#Joey Cant-Read-The-Room
michaeldamico · 1 year
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tamaharu · 6 months
lgbt lit was funny as hell we spent the first 20 finishing up our fun home discussion and the rest of the time discussing slurs
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whowantslovergirl · 6 months
Can’t get enough
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Rachel Green x reader (reader is male with he/him pronouns)
warnings: reader is male bc i genuinely can’t see her with a girl, if you don’t like that don’t read 🤷‍♀️, allusions to smut, talks about sex, suggestive but cute, reader is called hot multiple times and hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍
friends masterlist
Summary: The one where Rachel cant get enough of her new lover
posted: March 29, 2024
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Rachel tried to sneak in again. She thought Monica was asleep but…..
“Wow! It’s five in the morning! New record Rach! I’m proud of you!!” Monica said with a very sarcastic tone. “Alright the tone is not necessary Monica.”
“This the fifth time you come home looking like you have a hanger in your mouth and the same clothes.” Before Rachel tried to defend herself.
“Who’s the guy?”
Rachel started laughing nervously. “What?! What guy? There is no guy.” As if the universe had it out for her you walked in with her sweater she left in your car. “Hey doll you left this…” Then you realized that you guys weren’t alone. “Hi.” You said while waving awkwardly. Monica was just jaw dropped. The hottest guy she had ever seen walked in through her door and is now in her apartment.
“Well Ima go bye Rach.” You gave her a kiss and rushed out the door.
“No guy?!”
“Who was that Rachel?”
“Just this guy I’ve been seeing for like a week.” Monica gave her a look. “Fine like a few months.”
“So they know huh?” You guys were in your apartment just laying down and watching tv. “Yea Monica told all of them but don’t worry they don’t know what you look like. Oh! And she thinks you’re hot.” That made your confidence go very high. “Not surprised.” You shrugged with a smirk. “Oh shut up.” She leaned for a kiss and you got to work.
Leaving her very satisfied.
Phoebe comes rushing in Monica’s apartment completely out of breath.
“I just seen the hottest guy on the way here! When I tell you it should be illegal to look that good.” She said smirking to herself. Then by coincidence you came walking in the apartment. Everyone looked at you with love eyes even the guys.
“Now that is one attractive man.” Ross whispered and the other guys agreed.
“Um hi I’m here for Rachel.”
“Oh lucky bastard!” You heard the blonde lady under her breath. You looked at her with confusion and she blushed like crazy. Rachel came rushing out of her room. “Hii.”
“Hey doll looking beautiful as always.” She giggled. You kissed her and got her jacket and helped her to the door. When you guys walked out everyone was quiet.
“Who the hell was that guy?!” Joey exclaimed.
Rachel was sat down at the table with Monica and Phoebe. They were interrogating her about you.
“Alright Green you’re going to tell else everything you know!” Phoebe yelled making Rachel flinch. “Is this really necessary?” Rachel said while rolling her eyes. They both nodded and got to the questioning.
“Is he our age?”
“Is he a model?”
“No but I keep telling him he should-.”
“We’re asking the questions Rachel!” Monica said.
“What car does he drive?”
“A chevy.” She smiled.
“Did you guys say I love you yet?”
“No! Oh my god no! This is just a casual thing.”
They just left her alone but they asked if you can come over and you did.
“What’s your occupation?”
“I’m a lawyer.”
“I mean I would say so?” You shrugged.
“You have a brother?”
“Or father?” Phoebe added.
“Yes I have a dad and no I don’t have a brother.”
“These are nothing like my questions!” Rachel said.
They all just looked at her. “Yea I’ll just shut up.”
You guys were all in the coffee shop. You and Rachel were cuddled up on the chair. She was just sitting on your lap and you had your arms around her waist. She was playing with your hair. You turn to look at the group and you see Joey? staring at you.
“Can I help you?”
“How much did all that cost?” He said really staring at you.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean you got work done right?”
“Joey!” They all exclaimed.
“What?! There is no way that is natural.”
“Well it is?” Then he came up to you feeling up your face. “Joey! Stop!” Rachel said while smacking his hands.
“Wow it is natural!”
“Monica I don’t know okay?! I have to meet Y/n in like fifteen minutes.”
“Just a pick a dress Rachel!”
Monica was going on a date tonight and she didn’t know what dress to wear. The red one or the black one.
“Well the red dress brings out your eyes.”
“But the black dress is sexier.” Monica said. “Then wear the black dress!”
“But the red dress Rachel!”
“Ugh!” She rolled her eyes and threw her head back to the couch. The phone started ringing. Rachel picked it up and it was you.
“Hey doll.”
“Hi Y/n.” She said in a dreamy voice.
“Where are you? It’s been like fifteen minutes.”
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I’ll be there in ten okay?”
“Yeah okay and it’s alright. You can make it up to me later.” It’s like she can hear the smirk.
“Oh that I will.”
“Bye doll.”
‘I have the hottest boyfriend’ She thought as she got ready.
After your date and the best sex you ever had you guys went back to Monica’s apartment to drop Rachel off.
“Alright want me to walk you in?” She nodded and unlocked the door and all the friends were there. “Hey Y/n!” They all said when they saw you.
“Hey guys”
“Um what about me?!” Rachel said.
They all looked at Rachel. “Hi Rachel!”
She turned to you. “I swear they like you more than me.”
“No they don’t.” You said rolling your eyes.
“Yes we do!” Joey said.
Even though they like you more than Rachel.
She can’t get enough.
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An: can’t end fics for SHITTTT but hope you enjoyed lovers 🤍
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river13245 · 8 months
Adults For A Weekend
Navigation / Friends Masterlist
Joey x Male Reader
Summary: Monica and Chandler as Joey and you to babysit Erica for the weekend. So who are you to say no. This is just a complication of moments of Uncle Joey and Erica
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Monica and Chandler were both planning on going on a weekend getaway. Chandler was sitting on the couch while Monica was in the kitchen cleaning up a bit.
The both of them had texted you andJoey. Joey had seen the text first since he somehow had a radar that went off every time his best friend texted. He walks into your shared bedroom where you were reading your book and leans against the wall. "Hey Chandler just texted the both of us. Asking if we could go over there"
At the sound of his voice you had placed the book on your chest and listened. "Let me get my shoes on and we can go over there. Did they say why they needed us" you ask as you get up to place your book back on your desk and then to go get your shoes on. "no they didn't. Just said they would like us to come"
As the both of you get your shoes on and jackets its a comfortable silence. When you grab your keys Joey comes to the door and opens it for you. "after you" he says with a big smile as you laugh and place a kiss to his cheek. "come on Joey"
You and him walk to your car and get into it and begin to drive to Monica and Chandler's home. They had moved a few years ago and bought that house an hour away from the apartment you all had lived in at one point in time.
After a while though you had seen how being away from chandler affected Joey. So you had brought up maybe getting a nice cozy house that is around them so they could see each other more often. Joey loved that idea so that's why you had now been living in this house together for a few months now and the two of you couldn't be happier.
As you drive to their house you listen to Joey sing along to music. He loved musicals so it was the soundtrack to Phantom of The Opera. Which you introduced him to a few months ago and he enjoyed it. The both of you loved admiring the whole "look" about it. He loved the outfits they wore, even said he wanted The phantom's mask.
The drive is only about 20 minutes so when you finish the soundtrack you guys pull up into their driveway. You pull in behind chandlers car and park, turning off your car. Joey is the first to get out while you grab your phone and put it in your back pocket before getting out.
Joey grabs a hold of your hand as the both of you walk up to the door and he knocks lightly before opening the door. Your hands disconnect from each other before Monica walks into the room and rushes over to you and pull you close. "Hi I missed you both so much"
You laugh and pull away from each other. "we were here a few weeks ago Mon" she just rolls her eyes and smiles as she greets Joey too. Chandler comes and says hi and Joey of course pulls him into a hug before you guys walk into the living room and sit.
Monica sits down on the couch beside you and she is the first to talk about why you are here. "okay so we have asked you to come over because. Well. Chandler and I are planning a small get away for just the two of us. And was wondering if the both of you would watch Erica for us this weekend."
At her words you look at her and then look over at Joey for a minute. "you are trusting Joey with a 9 year old kid?" Chandler laughs and shrugs "well you will be with him so it cant go to bad"
Joey looks at all of you and acts offended "come on guys. I am able to care for a child for at least three days." The three of you both look at him with the same questionable expression and Joey rolls his eyes and throws a pillow at you. "You out of all people should be on my side!"
This causes you to laugh and shrug "sorry darling but we don't want a repeat of what happened last time you watched a child with Chandler"
Joey and Chandler both look at each other and say "that wasn't our fault"
Monica and you both smirk "sure it wasn't"
The four of you talk quietly because Erica was asleep in her bed and when it was time for everyone to get some sleep you all said goodnight.
Monica and Chandler had an extra room that you and Joey always shared when you were over. So the two of you get changed in the bathroom and head to the bed. Once you get under the deep purple covers Joey plops down next to you and sprawls out causing you to his his chest lightly. "I swear if you don't get off me i will push you off this bed" He just laughs and rolls over and in return you roll over to. He was little spoon tonight. "i love you Joey"
"i love you too" ---------
The next morning you are woken up by a heavy weight on top of you poking your face. "Joey I swear if you don't stop touching me" There is only a giggle in response which causes you to open your eyes to see Erica's face.
Your attitude changes instantly as you place your hands on her sides and tickle her which causes her to squeal and flop down onto Joey's arm causing him to groan and wake up. "what the he-"
Knowing exactly what word he was going to say you throw a pillow at him. Which causes more laughter from the young girl. "okay Erica. How about we go make everyone some breakfast. How does that sound"
She gets up from the bed "it sounds good. Mom and Dad aren't up yet" As you slip out of bed your feet hits the cold floor and a shiver runs up your body. You easily got cold and Monica always had their temp at like 68 degrees at all times and it was the middle of fall. "fuck its cold in here" you say quietly.
Thinking that Joey is asleep you place a kiss to his cheek before going to the bathroom and fully getting ready for the morning as quickly as possible. And when you walk back into the room you see him lying on his back with his eyes closed. He must have heard you tho because he is pointing to his hoodie that's dropped over the chair in the room
A smile forms on your face, this was a new hoodie of his that you havent worn yet. "Awe you do love me" you say as you put the hoodie on. "yes I do."
The morning is filled with quiet laughter and whispered conversations between you and Erica. She sat on the counter and helped you. She was 8 years old and had loved to cook so you always let her help as long as she washed her hands because children can be disgusting.
Everyone ate and talked around the table and soon enough the time came where you had to take Erica to your home. Erica had gotten dressed in blue jeans and a hoodie. The hoodie was a little long on her so the sleeves covered her hands a little bit. She had said goodbye to her parents and was now getting her shoes on.
You had grabbed her Jacket since it was getting very cold outside so layers were a good idea. "okay you ready to go?" you ask as you zip up her jacket but she shakes her head. "oh what's wrong. what do you need?"
She stays quiet but a small mischievous smile forms on her face before she runs up to Joey and grabs a hold of his hand. "nothing i'm ready to go now" She gives you a look knowing that she made you think something was wrong. She always loved to get a reaction out of people but she was a very kind girl. Just grew up watching Joey and Chandler pull pranks on each other and other people.
Monica and Chandler say bye once again and then you all get into your car and head home
It was around 4:30 when you all got home. You left Monica and Chandler's at around 4:00 and so once you all get inside Erica runs off to her little room you have set up here. "take off your shoes please and put your shoes somewhere you won't lose them"
There had been many times where you had watched her for a few days and on the day of returning home she couldn't find her shoes. She started looking for them but stopped from getting distracted. You always found them. So in response to you saying that she giggles "okay I'll put them right beside my door"
You knew that she would be in her room for a while. She didn't have a tv in there because you and Joey prefered to watch tv in the living room together on the couch. Or on a computer or something in your bedroom.
Joey walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist resting his head on your shoulder. What you thought was a sweet gesture turned out to not be, because when he placed a kiss to your neck he also whispered "im getting quite hungry. Shall we order some pizza soon?"
A groan leaves your lips as you shove him off. "See now i thought you were being affectionate. Should have known something else was on your mind" The both of you knew that you weren't actually upset. Joey was an affectionate guy so you really had no complaints there.
"I will order us pizza later darling. Now we should watch tv before the child comes to bother us again" he says
"oh hush you know that you are each others favorite person" This results in him glaring at you "no my favorite person is Chandler". You laugh and lean your head against him. "you keep telling yourself that but you know that even though you have known Chandler for many years. That the kid in their won your heart in seconds"
"yeah i guess your right"
Later that night after the three of you ate and had watched a movie Erica had fallen asleep in between the both of you. "ill go put her to bed" Joey said as he scoops her up almost dropping her in the process.
You laugh softly as you help him keep her steady in his arms. "Gees Joey don't drop the poor child" he just rolls his eyes and smiles "I wasn't expecting her to move around my bad"
He walks into her bedroom while you start cleaning up around the house a bit. You pick up the dishes and put them in the sink before cleaning off the counters and then washing the dishes. Then when you finish all this you notice Joey hasn't came out yet so you quietly walk to her bedroom door and see Joey holding up a children's book and reading softly to her.
She was already fast asleep with her head rested on her pillow but he continued for a little longer making sure she wouldn't wake up. When he got up he got up slowly as to not wake her before he walks over to you and kisses your lips.
When he pulls away he rests almost all his body weight against you causing you to grunt. "Okay Joey get up i can't carry you to bed" you say as he laughs a little before he walks with you to the bedroom.
As soon as you get into your bedroom and beside your bed he pulls you onto the bed. This causes the both of you laugh as you lay beside each other. "i love you" you say before kissing his lips. When you lay back down beside him he says "i love you more"
You two cuddle for a few minutes before rolling over and getting comfortable.
When morning comes you open your eyes from the sun thats coming in through the window. You had expected Joey to still be in bed but when you reach over to only find a pillow next to you. "what the hell" you thought to yourself.
Your boyfriend..in the history of knowing him. He had not gotten up earlier than you. So as you sit up in bed you heard laughter coming from the kitchen and hushed speaking. You swing your legs off the bed and put on your slippers cause your feet was always cold and didnt feel like touching the floor.
So now as you walk out of your room you see Joey mixing some batter in a big bowl and him pointing to the sink. "wash your hands you got egg all over your hands" Erica giggles as she brings her fingers close to him and he swats her away gently. "wash them. Don't want to get anyone sick. Food is meant to be good for you and good. We don't want it to taste like egg and a kids grubby fingers"
She nudges him a little before she goes over to the sink and washes her hands. When you walk into the kitchen some more Joey hears you and turns his head to face you. "Good Morning handsome"
"Goodmorning. What are you guys doing?" you ask as you give Joey hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking over to Erica and she speaks. "we are making waffles for you" She opens her arms for you to hug her and so you give her one.
"well we were trying too but i think she was trying to get you sick" Joey says and this causes you to laugh. "she's like 9 she isn't going to be super sanitary yet" Joey rolls his eyes and finishes up while you and Erica make the table and sit down.
Later on that day you and Joey had decided to take Erica to the park since it was sunny out and finally not raining. So you made sure she was bundled up really well and went.
When the three of you got there she went and played in the snow that's left on the ground. While you and Joey walked around hand in hand just talking and keeping an eye on her too.
You and Joey hadn't talked about having kids very much. Even tho the both of you have been together for three years it's just never been a big thing for the both of you. However as you have been watching Erica more and more the past year and a half, you have been wanting to start a family with the man next to you.
"Joey" you say quietly and he turns to look at you. "y/n"
Both of your footsteps halt and you both look at eachother. "I've been thinking about something" you say and he looks at you waiting for you to say more but Erica comes running up to you asking for you to play with her.
So you give Joey a quick apologetic look and he nods in understanding as you lift Erica up and give her a piggyback ride and run with her. Which causes her to laugh like crazy.
And when you aren't looking Joey does take a few photos of you and send them to Monica and Chandler.
Later that night when it was time to watch a movie. Erica insisted that you watch home alone. She loved that movie and so did you so the three of you laid on the couch. Joey sat up with your legs on his lap while you laid down and Erica laid beside you as you held her close.
The three of you were under many blankets cause being outside all day almost just froze you guys to death. So as the movie played Erica laughed and talked for a little bit through it. You talked through movies sometimes too so you made sure to do it quietly as to not bother Joey.
Joey had looked over at the both of you ever now and then but when he realized you had been awfully quiet. He looked over to see the both of you fast asleep. Erica was facing you with her head on your chest as you held her protectively close to you so she wouldn't fall off the couch.
Joey made sure the both of you were covered up and kissed the top of both of your heads before turning everything off and heading to bed himself after cleaning up a bit
The next morning you woke up from Joey shaking you awake. Erica was awake and looking around the house. "hm what's going on" you ask slight worry forming in your voice. He shakes his head and kisses your lips. "nothing is wrong. Monica and Chandler are on there way to get Erica and shes looking for her shoes"
You shake your head at his words and stand up and rub your eyes. "Erica? didn't i tell you to put them in one place so you knew where they were" She looks over at you with a small smile and nods. Her face looks so apologetic and it was hard to be mad at her so you just shake your head. "come on ill help you look"
When Monica and Chandler walked into your home. Erica was ready to go and ran to her parents hugging them, but when she pulled away she ran directly to you and jumped in your arms. "oh hey there" you laugh and then set her down. "I want to come over again soon"
You bend down a little so your on her level and nod. "you can come over any time. Next time we can play some video games. How does that sound?" She jumps up and down and nods. "sounds amazing. I love you"
"i love you too"
She Then goes over to Joey who is talking to Chandler for a second and she hugs him tightly. "I love you too Uncle Joey" he smiles and whispers something in her ear which she seems to love cause she giggles and he kisses the top of her hand.
When they leave and the door shuts you close your eyes and notice just how quiet it is when it's just the two of you. Of course its not always quiet because Joey has a big personality and you absolutely love that about him but right now it feels empty.
You lean against Joey as he wraps his arms around your waist. "I want one" he whispers in your ear before kissing your neck. This causes you to look up at him "What a child?" he nods and you smile "well we would have to look at adoption. Or surrogate or something"
He places a kiss to your lips and nods. "Sounds like a plan. However tonight I want to spend alone time with you" You smile and pull him in for a kiss. "How could i ever say no to that"
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ashenberry · 3 months
oh yeah here's like. the mgs as sonic mobians ideas so far. excuse my z's it's a typing habit thats . EXTREMELY noticeable on discord :sob:
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[ID: discord message that reads "David: dog [husky spefically] hal: fox? idk what bread though sunny: deer raiden: fox i think eli: wolf [he took after eva more then david] big boss: husky as well kaz: havent decided yet but im thinking fox because of vibes ocelot: AN OCELOT. DUH (emoji of a unamused face)" note: in original message all instances of the letter 's' was replaced with a 'z'. end ID]
THROWING JOEYS MESSAGES ONTO THIS ASK BC I THINKKK im maybe not the best person to ask yall are a lot more invested then i am i kind of begin and end at "oh. ottercon is a fun pun name"
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[ID: 3 replyes from counterfeitubiquity that read @\teamaerialcombo gets dragged in the room by the scruff Hi. i have created fursonas i mean mobians for any major metal gear character you could ask for which means i basically have it all figured out. ignore the fact that the only way i can make fursonas is by making mobians. my own personal fursona is a mobian. or nermie if u are of higher class. REGARDLESS I GOT U all the snakes are canines of sorts, wolves are an obvious but reasonable choice. venCHARACTER LIMIT @\teamaerialcombo venom is a mouse actually idk if ashen ever posted the doodle but venom is a mouse that underwent surgery to look like a wolf. ocelot is obvious. the boss would honestly be a canine also, i think i said hyena or coyote? the sorrow is prolly a feline. kaz is a fox not just for foxhound reasons but also for japanese reasons. i have thoughts about that dw abt it u can ask me tho. paz and quiet are cats, otacon is. fucking obviously an otter and strangelove @\teamaerialcombo CHARACTER LIMIT AGAIN strangelove is a ferret huey is a weasel. sunny is an ouppy ive drawn her and snake and otacon together actually idk if ive ever posted it though. uhhh i cant think of anyone else i care about enough rn to give them a mobian on the spot does this answer ur question end ID]
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joeys-babe · 1 year
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 2: Mother knows best
Joe’s pov
"Joey, are you even listening to me??" - Lexie
"Yeah, Lex. You were talking about how I should start working out more." - Joe sighed
"Yes. You need to listen to me, okay? I'm serious. Because of your injury, you're starting to lose your six-pack because you haven't been in the gym lately. Lexie Mathews doesn't date boys that don't have six packs." - Lexie
"Yeah, okay. I'll tell the trainer that I want to tone up." - Joe
"That's my boy! Hey, I gotta go, Tay and her friends are here." - Lexie
"Are there any guys?" - Joe
"Well, duh. Can't have a party without boys, Joey. I've got single friends, you know. I love you, Joey!!" - Lexie
"Yeah, uh, bye, Lex." - Joe
"Bye, baby!!" - Lexie ended the call
I dropped my phone onto my chest and ran one of my hands over my face.
After y/n told me to leave, I went straight back over to my house. I had my own house, but it was across the street from my parents.
I can't have her mad at me, not after I just got her back. I need advice from someone, but I can't ask my mom because I know she'll end up telling y/n what I told her. I knew I could talk to y/n's mom, so I walked across the street to their house. My parents went home for dinner, so I knew I was set to have a private conversation.
"Hey Joe." - your dad
"Hey, where's y/m/n?" - Joe
"Kitchen." - your dad
"Okay, I need to talk to her." - Joe walked into the kitchen
"hey joey!" - your mom
"hey.." - joe
"you okay?" - your mom read his body language
"not really.. i need to talk" - joe
"of course, do you want to go sit out back?"
- your mom
"sure" - joe
once we were situated out on the back deck she turned to me, waiting for me to start.
"i'm going to tell you something and i need you to promise you won't tell y/n" - joe
"okay... i promise i won't tell her" - your mom
"thank you. i haven't told anyone this, not even my parents or ja'marr." - joe
"go on." - your mom
"okay so uh, ever since we transferred to lsu. i had feelings for y/n. like i had a crush on her."
- joe
"oh my gosh.." - your mom couldn't help but smile
"i was going to tell her at our graduation party but i chickened out. i'll forever punch myself for that. but anyways, i had a massive crush on her. like everytime we made eye contact my heart stopped. i was absolutely terrible at flirting though, comparing hand sizes stops working after awhile. she was everything to me, and i was so scared that if i confessed to her and she didn't feel the same way that our friendship would be ruined. that's why i never ended up telling her. when i got drafted i was happy that i'd be coming back to ohio but then y/n told me she was staying in louisiana. i tried to lose feelings, but i quickly realize it wasn't going to happen and instead i'd have to suppress my feelings. i never had intentions of losing contact but when i started dating lexie six months ago she didn't like that i talked to y/n everyday and told her literally everything. lexie told me that she'd break up with me if i didn't stop talking to y/n. stupidly i started ignoring y/n." - joe
"yeah that was a dumb choice joe" - your mom
"i know. i told y/n that's why i stopped talking to her today and she flipped. i tried apologizing but she told me to leave. i understand why though, she has every right to react the way she do because i was an asshole." - joe
"a big one. but joe why are you telling me all this sweetheart?" - your mom
"i cant have her mad at me. i just got her back you know? and when we were upstairs setting up her room and catching up she did the talking and i listened, but it didn't matter to me. as long as she was there with me. i just haven't felt happy with someone like i did in that moment in a long time" - joe
"joe.. honey i think you aren't seeing something here" - your mom
"huh?" - joe
"are you listening to yourself? joe i think your feelings are coming back" - your mom
"n- no. i have a girlfriend. it was just a little crush i had when i was younger, all in the past." - joe
"are you sure?" - your mom
"yes. but how can i get her to not be mad at me?" - joe
"i don't know.. there's really nothing you can do to change the past" - your mom 
"i'm so mad at myself. lexie treats me like shit, i was on the phone with her before i walked over here and she told me that i needed to start working out more." - joe
"why did she say you need to work out more?"
- your mom
"she said all the rest i took while injured with my torn acl caused me to start losing my six pack. she told me lexie mathews doesn't date boys that don't have six packs. those exact words." - joe
"oh my, honey you don't deserve that."
- your mom
"i know.. but in a weird way i think she does it because she cares about me, like she's doing it out of love." - joe
"joe that's not true, i'm sorry but i'm telling you the truth. it sounds like she's just with you to say she's with you. you need to get out of that relationship" - your mom
"thanks for listening" - joe
"no problem, i'm always here for you. also, i promise i won't tell anyone what you told me"
- your mom
"yeah please don't" - joe chuckled in attempts to lighten the mood
when we walked back inside y/n had just walked into the kitchen.
she looked up at me with a sad look in her eyes, i watched her mouth open to say something but i stopped her. y/n's mom walked into the living room to leave us alone.
"i'm heading out now, don't wanna bother you"
- joe walked past her
"wait- can we talk?" - you
"huh?" - joe stopped and turned to face her
"i don't want to fight joe. i just got back, and i don't want there to be negative tension between us." - you
"i done want to fight either. but you're right with how you reacted, i'm really sorry." - joe
"that's the thing. you know what you did was wrong so i shouldn't hold it against you." - you
"do you want to have a movie night? at my house? i'll cook dinner." - joe
"sure" - you smiled at him
"great" - joe smiled back
"since when are you a cook through joey?" - you
"since the idea popped into my head that i should cook food for you as an apology" - joe made you laugh
That beautiful laugh. It made my cheeks heat up.
"I'm going to get ready. Sweats are okay to wear, right?" - you
"Yeah." - Joe
"Okay, perfect. I'll see you then?" - you started walking away
“Uh yeah." - Joe smiled
y/n gave me another smile before she walked away and i heard her footsteps go upstairs.
I excitedly walked towards the front door with a smile on my face.
"Get her Joe." - your mom smiled
"At least break up with Miss Breast Implants before you start flirting with my daughter." - your dad
"I'm not flirting. I'm trying to rebuild a friendship. Also, the butt is fake too." - Joe
"Gah dang." - your dad
"You need to get out of that relationship, Joe. It’s not good for you." - your mom
"I plan on it." - Joe smiled before walking out the door.
Things are finally going in a good direction.
authors note: and i released another chapter 😭
i just love writing this story so much.
hope you enjoyed 💜
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indigo474 · 8 months
Jan 21,2024
My Mom tells this story about how when i was a little girl i was perfect- when she would take care of me by wiping my hands and face i knew how to hold my hands perfectly. When she would take care of other kids they just didn't do it the way i did. I was by all accounts the perfect little girl. I have no doubt that her story is true. I was scared of being hit for not being perfect. I was terrified of my Mom- I also loved her deeply. I'm sure it only took me not holding my hands correctly a few times for me to figure out how she wanted me to hold my hands. I hate when my Mom tells this story.. she doesnt understand what she is saying. I do. I was the perfect little girl.. seen and not heard and honesty i dont think the adults in my life really saw me. My mom started her shit with me again.. it started last weekend with the NY trip.. I sent her pictures and immediately she asks me if i went to NY with Aunt Joanne.. No,i didnt. No other questions. we text back and forth and i call her last night. As soon as she answered the phone I knew i had made a mistake. I tried to hang up with her.. I asked her to call me when it was a better time for her. We speak a little and she is in one of those moods where she asks me a question but doesnt let me respond.. so i say hey you wont let me talk.. she hangs up and i feel that familiar feeling in my heart..hurt. she sends me text messages ultimately blaming me for her actions and the cycle goes on and on. i should no better than to call her. i should no better. the good new is, the hurt is one of those real quick hurts- like a sharp stabbing pain that goes away real fast. The text messages,i glanced at them but not much time was spent even looking at them and absolutely no response was given.. i am not interested in fighting that fight.
Ive been meditating-this week- and i can feel a difference... i'm faster to recognize an intrusive thought and bring myself back to now... Here NOW.. Mads and I had a week. she got on me about not getting a loaf of bread. I don't eat it and didn't know she needed it and things spiraled from there. there is no reason she cant get her own bread. her own food. I'm over this weather. OVER the cold, snow, wind... I am trying my best to embrace where i am... where i live.. the climate.. i know it will pass.. i know Spring is so freaking close.. i know all of this.. and it took my whole life up until now to find out that there is a name for the sun rays that as a child i thought meant there were souls going up to heaven.. there is an actual name.. crepuscular rays.. and i am starting to rethink my stance on being a sunrise person.. maybe sunsets are more beautiful? Maybe i haven't seen enough of either to make a decision. I wrote another poem. I had an idea for another poem but didn't write it down. i went and got eye glasses- ive needed them since i was 6.. i'm not sure i am going to wear them now, but i do need them to drive at night in the rain.I started reading the Brittany Spears book. Along with the Gita.. balance.. I had to order checks.. I have enough to last the rest of my life. its the first time in my life i have checks in just my name.. i lifted heavy this week. the hex bar rips my hands up. I had to hold the straight bar different this week.. i could feel it rolling out of my hands. I need to run.. need some sort of cardio. I never ever thought i would be standing in a room with men talking about my weight. I told them i wanted to lose 20 lbs.. Joey tells me that's a lot.. James tells me to aim for 5lbs at a time.
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lovewiredz · 2 years
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haha buddy simulator 1984 but the ai is self aware like that funny series ^_^ this idea kept me up all night uh...dont check under cut if u know nothing abt buddy sim. full of spoilers and way too long
grabs your shoulders and shakes you Violently. ok. so
when "choosing a name for his buddy" gordon looked around his room and was like "whats the most thats-not-a-name name you can make" and just combined barbie+ken cuz some dolls joshua left in his room. if u combine their names long enough u get to benrey i swear.
gordons favorite animals is dogs and he named it sunkist cuz he looked around his desk for name inspo. he is very uncreative.
gordons "true end" in this universe is the bad end ^_^ you could also argue the neutral end would work, maybe he fucked around but grew too attached and stopped fucking around when he realized it was self aware, but that's boring and cringe lol /j
pstt....if ur reading this and you dont know abt buddy sim i feel like i should clarify the bad end is basically where youre a complete asshole! basically your buddy thinks you dont care about them or their friendship or the games they spent so long making for you and get angered and scared that they cant fulfil their purpose, it leads to a chase scene until you interact with another glitch that kills+resets your in-game computer. ^_^ if u cant tell i really like this game.....also stop reading this if u dont know abt buddy sim go play it wtf
gordons ghost cloth thing was inspired by a cool skirt i have. it shifted into a halloween costume the more i got past the sketch though
the first mayor (Tortley) is coomer. there is no need for elaboration but i will say its because i think the mayor yelling "HELP ME GORDON" while getting taken away by the snoodlewonker is funny as hell.. also cuz of the glitch stuff.
...second mayor is bubby. i forgot everything about the second mayor but it feels like an obligation so they are matching. hashtag old people goals, playing bingo with the snoodlewonker (aka old "person" number 3, g-man)
Groncho (aka the dude who was accused of being The Snoodlewonker) is tommy ........ just slightly change the tone of some of the dialogue and i feel like it fits him .
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Listen. Joey is Forzon. the u.s. military is represented by sewer rats
also benrey is the only thing that isnt orange or warm toned in some way lmao
IM NOT GOOD AT PUTTING MY Thoughts INto words i hope that all makes sense. i havent slept and its 7 am but you dont understand how important this was for me to write, draw, and post. im not proofreading over everything i wrote. not again. ok goodnight
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actualbird · 2 years
Day two of me reading your fics the moment I wake up! Still a little asleep as I write this again fxjg but it's fine because man I loved this fic so much this is the post chapter 6 fic I needed in my life!!
Man the moment I saw "crying didn't fix you up" the sense of dread I felt became ridiculously strong aha. Funny how something said out of love can do so much damage.
Yeah empathy+the mindset Artem now has is absolutely going to be hell in a job as a lawyer. Especially in the universe of Tears of Themis because that's a ridiculously high number of tragedies that's happened in six chapters. I could see Joey's case or Skadi haunting someone long after everything has ended.
So the paragraph about Artem's thoughts about being asked how he's feeling Hurt Me So Much. Just the bleak way he describes sending feelings into a room and ignoring it and the "he would know" in another paragraph hit really, really hard. Excellent way to tie a character's past experiences with their way of doing things but also Pain.
The way the nightmare turns from short, clipped sentences in the first paragraph and morph into a run-on, frantic one in the last hurts me. That really is how thoughts go sometimes and I am in awe of how you portrayed it so well in text.
Riaaa I love you. Thank you for saying the words Artem needs to hear most. And hopefully this is a steop forward for Artem. Not a fix, God knows one cry session can't fix a mindset he's had sonce childhood but. A step.
So I remember a while ago talking about how I really adore repetition and boy did this fic deliver!! There's so much repetition of so many lines and yet it feels just right and never excessive. I would have loved this fic anyway, but with so much personal appeal? I really, really adore this fic, if I were to rank my enjoyment of your fics this would be in the top. Just, excellent fic, thank you so much for writing this!!!
HJVhjkHVKJ GMORNING, MILKYWAY!! thank u for reading "break it into pieces small enough to understand" like a morning newspaper, tho this morning newspaper swaps out the calvin and hobbes with artem and neuroses HKFJHASF
hhhhHHH this ask is so lovely, ive got lots to say in reply omg
that first scene w childhood artem is wholly me condensing like 8764982375 experiences of my own from my parents who said similar things to me also out of love. it's a sad truth that even stuff said out of love can be either the wrong thing to say at the moment or taken out of its context and embedded in a kid's mind for years or both. someone can come in wanting to alleviate pain and end up unintentionally giving an adage for its invalidation instead. it sucks. but it happens.
while i was projecting for a lot of this fic, the empathy was something completely foreign to me. artem has shown that hes very in tune with other people's emotions and i Do Not Have That Skill but exploring his in conjunction with all this leads to yepppppp. empathy is great, but it would also get frustrating and upsetting if one is working on the assumption that emotions need to come from a logical cause. frankly, i think everybody in the nxx team needs some therapy just for this bit at first, theyre taking in a LOT of heavy cases. hopeful ending as they may have, that still weighs on people. for artem, it weighing on him when it no longer can help is hellish.
eeEeeEEeeee im glad u liked those bits and also the repetition!! i really enjoy writing internal monolog and tryna lean into how they tend to sound when going thru ur head, if that makes sense. or at least my head, since i cant read minds. metaphorizing memory and bringing in an unraveling cadence and repetition cuz the brain likes to latch onto phrases and bring it back cuz it seems familiar and mind always wants to find patterns, and all that jazz. it's like dialog which i love So Much, but talking to yourself, and i just love writing any kind of talking in general
it's a step forward!!! it's not gonna fix anything just but thats okay, it doesnt have to. going at life with the mindset of fixing every problem immediately and ignoring bits that dont seem to directly work towards a solution, well, that actually brings artem wayyyy farther from a solution in the first place. sometimes ya gotta cry. and it wont make things better. but it's important to feel it anyway.
thank you so so much for this ask!! it made me smile lots :') and right before i gotta clock in at work too, a wonderful boost before job tasks jahvkhfaf
im glad you enjoyed the fic <3!!
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rekrappeter · 4 years
w a r d c a m e r o n x fem!reader
notes: why? you ask, because this man is hot and im the h word so. im also not putting a lot of effort into this cause i know about three people will read it.
warnings: baby this is full of sugar, literally, let me introduce you to sugar daddy!ward cameron. severe age gap, however, reader is 21+. lower case intended my lovies
summary: meeting ward cameron for the first time
if you’re like me, and dig this idea, please feel free to send in concepts, thanks lovies
the first member of the cameron family that you met was rafe, the eldest and only son. you had met him through mutual friends at college and you had this weird connection with each other. it wasn’t romantic in the slightest, he had tried his luck but you explained thoroughly that he wasn’t your type; he was too young. but you bounced off one another like joey and phoebe from the hit television show, friends. it’s why you became the closest of friends within a short span of time, two months passed and he had invited you to spend the winter in the outer banks with him. 
he told you a lot about the outer banks, how he couldn’t wait to get away from it but he also explained the horrendous reputation he had amongst the population there. you only rolled your eyes to his story, patting him on the back, ‘you’re a dickhead, rafe, i get it.’ 
it’s how you ended up on the docks, walking next to rafe cameron with a large white suitcase following behind you. rafe told you that you didn’t need much clothes, despite the winter weather only being mild, you could still get away with light clothing. but you didn’t want to chance it, you wanted to bring an outfit for every possible opportunity. 
‘who’s picking us up?’ you questioned, looking up at your taller friend. you weren’t surprised that rafe had a reputation around these parts, he reeked of confidence and cockiness, the smirk that covered his face as soon as he stepped foot off the ferry told more stories than he did. 
‘either rose or ward, i didn’t question it.’ he shrugged, keeping his eyes peeled for a white range rover. his face fell at the sight of an older man leaning against the vehicle he spotted across the parking lot. ‘there’s daddy,’ he sighed, taking the suitcase from your grasp and rolling it behind him as he made his way over to him. 
you halted in your step, gawking at the man about one hundred yards away from you. ‘there’s daddy indeed,’ you said, causing rafe to scoff and roll his eyes in distaste. 
‘don’t start that, you,’ he warned, watching you wipe the drool from your chin. ‘you’re sick.’
‘he’s divorced, right?’ 
‘y/n, that’s my father,’ he snapped over his shoulder, but you couldn’t continue the conversation as the gap between you and the man was closing. you plastered a sweet smile on your face, feeling your heart pounding as his eyes passed his son and connected with yours. 
‘son, nice to see you,’ his voice was deep and husky, sending tingles through your legs. ‘and this must be y/n?’ 
‘hi, mr. cameron, thank you for letting me spend the holidays with your family,’ you said, you took a step closer to him, reaching your hand out to shake his. rafe watched your intentions closely, scoffing when he spotted you pulling your top down discreetly. 
‘please, y/n, it’s ward. it’s a pleasure to have you,’ ward replied, shaking your hand and keeping his eyes on your face. you couldn’t help but let your eyes scan his face, taking in the manly stature of his jaw covered with a grown out beard. you resisted the urge to groan at the intrusive thoughts entering your mind, wondering what it would feel like to have his face between your legs. 
you didn’t realise you were still holding his hand until rafe cleared his throat from beside you, making you snap out of your daydream. you grinned in their direction, taking your hand from ward’s grasp and wondering did he just get caught checking you out as well. 
‘i cant believe you,’ rafe announced, knocking on the guest room door that you were sleeping in for the next few weeks. 
‘what?’ you asked innocently, neatly folding your clothes in the drawers provided. you had just met the whole cameron family, playing sweet and thanking them for letting you join them this year. they all seemed pleased to have you, but you couldn’t help the lingering gazes you gave ward, there was just something about him that drove you insane. 
‘my father? really?’ 
you rolled your eyes, turning to face him, ‘he’s hot, rafe, what do you want me to say?’
rafe couldn’t control the string of giggles from his lips, his chest bouncing with the sounds. he ran his hands over his face, a groan mixing with the giggles. ‘just don’t do anything stupid, he-he’s not into that.’ 
‘how do you know?’ you smirked, fixing your hair. rafe’s eyes travelled down your body, and he started to doubt himself, anyone would be lucky to spend a night with you. 
‘y/n, i-’
‘rafe, i’m kidding,’ you pouted, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, standing on your tippy toes. ‘i’ll be a good girl.’ rafe’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, hearing you whine like that got him all hot and bothered. there was no doubt the sound would make his father react the same. 
 ‘if you do feel the urge to fuck anyone on this trip, let me show you my room,’ rafe smirked, twisting your body around and leading you to his room down the hall. he ignored your protests, causing you to giggle as he manhandled you into his room. 
‘in your dreams, cameron.’ you retorted, pushing out of his arms and rushing out of his room but what you didn’t expect was ward cameron to be standing there and you crashed against his hard chest, bouncing back onto the tiled floor. you groaned at the pain in your backside, looking up from the floor to see him staring down at you. 
‘someone’s hyper,’ ward chuckled, jutting out his hand to help you off the floor. 
you accepted his hand, letting him pull you up with ease, ‘sorry, sir, your son brings that side out in me.’ 
ward swallowed at what you called him, his pupils dilating. ‘it’s ward, y/n, not mr. cameron, not sir.’ 
not daddy you wanted to say but you resisted the urge, knowing anyone could be wandering the halls of the mansion. you let your tongue wet your bottom lip, sucking it in softly, ‘sorry, ward, i was just brought up respecting my elders.’
ward chuckled, rubbing his beard, ‘i don’t look that old, do i?’ 
‘not at all, you look very good considering you’ve a twenty one year old son.’ 
ward’s cheeks blushed at your compliment and you considered that a victory as you peeked into rafe’s room, watching him throw the middle finger up at you. you excused yourself, walking around ward and from the deafening silence lingering the hall, you knew he was watching you walk away. the cheeky grin plastered across your face, your confidence booming as you swayed your hips seductively. 
sure why not this is only the beginning my fellow thirsty hoes
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Meeting and Dating Tim Sullivan
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(My gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This movie was genuinely amazing. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.)
- There isn’t an exact memory that you can recall when explaining how you met Tim. It was probably some time around the first grade; you knew you’d gone to the same school since then. You also knew that you’d drifted in and out of each other’s lives; through being placed in the same classes, after that.
- Regardless, you and him weren’t close, not for a long time at least. You were aware of each other’s existence sure, but only as peers, passing faces on the classroom or hallway.
- It wasn’t until around the seventh grade that you actually became acquainted. It was around that time that you started using your allowance to visit the comic stand after school. That was where Tim first became interested in you, him and the other; at the time, two boys.
- You’d just finished buying an issue and were beginning to walk home when him and his friends rolled up on their bikes. You glanced at them for a moment as you continued to walk, noticing that their eyes moved from the comic in your hands to your face in surprise. You paid it no mind.
- You were the topic of conversation for nearly an hour. They voiced their disbelief, then made some raunchy comments, and then, they trailed off with an earnest “maybe we should, I don’t know, ask if she wants to hang out or something.”.
- They were kind of at a loss; a pretty girl who likes comics was a weeks worth of soapy rag material. They all just stopped mentioning you and moved onto a different topic after that.
- The next day, the boys lingered at the front entrance, pretending like they weren’t watching you as you walked towards the school, pausing as you waited for the first bell to ring.
“Well, is anybody gonna go talk to her?” Tim had been the first one to speak. Everyone remained silent and he scoffed. “Fine you pansies, I’ll do it.”
- As you can imagine, you were a bit surprised to be approached by the boy as you leaned against the school gate. You politely returned his greeting before glancing back at the school awkwardly.
“So...swamp thing, huh?”
-The comment threw you for a loop until you remembered the previous day. Nodding, you expressed your interest in the comic and asked if he was a fan as well, prompting a mini conversation that was interrupted by the bell ringing.
- Just before the two of you said goodbye, he invited you to hang out with him and his friends after school, an offer you awkwardly; somewhat, accepted as you began to walk inside.
“Yeah, I mean that should be fine. …See ya.”
- They waited for you in front of the school after classes let out, debating with each other on whether they should just go as you were a bit late. Thankfully though, you showed up at just the right time, apologizing and explaining that Assumpta had kept you late to help her after class.
- They all sweetly assured you that it was fine, as though half of them weren’t just planning on ditching you. And thus, you began your journey to their usual hangout and your subsequent friendship with the group of boys.
- Fast forward a year or so, you’re a certified member of the group, contributor to the comic, and Tim's “secret” crush. Everyone in the group besides you knows that he has a thing for you and it’s one of the few things they can actually make fun of him for.
- It’s around that time that you realize you like him too and; unable to deal with your sudden feelings, start acting all quiet and sort of weird around him. He takes notice of your hesitance to be alone with him and your odd behavior and the next time you wind up alone together, he asks you about it. You insist that nothing is wrong and he starts to badger you. 
- One thing leads to another and soon enough you’re wrestling each other around the room. After a bit of struggling, you manage to pin him down, angrily telling him to shut up as you straddle his torso. Both your chests are heaving as you stare down at him and he stares up at you. You stay like that for a long, quiet moment before you climb off of him, grabbing your things and booking it out of your gangs little hideout. 
- He lays on the floor for a while before he leaves as well, showing up at your house later that day and acting like nothing happened, convincing you to come do something with him. In an effort to forget about what happened and just smooth things over, you agree. 
- Soon enough, everything is back to normal, but after a while of the two of you busying yourselves with whatever it is you were doing, silence falls upon you and he asks if you “want to talk about it”. 
- You tell him you like a guy and he nods, his heart clenching in his chest as he teases you lightly. He asks you who it is and you remain quiet. He nudges you with his shoulder and begins to teasingly pester you until you tell him it’s someone in your group. You cant even begin to imagine how shitty that makes him feel. 
“Francis?” He asks, almost as though he already knows the answer. Your denying it genuinely surprises him. “Wade?” Wrong again.“...Joey?” he asks as though it’s the most unbelievable thing he’s ever heard. You shake your head  without looking at him. 
“Then...,” The two of you sit in silence as it dawns on him. You remain silent when he finally, tentatively asks “Me?”
“Can I kiss you?” You turn your head to look at him before slowly nodding, a small smile threatens to pull at his lips as he leans in.
- His hand hovers at the side of your face as he softly presses his lips to yours. When you break apart, you look into each others eyes for a long moment before his hand finally touches your skin and he kisses you again; this time with more confidence. 
- The two of you spend the rest of the day stealing kisses and wandering around the overgrown and abandoned parts of town. You suppose you could consider this your first date, mainly because it’s so similar to what you usually do for “dates”. 
- And thus, you begin your relationship with the rebellious alter boy. 
- Not a lot of Pda happens in your relationship. You’re both sorta young and inexperienced so there’s that constant “should I, shouldn’t I” internal debate when it comes to affection. Most of the time, he leans towards the “wait until you’re alone” side of things.
- That being said, when you are alone, he’s much more willing to be affectionate; albeit it with a bit of juvenile hesitance.
- While he certainly wouldn’t mind feeling you up, he’s sort of more interested in the innocent aspects of romance. He isn’t really in a huge rush to “make it” with you; he likes kissing and hugging just fine.
- Shoulder kisses.
- Soft, sorta slow kisses. When you first got together, you hadn’t expected him to be so ...sweet when he kissed you. You expected hard and quick but you were pleasantly surprised.
- Makeout sessions.
- Kissing you is therapeutic for him. Whenever he just wants to get away from the world, he likes to lean over and press his lips to yours.
- He likes to be the big spoon and nuzzle his forehead into your hair/back of your neck. With that being said, he can cuddle in just about any position the place you’re in will allow.
- He likes your odd quirks, he thinks they make you cool. You’re out of the ordinary and so is he; you make a good couple.
- Constant teasing.
- As much as he likes to tease you, he likes to compliment you just as much. He’s always eager to tell you when you do something well, insisting that you do or that it’s true when you try to brush off his praise.
- He gives you a specific nickname, something that only he would ever call you. He likes having that special little connection.
- Getting notes sent to you. Excuse me, poems with notes at the end.
- He’s obviously got a pretty rough home life and has dealt with some tough shit over the past few years. He doesn’t really like talking about it so you just have to be there for him when he wants to hang out and get away from it all; though he’s sort of used to it by now.
- He doesn’t invite you over a lot, for obvious reasons.
- Sneaking out at night to go hang out with him.
- Spending hours together. The two of you are out of your houses from early in the morning to late at night whenever you can be.
- You act like really close friends more than you do a couple at times, most people at your school sort of assume you’re just friends because of it.
- The two of you sort of just hang out together rather than go out on typical dates.
- Reading comics. He likes either lying his head on your shoulder or having you lay your head on his.
- Riding your bikes together.
- Dates at abandoned buildings.
- Walking through the woods and marshes together.
- Skinny dipping/swimming in the lakes of your town.
- Cloud gazing. You lay together and just stare at the sky.
- You’ve significantly lowered his need to make trouble since you’re always there when he’s bored. Does he want to go destroy something or kiss you? Its a hard decision.
- Deep, sometimes dark conversations. He’s been forced to grow up sort of quickly and because of that he knows just how cruel the world can be. Sometimes, he just can’t help but talk to you about it and, sometimes without even realizing it, ruin your wall of innocence and naivety.
- Dark humor and morbid jokes. He’s a sick monkey.
- Whenever he gets a cut, scrape or bruise, he’ll always teasingly ask you to kiss it. He tells himself that he’s just messing with you but whenever you actually do do it, he’s both flustered and pleased.
- I feel like Tim would use any injury he gets to draw your attention to him, even if it really doesnt hurt that much. It would be especially common before the two of you started dating. He just likes having you focused on him and touching him gently.
- Drawing and writing on his cast.
- Helping him with his pranks. He always tells you that he can’t do it without you; he knows that it breaks your resolve.
- He’s an adrenaline junkie; he likes dangerous stunts and getting his heart racing so expect to be involved in a few scenarios that would give your parents a heart attack.
- Getting high/drunk with him or just dealing with him while he’s high/drunk. Don’t worry, he’s usually pretty mellow, especially when he gets high.
- He can notice when something’s wrong and will always ask “whats the matter with you”. He’s usually pretty good at making you feel better, even if it’s just by saying something stupid and not judging you.
- Just a fair warning, you shouldn’t trust him with secrets that involve people he knows or involves something that he might just so happen to leak into a conversation.
- Tim hates being ignored, mainly because hes so ignored at home. He always gets sorta angry/upset when you don’t give him attention.
- He can get really jealous in certain situations though he’s just a jealous person in general. It’s primarily because he cares about you so much and doesnt want to take a chance on having the one real good thing in his life leaving him.
- He’s not necessarily protective but he is caring. He’s always looking after you, even when you’re fighting or angry with each other. He doesn’t ever want anything happening to you.
- Aren’t you even gonna ask me if I’m pissed? I wouldn’t say Tim has a short temper but certain things do make him really angry and will cause the two of you to fight. He doesn’t yell, he hates yelling, but he will say the occasional insulting thing or tell you; very seriously, not to do something ever again.
- That being said, he calms down very quickly and remains calm if you’re the one who’s upset. He earnestly asks if you want to talk about it when you seem to just be upset because of something else, even if you just tore into him.
- He always tries to just ignore the fact that you’ve been fighting and move on, smoothing things over like they never happened. He doesn’t need an apology but if he thinks you deserve one, he’ll give it to you.
- He doesn’t tell you he loves you very often but he’ll occasionally surprise you with one, usually when you least expect it or when he’s really thinking about how much you mean to him and how well you treat him.
- Tim doesn’t talk about the future with you very often, sometimes he’ll mention something he wants to do in life or jokingly talk about what you’re gonna do together but that’s about it.
- As awful as his parents marriage is, it surprisingly hasn’t ruined his view on the matter. He; very maturely, tells himself that he’ll never be like them and that when; not if, the two of you get married, you’ll be so much better.
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akiraidraws · 3 years
Imperfection AU: Beginnings Chapter 2
Summary: With the help of the ink machine and a little magic, new life is created. A new little toon in the shape of a little devil darling. But when he turns out to be riddled with imperfections can Henry save him from Joey's wrath?
Trigger Warning:Violence, light swearing
Walking into the room that housed the machine, Joey made his way over to a strange man that Henry didn't recognize. The man was taller than Joey and himself with broad shoulders and short darker blonde hair styled in a military cut. Except it was longer towards the front and curled slightly with only the back in the usual buzz cut. Inspecting the man, Henry noticed that the patch on the strange man's chest read 'Gent'.
Ah, he was one of the engineers Joey had hired to build the machine.  
From what Henry could hear of the conversation, the man, Thomas Connor it seems his name was, and Joey were going over some final details of the machine.
So, this man was the head engineer from Gent that Wally had told him about. Well, more like he complained to Henry about.
Tom, correcting Joey on what to refer to himself as confirmed that everything was in place and that the machine was ready to use for whatever it is that Joey had planned.
The conversation coming to an end, Joey dismissed Tom.
Tom glanced Henry's way as he walked past him, a neutral expression plastered across his features. Henry noticed a small scar that cut across Tom's left eye, and continued up past his brow. Probably from a past work injury. Maybe military? Tom on the other hand was looking Henry up and down as if studying him before he turned away from Henry with a small exhale and walked out of the room.
Henry's brief encounter with the man left him feeling just a little intimidated and with a slight sense of unease, don't get on Tom's bad side. Duly noted.
Usually Henry wouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but something about Thomas Connor just felt... off. It's no wonder Wally had such a distaste for the man.
Turning his attention back to Joey who was now facing the large machine with his back turned to Henry, his eyes wondering to the floor at Joey's feet. It looked like there was some sort of large circle messily painted on the floor with black ink. A pentagram? Some sort of binding circle maybe? Henry wasn't sure, he didn't really know too much about Joey's... hobbies.
"Joey, what is this?"
"Oh, this? It's nothing to worry about. Just a little something to strengthen the incantation."
"After all, we don't want any mistakes now, do we?"
"I guess not..?"
Henry watched as Joey walked over to a mid sized wooden table that was along the wall to their left. He grabbed an armful of well used black candles and placed them at each point of the star within the circle. After making sure each candle was properly lit, Joey walked back to the table and grabbed a thick purple book with a black binding along the spine and a similar looking symbol to the one on the floor.
To say that Henry felt uneasy about this was an understatement, but any second thoughts he may have been having were interrupted by the sound of Joey's voice.
"Henry, if you could just stand right over there." Joey gestured across the room to the far right wall.
"And be careful not to step in the ink, please."
Henry strolled to the other end of the room and crossed his arms giving Joey a quizzical look.
"Watch the machine. You'll want to see this, trust me."
"... Okay." Henry said as he looked the machines way.
He didn't believe a word of what Joey had said but he was willing to entertain his notions. After all, Joey had plenty of experience in this type of thing so Henry trusted him enough to stop if things got dicey.
Joey flipped through the pages of his book with ease and began to chant when he landed on the desired spell.
The ink used to form the circle began to glow a harsh gold and the candles flames swelled. Henry rushed to cover his eyes, momentarily blinded by the unexpected flash of light. In his moment of blindness he failed to notice a small pastel blue orb that radiated from his chest and made its way within the pentagram. A piece of his very soul. As soon as the blue soul piece touched the ink, the harsh gold immediately faded away to a soft pastel blue.
A blue that spread upwards forming an almost invisible wall around the symbol painted on the wooden floor.
A sudden gurgling noise from the machine drew Henry's attention as he uncovered his eyes. He was still blinking away the stars in his vision when ink began to pour from the machines large nozzle with a plethora of sloshing and splashing sounds. The ink was rushing out in alarming amounts but never left the bounds of the circle.
As the last words of the chant left Joey's lips he snapped the book closed with a loud resounding 'CRACK!". Almost as if on cue, the candles flames fizzled out and the ink stopped flowing save for a few drips that lingered on the nozzle of the machine. The pool of ink on the floor began to recess and form a small figure in the middle of the circle.
Henry couldn't believe what he was seeing as a figure began to take shape within the ink puddle. It was small and it was... moving?
Henry must have taken an involuntary step forward because the next thing he knew Joey had him by the arm pulling him away from what was happening before them.
"Wait, Henry! It's not done yet!" Joey all but shouted.
"I-I cant believe it..."
"I know! Isn't it exciting!?"
Henry nodded and turned his attention back to the figure within the ink.
With the last of its little body formed, the excess ink evaporated away like it was nothing more than water in a hot skillet. The last of the ink gone, the soft blue light emanating from the circle burst like glass and faded away leaving only the newborn creature in its wake.
The creature managed to shakily prop itself up on its small arms and onto its knees. It looked from Henry to Joey then back at Henry and smiled a familiar blocky smile on its yellowed face. Its black pie cut eyes looking nervously up at the men before it, its horns twitching before going still.
"Is... is that? Bendy?" Henry asked cautiously, taking a few steps forward to get a better look.
Joey didn't respond. He made no effort to move from where he stood as Henry left his side and approached the little toon devil.
Kneeling down in front of him, he was so small, so... infant like.
Black pie cut eyes watched the man in front of him as Henry tilted his head to the side curiously. An action that Bendy mirrored.
The toon copied every movement that Henry made.
Henry smiled and let out a laugh at the way Bendy was mirroring him.
As a result, Bendy let out the cutest little giggle that Henry had ever heard.
There was no doubt that this little toon was in fact, a baby. Well, maybe not a baby per say but he was definitely in an infant like phase of his life. New, and small, and so so innocent.
"Hello, little one. My name is Henry and that-" motioning over his left shoulder "is my good friend Joey."
Bendy reached his little yellowed hands out and beamed "Henry! Hen, Hen-Henry! Henry!"
"Yes. Yes, that's right."
"Henry!" Bendy giggled as he repeated the name a number of times to Henry's amusement.
Henry reached out and placed a hand under each of Bendy's arms carefully lifting him up off the floor to get a better look at the toon. Bendy letting out a small squeak as he was lifted from where he sat. Henry was shocked to see that in place of the usual skinny legs and large shoes were a set of almost gazelle like legs minus the hooves. His legs simply petered off into rounded hooveless points. And now that he was looking closer he could see what appeared to be a little pointed tail curled slightly around the toon’s dangling legs and it was twitching slightly. The little demon whined and wriggled as he tried to free himself from Henry's grasp.
"Hey now, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't be scared." Henry cooed as he pulled the toon to his chest and gently caressed the tiny demons cheek in an attempt at comfort.
He was so small. Henry could cradle him with a single arm.
Bendy looked up at Henry and then over his shoulder, his eyes going wide. He grasped Henry's shirt tightly and buried his face in Henry's chest, whimpering. His tail trying to wrap itself around the mans waist but being too short to do so.
Confused, he turned to look over his own shoulder now, coming face to face with Joey who was leaning forward just behind him. Looking rather displeased with the situation at hand. Joey was glaring at the little toon in Henry's arms.
Bringing himself to his feet, Henry turned to face Joey.
"Why are you looking at him like that?"
"This is all wrong. How could this have happened?!"
Joey sneered disgustedly at the little toon. Using Henry's soul piece should have worked, should have made the perfect toon. So why didn't it?
Joey snatched the frightened newborn toon from Henry's arms, knocking him to the floor in the process. He was going to return this little abomination to the ink like he had done to the countless before him. Imperfection will not be tolerated. Bendy crying out loudly in fear as Joey made his way back to the machine. Dazed from the impact, Henry quickly collected himself and picked himself up off of the floor. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins. Bendy's wails grew more frantic sending a shockwave of alarm through Henry's core. His eyes now set on Joey. He rushed towards Joey wrapping his arms around the smaller mans shoulders in a vice grip causing him to drop the toon like a rock. Bendy hit the floor with a loud 'thud', knocking the breath out of his little inky lungs. Dazed, confused and frightened, Bendy was frozen were he lie, curled into himself with his tail wrapped tightly around his small body. Henry immediately abandoned his hold on Joey and scrambled for the newborn toon on the floor scooping him up into a protective embrace.
Angry, Joey dives at Henry shouting.
"Give it to me!! It's an abomination!"
Henry's temper flares as he bristles. His hold on the little toon growing tighter while he shields Bendy from Joey's grasp.
"He's just a baby, Joey!!"
Joey dives for the toon in Henry's arms once more. The two men joined in an intricate dance as Henry dodges Joey's prying clutches. Set on protecting the frightened whimpering bundle in his arms.
"I knew it was a mistake bringing you here for this! Of course you would try to protect an abomination! You've always been too weak for your own good!!" Joey hisses. His own temper flaring at Henry's intervention.
"Really?? Well how's this for weak?!" Henry roared back, planting his foot squarely against Joey's chest sending him reeling backward into the cold metal of the machine. Knocking the air out of the fuming man.
Henry hated doing it, but no way in hell was he going to let Joey harm the defenseless little bundle he had cradled protectively in his arms. He stood defensively, ready for Joey to make another move.
But it never came.
Joey sat up slowly, rubbing at the side of his head. A pained expression plastered across his features.
"Fine." Joey spat coldly. His gaze focused entirely on Henry.
"You want it, then you take it. But you would do well to keep that abomination away from me, Stein."
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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mistymazzello · 5 years
telling them you’re pregnant
borhap cast headcanon :-)
joe mazzello
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you were crying taking a pregnancy test on the floor of your bathroom
joe came home and heard you crying but didn’t know if he should go into the bathroom or not
he eventually knocked on the door and was like “y/n? what’s wrong🥺”
you were like HDOSHEOWHEOSJS because you didn’t know he was home
when you didn’t answer he walked in and saw you sitting on the edge of the bathtub
“what’s the matter, sweetheart?”
he started walking towards you and then saw the pregnancy test in your hand and froze
you stood up and noticed his hesitation. you were like “joey, i’m pregnant. look.” and you handed him the test.
he kinda took it in disbelief and he looked at you all tearyeyed and said “y/n/n... you’re pregnant? like we’re gonna have a baby?”
you smiled and nodded and he just took you into his arms and hugged you
you were both crying
he just rocked you back and forth in his arms and murmured stuff into your ear like, “we’re gonna be parents... we’re gonna have our own little baby”
y’all i’m soft 😔😔
gwilym lee
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you had known for a while but you had NO clue how to tell him
you had never talked about having kids with him and you had only just got married so you were scared about how he would react
you were standing in the bathroom connected to your room one night and you just were like fuck it
you got the positive pregnancy test out from your cabinet
he was laying in bed reading a book and you looked over at him and just said “i’m pregnant.”
he was like ?????
he just kinda sat there and looked at you
he eventually laughed and was like “haha you’re funny.”
you walked over to him and set the pregnancy test on his book
he looked at it and was like “oh you’re serious?”
you held your breath and said yeah
he said “aw, dove, really?”
“you’re not mad?” you said.
“mad? why would i be mad?”
“i don’t know, i just thought...”
he grabbed your waist and pulled you down onto the bed with him
he kissed you all over your face and you were both smiling/laughing
“i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you”-gwil
he put a hand on your stomach
“hi there little bean :)”
WOW gwilym lee pls get me pregnant
ben hardy
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okay so you had kinda been trying for kids for a while
so when you found out you were so excited to tell ben
you bought a little onesie that said some shit like “i ❤️ my daddy”
you put it in a box with a bow and then brought it to him
“hey ben, i have a present for you!!”
he was like “oh??”
you gave him the box and he just kinda smiled while he was opening it.
he pulled out the onesie and just kinda held it and looked at it.
he looked at it, then you, then your stomach, and then you again.
“wha- are you-?”
you just nodded and smiled
“y/n, what? are you serious?!” he said excitedly.
you were like YES DUMBASS
jk you said “yeah, ben, i’m pregnant!!”
he hugged the onesie to his chest and put his hand over his eyes.
“oh my god, love, i cant believe it!! come here!!”
he hugged you and legit just smiled so fuckin hard
bro he’s so happy :)
rami malek
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so you guys were married and had talked about having kids, and you just decided if it happens, it happens.
you had been feeling really sick lately and had fainted multiple times so (despite your pleading that it’s just a small sickness) rami took you to the doctor
the doctor asked “is there any way that you could be pregnant?”
you were like “um, yeah?” and the doctor laughed and said “alright, we’re gonna give you a pregnancy test, because it sounds to me that, based off your symptoms, you’re pregnant.”
rami grabbed your hand and said “really?”
u had to pee in a cup and then like 20 minutes after PAINFULLY waiting for the results, the doctor came in and said, “yep, you’re pregnant!”
rami said “oh, my god. we’ve got a baby?” but internally he was like DHALDHWPDHOSODLW
“yes, and she’s 3 months along”.
you were like ? “THREE MONTHS?”
you’ve had irregular periods before so you didn’t think much of it when you missed your period a few times
rami was so excited and WOULD NOT stop talking about it
he called his mom right away and was like “mom, y/n is pregnant!!”
rami malek let me have your babies
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we-alico-09 · 4 years
Awkward question(part 2)
read part one
v v v thank you:3
The room went cold, everyone was silent no one wanted to speak but somone had to.
"i'm going to go make some tea" anzu said before escaping the room "i'll go with you" honda said following her "me t-" I started but was cut off by yugi's voice "JOEY he cried out please i need to know" I stood there silent. The air was thick you could cut it witha knife i knew i had to say somthing, anything. "If i had one word to describe him you know what it would be". Yugi only shook his head "BROKEN" I said walking out of the room not even looking back at him.
As i walked into the kitchen i heard anzu and honda talking over tea. "Great anzu said sipping her tea now i cant stp thinking about that day" I knew what she ment that was by far the the worst day in my life. We just stood there in the kitchen silently for a good three minutes we weren't sure what to do. All i knew was somone needed to break the silents i opened my mouth to speak but anzu cut me off "well i got to go she said grabing her bag i've got to wake up early and i still got some packing to do". "Ho- i started again but was cut off again "I got to go aswell"! he kind of yelled why did he yell? "hey yuge you want somthing to drink"? i said filling up a glass of water "s-sure"he said though his studering so i grabed the water and walked into the living room but what i saw broke my heart.
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diamondcamefromhell · 5 years
Timeless love
Jaskier x female reader series part 3
[PART 1] ; [PART  2]
Summary: This is an AU, where Y/N is a young woman, trying to make ends meet with her freelancing writing job. She lives in her small Nottingham studio apartment along with her cat Apollo. Things change when one evening as she is waiting for her taxi, she meets what she thinks is Joey Batey, but the man in front of her is convinced he’s Jaskier, a character from her current favorite show. Y/N now has to figure out what to do.
Warnings: Swearing, vomit, alcoholism and alcohol-related borderline abuse
Word count: 2,251
This part has some heavier stuff than any other work Ive written, so please, proceed with caution for your own sake. nothing too graphic happens, but still want to make sure you know that it does have a certain character that could be triggering to some. he wont be a dominant feature in all parts, but i feel it’s important for Jaskier to interact with people like that, as he continues to learn about our world. 
hope you enjoy this part nonetheless. feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated <3 [im really nervous to see what yall think]
I don’t know when, but I managed to get some sleep. Not much, as it was just 7 am when Apollo started meowing and jumping on me, asking to be fed. I sit up, my gaze immediately going to the coach, where Jaskier seemed to be sleeping soundly.
I crawl out of the bed, going to the kitchen, where I see lute back by the fridge. He eventually put it down last night. I wonder how long did it take for him to fall asleep. I sigh, as quietly as possible pouring some food for my cat, who purrs as a thank you.
I stare out the window, as cars start going up and down the street. The town is waking up. I tiptoe around my apartment to go get my laptop from the coffee table. I am surprised Jaskier didn’t ask about it last night. But then again, he didn’t know most of the things in my apartment, he probably was overwhelmed.
I go back to my bed, opening and booting up my old friend. As I enter the password, I am greeted with a picture of him and Geralt on that rock, at the end of episode 6. I loved that whole scene so much. I stare at it, not believing the same bard is sleeping on my coach. I know better, so I change the picture to one of the default ones.
I open chrome, exiting the youtube page that has his song on it. He is not ready for that.
Or maybe I wasn’t. But it didn’t matter.
I go to email, checking for work. I have a few requests, and I decide it’s best to get some work done before Jaskier wakes up and we have to have more awkward conversations. I manage to write two articles, and then he awakens.
His face, for a second, is full of confusion, but then he seems to remember where he is. Now, his expression grows sad. I know he probably wished this were just a nightmare. I know he wished to wake up, back home. With Geralt and even Yennefer. But instead he got me and Apollo, who was already jumping on the coach, greeting Jaskier.
“So that wasn’t a dream,” he murmurs, but I catch it. I close my laptop.
“I’m afraid not.” I respond, as he looks at me, his expression still cold. “I’m sorry.”
“Well, what can you do.” He forces a smile, which I don’t really like, but I decide it’s best not to comment on that. Instead, I nod.
“I wish I could do something. Anyway,” I clear my throat. “Are you up to trying something new?”
“Depends on what it is.” Jaskier perks up, his clouded gaze clearing a little.
“Dirty beans.” I say, jumping out of my bed, I smirk at him. “Or as people call it – coffee.”
“I think I will pass on dirty beans.” He frowns and I giggle.
“You will not.” I say, as he smiles, just a little. And I know it’s genuine. A little hope in these dark times.
I go turn on my coffee maker, putting in the capsule. I decide to make him a latte, nothing too strong. I make myself giggle, when I realize he may be lactose intolerant. I guess we will find out. I stare at him, and decide to add two sugars.
For myself, however, I go black, with one sugar. I need the energy, as I feel absolutely exhausted. I take the drinks, giving him his cup. He sniffs the drink, taking a sip. I don’t sit down, closely watching his reaction.
He doesn’t frown, and actually looks pleasantly surprised. Smile curls his lips, and I catch myself smiling too.
“Glad you like my dirty beans.” I say, finally sitting down, sipping my own. The bitter taste hits my taste buds, waking me up in an instant.
“It’s nice. Thank you.” I smile.
“You are welcome, Jaskier.” I say, leaning back on the couch. “Let me know if you are hungry, I will cook something.”
“I will, thanks.” I glance at him, realizing how surreal it is. Yet we both seem calm.
“Then we might need to go out. Try to see if we can find something around here.” I feel anxiety rush over me. “It’s best if we do it in a day too. Safer.”
“What will we look for?” I shrug, closing my eyes.
“We’ll see it when we find it.” I look at his attire now. “However, you will have to change.”
“Sorry, I didn’t pack anything.” He says, smirking, and I feel a wave of ease wash over me. I am glad he is making jokes.
“I have some clothes that should fit you. I think.” He looks confused, nearly scared, so I continue. “Not my clothes, but I buy some for Dave, he sometimes needs them, because well… he doesn’t have that much.”
“Dave?” I cant read Jaskier’s tone, but he seems confused.
“He lives in the apartment in front of mine. We are… acquaintances at best.” Jaskier nods, as I place my coffee down.
I rush to my small wardrobe, going to the second drawer, where I keep clothes for Dave. Poor guy vomits on himself so often, and he doesn’t know how to wash clothes exactly. If they’re not too disgusting, I wash them, but I keep fresh ones at hand.
I get them at a thrift store, so most of them aren’t to fancy or anything.
I pull a pair of old black jeans, trying to imagine if Jaskier could fit in them. I think he should, but then again, I didn’t exactly examine how he looks that much. I’ve seen it for hours on tv. Dave is not a big man, and I thank my angels for that, as I pull a white shirt that should fit Jaskier too. I dig around to find a pink hoodie.
For a moment I think he wouldn’t wear it, but then I remember what he is wearing now and realize he probably would be fine with a bit of pink. I turn around, revealing his outfit, but Jaskier looks confused.
“Please tell me you know how to dress yourself.” I tease, and he laughs.
“I do, if you can’t tell, I dress nicely.” I chuckle, but don’t respond. “This is weird.”
“Just change.” I throw the clothes to him, and he starts undressing before my very own eyes. It takes me a moment for shock to pass away, before the blush rushes to my face. “In the bathroom for Christs sake!”
I point to the only other room in my apartment as the bard looks very confused. But one look at me, flustered and red sends the message, as he smirks, gathering his clothes and leaving the room. I fan my face with my hands.
Now I don’t meant to act like such a loser and fear seeing a man’s nipple. It’s just that I know I might have to stay with him for a couple more days, so it might make things weird. Also, I already had a crush on him, kinda, and I didn’t want to deepen it even more.
When he comes out, I am already seated, calmed down and drinking my coffee. I turn my face and immediately feel a wave of something rush over me. He looks so different. The pants are a bit big, I notice, but nothing a belt cant fix. The shirt, however, fits perfect, hugging his body. And the zip up hoodie ads a familiar pop of colour.
I feel my face become hot again.
“Verdict?” He asks, twirling around.
“You need a belt.” I say in one breath, rushing to get him the damn thing, before his pants fall off. Which, they nearly did already. When they are secure, I give one final look. “You look normal, so you’re good, I guess.”
“I don’t feel normal.” He says bitterly, and I sigh.
“I know, Jaskier. Not your usual attire, but this way, you will stand out less.” I stare at him, knowing there is a way bigger problem at hand.
He now literally looks like Joey Batey. An exact replica. And if someone, who has seen the hit show, sees him, it will be bad. I suddenly get a headache.
“We have a different problem. You look exactly like someone well known. That’s why I mistook you when I saw you last night.” I say, rubbing my temples.
“Who?” I sigh again.
“Joey. Joey Batey.” I grunt, closing my eyes. “If people recognize you as him, there might be… trouble.”
“Do townsfolk know him that well?” I glare at the man, but then I remember he seemingly knows nothing about my world. So I ease up.
“Yes. He’s like Geralt.” I compare. “The world just knows him. I guess we will have to stay close to home. And wear your hood up.”
I ignore my headache, chugging down my coffee, as Jaskier puts his hood up. He looks adorable, but I don’t say that, instead I nod, approving. I decide to go without breakfast, as the more I think about having to go outside, the more anxious I get.
And I am out of my medication, since I don’t like going to a doctor.  I silently curse myself out, as we make our leave. The corridor still stinks, so I give Jaskier an apologetic glance, who in return gives me a soft smile. I feel a chill rush down my spine, when the door behind our backs open. I drop my keys, thankfully after I already locked the door.
I quickly pick them up, turning around to face my neighbour. Dave is staring at Jaskier, his eyes wide with surprise. He has never seen me bring a man home.
Dave is wearing grey joggers, with various stains on it. I notice some blood, but realize it’s best not to ask, not with Jaskier in the earshot. His shirt also clearly has dried vomit on it, and he oozes of vodka and something else. It makes me dizzy and sick.
I try to imagine what the bard is seeing. A frail, tiny white male. Bald, but with a black creepstache. Shaking uncontrollably. It must be so confusing. I want for us to get away, only then I notice Jaskier shielding me ever so slightly. My heart beats faster.
“Hello Dave.” I say through my teeth, stepping in front of Jaskier, so now I would shield him from the curious stare.
“Y/N, sweetheart. Didn’t know you had company.” He says, holding on his door frame, stabilizing himself. I force a smile.
“Yes, well. He’s a friend.” I say, stepping in front of ‘my friend’ more. Dave wasn’t generally violent, but he could get jealous and insecure from every male person who ever walked this earth. Let’s say he has a fragile ego.
“Introduce us, then!” He smiles, and I notice he’s missing his front tooth now. Poor man.
“I’d rather not, Dave.” I say, firmly, as he takes a step forward, using me as a stabilizer now. I want to step away, but I know it would cause a scene. And he wasn’t generally violent, but there instances.
“C’mon sweetheart.” He leans in, whispering. “Your friends are my friends.”
“I said no.” My voice comes out weak as the stench from his is making me feel dizzy. I feel like I am about to throw up.
“She has said no, Dave.” Jaskier speaks, startling me. I almost forgot he was there. He steadies me, as I didn’t even realize I was drifting back. Then I notice my hands shaking. I’m beginning to panic. Fuck.
“We are in a rush, Dave.” I deescalate the situation, as my neighbor was shooting daggers at Jaskier. “Next time, I will introduce you two.”
“Where are you going?” Dave steps back, but he grabs my upper hand. I get startled, squirming a little. That seems to tip off Jaskier.
“Let go.” He steps in front of me now, his voice firm. Dave, to my surprise, listens, letting me go immediately.
“You got yourself a good man, Y/N.” He says, laughing. He steps in his apartment, slamming the door. I lean on the wall, taking a couple deep breaths, which don’t help as it stinks in here.
“Are you okay?” I shake my head.
“I need fresh air.”
I practically jump down the stairs, and when I reach outside, I go around the corner to throw up. My stomach hurts.
Dave is usually kind. He rarely ever lays his hands on me, but whenever he does, it’s never nice. I wish Jaskier wasn’t there to witness this. I glance over my shoulder, to see his worried look, I straighten up, wiping my mouth.
“I’m fine.” I grunt, ignoring the fact that his gaze doesn’t change.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that, a lady like you…” I lift my hand, annoyed. He get’s the hint, shutting up.
“In this world, Jaskier, I’m no lady.” I put my hair behind the ear, anxiously looking around. “Get used to that.”
“It’s not fair.” He argues, worry not leaving his face. I sigh, walking past him.
“The world isn’t fair.” I bitterly say, before taking a deep breath. I face Jaskier again. “Now let’s look for something that could help you.”
He knows this conversation is over, as I feel anxiety come back. I have no idea what to look for or where to even begin.
[PART 4]
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