#Jackie and Jay
thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
Do you do little Jay drabbles? Because I’m in the mood seeing how Jackie treats little Jay, for example doing pranks.
Thanks for the ask! Happy to give Mama Jackie and Baby Jay a try. Hope you like it. Prompt Ask Game
Jackie had personally made not one, but two batches of frosted Christmas cut-out cookies for her family this year.
Although the first sheet came out a little burnt while she figured out the oven settings, and some of the bells, angels, and Christmas trees were a little misshapen, it would be a much better holiday memory for her kids than what she'd gotten. Which was hard, days-old, store bought cookies - her mother's favorite, of course. They were always some cinnamon-flavor that Jackie couldn't stand.
She wasn't quite up to Kitty Forman-caliber yet, she thought to herself as she puttered through the kitchen in her bathrobe. But she was a much better mom than hers ever was, and that was what mattered to her. It was Christmas Eve, late, and she was getting everything ready underneath the tree before the early morning wake-up they were sure to expect from the kids tomorrow morning.
The last step was leaving out some milk and cookies for 'Santa' - wink, wink. The kids would wake in the morning and see that he'd read their note, and taken a few bites.
But as she went to lift the cookie box, it felt suspiciously light. Jackie frowned, and removed the lid. She gasped. It was empty! Only a few crumbles rolled around the bottom, uselessly.
She jammed the lid back on and crossed her arms as she stalked back across the kitchen, furious. Her family had eaten through two entire batches of cookies in just under three days? How many of those cookies had she eaten? Maybe two. And now there were none left, on Christmas Eve, for this magical freakin' memory.
Suddenly, there was a noise. The sound of small, shuffling feet on the hardwood floor. Jackie ducked behind the kitchen cabinets - and then covered her mouth to stifle her giggle. Here was the cookie-thief, now.
6-year-old Jay padded into the kitchen. He was wearing his footie pajamas and dragging his one-eyed stuffed pig in his hands.
Jackie watched as he carefully pushed one of the kitchen chairs up to the ledge of the counter and climbed up - casually, like he'd done this every night. He lifted off the lid to the cookie jar, and was similarly disappointed. That's when Jackie decided to make her presence known.
"Jayson David Kelso," she lifted her voice, making it ring across the kitchen. She was trying to sound authoritative, but was still trying not to giggle at the same time.
Jay whirled around, stunned he was caught. When he saw his mother, he quickly grinned and turned on his charm. They both knew it was her achilles heel.
"Daddy ate all the cookies," he'd mustered up his most angelic expression, and batted his eyes at her (the way she'd taught him).
"It was Daddy, huh?"
Jay nodded innocently.
"Well, now we don't have any cookies to leave for Santa." Jackie crossed the room towards her son again. She lifted her eyebrow at him, hoping to make him feel guilty. "What if he skips our house?"
"My super soaker 3800!" Jay groaned immediately. "No!"
Jackie nodded smugly. Jay thought for a moment, and then cocked his head to the side.
"Can't we leave him something else?"
"Like what?"
He shrugged. "A slice of the meatloaf from last night?"
Jackie stared at him, unblinking. "A Christmas meatloaf?" She finally devolved into giggles at the earnest look on her son's face. "Okay honey," she shrugged. "Go put the meatloaf under the tree."
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thattransproxy · 3 months
Saw someone add their favorite soundboard moment from the Marble Hornets stream, so here's one of mine
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garmaballs · 5 months
Wtf are these ninjago fancasts.
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topperscumslut · 2 years
My Idiot (Jay Kelso x Reader)
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Summary: Reader is Hyde’s daughter and staying with the Formans while he’s in jail, the new generation has a sleepover at the Forman’s house and there’s only one bed for Jay and (Y/N)… Note: Jaya (JayxLeia) does not exist in this imagine
Word count: 1k
“Okay you guys,” Leia said with a deep breath, “Grandma and grandpa actually said you guys can stay the night, so we can’t screw this up. I’m staying in my dad’s old room and (Y/N) is staying in Aunt Laurie’s old room, as usual. Can you guys all find somewhere to sleep in the basement?”
“Sounds good to me,” Ozzie popped up.
“Nikki and I can take the couch,” Nate said.
“Yeah, that should work,” Gwen added, “it just sucks that Jay isn’t here.”
You nodded half heartedly. Your best friend - and crush - Jay Kelso was working a long night shift at the video store, and you were bummed that he was missing your first (and probably only, considering how Red Forman was) sleepover with the gang.
Almost like clockwork, the basement door opened.
“Hey guys!” A familiar voice spoke up. Jay’s voice. “They let me off early,” he said as his eyes briefly floated to where you were sitting on the floor, then shyly finding their way back to the rest of the group.
“Well shit,” Leia sighed, “I mean, we’re glad you’re here! But Red let us have a sleepover for once, and I don’t think there will be enough room in the basement for you…”
“Well that’s not convenient,” Jay said with a flat face, sheepishly sitting down next to you.
“Hold on you guys, I’ll be right back. I don’t imagine in a thousand years my grandpa would let you stay in my room, but I have a couch and (Y/N) doesn’t, and I don’t want to make her offer her bed to you if she isn’t okay with it.”
You shifted awkwardly, silently hoping you could share your bed with Jay. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind if we have to…” you trailed on quietly, Jay looking at you shyly, his cheeks noticeably heating up.
The rest of the group hadn’t heard you but Jay had sitting so close to you. “You sure?” he asked and you nodded, lacking the courage to look at him.
Leia ran upstairs and it only took a few seconds before you heard the booming sound of Red yelling.
“If that boy goes even close to your bedroom, my foot is going even closer to up his ass! Absolutely not!”
Leia hurried down the stairs with a defeated look on her face. “So that’s a no go. (Y/N), are you sure you’re ok with sharing a bed with Jay?”
You shrugged, now bright red. “Yeah, sure, I don’t mind.”
The seven of you spent the rest of the night together, laughing, watching My So Called Life, and getting high, before finally around midnight you all started to crash.
“Should we call it a night, you guys?” you asked through a yawn, anxious to spend the night with Jay.
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’m tired.”
“Well, goodnight you guys,” Leia spoke, “see you all in the morning.” With that you, Leia, and Jay stumbled your way upstairs while the others stayed in the basement getting comfy.
You quickly brushed your teeth and got cleaned up for bed, putting on your favorite lacy nightgown, your heart beating out of your chest before you heard your name called from downstairs.
“Y/N! I need to talk to you!”
Shit. It was Red.
You made your way down the stairs, feigning sobriety, into the Forman living room.
“Yes Mr. Forman?”
“Sit down.”
“You know (Y/N), I remember your father sitting on this exact same couch when he was your age. He was a good kid, even with all the dope he did. He was nice to people.” Red sighed, “I remember that boy’s father too, and how he used to fool around with young girls like you, even my own daughter.”
“But Jay isn’t like-“
“I know, I know, that kid hardly knows his own father. But as you’ve been staying with Kitty and I, you’ve become like another grandkid to us. I always feared I’d be raising Steven’s kids…” he grumbled. “No funny business in there, okay? You’re better than to be screwing a Kelso. I know you think no one’s caught onto your little crush on this boy, but I’ve seen these things before. And if he so much as lays a finger on you, my foot will go so far up his ass he won’t even be able to feel his fingers!”
“We’ll be good,” you smiled, rolling your eyes. “Now goodnight.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
You hurried back up the stairs to find Jay already all cozied up in your bed.
His eyes scanned your body in awe and he hid a smile as you made your way into bed.
You both squirmed awkwardly for a little while, not talking, not looking at each other, and especially not touching.
“I’m sorry (Y/N), I’ll try to let you sleep. I know you didn’t really want me in here…”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“I could tell you were uncomfortable in the basement and just trying to be nice. I can sleep in the living room if you wa-“
You shut him up by kissing him, to his surprise. Jay closed his eyes and let himself melt into the kiss. It was slow and sweet, innocent, loving.
“Of course I want you here. I was nervous because I have a crush on you, doofus.”
“Well you could’ve just said that,” he laughed. “But, uh, I’m glad you didn’t. I have a crush on you too. Have for a while,” he smirked, kissing you again.
You laughed as the kiss ended, rubbing noses together. “Go to bed, idiot.”
He cuddled his way into you, pulling you in by your waist and spooning you, nuzzling his face into your neck. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
You smiled, cheeks turning a baby pink, still not sure if this was all really happening. “Yeah, Jay, you’re my idiot.”
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ratemyoracle · 3 months
one thing the 90s show didn’t play about was casting jay. that boy IS a kelso no matter what you say
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thena0315 · 17 days
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That 90s Show: 2x03 - The Kelso Siblings
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beaniebeensbaby201 · 2 years
So jay and fem reader are watching a movie and then she’s feels something on her back and looks at jay andhe looks down at her and she moves and he grunts and holds her hips and she’s like “are you really hard rn?” And he’s like “well your not wearing a bra! It’s not my fault you look hot” and then they start making out and one thing turns to another and they start Yano😈 and his dad walks in asking jay if he’s seen his moms earrings
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A/N: omg this is gold!
Warnings: smut, teasing, dry humping, um cursing.
It was a Saturday night, as it was your annual weekend sleepover. You and Jay have had sleepovers even before you got together, as you were next-door neighbors all your life and you being best friends.
It was almost six pm, and his parents were getting ready for their dinner reservations.
You were currently in one of his t shirts and some short shorts in his bedroom. Jay's hands were laid on your abdomen, his fingers inching up your shirt.
You flinched at the contact of his cold fingers against your warm skin. You squirmed, causing him to groan. You smirked as you rolled your hips against his feeling something hard against you.
"Are you turned on?" You had a teasing smirk on your lips when you felt his hot breath against your ear.
"I can't help it, baby. You're not wearing a bra." You scoffed but teasingly continue to roll your hips.
You both moan, but you placed a hand over your mouth so you're not too loud.
You decided to turn around because neither of you were watching the movie.
You placed your hands around his neck as you kissed his neck. You sucked harshly on his skin as you left love bites. You bit the same area as the other one was beginning to heal.
"Fuck!" You shush him with your lips grazing his skip causing Goosebumps to trail along his skin.
"Hey, Jay have you seen your mother's-" You two end up screaming as you weren't wearing a top and you saw his father enter his bedroom.
Then Kelso begins to scream as you and Jay look at each other. You both held a look of horror in your eyes.
"Honey, what is taking so long!" Jackie comes into the room.
"What the hell is this?" Jackie squeaks, not caring that his son's girlfriend doesn't have a shirt on as Jay covers her chest as best he could with his arms.
"I'd like to know the same thing." Kelso crosses his arms.
Jay and Y/n knew for next time to lock the door.
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internetaddict104 · 14 days
I just realized that since That 90s Show takes place over the summer, and s1 is canonically 1995, and Leia turns 15 in s1, and That 70s Show ended on 1/1/80, Donna was about 2 months pregnant in the finale of That 70s Show
And since Jackie and Kelso’s son Jay is the same age as Leia, Jackie either was also pregnant at the same time, or a few months after the original finale (depending on his birthdate). There’s a slight issue with this though since Jay has his license in s1, meaning he would have to be at least 16, making his birth year 1979, but obviously we know Jackie wasn’t pregnant in That 70s Show
So we got like 2 sets of possible teen parents (and it’s double in Kelso’s case since he got Brooke pregnant in s6)
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MH Comic 3.5 ~
I decided to take one for the team and bought a digital copy of Marble Hornets 3.5; ToTheArk. I've since uploaded it to Archive.org for anyone to enjoy for FREE! I'm currently unable to get issues 1-4 at the moment, but rest assured, as soon as I get the monies, they'll be joining 3.5 😎
Entry 3.5 HERE!
Be sure to share with your buds!
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radroller · 1 month
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
“I’m not going anywhere” for Mom Jackie and Baby Jay please!! I always wondered how Jay's birth would have been and seeing Jackie as a new mom, even if I don't really like that she ended up with Kelso lmao 😭
Thanks for the ask! If you have a request, send it to me here!
Jackie opened her eyes, blinking as she slowly adjusted to the dim light of her hospital room. She'd been awoken by a soft fussing sound from the bassinet next to her bed.
She sat up and gently swung her legs over the side of the bed, but bit her lip with hesitancy as she peered down at her whimpering newborn. Okay, she reminded herself, she could do this. She was made to do this. She was Jackie freaking Burkhart, for crying out loud! Then why did she still feel so scared?
Jackie took a deep breath and stood over the bassinet, ready to pick up her son. Support the neck, she recited the nurses' instructions in the back of her mind, like a prayer. One hand under the head and one under the bum. Avoid the umbilical cord.
She felt cold, robotic, stiff, as she lifted him to her chest. Worse, baby Jay continued to bleat pathetically against her.
"Okay buddy," she cooed, swaying her body left to right and then up and down in an attempt to soothe him. "Okay. It's okay. Shh."
After a few more moments, Jackie found a rhythm that baby Jay seemed to like and he started to quiet. She patted his back, ever so gently.
"There we go," she murmured. The sound of her voice seemed to calm him further, and she smiled when she felt his weight relax fully against her. "I'm not going anywhere," she promised, kissing the delicate wisps of his hair.
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topperscumslut · 2 years
Big Reputation (Jay Kelso x Reader)
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Summary: Slight enemies to lovers inspired by a tiktok by @/saracarstens. (Y/N) has heard about Jay’s family and reputation and is wary to give him the attention he’s craving (titled inspired by Taylor Swift’s Endgame)
Word count: 2.5k
Content/warnings: fluff (NO smut), slight enemies to lovers, very brief mentions of sex, kelso slander (again) not slander if it’s true
Edit: this was written before t90s first came out and is based more on a “fanon Jay” that i kinda came up with in my own mind after obsessing over him in the og trailers lol, so there are some things in this fic that VASTLY contradict canon!!
You had heard about Jay Kelso before. Son of the wealthy, glamorous local television personality Jackie Burkhart and dim witted police officer and notorious womanizer Michael Kelso. Point Place was a small town after all, it wasn’t hard to hear the stories of the trails of broken hearts Michael Kelso had left in his wake, including that of Jay’s mother. You knew of Jay from school and the two of you working up the street from each other, and had heard of his many past girlfriends, but had never actually met him before. Not until that Wednesday at the coffee shop.
You were working your usual after school shift at the local uptown coffee shop when he came in. Interestingly, he was by himself. No gregarious group of friends, no girl on his arm. Just Jay Kelso, sporting messy hair and a flannel, staring straight in your direction.
You rolled your eyes when you locked eyes with him, seeing his face falter slightly and his lips part as he laid eyes on you. He didn’t seem to see you as you disappeared back behind the counter, instead sitting down at a table and opening up a book. You chortled a bit, Michael Kelso’s son reading for fun? What a joke. You rolled your eyes again and wondered what girl he was hoping to impress with that thing. You never could’ve imagined it could be you.
About ten minutes went by before your manager came and sent you on your break. You sat down in the corner by the cafe window, latte in your hand, and started to take a gentle sip as a familiar figure appeared before you and sat down in front of you. Who else could it be but Jay Kelso himself.
“Uh, hey,” he mused, blushing.
You tried to be polite, you had heard plenty about him in the past, but you didn’t know him. Maybe he was just trying to be nice. Maybe he wasn’t some womanizing asshole, maybe he didn’t have any sort of more-than-platonic intentions.
He looked you up and down and swallowed anxiously. “I saw you from across the cafe, and I was thinking, um…”
Of course. Just another guy just trying to get in your pants.
You flashed him a look of disinterest. “No thanks.”
Jay looked flustered at your response. Surely because he was used to getting whatever girl he wanted, you assumed, and was shocked you wouldn’t be just another pawn in his games. But you also saw what looked like genuine disappointment flash upon his handsome face as his cheeks began to heat up to a magenta hue.
“I-I’m sorry, I-“ he stuttered.
You rolled your eyes. “Not interested, Kelso.”
“No, yeah, I understand. Um, sorry for asking, I shouldn’t have- I mean, um, I’ll leave you be.”
You focused your attention back to the mug in your hand as he walked away, melancholia in his pretty brown puppy dog eyes. Sure, Jay Kelso was good looking, but he was still a Kelso. And you were far too smart to get your heart broken. Not that you were too focused on boys anyway with how much of your energy you were putting into your school and work, but if you were looking for a man, any guy in town would do over Jay.
Just about a week later, at around the same time, the bell on the front door rang as it was opened once again by the ever so familiar Jay Kelso, this time holding a Polaroid camera rather than a book. You heard him order coffee from the girl at the front counter as you stood far enough behind the counter that he couldn’t see you preparing drinks, before he sauntered back to the same table as the week before and began sipping his drink while looking through his photos.
Unlike the week before, when you were more than happy to be sent on your break as your feet were starting to hurt and you were starting to feel that mental burn out for the night, tonight you were praying to the heavens above that you wouldn’t be sent to break while Jay was there. But there was your manager, once again, telling you to go on break so that the store could stay on schedule for the night. Great. At this point Jay had already been there for about half an hour and you were starting to wonder if he was stalking you. No, you thought to yourself, it’s just a coincidence. He doesn’t even know you work here. Not that he remembers you anyway, he probably asked out dozens of girls in just that day alone. Still, you decided to spend your break in your car just to avoid him.
You grabbed your to-go cup and started to make your way to the door of the coffee shop, which you had parked right in front of, and saw a car parked next to you that hadn’t been there when you showed up. Weird, there weren’t too many customers in the store at the moment. You were about to open the front door and walk out before a stranger came out from behind you and opened it for you, ushering you out.
“M’lady,” a deep voice echoed from above you.
“Thank you,” you said before peering up to get a look at this kind stranger.
Of course, it was Jay. Lovely.
“You again,” he said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, though a bit more playfully this time. “I don’t date.” Not entirely the truth, but not entirely a lie either. You weren’t against dating anyone right now, but you also weren’t looking. Especially not for him.
“That’s fine! Just wanted to help a lady in need.” He smiled a toothy grin.
Ugh, he was so annoying. Did he seriously think you couldn’t open a door?
You fought back a smile as you bit your inner cheek. “Well, thanks, I guess.”
“Yeah. See ya around,” Jay said, before clearing his throat. “And if you ever change your mind, I’d love to buy you a coffee,” he winked as the two of you walked off before you both awkwardly realized you were heading in the same direction. Of course. He was the car parked right next to you. Because why wouldn’t he be, right? Just your luck.
You awkwardly waved goodbye to him as he got in his car and drove off, not admitting to the butterflies that you felt in your stomach as he smiled at you. You couldn’t stand Jay Kelso, and you weren’t going to let that change anytime soon.
Another couple weeks went by, no Jay. It was a Saturday this time, so you’d gotten off of work earlier since you hadn’t had class during the daytime and decided to walk over to the video and record store just up the street. It was a pretty cool place that you liked to go to with your friends sometimes on the weekends, and you didn’t even pay any mind to the boy at the front desk as you walked in and started sifting through piles of John Hughes movies before making your way to the small clothing section filled with hats and band tees. You picked up a distressed denim baseball cap and put it on your head before walking over to the full sized mirror and almost jumping out of your skin as you saw a figure appear behind you.
You sighed. “What do you want, Jay?”
“I-I just,” he blushed, “well, that looks really good on you.”
You rolled your eyes before turning to face him. “Are you following me?”
“Well, actually, I work here, so it seems to me like you’re the one following me, doll.”
Shit. How could you forget Jay worked at this store?
He casually looked you up and down before speaking up again. “You know, you apparently know my name, but I don’t seem to have caught yours.”
Jay smirked. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
“Shut up,” you sighed, fighting back a smile.
“You wanna buy it?” he asked.
You sighed. “See, I would, but I don’t get paid til tomorrow, so I’m kind of just window shopping for now.”
“Okay…” he said in a sing-song voice. “First purchase is on me. How does that sound?”
“Jeez. You like it on me that much?”
“Yeah,” he said, looking you up and down again and biting his lip. “Really. You look gorgeous.”
You blushed. “Thanks Jay. You don’t look too bad yourself. You win. I guess I’ll let you buy the hat.”
“Sounds great!” he exclaimed before ringing it up and walking you to the door.
“See you later, (Y/N).”
“In your dreams, Kelso,” you replied, attempting to hide your smile.
Another week or two went by and you tried your best to convince yourself to forget about Jay Kelso, but every time you saw that denim hat sitting in the corner of your bedroom, the butterflies in your stomach that he’d given you kept coming back. You sighed and made your way to the bathroom to get ready for that evening’s shift.
That was the next time you had seen Jay, and you were genuinely shocked at how cool he played it as he only so much as gave you a friendly wave from across the coffee shop while once again looking through a large stack of Polaroids. Maybe he’d finally given up, you thought. However, the next night took that hope and crushed it.
Another day, another break that you hadn’t (yet) ran into Jay Kelso. You sighed with relief before the ring of the door opening pulled you out of your thoughts. What timing, lo and behold there was Jay at the door looking devilishly handsome as ever in a Nirvana tee, ripped jeans, and dirty converse high tops with a camera strung around his neck. He made his way over to the corner of the cafe where you were once again sitting enjoying your coffee in peace.
“C’mon… it can’t be a coincidence that we keep meeting here.”
“Now I don’t believe in coincidence,” you smirked, “but I don’t mean to burst your bubble. I actually work here. You seem to keep catching me on my breaks…”
“And here I thought it was fate. Guess I’m just a lucky guy.”
“See? You hit on me every time you see me, but you know nothing about me.”
“That’s not true,” he pouted.
“Oh isn’t it?”
“No. I know this is your favorite corner in the cafe to sit down and drink your coffee, and I know that your hair looks beautiful when the sun hits it shining in through the window. I know you drive a (your car), I know you bite your cheek when I make you nervous, even though you like to pretend that I don’t. But I can tell from the way you blush. And I know that your name is (Y/N), a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. And what are you drinking right now?”
“Chai latte,” the both of you said in unison.
“That’s what I thought,” Jay smirked.
You tried to ignore the way your cheeks were heating up as you thought of a witty reply. “Epic fail, Kelso. You’re just making yourself sound like a total stalker.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I just care enough to notice all the little things about you.”
“Oh please. If you wanted anything more than to get inside my pants, maybe I’d believe you.”
His brow furrowed, goofy demeanor falling and a genuinely serious look washing over his face. “Why would you think that?”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t play dumb. I’ve heard about you before.”
“Heard about me? Or heard about my dad?”
Damn… that shut you up real quick.
“Actually, (Y/N), if you must know, I’m a virgin. And I hardly even know my father since he doesn’t seem to give a shit about me, if that makes you feel any better.”
Well now you felt like an absolute asshole.
“Shit, Jay, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, fighting back tears. “No need to be. You didn’t know. No hard feelings, right?”
You smiled at him. “Of course not. As long as you don’t hate me for being such a bitch.”
“I could never,” Jay grinned. “And you’re not a bitch. You’re a gorgeous girl, inside and out.”
You blushed and bit your cheek lightly. “Thank you, Jay.”
Another week or so went by before you stopped once again in the record shop, this time however on purpose with one boy on your mind - Jay Kelso. You tried on a couple hats again, getting his opinion every time and each time him telling you that you looked beautiful in everything. You didn’t even wear hats that often, but the store didn’t have a dressing room to try on the tee shirts, so you did what you had to do to keep seeing Jay.
This went on for a little over a month. Jay would show up and order coffee, you’d show up and try on hats, and you’d wave at each other in the hallways at school. Eventually your little visits to each others’ work became more and more frequent and your interactions less and less platonic, however without either of you officially making a move.
One Friday evening you had been trying on hats for what felt like hours, chatting and laughing with Jay the whole time as he gave you his opinions on which hats looked good on you and which to buy, which, of course, was always, all of them.
“Okay…” you sighed, biting your cheek, “I think I like this one.” You adjusted the baby pink bucket hat on your head.
Jay could tell that you were about to leave and realized it was finally his chance to make a move.
“I, um, don’t think I really did this right the first time… will you go out with me?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I thought you’d never ask!” You ran your fingers through your hair, taking off the hat and handing it to him. “I don’t even hardly wear hats that much. But I agree… this one does look adorable on me.”
“It does. And for the record, I totally hate coffee.”
You couldn’t contain your laughter as he pulled you into his arms. “You’re such a dork!”
“Not as much of a dork as the girl who came into my work to try on hats for hours just to get my attention after rejecting me.”
“Oh, shut up,” you giggled, pulling him closer.
“Make me.”
You planted a quick kiss on his lips, leaving him flustered.
“So… about that date.”
“How does coffee sound?”
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yoinkschief · 10 months
Would you guys still love me if I posted JSE content
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clownrosary · 1 month
going to ramble a little abt my thoughts on betsy kelso (finally!) being introduced in pt 3 :P cause i have many thoughts, and i need to get them out!
overall i do have to say im pretty excited- i always found it kinda strange that kelso + brooke was a pretty big storyline in t70s, but betsy wasn't mentioned at all in earlier apisodes of t90s. i do think it'll be rly cool to see the kelso siblings interact though, and i've rly been hoping she would come along!
i have seen a few ppl saying that it's weird that jay like... hasn't mentioned having a sister at all until now, and while i agree that it is strange, i do think the writers will find a way around that. half-sibling relationships can be complicated (i would know), and there's no one correct way to have a relationship with your siblings. especially when keeping in mind that betsy + jay share a dad (not just any dad, but kelso), and not a mom.
there's a stereotype that half-siblings that share a mom tend to be closer than half-siblings that share a dad. while i definitely dont think this is always true, i do believe the writers will probably end up using this to their advantage; i could see nate + gwen (who share a mom, and are definitely pretty close) being seen as the opposites of betsy + jay.
not only that, but betsy probably grew up in chicago! it's safe to assume that the kelsos grew up hours apart, and naturally wouldn't be as close as siblings who grew up in the same home. honestly, i think there'd be more of a chance of leia + betsy being close, seeing as how donna and brooke were friends before brooke had even met kelso. i could totally see them as having been childhood friends :)
but at the end of the day, t70s has never been known for having superb, accurate timelines, and that's okay! to see t90s following in those wonky footsteps isn't a bad thing- at the end of the day, it's just a sitcom. and i'm excited to see how this all plays out!!
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sweetmctart · 1 year
things from my tellonym!! tw for second pic for sh scars if you’re not comfortable with that i apologize
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i need a reminder to help me remember to post here too
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charlieconwayy · 2 years
why haven’t i seen more people talking about how jay is most definitely a mama’s boy? to me he is SO much more like jackie.
the school thing aside (which i LOVE bc they acknowledged that’s fully jackie’s side!), i think it’s very clear that jackie gave him advice on leia once kelso’s advice didn’t work. taking responsibility, the romantic dates. jackie was always very clear on what women should expect and to me this totally screamed that this was her doing.
give jackie and jay scenes together please and thanks <3
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