#Jackson LOTR Hobbit universe
alexisr294 · 11 months
Only nine days left til the anniversary of a spectacular phenomenon.
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 months
So, apparently,
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And I am already seeing takes like... THIS
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And all I have to say is if there is one thing in the whole entire world of media we do not need, it is yet another of Peter Jackson's takes on middle earth. Did you all just forget The Hobbit. Do you want another 10 minute scene of dwarves running through the glen pursued by the slowest wargs known to man or elf. WHERE has all the energy gone for the hatred of 'the LotR cinematic universe', WHERE is that meme with 'tom bombadil 2: the revenge' or whatever. I am going insane.
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elronds-meleth-nin · 7 months
Bruinen's Eastern Shore - Part 1: Flight
This is set just prior to the events of the first Hobbit movie, so take that how you will. I'll probably have four parts for this fic. If anyone wants to be tagged for any future fics or updates, let me know and I'll start a taglist. Anyway, this is my first LotR related fanfic, so enjoy!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Elrond x Reader
[A/N: I haven't seen RoP, and I don't plan to, so this is Hugo Weaving's Elrond. All of my knowledge regarding this universe comes from the Jackson movies and the books.]
Warnings: Slow burn, Elf x Human romance, age gap (obviously, I mean, he's over 6000 years old), mentions of combat, death, blood, undefined magic (I'm winging it rn so uh...don't think about it too hard).
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"Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me, Lord Elrond," the Man said as the pair walked through Elvish halls. The stone was older than the Human by several thousands of years, yet the Elf lord was there when they were first carved into bricks for construction. "I know your schedule is full to bursting–"
"Nonsense. I am always pleased beyond measure to speak with you, mellon-nin," the Elf interjected as they walked into his study. "Tell me, how are your people holding up with this new threat?"
That was precisely why the Man had come to Rivendell, in the first place. Even as nomads, Orc attacks used to be few and far between for his people, happening perhaps once or twice a year, but in the last six months alone, they'd repelled four assaults. Their losses were becoming concerning. The Man, their leader, decided that the time had come to seek advice and possibly assistance from one much wiser than he.
"They are shaken...frightened by even the smallest of things. The snap of a twig, a particularly loud howl from the wind..." The Elven host offered his guest a seat near his bookshelves - a quiet nook which he reserved for serious conversations or quiet contemplating - and took in his haggard expression. That Elrond understood more than anything. Remaining strong when you were just as afraid as the people whom you were trying to protect was a difficult task. Such endeavors could wear heavily on even the most seasoned and confident of commanders. "They are doing their best to remain strong, but I must confess, I-I am becoming less certain every day about the wisdom of my insistence that we keep moving. Perhaps we should find one good, defensive position and dig in..."
Elrond could see his dilemma.
"But if you took such an action, you would feel as though you were cowering, is that not so?" He offered no judgment and no solutions. Not yet. He wanted to guide his friend along the path to finding his own answer, not force his hand in one direction or the other. That was not his place. That was not his purpose.
The sigh that escaped the Man's lips was ragged, and his shoulders slumped slightly as if the weight of all Middle Earth was upon him.
"I know 'tis prideful, but our people have never shied away from a fight. To dig ourselves into a trench...that would feel too much like desperation. And, each time the Orcs returned, they would know exactly where to find us and how many more it would take to breach our defenses," he muttered running a hand through his hair. Once vibrant and full of color, the strands were flecked with gray. The Elf lord was reminded quite starkly of how much of a toll time took upon the mortals. A pang of sorrow twisted through his heart. After over six thousand years of life, he was well aware that death was a natural part of life for those species who were irrevocably tied to mortality, but his heart ached no less for his friend's eventual fate. "If we keep moving, though, they still manage to find us. Each attack grows in strength. Every time, more and more of my people fall upon enemy blades."
Elrond nodded his head with sympathy and understanding.
"Have your people offered any suggestions about what you might do?"
The Man stood abruptly and began pacing.
"Mekor put forth the idea of joining with a stationary settlement - just until the hoards are cleared, you understand," he said, but he shook his head. "I did not tell him, but the last time we were near several of the major cities, I...scouted ahead. I spoke with their leaders, explained our situation."
"And, they all said the same thing: 'I cannot in good conscience allow you to draw such large numbers of orcs to our gates.' The difference is that they at least have gates behind which they can defend themselves," the Man paused near the window overlooking the valley. "And you know why I cannot go to the Rangers."
The Lord of Imladris drew in a deep breath and stood, making his way to his friend's side and laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Is there any help that I could offer which you would accept, mellon?" His question was quiet and probing, yet free of judgment. Elrond knew well the pride of Men and their desire to act as independently as possible. That would not, however, stop him from helping where he could. He would even go so far as to bring these mortals into Rivendell to stay. It was, after all, a refuge for just such an occasion.
After a long moment of consideration, the Man cleared his throat and lifted his chin as if to preserve his dignity.
"Our swords are old. Chipped and cracking. Several shattered during the last skirmish. And our supply of arrows and bow strings is...woeful. The few who were skilled at replenishing both were killed two months ago."
"I'll have Lindir draw up a list of supplies. No matter how small your need is, please tell him everything. We are more than happy to give you whatever help you require," Elrond said, and he could have sworn that the Human's eyes were filling with unshed tears of gratitude. Neither Man nor Ellon mentioned it. Trying to restore his friend's smile, at least to a small degree, the Elf lord changed the subject. "Tell me, how is your daughter faring through all of this?"
The grin that stretched the Man's lips was warm; the love he held for his only child shone brightly in his eyes, restoring some semblance of youth to his weathered features.
"She believes that this is all one big adventure. Though she be only a few years old, she is curious...asking more questions than I rightly know how to answer," he stated proudly. "She has her mother's intellect, and I am glad of it. I am no teacher, but I've managed to convey to her the meaning of a few words of your language."
Surprise was surely evident upon Elrond's face at his friend's declaration.
"Mellon-nin, I am honored."
"She'll need to be able to communicate with your people once she discovers what she is." The Human reached into his pocket and pulled out a small book, flipping it open and retrieving a loose piece of paper. "My late wife, as you know, was the artist of the family, however..."
He trailed off as he offered the page to his host. Elrond took it carefully, looking at the sketch of a little girl.
"Your daughter?" He asked almost reverently as he took in her joyful expression. Even in this simple drawing he could see the intelligence behind her eyes. After a few moments' keen observation, he tried to hand the drawing back to the Man who'd created it but was gently refused.
"Keep it. I brought you that, my dear friend, because if something happens to me...I want you to be familiar with her likeness. It will likely be vastly outdated by the time you meet her, but 'tis better than nothing." The somber tone of voice made Lord Elrond pause. "She is more important to me than all of Middle Earth, and if...if the Orcs take me from her, I must know that someone in this world knows to look out for her..."
Setting the sketch on his desk, the Elf placed his hands on his friend's shoulders.
"Should either of you ever need help, I will be there. She will have every protection that I can possibly afford her," he promised.
"There is...something else," the Man murmured looking into his friend's eyes. "It could be no more than an old man's imagination, but things have happened around her. Small things. Rain repelled from her as if it cannot touch her. Ripples in a pond by which she sits, though no breeze caressed the water's surface."
Elrond's posture straightened further at this new information. He knew that the blood of Númenor was thin in most, but if this was true, his friend's daughter might have a rare gift.
"Have no fear, mellon-nin. Your daughter will find her path, and if I can, I will gladly help her."
By the time of the Man's departure from Rivendell, Elrond had prepared a gift. With the weapons and extra supplies that he presented, the Lord of Imladris had one other item to offer. Opening a small, wooden box carved with Sindarin script, he revealed a silver necklace. The craftsmanship of his people was evident in the intricate curls and swirls of the metal. In the center was a forest green gem that, to the Man, seemed to glow with its own light.
"This is for your daughter. The pendant is a symbol of our protection - proof that she has favor with us. All she ever need do is show this to any Elf, and they will do whatever is necessary to assist her. If none of my people are near, she need only touch it and ask for help," Lord Elrond promised, and as if the gem could hear him, it pulsed with a warm, affectionate glow. The girl's father looked from the necklace to his friend, and this time a tear slid down his cheek as he offered his profuse gratitude. "I would be remiss to do anything less, mellon-nin."
After tucking the box safely away in his saddlebag, the Man embraced his friend. Neither knew that it would be for the last time.
"If you find yourself in danger, seek the elves of Rivendell."
My father repeated that to me more times than I could count as soon as I was old enough to comprehend the meaning behind his words. Our people were nomadic, constantly moving from place to place, setting up camp wherever we found ourselves. Every time we stopped, he made sure that I knew two things:
The first was the location of the nearest source of water.
The second was the way to Rivendell from our temporary encampment.
Long before I was brought into this world, my father ensured that we were on friendly terms with the steward of the valley. Each time we were even remotely close to Imladris, he made a point of speaking with the Elven lord.
Once, when I asked what Lord Elrond looked like, he brought out a small box of my mother's sketches. Rifling through them, he made a triumphant sound when he found the one he sought. Setting the box carefully aside on his bedroll, he had me sit beside him and turned the page toward me.
"The last time your mother and I visited, she made a point of drawing him. You must remember his face, my little love. One day you might need to request his help as I have done."
Much of the time, our wandering took us far from that sacred valley and the river that flowed before it. The final time that my father was able to visit, he brought back a gift. A necklace.
But it wasn't just a necklace. There was something about it that sent a wave of calm assurance through me. A sense of safety permeated my being every time I touched it. The cool metal seemed impervious to the elements, never rusting or tarnishing, as only the skill of the elves could accomplish. More than once over the years, I found myself looking at the pendant, wondering about the being who'd given me something so obviously unique on a whim.
Two decades and a handful of years later, I found myself sprinting through the trees with half of our remaining people. We were twelve desperate souls, flying through the underbrush with a hoard of Orcs behind us. Every few steps, I aimed an arrow behind me and prayed that it hit its mark upon my release.
"Come on! We're almost to the river!" I shouted, and my father's second in command, Mekor, let out an answering shout as we approached the ford. The snarls of Orcs and their Wargs nipped at our heels, urging us to move faster.
As much as it hurt, I was forced to ignore a terrified shout as the pack swallowed up one of our tired stragglers. This was a last ditch effort. If we stopped, we'd die.
Struggling for breath, I urged my people toward the sound of the Bruinen River and its eastern shore. Arrows from our pursuers flew through the trees, embedding themselves deeply within trunks and flesh alike. A few screams began and were silenced abruptly.
How many was that? Two? Four? No, we could count our dead once we were safe. Any who fell behind at this point were beyond our ability to save. Fifty Orcs against less than a dozen Humans? We would be lucky if any of our number survived the crossing.
Aiming another arrow backward, I allowed myself a moment's relief at the injured shriek of a Warg and the sickening crunch of its rider's bones as both crashed to the ground. Adrenaline rushed through me as the treeline appeared before us. The grass beneath our feet became a mix of pebbles and sand, rocks and mud.
"Quickly! Cross the river! Make for the eastern shore!" I shouted, and a few of the remaining people in our group echoed the sentiment. Two were cut down before they cleared the trees, their gurgling cries sending a bolt of helplessness through me even as I nocked and released arrows to buy time and space for my people. A few splashes reached my ears, and I prayed they'd make for the trees.
A yell of my name sounded from behind me.
"Come on! Get clear!" Mekor sounded much closer than I would've preferred. I needed him to live.
There were too many of them for me to hold off alone, so I turned and ran, beginning to cross the ford as quickly as I could. The pendant beneath my shirt thrummed against my skin, and an arrow whizzed by my ear so close that I could feel the displaced air from its fletching. That was too close for comfort. Much too close.
For the most part, the Orcs were afraid to cross into this territory. The Elves defended their land fiercely against such filth, after all, and very few of the cretins were stupid enough to seal their fate so definitively. However, a few who were brave enough - or perhaps foolish enough - to risk death started into the water after me. Not yet having reached the shore, I turned, grasping for arrows, but my quiver was empty. With a quiet oath, I turned and ran toward the trees. My boots were drenched, my lungs ached, and I blinked away sorrowful tears at having lost so many souls so quickly.
With a forest as ancient as this, the trees were rumored to whisper to each other and to those who remembered how to listen. The Elves listened.
Lord Elrond listened.
"Get to the trees!" I shouted, then I dug my hand into my shirt and grabbed the pendant. "Help us! Please! We're dying!"
The few brave Orcs who made it across and had not been shot down instantly apparently lent courage to their fellows. The Warg riders began to cross the racing waters, and I felt a horrible sense of dread settle into the pit of my stomach. The sight of boots disappearing into the trees was all well and good, but the Orcs would follow.
Someone had to make sure that they were distracted.
I had but one shot.
About an hour before he and his soldiers engaged the Orc hoard, Lord Elrond of Imladris had a vision. His gift of foresight showed a group of terrified Humans racing across the Bruinen with countless Orcs behind them. He was about to send out his guard, but the face of the young woman fighting so hard to protect the others made him pause.
He knew her face. She was older now - quite obviously an adult - but he still recognized the intelligence in her eyes and the determined set to her jaw.
More than that, the sparkle of the pendant that had escaped the collar of her shirt made him freeze. Icy dread washed over him as the vision changed to show her fleeing toward the trees. Her voice floated into his ears as easily as if she'd been standing right beside him.
"Help us! Please! We're dying!"
Elrond did not hesitate.
"Lindir!" He shouted as he began donning his armor. The younger Elf rushed into his lord's study. "Lindir, have my horse saddled. And ready a group of fighters. Hurry! Orcs are coming!"
When Elrond and his warriors caught sight of the group, the Orcs and Warg riders had just begun crossing the river. The glimpse he'd caught an hour before of her hair swishing over her shoulder as she fought repeated itself before his eyes, including her plea for help which now sounded as it should - like a whisper echoing through his very being, drawing him toward her. As he watched, she doubled back on her path, rushing back into the water.
She was trying to draw the focus of the Orcs away from her people - there weren't many Humans left. He urged his horse faster, his heart a racing drumbeat in his chest accompanying the galloping of his mount. He would not allow his friend's daughter to die within his borders while these lands were his to protect!
He'd just drawn his sword when the river's water began to whirl around her. Creating a wall between the Orcs and the remaining Humans, the water roared and flared with a shout from the woman. She lifted her arms, shoved them forward as if pushing a heavy weight, and the wall of water crashed over the majority of her enemies, washing them away as easily as pebbles in a current.
Magic. She'd performed magic! Her father had been right all those years ago.
But it was not the time to ponder her abilities. The time had come for him to fulfill his promise.
She'd bought just enough time for Elrond and his riders to reach the Orcs and cut down those who remained. Blades hissing and flashing, the Elves felled them easily.
By the time he turned back to the river, he saw her collapse onto the sandy bank, panting for air. He recognized the sight instantly: she'd overextended herself. Dismounting with a swish of his cloak, Elrond ran to her side, dropping to his knees and sheathing his blade before turning her gently onto her back.
Her glassy, exhausted gaze met his, and recognition flashed through her clever eyes.
"Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn." The words fell easily from her tongue despite how close she was to unconsciousness. She'd practiced them before.
"You have it, my lady," Elrond murmured, and almost as soon as the words passed his lips, her eyelids closed and she went limp in his grasp. He lifted her into his arms, cradled her close to his chest for one selfish moment, and with a few orders to his men to round up any survivors, the Elves brought their charges into the Hidden Valley.
Elvish Translations:
mellon-nin = my friend
Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn. = Elrond of Imladris, we need your protection.
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It’s Analysis Friday, Middle Earth Music Edition!
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If you’re up-to-date on adaptions of Tolkien’s work, there is not an adaptation that goes without presenting a song or 10. The scholar, writer, and linguist loved music! But he didn’t include songs for the sake of it. Tolkien loved songs so much that he made music carry themes, story, and his world itself.
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At the start of the Silmarillion, it reads like the Bible’s creation account. Eru Iluvatar sang the Ainur(gods and spirits), Eä(universe), and Arda (earth) into existence. Likewise, Melkor disrupts the song with his own strange one, corrupting other Ainur and introducing darkness to the world.
Words carry great power in Arda, and songs are often powerful prayers. Many of Sauron’s schemes hinge on manipulating others’ desires and insecurities. Finrod defeated Sauron through song. And Disa’s failed attempt to get the mountains to bring back the sunlight was very poignant to me last week because of the relevance song has in Middle Earth.
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Tolkien’s Songs on the Screen
Hobbit (Rankin-Bass) - 7
Lord of the Rings (Bakshi) - 1
Return of the King (Rankin-Bass) - 3
Lord of the Rings (Jackson) - 6, 2, 2
Hobbit (Jackson) - 2, 0, 0
Rings of Power (up to S2E4) - 5?
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For more Tolkien music:
BBC Radio Dramatization of LotR
LotR Musical (apparently quite bad (jk, it’s officially on my to-watch list now thanks to the comments!) mixes Tolkien’s songs with original ones)
Andy Serkis’ LotR audiobook readings
Clamavi de Profundis - family music group that adapts fantasy songs, lots of Tolkien!
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For a universe that doesn’t act as a musical, there’s rich lore hidden inside its music!
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myrxellabaratheon · 11 days
What really bothers me about the Rings of Power is what they did to Galadriel.
I’m not, by any means, a Tolkien’s hardcore fan, I read LOTR books last year and while I did loved the movies since they first came out (and I was 6 back then so I basically grew up with those), I’ve known close to nothing about the Silmarillion and generally the entire expanded universe until a couple of months-ish ago so, yeah knowing stuff makes me angrier but the thing which really bothers me is Galadriel!
Since the first time I watched the Fellowship (not in the theater but the DVD release) I felt a strong connection to her (back then it was maybe for the wrong reasons: she is pretty! I wanted to grew up and look like the pretty elf lady) which became stronger and stronger the more rewatched I did growing up/after watching The Hobbit movies. She’s probably my first ✨favorite character✨ ever.
And the reason is that she doesn’t need to fight with any weapon to be powerful. She’s powerful because she’s respected and knowledgeable and this is something which is recurring in all of my favorite characters! Liking her for her intellectual-psychological strength is a core element of my way to enjoy medias.
I’d always pic the diplomatic character over the warrior one, always had, always will! And she is the reason why!
Being exposed to such a model (even if you get like 1/1000000 of what Galadriel really is from the movies) created the person I am in terms of what I like and, while weathered down A TON, who I like to be around. (Gosh I feel like Cate Blanchett, Peter Jackson and Tolkien’s heir should pay for my therapy bills)
My 6 year old ass was like “I want to be like her when I grow up”, and so was my 12 year old ass, and so was my 16 year old ass, and my 20, etc etc etc... she’s been a role model of what a powerful independent woman is for so long that even NOW, at 29, a part of me wish to become like her!
Probably this also led me to hate Mary-Sue characters (no hate toward Eowyn, she’s generally awesome great character BUT the other female characters who have her as a model? Not my cup of tea).
So, yeah, seeing the amazing character who shaped my way to look at characters in general, who took the 6 years old girl who I was and showed her women can be strong and powerful and respected, having to take up the sword and be the Walmart version of Danana Targaryen (as if she could get any worse in my book) to be relatable to younger audience pisses me off a LOT!
And not because I don’t like that kind of character - even if it might be partly because of it - but because she already was relatable as she was, they didn’t need to change her entire characterization!
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doberbutts · 2 years
I mean it's the same author intent vs favored adaption thing with LOTR vs TROP which I know y'all have heard me say already but it's really very interesting with Warner Bros having acquired the rights to more LOTR stuff that people are begging for Peter Jackson to make more stuff when like. The Tolkien Estate famously hates both of PJ's trilogies and Christopher Tolkien himself hated them so much that his stipulation for any more sales of the rights was that PJ wasn't allowed to touch them.
Listen. Fellowship of the Ring is my favorite movie ever. I watch the LOTR trilogy in full multiple times per year. I've already marathoned it twice in 2023. I fucking love the original trilogy.
And I also know that it has its flaws and that back in the day a lot of book purist fans really hated it and considered it largely non-canonical and an inferior way to experience the story, to the point where pretty much every fan site I was on had very strict "you may not start flame wars re: book vs movie shut up no one cares" rules to the point where being mean to new fans who'd only watched the movies and hadn't read the books yet was an instant perma-ban.
You don't have to like The Rings of Power. It has its flaws, some big some little some nonexistent except to bigots. But when you complain that it's unfaithful to the source material unlike your precious PJ films, you just sound absolutely silly, because the PJ films were unfaithful as fuck to the source material.
ESPECIALLY when you consider the Hobbit trilogy, which is really not faithful to the book at all, or when you consider the Shadow of Mordor/War games in the same universe which more or less goes "canon? What canon? Anyway Celebrimbor made the One Ring and fused with Sauron and also Sauron fucked Shelob who was a shapeshifting spiderlady"
And if you wanna be mad that TROP disregards author intent, then you need to be mad that the PJ/New Line Cinema/WB stuff does too, because the Tolkien Estate is VERY LOUD about their dislike of what's come out of that so far and shockingly quiet about TROP.
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Good morning bitches
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They’re making more movies tied into Peter Jackson’s Hobbit and LOTR universe
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siriusist · 23 days
okay, the Rings of Power are questionable on a lot of fronts, and I think one aspect that a video essay on Youtube pointed out that stuck with me when watching it was how, despite saying they want to do their "own" interpretation of Tolkien, there are large swaths of the series that either mirror or lift directly from the Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson series, that honestly can never be topped.
So by copying dialogue and playing to the lowest common denominator (Someone watching going "HUR HUR HE SAID THE THING THAT WAS IN THE LOTR MOVIE"), it's always just going to come off as a shittier version of the Lord of the Rings films.
Fuck, Ralph Bakshi's LOTR wasn't even complete, but at least it was a different take on the materials, based on the books. And honestly? I think that's where in the second season, it has actually had a few moments so far, that while not even elaborated on in the books, is their own take, and makes sense in universe.
I actually thought the dwarf women singing to find the light in the mountains and using song to find the appropriate places to mine was quite clever- it makes sense in universe, and gives them a fucking job to do that logically traces from Tolkien's universe.
All we know in the appendices is that "it was said by Gimli that there are few Dwarf-women, probably no more than a third of the whole people." Being so few in number, they are sheltered inside, which is honestly, kind of adorable and sweet, because they need to be taken care of.
Literally in the books, only one Dwarven woman was named in Middle-earth's history, and it was Dís, Thorin's sister (Mother to Fíli and Kíli from The Hobbit), and royal. However, it would trace that if they were kept inside the mountains all the time, because they were so highly prized, they would develop skills aside from mining that would somehow aid their husbands.
(And then they had to follow this up with orc-man with orc-wife and -orc-baby ARGHHHHHH-)
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
I haven't watched rop myself but I would absolutely like to hear your thoughts. Like, this is your cue to vent (if you wanna) :)
okay so i just got three asks about rings of power when i didn’t expect anyone to actually message me about this at all!!! as such, i’ll be giving my opinion in three parts with this being, part one: rings of power as a bad adaptation.
basically, the failure of rings of power is two-pronged: 1) it’s a bad adaptation, and 2) it’s a poor piece of writing. charitably, it’s a solid first-try for a pair of newbie showrunners who have never written a big project before. and following that, a bad adaptation is actually easier to forgive than a poorly written story—with a text so beloved, and without the proper rights to all the material (they only had access to the appendices of lotr), it was always going to be impossible to make a perfect text-to-screen translation. that said, it’s (imo) a pretty bad adaptation (although still not as bad as the artemis fowl movie lmao) for a few reasons: thematic interpretation, use of characters/characterization, justification of setting, and fidelity to canon lore.
on: themes—a good adaptation requires both an understanding and an appreciation of the source material, two things which rings of power lacks. in this promo article, the rop writers summarize tolkien’s works as about “friendship,” “brotherhood,” and, “underdogs overcoming great darkness,” and cannot imagine a tolkien story without hobbits. from this, it’s clear that they were first peter jackson movie fans, and then read all other book material as auxiliary support for what is inevitably peter jackson’s interpretation of tolkien’s writings on the third age. whether or not i agree with pj’s interpretation is irrelevant against the fact that the first and second ages of middle earth are stories with completely different themes than the third age. interpreting everything though the same thematic lens as the third age is a fundamentally flawed approach to telling a second age story.
the second age is permeated by arguably recent, memorable trauma from the war of wrath—the human characters are further removed via the mortal generations that have passed, but many of the elves were alive to see these events in (relatively) recent memory. this dissonance between elves and men regarding the events of the first age fuels some of the most interesting wider conflict throughout the second age (ex. the númenóreans being manipulated to become obsessed with/envious of elven immortality & the powers of the valar). furthermore, the world impact (i can’t say global impact because the world is not yet a globe) of the war of wrath fuels the setting (political reformation, social, cultural, and technical development). but rings of power ignores all of this because the showrunners don’t seem know what to do with any of it. they are trying to interpret second age events as if they have the same story elements/are painted in the same thematic palette as the events of the war of the ring. they relegate the events of the first age to ‘ancient history,’ instead of using its fallout as direct motivation for anyone except galadriel (more on this in the following section). the tension between elves and men is flattened into an allegory for contemporary immigration, which neither makes sense in-universe (there is a scene in which a group of men gather in the town square to protest the elves ‘stealing their jobs’ even though there is only one (1) elf on the island and she has not to date done any labor or craft associated with the people present), nor adapts the canon themes of anti-industrialization, anti-materialism, and fear of mortality.
on: character—whether the writers were/are incapable of doing their own analysis of the text, or their analysis is flawed, the result is that they struggle to write characters and conflicts who don’t fit into stock tropes. for example: galadriel—she’s the only elf who has any trauma about the war of wrath/the wars in beleriand, and this makes her seem like a poor communicator at best and paranoid/unreasonable at worst (she claims sauron is still at large but the writers never give the audience a reason to believe this, which implies that her crusade is fueled by dubiously exceptional trauma). this is especially egregious in a scene played opposite elrond where she tells him he can’t possibly understand her pain, and he just kind of lets this accusation stand despite the fact that he was functionally orphaned in a slaughter, and then adopted by two mass murderers before losing them too. but i digress.
on: canon lore—many creative decisions were ostensibly made to appeal to casual fans of the peter jackson movies. characters with recognizable names are given top billing in the storylines. galadriel. elrond. the pre-hobbits are given an entire section. meanwhile, key players of the second age like celebrimbor and gil-galad are made side characters in elrond plotline. why? because no one who has only seen the films recognizes their names, thus they wouldn’t be profitable to feature, and they wouldn’t sell a show. it’s only so transparent because the writers spend every episode contemplating how best to recreate memorable moments from the lord of the rings movies. galadriel is constantly shot with close ups on her eyes to mirror her film introduction in fellowship. shots of bronwyn (one of the rop original characters) at the elven outpost are framed, blocked, and even written in word-for-word monologue to recreate iconic éowyn-at-helms-deep scenes. various characters are constantly quoting the lord of the rings movies. the worst is when bronwyn practically quotes a section of sam’s iconic osgiliath speech to her frightened son, implying that sam’s speech is a collection of common idioms.
on a tangible level, the writers also fail at the monumental task of presenting a large map in a way that makes sense to people who don’t already know the world. they represent “the southlands,” as two villages, giving the sense that mordor as a whole is about fifteen kilometers wide. the timeline is fucked because they tried to condense it, while giving no clear indication of when anything is happening in relation to anything else, so it’s incredibly difficult to grasp the scope of any project or journey. for some reason they invented a fourth silmaril of dubious origin. they had elrond, raised by sons of fëanor, swear an oath only to break it in the following episode. they’ve made the choice to have all the elves speak quenya without acknowledging the history of sindarin vs. quenya and the politics of why certain elves speak it or don’t (i would love to see even one nod to thingol’s influence on elven language).
tl;dr—rings of power misreads, misunderstands, and miscommunicates the crucial themes of the second age. this leads to a complete misinterpretation of the pre-known movie characters they feature, as well as a sidelining of important book characters who aren’t movie-fan favourites. their attempt to properly explore a vast setting is clumsy, and the show invents lore out of a source material that already has arguably too much. 
(i have to go run some errands but i have more to say on rop as a poor piece of writing regardless of its status as a so-called adaptation. i’ll be back.)
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
20 questions for fic authors!
I was tagged by the lovely @ugetelynx and @wisecrackingeric-2 <3 so sorry it took me so long to do this hfsgjhdj
1. How many works do you have? - currently posted on ao3 I have 57 works total. However I have almost twice as many wips it's bad
2. Ao3 word count? - 395,068 ..... I've got a wip that's almost over 100k but it's also been there for years so I doubt that'll change anytime soon
3. What fandoms do you write for? - of the fics I have on ao3, I have written for detroit become human, star wars, resident evil, assassin's creed, and the last kingdom. The fandoms I've written for that are not on my ao3 include lotr/the hobbit, bbc sherlock, bbc merlin, marvel, voltron legendary defender, percy jackson universe, and whatever the Carry On by rainbow rowell fandom is called. Most of those I will never ever write for again lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - In order:
Sapphire Moonlight (Tequila Sunrise) (Serennedy)
We Look So Good (Reed900)
Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay) (Dincobb) (also, my first fic ever posted, and still the fic I hold most dearly in my heart to this day)
We Are Home (Hank and Connor family content)
Tomato Soup (Serennedy)
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one. I'm obsessed with comments. I have them all saved and stored so I can reread them at any time. Thank you everyone who has ever commented I love you
6. What fic did you write the angstiest ending for? - I only write angst with a happy ending. But I did write You Should Have Killed Me for a friend's dbh x hunger games simulator result and it had an angsty ending by result of being a hunger games simulator.
7. What fic did you write the happiest ending for? - I write many fics w happy endings, but I personally think my fic series Din and Grogu | the Clan of Two Trilogy has the happiest ending because it happened against all odds. It's a fic about Din and Grogu's found family (before BoBF and Mando s3 came out, so it's not canon accurate) and it ends meaningfully to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? - I have before, but it was all bullshit that showed me the person commenting didn't actually read what I wrote but chose to get mad at something that didn't exist. So it was discarded easily. Otherwise, I've had people try to tell me how to write things, but I ignore them all
9. Do you write smut? - yes. badly.
10. Crossovers? - I wrote a dincobb fic that was set in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, with Din as Kassandra and Cobb as Anais. I also started a serennedy fic set in the detroit: become human universe but never got anywhere close to finishing it.
11. Ever had a fic stolen? - not that I know of lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - I had someone ask to translate one of my fics, and I said yes, but I don't think they've done so yet, which is fine. Other than that, no. But I'd be honoured!
13. Ever co-wrote a fic before? - I started a dincobb fic with a friend years ago but we never got around to finishing it. Someday I still hope to.
14. What's your all time favourite ship? - that's genuinely impossible to pick tbh I've had so many that rewired my brain. top three are probably bagginshield, simarkus, and shadowzel, not in any particular order.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - ehhhhh probably the klance fic I started when I was like 15. I don't go to voltron anymore and literally couldn't care less about it. In fact I actively hate it.
16. What are your writing strengths? - I've been told that I'm good at characterisation and plot. I think I suck at plot severely. As for characterisation, I study characters really hard and take a long time to write fics so they remain in character so I'm glad people appreciate that. I also prefer writing dialogue to anything else.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - Writing. haha I mean exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I have before, I find it fun but also intimidating.
19. First fandom you wrote for? - The Hobbit :') my first ever fic was a bagginshield fic I started when I was 13. I still mean to finish it someday.
20. Favourite fic you've written? - *sighs* I guess I should say Another Time. It was the most fun to write, and everyone's responses have made all the difficulties of writing it endlessly worth it. It took me months but I'm so happy I finished it, and I'm working on p3 rn I PROMISE. But again the fic I hold most dearly in my heart is still Hold Fast, the Suns Will Rise (Stay)
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hinacu-arts · 8 months
Writing idea and au archive master-masterpost lets go
🦇 DC - #hinacu dc
👿 Demon Slayer - #hinacu kny
👑 Disney Princess - #hinacu dp
👻 DP x DC - #hinacu dpxdc
🔀 Crossovers - #hinacu xover
🧙JJK - #hinacu jjk
🦁 Lion King / Lion Guard - #hinacu tlg
🧝‍♀️ LOTR/The Hobbit
🕷️ Marvel - #hinacu mcu
🦸 MHA - #hinacu mha
🏴‍☠️ One Piece - #hinacu op
⚔️ RWBY - #hinacu rwby
🪨 Secret Tunnel Series (ongoing misc. project)
🦔 Sonic the Hedgehog - #hinacu sonic
🪐 Star Trek - #hinacu st
⭐️ Star Wars - #hinacu sw / #hinacu swr
🐢 TMNT - #hinacu tmnt
🐼 Kung Fu Panda (retired fandom) - #hinacu kfp
🐦‍⬛ Maleficent (retired fandom)
🦋 Merlin (retired fandom) - #hinacu merlin
🐞 Miraculous Ladybug (retired fandom) - #hinacu ml
🌊 Percy Jackson Universe (retired fandom) - #hinacu pjo / #hinacu tkc / #hinacu mcga / hinacu toa
⚙️ Power Rangers (retired fandom) - #hinacu pr
✨ She-ra: POP (retired fandom) - #hinacu spop
🔥 Soul Eater (retired fandom) - #hinacu soul eater
🚀 Voltron (retired fandom)
🗡️ Witcher (retired fandom) - #hinacu witcher
⛸️ Yuri on Ice (retired fandom)
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solosclark · 1 year
10 characters
Rules: Name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same! I was tagged by @arosetolivefor, thank you ❤️
1. DC Extended Universe - Clark Kent
2. Star Wars - Luke Skywalker
3. Fantastic Beasts - Newt Scamander
4. LOTR - Frodo Baggins
5. Twilight - Paul Lahote
6. John Wick - Santino D'Antonio
7. Sucker Punch - Baby Doll
8. Avatar (James Cameron) - Neteyam
9. The Hobbit - Thranduil
10. Percy Jackson - PERCY JACKSON!!!!
Tagging @whippedcloudsofcream @lukecyarika @jedicodex @theonlyamazingtazmin @jcalvinist @phan2187 @voiddamned @minnybox @lexkent @lukeskywalk-er
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willorm-the-seer · 11 days
𓄃 intro post + some art examples𓄃
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((also i apologize ahead of time if i spam reblog/like your posts, i forget that’s a thing that happens and never think to check who posted what😭 i try not to! but i do apologize, my memory sucks ass lol))
⋆⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺⋆ go ahead and call me willen/will, whichever you choose❤️ just a silly little guy sitting in the dark corner of my little cave, pondering and scheming ⋆⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺⋆
⚠︎ I AM
and do NOT identify as a human/nor a person. please do not refer to me as such. you will be blocked immediately if it is done on purpose ⚠︎
𓃠 𝕮✮𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖎✮𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖘✮𝖗, 𓃠
𓃠 • MALE & he/its ONLY. UNLESS you are a very close friend, or specified differently. sometimes i will use she/her. never a woman, nor a female though • 𓃠
𓃠 • trans and gender-fluid, mainly only firmly identifying as a man or male, unless SPECIFICALLY stated otherwise. pronouns will always be in bio • 𓃠
𓃠 • URUK/ORC nonhuman/endel & zoanthrope. i firmly believe i had a past life, AND have a future life as an uruk. this “humanly” existence is merely an intermission of sorts. i am still an uruk at heart, mind and soul. i am not human • 𓃠
𓃠 • on that note, i am also a practiced spirit medium, and have a deep interest in necromancy and witchcraft • 𓃠
𓃠 • i also have a psychological equine theriotype due to imprinting, as i have worked with and owned horses for going on 10+ years now. will occasionally post about my horse because she is pretty much my daughter, and the only reason i get up in the mornings • 𓃠
𓃠 • 18+ legal adult. MINORS DNI pls • 𓃠
𓃠 • have art commissions OPEN currently, will have examples of my work down below. pls feel free to shoot me a dm if at all interested • 𓃠
⋆♱✮♱⋆ 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • big fan of anything lotr related, including any of tolkiens works, peter jackson’s movies, trop/rop, shadow of war/shadow of mordor, the hobbit, etc. • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • LOVE love love the transformers franchise, especially the IDW mtmte/lost light comics🫶 • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • love horses or anything equine related! big on western riding/western disciplines and liberty work. avid horse racing hater, and will always have a soft spot in my heart for ottbs and the struggles they go through • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • LOVE the legend of zelda! any of the games, but i specifically ADORE twilight princess and it is probably by far my favorite🥰 ocarina of time and majoras mask are close seconds! with skyward sword being the third, and windwaker the fourth❤️ love these games to death • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • same goes for minecraft❤️❤️❤️ minecraft is my absolute everything, i am a SLUT for this game omg. waking up at 7am at the sleepover, grabbing some cereal, and going and playing minecraft together until 12pm? laughing and listening to the CAT music disc over and over again? yeah, minecraft is the best❤️‍🩹 • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • TERRARIA TOO! most of my OCs are based in/off/from terraria! such a staple • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • rdr/rdr2/rdo🫶🫶🫶 • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • love the winter, and the fall. snow is my absolute favorite thing❤️ i am a seregost uruk and love the snow and the mountains more than anything in this universe • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ • LOVE horror/scary shit, ESPECIALLY anything body horror related🫀 gore is my absolute favorite🫀 love the darkness and late nights as well🫶 anything spooky • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⋆♱✮♱⋆ •❤️ scenecore & the gothic aesthetic • ⋆♱✮♱⋆
⚠︎𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖘/𝖉𝖓𝖎, ⚠︎
⚠︎• random, but anything fish, ocean, lake, water related. i have an intense phobia of anything aquatic related and will go into a full panic attack😭 i have absolutely no idea why •⚠︎
⚠︎• anyone fucking weird and/or disgusting, and disgusting in the sense of being a PEDO, ZOO, RACIST, BIGOT, etc. blocked and reported IMMEDIATELY. get your nasty ass OUTTA here •⚠︎
⚠︎• anyone who hates/dislikes/attacks the therian/otherkin/alterhuman/nonhuman communities. there will be absolutely none of that hatred here •⚠︎
⚠︎• anyone who IS a therian/otherkin and HATES/ATTACKS/doesn’t support: endels / clinical zoanthropes / clinical lycanthropes / delusional alterhumans. you will be blocked immediately, because that is fucking ridiculous and disgusting behavior of you❤️ •⚠︎
⚠︎• this is an endogenic and tulpamancer safe space. anyone who is ANTI-endogenic will be blocked immediately. get your nasty ass outta here •⚠︎
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖆, ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 • i am mated to my lovely partner, who is also an uruk🫶 we have been married for over a year now❤️ • ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 • i am a christopagan, and respect all religions/beliefs • ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 • i collect blankets in my spare time, i have way too many, pls feel free to tag me in anything blanket related i will go FERAL • ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 • planning on posting some of my writing/stories • ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
ty for reading if you’ve made it this far! appreciate it❤️ have a good day/night lovelies ((+ said art examples(all mine)/my nonhuman appearance))
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
Referring to your thoughts on the hobbit book/movies: Exactly! I personally do enjoy the hobbit movies (although parts of them do fill me with deep frustration like the depictions of Beorn, Thranduil's people, etc) but I 100% agree that it's sad that they seem to have eclipsed the book. With lotr if there are depictions, plot changes or character designs which just don't vibe with you there are always other versions out there, but with the hobbit everything is sadly very homogenous.
I think if I didn’t have such fond memories of the book I wouldn’t be quite so harsh on the movies, idk. I really wanted to like them- I went to the midnight premiers of the first two (during finals week, I might add- I would’ve gotten an A in macroeconomics if it hadn’t been for these movies) 😂
My mom read me The Hobbit when I was 6, a chapter a night. It was one of my first fantasy books, and I always pretended I was Bilbo (the only dwarves I liked were Fili, Kili, and Balin because they were nicer to Bilbo than all the other dwarves lol).
The hobbit book had such a fairy tale feel to me that the LOTR books don’t have, and I was excited to see that in movie form. But of course they had to make everything Bigger and Darker and More Grim (especially Beorn and the Mirkwood elves) because that’s what gets people’s attention and that’s what we have to do to connect this story to LOTR because that’ll get more people to come see the movies and it all became this big bloated mess that overshadows the book like someone yelling in your ear while you’re trying to listen to a whispered conversation. The movies are too big and flashy and busy to really let any book-based fandom come through. (I think the best I’ve been able to find are like Fairy-Tale AU fics, which have kind of circled back to the starting point lol)
Guillermo del Toro said he was going to give the movies a more mystical fairy-tale feel, before Peter Jackson took over the project. Maybe in a parallel universe we got del Toro’s beautiful fairy-tale movies instead
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First Round Masterlist
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender vs. Red | Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Asmodeus | Obey Me! vs Garry | Ib
Spencer Reid | Criminal Minds vs. ENA | ENA
John Doe | Malevolent vs Lyfrassir Edda | The Bifrost Incident
Blackbeard | Our Flag Means Death vs. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Kurama | Naruto
Thanatos | Hades vs. Obito | Naruto
Lydia Deetz | Beetlejuice vs. John Mitchell | Being Human UK
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Hiccup | How to Train Your Dragon
Loki | Norse Mythology vs. Kaworu | Neon Genesis Evangelion
Chat Noir | Miraculous Ladybug vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Byleth | Fire Emblem vs. Fiver | Watership Down
Toruk Makto | Avatar: Way of Water vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alma Winograd-Diaz | Undone vs. Jennifer Check | Jennifer's Body
Meta Knight | Kirby vs. Anakin Skywalker | Star Wars
Sylvester Ashling | Epithet Erased vs. Emmet | Pokemon
Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge | Strange Aeons vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Bears in Trees | Band vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost BC
Electra | Starlight Express vs. Gerard Way | MCR
Hare | Tales from EarthSea vs. Sonic | Sonic the Hedgehg
Hero Killer Stain vs. Hawks | BNHA
Ekko | Arcane vs. Papa Emeritus IV/Copia | Ghost Band
Will Wood | Will Wood and the Tapeworms vs. The Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. The Curious | Creeped Out
Raine Whispers | The Owl House vs. El-Ahrairah | Watership Down
Kris Dreemur | Deltarune vs. Doug Eiffel | Wolf 359
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. Ash Crimson | King of Fighters
Testament | Guilty Gear vs. Megamind | Megamind
Undertaker | Black Butler vs. Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Young Tim Curry Characters | Clue vs. Rumi | Just Roll With It
Richard III | Requiem of the Rose King vs. Simon Petrikov |Adventure Time
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Sasori | Naruto
Hunter | Rain World vs. Sam Winchester | Supernatural
Eddie Munson | Stranger Things vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase
Hiei | Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Kaname Date | Ai: the Somnium Files
Bold and Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Lucienne | Sandman (THEY BOTH WON?)
E-boy Wojak | Meme culture vs. Cal Kestis | Jedi: Fallen Order
Team Rocket | Pokemon vs. Nico de Angelo | Percy Jackson/ Riordanverse
Ludwig Von Drake | Disney vs. Red Lizard | Rain World
Julian Devorak | Arcana vs. Professor Venomous | OKKO
Giovanni Potage | Epithet Erased vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Zim | Invader Zim
Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Sasuke Uchiha | Naruto
Yamato | One Piece vs. Roy Mustang | Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Lemon Grab | Adventure Time vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Mizuki | Project Sekai vs. Gomez Addams | Addams Family
Arven | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet vs. Reigen | Mob Psycho 100
Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight vs. Lord Shen | Kung Fu Panda 2
Trunks | Dragon Ball vs. Dr. Robotnik | Sonic
Five Pebbles | Rain World vs. The Goblin King | Labyrinth
Turrican OST | Turrican Game vs. Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2
Edgar Allen Poe | Bungo Stray Dogs vs. Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role
Dwight Enys | Poldark vs. Will Graham | Hannibal
Scrooge McDuck | Ducktales 2017 vs. Dr. Emmett Brown | Back to the Future
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Bilbo Baggins | Hobbit
Micheal Afton | Five Nights At Freddy's vs. Cecil Palmer | Welcome To Nightvale
Carla | Dumbing of Age vs. Larry | Pokemon
Tragedians | Pathologic vs. Zagreus | Hades
Alucard | Castlevania vs. Robin | One Piece
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3lder1ch-l0verz · 5 months
Main Masterlist and Guidelines
Hey! My name is L∅verz, the owner of this blog. I made this blog out of sheer boredom, please be patient with me.
Send asks, like, reblog.
Steal my work, be transphobic/homophobic, no racist things, no hate.
I WILL write:
Fluff, romantic, platonic, silly, OC's, ftm reader, ftm characters
What I WON'T write:
R@pe, 1ncest, any body fluid besides blood, angst (I'm bad at it), pedophilia, any kind of fetish, and fem reader
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The Sandlot
Steven Universe
Star Wars
Percy Jackson
Total Drama
Cobra Kai
Karate Kid
Kingdom of Heaven
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