clonehub · 3 months
The Acolyte Episode 3 spoilers and thoughts under the cut:
I said all this on twitter already but I'm adding some more here: I think this was the strongest of the three episodes so far. The racist reactionaries are gonna HATE the magical lesbian IVF but I DONT CARE. I LOVE IT.
This episode to me clearly shows that both sides were wrong in some ways and right in others. jedi shouldn't tresspass and they definitely shoudn't just be following whatever the Republic says about training Force users, but the coven was wrong to try and make Mae and Osha codependent and not really their own people.
At the same time they're valid in their desire to preserve their people and culture. They're worried about extinction. A group of magical women trying to survive on their own? They WOULD be targeted. Yeah Mother Aniseya kinda fucked up torbin a lil but that could be taken as an extreme version of Jedi mind tricks. 
I'm also doubting what we've been shown. I think there's more to the story than Mae intentionally setting fire to everything. We don't see her set the door on fire/drop the lamp. We hear it, but no visual confirmation. And we don't see how Mae could have possibly destroyed their entire generator system in the span of like what a few minutes? How is a child gonna do that much damage in that short amount of time? And how and why was Sol already that deep into the center of the mountain? 
I don't think any of this is enough to make Torbin kill himself so fast upon seeing Mae, unless he and the other Jedi feel like they should have caught Mae's violent instability sooner and not exacerbated it. But I think these four Jedi were more involved in this. Like look at Kelnacca. Bro was just working on a speeder and didn't directly participate in anything, but Mae is trying to kill him too. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AAAHHHHHH
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
You know I can anything I want right? because I can and I will leave you on yet another cliffhanger. Masterlist is linked here.
WARNINGS: Mentions of graphic domestic violence issues. Heavy and mature theme of domestic violence ahead. Do not read if you aren't comfortable reading about those issues. (Please also keep in mind this is not me glorifying abuse, but highlighting the long-term effects that domestic abuse can have on those directly exposed.)
It was meant to be a holiday to the California Coast, something to break the day in day out mundane routine of home. But you felt somewhat naive to believe that while on holidays things would be any different to what they were at home. If anything? Things were much much worse. On holiday on the California Coast was where your final straw was pulled. You had to escape, you had to leave because the signs were all there, written in bright red ink. You were fighting for your life now, for your daughter's life, no more games or tolerance. 
“You can cancel my bank cards, you can push me around, you can beat me black and blue but you will never win because I don't love you anymore!” You shouted as you stood on the opposite side of the king bed that Jaidyn did. Putting something between you so that he couldn't lungs at you. “The only mistake I ever made was staying this long, not speaking up and telling everyone the truth.” You knew threatening him wasn't the best idea, but you wanted him to know that at this moment you weren't afraid of him although deep down you were terrified. “I kept my mouth shut because I thought that's what a good partner did–I didn't want any of this to be true so I stayed silent–I kept quiet!” You chuckled softly to yourself in disbelief that this was your life, that you'd put up with this abuse for so long because you thought that this was love, that this was as good as you were going to get, that this was all you deserved. “I don't think you ever loved me, if you did you wouldn't treat me like a hostage! A slave that you can just take and take and take from!” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Jaiydn hissed as he tried to make his way to you only for you to step back and move around the bed. “Just you wait until I get my fucking hands on you your stupid bitch!” He spat, anger evident in his eyes as he balled his fist and pointed at you. “I’m gonna kill you–” Again, you just chuckled almost maniacally, shaking your head because it was now or never. 
“But not anymore, I am leaving! I am taking my child! I am walking out this goddamn door and I swear if you try to stop me I will scream and I won't stop screaming!” 
It didn't matter how much you screamed in the Air BnB, no one was coming to help you. Jaiydn had called your bluff and completely decimated you. He beat you black and blue until your ribs were broken and your eye socket was shattered. You screamed so loud you eventually lost your voice. That only made it easier for him to have his way with you–against your will because without a voice how do you say no? 
“One more sip for me darlin.’” He cooed as he tipped your chin up and poured the burning liquor down your throat. The bottle nearly empty as you laid bloodied, beaten and bruised between Jaidyns legs. “Good girl.” You swallowed, crying, a gentle sob escaped past your broken lips as you coughed at the sting of a drip running down your chin over lacerations. “See? Isn’t it just so easy to do as your fucking told instead of being a physotic cunt?”
Drunk, Jaidyn pushed you into a heap on the floor as he got up. Kicking you in your stomach one final time for good measure. Smirking at the sound you made. He loved the way you looked so helpless, all because of him. 
“I'm gonna go down the road to the casino with a few buddies of mine who are in the area.” He explained as you laid with your head spinning from the amount of alcohol you'd been forced to drink in such a small amount of time. “Might even bring some of the boys back for some fun too.” He threatened. “Since you wanna act like a fucking whore, ill hire you out like one.” 
When Bradley had seen the way you paused in your tracks like you’d walked right into an investable brick wall, he knew something was seriously wrong. Unclipping his seatbelt as quickly as he could before jumping out of the car. His imminent response was to grab your daughter. No question or hesitation about it. 
“Hey slugga–” Bradley cooed as he unclipped Odette from her carseat. She was in hysterics. “Shhh you’re alright bubba, hey, none of that.” Holding her to his chest trying to soothe her worries, Bradley shut the door once he knew Dot was okay and that she was safe in his strong arms. “You’re okay darling girl, I got you.” He’d do anything for her—without question. 
“Mamma–” Dot cried out as Bradley rounded the front of the car, coming to stand beside you but just a little in front. He wanted to be a barrier for whatever had frightened you. It didn't take Bradley long at all to figure out what was going on. He was privy to your ex’s sudden appearance in North Island and despite Jake's constant taunting about Braldleys intellectual capacity–he didn't need a degree in aerospace engineering to put two and two together. The man standing before you, the man who had hit Jake's car at the T-intersection, was Jaiydn Dolan. 
“Sugar Plum oh how i've missed you!” Jaidyn beamed as he stepped forwards and tried to reach out for his daughter who seemed to recoil at his gesture. Curling her little hands into the fabric of Bradleys shirt as she clung to him for dear life. Hiding her face in the space between his shoulder and chest, her tears still falling freely down her traumatised cheeks. 
“Reach for her like that again and you’ll lose both your damn hands.” Bradley hissed as you stepped a little further behind him. He’d never seen you like this before, so closed off and scared. He’d remembered quite well how quiet and in your own shell you were when he’d first met you–but it was nothing like the display he was seeing now. You were beyond that of terrified. “You hit my friend's car, I'm gonna need your insurance and stuff to get the damage covered.” Bradley puffed his chest as your ex eyed him down. “Unless you want me to call the cops and have them come down here?” Jaidyn smirked, it made you feel sick to your stomach when he turned to look at you hiding behind Bradley's left shoulder. 
“So this is who fell for your fucking bullshit huh?” He chuckled wildly as he stepped back, spitting a glob of spit and blood out of his mouth. It looked as if he’d been a victim of his own airbag too. Rooster still had blood dripping from his nose, it stained the hairs on his moustache an orangey iron colour. Yours did the same, only the blood that ran down went strain into your mouth. Both having been victims of the force of those airbags. “She's a trainwreck man, drags whoevers around her down into the dirt.” Jaidyn thought he was being smart, degrading you in such a public way. Bradley wasn't going to stand for it, turning to face you as he passed you Dot. “Bitch took my fucking daughter away from me.” 
“Brad–” You tried to protest but your voice was caught in your throat. Soft and barely audible. Rooster could see it in your eyes–you knew just how bad of a situation this was, probably more so than Bradley could understand himself. But like Pete had told him, he had to protect his family. 
“Take Dot.” Passing you your daughter, Bradley kissed the top of your forehead. Suddenly nothing else mattered more than keeping her safe, it was the very reason you had run in the first place. “Walk to the park across the street, call Jake–tell him what happened.” Rooster was a rather happy go lucky kinda guy. He’d always found a way to make you laugh, make you smile. But right now? His voice, the tone he projected—had never sounded so serious. 
“I don't wanna rui–” 
“You could never ruin Christmas.” Bradley knew what you were going to say before you even finished your sentence. “Go, call Jake, get her out of here–once you’ve called Jake I want you to call Penny and tell her we need a ride, can you do that for me?” Bradley asked as he cupped your face–you were too busy looking over his shoulder. “Hey, Y/n? Look at me.” You snapped out of the haze that had clouded your gaze, looking Bradley in the eye as he got down to your eye level. “I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.” 
When Jaiydn had left, you used the phone in the Air Bnb to call a taxi, specifically requesting a female driver. You knew it was a long shot but you thought you could appeal to her natural instincts. 
“Come on baby, Mums okay–” You cried as you stumbled out the door and sat on the curb waiting for the taxi. “I've got you baby.” Dot had been screaming the entire time Jaidyn was laying into you. She was so scared, the little girl locked in a room all by herself for at least two solid hours. “I'm so sorry, but we’re going baby, we’re okay.” You weren't sure who you were trying to convince at this stage, you or your daughter. But as the taxi pulled up you knew you only had once change. 
“Ma'am are you alright?” The taxi driver asked as she rolled down the passenger side window as you stood. 
“I don't have any money.” You needed her to understand that first and foremost. “But I need to get to forty nine Wallows Street, North island.” Jake's address, he’d given it to you a few weeks ago before Jaidyn took your phone. “If you don't take me? He’s gonna kill us both.” You tried to remain strong, keep your shoulders squared and your chin held high. But you'd never felt more broken. “My partner is gone but he’s coming back and if I'm here when he gets home he's going to kill us.” 
“Did he do this to you?” She asked, you could tell by her eyes she was thinking about the pros and cons of getting involved in a situation like this. So you nodded, confirming her question as you held your daughter on your hip. The taxi driver whose name you later learn was Mary, could smell the alcohol on you as you stood outside the taxi. “Well alright then, get in.” 
“Thankyou–” You sobbed, opening the back door and sliding in. “Thank You so much.” Reaching out for her shoulder, Mary cupped your hand in response. 
“I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.” She smiled at you through the rear view mirror. “North Island it is.” 
“Y/n?” Bradley rubbed the pads of his thumbs against your cheek, bringing you back to reality. “You hear me? I’ve got you.” It was the most sincere thing you ever heard. “I’m not gonna let anybody hurt you ever again, I’ve got you.” Bradley Bradshaw was a born protector, he was brought up to believe that to protect those you love was the most important thing you could ever do. In what form that protection came didn’t really matter, but right now in the moment he stood between you and your ex he knew that he’d lay his life down for you. No question, no hesitation. 
“Okay—“ You mumbled, nodding at Bradley’s reassurance that he had your back. “I’ll ring Jake, then call Penny.” You didn’t want to hang around for too much longer, lingering in the presence of the man who tried to kill you made you feel sick. “I’ll be in the park.” 
“I’ll be right behind you.” Bradley’s eyes never left your back as he watched you hurry off with Dot, looking over your shoulder periodically as people who stood on the corners of the sidewalks watched on at the aftermath of the moderate Christmas Day car accident. Knowing nothing deeper than what it was on the surface. 
“Till we meet again sweetheart, I'm so glad I finally found you!” Jaidyn barked with a sinister smile. Waving you off as Bradley turned his attention back to your ex. “You know we’re engaged right?” Jaidyn taunted Bradley as he stood there thinking of all the things he wanted to do to him. If he could, without consequence, Rooster would put Jaiydn into the dirt. But he couldn’t. “Got her the prettiest ring and everything—so ungrateful—“ 
Choosing to ignore the revelation that you had been engaged, knowing it was most likely against your will, Bradley balled the fabric of Jaidyns t-shirt into his first and pulled him close. 
“Listen to me because I'm only gonna say this once.” Gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw until the vein in his neck popped, Rooster saw red. He saw the man who had hurt you, who you trusted to take care of you, who betrayed every level of trust there was to break.“You even so much as think about looking at her the wrong way ill fucking kill you–do you hear me?” 
“I don't even know who you are, man! lay off–” Jaidyn shoved at Rooster's chest as he stepped back. “She’s got you all convinced she’s some damsel in distress hasn't she?” With one swing, Rooster's fist was connecting with Jaidyns jaw, a crack as loud as thunder could be heard from those who watched on. As Jaidyns stumbled and doubled over, Rooster shook his hand, surely to bruise up nicely in the next few hours or so. But he didn't mind all that much, it would be a small sacrifice to pay to keep you and your daughter safe. Bradley wanted it known that he wasn't messing around, that he was serious and he would do anything to protect you and Odette. 
“Come near those girls–” Rooster hissed, towering over Jaidyn as he held his jaw and groaned out a pained sigh. "And I'll make sure you end up breathing through a tube.” Bradley had never felt such disrespect for someone else, but where he came from and with the men in his life who raised him right, there were only two words he’d used to describe a man who hits women. A little bitch. “And I'm not bluffing either, man.” 
Jake Seresin sat at his family's dining table amongst his extended family tapping his leg relentlessly under the table. His knee bounced in with anxiety as he tapped his phone screen to see if he’d missed any calls or text since having spoken to Bradshaw earlier that same morning. 
“How's everything going in your neck of the woods Jakey?” His cousin asked as she nursed her son. “You still out at North–” Before Jake's cousin could even finish her question, Jake was jumping up from his seat at the sight of your name lighting up his caller ID. 
“Hey Fe, Merry Chris–” 
“I lied.” Jake's heart instantly broke at the sound of your sobs. “I lied, we aren’t okay.” Your sobs quickly turned into a small pathetic laugh before turning right back into sobs as you sat on the bench in the park. Dot at your feet entertaining herself with a few rocks. A little girl with such creative imagination everything and anything could be a toy. She’d calmed down when she noticed you were walking over to the park. “Jaidyn–” You didn't need to finish your sentence or explain anything more before Jake was making his way upstairs to pack his stuff. 
“I'm coming home.” 
“He hit your car–” Jake frowned as he held his phone between his ear and shoulder. Packing his stuff into his suitcase haphazardly as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. “We were driving back from Penny and Mavs and he just came out of nowhere.” 
“Hang on.” Jake had to stop what he was doing for a moment as his mother stepped into his childhood room. “He hit my car as in, he purposefully caused an accident?” Jake was fuming, his face had turned a nice shade of red and he was sure his core temperature had risen a few degrees. “Are you okay?” Jake started on all the necessary questions he needed an answer too immediately before his heart exploded out of his goddamn chest. “Is Dot alright? Bradshaw?” 
“Yeah Jake.” You sighed. “We’re all alright, just a little shaken and I dunno if he did it on purpose or if it was just some fucked up coincidence but the cars fucked Jake im so sorry.” Again, Your sobs broke Jake's heart. “I'm in the park with Dot, Bradley told me to call Penny for a lift because we can’t drive the car back to yours.” 
“Where's Rooster?” Jake asked nearly panicked. He knew what Rooster could be capable of if given the chance and the right motive. “Is he not with you?” 
“He's still with the car, said something about needing to get insurance.” 
“Bull fuck he wants insurance.” Jake mumbled to himself as he threw the last few articles of clothing into his suitcase. “Listen, stay where you are, but when Roosters finished with his dick measuring contest, don't you dare leave his side, you got it?” Jake couldn't see you but he knew you nodded in response. “I’ll be on the first flight back–” 
“What?” You heard Jake's mother in the background, but for once in your life you wanted to be selfish, you needed Jake to come back. Come home. You weren't going to tell him to stay in Texas when you needed him here with you and Dot and Bradley in North Island. “What do you mean you’re going back, what's going on?” 
“I got a family emergency.” Jake explained and your heart melted for a moment amongst the chaos. “I gotta go home ma, end of story.” 
“All your family is here Jake, what do you mean a family emergency!?” You really didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you could hear everything loud and clear over the phone. 
“Not everyone ma, I've got family in North Island too and something just happened, I gotta go home, end of story alright.” 
“Jake?” You whispered as you watched Dot entertain herself. “I really am sorry, for everything–” 
“Nothing to be sorry about, I'll see you when I get home.” There was nothing else to discuss, it was an open and shut conversation. Jake hung up before his mother could figure out who was on the other end of the line. Watching like a hawk as Jake zipped up his suitcase. “I really do have to go, I'm sorry–I'll just have to make it up to you another time?” 
“It's Christmas Day Jacob.” Jake's mother couldn't have been more disappointed even if she had tried to hide it. Not like she was through. “What am I supposed to tell your father?” 
“Exactly what I told you” you and Odette were Jake's family. He’d already beaten himself up enough for letting you stay with Jaidyn for as long as you did, but he didn't know how bad it had gotten because you were just so bloody good at hiding it. He should have known something was wrong when you’d stopped returning his calls and text a few months before you showed up on his doorstep in the middle of the night. He couldn’t take what he didn’t do sooner back—but he had a chance to do something that mattered now: 
“That I have a family emergency.” 
“Penny and Mav are on their way.” By the time Rooster had made his way over to you in the park, you were a shaking mess. “Said they wouldn’t be too long.” Coming to sit beside you, Bradley didn’t draw you close. He didn’t wrap his arm around your shoulder or kiss your cheek like he normally would. Instead, he just sat beside you—waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to be touched. “Jake said you were having a dick measuring competition.” Bradley’s lips turned into a small almost unidentifiable smirk as you turned your head to look at him. “He’ll be on the first flight back.” 
“You reckon he did it on purpose?” Bradley asked as your eyes fell to his hands, his knuckles were a nice shade of red. Bloodshot capillaries had started to form some subtle bruising, a light dusting on dried blood had formed a thin layer on top of the cuts. Reaching out to take his hand in yours, you turned your attention back to Dot who was happily collecting different coloured leaves as she waddled around close by. “Kinda seems like it was premeditated.” 
“Oh, oh no he definitely knew it was us in the car, which makes me wonder how long he’s been following me.” It was a terrifying concept to think about. How long had Jaidyn had his eyes on you? How long had he been in North ISland for and more importantly, did he know where you were living? Did he know where you and your beautiful daughter had been staying since you ran. Did he know that the lock on Jake's front door was slightly broken and sometimes doesn't lock properly?  “Bradley, I can't stay here.” 
“I figured you’d think that as much.” Rooster knew this conversation was coming. He knew it was going to have to be one he had with you the minute he saw you standing there looking as if you’d seen a ghost. With his knees on his knees, Rooster watched Odette as she flew off with the fairies, in her own little imaginative world, so blissfully unaware of the imminent danger that loomed for you and her alike. “Let's be rational about this though.” 
“If he’s here? you aren’t safe, Jake isn’t safe, my daughter isn’t safe—“ You were once again putting everyone around you before yourself. “It was so selfish of me to bring you into this.” Wiping away your tears, Bradley brought his arm up around your shoulders as you fell into his chest. Crying. “I never should have let me guard down and I never should have let you get close, because he’s fucking right, I drag everyone down around me.” It broke Braldey heart to see you like this, a woman with such a fire and grace repressed to such a level of self worth it was basically non-existent. “I can't let you get involved with him, he's too dangerous.”
“I think you’re forgetting that I want to be here.” Bradley wasn’t going to argue with you, he knew that would do any good. He knew if he told you to stay that that could come across like he was forcing you to, you were your own person. Beautiful and brilliant in every way. He didn't ever want you to feel trapped with him, that you couldn't make your own choices in life. But he needed you to know truthfully and wholeheartedly that he'd cross oceans and move mountains for you. “So if you’re thinking about running again, just know—I’m coming with you.” 
“What?” You asked as you sat back up, rubbing your running nose on the back of your sleeve. Dried blood that had remained in your nose seeping out as you cried. It wasn't all that attractive, but nevertheless Bradley reached out to wipe it all away with the cuff of his jumper.  “Why would you do that? Your whole life is here?” 
“My whole life is sitting right next to me.” Bradley cooed. “So if you wanna go, we’ll go, but hear me out alright?” You simply nodded in response. “If you keep running every time he catches up? Are you ever gonna be able to move on?” 
“He’ll kill me if I stay.” It was a fact as immutable as gravity. “You and Jake playing heroes and getting the rulers out and saying I'll be safe when I won’t be won't change anything because he's psychotic!” It was one of the biggest contributing factors as to why you hadnt reported Jaidyn to the police when you had so many chances to. 
“What would change if you left now and he just found you in the next town?” Bradley asked as calmly as ever, knowing it was a fact that wouldn’t change if you ran. “If you run he’ll just find you again and you’ll forever be stuck in the cycle.” 
“It's just a high price I'm willing to pay to go free.” You replied, sitting with Bradley in the middle of the park. “Listen Bradshaw.” You smiled, reaching out the cup Bradleys cheek, a light scruff against his cheek tickled your palm. “I really like you, like a lot.” You wanted to say you loved him, truly. But it just wasn't the right time. “You're probably the only man who's ever gonna look at me the way you do and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me and Dot.” 
“I sense a but is coming.” Rooster chuckled as he leaned into your touch. Admiring you like a love sick puppy. Not trying to hide his admiration for you in the slightest bit. 
“But you’re too good to lower your standards for me.” It left like someone had pulled directly on the strings of his heart. A sharp pain resonating deep in his chest when you said that you thought you weren't good enough for him. 
“Too bad–” Bradley shrugged as he pulled you closer, letting your head fall against his shoulder. “Listen to me okay, because I just dont think it's sinking in.” He wasn't going to let you live a life where you thought you were less than others.
“You're gonna get caught in a mess you won't be able to get out of, Rooster, now that He’s here I can't even begin to imagine the havoc he’ll cause.” Bradley knew you were going to put up an honest fight, it was in your inherent nature. You’d been doing that since day one so to expect any less than a solid conversation at the very least wouldn't be his own fault. Mentally cracking his knuckles and neck, Bradly settled in for a fight, ready to plead his case. 
“Why don't we stop talking about your ex for five minutes and talk about you?” It sounded firmer than he probably meant it to come across, but nevertheless you sat up a little straighter and frowned your brows. 
“Okay.” Hesitancy laced your tone and Braldye immediately softened next to you. He knew this whole situation was hard to be in and would be even harder to navigate. But lucky for you he was pretty good at working a GPS. 
“Your Ex can get–” Before Rooster could get into his novel of a statement as to why he thought you should stay, Dot was leaning against your legs with a pouty bottom lip. 
“Mamma, I wanna go home.” She cooed with tired eyes as her little fist came up to rub at them. It melted your heart as you picked you up. Cuddling her, fixing her hair. Kissing her cheek. She was everything to you. 
“I know baby I know, me too–but we’re just waiting for Penny and Pete.” 
“O’Tay.” Dot replied softly as her gaze turned up at Bradley. “Can I sit on your lap Toosters?” She asked politely. It still amazed you how quickly she’d grown attached to Brdley Bradshaw. It frightened you a little because what if this just didn't work out? Again your daughter would go without a father figure in her life. Not that you were insinuating Bradley was, but he was surely doing a hell of a lot more than her biological father ever did. 
“Sure Baby, here.” Bradley reached out and took Dot from your lap, gently placing her on his as he bounced his knee to rock her gently. She was exhausted. A little girl in a big scary world. Once Dot had settled in Roosters lap, his arms encapsulating her, he turned all his attention back onto you. “Now as I was saying, enough about that pissant.” He started. “I wanna life with you Y/n I don't think I could be any more clear about that.” 
“You're stupid if you think a life with me is worth fighting for.” You chuckled at the sentiment although it made you blush. It made you feel all fuzzy inside. Even while you were staring down the fact that your very dangerous, very unpredictable ex was now in town, Bradley Bradshaw still found a way to make you smile. 
“Okay, you can definitely hold back a little on the degradation there.” He laughed as Dot cuddled into his chest a little more, sucking her thumb as her eyelids fluttered. Listening to the lub dub rhythm of her Toosters heart. “You and your daughter have been nothing but a blessing since you moved here, and it's not my fault you made me fall in love with you, so technically you're just gonna have to accept the fact that you're stuck with me because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“But what about–” You tried to argue, you just weren't used to being loved. Being wanted, being needed. Bradley couldn't blame you, he hated to compare you to a dog but it was like he'd rescued an abused dog from the shelter. At first they'd be a little standoffish, but soon enough they'd realise they're loved and in a safe place. A home. It was the same premise with you, he just needed to work you over, brick by brick. 
“Fuck your ex Y/n, fuck him!” Bradley scoffed. “He doesn't get to dictate your happiness or what you do with your life or who you choose to love or don’t love or where you live.” You sat silent next to Rooster as he rocked your daughter to sleep. You caught yourself for a moment falling into a daydream where you and Rooster could just play house, be happy and in love without all the drama and fuss. “He doesn't have a claim to you anymore and if he tries to mess with you? If he tries to come near you or Odette or so much as breathes in your direction, there's not a single thing I wouldn't do to protect you both.” It was a massive sentiment. You’d never ask Rooster to fight your battles for you, but knowing he would willingly meant a whole lot to you. More than he’d probably ever know. 
“I think Penny and Pete are here.” You sighed softly as you saw the silver sedan pull up to the curbside. 
“Don't change the subject Y/L/N.” Bradley smirked as he eyed you off, never taking his eyes off you for a moment. “So, if you wanna go, we’ll go and we’ll pack whatever you need and we’ll leave tonight.” Standing up, Rooster readjusted Odette to his hip before holding out his hand for you to take. Helping you stand from the bench you'd been occupying. “But–if you wanna stay? You’ll be surrounded by people who love you and who care about you and who just want you and this beautiful daughter of yours to feel safe and loved.” You weren't necessarily ignoring what Rooster was saying as you walked side by side slowly through the park, but you weren't directly answering his questions either. 
“Jakes just gonna tell me i'd be crazy to leave isn't he?” You shook your head as you let out a frustrated groan. “Fuck this is such a mess–” 
“Oh yeah big time.” Rooster agreed with a nod, pressing his lips together in a firm line as he slung his arm around your shoulder. “He’ll probably handcuff you to the dresser too if you say you wanna leave, but I think we’ll have a solid few hours to remove all the handles from all the draws he could possibly cuff you to before he gets back.” Laughing together as you approached Penny's car, you thought for a second what Rooster would think of Jake if he knew how you and Jaidyn originally got together. You knew Jake hated himself for it, still to this day he’d mention from time to time just how sorry he really is. He blamed himself for everything you'd ever been through. 
“I can only imagine the foul as fuck mood hes gonna be in when he gets home.” 
“That sounds like we’ll be here when he does get home?” Bradley raised a single brow as he walked with you over to Penny's car. Holding a sleepy Dot on his hip. “And well, honestly he has a right to be pissed– I mean, no man should get away with what he's done to you Y/n.” 
“Yeah, but it's not just that.” You sighed as you stopped in your tracks, wondering if you should even tell Bradley what you were about to tell him. 
“Then what?” He asked curiously with a puzzled expression plastered across his face. You pressed your lips together knowing it wasn't all that deep but still gave Bradley another puzzle piece to play with. Letting him in a little more each and every day. Letting him decided for himself if he should stay or if he should hightail it the fuck out of dodge. 
“Jakes the one who set me up with Jaidyn in the first place.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse
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I watched the The Rookie Season 6 premiere!!
I started it last night and finished it this morning and just OAUGH it was so good :D
I expected them to not figure it out for a while but I low-key love the way they did it. Because it shows that they (the characters) aren't dumb and gives some action but still keeps a huge mystery to it. Theory wise, I keep thinking of the Dream (nightmare) Team (Elijah and Oscar) but it's been like a half season so I don't think it's time to bring them back yet. Idk tho, we'll see what happens!
Also Lucy is going through it xD like genuinely she is and :(( but everyone (even Wesley xD) knowing about the clown thing was just HILARIOUS lol
Also after Tim said "maybe she just had a fight with her girlfriend" I was like "oh cool we're casually using a gay example- he's talking about him" soo as I said at the time, diversity win! The random person you're projecting your problems onto is a lesbian through you <3.
Anyway xD lowkey, I get both their sides, but I'm lowkey on Tim's lol. I do get being stressed out and just wanting support though, totally, I just think Lucy's going to realize she needs to talk it out with him
Also I'm glad for their development! I'm also kind of glad Tim's not the "instigator" (there's not really one but yk) of the fight since he's been the "mean one" a lot lol. Anyway I hope my babeys work it out (soon - I figure they will eventually) :((
Also this makes it seem like I love chenford and barely about wopez and I do love them but HUGAOAPGHY BABEYS I GOT THEM BACK <3333
Not much but I did :'D
Talking about wopez by the way lol
Thank goodness lol
Also :(( that he wants to help catch the guys that almost killed him but can't - probably for the best though :/. Just don't let it get pent up in any way xd. Also please don't date your therapist or have any kinda funky relationship with her lol.
Also aaahhhhHHH Bailey and Nolan (John just wasn't right) are getting married :D. I'm glad everything ended up working out (for now lol, that promo is scaring me xD I figure it'll be fine but just once I want an uninterrupted wedding, in anything, but especially The Rookie lol) <333. They're adorable 🥰. Also am I crazy or was that Mr. Kevin Kozner as the neighbor guy? At first I thought it was then wasn't then wasn't sure so I figure not but I don't know xD
Also poor Harper :(( I know she'll get through it but it just sucks. And it sucks that she can't talk to James about it (like not legally but emotionally lol), though I do like that they have differing opinions on stuff. It's nice to have couples that don't have all the same views, you know?
Anyway!! I didn't mention them but Celina and Gray are slaying as always <3. And for Celina (and everyone)'s sake I hope we catch this guys soon (but not too soon ;) - I love me some drama)
Also reminder that I love Wesley with my whole soul, thank you <3.
So excited for this season!! Especially the 100th episode, it's so great that they get one :D. I think both of those are gonna be really good and I'm just so looking forward to it :D!! This was an amazing episode, lots of good stuff all around, and I'm so excited for the next one :D. The promo looks wild (also AAAHHHHHH THE WEDDING!!! :DD) but so good and I'm looking forward to it :D 🥰.
This is gonna be a great season :))!!
See y'all later!! ❤️🥰
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drottni · 1 year
LBFAD Rewatch Part 10
1. When your cheap ass friend starts becoming generous and your immediate thought is "is she broken? Is she possessed ?"
2. Okay can we just talk about the creativity of the "shes deeply in love with me and thats why the Bone Orchid is killing her" arch. Like the way they stitched that in there so we could have the whole "I have to get her to hate me " angst. *chef kisses*
3. Xunfeng: Wait so the Moon Queen is not going to live long?
DFQC: Over my dead body >:(
Xunfeng: Or....hear me out. Over HER dead body! Eh? Eh!
DFQC: *jail for Xunfeng*
4. Xunfeng: I cannot give you the sword. You will destroy it. You are the last hope for the Moon tribe
DFQC: *angry exasperated face* If one more person says that to me---
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5. Xunfeng kicking DFQC while he is down:
Me: You little menace.
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6. Idk how many times I will gush over his acting, but ya'll. Wang Hedi looked soooo genuinely torn. Like his facial muscles rippling with checked anger. His tight grip loosening as Xunfeng's words start to hit home. The rippling anguish in his eyes as he realizes just what he is doing and how much of a risk he is taking. God.
7. Omg the absolute hell ish pressure cooker my poor baby DFQC is in. Like ya'll imagine everyone relying on you and just trusting in you to handle the enemy cuz you got mad crazy powers and you have to sit there and not have a panic attack because you no longer have the mad crazy powers and you will most likely lose either your people or the person you love. OOOH GOD. Get him out of there! I got second hand panic attacks watching this
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8. XLH: Im gonna make the Phoenix Crown out of the flowers Big Blockhead planted for me when I came to Cangyan sea.
Jieli: You're such a romantic you dweeb. Loser -_- (I love you, you beautiful innocent soul)
9. XLH: I dont care who I was. All that matters now is I will be his wife *blush*
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10. DFQC giving her an out. Telling her she still has time to save herself before the war. Hoping that she does leave but also that she doesn't. Her barely holding back tears as she continues to discuss the wedding. Both of them losing their shit as the reality sets in. AAAHHHHHH 😭😭 Reminding each other of their promise. "Whatever happens, we face it together". (him also realizing at this point the absolute betrayal hes going to have to put her through) omg.
11. If your demon hubby doesn't sit by your bedside while you sleep despite having 1001 and other things to look after, namely a whole ass war...drop him. DFQC supremacy.
12. "In this world what is real and what is fake? I only know that I love DFQC, that is real. It is more than enough" >>>>>>>>> any other love confession
13. DFQC: Because I know them well. One was my bestfriend. The other was the woman I wanted to marry.
Me on my first watch: was? WAS?? WAASSS?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
15. XLH: this food is the one I hate. THIS RIGHT HERE is going too far.
she's just like me fr. dont mess with food.
16. DFQC about to sacrifice his body, soul and spirit to save his people.
XLH: *in danger*
DFQC: Sacrifice is canceled. We are saving the love my of life. Again.
17. I dont even have words for that scene. Never getting over that. (actually i have words and they are too many.)
18. I just wanna say that in my first watch, I did not process that she actually died for the longest time. Despite the whole setup and slow mo. I just kept thinking nahhh DFQC going to think of something and save her. Aint no way he letting her die.
With this thought in my mind, I just imagine how it must have felt for him. How absolutely helpless and devastated. 😭
19. My mans out here straight up suicidal and burning his primordial spirit faster and faster, getting irritated with all his bros for trying to give him their primordial spirit 🥲🥲
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bye-bye-sunbird · 2 years
That is just perfection. Little Dove Darling just became that more unreachable for the rest of the Harbingers. The strongest individual in all of Teyvat <3 <3 <3
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Everyone Meet... Toshi
Katsuki: The fuck's got you in a good mood? Finally won something from the Dead pool?
Rody: Denki is still unsuccessfully flirting with people and getting his ass kicked, so that's a no
Rody slides Katsuki a drink and hums a tune as he wipes down his bar
Katsuki raises a brow and takes his drink: Since when did you start shitting rainbows then?
Rody: Since I met a lil cutie at the scrap yard
Katsuki: Wow, great romance story. Did you guys lock eyes while picking up the same shit covered toaster? Rody: Haha, unlike you, my potential love interest actually reciprocates
Katsuki: Fuck off. So your scrap rat likes you back, so what?
Rody: So nothin, KittyKats. Can't a guy just be in a good mood?
Katsuki: Yeah but you look fucking creepy without your shit eating grin Rody: As if you don't look like a rabid chihuahua every time you open your mouth
Katsuki: Keep talkin', bird's nest. I'm hot shit and you know it
Rody: And yet which one of us has a potential date?
Katsuki: Probably not you. Doubt whoever this is would say yes to... that Rody: ... You just gestured to all of me
Katsuki smirks
Rody scoffs: He'll say yes. We've got a lot in common. As long as I read up on those All Might comics he rambled on about I'm good to go
Katsuki paused mid drink and stared: ... The fuck did this guy look like? Rody: Adorable
Katsuki: Be more descriptive, woodpecker
Rody: What's got you so curious? jealous~
Katsuki glares: They got green hair and freckles? Big stupid round glasses?
Rody looked confused: Green and freckles yeah but he was wearing goggles. You know em?
Katsuki: Depends
Rody: on what?
Katsuki: You get their name?
Rody: And I should tell you because...?
Katsuki: I can rip your spine out through your nose and shove it up your ass
Rody: Graphic but unconvincing
Katsuki: Goddamn it, Rody. Is his name Izuku?! Rody: What- no? Said his name was Toshi
Katsuki seemed to calm down from that and downed his drink
Rody: so you're just not gonna tell me who this 'Izuku' is?
Katsuki: Not unless you wanna keep all your fingers
Rody: Alright alright. Geez. So pissy today.... . . .
Shoto: Real smooth, /Toshi/
Izuku threw a screw at Shoto and groans: Stooppp! I panicked, okay! They were really nice and kept complementing me and I just- I didn't know if I should give them my real name or- Shoto: You're acting like you're a kid who's not allowed to talk to strangers
Izuku: I PANICKED! No one's ever called me handsome like that before! A-And besides, I was covered in dirt and dust and- and AAAHHHHHH
He screams into his bed that he was sitting next to Shoto: You really are hopeless
Izuku: You're so mean to me...
Shoto: It could be worse, you know
Izuku: How?
Shoto: He could've tried to kill you for that toaster
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Rody: Another toaster today?
Izuku: Oh well the one I took yesterday didn't have the right part I needed. Sorry, did you need one? I think I saw another one somewhere closer to fridge mountain, but then again it could just be another lamp in the shape of a toaster. Rody: Still can't believe we found three of those
Izuku: haha must be a market for them. There are a lot of weird scraps here that people throw away
Rody: One man's trash is another man's treasure. So far I found myself the treasure of a life time
Izuku looks at the box Rody proudly digs into it and pulls out a faded yellow tamagachi: Tada~ The battery is probably damaged but it's still a cool find
Izuku: A cool find?! That's horrible!
Rody: Huh?
Izuku: Who would throw away they're digital babies like that?! Rody seemed surprised by Izuku's genuine sadness over the toy and chuckles: hey hey relax. If it makes you feel any better, think of this as me adopting this thing. I could probably fix it with a lil tinkering
Izuku perks up at that: You can? Rody: Yeah, how hard could it be?
Izuku: Pretty hard...
Rody: So you've fixed one before
Izuku shrugs and walks to put his toaster near his bag: Tried to. I broke mine when I was young and tried to fix it before, Kacchan found out I broke his gift Rody follows and places his box down: Kacchan?
Izuku mentally slaps himself for his over sharing: Yeah uh he's a friend?
Rody: are you asking me that or..?
Izuku: He's my childhood friend. He gave me a tamagachi for my birthday and I ended up breaking it by accident
Rody: How'd you manage that?
Izuku sighs and pulls on one of his curls: I'm... real clumsy. I tripped and managed to throw it out my window when I was little
Rody chuckles: I wanna ask how that happened but I also wanna save you the embarrassment. Though it's cute when you are Izuku's cheeks turned pink. He quickly covers his face with his arms and looks away nervously: Stop calling me that!
Rody laughs: Just speaking the truth
Izuku: W-well, your truth is embarrassing! Do you always talk to strangers you meet at the scrap yard like this? Rody winks: Only the handsome ones~
Izuku whines and pulls his goggles down over his eyes to avoid eye contact. His face fully red
Rody: Okay okay I'll stop. I guess I've been laying it on a little too thick huh?
Izuku: You guess? Rody smiles and walks in front of Izuku: You're funny, Toshi. Maybe we could change the stranger thing? It would be nice to talk to you more outside a dirty scrapyard
Izuku: Really..? Even after I rambled on about All Might last time? Rody: BECAUSE you rambled on about All Might last time. I'm planning on starting the series and I wanna know where I should start from the professional All Might fan himself. Maybe, over coffee?
Izuku paused and raised up his goggles again.
He looks at Rody, then at the bird perched on his shoulder
Izuku: Well... I'll think about it if you'd consider telling me more about Pino
Rody seemed surprised as Pino twitched to life and mimicked his emotion: Hmm... Sure, why not. Soooo coffee? Izuku smiles: I'll think about it. Not sure when I'll be free though
Rody: Why don't I give you my number and we can schedule?
Izuku: oh! Great idea! I guess meeting here isn't the most effective way to communicate Rody: What gave you that idea? The pile of garbage or the pile of garbage?
Izuku laughs at that and the two exchange numbers before bidding their goodbyes. Rody walking away with a box of tech and a possible date.
And Izuku going home with a potential new future friend!
Eijiro: Oh, sorry lil dude! Didn't see you there! ah man let me pay for that
Izuku: No no it's okay! I should've been looking where I was going. Really it's fine
Eijiro: no really, at least let me buy you another roll. It's unmanly of me to just walk away
Izuku: It's really okay! This happens a lot more often then you think
Eijiro pouts at that and kneels down, using the dropped tissue to pick up the cinnamon roll that fell icing first on the floor: And no one ever buys you a new one?
Izuku: uh... No..? Eijiro gets back up, grinning as he tosses the poor roll into the trash: Then let me be the first! I was gonna buy one myself anyways
Izuku: but-
Eijiro: if you're worried about stranger danger then- I'm Kirishima Eijiro!
He holds out his hand in a friendly manner Izuku panics. Usually people just walk away after this happens and he's currently running on stress and adrenaline...
Plus this guy was HUGE and he's never met anyone with such sharp teeth before
Should he really trust him?
Eijiro: Uuuhh you okay? I can't really hear you Oh crap he's muttering. Izuku thinks to himself
/he's gonna think I'm annoying and wanna crush my head with his giant hands! I gotta think straight! I don't wanna cause a scene! Quick, act natural!/
• • •
Shoto: so you're just going to assume another identity? Was spiderman not enough?
Izuku: I PANICKED! He was really big and scary he looked like he could pick me up with one hand and snap me in half like a pencil
Shoto: he offered to buy you a cinnamon roll.. that you dropped Shoto takes a bite of a cinnamon stick
Izuku: I know! He was really nice but you know how I am when I'm under stress
Shoto: You lose all your social skills and revert back to first year of highschool
Izuku: correction, I turn into YOU first year of highschool Shoto: At least I didn't lie about my name to strangers. Are you going to create a back story for 'Toshi Yami' now?
Izuku: at this point I might as well get a fake ID and live a triple life. Complicate things even more. Invest in shake weights and move to Cali Shoto: sometimes I think you might be a masochist
Izuku: Did Shinso teach you that word?
Shoto takes a sip of his tea, eating another cinnamon stick
• • • Eijiro: - So I maybe have gotten overkill when buying all this
Katsuki massages the bridge of his nose, standing in front of a counter that had two boxes of different types of cinnamon rolls and coffee of varying sweetness Katsuki: All this because you felt bad for this Toshi guy?
Eijiro: He was really sweet! And I felt so bad! You would've done the same if you saw how sad he looked!
Katsuki: if you were buying him one roll then why the FUCK did you buy all this?!? Eijiro: Well, he kept going on about the different flavors while we were in line and I got really curious!
Katsuki: And what? You're just gonna eat all this in one sitting?
Eijiro: What? No! I called the gang over to taste test with me
Katsuki's eye twitches: I swear to fuck, if I ever meet whoever this Toshi guy is, I'm gonna sew his mouth shut so he doesn't turn any more of you into bumbling idiots
Eijiro: You say that now, but you'll change your mind when you actually meet him. He's real cute! Katsuki: 'Cute' isn't gonna make me wanna bend to the will of some moss head
• • • Katsuki: Gimme that, you damn nerd!
Katsuki grabs and carried the box of gadgets Izuku was about to carry and starts walking ahead of him
Izuku: oh! You didn't have to Kacchan!
Katsuki: fuck off, you'll end up tripping on your own shitty shoelaces trying to carry this Izuku: I'm not THAT clumsy
Katsuki: Yeah right. You have the peripheral vision of a blind snake. You'll end up bumping into a wall, dropping and breaking all your shit, then apologizing to the damn piece of concrete like you've disgraced it's family. Izuku laughs at that and follows along side Katsuki with a bright smile: Thanks for the help, Kacchan! I'll buy you lunch later
Katsuki: whatever. Stop looking at me like that. Your fucking glasses gives you bug eyes and it's creepy
Izuku: Meanie
Katsuki: klutz
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
SESSION #11: THE FINAL SESSION (also super fucking long holy shit)
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spoilers for both tlou games and the HBO show below!!
we’re in the double digits and i’m essentially on the rat king’s doorstep shitting my fucking jorts begging for my mom lmao
as always, notes and ramblings of a madperson as i play are below!
total playtime: about 9 hours!
picking back up w abby in this hotel
surely nothing will go wrong
it’s only a hotel in a last of us game
i hate this
i fucking hate this
i hate being on my own
i fucking hate this building.
holy shit.
i’m yelling everytime one of them busts outta the walls
what the fuck
i agree w lev:
“fuck this building”
hotels are just bad
i feel ill
i feel physically ill
i’m so anxious
“wE rAdIoEd iSaAc” fuck you
thaaaat’s why she was in the cell earlier
i fucking hate this.
i hate it i hate it i hate it
i fucking hate it here.
this is the hotel basement of this game
i’m looking at the ambulance.
i don’t want to go in.
i feel physically fucking ill i’m so serious
i’m going fuck it
shit my pants but here we are!
awe this is like the first game in pittsburgh!
they’re joel and ellie now :,)
this is so sweet 🥺
OH MY GOOOOOD i wanna hug lev so hard
shaking the fucking shit out of this snowglobe is giving me more enjoyment than i have experienced in a while
owen makes me feel gross dude
like the mother to his child is in the same building where he’s like basically begging abby to go to santa barbara and be with him
“get your priorities straight.” TEEEAAAAA
i can’t imagine climbing w one arm
god ocean so scary
i fucking hate it
oh shit gunfire
tommy’s fucking scary
i also hate playing as abby and going for the miller boys
this is 2 for 2 bro
i know he’s fine but i still got scared
this island is fuckin sick
literally my aesthetic i fucking love it goddamn
this shit is gonna be intense isn’t it?
the sound design is so fucking good
the storm sounds so fuckin cool holy shit
god i love stealthing in the cornfield
i love him so much.
this is so fucking eerie holy shit
the storm sounds so fucking cool
omg they did the horse tactic like they did w ellie and dina earlier
abby’s so real for beating the absolute fucking shit out of this guy
the way lev is telling her to get up😭
fuck isaac what a fucking bitch
jesus christ.
“you’re my people!” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
god i’m really comin around to abby
wait that was the first time abby killed wolves holy shit
this looks fuckin cool
omg this is so crazy seraphites vs wolves
oh my god
the kids screaming :(
can we get a near death experience counter for abby for the past 2 days in seattle bc holy fucking shit
holy fuck.
abby’s been through the fucking ringer holy fuck
fuck bro
abby just went through the entirety of the fucking seraphite island to come back to her friends dead oh my god
ellie i love ya but jesus fucking christ
the blood under the door :(
give laura bailey all the awards oh my god
oh my god the look in abby’s eyes
oh fuck ellie fight
oh god i hate this
i don’t wanna go after my girls :(
this feels so wrong to me. fuck
FUCK tommy’s talkin about how he got a necklace for maria rn and jesse and ellie are havin their lil bro talk FUUUUCK DUDE
i feel so conflicted bro
i’m gonna cry at hearing and seeing ellie again
TOMMY?!!!!! HELLO?!!!!
i can’t do this man
i love ellie too much bro
i cannot
i’m also so terrified of her
the lighting tho
ellie’s in the red lighting and dina’s in the white light?? so good
god jj looks so much like jesse holy fuck
dina into embroidery slay
this is gorgeous.
oh my god.
i have the goofiest lil smile on my face
they’re so domestic🥹
dancing in the kitchen😭
is that joel’s fucking hat… on the scarecrow
GOOOODDDDDD this hits so much harder after the show
the flashback😭
the way he keeps screamin uuugh i’m cryinnnnng
dina trying to lighten the mood 😭
god i love them
this is ellie’s best outfit
oh god tommy
everyone’s so cozy please
like ellie please don’t leave this bro
i feel bad for tommy but at the same time i’m so pissed at him for bringin this to ellie
side note: ellie looks fucking great
guilt tripping her like bro
“what a joke.” fuck off actually
goddamnit ellie don’t go
dina’s putting on a show for ellie bro
this is making my lil lgbt heart so happy
the way joel was absolutely watching ellie bc he hopped in so fucking fast😭
he looked so hurt and embarrassed after she said she doesn’t need his help😭
poor dina bro goddamnit
this is so fucking sad bro
back to lev and abby wooooo
“you’re such a goober” CRYYYIIINNNGGG
abby sounds so soft🥺
LMAO “scooch” when lev couldn’t push the shelves
who’s on the radio?
no one apparently uh oh
oh damn the fireflies are buildin back up
omg that’s travis willingham!
she cares about lev so much dude :(
back to ellie!
i’m so concerned about them getting sunburnt
oh i’m about to READ ellie’s journal
i haven’t played as ellie in so fucking long holy shit i missed her
the one about her burying the 2 kids :(
abby’s notes to owen :(
i’m not a beach person but this is gorgeous
god i’ve missed playing as ellie so much
“i swear to god abby. if these infected killed you..” she’d be dead ellie
the revenge is eating you alive ellie you gotta stop bro
oh fuck the trap oh fuck oh shit oh fuck
if she loses her knife forever i’m gonna be so fucking upset
poor ellie bro :(
oh my god all the blood
god she’s so hooked on revenge holy shit
it’s travis willingham!
and logic!
LMAO i love ellie
fuck she’s hot
her smirk bc she fuckin knows she’s not gonna turn lmao
thank god she stitched herself up holy shit
ohhhh so these “rattlers” are basically hunters from the first game
roger roger
god i’ve missed placing traps
i get why my ellie was placing traps everywhere lmao
hooooly fuck that’s a shit ton of prisoners
i fully did not expect to finish this game tonight but here we are
oh shit from this note it seems like there may be people coming to attack the rattlers?
or that was the group that was just marched in…
fuuuck bro they chain up infected people? goddamn
these people are fuckin crazy
there’s music playing?
i almost missed a fucking card holy shit
jesus christ there are so fucking many of them
is that matt mercer? the guy that told ellie where abby is? (update: it was!)
the way she keeps whispering abby to herself :(
god the fucking chaos of the prisoners escaping and fighting juxtaposed with the way ellie is walking in silence and in isolation
she’s really lookin worse for wear :(
holy shit it’s on fucking fire
holy fuck.
these people are fucking sadistic
lev on the pillar UUUGGHHHH
abby :(
god she looks awful :(
oh my god :(
they really are like joel and ellie and i think ellie’s starting to see that :(
i’m just thinking how the fuck did ellie make it back to the house
fuuuck that cut to joel on the ground :(
the way the score came in FUCK
this is so painful bc it’s so brutal
knife is the only weapon
the grunts and groans of pain bc their bodies are so weak
the emotion in the screaming
give these women every award holy fuck
oh my god.
this is fucking insane.
the cut to joel :(
her worst fear came true
she’s alone
the house is so empty :(
she left all of ellie’s stuff😭
she can’t play guitar 😭
she’s not even singing the words fuuuck bro
i’m a goner
i’m gone
i’m already a teary mess
fuck i’m not ready for the porch scene
i’m not prepared
the way he wants to defend himself as to why he’s being so protective but he know that it would piss her off more so he just says “okay.”😭
he wants to know more about what’s going on bc clearly they’re not as close so he’s taking what he can get😭😭
he’s trying so hard to extend branches bro
i’m a sobbing mess
his shaky breath after she said she doesn’t think she could forgive him😭
and the one after she says she’d like to try😭
god and now her leaving the guitar by THE window
signifying how she’s ready to start moving on and really healing from his death. god.
and the final shot being through the window, the guitar in the foreground and ellie walking away in the background. UUUGH.
oh my god.
what a fucking game. holy shit.
i’m a goddamn mess. it’s 6am. i need a cigarette and a drink. holy fucking shit.
that was fucking crazy and so good and so scary and so beautiful
i cannot put coherent thoughts together bc i can barely see my fucking phone screen
i genuinely did not think that i would play this game or finish it but holy fuck i’m so glad i did
such amazing storytelling in these games.
everyone at naughty dog that worked on this game deserves so many awards goddamn.
the boat.
oh my god.
fucking amazing game.
i need time to recover.
i’m gonna go cry and listen to and make playlists :,)
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alex accidentally falling asleep in the tub and having a horrific nightmare where its filled with blood and tangled branches and long arms are pulling him down so he cant escape. and when he wakes up the water is freezing cold and hes shivering uncontrollably
^idea for a fic im writing. thought you might enjoy the alex suffering
AAAHHHHHH. YES. oh my goshhhhhhh. yes. this reminds me of this fic i read years ago where the character had killed someone in basically self defense but it freaked them out so much he just sat in the shower for hours until it was freezing and then was being held hostage and almost died bc the cold water made him sick and being kidnapped made it worse.
i love everything about that idea tho oh my goddddd. when u finish it, plsssss send me the link iw ill read the hell out of that
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hazeofhearts · 2 years
i have yet to see someone talk about the fact that hob (knickolas!!!!) visibly caught his breath in front of rue???? brennan said his breath catches and oscar didn’t roll high enough to see it so we’ll have to suffer even longer without a confession 😭
that’s that kinda shit that makes audiences clutch their chests when watching the average regency movie. the pining, the yearning, the self-doubt, it’s all so deliciously horrible and i wish all the episodes released all at once but i understand why they’re not
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Why are you here?
Pairing: Kaneki x reader (x Ayato)
Warning: Fluff, Language, smut, fingering, oral,
Summary: She likes Kaneki and wants to know why he joined Aogiri Tree. She gets her answers and more .
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Why was he here?
Ken Kaneki it was obvious he was here for his own personal reasons and benefits. But what were they? Why join Aogiri Tree the people who kidnapped and tortured him? Why?
These were what thoughts ran through (y/n) head every time she saw him. At first, she didn't care but the more she saw him and got to know him the more the questions nagged her.
why was he here?
Her reason was obviously, Ayato, her best friend she followed him like a lost puppy. She had no one else. But why was Kaneki here? It seemed as if everyone but she knew.
Why was he here?
I can smell your brain frying from here. Just go talk to him." Ayato said seating on the window seal (y/n) sat on her bed she had a dumbfounded look. "oh don't give me that look. I can see your head turning. Your wondering why again. How about instead of wondering YOU GO ASK" Ayato had watched (y/n) drive herself mad putting theories of why together. He knew why Kaneki was here, to get stronger simple as that. To reach his true form. Weird sentimental shit.
"you think he'll answer me" (y/n) stood from her bed
"why shouldn't he, it's just a question" Ayato shrugged and (y/n) nodded as she left the room Ayato watched her go.
He didn't like this obsession (y/n) had with Kaneki it made him uneasy. He thought Kaneki a bit unstable though respected him for his strength, goals, and ability to protect his sister. Ayato thought himself almost equal to Kaneki, ALMOST.
(Y/n) stood in front of Kaneki's door hesitate to go in. Alright, alright you got this. She went to knock on his door then opened it not waiting for a response.
"I wondered when you would come in?" Kaneki said standing in front of a window.
"why are you here?" (y/n) jumped straight to the question. Kaneki looked over his shoulder. Did she really not know? Everyone else knew even the higher-ups who allowed him to join knew. But she didn't know. Guess you could blame Ayato for that. Even as a goal he kept her very clueless and innocent.
He was bored maybe this would be fun.
"what, you don't know?" Kaneki turned around. "no" she looked so adorable. "I thought it was obvious, apparently not. Why do you think I'm here?"
"Just a theory but...maybe Ayato. I mean he's Touka, your friend's, brother. Maybe you're here to convinces him to go back. Or... you' re a spy here together secrets maybe you' re part of the CCG. Oh, or you're here to work up the ranks then kill the one eyed ghoul, The leader".
(y/n) took a seat on Kaneki's couch as she rambled on and on somewhere in her rambling she switched from theories to books to movies. She didn't even notice when Kaneki handed her a cup of coffee. Kaneki found her rambling and how she easily switched between topics adorable (y/n) didn't even notice how comfortable she had made herself until she took a sip of her coffee.
Shoes off, curled up on his couch, coffee in hand, Kaneki sitting across with a small smile.
"oh my gosh, I am so sorry" (y/n) tried to get up seeing as she had made herself too comfortable.
"no, no, no" Kaneki stopped her "it's fine it's fine"
"I was rambling then got comfortable"
"I like it. It's adorable" (y/n) blushed settling back into the couch. The only person that enjoyed her rambling was Ayato. It was flattering to have someone else enjoy it.
"Did any of my theories come close" Kaneki chuckled "yes and no". "well are you going to tell me what I got right"
"tell me" (y/n) whined leaning against Kaneki "why"
"I want to know why you're here"
"Why do you want to know so badly that you're begging for it" the tension in the air got really but it wasn't scary tension but something else.
" I ... because. I want to know when you're going to leave" she pulled away and looked down. She hated to have to say it but she had developed a small crush on Kaneki in his time being here. She liked him since the day they kidnapped him. That was fun.
Kaneki leaned in a little closer setting her coffee cup elsewhere. "why do you want to know that?"
"I... I don't want you to leave" Kaneki wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap.
"and why is that, (y/n), why don't you want me to leave?" oh this boy was playing dirty like the devil.
"I enjoy you're Company and I like you and - I just want you to stay. Who will I have to talk about books when you're gone?"
"Don't you have Ayato?" Kaneki asked as his lips ghost across her skin. She shivered. "I'm sure he'll be happy to listen to you" he kissed and sucked on her neck as she whimpered and whined under him.
"Ayato, h-he doesn't really listen. I- I aaahhhhhh" (y/n) moaned as Kaneki's hand moved up and grasped her breast through her shirt. Kaneki leaned back (y/n) still in his lap and put his arms behind his head.
"You want me to stay then make me stay. Show me you want me to stay."
(y/n) slid off of Kaneki's lap and got on her knees in front of him. She made direct eye connect with him as she unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock. (y/n) leaned forward still making eye connect with she kissed the tip of his cock. "you're going to need to do more than that if you want me to stay"
Licking for the base to the tip (y/n) took all of Kaneki's cock in her mouth in one got quickly hitting the back of her throat. She had most defiantly done this before. Kaneki groaned but kept his hands behind his head as (y/n) sucked and bobbed up and down on his cock. He continued to hit the back of her throat as her hands massaged his balls.
"Fuck. I'm not going to last long with you doing all that. As good as the view it I'd like to finish elsewhere." Pulling her back Kaneki stood her up and helped her pull off her dress and panties, thank god she when braless today. Pulling her back down into his lap Kaneki hand found it's between her legs feeling how wet she was. "looks like you enjoyed that as much as me"
(y/n) moaned as his hands spread her folds and slipped inside of her. She leaned forward gripping his shoulders as he pumped his two fingers inside of her and had his thumb working her clit. She moaned as she clawed at his chest.
"yes, yes, yes"
Kaneki fingered her until she was brought to the edge clenching around his fingers then he pulled away. (y/n) whimpered as she felt the emptiness. "don't worry I'm giving you something bigger". And in one swift move, Kaneki thirsted up into her.
(y/n) screamed and fell on to him as he filled her in one go. He didn't stop to let her adjust but continued to pound into her. It took a moment but soon the  pain became pleasure and (y/n) moaned as Kaneki thrust into her. Arching her back massaging her breast with one hand and her clit with the other.
"I'm I'm so close... please, please, please"
Kaneki speeds up as he gripped her hips tighter and pounded into her harder. (y/n) screamed as she came clenching around Kaneki triggering his end. Feeling Kaneki fill her made her moan and almost come a second time.
Kaneki twisted them so they were laying down on the couch. (y/n) whimpered as Kaneki gripped her ass and lifted her so that he would slip out of her.
Kaneki drew soft circles on (y/n) back as she laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat it was like a loud yet low drum. It was something she'd never get used to, but like to hear.
"Touka," Kaneki said. (y/n) looked up yo see Kaneki looking at the ceiling " I'm here for Touka ... and everyone else at the Café. I want to get strong and better so I can help and protect them. So nothing will ever happen to them. I'm not here for beliefs I'm here for strength".(y/n) sat up
"you could've just told me that we didn't have to do ... this" she waved around to her clothes on the floor and her naked body. Kaneki managed to stay dress the whole time.
"To be honest I was bored" Kaneki chuckled (y/n) scoffed "well I'm glad I could entertain you".
Getting up (y/n) dressed herself leaving Kaneki she heads to her and Ayato's room.
Entering the room she found Ayato in his bed and collapsed on him. Her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat it was nice and soft like a piano. It was something she was already so too and couldn't go a day without hearing.
"did you get your answers" he had one hand on a book and the other combing through her hair. "Touka... and strength. But mainly Touka" he threw his book
"Thought so"
Ayato pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. As he rubbed her thigh he felt a wetness "something tells me you two did more that talked" he said as his hands dipped down into her folds. Shit, she knew she forgot something.
"yeah" (y/n) sighed "He wouldn't tell me at first. Plus he was bored. He wants Touka not me, it was just a waste of fucking time. and he didn't even last that long"
Ayato laughed as he pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks." That's okay I want you. You're my slut best friend."
"who are you calling a slut" (y/n) said sitting up and straddling Ayato
"you, the girl who left then waltzed back in 30 minutes later with no underwear and cum dripping out of her. You are literally dripping ."
(Y/n) pulled up her dress to reveal her clean shaven pussy that was indeed dripping. This was no the first time he had seen her naked nor the last. Ayato laughed. (y/n)pulled her dress down looked directly into his eyes and said
"shut up"
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clonehub · 2 years
Episode 3 of the bad batch!
"we're fine" girl the gonk droid is on its side
I wonder what these rations taste like
Okay so echo can eat solids. And also everyone is yelling at him to fix everything on the ship. They are flying through hyperspace on a ship that doesn't work properly and I'm SORRY but techs priorities are BACKWARDS
The way they're acting I'm thinking theybe never crash landed before which is actually really funny bc Anakin only knew how to crash. Like it was a regular occurrence in tcw for bitches to be crashing all over the place
Okay first mention of crosshair.
"Crosshairs actions may have been influenced by his inhibitor chip" "it can do that?" Was it. Like wasnt this established. Like one or two episodes ago? I'm genuinely confused this could be my own standing knowledge of the chips getting in the way but why's echo surprised the chip is influencing Crosshairs actions
I will say. There's times where the lighting and the model rendering blends in such a way so that u can't really differentiate the features on omegas face if that makes sense. Like it blends too much
I do like how much they do the blur/focus thing I've always liked that
Rampart being like the only person in this entire series with decently brown eyes :/
Oh look. Once again referred to as enhanced (crosshair). And it's like the more that I think about it. It would not make sense for the Kaminoans to work so hard to keep tbb alive if they believed they were really defective. They're very much like "here's our enhanced product here's our enhanced soldiers see how enhanced they are" like tbb are advertising so they wouldn't say "yeah they're defective BUT--"
So crosshair just walking about in his jammies
Tarkins face model is p good
Something about the models for this first batch of conscripts is like. Like they were built the way they were bc the animators knew they wouldn't be on screen long.
This is kinda funny tho bc they definitely made some heads and just stuck them on a clone models body HFKSBFKSNDKSJS not that I'm mad I like they didn't do boob armor but fhakdnaksk
Tech is so like. Not arugmentative but he has to reply to everything and it's normally in a dismissive or disagreeing way and normally I wouldn't care at all but sometimes it's like was this line necessary.
"you wanna narrow that down" bitch can you go outside and look damn making all this noise from the back seat
I wonder why if Wrecker is having all this obvious hesd pain nobody is actually like checking on him?
A nice blend of music here
It's so funny like how much ppl just fucking hate being scanned because like for me if every doctors visit could just be a scan I'd be so gung ho for it. Yeah let me just lay here for three seconds and hardly get a needle or anything tf
Willing enlistment as metric for a good soldier is interesting and I feel like purposely manipulative bc the guy in the scene before this just said he's got like food and housing so that's partly why he's staying. It's not a loyalty thing at all lmao
What's funny is that I think tbbs helmets for all their little specialities don't actually contribute to air tight contained suits the way the normie clones do. Bc if this was Rex and co they could probably just keep their buckets on w a lil attachment. So they get the headlamps and the HUD. But hunter can't have that so he has to remove the entire thing and put on this mask.
"we each have enhanced skills"
See I wish they could have maintained this tension around crosshair better through the season
Not this white boy poking crosshair in his insecurities BDMABDLSNSLAK no wonder he was so gung ho to kill him and also why he wanted to stick w the imps so bad. Again again again it's ego
They use English letters a lot here not that it's a bad thing or anything but like I remember how in tcw during some like behind the scenes things they basically implied they tried to avoid doing that. They sometimes would say the aurebesh letters and sometimes it'd be A and B
Oh he didn't tattoo his eyelid. Not that it like has to be but like. I just noticed
Sorry these choking noises are so throaty
Bro just unconscious here fjandnaknsa
Wilhelm scream :/
Yeah wow the uh. White boy was the only one with moral back bone huh. The only one who said extrajudicial execution of civilians was bad. Just him huh. Hm.
This is an interesting creature
Oh she gotta be standing on something to be this tall
DNA degradation still doesn't make sense to me given what should be the kammies gene prowess but whatevs
It's like. They're hung up on Jango DNA but if hsi stuff is swirling the drain and you don't have boba would the next thing not be to just find a new guy? Also how does any of that make this any less cost prohibitive
"such a contingency would require a direct source. The clones required will not return willingly" / "they are kaminoan property and we only need one"
Uh but tbb are enhanced and mutated so therefore not the best candidates for sourcing for Jango DNA? Unless I've got this wrong (I'm thinking I do).
I wonder if this room still stinks
This is a sweet thing wreckers done I will say that. But also is omegas room just a viewport or is there a turret attached to that chair?
"I never had my own room before" who was she sharing a room with?????
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martharaccoon · 3 years
So just finished fear street 1666 and I’m literally crying of so much pain Nick fucking Goode put me through. I really gave that man so many excuses.
In 1978 Ziggy and Nick were my ship and I literally thought he believed her but like he didn’t want to get dismissed by everyone so he lied. And the note he gave Ziggy, I thought it showed that he still believed her. And he saved her ass. Then 1666 came around…
So I knew it was Solomon when Sarah was hiding in his house right so my mind started turning its wheels. And Nick said he didn’t want to follow in his dads footsteps so I thought maybe in some way he would turn on his family. Like if he were to see Ziggy again maybe he would realize he messed up. And he would sacrifice himself to just end it all y’know.
Oh boy was I wrong and I really hold it out for my ship and I kept getting more and more disappointed to the point that I’m now broken. Also in stead of saying tag your it Ziggy should have said “Carrie on” I really think he loved her and in a way the curse saved her but he was evil prick that kept killing.
Ducking Judy Blume aaahhhhhh!😭😭😭😭😭
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AAAHHHHHHHH it's happening :'DDD
Peteee I want him to be here 😭❤️🥺
When was Sassapis ordained lol
Awww :')))
AAAHHHHHHH they're all there aahh :'DD
Lol hi Carol
Jay just like yep :) okay :)
Love him xD
I miss Pete though guys 😭
He deserves to be here he would love it xdd
Alberta there are closer chairs xD
Oh right lol wait she's on Isaac's side xD
Eh xD
Well at least they didn't have the until death or as long as you shall live part lol
I swear if we end on a cliffhanger of them not getting married I'm gonna lose it
Did the basement ghosts help the puritan lady because they were upset 😭
Y'alllll I knew it's the seeds you sowed but I'm stressed 😭 don't care they don't deserve it xd
Awww he wanted to come home :'))
As soon as that scene ended he really went ". . Nah I wanna go home, bye :)"
He doesn't look in good shape though o.o
Awww :')) 🥰🥰
LOL sir xD 💀
Awwww okay good he's here :'D
LOL Jay like "oh nice :D"
He's not still rough is he- okay no just talking about his entrance
Awkward I think that's Nigel's side lol
Ahh yeah that lol
I mean we can explain later and delay with the emotional consequences of it all xD
Nah okay it's chill lol
We're going ahead xD
Oop yep o.o
Ahh nice it is just leaving not being happy :'D
Awwww 😭😭🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
AAAAHHHHHHHH y'all stop I love them and him so much 😭😭🥰🥺❤️
"Who's Donna??" XDD YEAH LOL
I mean we know but you know
Awww legally permissable kind :'D xD
LOL Carol o.o
AWWW :')))
Wait Isaac this better not be a realization but a reaffirmment
Just making sure xD
AWWW okay good :'DD 😭❤️
Thanks for coming in clutch and reassuring everything at the end Pete 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ the glue that holds everyone together for real <333
Aww yeah :') let's get them married <3
Although now I swear if they get interrupted by the ghost lady lol
It better happen later xD
AWW yeah :'))
Isaac I swear
Better say yes boy
I know you just got it reaffirmed so answer xD
Paused to save myself
Guys help
Guys help please
No guys please why would you do this to me xd
I think I'm talking to you guys guys help please 😭 xD
Making me go through this alone, not preparing me (I made that choice and I did not want to be prepared lol) xdd
Hold my hand guys 😭
Guys I SWEAR if you do not get married by the end of this episode
I just don't know about the likelihood of going back to the wedding again so I'm scared 😭😭😭
Like later in the episode I mean
Isaac I'm gonna kill you. I am gonna kill you. Just so you know.
Guys I can't take this. I can't take this
Sure have it be attempted revenge by the ghost lady 😭
Wait what if she's doing this o.o
Wasn't her power something funky? I don't remember if they said
Or also just like manipulating stuff somehow idk
Y'all I'm scaredddd
I need to unpause he's halfway through saying don't
Sick to my stomach
Guys help
Okay I'm doing it 😭
Jay XD
Wait no he must be seeing something else
Maybe something relating to the puritan lady?
Maybe he forgot something idk??
And as soon as he actually becomes an option Nigel decides he doesn't want him right 😌 right 😌
Guys I'm scared
Okay but an immediate reaction/other thing happening means a distraction so phew that's good that's easier
But hey Jay fits in for once xD
Jay I was counting on you 😭
SLFKFHS though xD
"Is this wedding voer yet" Jay 😭💀 XDDD
Real though lol
Me for real with this pain xD
Anyway you'll know when (well not anymore but yk) they start clapping lol xD
Explain the situation Sam o.o xD
Guys I don't deserve this
I don't
I'm going to kill you
"I really wanted this to work" BEATING YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A STEEL PIPE.
And here I thought
That revelation
A good thing
I have been caught a fool
After all the pain I'm desensitized to it at this point 😭
Also I think I still believe they're gonna be together xdd
I just gotta make it through this lol
And then even if it doesn't end up okay at least I'll have made it through it xD
I wish I was in more shock like with Asher's death at least then I wouldn't be pausing so much 😭😭
Also I mean the pain of so many of my shows this season xd
Okay okay okay hoo I got this
Something missing
Better than someone else :'D
Also maybe you're just overthinking it 🥰🥰 right 🥰 right 🥰🥰
Yeah Isaac exactly 😭
Guys I'm sick to my stomach
I'm gonna die
I swear if this ends on a cliffhanger
I know I have like 4 minutes left but xd
Which when you think about it is like a quarter of the episode so :D I've still got plenty of time
Even if this would be the climax and that would probably be the falling action :')) I do not care :'))
Guys get me through this xdd
I need to talk less and need this scene to end because I decided to make it all one post when I thought it would be a good thing and this is so long now 😭 xd
The humor comforts me :'))) it'll be alright right guys :'))) right :'))
I hope y'all aren't reading this and shaking your head in pity 😭😭😭
I'm gonna die
And bring Isaac along with me guys
Sorry not sorry
At least leave don't leave me standing here watching this
I swear it better be that ghost lady
Girl did she step out to warm up or something and missed what happened 😭
Goirl o.o
Hetty and Trevor's faces xDD but also they're really sad faces 😭
Have you not noticed that Isaac is not standing here 😭
And walked past you to leave xd
Imagine if the episode ended on this lol
Although with the actual length image her just singing the entire of the song and everyone just sitting there in silence like 😐����️👄👁️ for 3 and a half minutes XDDD
Y'all I'm hilarious
Anyway help me 😭
Girl I need you to stop singing
You have a lovely voice but stop
Okay at least we got to cut away
Okay I do not like this wrap up feeling that's starting in half of the word "Well" and one strike of strings :')))
I SWEARRR we better get a cliffhanger of it was all that ghost lady's doing
WAIT maybe she'll kidnap Nigel and the Isaac will realize he does feel that way about him o.o cliffhanger or not idk
Like takes him into the dirt and Isaac decides to go after him or something 😭
Wait that sounds so dramatic (take him into the dirt)
Nigel and Isaac Orpheus and Eurydice parallel/moment 👀
Okay anyway I actually need to watch now xD
If that doesn't happen I might write it though lol
I just know this girl has to come up SOMEHOW
So far Pete was the unexpected guest, at the actual wedding xD
I did not want to be here 😭
Y'all they broke up didn't they :'))
Pleeease tell me they just took a step back
I know they probably didn't but please I'll take anything I can get xdd
Aww Trevor :')) 🥺
He is the sweetest <33
Yeah I imagine 😭 xdd
Deserved Isaac I'm not even gonna lie
Kind and understanding how are we broken up or not 😭
Flower I'mma need you to stop talking right now
Hear me out
Chris is helping him grow
And we move on from this tyvm
Ik it's not about him anymore but idrc
Jay just on his phone xD boutta hear a wild sentence lol
Though they probably filled him in
Okay yeah today that's okay :')))
So how about it the future
There's no coming back from a conversation like this is there guys xd too serious to backtrack form
Okay yeah Hetty but also like he's kind of always known 😭❤️ at the same time
Guys I don't like this serious genuine wrap up music
Also like. I'm not saying settle or anything he there are only so many ghosts on this property xd
Okay yeah and that guy xD
Aww ayy yeah :D she got it right :')))!!!
Famously lol xDD
But yeah her too
XD yeah
Aww Sas and Isaac :'))
Ahh is Thor gonna do it too
Yep xd
Okay good glad we're being honest 😭
Kinda insensitive right now guys not gonna lie but congrats xDD
Also idk if it's gonna go well for the moment 😬
Awww Sam updating Jay :'))
Jay about to be like "?? isn't that kind of inconsiderate??" XD
Nah he'll probably congratulate them lol
And then we also have to be like "oh yeah and Isaac and Nigel (maybe) broke up" xD
Yeah big stuff going down xD 😭
Ayy the updates xD
Y'all are not gonna do this I swear 💀 xD
No offense but can we interrupt their wedding as well xD they literally just got out of a throuple they haven't even broken up with Nancy yet lol
Also Flower hasn't said that means she'll stay with him xD
I do not like Isaac's expression
AWWW yeah thank you Thor :')))
Also the way he said that just sounded so sweet and genuine :') 🥰🥰😭
Yeah Sas xD
They will I bet lol
Guys why xD
Isaac boutta be like "?? okay?? guys the frick???" XDD
"Yeha buddy good luck with that" SLFKDJS XDD
Jay having his world rocked right now like "who is this random guy you've mentioned??"
"He's very peripheral it doesn't matter" SLFJFHSKDJ AUVOEMSPEN??? XDDD
Well I mean he's getting married so it probably does xD
Please tell me this is before the wedding and we'll stop it
Agh gosh nope okay xD
Aww lol :)
Ope she's gonna mention the Puritan ghost lady and Sam is gonna know o.o
Yeeahh Patience her
OPE yeah 😳 she knows xd
This better set up a healing of their relationship xDD
It seems like it's just setting up a bad guy for next season though 😭😭
Ahh so Isaac is gonna get kidnapped
Maybe Nigel will go to save him and Isaac will realize how strong his love for him really is 👀?
Listen guys I really can't believe they'll leave them like this 😭 xdd
Also not them literally burying their gays 💀 xDD
Probably lol
I mean bc he's going into the dirt xD
Oh gosh Nancy xd
Why would you do this to me
Ahhh crap
We can't be compassionate a little bit and decide that since it didn't happen it doesn't matter xd?
I mean too late now really but you guys could at least feel bad and pull out of it while she kidnaps him lol
Wait this post is way too long one second o.o
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Scream 5 Asks Compilation
There is one Scream 5 ask I didn't include, bc it was a request about some characters' reactions to something that happens in the movie, so it will be in a separate spoiler post.
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LMAO Yeah, his house did feel more like a character than he did. Honestly, I have a lot to say about Richie and Amber, and I'll definitely delve into them in a later post, but I didn't feel like they were trying to be Billy and Stu? They felt more of a combination of Jill, Charlie, and Mickey and Stu between their motives and how they acted.
I loved Amber though, and I felt she was a phenomenal expy of Stu. She really went apeshit in the climax, and I loved it! And yeah, Richie I loooooved seeing get absolutely rekt by Sam!
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Yeah, going by the timeline established, with Sam being born in 1996, Billy 1000% cheated on Sid with Christina (Sam's mom's name) while he and Sid were together. Assuming Scream happened somewhere between October and December 1996, and Sam is born IN 1996, he must've done it shortly before or after he killed Maureen Prescott, since he did that a year ago exactly from when Scream happened.
He is an absolute fuckboi lmaooo. He stopped getting it from Sid, so he fucked Christina and whiteout a condom too. I can absolutely seeing him going "It won't feel as good with one." or some bullshit. Can't imagine sex ed. in Woodsboro explained how high the chances of pregnancy are, or even exists.
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OKAY BITCH BUT ME TOOO LMAOOO. As a certified Billy lover (duh), I like to headcanon that it was just a one night stand that he knew he could get out of Christina since she was in love with him. Better than him being secretly in a relationship with her.
Then again, even if they did establish that it was a secret relationship, I still would continue writing Billy x Reader's/hc that Billy and Stu were together and had the REAL secret relationship/ that poly ghostface exists. I like to think Billy is just an evil bisexual who wasn't just sleeping with women, but also Stu and had real feelings loooool.
I will proudly ignore canon when it suits me 😤.
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As much as I'd love that, I think it's a stretch and grasping for straws at his point. Between Billy being confirmed to be having sex with someone that isn't Stu, and Kevin Williamson both being heavily involved as well as being the producer + the recent interview with pride source he did basically saying "OoOoOo its up to speculation 😱" and straight up confirming it wasnt his intention when writing...I've just kinda accepted it. But like I said, canon means shit to me, and I will continue to write and ship as I see fit.
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I do hope it's an actual ghost and not a hallucination, and latching on to the whole "Those meds aren't helping as well as they used to huh Sam?" line from Billy to support it. BUT I know in my heart of hearts it's probs not true, and he really is just a hallucination from Sam lol.
But god, imagine Dewey watching over Gale. Finally leaving Woodsboro and following her, watching Gale fall in love with someone else, have kids, be happy. And it's bittersweet for Dewey, bc he loves seeing her happy, but HE wanted to be the man to do so. So he watches over Sidney and Gale, along with Tatum.
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NAUR BUT YES. I love 3rd Planet, I havent heard it in yeeeears tho, so thank you for reminding me it exists! And forgive me for derailing but
Broke: 3rd Planet is about a miscarriage or religion.
Woke: 3rd Planet is about Sidney and Gale moving on without Dewey
Bespoke: 3rd Planet is about poly Ghostface where one of the three dies.
Billy: I see the baby cum angels 😞
ghost Stu or ghost Y/N: wtf
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I was never the biggest Dewey stan, but his death literally destroyed me for awhile. Like, it felt like a favorite uncle passing away, I didn't even tear up, I just had that horrible pit in my stomach when it happened. I was so genuinely upset even though I KNEW it was coming bc of the leak I read. Just seeing HOW it happened, and after Dewey reunited with Gale when we had seen him watching Gale on TV and smiling? I fucking...man. It hurt.
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Ooooh, interesting choice! While I feel parts of the song definitely fit Dewey in regards to Sid, I wouldn't normally associate it with them. Mainly bc I feel like there was never a point in time where Dewey envied or felt competitive with Sid, which is a big component of the song.
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thegempage · 2 years
reasons you should watch poll for initiative, the d&d livestream where the audience influences the story:
if you come join the streams you can scream live and also influence the story, as that tagline suggests. it's 10/10, i love being able to catch streams and go aaahhhhhh and accidentally throw everything into chaos with everyone
but it's still just as fun to watch back as well!! i can only catch some streams and catching up is just as exciting
both mint and ben (the player and dm for the current campaign respectively) are fantastic people and great storytellers
this is especially important bcus it's a two-person d&d game
extremely good lore and worldbuilding, some of which is hiding in plain sight 👀
it's gay as hell. both the game itself and the people involved, we're all pretty gay
be gay do crime
the party is a girl gang of pirates
sometimes ben reveals an npc name and we all threaten to kill him. this is normal and very delightful to be part of
other times ben reveals an npc and we either instantly adopt them or everyone, including the main character, rallies to fight them
there's a kraken named soft taco. we all love soft taco.
made me fall in love with a living ship and i bet you will too
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P15
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I went and got the door as y/n went to make some coffee I opened the door letting Wisse and Luke into the apartment the three of us muttering about this and that as they headed inside "Hu, benny?" Wisse asks
"who's the fat old braud?"
instantly I smirked a little trying not to laugh as she turned around and looked like she was about to murder him "You have a will right Wisse?"
"Yeah why?"
"Becuase... she is gonna kill you" I smirked going to sort the chessboard up
"Come here you little!" she yelped going to try and grab him but I up an arm around her and lifted her off the floor enough she couldn't get out my grip "No benny let me at him!" she complained till I put her down
"Boys, Y/n y/l/n I'm sure you've met before" I told them
"Ohh yeah, Hi y/n" Luke smiled getting himself a seat at the table
"Hu, I didn't recognise you, sorry y/n" wisse smiled "What uhh... what is she doing here?"
"I live here" she argued
"lives here? Ooooooohhh Benny got a girlfriend" Luke laughs
"Yes. I did"
"I... I don't have a response to a yes as an answer"
"so shut up"
"You guys actually a couple then?"
"Yep, very happily" Y/n smiled
"Extremely happily" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Lucky dick got the cute girlfriend" Luke sighed
"cute fience" I corrected
"Really? your gonna hitch yourself to him?" Wisse laughed
"Hey!" I complained
"Well, I suppose I have to" she giggled stroking her baby bump
"what!" Luke laughed excitedly
"can you guys not tell?" she laughed
"Awwwwww there's gonna be a tiny baby!" Luke smiled
"why!" wisse complained "why would you let him procreate? I thought we all collectively agreed to not let his genetics get anywhere else?"
".... when did you agree that?" I complained
"Like six Christmas' ago" luke shrugged
"well it's a bit late for that, he's due next month" she smiled
"she" I corrected
"He" she giggled
"Now we playing or not?" Luke asked
"Course, you rest up you need anything you ask okay," I told her so she nodded going to read her book on the chair
I sat playing with the guys a good while, y/n kept out of it mostly reading her chess books on the chair, she would bring drinks and food whenever we needed it even if all of us told her no she should rest baby but she did it anyways, it was getting late and she was getting tried I could tell as she was watching a game her little eyes would sometimes flutter shut, her head sometimes would droop but whenever I blew her a kiss she'd perk up again for a moment or two. "I think it's bed time for mummy. You boys have fun" she smiled as she slowly pushed herself up stroking her bump "Okay, we'll be quiet, you rest up alright" I told her taking her hand "I will" she smiled "Sleep well y/n" wisse smiled "Rest that tiny human growing in your person oven y/n" luke laughed She gave my head a kiss before she slowly walked into the bedroom getting ready for bed I focused on the game for a good while but I couldn't take my eyes off her, the door to our bedroom open just a crack just enough I could still see her, laid on our bed, her head on the pillow, the gentle orange light casgading across her, her hair all over the place, her face so peaceful and sireen, her little nightie holding her so tight where she was growing so much, her book open on her page it fallen on the duvet her hand still holding it the other on the pillow, I rested my head on my hand just watching her sleep so peacefully her bump rising and falling in the covers "Dude I think benny's broke I just checked him." Wisse says "Not broke. He's got a pregnant wifey it's gonna be a distraction. I mean look I can wave a hand in his Face and nothing" luke laughed "Benny? You in there man or have you shut up shop tonight?" "Hu? Ohh sorry guys" I sighed "I think I think I need to turn in too. And I can't leave her all alone she can't sleep without me" I smiled "well finish up another time maybe once baby comes" "Alright, see you around" wisse laughed we all said our goodbyes and they both left so I shut up and went climbing into bed with her "You didn't have to Benny, I could have waited till you-" "Shhhh. You where sleepy. I should have kicked them out hours ago so you could sleep." "But chess-" "Shhh, sleep. You and our baby are more important" "Nothing is more important then chess to you" "You are. And so's baby." I told her "I have to take care of my girls. Besides I was tried too and you know I can't sleep without you either" "Okay Benny if your sure" "Of course I'm sure little lady, now you rest that tummy shouldn't be long now till baby comes"
I woke up softly and gently "Uuummmm good morning little lady, and my sweet little baby" I smiled trying to cuddle her but something was wrong. The bed felt wet. Her body was shaking. Her hand in mine in a death like grip, "Benny! Something's wrong!" She yelled "What! What's wrong!" I asked quickly waking up seeing her she was panicked, sweaty, in alot of pain the sun not even up yet "I think baby's coming" "Baby's coming! Are uhh are you sure?" "I don't know, I couldn't sleep because of my tummy and then I had an accident and now it won't- aaahhhhhh!" "Okay... Okay... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pack the bag! I think right? Yes! Pack!" I said trying to remember what the hell I was gonna do getting out the bed and starting to pack her back "what was I meant to pack?" "BENNY!" "I'm sorry y/n I forget" "It's on the list in the fridge. Now hurry up!" She yelled turning to sit on the edge of the bed, I grabbed the list and packed he's a quick bag getting myself dress too "Right next uhh we need to get you to the hospital, but I don't think an ambulance is really worth it, then again I get stuck in traffic, what I'd the car breaka down I can't deliver a baby! What if the ambulance has to stop for baby to be born and then our kiss born in an ambulance? Do I have everything, did you want anything before we go little lady? A drink, some food? A shower? Do your hair maybe?" "Benny... There is currently what feels like a human being with a watermelon sized head trying to force its way out of my Virgina, Get your skinny ass in that car and take me to a fucking doctor now!" "Okay, okay." I nodded realizing how panicked I was I helped her up and out into the car with her bag, I quickly locked up and by the time I got back she was screaming "okay it's all gonna be okay, just try not to focus on the pain" I reassured her "Easy for you to say!" "Right let's get baby to the doctor" "Now!" She screamed putting my car into drive for me almost making us hit a lamppost "Y/n I understand your in-" "BENNY! DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR!" She screamed "Or I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOVE EVER CHESS PIECE YOU OWN UP YOUR ASS!" "Yes dear" I gulped quickly getting the car going
I dropped y/n off and the nurses happily took her, I went and got parked and rushed into the office they directed me to the little seating area where a few other men sat waiting "But I - I promised her I'd be with her" "Sorry we can't allow it she's a six thirteen" "Six thirteen what does that mean?" "I'm sure the doctor will explain later sir please take a seat" I sighed and went taking a seat waiting till one of the other men spoke up "Hey? First?" "Yeah." I answered "It never gets easier kid" he laughs coming to sit in the chair beside me "I just... I wanna be with her you know make sure she's okay" "Hey, she's a fucking lot stronger then you think she is" he laughs "this is our fourth. I always worry about her. At the end she always tells me not to worry" he laughs "Yeah, she's a strong one. I know she is" I smiled "do you know what a six thirteen is?" "Yeah," "Please. I just wanna know" "It means there's been a complication, and everyone non essential has to be kept out for safety" "Something's wrong?" "It could be something small, like breach, or backwards or anything like that" he shurgs "or a c section. They class that as a six thirteen" "Oh God." "Relax it's probably nothing" he says "my boy was a six thirteen. Came out backwards the stupid boy" "Well I guess it's just a waiting game" "Pretty much kid" We sat chatting about this and that for a few hours or so it was getting late now, or early. Not sure which to class or as but everyone would peek up whenever a nurse came around the corner and just as the sun began to peak over the windows a nurse came "Watts?" "Yes!" "Follow me please" she says I nodded and followed her to a little room but she didn't open the door, "baby is born. Happy and healthy. Mummy's doing fine if a little stressed we'll start getting sorted to get her home congratulations" she smiled before she headed off, I was excited happily opening the door to the little hospital room the blinds open letting the sweet purple, orange and gold of the sunrise flood the room, and there on the bed was y/n sat up a little shaken her hair a mess, a smile on her face with a job I'd never seen before, and in her arms wrapped up in a little yellow blanket was a tiny little baby only moments old. The baby was giggling ever so softly as y/n stroked the baby's skin I'd never seen something so beautiful I wanted to cry "Hello y/n" "Hello Benny" she smiled "come" she smiled patting the little chair beside the bed, I smiled going over and sitting with her both of them bathed in the rays of the sunrise "You okay?" "Ummmm. Tried" "I can guess so" I laughed "they wouldn't let me in" "They said because of things I forget what they said but she's happy and healthy" "She?" "She. Benny meet your daughter" she smiled letting me see the cute little squishy face of our little girl, she was so cute and beautiful I almost cried "A daughter. I have a daughter. Hi little one, uhh nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her tiny hand "God damn it Benny, you don't have to introduce yourself to her" "She doesn't know who I am yet, I'm just being a gentleman about it" I said giving her little head a kiss which made her giggle more "are you okay?" "Fine Benny" she laughed so I gave her a kiss too "she has her daddies." "She does. But I'm sure she'll grow up and be as beautiful as her mummy" "In sure she will. Thought if any names for her?" "I get to name her?" "Umm you won. You where right about it being a girl. You can name her" she smiled I looked at our little girl thinking of all the girls names I knew many of them I didn't want to use as I'd slept with girls named that and that would be a werid thing but the more I looked at her the more ideas went quickly though my mind until, I saw the sun just shimmer a little the rays of gold, purple and red across the room from the sun as it rose and it casgading across her little face "Aurora" I smiled "Aurora. I like it" she smiled "I think it suits her" "It does. Little aurora" "Little aurora watts" "Aurora y/l/n. Not your wife yet Benny" "You would be if someone would get the wedding sorted and let me marry her already" I laughed "I know, but maybe aurora watts so she gets used to it" "Good, she was like this close to being named scillian you know that right?" "I know I'm surprised it's not chess related or are you saving that for any boys" "Kinda, plus not alot of chessy girls names" "That and scillian is our sex safe word" "Yeah that too" I laughed "so you ready to get aurora home?" "Very ready Benny"
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