#rwby au that changes everything
lipeg · 9 months
Knight's Tales: Winter Solstice Special (Christmas special )
Ever Alter - Underground
The underground of Ever Alter it was a very interesting and mysterious place, where it keeps many secrets.
Entire civilizations hidden beneath the earth.
In one of the many caves, there was a very peculiar.
A cave that didn't look like a cave, it looked like a country that was buried but the sun continued to appear, rain kept watering the crops. Even though was beneath the earth, life continued normal.
And the seasons passed normally. Even beneath the earth.
The people who lived in this cave were called of Dragronelf. A race of human beings with blue skin, pointy ears and with horns on his head.
They were a peaceful race. But they weren't stupid, they had their warriors to cause a war to happen.
This race worshipped a Dragon God.
Those responsible for creating everything.
But after he created everything, he felt alone, then he split into two parts.
This race has a legend that a traveler who was also a great warrior would bring back their Dragon God back and thus, the Dragon God would unite all the races.
But that day was far from coming.
But they would wait hopefully.
This race was currently celebrating the winter solstice, It was a five-day holiday.
During these five days, they celebrated with their families together, to celebrate the good harvests, unlike other places, this cave, the best season for them was winter. During this season, the fruits have changed, giving them a unique flavor and aroma.
They meet at a lake that has mystical properties or magic.
On the same lake, They take the belongings of their deceased relatives with them, because when the item diving into the water to the incredible happened.
But now let's change our focus.
Near the lake there was a young knight was sitting by the lake.
A young knight with long blond hair, blue eyes, he had a sad expression on his face. The knight had little armor, he had armor no covering his chest and on his left arm.
He had black pants similar to jeans, his boots had a metal protection on the front, on the heel part there was a metal protection.
He had a red sash in his right hand.
He looked at red sash and he gave a sigh tired.
He got up and walked to the edge of the lake.
He knelt down, holding the red sash tightly, put his hand in the water, and released the red sash.
The moment he released the red sash, the lake began to glow. He was blinded by the glare.
As the glow faded, his vision gradually returned.
He was shocked by what happened.
He was no longer near the lake.
He was in a place unlike anything he had ever seen.
The floor was made of water.
It was literally water, he was walking on water.
The sky was in the middle. On one side was the blue sky with the sun and on the other side was the dark sky with the moon.
The stars were very bright on both sides.
There were only clouds around him and gears in the distance.
He started walking.
To look from one side to the other.
He found himself alone in an unknown place.
He looked everywhere to find a way out and to find Pyrrha's red sash.
— Hello again
His eyes widened.
He turned around with his heart beating too fast.
But it wasn't her.
In front of him was something that looked like a mirror. The mirror showed their first date, the first time they met.
He stood still, his gaze fixed on the mirror, and memories flooded his mind.
He began to walk again.
He was unsure. Should he stop or continue walk.
The further he walked, the more mirrors appeared. Showing memories with her.
The expression on his face was both happy and sad.
He hadn't forgotten those beautiful memories, he didn't like to relive those memories so as not to suffer.
After passing through several mirrors, he arrived at what should be the last one.
His last memory with her.
They had a discussion, she wanted to fight against a powerful enemy, but he was against it, saying it would be suicide. While he was arguing with her not to do that, she suddenly kissed him, which was amazing to him, but it was a distraction.
She pushed him into the rocket closet, even he protested, she didn't listen. She went to face a demon and ended up getting killed.
He had his first and last kiss with the woman he loved.
The mirror in front of him shattered like water falling to the ground.
But right in front of him was another surprise.
Your beloved. So beautiful when the day he lost her, without your armor or weapons, just wearing a beautiful white dress with her red hair flowing in the wind.
— Hello again... Jaune
His eyes smell of tears.
He ran out to hug her again.
His desire to have her in his arms again was very great.
But he was blocked.
He fell on his ass on the watery ground and didn't understand what had happened.
He got to his feet quickly and brought his hands to hold Pyrrha once more.
But before him was an invisible barrier.
The barrier seemed to have no end.
Jaune couldn't jump or even move to the side.
His anger began to rise, and then he began to strike out at the barrier.
— Please stop, Jaune
She asked him to stop.
He paused, but his anger still burned.
— Jaune, I can't interact with you
He looked fixedly at her.
Fear was taking over him.
— I'm dead, Jaune. There's nothing you can do to change that, I'm sorry
She saw her beloved knight losing his strength in his legs. Her knight was on his knees, so she knelt as well.
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— I do not have much time. I would like to say though although i have lived for a very short time, the time we spent together was very good for me, you had no idea who I was, so I was happy
She laughed as her knight cried.
— Although you recognized me because of that cereal but seriously, how did you like that cereal, it only had sugar
She lowered it.
— I was sad that I couldn't be by your side, I couldn't see Nora and Ren anymore, that makes me really sad
A tear fell from his left eye.
— When Jaune returns to Remmant and when finds my mother, tell her that I thank her for everything she did for me
Her body began to glow red.
— Jaune, I loved you. I really loved you with all my heart, from the bottom of my soul, I loved you
It broke him.
Despair, rage, indignation, hatred, sadness took over your heart.
He begin desperately hitting the barrier, he wants this barrier to take her in its arms.
His arms were covered in white light.
He quickly started throwing a lot of punches at the barrier very quickly but it was of no use.
Pyrrha's body began to transform into red particles.
— Bye my Love
She disappeared with a smile on his face.
He blinked.
He was back at the lake.
He looked down and a saw red sash floating in the water.
He held the red sash very tightly.
He fell to his knees, he was crying.
Was what happened real or fake?
Who knows?
This has left a very deep mark on him.
He held his own face with his left hand, his hand covering his eyes but not stopping the tears.
The cry of raging and despairing cannot be heard.
The scream was drowned out by the joyous singing of the Dragronelf people.
Amidst loneliness and silence.
The knight on his knees and was in tears.
Pyrrha was watching her beloved crying.
She was in a beautiful place, a paradise where the souls of the dead go.
Pyrrha was worried and sad.
Until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
— Don't worry about him, he will get out of this situation. Either he will get up, or he will remain in the dark.
— How can you be sure he can get out on his own?
— He's going to get out of this completely alone, but he will get out of this situation. After all, he is the only one of my descendants who can bring pride to our family name
— You think?
— I don't think, I know, I've seen the future written in the stars and Crocea Mors is still with him, if he couldn't lift it, he would never be able to pull the sword out of the sheath, after all, I created that sword
These words came from the mouth of what would be the most powerful being ever born in all of Remnant.
So much so that there is no one in this who can surpass him, the only other being able to get close to him was his own daughter.
Ozma and Salem are nothing in front of him.
The most powerful wizard
The man who reached the stars.
The most powerful being that ever exists just below the gods, and the one who dared to challenge the two brothers
The progenitor of the clan of warriors and heroes.
Alexander Arc
The first Arc
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anthurak · 26 days
RWBY AU where everything is the same except Ruby and Yang spent a good chunk of their childhoods befriending the various woodland creatures near their home Disney-Princess style, as per what we see in these hilariously inexplicable panels from one of the DC comic.
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Specifically to the point where both girls, and Ruby in particular, can and often do talk to forest critters for various reasons.
Knock-on effects of this change include but are not limited to:
Ruby being both slightly more and less well-adjusted thanks to spending much of her childhood talking to and occasionally getting advice from mice, squirrels, raccoons, birds and more.
Ruby and Yang being able to straight up talk to Zwei.
Ruby and Yang involving their forest friends in their huntress training, leading to many mice, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and more on the island of Patch gaining unlocked auras and rudimentary knowledge of weapons and tactics.
Possibly Little appearing nine volumes early as a mouse friend of Ruby’s.
Both Ruby/Weiss AND Blake/Yang in the Emerald Forest doing their own versions of the Kronk and Yzma talking to a squirrel scene. Specifically both Ruby and Yang getting reconnaissance information from local squirrels and raccoons. Funny enough, Blake is the one more weirded out while Weiss actually thinks it’s adorable, though Weiss also refuses to admit as much to Ruby at this point while Blake is all the more intrigued by Yang.
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Rising Dawn au
Pyrrha: How can I make things at least better for my team hmm
Cardin:(talking to Jaune)
Pyrrha: Is there something you need Winchester?
Cardin: Nikos haven't seen you since you abandoned your team oh and Jaune see you in the ring
Pyrrha: If you want I fight I can-
Jaune: See you there and this time you might actually even the score
Jaune: All fair in love and war my friend
Pyrrha: Since when were you and Cardin on such... good terms?
Jaune: *not facing her* Since he saved I and Aurora's life and brought us back here, though, before that, Aurora, Gillian, and I found him in an old abandoned village and he wasn't in the best headspace.
Pyrrha: And you've... forgiven him? After blackmailing you and all the stunts he's pulled at Beacon?
Jaune: He admits he was an asshole back then, and he's changed... hell he's someone I'd call brother, like Ren.
Pyrrha: Really?
*Jaune nods*
Pyrrha: So you can forgive him... but not RWBY and me?
Jaune: *Turns to her with a small glare and annoyed expression* I never was angry at RWBY, I don't need to forgive them, I'm angry at you and haven't forgiven you because you left us behind, kept us in the dark, had us worried for months! I can't forgive you because you turned your back on me despite everything I thought! You haven't figured out why I'd be sooo upset with that! So yeah, I can forgive Cardin, because he's made up for what he's done, he's proven he's better, but you!? You haven't shown any remorse for abandoning us, keeping us in the dark, and thinking you needed to keep us safe when we didn't! What we needed to know was that you were safe and alive!
*Pyrrha looks at him with shock and hurt*
Jaune: I haven't forgiven you... and I don't trust you, or Ozpin, or Qrow, or Goodwitch, or Ironwood, not anymore... so remember this, partner, you stay the hell away from me and my friends, or you'll see just how far I'm willing to go to keep everyone safe
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greatkittydream · 18 days
Rwby slasher AU
The fall of becon
Everything was on fire, body's Coverd the ground and jaune is runing as fast as he can.
His heart was pounding. He was rushing past corpses, giving them passery glances to see if they're at his teammates or Acquaintances.
"Dame it, why did this happen now! My team and rwby's were about to head out on a joint mission together, four "bonding".
Despite his cheery persona, jaune can not care less about the people he met. Indifference and annoyance was all he felt to others outside of his family.
Even that was a miracle onto itself, for jaune was a slasher. According to myth, when humanity rebelled, the gods cursed humanity with not only the grimm but slashers, immortal supernatural beings with a bloodlust to kill their fellow man. Unfeeling for others.
Wether that was true. He did not know what he did know was that he was one of these fabled slasher's.
The protocol for a slasher being born is to be killed if possible if not given up to atlas, to be put into a high security prison. He heard stories of what happened in there, spikes stabbed into joints to stop movement, mind numbing sensations, and forced sleep. The list just goes on and on.
Spotting a blonde corpse, he quickly ran to it, moving the hair out of the face before saying it wasn't yang. breath. He didn't know he was holding was released.
His breathing was erratic. And his chest hurt with how much it ached, and he didn't know why. He was not Hurt. There is no stable, no gunshot, nothing to harm him. And yet every corpse he found that looked vaguely like team rwby or his Caused him a pulse of pain. Or what he thought was pain. He'd never experienced any pain like this, though.
Pain was not something slashers experienced like regular people. There were all types. Biteng pains, aching pains, shocking pains, quick pains, and long pains. But not once did one linger after it went away. This one, though it hurt more than any of those. It was almost unbearable. He grit his teeth.
The only dame reason he went to this school was to take heat off his family. Wearing contacts to change his eye color from Purple to blue. An expensive illegality. His family burdened themselves with for his expenses. Just because some damed bandits decided to try and rob his home. He ended up butchering them, taking joy in their suffering.
One of the easiest ways to identify slashers, their eyes, a deep purple, almost black. Some of the stronger ones could change their eye color naturally, but most couldn't at a certain point. They stopped caring as well.
An explosion rocked the school. By this point, he was at a full sprint. He remembered that the cafeteria was a meeting place in case of a grimm horde attack, he hoped the other were there.
Memories flash through his mind Bringing a sense of ease to the pain he was feeling. Weiss would probably argue with Ruby about how they should stay in the cafeteria. Whereas Ruby would wanna go out and help the people.
And then he thought of why he was even here. He could just as easily leave. This was a perfect excuse to leave. Traumatized by the fall, heading back to his family would make perfect sense.
But some part of him argued that he didn't want. It would also be unlike his persona, kind and cheery and selfless. He was smashing open the cafeteria doors. He did not see every room full of students but blake Yang and two white Fang mongrols.
She launched forward. Her lilac eyes turned red. Mane of hair caught on fire.
Yang fell into the road, besides blake screaming out in a pain as her arm fell to the floor.
"You see this blake, this is what happens when you betray your family. I'm going to give you one chance to make this right, kill her" Adams said as emotioned towards yang on the floor.
Jaune did not know what happened Adam made him annoyed, really annoyed. Jaune doesn't think there's been a time. He's been more annoyed in his entire life. His teeth cracked under his own jaw strength.
Everything in the world became defined to him. The only thing he could hear was a ringing. Shadow stepping behind Adam form the far end of the cafeteria directly behind him.
Blake had been trying to hold the recent wound not only hers but yang as well. Adam was definitely a tall imposing man 6'2. She had begged him to let her friend go. She'd do anything, just not kill her friends.
All it took was a blink, and then suddenly jaune was behind him. She took a sharp deep breath. Jaune is 6'6 Standing directly behind Adam. She didn't even know how he got hit there. But that's not what caught her breath. It was the DEAP purple eyes. he had Shards of glass that could be seen sticking out of his eyelids. He had clenched them so hard that he shattered his contacts, stabbing him into his eyes and eyelids. He didn't seem to care or notice. Maby both.
Jaune Grabed Adam by his hair and threw him into a pillar. The sound it made was deafening. A large crater formed as the boom was heard all around the cafeteria.
The other white fang member Whipped her whip out around jaune's throat, digging needles deep into it, injecting poisons that would paralyze a normal man.
Jaune was not a normal He marched over to Adam, he did not revel In his suffering, he was to "Annoyed" llia Was being dragged Her legs were firmly pointed in place. but she was still being dragged across the floor. Pulling with all her might, eventually the needle sunk into his neck further with a sickening squilch.
This didn't stop him. Blood run down his chest, and she twisted her hips even harder to try and stop him. The neck flesh around The neck gave way as the entire jugular and throat was ripped out. You could visibly see his spine. And yet, just like all slashers had healed. Muscle shot out like a web connecting and weaving itself back together. skin covered it up like some sort of sick tarp.
Adam had gotten back up to his knees and assessed the situation. Leaping to the side quickly to get out of the way of a hand pain for his throat. Only for a second one be caught around his dominant harm.
For all his natural strength, jaune was not skilled at all in fighting. Adam grabbed onto his sword and Sabed join the throat. Barely missing his spine due to luck.
Jaune Clinched his arm firmly wrapped around the elbow crunched. It it made a sickening sound like that of cereal being stomped on. In a blink, adam had cut off jaune's arm connected to his ruined limb. Next, he sliced open his eyes, leaving a four inch deep gash across his face and finally Spun and stabbed into his back directly into the spine, paralyzing jaune for short, while. Jonas slammed into the ground while adam quickly retreated llia hot on his tail.
Wounds, that would be impossible to recover from for a normal man. Were shrugged off mir seconds later all that damage and skill bought him thirty seconds. A normal slasher would have hunted him down. Fortunately for him, jaune had other concerns.
Blake Turned around and instinctual, fear have popped up. Purplize set off alarms and her brain after generations of being hunted by them, instinct took over. Shielding yang's body with her own.She was tense, waiting for something that happene.
Jaune crouched down "are you okay" Blake did not know how to respond "no but yang is worse...please help her." Tears build up in her eyes, Weeping them away. She was not going to show weakness in front of a slasher of all things.
She turned to confront her... associate. Jaune face was stone and very stern he had not moved even an eyebrow after his initial "annoyance". You would be forgiven for thinking he was completely emotionless to the suffering in front of him or even taking enjoyment in it. If it weren't for the tears, rolling down his face, blake really couldn't understand what was happening, right nore wanted to yang had long since passed out from blood loss.
Taking a deep breath and taking off his ruined shirt, he tied a tourniquet around what was left of her arm "there is a medkit in the hall I came from use it to stop the bleeding" He said in a low gruff voice Unlike his usual happy one or what she guessed, he faked.
"Were are you going?" "to find my team"
Jaune finally made it to the top of the stairs. pyrrha is laing on the floor along with another woman. Jaune was about to run over before a large stinger place. Itself on his shoulder.
A maniac giggling could be hear.
"Hold on just one moment pale"
Turning around, he met deep, purple eyes of a scorpion fanuse. He wanted to put his fist through that face.
"Before we get all punchy, stabby on each other haha I'd like to clarify.I did you a little ah.. Favor your little girlfriend over there is just fine.A little paralyzed but, Ah..., well, you can probably take a guess from what." The man's tail swung in front of his own face.
"What do you want"
"Nothing nothing. Is there something wrong to wanting to help out a Fellow bless one"
"Tell me what you want, Or i'm going to Use your guts as a rope to hang you"
"HA That one's a classic, but you're not wrong. Our goddess, Could always use more And when I laid my eyes on you, I knew exactly what you were, but we Can save your initiation for later for now.I have to take this Very angry witch back to our goddess".
Jaune watched as the man grabbed the black haired woman and jumped off the side of the building. An never more carrying them off to gods knows where. The only thing he could think of is how he got into this situation.
Well, there's part one of a potential series, our lovable jaune is basically autistic version of jason voorhees.
Watch as the precious little murder himBo. Discovers emotions such as anger, possibly, even hatred and love.
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pilot-boi · 3 months
For the tans winter maiden jaune au, think we can get a snippet of him meeting with Nora? Does he start using she/her pronouns by then or is he still mostly repressing everything and using he/him?
First of all, it’s not a repression thing. I cannot stress enough that Jaune’s pronouns are he/him. Being a woman doesn’t change that. Like I said before, it took this long for his egg to crack because he feels no discomfort in using he/him to refer to himself. He is a bisexual girl who uses he/him
That being said, I’ll do my best :]
Fair warning, I got VERY carried away
Jaune’s been acting weird since he got back.
Well duh Nora, of course he’s been weird. He’s been trapped in another dimension for gods know how long with nobody to talk to. And he’s apparently a fairy tale character, from a book popular enough that even HER mom had time to read it as a bedtime story before abandoning her.
Good times.
He’s the Winter Maiden.
She’s the Winter Maiden. He? She? They? Do the rules of that even apply anymore now that even Ozpin doesn’t know what’s going on and her family met the mother of the gods?
And how did it even happen? All she knows is her leader is back with flames from blue eyes and Jaune refuses to talk about it. So does the rest of RWBY. Well, to an extent.
The death of the Winter Maiden was something that got brought up immediately, especially since no Penny came through the portal and Winter showed up with Qrow and the Ace Ops. Everyone assumed that Penny was dead, but nobody knew who got the powers.
And then RWBY returns from the dead with a flame-eyed Jaune and an impossible story. They all dance around the question in meetings. It was Cinder’s fault, they all say, and Nora believes them. But they also all glance at Jaune whose hand is tight on the hilt of Crocea Mors.
Nora is many things, but she’s not oblivious. A ditz, sure, over-exuberant, definitely. But unobservant she is not. Jaune was involved in Penny’s death. How, she doesn’t know, but she recognizes the haunted look in those eyes from dark nights in Mistral. No amount of years could dull that.
Ren has taken his turn looking through their leader, and apparently Jaune is fine. Or at least as fine as can be expected. And Nora trusts him. She trusts him more than he trusts herself these days.
But there’s still something. Something in Jaune’s eyes when they land on her, a flicker of something she can’t recognize. Or wishes she couldn’t.
Blame. Guilt. Pain. Emotions that have never been directed towards her from Jaune. Flames from blue eyes, twenty years alone, a trauma she knows nothing about.
She doesn’t know who Jaune is anymore.
And it’s that realization that pushes her to find Jaune and talk in person.
“Jaune? Can I come in?” Nora knocks on the door. The Nora-Of-Before would’ve just barged in without thinking. There’s a lot of things Nora-Of-Before wouldn’t have bothered to think about.
“‘Course, door’s open.” Jaune is sitting on the bed that’s shared with Oscar, adjusting the straps on the shoulders of the armor. “Hey, Nora. Did you need something?”
“What do I call you now?” Wow, great going, Nora. Just blurt it out.
Jaune blinks and looks up at her, visibly confused. “Um… Jaune?” Blue eyes glance over her face. “Unless something changed that I don’t know about?”
Something did change, she wants to scream. You changed. You changed and you can’t even see it because it happened when nobody was around to point it out. You were alone and vulnerable and it’s all my fault.
“Can I sit down?” she asks instead. Jaune slides over immediately, shoving the armor onto the pillow to make room for her. “Jaune, we need to talk.”
“Okay. Shoot.”
“I need to get something out of the way first of all.” She looks her leader straight in the eyes. “What do I call you now?”
“Jaune. Nora I don’t-“
“No no not that,” she waves away. “Not your name, I know your name.”
Jaune chuckles. “You’d be the first.” Short, sweet, ladies love it. The whole world knows them now. Not as much as Ruby, but still. Nora can’t fathom how Jaune deals with the world knowing the fairytale title more than the name from the broadcast.
“It’s just… So much has happened, and you don’t have to tell me all of it or any of it-” The words are tumbling out of her before she knows it, before she can stop them. “-but clearly so much has happened and you’re like family to me, and I’m sorry about what happened, I’m so sorry, but-”
“Woah woah woah, slow down.” Jaune grabs her hands. Dammit, she was rambling. This is about Jaune being hurt, and here she is rambling. “C’mere.” Jaune slides her over and plops a head of white streaked curls down on her head. She can feel Jaune’s voice rumble. “You can talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I just… I don’t think I know you anymore.” And dammit why is her voice so small. She’s supposed to be the strong one. Gods, how does Jaune do this?!
Jaune doesn’t answer for the longest time, and for her it’s like having her worst fears confirmed. You’re right, you don’t know me, her leader’s silence seems to say.
“I don’t think I know myself anymore,” Jaune says eventually. “I was the Burning Knight. I still am, I guess.” There’s a pause, and Nora leans into the ratty sweatshirt Neptune lent. “I don’t really know who I am without the fairytale. It’s hard to explain.”
I don’t actually know who I am without Ren. “No… I think I get it,” Nora says. “Ren and I have been spending time apart since you…” Died. Since you died, and we buried you, and I couldn’t bring back help. But Jaune isn’t dead, she can feel the tickle of blonde curls on her forehead and the warmth through the hoodie. “I wanted to figure out who I am. I’m still working on that, but I think I get it.”
Jaune hmms.
“I’m the Winter Maiden.” It’s so matter of fact that Nora had to remind herself that Jaune’s had decades to get used to the idea. “but I still feel like Jaune Arc. I think… I think I’m a girl, but I still feel like a man.” And Nora has to admit, she’s shocked by how quickly Jaune admitted that. Other dimension therapy must be bonkers.
“So who are you?”
Another chuckle, this one failing to hide the hurt. “If you only knew how many times I failed to answer that question.”
More silence. Less stifling.
“I think… I think I’m still me.” And Nora can hear the relief. How long has her leader been dealing with identity and self all alone? Did it start in fairytale land, or did she just miss the signs? “I’m the Maiden, and I’m a girl, but I still feel like a guy.”
“Oh yeah?” Nora shifts so she can look at Jaune’s face. Blonde hair streaked with white over blue eyes. The eyes are still the same. “So you’re a woman? Like May?”
Jaune grimaces, thumps back down on her shoulder. “Girl feels right, woman doesn’t. I don’t feel… grown enough for woman.” Nora nods. Young, then old, then young again. Enough time has been stolen, it makes sense that Jaune’s had enough of being grown.
“So you’re my sister now, not my brother?” Nora asks.
She feels Jaune curl around her, long arms holding her like a teddy bear. “I don’t think I know who I am if I’m not your brother. Or Ren’s. Or Ruby, or Oscar’s.”
Who is Nora Valkyrie if she isn’t part of Ren and Nora? “It’s just a part of you,” she murmurs. How many Winter Maidens is she going to lead down this path before she reaches the end herself? “Don’t forget about the rest.”
“The rest of me feels like a guy,” Jaune replies immediately. “Not a man, not a hero just… just a guy. Or a girl. ” She can almost hear the smile behind the words. “A friend.”
“So, what do I call you now?”
“What do I call you?” Jaune shoots the question back at her. “Who are you?” And that’s not fair, ‘cause she hasn’t had two decades to work on this, she’s only had two months. And most of that time was filled up with grieving.
Although, with the white-streaks in blonde hair and the haunted look in blue eyes, Jaune probably spent the two decades similarly.
“I don’t think I know,” Nora admits.
“Me neither,” Jaune sighs. “I should probably talk to May about this. She’s the expert.”
“Who do you want to be?” And the way Jaune says it, the question clearly means something. Something locked up in fairytale land and the lost years spent there.
But it’s an interesting question.
“I want to be someone who’s there for her friends,” she says. A golden portal and knuckles and throat bleeding under the force of desperation. “Someone whose friends know that she’ll fight the battles they can’t, and laugh and cry with them afterwards.”
“Sounds like you want to be Nora.”
It does, doesn’t it? “Who do you want to be?”
“I want to be someone who can help people,” Jaune says. A gleaming shield and a shattered blade, glowing hands meant to comfort and heal. “The kind of guy who can say “Everything’s gonna be alright, I’m here to help,” and people believe him.”
“Sounds like you want to be Jaune,” Nora quips back at her leader, and receives a weak laugh in response.
Him. Jaune said him.
“Do you still want to be a him? You’re a girl who feels like a guy.” She leans back against Jaune’s chest, snuggling into the warmth there. “Whatever you say, I’ll still love you.”
Silence. Nora feels Jaune shift awkwardly, sees calloused fingers pull at borrowed hoodie sleeves in front of her. “Is that like… allowed?” Theres a shocking amount of vulnerability in her leader’s voice. Like her answer will decide the rest of the future.
Oh Jaune.
There’s an immortal witch trying to kill us, time travel is apparently real, and you’re a fairy tale character. Who cares what’s allowed? It’s what she wants to say. It’s what she’s thinking. But cradling Jaune’s bleeding heart in her hands, and knowing better than she knows her name how important the opinion of her leader’s friends are, she stays quiet.
Nora looks up. Blue eyes, full of shadow and doubt. But still Jaune’s. “It’s very allowed.”
And his smile is like the sun.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Hi, just joined Tumblr earlier today as part of an unrelated thing, thought I'd check your page out on a friend's rec, and... wow. Just, wow. This is practically the nine-dimensional chess of media literacy. I would have so many question, but everything you discuss is promptly explained in such great detail that I can't even say that. One question remains, though: *how?* Where do you get the absurd amount information and brainpower required to connect the show's many, many dots at this high of a level? It's something I struggle with myself (though that may be due to there being over a year between watching V1-V8 and seriously starting to reflect on the show beyond "well, that was a fun sequence of events"—thank you, newish fanfic writing brain—but that's besides the point), and I was wondering if you had any tips for expanding one's thinking in this direction, as the show still means a *lot* to me—there's a reason, however unexplainable, that I stuck with it so long before the reflections started—and I'd love it if the deepest parts of my brain could reflect it as such.
...Unless that's too much to ask, in which case, whoops! Either way, thank you.
really fundamentally the most effective thing you can do to practice is make a deliberate effort to cultivate a sense of curiosity toward the text. and what i mean by that is, get in the habit of asking yourself questions as if you’re in a high school english lit class: what happened in this scene? why did this character say or do that? does this conversation remind you of anything that happened in an earlier scene, and if so, what’s similar? what’s different? what did you learn about the characters from this scene? what did you learn about the world they live in? why do you think this scene was important enough to be in the story? what changed in this scene (something will always have changed)?
it may feel a bit patronizing at first BUT over time if you’re consistent about it, doing this will train you to approach reading or watching as an active participant. analytical interpretation is a skill and like any skill it takes sustained effort and practice.
after that it’s sort of just pattern recognition. this is true of all stories but it’s especially true of theme-driven stories like rwby because they tend to be very deliberate about repeating and refracting their ideas and often develop rich symbolic vocabularies. so you identify a pattern and then examine the text until you can develop a compelling argument for what it means.
one thing to keep in mind if you’re generally familiar with fandom is that fandom encourages a lot of practices that are cool and fun in fannish contexts but will poison analysis because they are (by nature of being transformative) untethered from the text. headcanon, for example, is things held to be true irrespective of the text—one could have as a headcanon that ruby is allergic to bee stings or that qrow is her father or whatever and it doesn’t matter that there’s no textual evidence or that the text says otherwise because the text is not relevant—but analytically, you must be able to back every part of your argument with textual evidence. so it is useful to practice compartmentalizing to keep headcanon strictly separated from the text in your mind.
(that’s also a practice i recommend in general because being able to say “i like this idea and i have it in mind when i create fanworks, but it isn’t canonical” is healthy)
a good habit to get into is arguing against yourself and holding yourself to a high standard of proof. the reason my argumentation tends to be so thorough is that i try to be as skeptical of my own theories as i am of other people’s. if i have an idea that seems right but doesn’t withstand textual scrutiny, i discard it. (or i might toss it into the headcanon/au idea pile, if i’m very fond of it.) i will often develop more than one argument about a given subject and then lay them all against the text before i commit to one. being skeptical will push you to pay closer attention.
cultivate curiosity about your own emotional reactions, too. what did this scene make you feel? why? how do you feel about this or that character? what draws you to your favorite characters? what distances you from the characters you don’t like? what ideas come to mind when you think about the story and what it means to you? if you have a strong reaction to something—good or bad—try to trace that feeling to its root. what sparked it and why?
once you start digging into that you’ll find that your intuitive reactions to the story are non-arbitrary—you’re subconsciously picking up on certain patterns or themes that resonate with you. so paying attention to what the story makes you feel and asking how and why it incites those feelings will guide you to conscious discovery of things you’ve already noticed without noticing.
and another good point of entry is to look for recurring symbols / imagery—for example, silver-eyes get associated with death and reincarnation through a combination of harvest/reaper imagery (scythe, sickle, ‘the grimm reaper’) and butterflies (ruby’s first glare resembles wings, butterflies everywhere when she and maria discuss her eyes, butterflies symbolizing ascension in the ever after). adding this pattern together with the white light in the liminal void between realms (the threshold of life and death!), the implication that silver-eyes came from ozma (who dies and reincarnates cyclically), the stated purpose of the glare (to preserve and protect life), ruby hearing pyrrha’s final words in her dreams (which she didn’t hear in reality), and the glare having destroyed the hand cinder used to kill pyrrha, is how i got to “silver-eyes are psychopomps,” because both the symbolism and the narrative facts about the power line up in that direction.
the one thing to be careful with in relation to symbolism is not to treat it like a secret code! symbolic meaning isn’t universal so you should always consider symbolism in context with the narrative. the first question should always be “what idea does this image appear in connection to, when it appears?” i.e. the burning rose in rwby symbolizes mourning. think of symbols as more like trail markers that the narrative has placed to help you understand the story by connecting dots. we see the burning rose on summer’s grave and then we see it on ruby; she carries her mother’s absence with her. she gives the brooch away in the ever after right after the blacksmith shows her a glimpse of summer, and then in the storm her reflection is summer but ruby doesn’t look, doesn’t see: she’s avoiding her grief, trying to pretend it isn’t there. and then the brooch returns to her once she faces what the blacksmith wanted to show her about her mom: now it’s a symbol for acceptance of loss.
and with a story like rwby that uses allusion to develop its thematic narrative it’s really helpful to read the texts it alludes to! the core narrative allusions are the marvelous land of oz, maiden in tower fairytales (petrosinella, persinette, rapunzel), cinderella, and the little prince, plus alice’s adventures in wonderland & through the looking glass for the ever after. and then every major character has a specific character allusion. both kinds of allusion are symbolic/thematic (you can’t use allusions to predict specific plot events but they help tie together emotional arcs and character relationships cohesively, and the narrative allusions are pretty good weather vanes for very broad-strokes things like ozma’s symbolic blindness being ‘healed’ in the end).
rewatching the show a couple of times will also help, especially if you take notes. i’m not sure how many times i’ve rewatched v1-8 but it’s a lot and i’ve watched v9 in full twice, plus rewatching a lot of specific episodes or scenes for reference. rewatching will help you spot patterns that you missed before and increase your familiarity with the text in general, both of which help tremendously.
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spahhzy · 6 months
Au (ish) idea, and this is an evil one.
The only thing changing would be Jaune and Trivia/Neo knowing each other from childhood, but they still both follow their respective canon paths, some slight changes as in Neo and Jaune would communicate with each other with Jaune trying to save the world with Ruby but trying to stop Neo from chasing down Ruby to enact revenge, ultimately it comes to a confrontation and she chooses revenge over him. This adds to putting more trauma/despair onto Jaune.
After that, things proceed as normal up until the tea party.
Now I'll get off course a bit in Vol. 9, but CC has already possessed Jaune before even Team RWBY/Neo made it to the EverAfter, already destroyed by his events with Penny and everything else, he has decided it just wasn't worth it.
Now, once the tea party thing concludes, it then turns into a mini Musical Theater show with Jaune and Neo as its leading rolls. The 1st half of the show recounts Neo's life up until now before it goes into the 2nd half, recounting Jaune's life up until that moment, and their would be like 4 dances, Happiness, Sadness, Choice and finally Consequences, each in its varying intensity.
The final dance is the consequences of both their actions. Alas, Neo is unaware that CC has been puppeting Jaune him the whole time until it's too late. In the final hug between the two of them, JauneCat uses Crocea Mors and...
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Trivia Neo just looks up in shock/disbelief and horror to see no longer calming blue eyes but twisted neon blue.
Gone was that soft goofy smile in its place, a jagged chesire grin as she falls to the ground while CCJaune just looked on at the audience being Blake, Yang and Weiss before taking a bow and making his way to the big gate at the tree.
Neo could do nothing and just watch as her best friend departed from her grasp as before falling unconscious or dead, I don't know yet, still deciding.
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 10 months
RWBY Fanfic Master Post
Seeing as how this has become, primarily, a RWBY blog... and I write a lot of RWBY fanfic... here ya go:
Ongoing Stories
We May Fall (A Dance of Light and Shadow) - Weiss Schnee will do anything to safeguard the secret that she's actually a faunus. But when her long-suppressed heat cycle begins dramatically, all of Team RWBY finds out in one wild night that will bind them together like never before and change the fate of Remnant itself. (Pollination, no Enabler)
On Silver Wings We Soar - Maria died young and got her soul stuck in a weapon that Ruby found 100 years later. So now on top of the fall of Beacon, our heroines have to navigate a love triangle between Ruby, Weiss, and the ghost attached to a harpoon-axe that's also a gun. (Maria + WhiteRose, background Bees, KnightLight, Hellebore, and Renora)
Haven Trail - It's RWBY meets Oregon Trail! Yang leads a group of pioneers across a Grimm-infested wilderness. Blake is torn between Yang and Velvet, whose abusive husband is a threat to everyone, while Ruby and Weiss dance around their feelings for each other and Cinder and Emerald try to dig up ancient technological secrets. Oh yeah, and there's dysentery. (WhiteRose, Bumblebey, Black Velvet, Chaos Emeralds, Arkos, Hellebore)
The Dragon From Mercury - G Witch with Yang in Suletta's role, Blake in Miorine's, featuring Ruby as Aerial. (Bumbleby)
Scattered Petals - a canon-divergent AU focusing on reimagining the story through rarepairs. (Schneekos, Ladybug, Baked Alaska, Crosshares, KnightLight, Rainbow Quartz, Firewall)
Completed Stories
The Monsters Within Us - Fairy tale AU where maiden Blake is pursued by the cruel Baron Taurus, only to stumble into the arms of Yang... who is a half-human, half-serpent lamia. Lots of amazing illustrations, and monsterfucking with plot and feelings! (Bumbleby, background Rainbow Quartz)
Frozen Lemonade - College AU. Rivals Weiss and Yang find their one-time cathartic hate-fuck complicated when Tai and Willow meet at a celebrity therapy event and elope, suddenly tying the two of them together. (Freezerburn, Schneekos, Greek Fire, background Nuts & Dolts)
In Rainbow's Shadow - Ilia & Emerald work as a covert ops wet team, taking on missions requiring stealth and dubious morality. They confront their feelings for each other in the middle of a deep ocean research station performing nightmarish Grimm experiments. (Rainbow Quartz)
Through a Mirror, Brightly - when a mysterious Grimm traps Weiss in a ghostly, sidereal state and erases her from everyone's memory, it falls to the feelings she and Ruby had for each other to bring them back together. Lots of illustrations! (WhiteRose, background Bees)
Let's See the Sunrise Together - modern AU. Weiss's arranged marriage is in jeopardy when the bachelorette party Coco throws her ends up at a strip club where she's enraptured by the beautiful Yang Xiao Long. (Freezerburn, background Crosshares)
A Medical Necessity - Blake goes into heat over the winter holiday break, with only Weiss around to help her. Smut and feels. (Monochrome)
The Curse of the Abominable Snow-Grimm - RWBY goes on a team building mission to a ski resort, where a mysterious Grimm attack will force them to confront Weiss and Blake's past, and their feelings for their new teammates. (WhiteRose, Bumbleby)
Cold Nights, Warm Hearts - in a modern AU, Winter Schnee is very nervous about going to her girlfriend Cinder Fall's winter solstice celebration and meeting her pagan friends. (Temperature Play)
I've also got a bunch of shorts and one-shots if you're interested. Almost everything I write is sapphic, and I do a lot of smut with plot.
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pristmaticrosevein · 5 months
Prismatic Rose AU (RWBY)
The poll chain is getting a little long and convoluted, so I created a new blog to hold everything.
The polls won't be a single answer. Instead I'll try to work all of the answers together, based off the number of votes each answer gets. If I can, of course.
Aura is present, but is more like DBZ power levels than how it functions in RWBY. A shot to the heart will be as fatal to a Human Huntsman as it would be to anyone else.
Firearms are regular firearms. Dust is instead used to craft weapons, like is alluded to by Ironwood, but never actually seen in the story.
Jaune Arc
Humble Everydude
Jaune picks up a Broken Sword, his power repairs his sword, can generate a shield, and armour.
When depressed or in a deep fury his sword stays broken, and his armour is rusted. He is nearly invincible, but lacks any real control.
When happy, he literally glows from the light he emits.
Later learns to use and even combine both.
Attacked by Grimm, saved by Ruby. The Grimm was a Gryphon and a number of Beowulves.
Genre: Dark Souls
Ruby Rose
Werewolf: She learns to control her Human / Wolf forms.
Eventually unlocks a middle Wolfen form.
Silver Eyes: Her silver eyes are part of her Werewolf curse, from her connection to the moon. Eventually allows her to dispel darkness and inflict Lunacy.
Strongly dislikes bright sunlight, finding it oppressive. Will hide under her red hood in bright daylight.
Dislikes sitting around and doing nothing. As she learns to open up to her friends, hanging with them counts as doing something.
Dame Sister of the Order of the Sanguine Rose. Still a Novice, (no oath), but she was a Squire, and got her Accolade because of being a natural when fighting the forces of darkness.
Werewolves are normally turned over to the Church. Faith in God is the best way to gain control of their powers. Others can do so by living with wolf packs in the wilds, though they are rarely trusted.
Regeneration: Turned off with Silver, Fire, and direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight dims it. She's mostly fine in her cloak and hood, but better a night.
Extremely high metabolism. She can get blood thirsty if she doesn't eat, but sugar works extremely well. I.e. cookies are MANDATORY.
Pain causes her rage to ignite.
Shield of Faith and Miracle Die: 40K SoB reference. I'll explain if anyone asks.
Powered armour powered by prismatic energies. Summoned with transformation sequence. The catalyst for the transformation is a crescent moon broach with a deep red ruby.
Any equipment she holds while transforming gets turned into a magical girl version of it, like Ghost Rider.
Her scythe, Lunamaria, is made with a steel edge, and an iron blade inlaid with mythril and quicksilver. This allows her to defeat most dark foes without calling upon her moonfallen abilities.
Her Bolt Pistol, Lunalapina, uses custom made rounds, (made a lot easier with Dust forging equipment). She owns rounds customized to fight most dark things. Once converted, her mag changes use her prismatic energy to refill them. Think similar to Dante, but she still has to reload.
She can do something similar to Petal Burst while transformed, except more prismatic.
She can do a less conspicuous long-range teleportation that is guided by her faith, i.e. it cannot be used arbitrarily.
Pyrrha Nikos
A literal angel.
Angels are forbidden from most direct interventions. The exception is for the Creatures of Grimm, or other nefarious beings.
Angels can only whisper into your ear. Devils have the same restriction, but are not known for being good at following rules.
Often the intervention of angels will be perceived, (by the imperceptive), as luck. Others might see them in dreams.
Angels can only directly interact with people who have enough spiritual strength to fully perceive them.
She brought Ruby to save Jaune.
Weiss Schnee
Boreal Elf
Went to Thule University.
Major in Spellcrafting, the most difficult discipline that actually crafts new spells.
Magic affinities are Water, Wind, and Light.
Equipped with the mystical rapier Myrtenaster.
Can summon a Auroran Horse or a Kelpie. Auroran Horses work like Ruin from Darksiders, but made from light that blends into the darkness. Kelpies are water fey horses that are known for their... ill temperament. Will often act out against those that Weiss is irate with. Thoroughly enjoys chewing on Jaune's hair.
Minors in Fey summoning and economics.
Her main Fey summons are a Pixie, Will'o'Wisp, Banshee, and female Dullahan.
Her pixie is mischievous, much to Weiss' vexation. But, she'll only have fun with those Weiss holds dear. Otherwise, they might simply get lost in the woods.
Will'o'Wisps are incorporeal, and bear the water, wind, and light elements that Weiss is so wonderful with.
For those that don't know their Fey, Banshees are actually extremely loyal to their households. They are washer maids, and the wail is because their beloved family member is going to die. Her powers are water-based, along with a wail that can be modified to work in a wide variety of ways. He touch can chill, and her voice carries the wind.
Her Dullahan carries a great sword with a fluted tip in one hand, and can summon an Auroran horse to ride.
Her Dullahan is Nora, whom largely represents Weiss' desire to not have impulse control and selfishness. Naturally, they clash quite a big.
Her Pixie is Leanan Ren, a Leanan Sidhe. She largely represents Weiss's exceptionalism and selflessness. Her mistress, and her mistress' friends call her "Leeann."
When Leeann and Nora agree, and can convince Weiss, typically leads to epic bouts of violence.
Blake Belladonna
Nekomata (cat Youkai that can take Human form; known for being especially amorous).
Has Changeling blood, but must soon return to her original form.
The only form she is truly comfortable in is that of a black cat, or a black catgirl.
Can become amorphous, and crawl through the shadows, or strike out from them as tendrils. Learns to master greater abilities, think Shadow from DMC.
Class is Ninja, which is basically a Rogue with low-level magic.
Her Youkai blood provides basic shapeshifting. Her distant Changeling blood provides more advanced, though less stable shape shifting. Her Ninja abilities allow her to blend into shadow, briefly become intangible, or leave behind figments of her presence.
Yang Xiao Long
Dragon-blooded, from a Storm Dragon. Got it from Tai's side.
Appears Human.
Can learn to summon dragon features, such as claws, wings, scales, or a tail.
Can eventually learn to transform into a Storm Dragon, though she normally needs a LOT of rage to do so.
Her rage allows her to basically turn Super Saiyan. Which is basically just Yang's regular Semblance, but attached to someone as powerful as Vegeta.
Class is Stormclash Monk. Combines Monk with Bloodrager, with Storm-based spellcaster.
Weapons: Gauntlets, a stone sling, and an Iron Club. She can use all three as a catalyst for her lightning powers, and all count as monk weapons.
Ilia Amitola
Rainbow slime.
Before anyone, including her, knew that she was a sentient lifeform, Jaune finds her on the street and takes care of her.
After watching Jaune fail to flirt with Weiss, she realized she could adopt a Human-like form.
Despite attempts by Blake to convince her otherwise, she sees nothing wrong with being Jaune's pet. He has always taken such good care of her.
She is vexed that she is no longer allowed to sleep with her master. However, he hasn't shown any problem about napping with him if she does so in blob form.
Once Jaune unlocks his grandfather's broken sword, she quite insistently goes with him. He will comply if she does so in blob form, sitting on his shoulder, (and refusing to leave).
Ilia's main abilities are physical transformations, (think Kirby). This means she tends to transform into Jaune's weapons, particularily a rainbow wrecking ball.
She can also extend spikes are enemies trying to strike Jaune from outside his field of vision. He gets used to it to the point if she barely does something similar, he knows he needs to look in that direction.
A third main form is turning into a boulder that Jaune throws (rolls) at enemies.
She has low-level elemental abilities. Not as suitable for combat, but allows her to turn into a bbq.
Transforms into Jaune's left pauldron during combat.
Penny Polendina
Golem with the soul of Pietro's daughter attached. He was legitimately trying to save his daughter, though the means are not exactly generally accepted. Only Dwarves know how to do this, and most of them would completely refuse to do so.
All mana channels and ley chambres are internal.
Penny is an Artificer with a minor in Battle Augur. She can create animated combatants. She has a small host of magic abilities, but only learns attack spells through observation. Other than Magic Missile, but since Battle Augurs are basically Megaman, it's through an arm cannon.
Creates an army of myrmidons, (magic robots), along with tiny, fairy versions of them.
General James Ironwood
Known as the "King of Mantle" by Humans in almost seriousness, and affectionately by Dwarves as the "Mantle Piece".
As a General, he was given leave to seek out the Dwarves of Mountain Mantle. He succeeded, and this close relationship is what created modernity. Along with the Schnee Dust Company, (managed by Elves, with the mining done by Dwarves).
The bulk of his forces are Atlasian Dampjager, steam Dwarves. They are smaller and lighter, but fantastically stronger and more robust than adult Humans.
These are augmented by Atlasian Dampdragens, carbinemen riding Steam Destriers, Damp'hest Also known as D-tross. They are as strong as as a truck, and can cover terrain like a horse.
Avoided Soul-Bound Golems because of the inherent ethics, until the creation of Penny Polendina. Now, it is offered to soldiers who are dying or otherwise crippled. Kind of like Dreadnoughts from 40k.
Army uses D-tross-towed artillery.
Has two primary chicken walkers, the Cockatrix and Basilix. The Basilix isn't larger, but is more robust and heavily armoured. The Cockatrix is lighter, more mobile, and has limited hover capabilities.
Because you voted for my Dwarves from Ingir, so, how they work with the Prismatic Rose AU, and the technological development of the world. Need to do a poll on tech first.
Dwarves worked through the early steam era and went onto nuclear, which is still technically steam power. It was Humans, specifically Ironwood that developed the steam generator technology that made it actually useful.
They largely live underground now, not because they especially like it underground, but because their holds were always dug into cliff faces, and like everyone else, they spend most of their time in \doors, nowadays.
Dwarves don't view necromancy as inherently evil, but instead view it through the voluntary/involuntary lens.
This means that they have no problem with soul-bound golems, as long as the volunteer is willing.
Necromancy is also used to bring an ancestor's ghost for ongoing legal disputes. Ironwood earned the respect of all of the Dwarven tribes of Mountain Mantle because he manages to stay impartial for these disputes. He simply had to put aside his squeamishness about necromancy.
Creatures that have fallen to darkness in the shadow of the moon. The moon reflects light from the sun, and as such is both the basis of the power of the dark creatures, and their bane. The shattered moon remnant of the disaster that created them.
Angel, Fallen
Fey, Unseelie (also Fallen)
Witch, Black
Creatures of Grimm
Creatures of shadow and enmity.
As enmity builds in an area, a Grimm Fragment is created. This is not visible to those without Shadowsight.
If enough enmity is unleashed at the same time, a Grimm Fragment can be boosted into a full-fledged Grimm.
More commonly, nefarious beings use the Fragments to create Creatures of Grimm to do their bidding, (hopefully).
Some less than ethnical magic users can try to use this as a power source. It can work, or it can create a Creature of Grimm.
When a Creature of Grimm is spotted, it triggers an investigation.
Huntsmen and Huntresses
Those licensed to hunt Creatures of Grimm and/or Moonfallen.
Some are lone vagabonds, others join fraternities or orders-militant.
While fraternities and orders normally have their own rules of conduct, without them Huntsmen are defacto, and often dejure, immune to all by the most heinous of laws.
This is both out of privilege, and out of practicality. On one hand, you want the Huntsman hunting. On the other, trying to bring a Huntsman to trial, unwillingly, is a harrowing ordeal for everyone involved. The Church's Inquisition typically handles rogue Huntsmen.
Because of this, disreputable Huntsmen will often be shunned by most of society.
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howlingday · 7 months
Hello there, I'm here to ask you about my favourite au, The Summon mentor au....on a Previous post I asked you how the Characters changed from their originals Personalities this time I am going to ask you this question again but I would like you to mention a different batch of characters
Alright, alright... Let's see...
Jacques Schnee - Norman Osborn
Let's start off with the Schnee family and their more drastic changes, because there have been notable changes to them. First up is the patriarch of the Schnee family paired with the patriarch of the Osborn family. What happens when you give a selfish man with an iron grip on business and give him a mentor who is just as selfish but with a more violent nature? Short answer? NOTHING GOOD.
Winter Schnee - Drizzt Do'Urden
To be honest, I haven't though too much on how Winter and Drizzt would really interact. Partially because I don't have a whole lot on Drizzt as a character beyond his tragic upbringing in the Underdark. That said, though, he might be able to help Winter with her summons when comparing his panther to her semblance.
Whitley Schnee - Satoru Gojo
Here comes the boy~. And look at that confident walk he's got! Ever since Gojo became his mentor, Whitley has been especially effective as a businessman AND more stress-free from his overbearing father. Partially because Gojo helped him find a better use of his time than cramming everything into one night.
Coco Adel - The Heavy
Somehow, Coco got even more buff. Yeah, that's pretty much the big difference between her in canon and in this AU. That and maybe being a little more surly and mouth (in Russian).
Velvet Scarletina - The Doomslayer
Velvet has gotten both more confident AND more dangerous on the battlefield! Now she's not only capable of matching fighting styles, she's making up her own fighting styles and blending them together! It's also super helpful that she's able to swap between weapons mid fight. Apparently, she's best at switching between broadswords, chainsaws, and shotguns.
Yatsuhashi Daichi - Guts
Yatsuhashi has gotten a little... more stressed, actually. His mentor will actually wake him up in the middle of the night to train, and the training gets so brutal that his body wants him to fall back asleep. Supposedly, Guts is trying to make him more aggressive as a fighter, but Yats just... isn't taking. If anything, he's getting more prickly outside of fighting and training.
Cardin Winchester - Optimus Prime
Probably the most unexpected turn for anyone to see was Cardin being a more vocal leader. Like, just a few words gets his team fired up and willing to fight. He's also gotten a lot more introspective of himself, questioning himself as a leader, a huntsman, and as a person.
Cinder Fall - Shang Tsung
Much like with Norman Osborn, we have a master manipulator training a master manipulator. There's not much for her to learn from her mentor, or well, not mentally, anyways. The biggest change to Cinder, though, is her adoption of martial arts into her kombat style.
Sun Wukong - Dante
To the surprise of no one, Sun Wukong has gotten even more flashier than he has before.
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RWBY; Heroes Of Light
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A semi canon divergent au that centers mostly around reincarnations and small changes to the main RWBY plotline. Well, small changes plus one major change I'm trying to plan out. The AU is a large work in progress but will be made as I post here!
This blog is specifically for the Heroes of Light AU, unlike my main blog thats a little mix of everything. This is where I'll be posting completed artwork and redesigns and answering questions! Just a place I can put all my final and solid thoughts.
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#heroes of light rambles || Little rambles about the world or characters
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Main Blog: @masquerade-of-time
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trainer-sean · 4 months
Fusion AUs?
Ya know what I want? Random One shot fics about AUs where people can use fusion(SU type) inspite of the shows laws and physics. Like how lots of people make Soulmate/soulmark AUs.
Have Velma, the skeptic of Mystery Inc occasional Fuse with Shaggy to escape from potential panick attack inducing situations( these guys have repeatedly faced grown adults you go out of their way to get what they want, you can't tell me these guys haven't gotten lots of trauma) inspite of fusion being a clear magical ability.
-(another scooby-doo one) Give me Mystery Inc fusing because someone just hurt scooby doo badly.
Give me Harley and Ivy having a discussion about whether they should become a Permafusion or not.
-(another DC one) give me all of Bruce's love interests(Diana, Talia, Selina) arguing and Barbara(Minerva, aka cheetah, whos there because she was just captured by Diana) suggest that they all fuse if they all want Bruce so much(that includes Barbara herself, because of Justice league unlimited, and alot of us do love WonderCheetah as well).
Give me Alya and Marinette fusing because they got caught up in an Akuma attack and Marinette can't get away and transform so she needs to fuse with and save Alya.
-(another miraculous one) give me Adrien learning about Fusion out of nowhere because of the events of the previous one, and him struggling to figure out how to do it(maybe have him angst a bit with the idea he might just, not be able to fuse at all!) But then, he figures it, hugging Nino and fusing into Adrino. Though, Chloe does call Adrino, Audino, like the pokemon, as a joke.
Give me Usopp and Kaya being a Permafusion and finding out about Kuro years before Luffy and the others show up, plus how and why Kaysopp joins the crew!
-(another one piece one) Give me Katakuri and most of his siblings fusing to finally overthrow their mother!
Give me something! Anything! I've only found two fanfictions where character have this ability! One was a RWBY one where Ruby got a ruby gemstone that just let her do fusion with others, and another in One Piece where Ds can use fusion and basically pass it on to the others they fuse with!!!!
Give me something that just, changes the dynamics of characters because the presence of fusion just mixes everything up! Some characters aren't present because they are fusions and therego have a different effect on the story!
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paodocinh · 5 months
Can you draw more plus-sized Summer Rose? Do you have other body diversity headcanons in RWBY, such as Qrow with a beer belly?
Hellooo lovely anon!
god, when i saw this ask i went absolutely ballistic. No words can explain just how much I adore my hcs of Summer Rose, she's my favorite RWBY character because the little details i added to her character as hcs just kind of made it for me, even if she has next to no screentime in the main series.
Personally, in my aus, i have tweaked and changed a LOT of the main cast so it'd have more representation. I couldn't draw all of them sadly, but here goes the little list:
Body diversity HCS ->
1. Blake Belladona is poc! This is the more obvious one but I decided to make her a dark-skinned woman as a general hcs in everything I do. You could also go further and say that her hair texture is different, and that she just straightens it.
2. Yang Xiao Long has a muscular build! (No shit sherlock) but yeah, she's buff! Give the girl her muscles! I also made her anatomy a little bit less off and she probably has a little belly too, because I can't really accept that she's so thin while her breasts are completely disproportionate to her body. She's also tanned!
3. This isn't exactly my HCS, because I haven't specifically added them to any AU, but I really like @peixedobar's take that Weiss Schnee has albinism.
4. Ruby Rose is also a bit stronger physically! She isn't as buff as Yang or Raven, because these two are absolute units, but she also isn't as thin as she is in cannon.
This is also more prominent for my Zombie!AU because Ruby lends Crescent Rose to Oscar for a good part of the plot, and after that she just... fucking punches everyone to oblivion. (I know it's a bit OOC but in-universe it makes sense)
5. Lie Ren is blasian! I don't really know where I got this from, but while thinking to myself about what I could do to make my Zombie Au more inclusive, the thought just crossed my mind. His hair is also textured, he has braids.
6. Raven Branwen is fucking jacked. Seriously she's probably the most well-built character I can think of in my AUs. She isn't like a massive war tank(or similar to League of Legends Illaoi for example) but she is very in-shape and has very well-defined muscles along with a body adorned by scars. Aside from that, she's also part asian, part... Brazillian? More elaboration on that on Qrow's part lmfao.
7. Qrow Brawen with a fucking beer belly LETS GOOOOOOOO!!
Anon, when you suggested that, i went insane. It had never crossed my mind, because I often drew Qrow with a very muscular build, mostly out of anatomy studies — But gosh, I adored this hc in so many ways i'll probably add it EVERYWHERE. QROW WITH A BEER BELLY SHALL BE MY MARK ON THIS PLANET.
Aside from that, I also made his face more detailed. Usually it was difficult for me to draw him because he lacked a lot of facial details that often make irl people more unique, and I believe that's due to RWBY's artstyle. On mines, however, he has beauty marks below his right eyebrow and one above the right side of his lips. Scars all over, too.
He has a Japanese descent(Assuming that The Branwen Tribe is from Anima + Raven's choice of wear cannonically) and asiatic features on his eyes, but him and Raven also have heavy latin-american characteristics. They're Brazillian in my aus, mostly out of a inside joke(I too am Brazillian) and the fact that Qrow gives me a lot of latino vibes(Contrary to popular fandom belief, his hips do not lie !!!!), but after a while I started noticing that It actually wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe this, because if you look back at the history and relationship between Brazil and Japan, you'd find that these two countries actually have a LOT of story together!
Brazil homes a bunch of different cultures and ethnicities in it's lands, it's a country with a lot of diversity so in my opinion it wouldn't be too otherworldly to make The Branwen Twins brazillian in my aus :p
That's it for body hcs! I'll probably have more in the near future, but for now these are the ones I can remember.
Other diversity Hcs ->
1. Autistic Penny, Ruby, Summer Rose(this wasn't on purpose, it just happened as I was writting her LMFAO), Neopolitan
2. Transfem Nora, He/They Lie Ren
3. ADHD Jaune, Qrow Branwen
4. This is specific to a AU I have, it isn't present in my other works, but in La Vie En Rose(Royal Au) Neopolitan eventually has a leg injury during a major plotpoint that leaves her disabled, so her Parasol is also used as a cane of sorts since she can't be as agile and flexible anymore. She's still slaying though, always.
5. Summer Rose is blind of one eye!
I'm quite sure I forgot a few, and with time I'll update you on everything, but for now these are the ones! Thanks for asking, Anon!
And just as you asked for~ A lovely Summer Rose on a Beach day for ya!
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thecousinsdangereux · 1 month
when I dream of dying I never feel so loved is I think my favourite fic of all time, in any fandom - feel like reading it changed me on a molecular level. I will periodically get the urge to reread it, enter some kind of fugue state and devour it again in one sitting, and then have to return to life as if everything is normal like I haven’t once again been flipped inside out by it. I love all of your fics but that one, idk. Next level. Thanks for writing and sharing it and the rest
Gosh, thank you! I feel like this is probably the case for most fanfic authors, but my list of favorite fics I've written does not at all align with any metric that would make sense, like ease of writing or popularity. lol
This fic was hellish to write, since it was for the first Bumbleby Big Bang, which was stressful to run (for all of us) and something I procrastinated terribly for (and thus wrote the whole thing in a very short period of time). But despite the trauma, I would definitely count this fic in my top 5. That probably says something weird about me lol but I think it's because I really enjoyed combining the worlds of Edge of Tomorrow and RWBY. I loveee writing AUs where I can draw from lore from both sources and mash it all together.
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A kind of body change AU Blake wakes up and sees that she is human as he searches for Yang and discovers that Yang is now a faunus. Unlike a dragon I like to think of Yang as a Tiger or a Lion.
Team RWBY returns to their shared room at Shade Academy after clearing out a horde of Grimm located in what locals have deemed the Cursed Faunus's Lost Citadel. After cleaning up, they all hunker down for a well-deserved night's rest.
Blake: (waking up in the middle of the night) What the?! (looks around in a panic) Why is everything dark?!
Weiss: (groaning) Because it's night...
Blake: It's night, and I'm a Faunus!
Weiss: Oh... (snaps straight up) OH!
Ruby: (groaning) What's going on?
Weiss: Blake can't see!
Ruby: Uh...okay? (lays back down only to shoot up again a few seconds later) OH, COOKIE CRUMBS!!!
Blake: (stumbles out of bed and shakes Yang awake) Yang, Yang, wake up! Something's wrong! I can't see!
Yang: (grumbling as she wakes up) What? What's wrong? (opens eyes and blinks blearily) Blake, why are you in grayscale? What happened to your ears?
Blake: What? Grayscale? Yang, it's pitch black in here.
Ruby: (falling out of bed, stubbing her toe on a desk, and reaching for the lamp) Light in 3...2...1!
A dull, yellow glow illuminates the room and everyone gasps. Blake's cat ears are gone, and Yang has a burnt orange and black striped tiger tail sticking out of her lower back.
RWBY: (screams indistinctly)
Thanks for the idea, Anon! Unfortunately, now I have a whole idea for a fun little story with this. Curse you for putting another fic idea into my head!
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Twins AU
This may have already been mentioned, but how did Yang react when she first saw Jaune’s eyes change colour?
She honestly thinks she’s seeing things at first
Ruby told her about what happened in the forest, but hearing about it and seeing it are two completely different things
It happens some time between V1 and V2. Cardin keeps to his terms concerning JNPR, but everyone else is still fair game. And after everything (and let’s be real a confidence boost from training with Pyrrha) Jaune is sick of his shit
The RWBY come into the cafeteria to see Jaune screaming in Cardin’s face and actually being restrained by the rest of his team. There’s a Faunus student Yang doesn’t recognize staring up at them in amazement, but she can’t stop staring at Jaune
His face is twisted into a snarl as he roars at Cardin and Ben though it’s is covered in bruises from a fight he clearly didn’t win. A fight he only got into because he was protecting someone
And his eyes are bright red. Just like hers
It’s like looking in a mirror, and to Yang it feels like all the air has been knocked out of her lungs
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