#Jayz Success
indeedgoodman · 2 years
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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Today We Celebrate History Made In Brooklyn
The County Of Kings: the first every celebration of three generations of artist, from Brooklyn, was on display this past weekend (October 7 and 8, 2023) on Eastern Parkway.
Renowned documentarian photographer Jamel Shabazz @jamelshabazz exhibit Faces and Places 1980 - 2023, opened this summer at the Brooklyn Museum on June 2 thru October 8, 2023. Photographs capturing four decades of the vibrant people and places of Brooklyn and other locales, were displayed alongside the Brooklyn Museum’s walls and steps, celebrating the borough, and the work of Jamel Shabazz.
What followed next was the Jay-Z @jayz exhibit The Book of Hov: A celebration of the life and work of Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter. The exhibit opened July 14 thru December 4, 2023, at the Brooklyn Public Library. Featuring never-before-seen images, and art collections from Jay-Z. The first ever done at a open public library.
Closing out the year, and into the new, is Spike Lee’s @officialspikelee exhibit Creative Source at the Brooklyn Museum. The exhibit opened October 7 thru February 4, 2024. You get a rare glimpse into the world of Spike Lee, through an immersive installation of his personal collection. Visitors will discover the source of inspiration that have fueled his creativity.
All three highly successful and respected artists, has consistently inspired and influenced generations of artists - through the lens and microphones they possess, to create and develop their own unique work of artistic expression.
Not to mention, empowering artist into the world of entrepreneurship. Owning your work, and knowing your worth, is constantly expressed through the success they achieve.
CARTER™️ Magazine
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sothischickshe · 2 years
I am fascinated by your Bruby take. Have you written supporting posts for this ship and Beth’s love for Ruby already? I would love to read more detail on your view of their relationship. To me, I see Beth’s possessiveness over Ruby. She demands to be chosen, even to Ruby’s detriment. It seems like a really disproportionate relationship to me, where Ruby is expected to drop her life to support Beth. Endlessly. And on occasion Beth rewards Ruby by benevolently offering her something in return.
I want to see them how you see them.
Hey, so zerothly it's deffo not just my take; I'm gonna link to some other ppl's posts & ig haphazardly try to quote some others I can't search up (joke's on me for ever wanting to find anything on mobile I suppose🤯)
Zero point fively, the ship name is deffo buby cmon, im taking a hard line on that 🤪
So first argument in terms of shipping Beth/Ruby and/or deciding Beth is in love with ruby: why not! I just think it's fun! And it adds a lot of potential depth to many of the relationships in the show eg the brio mess, the Beth-stan conflict, the death death, the beth/rhea quasi-romance.... Plus there's really nothing I see in canon that negates it 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think this post by @nakedmonkey sums the vibe up more succinctly than I ever could!
I'd also highly rec these fics:
Almost by vibrantnymph (Ruby pov in a slightly divergent 208)
girls go to the bathroom together to kiss by makemeanybraver (aged down au, Beth pov)
(there are a few other fics tagged beth/Ruby on Ao3 too but they're also tagged beth/annie and um I assume they don't mean it)
I swear @pynkhues had some posts about Beth/Ruby and maybe kisses too but I can't find them 😭😭😭
I also super agree with the vibe of this post from @petesdragon. Particularly cos in really all the flashbacks I think Dean and boys in general are presented as life moments to achieve and tick off. Combined with ruby basically telling annie that Beth married Dean for security, I hear the comp het take ringing loudly!
Off the top of my head I'd say the biggest canon points for me are:
That I've never looked at Dean the way you look at stan line being followed by Beth's srs lingering looks at Ruby, then a bunch of loving stares & delighted giggling with the tesla stuff (I do think we're repeatedly told by the show that Beth is not in love with Dean, that Ruby is in love with stan & that Beth has some srs martyr vibes/is v willing to sacrifice herself for the ppl she cares abt)
That I would choose you every time line and really 208 in general (& actually also successful salesperson s2 Beth being willing to give up a hypothetical jayz concert to stan; basically all sales ppl are annoying jayz stans who will say insane things like 'actually if you think about it, it's impressive to get away with that many shit guest verses' right to your face)
The s2 finale callback with the actual Beyoncé tickets where Beth tells Ruby to take stan, and goes to turn herself in which IS to protect the hills (think this understandably gets buried under the rest of the finale & its silliness)
The s4 beth-stan conflict as a whole where they're essentially presented as romantic rivals squabbling for the right to Ruby's affection; beth looking distraught when she agrees to never seeing Ruby again #martyrvibes
I guess I maybe agree that Beth is possessive over Ruby, but I'd say that so is stan then? & I'm given literally no reason to think stan isn't entirely in love with ruby yet in s4 he sics the cops on her, joins in with dean's scheming against Beth thus inadvertently yet predictably throwing Ruby under the bus & ends up threatening to go on the run without Ruby in the finale. I don't think I buy that possessiveness, making demands or an idiotic approach to planning precludes Beth from being in love with ruby 🤷🏼‍♀️ (though it perhaps suggest Ruby has a type sfggfrff)
I also really disagree that Beth demands to be chosen by Ruby, at least consistently -- like yea arguably that's a bit what's going on in s2, but it also sets up her melodramatic martyrdom in both s2 & s4? And actually really the s2 conflict isn't so much abt Ruby not choosing her, as Ruby repeatedly points out, she already kinda did! I think it's more Beth losing her mind at the realisation that she's not Ruby's #1 bc Ruby IS Beth's, and I think given they're having all these srs convos abt the contrasting states of their marriages it seems for the very first time (plus the implication throughout the series that Ruby barely ever interacts with Dean) I think it's probs quite reasonable to assume that Beth is a genuine misandrist & thinks of husbands as essentially accessories, de facto incapable of being anywhere near as important as their bond. (see also that s4 line abt how no boy will ever break them up.)
I also think it's interesting in s2 that Beth does warm to rio and/or crime when Dean fucks her off (eg bathroom break) but also when she & Ruby are on the outs (eg naked feet backyard picnic bench in the sun scene).
I'm just gonna repeat: in the s2 finale Beth is trying to turn herself in & in s4 she looks absolutely shattered agreeing to never see Ruby again. I don't think Beth particularly asks Ruby to drop her life to support her? Like the girls do all do it to each other yes, but who needs the most support or is most eager to turn to an idiotic plan in order to make money ebbs and flows over the show with their different (primarily but not exclusively familial) concerns. That bit in s4 where annie & Ruby make a deal w/ rio @ the strip club while Beth's just there in the bg like helllllo can u guys hear me feels a great example.
With or without a romantic lens, I very much agree with what @sdktrs12 said about their friendship in this answer.
& I think if anything, the fact that maybe it doesn't come through all that well consistently points to a writing problem: this show did often tell us things that it didn't necessarily take pains or leave itself enough space to demonstrate clearly or repeatedly. But I do think we're supposed to understand that they love each other deeply, have been through so much together, have always supported each other and consider the other (and their family) AS family.
Do i think that we see Ruby going above and beyond for Beth more than vice-versa? Yea probs. But I don't think that's cos Beth makes or expects her do that (& in fact they even have this conversation in the s2 finale!). for example, I don't think Beth asks Ruby to stay in the series finale? I think Ruby wants to, presumably bc of Annie's arrest & understanding how otherwise lonely Beth is. & I think we get loads of examples of Beth supporting Ruby too -- the grief flashback & Ruby's speech to Jane in the cupboard both spring to mind [both a little clunky but such is life], but also Beth's concern for Sara (and indeed stan) throughout. I do think Ruby is kinder & warmer than beth; I also think she's much less damaged ♻️
If I was gonna make an argument abt Beth demanding things of or using anyone, it'd probs be annie? Idk if the show was being intentional with the nick & annie getting locked up cos of the activities of their ~siblings parallel but that does feel kinda Loud. Plus, compared to Ruby but also in general, annie lacks confidence and purpose. Also Beth's literally her big sister, and pseudo parent! Still though I don't really find this line of reasoning all that compelling. Overall I do think annie & Ruby make the conscious choice to do crime, repeatedly, to make money. They don't seem to enjoy it in the same way, or as much, as Beth, but I think we see them both get purpose or status from it too (and that that's to some extent used to display how awful capitalism is). Plus Beth no way asked or wanted annie to replace her prints on the gun!! Hmm I wonder where annie picked up this melodramatic martyring habit from.....................
Further, if I was gonna make an argument abt anyone demanding to be chosen even to the detriment of the other it would probs be rio re Beth, Beth re rio, nick re rio or Dean re Beth 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Given all that, I think Beth and Ruby, who repeatedly sacrifice for each other & loudly declare the importance of their bond, have a far greater claim to being a canon love story than beth and rio who repeatedly betray each other, and by the finale iyam have simply demonstrated that they like each other & don't wish to kill the other & are willing to ally against common enemies plus maybe in general to avoid getting stabbed by the other 🤷🏼‍♀️
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dnaamericaapp · 1 year
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Today We Celebrate History Made In Brooklyn
The County Of Kings: the first every celebration of three generations of artist, from Brooklyn, was on display this past weekend (October 7 and 8, 2023) on Eastern Parkway.
Renowned documentarian photographer Jamel Shabazz @jamelshabazz exhibit Faces and Places 1980 - 2023, opened this summer at the Brooklyn Museum on June 2 thru October 8, 2023. Photographs capturing four decades of the vibrant people and places of Brooklyn and other locales, were displayed alongside the Brooklyn Museum’s walls and steps, celebrating the borough, and the work of Jamel Shabazz.
What followed next was the Jay-Z @jayz exhibit The Book of Hov: A celebration of the life and work of Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter. The exhibit opened July 14 thru December 4, 2023, at the Brooklyn Public Library. Featuring never-before-seen images, and art collections from Jay-Z. The first ever done at a open public library.
Closing out the year, and into the new, is Spike Lee’s @officialspikelee exhibit Creative Source at the Brooklyn Museum. The exhibit opened October 7 thru February 4, 2024. You get a rare glimpse into the world of Spike Lee, through an immersive installation of his personal collection. Visitors will discover the source of inspiration that have fueled his creativity.
All three highly successful and respected artists, has consistently inspired and influenced generations of artists - through the lens and microphones they possess, to create and develop their own unique work of artistic expression.
Not to mention, empowering artist into the world of entrepreneurship. Owning your work, and knowing your worth, is constantly expressed through the success they achieve. -(source: CARTER™️ Magazine
DNA America
“It’s what we know, not what you want us to believe.”
#dna #dnaamerica #news #politics #jamelshabazz #jayz #spikelee
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shaky09 · 3 months
A preparation for the Rite of Affirmation Ceremony for Teacher Interns
Good day, Smart heads! It's me again.
Last March 21, 2024, instead of having our class, we started to fixed the Audio-Visual Room for the Rite of Affirmation Ceremony for Teacher Interns on Friday, March 22, 2024 with the theme "LE CAVE: Lighting Excellence: Cultivating Aspiring Visionary Educators.
We went to the audio-visual room immediately and the first thing I did was to help with cutting the red cloth that they will be using in designing the stage. To easily finish the task, each one of us has something to do. Some of the pre-service teachers were designing the stage backdrop while the other was designing the floor and arranging the chairs.
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I also assisted Ate Trisia and Kuya Jayz while they are designing the stage backdrop. When everything is settled down, I also helped with cleaning and arranging the chairs. After which, we went to DASTE Faculty to look for Sir Jm for him to check our prayers because I am one of the students who assigned to lead in the para-liturgy. After checking, Sir Jm told us to go to ma’am Rojas for the short practice for her to check on how we read the prayers.
On the next day, March 22, 2024, we continue again the preparation in the morning to make sure that everything is settled before the ceremony. We had a short run through for the event. I practice my part which is to lead in the para-liturgy. We do our best to fully participate in this activity so that the next generations will also extend their help when we also become interns. This day was a very special day for them because this event will recognize and acknowledge their commitments in continuing to become a teacher.
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After the activity, during our vacant, we went again to the AVR to clean the venue we used during the Pinning ceremony.
It is important especially as a pre-service teacher to help and participate in this kind of endeavor so that in this way, we may be able to show our support to the success of the Teacher Interns for their unending efforts, sacrifices, determination, and perseverance in all the things that they to overcome all the challenges they faced.
I believe that each one of us contributed to the said activity even in a short period of time.
Thank you for spending your time reading this. I hope you enjoy it! 😊
God bless you and have a good day ahead!🥰
Caritas Christi Urget Nos!⚜️
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I cant wait to see JayZ and Bey break up i keep current promises to myself (wow beyonce was praying to stay away from him (i just got internal chills)
Im grateful what i say goes na idc bey knows who I am
I'm monstrously successful then got hella chills
I'm inherently monstrously successful (chills)
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bigbankbillionaires · 10 months
JAY-Z: Cracking the CODE! | Big Bank Billionaires
JAY-Z: Cracking the CODE! 🔐| Big Bank Billionaires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxQnU8azsR4 🔐 Cracking the Code to Jay-Z's Billionaire Lifestyle and Mindset! 💼🚀 Uncover the secrets and success strategies that propelled Jay-Z to billionaire status in this exclusive video. 🌟 From decoding his iconic career moves to unraveling the mysteries behind his billionaire mindset, this is your ultimate guide to unlocking the keys to a billionaire lifestyle. 💰 Dive deep into the exclusive insights that define Jay-Z's success and learn how to apply them to your own journey. 🚀 Elevate your mindset, crack the code to a luxurious lifestyle, and discover the blueprint to billionaire success with Jay-Z! 🎤✨ Don't miss out – hit play now and transform your life! 🔔 Subscribe to the channel and unlock the secrets to financial freedom and luxurious living: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ✅ Stay Connected To Us. 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/UZtNJ5i ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 I AM A BILLIONAIRE AFFIRMATIONS (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALt5-9mHphiO8NUCj7aP9ew 👉 Financial Book Summaries (Billionaire Mindset): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyD8GRpl3JALQm_enVvfTAyBHxiRB3CzG ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Billionaire Affirmations: Manifesting Wealth and Abundance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXWcAlC_Q_I 👉 Opulent Abundance Affirmations: Attract Wealth and Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjxtndXhSGE 👉 Unlocking Wealth: The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRXw1EqrDIE 👉 Billionaire Empire Affirmations - Build Your Wealthy Empire with Power Affirmations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ9taWCsxLk ================================ ✅ About Big Bank Billionaires: This is where the Billionaire Luxury lifestyle begins! A Billionaire mindset requires nurturing, and that’s what this page is about. Wealth Affirmations, Money Affirmations, and Visualizations do just that to feed your Billionaire Spirit. We are here to help you grow into your future Billionaire self! Motivate the Billionaire within you with our animated book summaries to help you understand the world of finance. The Billionaire Mindset is just a few daily choices away. 🔔 Hit that subscribe button for exclusive access to the lives of the ultra-rich and the keys to your empire of wealth: https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbankbillionaires ================================= #jayz #jayzandbeyonce #billionairelifestyle #billionaire #billionairemindset #successblueprint Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of the Big Bank Billionaires. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Big Bank Billionaires via Big Bank Billionaires Brand https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdTEA18kOXq8kbtGz5XUYA December 12, 2023 at 04:02AM
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stacksandkicks · 1 year
The NYC legend that is Maria Davis founder of the historical “MAD WEDNESDAY” that helped jump-start a ton of successful careers. The list includes Mike Epps JayZ and more hit the like and subscribe button to stay tapped in. Enjoy two classic and Jayz stories from back in the early 90’s!! CC:SD X MATH HOFFA TAGS: #STACKSANDKICKSLIFESTYLE #BLOGGER #BLOG
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "50 Cent: Jay Z's Def Jam Revolution #50cent #jayz #defjam #memphisbleek #gunit #shortsfeed" on YouTube
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jayzledlightsph · 1 year
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F60 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS: ✔️ Super Bright ✔️ Fanless ✔️ 60 WATTS PER BULB ✔️ 120 TOTAL WATTS ✔️ 25,000 LUMENS ✔️ Plug and Play! ✔️ Available in white color only
NOW AVAILABLE IN 9005, 9006, 9012, H1, H4, H7, AND H11 SOCKET!
For orders, you can send us message on our FB page or checkout on our shopee store or visit us at our Physical store.
SHOPEE: https://shopee.ph/product/143657970/22131316386/
LAZADA: https://www.lazada.com.ph/products/i3698371738.html?spm=a1zawj.24863640.table_online_product.1.6ede4edfnF3PBh
To get more updates, you can follow us on our other platforms:
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madamedupigeonsalon · 2 years
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Société : black excellence
LeBron James , Kanye West , Jayz et Beyonce ou Rihanna sont des stars que le monde entier connaît bien. Basketteur ou chanteur ou encore avocat , peu importe, « They made it » comme disent les américains. Mais c est quoi la black excellence ? Une expression qui est devenue courante récemment dans les médias et chez les jeunes et moins jeunes. Il faut dire que les personnes les plus défavorisées aux usa sont les femmes et les personnes de couleur de peau noire. Alors réussir est devenu rare chez tout le monde mais encore plus ces gens. Donc, pouvons-nous faire un point sur ce sujet là ?
Je regardais un documentaire sur YouTube qui parlait des noires qui avaient réussit aux usa . Des cas d exemples comme des docteurs ou des entrepreneurs etc… et en réalité il y avait un sentiment de fierté chez ces personnes, comme pour dire, nous sommes arrivés à notre destination. Ils étaient souriant et fiers. Mais encore cette question pourquoi pas ??? Est ce que c est mal de réussir ? Ou plutôt est ce qu être noir et réussir c est mal ? Non , pas du tout vous me diriez ? En réalité, c est que nous avons pas l habitude du noir qui réussit dans la société. Souvent, l image qui colle aux noirs, c est la délinquance, les quartiers dangereux et les activités suspicieuses.
Mais aujourd’hui, une nouvelle americanah se réveille à l Aube. En effet, de plus en plus , on voit des familles afro-américains qui s investissent dans les études des enfants . Par exemple, Michelle Obama et Barack Obama sont des exemples de réussite scolaire. Black excellence est un mode de vie. Bien réussir est un objectif et le montrer est un pas vers l avant comme sur cette photo de LeBron James avec sa famille. Alors , devons nous prendre exemple sur ce nouveau modele américain ?
Un petit conseil de mon point d avis : viser l excellence, peu importe qui vous êtes ! Après tout c est notre unique vie.
Society : black excellence
LeBron James, Kanye West, Jayz and Beyonce or Rihanna are stars that the whole world knows well. Basketball player or singer or lawyer, whatever, "They made it" as the Americans say. But what is black excellence? An expression that has recently become common in the media and among young and old. It must be said that the most disadvantaged people in the USA are women and people of black skin color. So success has become rare for everyone but even more so for these people. So, can we take stock of this subject?
I was watching a documentary on YouTube that talked about successful black women in the US. Cases of examples like doctors or entrepreneurs etc… and in reality there was a feeling of pride in these people, as if to say, we have arrived at our destination. They were smiling and proud. But still this question why not??? Is it bad to be successful? Or rather, is being black and successful bad? No, not at all you would say to me? In reality, it's that we're not used to successful black people in society. Often, the image that sticks with blacks is delinquency, dangerous neighborhoods and suspicious activities.
But today, a new Americanah is waking up at dawn. Indeed, more and more, we see African-American families who invest in the studies of children. For example, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama are examples of academic achievement. Black excellence is a way of life. Doing well is a goal and showing it is a step forward like in this photo of LeBron James with his family. So , should we follow the example of this new American model ?
A little advice from my point of view: aim for excellence, no matter who you are! After all, this is our only life.
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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bigxjayxnas · 2 years
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CAMOFLAUGE LARGE. I got to reconnect with the young king @j.seph.d aka 2 Braids of @ampmgallery (what up @indigocal) at our @bigxjayxnas event on Thurs. I haven't seen in him like almost 10 years since the days of Rime NYC (yo @kickz4dayz23) store. Much success to you, I look forward to building with y'all. Be sure to visit them 108 Marcy Avenue and pic up their @jayboi_1988 figure they released. #biggie #biggiesmalls #ripbig #christopherwallace #NotoriousBIG #Bedstuy #bigpoppa #badboyrecords #brooklynsfinest #Brooklyn #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc #hiphop #rap #jayz #jigga #shawncarter #rocafella #rocafellarecords #rocnation #nas #queens #nastynas #nastradamus #nasirjones #nasescobar #illmatic (at The Breakers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CluCJqYOrIb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hustlersfeast · 3 years
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Walk in your purpose! 🏁❤️💯 • #hustlers #hustlersfeast #purpose #success #money #love #boss #bossbabe #grind #entrepreneur #hustle #motivation #goals #positivity #selflove #jayz https://www.instagram.com/p/CT7lpt7JD1y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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onassiskrown · 4 years
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Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter launches Monogram, his high-end cannabis brand. The company is a vertically integrated consolidation of top California cannabis operators! You can't knock the hustle... #motivation #entrepreneur #success #prosperity #jay-z #shawncarter #rocnation #monogram #jayz #cannibis #hemp #cbd #luxury #lifestyle #brand #beyonce #caliva #knowthyself #theparentco #onassiskrown #conceptyoutopia #music #alias #worldzfinest #hiphop #cmg #business #aceofspades #blackexcellence #lateefwarnick (at Concept YOUtopia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrfyFPpXdm/?igshid=1f4wnhguim7az
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rtsecasting · 5 years
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jayzledlightsph · 1 year
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SPECIFICATIONS: ✅ 40 WATTS ✅ clear cut out line that doesn't blind incoming traffic ✅ stable clear focus ✅ longer and wider range ✅ 18 months Warranty ✅ Weatherproof, Shockproof, Dustproof
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For orders, you can send us message on our FB page or checkout on our shopee store or visit us at our Physical store.
SHOPEE: https://shopee.ph/product/143657970/22716137432/
LAZADA: https://www.lazada.com.ph/products/i3500181456.html?spm=a1zawj.24863640.table_online_product.1.4d274edf02VAYG
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