#Jaune's ancestors
lipeg · 9 months
Knight's Tales: Winter Solstice Special (Christmas special )
Ever Alter - Underground
The underground of Ever Alter it was a very interesting and mysterious place, where it keeps many secrets.
Entire civilizations hidden beneath the earth.
In one of the many caves, there was a very peculiar.
A cave that didn't look like a cave, it looked like a country that was buried but the sun continued to appear, rain kept watering the crops. Even though was beneath the earth, life continued normal.
And the seasons passed normally. Even beneath the earth.
The people who lived in this cave were called of Dragronelf. A race of human beings with blue skin, pointy ears and with horns on his head.
They were a peaceful race. But they weren't stupid, they had their warriors to cause a war to happen.
This race worshipped a Dragon God.
Those responsible for creating everything.
But after he created everything, he felt alone, then he split into two parts.
This race has a legend that a traveler who was also a great warrior would bring back their Dragon God back and thus, the Dragon God would unite all the races.
But that day was far from coming.
But they would wait hopefully.
This race was currently celebrating the winter solstice, It was a five-day holiday.
During these five days, they celebrated with their families together, to celebrate the good harvests, unlike other places, this cave, the best season for them was winter. During this season, the fruits have changed, giving them a unique flavor and aroma.
They meet at a lake that has mystical properties or magic.
On the same lake, They take the belongings of their deceased relatives with them, because when the item diving into the water to the incredible happened.
But now let's change our focus.
Near the lake there was a young knight was sitting by the lake.
A young knight with long blond hair, blue eyes, he had a sad expression on his face. The knight had little armor, he had armor no covering his chest and on his left arm.
He had black pants similar to jeans, his boots had a metal protection on the front, on the heel part there was a metal protection.
He had a red sash in his right hand.
He looked at red sash and he gave a sigh tired.
He got up and walked to the edge of the lake.
He knelt down, holding the red sash tightly, put his hand in the water, and released the red sash.
The moment he released the red sash, the lake began to glow. He was blinded by the glare.
As the glow faded, his vision gradually returned.
He was shocked by what happened.
He was no longer near the lake.
He was in a place unlike anything he had ever seen.
The floor was made of water.
It was literally water, he was walking on water.
The sky was in the middle. On one side was the blue sky with the sun and on the other side was the dark sky with the moon.
The stars were very bright on both sides.
There were only clouds around him and gears in the distance.
He started walking.
To look from one side to the other.
He found himself alone in an unknown place.
He looked everywhere to find a way out and to find Pyrrha's red sash.
— Hello again
His eyes widened.
He turned around with his heart beating too fast.
But it wasn't her.
In front of him was something that looked like a mirror. The mirror showed their first date, the first time they met.
He stood still, his gaze fixed on the mirror, and memories flooded his mind.
He began to walk again.
He was unsure. Should he stop or continue walk.
The further he walked, the more mirrors appeared. Showing memories with her.
The expression on his face was both happy and sad.
He hadn't forgotten those beautiful memories, he didn't like to relive those memories so as not to suffer.
After passing through several mirrors, he arrived at what should be the last one.
His last memory with her.
They had a discussion, she wanted to fight against a powerful enemy, but he was against it, saying it would be suicide. While he was arguing with her not to do that, she suddenly kissed him, which was amazing to him, but it was a distraction.
She pushed him into the rocket closet, even he protested, she didn't listen. She went to face a demon and ended up getting killed.
He had his first and last kiss with the woman he loved.
The mirror in front of him shattered like water falling to the ground.
But right in front of him was another surprise.
Your beloved. So beautiful when the day he lost her, without your armor or weapons, just wearing a beautiful white dress with her red hair flowing in the wind.
— Hello again... Jaune
His eyes smell of tears.
He ran out to hug her again.
His desire to have her in his arms again was very great.
But he was blocked.
He fell on his ass on the watery ground and didn't understand what had happened.
He got to his feet quickly and brought his hands to hold Pyrrha once more.
But before him was an invisible barrier.
The barrier seemed to have no end.
Jaune couldn't jump or even move to the side.
His anger began to rise, and then he began to strike out at the barrier.
— Please stop, Jaune
She asked him to stop.
He paused, but his anger still burned.
— Jaune, I can't interact with you
He looked fixedly at her.
Fear was taking over him.
— I'm dead, Jaune. There's nothing you can do to change that, I'm sorry
She saw her beloved knight losing his strength in his legs. Her knight was on his knees, so she knelt as well.
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— I do not have much time. I would like to say though although i have lived for a very short time, the time we spent together was very good for me, you had no idea who I was, so I was happy
She laughed as her knight cried.
— Although you recognized me because of that cereal but seriously, how did you like that cereal, it only had sugar
She lowered it.
— I was sad that I couldn't be by your side, I couldn't see Nora and Ren anymore, that makes me really sad
A tear fell from his left eye.
— When Jaune returns to Remmant and when finds my mother, tell her that I thank her for everything she did for me
Her body began to glow red.
— Jaune, I loved you. I really loved you with all my heart, from the bottom of my soul, I loved you
It broke him.
Despair, rage, indignation, hatred, sadness took over your heart.
He begin desperately hitting the barrier, he wants this barrier to take her in its arms.
His arms were covered in white light.
He quickly started throwing a lot of punches at the barrier very quickly but it was of no use.
Pyrrha's body began to transform into red particles.
— Bye my Love
She disappeared with a smile on his face.
He blinked.
He was back at the lake.
He looked down and a saw red sash floating in the water.
He held the red sash very tightly.
He fell to his knees, he was crying.
Was what happened real or fake?
Who knows?
This has left a very deep mark on him.
He held his own face with his left hand, his hand covering his eyes but not stopping the tears.
The cry of raging and despairing cannot be heard.
The scream was drowned out by the joyous singing of the Dragronelf people.
Amidst loneliness and silence.
The knight on his knees and was in tears.
Pyrrha was watching her beloved crying.
She was in a beautiful place, a paradise where the souls of the dead go.
Pyrrha was worried and sad.
Until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
— Don't worry about him, he will get out of this situation. Either he will get up, or he will remain in the dark.
— How can you be sure he can get out on his own?
— He's going to get out of this completely alone, but he will get out of this situation. After all, he is the only one of my descendants who can bring pride to our family name
— You think?
— I don't think, I know, I've seen the future written in the stars and Crocea Mors is still with him, if he couldn't lift it, he would never be able to pull the sword out of the sheath, after all, I created that sword
These words came from the mouth of what would be the most powerful being ever born in all of Remnant.
So much so that there is no one in this who can surpass him, the only other being able to get close to him was his own daughter.
Ozma and Salem are nothing in front of him.
The most powerful wizard
The man who reached the stars.
The most powerful being that ever exists just below the gods, and the one who dared to challenge the two brothers
The progenitor of the clan of warriors and heroes.
Alexander Arc
The first Arc
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Papa Arc: *Breaks Door down* SON! I Found a treasure trove of family history! *Throw box at Jaune* Dig in!
Jaune: ... These are all picture of Faunus woman opening pickle jars with their feet.
Papa Arc: Oop! Wrong box!
Jaune: Look, all I need is one Ancestor that I'm proud of. Do we have any of those?
Papa Arc: our family has been knuckle deep in History's pie for years!
Abraham Lincoln: Mary Todd, why don't we stay Here tonight?
Arc Ancestor 1: *Breaks door down* Hey Abe! I got Free tickets to the Theatre, And they're balcony seats!
~Flashback 2, on the Titanic~
Sailor: Ice berg, Dead Ahead! Let's Go around it!
Arc Ancestor 2: *Breaks door down* Around it? No! We're going through it!
~Flashback 2~
George Lucas: I don't want to be too hands on with these star wars prequels
Arc Ancestor 3: *Breaks door Down* George! You gotta Write and Direct these yourself! And make 'em all about Trade Disputes, Audiences eat that Stuff up!
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howi99 · 10 days
Le légionnaire 3
Jean: *looking as the grimms are approaching* Today would be a fucking day to die. *Turning to Nicholas, seeing him smoking in a pipe* Where did you find zat?
Nicholas: *coughing* Well, i wanted to try it once, at least... *Trying again* Ark! Schmeckt wie scheiße!
Jean: *laughing*
Nicholas: *looking at Jean* Hey, what's so funny? Looking at you, you probably don't even know what a woman's touch feels like!
Jean: *perplexed* Vell, yes? I'm 16.
Nicholas: ... Vhen did you-
Jean: *shrug* Since i'm 14. But i mostly was patching people up.
Nicholas: *looking at the other members of Jean's platoon* When i look at all of you, i think your friend Wilfried might be the oldest.
Jean: *nodding* He's zhe only one over 25. Since everyone else decided to kill themselves or go die against your bayonets.
Frédéric: *screaming* Caporal! The grimms are beginning to climb la colline! Les barbelés do slow them down, and we are ready to fire.
Jean: *nod* Then let's give them some vacuen hospitality. *Firing his revolver on the grimms* FIRE!
*Everyone began firing the grimm hord*
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novankenn · 9 months
Altered Destiny (v1-14)
{Table of Contents}
As Pyrrha sat beside Jaune’s bed, her eyes studying her sleeping form, she grew more and more confident in that the young woman before her was in fact somehow her partner, and crush Jaune Arc. How it came to be was a mystery she would like to solve, but right now she had more pressing concerns. The look of pure terror and confusion in Jaune’s eyes when she had moved to calm her. She needed to know what Jaune had seen. What horror was existing in her mind.
Professor Goodwitch and Doctor Peach offer no resistance or rebuttals when Pyrrha had flatly stated she was going to stay at Jaune side. To Pyrrha, it seemed as if the pair of women were actually relieved. So Pyrrha sat beside Jaune, holding her clammy hand, waiting for those beautiful; blue eyes to once more open. 
But Pyrrha’s mind was far from just focused on Jaune. Thoughts of Nora and Ren were also there. Nora’s reaction was understandable, and if Pyrrha hadn’t had the chance to really see Jaune’s eyes, she was positive that she would be acting the same as Nora. Then there was Ren, always composed, keeping things hidden, or at least buried below the surface. Pyrrha wondered how he was really feeling about this situation.
“Jaune?” Pyrrha asked in a soft voice as she felt her hand being squeezed. Pyrrha had no idea how long she had been sitting there waiting, but her heart did beat a little stronger when she started to see signs of Jaune coming to. “Jaune?”
“Pyrrha?” Jaune responded, her eyes slowly opening.
“I’m here. I’m here.”
“You believe me?” Jaune asked hesitantly as she turned her head enough to focus completely on Pyrrha’s face. “It is me… I swear… Arc’s word…”
“Yes, I do…” Pyrrha replied, “And you’re going to have to tell me everything… and I mean everything, when you’re ready.”
“Are you okay?”
“I think so.”
“What happened? Can you at least tell that much?”
“I… I… had a vision.” Jaune stammered out, “It was… it was…”
“Jaune, it’s okay.” Pyrrha spoke in a soothing tone, pulling from her memories of her mother’s actions when Pyrrha had nightmares when she was younger. “If you’re not ready to tell me… it’s okay.”
“It was so real… so real… the sounds… the heat… the smells… so real.”
“Focus on me.” Pyrrha spoke as she noticed Jaune’s eyes once again starting to grow dim. “Jaune focus on me.”
Jaune blinked and offered Pyrrha a weak smile. The dimness that was threatening to overtake her, vanishing. Pyrrha returned the smile and squeeze Jaune’s hand. Jaune responded in turn with the same action.
“I think you need to rest some more before…”
“I died.” Jaune cut her partner off. “I died Pyr… I had died out in the Emerald Forest.”
Pyrrha’s breath caught in her throat, at Jaune speaking of such a thing. It deeply bothered her, and her heart slammed into her chest, and how Jaune said it with such conviction, as if it was the absolute truth. 
“Where is she?” Nora asked Ren as they waited in JNPR’s dorm for Pyrrha’s return.  It had been a couple of hours since the incident, and neither of them were feeling good about the result. “Do you think?”
“Yes, she’s probably with… Jaune.” Ren sighed before saying that name.
“But that can’t be true.” Nora responded, her voice tinted with regret about her actions, and confusion about the whole situation. “It’s can’t be true. How can it be true?”
“I don’t know.” Ren answered with a sigh,“ But it seems Pyrrha feel there is merit to the claim… of that girl and Professor Goodwitch. I doubt any professor would take part in such a distasteful and ill-conceived joke.”
“So then?”
“I don’t know… I just don't know."
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ficretus · 2 months
*in Vacuo cafeteria*
Weiss: I feel like we are never gonna live up to our ancestors.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Weiss: I mean, look at us and look at them. Your mother was legendary huntress, Blake's parents were pioneers of Faunus Rights Movement, my grandfather founded SDC and helped to connect the world. Sometimes I feel like all we do is fumble around and make everything worse.
Blake: You've been spending too much time in RWDE tag.
Weiss: What?
Ruby: What Blake meant to say is that we shouldn't compare ourselves to our predecessors. We are ourselves, end by being ourselves we will surpass them.
Jaune: Ruby is right. In some ways we already surpassed them. Weiss you steered your family in right direction and helped to save thousands, Ren defeated Nuckelavee and Yang's mom is a bum so Yang is better by default.
Yang: *smirks* I'll allow that.
Raven: You know I can hear you... *mutters* lousy brat.
Weiss: Weren't you overwhelmed by your family's legacy?
Jaune: I was, but then I realized this whole Arc thing is highly overrated. I mean look at the list of my ancestors. My father and grandfather were regular Huntsmen. Preceded by Dijon Arc who was farmer and condiment producer. Preceded by Cream Arc, rabbit breeder. Preceded by Beige Arc, con artist. Preceded by Lemon Arc, erotic novel writer...
Blake: Wait, Lemon is your ancestor? The person who made up Faunus heat cycles crap?
Jaune: See, completely overrated. Then there was Amarillo Arc...
*ten minutes later*
Jaune: And Flavius Arc was preceded by Aurelian Arc. No idea about that one, but I mean... look at him. Some masked weirdo.
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Jaune: Aurelian Arc, born in a small town in Valean frontier. Became an elite warrior when he was 15. Overthrew corrupt pretender despot in Vale and became an Emperor of Vale. Repelled an invasion from Mantle, Mistral and Vacuo. Crushed separatists on Patch.
Ruby: Stinking revisionism...
Jaune: Repelled 753 separate Grimm hordes. Was known as Beowulf Basher, Nevermore Nullifier, Ursa Unmaker...
*5 minutes later*
Jaune: and Sabyr Strangler. Unified all of humanity under his banner as God Emperor of Remnant. Just as he was about to invade Grimmlands he was backstabbed by two of his bodyguards, Milius Lunarius and Carius Crucis. They feared that his main character energy would forever relegate everyone into irrelevance and that his sheer power made story way too boring.
Weiss: That was lot of information to take in.
Jaune: You know what... I agree with Weiss, we are never gonna live up to our ancestors.
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craziechwiv · 3 months
RWBY Monster girls vs ...Jaune Pt. 2
(Continuation of this post)
When we last left off with Jaune, he was on a journey to continue his family's tradition on becoming, a Monster Hunter! And so far, his journey has been...unsuccessful to say the least. Albeit, he has faced two types of monsters, but has not slain them. More like, tamed them in a way?
Right...anywho~! Let's see if Jaune's luck with any other monsters prove to be fruitful towards his goal of making his ancestors proud! Now, with two companions, a wraith girl and a female werewolf, his band of allies can't possibly fail against further foes!
In a snowy and frozen ridden forest, our hero (and co) was fighting for their lives against a group of ghouls that have sprung from beneath the cold layer of white. Jaune managed to slice through a couple however was in a intense sword fighting session with another, who had their own weapon for a fair fight.
Meanwhile, Ruby and Yang we're busy trying not to be surrounded by a horde of the undead, with Yang using her claws to dig deep in their weak spots, hoping they stayed dead. As for Ruby, she used her ghostly appearance to get behind a few and forcibly snap their necks or dig out their entrails and brains.
As seemed lost for the three as the ghouls didn't let up the assault, until a harsh wind blew through the forest, with Yang, Ruby, and Jaune taking its random occurrence to flee from the fight and hide behind a large boulder. Surprisingly, none of the ghouls followed them, with Jaune peeking from behind their cover, seeing them all frozen solid. As Jaune was perplexed before he saw a figure come from beyond the snow, it was a woman, with dirty white hair and...bare above her waist. Her fingernails were like claws as she showed a row of razor-sharp teeth. She took a look at Jaune, and a look at the bodies of the frozen ghouls, with some being dismembered still on the snow bed, blood staining it red. She took a nice whiff of the stench of foul meat and then ran up to Jaune, sniffing him.
Mahaha!Weiss: Mmm~. You're strong~.
Jaune: S-Stay back! I won't hesitate to take another one of you ou-
Mahaha!Weiss: I shall claim you as mine!
Jaune: I WILL NOT BE YOUR NEXT MEAL! Mahaha!Weiss: My new husband!
Jaune: Wait What?
Mahaha!Weiss: Eh?!
Wraith!Ruby: Oh, she's pretty! I take dibs on her~!
Werewolf!Yang: The that leaves me and the monster 'layer', ey Jaune~?
Jaune: Y'know what, I would rather die...
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howlingday · 10 months
Small Arc
Ruby: Aw, you were such a cute, widdwe baby~!
Jaune: Stooooop! I get enough of that at home.
Weiss: I'm pretty sure that's common for mothers.
Jaune: No, I mean from my Dad! He's always been bigger than me! See?
Blake: He's... He's even bigger than my dad!
Jaune: Yeah, and wait until you see how big my grandpa was? The worst part, though, is that they were my size a lot younger than me.
Yang: I mean, you're probably just a late bloomer.
Jaune: Maybe, but I just don't like the thought that I'll never be as big as my ancestors.
Weiss: (Under her breath) You're already big enough as it is...
Jaune: You say something, Weiss?
Fun Fact! Due to the rise in shark hunting practices, great whites and other shark species are becoming smaller as a result of their rising mortality rates. In other words, sharks aren't able to grow old enough to reach their larger sizes.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Weiss and Jaune = Knight + Queen
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Mirror Help me Who am I?
Weiss and Jaune are strong foils (mirrors), who can be analyzed through a specific motif.
They are both Knights (masculine):
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And Queens (feminine):
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This is made clear also through their respective allusions:
1 -Weiss alludes to Snowhite and plays all the different characters of the story with a specific focus on the Princess and the Prince, which is highlighted since the White Trailer:
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Weiss and her inner Prince (Animus), who is corrupted and possessed by her Father
Here, Weiss fights a giant armor, which symbolizes the power her father (the patriarchy) has above her. She is fighting both for her freedom and to get back a possessed part of herself (the Arma Gigas is literally a haunted armor). If she wants to escape Jacques, she has to be her own Prince. In other words, to be crowned queen, she needs to become a knight first.
2 -Jaune alludes to Jeanne d'Arc who was both a maid and a knight. Jaune's story is about him growing into both. He needs to accept his inner maiden to become a proper knight. This is made clear in the Jaunedice's arc (this mini arc really works as Jaune's trailer). There he grows not when he gives in to toxic masculinity, but when he stands up to it:
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Jaune performing his first miracle and later on being guided by his Goddess (Anima), who is none other than Pyrrha
Jaune makes progress when he nurtures his most feminine side and shows vulnerability by apologizing and asking for Pyrrha's help. A real man has no fear to show he is also feminine.
In short, both Weiss and Jaune's stories deal with the integration of their feminine and masculine parts, so that they can be full-fledged individuals.
Integrating the feminine with the masculine is a psychological process, which is described by Carl Jung with the archetypes of animus and anima:
The animus is the masculine part of a woman
The anima is the feminine part of a man
Each person has naturally both, but society promotes specific gender values and drives people to repress traits culturally associated with the opposite gender. So, to fully be complete a person should integrate the negated parts.
This is the case for both Weiss and Jaune, who are initially trapped in fixed gender roles:
Weiss is the rich spoilt princess. She is forced to adhere to the social role Jacques has chosen for her. She is the Schnee Heiress, which means she should always be classy, perfect and elegant:
Weiss: I'm. Not. Perfect! Not yet...
Jaune is instead the loser boy, who wants to be a knight. He doesn't really fit his gender nor social role. He is a male, but is weak, geeky and odd. He has a legacy of warriors to honor, but can't fight. So, he feels he isn't enough:
Jaune: I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero!
Basically they are both trapped in opposite ways. Weiss fits her legacy and stereotype so well people forget there is more to her. Jaune instead doesn't measure up to his ancestors nor to the classical male type, so everybody assumes he is bound to fail. This happens because Weiss and Jaune are victims in different ways of toxic masculinity:
As a girl, Weiss has to obey her father, to suppress her emotions and to be nothing, but beautiful. Think about how Jacques even weaponizes typical feminine traits Weiss has, like her talent at singing.
As a boy, Jaune has to conform to physical prowess and bravado. He has to be big, ripped and cool or else he is no-one. The idea he is not like the other boys is at the root of Jaune's insecurities.
At the same time, Weiss and Jaune are also incredibly immature and project outside the same gender roles they are trying to escape inside. Moreover, they do so specifically with each other:
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Weiss: (mockingly) My hero.
This scene summarizes their whole early dynamic. On the one hand Weiss sees Jaune as the loser he is scared to be. She only sees his superficial bravado and misses who he is behind the mask. On the other hand Jaune is attracted to Weiss because he sees her as the perfect princess to his knight. So, he is drawn to the mask.
Even the reason Jaune initially falls for Weiss ties into this:
Weiss: Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!
Weiss here is mocking both Jaune and Ruby, two people she has misjudged and shows no respect for. She is being cold, superficial and rude. Still, Jaune falls for it and believes Weiss's words. He does because they describe Jaune as he wants to be perceived. So, he runs after Weiss and ignores Pyrrha.
In short, initially Weiss and Jaune can't see neither themselves nor others clearly. Luckily, this starts to change at Beacon.
Sun: Ruby, Yang, Blake… Ice Queen.
Ruby: Look, I'm sorry! Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind.
Weiss and Jaune are given nicknames the moment they arrive at Beacon. This happens because they are both childish and self-centered, so they are called out by others. Specifically, their nicknames are light-hearted ways to criticize their perceived self-importance and the archetypes they are trying to emulate. Weiss is called an ice queen because she is acting as daddy's little princess. Jaune is instead jockingly named vomit boy because he tries too hard to look cool. They are still far away from who they want to become and their friends pick up on this. Luckily, giving them funny names is not all RWBY and JNPR do for Weiss and Jaune. Rather they help the two kids grow. In particular, Ice Queen and Vomit Boy develop in two different and complementary ways:
In volume 1 they learn to see who they are slightly better
In volume 2 they become able to see others with more clarity
Seeing One-Self
At the beginning of their stories Weiss and Jaune are running away from who they are:
I'm the loneliest of all.
Even when I told my parents I was going to Beacon, they told me not to worry if I ended up having to move back home. How depressing is that?
Both have big families, but feel lonely and misunderstood. So, they hope they can have a fresh start at Beacon, but immediately meet unforeseen circumstances:
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By this point Weiss and Jaune are pursuing a superficial dream of heroes and monsters. They figure their most perfected selves beside the "right" patner.
On the one hand Weiss wants Pyrrha to be the "knight" to her "princess":
Weiss: This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable!
She wants someone strong (body) that complements her intelligence (mind). She thinks that in this way she can't fail.
On the other hand Jaune wants Weiss to be the "princess" to his "knight":
Jaune: Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?
He wants someone who is beautiful and looks frail, so he can protect her. He thinks in this way he can appear strong.
Both are wrong obviously. This is why they end up with respectively Ruby and Pyrrha as partners.
Weiss needs to realize what complements mind is not body, but heart. This is why she is paired with Ruby, who lacks physical strength, but has more than enough heart to guide Weiss. Throughout the initiation, Weiss herself has to act as a Knight by saving Ruby from the Nevermore. And later on, she needs to follow Ruby's plan (so Ruby's mind) to take down the Grimm and pass the trial.
Jaune needs to realize a real knight is not physically strong, but is wise (mind) and brave (heart). This is why he ends up with Pyrrha, who is both and challenges him in two different ways. She doesn't fit feminine stereotypes and sees Jaune's value not in his superficial traits, but rather in his willingness to help. Throughout the initiation, Jaune shows this by staying behind to lead others into kiling the Grimm.
So, Ruby and Pyrrha are the ones, who can help Weiss and Jaune grow the most. However, the 2 kids struggle to accept it and enter into a conflict with their respective partners in The Bagde and The Burden and Jaunedice. These 2 mini-arcs are interesting because they do not really add anything to the main plot. Rather, they are episodes which focus on Weiss and Jaune respectively. Once again our wannabe queen and wannabe knight act as perfect foils to each other.
On the one hand Weiss is powerful enough to kill Grimms on her own, but wants to be the Queen giving orders. On the other hand Jaune has gained the title of leader, but wants to be the competent Knight slaining monsters.
In short, they want what the other has and miss what they already are. Why is that so? Because deep down they dislike themselves and can't see they have the seeds for greatness within. They don't need to look outside, but should nurture the inside.
Luckily, they are helped by 2 mentor figures:
Port: So instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be.
Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do! And if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you.
Port invites Weiss to grow as a person and Ruby reminds Jaune of his duties as a leader. So, Weiss and Jaune step up for the sake of their partners:
Weiss: Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have!
Jaune: Don't ever mess with my team - my friends - ever again. Got it?
Weiss encourages Ruby to be a good leader and promises her she will be the best teammate ever. She even aknowledges she has always loved bunked beds and makes a small step in integrating with her inner child. Something necessary if she wants to blossom into an adult.
Jaune fights Cardin for Pyrrha's sake and decides to dedicate himself to his role of leader. At the same time, he accepts Pyrrha's help, so he shows vulnerability. In other words, he starts integrating with his feminine side. Something needed to become more mature.
So, by the end of their first semester at Beacon both Weiss and Jaune have come to understand themselves and their roles a little bit better. Still, they have yet a long way to go when it comes to the way they aknowledge others.
What better chance than a dance to work on it?
Seeing Others
When it comes to the dance, Weiss and Jaune find themselves in the same situation of the initiation ceremony. They are locked into "triangles":
Jaune wants to go to the dance with Weiss, who wants to go with Neptune
Pyrrha wants to go to the dance with Jaune, who wants to go with Weiss
They pursue the wrong partner and ignore another person's feelings. In this way they do to another what they lament it is done to them:
Weiss: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name.
Jaune: It's Weiss… I'm completely head over heels for her, and she won't even give me a chance. She's cold, but she's also incredible. She's smart, and graceful, and talented-- I mean have you heard her sing? I just wish she take me seriously, y'know?
On the one hand Weiss wants to be seen for who she is, not her name. And yet, she refuses to look earnestly at Jaune and doesn't even recognize his feelings as genuine (recognizing someone's feelings doesn't mean to reciprocate them by the way). On the other hand Jaune wants to be taken seriously, but the moment Pyrrha tries to open up to him, he reduces her feelings to a joke:
Jaune: Oh please, if you don't get a date to the dance, I'll wear a dress.
At the same time, both approach love superficially. Jaune has started to really like Weiss as a person, but he is still far from truly seeing the girl in all her complexity. Weiss is instead failing to recognize Jaune's good qualities and is attracted to Neptune's try hard persona:
Neptune: Haven. And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel.
The narrative makes it very clear Neptune is just a shallower, but better looking version of Jaune. He is a geek (like Jaune), but calls himself an intellectual. He flirts with every girl that breathes, waaaay more than Jaune does initially. And yet, he looks cooler, so Weiss is attracted by him.
This "double triangle" is solved positively in 2 different ways:
Weiss and Jaune start to display respectively more masculine and feminine traits
Weiss and Jaune learn to see others a little bit better
Weiss plays the part of the knight and invites Neptune to the dance:
Weiss: I know this is a little unorthodox, but… I wanted to ask you something. Would you… like to accompany me to the dance tomorrow?
Jaune plays the part of the maiden and wears a dress to accept Pyrrha's late invite:
Pyrrha: I had no idea you were a dancer. Jaune: Yeah, well, these things tend to happen when you grow up with seven sisters.
On a deeper level, Jaune confronts both Pyrrha (the ideal self he must aim to be) and Neptune (the past self he has outgrown).
Pyrrha: I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes I'm too good for them. That I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people. That's what I like about you. When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess, you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who just saw me for me.
He realizes he has hurt Pyrrha's feelings and has failed to see her the whole time. At the same time, he calls Neptune out on how he has treated Weiss's feelings:
Jaune: Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you?
And finally, thanks to his ideal self (Pyrrha), he is able to give his past self (Neptune) a good advice:
Jaune: Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go.
In this way, Jaune shows he has grown more mature and crowns his evening by wearing a beautiful dress and proving he is a great dancer (differently from Neptune).
Weiss grows too. She accepts Neptune's apology and thanks to him, she is able to finally see Jaune for who he is:
Weiss: You said you were embarrassed at first. What made you come talk to me? Neptune: You're looking at him. You got some good friends looking out for ya.
She might not reciprocate Jaune's feelings, but Jaune is still her friend and cares about her as a person, not as a trophy. This moment marks an improvement of Weiss's overall dynamic with Jaune and she starts to see him as a close one, even praising him occasionally:
Weiss: Well, he's certainly improved.
This is a top off for Weiss's growth as a less judgemental person. This process starts with Blake and her prejudice against Faunus and goes on with Jaune and her misjudgement of him.
All in all, Weiss and Jaune's months at Beacon are key for the kids' early development:
Weiss grows through Ruby and Blake
Jaune grows through Pyrrha and his team
They keep walking parallel paths and slowly start to aknowledge each other more. Weiss starts to see Jaune not as a loser, but as a person who is trying hard. Jaune start to see Weiss not as a damsel, but as a talented individual with wishes of her own. Similarly, their relationship with their inner selves improves, as well.
By the time of the Vytal Festival, both Weiss and Jaune are making small steps toward who they want to become.
The Vytal Festival: Unsure Knight and Clueless Maiden
Weiss and Jaune's tournament fights display their better qualities. On the one hand Weiss sacrifices herself for Yang. On the other hand Jaune is able to lead his team well. They are both more selfless with a better understanding of their roles in their teams.
This growth is marked by important moments outside the arena.
Weiss meets Winter, who inspires her to branch out a little. This is the catalyst for Weiss's transformation into a knight:
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Jaune notices Pyrrha is off and tries to step into an adviser position. Basically, he tries to do what Pyrrha has done for him. He tries to guide her by symbolically playing a more supportive role. Moreover, he tries to help Pyrrha making sense of maidenhood:
Jaune: I guess… I'm just trying to say that… you've always been there for me… even when I didn't deserve it. And I can tell there's something on your mind, so… I don't know. How can I help?
Obviously, they are both still immature. Weiss is dependent on her father and can barely summon a tiny sword. Jaune is ignorant and isn't able to give Pyrrha the right advice. Still, they both try, even if they meet an unforeseen crisis. The Fall of Beacon.
Weiss manages to step in to protect Velvet. She acts as a real Knight in Shining Armor:
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Jaune does his best to stand beside Pyrrha, even in her darkest moment:
Jaune: She's right. Whoever was on that microphone… they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.
Despite this, they both fail in the end. Weiss can't save Beacon and loses her new found home and family. Jaune can't save Pyrrha and loses the girl he loves. So, after so much development and growth Weiss and Jaune wake up to discover it still isn't enough. So, the finale pushes them back in the roles they have tried to escape so desperately.
Weiss is brought back under her father's thumb. Jaune is shoved into a locker, forced to fly away like a loser. Weiss is once again daddy's little princess, while Jaune is once again a wannabe knight, who couldn't save the girl.
Ren: Well that embarrassment - that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid - that just proves you're not the same person you used to be. You're smarter, you're kinder, you're stronger, and you're not done growing yet. None of us are.
The Mistral arc marks a metaphorical growth spurt for both Weiss and Jaune. This development manifests in the volume 5 climax, where their stories intersect:
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This scene is a culmination of their respective developments and ties with both their allusions:
Snowhite dies, but is resurrected by the Prince
Jeanne D'Arc performs a mircacle and brings back a person from the death
So, it is clearly very important symbolically, but what does it mean for Weiss and Jaune's characters, specifically?
1- Weiss and Jaune overcome two fake Maidens
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Vernal and Cinder are the two fake Maidens of the Mistral arc, as the opening of volume 5 suggests:
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Vernal is set up as the Spring Maiden and Cinder is set up as Raven's biggest foe. And yet, neither of them lives up to expectations. On the one hand Vernal is just a red herring, while Cinder isn't Raven's true opponent, but Yang is.
At the same time, Vernal and Cinder are Weiss and Jaune's opponents during the Battle of Haven. Interestingly, they both challenge the kids about their true identities. Who are they really?
Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means.
Cinder: Who are you again?
Vernal mocks Weiss by stating she is nothing outside her name and Cinder sneers at Jaune by telling him he is a nobody. These are Weiss and Jaune's biggest fears. Weiss is scared her only value is her Schnee name, whereas Jaune is terrified of being a loser. In short, both Vernal and Cinder attack Weiss and Jaune's egos and leave them shattered:
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Vernal physically breaks Weiss's aura, while Cinder psychologically destroys Jaune by targeting Weiss, just like she did with Pyrrha. Vernal and Cinder's objective is really to reduce Weiss and Jaune to nobodies. And yet, they fail. That is because the self is not found in physical strength or power, but rather comes from inside:
Yang: You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.
In this battle Vernal and Cinder really symbolize Weiss and Jaune's illusory sense of selves. Their ugly personas. This is why they are both fake. Fake maidens masked with strength and confidence. And yet, they are deep down made of lies.
Vernal derides Weiss because of her dependency on the Schnee Family. And yet, Vernal herself has dedicated her whole existence to the Branwen Tribe and even changed her name for Raven's sake. In other words, she has reduced herself to her Spring Maiden persona. She is the one, who is nothing more than a name. And a false one, to boot.
Cinder laughts at Jaune's wannabe hero performance, but a lucky strike by her opponent is enough to derail her. An inexperienced fighter like Jaune grazing her breaks Cinder's whole facade and shows the ugly psychological wounds she hides behind a mask.
This is why Vernal and Cinder defeat Weiss and Jaune, but ultimately fail and actually destroy each other. Vernal dies by Cinder's hand, despite how strong and smart she is. Cinder is unmasked by Raven and falls because of Vernal's final desperate attack, which ensures Cinder's defeat.
Weiss and Jaune instead are reborn thanks to each other. Weiss is physically saved by Jaune, whereas Jaune starts to psychologically heal through helping Weiss. Weiss unlocks a new summon, while Jaune discovers his semblance. In the end, Weiss and Jaune don't need to play by Vernal and Cinder's rules.
Weiss's strength doesn't lie in her individual skill, but in the relationships she has built with others. She doesn't have to survive on her own because she is full of loved ones ready to help her shine. And she can help them too.
Jaune is heroic not because he is a lonely warrior slaying villains, but because he is a good friend always ready to help. His value lies in his wish to protect others. Moreover, he can rely on them when he needs.
Weiss and Jaune's real selves are in their hearts, which are growing stronger. That is why they lose the physical fight, but win the spiritual one. They ultimately succeed, as Weiss's Queen Lancer is key to saving Haven and Jaune's Aura Amp is fundamental in saving Weiss. Weiss protects a Kingdom, while Jaune protects a girl.
2- Weiss and Jaune integrate with their animus/anima
Weiss and Jaune embrace their true selves by reconciling their masculine and feminine parts. Once again this process is conveyed through their allusions.
Our Snowhite dies and is reborn twice. The first time, Jacques (the Evil Queen) kills her psychologically by taking away her Heiress title and imprisoning her in her room (the glass coffin). Weiss is able to escape by developing her masculine side (the Knight).
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She successfully draws energy from her animus (her inner Prince) and uses this new found resourcefulness to escape. She leaves behind her passiveness (feminine) and grows more active (masculine). This is why her summon symbolically breaks the window and immediately after Weiss makes the choice to leave.
The second time, Cinder (another Evil Queen) kills her physically, but Jaune (the Prince) saves her. As a result, Weiss wakes up and is crowned Queen.
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Becoming Queen in fairy tales means you have reached self-actualization. So, Weiss has become her true self, which is a combination of feminine (queen) and masculine (lancer). The Queen Lancer then symbolizes Weiss reconciling with her anima (feminine part) by making it freer, more genuine and stronger through her animus (masculine part).
Our Jeanne performs a miracle and has a vision. He brings Weiss back from the death in Haven. By doing so he physically plays the part of the Knight in Shining Armor. Still, he succeeds by integrating his animus with his anima. As a matter of fact he lets go of fighting and killing (masculine) and takes up healing (feminine):
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Later on, he needs spiritual guidance and finds it in his anima (Pyrrha). So, he has a symbolic "vision" of her in front of her statue:
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Obviously, the woman is probably Pyrrha's mother, but it doesn't matter. The whole scene is framed up as aetherial and ambiguous because thematically Pyrrha's soul points Jaune toward the right path. So, Jaune is guided by his feminine side.
Weiss and Jaune's journey in Mistral leads them to face their fears and let go of their personas. By doing so, they succeed at integrating their animus and anima. The end result is that they grow up.
Weiss blooms into a Queen:
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Weiss's royal dress is blue (melted ice) and has snowhite-like puff sleeves.
Jaune becomes a Knight:
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Jaune's outfit keeps his red details and adds more gold to it.
Upon their arrival in Atlas, they are not Ice Queen and Vomit Boy anymore, but genuine articles.
Right now I’m just a bit surprised Cuz I feel just fine And I might just touch the sky
The sun is shining in the sky The birds are smiling so am i I’m kicking ass in every way Think this change is here to stay It’s feeling like a brand new day
In Atlas, our Queen and Knight live their best lives.
Weiss arrests her father and reconnects with her estranged family. She becomes the Queen of the Schnee family. Jaune instead supports everyone, meets the admiration of civilians and is in generally successful. He becomes a perfect Knight in Shining Armor.
Even when the situation gets dire they both maintain a mature attitude. They are not touched by the Divide and their major conflict lies rather with a family member (sibling):
Winter: You're not leaving me. I'm giving you a head start.
Ren: You cheated your way into Beacon!
Winter and Ren oppose Weiss and Jaune out of repression and frustration. And yet, Weiss and Jaune's reaction is of empathy and understandment:
Weiss: Don’t worry, they’re sisters. Sometimes sisters just have very different ideas about what’s right.
Jaune: We’re all under a lot of stress right now. I used to push people away too.
They never doubt their loved ones and when Winter and Ren come around there is no need for apologies. Weiss and Jaune simply welcome them back with warmth.
In short, our Queen and Knight are among the characters who have grown the most, so they often come up with solutions. For example, Jaune offers a way to overcome the Divide from a practical point of view:
Jaune: Okay. Okay… Then let’s go for both. Get Amity up and running and evacuate Mantle.
Weiss is instead the one to state the theme outloud before the climax:
Weiss: Trust is a risk
This development is precisely why they both get to shine in the final battle.
On the one hand Weiss holds it together while her team is in disarray after Yang's fall. Ruby is traumatized and caught up in a fight with Neo, while Blake temporally loses it. Weiss keeps on facing Cinder alone and does her best to protect Penny and the relic.
On the other hand Jaune keeps a level-head and manages to evacuate the civilians only to join the fray at the very end. He reads the situation correctly and kills Penny when there is no other choice.
Weiss and Jaune have grown into who they want to be in the beginning. This is why they are the last fighters standing. And yet, despite all their training and maturation, they still fail. They face an Evil Queen (Cinder) and are defeated when they are at their strongest. Weiss is a true Queen fighting for her home and Jaune is a true Knight fighting for the people. And yet, they are crushed and fall. Just like at Beacon.
Once again, Weiss fails to protect a Kingdom:
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Once again, Jaune fails to protect a Maiden:
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At the same time, they believe the other can somehow succeed, even if they don't:
Weiss: Maybe… Jaune and Winter were able to get them out, despite… everything… despite us…
Jaune: I don’t know where the others are, but… Weiss will give us time!
Weiss hopes Jaune and Winter (aka her ideal) save the relics. Jaune hopes Weiss can buy him and Penny time, like Pyrrha (aka his ideal).
In short, Weiss and Jaune grow into their ideal selves, but still lose. Not only that, but they keep on projecting their ideals on others. And yet, these others also fail. So, what to do? The only choice is to let go of unreachable perfect paragons.
Weiss: I am a citizen of a fallen Kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it. I am Weiss Schnee, and I am a Huntress!
NeoCat: You were never the brave knight either! Just more fairytale nonsense!
Weiss and Jaune's journey in the Ever After is about letting go of their Queen and Knight idealized self-images. In this way they can truly accept who they are. This is difficult at first because they are full of self-hate and regret:
Weiss: But it wasn't enough! We hatched a crazy plan that put a whole kingdom at risk, and we don't even know if we saved the Relics...
Jaune: I’m trying so hard to save them… I stopped them from becoming what they needed to be. I was being selfish because I… I wanted the rush of rescuing someone and I got that here.
Still, they both work through it in 2 ways.
They face their traumas again:
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Weiss: I am so tired of leaving places in ashes…
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Jaune: On that bridge… I was the only one that could do it! I was the ONLY ONE! And I… And now I have to live with that forever… In here or back home…
They change their dynamic with Ruby, who they put on a pedestal.
Specifically, Ruby becomes a paragon for both Weiss and Jaune during the Mistral arc. There, Weiss learns to be emotionally vulnerable with her partner. Jaune instead grows to admire Ruby's optimism and hopeful self.
So, after the fall of Atlas, both Weiss and Jaune go back to Ruby. Weiss lets out all her troubles, while Jaune dives after Crescent Rose and proudly gives it back.
However, Ruby is in no condition to play Weiss and Jaune's hero. This shows and it unnerves them, who grow progressively more irritated with Little Red:
Weiss: Hurry! People are counting on us!
Jaune: I know you may not care about protecting this village, but you could at least help your friends when they’re in danger.
Until Ruby herself snaps at the both of them. Interestingly, it is Weiss's demand that Ruby consoles Jaune, which sets her off. Moreover, throughout her monologue, Ruby calls Weiss out on her dependency on her:
Ruby: What about me? “No time”, right? “Gotta get home!” “Gotta help Jaune!” Gotta find someone who isn’t just going to screw everything up!
And she lashes out against Jaune's hero complex:
Ruby: I’m sorry, is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune’s make-believe friends?!
She pintpoints both their flaws and then runs away. It is Ruby's outburst, though, which wakes up Weiss and Jaune.
Weiss finally realizes Ruby's pain and empathizes with her. Her words clearly have an impact on Jaune too:
Weiss: Ruby has always been the one to get us through the hard times. We say things like “We believe in you”, “We can count on you”. I know we mean well, but…
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They both let go of their idealization of Ruby, which in turns helps them with their own struggles:
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Weiss: I think you’re asking too much of yourself. We’ve been telling ourselves that failing means we’re no good. But I can guarantee even the best Huntsmen in history… they’ve all lost. But they were still incredibly brave… and good.
In front of a genial ruby, Weiss and Jaune manage to move forward through each other.
Jaune is spiritually guided and shown empathy by Weiss. Weiss instead starts healing psychologically by helping Jaune. In a sense, this is a parallel and an inversion of their shared moment in volume 5. There Jaune finds himself strong enough to cure Weiss. Here Weiss finds herself wise enough to teach Jaune. Both are in a self-hate spiral, but then realize they are better than they think by saving the other. At the same time, this moment also calls back Jaune's "vision" in Lost. There Jaune is shown the way by a Pyrrha stand-in. Here Weiss steps into the role of spiritual adviser.
After spending the whole volume looking for someone to guide her, Weiss discovers she can be the guide. After spending the whole volume wanting to be the hero, Jaune realizes he is the one that needed help the whole time.
They both learn the main theme of the volume:
Jaune: Maybe that Cat was right… Maybe I just needed to accept it. It’s not a place you go.
They reach acceptance of who they are. Both their good traits and their negative traits. They accept they did their best, but also that they lost. And once they do, they become able to better accept others, as well:
Jaune: I think I get it. This is how we got here, or… why the Tree brought us here. Acceptance.
Weiss: We've done everything we can. Now it's up to Ruby. Whatever happens next… we have to welcome that.
Not only do they let go of their idealized self-images, but of Ruby's too. This is why they are ready to welcome her, no matter what. Strengths and limits, alike.
Thanks to their inner development, they both get to make another step into self-actualization. This growth is shown symbolically in the finale . Weiss is finally able to summon a full Nevermore, which combines all her previous glyphs (so it is symbolic of the self). Jaune accepts Alyx's hand and goes back to his real self through her (he goes from iron to mercury). These are glimpses of who Weiss and Jaune are going to finally become.
Curious Cat: Looking at you, wise huntress.
Alyx: Maybe it’s time for a change, to be the kind of man you always wanted to be.
So, who are Weiss and Jaune going to be at the end of their journey? It is still too soon to say, but I would not be surprised if they were to become Sophia and Hermes to each other.
Who are Hermes and Sophia? They are the embodyments of a perfected animus and a perfected anima. In short, by the end of their psychological development, a woman should integrate with Hermes and a man should integrate with Sophia. Personally I think (wish) Weiss is stepping in the role of Sophia for Jaune, while Jaune is stepping in the role of Hermes for Weiss. Volume 9 might have given symbolic hints of this.
Weiss is directly associated with wisdom, which is what Sophia means.
Jaune goes from iron to mercury through Alyx and Mercury is just another way to call Hermes. Moreover, one of the symbols of Hermes in alchemy is a stag and well... Juniper resembles one.
Now, this final integration can be romantic (my preference) or platonic/individualistic (if they chicken out). What is sure is that it's going to happen, one way or another. It is just the cherry on top on a animus/anima story.
Snowhite and the Animus
Snowhite is the story of a child growing up. The first step in self-actualization is to stop identifying with the Mother, so the mirror image changes. This transformation generates an inner conflict. On the one hand there is the side who wants to grow up (Snowhite), on the other hand there is the side who doesn't wanna change (the Evil Queen). It is only by conquering the Evil Queen (the shadow), that Snowhite can truly become herself.
And how does she do it? She succeeds through an integration with her animus (masculine side):
The King is absent and doesn't help Snowhite
The Hunter appears and helps Snowhite
The Dwarves give Snowhite a home
The Prince saves Snowhite
As you can see, Snowhite's story is full of male characters and each new one is more helpful than the one before. This is because all these characters are representations of Snowhite's interiority and of her strenghtening animus. It is initially possessed, but then it progressively blooms until it saves the protagonist.
Now, this is just Weiss's story in a nutshell:
Willow is absent and Weiss's animus is possessed (The Arma Gigas she fights in the White Trailer)
Winter helps her and inspires Weiss to pursue her career as a Huntress (After her visit Weiss summons a part of her Knight)
Team RWBY welcomes Weiss and become her adoptive home and family (Weiss becomes herself through them)
Only the Prince is missing and it will probably be Jaune (he already is in volume 5). Wait, aren't all these characters women? Yes, they are because Weiss's fairy tale is all genderbent except her. So, why should Weiss's Prince be Jaune? Because in his case, he is the genderbent one :P
Jaune can be Weiss's Prince (again platonically or romantically) only if he fully blooms into Jeanne first. He can't be a real Knight, if he doesn't become a Maiden.
The Four Stages of Anima
Jaune's journey through the anima is well conveyed through 4 stages, which stand for archetypical female figures. Each one represents a different level of maturity:
Eve is the mother - The boy has no romantic attachment and sees the woman as a source of protection and nourishment
Helen is the seductress - The boy feels romantic attraction and sees the woman as a talented individual, but pays no attention to her spiritual or inner life
Mary is the virgin - The boy fells mature love and sees the woman as a paragon of virtue, but pays no attention to her negative traits
Sophia is wisdom - The boy is ready for a relationship with a woman as an equal partner and sees the feminine as a source of wisdom with no need to objectify the woman anymore
This scale describes Jaune's relationship with the feminine perfectly:
Eve is Pyrrha - she nurtures and protects him as a mentor and Jaune feels initially no attraction to her
Weiss is Helen - she is Jaune's first crush and he grows enough to see her as a talented person, but can't understand her inner world
Mary is Pyrrha - she becomes Jaune's guide and the embodyment of heroism and virtue
Only Sophia is missing and I think she will be Weiss. In general, though, these phases describe Jaune's general approach to women and how it changes. He arrives at Beacon looking for a girlfriend because that is what a man should do, which in itself is a very childish behavior. Then he grows to see the girls around him as powerful individuals, but he can't go behind the surface. This is true for Weiss, but also for Pyrrha, whose struggles he ignores. After her death, Pyrrha becomes an ideal, but she isn't the only one. For example, Jaune believes Weiss and Ruby can save Pyrrha from Cinder and later on he keeps idealizing them. In volume 9, he learns to let go of his idealization and to see others as their own people. He is stepping into Sophia (wisdom).
I looked in the mirror And I gotta say It’s been a long long time Since I felt this way
Weiss and Jaune go through perfect mirror journeys, which are about recognizing others to see their own selves and vice versa. This is why Weiss's mirror mirror motif works so well for them.
They don't know who they are (mirror tell me who am I?)
They realize they dislike their current selves (mirror tell me who is the loneliest of all? I am the loneliest of all)
They work to change (mirror I'll tell you something, I might change it all)
They overcome their narcisism rooted in self-loathing (I'm shattering the mirror that keps me split in pieces)
Now that they can see who they are better, the next step is to probably see others more clearly. This is the secondary theme of the volume, after all: empathy.
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Ruby breaks Summer's pedestal and as a result she can see herself better. In turn, this makes her able to look at others in a new light:
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Weiss and Jaune do the same. They break Ruby's pedestal and show empathy and forgiveness for themselves and her. Still, this is framed as just the beginning. The theme of empathy is probably gonna be explored in later volumes. This is true for both Ruby's arc and Weiss and Jaune's stories.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the next mirror mirror song is a conversation not with the mirror, but with another person? A person that is a mirror, but not because stuck inside it like Weiss in the beginning. A person, who is a mirror because every person can be a mirror of another if looked at with empathy. And this is what beating the mirror really means. Not to look at ourselves through it, but to look at ourselves through others. And to accept them. And to accept us.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 months
In today’s episode, Jaune revealed that Lewis and Alyx were actually residents of Vacuo Kingdom (surprise, surprise) during a time before the Great War. And since we know that Lewis actually returned from the Ever After, it make wonder something curious.
If Lewis was the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World fairy-tale then it would make perfect sense as to why he omitted himself from the written adventures in the Ever After and chose to make Alyx the protagonist. It makes sense since, unlike Lewis, Alyx never returned home and basically “died” in the Ever After.
So my assumption is that Lewis must’ve maintained his sister’s story through his story about her. That way Alyx’s legacy was able to live on in some shape or form despite the real Alyx practically ceasing to exist after never returning home.
Since Jaune was shown to still be have some qualms over his time in the Ever After, it got me thinking.
What if…Jaune were to (somehow) discover the original journal of Lewis which he had used to record his experience in the Ever After in the Vacuo archives?
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What if…Jaune were to meet someone closely connected to Lewis and Alyx while in Vacuo? Like a surviving member of their family bloodline still thriving in modern Remnant.
What if… Headmaster Theodore was that surviving member? I know the main popular theory is that Lewis was one of Ozma’s reincarnations but imagine if Lewis wasn’t an Ozma reincarnation but Theo’s ancestor instead?
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I haven’t read either of the RWBY After the Fall books so I’m not familiar with Headmaster Theodore in terms of characterization or like what his backstory is.
That being said, I do, however like the idea of the final maiden being connected to Theo in some shape or form.
For me, I like the prospect of the Summer Maiden being either Theo’s daughter or younger sister or cousin or niece or some important person to him as she’s probably the only family he has left.
Again, I don’t know anything about Theo but thus far, none of the other headmasters of the huntsmen academies have had any reason to be protective of their respective maiden outside of a moral obligation as per Ozpin’s instructions.
To make Theo stand out more, I think it would be a nice change of pace if Theo, the final headmaster, were to share an actual connection to the final  maiden as she is a beloved relative of his.
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Why bring this up? Well I like the idea of Jaune forming a close relationship with another Maiden candidate. Maybe he could even fall in love with the Summer Maiden.
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Technically, Jaune hasn’t had a legit love interest since Pyrhha and I don’t know about ya’ll but…after six seasons (and half a movie), I’m kind of tired of being reminded of Arkos, ya’ll.
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It was the Ship that was meant to be that never got to be because Writers decided to kill it off early.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love Arkos. Arkos was a great ship that was gone too soon.
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To (finally) close the chapter on Jaune moving on from Pyrhha (since even after all of his growth, I still don't think he's over her as the show keeps constantly bringing up whenever they can)...
I think it actually might be cute if Jaune does end up being romantically involved with the Summer Maiden who he actually succeeds in protecting from Cinder when she comes to steal her powers.
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I’ve grown tired of new maidens showing up in the story just to die for the sake of the powers being passed onto a main character.
Since Summer is the last maiden, it would be nice if Summer is the one to stop the cycle of original maiden deaths and she actually gets to live on even after opening the vault.
As much as I like WhiteKnight as a ship, I honestly gave up on it becoming canon after V5 dropped and nothing else was done to further develop Weiss and Jaune’s relationship as a prospective romance.
Yeah sure, V9 tossed us a crumb of Weiss being attracted to Jaune in his more mature Rusted Knight persona.
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But after further deliberation, I’ve concluded that that little nugget of hope isn’t enough to get me back on the horse of hoping for a romance between these two.
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Do you know what would actually be pretty wild?
If Jaune fell in love with the Summer Maiden who is not only a red-head (like Pyrhha) but is also a descendent of Lewis who is the author of the Girl Who Fell Through the World and thus a relative of Alyx.
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And unlike Alyx and Pyrhha who Jaune failed to protect/help/save, Jaune is able to do just that with the Summer Maiden by protecting her from Cinder and thus, the two are able to live happily ever after.
That would actually be wild.
Not saying this would become true in the canon. I'm just tossing it out into the RWBY FNDM ether as a food for thought.
~LMS (2024)
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Non-RWBY/ MLP models I wanna do and how I'd explain them in Remnant.
01. Felix Argyle (Ferris)
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Would Probably use a similar story to how he met his princess but set and altered to fit Remnant.
Felix was simply born with two physical Faunus traits. While I say simply this would be more on pair with a condition/ mutation like Polymelia a genetic anomaly that results in people having extra limbs.
The difference being that in Felix's case he's simply born with a extra trait. However the effects it has on him are more detrimental For instance racist see him as even more of a animal then most faunus.
While some faunus see him with contempt for seemingly being to them what Faunus are yo racist. His parents ashamed and afraid of redicue lock him up I their house
Things would play out similar to how they did in their book but instead of Crusch Jaune and the Arcs noticing the families odd behavior find and rescue the boy.
2. Toga (My Hero Academia)
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Her circumstances can be similar to her series. Given that Neo can form illusions and Xanthe can quite literally transmutation seemingly anything to gold I don't see why Toga can't take on the apperance/ voice and even eventually semblance of those whose blood she ingest.
Though I would alter the reasoning to that of that she needs the others aura to mimic them. Blood is just the easiest way to injest it as while the blood cells are still there is no reason they shouldn't theoretically still retain their aura.
03. Najimi Osana (Komi Can't Communicate)
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This one's fairly easy too, Najimi simply grew up with Jaune (Or one of his sisters) as a classmate. He befriended everyone like in his own manga/ anime.
And simply got a crush on Jaune convincing himself he'd confess at graduation... Only Jaune wasn't there and had left for Beacon.
04. Rebecca (Cyberpunk 2077)
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Rebecca's is a bit harder but off the top of my head, I can see her and the gang she rolled with in Mantle. Not as techy as they had been in Cyberpunk though, or maybe they were. Not really too important for the relevance her, point is Rebecca nearly dies. And only survives because Pietro can't help but try and save her on principle.
Using his technology... And even his semblance he does manage to save the girl, though the result leaves her more mechanical then human. Rebecca as we know is loyal, arguably to a fault.
So once she hears the old man quite literally tore his soul apart to save her she grows attached to him and his... daughter Penny who insist on calling her sister.
05. Midna (Legend of Zelda, Twilights Princess)
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Honestly, I got nothing for this one, doesn't mean I wanna make it any less. Maybe Jaune falls into the Twilight Realm instead of the Everafter... Or Midna is sent to Remnant instead of Zelda's world. Or Jaune and the Arc's as a whole could be Link's Ancestors who could be guarding the Mirror of Twilight to this day.
06. Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat & Blaze the Cat (Sonic Franchise)
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Jaune fell into Mobius instead of the Everafter
07 Hideri Kanzaki (Blend S)
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Him and Jaune come from the same village were his parents are farmers. Hideri unlike Jaune adored getting dressed up and praised and dreamed of the big city and becoming a cute idol.
Jaune supported his dream, encouraging his friend who in turn encouraged him to be a Huntsman as well. He left for Vale with Jaune who fought off several Grimm on their way there. He aimed to start his career as a idol while Jaune tried for Beacon...
Several months later he's crossdressing at a cafe and Jaune steps in to see how his friends doing.
08. Fujiwara Sisters, Maki & Nagatoro's Crew
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These are actually super easy, their civilians, lets say Mistral, since both shows are based in japan and Mistral seems to be the asia of Remnant.
I can see two simple ways of doing it, Senpai and Shirogine can be related to, or friends of Jaune's parents. Hence why when visiting Mistral Jaune decides to see how his old friend/ Cousin are.
Also maybe I should give a brief summary of three others I've already maid.
Louise de La Vallière (Familiar of Zero)
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this one as a commission already has a setting... Basically the Valliere family fought with the Arcs in the Great War where her grandfather fought besides Jaeger Arc.
The two grew close as brothers and agreed to marry their children, unfortunately Julius fell in love with Juniper and caused friction by cancelling his engagement to the two elder daughters.
Thankfully Jaeger did have a younger son, Jaune, who would become Beacon's Prof. Arc.
This is a reference to Louise fiancée Jean-Jacques Wardes
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who looks about the same ages a my Prof. Arc model, the irony being that Jaune supported, trained and helped his fiancée however he could unlike his traitorous counterpart.
He never intended to actually make the young girl follow through with their wedding either. Perfectly willing to break his word and dishonor himself so she could be free to love whoever she chooses.
Because of Jaune's influence and the fact that she's not considered a failure magician in Remnant and in turn ostracized Louise isn't as violent as she is initially.
And while Jaune doesn't notices it, Louise doesn't see their engagement in a negative light.
Manami Aiba/ La Brava (My Hero Academia)
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Born with dwarfism Manami always felt different, self conscious and misunderstood. She yearned for connection and affection from a young age and could always feel others look at her differently...
She was quite sharp and capable, but there was another facet to her... She Loved HARD. When she got a crush it wasn't a simple crush, but instead utter affection.
Her pure little heart was so filled with affection on her first ever that the immense emotion awoke her aura and semblance... Love. The ability to multiple the targeted individual dependent on her feeling towards them.
Given her semblance she saw it as proof that she needed to pursue him, cherish and learn about him. Unfortunately it resulted in her freaking said boy out, viewing her as a stalking, and rumor spread over the tiny lil' weirdo stalker.
She ended up leaving school, shutting herself off from others, and surviving in private using her impressive computer skills to make money. Whether that be a regular computer job, hacking systems for less savory people or selling information she managed to dig up to Hei Xiong.
But nothing healed her heart, made her reach out, there was no Gentle Criminal who filled her world with light in Remnant... No instead one day, where she'd been forced to leave her home on a rare occasion she was stopped by several thugs... And then saved, by a random, kind... Cute, tall... Knight.
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Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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I'm thinking of doing something similar to the series but instead of Toru being injured and found by Kobayashi it's Ilulu who is found and healed by Jaune.
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rocknroll7575 · 9 months
Mk intro Wraith Ranger Jaune vs Ghost Guardian Jaune.
WR jaune: *walks into the stage with his projections behind him* "tell me does your sword speak to you".
GG jaune: *readying a green glowing crocea mors* "no is yours curse or something".
WR jaune: *projections disappear*" it's more like having the souls of your ancestors talk telling you to join them".
You can do the second one.
GG!Jaune: *Lands on stage with green energy* Man you don't look so good!
WR!Jaune: *Appears on stage out of fog* You try listening to a bunch of ghosts in your head
GG!Jaune: I'm still getting used to the one I have...
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roguedruid · 3 months
"Oh great druid this humble petitioner asks for your recommendations on fics you did not write but enjoyed greatly I look forward to getting your top 15."
Uhhhh Damn. Hold on. Lets seee..... I can give you eleven- in no particular order- that come to mind with a bit of searching. but questioner- I read so many fics. This is gonna be a crapshoot of fandoms, so hold on. Of Harrowed Hearts by Sable_Scribe: A Naruto fic which is sadly unfinished- but had an awesome vibe and really dives into the characterization of the Konoha 12 and their potential. It does have Naruto/Sasuke vibes- but when it last left off the slow burn was slow and Sasuke was barely realizing his emotions. The Games We Play by Ryuugi: It's posted on Spacebattles origionally- but it's been reposted a few other places. It's massive- nearly a million words. This was my first real 'Massive fic' i followed as it was updating- and my real intro to Space Battles/Sufficent Velocity as fanfic sites. Also- first Gamer fic that went *way* into the power scaling and endgame stuff. Jaune in this story escalates hard as fuck. I'm talking supernatural kung fu, elemental powers, the ability to destroy cities- And his threats are scary enough to match it. This was before Salem for most of the story- but the Grimm that show up are terrifying. Keeping on the forums real fast- Two Quests (Essentially reader driven stories) deserve to be on this list. Xander [Quest] by one Judge Mental is another of those Monolithic kind of reading experiences. it's massive- on a word count I can't even figure out- spread across like 28 threads. it starts as a simple premise- You are Alexander Harris- and you are born as the reincarnation of Ganondorf. Yeah- that Ganondorf. Things only escalate past that point- to where the last i checked we were possibly the strongest sorcerer on earth- and only 12.
"A Geeks Guide: CORE" series by Sage_of_Eyes. Again, monolithic in scope- it's a complete reimagining of the Highschool DXD mythology (yes, the ecchi novels/anime. Yes it's way deeper then it deserves. Yes, it's also metal as fuck)
Swerving back from forums:
A Drop of Poison by Angel Of Snapdragons: Naruto's Shadow Clones are fucking crazy- and if you've ever wanted to see the power fantasy of them escalating non stop- this is the good shit. Drifting by AlphaDelta1001: More Naruto- but this one has some of my favorite 'Kinda Genius' Naruto moments. It mixes up the timelines, throws in a completley revamped Chuunin exam, introduces tones of new characters- and completely revamps Naruto's methods- if you ever got bored of 'it's all Rasengan' in canon- this is definitely a suggestion.
From Fake Dreams by Third Fang: Fate Stay/Night. Supercharged. This is a bit of a controversal pick- mainly because Third Fang is one of those authors who's sense of humor is... off. Just a bit of that old school Shonen Jump Pervert vibe in the background- snarky comments and purile humor creep around the corners of his writing- but FFD is still immensly fun to read. The power creep- already high as fuck in Canon FSN- goes so high. Where recently Shirou isn't fighting Servants- But True Ancestors. Son of the Western Sea by Mac_Ceallach: If you want Percy Jackson going solo on a world-wide adventure- this is it. its after the War for New York, before the romans showed up- and Its got Percy just... being cool vibing. Hitting into other myths by accident. In contrast, if you want some true off the rocker Percy- An Impractical Guide to Godhood by Antony444 It's technically a crossover with A practical guide to Evil- but if you ever wanted to see olympus and the rest of the percy jackson verse just... implode with chaos? This is it. Flooding Hades with the flaming river- beating Ceaser in Gladatorial Events, fucking with the olympians? This goes hard. The Many Quirks Of Phantom Thievery by PsychicBeagle Persona 5, reloaded. Featuring New Game+ shenanagains, plenty of romance and memes, and puns. If you're a P5 fan, I highly reccomend it. It's Time For Another Good Idea, Bad Idea by Haurvatat: This is a weird one- for one it's Solo leveling, so it's fandom was kinda niche. on the other... It's got Cannabilism in it. But! As a Cook? this is a guilty pleasure fic. The cooking scenes are all written like Binging with Babish episodes, the humor is on point, there's actual stakes and emotions- theres closure? What more does a fic need.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
panda may that would so cute
Waiter: What will you be having today?
May M: Oh, just a salad.
Despite being in the Phyla Carnivora, Giant Pandas are Folivores - Herbivore that specialize in Leaf eating, Bamboo leaves being 90% of their diet, with the other one percent being Shoots, Tubers, And Smaller rodents or Carrion.
Robyn: I'll be having The Champion's Meal, and we'll also have Honey toast, Scrambled Eggs, Fish Fry and the Fruit Platter.
Waiter: Is that All?
Robyn: Yep! thank you!
Waiter: I'll be back then! *They Leave*
Robyn: ... You need to eat Actual food May.
May: *Embarrassed* I know ...
In Captivity Giant Pandas are also fed additional items, such as Honey, Eggs, Fish, Yams, Bananas, Oranges, Shrub Leaves, and other Specially Prepared Food
Shark!Jaune: Okay! Ready?
Gator!Yang: Hold on, I think SOmeone's joinming us
May: Hello! Is this the Basal Faunus Meeting?
Jaune: Yep! It's nice to see you again Ms. Marigold!
Giant Pandas are a Basal Species in the family Ursidae - This Means they are they least Changed from their Common ancestor to other Bears. Surprisingly.
Fiona: thanks for watching My Nieces may- Where's The other one?
May: The other one?
Robyn: She's right here!
May: There were Two?!?!
At one point there was a Giant Panda that gave birth to Twins, which was a cause for Celebration. Unfortunately, in order to unsure the Mother would pay attention to each Cub equally, one was often swapped out for the other. Otherwise, only the stronger/bigger one would've survived.
May M: Hello.
May Z: Uhm .... Hi?
The prefix "Giant" Panda was given to keep them from being confused with Red Pandas, which are mustelids, more closely related to Raccoons.
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howi99 · 13 days
Le légionnaire 2
Jean: *looking at the wounded soldier* ... A faunus? *Turn to Nicholas* I thought your country didn't allow them on ze battlefield. Aren't you afraid of desertion or mutinerie?
Nicholas: *surprised* How did you know she was-
Jean: *pointing to her hands* Her fingernails are around thrice as thick as those of a human. *Point to her eyes* And the way her pupils are dilated, a rabbit faunus if i'm not mistaken.
???: *annoyed* Can we cut to the chase? My voorarm will not cut itself.
Jean: *rolling his eyes* Don't worry, i saw the problem. You got an infection, right?
???: *nodding* Ja?
Jean: *searching through his medi-bag* Les scientists at home found a fun little fungi. *Taking a pill from a bottle* They call it penicillium, it kills bacteria.
Nicholas: *looking at the little pill* You are saying das little thing can heal anything?
Jean: *shaking his head* Not anything sadly. Only bacteria. It would do nothing against the flu. The best way to stave off those would be to get your aura unlocked.
Nicholas: Like those Jäger?
???: *looking at Nicholas* Don't you mean Jagter?
Jean: *groan* I'm beginning to understand why they forced everyone to learn the unified language.
Wilfried: *entering the tent* Caporal, the grimms are slowly advancing on our position.
Jean: *looking at Nicholas* How many soldiers were going to join us again?
Nicholas: You mean how many are we left? Around 5 excluding me and Andrietta.
Jean: *looking at the faunus girl* Andrietta?
Andrietta: *waving her hand* That would be me.
Jean: So we are around 20 in total... *Looking at Wilfried* How many-
Wilfried: 50 sir.
Jean: Bordel de merde! Saloperie de grimms!
Wilfried: No alpha in sight
Jean: Encore heureux... *Sigh* We will be taking a position at the top of the hill. *Point Wilfried* Prépare les mitrailleuses... *Give the pill to Andrietta* And take it with water.
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novankenn · 9 months
Altered Destiny (v1-11)
{Table of Contents}
Silence filled the room. Jaune smiling warmly stepped into the room, as Glynda waited just outside the door. Nora looked confused, her eyes roving from the girl, to Pyrrha to Ren to Professor Goodwitch, and then back to the girl. 
Ren’s eyes narrowed, suspicion filling his mind as he watched and waited. Ren was well aware of Jaune’s unique tells, and if this person was who she was trying to claim to be… then he would see proof.
Pyrrha’s eyes grew wide in utter shock as she slapped her hands over her mouth to muffle her scream of shock and dismay. This had to be a lie, a trick, right? It had to be, yet as she stared at the young woman stepping into their dorm, she could see the traces. The little things her heart had memorized about Jaune.
“Guys?” Jaune asked, her smile faltering, and worry starting to touch her eyes. “Guys? It’s me… Jaune.”
“What is this?” Nora snapped, “Some kind of sick joke?”
“N… Nora?” Jaune stammered, taking an unsteady step backwards.
“You!” Nora pointed past Jaune straight at Professor Goodwitch. “You said he’d be returning today, and then you show up with… with… her?”
“Nora, calm…” Ren took a step forward, only to have Nora push him back.
“No! NO! I want to know what’s going on! Where’s Jaune?” Nora shouted
“I’m right here.” Jaune spoke up, swallowing her fear and stepping directly before Nora. “I’m right here.”
“No… no… NO!” Nora took several steps backwards, “You’re not Fearless Leader… you’re not… where is he?”
“Nora,” Jaune took a step forward, her arms spread wide, a sad smile on her face. “It’s me. I’m right here.”
“You can’t be… but you are?” Pyrrha whispered, as she took a couple of hesitant steps towards the young woman. She looked from the girl to professor Goodwitch. “Is it true?”
“Nora don’t!” Ren yelled, reading his partner’s body language easily, but he was a fraction tool slow and watched in shock as Nora lunged forward and shoved the young woman back… hard.
“You’re not Jaune-Jaune!”
Jaune was sent stumbling backwards, to fall upon her ass, a look of pure shock on her face. She was completely unable to fathom why Nora was reacting as she did, and it hurt. Glynda moved into the room intent on stopping any more possible aggressive displays, only to be cut to the chase by Pyrrha and Ren.
“Nora!” Pyrrha yelled at her teammate as she made a move to help the young woman to her feet. “I’m so…”
Jaune pushed Pyrrha’s hands away, and scrambled to her feet unassisted, and backed away, with a look that Pyrrha could only describe as a combination of hurt and betrayal. Taking a couple of steps backwards towards the open door, unconsciously putting Professor Goodwitch between herself and the rest of her team.
“Calm down, Nora. Calm down.” Ren spoke in an even tone, putting himself right in front of Nora and staring into her eyes. “Deep breaths. That’s it, nice and slow. In… and… out. In… and… out.”
“I… I… think this was a mistake.” Jaune stammered out before bolting out of the room.
“Professor!” Pyrrha called as Glynda moved to give chase, making her pause for a moment. “Is… is… it true?”
“Yes, it’s true.” Glynda answered, “That was Jaune.”
“How?” Pyrrha squeaked out, as she covered her moth with both her hands. Tears instantly filling her eyes, and her body shaking with confusion, fear, concern, and elation. 
“Lies.” Nora hissed, “Lies.”
“Nora. Enough.” Ren calmly tried to get Nora focused and under control.
“In will return after I make sure Jaune is okay, but” Glynda let her green eyes flow over each of them, “seeing as how things turned out, Jaune will be lodged elsewhere tonight.”
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ficretus · 3 months
*Jaune gets cornered by Salem*
Salem: There is no escape, don't make me destroy you. Jaune, you do not realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your Semblance. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength we can overthrow the Gods and bring order to the world.
Jaune: I'll never join you!
Salem: If only you knew power you could have. Ozma never told you what happened to your ancestor. Jaune: What? That's very random, I don't even remember aski... Salem: No, I am your ancestor. Jaune: What does that have to do with anyt... Salem: Search your feelings, you know it to be true! Jaune: *confused* Salem: You do not believe me? Fine. *pulls out a massive family tree* Salem: See, here is me at the top and you right there at the bottom. Now let us continue. *clears throat* Salem: Join me, and together, we can rule the world as ancestor and descendant! Jaune: I understand that, but what does that have to do with anything? Look at that family tree, there are several thousand people at the bottom. At this point,every fifth person in Vale is probably your descendant. This doesn't make me special. *looks closely at the family tree* Jaune: Half of people I know from Beacon are your descendants, why are you bothering me? Salem: I have a thing for blondes. Jaune: Sigh... I'm not doing this. *jumps into the pit*
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