hohomeimei · 1 year
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Vancouver trip in April.
Visited a friend in Vancouver at the end of April and really enjoyed the city and its food. Coffee culture is at a different level compared to Toronto and honestly some of the best coffee and cafes I have been to in the last few years.
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kronize · 6 months
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mini matcha parfait ミニお抹茶パフェ
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
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There has been a long-standing movement to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth.
Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. International No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy lifestyles for all body types.
History of International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day was first started by Mary Evans in 1992. The purpose of the day was to help men and women around the world to appreciate their own bodies. Having gone through anorexia herself, Mary began Diet Breakers, which is her organization. She then created the first International No Diet Day, bringing attention to the cause, and of course, her organization as well. Now, the day is used to help tackle tough issues regarding diet and body awareness, focusing on a number of agendas. This includes the following…
Educating people about the right way to diet responsibly and effectively
Having all people take a one-day break from their diets
Celebrating the diversity of different shapes and sizes
Bodies can be beautiful at all shapes and sizes, with both the svelte look of the athletic beach nut and the more Grecian and Rubenesque body types merely exemplifying the natural body type. Considering that the failures of dieting often result in yoyo-ing weight, with all of the weight lost being regained in almost every case within 5 years. To combat these incredibly unhealthy habits organizations all over the world have been engaged in forcing the fashion industry to label those images that have been modified, or outlawing the use of photoshop altogether.
How to celebrate International No Diet Day
Celebrating International No Diet Day is best done by recognizing that your own body is beautiful exactly as it is. De-emphasizing your efforts to shed weight to look a particular way, it is far better to celebrate the holiday with efforts at beginning to live a healthier lifestyle altogether. Worry less about your final goal, and more about getting out and being active and keeping your body healthy. Losing weight rapidly or shooting for unrealistic body types is an excellent way of causing yourself harm in the pursuit of greater health. Instead, love your body by finding active hobbies and love yourself the way you look!
There are a number of different ways that you can participate in International No Diet Day. This includes the following…
Help end weight discrimination, fatphobia, and sizeism.
Understand the inefficacy of commercial diets and learn about the diet industry.
Embrace body diversity and challenge the idea of one ‘right’ body shape.
Declare a day that is free from dieting and obsessing about shape and weight.
Compliment colleagues on contributions, achievements, and skills, rather than focusing on appearance.
Here are some of the suggestions that we have to help you make the most of this day…
Eat what you love! Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. Instead, eat what you truly want to eat because it tastes good. Let that be your only concern today.
Throw away your scales. Don’t judge yourself based on a number. You will be surprised by how liberating this feels.
Instead, celebrate and embrace your intrinsic qualities, such as your uniqueness, quirkiness, kindness, or strength, for instance!
Be adventurous and cook something that you have always wanted to but you have never cooked before.
You can also use International No Diet Day in order to make people aware of different eating disorders. There are so many ways that you can go about this. If you have had your own personal experience and you feel ready to share it, you may take this opportunity to start a blog about it. You could also decide to fundraise for those who are struggling with eating disorders. Whether you raise funds or you simply raise awareness, you are going to be doing a great thing to help a lot of people.
However, you should not feel guilty about simply using this day as an opportunity to look after number one! After all, we all need to care for ourselves as well. Why not make a list of all of the things you love about your body? Now is the perfect time to start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Most of us have a tendency to focus on the things we dislike instead of focusing on what we do like about our bodies. Today is the perfect time for you to change this!
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kennethleung38 · 2 years
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Japadog food truck at Landsdown mall, Richmond Vancouver Canada
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modmad · 1 year
Woah what, this entire time I thought you lived in Canada 🏃
I did live in Vancouver for two years! but UK is home, much as I detest many aspects of it at the moment. I miss Canada a lot though and I frequently get 'homesick' for Van, I don't know what else to call it.
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pjotvshownews · 1 year
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Walker Scobell with the staff of JAPADOG, who catered on set for the cast and crew of Percy Jackson today (x)
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kissingdeadgirls · 1 year
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What a F’n voice!
I'm a big Lana Del Rey fan. She's a pure talent, a beautiful woman as well . … I suspect she’d be a challenging woman to date, the kind of chick who might set all your clothes ablaze in a dumpster fire at the drop of a hat. Renée lived in Queens, an apartment in Astoria, when we first started dating, and we'd often spend our off days there. She introduced me to Del Rey's 2012 record Born to Die, which we used to listen to amidst the backdrop of beautiful New York City. Born to Die is kind of set in NYC, and anytime I hear a track from it I'm transported back to that time and place. My favorite Lana album, however, is Ultraviolence, not just because of my affinity for barbwire. This album is different from Born to Die in that its "setting" is the West Coast, as embodied by the track "West Coast" obviously. "Brooklyn Baby" a great song, might be the exception here, but this album feels distinctly West Coast to me, whatever that means. There's also a song called "Florida Kilos, so maybe my whole theory is off base. (Seriously, why did you buy this book? I clearly don't know what the hell I'm talking about.)
I first listened to this album while shooting a movie in Vancouver and when hear it now it always takes me back to that time and place, walking along the water with Renée, hiking the Grouse Grind and having a beer on the mountaintop, getting some Japadog (amazing Asian-fusion hot dog carts, if you ever see one, stop!).
Sit on your porch with some sangria, light some candles, and take a bath with a glass of wine, or take a nice walk through the park while you listen to the first five tacks of Ulraviolence. Let me know how you feel afterward. For me, this abums reling and inspiring. I don't light candies or dink wine, but I’m all about an Epsom salts bath (GET FUCKED! it’s a legitimate therapy tool! it’s not like I use bubble bath and shit).
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muffinjai · 1 year
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Sitting on a bench with @kenchow 🥰 waiting for @japadog.canada 🌭 looking up and taking a selfie 🤳 #MiniatureSchnauzer #Schnauzer 🐶🐾🇨🇦 #DogsOfCanada #DogsOfVancouver (at JAPADOG) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOVfYEPwJr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rebelafoods · 18 hours
Creamy Chicken In Buns And Japadogs
Ga perlu kamu cheating lagi ya saat diet, variasi menu di rebelafoods udah cukup bikin perut laper kamu meronta-ronta loh.. Jelas kenyang lengkap dengan jajanan sehatnya semua diproduksi sendiri loh, jd jelas manfaat buat tubuh kamu
🥘 Creamy Chicken in Buns 🥘 Japadogs
Khawatir tidak bisa makan enak saat sedang diet ? No worry, RebelaFood solusinya😉
Siapa yang penasaran dengan rasanya?? Yuk order di Rebela Food sekarang juga 🥰
Chat admin sekarang juga, Lagi ada promo menarik nih❣️
Selama program diet kamu akan tetap merasa ENJOY & HAPPY. Kami siap membantu supaya kamu berhasil mendapatkan body goalsmu RebelaFriends😍😍
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rickchung · 3 months
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Bite of Burnaby x The Amazing Brentwood x Burnaby.
Kurobuta terimayo hot do with teriyaki sauce, Japanese mayonnaise, seaweed, butter, pork sausage, and onions from Japadog.
Tourism Burnaby's fourth annual food festival featuring 60 participating restaurants on until Mar. 31.
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gokitetour · 5 months
The Top 7 Best Street Food in Canada
 Canada, a country renowned for its diverse population and expansive landscapes, has as varied a street food culture as its citizens. From the vibrant metropolises of Vancouver and Toronto to the quaint lanes of Quebec City, Canadian street food offers a delectable blend of international culinary influences. Leading roles in this culinary mosaic are classic recipes that have come to represent street food in Canada.
Poutine, a national treasure, is a flavourful symphony of crispy fries, Savory gravy, and squeaky cheese curds. For those who have a sweet tooth, BeaverTails are delicious pastries with an assortment of sweet toppings that provide a filling treat. The sound of Japadog, a blend of Japanese cuisine and North American spicy food, reverberates throughout Canadian streets.
The famous peameal bacon sandwich, bannock, butter tarts, and Montreal-style bagels all stand out as culinary treasures that each highlight a different facet of Canada's rich culinary history as one explores the country's many culinary landscapes. Come along on a mouthwatering tour of some of Canada's best street meals, where each mouthful narrates a tale of creativity, history, and mouthwatering tastes that make Canadian street cuisine really remarkable.
 Here are some of the best street foods in Canada.
1. Poutine Artistry: An Iconic Canadian Tradition: Poutine, the national cuisine of Canada, is a top contender for the finest street food in the nation. This delicious Quebec-style dish consists of golden fries that are crispy on the outside and topped with squeaky cheese curds and creamy gravy. Poutine is a popular street meal all throughout the country because of its unique blend of tastes and textures. You can always find a local seller selling this beloved Canadian dish, whether you're in the quaint little streets of Montreal or the busy streets of Toronto.
 2. BeaverTails: A Sweet Delight for All Taste Buds: On the streets of Canada, BeaverTails provides a delicious experience for anyone with a sweet taste. Shaped like beaver tails, these hand-stretched, deep-fried pastries are served with a variety of toppings. These pastries, which range from traditional cinnamon sugar to rich chocolate hazelnut, are a typical Canadian treat. The scent of freshly fried BeaverTails is likely to entice your taste buds, whether you're touring Ottawa's historic ByWard Market or strolling along Vancouver's shoreline.
3.Japadog: Combination Tastes on a Bun: Japadog is a street food phenomenon that combines Japanese and Canadian Flavors and has become quite popular in metropolitan areas. Japadog, which started in Vancouver, is a combination of traditional North American hot dogs with Japanese spices. Imagine a flawlessly cooked sausage covered with Japanese mayo, seaweed, and teriyaki sauce. Because of its distinctive fusion of culinary styles, japadog is now a street snack that both residents and visitors should eat.
4. Montreal-Style Bagels: An Original Take on a Classic: Although they may not be limited to street food, bagels prepared in Montreal offer a distinctive take on this traditional dish. Montreal bagels are hand-rolled, boiled in water sweetened with honey, and cooked to perfection in wood-fired ovens. They are denser, smaller, and sweeter than their New York counterparts. These bagels are perfect for snacking on while exploring Montreal's lively districts. They're commonly offered with different spreads, like cream cheese or smoked salmon.
5.Bannock: Ancient Origins, Contemporary Pleasure: Bannock, a street food staple in Canada, has its origins in Indigenous cuisine. The history of this flatbread, which is usually baked or fried, stretches back to before Europeans arrived in the nation. These days, bannock is consumed in a variety of ways, including Savory and sweet. It's probable that you'll come across a food truck or vendor selling this adaptable and delectable Indigenous delight, whether you're strolling through the streets of Yellowknife or right in the middle of Winnipeg.
6. Butter Tarts: A Delectable Canadian Treat: Originating in Ontario, butter tarts are a traditional Canadian treat that has made its way onto street corners. These mouthwatering pastries have a flaky pastry shell covering an oozy, buttery interior. Butter tarts are the epitome of a treat for any sugar craving, whether they are eaten simple or topped with raisins or nuts. It's a truly Canadian culinary experience to find a street vendor selling these delicious delicacies, particularly during festivals and gatherings.
7. A Quick and Easy Breakfast Option: Peameal Bacon Sandwich: A Canadian staple for a substantial street food breakfast is the peameal bacon sandwich. Often called a "Toronto sandwich" or "peameal bacon sandwich," this meal is made out of back bacon, or peameal bacon, served on bread with toppings like lettuce and tomato and sometimes mustard. For both locals and visitors, it's a delightful way to start the day. This filling and flavourful alternative has become a street mainstay in Toronto and beyond.
 As we wave adieu to the enticing realm of street food in Canada, it is clear that the varied culinary scene reflects the nation's heterogeneous fabric. The streets of Canada provide a cross-border culinary journey, from the famous poutine to the sweet treat of BeaverTails and the savory fusion of Japadog.
In addition to showcasing Canada's culinary skills, these street food treats act as cultural ambassadors, showcasing the country's rich past and the influences of Indigenous customs, European settlers, and international cuisines. The Montreal-style bagels, bannock, butter tarts, and peameal bacon sandwiches serve as a tribute to the culinary inventiveness that characterizes street food in Canada as one navigates the busy streets.
Getting a Canada visa is essential for anybody thinking about traveling to sample these gastronomic delights firsthand since it opens up a world of delicious possibilities. As you relish the final morsels of these delicious street meals, the experience transforms from a culinary journey into a memorable cultural immersion that tantalizes the palates of both tourists and residents. The tastes of street cuisine from Canada cling to the palate like a tantalizing invitation, calling everyone to Savor the delectable and distinctive selections available throughout the lively streets of this friendly and diverse country.
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kronize · 7 months
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Japadog mini o-matcha parfait
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Food and Drinks in Vancouver
Earls Kitchen + Bar is a Canadian-based premium casual dining chain that operates a total of 68 restaurants in Canada and the United States. Their head office is in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Leroy Earl "Bus" Fuller (1928–2019), the founder of Earls, was a Korean War veteran and an experienced restaurateur with over twenty successful and failed restaurants to his name. His first restaurant was opened in Sunburst, Montana, United States, in 1954 under the name "Green & White". In the late 1950s, Fuller moved his young family to Canada and operated a series of A&W (Canada) locations in Edmonton, Alberta. Soon, the Fullers were operating thirty locations and a series of Fuller’s, a Denny’s type of chain. In the 1970s, the Fullers moved west to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
It was during this time that Fuller went into business with his son Stan Fuller, founding the first Earls restaurant in 1982 in Edmonton. The chain quickly grew when the Fullers set up an Earls restaurant in their new home town of Vancouver in 1983. Although its menu originally consisted mostly of burgers and beer, Earls has changed the menu to offer "dishes inspired by trips around the world." Over the years, Earls restaurants have spread across Western Canada, the United States, and Ontario.
While the chain was originally a family business, in 2013, Mo Jessa became the first non-Fuller to be named as company president.
The Fullers are involved in a number of other Western Canadian restaurant chains. Jeff Fuller and Stewart Fuller, two other sons of Leroy, are involved in JOEY (a western Canadian restaurant chain) and Cactus Club Cafe, respectively. Ole Stan Fuller owns a 20% share of the latter establishment after the other brothers dropped out.
In December 2017, Earls announced that they would be closing one of their first locations, on Marine Drive in North Vancouver. In early 2018, the chain opened a concept restaurant in West Vancouver as a replacement.
Source: Wikipedia
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modmad · 1 year
hi mx. moderate mads, I'm in vancouver for a few months (downtown, just off davie) and remembered you went to vfs. is there anywhere you'd recommend checking out while I'm here?
if the Hubbub sandwich place still exists go eat the world's best albeit rather expensive fuckin sandwich (my fav was the prawn but really they are all good) also try a Japadog if you can find it I swear they are so delicious. basically eat food. all the food. oh and Granville Island is great for shopping and if you hop on the ferry to Vancouver Island that is a beautiful place to get out from the city OH AND THE MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND STANLEY PARK AND THE AQUARIUM AND
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kittyjoymoments23 · 1 year
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Japadog Wagyu beef hotdog
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dawnlovesham · 1 year
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Starting this up again
Santa Monica Beach, with a cameo of sus.
I did not expect Japadog to show up, it felt like I never left home.
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