#Jessica Jones Roleplay
xxbuzzzxx · 2 months
Craving a marvel rp, oc x cc, double up preferred!
I’d like to pair my oc with Jessica Jones or Loki, if neither of those two work then, Bucky maybe? I do prefer Jessica but either or is fine.
I can play anyone for you just let me know, I’ve seen majority of shows and movies of the MCU, just tell me a character and I’ll let you know whether I know them or not.
I’d love to plot together or hear your ideas/plots if you have any already.
Please be 18+, I’m 19.
We can discuss further in discord ^^
Please contact me via discord: x__buzz__x
I notice dms on here don’t work very well and I’d hate to lose any conversations or progress. So discord is heavily preferred.
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vigilaint · 8 months
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𝚊𝚔𝚊 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚘 : vigilaint , an independent , private &&. selective jessica jones , from the marvel universe written with influnces from both the netflix adaptations &&. comics . kilgrave / purple man writers do not interact . captured by catie , she / her , twenty - four , cst . GRAPHIC &&. MATURE CONTENT PRESENT , FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK .
𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚢 𝚘𝚗 : self medicating , not the hero , unlikely hero , finding yourself , coping with pain , overcoming guilt , &&. much much more .
𝟶𝟶𝟷 . 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚍 𝟶𝟶𝟸 . 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝟶𝟶𝟹 . 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚢
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yetanotherrpfinder · 6 months
❝Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, I see my reflection in your eyes.❞
I'd like to write something inspired by the popular Marvel series Jessica Jones. We can do something canon with the existing characters, (I'd wanna play Jessica Jones!) or we can mix it up and create our own. I absolutely appreciate superhero storylines that incorporate angst, romance, combat, and just about everything else. I only play female characters, and I only use realistic faceclaims! (If we'd do a canon roleplay, I'd really be dying to write Jessica Jones x Erik Gelden.) I'm in the EST timezone. While it would be ideal if you were nearby, I can make just about anything work! Anyhow. I'm a semi-literate writer, but I can write a novella and much more if I'm interested in our roleplay. With my partners, I like to create intricate plots and characters, and I only like to roleplay in servers. (I normally roleplay over discord! Just like this message, and I'll reach out to you.) I can also do NSFW. <3
Like if interested!
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roleplayfinder · 6 months
Hello, Hello! What’s good! 19f, she/her! I’m looking to write something based off the hit marvel series — Jessica Jones. We can either do something canon (I’m only at season one for the time being.) Or — we can mix it up and make our own ocs! I really do enjoy superhero plots with angst, romance and just all of that stuff! <3 React to my message if you’d like to roleplay with me! I normally write over discord. Also — I use realistic faceclaims but we can talk about more of that in messages! <3
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
hi! I'm 22 year old female rper looking for mxf / fxf roleplays. 🕊️ please be 20+ if you want to rp with me!
I'm looking for roleplays that surround darker themes like abuse, mafia, stalking, kidnapping, mutually abusive relationships, corruption/coercion, violence and horror! bonus themes would include alcohol use, drug use, non-consensual elements, but these are not necessary. I have very little limits and a wide range of kinks which we can discuss over chat.
whether this is oc or fandom is up to you! I imagine it's easier to do plots like mafia with ocs anyway, and starting with a clean slate can be fun! here's my fandoms: [italics = my preference]
1. barry (sally/barry, oc/barry)
2. you (beck/peach, beck/joe, love/joe, oc/joe)
3. jessica jones (jess/kilgrave, oc/kilgrave)
4. percy jackson universe (ocs or as adults)
preferred platform: discord
levels: semi lit, lit, novella
trigger tags: non-con, stalking, abuse, kidnapping, drugs, alcohol
interact if interested!
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jessicajonespi · 2 days
*appears covered in blood with a bunch of bruises* can I beg drink? I can pay
"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" Jessica asked, her gaze narrowing as she looked to the girl. "And why the hell are you showing up here covered in blood? I don't need anymore fucking self righteous cops swarming around here."
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marissamm1997 · 8 months
Anyone 18 or older interested in a Doctor Who, Good Omens, Jessica Jones, Harry Potter, or Fright Night roleplay? I'm looking for someone that is a semi-literate or literate roleplayer who would be willing to play the 10th Doctor, Crowley, Kilgrave, Peter Vincent, or Barty Crouch Jr.for my character. I'm willing to do a 2x2 as well so we'd each be a character and play a character of the other person's choice.
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astghazurk · 6 months
° 。‧˚⋅
Hello everyone!! I’m so excited to plot and write with you guys and all my new mutuals!!
With that being said, feel free to like this or send in any plots / starters you’d like to plot and write from here here !!
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pi-jessicajones · 2 years
a.k.a hawkins | closed
Her time in Wisconsin had been one of the worst times of her life.  She had managed to get out of spending so much time in the courtroom by being able to provide the original images she had taken when she had been hired by the defendant who had then used her photos as a way to get back at her victims. 
It was this entire ordeal and the fact that they had been adamant that she get on a plane and fly out to Wisconsin had been nightmarish. Her new friend, Bucky had reassured her that he would take care of things for her while she was away and now she was making the forever trip back to Hell’s Kitchen but this time on a motorbike. That part was a long story. 
Having left Champaign IL in the early hours of the morning, she was aware that she would be still a few miles out from Indiana. She had made a promise to call and check in once she had made it to the other side of Indiana, to let him know that she was safe for the night. 
What she hadn’t expected was her bike to just suddenly up and die beneath her. Literally. While it was without power, she continued down the hill that she had ridden up. Much like if she was on a bicycle, her bike picked up speed. She managed to keep an alright grip on the handlebars but it was like her bike was possessed. 
Jessica literally had no control over the thing. Letting go of the handlebars proved her point, it literally continued without her control of it. Thinking that perhaps she should just bail out on the side for her own safety. Barely after that thought the bike stopped as if it hit a wall. 
It didn’t.
She went up and over the handlebars before she could react. Feeling something impact her body in the air before she was brought down hard. Groaning, she couldn’t work out what hit her. Opening her eyes was a struggle. It was not night when she had come off her bike. Had she really passed out for that long?
Groaning again, she didn’t have much energy. She yanked her helmet off and tossed it away from herself before she fell back onto the ground. “Fuck...” She groaned. Dizziness swallowing her up again. 
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF SWORDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out.
— she walks through the world as ;
name → annabeth pebworth pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1952 - september 1953 face claim → jessica henwick blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → deputy head hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → head of hit wix at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic, wife of dougal mckinnon
— she is best described as ;
Forged by DRAGONS BREATH, she is the ASSURANCE of a NEW DAWN coloured in scarlet yet the CAUTION warned in it’s wake. The GUIDING HAND of a blade, SURE, STEADY and UNYIELDING in the face of PROTECTION and PERSEVERANCE.  While they can be as TENDER as the whistle of wind through mountains, it’s a gift for only those stubborn enough to unlock a IRON CAST HEART sealed from decades of hopelessly cold, to hold.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
There is little that Annabeth cares to remember of her time before becoming a Pebworth. Merely a collection of disjointed memories, fractured hope and careless actions from those that were meant to love her. The product of a careless night, Annabeth was born to a mother too young to look after herself let alone a child. Abandoned and left in an orphanage, Annabeth raised her sister Isla with protective hand and the overbearingness of a mother at only seven. Seeing it as her duty to protect her, she vowed even then that nothing would be able to tear them apart. While the orphanage was as bleak and grey, the people inside held hope for the young souls within. Finding families for as many children as they could muster. Isabella and Angus Pebworth hailed from the highlands, simple folk who always wanted a child of their own; the news of a newborn looking for a home brought them to the orphanage. Only to find that if they wished to take Isla; they’d have to take Annabeth too. While it wasn’t what they’d wished for, it was still a family.
Annabeth knew that she wasn’t wanted. Her age made her less desirable, her guarded attitude and protection over her sister was a challenge. Especially when strange things started to happen. The crashing of a plate when tears started to fall, the playing of the gramophone to sooth Isla without it being turned on, the flickering of lights to accompany her tears. While her parents swore the house was haunted and insisted they fled to the Isle of Skye to escape their demons; Anna feared it wasn’t the house but herself. Exploring the fields behind the village they lived, her eyes fell on four figures all of whom were flying. The magic she’d been hiding under her covers at night of flickering flames wasn’t insanity, it was real and there were others just as she. As quickly as her realization came, she was knocked to the ground by COINNEACH MCKINNON [future brother in law]; who was swiftly scorned by DOUGAL MCKINNON [best friend/fiancè]. Annabeth’s short temper and spark only made the McKinnon’s smirk, who welcomed her to join them gladly. The McKinnon’s saved Annabeth from loneliness and self destruction; akin spirits they taught her about the wizarding world, showing her life, freedom and how to finally breathe.
The Pebworth’s fear of magic tore the family apart. Superstitious, the unknown whelm of witchcraft they saw as cursed. Deeming that no child of theirs would have a hand in such unnatural acts, they burned Hogwarts letters upon arrival only until a mysterious cat appeared at their window. Transforming into a woman before their very eyes, PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL [mentor] escorted the witch personally to Hogwarts, throwing shame in her wake for their negligence. Hogwarts was beyond anything she could have wished for. Doned in red, she soared with her fellow Gryffindor’s; atlast finally wanted and free. The brightest witch of her year with resilient prowess, the girl excelled far beyond anyone’s expectations. Able to fight her own battles when the likes of LACHESIS MALFOY [adversary] shouted mudblood across the halls, though with Dougal, ALICE YEN [best friend], FRANK LONGBOTTOM [close friend], AMOS DIGGORY [friend], HESTIA JONES [friend] and IAIN WOOD [friend] readily at her side for once she didn’t need to be her own champion. Yielding a fury of protection for the people she loves, the witch’s devotion to safeguard her chosen family and those vulnerable became her striving purpose. Graduating and taking a job as a Auror under ALASTOR MOODY [boss], she became bold and defiant in her untouchable youth.
Though one night, everything changed. Ravagers stormed the mountains of Skye in hope to capture the famed and protected Hebridean Black dragons. The roars of fire shook the town as dragons cried for their children leaving the McFusty calling any wix on the island to help. Fighting in combat alongside the McKinnon’s, McCormack’s, Wood’s and McGonagall’s the families united managed to ward off the thieves; still with great consequences. Isla had followed her sister with the ambition to help. Though at only twelve, her skills weren’t nearly enough to match that of older wix. Caught between a spell and a dragon, in a blink of an eye Annabeth lost her sister forever. With no body to be found, any life that Isla Pebworth had once held; simply turned to memory. Blamed for her sister’s death, the Pebworths disowned Annabeth. Wanting nothing to do with magic and the daughter that had left their greatest treasure dead, they left never to be seen again. Devastated and plagued with grief; Annabeth’s heartbroken cries echoed through the mountains. With a piece of her soul stolen, despite the McKinnon’s taking her in; the witch was unconsolable. Turned reserved from fear of the unbearable grief that comes with love lost, Annabeth became colder and guarded in a fleeting attempt to protect what remained of her heart.
While many tried to heal the mourning witch, it was Dougal who found a way into her heart. Though arrogant, there was something about him that was disarming. For a man too proud and noble it was maddening, she offered a wit as sharp as a viper leaving their interactions often comical to those around them. Years of friendship turned to love as they bickered over games of wizards chess, sipped butterbeers and healed each other through the misfortune that had befallen them. While their years of friendship, love and then engagement were news celebrated by friends, by most however distaste could be felt in their stares. Most surprising of all; Nathair who’s objection ripped through the fabric of the McKinnon family. Obstinate that she wouldn’t tear them apart, Annabeth fled to the hills. Only for Dougal to capture her in an embrace, claiming there was no place on earth that would be far enough for him to forget the bond they shared; assuring it would meet good ends. While fraught with concern at the growing unrest both within her family and community, Annabeth dove into work. While Alastor fought against the head of law enforcement BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss] insisting she become the head of the department of Hit wix, with her muggle-born status; the Ministry board refused. 
Angered, Alastor spoke of a group forming to combat against discrimination and offer tangible change; The Order of the Phoenix.Hungry for purpose, while she knows her time will come, with the growing strife she aches being on the sidelines wanting nothing more than to wage her own war. Though, even she knows it's not wise with anonymous threats of violence left in her office. What started as one, became two, till she was finding threats daily scattered on her desk as pureblood propaganda. While the letters of terror and dark symbols are unnamed, even Annabeth knows she’d be a fool not to dismiss such cryptic messages. Keeping them hidden from her friends and Dougal to not cause alarm, Annabeth has taken the situation into her own hands. Seeking consort from EMMELINE VANCE [friend], the pair are trying to detect a magical trace off of any of the letters she has received. Testing the ink and parchment, to see if it will lead to a clue but coming up nout. But with the most recent letter being slipped under the front door, Annabeth’s nerve is growing strained with how close to home the threats are turning. With Muggles disappearing daily and the threat on non-pureblood wix growing; Annabeth fears that it’s only a matter of time before her name is added to the missing persons list.
— she is a LEVEL 8 WITCH & readied for war ;
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Jessica Jones Rp Meme
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Part one- randomly chosen-Inspired by @brutalpunch - feel free to change pronouns or edit for rp purposes
"Would you put day drinking under experience or special abilities?"
"I don't flirt. I just say what I want."
"If you even touch me, I'll tell the world about you. There'll be nowhere to hide."
"Am I the only one left who doesn't know karate?"
"If you grab me like that again, I'll punch you so hard, you'll see."
"Well you can't let him live, he's too dangerous."
"Can you punch through a wall? Can you stop a moving car?"
"A slow moving car."
"You are a hard-drinking, short-fused, mess of a woman, but you are not a piece of shit."
"You look like an asshole."
"It's your scarf."
"Are those pork?"
"No, they're shrimp. Oh, this guy's got pork."
"God, your weird."
"Okay, you are the most full of shit lawyer I've ever met, and I think we should stop and appreciate the magnitude of that statement."
"Pain is always a surprise. I try to avoid landmines. Avoid caring. I can even see it coming. But until it hits, you have no idea what pain is."
"That quack that had me reciting street names from back home?"
"A proven method for managing PTSD."
"I could kill you right here and right now."
"But you won't, because you don't know what will happen when I die."
"Two hundred bucks for "Birch Street, Cobalt Lane, Bullshit Drive.""
"You look bad."
"I need money."
"You can have my TV."
"Thanks, Malcolm. You keep it."
"I stole it."
"Yeah and I'm gonna... gonna kill him but she just keeps getting in the way."
"Any other day you would have won this, it's your ribs isn't it?"
"You're on something, you're messed up."
"You could have killed him a dozen times, I'm just doing what has to be done, someone has to."
"I figured."
"You became a private eye."
"You've been keeping tabs on me?"
"Making sure you weren't dead, since you never called."
"In my line of work, you gotta know when to walk away. But some cases just won't let you go."
"It's people like you that give people like you a bad name."
"You're coming across as paranoid."
She's either an idiot in love, or she's being conned. Which amount to pretty much the same thing."
 "Everyone keeps saying that, it's like a conspiracy."
"I am not going to beg you for a case...I will ask you, though, VERY strongly."
"What are you doing in my apartment?"
"This is my apartment."
"Hard day at the office?"
"They're all hard."
"You're still the person who tried to do something."
"Tried and failed. That's what started this. I was never the hero that you wanted me to be."
"Pops always said, if you don't feel good going to work, you should find new work."
"God didn't do this. The Devil did. And I'm going to find him."
"They say everyone's born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you're the villain. Problem is, you don't always know that you've crossed that line. Maybe it's enough that the world thinks I'm a hero."
"The big part of the job is looking for the worst in people. Turns out I excel at that. Clients hire me to find dirt. And I find it, which shouldn't surprise them, but it does."
"Looks like you stripped your screws."
"Knowing it's real means you gotta make a decision. One, keep denying it... "
"I just meant if...If he was on our side."
"What side would that be? The side that uses people? Treats them like animals? Just to throw them away like they're garbage? The side that rips your life apart and destroys you from the inside out? Whose side exactly would that be?"
"Do I look like I'm hiding? No. You wanna know why? Because no one wants to know. They want to feel safe. They'd rather call you crazy than admit that I can lift this car, or that I can melt your insides with my laser eyes... which won't leave a trace."
 "Wouldn't be the first time.”
"I don't give a bag of d*cks what kinky sh*t you're into. Just be into it quietly."
"I don't want to shoot you. He said it's not your time."
"You use sarcasm to distance people."
"You know somebody else like us?" "No. Not like us."
 "And yet you're still here."
"Knowing it's real means you gotta make a decision. One, keep denying it. Or two... do something about it."
"Rumors among my new partners? She has her sights on the mayor's office."
"Track, track, more track. Jesus, more track."
"A hero would have you locked up for soliciting murder. A vigilante would beat the shit out of you. Now which one am I?"
"This is my shocked face."
"You think you're the only ones who've lost people? You think you're the only ones with pain? You think you can take your sh*t and dump it on me? You don't get to do that! So you take your God damned pain and you live with it, assholes!"
"You should kill yourself."
"Probably. But I'm the only one that knows you're innocent."
"I know. It's yours. He said you left him there to die. You should have stayed to make sure."
"I hired a private investigator a while ago to start digging. She was worth every penny when she was sober."
"So he's mad. He wants to make me suffer."
"Mmm-hmm. Like he suffered."
"Got anything for me?"
"Thought you didn't like, or trust, me."
"Oh come on, I meant lawyers in general."
"Scumbag henchmen for corporate America."
"We just hired a full-time investigator."
"Whoever he is, he's not as good as me."
"Hence me having offered you the job, which you rejected."
"Wasn't personal, I just prefer a freelance; no ties."
"So you said - with an impressive string of expletives."
"Okay, is being drunk an excuse?"
"You know, it's really about professionalism. You are erratic and you are volatile..." "Effective."
"Every corner I turn, I don't know what's on the other side. I don't know who's on the other side. It could be the cabbie who's gonna drive me into the East River, okay? It could be the FedEx woman. It could be a talk show host who was my best friend."
"Are you a good jumper?"
"He made me jump... for hours, as high as I could. That was one of my events at school. Long jump. I was number two in the state. He said I was never as good as you."
"That accident didn't kill him, but he took a hit. I find his weakness, I find him."
"So you find him. Then what?"
"I don't know. I find him, I prove that girl's innocent, he goes away."
"Or he controls you again."
"I'll die before I let that happen."
"I've never done it with someone else who has, you know..."
"Yes, well, you are very gifted."
"So just how unbreakable are you?"
"On a scale of "I don't know" to... "I'd rather not find out"?"
"So if I were to bite your finger with all of my considerable strength..."
"Depends on how considerable. So don't go getting any ideas about my extremities."
"Jewel is a stripper's name. A really slutty stripper, and if I wear that thing you're going to have to call me Camel Toe."
"Dart gun is accurate up to twenty feet."
"He'll always keep back to a wall, he'll see you coming."
"He won't see me."
"I'll take you out."
"I was going to say dartgun me but sure, shoot me in the head."
"Same here."
"You have often needed protection from your vagina."
"It's insane that that deranged murderer is teaching little kids."
"Insane. Sickening. Rage-inducing. [...] But we found what we needed upstate. We got him."
"All right. Been waiting to hear some good news. When they bringing him in?"
"Not soon enough." "We just keep eyes on him until then." "'We'? Dont you have a job?" "There is what I have to do to maintain a life, and what I want to do, and I need both to stay sane."
"You said your rebound chick took a shotgun at point-blank range pointed it under your chin, and pulled the trigger."
"I still get the occasional headache."
"You probably don't remember me, do you? Your girlfriend had me take care of you when you were brought into the hospital? In Hell's Kitchen?"
"That woman over in Hell's Kitchen snapped a man's neck because he was mind-controlling her."
"Oh my God, this is the dumbest."
"Let's go, Ironclad."
"It's Iron Fist."
"I know."
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jones-gives-a-darn · 5 months
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— 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭. 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭. / jessica jones roleplayer looking for a luke cage. / 18+ / looking for new partners! <3 / semi-lit, third person past tense / discord roleplayer! pm me if you're interested or wanna work something out!
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hiddenwashington · 10 months
@ofxscavengcrs said : Was that [KRYSTEN RITTER]? Oh no no, that was just [JESSICA JONES], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [JESSICA JONES]. They are [THIRTY SIX] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. ((hey it’s me! May I pls reserve Poison Ivy?)
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. jessica jones [krysten ritter]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **poison ivy is now reserved for cici until 8/20 at 12:50 pm est!
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biitchcakes · 3 months
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The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman — Marvel Comics
Hera Syndulla — Star Wars: Rebels
Tess Servopoulos — The Last of Us (show)
GLaDOS — Portal 2
Eleanor Shellstrop — The Good Place
Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk — Marvel Comics
Bobbi Morse / Mockingbird — Marvel Comics
Alison Blair / Dazzler — Marvel Comics
Jan Van Dyne / The Wasp — Marvel Comics
Jessica Jones — Marvel Comics
Sam Winchester — Supernatural
Chell — Portal 2
Danny Johnson / Ghost Face — Dead By Daylight
Mikaela Reid — Dead By Daylight
Amy Pond — Doctor Who
Rose Tyler — Doctor Who
Legolas — Lord of the Rings
And a few OCs between The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age Inquisition
Probs just Jen and Sammy ( although - )
stolen from: @overclocks tagging: @hexsreality @danversiism @oceansfirst @silverjetsystm @neonwebs @revenantinflames @liiched @sxrgeantbarnes @raisedcold @watsonjackpot @webxfshame @gwenbiote @writteninscarlet @cosmicrayed
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esmerxyaugusta · 3 months
✩ rae ✩ lesbian ✩ she/they ✩ 15 ✩ tlou fan ✩ voltron fan ✩ marvel obsessed ✩
hello!! welcome to my blog, i'm rae! on this blog i post my random ass thoughts/rambles and roleplay and more? i get attached to fictional characters/shows/movies a little bit too much. you'll most likely see me ramble on about that... i'll be on this blog when i'm supposed to be studying or something, i don't know at this point...
side blog/s:
@ghostsofmera : i rarely use this but i guess it's still here?!? (writing blog)
⋆ basic info ⋆
⋆ 15 ⋆ libra ⋆ lesbian ⋆ istp-t ⋆ mentally unstable :) ⋆ introvert (but can't stop talking once i get to know you) ⋆ overthinker and oversharer ⋆ sarcasm is my second language ⋆ i can not speak or spell english for the life of me ⋆ watched the black widow movie 8 times ⋆ werid ⋆ short ⋆ procrastinator, my best friend ⋆ goofy af ⋆
⋆ interests/hobbies ⋆
→ music → listening to music → crying about how i'm alive → biology especially parasites! → drawing → writing → scrolling through pinterest → staring at people's cooking vlogs → eating food → garlic bread! → sleeping → reading books → reading fanfics → poetry → playing my violin → food videos → scrolling through expensive sh*t and crying over it → billie ellish → mother mother → neuro stuff → classical music → science
⋆ obsessing over ⋆
⋆ movies/tv shows: the last of us, any marvel movie, voltron: legendary defenders, agents of shield, stumptown, jazz for two, to my star, the sleepover, avatar: the last air bender, the legend of korra ⋆ the mandalorian ⋆ jessica jones ⋆ daredevil ⋆
⋆ artists: billie ellish, mother mother, classic music, gracie abrams, cigarettes after sex, girl in red ⋆
⋆ women ⋆
⋆ scarlett johansson ⋆ natasha romanoff ⋆ cobie smulders ⋆ maria hill ⋆ ming na wen ⋆ melinda may ⋆ brie larson ⋆ carol danvers ⋆ shane mccutcheon ⋆ women ⋆
→ i have nothing to say, no words
dm's are open!
if my existence is bothering you.... fuck off b*tch!
anyways....have a great day/night, whatever
rae <3
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jessicajonespi · 4 days
⠺⠓⠁⠞ ⠏⠁⠗⠞ ⠕⠋ ⠏⠗⠕⠞⠑⠉⠞ ⠞⠓⠑ ⠉⠊⠞⠽⠙⠊⠙ ⠽⠕⠥ ⠝⠕⠞ ⠥⠝⠙⠑⠗⠎⠞⠁⠝⠙
"What part of protect the city did you not understand?"
Jessica looked up from the bottle of bourbon in her hands. "I did protect the city from the contents of this bottle." She chuckled with a shrug before bringing it back to her lips and taking another swill of it.
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