#but like did not expect this Frost love on my twitter
scjacka · 1 year
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This just came across my twitter feed and I’m dying
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ginevrafangirl · 1 year
Love Between Fairy And Devil Commentary Part 3
The final one! Excerpts from my reactions while watching episodes 25-36! Apologies for the delay
Part 1 | Part 2
when did shangque fall in love with her anyway i feel like it snuck up on me. like it was obvious it was going to happen, but the how happened subtly
the grooms need to get DRESSED
it would be hilarious if girlie and sauron get together now and kiss and people see and incest rumors cause the weddings to fall apart
wow sauron looks SO weird with his hair up
a red wedding is about to happen // its snowing as well for maximum effect
he cannot control hellfire well anymore he really should not be doing this
i love that him being 'injured' means he got eyeliner and dark lipstick
she didnt fail the tribulation besties she is fine
FINALLY we get a badass moment from girlie
wdym 'why cant i control hellfire' its obviously cause you have emotions again
have i mentioned how much i hate jin guangshan
did she just feed him her blood to heal? what in the svsss?
girlie's 'i want to jump into the river' after getting caught locking lips was so cute
also why is everyone acting like they dont know why sauron cant use hellfire // i mean he was against her restoring his emotions for this very reason??
god i knew they were gonna be disgustingly cute
i think jieli was prettier in the mortal clothes but girlie is definitely more gorgeous in her immortal robes
i really appreciate the little comedic moments scattered through this show
omg this is beautiful // the women singing together for the return of their men // very avatar like
DAMN that was an eventful two episodes // the wedding happened, batman appeared, everything went to plan, batmans identity was revealed, girlie and sauron finally kinda got together, danyin and ice man came back and girlie's true identity was also revealed
its so crazy that they are saying they need to settle the score as if sauron hasnt regularly whooped jack frost's ass completely
girlie you were happy as a mortal cause you were rich
omg she is literally 'i see you as a nice friend'-ing him rn. i didn't expect this level of self awareness
sauron feeling proud of dragon boy for scoring a date
sorry dragon boy jieli is a businessminded woman
i feel like a matchmaking auntie watching these cuties together
oh good batman backstory // he literally has no parents. but he is also blind like a bat. and uses sound - the flute. // i am a genius
HAN PU!????????? baby batman is HAN PU (who rules the world reference)
also batman is literally luo binghe (svsss reference)
good for jin guangshan and jack frost's mom for running away and escaping this madness
frostie is suicidal. cue the beat boxing song
that man did NOT swallow
DANYIN? danyin is the baby??? then why does the pregnant lady look like jieli???
i am 99% convinced fake old god is gonna die
this is a very random last minute storyline/backstory that i did seriously not see coming
has jieli been a plant by catwoman and batman this whole time?? thats why she cant reciprocate dragon's feelings?
shangque stop saying you'll forgive her manipulating you
damn the whole city gathered to stop him from getting laid
he wants to mawwy herrr
this is why dating villains is fun, they truly dont give a fuck about right or wrong, just you. great romance
he didnt go to hang locks! does he need to get the spike in him right NOW?
that punishment is so awful sauron become 3D in a 2D show
there is lightning! are they gonna kiss kiss body swap again?
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why dont they just tell emo boy girlie isnt a fairy, she is the goddess of xishun
this conflict is seriously so unneccessary, she is a GODDESS
the people on twitter were right, this does get only better as you keep watching
thats not a cave, thats a torture chamber
and he decided to share her pain // ofcourse he did
thats a long ass wig
i thought he was gonna carry her but them walking hand in hand is so much better
ice man and jin guangshan's fathers name is lord DONG that is amazing
wowwwwww danyin just confessed her love in front of EVERYONE // balls // she has got balls
girlie's true identity was the fix-it of everything huh
dragon boy is brave to the point of stupid giving jieli all his money // omg is she finally accepting him // i wonder what they will get up to in his dragon form
now wtf is happening here
plot is now aiming at killing girlie i see
i dont see how he didnt see the loss of hellfire coming from miles away after he got his emotions back, i mean wasnt he so opposed to it for this very reason??
i cant believe they hurt my babygirl dragon boy
the phrase "menacing fairies" is quite funny
sauron just wants to live in domestic bliss but the plot wants WAR
i love the meek obedient expression sauron gets on his face around girlie
he is too smart to work with an obviously evil swirling dark cloud // right?
mr sauron i thought you werent gonna lie to her
she has gotten good at setting boundaries
is he possesed rn or just what is happening
i hope the war lives up to the hype, unlike who rules the world // i mean we have been talking about it for literally 30 episodes
the crazy thing is that if he had been straight up with her and told her why she has to die she would have killed herself easily
jieli is fucking smart
I GET IT NOW // he cant take off the bone orchid cause she is devoted to him, so he has break her heart so he can take it off
oooo is it time for ✨war✨
for two opposing armies the fairy realm and demon realm sure have the exact same armour
i think even if she tries to kill herself she wont die cause of special goddess powers
ooooo i think he will use the evil qi and then girlie will purify it
wow her screams of pain are quite intense
honestly i am sick of lady war just having no agency in this story // like lets have her come back to life and tell off batman please
ohhh its the long awaited batman vs iceman fight
they sure picked a place with terrible visibility for this war huh
who tf is qingchuan???
after all this time iceman just now found out batman is ronghao?
love how lady si ming still hasnt shown up again // though i do still believe she will
i knew it!! her magic dust brought everyone back to life
that god(dess) for better visibility amirite
wait are they still pretending she isnt gonna live
sauron doesnt have enough sand on his face, he face planted multiple times. i need him to be coughing up sand
oh wow she is actually disintigrating thanos snap style
why is jieli not just telling dragon boy the truth that she was poisoned? is it cause she knows catwoman is gonna come after her and she doesnt want him to get hurt?
and now batmans all happy and shit?? rude
omg stop manipulating lady war i am sick and tired of her agency being taken away
awwww this is a very cute sequence if not for the fact that he is definitely dreaming
wow watching sauron smile with all his teeth is weirddd
so i guess the remaining 5 eps will be him trying to get girlie back
if dragon boi dies i am gonna riot
oh its a dream sharing incense burner!
woooooow hot take from ice man there 'she will come back from death cause she hasnt married me yet'
i love the juxtaposition of the chaos irl and the serenity in his dream
i am really confused about the girlie marrying iceman prophecy because there is no way thats gonna happen right? unless she has some serious memory loss or something
i am so confused about ronghao's feeling towards lady war
jin guangshan is a fucking bitch
hah i knew lady si ming was gonna turn up
what a power couple though lady si ming and her dragon living together forever
popping back in to say i was right about the memory loss (i stopped in the last few eps cause i was tired lol)
i hate memory loss tropes btw // her memories better come back
did lady war just off danyin?? // misdirect
after i was done i had some last words to say
the ending wasnt bad exactly, plot wise, but i missed the light hearted tone of the show in the last six episodes and also why do we get more fluff in the middle than at the end??
all i wanted was to see them getting married and sitting on the moon throne as king and queen
and not a single jielie/shangque kiss?? we were ROBBED
And that's it folks!! Overall a very fun and enjoyable experience, would recommend!
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muselixer · 2 years
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2022!
part two: april - june apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, and capslock-implied yelling :)
“You get points for trying, Jesus said so.”
“Not gonna lie, I just want an excuse to be a huge dick in a fancy suit.”
“You’re sorry? You’re the one who shot orbeez into my soup.”
(maniac laughter) “I get to destroy the government!”
“I am NOT a closet pickle eater.”
“The real blackmail is the photos of the frosted tips.”
“Loving the Home Depot commercial remix.”
“This is what made his doctor’s degree disappear into the woods.”
“I drive myself to drink.”
“The frozen balls are gonna hurt more.”
“It’s a record, you dumb fuck.”
“Yeah, well Twitter’s a lying sack of shit― Oh.”
“Working here is going to begin my Joker arc.”
“I dunno how to explain this to you without breaking any HIPAA laws.”
“I was about to be really mad, and then I realized I couldn’t read.”
“Back in my day, we touched grass.”
“You’re so valid. I’m 24 and get carded at the mall.”
“Are we pillaging or not?”
“Okay why did this personality quiz just read me to filth.”
“I feel like if I told him ‘please don’t kill me I’m very mentally ill’ he wouldn’t do it.”
“Hearing that comment is the equivalent of McDonald’s Sprite.”
“Do I look like I know how to draw feet?”
“Can we maybe please be normal about literally just another human being?”
“You can’t gobble at me and expect me not to gobble back.”
“He may be qualified but he is also not...that.”
“Stop pretending to be a lesbian every time I’m near you.”
“Sorry for the lukewarm take, I’m gonna go ride my bike now.”
“You can chew ice cream with real teeth if you’re not a coward.”
“It’s not that hard to figure out, you just suck at trying.”
“Oh hang on, I can make a funny joke about this.”
“Post theft reverse pickpocketing.”
“How do we have the same brain?”
“I’m not here to fight spiders.”
“Imagine needing a GPS to get to McDonald’s.”
“Please don’t clap your ass for the kids.”
“He really sells water.”
“I’m not into toes!”
“That rat just fucked your girl.”
“If I were a crocodile I’d live in Florida.”
“They’re fucking high on volcano ash. Okay.”
“That would require your death, according to the lore.”
“Bitch I am on the ground.”
“This tastes so much.”
“I dug this grave, and so I lie in it.”
“I dunno, I think my tweets are kinda banger.”
“I’m too sexy and iconic to have a job.”
“I’m gonna go join my milkshake in the shadow realm.”
“Oh, hey, good job! You don’t have to get fucking plowed by a 2006 Saturn Ion!”
“Would you be mad if I showed up dressed as Spider-Man?”
“She’s juicy for her food.”
“I dunno man, I’m only certified in bird law.”
“Please do not arson the cacti.”
“You have been identified by the government as a huge bitch.”
“We should steal a cactus and get charged with a felony.”
“This is what Oklahoma does to a motherfucker.”
“He looks very pro-police.”
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spiridakos · 2 years
must be pretty lucky
trying my hand at some fic-writing after like two years of writing absolutely nothing. shared this over on twitter yesterday, so i thought i’d share it here as well. enjoy?
Molly’s is overwhelmingly crowded for a Tuesday night.
There’s no Blackhawk’s game to explain the influx of people surrounding the bar and football season won’t start for another six months, but it’s still busier than she expected to find the local dive bar on a random and otherwise typical weekday. 
And after the case they’d caught late last week, she picked Molly’s solely for the reason that it’s usually occupied by faces she knew, wandering eyes that understand her line of work and wouldn’t press her for details about why she looked like she hadn’t slept in four days.
(She hadn’t, but she knows no one here is going to ask the reason for the dark circles under her eyes.)
And while many faces remained familiar, there were plenty of profiles she didn’t know that were only adding to the anxiety and stress of the case Intelligence had finally closed today. But despite the swarm of people surrounding her and the other patrons walking in and filling in the booths and tables and barstools at the bar, laughing and drinking and having a good time, she can’t help but feel a little lost and alone in the booth she currently occupies by herself. 
Her second bottle of beer had already joined her first - barren and off to the side. The cold and frosted glass had already run dry and the paper label had been torn off into tiny pieces, scattered across the table she occupies alone. It’s one of those weird habits she’s had since she was a kid when she was anxious or stressed or scared. She remembers when she’d be in the kitchen trying to finish her homework or dinner when her father would come through the front door, unruly and disruptive. He’d start with her mother - he always did, rattling on and on about something that was out of place in the house or how dinner wasn’t cooked properly. But, if she looked at him in a way he didn’t like or she tried to speak up, he’d get after her and she’d learned the hard way that the bruises he left on her pale skin didn’t fade easily. So, she’d sit there with a bottle of water and pick at the paper label wrapped around the plastic and do her best to try and pretend that she didn’t exist as she drowned out the screams that echoed around her.
She hated cases that involved abusive homes, despised that they dug up all of her old wounds and cut them open with a sharp knife and that her dark and cloudy past always came up bubbling to the surface, forcing her to relive those haunting days over and over and over again while the hazy memories flashed before her eyes.
This case was brutal and despite finishing the paperwork a few hours ago, she knew it was going to stay with her for weeks - if not months - to come.
A shadow catches her vision, pulling her out of the daze she’s got herself into and it’s quickly followed by a third bottle of beer being carefully placed in front of her. Along with the beer comes the company of a second body sliding into the seat opposite her. He smiles at her softly, green eyes gentle and curious, watching as she sips from her new bottle while his stays firm in his grip. 
“Are you from Tennessee?” 
Her eyebrows furrow together. “Excuse me?”
“Cause you’re the only ten I see,” he says with a smirk in her direction, a wink following seconds later.
“Jesus Christ,” she slips out under her breath. 
“You love it,” Jay mumbles back at her while finally sipping from his own beer bottle that was identical to hers. “You love me.”
“Do I?”
“You have to,” he smiles, bright and wide - the same exact smile she’d fallen in love with. “I’m your husband.”
“I don’t remember saying anything about having to love your bad pick up lines in my vows.”
“Ah,” he says with bright eyes. “Me and my bad pick up lines are a package deal, I’m afraid.”
Hailey laughs softly, “Oh, is that so?”
“It is,” he says. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
“Billions of people on this planet and I love you,” she hums with a small laugh, the lip of the bottle hovering below her lips. “I must be pretty lucky.” 
“I’d say you you hit the jackpot.”
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corrupt-fvcker · 3 years
Dating Loki Headcanons…
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Dating HCs ( Loki Laufeyson x GN!reader )
Warnings: SFW, gender neutral reader, mentions of loki being gender fluid, fluff, kissing, drinking, marijuana, domesticity, unedited, me lowkey roasting Loki
Word Count: 2.1K
Author’s Note: NO LOKI SPOILERS!! so i just finished the finale and… wow. feel free to send me a message about what you thought about it and/or some requests for loki :) i can also do requests for elaborating on these bullet points. also please correct me if i used improper terminology while writing about loki exploring himself as being gender fluid, i wrote it with my experience in mind though i understand that everyone is different.
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Being Loki’s partner is not always easy.
Now, don’t get me wrong, loving Loki is nothing short of a magical experience. When you’re together is when you’re both happiest, it feels as if the stars align and a pleasant sense of peace settles over your conscious like morning fog.
Though, admittedly, loving him can be a bit dangerous. It’s electric. He fills you with energy and passion and power, yet if you’re not careful, you’ll get shocked.
Luckily, Loki is well-aware that he has some work to do when it comes to navigating his thoughts and feelings. While he may be proud and reluctant to admit his issues, he does force himself to do some inner-work for your sake.
He’s incredibly thoughtful when he wants to be. In the beginning of your relationship, it was easy for him to focus on himself. He’s a survivor and a schemer, he weighs his options and picks whichever benefits him the most.
However, as your relationship progresses, he learns to be more selfless. He eventually realizes that he’s happiest when you’re happiest. And over time, he switches his mentality from “how can I benefit from this?” to “how can we benefit from this?” You’re a team, in his mind. One cannot fail without everyone failing, and one cannot succeed without everyone succeeding.
He found that caring for others, specifically you, gets easier the more he does it. The more natural it becomes. He observes. He learns. And he forms habits.
After a particularly cold date involving an unanticipated rainstorm and only one available jacket, he always carries a spare sweater or coat with him, whether it be his or one of yours that he stole borrowed from your closet. And yes, he was a little too proud of himself the first time you needed the emergency sweater (definitely referred to himself as “insightful” and “genius” the rest of the day).
The ocean will dry up before there is a shortage of blankets at your house. He knows that he runs more than slightly cold, and he will not have you suffer from the fact. Heavy blankets for winter, fluffy blankets for autumn, light blankets for summer, knitted blankets for spring— this man could probably open up a blanket shop if he wanted to (he doesn’t, you made that joke already).
He has the smallest tendency to doubt himself. And by that I mean he is filled with self-doubt and insecurity about half the time. Not necessarily with day-to-day things. He knows that he can do chores, drive a car (barely but you’d never tell him that, you’d rather just insist on driving), charm just about anything that breathes, and summon anything he desires in a blink of an eye. But the small yet important things are what get the best of him. He worries you’ll find him to be too much work for what he’s worth. He stays up late at night, sure that one day he’ll step too far over the line. He’s nearly certain that you’ll eventually see through all his bells and whistles, and realize that he’s really not as magnificent as you had originally thought him to be.
Though, much to his fortune, you see through his bullshit. You know that he’s secretly insecure about your relationship and a lot of his qualities. And he’s forever grateful that you’re willing to look past his flaws and still love him. Or, in the very least, tolerate him.
Adjusting to life on Earth does spark a bit of an identity crisis within him. His life of luxury and royal privilege is gone. Though on the bright side, so is his life of torture and misery.
But nevertheless, he does find himself struggling to identify with the parts of himself that he was once so sure of.
He cuts his hair short and then grows it out. Changes his fashion tastes, changes the way he parts his hair, changes the literature he reads.
The changes don’t bother you, in fact you’re glad he’s finding healthy ways to adjust to this major lifestyle change.
At one point, Loki even changed his physical form. For a few weeks, he allowed himself to grow comfortable in his skin as a frost giant. While he didn’t feel entirely himself in this form, he was glad that after a few weeks the anxiety around it faded.
After trying out his form as a frost giant, Loki morphed into female form. While Loki was initially worried to see how you’d react to this change, she was pleased to find that you were happy as long as she was happy. For a few months, Loki remained in female form but ultimately reverted back to male form. Though on occasion he finds himself switching between the two.
He tends to be clingy. He likes to be touching you or have you touching him, though he enjoys when you’re both touching each other at the same time best. He likes it when you lay on top of him with your head on his chest, he likes to feel your heart beating against him. If you play with his hair, he’ll melt. He prefers keeping it long so you’ll braid it— he acts like he doesn’t enjoy you braiding his hair, but you know he does.
Kiss him on the tip of his nose. I dare you. He will turn dark pink before you even pull away.
He will never turn down the opportunity to hold you in his arms. He will kiss the top of your head if he can reach, and if he can’t, he’ll grow a few inches so that he can.
He enjoys cooking for you. There’s just something so simple yet domestic about cooking you something yummy. He’ll attempt to make all your favorite dishes and follow all of your dietary needs. No meat? No problem. No gluten? He’s got you covered. No dairy? He wouldn’t even think about adding some milk or throwing in some cheese as a harmless prank.
Which brings me to an important note: do not prank this man. He will take it personally. And he will not stop until he gets even with you and then some. Petty pranks don’t work on him either. Baby powder in the hair dryer is obvious and he’ll just point the dryer in your direction.
If he’s sick, good luck. You thought a god like him would be above a common cold. You were wrong. He gets super clingy, super whiny, super needy, and kinda turns into a dick. He needs to be spoiled. You need to treat him like he’s dying and these are his last days. If you try to pull “I can’t kiss you, I’ll get sick”— good luck with trying to get him to stop pouting. Don’t say I didn’t warn you (definitely push multivitamins on him for your sake).
He takes the longest in the bathroom when he’s getting ready. Which is ridiculous because he can simply poof! himself into an image of perfection. You’re starting to think he enjoys how irritated you get when he makes you late.
Also, warning! He’s an attention whore, to simply put it. He likes the spotlight, especially when it’s your spotlight. Shower him with affection please, it’s the only way he’ll ever shut his mouth. He’s not scared of causing a scene if it means he gets to spend some more quality time with you. It’s cute but you hate it.
I don’t make the rules, but Loki definitely shaves his legs in the shower because he likes how smooth they are. If you don’t like it, stay mad about it.
While Loki is fancy as fuck, he does love the outdoors. Earth is a beautiful planet, even if he is reluctant to admit it. He loves nature, specifically green forests, sandy beaches, and wild animals.
Side note: never take this man to the zoo. You thought he’d enjoy it because of his love of animals. He ended up freeing about half the animals in the zoo and breaking into about a dozen of the enclosures.
He does not understand the internet at all. Memes? Yeah, not his cup of tea. Though there has been a handful of times you’ve found him smirking over some internet articles, only to find that he enjoys reading insane “Florida man” stories. And he’s also not above arguing with people on Facebook and Twitter. Be careful though because he will throw his iPad across the room and throw a temper tantrum over some “abstract imbeciles.”
He loves dancing. He loves dancing with you even more. He’s got some pretty good ballroom dancing moves but he’s a little clueless when it comes to hip-hop.
Very protective over you. Almost to a dangerous extent. Definitely the type that’s ready to throw down with the first person that looks at you funny. If you get catcalled, hold this motherfucker back because he’s already got a knife in his hand.
Surprisingly, he likes kids. He’s not particularly sure if he wants to have children himself, but it’s definitely a conversation he’s interested in having with you in the future. If you’re against having children, he’s unbothered. If you’re interested in adding members to your family of two in the future, he’s ready whenever you are.
He’s not a huge fan of pets. Though if you already have a pet when you meet or get a pet as a surprise while you’re together, he’s not too bothered by their existence. Definitely gets jealous of the attention your pet receives though. He fits the role of “I did not want this animal but, for some reason, it loves me the most which means I will kill anyone that dares to hurt it.” You tease him when you catch him playing with the pet he didn’t want.
Also, Loki’s a lightweight. Which you find hilarious, because it is funny even if he pouts every time you tease him. He gets incredibly rowdy when he drinks, expect singing, dancing, and broken glasses. He also gets very touchy so don’t be afraid to bop him on the nose if he’s doing too much.
It takes a few years of Loki exploring Earth’s culture before he grows comfortable with the idea of smoking marijuana. But once you explain to him that it’s perfectly safe and that you’ll be by his side the whole time, he’s open to trying it. When Loki is high, expect lots of flirting, lots of touching, and lots of giggling. Don’t even bother playing a stupid comedy movies because he won’t watch it. He wants to spend this high cuddling you and discussing bizarre subjects. Pray this man doesn’t get the munchies because he’ll clear out your whole kitchen. Keep water on hand because he will definitely complain incessantly if he experiences cotton mouth. But if he’s lucky enough to not have an abnormally dry mouth, he would definitely encourage a lazy make out session.
He will definitely come up with a number of super creative terms of endearment for you, but some of his more generic favorites are sweetheart, darling, dear, and love.
Please please please make fun of his Asgardian accent. Mock him, dress up as him and run around the house pretending to be him. Please!!
He also has a thing for you wearing his clothes. I won’t go in depth (unless you want me to) but it does things to him.
You bought him a multi-color beanie with a pom pom sewn to the top of it. You were able to trick him into wearing it once (you told him it was peak Midgard fashion) but Stark ruined it. If you wear this beanie it will still do things to him.
Please let this man style your hair, or at the very least let him wash it when you shower together. But if you let him style it, he’ll get all giddy. You’ve caught him practicing his braiding technique multiple times.
He will want to spoil you. He doesn’t really understand money, and he definitely doesn’t understand what a budget is. But if he sees something that makes him think of you, he’ll buy it. Maybe even buy several of the same item. Please let him shower you with gifts, it’s one of his love languages.
His other love languages? I’m gonna have to go with all. Definitely a sucker for physical affection, but also won’t turn down a genuine act of service or quality time. Also compliment him. Like, a lot.
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( masterlist ) ( reblog to show support 💞 )
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rideordieforpride · 3 years
Under The Cherry Blossoms
Here is a little reimagining of Lucifer’s cherry blossom devilgram I wrote as part of a collaboration for his birthday. You can find all the collaboration pieces over @/luciferbirthday on Twitter. Enjoy ♡ (GN Reader, Length: 2.8k)
A beautiful word, perfectly suited for the flower.
The cherry blossom trees were plentiful and in bloom, creating a lovely blush canopy overhead. The petals, translucent, allowed soft sunlight to come through, creating a glow about the forest. It was… oddly quiet. The brothers’ continuous chatter was nowhere to be found, as you and Lucifer stole away once their bickering had begun. Of course, they were only bickering over a game, but it became tumultuous nonetheless.
The two of you had walked in silence for some time, after agreeing the trees were best observed that way. The breeze would rustle through the brush, creating gentle white noise and casting petals in every direction. After a slight gust, one of the petals flew past right by your cheek and you turned to see where it may land, but Lucifer’s eyes caught yours as you did, having been watching the same petal. You turned your eyes back in front of you quickly, deciding not to comment as you felt your cheeks warm, but heard the quiet chuckle he did not suppress.
Once a ways away, Lucifer surprised you by producing a sizable grey bag, unassuming but still chic.
“What’s that?” You asked, eyes lighting with wonder. “Where was it??” Surely you would have seen it had he been carrying it all along.
A small smile already tugged at the corner of his lips. “Oh, this? I’ve had it with me the whole time. You hadn’t noticed?” A playfulness in his eyes suggested otherwise, and your brow furrowed in response, but you allowed him to play his game.
Lucifer unzipped the bag, slipping his hand inside to pull out a folded sheet. “Here we are. This spot will do.”
He passed off the bag to you and motioned for you to take a step back. Taking a corner in each hand, he effortlessly whipped the sheet to full size, kneeling as it fell flat onto the ground. The slight breeze kicked up one of the corners and you moved, finding a rock with some heft to it to weigh down the sheet. Lucifer repeated your actions, weighing down the two corners he was beside while you covered the last.
“I didn’t know it’d be windy today,” you commented, filling the silence as you offered the bag back to him.
Lucifer accepted the bag, leaning to place it on the middle of the sheet. “It wasn’t mentioned in the forecast,” he acknowledged, kneeling to reach back into the bag, “but it is a pleasant surprise. Paired with the sun, it is the perfect weather for spring in the human world. We don’t have days like this in the Devildom.”
You hummed your agreement, knowing all too well the bleak Devildom sky. You watched as he pulled a bottle of Demonus and two glasses from the bag. The bottle, and even the glasses themselves, began to frost over when exposed to the air, revealing their chill. Lucifer finally sat, placing the glasses on the sheet, unbothered that one may tip, as he had chosen fairly flat earth.
“Sit.” He gestured beside himself, “Have a drink with me.”
And so you did, moving carefully to sit beside him without wrinkling the sheet or disturbing the glasses. Glancing at the bag, you wondered if Lucifer brought anything else, but he caught your attention again by uncorking the bottle. He poured the Demonus into one of the glasses before handing it off to you and pouring himself a glass as well.
“Thank you,” you smiled at him sweetly then looked at your glass, noticing the coolness of it against your fingers. You took a sip, always finding yourself a bit surprised by the taste. No human world drinks could compare. There was a pang from the hellish alcohol, somehow ineffective towards humans, yet forgiving notes of fruit.
The wind picked up again, throwing petals and leaves off the branches and around, almost seemingly with no direction, as they had nearly no weight. You found yourself taking a breath, about to comment on their beauty, but released it, remembering Lucifer’s words that the flowers were best enjoyed in silence. But then, his voice surprised you.
“Cherry blossoms are a truly exquisite flower,” he began and you turned to look at him, though he continued to look out at the forest. “Not only are they beautiful, but they also have a transient quality to them.” Lucifer seemed to watch one petal specifically again and an odd softness came over his features as a sadness reached his eyes. You wondered what he was thinking of and looked out to see if you had missed something, but the scene was the same as it was.
“Whenever I see the petals scatter in the wind, I can’t help but feel a pang of melancholy…” Lucifer’s voice trailed off slightly, causing you to look at him again, only this time to be met with him facing you, smiling. He continued, seemingly content after his moment of thought, “Not to mention that the magic this flower possesses feels pleasant.”
His ease caught you off guard. A genuine smile given freely was not often heard of from the Avatar of Pride, and you wondered for a moment if it was a distraction from the sadness you had just seen. You decided to tread carefully.
“You look peaceful,” you commented, returning a small smile before sipping your demonus.
“I would think so. It’s strange, but I’ve never felt this at peace before.” Lucifer’s smile lingered as he looked away again and noticed a petal dancing close to the glass he held. He did not move, simply watching it, as it teetered over the edge and into the liquid. To your surprise, he was only amused, “Look. One of the flower petals has fallen into my glass of Demonus… How delightful.”
You eyed the drink before looking at him, quizzically, “Are you going to drink it?”
Lucifer’s brow furrowed slightly for a moment, “Don’t look at me like that. There’s no harm in eating cherry blossoms, after all.” But then, his eyebrow quirked up, as if having just thought of something. He carefully set his glass on the picnic sheet and pulled the grey bag closer to him. “Besides...I found something interesting.” You watched as he reached into the bag but then he looked at you, serious for a moment, “Don’t let Beel find out about this.”
Out of the bag, he pulled a small plastic container with what looked like a miniature pink sphere inside. You leaned in for a closer look and Lucifer opened the container, revealing the treat.
“I bought this for you,” he said, smiling again as he passed the container to you. “This is called sakura mochi.”
“I see…” you smiled back and carefully placed your glass beside his before studying the mochi closer. It was a pale pink, dusted over with flour, and wrapped in a cherry blossom leaf.
“I thought you might like it,” he added, awaiting a proper reaction.
You looked back to him, catching his eyes and seeing their expectancy. “It’s pretty.” Carefully, you picked up the mochi and placed the container aside. You held a hand under it to catch any flour that may fall off as you lifted it to your lips for a bite. It was soft and sweet, a bit chewy, and as you swallowed you noticed a hint of a floral accent as well.
“How is it?” Lucifer asked, already seeming pleased with himself as he studied your reaction, convinced you were enjoying his gift.
Not sure how to describe it, you made a simple comment, “It tastes great.” You smiled at him, thankfully. He hummed then, satisfied with your response.
“I’m glad I got to see that smile on your face,” he said, allowing another gentle smile of his own.
Again, you felt a flush sweep across your cheeks and you looked away, back to the treat. Despite being certain that Lucifer knew of your fluster, you didn’t address it and went to take another bite.
“I’m curious to know just how good it tastes,” he suddenly added, causing you to freeze before you bit it again. A hand rose to his chest as he tilted his head slightly, a sincerity. “Let me have a bite,” he requested, though it felt less like a request to you, as you both knew you’d say yes.
Still, you thought about it for a moment before being struck with an idea. You shifted your seating slightly to face him more and held out the mochi, your free hand still under it. “Open wide,” your voice was sweet, as intended, but the playful undertone was not well hidden.
For a moment, Lucifer’s eyes widened, a striking vermillion, before settling back, recomposing himself. “You want to feed me?” He asked, eyebrow quirking up slightly with inquisition. You only nodded in response to which he huffed and you weren’t sure if it was in amusement or defeat. “All right, I’ll allow it just for today.”
Your eyebrows raised then, surprised he went along with your request, but you leaned forward and held the mochi up to his mouth. Leaning in as well, Lucifer took a bite, allowing your hand to catch the flour that fell. You swore you caught him smirking as he pulled away, but his face shifted to one of thought as he chewed.
He hummed lightly and swallowed as his brows began to furrow. “What a peculiar taste… I’ve never had anything like it before.” But then his face softened again and his smile returned as he decided, “I quite like it though.”
Oddly, you felt the urge to chuckle at him, as his actions continued to surprise you, but you withheld it. Popping the last piece of mochi into your mouth, you noticed Lucifer looking back out into the forest. This time, with an air of tranquility.
“I’m starting to feel even calmer than I already was,” he began before closing his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief. “Drowsy, even… I have a feeling that nothing could possibly anger me now.”
Lucifer’s claim piqued your interest and noticing his eyes were still closed, a wicked idea came to you. You felt your smile grow as you began to lean in closer to him again.
“Well… maybe I’ll tickle you then.” You stated simply, so as to not alarm him, and by the time he had processed your words, you had already reached for his sides, pinching and swiftly moving your fingers over the cotton of his turtleneck. You waited for him to snatch your wrists or move away, but for a moment… he just laughed.
A hearty yet melodic laugh as he tried to speak, “Hey, stop!” But his laughing spurred you on, again pinching at his side, except this time you were met with him abruptly leaning back, escaping your touch. “Cut it out!” Lucifer demanded and you pulled back immediately. You held your hands up slightly, signaling he was safe, but he only shook his head. “Don’t get too carried away, or I’ll get you back for this tenfold.” His words carried a promise and his face was stern to match, but he couldn’t hide his reddening cheeks, so you knew it wasn’t so bad. You chuckled lightly and gave an apology before resting your hands back in your lap.
Then, it was quiet for a moment. You began to wonder if you truly had upset him, but his expression turned curious as a full cherry blossom fell quickly in front of him. He reached out, cupping his hand, just in time for it to fall into his palm.
“Hm… I managed to catch one.” Lifting his hand to study the blossom further, Lucifer gave a nod of approval. “Look,” He began, extending his hand towards you, “the petals on this one are all perfectly aligned.” You leaned in but before you could comment, he continued, “Stay still for a bit. I’ll put it in your hair.”
Eyes widening in surprise, you held still as Lucifer reached towards you. He placed a finger under your chin, keeping you steady as his other hand tucked the flower behind your ear.
Withdrawing his hands, his eyes flit across your face and back to the blossom. “Just as I thought,” he said, sitting back, admiring his work with a smile. “It looks good on you.”
His praise touched your heart and you thought you even felt butterflies. “Thank you…” You said quietly, reaching up to touch the flower, but he shook his head to stop you.
“It’s mere coincidence that it fell… but perhaps it fell because it wanted to be in your hair.” Lucifer’s smile turned slightly playful then as his eyes narrowed. “Although we’re on a picnic sheet, you must be tired of sitting on the ground for so long.” He began to lean back, propping himself on his elbow and again rested his hand on his chest, inviting. “Come here, you can lean against me.”
Seeing Lucifer so lax, you couldn’t but feel a bit at peace yourself, despite it surprising you. You glanced over your shoulder towards where you came, but no one was in sight. As you looked back to him, he tapped his chest once and you smiled. “I’ll gladly take you up on that.”
You moved cautiously, trying not to shift the sheet too much as you leaned down, half-laying as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“There’s no need to hold back,” Lucifer reassured, moving his hand from his chest to wrap around you, pulling you in closer and holding your weight. He chuckled slightly as you settled, beginning to blush once more. “You should feel a lot better now.”
You looked up at him, expecting him to be looking at you teasingly, but the wind had picked up again and he looked out. His hold on you tightened for a moment, a short squeeze, before relaxing again and he drew a breath, pausing before he spoke. You thought he may not say what he was thinking after all, but he did.
“Fleeting, graceful, beautiful, delicate, and soothing to the soul…” Lucifer spoke gently and turned his attention back to you, his crimson gaze holding yours in a way that you felt you couldn’t look away. “You and cherry blossoms might have a few things in common.”
Your heart jumped at his praise and you weren’t sure how to respond. What could you say? You took a breath then and his eyebrows raised in curiosity.
“...Can I kiss you?” Your words surprised yourself and you swallowed, questioning your boldness, but the return of his flush with his softening expression soothed your worries.
“As if I’d refuse.” His voice came quiet and though you knew he would allow it, you couldn’t move first.
Seeing this, Lucifer took the lead, taking back his hand from holding you to cup your cheek and you closed your eyes. A moment later, his lips touched yours, gently, testing the waters, until you kissed back. Then, he was certain and kissed you assuredly, soft and sweet, but passionate still. All too soon, he pulled away and your eyes fluttered open. Your cheeks burned and you felt your heart beating, faster than usual, and you knew he was pleased, seeing your reaction as he smiled with content.
“You taste slightly sweet from the sakura mochi,” Lucifer commented and you looked away from him quickly, resting your head back on his chest as you felt the burn on your face rise. And you knew that he knew it, as he silently chuckled.
He did not call for your attention again though, allowing you to relax. Looking out once more at the forest, he proposed a thought, “Maybe we should try planting some cherry blossom trees at the House of Lamentation.”
You thought about it for a moment, liking the idea, but then Lucifer sighed and you felt him shaking his head. “On second thought, scratch that. Mammon would try to hide valuables there, and Satan might try to place a curse on them.”
You hummed in acknowledgement. He made a good point and you might have been upset about it before he made another. “Perhaps these things are more beautiful where they belong. Hm?” Deciding that Lucifer was right, you nodded, and his arm wrapped around you again, holding you as he continued to watch the scenery.
With your head on his chest, you could still see the trees to the side and watched as the petals drifted about. You thought he may continue the conversation, but he remained quiet. In the silence, you noticed you could hear Lucifer’s heart thrumming slowly in his chest and it lulled you gently. You closed your eyes in the peace and before you knew it… you had drifted into sleep.
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skipcount1 · 2 years
Hii!! I loved the new medroom chapter goddamnnnn got me holding my breath the entire ride pffff
I’m not usually on tumblr but i hearrddd you are and i just want to come and say how amazing that series is and it’s like one of my favorite fics ever now.
(Also funny thing, i actually know medroom updated NOT from i checked my ao3 notifs, but from my twitter bc all my friends there were absolutely crazy over the new plot and Awesamponk hijinks hhshshs)
Ok when Ponk absolutely ROASTED, FLAMED Dagger from outside the room, it was so cool man. POP OFF BELOVED! GO YOUUUUUU!
CNNR IS CONNOR AND CLLHN IS CALLAHAN i legit didn’t know that until i read your most recent ask my mind is BLOWN the blue cape and cream clothing makes so much sense now.
The friendship between Lemon, Frost and Spirit is absolutely amazing btw I loved that they are by Lemon side when he fell down when he is unfreeze, and when he is panicking and stuff. It’s so pure I love it ( ofc, that friendship is also pure in the other chapters, like their little banter and carefreeness around each other it’s just amazing man)
AND ALSO AYYOOOO AWESAMPONK BONDING TIMEEE LMAOOO i didn’t know cnnr was such a shipper /j MANNN I can’t wait to find our what their mission is and whatnot (also how are you so good at ending chapters with an amazing cliffhanger? It made me laugh and got be at the edge of my seat at the same time goddamnn)
Mannn this ask has been too long, i might as well have just written you a letter instead hahah IM NOT DONE WITH MY RAMBLINGS THO THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I WANNA MENTION but I’ll cut it here for now :))) Sorry if it was too long tho 😭😭😭
Can’t wait for the next chapter! Thank you so much for writing a masterpiece! <33
hi yes i am holding you like a racoon with a cookie rn ive reread this like three times tysm!!! you cannot talk for too long i promise you you could ask me 3 billion things and i would answer them im just awkward lmao
i am SO happy people like the awesamponk hijinks dude they are. them. look at em go not a braincell to behold. and the friendship the only person ponks worse at lying to than other people is himself but it's FINE because it's CUTE and he deserves FIRENDS and they make my brain go BRRR
ALSO im so glad you liked the roasting i did not expect ponk to go that hard i don't know where that came from. i stg he reached through my screen and said "ill take it f3om here" and it was just like damn okay off you g - oh shit. um. youre medical personnel youre not supposed to do that. (so did dagger honestly idk why she sucked so bad she just decided that there were in fact main characters and that she was one of them and the eggpire was not)
also ty for reminding me to put the names in!!! i published that like two minutes before I went into class lmao. i forgor.
also my guy you do not need to worry about grammar bc a) i did not notice and b) i only take on a semblance of being writerly here half the time things i text people are so absolutely incomprehensible i have been asked to translate and made it so much worse
also I do not have a sketch but here is a cat
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bisexualdaemon · 4 years
a/n: when tipsy meets twitter, all bets are off
hello! I woke up three days ago like I’d been reborn in my love for this kid, so I wrote this filth 😅 i’ve posted a few times recently about this video but if you haven’t seen it, scroll my blog or search cake lol trust me it’s worth your time. 
(masterlist is linked in my description)
warnings: 3.9k of absolute filth
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Movie night had ended hours ago, giving way to sleepy rideshares and drunken footsteps into the second bedroom. Brian was passed out and snoring in the giant armchair across from you. The Top Gun drinking game had gone wrong at around the eighth high five and completely derailed at the sixth “Iceman,” which became a salud of sorts in the room. Beer cans, mango White Claws, and the occasional tequila bottle littered the kitchen island.
“Psst, are you awake?” a toe poked your side from above. Shawn looked down at you with a cocked eyebrow from under his crooked elbow. You’d taken residence behind his legs, resting your head on his hip to watch the movie, bowing out of getting totally trashed. Your lips were still tingly enough to be dangerous.
“Yeah,” you croaked, clearing your throat and stretching, “I’m awake.”
“Are you suuure?” he slurred, tired and tipsy. The smirk was audible, “I thought I felt you drooling through my sweatpants.” His breath came out in a whoosh when you punched him in the abs with your outstretched arm.
“How’s that for awake, fucker?!” He chuckled and caught at your hand, unfisting your fingers and playing with them as he pulled out his phone. You let him. You even opened your hand fully so he could trace little patterns on your palm.
It had been like this for a few months, the flirting, the touching. A drunken night of 20-somethings playing spin the bottle had ended with multiple people clearing their throats with wide eyes as Shawn kissed you.
My God, he had kissed you. Fingers splayed against your neck, his lips gently interlocked with yours. It started out chaste, just two mouths touching, but as soon as he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, it was game over. The people, the voices, your friends, all melted away and it was just the two of you. His top lip between yours. Gentle sucking pressure. His body heat radiating onto your skin. It was everything you never knew you wanted. Until Connor clapped Shawn on the shoulder and ripped him away, turning the two of you into human embarrassed laughing emojis.
Since then, it had been like this. His hand on your lower back at the coffee shop, lazy naps together after midday movies, play fighting and fake indignation after one too many shots at the bar. Your friends all shared sideways looks and snide smirks every time you hung out but you hadn’t crossed any lines again and you definitely hadn’t talked about it. Whatever it was didn’t need conversation. It was fun. It was nothing. He was busy. He was a globally-famous popstar. You were normal. The last thing you wanted was one of those embarrassing tabloid articles, “15 Things You Need to Know About Shawn Mendes’s New Fling.” So, in the quiet moments, you let him trace patterns on your palm and send shivers down to your toes.
“Hey, come up here, I’m scrolling Twitter,” he swept his fingers down to your wrist and gave it a tug, a little giddiness in his tone. He made space for you in front of him on the couch, giving you his bicep as a pillow. You settled back against his hard chest and let your legs weave into his. He’s so goddamn warm. It was a mistake wearing jean shorts to his condo. There was a part of you that wondered if he turned the A/C down on purpose but you didn’t want to think about why.
Scrolling Twitter, where Shawn saw the most fan activity, was one of your favorite pastimes. Seeing the reactions to this dude you knew in real life was occasionally shocking, sometimes horrifying, but always amusing. He held the phone out in front of you and thumbed through his feed.
Most of his mentions were about missing him. He’d been on a break since the end of his last tour, taking some time to himself without a schedule for every minute of every day. For a guy who had been taking photos with fans pretty much everyday for the last seven years, you understood why they might be freaking out. He’d broken the pattern. Thank God for that.
You tried to keep your eyes from crossing at the repeated “I miss Shawn @shawnmendes” tweets and the feeling of his alcohol-warmed fingers against your hip. I shouldn’t want this.
“Wait!” you snapped a finger at his phone, “what was that?”
“Oh, that?” he scrolled back, “it’s just an old video.” His voice broke a couple octaves on the last bit. The tweet was accompanied by the wide-eyed blushing emoji. Curious. You raised an eyebrow and watched. He was eating a guitar-shaped cake...with his hands. Mouth wide open, his face buried over and over in thick pieces of chocolate cake with some kind of blue frosting on it. It was fucking filthy. You rubbed your thighs together absent-mindedly.
“What do the comments say?” You poked at his phone before he could move it away.
“Oh, nothing really,” his voice was still high, which meant he knew what the comments likely said. You huffed and grabbed at the phone. “Shawn, you know I have Twitter, I’ll see it whether you like it or not!” You rammed your hips backward, pausing for a second when you felt something you weren’t expecting, but not for too long. He sucked in a breath, coughing, and dropped his phone—right into your waiting hands.
“Hahaha!” You jumped up and ran to the other side of the big white couch, kicking your legs in victory, “I win!” He tripped over his own oversized limbs before he got to you, falling to the floor within reach of your feet. He reached out and pulled your legs toward him, framing his face between your thighs. Your giggles stopped short and your face flamed.
“Can you assholes get a room?!” Brian was awake and fussing at the thin fleece blanket he’d scrounged off the back of the couch. He rolled over mumbling something that sounded like just fucking fuck already but you were too busy thinking about Shawn’s head still between your legs to be bothered by it.
Shawn slowly lifted his finger to his lips in the universal sign to be quiet and untangled himself to stand. He reached out a hand and you didn’t hesitate to grab it, leading you to his bedroom down the hall. You held his phone in a death grip, unwilling to let go in case he caught you off guard.
The room was dark, save for his phone, the rectangle reflecting a solid white off the wall of glass facing the city. The CN Tower lights flickered in the late night sky, seemingly suspended in midair. His unmade  bed was the biggest and brightest thing in the room. A white comforter hung half on the floor at an odd angle off the corner of the mattress, his white sheets completely exposed. The pillows were all scrunched up at the headboard, like he’d been kicking and pushing all night long. Like he hadn’t slept soundly in weeks.
“Okay, so what you’re about to read…” he shut the door behind him, scrubbing at the back of his neck, “it’s gonna be weird, but like it’s fine I’m used to it. They’re...a little invasive.” Weird? Invasive? Curiouser and curiouser…
You walked over to his bed, picking up the comforter and tossing it haphazardly back onto the bed, and sat on the edge staring at the video and letting it play a few more times. Then you swiped down.
@perfectlyru1n: oh my goD does he really go down like thAT?!
“Oh...my God,” you covered your mouth to keep from laughing, “you’ve seen this before?”
He bounced on the mattress facedown, mumbling something into the sheets.
“What was that?” you asked, with Southern sweet tea levels of sugar. You ruffled his hair, brushing through his curls. He turned his head, his face flushed with more than just alcohol.
“I said yes, I’ve seen it before…” he opened one eye and looked up at you, “I usually just ignore them.”
There were over 400 replies on this tweet, some people chiding the horny stans for posting something Shawn can see, others just piling on.
@illuminateruin: is that cake gluten-free?
@kidinlover: @illuminateruin idk but I know pussy is
@particularbenito: CAN HE EAT PUSSY LIKE THAT?!?!?!
“Can he eat pussy like that...” you read out loud under your breath, your mind conjuring up that image of his face between your thighs. Shawn’s head shot up, eyes wide.
“What???” His face was practically magenta at this point, “is that a serious question??”
“What? Uhh, no. Not serious. A reply actually,” you rushed, giving him a sideways look. I mean...maybe it was a serious question? The curiosity was going to kill you. Oh, no. No, no, no. Your lips tingled.
“Well, I mean….can you?” You could hear the glint in your eye.
Fuck it all.
“Can I….w-what?” he stuttered, the air crackling between the two of you. He looked like a cornered animal, like the wrong move would get him killed.
“Can you,” you pushed a loose curl out of his face and nodded toward his phone, “eat pussy like that?”
Oh, God, did I just…?
“I’ve never gotten any complaints,” your head popped up at his self-satisfied tone. Gone was the red-faced shy boy talking about embarrassing fans. The Shawn in front of you was...confident. Hungry. His fingers grazed your ankles resting beside him. It didn’t escape your notice. You shivered.
It wasn’t cold.
“M-maybe they were just too afraid to tell a big, famous rockstar that he sucked,” you were the one stuttering now, face heating by the second.
“Oh, sucking was definitely part of it,” his fingers traced the indent in your calf. You refused to pull away even though you should, even though part of you—a small, shrinking part—knew that if this went where it was definitely going, things were going to change. You snuck a finger under his chin to pull his gaze to yours.
“Is that a promise?”
“I don’t know,” he flashed a toothy smile, gravity and sheer force of will pulling his body toward yours, “is that an invitation?”
I’m probably gonna regret this in the morning.
Your lips crashed into his, giving him your answer. His mouth was hot, his breathing heavy. Tongues and teeth and lips wrestled together, refusing to part while he made his way above you, crawling on hands and knees between your legs as you settled against the pillows. He licked up into your mouth just before nibbling on your bottom lip, forcing a moan from deep inside you. This was primal, the need you felt with him. Like once you came together, nothing could break you apart.
His hands moved up your body, scratching gently at your exposed legs and slipping beneath your hoodie. He broke away from your lips to shuck off your top and expose all your delicate skin. His fingers slipped beneath your lace bralette and he played with the tiny clasp between your breasts.
“Is this okay?” he asked, a little out of breath, his thin t-shirt pressing against your skin.
You nodded so quickly you thought your neck might snap. He popped the clasp and spread his calloused hands across your chest. The friction was glorious. Your body chased his fingers involuntarily, bowing up off the high thread count sheets.
“Be still, baby,” he whispered, dipping his head and placing an open mouthed kiss just above your belly button. Your eyes rolled back at the pet name, another moan escaping your lips. Warmth rushed between your legs.
“Shawn,” you gasped, trying to control your breathing so he didn’t know just how fucked you were, “when I gave you an invitation, I didn’t expect you to be late to the party.” You rocked your hips up into his chest pointedly.
“Well, I can't just jump to the entrée, can I?” He fiddled with the button on your denim shorts, loosening it with a little pop. Teasing, he licked at a freckle just above your hip before sucking at it with enough force to leave a mark.
“Fuck!” Your hands shot down to his mop of curls, fingers buried in the thick locks. He pulled and nibbled at that spot over and over, all while grazing his fingers just beneath the waistband of your simple cotton cheeky panties.
When he pulled away, an angry red violet half-moon colored the skin. He took one last lick, smiling at your gasp in response.
“I love that sound,” he sat back on his heels between your legs, looking down at your heaving chest.
“I’ll make it again if you take that shirt off,” you reached for him with grabby hands, trying to Harry Potter that shit. He laughed and did the boy thing, grabbing his shirt at the back of his neck before tugging it forward off his body.
The gasp came again. Not even on purpose or because you’s promised him, but because he was so stupid gorgeous in the low light of the city you couldn’t help yourself. You’d seen him in hot tubs and at sweaty summer parties and in those fucking Calvin Klein pictures, but none of that compared to having him shirtless between your thighs just a few inches from your outstretched fingers.
His chest was flushed, some combination of adrenaline and alcohol. Little freckles dotted his lightly tanned skin all the way up his torso to the dusting of chest hair that colored his chest. His perfect pink nipples were hard against the cool air of the room, begging for you to touch or kiss or bite. Or all of the above. You reached out to trace his appendix scar where it peaked out of his low-slung sweatpants. His body danced away from you as he caught at your hand.
“Don’t,” he growled, weaving his fingers between yours and pressing his lips onto the back of your palm like a fucking Victorian gentleman. Like he wasn’t staring down at your hardening nipples thinking about how good they would feel pinched warm between his fingers. He tipped forward, bracing himself against the mattress, his mouth just a few centimeters from your skin. Dragging flesh against flesh, he left kisses at random in the valley between your breasts. Moving farther and farther down your body, he paused, sitting up on his heels.
“Are you sure?” He was breathing heavy, looking straight through you, both hands hovering around the edges of your shorts. You were nodding before he even finished his question.
He curled his fingers around all the fabric in his way, denim and cotton both, and dragged the offending pieces of clothing down your legs, lifting them off and tossing them against the wall across the room. You breathed steady, looking at him looking at you. His mouth hung open in speechless wonder.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered, settling back between your thighs, a mirror of his earlier pose on the couch. Another wave of heat rushed straight to your clit, silently screaming for him.
“I know,” you brushed through his curls, giving him a suggestive grin when he looked up at you, “I taste good too.”
That was all the permission he needed. A second later, he buried his face between your legs, nudging your knees over his shoulders. His tongue swirled in circles around your clit finishing in random flicks. He moaned into you, his lips closing around your swollen folds with gently sucking pressure.
“Shit, Shawn!” you shouted, praying to the gods that everyone still in the condo was too drunk and passed out to hear you. The white sheets bunched in your fists, arms spread wide. Your thighs clamped down against his ears.
He continued his licks and flicks, snaking his hands up your legs and gently prying your legs apart. You clenched hard as he pinned your thighs to the mattress, holding you open with his forearms. Filthy sounds echoed off the walls, wet sucking, moaning from both of you. He dipped his chin and circled your entrance with his tongue, lapping at you.
“Christ!” your hands shot into his damp curls. He was working hard down there, flexing and moaning and fighting your spasms. You looked down and saw his hips impatiently rutting into the mattress. It only made you wetter, gushing onto his waiting tongue. He drank everything you gave him.
“He’s not here,” he said in a low and gravelly voice, a little breathless. He pulled back, the bottom half of his face shining in the dark. His fingers toyed with your sensitive, wet lips, watching as you twitched and trembled, so close to the edge. A firm circle around your clit had your back bowing, contorting backward off the bed. A single tear rolled down your temple.
“I’m so close,” you panted, trapping his outstretched hand against your skin.
“Shawn, I need you.”
“Need me?” His fingers paused, “need me where?”
“Oh, God, don’t stop,” you choked out, a sob threatening. Your back arched up off the sheets again to find friction. “I need...I need you inside me.”
At some point between your words and the needy moan that followed, he’d removed his sweatpants and a black pair of Calvins. You heard him rustling his hand inside the bedside table followed by the metallic sound of foil and the sharp scent of latex. Thank fuck he’s prepared.
When he dropped down onto his forearms, hovering an inch from where you needed him, you were dripping onto the sheets, grinding down into the mattress waiting desperately for him. He ran his nose over your collarbone, peppering kisses along your neck. It was slow and deliberate. A fucking tease.
“Shawn,” you pulled his face up to yours, all squished between your hands, “if you don’t fuck me right now, I swear I will…”
He pressed inside to the hilt in one swift motion, cutting off your threat.
“What are you swearing to do, princess?” he asked, a smirk and a fire in his eyes. The moan that escaped you in response was embarrassingly loud. He stilled and closed his eyes, allowing you to adjust. You took even breaths, relaxing into his hips, holding on to his shoulders for dear life. His cock was perfect. He was perfect.
I am so fucked.
He moved, slowly at first, stroking all the right places. When his hips separated from yours, pulling almost all the way out, he rutted back inside. It was deep, long thrusts touching some place inside you weren’t sure you knew was there. Your head thrashed against the pillows. Your grip on his shoulders turned sharp, clawing long red-raw marks into his pale skin.
“I’m not gonna last long,” he hissed into your ear, “fuck, you’re so tight.” His abs scraped against your body like a washboard, the tension clear in his muscles. He was wound up, ready to shatter. He crashed into you, repeatedly slapping skin against skin. His fingers found your clit, rubbing tight, slow circles in contrast with the punishing rhythm of his hips. He lifted one of your legs over his hip to change the angle, to make you even tighter around him. A bead of salty-sweet sweat dropped from his chest into your mouth.
“Right...there,” you groaned, your eyes rolling back, “I’m gonna come!”
“That’s right, honey,” he grunted, flattening his fingers across your clit with intense pressure, “come for me.”
The room went white. The sound of your hips colliding was replaced with a high-pitched ring. Your world seemed to implode, your muscles moving independently. He wrapped his arms around your middle and held you as he fucked you through the waves, his weight the only thing keeping you from being swept away in the current.
“Stay here with me,” he cooed, sweet but taut in his throat. Your heart slammed against your ribs in rhythm with his hips. He grunted once, twice, three times with his final thrusts and came undone, pumping into the condom. Biting down on your shoulder to stifle his sounds, he sucked hard enough to leave an angry mark. You contracted around him, both inside and out, curling around his thighs and back and neck, letting the full weight of his completely spent body bring you back to full consciousness.
“Hey,” you fingered his frizzed and fucked curls, “Shawn?”
“Hmm?” he nuzzled into your hands and squeezed you a little tighter.
“You’re crushing me,” you exhaled, strained.
“Oh, fuck! I’m sorry!”
He shifted to his side, accidentally pulling out too quickly, making both of you wince.
“Shit, shit, I’m so sorry,” he was so cute when he was scrambling. He got up and threw out the used condom, quickly returning from the adjoining bathroom with a damp cloth.
“Come here,” he held his arms out, making a perfect you-sized place in front of him. You slid into it easily and let him press the cloth between your legs, wincing again.
“Did I hurt you?” There was so much concern in his voice.
“No, no, I just…” you held onto his arm, glad to be facing away, “I haven’t been fucked like that in awhile.”
“Glad to be of service.” You didn’t have to be looking at him to see his smug smile. Reaching back, you slapped his thigh in retaliation. He caught your hand and kissed it like a Victorian gentleman again, like it made up for his cockiness. You tried to convince yourself that it didn’t, flushing even harder than your just-fucked body should have allowed. He wrapped his arm around your front and intertwined your legs, snuggling his face into the nape of your neck.
“So, uhhh, are we gonna do this again?” he asked, barely concealing the hope in his voice.
“Shhh,” you said, yawning for effect, “we’ll talk about it in the morning. Just sleep.”
He exhaled against your back, placing one last kiss on the mark you were sure he’d left in the midst of his orgasm. You stared out into the Toronto skyline as his breathing evened, his quiet snores barely audible against the screaming voices in your head. As the light crept into the room, as morning dawned on your sleepless night, you repeated his question over and over again.
Are we gonna do this again?
There was an easy answer: yes. Yes, yes, yes, my God, yes you were going to do this again. But there was another, harder question to answer beneath it. If we do this again, will we ever be able to stop?
taglist: @justanotherfangurl272  @siennarossi @trustfundshawn @alone-in-madness @harryandmolly @thatindiannerdygirl @fromthicctosticcc @softmendesss @sinplisticshawn @nedthegay @september-lace @itrocksmysocks @disaster-rose @mendesoft @luvluvxx @i-play-video-games @ihearthemcallingforyou @gentleshawn @kitykatnumber @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @ijustreallylikeshawnokay @shhhawnmendes @shawnsblue @imaginashawnns @mendesficsxbombay @shawn-youth @kerwritesthings @starlightsivann @lavenderhoneymndes @begginyouformendes @fallinallincurls @shawn-youth​ @linanilssonfurberg​ @lostinshawnsmemory​ @bucky-ish​
(as always let me know if you want on/off the tag list...I realize I don’t post regularly and like half of these people could be out of the fandom lol)
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leesh · 4 years
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because i have zero self control when it comes to christmas films and, well, cheesy christmas films are #life. 
basically, i have developed a collection of favourites over the years, including both classic christmas films that are fun for the whole family and terrible, dripping with all our favourite favourite cliches hallmark christmas films, and yet i am still always on the hunt for more. so, i thought i would try a little thing to share them with everyone else as well (and actually remember them for future reference)!
check out the tag here i will try and remember to use as i live blog some of these movies or head on down below the cut to see all of the christmas films i’ve watched in 2020. thoughts and star ratings included! as expected, i will also be updating this as i watch more and more this holiday season (follow along on twitter too if you want).
note: since i LOVE terrible hallmark films, some that i give a higher rating will not actually be......critically acclaimed. i am just #obsessed and have my reasons as stated, i’m sure.
holidate (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | someone on letterboxd compared this movie to when you watch a rom com in sims and it’s just a bunch of random scenes that make no sense and they’re absolutely right. its only saviour is an australian dude and the line “so you know me well enough to cum in my mouth, but you don’t know me well enough to get me a christmas present?”
my christmas inn (2018) 
⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i’ll be honest, this film was pretty forgetful. i watched it over a month ago and don’t really remember what happened. however, i do remember being impressed that the leading lady wasn’t a stereotypical thin white woman. so i guess at least it has that going for it.
christmas made to order (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| first time watch | i actually thought this was pretty cute. it’s not the best, but also not the worst, so a decent medium if you need to fill up those figurative christmas stockings. the concept of hiring someone to decorate your entire house with no budget sounds pretty cool, but when the guy is aaron samuels and looks far from straight, it becomes a little questionable. 
last christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | now this is not a cheesy hallmark film. in fact, i LOVE this film a lot and think i saw it twice at the cinema. last christmas is a top tier christmas song and i remember theorising about it when the trailer first came out, but i will say tissues may be a requirement to watch this. AND henry golding is my husband thank u and goodbye.
operation christmas drop (2020) 
⭐️| first time watch | interesting concept in theory, but this is nothing more than US military propaganda and a cgi lizard. bonus: white saviourism. 
the knight before christmas (2019) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | a medieval knight transported into today’s world and has never seen a car before can drive better than me. that’s it. that’s the movie. also, he literally says the words “modern technology is lit af” at one point. solid christmas film if you ask me. 
the princess switch (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| rewatch | i strongly believe in the vhcncu (vanessa hudgens christmas netflix cinematic universe). i also have so many questions, like how did they afford the flights or solid conversation or was it all expenses paid? how did they finish a bulk of the cake without a mixer? why does everyone always speak english with a posh english accent even though it’s a non-english european country?
the princess switch: switched again (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| if we learnt anything from a christmas prince, it’s that sequels are generally never better than their predecessor. that being said, this was much less cute body swapping christmas fluff and a little more literal kidnapping and saving the day. either way, blonde vanessa was hot and i appreciated the amber/richard cameo that insinuates a christmas prince is actually a dramatic documentary.
midnight at the magnolia (2020) 
⭐️⭐️| now if you’re after an absolute cheesefest that ticks the boxes on best friends meets fake dating over the holidays, then this is the movie for you! albeit it takes place between christmas and new year’s, it’s still filled with their families knowing they were soulmates the whole time and two people who are a literal too comfortable on the radio. also, the dad’s totally should’ve been gay. they had more chemistry.
christmas wonderland (2018) 
⭐️⭐️⭐️| tbh, i genuinely enjoyed this one. post breakup/high school sweethearts is a personal favourite trope of mine, so throw christmas & being forced to spend time together when she goes back home into the mix and i’ll have a serotonin explosion. bonus points for the guy telling the girl to go back to nyc to follow her dreams without being a dick. OH and the scene when he points a fuck load of sugar in his hot beverage.
a wish for christmas (2016) 
⭐️⭐️| who doesn’t love a good office romance between a boss and an employee at christmastime? especially when you throw in a little christmas magic that makes her more confident that results in her finally getting what she deserves and having to travel and rekindle with his family? also, fuck them rich white dudes, but props to her for the significant job promotion.
christmas with a prince (2018) 
⭐️| this was TERRIBLE and not in the good way. it featured: an entitled prince who suddenly had growth even though he did nothing to achieve it, majority of the film set in one hospital room, and the fact that she’s the only one with a tiara at the party filled with people who actually have titles. also, thought there was a decent ending but turns out there was still another 30 mins to go. ugh.
a royal christmas engagement (2020) 
⭐️| don’t be fooled by the title. the engagement doesn’t happen til the last two minutes. it’s actually about a prince (bet you didn’t see that one coming) who travels to america, pretending to be his best friend who works for this major marketing firm because he’s tired of being the spare. this gets one star purely for the line “she’s not a commoner, patrick. she’s an american.”
christmas wedding planning (2017)
⭐️⭐️| it looked like it would be half decent, and while it’s definitely better than the last two, it was still pretty eh. i could get on board with her texting her dead mother’s number as a way to talk to her still, and i understand we all experience grief differently, but.....actively paying your mums phone bill 3 years later? girl. also, the end made me SCREAM. WHY DID THEY DO THAT!!!!
santa girl (2019)
⭐️| this was just painful to watch. evil jack frost makes memes in his free time, santa has a fancy car and doesn’t eat sweets, and there’s an odd comparison between the elves, minimum age workers, and racism. however, one star purely for the entertaining (read: bloody awful) tooth fairy cgi that gave me a right laugh.
the christmas chronicles (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️| this was really cute and had the makings of what could be a christmas movie staple along with the likes of elf and the santa clause (but will never reach that standard, obvs). tbh, it’s just a nice heartwarming family christmas movie about two siblings who band together to help santa and save christmas. also, santa was a #dilf.
the christmas chronicles: part two (2020)
⭐️⭐️| one of these days i would love to see a sequel that’s better, or at least on par, with its predecessor, but that day is not today. sadly, this film lacked all the heart and magic the first one was filled with and some scenes were pretty redundant. kurt russell and goldie hawn, however... one star for each of them.
forever christmas / mr. 365 (2019)
⭐️⭐️| the title varies depending where you’re from, but that’s probably the most exciting part of this movie. a guy celebrates christmas 365 days a year and a reality show wants to invade his house? ok, sure. one star for the eye candy and one star for, surprisingly enough, their chemistry and all the kissing scenes that don’t usually make the mark in the hallmark world. 
noelle (2019)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| did i renew disney plus just so i could watch this (and a couple of others)? maybe so... this movie is so fun! and family friendly! and is actually funny! it gives me major elf vibes, but if elf was set in a more modern day setting. either way, i had a great time and have been holding out on this one after loving it a lot last year!
the nutcracker and the four realms (2018)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️| anything nutcracker related is an instant win in my book because it’s my favourite ballet of all time (except for graeme murphy’s version, we don’t talk about that). does this movie actually deserve the four stars? maybe not. am i going to give them anyway purely for my love of the nutcracker and the soundtrack? absolutely!
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years
Could you do a blogmas piece around Alfie and Ellie like maybe a year forward from the miscarriage and maybe they have a baby now and are talking to their baby about the one they lost xx
Hello, hi!
Welcome to Blogmas 2020.
Many more blurbs, many more chats and a lot more festivities to come; my inbox willbe open all through December this year for blurb prompts for Blogmas so don’t feel afraid to pop in a prompt to get written for tis year; all I can say is that if you’re asking for a lengthy prompt, I’m not the right person right now, haha.
I’m welcoming absolutely anything for this year; any AU, any characters, any ideas.
Reblog, like, comment and share your thoughts with me. Please let me know what you think because feedback is always appreciated on here; much more appreciated now given that I’ve not written a lot in a long while. Please let me know what you think.
Ellie looked up from her phone, her eyes adjusting from the bright December afternoon that had quickly turned into a dark and dismal December night, eyelids aching with every blink. She could see the faint silhouette of Alfie as he stood in the doorway to his bedroom, curls messy upon his head and a baggy jumper hanging down his upper body.
“You okay up here? Mum’s worried downstairs.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I got a little tired,” she smiled.
The creaking floorboards signifying his gentle steps as he entered the room and walked towards the bed. His arm reaching out in the dark to flick on the bedside lamp on his bedside table, illuminating the bedroom into a deep orange light, causing shadows on the bedroom walls and revealing a cosy looking Ellie tucked under a blanket on his freshly-made bed.
“Did you sleep at all?”
“I closed my eyes for about five minutes but I couldn’t drift off,” she sighed softly, the bed dipping as her boyfriend climbed upon the mattress and laid beside her, elbow propping his upper body up and his head resting on his open palm, “I got bored so I went online.”
“Anything new?”
“Not really. The latest scandal, Twitter beef, all that kind of thing,” she gigged. A warming silence filled the room, his hand sliding underneath her jumper and cupping her hip, rubbing her skin with the pad of his thumb. Her phone, which had been sitting upon her clothed chest, fell from her body and onto the mattress as she rolled onto her side and nestled herself into his side. “Mum texted and wished us a Merry Christmas from Spain, tried not to make me jealous but, she did.”
Most Christmases, Ellie’s family would spend it abroad; somewhere hot, somewhere exotic and somewhere far from the dull and rainy English countryside they were used to for a good three hundred days a year. And, unlike this year, Ellie would accompany them with a suitcase full of bikinis and shorts and tank-tops that showed off the tan she’d been working on for the week - except the suitcase that she brought into Hampstead with her this year, to spend the Christmas period in Alfie’s childhood home, was full with thick jumpers and winter boots and the thickest socks to keep her toes from frosting on walks to the shops or on a wintery walk on a Sunday morning.  
“We’ll go next year,” Alfie grinned, pressing a kiss to her hairline, “I promise, we’ll jet off before Christmas and spend the day under the Spanish sunshine.”
“Don’t,” she whined, hiding her face into his chest.
“You make it sound like you hate being here,” Alfie laughed, “you live in a dull and rainy city for most of the bleedin’ year anyway so don’t you go complaining to me.”
“I’m not,” she huffed, shoving his chest with her fist and frowning up at him, “I love being here and I’m grateful for being here. Mum said it was best I spent this time with you, anyway, and I agreed because I couldn’t not take up the opportunity to see you for such a long while.”
Alfie cooed cheekily and brought her closer.
The bedroom silence brought all kinds of noises to their ears. Persephone was heard irritating Rose as they finished wrapping the last of the presents they’d hidden in their suitcases; Darcy could be heard playing ‘pat-a-cake’ with Persephone’s giggling baby; Harry could be heard grumbling outside because it was far too cold and far too late into the month to be putting Christmas lights up around the porch and YN could be heard encouraging him to hurry up so he could come inside and warm up with a cup of tea and a homemade mince-pie that she’d been slaving away over, that Ellie had started helping her with before she took time out and disappeared upstairs for a sleep.
Ellie took the time to really think about the year they’d had.
University had been a rocky start but she’d settled down just as well as she expected, met the friends she grew close to over the last few months and she gained a new routine that slowly became one of her favourite routines. She learnt how to cook ‘cheap uni meals’ and found her specialties in the cheapest food found in the corners of the cupboards, she found her alcohol tolerance and she found that when she was away from home,  she was a nightmare waiting to happen - and she rather liked that.
University had also started the journey of a long distance relationship that she hadn’t wanted to experience for a while - not with who she expected but with who she didn’t want to be apart from; her parents. She enjoyed being with Alfie, staying at his dormitory for most of her nights in the week and disappearing before he woke up for his own schedule to get to her morning classes, but she hated the fact that she wouldn’t see her mother making breakfast at the counter in the mornings or see her father at the kitchen table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee in his hand as he munched on toast before he set off for work. She became independent, spending most of her days in front of her computer and surrounded by notes and coloured pens until the early hours, running on cups of coffee and Redbull until she could feel herself waking up.
But, University had also started off as a fresh start for the two of them; having been a part of such a story as teen pregnancy, they had also been a part of a teenage miscarriage and it wasn’t something they took as easy as they wanted to take it, given the reasons why it wasn’t a good idea for them right now. Finding out she was pregnant before she was due to part ways in London and start her four-year course at University, and having it torn away from them, well... it was something they didn’t ever think about in the rush of excitement of a new chapter to their lives. A baby they would have spoilt rotten and taken everywhere with them to prove to everyone they could still parent and keep track of their lives. A baby that would have been the apple of their eyes, of everyone’s eyes, that would have brought joy to such a time in their lives.
“We would have had a baby to spoil this year, you know?”
“I know,” Alfie hummed, his heart aching because it had been a long while since he last thought about the possibility of being a father, “imagine that, Ells.”
“It’s not fair, is it? We would have been such good parents to our little bean,” she whispered, her voice cracking and her eyes burning with the refusal to not let her tears dribble down her cheek, “they’d have been spoiled rotten this year. Your dad would have been all over them, too. Seff’s little one would have a cousin to play with. Christmas would have been so different to what it’s like now.”
Alfie’s own eyes felt like they’d been slit with paper and he discreetly brought his thumb up to wipe his eyes, disguising it as a scratch to the curve of his cheekbone.
“We’ve got so much more time to have a little bean of our own though, baby. So much more time.”
“But I wanted them, Alfie. I wanted them.”
“I know,” Alfie moved his body and Ellie took that as a sign to sit up, leaning against the headboard of his bed and watching him as he twirled on his bum to look at her, “and we won’t ever forget them, okay? Our future babies, they’ll know all about them. And we’ll always celebrate them and think of them at Christmas and we’ll do everything we can do make them proud of us,” he smiled, linking his fingers with her fingers and squeezing her hand tightly, “they’ll be with us, guiding us to do the right thing, every day of our lives.” 
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Evak Fics - Christmas 2020
Christmas fics posted around December 2020
*** Fics on AO3  *** Posts on Twitter 
Shimmery & Golden by sweeterthankarma (1.6k words) - “Carry me,” Isak suggests, but it comes out more like a fussy demand. “Where to?” “Upstairs. To bed,” Isak answers swiftly, almost authoritatively, as if Even should know, and he probably should; he probably does. 
HOLDING HANDS IN TØYEN by Marobah (13k words) - Even returns to Oslo to spend Christmas, but he didn’t know that his father had plans to travel on business and drop him off at a new school. There he met Isak, who has always heard from his family that being gay was wrong and so he had no intention of getting out of the closet. Although Even's presence makes staying hidden more difficult than having the courage to come out. 
Christmas Delivery from America to Norway by Mrs_Robinson (7k words) - Isak travels for work to America just before the Holidays. Will he be able to get home in time to see his and Even's daughter dance in her first Nutcracker ballet? A family Christmas fic. 
still yours by fauu_stine (social media au) - Even loves his job and his friends. Life is good. And sure, he might have lost the love of his life three years ago, but he's over it. So over it that Isak barging into his life again does nothing to him. At all. (Lies!) OR: a post-break up AU 
like frosting on a cake by colazitron (2.8k words) - Surprisingly, an idea for a Christmas surprise comes from Magnus, of all people. 
All Hearts Come Home for Christmas by parallelcurtains (WIP) - When Isak returns to his hometown for this year's Christmas festivities, he is surprised to find his mother has a new neighbor. Instead of the elderly couple that used to live there for ages, a young man has made the house across from the Valtersen's a home for himself and his family. Isak is immediately mesmerized by the stranger and suddenly, the list of things he dislikes about the small town in the North of Norway feels irrelevant. 
Heal My Heart for Christmas by recklesslee (13k words) - It’s been ten years since Isak left his small town for the big city of Oslo with his father. He hardly even thought of his time there anymore. Until he received a letter from his mother asking him to come home for Christmas for the first time since he had left. Going back would mean seeing the home he left behind, speaking with the mother he hadn’t heard from in ten years, and answering the questions his friends had about his departure. And perhaps the most daunting of all, it would mean Isak would face the ghosts he left behind and the truths of his current state of life. Was Isak ready for a Christmas he wouldn't forget?  Aka a hallmark Christmas au. 
Christmas Plans by Picasso12 (463 words) - Sometimes the best laid plans are made when you least expect it. Even and Isak make most of their plans that way. Isak's gotten used to it and kinda loves it. 
Alene til Jul by Lokkanel (2.7k words) - On Christmas Eve, Isak is going home to an empty apartment. But it's okay, really he doesn’t care. Isak has chosen to be on his own tonight and he is fine with it. Except that, as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise, this is anything but just another ordinary night. 
oh holy night by smileymikey (3k words) - Marianne has a lot of favourite Bible verses, verses that bring her peace and settle her heart whenever she is anxious, but she does not think it is a coincidence God chose to give her a child on this day at this time. 
you and my hometown by smileymikey (14k words) - Isak is putting on his coat when Sana says, “Did you hear that Even is coming back?” Or, four years ago, Even left Oslo for LA to pursue his dreams of becoming a director. Now, he’s back. 
All I want for Christmas is you by evak1isak (3k words) - Even, who loves Christmas, has had a crush on his Christmas-hating colleague, Isak Valtersen, for over a year now. Maybe now that the Christmas spirit is coming he can do something about it… This fic is for this month's Skam Week, today's theme being "Mistletoe". 
holy night by EndingsNotTheStory (2.6k words) - Mama: Will you come to the Christmas concert this year? It is Christmas Eve. aka Isak is once again invited to the Christmas concert, this time he goes. 
***** Twitter ***** 
Just some Chrismassy posts I came across on Twitter today: 
* By isakevenaus - Chrismassy epilogue of soc med au
* By artvandeleyart 
Hjem til Jul 
Skam Tree 
Christmas Preparations 
* Gingerbread art by RonnieKazi 
* By cinnamonrolls_7  * Screenshot of Even by evenbn 
* By dveit41385 
Post 1  
Post 2 
Post 3.1 
Post 3.2 
Post 3.3 
* Poll by isaksosmol 
* By nanawritesalot 
Post 1 
Post 2 
Post 3 
Post 4 
* By andymuellerjr 
* Mistletoe!AU by straightforhonk 
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years
naturally was going "hmm what kind of fins (fish) would young taylor in the bathtub wish for. how would we know what they think would be the best fish tail to have" & then was just thinking of Younger Taylor Hcs just in general. got any you'd wanna share, or like, any faves from what's been provided either as unofficial ideas or via those glimpses of info in the show's text. Fave can be in a "truly enjoy this" way & or simply more of a "truly Thinking About This An Extra Lot" sense lol. They
Boy Do I… first, a listing of everything we Know from canon about their childhood / early life / family:
taylor grew up in “a place like” connerty’s small apartment where “the heat pipes bang practically all night” in the winter [2x11]
taylor’s mom would deem the apartment they rented for her & douglas too expensive, and if she & douglas were shopping for furniture, they’d argue about how much things cost [4x07]
taylor never thought they’d be thinking about living a life where they book private jets [2x09]
the masons’ home is hundreds of miles from any body of water (as shown here) and douglas had to fly to nyc to see taylor [4x03]
douglas figures taylor’s mom won’t miss him getting in her way back home [4x03]
taylor has a sister; when she gets married, in michigan, taylor is part of the wedding party [2x09]
at a young age, taylor was always measuring information around them, and sweet / affectionate, especially toward douglas [4x03]
taylor’s favorite cereal as a kid was frosted flakes [4x09]
taylor was never really douglas’s “little girl” like he claims [4x03]
the first time douglas brought taylor to his lab, it meant a lot to them, and the next day they gave him designs to remake it [4x06]
douglas taught taylor: “don’t just have an idea, build the model that proves it” [4x07]
according to douglas, taylor gets the “unyielding compulsion to get it right” from him, and their relationship was best when they “kept things mathematical” [4x03]
douglas wishes he could have built real wealth / success and given it all to taylor [4x03]
wendy mentions to taylor that douglas has “exploited your need for his approval,” and taylor agrees that douglas only cares about his own advancement rather than being a father first [4x07]
douglas dislikes the military / the government [4x06]
taylor is surprised by douglas quoting a pop song [4x07]
when taylor was younger, the bathtub was the only place they could go to be alone and think, and they’d press their legs against the sides hard enough to make them go numb [3x11]
taylor started playing online poker at age 12 under the screen name ZackCody892 and played up to 16 tables at a time (and for thousands of hours) [2x03]
douglas was fired from his job at an aerospace firm when taylor was in 7th grade. this firing damaged their relationship with him and “affected the home life.” for years, taylor thought douglas had been fired so that the firm could steal his invention, and only found out the truth from his personnel file [2x11, 4x05, 4x06]
taylor has had 927 hours of therapy prior to their session with dr. gus, and that number hasn’t changed at their first session with wendy [2x03, 2x08]
douglas, in bringing taylor food and coffee, claims they rarely take the time to look after themself [4x04]
taylor used to lie to themself and others but is now past that, and knows “how hard it is to have things inside you that you can’t communicate” and “what it’s like to face public scrutiny over who you are” [2x08, 3x02, 4x04]
when taylor reminds douglas about their pronouns, he says “this talk again?”, implying it’s a discussion they’ve had before [4x03]
taylor once got into a bar fight with a high school classmate (it’s unclear whether they were still in high school at the time) after seeing y tu mamá también in a theater [5x07]
taylor was active in occupy wall street in college [2x10]
taylor played poker in college against classmates, grad students, & professors, but their opponents kicked them out for winning too much; additionally, the competitive aspect made them sick (described as “malaise” or “vertigo-like symptoms”) [2x03, 4x12]
taylor planned to go to chicago for grad school and study with eugene fama [2x02]
mafee picked taylor as his intern because they were the only applicant who wasn’t boring / didn’t care about the same bullshit that everyone from wharton or harvard did [5x04]
douglas initiated the visit to taylor, claiming it was because he’d missed them, after not being ready to see them even though taylor’s mother wanted to visit countless times [4x03, 4x07]
taylor is trying to be “everything to their father” in funding his company, and neither of them will be able to come back from taylor being forced to betray him [4x06, 4x07]
wow that’s a long list. and now, my own thoughts and extrapolations:
taylor grew up somewhere in the west / midwest with their parents and sister, who’s a few years older than them, in a house small enough that they had to share a bedroom with her. hence, needing to hide out in the bathtub to get any space & time alone.
from very early on, taylor was douglas’s favorite child and he was their favorite parent — douglas saw taylor’s intelligence & insight (and saw himself in them) and chose to put time & effort into teaching / guiding / molding them, hoping they’d one day follow in his footsteps / support his ambitions, and taylor liked that attention & recognition. (douglas’s attitude toward taylor’s sister is essentially “well she’s here too i guess.”)
douglas taught taylor enough about aerospace engineering & mathematics for them to understand the value of his lattice fin concept, and to generally have a better grasp of engineering concepts than your average (even very well-read) business major / financier. (remember how rebecca knew a robot’s “proprietary” power source was a combustion engine because her father was a mechanic? same deal here. see also: the “smash electronics apart to find the microchips inside and figure out who makes them” strategy; taylor comparing losing grigor’s money to building a turbo engine and having the nitrous tank blow up in their face.) this manifested in both directly teaching them in his lab and in playing games like the silverware-stacking game we see in 4x03, or like douglas throwing out math problems for taylor to solve on the spot, or the two of them solving math problems together.
douglas also imparted his taste in music (which does not include anything new / popular) to taylor, though their taste as an adult (or even as, like, a teenager) isn’t identical to his. this is how they discovered rush in the first place and why they have such strong opinions about The Best Rush Albums. (if douglas had such a ranking, it’d be closer to axe’s than to taylor’s.)
listening to rush helped make taylor a libertarian 😔 that’s just life when you’re a neil peart stan, which of course they are. they admire his lyrics + his drumming talent + his absolute poker face in performances.
douglas also taught taylor to play blackjack, which inspired them to go and learn poker on their own and start playing online. they tried to keep it a secret, but it's hard to be secretive about spending hours a day playing online poker on the family computer. (this is 2006 or so, after all.)
taylor figured out that they were Not A Girl (or at least had thoughts of “hm i don’t enjoy being addressed / perceived as A Girl”) fairly young but didn’t acquire a concrete vocabulary for / specific understanding of that for some time. (if douglas is calling they/them pronouns “that woke stuff” in 2019, he sure wasn’t saying anything clear or favorable about trans people in 2009 or 1999. ditto for online poker sites.)
douglas’s firing exacerbated every negative aspect of the mason family dynamic. he doubled down on pushing taylor toward his field, urging them to succeed where he’d failed, and warning them against letting anyone Steal Their Value. money got tighter, taylor’s parents argued more, and any activities taylor was in (like, say, swimming at the ymca) that required payment got cut; they may have figured out how to make money (illegally!) from online poker at this point. the combined stress of financial instability, being torn between pursuing their own ambitions and fulfilling douglas’s expectations for them, and increasing Gendered Expectations in general — plus the whole “playing online poker for hours a day” thing — probably put taylor in therapy within a few months, if they weren’t in therapy already. (how did their parents pay for it? i don’t know either.)
stealing this from that interview asia & brian & david did in 2017: if taylor had not already taught themself to think and speak directly & incisively and look people in the eye when they talk, et cetera, it started here, whether in therapy or on their own time.
taylor went to college in new york city. douglas did not want them to do this, for a number of reasons, and would have preferred they stick closer to home (and study something other than finance), but doing so would have made them miserable.
by the time they finished high school (circa 2012), taylor had properly heard of trans people and figured that they were somehow One Of Them, but not until college did they hear of people being nonbinary and go “ohhhh yeah that’s me.” (they’d also gotten a Short Haircut in high school, but didn’t go full buzzcut until college. unsurprisingly, they got some shit in high school for being Visibly gnc.)
for some period of time while figuring out their gender situation, taylor went by the name neil as a nod to neil peart. (it’s fun to imagine that they still have a faceless twitter / tumblr account where they go by neil. doubles as a way to prevent anyone connecting it to their real life.)
taylor came out to their family while in college. their mom and sister had fairly similar reactions of “well i don’t Get this exactly, but i love you and want to support you and i’m sure you know what you're talking about better than i do and you did clearly hate it every time i urged you to conform to Standards Of Womanhood so sure i can call you Them and my [child / sibling] :)” given some time to think about it. douglas… well. if he’s starting from a place of “i don’t get this,” he’ll end up at “so it must be wrong and stupid, because i’m always right,” especially if This = his favorite child being different in some significant way from who / what he thought they were. obviously he doesn’t react well or supportively, and the strain in his relationship with taylor tips over into full-blown estrangement. bad times for everyone.
if taylor’s bar fight happened when they were old enough to legally enter a bar, it happened after coming out to their family (also after the live poker fiasco), and before making plans for grad school / internships. most likely it was on a summer break they were spending back in their hometown. (another fun thought: taylor seeing the video of axe punching a guy, just weeks after they punched a guy, and going “well maybe i should work for him.”)
if douglas was at taylor’s sister’s wedding (and maybe he wasn’t!), it was awkward for everyone when he and taylor crossed paths again. barest of pleasantries, passive-aggressive comments, et cetera. naturally, it took a few more years — and douglas realizing that taylor, now being fairly wealthy and successful, could probably fund his dream project if they didn’t hate him — for him to decide to visit them.
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Hiding in Plain Sight (1)- Tom Holland X Reader
Word Count-1792
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:)  Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog, Y/A is your age :)
Tumblr media
“You’re not going to make me go undercover on Tumblr are you?” Tom asks as they hook up the mike to his white t-shirt. “I’ve heard dangerous things about that site.”
“No, no. We’re sticking to Reddit, Twitter, Youtube. Maybe some Quora and IMDB.” The redheaded assistant sitting across from him states as she places the GQ laptop across from him. Tom sees Harrison’s shoulders silently moving up and down, laughing at the idea of him having to go undercover on the site that he had been telling horror stories of for weeks leading up to this interview. “If any of these don’t sound good to you, we can skip them.”
“No, those sound fine.” Tom says. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Camera A ready?” She asks the camera man sitting diagonally from where she is. In response she gets a nod. “Tom when you’re ready say something like I’m Tom Holland and I’m going undercover on the internet to answer your questions. It’s actually me. Something like that.”
From across the room Harrison watches as Tom flows through the questions easily, hoping from site to site with better technical luck than he normally has. He can guess that some of the answers will be giffed and blasted around social media within minutes of this interview going live. It would shock him if it didn’t.
“Check it out mate.” On his screen flashes Tom saying I drink tea darling over and over again. “Your fans love it. Which is good, seeing how upset a lot of them are over the Disney/Sony thing.”
“Where is this?”
“Your favorite site.”
“Tumblr.” Tom rolls his eyes and falls back into the couch.
“Why are you even on there?”
“Why aren’t you? So many fangirls, so little time.” Tom shoots a dirty look at Harrison. “But in all seriousness, there’s a lot of great reactions and gifs that you can only find on Tumblr. You should check it out.” Tom reaches for Harrison’s computer but he pulls away. “Make your own account. It costs nothing.”
“Ugh, fine.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, downloads the app and creates an account. Expecting one of the fangirls to have already have taken his common username, he’s surprised to be able to fill out the form with tomholland2013 as his username. Will that seem too much like him? Who knows. It’s not like he’s planning to actually use this site. He just using it to see what Harrison wants him to see. “What do I look up?”
“Just search the hashtag Tom Holland and look under recent for the most recent stuff. Most of it is your undercover interview. Or you can look under the Tom Holland top posts and see what your fans are obsessed with.” Tom is on the main page and sees a suggestion of blogs. A lot of them have his name intertwined in them with his picture as the profile picture. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to follow some blogs while he’s on here? 
The first one he follows is @starsholland who seems to write fanfictions about him but also shares a lot of marvel pictures. By clicking follow it brings up a lot of suggested blogs to follow. He clicks on @tonguetiedholland and sees another fanfiction writer but also a lot of posts between them and other bloggers. “Is this site just fanfiction?”
“No, there’s pictures and edits and stuff too. Why? You only interested in the fanfiction?”
“I only seem to find fanfictions.” Tom replies as he clicks on a blog called @tomhollandsstan, finding a mix of fanfictions, pictures and conversations. However his eyes scroll through one of the fics and find something much more raunchy than he anticipated finding. “Holy hell. What are they writing all of this about?”
“Reading something steamy Tommy?” Harrison teases. Tom feels his face flush with the embarrassment of knowing that there are girls and guys out there picturing stuff like this with him as the main feature. 
“I’m getting off this site. It’s bloody porn.”
“No wait, you’ve just stumbled down the wrong path. Let me send you some blogs to look at.” Harrison pulls up some of the ones that are mostly pictures and reactions. “What’s your tumblr handle? I’ll send them to you?”
“Really? It wasn’t taken?”
“See how long it stays secretive.”
“I don’t plan on using it.” Tom says as he hits follow on some of the other blogs that Harrison sent him, including one that was @Y/T/B. He found himself scrolling through it a little more in depth than he had with any of the other pages he had been on. The posts and your reactions were more what he expected of tumblr. Glee filled, but not thirsty. Hitting follow was a no brainer.
Across the country, your phone lights up as you get a notification from Tumblr. You’re about to swipe it away, since your day is currently going down hill as the recipes you’re in the middle of trying out are turning into pinterest fails. Also you should have checked before you started baking a cake that you had powdered sugar to make frosting, so you’ll have to do another pinterest deep dive for a frosting recipe since you can’t use your tried and true recipe.
However, the name on the notification catches your eye- Tomholland2013 has followed you. Wow someone finally snatched the name. There had been jokes around the fandom for months that someone should snag the name so Tom could have it whenever or if-ever he decided to join tumblr. But it seems someone has decided to be Tom. Whoever it is though seems to enjoy your posts because they’re liking your posts in succession. While your stand mixer whirls, you open to their blog and see there’s nothing there. Not even a banner or an icon photo. They must be a super new blog. You back out of their blog and almost back out of the app when you see a message from this Tom Holland wanna be.
From: Tomholland2013
I really like all your edits of Tom. Can I use one as my profile pic? X
You pause for a second before replying. This person wasn’t the first to ask to use one of your edits as a profile picture. Why does this feel different though? It has to just be because of the name. You click to reply to the ask.
I’m so surprised someone finally took the name. Me and @imanativeofswlondondahling had a bet going on for how long it was going to stay open in case Tom wanted it. Anyway, feel free to use my edits, or if you have a favorite picture of Tom, send it my way and I’ll make an edit for you.
You hit send on the ask before you can change your mind and then you turn back to your cake- which has probably been overwhipped now.
“Do I have a favorite picture of Tom?” Tom mumbles to himself as he reads over your reply. He’d love to see something that was made for him, but that means finding a picture of himself that he wants edited. “Harrison, com’ere mate. Take a selfie with me.”
“What’s this for?” Harrison asks before posing. @Y/T/B wouldn’t know this was just a selfie. You’d probably think he just did a Google deep dive.
“Need a profile picture. For my blog.” Tom teases, before clicking back to his messages on tumblr. There has to be a way to send a direct message instead of an ask like he did before. He had been planning to use an edit you had done of him saying I drink tea darling, but he wasn’t going to toss up having a custom made icon. After fiddling around on the app for a few minutes Tom finally figures out how to send a message and sends the picture he had snapped with Harrison a few minutes earlier. He tacks on a quick message asking her to do whatever she wants with the picture and to take as long as she wants and or needs. After hitting send, he clicks back to your blog's main page, trying to learn more about you.
At the top of your page, simply stated, it reads Y/N, Y/A, Tom Holland Fan. Well that does tell him you’re around his age, so that makes him feel less like a creeper. He wants to know everything he can about you, but all he can find through scrolling is mainly, well him. He can’t explain why, but there’s a sort of pull towards you from what he can find in your messages to other people and responding to anon messages, you seem like someone he’d want to be friends with. You have a great sense of humor and make jokes as often as you can in your messages. 
“Haz, can I turn on notifications for, like a certain blog?” Tom calls across the living room.
“Thought you weren’t going to use it.”
“There’s a couple blogs I like.”
“Sure, let me show you.” Tom passes his phone over and watches as Harrison turns on notifications for your blog. “Oh she’s great. Her reactions when news is posted is great.” A notification pops up on your screen. “Apparently she just posted.”
A cake maker I am not destined to be. Gordon Ramsay will make an idiot sandwich out of me.
A picture of a very sad looking cake appears under her text. “Maybe she should stick to making edits.” Harrison jokes. 
“Mate, that’s rude.”
“But it’s not wrong. Plus it’s not like yours would look much better.”
“Mine would be worse.” Taking his phone back, he clicks on the comment bubble and types out: looks better than anything I would make X His inbox dings a couple moments later. 
How have I never seen this photo of Harrison and Tom? Did it get posted while I was attempting to bake?
I think it’s an old photo. Found it on my phone. X And technically that’s not a lie.
Well I’ll hop on that edit. Any colors you prefer?
Blue or Red would be good I guess. X
I’ll get right on that. What’s with all the x’s?
Oh it’s a European thing. It’s just how we sign off texts and messagesX
If it’s annoying I can try and not do it?X
It’s fine. Just didn’t know why it was there. 
Do you think Tom does it?
Oh most definitely. What kind of Brit would he be if he didn’t?X
Well I’ll go get on the edit, hopefully I’ll have it done in the next day or so
No hurryX
Thanks againX
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jojparasol · 5 years
baby love
Ehhh, this one’s iffy but I posted it anyway so enjoy! This was inspired by an episode of ‘this is us’ and I couldn’t help but write about it. Was wondering if i should put my writing under ‘read more’ cut, I got an ask about it from my first writing but I never got to it? Anyway, this is a lil rough but she’s alright.
the one where Y/N’s pregnant and it’s Harry’s birthday
Word count: 1.5k
fluff, fluff, fluff
Y/N’s pregnant. Heavily pregnant.
Five, six months — she doesn’t even know, forgetting how long this baby has been growing inside of her. All she knows is that the baby is growing and it’s growing quickly. It meant she couldn’t fit inside her clothes she usually wore, her head has been hurting like crazy and her emotions were scattered all over the place.
And she’s been sleeping a lot. It was her pregnancy brain and the fact that sleeping would be an excuse for her to not do anything that would require any physical activity. Although Harry would protest at times, he learnt to leave her alone to doze off and he would spend his mornings talking to Y/N’s stomach.
“Baby…” Harry whispered against her neck as she groaned, her hand covering her face.
It was safe to say that Y/N was not in the mood today. All she wanted to do was sleep and stay in the comfy duvets of their bed. But it seemed like Harry had other plans and she wasn’t amused.
“Harry, no.”
Harry pouted, his pride a little down so he decided to go to the next option. The baby.
Harry loves his baby. His baby. He couldn't believe that he can even say that he’s a father. He’s in absolute awe at the fact that the love of his life can give him a baby. And he knows the baby girl in his love’s stomach is already perfect, being the perfect mixture of Y/N and him. Oh, his baby love had all of Harry’s heart and seeing Y/N grow everyday made his heart warm. He never minded waking up in the middle of the night to help his wife go to the loo or dealing with her mood swings where she would be bawling her eyes out then laughing in seconds.
“Think your mummy’s a lil’ grumpy this mornin’,” he mumbled his body shifted so his face met her stomach although it was facing the other way.
It was then that Harry heard a groan from above. “Harry, I swear to god, If you don’t leave me alone to sleep, I’ll make sure you aren’t getting anymore children out of me.” Harry frowned, his body getting out of bed as Y/N adjusted her blanket, snuggling it up against her face.
It was almost two in the afternoon. She’s usually awake at this time, even if she was feeling her laziest. It was his phone ringing that made him walk out of his room, leaving his sleeping wife in deep slumbers.
“Happy birthday my baby!” Harry smiled, hearing the sound of his mother’s voice through the phone.
“Thank you,” he replied, taking a seat on the couch. It was his birthday and he received messages and phone calls from all his loved ones. But he was still waiting for his own love and it didn’t seem like it was coming soon, or anytime at all.
“So are you coming over soon?”
It was a tradition to do so. Both Harry and Y/N felt equally at home at his mother’s house and there was no arguing that spending special occasions over there was a must. It was a place that Anne raised her children, where all their memories were stored and soon enough, Harry’s child will be able to create her own childhood where Harry grew up. And Anne would make the best dinners and their small family would spend all day hanging out whether it would be a barbecue or the dusting board games that were taken out when everyone was over.
“Yeah, but the missus won’t be joining.” A small gasp was heard on the other side and presumably, Anne thought the worst.
“Did you two fight? Harry you know she’s heavily pregnant, have you—“
“No. She jus’ wants to sleep, she didn’t remember my birthday.” It hurt Harry more than expected when it was said aloud that his lovie forgot his own birthday. Sure she was pregnant and all but was he that unimportant that she forgot?
“Oh, Harry,” Anne cooed, realising that her son was hurt about this event. “She’s pregnant, when I was pregnant, I would forget everything. Don’t feel bad, honey.”
Harry pursed his lips, trying to think the best of the situation but it was hard since the most important person he wanted to hear ‘happy birthday’ from gave him an unkind threat instead. But his mother’s words were enough for him to leave the house and drive over to where his sister and mum waited to surprise the birthday boy. And he smiled, he smiled as they placed a ‘birthday boy’ hat on him and he smiled when they gave him their gifts and when he won monopoly. He felt like home but there was still something missing.
Y/N woke up alone and her head was aching. She stared down at her stomach, giving it a small caress before stretching her arm to obtain the phone that laid on her nightstand. Her eyebrows furrowed at all the notifications from twitter and the fact that the time was five in the afternoon. And her heart dropped. It felt like it dropped down to the baby inside of her because her husband was trending on twitter. Trending with everyone greeting him happy birthday. Shit.
Y/N slowly got up as best as she could, mumbling profanities under her breath. “Baby, mummy messed up,” she whispered to her stomach, panicking at what to do since, to be honest, she had nothing planned. What a shitty wife, she thought, her eyes pricking with tears as her helpless body plopped onto the couch.
“It’s okay, we’ll be okay,” she tried reassuring herself in attempt to make her less stressed as she got up and waddled towards the kitchen. She was gonna make a cake. She knew the basics and it was the best thing she could do right now. She had learnt how to bake a cake from Harry early on their relationship when he claimed to be a baker but got the piss when he barely knew, considering the fact that he was a cashier. Then, she baked a small cake on the day that her pregnancy was announced to him where they ate in bed after the news. She told herself and their baby love that she was gonna survive this messy dilemma she put herself in and bake the best cake she can.
It was the front door opening that distracted her from frosting the cake, her head immediately turning to see her husband walking in, a small smile on his face and she couldn’t help but melt a little.
“Oh, Harry,” she announced, walking over to her husband’s welcoming arms as he engulfed her into a hug. “I’m so sorry baby. God, I’m so stupid.”
Her mood got the best of her as tears eventually returned as Harry massaged circles on her back, trying to comfort his pregnant wife. Y/N’s face nuzzled into his, a space between their bodies because of her bump but they somehow managed and Harry pulled away, frowning at his love’s sadden expression.
“It’s okay lovie.” He wiped away her tears with his thumb as she shook her head.
“No, it’s your birthday. Can’t believe I forgot and… and I was so mean to you today.” And to say her crying couldn’t get worse — it did. The realisation that she was so mean made her fall into more tears and they seemed uncontrollable.
“Shh, baby,” Harry soothed, caressing her hair as she tried to calm herself. She always tried doing that with Harry being there to hold her hand and guide her breathing. Her hands tried wiping her tears as she started rambling on about how sorry she is.
“Don’t you worry 'bout it. I love you so much, ’s okay.” He kissed her face repeatedly until a small giggle released from her mouth. “There it is, missed that gorgeous smile.” Y/N looked up, her eyes clearing up as she watched Harry move his kisses to her hands. “Now, ’s that cake I smell?”
She nodded, a hopeful smile on her face before leading her husband towards the kitchen, presenting her half frosted cake. “Isn’t this sweet, huh baby love?” He talked to her bump, palming her stomach as Y/N watched Harry use his finger to take a lick from the frosting.
“I’m sorry for today, happy birthday. We love you so much.”
Harry smiled at his wife, placing a small kiss to her head. “Thank you baby. Let’s take this cake back to mum’s house? Dinner should be ready.” He took another lick of frosting, placing it in between his lips.
“God, your mum!” She shrieked, realising she forgot the tradition before Harry shushed her, reassuring her it was okay. Y/N nodded as Harry scooped another piece of frosting and smothered it on Y/N’s nose to which she giggled.
“I love my two girls more than anything,” he proclaimed, looking down at her bump where a small kick was felt between the parents.
“Looks like she loves you too."
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Fanfic - You Could Make a Girl Fall in Love With You - 1/1
Summary: Millie finds herself caught betweent the man she thought she loved and the man she wants to love - AU based on the Flash Musical episode, aka Gangster Noir AU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1613
A/N: For Iris West Allen Week. Based on the Day Seven prompt: Fave AU Iris.
Its a cold winter night in Central City.
Most of its citizens are tucked away in their beds. Their blankets and pillows shielding them from the harshness of the winter's night. Only those up to no good or the foolish would be out on a night like this.
Barry Allen definitely would be cast in the 'foolish' category.
He's currently standing out on the street watching over a girl who he desperately loves but doesn't know he exists. The whole thing sounds tragic, like a story from those dime paperback romance novels. But Barry always seemed to have that kind of bad luck.
Millie was the daughter of the most formidable crime lords in the city who just happened to be Barry's bosses. She was known as a real beauty. Her dark curly hair cut in the short flapper style framed her heart shaped face. Her full lips always painted in her signature ruby red. Her dark eyes that seemed to draw in every man like a moth to a flame. Most men would lie themselves down on the railroad tracks in front of a incoming train if it meant Millie would spare them one glance.
Barry couldn't deny he would do exactly that. But as it stood Tommy Moran had Millie's eart so Barry would have to settle for watching over her.
Cause you see Tommy is the son of Millie's fathers biggest rival and Barry had been tasked to watch over their beloved daughter because of it. Barry had to make certain that the Moran boy doesn't mistreat her they told Barry. And if a chance to slit Tommy Moran's throat presented itself Barry had been ordered to go for it.
It's a regular Romeo + Juliet type of deal that Barry found himself in the middle of.
Barry's eyes flickered upwards to the windows in the apartment several stories up. All the curtains were drawn but the lights inside cast a warm glow that allowed him to see the shadowed figures of Millie and Tommy moving back and forth across the apartment. They were pacing a lot tonight which did not bode well. Usually he had the distinct displeasure of seeing the silhouettes of a man and woman in a lovers embrace.
Tonight was different and he couldn't put his finger on why.
Millie pulled her silver fox furred coat tighter around herself as she stepped outside.
She hated freezing cold nights like this when the weather didn't have the decency to at least snow. Because Millie loved the snow, the big fluffy snowflakes that sparkled like tiny diamonds coating the world in a delicious white frosting. Much more preferable to the cold drab night she currently stepped out into.
She barely walked a few paces before she spotted the tall, lean frame of Barry Allen leaning against a lamp post. She huffed out a breath in annoyance at her Dads once again thinking she needed a chaperone wherever she went.
“Fancy meeting you here Allen,” Millie announced tersely as she approached him.
His head angled to look at her better and not for the first time Millie is struck by his good looks. The sharp angles of his face. His dark brown hair slicked back in a neat style. And when his pretty green eyes focused on her that made her heart skip a beat.
Internally she scolded herself for getting twitter-patted over a man that wasn't her Tommy.
“Out for a walk,” Barry said casually but she could hear the humor in his voice.
“Yeah huh. A walk my Dads told you to go on,” Millie replied sharply.
Barry gave a little shrug but said nothing else. Not that she needed any confirmation she couldn't even step out to go dress shopping without her Dad's men sent to follow her. Its the most frustrating thing for a grown woman to be treated like a child.
“They worry,” Barry spoke as though he read her mind. “They have a lot of enemies who'd love to get their hands on you.”
“Enemies like Tommy maybe?” Millie narrowed her eyes at him.
“Like Tommy's father,” Barry said gently but it didn't make it any easier to hear. Millie knew most thought her naive and foolish, that she didn't understand how the world worked, but Millie understood all to well the harsh reality of what he was saying.
“We better get you home,” Barry offered his arm out to her. “Its cold out tonight.”
Iris thought for a hot minute about heading back into the apartment and leave Barry to stand out here all night until he turned into a icicle. Serves him right treating her like a child. But the argument between her and Tommy from moment ago echoed in her ears held her back.
“I suppose for your benefit,” Millie placed her hand on the crook of his elbow, “I'm not a monster.”
Barry cracked a smile at her that made her heart flutter in a way that it shouldn't. As a taken woman she'd never admit it out loud she enjoyed walking arm in arm with him. Or that she felt safe with him as they moved through the dark streets. After all it was better then to walk home alone she figured.
As they both left looking like lovers out on a nightly stroll neither noticed in the window of the apartment above them a curtain had been pulled back to reveal Tommy watching them leave.
Weeks later Millie found herself with a broken heart.
Days would go by and Tommy didn't return her phone calls and every note filled with love Millie wrote went unanswered. Mille even got bold and went to their secret apartment where she wait for hours in the hopes he would show up. But he never did.
Millie knew she needed to do a better job at hiding her distress. Her two dads constantly asked her what had been bothering her, they showered her with gifts and offered a trip to Europe to try to get her to smile again.
Even worse the ever watchful eyes of Barry Allen seemed to look right through her. Millie hated that he probably knew that she was being jilted by her boyfriend. She avoided him even more not wanting to see the pity in his face when looking at her.
Finally after weeks of silence and agony Millie found a note waiting for her where in short and stilted words Tommy said he didn't think they should see each other anymore.
Now Millie always saw herself as a strong woman. Her dads raised her to be independent and capable of facing any challenge. Which is why she found it very annoying that she ended up hiding in the garden of her parents house crying her eyes out because a stupid boy decided he didn't want to love her anymore.
To add more salt to the wound Barry Allen found her in this pathetic state.
“Oh god not now,” Millie sniffled as she struggled to wipe away the tears. “You really have the worst timing.”
Barry had the decency to look a little bashful as he ducked his head away. His eyes averted so as not to look at her directly. She then watched him fumble in the pockets of his dove grey suit jacket before he held out a pale blue handkerchief to her.
Millie eyed the handkerchief for a moment before reaching out to take it.
“Thanks,” Millie said as she wiped her tears and blew her nose. “I hate being a mess like this. Its very unbecoming for a lady like myself.”
“He's a fool,” Barry spoke up in a much more heated voice then Millie expected. “Any guy would kill to have girl like you.”
“Yo-you think?” Millie hiccuped through her tears as she looked up at him.
“I know,” Barry answered with such conviction even Millie could tell he wasn't faking it.
With her eyes cleared of tears Millie tilted her head back to get a good look at Barry. Not for the first time she admired how tall he was. She'd never admit it to Tommy due to his sensitivity about his height but Millie always found that there's something about a tall man she loved. She took a moment to really take in his fine features, his sharp jawline, and high cheekbones.
And of course those pretty green eyes that always made Millie's heart flutter.
“You better be careful Mister Allen,” Millie cracked a smile for the first time. “You could make a girl fall in love with you with sweet words like that.”
Barry spluttered and the pale skin in his cheeks went bright red. But Millie could tell underneath his embarrassment that her words pleased him. She wondered how good of a gangster he could be if he got so easily flustered, her dads selecting him to be her personal bodyguard always stuck her as strange. Then again the kind of loyalty Barry Allen had wasn't easy to find.
“Come on lets go,” Millie looped her arm through his, “I bet my dads are waiting for me right?”
“Er well not really,” Barry rubbed the back of his neck as they walked arm in arm through the garden. “I came looking for you because I was worried about you.”
“Aren't you sweet,” Millie giggled as she cozies up to him. “If I was smart I'd fall for a fellow like you.”
As Barry blushed even deeper Millie decided that falling for Barry Allen was exactly what she was going to do.
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nanowrimo · 5 years
6 Tips for Worldbuilding on a Time Crunch
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Every story needs a setting, but crafting a world can take time that some of us (through no fault of our own, I’m sure) just don’t have. In this post, Municipal Liaison Rebekah Loper walks you through a worldbuilding word sprint!
If there’s one thing my local Wrimos know about me, it’s that I love worldbuilding. I’m not talking about just enjoying it, but it’s one of my hobbies, even when I’m not actively worldbuilding for a specific story. But it’s not that captivating for everyone.One aspect of writing often overlooked is that the story setting is just as important as your characters. You might even say that the setting is a character in its own right, but especially so if your stories are set in fictional worlds.While worldbuilding can be daunting, there are some tricks to help you determine which elements of worldbuilding are most important to develop for your story, and these will even apply if you’re a pantser who doesn’t know much about your plot yet.
So go grab a notebook (or open up a document!) and let’s get started.
1. Set a timer.
This is the same concept behind word sprints. If you give yourself a set time limit, you can focus right on the task at hand. Start with 10 minutes per task below, but feel free to extend that time if you find you can focus longer. Feel free to start the timer over if you need more time to finish a section, but try not to spend more than 30 minutes total before moving on to the next one.
2. Start with your main character.
This will help with any outlining you’re doing as well – who is your main character, what do they want, and why? What is important to them? What was the happiest moment of their life and/or the worst? Most importantly, how do they view themselves within their world. 
3. Now that you know a little about your character, take a look at their cultural influences.
This is equally as important as your character’s internal view of themselves, because outside influences often shape those views. It’s possible to break free of them in certain situations, but most of the time they will always remain a fundamental part of who they are, whether it affects them in positive or negative ways. 
What were their surroundings like growing up? What are their favorite holidays? Did they have a coming of age ceremony or ritual to complete? Were they able to do so? What societal expectations weigh on their shoulders, whether those expectations are based on gender roles, vocation, or socioeconomic status? What if they are not able to accomplish any or some of those goals?
4. What does the world look like through your character’s eyes?
Now that you’ve met your character and know some about their internal values and external influences, start taking a look at the world around them. Use the holidays, coming of age, and societal expectations that you may have explored in the previous task and branch off to explore more of the surrounding world. How have those things shaped not just your character, but the culture and society around them?
Additionally, what does their home look like? Their village, city, country? Desert, mountains, forest, coast, prairie?
As time allows, keep exploring your world as you expand its horizons. Look for the why behind a society’s actions, including access to natural resources (water, arable land, hunting grounds, etc.).
5. Now that you’ve explored your story setting and your character’s worldview, what potential for story conflict exists within your fictional world?
Conflict is what makes your story interesting. As I said earlier, your setting is just as much a character as, well, your characters. It should enrich your story and raise the stakes. Those societal expectations you’ve started to explore may clash with the expectations of differing societies and cultures, for one. Conflict is always a potential when a character goes from one culture to another. Or, conversely, they may find they fit in better in another culture, and that can generate internal conflict!
6. The rest is just aesthetics!
Seriously! While you do need to have some intentions behind why buildings, clothing, and even species might look certain ways (due to the natural resources and environment), it’s pretty much just frosting on the cake once you know the why of a society and culture. I recommend using Pinterest to collect any images that catch your interest, especially ones you just stumble on and it resonates with your world.
Any questions about worldbuilding? Just ask in the comments, and I’ll answer as soon as I can!
Also, you can sign up for my newsletter any time in September or October and get my Character Creation Chart for free!
Want to go even more in-depth with your worldbuilding? Find out more about my book, The A-Zs of Worldbuilding: Building a Fictional World From Scratch!
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Rebekah Loper began creating fictional worlds and epic stories as a child and never stopped. Now she also helps inspire others to write their stories through her volunteer work as a NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison, and with her workbook, The A-Zs of Worldbuilding: Building a Fictional World From Scratch. Her most recent release, a fantasy short story titled The Path of Mercy, is available in Beatitudes & Woes: A Speculative Fiction Anthology.
Rebekah lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband, a dog, two formerly feral cats, a flock of chickens, and an extensive tea collection. She is often found battling the elements in an effort to create a productive, permaculture urban homestead on a shoestring budget.
She blogs about writing and urban homesteading at rebekahloper.com, and has been a contributing writer for Fantasy-Faction.com. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Top image licensed under Creative Commons from ricardo on Flickr.
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