#Jody Gladding
violettesiren · 3 months
1 Near evening the pond empties its sounds holding till last the wood thrush and the white-throated sparrow who frees two dry notes and leaves a third
above what the green frog plucks hovering there.
2 At one end of this road the whole moon sun at the other makes it all light between them a juncture giving rise to Chinese characters a character say for heaven: sky/hall a corridor lined with shadows
in which the sky has taken over making even my shadow pay attention
3 letting me take on such shapes a dead jay's stiff wing the flattened length of a garter snake seared limb ruined web the bruised back of a salamander until I am every tongue this way has stilled
until I am taken up by one great horned owl.
4 In the wake of these two lights I wake to
no thing that is not
wholly how it lives
the warm egg the slow wait of stone
those unintelligible lines I can say now how blood blesses the yolk how stones die.
5 And I can say how I will fall away from what breathing arc into what breath of calm.
Full Moon Summer Solstice by Jody Gladding
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roughghosts · 1 year
It’s raining light: Second Star and Other Reasons for Lingering by Philippe Delerm
It’s raining light: Second Star and Other Reasons for Lingering by Philippe Delerm @archipelagobks
In the waiting area, they’ve installed a piano. There’s one in each of the big Paris railway stations now, but you never know how that will go. In the Gare du Nord the other day, an older woman set her suitcase down beside her and then played, with great application, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring before melting back into the crowd, aware that no one had stopped to listen. She left without looking…
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expelliarmus · 4 months
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unluckyprime · 2 years
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jodie was amazing. all these 5 years of being amazing. f*ck all the hate she had to deal with this whole time. she handled it well too. the fact she went in as the first woman playing the doctor, acted her socks off and was kind the whole time...i adore jodie.
mandip was also freaking amazing. i absolutely adore yaz and i am so glad she made it out alive. yaz got to shine so bright in this last ep, which meant mandip shined of course. 
they both had amazing chemistry together and they also have the cutest friendship off screen. i would love for them to work together again and maybe come back as these characters in some other way one day. that would be great. 
i’m going to miss them. 
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canichangemyblogname · 5 months
For those of you unaware, this mod exists. One of my personal faves.
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foolishlyzephyrus · 2 months
yaz and thirteen are finally getting big finish audios! exciting stuff!
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not-poignant · 6 months
Stain is what convinced me to finally try marrying Alex, and I was shocked by what a blushing sweetie pie he is! Thank you for opening my eyes to his character potential. What an absolutely gorgeous fic. A wonderful depiction of my first chosen spouse (Harvey) as well. You’ve also made me quite like Jodi. You have a gift for deepening characters I never really though about.
Omg omg anon Alex is so nice to have as a spouse. His dialogue is so genuinely very warm and sweet, and he's never like, overly business focused (Sebastian), and is very you-focused and sometimes very him-focused (although Alex being like 'I need to keep my body in shape for my amazing hot partner' is not a bad thing either lmao).
I like romancing Sebastian, but I prefer Alex and Elliott as spouses in the game. I find Sebastian's spouse dialogue much colder (in fact it was his cold-hearted business-focused spouse dialogue which inspired the farmer divorcing him in Stain - I really love Sebastian as a character and I'll romance him again, but I can also see a world where two workaholics just end up in a toxic 'never seeing each other' dynamic where Sebastian basically coerces you into farming slimes even if you never had any interest in it because he never shuts up about it).
Elliott's romance is probably one of my faves since they added on the period of time where he sends letters (I won't go into more about that since it's one of his final events, but they're genuinely so very sweet and loving that it's a really special storyline for seven in-game days).
But yeah, Alex offering to give the farmer character a massage at the end of a hard day with a little blush on his face? Not mad at that!
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annabolinas · 5 months
Anne Boleyn Week 2024
Day 3: Favorite Historical Fact: Anne's involvement in the English Reformation
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"What a zealous defender she was of Christ's gospel all the world doth know, and her acts do and will declare to the world's end." - John Foxe in Acts and Monuments (1563)
"Her formative years had impressed upon her what forthright and determined women could achieve. She stood her ground for what she believed in, and her devotion to ideas, especially religious ones, meant she was bound to prove divisive in the aggressively masculine environment of Henry’s court. She was a keen judge of men, appreciating the impetus for change which eager young evangelicals could exert, and was protective and encouraging towards them." - John Guy and Julia Fox in Hunting the Falcon (2023)
"Brief though Anne's influence was, it was a thousand days of support for reform from the throne itself. And hindsight can say more. The breach in the dyke of tradition which she encouraged and protected made the flood first of reformed, and later of more specifically Protestant Christianity, unstoppable. Catholic hatred of Anne damned her for the break with Rome and for the entrance of heresy into England. It was right on both counts." - Eric Ives in The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn (2004)
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darkpastelpurple · 9 months
"Jodi's Era was Bad"
I'm so fuckin glad it was. Doctor who had soooo long without anything breaking and becoming divisional
Like we've got fandom history dating back to the 6th doctor's troubles
We needed a reset it's been ages since then.
It caused discourse and fighting and change and discussion.
This is what we build from.
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c0rrupt3dsp1r1t · 2 months
So, 13th Doctor Big Finish!
I can't say I didn't expect it to happen- Jodie agreed to the three season contract and was pregnant when she left, but absolutely loved doing Doctor Who and Mandip is one of her best friends now- though with being busy and the other major players in her era getting spinoffs announced way sooner I thought it would be a long while before we got anything.
Glad to be mistaken! Happy day for the thassies!
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thepettymachine · 11 months
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they had a girls day out to repair their friendship
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sadpanda · 2 years
Morgan Freeman: the baddest bitch of mega-hell
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nightmanatee · 2 years
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the end of time part 2 vs the power of the doctor
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flugame-mp3 · 5 months
11x12 for some reason got me missing the era of spn where it was the boys getting into some stupid shit and lying to each other and bobby had to be there to yell at them to knock em straight again. very specific vibe there
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korrolrezni · 2 months
God bless you, Sam <3
Seriously, guys, stop making me a third wheel!
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