#Jack sparrow fanfiction
imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
Could I request Jack sparrow x reader fluff?
hello, of course you can! I hope you enjoy what I've written, I added a tiny bit of angst, but I'm hoping it made the fluff even sweeter.
summary - jack had fallen in love once but had lost it. does he finally find it again?
warning - little bit of angst, mentions of alcohol and killing.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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Captain Jack Sparrow had only ever fallen in love once. But the love was kept a secret as you weren’t human and it was dangerous for a pirate to love, especially your kind. There was something about you that pulled him in, connected the last piece of his puzzle, calmed the storm that brewed inside him. This love was beautiful, until the day you became hunted, causing you to flee and Jack to continue to search the seas. He’d always lie and come up with some insane quest, but the true quest was to reunite with his love again. 
Years passed by and Jack soon began to lose hope, he didn’t dare stop searching for you. But he was beginning to think that maybe you didn’t escape in time or that you had moved on wherever you were. Jack is thrown out of his thoughts as the ship rocks, he steadies himself by gripping the wheel tight. “Mr Gibbs! What was that?!” His hand moves to play with the light blue seashell in his hair, at least he had something of yours close to him. 
“I don’t know, sir!” Mr Gibbs runs over to the edge, looking over, his mouth opening and closing as he watches a tail splash above the water before going back down. “A siren! My gods, Captain!” 
Jack dashes over, trying to hide his hopeful expression. What if it was you? He’d be thrilled, but he’s with his crew and they wouldn’t waste a second without going for the kill. “No, how many?” He leans over, brows raised, eyes wide and arms in the air. 
“Just one as far as I’ve seen, Captain. What should we do?” Mr Gibbs looks at him, thankfully the rest of the crew were too busy with whatever they were doing to pay much attention. 
Jack waves him off, “Just one? Is fine! We will head to shore, I’m in need of more rum anyway.” He heads back, hoping that it’s you and that you’d follow him to shore. Jack could feel his heart in his throat, maybe some rum would do some good. 
They head to the closet land, no one speaks a word. Jack too lost in his thoughts and Mr Gibbs watching him closely, the older man wasn’t stupid. He had heard of the stories, the time that a pirate fell for a siren. He just didn’t know said pirate was his current Captain. When they finally reached land, Jack did something unexpected, he allowed everyone to go before him. Not racing off for booze or women, instead he headed off the ship and down to the beach. The sun had set, and the moon was rising, but Jack could still see clearly. 
As he moved closer to a rock formation, he noticed someone sitting on top. Your hair falling beautifully as always, your eyes that were once bright were now slightly dull and the smile was replaced with a frown. “Y–Y/n? Is that you, love?” 
You nod, “J–Jack…” You felt the sobs in your throat desperately wanting to come out. 
Jack rushes forward, his hand grasping your cheek while his eyes studied you. His own tears flowing down his cheeks. “My siren, my mate. The years I’ve waited for you.” He seals your sobs with a kiss, eyes slipping closed as he embraces this feeling. “I’m never letting you go again, love. Never.” 
Your hands feel his face and hair, they stop, and your fingers touch something familiar, your eyes move from his face and land on it. “You kept it…” You play with the seashell, remembering the day Jack had surprised you with a date on the beach and after you had eaten, you grabbed his hand and swam together. You remember popping your head up and handing him the pretty blue seashell, telling him that if you were ever apart that you would always be with him.
“Of course, I did, love. It was what kept me going.” He stares into your eyes with a gentle gaze.
Your hands stay on him, not wanting to stop touching him because then he might disappear again. “It’s been so long, I thought I lost you… I’ve been searching…” Your bottom lip trembles and your brows furrow. “I love you, Jack.” 
“I love you, my siren. More than words could express.” 
From behind and on the ship, Mr Gibbs smiles, raising a glass in the air before taking a sip. He was happy his Captain found his love again, thankful that his clues for you to find them finally worked.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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hannaswritingblog · 3 months
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Imagine: Jack Sparrow and James Norrington getting jealous of you
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Suggested by anon [x] – I really hope that this imagine is at least close to what you had in mind and that you like it! And if you have any other suggestions, my inbox is always open. 😊
You're walking down a pier in the Port Royal harbour, trying to clear your mind. Everyone's been waiting for James Norrington to be promoted to Commodore for a while now and today, on a day of the official ceremony, the area is buzzing with excitement.
Being a part of James's immediate circle, you should feel that excitement too. Deep in your heart you certainly do. But at the same time you can't help but wonder how your life would've gone if you didn't abandon your life at sea. Your life as a pirate...
Lost in your thoughts, you don't realise you're not alone anymore until you feel a tap on your shoulder, forcing you to turn around only to see the soon-to-be Commodore next to you.
"Is something bothering you, Y/N?" Norrington says, smiling softly.
"Oh, it's... nothing, James. Nothing's bothering me. I was just thinking about... my past."
His smile immediately fades away, but he manages to keep his composure as he tells you:
"You don't have to worry about your past. Nobody around knows that you were a pirate except me, and I intend on keeping your secret safe, just as I promised."
"Thank you. But... you know who was my captain during my time as a pirate, right?"
A solemn expression crosses his face before he says:
"Yes. Yes, I know. And it doesn't change a thing."
Deep down you know it changes a lot, but neither of you is going to admit it. But even though his pride must be hurt, you appreciate that James is steady in his promise.
"I'm glad. If you could give me one more minute alone though. I'll join you soon."
"Of course."
He bows to you slightly and walks away. You wait for Norrington to be gone from your sight before reluctantly following him.
On your way out of the harbour you pass a familiar figure. It takes you a second to realise where you know the person from, but once you do, you can't help but turn around and call out:
"Oh. So it really is you, Y/N," Jack Sparrow says, walking back to you. "Didn't expect to see you around, sweetie."
"As if it wasn't where you dropped me off last time we saw each other," you respond.
"Okay, so maybe I knew I'd find you here. But not in the company of an officer of the Royal Navy, for sure."
"Oh, Norrington? He's just a..." You stop for a second when you notice that Jack's usual sly smile is now gone. "Wait... are you jealous?"
"What, me? Jealous? Of some officer? Never." Only when you raise an eyebrow at him, he admits: "Okay. I might be just a little jealous. But if this is how you live now..."
"Yes. I believe it is."
"...then I won't try to change your mind."
Something in your heart stings, as if you wanted him to try. You almost ask him to, but instead you catch yourself saying:
"Thank you. I still hope you'll stick around; Norrington is promoted to Commodore today, it's a chance to have some fun."
"You should stop tempting me, Y/N. A chance to have a good time and be in your presence? I reckon I shall stick around."
Jack sends you a smile before you part ways. And that smile is how you know he's back to his usual self and besides the fun, you can definitely expect some trouble.
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
🍾jack sparrow masterlist🍾
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key: ❤︎︎ - fluff, ☁︎︎ - angst, ★ - smut
coming soon!
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15  
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Chapter 7: Tortuga
General POV
The trio jumped off the interceptor and landed on the dock of Tortuga.
Will was carefully looking around seeing a lot of drunken sailors and woman with really tight dresses and loads of makeup on their faces.
Rosemary loosened her hair out of the ponytail and took her hat, she placed it on her head to make her outfit complete.
Even though Rosemary was walking around in Tortuga and not Port Royal she wanted to look the best she could. She was a tailor after all.
'Stick with me' Jack said
'And Will hold her close'
We walked off deeper into Tortuga. Rosemary nor Will had any idea where Jack was leading them
'It is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga.
Savvy? '
The trio was walking around town and the further we walked into the town. The more drunken sailors , pirates or woman we saw.
'Well what do you think?' Jack asked . He turned around to look at Will and Rosemary.
'You know what I think ' Rosemary said while holding her nose up from the horrendous smell that was around. They were close to an shet or a urinating place.
'I love the people here, but I prefer it to be noon instead of the late late evening.'
Will was looking as confused as ever. He never had been to a place like this. And never seen a Woman dressing like that selling herself to drunken sailors.
' Ill tell you mate' Jack said while putting an arm around Will.
'If every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted.' Jack let go of Will.
And Rosemary was rolling her eyes at him.
Rosemary's POV
When we were about to walk further. A woman with dark red hair, and a lot of roots from the painting came up towards us.
Her makeup was all over her face. And her dress was to small and dirty.
'Scarlet!' Jack said while holding his arms open.
But she didn't stop to hug or talk to Jack.
Instead she slapped him right on his cheek.
Will and I both had our hand on our mouths and I couldn't help but laugh at Jack.
'Scarlet' looked me up and down and narrowed her eyes. Before she stomped off towards the group of girls she was with.
'Not sure I deserved that' Jack said asking himself.
'Well from the looks of her' I shrugged and bit on my lower lip holding back my chuckle.
But before we knew it a small blond girl stood before us.
'Giselle' Jack said looking a bit confused
'Who was she?' she said before slapping Jack across the cheeks again.
'And who is she' She said while pointing at me.
I hold up my hands.
'Nah sorry, I'm not with him' I simply said.
Giselle narrowed her eyes and then walked off.
'I May have deserved that' Jack mumbled before he spoke up.
'Will fetch me a few buckets of water'
'Here lets go' I said towards Will and pulled him towards the water pump.
'For what in heavens sake would we need water' Will said while pumping
I shrugged. 'Its Jack. I don't think I need to explain any further do I ?' I said with a small chuckle.
General POV
Jack walked up towards a shed opening the door. He was nodding to Will en Rosemary to come in with the buckets of water.
It smelled horrendous in there. So Rose was holding her nose up her fingers closing her nostrils.
Will was looking at her with a smile. She was still a little bit spoiled.
But hen he caught the smell in his nose. And he started to dry heeve.
Which made Rose burst out laughing.
To which Jack motioned that they should be quiet and that Will should move closer towards him. With the bucket of water.
In the shed with the pigs there was an older man sleeping with a bottle in his hands.
Jack motioned to Will that he should throw the bucket on the man. And so he did.
The man shook up. And started mumbling nonsense.
'Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!' the man cursed and looked up towards Jack and Will. his face cleared up.
'Mother's love! Jack!
You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleepin'
Its bad luck!' he lisped.
'Ah fortunately, I know how to counter it.
The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink.
The man who was sleeping drink it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking. ' Jack said while squatting next to the man. And holding out his head.
'Aye, That'll about do it.' The man said.
And Jack lifted him up.
Rose came forward with another bucket of water and threw it around the ears of the man.
'I was already awake miss.. ' he looked at Rose confused
'That was for the smell' she said smiling.
And looked at the man.
'You look so incredibly familiar' Rose said eyeing the man.
'Rosemary don't stare at him like that' Jack said almost jealous.
'Ah miss Rivers. I did not think I would ever see you around here' the man said.
'Well neither did I Mister Gibbs' Rose said smirking.
'You're father would keelhaul you, if he ever saw you in Tortuga you know that right?' Gibbs told her.
'Yeah yeah, were here for something else' she motioned towards Jack.
'Well shall we then?' Jack said confused while walking off.
The group entered a bar. It was a huge mess. Drunk people everywhere and even small fights breaking out.
Rose smirked looking around while Jack was ordering drinks.
She was quite interested by everything going on. She had only been to the port of Tortuga so she had never sat foot in a bar here.
Rose turned around looking to a fight brewing in the back of the bar. she was tapping with her fingers on the wood of the bar waiting for Jack to be done.
'I'm quite interested in you, y'know'
Rose fastly turned around to look straight into Jack's eyes.
She lifted her eyebrow looking at him.
'You know what you want. You say what you want ' I appreciate that in a woman.
'Keep dreaming Jack.
You got the drinks?' she took the cups out of his hands and walked off.
The bartender grope Jack's coat.
'Did she just got your rum? U got it bad mate' the bartender said while shaking his head.
'Who would have thought Jack Sparrow would had a soft spot.' He was talking to himself.
Jack walked off after Rose who was holding the drinks and dodging drunk people before she got stopped by an huge man stepping right in front of her.
'L..Lass ' he hiccuped.
'I don't fink u shouwld be wearing those clofes at all' he spat at Rose.
Will walked up towards Rose as did Jack, but Will got there first.
And stepped in front of Rose.
'I think you should leave her alone mate' Jack said while also catching up.
'Really guys?
You really think I'm that much of a helpless woman?
Here hold on to this. ' Rose pushed the cups into Jacks arms. And pushed Will aside.
She pulled the clearly drunk man at his coat towards her.
'You know. ' she said while pulling him even closer. Her mouth was next to his ear.
'You know, I think I can wear whatever the fuck I want' she bit in his ear.
So the man jumped up and fell backwards.
'SKANK! You bit in me bloody ear' he scowled towards Rose.
Who got back the cups from Jack and stepped over the men towards the table Gibbs was holding free for them.
'Pathetic ' she spat at the man.
The whole bar was looking at Rose.
Jack looked at Will and Will looked directly back shrugging his shoulders.
As they followed Rose towards the table.
As she sat down she shoved Gibbs a cup. And sat the other 3 on the table.
Crossing her legs. Raising an eyebrow when she saw everyone looking at her.
She saw the drunken man stand up. And wanting to walk towards her again. But she saw him coming and threw her cup on the wall next to him.
It almost exploded next to the man's head. And he gulped looking at her.
She looked straightly back into his eyes. And shook her head.
He actually backed off.
And she sat back down next to Gibbs.
'Will. Did you know she could do that?' Jack asked while he lifted his top lip a bit.
'Its almost scary, I thought she was a high class royal'
Will chuckled.
'Well she's kinda both. She grew up in the Swann household. But she was in the town way more and I thinked she picked up some things.' Will shrugged.
'Well anyway. Keep an sharp eye ' Jack said to Will.
He walked towards the table where Gibbs and Rose were sitting.
'Rose love, this is kind of grow up talk' Jack said while trying to shoo Rose from the table.
She raised her eyebrow. Looking at Jack.
'I'm good where I am' she said looking in his eyes.
'Well then.' Jack said while sitting at the table.
'Now , what's the nature of this venture of your'n' Gibbs asked Jack.
Jack quickly skimmed around and looked at Gibbs.
'I'm going after the Black Pearl' Jack said
Gibbs almost chocked on his rum. And looked at Rose and then at Jack.
'I know where it's going to be, and I'm gonna take it.' Jack simply stated.
'Jack , it's a fool's errand. You know better than methe tales of the Black Pearl.' Gibbs said shaken.
'That's why I know what Barbossa is up to.
All I need is a crew. '
'What I hear around here is Captrain Barbossa's not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one.' Gibbs told Jack carefully.
'Well then it's a very good thing, I'm not a fool. ' Jack said
'Well prove me wrong. What makes you think Barbossa will give up his ship to you? '
'Lets just say it's a matter of leverage.' Jack said and looked over towards Will.
Gibbs shook his head not understanding what Jack meant.
'Excuse me what? ' Rose stated.
'Gibbs its obviously about the lad over there? Will' she almost needed to turn his head for him towards Will who was standing closeby.
Jack ignored Rose.
'That kid is the child of Bootstrap Bill Turner, His only child. Savvy?'
Gibbs mouth fell open. Understanding what was happening.
'Hello? I'm right here?! Jack jesus tell me ' Rose started to get a little frustrated she wasn't just a little girl who was 11 years old. She was a grown up woman.
And she wanted to know what in the world he was talking about.
'You'll see Love, He's going to be completely fine' Jack said with a soft smile and a chuckle.
'Leverage says you' Gibbs said with a soft smile.
'I think I feel a change in the wind, says I' Gibbs said to Jack.
'Ill find us a crew. There's bound to be sailors on this rock as crazy as you Jack'
'One can only hope.' Jack said while raising his cup of rum.
'Take what you can.'
'Give nothin' back' Gibbs said as they clashed their cups together and drank them.
They looked at Rose as if she was not clashing her cup with them.
'I don't have a cup anymore remember' Rose said while pointing towards the wall where she threw her cup against.
She winked at them both. And stood up walking towards Will.
'She's a special one.
Isn't she Gibbs'
'Aye sir' Gibbs said.
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sparrowpirate · 1 year
Chapters: 61/61 Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Jack Sparrow/Original Female Character(s), Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner, Hector Barbossa/Margaret Smyth, Jack Sparrow/Reader, Captain Jack sparrow/ Original Female Character, Jack Sparrow & Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Canon Compliant, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, Sex, Tattoos, Pirates, Friendship, Jack Sparrow falls in love, OC is Elizabeth’s cousin, Betrayal, Supernatural Elements, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Ancient Greek Mythology, blackbeard - Freeform, No Angélica, A lot of sex, Death, Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Voodoo, Falling In Love Summary:
"Jack was like a Chinese finger trap most of the time, you had to carry on playing, delve a little further and accept your fate before you were able to pry yourself away."
Captain Jack Sparrow lands in Port Royal on that fateful day and finds more than he bargained for when he meets Elizabeth Swann’s cousin, Lillian Swann. Canon compliant with a hint of fix-it. Timeline runs through films 1-4.
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socksracoon10 · 4 months
Hi love here I come with my first spontaneous idea 🩷
Reader is the Commodore's sister but sick of the ways of society. When Jack saves Elisabeth, reader is the one who persuaded James not to kill Jack and also the one he happens to threat in order to escape. She’s somehow drawn to the Captain and later gives Will the keys to the cell to set him free. Jacks thoughts circle around her, too and they reunite when she swings last minute from the Dauntless over to the Interceptor to join the pirates making way❣️
Curious of The Seas
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A/N: Literally fell in love with your ask oh my god, couldn't stop thinking about it before I began writing!! Thank you so much for this request! Pairings: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader, Will Turner x F!Reader (Platonic), James Norrington x F!Reader (siblings)
"Don't slouch, stand straight," Commodore Norrington hissed at you. You glared at your brother, curving your lips downward. You hated how strict and loyal he was to the British Crown and how he enforced his rules onto you, despite being his "precious baby sister." 
Your brother didn't hate you, but he sure did a good job of making you hate him. He was pacing his quarters back and forth, rehearsing what he would say to Miss Elizabeth Swann upon meeting her. You rolled your eyes at the pathetic scene, realizing that if your brother were to marry Miss Swann you were next on the list for the most eligible bachelorette in Port Royal. Your body cringed at the thought and you wriggled your back to shake off the eerie feeling crawling down your spine and focused on trying to ease your brother at the moment.
"James, there is no point in stressing over something as simple as this. Tell her you are in love with-" You began but frowned when he interjected,
"Love? Don't be ridiculous!"
"So, you're not in love with her?" You inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"No, no, I very much am in love with her. But it is not proper for a man such as myself to say trivial things to the daughter of the Governor!" Your brother reasoned and you sighed in an exasperated tone, shifting your gaze out the window.
Elizabeth had stared at you with a quizzical look on her face when your brother and you had first approached her. You both shared the same expression of disdain for the situation. It was very clear to see that she was indifferent to your brother and surely was the very last man that she had any interest for. You, on the other hand, dearly loved your brother and wanted to save him from any heartache that she would cause him. You chewed your lip nervously, watching them exchange a few words of greetings before walking away. The commodore glanced over his shoulder, mouthing a few warnings to reign your behavior in for the biggest moment of his life before stalking away.
Huffing in annoyance, you picked the ends of your dress up and marched past the Governor who was just about to start a conversation with you. He awkwardly shut his mouth and watched you walk away to stand on the other corner of the pillar where your brother and Elizabeth stood. He leaned backward to get a good look at you, sending you another glare before returning his full attention to the woman in front of him with a nervous smile. You sighed, gazing out to the sea. Your brother had taken you once beyond Port Royal when you were a little girl and he swore it was something he very much regretted; all you could ever do since then was talk about sailing the seas. You desired to travel across the world, collect artifacts, and live a free life. Your brother scoffed at your desires, stating that he would rather die than see his little sister galloping around like a pirate of all creatures.
As you gazed out into the horizons with a look of yearning, you heard the loudest splash from below. Peering over the edges of the wall, you frowned at the ripples that seemed to bloom near the rocks and you instantly pulled back from your position and walked around to notice your brother screaming Elizabeth's name.
"What did you do?" You exclaimed, resting a hand on his shoulder. He pulled away from your grasp, beginning to take his coat off but you grabbed hold of him,
"The rocks, James! She's lucky that she didn't hit them on her way down! Come, we can reach her at the docks!" You urged him, yanking his arm. He seemed instilled with distraught, at a loss for words, "She must've jumped by your mere presence!"
Your brother sent you a nasty scowl and the playful smirk on your lips faded away instantaneously. You knew this was no joking matter; the poor woman could've died on her way down and she was to be betrothed to him anyway. As your brother scampered off with the rest of the guards, you found your feet rooted to the ground as you stared up at the sky. Something was amiss. The clouds darkened and circled about gravely, and the sea no longer held its silky blue blanket to comfort you. Before you could try and comprehend what must've occurred, you felt an urgent tug around your arms and you sharply turned to find yourself facing the Governor.
"Come now, my dear, you mustn't dawdle around when my daughter's life is in danger!" He exclaimed and you frowned at his words, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him. Even if you wanted to help Elizabeth, there was surely no way you could swim into the waters with this puffy dress around you. You followed him down to the docks, pushing past the British officers to find yourself facing Elizabeth coughing up heaps of water from her lungs and then... a pirate.
With all the rifles surrounding him, you nearly thought they were aimed at your brother who stood in the way. You could only make out half his face, oblivious to the ensuing conversation that your brother was currently engaged in. You peeked around the Commodore's shoulder, carefully eyeing the strange man in your presence when his eyes flickered over to you for a sharp second before returning to your brother. Your breath hitched at the moment, taking in his disheveled and wet appearance as your brother remained as the shield between the man and you.
"He's a pirate," Your brother growled, his jaw clenching as he barked orders for his arrest. He ignored your gaping stare as he continued, "Sparrow, I assume?"
"Jack Sparrow?" You interjected, your mouth practically on the floor as you stared at him. The corner of the pirate's lips curved into a small smirk,
"It's Captain Jack Sparrow, love," He smiled with a wink. You smiled back before your brother forcefully shoved you behind him once again. He made a mental note to have a discussion with you about your behavior as soon as you returned home. He took the pirate's belongings and derided him for his lack of proper weapons, but it bothered him so deeply that you were so enchanted by the man. It irked him to think that his sister would fall foolish to a PIRATE of all people. He forcefully grabbed onto Jack's arm and began dragging him off before you cut him off,
"James! James!" You cried out, and your brother halted in his tracks and sent you a menacing scowl.
"Not another word from you, (Y/N)." He hissed, and you scoffed before pulling your skirt up ever so slightly to march up to your brother,
"This man, pirate or not, has just saved your betrothed's life! I suggest you at least show some mercy upon him!"
"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man's life of wickedness," Your brother corrected you as Jack was being handcuffed by a Redcoat.
"Though it seems enough to condemn him," Jack added, and you offered him a sympathetic look before turning to your brother with pleading eyes.
"Brother, please. I beg of you, consider an alternative for this man." You prodded him, as your eyes fell onto Elizabeth who smiled softly at your words.
"Please do so," Jack muttered, before dragging his bound hands around your neck. You gasped in response, tugging at the chains as your brother panicked.
"No one shoots!" The Commodore bellowed, holding his hands in the air, "Let go of my sister."
"Only if you return my belongings," Jack taunted with a haughty grin. He leaned closer to lowly utter into your ears, "You must be regretting your kindness, do you not?"
"I don't, but it seems that you'll regret it," You whispered, as you watched the guards hand in his belongings in a bundle. Jack nudged your back with his knee ever so lightly to grab hold of his things and you begrudgingly did so, before sharply turning around to face him.
"Now if you'll do me the pleasure... my, I don't think I know your name..." He said with a sly smirk. You frowned at him,
"It's Miss Norrington to you," You spat, placing his hat on. As you placed his sword, belt, and other personnel around him, you could feel his intense stare burning deep into you. If it was of lust or attraction, you did not know and at the moment did not necessarily care. Your mind was fixated on other things, and your brother was seething in rage as he watched Jack give him a look regarding your body against his that made him want to hurl. To think his sister was so close to a gruesome pirate! It was preposterous!
As you tied the last remaining string of his belt around him, you looked up at him with disgust. Not only was he a pirate, but this would be the talk of the town, and your brother's and your reputation would be spoiled. Your brother could easily regain his good fortune, but you were never as lucky. You hated the way the women would gossip and to think it was all spoiled over one man you decided to be too merciful with because your curiosity could not be controlled made you ready to commit arson.
"Is this how you repay me?" You hissed and the pirate smirked at your words,
"I saved your friend's life, and now you save me. Besides, you did after all wish for me to live. Now, suffer those consequences. When shall a beautiful lady such as yourself realize to never mess with a pirate?" He chuckled, before harshly turning you around with his gun aimed at your head. Your brother flinched at the sudden movement, making sure you were alright. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Jack Sparrow," The pirate's voice boomed from behind you and the very next second you found yourself thrust upon your brother and Elizabeth. As Jack Sparrow hurriedly began his escape, he did not fail to include a personal message from his heart, "Thank you very much, Miss Norrington. I shall not ever forget such kindness!"
And you weren't ready to forget him, either. It would be for another reason. As the night raged on with a surge of pirates infiltrating Port Royal, you felt a growing desire to do something about it. Your brother had joined the Governor for his safety and left you at home to be tended to by the maids. Upon realizing that the front door would burst open regardless of the circumstances, you quietly slipped out the window in your nightly attire and made your way to the blacksmith's quarters where you knew for a fact that your good friend Will Smith would be. Will and you had grown as siblings; he was there for you more than your brother had been. He had anticipated your arrival anyway but found himself in jeopardy when his ears gathered the news that Elizabeth Swann had been abducted by the pirates. He was pacing around when you arrived and he quickly latched onto your shoulders,
"They've taken Elizabeth! I tried my best but-" Will began but you silenced him, bringing a hand to his mouth.
"I know what you must be going through. But there is not enough time. I heard you helped imprison Jack Sparrow." You whispered and he nodded his head, eyes wide as he tried to make the best of the situation, "Come, I have the key with me, we can both interrogate him and seek his help." Your hand fell to his own and led him towards the streets.
"Wait a minute," Will stopped you, and with a glance over your shoulder you already knew what he was about to say. He was going to prevent you from going. "(Y/N), I know you've always wished to escape Port Royal, but I cannot bring harm to you once you step foot onto the waters."
"Will," You chastised him, "I am no longer a little girl. I am very capable of handling my own matters."
"You are inexperienced, that's all I can say." Will rebuked your claim and you gasped at his words, before furrowing your brows,
"So are you!"
"Ah, but I shall be bringing Sparrow with me to help find Elizabeth."
"Oh, don't be so dull! I can help Sparrow and you as well. Do not prevent me from doing so! If it is out of fear that a pirate may do something towards a woman of my status, I assure you that no such thing will occur! If he dares to even look at me, I shall see to it that his eyes are gouged out by his blade!" You reasoned and Will took a step backwards, his lips parting in shock at your words. You had the spirit of a pirate in you that was for sure, and that was exactly what he feared.
"I cannot let you join. Your brother is... already facing loss," He replied in an awkward tone, considering how much he cared about Elizabeth, "He would be devasted to find you gone as well. Just stay put for now. I'm sure there shall be something more exciting for you in Port Royal."
You muttered a few unladylike curses under your breath and reluctantly offered him the key to the jail cell, "At least tell Sparrow that I was... delighted by his presence."
Will raised a suspicious eyebrow at your remark, unsure of how to respond. He nodded his head and then left you alone, as you brought your hands over your arms as your mind wandered towards the sea once again.
To say that Jack Sparrow was surprised by Will's statement regarding you would be an understatement. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you so willingly offered him the key to his escape, considering how he had humiliated your brother and especially you in front of everyone at the docks earlier in the day. He chewed his lip, his eyes dilating at the thought of you. The way you stared at him in defiance, your temples rising and falling with the way you clenched your jaw. Of course, who could forget the sensation of your fingers pressed up against him as you fastened his belt? As much of the ladies' man that Jack was, there was something different about you. You weren't like Giselle or Scarlet, complaining about superficial things or just merely trying to get into his pants. He could tell there was this curious spirit fighting to break free when he first laid eyes on you. The way you cautiously peered over your brother's shoulder had made him... well, he certainly wouldn't say his heart skipped a beat. He wasn't a silly little boy. He was a man! A grown man, a pirate! CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, mind you. And yet here he was, trying to justify to himself that what he felt for you was nothing more than just infatuation that would surely pass on.
But it didn't. It never did. While of course, his thoughts about stealing The Interceptor were his priority, he just couldn't stand still without his mind fleeting over to the very image of you, dressed in that regal bright blue gown and your hair all curled and pinned to form the most exquisite portrait of a woman he'd ever seen in his life. He smirked to himself at the thought of you, wondering what you must be doing at Port Royal at the moment. What if your brother had you married off to someone else? What if you were to live the rest of your life as a boring wife to an equally boring officer? He shook his head, wriggling himself free from those imaginative concoctions. He was a pirate, damn it. He had better things to think about than just a woman he had seen days ago.
"You've got to be kidding me," Your brother grumbled as he pushed past you. You had boarded The Interceptor with him, not because you had wanted to - even though you took every chance out on the sea with gratefulness - but because your brother was so worried about the possibility of your abduction that he wished you were beside him at all times. Including those incredibly still moments of him gazing out into the sea. To him, he seemed to have an air of control, all the world's burdens upon his shoulder. This was his duty. When you gazed out into the sea, however, it was a plethora of possibilities. The unmarked territories you could claim, the desire for you to seek out treasure from all corners. You could be free. And no one would stop you. Save your brother, but that was something he'd always do anyway. Your attention focused on The Dauntless a couple hundred meters away as you noticed flocks of the British crew on small boats were paddling towards the ship you were in. Your brother gazed through his telescope and snarled at the sight, hesitantly passing the device for you to see as well. From afar, you saw Will Turner and... Jack Sparrow? The pirate? Both of them were flapping their arms around trying to make use of the mast. You guffawed at the sight, laughing at them. You turned to face your brother who quickly reminded you with his gaze about your behavior and you swallowed the amusement away as fast as you could.
The two ships - The Dauntless and The Interceptor - were locked horns now and your brother ordered you to come with him to board The Dauntless and put an end to Sparrow's madness. You reluctantly agreed, your eyes scanning around to see any sight of the familiar pirate you had so longed to see. 
"Search every cabin, every hull," Your brother barked, before turning back to you, "And you stay close to me. Do not go wandering about like a fool like you always do." 
You glowered at him, electing not to anger him any further as you stood on the deck. You watched him disappear among the surge of officers onto The Dauntless. You sighed, pacing back and forth when you noticed two men swing over to The Interceptor. It was Will and Jack.
Eyes widening in surprise, you tried to call attention to the situation but your cries fell on deaf ears. You stomped your foot and watched Jack cut off the rope ties, one by one. His gaze was fixed downwards until he looked up momentarily, and there you stood. He stood there for a few more seconds, completely surprised by your presence. Deep down, as much as he hated to admit it, he feared that he would never see you again.
"What are you doing? Cut the rope!" Will cried out in confusion before he followed Jack's eyes to you. Jack looked upwards at the rope still connecting the two boats before turning back to you,
"Jump, Miss Norrington!" He instructed, and you stepped forward, holding onto a long piece of rope. Upon hearing your name, your brother rushed out of the Captain's Quarters, pushing past his men.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled, his eyes daring you to make another move. Realizing that this was the only opportunity to acquire what you had spent so long yearning for; the deep blue seas, the adventure, and the whimsical treasures, you sent him one final glance before running off the deck of The Dauntless and swinging onto The Interceptor. With the final rope now gone, and the ship sailing forward at full speed your brother looked at you as if you were dead to him.
When The Dauntless was far behind and there seemed to be no danger at the present moment, you walked towards your friend Will and the pirate beside him. Will seemed elated that you were there, and he hugged you so warmly that you nearly forgot that he was not related to you by blood. Releasing you from his arms, he sheepishly stepped aside as Jack Sparrow stepped forward.
"Miss Norrington, it is a pleasure to have you on board with us. I almost feared you might not have the guts to swing over," He teased, his hand graciously wrapping around your own as he kissed your fingers with such gentleness that it surprised you. You cracked half a smile at him, narrowing your eyes, before responding,
"You may call me (Y/N), and please, I never turn down an opportunity for adventure."
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captain-camille · 3 months
_𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞_
‣ Jack Sparrow x f!reader
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‣ As a young woman of noble blood, society is a golden cage. There is no mention of you unless the subject is marriage or manners while your trip to Port Royal has become a rescue maneuver. One faithful night aboard the Dauntless you finally snap. And meet the captive Captain Jack Sparrow...
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 18+ language, old society rules, emotional chaos, very light angst ‣ 3,4k words
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Your dress weighed heavy on your shoulders, the corset strangled your lungs to a delicate point where you began to feel dizzy.
Silver cutlery laid untouched next to your empty plate. The hunger had long passed. 
Either way was it impossible to properly eat with this torture device crushing your ribs. You would fetch a banana later.
“Miss Sheffield“ Lord Somerset hardly drew your attention while he adjusted his white wig “I find myself greatly invested in the many stories of your brother. They're indeed impressive, are they not?“.
It took nerves to hinder your eyes from rolling.
Instead, you gave him an appreciative but short nod. There was bitter sarcasm within the subtlety of your gesture.
Another man's head, adorned with a teal hat with feathers, turned towards you. Father.
“They are, clearly“. You verbally lend weight to your faux-assent as your father's stern gaze fixed on your face.
You suspected him pleased now.
However, his interest in you promptly vanished and a song of praise of someone else continued to fall from his pale lips.
Sweet, boisterous praise for your great brother, of course. 
You were sick of it but with time had begun to see it as an opportunity to reign over your own life as freely as possible.
For as long as possible.
Every eye and word was on your brother while you, the sister of the new Governor of Nassau and member of the Privy Council, were neigh invisible.
And still you could never leave the shiny prison that was the English noble society. Like living in a nightmare that had occasional sunlight in it but was full of madness anyway.
As the men's triumphant laughter echoed across the room, you pictured how Davy Jones' Locker would be a better place to bide your time.
Or maybe you should run away and live a seamstress' life. Alternatively, a barmaid.
In the corner of your vision you saw Norrington slightly leaning over to you. The new Commodore stationed in Port Royal, as he was.
“You look fabulous tonight, Miss“ he cooed, voice low.
His blue gaze rested on the glittering necklace you wore. A collective of silver, sapphires and pearls Lord Somerset had gifted you upon boarding the Dauntless.
Or perhaps Norrington's gaze laid on your cleavage but if so, he concealed it well.
He had to. Hell would come upon him.
You flashed him a polite smile and a demure “Thank you, Commodore“ before your eyes wandered off to the sea that was painted in the colors of a tropical sunset.
The windows were small but still incapable to diminish the glimmer. It went straight to your heart...
“Since you are a young woman, too-“ the man continued, hoisting a chalice to his lips. Beneath the table, your hand balled in a fist.
It did little to soothe your nerves, though.
“-I wondered whether you would think Elizabeth liked such jewelry as, um, a wedding gift?“ his smooth voice asked but the hesitant tone betrayed him.
You had long seen it in his eyes that Norrington's desires to marry Swann's daughter weren't as honest as he tried to make it seem.
Just as Elizabeth struggled to let go of the young blacksmith Will Turner she was currently trying to rescue.
Just fellow souls lost in this noble dilemma, you almost chuckled to yourself.
Luckily, you were quick enough to bridle any inner jests and looked back in Norrington's eyes.
“I’m most certain she would be delighted. However, it occurred to me that Miss Swann prefers silver to gold.“ you advised him before he got dragged back into a naval discussion with the men. 
Not even thanks were left for your input.
Once again your brother's name was thrown around like a cricket ball. 
The urge to just leave this charade of a dinner grew stronger while darkness began to fall upon the majestic Dauntless.
Candle light reflected in the men’s white and grey wigs like it would in the feathers of doltish pigeons.
Nearly scoffing, the focus of your eyes blurred.
Thoughts wandered off to the small bits of information you had grasped throughout the last two days; a business trip to Port Royal had turned into quite an amusing rescue maneuver as Norrington spotted the smoke signal Elizabeth was sending from a lonely island. 
She was brought onto the ship along with a mysterious pirate who turned out to be none other than the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow.
Lord, he seemed so different to the men you were used to. So interesting…
“Yn, the Lord's question was, would you be his companion on a visit to your brother?“ The raspy voice of your father suddenly cut through your thoughts like a sharp knife. 
You cleared your throat, hiding a muttered “god, no“ along the cough.
No, you simply couldn’t do this any longer tonight.
Tomorrow morning the misery would begin anew and the nights were too short anyway.
Dinner was over for you, you decided and shot up, heading towards the door. 
“Young Miss, where do you think you are going?“ your father called across the room, causing you to spin and face him along with everyone else seated on the grand table.
An unreadable expression settled on your face, lips moving on behalf of your temper. 
“Father, I do believe you won’t miss me much while conversing solely about my brother“. 
Norrington let out a shaky breath, his head turning to expect your father’s answer. Obviously, he was used to Elizabeth's docile manners.
The grey wig beneath Lord Sheffield's hat shifted slightly as he cocked his head.
He looked ridiculous. 
“Then go, yn. I do not have the time nor the patience for your behavior right now“ he sighed, waving his hand in an enervated gesture of dismissal “Check on Miss Swann when you pass by“.
The stingy sensation of the corset fighting your big breaths vexed you, along with your father's aloof attitude.
Nevertheless, he granted you exactly what you wanted; to leave and mind your own business.
A business that had preferably sparsely to do with these men.
“Thank you, sir. I will“ you curled your lips, forcing a hasty smile before your knees bent in a curtsy. “Lord Somerset, thank you again for the generous gift. Commodore“.
The Lord stood up with his chest puffed, trying to address you. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Sheffield. I wish you a good-“  
But the rest of his irrelevant set-phrase was cut off by the door closing behind your back. It snapped shut with a soft rock of the Dauntless.
As if she felt sorry for you.
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Taking a big breath of the fresh sea breeze your tongue finally spoke some truth. “Damn you, Somerset“.
It felt good, even if it did little to improve your situation.
You knew you had to get away from the cabins or else your words of pent-up frustration would eventually find them.
Maybe you would find solace on the quarterdeck instead?
As you marched up the stairs with a grimace on your face from how impractical the heavy dress was, a young maid brushed past you with filled wineglasses on a silver tray. 
She smiled with respect, but could barely hide her excited look at the luxurious necklace.
Her soft lips parted when she spoke up in awe “If I may, Baron Somerset really is doting upon you, Miss“.
At her comment, the matching earrings with the similarly cut sapphires began to itch.
“So it seems“ you answered flatly, still trying your best not to let it all out on the innocent girl. 
“I happen to have overheard him talking about how beautiful your children would be“ she added with enthusiasm, unaware of your aversion to said nobleman.
You felt your gut twist and tighten at the vision alone. 
Children with this man? No.
On the brink of screaming or crying, your hand flew up to grab one of the glasses.
“Did he now?“ You hoisted it and bathed your upper lip in the sweet taste of Portuguese wine “Golden me“. 
Hearing her colleague call for her, the maid quickly curtsied and made her way down to the main cabin.
You sighed heavily, taking another sip.
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Up on the spacious quarterdeck you wasted no time, set the glass down on a random barrel and began to take off your earrings. 
They were burning on your skin now.
Anger, chagrin and despair rioted in your veins like a hurricane.
So untamed, you didn’t even notice the man at the helm observing your actions through curious eyes.
“To hell-“ you shouted, kicking your right foot so that your shoe flew overboard in a wide arc “with you, father“ the other shoe followed suit.
“And Somerset“ you tossed one earring into the black sea, holding the other one while you unhooked the expensive necklace.
You didn’t hesitate a second to proceed with this macabre yet somehow weirdly freeing act of rebellion.
With your right arm outstretched, jewelry in your hands, you stood at the ship’s railing, wind in your face.
“And to the depths with this society of hypocrites and it's stupid rules“ your now hoarse voice exclaimed bitterly before your tossing arm got stopped mid way. 
Twisting on your stocking feet, you ended up only inches away from Jack Sparrow’s face who was grinning at you with a pleased sparkle in his dark eyes.
You didn't dare to breathe, mouth agape.
He was still holding onto your arm even though you had lowered it in a mixture of shock and awe.
“Not good. Ye wouldn't wanna be doin' that, lassie“ the pirate purred, gold teeth adding to the captivating shine of his eyes.
Since the Navy took him prisoner, you had never spoken to him. Only eves-dropped when he had persuaded Norrington as if it was easy.
And now you could feel his breath fan across your face, the scent of the sea and rum intoxicating your brain.
Slowly, he unwrapped and lifted his fingers off your arm. One by one like a fan.
“Why not? You cannot stop me“ you eventually found your courage again and yanked your arm away. 
The man scrunched his brows, lips closing. The many trinkets in his dreadlocks clinked as Sparrow cocked his head.
Your eyes were slaves to his eccentric mimic for a little while before you finally got to step back.
His presence somehow calmed you down, brought your nerves to a halt. All the way to the point where you remembered your manners.
“My apologies, Mister Sparrow. I didn’t mean to-“ you began to apologize for the snappy behavior but he interjected with a finger pointing at you.
“Never be sorry for disobeying rules that aren't worth following, luv“.
Irritated by the unexpectedly wise words, you found yourself at a loss for an answer.
This man was a real pirate after all. The closest thing to an anarchical life there was. 
Your heart pumped awe through your veins that began to pacify the storm within. 
Features dropping from trained, polite distance to honest distress, your gaze darted down to the jewelry in your hand. It was worth at least as much as your entire collection of summer gowns. 
The blue stones seemed somewhat black tonight.
As grim as your future. With Somerset. Or any other noble, dim-witted aristocrat. 
The pirate just stood and watched the tragic poem being written all over your beautiful face. His silence allowed the gears in your mind to shift.
Then, you seemed put.
“What even are you doing at the helm, Sparrow?“ You asked to avoid any potential questions when you mindlessly chucked the bundle of jewelry to him.
He grinned again as an audible clink and clatter signaled you that he had caught it.
You were sure that Sparrow had a better use for it than you did. Whatever it may be.
Admittedly, you would have just thrown it overboard or locked it away in a random jewel casket for eternity.
A husky gravel met your ears when he cleared his throat after sinking the necklace deep into the inside pocket of his brown jacket.
It was as if he knew you didn't have any expectation of thanks or desire for inquiring about your deed.
“Isla de la Muerta can only be found by those who already know where it is-“.
Slow steps of heavy boots on wooden tiles neared you from your left.
“And rumors have it me, meself and I have a heading Norrington doesn’t, savvy?“ Sparrow slurred, snapping open a compass as he leaned his back against the railing next to you.
With your eyes raking over the dusk ocean, you couldn’t help but risk a peak over to his hands.
You grimaced. The compass obviously didn’t point north.
Was he tricking the Commodore?
Suddenly, Jack chuckled, clearly having seen your expression.
“Nah... tale for another night“ he simply stated closing the small, brown box again.
His intense gaze crawled all over your side profile and pinned updo. “Tell me somethin’ about ye, Missy. Plagued by those wig-suckers, eh?“ 
You gave a snort of laughter, enjoying his unfiltered way of addressing the men you were used to calling 'Lord', 'Governor' or 'Commodore'.
“You know exactly who I am. Do not call me Missy“ you snapped, biting down a playful smile no one had ever elicited as easily as the foreign pirate did.
Perhaps it should worry you but it didn’t in the slightest. 
Jack arched his figure to lean back more and study your edged expression from the front. You tried to shoot him an unfazed look but the pirate saw right through it and smiled widely. 
How he could read you so emphatically was far beyond what you were used to from men. It confused you. 
Just as it puzzled Jack that your behaviour was so devoid of any of the hospitality and judgement he had come to expect from your class.
It only drew the both of you deeper into whatever this conversation would become.
“Apologies, me bad. Miss Sheffield“ his deep voice cooed, finally cracking your surface and putting a soft blush on your cheeks.
“It never occurred to me that Pirates can be this charming“ you snickered with a hint of irony, eyes resting on Sparrow’s unique features for a moment.
His tanned skin was reflecting the flickering light of oil lamps. Sparrow was a handsome man, you realized.
Effortlessly and in tune with the ship's rocking, the man pushed off the railing to trail behind you.
“I always expected Pirates to be more- rogue, I suppose“ you mused, more to yourself.
Sparrow tsk'ed but he didn't seem hurt.
Your head cocked when you felt his hot breath close to the nape of your neck.
“A Shilling that I can alter your outlook on Pirates all by me onesies, eh?“ His comment was nonchalant and smug but in a swinging way.
This man had nerves. 
“Didn't I just give you a collier worth far more than one Shilling?“ you asked rhetorically, amplifying the perky tone.
The pirate hummed, as if contemplating. “Alright, then. Consider your debt paid“.
It was utterly refreshing to converse so freely without any rules or boundaries. You grew fond of it with every passing second. 
When Sparrow didn’t re-appear on your other side, you turned around to spot him chugging down the wine you had abandoned in your rage.
“Sorry, it’s no rum but-“
“-good. That’s good“ he complimented the red liquid, analyzing the ornate chalice through narrowed eyes before he sat it back down.
Carefully, with his pinky stretched out with decorum.
You caught yourself giggling but promptly covered your mouth with a palm. Habits. 
“So, Miss Sheffield...“ the pirate urged you, swaggering closer until he stood by your side again. His elbows were quickly propped on the reddish railing.
“Pray tell“.
You sighed. However, the will to empty your heart was unbreakable. 
It was easier when your gaze found shelter in the darkness of the Caribbean night but Sparrow’s stare lingered on you nonetheless. 
“I- I feel like- No, I am trapped. Trapped in a golden cage with only dull bumbles who want to possess women of standing as if they were accessories for their prevalence-striven plans“ you began to complain, your words gaining speed and intensity throughout the sentence. 
Honest pity flashed behind the pirate's charcoal outlined eyes.
The man had never thought he was capable of pitying those who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
And still, there he stood, stricken by the pain in your melodic voice.
You gasped for air, your mind wanting to go on but your throat began to burn on the verge of crying.
“I must behave according to the rules of society, no matter what it is I truly desire. All the poisoned praise goes to my brother while I am only of importance when the subject of my marriage is discussed“.
“Ye brother be the new Governor of Nassau?“ Sparrow eventually asked, his gaze sliding down to where your nails were nervously scratching lines into the wooden railing.
You couldn’t help but scoff in annoyance of his title. “Yes, that be him“. 
The man next to you shrugged his shoulders, the trinkets and charms once again clinking. You would love to find out where he got each of them from.
“I could, in fact, sack Nassau port for ye as soon as I rip me Pearl from Barbossa’s slimy, old hands“ a tad of disgust infused his bold words at the foreign name.
“Jus' a humble offer. What ye say, lassie?“. 
Sparrow was trying to cheer you up.
A small smile began to reign over your lips again, toes curling. “That would only get you killed, fierce pirate“ you noted, trying to sound as judicious and rational as possible.
Instead, he grinned even broader and spread his arms in an eccentric, self-presenting pose. “I’m Captain Jack Sparrow, luv“ he declared as if it was self-explanatory.
For the first time in a while the sea breeze caught and carried your sincere laughter.
Sparrow’s braided goatee twitched as he found himself biting his lip at the pretty sound and look.
You were a stunning woman in noble clothes with noble blood in your veins but with a spirit as wild and ravenous as his own.
You enthralled him.
“Bring this to my daughter. She shall eat, at least. The Commodore risks too much by rescuing young Turner, he cannot afford to see his fiancé unwell“ Governor Swann’s order suddenly boomed across the main deck, followed by hasty steps of a maid.
Instinctively, Sparrow snaked his hand around your shoulder, across your chest and pulled you back with him.
Out of sight.
His rough hand on your mouth muffled a shrill cry just enough. 
“They thinkin’ yer asleep, eh, Miss Sheffield?“ His voice was lowered, almost just a husk and yet it was filled with this mischievous, flirtatious tone.
God, this man sent shivers down your spine like no other. 
But he was still a lawless pirate.
A prisoner, even.
Suddenly, whyever, the gravity of your situation and the futility of tonight's zeal made you feel how cold and wet the floor was without shoes.
Brown dreadlocks pressed against the back of your head irrevocably disheveled your updo. 
“Asleep, as I should be...“ you muttered, infused with a hint of re-surfacing anger and despair.
You wriggled yourself out of his protective grasp. The pirate's brow was raised, eyes narrowed on your face.
There was a haze of danger and waywardness about Jack Sparrow that made you question your own courage and spirit. 
“Why did I even tell you all that in the first place?“ you exclaimed, hands thrown up. Slowly stepping away from him, you felt all the emotions crushing your mind.
“You most likely do not care, neither do I profit by wailing. It doesn’t bear contemplating...“.
Sparrow wrapped his right hand back around the handle of the helm, looking rather unfazed by the confusion that was spreading in your system like the Portuguese wine in his own. 
Heavy silence and the occasional laughter from the men in the Captain’s cabin mingled with the soft splash of sea water. 
Your feelings were now as erratic as the rhythm of the crashing waves.
“Look 'ere, luv“.
Your gaze was just about to turn from pleading to the usual bored emptiness as you saw his free hand wander down to his leather belt.
A smirk adorned his bearded face when skilled fingers rapidly detached the compass and threw it over to you.
Stumbling slightly as the ship rocked, you caught the brown box before it could hit the ground.
You heard Sparrow mutter a muted “Thank god“ that made you want to snap at him but the gesture was too interesting not to query.
Why would he think you needed a compass?
Fluster painted your features when you met his weirdly satisfied expression.
“Aren’t you Captain Jack Sparrow? Don’t you need a compass for... that?“ You asked with less challenge in your tone than initially planned.
He chuckled beautifully, shaking his head with eyes closed.
“What?“ You probed when his dark gaze began to rise up from the floor, along your figure.
“I may be without me compass but not without heading and a plan“ the pirate finally explained, taking another step closer to the helm “You, contrastingly and tragically, lack both“. 
Your arms came up and crossed defensively in front of your chest.
But his words and the tight corset made you drop them again rather quickly. 
He was right. You had been lamenting about your situation barely three minutes ago.
“So? What exactly is your compass going to change about that, Sparrow?“.
You peered down at the inconspicuous looking box.
“Everythin'.“ Sparrow stated with a touch of mystery. “Listen what ye heart wants and the compass is gonna give ye a heading, savvy?“.
A big part of you wanted to believe what this infuriatingly interesting man promised while another voice was whispering to you how it was literal magic he was implying.
With a hesitant gesture of offering it back to him, you hoped to find out which voice to listen to.
“But you would want it back, right? It is yours after all“ you commented your action with genuine concern and a small smile.
Plus, the fear that Norrington would kill Jack if he couldn’t find the Isla without his compass. 
Captured by the pirate for one last time, you watched his gold teeth flash in a wide grin, his tattooed hand spreading on his chest as a sign of integrity.
He was being honest, you felt it.
“I will be gettin’ it back, luv. Don't ye worry“. 
Before you creeped down the stairs and eventually headed for your cabin to ponder on your heart's desires, the last you saw of Captain Jack Sparrow was a charming wink. 
The last for now, at least.
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♡ thank you so much for reading my very first POTC fic ever ♡
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐨 𝐡𝐨
@mochie85 @holdmytesseract @socksracoon10 @goldencherriess @chronicallybubbly @kcd15 @always-on-hiatus
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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(𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧) 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐬/𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
Warnings: Mentions of Davy Jones’ locker, death, violence and piracy (yay!)
a/n: message me/comment if you want to be tagged in any of my posts x 
🌿ENTP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising  
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:  
How’s It Gonna End by Tom Waits
・It wasn’t easy being with Jack, then again, it wouldn’t have been easy being with you either - 
・Over the years you had gotten into a flow - knowing each other’s quirks, your wants and desires; vices and virtues. 
・When other people are around you - that’s when it isn’t easy. Because all they see is two people on a whole other planet - you have inside jokes, lingo, a way of communicating that others can’t comprehend quick enough
・And when Jack gets attention from others ... you have to admit, you do get a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. 
・Especially when he’s around women, he can’t help but flirt back. And it’s taken a while for him to learn to cut it out
・Captain Jack Sparrow has always been known for his extravagance, his over-the-top nature. And you’re known for your chaos, your unruly nature; and of  course your clumsiness. 
・But somehow your clumsiness is always connected to luck. Knocking something over will somehow lead to a distraction where you’re able to escape later on. 
・You found each other in your youth. Constantly rescuing each other by chance - destiny always found a way for you to run into each other 
・The stories you could tell! 
・The amount of times you’ve pulled each other from the brink are countless
・Where one went, the other was always soon to follow
・You have no idea how many times you both faced the gallows
・They didn’t seem all that frightening now 
・You loved the Black Pearl just as much as Jack. You saw her as your freedom.
・When Jack was pulled from your world into Davy Jones’ locker, you went straight in there with him. 
・The Kraken was the easy part. The time spent in that godforsaken desert was hell. Literal hell. 
・Unluckily, you didn’t end up in the same place. 
・Davy knew Jack would be fine if you were with him, so he separated the both of you. 
・And in the time frame, Jack had inched closer to insanity - not having you by his side made his mind plunge into instability 
・You thought it was fun ... at first (insanity was/is second nature to you.)
・But Davy had more tricks up his sleeve, ones that he somehow knew would get to you
・Then little crabs started appearing. 
     “Aw rocks.” You said out loud, moving to lay down and gaze at the perfectly rounded sphere.
“Oh, not rocks. Rocks with legs-”
・And when they moved, you followed 
・ “Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU REAL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ‘ERE?” Jack bellowed from the moving Black Pearl
“Oh yes, Kraken. I remember now, he was a slimey smelly big thing wasn’t he-”
・You found your way on deck and Jack swooped you into his arms. He held you close against him, holding one hand on the back of your head. 
・Now others think it weird, but Jack likes to smell you. So when you were nuzzled in his arms, he did exactly that
・ When you found everyone on the beach, you nearly ran to Tia Dalma. She’s been a close friend throughout the years. 
・You didn’t feel any resentment towards Elizabeth. Holding onto grudges didn’t make sense in your line of work. 
・And you kept her secret. 
・The relationship with you and Jack means you share a lot of the same enemies. 
・Barbossa, the man who marooned the two of you on separate islands, had come back to save you from Davy Jones Locker. It made you laugh. You actually audibly laughed when you saw him
・Although you did like Jack the monkey
・Will was ... less than enthused to see you
・Only because he thought you were bat sh*t crazy
・But Elizabeth could only blush - she didn’t look you in the eye until a week later
・You were present during the meeting of the Bretheren Court. And were incredibly excited to see Jack’s father again. 
・Back in the day he and yourself hit it off nearly instantly. He thought you would have made a brilliant Pirate Lord, if only you weren’t so clumsy
・To Jack’s disbelief you wanted a war with the East India Trading Company
    “They’ve taken too much from us, Jack.”
・Yet again, destiny had spared you. The fight with Davy Jones and Beckett had caused many casualties, but neither you or Jack had been hurt
・You were able to sail away... until Gibbs had fallen asleep and the Pearl was stolen yet again
・Jack has mastered how to patch you up; cuts, burns, bullet wounds etc. In another life, he would have made a great healer. And when you brought how talented he is with remedies and such, he said: “Love, I’m only good at this because I’m looking after you. I couldn’t care about anyone else.” 
・Jack likes listening to you read out loud. But most of the time you get bored of the story and start making things up, while still holding the book so Jack has no idea what the real plot of the story is ... 
・Many might think you two have a treasure cove of riches. But really you just have a small tockens of each other on your persons
・He has a trinket that you found many years ago in his hair, twisted around a dreadlock
・You wear a ring of his. He gave it to you as a sign of his affection and love. A little like a promise ring
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Drama Queen (Jack) x Drama Queen x3 (You)
Chaotic Dumbass Duo
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You say to Jack) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (Jack replies to You)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
You’re His Lucky Charm
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖:  
Love, Pet, Sweetheart, Sunshine. 
Jack likes to make nicknames up on the spot as well, especially when he wants to cheer you up. He’ll string two random words together and they may not even be sweet - but the way he says it ... he can make anything sound sensual. 
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆
Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch and Gift Giving
Jack is big on words. But what really gets to him is when you compliment him - when the words are coming from you, they mean something. People might think Jack is a touchy feely guy; but he’s really not. He’s calculating with how he touches you - moving hair behind your ear, being the big spoon, dancing with you. His favourite love language is gift giving both giving and receiving. He absolutely ADORES presents. Especially all things sparkly. 
Tagged: @sardonic-the-writer, @roguesknights.
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spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow;pirates of the carribean
word count: 2716
request?: yes!
“Yay! Could you do Jack Sparrow with a water Nymph?
Maybe where his crew found them and thought they were a mermaid at first?
Please and thank you!! 🦋🦋💘”
description: in which they save a creature of the sea, and their captain takes interest in her
pairing: captain jack sparrow x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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Captain Jack Sparrow was not the type to ignore cries for help. Especially not when the cries sounded like they were coming from a woman in distress.
It was an otherwise calm day as sea when shrieks of fear broke through the otherwise silent sea. Jack quickly rushed to the bow with his telescope in hand. In the distance, he could see another ship sailing away from them while a figure that looked like a woman was thrashing in the water, what looked like a net wrapped around her making it hard for her to stay afloat.
“Prepare a rescue, men!” Jack announced. “We have a potential distressed captive dead ahead!”
His men quickly rushed to the side of the ship as they approached the still thrashing figure. One of them threw a rope into the water as they got closer and it landed just next to the distressed woman. She didn’t hesitate to reach out one of her arms - which the ship came to realize was partly bound to her - the best she could and hold on tightly as they began to raise her onto the ship.
Her entire body was bound and a net was thrown over her, now clinging to her as they pulled her in and laid her out on the deck. She was shivering and she had a fearful look in her eyes as she took in the crew of pirates standing around her.
Jack pushed to the front of the crowd to take a look at the woman. Through her bindings, he realized she was naked. He turned to Gibbs and commanded, “Get her something to cover up while we cut her free.”
“Jack,” Gibbs said, “she’s...she’s not human.”
When Jack looked back at the woman, he saw that Gibbs was right. Although the top half of her body was human, the bottom half seemed to be slowly turning from a tail to human legs. This woman was a creature of the sea - potentially a mermaid, which was one of the most dangerous thing a sailor could come across in the entire world.
But she was also scared. She was also tied up and thrown overboard. For what, Jack had no idea. It didn’t seem overly smart to try and drown her since she could breathe under water, but maybe having her tied up so that she couldn’t swim and instead would sink to the bottom and risk being attacked by other sea creatures.
Whether or not she was a mermaid was currently irrelevant. Right now what matter was helping her.
“Get her something to cove up,” Jack repeated. “Find her somewhere to stay that is away from the others.”
Gibbs seemed reluctant, but he did as Jack said. None of his other crewmates would dare to approach the woman, so Jack was the one who had to step up and set her free. When he took a step forward, she whimpered and tried to move away from him.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Jack assured her. “I’m going to get these bindings off of you. My first mate is getting clothes for you and finding a place for you to stay. But first, I have to cut this stuff off of you, okay?”
She looked at him with wide eyes, like she didn’t believe that he wasn’t going to hurt her, but eventually nodded anyways. Whatever he could do to her couldn’t be any worse than what the other ship had done.
Jack produced a knife from his belt and worked at the net first. She was so tangled in it that there was no way he could just pull her free without harming her. He cut away at the net until it fell around her. Next, he started cutting at the ropes that bound her arms to her body, and that bound her now formed human legs together. The rope left behind terrible rope burn that felt like a fire was set around the areas of her body that it had been tied. She wished to leap back into the water to try and cool the burn, but she was still so exhausted and in so much pain that she knew she needed rest for the night.
Jack positioned himself so that his men couldn’t take in the sight of the naked woman in front of them. He found it a struggle not to glance down at her body, so close to his, but he did his best as he waited for Gibbs to return.
“Who took you before?” he asked her in a hushed voice. “Who threw you into the sea like this?”
She just looked back at him, her eyes wide. He could see she was still afraid. There was no use in pushing her for details now, especially when they were so fresh in her mind. Eventually she would speak, or maybe she wouldn’t and she would just wish to be released back into the water once she was rested. Either way, Jack wasn’t going to push the topic if she wasn’t willing to speak.
Gibbs finally returned with a blanket to wrap around her. He told Jack he had a private area prepared for the woman to stay in along with clothes for her to change into when she was alone. He still looked skeptical of Jack’s decision, but he kept that to himself.
Jack wrapped the woman in the blanket and helped her to her feet. She was hesitant to follow him at first, but eventually gave in and allowed the pirate captain to show her to her room.
“May I ask your name?” he asked her once they had arrived.
In a soft voice she responded, “(Y/N).”
He nodded. “Welcome aboard then, (Y/N).”
The crew were abuzz the entire night about their passenger. None of them would bring the issue up with Jack directly, not wanting to go against the orders of their captain.
Gibbs, however, had no problem bringing the crew’s issue to Jack.
“They don’t trust that woman,” he was saying to Jack. “They’re afraid she has put some sort of spell on you with her mermaid powers. They think she’s going to make you do something stupid like give her the ship.”
“Gibbs, have I ever done something stupid for the sake of a woman?”
Gibbs gave Jack a look and opened his mouth to respond, but Jack held up a hand to cut him off. “Don’t answer that. I understand everyone’s concern, but I truly do not believe that woman is a mermaid. Mermaids usually use their powers to entrance any many around them. If she was truly a mermaid, then she would have all of us under her spell, not just me.”
“Then how do you explain the tail?”
Jack shrugged. “A bad cause of scabbies, maybe.”
“Jack,” Gibbs sighed. “I can’t talk you out of something once your mind is set to it, and I know that, but I want you to truly think about this. That other ship may have tossed her over because she tried to entice them as well and they realized before it was too late. What if she tries to do the same to us?”
“Then you can rub it in my face that you were right. But until then, I want you to respect my decision and do as I say. And that goes for the entire crew. You got that?”
Gibbs nodded. Jack waved a hand to dismiss him and turned to the closed door to the room that held their visitor. He approached the door, intending to go in to check on the woman, but stopped short and instead, deciding to knock.
There was a moment of silence before a timid voice asked, “Who is there?”
“It’s the captain, Jack,” he said. “May I come in?”
Another moment of silence, broken by the sound of the lock on the door being pulled back. When the door didn’t open, Jack let himself in.
She was sat on the bed, now clothed. She had herself curled up as far away from Jack as she could get. He could see she was still trembling, but he knew this was from fear now as opposed to from the cold.
“I just wanted to check on you,” he said. “See how you were feeling.”
“I appreciate the private room, and the clothes that you have provided for me,” she responded. She wouldn’t look at him, opting instead to study the wall in front of her. “Once I regain my strength, I will be going.”
“If that’s what you wish, we shall leave you on whatever island you desire to go.”
She shook her head. “I can swim.”
“I should rather think you wouldn’t want to go back into the water after an attempted drowning.”
“You know I am not human,” she said. “I saw the way your crew looked at me. I saw my own tail when you pulled me on board. You must know that I will be more than fine to be released back into the water.”
Jack nodded. “Whatever you wish, (Y/N).”
When it became evident that she was not going to speak anymore, Jack turned to the door to leave. He had his hand on the doorknob when suddenly she shot up from the bed, reaching out to stop him from leaving. Her hand met his and he felt the ice cold feeling of her skin. She jumped away just as quickly as she touched him, almost as if a switch were flipped inside her.
“I want your word that you will let me go,” she said. Her voice was still low, but there was more force behind it now.
Jack raised an eyebrow at her. “Why would you trust the word of a pirate?”
“I don’t. I don’t trust the word of any man, actually. But I want to hear you say you will let me go so I can determine whether or not you are lying.”
Jack turned to fully face her. She almost shrunk away from him, but found her courage and stood up tall. Jack could still see the fear in her eyes when she looked at him, but he could also see that it was starting to melt away. She was becoming more confident, more courageous. Maybe not comfortable, but he doubted any woman, sea creature or not, would feel comfortable in the presence of a pirate captain.
“I, Captain Jack Sparrow, give you my word that when you wish to leave this ship, we will let you leave without a fight,” he told her.
“You will not harm me?” she asked.
“We will not harm you,” he confirmed.
She studied his face for a moment before turning away. “You seem honest.”
“What did the men on that other ship do to you?”
She tensed. “They wished to kill me. They tied me up so that I wouldn’t be able to free myself from the net or to swim away, and they threw me in with an anchored net so that I would sink to the bottom of the ocean.”
“Lucky for you they didn’t know you weren’t human.”
No response. (Y/N) climbed back onto her bed. She wouldn’t meet his eye again, but this time she looked down at her lap.
“They knew,” she whispered.
Jack sat at the foot of her bed. He made sure to keep a distance between them as to not startle her further. It seemed he was starting to earn her trust if she was willing to tell him even the slightest details of what the men on the other ship had tried to do to her.
“What are you?” he asked. “My men think you are a mermaid, but I think otherwise.”
An amused look crossed her face. “Why do you think that?”
“I have encountered mermaids before. If one was on our ship, she would not let the men fear her. You would have enchanted everyone on this ship to worship you the moment we saved you.”
(Y/N) made a face of disgust. “Those retched creatures have ruined us. They have left a horrid reputation for us Naiads who just wish to protect the water and all its creatures, and do not wish to engage with humans.”
“A water nymph,” (Y/N) explained. “That’s what I am. I do not wish to cause harm to humans, just to care for the creatures who live in water. We don’t even live in the ocean the way that mermaids do. We prefer bodies of fresh water, like rivers and streams. That’s how those men found me. I was in my home pond in the woods when those men came trampling through. They saw me there, just watching them peacefully, and they grabbed me. They though that I was a mermaid, and apparently one of their men had been killed by a mermaid. They wanted revenge.”
Something about the hurt and afraid expression on her face angered Jack. He hoped they would come across the terrible men who had hurt (Y/N) so he could take care of them himself.
“Did they harm you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “They wanted me to suffer. They locked me in a tiny cage with no food for days, they’d give me water occasionally but only by pouring it on me so that my tail would come out and they could jab at it. And then they tied me up and tossed me into the ocean hoping I would sink or be eaten. I’m lucky you and your crew were sailing the same waters, otherwise I may not be here now.”
“I’m glad we saved you.”
When (Y/N) looked up to meet his eye, Jack could’ve been convinced that she truly was a mermaid, because just looking into her eyes took his breath away. He was willing to go to the ends of the Earth to protect her if that’s what she wanted.
But then he realized it wasn’t that she was using some sort of power on him to make him feel this way. It was that he was finally seeing the real (Y/N). The one who wasn’t afraid of him, but the one who trusted him enough to confide her true identity to him. The one who felt enough trust that she was letting her walls down, and now that they were down he could finally see her true beauty.
“Do you still wish to leave so soon?” he found himself asking.
(Y/N) was studying his face again before shaking her head. “No. I feel safer here than I do in the water right now. Not while those bastards are still out there.”
“Whenever you are ready to go back to the water, we will take you somewhere secluded enough that you won’t have to worry about them. And we’ll be sure to protect the area, and you, whenever we are around.”
“But how will you remember where you have left me if it is as secluded as you promise?”
“Oh, I’ll remember.”
(Y/N) seemed to understand what he was inferring. She smiled at him; a small, beautiful smile that almost took Jack’s breath away. He couldn’t help but smile back at her.
Their moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of (Y/N)’s stomach growling. They looked at each other for a moment before beginning to laugh.
“Would you like something to eat?” he asked. “We don’t exactly have fine dining on board, but we have enough food to feed a new passenger for a while.”
“I’ll take anything. I’m starving,” she responded.
Jack stood again and started for the door. “Alright, I’ll be back with something in just a moment.”
“Bring something for yourself, too,” she told him. “Perhaps we can eat together.”
Jack nodded, a smile tugging at his lips again. When he left, he didn’t close the door behind him so that (Y/N) knew that he truly was not trying to lock her away the way her captors had. He was merely giving her the option of privacy if she so desired.
And when he returned, the door was open, a welcoming gesture of her inviting him back into her room.
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funnyexel · 3 months
Short Stories
A little cuddle session (Gender/Sexuality Friendly)
Potential Yandere x Abused Fem!Reader
Quiet Tsundere x Reader
Yandere Villian x Identified Female Reader 
I’ve Missed You Beloved (Jack Sparrow x Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt Scamander x Black Female Reader (Oneshot)
Afraid of My Words (Request : Billy Loomis x Black Female Reader)
Give Yourself To Me (August Walker x Black Female Reader)
Second Chance (Gally x Black Female Reader)
Lets Play a Game (Albert Shaw x Black Female Reader)
A Routine (Brahms x Black Female Reader)
Yandere Blurbs
he's obsessed (yandere blurb)
loves you. hates them. (yandere blurb)
a thrill ride of obsession (yandere blurb)
its the stalker (yandere blurb)
missing items (yandere blurb)
what if your stalker loses the remaining piece of human decency he has left (yandere blurb)
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imyourbratzdoll · 10 months
𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒎 𝒄𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌 𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - a drunken pirate named jack stumbles into the strawberry shack, nearly falling in love.
warning - smut, oral sex, gloryhole, alcohol.
18+ only please, the gif and header I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Jack stumbled into The Strawberry Shack, leaning against the counter and smirking at the surprised woman in the front. “Wan’ a good blow, love!” She blinks, letting him know the price, and he chucks down a bag full of golden coins. “This shall do.” He slurs his words slightly, smelling of rum, and as he begins to head to the room, he turns and winks. “See you when I come back, love,” Jack smirks as she blushes.
His eyes widen slightly as he enters the room, whistling at all of the beautiful women on display for him. Jack walks toward a specific hole that is known to be yours and knocks on the wood. “Scuse me, miss. I am here to be blown.” He waves his arms around as he talks, sipping the rum held in his belt. “Would you be willing to blow me, love?” 
You giggle, never having met someone like him before. Especially noticing the strong smell of rum that wafts through the hole in the wall. “Yes, I’d be willing.” Jack’s member twitches, loving the sound of your voice and how you are so willing. “Why don’t you stick your cock through, sugar. Let me have a taste.”
Jack wastes no time, immediately undoing his pants and grasping his thick member, guiding it through the hole, and he lets out a groan when your lips wrap swiftly around his swollen tip. Your tongue swirls around it, sucking it deeper into your mouth. You hum, sending vibrations through his cock. Your hand jerks the part you can’t fit, twisting your wrist. “Oi, love! Best mouth I’ve ever had!” 
You become sloppy, gagging and drooling all over his cock, bobbing your head back and forth, choking on him. Jack thrusts forward, throwing his head back and grunting. “I don’t know how you’ve done it, love. But I’m so close.” He slurs, drinking his rum as you suck harder on his cock, picking up your pace, paying special attention to the spot underneath his tip, and flicking it with your tongue before swirling it around, wanting to taste his cum, wanting to see if it tasted like the rum he’s drinking. “Oh!” Jack cums with a shout, gripping the wall as thick amounts of cum spurt out of his swollen tip, and you greedily drink it up.
You suck him dry and lick him clean, moaning as you swallow the last drop of him. “Taste so good, sugar, thank you.” You watch him pull his cock out and tuck it back in, catching sight of the many rings accompanying his fingers. 
“No, thank you, love.” Jack tilts his hat over his eyes and turns. “Goodbye, sweets.” He chugs his rum as he leaves, winking at the woman behind the counter. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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imaginepirates · 1 year
Everything I Need
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Jack and the reader both have feelings for each other, but have yet to act on them. When the reader sees him kissing someone else, they think he's already in a relationship, and they begin pushing him away to save their own emotions.
@emdrabbles @tesserphantom @viper-official @hellspawn-brownies @groovy-lady @ghoulishbehaviour @kittenlittle24
~3100 words
The distinct slide of warm sand through your toes pulled a smile to your face. After six long months of roving, the Pearl had made port back at Tortuga, and your feet hit solid ground for the first time in half a year. As much as you loved sailing, a ship was only so large, and you could only walk the same fifty yards of deck so many times before it began to drive you batty. 
The scenery never changed on the open ocean, not truly. Oh, every day the water was a new shade, and the sky a new color, and the patterns of the waves and clouds never took the same shapes, but even when the sea changed from serene to angry, wind was still wind, and water still water. 
The little cove you’d tucked yourself into was a welcome change to all that. You relished the vibrant greens and yellows and reds of the plants, as well as the chirping of birds, and even the singing cicadas. Later, you would enjoy new company, too, and new stories alongside, but for the moment, you were content to sit only with the company of the land. 
Your seclusion, however, didn’t last long. A figure dropped down next to you, barefoot with their trousers rolled up to the knee. It hadn’t taken Jack long to find you; he knew you too well. It should have annoyed you more, that he always knew where you would be, but his company was never unwelcome. 
“Glad to be back ashore?” 
You accepted the bottle he held out to you, taking a swig before answering. “In all honesty, I am. But you’re already itching to be back out there, aren’t you?” You nudged him with a knee, and he smiled back at you, used to your teasing. 
“Can’t help myself, love. The ocean calls to me, and who am I to deny her? I have everything I need out there.”
“Except rum. You come back for that.”
“Except rum,” he agreed. 
It was easy, conversation between you. Jack had a way about him like a gentle morning tide, an ebb and flow to his words and thoughts, simple to wade through and enjoyably warm. A part of you wondered whether he shared this side of himself with everyone, and another, selfish part of you secretly hoped he didn’t. 
The truth you had come to accept was simple: after many long years of knowing him, somewhere along the line you’d fallen a little in love with your captain. That truth, of course, was a maddeningly frustrating one. There were many unspoken rules aboard a ship, the first and foremost being that no part of the crew was to have romantic, or god forbid sexual, relations with the captain. It was a grand violation of the fragile ecosystem that was ship life. Compounded with that fact was the deeper, more meaningful reason you couldn’t bring yourself to confess— Jack was a creature of freedom, and in desiring his affection, you would be denying him the full range of liberty he needed. It was a thing you simply couldn’t do. 
“What are the chances Anamaria has already gotten into a fight?” Jack was still staring out over the horizon, that characteristic gleam in his eye. 
“What are the chances she’s already won?” You knew Anamaria, and there was a high likelihood that by the time you got to whatever tavern she was in, someone would already owe her money. And have a broken jaw. 
Jack stood, helping you to your feet and corking his bottle. “I won’t let you be reclusive all night. I’ll need someone sympathetic there when Anamaria decides it’s my turn.”
“I’d pay good money to see that.”
Jack feigned offense. “How could you?”
“Because if there’s someone knocking you around, you likely deserve it.”
You walked into town like that, joking and placing meaningless bets on who had gotten up to what while you were both away. Tortuga was exactly like you remembered it, a city much like the sea, where things never really changed. Every building was still itself, if a little more tattered and worn. Not that you minded. That exact attribute was what made it perfectly suited for a group of pirates. The place had its charm, even amongst the heaps of mud and rusty door-joints. Old and battered, just like you all were.
Jack slipped past you into a crowded bar, and you promptly followed. You were overwhelmed all at once by the rowdy music, the sea of voices, the mix of smells, the different fabrics, and the heat created by so many bodies in so little space. You tried peeking around for a familiar face but had no such luck. Instead, you accepted the random fluke of drink Jack had plucked off a bar and set in your hands. 
It took careful navigation through multiple rooms before you saw anyone you knew. Sure enough, Anamaria had a stack of coins on the table in front of her, and half the room away a man was nursing a black eye and bloody nose. 
You settled down next to her, eyeing the considerable amount of money she’d won, grinning. You could swear she had some sort of gambling god sitting on her shoulder, whispering in her ear and telling her the right cards to play. Jack had wandered off somewhere else, presumably in search of something new to drink. You watched him go, letting your eyes linger on his form in the dim light, comfortable in the knowledge he couldn’t catch you, only to get an elbow in the ribs from Anamaria who sat just beside you. 
“You have got to stop staring at him like that.”
“Hey now, don’t be unfair.” You held up your hands, reluctantly tearing your eyes from Jack. “It’s not that bad. I really doubt many people have noticed.”
“Only half the crew. If excitement onboard doesn’t pick up, we’ll be betting on you two next.”
“That’s unfair. Pintel and Ragetti provide ample entertainment.”
Speaking of those two, you noticed them across the room, clearly bickering over some newfound subject. They always found ways to inspire philosophical discussion, even if the philosophy at hand was objectively ridiculous. 
Unfortunately, though, Anamaria was right. Your feelings for Jack were probably a bit obvious, despite trying to keep them to yourself. You were afraid Jack would find out, or worse — that he already knew. But you couldn’t keep yourself from noticing his smile, his laugh, any simple expressions of true joy that weren’t part of his facade. He put on an act, you knew, for most people. The perfectly suave pirate come to rob you of all earthly riches, leaving you dazed and a little enthralled. An alluring storybook character come to life. It was those real smiles, though, that you couldn’t shake from your brain, that kept you staring after him even as the moment faded and passed. 
Then there were the endearments, said out of habit if anything else, but they still had their charm. Every time he called you ‘love’, you got this warm sensation in your chest like the feeling of a good drink, spreading to your stomach and dancing across your limbs. Flirtation was in his nature, but that didn’t make it any less effective.
You sighed, taking a sip of the mystery drink Jack had handed you. It was some sort of cocktail, pleasantly fruity with a hint of grenadine*. Jack had disappeared, so your focus shifted toward watching other bar-goers. A tall blonde sawed a whipping fiddle, the tune drawing dancers to the center of the floor. The dancers, of course, were too drunk to keep their coordination, and the resulting chaos of limbs had you snickering. 
Tortuga really was the last bastion of revelry in the ever-shrinking world. You let yourself enjoy it; there was enough time for overthinking things later. For the time being, you relaxed back into your seat, cheering on Anamaria when another poor sod challenged her to cards, wheezing with laughter as Gibbs attempted a jig, blushing and breathless as the fiddler pulled you into the crowd for a dance of your own. 
By the time early morning rolled around, the bar was full of passed-out patrons, people napping wherever they could find room. You rose groggily to your feet, unaware of how long you’d been asleep, and staggered to the door. The outside air made a refreshing contrast to the stifling heat inside the bar, and the smell of brine helped clear your head. You rubbed your eyes and straightened up. 
You walked around the back of the bar in hopes of finding clean water with which to wash your face, only to see a handsome, redheaded young-man with their fingers buried in the front of Jack’s shirt. And their mouth firmly on his. 
You whipped around before either of them could notice you, stalking back the way you came. You didn’t hear the soft thud of the redhead’s body hitting the wall as Jack pushed them away, nor Jack’s voice, calm but firm, denying any further advances. Instead, you followed your feet until they hit sand, curling up in the cove you’d found the previous day. 
You should have known. You should have known Jack would already have someone, someone he was closer to than you. You couldn’t be the only person in love with him—if you’d noticed all the wonderful things about him, other people undoubtedly had, too. Jack had been a pirate for a long time, and had a whole past you knew nothing about. Of course there would be someone else. 
You curled and uncurled your fingers in the sand. The breeze off the ocean did nothing to cool the hot wave of jealousy that rolled over you. You let it sit there, broiling and festering and simmering within you, allowing yourself to stew over it. Warm tears fell over your cheeks, and you wiped them away angrily with the back of your hand.
Then it was gone. Like the recession of the morning tide, your jealousy left you in one fell swoop, and only exhaustion and emptiness remained as you hugged your knees. You had no right to feel jealous of Jack’s lover. You and Jack had never shared a romantic relationship, and you had no claim to him. All you had were the feelings you kept to yourself, and it was your own fault for never acting on them. If anything, you should be happy Jack had someone he cherished; it was so rare as a pirate to find time for partners. 
Still, a little nagging voice in the back of your head whispered its miseries in your ear. 
Back aboard the Pearl, the crew filed onto the ship, still dreary and in need of more sleep. But Jack seemed anxious to leave, and everyone was used to hangovers and quick departures. Gibbs grumbled something along the lines of ‘what trouble has Jack gotten into this time?’, but nobody argued about getting underway. 
For you, it was both a blessing and a curse. While you doubted anyone had noticed your absence that morning, you were less than thrilled with the prospect of seeing Jack every day and being reminded of the feelings you desperately needed to leave behind. Then again, leaving Tortuga meant you wouldn’t have to hide from the bars in fear of more…potent reminders. 
You spent your time avoiding Jack as much as possible. Somehow, there was always a task for you to do down below when he was on deck, or rigging to climb until he was a speck far beneath you. The crow’s nest was quickly becoming your favorite spot. You could climb there and brood for a while under the pretense of watching out for the Navy—any of them—and you didn’t have to deal with concern from the crew over uncharacteristic frowning. 
But he noticed. And you noticed he noticed because his gaze wavered whenever it landed on you, and that never used to happen before. He’d stopped speaking with you, though you felt how much he wanted to. You told yourself it was for the best, but it felt wrong at the same time.
In truth, it hurt. You missed your old conversations, the easy familiarity you used to share. Your life on the Pearl just wasn’t the same without it. It was your fault, too, which stung even more, and you hated thinking that you were putting Jack through any sort of torment of his own. Your intention was never to hurt him, but you feared that was part of the result you were getting. 
As it turned out, Jack wasn’t the only one who noticed. “Why are you avoiding him so much lately?” Anamaria sidled up to you, helping you secure belaying pins. Jack wasn’t on deck, so you were more free to talk without fear of anything getting back to him.
Leave it to her to sniff things out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried playing the comment off, but knew you failed miserably. 
“Did something happen between the two of you in Tortuga?” 
She put a hand over yours, halting your work and forcing you to meet her gaze. “Something’s wrong, of that I’m sure. Care to enlighten me?” Seeing your hesitation, she reassured you. “I’m your friend. I’m not going to tell anyone, and I’m not going to judge you. Too much.” 
You knew from her smirk that she was joking, and it was the first time you’d had any humor around in weeks. It felt good to have that dynamic back, and you warmed to the idea of opening up, though you were a bit mortified to do so. 
“It’s just…” you began, “you know I have feelings for Jack. And I was finally coming to terms with them, but the morning we left, I realized there’s no place for them.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I saw Jack kissing someone else.” You stopped mid-action, the rope in your hands suffering an unfinished knot.
You didn’t need to look at her to know Anamaria was shocked. You pushed on, the silence too much for you to bear at the moment. “It makes sense: I mean, he’s been a pirate for a long time, and he’s had all these adventures and travels, and it shouldn���t come as a surprise that he met someone on one of them. I have no right to feel jealous; we were never together.”
“That doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Anamaria’s hand came to rest on your shoulder, her thumb rubbing gently over your shirt. 
You sighed. She was right, as usual. “No, it really doesn’t.”
“I’d say let’s spit in his drink, but you’ve already acknowledged it’s not that sort of situation.”
You smiled a little in spite of yourself. You continued working in silence, taking as much comfort from her company as you could. Maybe with her around, and being friends with the rest of the crew, you could dull some of your pain with their companionship. No matter how much it stung that Jack couldn’t love you, you could never be truly lonely with the rest of them by your side. 
Evening fell with a cloudless sunset, nothing to obscure the reds and yellows and pinks of the darkening sky. You stayed on deck instead of retreating somewhere else, unwilling to let your negative thoughts get the better of you. You were still alone, standing at the rail by yourself, but you weren’t lonely with the rest of the crew milling about, wisps of conversation drifting over to you. 
A presence at your side made you turn. It was Jack, staring out over the horizon, looking a little anxious. You couldn’t blame him. You knew you were the source of his discomfort, and you wanted to make up for it as best as you could, though the prospect of confessing the reasons behind your behavior scared you. He would think less of you for this, you were sure. He was too easygoing to understand why you would be so caught up on jealousy.
Jack opened his mouth to speak, but you started. “I know I’ve been distant, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You sucked in a breath, bracing yourself for what had to come next. “I saw you in Tortuga the morning we left, you know, with that boy. He’s a handsome sort, and I’m glad for you, but I had no idea you were in any sort of relationship, and I had kind of been hoping…” you trailed off. This was hard, but you had to grit through it, because not talking to Jack again would be harder. “I had feelings for you. Have feelings. And watching you with him has kind of been eating me up alive.”
You risked a look over to Jack after a moment, waiting on a response. To your surprise, he looked shocked, and beneath that, you saw a tinge of sadness. 
“I’m sorry to overwhelm you,” you began, but Jack cut you off with a shake of his head. 
“I’m the sorry one, love. You shouldn’t have had to see that, and it gave you the completely wrong idea.”
Now it was your turn for shock, and not a little panic. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I didn’t want him to kiss me.” The sentence hung in the air before Jack continued. “It’s not that he isn’t good looking, or that I don’t know him—I do, but I don’t feel that way about him. I don’t…” Jack frowned, looking for the right word. “I don’t love him.”
“Oh.” It came out so small you weren’t sure you’d even said anything, but Jack finally managed to look you in the eye. 
“I don’t know if I deserve your affection. My flirting gets me in trouble; you got to see it first hand. And that got me in trouble with you. I’m not sure I’m worthy of commitment.”
“Oh Jack.” You raised a hand to cup the side of his face. “I don’t think you have a choice. I’ve already loved you for so long, I’m not sure I can stop.”
“Even though I deserve one of Anamaria’s beatings?”
“Even though that.”
Jack’s fingers laced themselves through yours, keeping your hand in place on his cheek. “I don’t need land to find my lover. You said it yourself: I could stay at sea forever. Because I have everything I need right here.”
*I’m aware grenadine wasn’t invented until 1872, but I needed to put something there, and idk my alcohol. 
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jellybear455 · 1 year
My love will never die - Jack Sparrow x reader
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Summary: Jack trades you for his life. He promises to be there when your ten year sentence is up.
Warnings: Jack is not the good guy here, friends. Rough treatment of reader, unrequited love, heartbreak, angst, a singular swear.
Inspired by Davy Jones by Fia Orädd
I'm considering making this inspired by a song thing a series. I really enjoy doing it. Anyway I hope you enjoy this delicious crunchy angst.
"Don't let them take me! Please, please!" I screamed and cried and kicked and punched, struggling to escape the iron grips of the men on either side of me. "God, please! Jack!"
Jack stood on the dock, his back to the shore and hands in his pockets. He did not flinch as my hands were bound in thick iron chains. He did not blink when I screamed at him to take me home, please just get me out of here.
A hand clamped over my mouth, and without thinking, I sunk my teeth into the calloused flesh. The man yelled, withdrawing his hand and slapping me across the face with it. His blood dripped down my cheek, mixing with my tears.
"You bitch!" He screeched. Wiping his hand on his shirt.
"Just let me say goodbye," I sobbed. "I won't run, I won't run I promise..."
The other man snapped shackles on the ankles and gave them a tug. "What ever, sweetheart. But if you so much as look in the wrong direction I'll-"
I didn't stick around to hear the rest. I half ran, half waddled down the dock and threw myself into the arms of my lover, sobbing into his shoulder. "Don't let them take me." I begged.
"I have to. I will be here when you get back." Jack's voice was smooth and calm, like it always was. Usually it was reassuring, but now I was unnerving.
"Aren't you afraid, Jack?" I cried. "Aren't you sad that I'm going away?"
His hands rested against my hips casually. "Of course, darling. But I must not let myself feel it, because I won't be able to let you leave if I do."
"Don't let me leave, Jack, take me home... take me home." I croaked, voice hoarse from screaming. I could hear one of the men stomping up the dock behind me, and I grasped his shirt desperately. "Kiss me, Jack. Please." "No." He replied, firmly and sharply.
"Jack-" The man grabbed my arm painfully. "No, no no, Jack... Jack, please just kiss me one more time."
Jack could not look in my eyes. "Take her away."
"NO!" I screamed and screamed as I was dragged up the dock again. I screamed until after I had been locked away below deck, and I no longer could see the dock out the small window. Then I cried until my eyes were red and I could nor cry anymore.
Ten years. That was the time I had to serve aboard the ship. Jack had said the wrong thing to the wrong guy. The price he had to play was me. Ten years of my hard labour, or they would take his life.
It was not a hard decision. I would have cut out my own heart for Jack. But I did not think I could survive ten years without him close.
I had been at sea for nine years, eleven months and thirteen days, and finally- finally- we had docked. I was home. Home to Jack. I ran down the dock, and this time I was not shackled. I ran until my bare feet hit pavement, then stopped. Jack was not here.
More slowly this time, I ventured back up the dock, looking more closely at the fisherman nearby. None of them were Jack. He told me he'd wait for me.
Tears filled my eyes as I remember Jack, my Jack. Who could never truly show how he felt, not even to me. Who could never tell me he loved me for fear that I would leave. I didn't need him to say it, though. I knew that he loved me. He never said it words, but he showed it in actions. The way he would glare at any other men who glanced my way. How he would take away my bottle of rum when I had had too much. How he would leave food on the desk in his cabin when I slept in.
He loved me. So why wasn't he here now? Maybe he was late. Jack was always late. But he always showed. Mostly. I concentrate on my list of things Jack does to show he loves me, but the more I think about it the more I see.
He would glare at the men that glanced at me when I wasn't looking, but then he would spent half the night staring at another woman's breasts. He would take my rum when I got to tipsy, but then would down the bottle himself and leave me to stumble across the deck into his cabin. He would leave food aside if I was still sleeping when he ate, but would yell that he was looking forward to having it as his lunch.
Jack didn't love me. He never did. I just made myself believe he did. He let me believe he did. I think back to the day they took me. Jack told me he hated to see me go. But he wouldn't kiss me. He did not mourn. I had spent the last ten years pining over a man who couldn't think twice about my feelings.
A dull, throbbing pain pulsed through my chest, and an unsettling rage nestled in my gut. I would make him pay for what he had done. The time he had taken from me.
I once would have cut out my own heart for Jack, but I did not have to. He had torn it to shreds.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
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Chapter 6: On Our way
General POV
We actually did it Rosemary thought to herself.
We commandeered a ship. And the interceptor none the less.
She was well supplied and an easy ship to handle. She was a really fast vessel so she was almost flying over the waves.
Jack was a really easygoing captain. He told Will and Rosemary exactly what they needed to do. And helped them out.
It was really weird. But Jack was kinda nice. He was polite and gave Rosemary the captain's quarters.
So she would be as comfortable as she could.
He threatened her just a few days ago but he seemed like a completely different person. Or atleast that how he comes off now.
'My mother raised me by herself.' Will told Jack while he was polishing his sword.
'After she died, I came out here, looking for my father.'
'Is that so?' Jack said while looking at the sails and tightening them.
'My father, Bill Turner?' Will said as he put his sword down and walked after Jack.
Rosemary was reading a book she found In the captain's quarters and sat against the mast.
But she looked up when Will stood up and walked after Jack.
'It was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help.
Since that's what I wanted, I didn't press the matter.
I'm not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.' Will was standing behind Jack making himself stand up straight. He wanted to know these answers.
Ever since Will came into the life of Rosemary and Elizabeth, he had been their big brother helped them in any way he could. He had loved Elizabeth from the moment he met her. And Rosemary was like sister to him. They are best friends. And she knew how hard it had been on him, that he knew nothing about his father.
Rosemary's POV
Good for you Will. Rosemary thought to herself.
I closed my book and stood up. I wanted to see this. I have known Will for eight years. And I have known every struggle he had from not knowing what happened or where his father is.
And I wanted to be there for him. Every step of the way.
So I walked up the stairs to the upper deck.
When I heard Jack say.
'I knew him.' Jack turned around towards Will and looked him in the eyes.
'Probarly one of the few who knew him as William Turner.
Everyone else just called him ' Bootstrap' or 'Bootstrap Bill' Jack said as he walked past will towards the helm.
'Bootstrap?' Will said to himself
'Good man. Good pirate.' Jack said while getting the rope of the helm. To get control over the stir'
I stood still.
Did Jack just say 'good pirate'? I thought to myself and laid my hand on my mouth. Because it was hanging open.
' I swear you look just like him.' Jack said to Will before getting his focus back to the helm.
'I'ts not true. He was a merchant sailor.' Will said not even doubting for a second Jack might have had a point there.
'A good, respectable man who obeyed the law. '
Jack was rolling his eyes while Will spoke about his father. And I was trying to hold back my chuckle.
I thought it was horrible for Will to learn that his father was not the man who he thought he was.
But goddamn this was a scene I liked to watch.
Jack swinged back towards Will.
'He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag' Jack said a little irritated and turned back to the sea.
While Will took out his sword and pointed it at Jack.
'My father was not a pirate!'
Which made Jack look up and roll his eyes even more then before. I could see him count to five before saying ' Put it away, son. '
'It's not worth you getting beat again.'
'You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement.' Will spat at him.
'In a fair fight, I'd kill you. '
'That's not incentive for me to fight fair, is it?' Jack said while he turned towards Will.
I was looking at this scene play out.
I was rooting for Will getting the answers he needed to. But I didn't thought it would take a turn like this. But before I could collect my thoughts and break into this conversation.
Jack motioned to me to hold on, and he pulled around the helm. Which made the mast fly towards them. Jack ducked and I was holding on to the stairs.
But poor Will didn't had the opportunity to do so. So he caught the helm against his ribs and flew off the ship holding the mast.
'JACK WHAT THE HELL' I cursed at him.
'You cant just throw Will overboard!?
We need him!!' I was shouting
Jack took Will's sword of the ground and made a hand signal to me. That I needed to stay quiet so I did.
'Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention.' Jack said towards Will.
'The only rules that really matter are these:
What a man can do and what a man can't do.
For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't but pirate is in your blood boy, so you'll have to square with that someday.
Now me for example, I can let you drown. But I can't sail this ship to Tortuga only with Miss Rivers Savvy?'
'so' Jack said towards a really confused looking Will.
Jack swung back the helm so the mast was once again above the deck and Will could let himself fall on the ground.
I was about to run towards Will and scold to Jack. When Jack was holding his hand out towards me to stay put. And put Will's sword towards him.
'Can you sail under the command of a pirate? '
Jack threw the sword up and catches the front putting the handle towards Will.
'Or can you not?'
Will took the sword from Jack and looked up to him.
I was standing behind Jack my eyebrow raised towards Will
'Tortuga! ' I squeeled while putting my hands up.
'I'ts been so long since I've been there!'
Jack turned around towards me.
'Excuse me?
What would a lass like you, need to go to a place like Tortuga' Jack said with an eyebrow raised while looking me up and down.
'Jack Jack Jack. ' I said while shaking my head.
'How do you even think I have pants and a corset and even a blouse on me.
I went there once for a type of fabric I needed for a weddingdress and it was nowhere to be found except for Tortuga.
And I loved it there. So well I went back a few times.' I simply said. While tying my hair up in a high ponytail.
'Well Miss Rivers' Jack said with a smirk
'Please just call me Rose now' I said with a soft smile.
'Well Rose ' Jack said willingly
'I would have never thought you of all people went to Tortuga. Please tell me a bit more about yourself'
Will was rolling his eyes but sat up and stayed silent nodding to me to tell my story.
'Hmm, I'm not really a telling my story kind of girl. But since Barbossa already know's im around I don't see any problem anymore.
Well where to begin. My father was Commodore Rivers. He served for Mr.Swann
And did his job amazingly. He had me with my mother who was in London and watched Elizabeth when Mr. Swann was out for work.
Lizzy's mom passed fare before Lizzy could even speak. So she grow up with me.
But on one of the most easy journey's my father could have had. He got in a deep fog and the wind took up. And all of a sudden without a warning they were attacked.
By a ship with black sails. Captain Barbossa had heard that my father shipped expensive bottles for the king of England. And I think he wanted to take that to profit from.
Or it was just wrong place wrong time. '
I shrugged my shoulders.
'And well my dad fought to the bitter end. But lost against the captain of the Black Pearl.' I said with my eyes closed.
'And long story short. My mom killed herself. Mr. Swann wasn't having me staying alone in London as an orphan. So he took me in, when he went of to be governor of Port Royal.
He raised me and got me a good job.
That's it nothing really weird' I shrugged my shoulders and Will was shaking his head.
Jack was looking at me. You could see that he was thinking about something to say. But then saw land and smirked.
'Well here we are. Tortuga'
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dandelion-blues · 2 months
Hold Fast, Captain.
A Percy Jackson and Pirates of the Caribbean adventure!
The Prince of the Sea.
Oh! the dead dare to dream.
The cursed sought to claim,
If only the red blood would remain.
You dare touch the Storm’s chosen,
The one crowned by black roses.
Yo ho! A pirate may lust,
But will never earn his trust.
So pretty, the pearl of the sea,
Singing the siren shanties.
Drown in the depths of his eyes.
Oh! He'll be your demise.
Yo ho! Dancing till dawn,
The Hero won’t be treated as a pawn.
Oh! Lavish him in your riches,
To evade swimming with the fishes.
Many a pirate felt the calling of the sea in their very blood. They felt the sea salt air thicken as the waves crashed against their wooden vessels. The clear sky seared into their being.
Oh, it was the calm before the storm, they knew. Something was coming. For the Goddess of the Seas called her fish back, leaving the pirates blessed by her domain without their meals. It was her way to protect all those of the sea and send a message to thee. Only a fool would choose to ignore it, lest they wished for their death.
Their dreams filled with a young man, his face never clearly seen, but had the eyes not of a man but of the sea. Oh, blessed one of the seas.
“The Prince is coming,” the Goddess whispered in their dreams, to all those traveling on her waters. Her voice like the very tides. Ebbing and flowing in a soft crescendo. But in her voice held power, a power that spoke of a Goddess with many depths. A low symphony to her hidden trenches, deep and dangerous underneath the crystalline voice of her shallow shores.
Oh, Goddess of the Mirror World. Calypso, the Goddess of summer tides, the sea’s storm and might, the rescuer of the souls lost at sea, and the final judge of all those who dare journey her seas! Don’t mistake her for the daughter of Atlas, for she is more powerful than thee. She is this world’s Goddess of the Seas!
Dark eyes open. He swallows deeply, his voice but a whisper amongst the ship’s rocking waves, “The Prince is coming.”
Jack Sparrow, captain of the Black Pearl, looks to the horizon. Somehow, he knows he's in for something grand once again. He’ll survive this trial, this test, from the Goddess of the Seas. He knows he can.
For now, though, he’ll be drinking his weight in rum to forget the coming storm.
Here's a little snippet of this idea that I've had on the backburner for a while now, but I finally decided to write.
I honestly really love this! And there really needs to be more Percy Jackson and Pirates of the Caribbean crossovers!
Also, I am fully headcannoning Captain Jack Sparrow as Aroallo!
"...my first and only love is the sea." ~Jack Sparrow.
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—rum, fighting, and pirates
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SUMMARY | you really need to stop letting jack get involved with bar fights
PAIRING | jack sparrow x reader
WARNINGS | violence, drinking, all around piratey things
AUTHORS NOTES | hm. would you look at that. another man for me to be gay for. well i'll be
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You knew better. Of course you did. You had been sailing with the crew of The Pearl long enough to know when to pick and choose your fights, albeit through lots of trial and error. Which would be all fine and dandy—if Jack Sparrow wasn't your captain.
You're really not sure how any of this happened. One moment you were sitting at some dingy bar in Tortuga with rum clutched fervently in your hand—Jacks arm resting drunkenly on the top of your head while Gibbs and your other crewmates flapped their gums about some tall sea tale. And the next, you were crouching behind a bar as various objects whizzed by your head, the drunkest man in the pub directly next to you—who just happened to be your captain.
Next chance you got, you would have to talk to Jack about who and who not to punch in the face, no matter what they were saying about his hat.
That talk would preferably be held far away from any rum on hand.
Far, far away.
"You know—" Your words were cut short as a broken bottle nearly grazed the top of your head, resulting in an impromptu string of curses to slip. "—sometimes I think the only reason you ever come ashore is to look for some new people to piss off."
"It would hardly be a trip int' land without a bit of action darlin. Otherwise why would I ever leave th' sea." Jack grinned, winking at you in response as the yelling continued from over the cover of the bar.
"A refill?" You shook an empty bottle of rum in his face for emphasis, his grin turning into a comical pout as he twisted his neck an unnecessary amount to stare into the empty container. The warped glass turned his brown eyes into an unnatural golden color, like the sun on the horizon, which confused you for noticing.
"You make a fair point love." He slurred. "What's to say we steal as much rum as these ol' arms can carry and make for The Pearl, aye?"
"I'm fine with anything that involves us getting out of here at this point." You sighed with faux exhaustment. Jacks grin only grew exponentially at your words, jumping up out of excitement before ducking back down as a wild candlestick knocked his beloved hat off.
"Ah." He blinked. "Forgo' bout that."
You laughed at the look on his face, picking up his hat from the floor and placing it crookedly on his head with a ruffle of his hair. "Yeah. I can tell. Now let's get out of here before they notice all the drinks are gone, alright?"
"I like the way you think, love." His eyes glittered with mischief as the two of you rounded up what you could of the booze and the crew, running out the pub's doors with what was soon to be an angry crowd hot on your heels in pursuit. But this was Captain Jack Sparrow. Nothing could catch him and his crew.
You supposed this was the day those people would never forget. The day they let Jack Sparrow and his right hand man (Y/n) get away.
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