#Jaune is a descendant of Salem theory
novankenn · 3 months
Nora in : Tea with Jaune's family... Story-Time
"In a time before antiquity, a lonely young woman sat trapped, impressioned in a tower by her father. The once kind man, had shattered when his wife, the mother of his daughter passed while giving her birth. Obsessed with keeping her safe, he locked her away from the world..."
Nora: Wait... this sounds like that fairy-tale! The girl in the basement?
Nora: It's the Girl in the Tower!
Nora: So you are REALLY telling me a story.
Nora: Would you just listen! This is important!
Nora: Well can we get Bob to bring some finger sandwiches, or cookies? This is going to be long isn't it?
Nora: Okay. Bob!
Bob the Beowulf sticks his head in through the door.
Nora: Bob could you get us some cookies and pastures, and some hot chocolate, please?
Bob(Beowulf): *Yip
Bob's head vanishes back through the door.
Nora: I like Bob. He's nice.
Nora: Yes he is. Very well mannered, and extremely focused on his duties. Did you know that Bob is the FIRST ever Grimm to earn a doctorate in Butler Sciences?
Nora: How did he do that? He couldn't have gone to a normal school.
Nora: Correspondence courses.
Nora: Makes sense.
Nora: Anyway, while we wait for refreshments, I shall continue...
"So trapped behind a magical barrier, unable to leave the girl suffered. Her father cold, and caring only of her as a possession to keep safe, locked away from the world. So she started to wither, and it was only through her nanny and the books did she know of the outside world."
"But her reading gave her a taste for life. A desire for adventure, and by accident she discovered she could send tings pass the barrier that kept her trapped inside. So armed with ink, quill and paper she convinced her father to allow her access to, she started to send messages... seeking someone to save her...."
Nora: Is there a point to this fairy-tale?
Nora: Yes, there is.
Nora: Can we just get to it? I appreciate the build-up and the attempt to get me interested, but you're me. You know.
Nora: Yeah, your right. Okay, so the TLDR is that Grandma-ma Salem was the girl in the Tower.
Nora: Is that true?
Nora: Yes.
Nora: Well if it is true, she looks astoundingly good for someone older than dirt!
Nora: Anyway the rest of the TLDR is that Ozpin the Headmaster is the reincarnated soul of her rescuer, lover and husband.
Nora: Okay?
Nora: They got married, he grew ill and died. She tried to cheat death by conning the brother Gods... it failed, and in a fit of depression she threw herself into a pool of grimm goo.
Nora: She obviously survived.
Nora: Yes. Anyway Ozama, which was Ozpin's original name came back and the two fell in love, had four beautiful daughters... but Salem wasn't happy. After all those years alone, watching humanity rebuild she grew just a tad power hungry... and decided the best way to help Remnant would be to rule it.
Nora: So Ozpin... er Ozma thought differently and they fought didn't they?
Nora: Yes, they did. Salem attacked Ozama when he tried to leave during the night with their daughters.
Nora: No...
Nora: It happened...
Nora: Nora... this is the main point... in that clash of magical energies, one of their children was flung through time... that girl was Jasmine, Jaune's mother...
Nora: Now I'm getting a headache. So Jaune's mom is Salem's real daughter, meaning Fearless Leader... MY Jaune-Jaune is directly related to the queen of the Grimm?
Nora: Yes.
Nora: Question?
Nora: Yes?
Nora: Is this a universal constant like us?
Nora: Yes, it is but the problem is Salem and Jasmine don't know the other is alive, so it takes... Outside forces to get them to connect.
Nora: Forces like US!
Nora: Exactly!
Nora: But how does this all work? Like Queen of the Grimm just giving up, because she has great-grand-babies?
Nora: Salem has eons to fester with guilt and regret. Finding Jasmine opens her wounds, allowing love to finally touch her heart, which you know as well as I do the Arc's are masters of showering someone with love.
Nora: I do.
Nora: So do you understand? The ned for you and Jaune to have children?
Nora: So Salem has something else to occupy her time?
Nora: No, to fill her life with a loving family that will withstand the tests and trials of time.
The library door opened and Bob the Beowulf entered pushing a cart loaded with sweet pastries, cookies and a steaming kettle of hot chocolate.
Nora: Thank you Bob. Can you go ask Salem to join us?
Bob just nodded and padded off, leaving the two alone.
Nora: Question, does Jaune know about any of this? Because this seems like a BIG deal, and Jaune should know about it. Like it's not everyday you find out you're directly related to the big bad who controls all the grimm in the world!
Nora: To be honest... I don't know if he does... but you're right he should.
Nora: You think we could do the whole snatch and talk to him here routine you've been using on me?
Nora: Don't see why not.
(Master List)
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howlingday · 10 months
Jaune: Salem...
Salem: Ja-Une...
Jaune: My name is Jaune!
Salem: No, it's Ja-Une. J-A-U-N-E. Ja-Une. That's what I named you.
Jaune: You ruined my life!
Salem: How could I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!
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The Descendant
The Descendant needed Someone yet was shunned, The Vessel Needed someone and was surronded by Love,
The Descendent Lost Everything He Ever Loved, The Vessel Had Her Love Ones Alive, Why Did The World Hate The Descendant? Is It Because he was related to the Dark one?,
but there was no one there to hear it, he was alone again, no one to love as they were dead, no one to talk to as he was shunned, no one to rely to, as no one wanted to get close to the descendant. Yet all he ever asked for in the world was to be a knight was that so hard? why why was the world so cruel to him?With The Vessel And Light Shunning him out as he was the descendant of the Dark One He followed one path the path Many before him took
the path to Darkness
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pilot-boi · 1 year
What is up with Jaune Arc?
So I have a theory about why Jaune flinched from Ruby's eyes and several other mysteries about our favorite banana noodle
So I was a strong proponent of the Jaune is a descendant of Salem theory a while back during volume 6, it just made sense. It explained the flinching, Tyrians weird interest, and even why Ozpin allowed an untrained nobody to enter Beacon when he saw Pyrrha unlock his aura during initiation
(Seriously, why does no one bring that up!? Every betrayal fic, expulsion au, and complaints about Jaune sneaking into Beacon seem to forget that Ozpin straight up saw Jaune unlock his aura. Like Bruh...)
Anyways once that theory was said to be false by the show writers I was stumped
Why can a boy with no training and having his aura unlocked 5 minutes ago be able to hold back a fully grown deathstalker with one arm and have the aura control to walk away from a 100ft drop with barely a bruise?
How is his able to at least be passible for weeks with no proper training during the Jaundice arc? How is it that he is able to catch up to warriors who have been training for years in a matter of months? Why did Tyrian have such an interest in him during volume 4?
I assumed that these were just plot holes that I would never get a good answer to. Until volume 9 that is
We now know that Jaune Arc is the Rusted Knight, a storybook character who in the very least predates the Great War and is known across Remnant. This means for all of Jaune’s existence upon Remnant he has simultaneously existed in the Ever After. Which means that the minute Jaune was born, he had already been a fully fledged combatant for decades, if not centuries
My theory is that the reason Jaune is so "special" is because of his paradoxal nature
Jaune Arc knows the basics of combat and how to fight off of muscle memory that isn't his yet. His aura control is stellar upon being unlocked since he's been using his semblance for years now. His aura size is so large because he now literally has double the amount a normal person should have because there are two of him. He is a being who shares a soul with another, himself in a world parallel to Remnant
Tyrian is interested in him beacause he can see somethings weird about his aura. A popular headcanon about Tyrian is that he has poor eyesight like real scorpions but can see aura just fine
So when he takes a close look at Jaune he can see a faint overlay of something, or someone else. A much older, stronger aura than this novice huntsman should possibly have
Its why Jaune flinched during Rubys silver eye blast at Haven. For a brief moment he was exposed to the pure essence of a being from the Ever After, the essence of the God of Light. And during that brief moment, the two parallel worlds were bridged, and the Rusted Knight and Jaune Arc felt each other for the first time
A tiny jolt, one that was soon brushed off but a feeling of suddenly not being alone in your very soul coming and going like a flash would cause anyone to flinch. Makes me wonder how Rusted Jaune felt during that moment
I know this is a long shot but notice that the only times Jaunes aura has broken was after being slapped by a mech while boosting Nora, on the bridge during his fight with Cinder, and in the Ever After from the Curious Cat. One of those times was after he pulled off a truly absurd feat, and the other two both happened above and within the other world, where the rest of his soul resided
Coming out of the Ever After Jaune might no longer have absurdly large aura, since he now is whole once more and only has as much as one person should have
Sorry for the long post but this has been bugging me for awhile and I thought this might be a good theory for why Jaune is the way he is.
TLDR; Jaune Arc is connected Rusted Jaune and both share a soul causing weird things about Jaune
Formatted for ease of reading
Okay but this is a BRILLIANT freaking theory about all the nonsense going on with Jaune, and it would honestly make a lot of stuff make sense
Why was Tyrian interested in him? He has more Aura than any one person should be able to hold
Why did Jaune flinch at the silver eyes when no one else did? He very briefly was connected to the version of him in the Ever After
Why did his Aura break so quickly on the bridges when before it took being bitchslapped by a mile high mech AND boosting Nora? Now he was “in” the Ever After and only able to draw on one pool of Aura
It even explains pretty mundane stuff like how he was able to catch up to his friends after only a year or two of training. It’s the same reason Oscar was able to, he’s pulling on “someone else’s” muscle memory
Even his symbol! TWO arcs, not one, TWO Jaune Arcs, not one
God this is a really cool theory, I REALLY love this idea. Thank you for sharing
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ficretus · 3 months
Jaune being Salem's descendant is theory that gets used sometimes in Jaune fics. I personally don't find it that interesting as a concept. However, what if you give similar treatment to Cinder in context of Knightfall fic. If Jaune is descendant of Salem, make Cinder descendant of Ozma.
More specifically, make Cinder Ozpin's illegitimate child. He either never knew about her or abandoned her as he started fusing more and more with Ozma (yeah this kind of makes Oz deadbeat dad which I'm not the biggest fan of).
This would add some small bits to Cinder's existing characterization and motivations.
Why does she hate Huntsmen society? Well besides the whole Rhodes fiasco, it's because she was abandoned by what's essentially its leader.
Why does she have white wisps in her Beacon design? Something she inherited from Ozpin.
Why does she want Maiden powers so much and feels entitled to have all of them? Maiden powers were originally given to girls that represented Ozma's dead daughters. If Cinder was Ozma's daughter, she'd feel entitled to them since they'd be hers by right.
And to me the interesting part would be creating another reverse Ozlem within Knightfall's already existing reverse Ozlem. Jaune would be inheritor of Salem's legacy, but he'd be using it for good. Cinder would be inheritor of Ozma's legacy, but she'd be using it for evil.
Somewhat random, but felt like sharing the idea.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
Have you ever heard the old theory that Yang and Adam were half-siblings, usually through Raven, but I've seen an argument that Adam was Tai's once.
I'm just curious if you have any thoughts.
i think—& this is not limited to just the rwby fandom—there's a degree to which fandom's transformative interest in source texts and ship-centric, blorbo-oriented culture makes it difficult for fandoms to parse narrative devices like foils. a foil character is a tool for creating contrast and guiding audience attention by juxtaposition or comparison between a main character and the foil. the narrative connections and confluences between the main character and the foil are thematically motivated, there to enhance or deepen or ask some sort of question about the main character.
what tends to happen in fandoms is people will pick up on the narrative lines being drawn between the main character and the foil and assume that these connections are relevant to the plot, which almost always leads to either:
wildly popular fanon ship between the main character and foil, or
"these characters are secretly biological relatives."
i generally have a lot more respect for people in the first camp because... shipping character foils is fun, if for no other reason than the depth of thematic connection kind of innately provides a lot of raw material to work with, and in my experience people who like to ship character foils tend to have at least a basic understanding of what a foil is and what foiling is for narratively.
um, as it pertains to rwby specifically, the story makes uses a lot of character foiling and narrative foiling (main plot + foil subplot) to construct its thematic narrative, and i think that's a major contributing factor to the preponderance of theories like "jaune is descended from salem" (jaune is foiling salem) and "qrow is ruby's dad" (qrow is foiling ruby's idealism) and "raven is ruby's other parent" (summer and raven are character foils and the old guard all see ruby as a proxy for summer) and... so on. being charitable, it's an attempt to make sense of clear thematic and symbolic connections between characters by interpreting them literally as foreshadowing for... some reveal of a significant relationship between the characters, and the obvious answer from there is usually a blood relationship.
as a... general statement, i don't think any characters in rwby are secretly biological relatives, unless we're counting "silver-eyed people are all descended from ozma Somehow" on the grounds that the characters overlooked that in the lost fable. even that i am not sure it actually matters to the narrative except insofar as it suggests silver-eyes as another set of proxy-children ozma uses as pawns in his war against salem.
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falleri-salvatore · 1 year
Random Grimm!Jaune Plot Bunny
In which Merlot, in his research of Grimm, manages to unearth the truth about Salem and undergoes a quest to find people descended from her lineage (whether Human or Faunus matters not to him). Or barring that, trying to infuse Grimm essence into human and faunus in order to create Grimm-Bloods, since the existence of Salem has shown that it is indeed theoretically possible. Salem for her part, finds out about this, and rather than make him stop; instead sends Arthur Watts to aid and assist Merlot while also tasking him with documenting all the experiments and discoveries Merlot has made. Especially since Merlot and Salem appear to be on the same wavelength in regards to the Brother Gods and how they (humans and faunus) could be better off without them (in Salem’s case, she used to believe this in the past, but now she seeks death. However, if Merlot’s experiments end up successful, they could theoretically create a being that could hold the potential to destroy the gods, which could also, by extension, undo Salem’s curse.) One of the things Salem has sent to Merlot via Watts is a lock of her hair for Merlot to study, which ends granting Merlot the breakthrough needed to create a device that can actually detect dormant Grimm essence within people. Cue Merlot’s joy and Salem’s astonishment in finding out that (during the events of Grimm Eclipse) there were not one, not two, but three dormant natural Grimm-Bloods (Jaune, Weiss and Pyrrha) with Jaune causing the single greatest reaction out of the device Merlot had ever seen. Cue Merlot’s plot to awaken Jaune’s Grimm-Blood and, by extension, using said awakening to agitate the other two’s Grimm-Blood into awakening as well. As far as Merlot was concerned, this would be the day all of his research and theories would be vindicated. Here are some songs to create ambience:
EDIT: Also Grimm!Weiss towards Jacques (Arse) Schnee
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tokufan400 · 1 year
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Ok, dumb theory, but what if Jaune's family is just descended from some un-claimed child her father had? It's a dumb theory sure, but it definitely sometimes feels like Salem might have some link to the Arc's small as it may be. That or Jaune's ancestors found the symbol in some ruins, liked it, and decided to take it up as their own. Honestly that might be the more likely conclusion, anticlimatic as it is.
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bluearc009 · 11 months
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gorillageek27 · 1 year
What if it turns out Jaune was a human-grimm hybrid this whole time, and his outfit was foreshadowing it the whole time?
No. Jaune does not need some edgy backstory. Okay. Theories like these ruin jaune's character. It's why I hate that Salem descendant theory.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Cannot imagine what it is like to be a fan of a TV show these days where the creators are constantly being interviewed or going on social media to give multiple different interpretations/Word of God explanations of scenes especially when the text itself is lacking. It would drive me insane and is already driving me insane by proxy the more I follow it. This isn't about any one particular show I've seen it happening over and over again.
Great to know all of the creatives are on the same page and they know what they're putting into the text and have zero anxieties about trying to control or supplement interpretation because said text was lacking and they know it (I'm not really accounting here for corporate interference because I don't know enough about it interfering actual production etc. but I'll willingly allow that probably has something to do with it).
I ignore Word of God about R/WBY because it makes me happier that way but I did see my dash alight with official AMA Word of God confirmation Jaune isn't Salem's descendent because apparently the most important stuff coming from them is rejecting the dumbest possible (SECRET PARENTAGE) theories out there.
I'd take that anyday over a creative having to explain something as basic as character motivation to me.
The funniest thing is that the AMA confirmation about Jaune was a little while after I had actually been asked about it and was very offended by it, suggesting that it was a prominent enough theory it trickled down to me. Shudder.
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novankenn · 6 months
Nora in:
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Tea With Jaune's Family...
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(Sourced from Google / Generated by Perchance AI / Sourced from Google)
Salem == Jasmine
Saphron == Terra
Nora (1) == Nora (2)
Story-Time ==
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howlingday · 11 months
Jaune: Uh, hi? I'm... I'm Jaune. I'm kind of your great grandson... to a degree.
Salem: (Quirks her brow)
Jaune: Y-Y'know, because I don't really know how "great" we are from each other. Heh heh.
Salem: (Blinks)
Jaune: A-Anyways, I'm your descendant, and I'm here to talk you out of being evil because, you know... You're still family and all.
Salem: FAMILY?! All I see is another pathetic hero with a rusty sword!
Jaune: Uh, it's not rusty ANYMORE.
Salem: Another child playing as an adult who needs discipline! (Summons Grimm, Cackles)
Jaune: (Gulps) Oh boy...
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neos--neo · 1 year
We all heard of Jaune is Salem's descendant Theory, But have you heard of Salem Is a descendant of Jaune's Theory. She was locked away by her cruel father. There is time travel fruits. Is Jaune Salem's father? Think about it. It could be true. Just Kidding. This is a total crack theory. I just had the thought, and I had to share it.
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lil-red-reaper · 3 years
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Hmmm…where have we seen that symbol before?
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ficretus · 8 months
Theory: Speculating about Volume 10 through Joan of Arc references. Part 1: Crown as enemies in Vacuo
Hello, it's me again. This time I want to speculate events that might happen in Volume 10 (if it ever happens). Speculations will be done mostly through Joan of Arc references, meaning they will be very Jaune-centric. Speculations will also imply that every major event in Joan of Arc's story will have RWBY equivalent, which is very optimistic assumption. But hey, I'll shoot at the wall and see what sticks.
I attempted to make entire timeline of previous events observed through Joan of Arc story and this will be extension of that theory.
Even if you don't read this theory, I'll give quick tl:dr whenever it's applicable. This will be fairly conventional theory timeline wise (unlike some others) and will mostly deal with Timeline 1 (which spans from Joan's arrival to Chinon to her heresy trial), from aftermath of failed siege of Paris. With that out the way, let's begin.
Crown are villainous Vacuo based faction introduced in RWBY's Vacuo novels. Their goal is taking over Vacuo and re-establishing the monarchy. At the end of the novels, they fail and their prominent members end up either imprisoned, missing or lobotomized.
I feel like they'll return as villains in Vacuo portion of main storyline. First of all, prisons in RWBY are just time out zones for villains. Have they ever kept anyone there for a long time? The fact Crown are neither redeemed nor completely finished off, makes them prime candidates for evil henchmen in this portion of the story.
Second, they fit relatively well into Joan of Arc story post siege of Paris. After failure at Paris, Joan wanted to fight either English or Burgundians, however, truce with Burgundy and factional scheming at the court prevented her from doing that. Instead, she was sent to fight Burgundian mercenary Perrinet Gressart. Gressart was extremely opportunistic leader, who primarily looked out for himself. This made him hated by both French and his Burgundian employers. Court saw this as a way to bypass truce with Burgundy since it was assumed Duke of Burgundy wouldn't really care for Gressart's well being.
To me, this works for multiple reasons. They wouldn't be fighting Salem or Cinder (who I read as England and Burgundy respectively in this timeline. Salem is English because she is the main villain. Cinder is Burgundy because their motivations are freedom through power, they side with villains, have vendetta against king Dauphin/Ruby), they'd be fighting third party that is in their employ but not necessarily important to them. Gressart was useful tool for Anglo-Burgundian side, just like Crown would be useful idiots for Salem's side. Just have them do their thing and wreak havoc in Vacuo while Salem's forces seize the Relic and Maiden powers. Joan being hesitant to fight Gressart (since she felt there were more important things to do) also works here. Imagine being one of the main characters in RWBY: you know Salem's end goal, but instead of fighting her, you have to fight some monarchist weirdos that think they'll rule Vacuo when everything is done. I'd be pretty tired as well.
Since Tyrian and Mercury were sent ahead of time to Vacuo they'll likely free Crown members and recruit them for Salem.
Gillian Asturias, for those that don't know, is leader of Crown alongside her brother Jax. She is convinced she is descendant of ancient Vacuan monarchs and wants to reclaim her supposed birthright. Her Semblance, Aura Siphon, is very similar to Jaune's and allows her to both drain and supply people with Aura. At the end of the novel, she is imprisoned.
Semblance semblance is most important aspect here for Joan of Arc allusion. During her campaign against Gressart at the town of La Charite, she encountered Catherine of Rochelle, mystic who supposedly had the same abilities she had. They clashed over direction of the campaign and Joan eventually denounced her as a fraud. I'd say if Jaune is gonna have meaningful rivalry with any of Crown members, it's gonna with Gillian. Timeline wise, this encounter fits since it happened during the Gressart campaign, which I established earlier as my equivalent of potential fight against Crown.
Differences in the supposed abilities and their applications of it also work as parallel. Joan was guided by her Voices to assist French cause during the Hundred Years War, to eventually crown Dauphin as rightful King of France. Her sword and banner were used to boost morale. This parallels Jaune's selfless use of his Semblance. While theoretically he should be able to use it for variety of things, he primarily uses it to heal and boost abilities of others. Catherine of Rochelle claimed she saw Visions of treasures she needed to seize for the French King. She wanted French King to give her authority to collect gold and silver from French people to fund the war effort. Catherine's supposed visions mirror Gillian's application of her Semblance. Just like Catherine wanted to seize wealth from others to help her cause, Gillian drains Aura from people she deems less important to boost her loyal soldiers. Her lofty desires of having troupe of followers also parallel Gillian's delusions of grandeur.
Their allegiances would also somewhat parallel each other assuming Crown sides with Salem. While Catherine of Rochelle was on French side of the war, the way she wanted to accomplish her goals is through cooperation with Burgundians. Joan considered that to be pointless and that peace with Burgundy will only come after they are defeated. In case Crown sides with Salem, their desire would likely be seizure of Vacuo. They'd either be unaware of Salem's grand plans or think deal with Salem would spare Vacuo. Whatever the case, Jaune would know that any deal with Salem's side is pointless considering her plans to end the world.
Joan's advice to Catherine can also be translated into this scenario. Joan told her to go home to her family and do housework. Not saying Jaune will tell Gillian to "go back to kitchen". Gillian's villainy comes through her delusions of grandeur that she is descendant of the royal family. If she abandoned that ambition, she would stop being a headache for everyone involved.
Joan was victorious in her first battle against Gressart through sheer perseverance. However, she was unable to take La Charite due to lack of supplies and approaching winter. Joan being outlasted could be interpreted as Jaune losing Semblance clash with Gillian and having his Aura drained. While Joan was incredibly doubtful in Catherine's supposed abilities, in RWBY I'd say opposite is more likely. I find it more likely for Jaune to see himself as a fraud due to his lack of self worth. Opposite is another possibility, for Jaune to overwhelm Gillian, both showing his growth with his abilities as well as making her look like a fraud compared to him. However I lean more towards former since I think Jaune's Semblance will evolve through different circumstances. He awakened it while trying to save life, I feel it will also evolve that way. Whatever the case, just like Gressart campaign, initial fight against Crown will likely be inconclusive and somewhat pointless.
Gillian being promised Summer Maiden power in exchange for helping Salem and securing the Relic for her is plausible in my book. Not only would her Semblance potentially allow her to drain Maiden powers, it would also be consistent with her motivation as a character. What better way to affirm your legitimacy as Queen of Vacuo then seizing divine magical powers. Her traditionalism and refusal to adopt new ways (like using Dust or Scroll) could also play a role in Summer Maiden lesson which is about opening yourself to the world. However, I don't think she'd be long term Maiden if she seizes the powers, probably place holder until they are eventually given to more "worthy" candidate.
There is also interesting story about Catherine and Joan sleeping in the same bed so Joan can see supposed White Lady Catherine sees at night. I am sorry to disappoint anyone shipping Jaune x Gillian, I don't think this part is ever getting translated into the show itself.
This is where Gressart campaign ends. While Joan fought two more battles during her military career, I feel neither would be Crown related if translated into the show (I think one will be translated into fight against Tyrian, other against Cinder). Dauphin (in this timeline this is Ruby. faction leader, silver eyes=royalty, left home when they were 15) would pay Gressart to abandon Le Charite. Gressart would die years later, leaving behind sizable fortune.
This might seem anti climactic, but I don't think Jaune will play much of a role in extended fight with Crown (he will likely have Fall Maiden shaped problem). The one to deal with them will likely be Ruby, just like Gressart was dealt with by King himself. I don't think it would be 1:1 translation, definitely not Ruby showing up and saying "I'll give you 100$ to fuck off". It will probably be Ruby persuading them to stand down, or at least persuading them to temporarily cooperate against Salem's faction. Since Crown is all about taking over and ruling Vacuo, it wouldn't be out of question for them to switch sides if they realize Salem's goals go against that.
In conclusion, this theory felt pretty underwhelming to write, but wanted to get it out as part of Joan of Arc related Volume 10 predictions. There will likely be more parts, dealing with other potential plot points. As always, feel free to comment if you feel like I missed something or have your own interpretations.
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