#Jack Frost tsc
safyresky · 1 year
Crystal Springs Chapter 18: now up on ao3!
Time for Jack to confront the MOMMY ISSUES! Read all about it HERE.
Chapter 18: Market Day
Winter and Jack make a ruckus at the annual holiday market. Jacqueline visits a fellow Legate.
For tonight's excerpt, I give you my favourite part! I love Winter. She's so funny 🥰🥰
"And given the year you've had, I can see why," Winter said, with a sad smile. "Oh, my poor baby boy." "Mom, stop! I'm not a baby." "You're my baby," Winter emphasized. "I know," Jack admitted, grumpily. "But I wasn't completely alone this year! Santa was really very kind when he really didn't need to be. And Carol, oh, she's been an absolute sweetheart, really! And, y'know, the elves warmed up to me and the Council was very supportive too. And I lost count how many times Mother Nature went up to bat for me. You'd think, given his fluffy nature, Easter Bunny'd be a little bit nicer." Winter laughed. "That's why he's so fluffy. He's full of spite." "Oh, that's good!" Jack laughed. "I've gotta remember that one for the next council meeting." He paused for a moment as they entered the clothing section, thoughtful. "And you know, from what I've heard, parents usually make the worst mistakes with the first one. So when number two, or, y'know, three AND four come around, they don't repeat them. I mean, seems like they turned out a lot better. And I'm sure they have you and Dad to thank for that." Winter laughed. "Oh, they were troublesome in their own ways. I don't know how Jacqueline had so much energy all the time. And she had this horrible feud with one of the school teachers, that was a rough go! And I don't even want to think about what nonsense she may have run into while she was out and about amongst the ordibeings." Jack chuckled. "You really don't." "And the Twins! Lady of the Springs, those two are always causing trouble. Wild animals in the house at any given time; far too many fires for me to keep track of. They're very sneaky. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that they may not be as bad as you were, but they've had their moments," she said with a fond smile. "You've all had your moments, the four of you. Don't go singling yourself out, Jack dear," Winter finished, wagging her finger. "I'll try not to," Jack said, stopping at one of the stalls and browsing the spools of thread. They were very vibrant; he was fairly certain that some of the colours weren't normally seen by the ordibeing eye. And they looked sturdy—that was promising. "But you need to stop being so dismissive of yourself! You've been plenty supportive since I got home," Jack continued, moving over to the next stall as Winter followed steadily, letting him browse. "Don't think I didn't notice the matching outfits yesterday. Or all the times you defended me from the other seasons. Or how you tried to delay them coming over. Amongst other things." "Oh good! You noticed!" Winter said, cheerful. "I was having such a rough time telling, I figured I'd try showing, first. I'm always here for you, Jack dear. Even if I can't say it." "Thanks Mom," Jack said with a soft smile. "I appreciate it." "Of course," and, before Jack had time to process, she pulled him close in a very, very, very tight hug. "I've missed you very, very much Jack," Winter said, squeezing tighter. Jack smiled softly, squeezing her back. "I've missed you too, Mom." "This is all very touching, but could you maybe take it somewhere else?" the stall keep in front of them said, disdainfully. Winter whirled on the man, absolutely furious. "I haven't seen my son in fourteen HUNDRED years," she said, sternly, jabbing an accusatory finger at him. "So I will damn well hug him wherever I please! Understood?" She glared so hard at the shop keep that his clothing was beginning to look a little frosty. "Yes ma'am!" the shop keep squawked, jumping back. "I'll take a spool of the black and white each, please," Jack said, trying to bite down the laughter as he watched the shaken elven looking fellow rush to grab the spools for him, as though his life depended on it.
Want to see what ELSE these two do at the market? READ ON TO FIND OUT.
Want to start from the top? Here's the Prologue: An Encounter on ff dot net and ao3! Story summary below the cut (as per the ush):
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk.
Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family.
Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move?
Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
Hey, hi, how's it going?
ONE MORE THING I wanted to mention! Befana in this chapter was plopped in there with Belsnickel about a month or two before the series actually aired. I got the chapter out JUST BEFORE it started airing, bc I feared what they'd do to Befana and wanted to have my own interpretation of her.
Surprisingly, they did an okay job with her! She's not TOO different from my portrayal, lol. anyway, that being said, ur absolutely welcome to picture her as she was from the series, but please know sahe's not QUITE the same iteration :3
Anyway! Enjoy!!!
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serendippertyy · 5 months
I love your sona and Bernard ship it's adorable! ❤🦌.....i know it's like March but would you draw them again...maybe easter themed🐰🌸?
And if i may ask....can you please draw a couple Jack Frosts❄in your style.....(I'm shamelessly obsessed with him even if it is mid March lol)
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soo sorry this is so late my asks get buried a lot!! but I am here now and OMGG SHOW YOURSELF ANON I NEED YEAR LONG SANTA CLAUSE MUTUALS !! 🗣️💥
like I said this is late buut here they are spring themed!! so happy you guys like seeing them, it makes me more comfortable with posting them outside of christmas 😅
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and I'm still working on drawing jack in a way that I like, rn he's looking a bit like the joker tbh buut i hope you stick around anon because I would love to practice some more LOL ❄️
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the-arch-elf · 9 months
Hello Elves,
The kitchen is behind on lunch orders.
Somehow, several of the ovens have been frozen shut, and we are working on fixing the problem.
On a completely unrelated note, if you see Jack Frost walking around, please tell me so I can beat him with a staff- Sorry, I mean inform Santa of his visit.
Yours, Bernard
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viviennevermillion · 11 months
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Consider: Elven Prince Bernard and Elven Knight Bethina / Betty (they're hard to sketch so excuse the oopsies).
I think after Disney didn't even manage to successfully nostalgia-bait me (and I'm someone who likes the Star Wars sequels and Season 5-8 of Winx Club so this really says something), we should have a medieval fantasy AU as a treat!
Ideas for what I might draw next / brainrot about:
Witch Sandra — like with a pointy hat and everything! Perhaps with Befana giving her advice but I don't think my skills are good enough to pull that off help
Alternative idea: Disney Princess Sandra who attracts little woodland creatures when she sings (her singing is awful for comic relief purposes and it still makes the finches flock to her)
Court Jester Cal "Do you think Riley will like me in this outfit?" Calvin
Noblewoman Riley
Court Jester Noel — in solidarity with Court Jester Cal
Royal Advisor Edie
Curtis as whatever the male version of a handmaiden is + handbook
Roy Enchantix! — like with big ass fae wings
Snow King Jack. Like, Elsa but shadier.
Mother Nature (we really need to give her a proper name. come on, this fandom is like 10 people, we can make it happen!) as a gorgeous nature spirit! Or maybe as a goddess? Both would work 🤔
What do we do with Scott? Do we just make him the king because the previous king died in his front yard? Can you imagine that?
I think Charlie would work as a knight
I know this isn't medieval but we can slap a Victorian dress onto Carol and have her beat someone up with a high heel but I'm not sure I can draw that 😂
Laura and Neil as regular citizens from some backwater village who don't believe in magic until Elven Prince Bernard plunders their fridge
Magnus Antas as like,,,, Tom Bombadil. A very evil, slightly more feral Tom Bombadil.
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herbalsingularitea · 1 year
Curtis and Jack going to see Barbie, all dressed in pink, lookin cnt 💅 and they run into Bernard, Carol, and Scott going to see Oppenheimer
Bernard gives them the “🙄😒 ugh ofc ur seeing that trash, you two have no class” and he walks off, meanwhile Scott and Carol follow after him shooting these 🥺🥺 back at Curtis and Jack like “please take us with you”
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scjacka · 2 years
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This just came across my twitter feed and I’m dying
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lmelodie · 1 year
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You can’t tell me it ISNT them 😤
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bi-octavius · 2 years
Who had ‘Tim Allen stars in arguably one of the cringiest and most poorly-written sequels to a beloved Christmas movie franchise you’ve ever had the misfortune to watch that it makes The Santa Clause 3 look like a fucking masterpiece’ on their bingo card
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amidstthemists · 1 year
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*to the tune of The Candyman Can*
Who can take a rainstorm?
Turn it into hail.
Make them big as golf balls, breaking windows ‘til they wail.
Jack Frost can.
Who can take a dew drop?
Turn it into to frost.
Take away the warmth until all hope and joy is lost.
Jack Frost can.
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stevielilbear · 25 days
Xmen AU - Shiero Romanoff, The Ice Soldier
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(inspos: Jack Frost, Captain America, Elsa, Ice Man Bobby Drake)
In Russia long ago...
Shiero nasceu em St. Petersburg, 1885, filho de Anatoly, general de alta patente do exército do antigo império russo, e Elenor, cantora de ópera que fazia bastante sucesso nas noites de cânticos. Shiero era o irmão mais velho de Nichollas, seu irmão mais alto, mais bonito e mais carismático, que como em todos os clichês, era o preferidinho do papai.
Possuindo 1,62 de altura, 54kg e MUITA coragem, Shiero passava os dias estudando nas bibliotecas públicas, observando os soldados saindo de braços dados com suas garotas, cigarros na boca e garrafas na mão. Seria hipocrisia dizer que não desejava ser um pouco mais parecido com seu irmão (e com o que seu pai gostaria que fosse), mas era muito feliz na companhia de seu gato Ginno!
E não é como se seu senso de humor ácido e piadas nerds fossem efetivas de fato...
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Em uma tentativa de ser um filho menos imprestável, tentou servir para o grande exército imperial, mas claro, como um prestador de notas... Limpador de rifles... Aparador de grama... E garantindo que as planilhas sempre estivessem em ordem... tsc. Nada comparado ao líder do esquadrão, Nicholas Romanoff, aquele que espalhou um boato terrível que seu irmão mais velho beijava muito bem e fez as enfermeiras tirarem a prova (nunca havia beijado nem a ponta de um charuto.
Shiero nunca foi julgado como apropriado para ser um soldado de fato, sua condição física evidenciava isso, mas foi em um certo treino em que ele se jogou em uma granada falsa, que talvez, Anatoly pensou, TALVEZ ele pudesse ter instintos de um verdadeiro guerreiro. Que mal faria levá-lo como reserva em uma missão? E se ele fosse pequenininho o suficiente pra se esconder nos buracos? Assim Elenor não o mataria por acidentar o filho deles, mas também se orgulharia o bastante de tê-lo levado.
Малышка, ты тоже заслуживаешь немного любви.
Talvez tenha sido uma péssima ideia, considerando que Shiero acabou em uma locomotiva desgovernada que trombou com uma geleira gigante e ocasionou um aprisionamento de toda a equipe dos "baixinhos furtivos e não desejados por seus pais." Ele só não esperava que aquele dia fatídico em que saíra de casa e ganhou um bordado de sua mãe em 1911 teria sido a última vez que viu todos eles.
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And then to the 90's...
Foi quando, em uma casual ação dos vingadores, em 1997, em que eles "salvaram" a cidade (provocando um enorme terremoto no processo), a geleira em que a locomotiva se encontrava partiu, o suficiente para acionar os radares de mutantes da Academia do Professor Xavier (E seu pseudomarido Erik).
Acontece que o garoto magrelo de meio metro que bebeu todas na festa de boas vindas da academia, ensinou Logan e Jhonny Strom a dançar rasputin (não perguntem como ele conseguiu isso) e tentou a sorte com o filho de seus mentores, Alexander, na esperança de tentar esquecer o fato de que nunca mais veria seus familiares e sua casa novamente (NEM VAMOS MENCIONAR O GATO) não foi o mesmo que acordou no dia seguinte.
Foi quando Charles e Alexander se apressaram em apresentar pela manhã o instituto, que sua mutação se apresentou, ou melhor, se fez SENTIR, porque aquele quarto parecia mais um frigorífico, e o pequenininho viadinho do século passado que mal sabia mexer nos tablets que o entregaram agora tinha no mínimo o tamanho da PORTA e a largura de dois frizeres industriais.
Shiero é um mutante (and proud!!!) elementista do gelo, que vive de fazer piadas pra esquecer sua realidade traumática, flertar de "brincadeirinha" com seu professor Alex, sair congelando as calças do Jhonny, treinando até seus ossos gelados doerem, e se enturmando com os detalhes do mundo moderno (em um período político nada agradável para os mutantes no geral).
É bom, pelo menos, viver em uma época um pouquinho mais confortável de ser o baitola que ele não podia antes, na Rússia imperial. É um saco ouvir tanto inglês americano diariamente, mas ele espera se acostumar.... Ele também não poderia estar mais feliz de ter uma nova família que o ama de verdade. E vamos ver como ele vai lidar com o fato de que o comunismo não vingou, de fato...
@cocss-ruindade-pura @domibruxona @pussycatalex
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safyresky · 1 year
Jack's Sexypedia page is weak, guys. Look at this shit! Where do I even begin! Oh! right fucking HERE:
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OF ALL THE IMAGES TO USE. THAT'S THE ONE THAT'S UP THERE???? THAT ONE????? GEEZUS H CHRIST. IT'S A STANDEE! So you scroll down to the gallery bc maybe there's better photos there, right?
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I'm like. I need to go through the movie and screenshot some gr8 Jack pics and literally make a fandom wiki account JUST TO FIX THIS GODDAMN PAGE! NONE OF THESE PHOTOS ARE SEXYMAN VIBES! THEN THERE'S THE MEAT
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this needs a rewrite and several edits. maybe eightral edits. maybe a second rewrite. my god.
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Oh, and also, a fun bonus:
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White Hair
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Hi Tumblr I made this. That’s all I want to share.
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shittyelfwriter · 6 years
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obligatory gru meme for you all 💁🏻‍♀️
(part 2/? of my tsc shitposts of 2018)
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viviennevermillion · 11 months
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So @herbalsingularitea made a post talking about the concept of Jack as Sandra's mentor and the one who's teaching her magic and I absolutely loved the idea so I decided to integrate it into the medieval fantasy AU sjdjsnjdjs
Add Befana to the mix and you have a homebrew disaster magic school. Scott's probably like "uh what exactly are you two teaching my kid???"
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herbalsingularitea · 10 months
I’ve never played Baldur’s Gate 3 but my internet experience has been forcibly injected with Astarion content cause ofc it has,,
And every time I see him I can’t help but think of Jack Frost
Like not just how he looks but his mannerism, his snark and sass, his fruity swagger, it’s all SO Jack,, especially @lmelodie ‘s Jack, it’s so himmm
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scjacka · 10 months
Just watched episode 3 and like, how was this episode worse to me but also featured the actress who played Judy (who I clocked too quick) and one of our few even slight mentions of Jack?!?!
I’m so tired
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