE visions, they already set up complex subterfuge by mind fuckery. there’s no reason that they couldn’t have indicated that Luke only needed a little push, a little bit of confusion, a little bit of smoke and mirrors.
but Luke acting alone, of his own volition? that doesn’t make sense. and like, I don’t even like Luke, but the characterization is straight up inconsistent, in a way that totally fails to grasp the AWESOME opportunity to really SHOW HOW SNOKE IS TERRIFYING.
but instead they ... didn’t do that.
sixth thing: I feel like this movie did not help with the flack Rey was getting. 
"she's too perfect" or "she knows too much too fast" wasn't fair in TFA because in TFA there's a foundation to believe she would know how to fight, talk to droids, repair things, fly, whatever ...
but in this movie? she didn't get an actual training montage with Luke, she didn't actually get much from that whole experience. her connection with Kylo wasn't explored in a way that would clarify how she might suddenly know multiple types of lightsaber forms
she's presented even more as a Mary Sue but without the world building to support her skills. people already hated Rey before ... and they WILL hate her more now because of this lazy writing.
this lazy writing that’s specifically done to maneuver her into a position to do the most emotional labor for not one but two grown ass fucking adult men
this is supposed to be about her, and instead she becomes sidelined in her own story for two men too fucked up to do their own emotional labor.
and the thing is ... we're not presented with any reason for her to still be good, even in the face of abandonment by Luke. we don't have a reason to believe Rey would be as good as she is ... not that good people have to prove they are good, but that Rey came from literal desert hell shithole, surrounded by horrible people who do horrible things, was RAISED by horrible people doing horrible things
and it's hard to break that self interest when it's one born of a need for survival in the worst situations for over a decade ... and we ... don't get a reinforcement of that for her, and we do actually need it
IF it was revealed Luke was her father, somehow, in some way? even if Luke didn't know ... hell, even if no one knows except us, the audience? then ... then it would have made sense
not just because that goodness was who Luke used to be, but because they would have had that connection between them in the same way Luke continuously tried to reach out to his father and was rebuffed
but instead we have ... Rey No One, from Nowhere, born from Nothing .......
not only is that not a good answer, but we cannot even trust it because that "answer" comes directly from Kylo Ren, someone we cannot trust, because Kylo has every reason to lie to Rey to make her join him ... and again it's just ... playing into the confusion of "what is the lesson, exactly?" between letting go or holding on to the past
because letting go of the past? is not what Rey is doing. she goes from seeking a connection with could be / would be parents, to pursuing this forced connection between her and Kylo, and then bouncing because he betrayed her. it's the past repeating itself, and then she ... still has the books so the Jedi Order persists
it cannot die and be reborn because it wasn't fully destroyed in the first place.
sixth thing: they also straight up dropped Phasma completely, she shows up there's a quick fight and she’s dropped in some fire and we can HOPE she survives that because like hell does it make sense for her to die right there, what the fuck?
and she could have been a GREAT ANTAGONIST but they completely threw her in there as a side note one note character, in what I totally assume was a result of decimating Finn’s original storyline to begin with.
seventh thing: it would have been REAL NICE if Rose didn’t straight up fuck up Finn right in the beginning, and have that whole stun him so he crashes HIS FUCKING WOUND INTO THE WALL and play that for jokes.
WHY do we constantly have to do this. WHY. WHY can’t I be allowed to have my SEAsian representation WITHOUT a heavy dose of antiblackness? WHY is that apparently impossible? this is exhausting.
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