#John Watson x male!reader
tenthcrowley · 2 years
[JOHN]: So, are you two...?
[JOHN]: (Looks at the clothes all over the floor) You sure?
[SHERLOCK, Y/N]: Yeah.
[JOHN]: O-okay, if you say so.
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platonicfanfiction · 2 years
BBC Sherlock
Living With Moriarty
Living With Sherlock
Danger Nights [TW] (F)
She’s My Sister [Holmes!Sister]
Proud Of You [TW] [Holmes!Brother]
Adjustments [Austistic!Reader]
The Other Brother [Holmes!Brother]
Brother My Brother [Holmes!Sister]
In Your Silence [Mute!R] [Holmes!Brother]
Dear Sweet Sister [Holmes!Sister]
How do I Hold This [Holmes!Sister]
You Think I’m Dating a Man? [Holmes!R] (F)
Operation & Princesses [Holmes!Sister]
The Safest Place [Holmes!Sister]
Home for Christmas [Holmes!Sister]
396 notes · View notes
ladylaviniya · 9 months
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Wails of Wedded Bliss
Masterlist || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: Sherlock Holmes is forced to marry you...and it is clear...he does not appreciate the union...thanks Enola...
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x wife!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Domestic r4pe, P in V intercourse, Forced/Arranged Marriage, Loss of Virginity, Loss of Innocence, Domestic Violence. Wedding crashing.
Word Count: 9k
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Author Notes: This story has been published in the past on Tumblr on my old account @milknhonies-old-account since I have created a newer account and I am reposting it here.
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11:35pm Monday 28th April 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
“You know Sherlock, matrimony is not as wicked and cruel as you might believe,” said his companion one day beside the fireplace of their flat.
The detective was slumped in his chaise playing away at his violin obnoxiously. The terrible tune of Frère Jacques made the doctor wince as it hit his ears sharply. Sherlock Holmes had found himself in a mental state of his own man made dramatics...
“Et tu Watson?” Sherlock sighed and put the violin down before wiping a hand over his face, “My dear doctor, I have no desire to restrain myself to the shackles and torture you inflict onto yourself.” He rose to his feet with a lengthy groan and sat his instrument aside. The depressed sir stumbled over a pile of discarded books to get to the drinks trolley.
The wine bottle cork popped loudly as he tugged you open.
It was no mystery. Sherlock did not entirely approve of Mary Watson purely out of jealous spite influenced by the attentions of his friend. When the pair married Sherlock stood stiff and tight lipped. He reluctantly handed over the ring as John’s Bestman.
Over the engagement and even during the marriage, Sherlock did not cease his sly childish comments made from time to time.
John however had caught his wife in conversation and debate on numerous occasions with the detective. Mrs Watson and Mr Holmes were not friends by any means, but they tolerated each other under limited circumstances. They found smart enjoyment in each other.
The doctor had come to visit his friend under the revered request of the older Holmes brother...Mycroft. There was finally an expectation...Mycroft wanted Sherlock to make a male Holmes heir...Perhaps it was scandalous rumour but John wondered how true the gossip of the older brother was; being a pillow biter or an infertile gentleman...especially with the pressure to have Sherlock marry and procreate.
Sherlock poured himself a glass of wine and downed it quickly. He set the glass on the mantle and shook his head slowly.
John tried to smile, “Mary and I have fun.”
Sherlock scoffed jealousy.
John had been married and moved out of Baker Street for six months now. Sherlock dared not ask the condition of Mary’s pregnancy.
“What fun? With your lace doilies and Shepard’s pie?”
His friend smirked, “I enjoy Mary’s pie very much, Sherlock...” He pursed is lips and tapped his cane to the floor, “Perhaps you need a slice of your own?”
Sherlock glanced at his friend. He narrowed his eyes as he returned back to the chaise, careful to not trip again on the books and loose papers that laid across the floor.
“My own pie?” Sherlock crooned as he laid back into the cusions, “Why do I get the sense that we are not speaking that of a pastry?”
The doctor tilted his head and cleared his throat, staring off into the fire, “Mrs Hudson has confided in me that you’ve resorted to returning here with...friends from Mayfair Row of the fairer sex.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes. The old hag of a landlady needed to keep her nose out of his business. He was making his rent on time, it shouldn’t matter who he kept his business with.
The detective groaned and rubbed his eyes, “Merely cases, dear John.”
The doctor bristled, “Do not lie to me Sherlock,” he waved his finger, “I know very well what you do with those women...it’s only a matter of time you ask me to check your pecker. God knows what they carry.”
Sherlock shrugged and sniffed loudly.
“For goodness sake man...” John scolded, “Have you no heart whatsoever then for the dear girl you are to marry?”
The detective rubbed his hands and laced his fingers, “Why should I?”
“Sherlock!” his friend hissed, “Have you not even considered the notion she might also resent the concept of matrimony as much as you?”
“Is that possible in women?” Sherlock quirked, “Good Scot! I sound like my brother.”
“Your own sister is still dragging her feet through her engagement to the Tewkesbury boy on what...a year almost now?” the doctor tapped his cane on the floor thoughtfully.
Sherlock huffed, “Enola is not a woman.”
In the eyes of the law she was...she needed only pick a wedding date and commit to it.
Sherlock wouldn’t have the luxury of a long engagement. The wedding was next week and he had quickly agreed to the contract. He would marry under the financial clutch of his brother...Mycroft threatened to cut off all entire bank in regards to Sherlock’s unpaid drug debts...
After the cold leads to the trail of Madame Moriarty...the detective found little sleep in the night...Sherlock befell the unfortunate antidote of cocaine to help him stay awake and opiates to keep him asleep...John loyally helped those sweating events and threatened to put him in an institute if he didn’t cease his regular consumption.
Perhaps, John wondered, Mycroft was intending to cease the draining of his pocket by using a wife to tame Sherlock’s spending habits. John decided then and there that Mycroft truly was an idiot.
“You’ve not told me her name...” the doctor said in the long silence.
Sherlock looked at his feet and sighed, “Y/N...her name is Miss Y/N Y/L/N.”
The surname was familiar to the doctor, however not personally.
John nodded gradually and scratched his moustache, “Mrs Y/N Holmes of Baker Street...it’s got a little ring to it. A simple lift to the breath don’t you think?” he mused.
The other man glared at him, he didn’t like John making fun of the situation he’d been coerced into.
He deflected, licking his lips, “Mary has grown fat.”
John cackled at the poor insult, “Swollen with my child. I’m glad you have finally noticed. I look forward to seeing your future wife just as ‘fat’ one day too.”
“Please John, my ingestion!” Sherlock shuddered, cupping his lips.
The cane tapped again at the floor, “Surely she isn’t so unsightly?” his friend asked.
“She is most plain,” Sherlock complained, before he peeled through the papers at his feet and held up a board of hard card to his friend, “Here...my brother thought it kind to send me a portrait, to invoke my eagerness, but as is clear...my mind is not swayed.”
John took the photo carefully and moved his spectacles from his pocket to his face, he gazed upon your printed face in the glow of the warm orange fire.
The doctor raised a brow and snorted, “This girl? Sherlock...I believe your disregard to the union prevents you from seeing her true potential. I think you will make fine and handsome children.”
Sherlock looked on to the fire and continued to shake his head stubbornly, “I need a case Watson...not a wife...”
The doctor felt his resolve failing, he donned his hat and scarf, “Perhaps she is your next case...after all why would anyone agree to marry you?” he stood and left Sherlock to ponder until the embers of the fireplace burnt out black and the last light of the room was succeeded by the wretched dawn.
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09:00am Monday 5th May 1890 Saint Marylebone Parish Church, London, England.
A lengthy breath escaped your chest as your fingers pinched your pearly white gloves.
Twenty was a scary age...you walked a line of spinsterhood.
This was it...
You were lucky to be here. Lucky to have this offering...the circumstances were complicated. You were illegitimate but nonetheless still cared for by your father’s parents. They pitied you and your past. Good Christians with empathetic hearts, they chose to raise you when your father abandoned you for a wife who despised the concept of living beneath he same roof as her husband’s bastard.
You were grateful and honest and polite and strived to please your paternal grandparents. When they presented to you a engagement contract, you dared not waste or drain any more of their kind financial generosity.
You were amazed by the name also on the document...
You were being asked to marry The Sherlock Holmes, London’s notorious detective.
You were stunned. You accepted.
His brother, the dealer of the contract was a friend of your grandfather and had been the proposer of the deal. The two men seemed to always sit together in parliament house.
You hadn’t even met your husband to be...today during the ceremony would be the very first time.
As your grandmother fixed your veil in the carriage ride to the church, you caressed the front of the bible in your lap. You prayed to God this marriage was right and meant to be.
“You are not as pretty as my daughter’s, but as our ward after all these years I am sure you will be a suitable bride to Mr Holmes,” she muttered under her breath.
Her husband happily scolded, “Nonsense! Our granddaughter will be a perfect match to the greatest detective of London.”
He leant beside you and pinched your nose under the veil, “My little girl is the prettiest princess today,” his fingers laced with yours and kissed the back of your gloves hand with his silver beard covered lips.
“Thankyou grandfather.”
The corner of your lips jerked up. He was the warmer of the two...but it was confided that your grandmother who sat sullen faced in front of you was merely putting in a facade. Your grandfather told you early at breakfast that your grandmother wept last night, sad to see you off to be a true married woman of society.
The accomplished their task, raising a young lady of good standing and half decent breeding.
The carriage came to a screeching halt.
The cold breeze hit your face as your grandparents climbed out of the carriage door. Your delicate gloves fingers reached out and were supported by your grandfather.
You passed your bible to your grandmother who exchanged them for a modest bouquet of flowers and lace.
The chapel was massive but you knew there would be only a small audience.
Your feet climbed the stairs and patiently waited for your escort. Your grandfather’s wobbly knees had to rely on you and his walking cane. Your grandmother climbed behind him to insure he didn’t fall and hurt himself or drag you down too.
The wooden church doors were open a jar.
The whistling wind made you feel like you were entering a funeral rather your own wedding. You were not opposed to matrimony but the dead silence and stares at the front of the pews made you blood feel cold...
A gentleman you knew as Mycroft Holmes was sitting in the front pew and rose to attention as you were entering.
There was three other men standing at the edge of the room.
The priest, and the groom and his best man.
Your husband to be was handsome from the distance you could see if him. His lips remained stern in a flat line however and his brows appeared knitted, perhaps he was...displeased?
Sherlock Holmes was accompanied by his infamous companion...Doctor John Watson. A war veteran.
A woman you had never met was mirroring his position to the left side of the church, your chosen maid of honour...but as she turned the slight curve of her belly spoke out... pregnant. A matron of honour.
Your grandfather clenched your arm and kissed the side of your head. You began your steady approach down the island with your grandmother now leading in front to find her seating on the front left pew.
You tried to not share too directly at your future husband’s frown. Perhaps he was tired or not aware he was frowning at all and just deep in his thoughts.
You passed your bouquet to your matron of honour.
Your arms felt shaky, this was it...a lifelong commitment ceremony.
When you paused before the alter, the priest bowed his head and asked your grandfather, “Do you giveth this woman to be married to this man?”
He gruffly cleared his throat “I do,” and turned you to face him, his hands squeezed your arms gently before he carefully lifted your veil above your face and over your flower covered hair. He smiled softly, tears beaded in the corner of his eyes. He leant closer and kissed your cheek, in your ear he whispered gently, “God bless my darling girl.”
Sherlock was quickly removing his white glove and pocketing it in his inner breast side blazer.
Your grandfather turned you around to face the priest. He placed your right hand into the holy man’s who then carefully removed the glove you wore and passed your naked fingers into the warm clammy hands of Sherlock Holmes. His reaction to your bare face was out of surprise...you did not know if his wide dark blue eyes were a good sign or not.
The priest tied a small white ribbon around your wrists, connecting you and Sherlock in symbolism.
He turned back and floated up to the stairs of his stand. He opened his holy book and said out to the very small group witnessing, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man...and this woman in holy matrimony.”
You felt your throat tighten and your mouth dry as Sherlock’s thumb softly rubbed the back of your hand. Your eyes glanced over to his face...his frown had disappeared, he was wearing the smallest of smiles. Relief swept through you, he was happy for now and that is all you cared for.
As the priest continued his holy speech on the reason of marriage you thought about your duties as a wife. You would now look after your husband as you have cared for your grandfather. You would bring forth a hot meal for dinner and host luncheons with other married couples of society. You would rub his sore feet and shoulders and prepare him a bath when he required it after his days of long tiring work. And most importantly...you would lay back and take him within to create children. You would spend the rest of your life expected to make your husband feel appreciated and loved. You were to be his other half, his Eve to his Adam.
He had the important duty of caring for you financially and supporting your future children and their education.
If he was a detective you knew his intelligence meant you would make very brilliant minded babes. You would make society proud.
You had seen Sherlock face in the papers but they were of illustrations that did not capture the colour and humanism of himself
“-Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined,” the priest softly finished.
You felt Sherlock sigh and when his thumb stopped rubbing your hand, you tried to return the same rubbing onto his fingers.
It was a silent language of greeting and comfort...
‘hello, how do you do?’
‘I am well, thankyou.’
“Therefore, if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.”
The groom glanced over his shoulder and his lips appeared to tighten...they fell into a frown and his hand grip loosened...was he...your heart deflated...was he not wanting to marry you?
You tried to restrain your emotions.
The priest peered down at you both, “Kneel.”
Sherlock and you with your hands still touching and bound slowly bend to your knees before the altar. The holy man pulled out a bowl and pinched his hands into the holy water.
He flicked both of your faces as he spoke, “I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God’s Word doth allow are not joined together by God; neither is their Matrimony lawful...”
There was no way you could mention how you were concerned Sherlock’s reaction might’ve been worldly. He remained silent to.
Your grandmother once told you how people who marry often do not love each other until years later. It happened to her, so you had within your heart the trust that as long as you put in the effort to be the perfect wife, Sherlock would eventually grow his love for you.
The Priest smiled at you both and nodded his head,
“William Sherlock Scott Holmes wilt thou have this woman Y/N Y/L/N to thy wedded Wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony?”
Your eyes glanced to his face, he appeared, flushed.
“Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”
Your groom looked over your hands and then glanced up at your face, his throat bobbed, “I will.”
His thumb rubbed your hand again.
You tried to smile...it was hard when he didn’t appear as enthusiastic about the union as you had hoped. It reminded you this was really just a contract between his brother and your grandfather.
“Y/N Y/L/N wilt thou have this William Sherlock Scott Holmes to thy wedded Husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony?”
Your eyes stared up at the Priest who was dictating the vow, “Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”
Your voice for a moment caught in your throat. You looked to the floor and nodded, “I will.”
The priest then stood away and proclaimed, “Now ye have proclaimed to god, now tis time you proclaim your vows to yourselves.”
You felt Sherlock tighten his grip and faced him still kneeling beside him, his voice wavered as he proclaimed, “I, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, take thee Y/N Y/L/N to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.”
A pause in the air reminded you it was now your turn to repeat the solemn vow.
And for a split second...you wondered if agreeing would be a sin to god...you would do this all...but love...could you love a man who you did not know, honour a man who may not love you?
You nodded and properly looked into his eyes, trying to vow earnestly.
“I Y/N Y/L/N take thee William Sherlock Scott Holmes to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”
He glanced away and his lips parted, it was if he wanted to say something to you...before he closed them and eyed the priest. Ah yes...you were still in a holy ceremony. Talking could come later.
The priest nodded to you both and gestured to your hands.
“Now the groomsmen may please administer the ring.”
Sherlock removed his other glove.
The man who stood behind him, John, stood carefully forward after stealing a small ring from his breast pocket and passed it to Sherlock.
The priest untied your hands and your groom delicately took your left hand. He removed your other glove and pocketed it.
“With this ring I thee wed,” He pinched your forth finger before sliding the cold golden band on, it felt slightly loose, “With my body I thee worship.”
You finally took the time to actually look at his full face as he vowed to you. His blue eyes were dark and sparkling like a night sky or a ravenous stormy sea. In the corner of his right eye was a fleck of brown...oh yes...the stony sea side by the waters, they were his solemn eyes covered by curtains of thick dark lashes.
“And with all my worldly goods I thee endow,” he trailed off softly.
His lips were thin, wet and soft...his skin flushed in a soft pink but not overly obvious, his neck was a shade lighter to his ears and cheeks.
You heard the distant hum of the priest standing above you both.
The groom cleared his throat, “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
The priest clapped his hands and joyously announced, “For as much as William Sherlock Scott Holmes and Y/N Y/L/N have consented together in holy Wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a Ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, rise now as Mr and Mrs Holmes. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Everyone in the church echoed the everlasting word...“Amen.”
Sherlock and you rose steadily back to your feet. He let go of your fingers. Your hands limply fell aside. You turned back to your grandparents and smiled.
You were now a married woman before God.
The holy man brought around the script of lawfully paper to sign your name and the names of your witnesses. The parchment was laid across a small serving table where there was a small ink well and pen waiting.
Out of necessity you went to the table first.
When you signed your maiden name and then scripted out your new surname, you were now under the law of man the wife of the British detective. Your eyes fluttered shut...it was done...you were no longer considered the poor bastardess soul that had been disowned by both parents...you were now The Mrs Holmes. Wife and a future mother of Holmes sons and daughters.
Your matron of honour came closer to your side and politely smiled, “Mary Watson, my husband is the groomsmen. You are most beautiful and I must demand Sherlock cherishes you rightfully.”
She was a beautiful. Her gown at a light blue cooled her wild complexion. With her blonde hair and rosy pink cheeks, she glowed in her motherly state.
You returned the grin, “A pleasure Mrs Watson, thankyou for being here on this special day.”
She leant across you and signed the paper before laying her hands on your shoulders thoughtfully. You looked over your shoulder at the man who was now your husband.
He was shaking hands among the male participants. He was smiling. Your souls felt relieved. When he looked at you, the was something strange...he looked you entirely up and down... His face dropped, back to his deep thoughts.
He bowed his head to you before he brushed passed you leant over the certificate to officiate his name, however before the pen could meet the paper there was a persistent cry.
“I object!” Screamed this mousy tone that echoed the chapel walls, “Sherlock! I am sorry I am late! Stop! Stop the wedding!”
The sound of running feet screeched along the stone floor.
Everyone’s face split into shock as a boy who was a little younger than you for appearance sake came racing down the pews.
Yet as the boy ran closer, you could see the hat fall of his head and a wave of beautiful brown locks flowed down their back...her back...it was a girl in dirty boys clothes. She looked a kin to a chimney sweep with the amount of spot over her face and her hands and shirt.
“Please!” she heaved onto her knees to catch her breath, “Do not continue!” she raised her filthy palms in praying pleas to the priest.
“What is the meaning of this!?” your grandfather said losing his temper at the foul interruption of a seemingly happy union.
“Enola!” the two Holmes brothers shouted in union. They looked to each other accusingly before looking back at the girl.
The young woman glanced between you and Sherlock and started shaking her head.
“Enola,” Mycroft hissed and grabbed the girls arm roughly, shaking her slightly, “look at the state of you! What is the meaning of this? You were not permitted to attend and yet you come here uninvited nonetheless!?”
You were frightful of the way Mycroft shouted at her and brutally shook her. The young woman appeared scattered, she looked at you and then to Sherlock again.
“You were too late Enola,” your husband frustratingly sighed, “Mycroft let her go, this is my fault.”
Too late...wait....what...
You were stunned...speechless and confused...
Did Sherlock...have another love? Did this young creature hold his affections?
Mycroft loosened his grip. She sprung away from the older Holmes, “You are married, perhaps before God who I know you don’t care for!” And dashed passed you and waved the certificate with only your name on the paper.
“What blasphemy is this?” your Grandmother now announced with annoyance.
“But see?” The young woman named Enola ignored her and ran up to Sherlock, “Your name is not here, so legally you are not married Sherlock, you can stop this!”
His nose flared and his face darkened to pink. You could hear how his knuckles cracked as he made them into fists. He was furious. His angry eyes flashed at you and back at the girls.
You felt stunted...this girl was right...
Your chest deflated...you were not married, no, you were still in fact Y/N Y/L/N the bastard daughter of a Lord who was not permitted the privileged respect of your legitimate cousins and siblings. You were not a honourable woman still...you were still covered and stained with your parents sins.
The comforting hand of Mary Watson touched your hand. You started trembling.
Your heart ached. Your hopes to be veiled in a honouring title as a wife were diminishing by the second.
“I can help pay off your debts when I marry,” she quickly spurted, “Do not let Mycroft rule over you like he has done all these years! Do not marry a woman you clearly do not love Sherloc-”
You gasped. You jumped as his voice bellowed and boomed through your ears and throughout the stone walls of the church. This dramatic scene was incredibly unorthodox and the priest himself seemed amiss and confused on how to handle the audience of the church.
“Enough!” Sherlock angrily hissed and shook his head.
He tore the paper from her hands and slammed it down on the priests stand before gracelessly signing his name.
“There!” he spat and slapped the paper against the priests chest, “It is done!”
He proceeded to storm out of the church leaving you and the rest of those in attendance in shock. “Sherlock! Wait!” Mrs Watsons husband shouted as he gathered his hat, coat and cane from a pew and hobbled out hurriedly after him.
Your chest tightened...you felt a rush of air escape you. You felt rather like your entire body had been spun around too many times. The embarrassment you felt before the audience was horrible. Tears were watering up into your eyes.
You felt abandoned.
It was quite obvious to you and everyone in the church...
Sherlock Holmes did not want to marry you. Why were you so unlovable?
You felt your legs grow wobbly. Carefully with the kind support of Mrs Watson you sat down in a pew.
Your grandmother did not look at you. She stared at the cross hanging above the ceiling and sighed. Her wrinkled lips turned downward. She did not approve of your behave or his.
This wedding was a distasteful event.
Your grandfather was shaking and needed to also sit down. The priest and Mycroft helped him to the opposite pew chairs. His hand was strictly clenching his chest.
And everyone but yourself was glaring at the young girl in boys clothes...
“Enola,” your matron of honour mumbled, “I think it best you leave until you are ready to apologise to your brothers wife...”
Your breath hitched and you gasped out of shock.
So she was not a old girlfriend romantically begging for love from your now husband...no instead the name came ringing through your ear. Enola Holmes...of course...the less experienced Holmes detective...
You dared not speak. You knew your tongue might be venomous and hot as a flame. You were in shock and a state of silent rage and sadness. You could’ve slapped the stupid looking girl whose face was full of surprise and regret.
You weren’t entirely sure how to express yourself. You felt humiliated and rejected. All those years of silence and a straight face after what your father had said to you...it broke you...
Your own husband did not want you. We’re you that much unlovable? We’re you cursed to feel this way?
Your grandfather was the only man in your life left that you felt honest adoration from...and his time was coming soon to an end in his old age.
You muffled your sobs into you gloves as you heard Enola run out of the church.
It was your brother in law who then came to kneel before you and hold out to you a handkerchief, “My sincerest apologies dear sister. I dared not think Sherlock or my sister could be so wicked a pair until now. All I can beg is you accept your role and keep your sweet countenance.”
You wondered suddenly why he was not the brother you married instead. Before you focused on such a thing you remembered that lusting for another man, your husband’s brother, was a grave mortal sin and incredibly improper before a holy priest.
Taking the cloth you sighed and covered your face, “Th-thankyou Mr Holmes, I do hope to make your brother very...” you croaked and tried not to break into tears again, to avoid them you swallowed hard, “very happy.”
You took a cool deep breath and forced a smile onto your lips. It hurt. Your cheeks stretched and painfully ticked.
He nodded and smiled, “I am sure you will my dear, I am sure you will, allow me the opportunity to escort you to your cab, your grandfather...”
You both looked at the older man whose anger had made him out of breath, “is still unwell.”
You said your subtle goodbyes. You kissed your grandfather’s balding scalp and scratching softly at his beard. He kissed the inside of your palm. His eyes watered, he didn’t want this for you. He looked down with shame.
In your eyes now you understood be would be the last man to have ever loved you.
Nodding you accepted his arm and thus concluded the wedding...
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11:23am Monday 5th May 1890, 221 Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
Mycroft had hailed you a cab as your husband so nobly left into the one that had been rented for the both of you.
Your brother in law loaded you inside and had said he would look after your grandparents to make sure they got back to their own home safe and soundly.
You closer the curtain to the window and let your heart sob.
A sad bride on her wedding day, how terribly melancholy and cliché....
You didn’t expect romantic puppy dog love found in frivolous novellas, however you never expected such humiliation and horror to strike you on such an important date. This would be something you’d never forget...
The abandonment of another person in your life.
You were in a state of utter distress. You clenched your skirts tightly beneath your fingers. Yoh violently tore at your veil and the pins in your hair that held the specific style.
As the carriage cam to a halt the driver called out your destination, you pulled the curtain back and looked at the street.
221 Baker Street...your new home.
You opened and slid out of the carriage by yourself. You lifted your skirts, avoiding the black mud that your shoes squished into.
You climbed the front stairs of the building gradually and knocked at the door.
You waited five minutes before resorting to desperately banging. The horse cab had taken off and there was no going back.
What you desired most was a chance to sit down again and collect yourself before you sobbed hysterically on the street in the public eye. You already held the strange case of some being still clad in your white wedding gown.
When the door finally creaked open you fought every bone in your body not to storm your way through inside.
A wrinkle hand pushed the door open, followed by a steady voice of an older woman, “Why, hello my dear!” she said, “You must be the new Mrs Holmes then?”
A woman with wide eyes too close together with glasses and a loud clattering chatelaine on her waist opened the way to you.
Her hand launched out and tugged you inside by your wrist.
“Come, come in, please!”
You let her pull you inside the building and shut the door behind you.
As she locked the front door she spun to welcome you in an unexpected hug.
You normally would be shocked by such impropriety of embracing a stranger so quickly. But in your state of distress you leant closer into her arms and sniffled.
She pulled away, “My dear,” she gasped, “It is your wedding day, why the tears?” Your wet eyes went round and round as she jittered about you, admiring your dress and pinching at the soft material. “I did not expect you to arrive here so early. Oh and where are my manners! I’m Mrs Hudson dearest, I am your land lady and housekeeper.”
You fiddled with the ring now solid on your finger. You bowed softly to her, “My name is Y/N I don’t expect you to call me Mrs Holmes, Mrs Hudson, please call me as you will be my name,” you mumbled and wiped your eyes. They were pink and puffy.
She clicked her tongue with dismay.
“I presume Sherlock has brought you to this state...” The elderly woman smiled sadly, her wrinkles spread out, she took your arm and led you up a flight of stairs.
“Darling, I am just happy you are here. Your husband can be such a bully sometimes, but don’t tell him I said so. Your belongings arrived early this morning and I was just finishing putting your belonging away in your room.”
“Mrs Hudson,” you whimpered, “thankyou greatly for I have had a trying day...”
She gave you a copy of the home key to the 221B door.
Inside you were received with a scent of ink and tobacco. A very masculine smell. Clearly this was the home of your husband.
“Sherlock can be quite the messy tenant so I pray you will be fast enough to clean up after him,” Mrs Hudson stated bluntly.
“He has all his things thrown around the apartment and his excuse is always it has been done for a bloody case,” she made a high pitch sound and quickly covered her lips, “Forgive me dear, I don’t usually swear.”
You smiled sweetly and sighed, “Do not ask that of me Mrs Hudson,” you shook your head. Your grandfather had a terrible habit of doing many deeds and saying many things unfit for the ears of a lady.
She sighed with relief and clapped her hands. By taking your arm once more, she guided you through the homestead and presented you the premises.
Here there was a fireplace in the living room, nearby a bathtub had been carried from one of the bedrooms, it’s linens already prepared and laid over the copper surface. A fresh bucket of coal and wood sat beside the fireplace layout. The floor covered in a fine carpet and the curtains were the thickest of velvet.
“Kitchen is down stairs, shared by us both dear but I supply most meals as is the tenancy agreement so you needn’t burden yourself with those tasks, I do ask you wash your own linens. We have a alley line out the windows.”
You nodded as the woman kindly spoke to you and introduced you to your new life.
It was when you passed two doors you realised there was two bedrooms.
“Sherlock is sometimes a overly private person. Especially to the contents of his cases and clients. He owns the only key to his bedroom so I’m afraid I cannot show you his room until he arrives. This one, where Doctor Watson once resided is now yours.”
You opened it up and noted the empty trunks around the room which Mrs Hudson had emptied earlier.
“Doctor Watson lived here?” you asked over your shoulder as you stepped into the quarters.
You visually took in the fine canopy bed and a small desk and wardrobe in the corner with a large window that led out to the alley wash line, a balcony area and stair case up to the roof above.
Mrs Hudson went around and closed the suitcases and trunks gently, one by one. You started to explore which drawers she had placed what undergarments and jackets and what dresses had been hung in the wardrobe and which books she had stacked onto your desk and where she placed your accessories on your vanity.
You were not surprised by the condition of a separate sleeping quarter. Your grandparents slept in separate rooms...but that was because your grandfather was a loud snorer and suffered from nightmares of his time in the wars.
This marriage, you worried, would also lack a lot of physical contact...
“I am going to carry these empty trunks up to the attic dear,” Mrs Hudson stated as she lifted the empty wooden boxes. Your eyes widened and before you could offer assistance she had moved spritely out.
You opened the window to your room, allowing light into the space. You sneezed. It seemed the particles in the light showed Mrs Hudson forgot to dust the area.
You opened the small doors. The noise of the outdoor city crept in. The smell of the salty mud in the street tickled your nose.
Intrigued to enjoy more of your space you came out to look more around your home. It was smaller than what you came from, that did not make you any less grateful. This would be better than living in the gutter of the slums, you were sure.
The idea you now had a home of your very own where you could independently invite people over for tea and luncheon was exciting, your husband be damned if he didn’t allow.
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12:07pm Monday 5th May 1890, 221 Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
When Mrs Hudson returned after removing the last suitcase and storage box, you politely requested she help you out of your wedding dress...
Her grey eyes widened at your request, “Did you not wish to await Sherlock’s return my dear? Traditionally the husband loves to take of this gown of all gowns.”
After his actions today...you were not sure you wanted to please him or suffer his very untraditional behaviour. You doubt he would be kind or patient enough to unbutton the line down your back.
You shook your head, “Thankyou for your suggestion Mrs Hudson, but my mind remains solid, I wish to resort to a dressing gown. I don’t intend to welcome any guests today other than yourself and my husband.”
Not willing to question your choice, she smiled warmly, “Alrighty dear, turn around then.”
Her wrinkly fingers pinched at your spine line of buttons starting from your neck downward.
“Forgive my prying dear...may I ask how the service went? I had expected you and Mr Holmes to have arrived together.”
You sighed and pinch the bridge of your nose. The moment you arrived you sensed this line of questioning would eventually occur...
“It was sorely interrupted by my sister in law...I believe she was attempting to save her brother from the wails of...” you smirked, and sarcastically drawled, “wedded bliss...”
You could hear the old woman cackle behind you, “Ah that Enola Holmes is a trouble maker and their mother if I might say so myself.”
“I did not witness his mother at the ceremony?” you noted openly, you presumed their parents had passed away.
“Oh no, probably not. Eudoria like a ghost in the walls some days. Very secretive that woman but good company I assure you, a comedian.”
How unusual to state so openly their mother was a trouble maker and yet good company...was such a thing possible?
“She...Enola...revealed his...true desires...or lack of...to be my husband...he left the chapel in a great frustration.”
Mrs Hudson’s worrisome tone opened out to you, “Oh no my dear, I am sorry to hear such a thing...I did say earlier some days he can be bully so I must pray he doesn’t treat you like that furthermore.”
You nodded sharply, “Perhaps my husband needs a bigger bully to tame his actions. Maybe he needs a good humbling?” you snorted a laugh. You felt a sudden pause in Mrs Hudson. You sensed her stepping away. Her sudden silence disturbed you
You looked over your shoulder to observe her but what came in view was a elderly woman gaping at a hard face man at the front door...Sherlock.
“Mrs Hudson, I do not believe it is a duty of yours to undress my bride and so I must find myself saying, I forbid you to touch her so intimately again,” he quipped as he shed his blazer and hung his top hat on the coat rack.
The room had become cold despite the bright sun shining into the apartment.
You felt exposed with your back flared out.
You turned your body for your front to face him.
The housekeeper snorted, “If you hadn’t abandoned her in the chapel this morning perhaps you would’ve been here to do it yourself.”
Your jaw fell open at her boldness. The man grimaced and smiled tightly with fire in his eyes, “Mrs Hudson?” he asked sweetly, “Get out of my apartment. Now.”
It was scary and yet so calm as he said it. His tone was full of a unspoken threat. The elder woman jerked up her chin and nudged him as she left the main room.
Sherlock swiftly locked the door behind her.
“So...Mrs Holmes...” He muttered bitterly, “You appear to be in need of a hand there with your wedding dress. Come here...wife...so I may relieve you of your strains.”
He spat the word ‘wife’ through gritted teeth. You did not feel safe...
“I...I’m sorry for what I said,” you mumbled, looking away from him as he stepped slowly closer to you.
He looked at you with a harsh face. His finger twirled in the air...silently demanding you turn.
He might as well have slapped you with the way you gasped. You bit your lip tightly to not cry now in front of him again. You turned away from him and began to pull down the bodice of your gown.
“Do not be,” he scoffed lightly, “You were merely stating what lay in your mind...”
You felt him behind you, hovering over you. You felt his fingers dug into the strings of your corset.
You pushed the bodice down to your hips. You untied the string of your bustle. When the springy cage collapsed, your white skirts fell passed your hips and down to your ankles.
“To this day,” Sherlock hummed, “I seek when women return to the corseting stays of only their chest. I don’t like pulling all these strings loose.”
You nodded slowly. You wanted to not disagree with him or voice your opinion. You had made the mood direly cold and you felt it was your duty to make him happy once again.
You stood from foot to foot nervously, “I had the means to merely shred my dress and not my underlings, you needn’t remove my corset-”
He cut you off blunt and brashly, “I want to see my wife naked and I need to pull these strings before I lose patience and cut them off, so please stay still.”
“Naked?” you gasped as he tugged roughly, making the whale bone loosen further around your waist and hips. You lost your balance and fell forward onto the lounge.
He twirled you around to face him, “Yes, naked,” and pushed the corset up and over your head. You felt suddenly like a trapped animal on the cushion lounge. The chemise was light and sheer...it did little to hide your breasts....
He got to his knees in front of you and started to unbutton your shoes.
“You know how to perform your wifely duties yes? You do not require an anatomy lesson I hope? A woman of sublime education should know how one copulates with another.”
You clenched your thighs tightly together, tol afraid to move as he stared up at you. Very tiny movement of your nodding made him hum approvingly.
You were feeling hot...sweat beading at the back of your neck. You were not sure whether you were ready to have him so carnally especially in the middle of the day. You were unsure if this was appropriate to be doing at all.
As he removed both your shoes...his hands tenderly pulled at your white stockings....his hands creeped up your legs and pulled at the ribbon garters... Your bare feet felt cold to the air.
You jumped as the feeling of his lips pressed to one of your knees.
It was the first kiss he ever gave you.
His hands were wayward and you frigidly laid still. You were still too scared to move. His hands cupped your covered breasts softly.
The breath in your chest was quickly stolen out in a gasp and a unpreventable shaking moan.
His face rose up and his nose nuzzled to yours. It was so intimate and sudden...you were frightened and turned your face away to shudder...
“W-wait,” you softly begged.
He pulled back and huffed, “Yes, you’re corrct, I am overly dressed as well it would seem.”
He pushed up to his feet and plucked at the buttons of his vest. His finger unkindly tore his cravat from his throat and thumbed down his trouser lifting suspenders.
You felt your knees rise up to your chest. You were unsure if he wanted you to help, if that was a part of the duties of the bedroom....you were still not in the bedroom however...
“I believe this copulation would be easier in the bedroom, my dear Mrs Holmes?”
You didn’t understand straight away what he meant...you were frazzled...surely men who hated their wives didn’t do this? Had you pleased him so quickly that he didn’t care about whatever you’d don’t to frustrate him?
He looked at you dumbly and tilted his head, glancing to your bedroom door.
His hand held out to you, “Shall we?”
Your mouth felt impossibly dry but your loins grew a buzz and you felt a need to self pleasure...was this lust allowed in a marriage bed?
You carefully rose to your feet.
He pulled you closer and closer to your room and finally closer to your own bed.
He gently pushed your shoulders down for you to sit on the soft mattress
He removed his shoes and pushed down his loose trousers. His breeches, he started to unbutton. You looked away from his face and up to the ceiling.
You heard his breeches hit the floor. You didn’t want to look at his intimates... He shed his shirt and started to pinch at your chemise.
“Lift your arms up.”
From the corner of your eyes you could see his bare chest.
You were trembling with your limbs above your head. You didn’t know this man...he was Sherlock Holmes the great detective but that is all you knew.
And you were letting him see you in a state of your most open self...
He pulled the material over your head and he groaned as he gazed at your totally nude chest. Your nipples hardened in the cold breeze wharfing through the open window. Your arms fell to quickly cover your chest, you were too cold and shy to be so exposed like this to him.
He noticed your shivering. He turned away and went to close the window and shut the curtains. With strange admiration you noticed his tight and strong backside and thighs.
You flushed and accidentally whimpered when he turned around and you saw his cock. It wasnt like the statues in the museum...nor the medical books you perused..
It was...larger, and brutish.
You bit your lip and clenched your thighs again.
Would be hurt you? You were curious as a young girl about sex like many. Among your friends you had heard that the larger the male member the more agonising coitus would be.
You quickly recalled a time as a girl your grandfather took you to a horse auction and a stallion had broken his way into the mares pen. The great black beast look the white squealing mare most violently.
Would Sherlock pin his body above yours and bite the back of your neck to keep you beneath him...
You gulped loud enough for him to hear.
His hand pushed your shoulders back slowly.
“Spread those pretty thighs Mrs Holmes, show me what is now mine...”
Your fingers dug into your arms as you held yourself. Pathetically, tears came creeping out the button ducts of your orbs and escaped down your cheeks.
You swallowed the sob building in your chest. You didn’t think this intimacy would be so frightful and terrorising...
He stared down at you with a mean smirk. He scoffed and shook his head. He touched your knees and helped force them apart. Your spread thighs revealed your hairy centre at the crease of your drawers crotch...
He hummed approvingly. He stuck two fingers into his mouth and sucked them loudly and lewdly...
You choked on your tears and covered your face with your hands unable to watch anymore...you felt everything nonetheless...
Those fingers trailed across your thigh and tapped at your peaking labia. Your eyes felt wide.
A light shriek jumped from your throat as his hot mouth latched to your neck and you gasped while his tongue tickled your flesh.
You felt a single finger wiggled its way around your pearl bundle of pleasure before trailing and prodding into the space of your body...the hole. Your vaginal entrance...
“A hairy pussy cat...I might need to change that...”
You didn’t understand what filth he was suggesting. You knew your pussy referred to your entrance but to change it made no sense to you...
His free hand gently pulled your wrists away and pushed your hands to sit above your head.
With his soft mouth he wetly trailed his tongue along your skin arouse down to your fuzzy covered underarm and across to the swell of your breath. You squeezed your eyes shut with difficulty as you felt the tip of his nose nudge your teat...
His hot breath covered your nipple.
It stirred a strange, painful warm down your belly and arousal between your legs. You felt the wet essences of pleasure seep from yourself...
You shuddered loudly and groaned into the head of his curly hair as his finger pushed inside, stretching you out. You blanched at the thought remembering his thick cock was worth four of his fingers at this moment.
The sound of his finger was squelching and wet.
His second finger flickered to get inside of you. You tore away your mouth and loudly groaned as he entered and spread your insides.
Your belly felt tight. You let out a moan.
He kissed along your jaw and pushed his mouth over your lips. You didn’t know what to do. It was like he was sucking at your lips and licking them with his tongue.
You felt your experience come to light. You and on some occasions of youth touched yourself intimately in the dead of the night when all in the manor were asleep...your soft sighs muffled by your own pillows were heard only by yourself. The scratching sounds of your hips rolling against a thick blanket between your legs were maybe mistaken for a skittering rat in the walls.
You urges would decease the touches when you were reminded by your own senses that your genitals were not your prize but your future husband’s to touch. It was a sin to steal what would belong to him.
And as you laid beneath Sherlock and recalled those desperate nights of silly humping you bucked your hips into the touch of his fingers filling and stretching your way.
It was good to be a virgin...you didn’t want to be a slut ...you worried he would see you as many saw you.... Like your mother a prostitute....
You kept yourself pure for this moment but for the first time you wondered if that was a good choice. Was the lack of experience...a good thing for men?
And after sometime of him thrusting his fingers in and out, you felt the soft hot skin of something touching your hole....the tip of his cock.
“Sh-sherlock,” you worriedly whispered, “Please...w-wait.”
Your husband grunted and lifted his hand away from your hole to run his thumb across your tear wet cheek.
“You are aware it will sting...nothing has been inside you like this before.”
“Yes,” you whimpered. He kissed your wobbling mouth and used the tips of his fingers to press on your clit. He rubbed you slowly and realigned his tip to your hole.
“Allow me to open your doors with my key, wife. Fill your home with children.”
You shouted up at the ceiling as he thrust hard and fast into your body. Your lower body felt like a hot poker was ripping up into you.
You gasped and choked on a silent squeak before a few seconds past and the air filled your lungs making you scream and cry out as your life changed forever...
It was like he had cut you inside. And the pressure had not left you. His cock was dug deep and snuggly buried inside your tight hole.
You hit him. Your fists banged his chest with the little strength you had left.
“Stop! Get off me!” you wailed.
With bruising grip he held your arms down either side of your head. He was too strong for you to pull and push off. You sobbed out for your grandfather, so scared this would kill you.
His hips pulled back. You both gasped.
You groaned at the sight of his dick leaving you, covered in dark burgundy blood. It yellowed his pale member.
You felt sick and turned your head away into your covers.
“Please,” you begged, “Let me go.”
He sighed and shook his head, his mouth latched to your ear, “No...you can do this Y/N...this is the price all wives pay.”
He sheathed back inside of you. This time the burn of your walls was a little less.
The smell of metal was in the room. Your blood scent hit your nose finally. You could taste it in the back of your throat.
The way his hip bones punched down and roughly scrapped your pelvis made you hiss.
His mouth forced it’s way onto yours again in a passionate kiss. You whimpered and begged him to stop again as he thrusted inside. It hurt too much...you whined and sunk your teeth into his lips and caught the tip of his tongue.
“Fuck!” he roared and pulled back violently. His lips and yours covered in bright red blood in contrast to the red waves between your thighs.
“Get off!” you screamed again. You tugged your arms weakly. You tried pounding your heels into the back of his thighs.
He rose his hand high and you squeezed your eyes shut waiting for a blow...it did not come. You heard him yell angrily and hit the blanket instead.
He tired himself out of you, the force made you choke. The taste of his warm blood in between your teeth had you spitting aside the covers.
He pushed off the bed and stomped angrily out of the room, slamming your bedroom door shut. You sniffled and turned onto your side, crying as the burn between your legs struck you. You felt empty and sore. Like his hand had punched inside your body.
This is not at all what you anticipated as a married woman...
Why would any woman ever love their husband after cause such agony as that in their beds...
You reached out for a pillow and tugged it to your face. Your nose rubbed deep into the soft goose feathers and let your tears meld with your snot.
You curled up and clutched your sore side...
It was a pain comparable to your menses.
You prayed for help or someone like your grandfather or Mycroft to come and save you.
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If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.
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saraakpotter · 2 months
Hi guys! i was thinking about doing this some time ago, i'm completely out of ideas and requests are open! so, here are the fandom's i write for but before requsting please remember theses stuff:
i don't write smut, NSFW and things like that.
i only write 'x reader'
i only write 'female!reader' becasue i'm more comfortable like that :)
i don't feel comfortable writing about (male x male) or (female x female)
now for the characters:
(by the way you can request for the actors\actress's of those characters too)
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Romantic and platonic:
Tony Stark\ironman
Loki Laufeyson
Stephan Strange
Wade Wilson\deadpool
Steve Rogers\captain america
Peter Quill\starlord
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton\hawkeye
Bucky Barns \winter soldier
Sam Wilson\falcon
Pietro Maximoff
platonic only:
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Wanda Maximoff
Stranger Things:
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Romantic and platonic:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Eddie Munson
Platonic only:
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Harry Potter:
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romantic and platonic:
Harry Potter
Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
Cedric Diggory
James Potter (marauders)
Sirius Black (marauders)
Remus Lupin (marauders)
(i may add the Slytherin boys later btw)
platonic only:
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Alice Fortescue
Mary McDonald
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romantic and platonic:
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Greg Lestrade
RDJ Sherlock Holmes
platonic only:
Mary Morstan
Jim Moriarty
Eurus Holmes
(i mostly write platonic for John and Greg tbh, but feel free to request both :)
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romantic and platonic:
Ravi Singh
Sal Singh
platonic only:
Pippa 'Pip' Fitz-Amobi
Cara Ward
Connor Reynolds
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shinyasahalo · 5 months
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(M/M) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (Harry Potter) 70,893 fics
(M/M) James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 66,307 fics
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(M/M) Gabriel/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 14,916 fics
(F/M) Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (The 100 TV) 14,907 fics
(F/M) Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files TV) 14,787 fics
(F/M) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson TV) 14,420 fics
(M/M) Regulus Black/James Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 14,398 fics
(M/M) Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) 13,993 fics
(M&M) Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) 13,727 fics
(M/M) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (Harry Potter) 13,682 fics
(M/M) Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes TV) 13,515 fics
(M/M) Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) 13,359 fics
(M/M) Frank Iero/Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) 13,310 fics
(M&M) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia) 13,303 fics
(M/M) Miya Atsumo/Sakusa Kiyoomi (Haikyuu!) 13,207 fics
(F/F) Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100 TV) 13,194 fics
(M/M) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood TV/Doctor Who) 13,111 fics
(M&M) James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers (Captain America/Marvel) 13,073 fics
(M/M) Steve McGarret/Danny "Danno" Williams (Hawaii Five-O TV) 13,064 fics
(F/M) Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 13,052 fics
(M/M) Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Miserables) 12,829 fics
(M/M) Loki/Tony Stark (Avengers/Marvel) 12,808 fics
(M/M) Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) 12,773 fics
(M&M) Castiel & Dean Winchester (Supernatural TV) 12,751 fics
(F/M) Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow TV/DCU) 12,721 fics
(F/F) Amity Blight/Luz Noceda (The Owl House) 12,526 fics
(M/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto (My Hero Academia) 12,376 fics
(M/M) Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (Percy Jackson TV) 12,334 fics
(M/M) Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks (My Hero Academia) 12,318 fics
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
Testing His Deductions (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
High Pitched (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Saturn (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Why Not? (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Fell In Love (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt1 Pt2
I'm Looking Right At Him (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
My Own Personal Hero (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Deaf (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
John's Little Sister (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
We're Married (Sherlock X Wife!Reader)
Arms (Sherlock X Reader)
Low Risk (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Old Actions (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Bad Day (Sherlock X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Who's Getting Together (Greaser!Sherlock X Fem!Greaser!Reader)
Deducing A Deducer (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Past Resemblance (Sherlock X Teen!Reader) *TW
Uncle Locky (Sherlock X Niece!Reader)
Not Feeling Loved (Sherlock X Daughter!Reader)
Binder (Sherlock X Trans!Son!Reader)
Favourite Big Brother! (Sherlock X Baby!Brother!Reader)
A Friend In Need (Mycroft X Fem!Reader) *TW
Dirty Little Secret (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Baby Sitter (Teen!Mycroft X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Falling In Love (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You Love Me? (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
A Little Us (Mycroft X Wife!Reader)
Long Lasting Crush (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Upstairs Neighbour (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
He Seems Nice (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Monsieur (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You'll Be Alright (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Secret Relationship (Mycroft X Moriarty!Fem!Reader)
Baby Holmes (Mycroft X Pregnant!Reader)
Personal Case (Mycroft X Reader)
I'll Be Your First (Mycroft X Reader)
Mycroft? (Mycroft X Reader)
Your First Time With Mycroft Holmes Would Include...
A Need For Attention (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Honesty And Truth (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Walk Away (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tattooed Skin (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Still Proud (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tea Party (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Affection (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Babysitting (Child Mycroft X Baby!Reader)
Mental Scars (John X Fem!Reader)
Keep Her Safe (James Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Unknowing Pawn (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Based On Lies (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Expensive Flowers (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
The Normal One (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Sebby's Sister (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Excuse Me? (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Read You Like A Book (Moriarty X Reader)
Seven Nation Army (Mycroft X Reader)
View (Moriarty X Teen!Reader)
Moriarty Helping His Sister Through An Abusive Relationship Would -Include...
Moriarty Dating A Hobby Artist With Anger Issues Would Include...
Wanting Normalcy (Moriarty X Teen!Fem!Reader)
You Made Her Cry (John Watson X Sister Reader, Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Her Revenge (Sherlock X Fem!Reader X Moriarty)
The Dress (Sherlock X Sister!Reader X Mycroft)
Like Her (Sherlock & Mycroft X Sister!Reader)
Newbie (Sherlock, John & Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
Fitting In With The Weirdos (Sherlock, Mycroft & John X Fem!Reader)
Drama Queens (Sherlock X Reader X Mycroft)
Not Part Of The Plan (Moriarty X Holmes!Sister!Reader X Moran)
Comparisons (Mycroft X Fem!Reader X Sherlock)
Overprotective (Molly X Sister!Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Molly X Fem!Reader)
Spotting The Odd (Eurus Holmes X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Bonding Time (Eurus Holmes X Reader)
The Flirting Game (Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
46 notes · View notes
ssanovak · 1 year
Characters & Fandoms I write for;
I am willing to write pairing fics of a character x reader, or general scenario fics with reader inserts.
Reader will be male with he/him pronouns as a default, so please specify if you’d like a female or gender neutral reader!
I will write LGBTQ+ and straight readers & pairings, just let me know what kind of thing you want in your request! I will not write smut.
I am Autistic and have ADHD, I will happily write either of these into fics.
I will write mental health issues, I personally suffer from OCD, CPTSD, Depression, and have previously dealt with ED tendencies, so I can write those with relative ease, request other mental health stuff and I’ll give it a go if I can or let you know if I don’t feel able to write it.
Characters not on my list are probably either not there because I don’t feel I know the character well enough to write them or am not comfortable writing them as pairings, but it’s always worth checking just in case I forgot to add someone!
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner (Hotch)
Jason Gideon
David Rossi (Dave)
Jennifer Jareau (JJ)
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Anthony DiNozzo Jr. (Tony)
Timothy McGee
Abby Sciuto
Jimmy Palmer
Ziva David
Ellie Bishop
Nick Torres
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Mycroft Holmes
Greg Lestrade
James Moriarty (Jim)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
I will probably add more characters as I get further into shows I am watching or if I find a new fandom to obsess over! Have fun writing requests!
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dark-r0ss · 5 months
BBC Sherlock Holmes X Reader (mostly platonic)
A little info before we start: Reader is married to Lestrade
Warning: VERY short
You returned home from the Afghanistan war a few months back, having been let go due to an injury you’d gotten on the field.
The first few months was spent recovering and readjusting to normal life again, thankfully your husband was there to help you through all of it.
Once you made a recovery Greg thought it would be a good idea to let you help on a case, and that’s where you are now.
You step in through the door, instantly spotting the corpse in the centre of the room. A woman, one that works in media based on the frankly alarming shade of pink she’s dressed in.
As you approach the corpse you hear taking on the lower levels of the building- someone saying ‘the freak is here’ and multiple pairs of footsteps.
You decide to ignore it for now, assuming it’s the person your husband decided to bring in for help. Your not actually supposed to be in the room right now. Greg had told you to stay outside, he didn’t want you to have to see another corpse again so soon.
You reach into your pocket, pulling out a pair of gloves and sliding them on before lifting the woman’s left hand, studying her ring before looking at the rest of her Jewellery.
The door creaks open but once again you ignore it, only to hear your husband mutter “Oh for-“
“Who’s this?” Some speaks up- clearly male.
There’s a pause as another person enters, injured based on the fact they have a cane; the cane hitting the floor every step they take.
“Colonel?” That voice, it’s familiar; you’d notice that voice anywhere.
You quickly look up, only to find your husband, a man you don’t know and John. Captain John Watson.
Im not going to lie, I lost motivation like half way through. If I can be bothered I’ll make this into a mini series.
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John x Male!reader - get you through it
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Please, if you can, could I get a John Watson x male!reader (romantic relationship) where the reader goes a bit off the deep end mentally with depression after Sherlock ‘dies’, and then when he comes back the reader is just angry constantly at the feeling of abandonment and turn’s that anger onto themselves in the form of self harm. They don’t want to be angry with Sherlock but with the things they’ve experienced it’s hard for then so they blame themselves as the reason people keep leaving. Then John finds out why the reader has been so distant and has to clean up the wounds after a particularly bad day and promises that he won’t leave and he’ll help them get through it all. - Anon💜
TW: mentions of self harm and depression
When Sherlock died, it created a rift between you and John, he was mourning the loss of his best friend, and you were mourning the loss of your childhood friend, someone you saw as a brother.
While John threw himself into working, you threw yourself into any bar that would let you in.
You refused to go to the flat after that day, you stayed at your own flat, when John had the time to see you he would, but most of the time when he came by you weren’t in.
“(Y/N) the lights are on, open the door, please?”
John sighed, leaning against the doorframe, he tried texting, he tried calling, he’s tried everything short of calling the police to come kick your door down.
“(Y/N), open the door.” John called again.
A neighbour opened their door and peaked their head out.
“He’s not home love.” She said softly.
“His.. his lights are on, what do you mean he’s not home?”
John turned to the woman and she sighed a little.
“He came home earlier and turned them on and just left, hasn’t been in for hours. Sorry love.”
John nodded his head and tired to think of where you would be.
He didn’t have time to go check every bar for you, but something told him he wouldn’t find you in any of them.
He knew you, and after spending so long with Sherlock he had picked up a few tricks as well.
John tried calling you again, and he said when it went straight to voicemail.
It was getting darker by the minute, and he hadn’t seen you since this morning when you had punched Sherlock when he revealed he didn’t actually die.
“Come on… come on pick up your phone please…” he whispered.
He tried calling again, but again it went straight to voicemail. His messages were going through, so he assumed you were just actively sending him to voicemail.
He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to call the streets, he didn’t want to call Lestrade because he didn’t want to drag anyone else into this.
Sighing, john sat at your door, arms around his legs as he rested his head against the wall.
His phone chimed, and he quickly grabbed it, trying to unlock it as fast as he possibly could to see who the message was from.
Sherlock: he’s down by the river. Sitting under the bridge, Mycroft called to tell me.
John quickly jumped up and ran down the stairs as fast as he could, tripping up on a few but he carried on running.
He ran to street after street trying to get a taxi, and finally he got one and he told the driver where he wanted to go.
John didn’t need to get Sherlock to tell him where you were, John knew where you would be, because there was only one place by the river you liked to sit.
The taxi took too long for his liking, but when it stopped his threw the money at the driver and jumped over the railing, looking for the safest way down.
You were leant up against the bridge, taking a drink from the bottle next to you, you watched the water harshly hit the shore.
“(Y/N)!” John shouted.
You didn’t react the calling of your name, not seeming to process that someone was, in fact, calling out for you.
John stumbled to the bottom and grabbed the torch from his pocket as he turned it on and he started to carefully look around.
It was a large area, so it would’ve been easy to miss you, but as he walked forward he finally found you, just staring straight ahead.
John rushed forward, dropping to his knees next to you he set the torch down and turned your head towards him.
Your eyes were bloodshot, and you could barely seem to focus on him.
“You’re freezing, here, here.”
John took his jacket off and wrapped it around your shoulders.
“It’s… it’s my fault…” you mumbled out.
You titled your head away from him and carried on staring out at the water.
“What’s your fault love?” John asked softly.
“E.. everything…”
John looked at you, and he watched you pick up the bottle, going to take another drink from it and John quickly took the bottle from you.
He tossed it aside, listening to the sound of the shattering glass before he turned his attention back to you.
“I’m taking you home, let’s go.”
John was angry in a way, not angry at you per say, but angry at Sherlock for driving to this, and angry at himself for letting it get this bad.
Wrapping one of your arms around his shoulder, john hauled you up, nearly toppling over when your body fell into his.
You could hardly walk, so getting you home was a mission and a half, but he finally did it.
John had to search your pockets for your keys, and when he finally found them he unlocked the door and helped you in and over to the sofa where you just fell with a heavy thud.
“(Y/N) you need to go to bed.”
John walked over and knelt down in front of you, placing his hand gently on your cheek.
“I’m.. I’m fine…”
You turned away from him and John sighed.
He decided to leave you there and he covered you up with a blanket going to lay in the other sofa but he couldn’t sleep.
Every so often he would check up on you, waking you up to make you drink some water but that was it.
It was late afternoon when you woke up and you slowly got up, pushing yourself from the sofa, you made your way to the cabinet across the room but you were stopped.
Johns hand was on yours, stopping you from opening it and you turned to him.
“You’ve had enough (Y/N).” He said softly.
“I’m fine John…”
John pushed you away from the cabinet and stepped in front of you.
“You’re not fine! Bloody hell you’ve been drinking every single night for months! You’re drowning everything you’re feeling in alcohol! That’s not fine!”
You scoffed, walking over to the sofa you sat down and crossed your arms and John sighed.
“I’m worried about you love, this isn’t healthy. I just want you to talk about it, talk to me, let him in and help you.” He spoke softly.
You shook your head.
“It’s… it’s nothing okay.. it’s nothing… I’m going for a shower.”
John couldn’t stop you, so instead he went into your room and tidy the mess up, binning rubbish and empty bottles, throwing clothes in the wash basket.
He didn’t think too much about the long shower, but then he came across it.
A bloodied towel.
And it wasn’t the only one, and John sat on your bed waiting for you to come through, but you didn’t.
The water had stopped, but you still hadn’t come out of the bathroom, so John walked over and knocked on the door.
“I’m coming in.”
He wasn’t warning you, he was telling you.
He was getting more and more worried about after everything he was finding.
He pushed the door open and found you sitting on the floor, back against the tub as you held a towel over your arms, but he saw the blood mixed with water next to you.
John walked over and crouched in front of you.
“What have you done…?” He asked.
You had tears in your eyes and you shook your head.
“What have you done (Y/N)?”
“I… I can’t do it John.. it’s my fault! It’s my fault Sherlock did what he did! It’s always my fault! It’s why he didn’t want to tell me he was back! It’s why he did it! Because of me!” You yelled out.
John reached out, taking your face between his hands as he turned your head to look at him.
“None of this is your fault (Y/N). Absolutely none of it, okay? Don’t blame yourself.”
You shook your head and rested your forehead against his arms, trying to take deep breaths.
“Let me help you okay? Show me what’s happened, please?” He begged softly.
So you did, you showed John your arms and what you had done, and all he could was take a shaky breath, fighting back his own tears as he nodded.
He shuffled to the side and started to dig under your sink, knowing you had a medical kit under there and he pulled it out.
“I’m going to take care of you, okay? I.. I’m going to fix this…”
John started to tend to your wounds, carefully cleaning them and apologising whenever he heard you hiss in pain.
He stitched the ones that needed it, and bandaged your arms.
“Is it too tight?” he asked softly.
You shook your head and John helped you up, saying he was going to clean everything up when he was finished.
He took your to your room and set you down on the bed, sitting next to you he took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I’m not going anywhere okay? I promise…”
John looked at you, and he could see the fading scars and he knew this wasn’t something that had just come on.
“I’m going to get your through this…”
John held you softly in his arms, letting a few of his tears fall free as he felt you leant against him.
He wasn’t going anywhere any time soon, he was going to keep you close to him, and he was going to keep an eye on you because he couldn’t bare to loose you
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This blog is for headcanons and Damon Renner (OC) stories.
Side Blogs: Doctor Strange: @the-eldritch-sorcerer Tony Stark: @redandgoldwarhero Reader Inserts: @multiversemusings Art Blog: @greyinthecolorprism
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Marvel Works
We Are Who We Are Characters: Doctor Strange & Cloak of Levitation
Friendship and Family Headcanons for 616 Strange Characters: Stephen Strange, America Chavez, Peter Parker, Wong & Reader
Friendship Headcanons for Strange Supreme Characters: What If Strange & Reader
Christmas With the Avengers Men Pairings: Avengers Member x Gender Neutral Reader
Friends' Works
You Have My Heart Pairing: Tony Stark x Gender Fluid Reader (@strangelockd) The Perfect Evening Pairing: Strange Supreme x Gender Fluid Reader (@strangelockd)
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DC Works
Romance Headcanons Pairing: Doctor Fate x Reader
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Sherlock Works
Valentine's Headcanons Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader Coming Soon
Valentine's Headcanons Pairing: John Watson x Reader Coming Soon
Friends' Works
Let Me Do This for You Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Daniel Stewart (Male OC) (@strangelockd)
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Outside Fandoms
Staying the Night With Harry Dresden Headcanons Pairing: Harry Dresden, Hrothbert & Reader Coming Soon
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Threads With Others
The Rain Falls (With @the-eldritch-sorcerer) Pairing: Doctor Strange x Damon Renner (Male Original Character) Chapter One | Chapter Two
One Day You'll Understand (With @redandgoldwarhero) Pairing: Tony Stark x Damon Renner Chapter One Have You Seen My Stephen? (With @sobeautifullyobsessed) Characters: Beauty Lincoln & Damon Renner Coming Soon
When I See You Smile (With @strangelockd) Characters: Stephen Strange x Tony Stark Chapter One |
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Gahan Nidra
Volume 1: All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait Inspire | Idea | Learn | Realize | Success | Enjoy | Improve
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Art Works
The Meeting (Commission for @darsynia) Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
The Mirror's Gonna Fog Tonight (Gift for @the-eldritch-sorcerer) Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Photograph (Gift for @sobeautifullyobsessed) Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Unconditionally: Defender Strange's Dress Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Live For Now Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Seeking Out the Danger (Birthday Gift for @strangelockd) Sketch | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Be My Escape Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
It's Hanging in the Air Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Our Dream Ended Long Ago Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Road to Redemption Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Strange (Animal Crossing character) Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Bear Me No Witness Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Echoes and Ghosts in My Head Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
The One Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Take A Step Before You Leap Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
I Know Those Eyes Sketch | Line Art | Flat Colors | Finished Product
Guardian Of the Graveyard (Commission for saphoblin) Finished Product
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tenthcrowley · 2 years
[Y/N]: (carrying Rosie in their arms, watching her sleep with a big smile on their face)
[SHERLOCK]: (watching them)
[JOHN]: Thank you, (Y/N), really, I was losing my sleep.
[Y/N]: Don't worry, John, my placer. I love this little girl so much.
[SHERLOCK]: I've had enough. It's me that should be in your arms.
[JOHN]: Are you jealous of... Rosie, a baby?
[SHERLOCK]: Yes, so?
[Y/N, JOHN]: (Look at each other) Oh my god.
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty - John Watson x all reader Works
x reader
do I make you nervous?, Part 2
get your through it (male!reader)
support you (male!reader)
hold you hand if you need it
x teen!reader
my dad
just relax
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dapperappleton · 3 years
Sherlock’s Other Brother Part 1
A/N: If you haven’t read parts -1 and -2, it might be helpful, but it’s not necessary
Word count: 951
Pronouns: He/him
Warnings: None
Summary: Sherlock introduces John to his second “brother”
Part -2 Part -1
A client sat in the chair in front of Sherlock and John. The client had come in with a confusing case, or at least that’s what John thought.
“Check the back of your fridge.” Sherlock stood up abruptly and turned away from the client. “My brother had the same thing happen to him, but he was smart enough to figure it out.”
The client looked shocked before standing up and leaving, irritated by Sherlock.
“Mycroft really did that?” John was in disbelief as to how something that weird and, honestly, pretty stupid could happen, let alone to Mycroft.
“No, not Mycroft. Y/N.” Sherlock didn’t even pause before starting to ramble about some experiment he was conducting.
“Wait, wait,” John hadn’t listened to anything after Sherlock mentioned Y/N. “Who is Y/N? I thought Mycroft was your only brother.”
“Well how about you meet him.”
Y/N sat in his favourite cafe on the outskirts of London. He was happy to have a day off from work and decided to spend some of it drinking tea and eating sweets and little pastries that the coffee shop was so good at making. He sat near the front, looking out the window to the somewhat crowded street. The bell jingled softly as someone pushed open the door. He payed it no mind, and closed his eyes softly. Well, he hadn’t paid it any mind until he felt the presence of two people standing by his table.
“Hello Y/N.” Sherlock hadn’t even looked at him before sitting down and motioning John to do the same.
“Hi Sherl.” Y/N sighed having not expected Sherlock to show up. Sherlock did tend to do that though. “You must be John.”
John nodded, albeit a bit stiffly. He was still confused about the man before him and how he had never heard of him.
“And you must be Sherlock’s brother, Y/N?”
Y/N chuckled softly and nodded, glancing at Sherlock, who was currently avoiding eye contact.
“Well, little bro, what’s up?” He chuckled again. “You miss me?”
“No, I wanted John to meet you.” He scowled at Y/N, but he knew he wasn’t upset.
“I didn’t actually know Sherlock had another brother.” John looked at Y/N with raised eyebrows. “Neither he nor Mycroft have ever mentioned you.”
“Well, I mean, I’m not actually related to them.” He smiled warmly. “But I am pretty surprised that they’ve never said anything about me since we grew up together and I see them both at least once a week. Mycroft likes to ‘accidentally run into me’ pretty often, and Sherlock tends to just show up like this.”
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Sherlock scoffed at John’s formality before leaning on the table and resting his chin on his hand.
“Manners are so boring. And useless.”
“Yeah, agreed, but it’s still good to not be rude.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at him. “Which, of course, I’m sure you haven’t been rude to anyone?”
His eyes widened before he mumbled something that sound like no and a couple of curse words. John had never seen Sherlock act ashamed. He had never seen Sherlock act anywhere near obedient. And he would have never ever expected to see Sherlock act like this, let alone because of some person that Sherlock had never even talked about. He was snapped out his stupor upon hearing Y/N chuckle again.
“You alright John? You look a bit confused.”
“Yeah, I just... I’ve never seen Sherlock act like this.”
“Really? Wow, Sherly, I guess I should have believed Mycroft when he said you only act soft around me.” He smirked at Sherlock's pained expression.
“I’m not soft.” He groaned at Y/N's raised eyebrow and wide smile and buried his face further into his hands. “I’m not!”
“Yeah sure, whatever, little bro.”
“How do you know each other then?” John interjected, desperate to learn more about Y/N and how he made Sherlock act like this.
“I was in the grade below Mycroft and I kept bothering him with friendship until he actually gave in and started to warm up to me. I went over to their house to study once and Sherlock asked me to play with him.” He chuckled at the memory, before grunting. “Mycroft always tried to make him act like he was seventeen instead of seven, that’s the one thing that Mycroft and I fight about. How he raised Sherlock.”
Sherlock was pretending to be bored, staring out a window, but if you knew him well enough you could tell that he was actually just embarrassed. He didn’t like people talking about him as a kid, it was one of the many reasons he hated John talking to his parents. John on the other hand wanted to hear more. About an hour later, Y/N finished telling John practically his entire history with the Holmes family and some embarrassing stories about Sherlock and Mycroft.
“Y/N I think we have to go. It was nice seeing you, come on John let’s leave.” Sherlock stood up the moment Y/N finished talking.
“Alright well since Sherlock apparently wants to implode now, I guess I’ll see you around.” He smiled warmly at John. “I’m sure we’ll see each other somewhere.”
“Yes, well, it’s definitely easier now that I know you exist.” He looked at Sherlock from the corner of his eye. “It was really nice meeting you, thanks for all the stories. See you around.”
And with that they left Y/N to his now peaceful afternoon. Well, peaceful until Mycroft inevitably calls him to ask why he met John.
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ladylaviniya · 8 months
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Sir Sherlock Holmes & The Indian Princess
शर्लक बाबू और भारतीय राजकुमारी
Chapter 1 || Masterlist || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: In England, Sherlock Holmes receives an alarm letter from his dear friend Doctor John Watson. In Delhi, You don't mind being a teacher, but with new building plans, you reflect on your circumstances and opportunities.
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x Desi!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Slow burn, generational trauma, colonisation, implied murder, death of a parent, classism & caste.
Word Count: 6k
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Author Notes:
★ Everything written in bold is being said in Hindustani
★The Reader character goes by the last name Newalkar and is the daughter of Damodar Rao Newalkar → the adopted son of Rani Laxmibai. I must advise this story is pure fiction but based in the occupation of the British Raj that invaded and Colonised India.
★I am a White European/Australian woman, I apologise for any cultural or historical inaccuracies. I am receiving help from online sources and desi Tumblr mutual @livesinfantasyland and I heavily encourage other Indian/South Asian/Desi readers to share their thoughts, constructive criticism and help as I write this story.
Inspiring Song: "Paint it Black" by Ciara
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11:35pm Thursday 26th June 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
This story begins and ends with the sound of rain.
The roof had begun a leak. And when this leak came to play it had a habit of landing directly on the head of a disgruntled and lonely fellow.  The greatest detective in London who could not find a friend. Granted I must inform you, Mr Sherlock Holmes did in fact have some friends, but by misfortunes, none were presently in the country.
He angrily sighed. Another drop of rain hit his head.
He launched from his arm chair and grumbling moved an empty teapot to sit on the cushion he previously sat. The drops thus made a small tinkling as they landed inside the empty pot.
He rubbed his eyes and checked the time on the mantle piece clock. He had lost weeks of his life. Hours squeezed down to into unknown days or months, he could not tell. It did not help how he consistently drew the curtains closed to design total darkness other than the fireplace and his candles to light up his home.
A light shiver ran up his spine. The weather was dangerously cold today. His fingertips upon inspection grew from pale white to a dark pink.
He wandered if perhaps it was time to have a holiday in sunny Spain.
A knock on his door broke his imagined vacation like a hammer to glass.
His pesky landlady Mrs Hudson intruded on his stuffy dust filled space. She grumbled nonsense about the filth of her apartment she’s rented out to the famous Detective before handing him a thick envelope.
And the moment he could see and recognised the handwriting he snatched the Letter from her wrinkly fingers and banished her with a bellowing shout. The woman fluttered out and muttered her further disgusts of his treatment.
But Sherlock did not care for her opinion or rather anyone’s for that matter, Sherlock only cares about the stamp he tore opened the parchment he eagerly unfolded.
John Watson. Doctor, soldier and dear friend. He was Sherlock’s greatest companion to note. He had never felt such brotherly love until he met the very man seeking a roommate here in baker street.
Doctor and detective used to comb London for clues to solve crimes and very noticeably took an interest at the sports of pleasure. The luxurious brothels of London welcomed him and his friend with open arms and spread legs. Doctor Watson was the easy victim of sex while Sherlock was one to enjoy his opium pipe and watch his friend succumb to the mouths of half-pound harlots.
And among these adventures of interesting women did the doctor find himself in a savage tussle with another jealous male patron...
Sherlock recalled the evening with mirth. His dear friend, brother in arms had been pummelled to a pulp and drunk as a daisy. So when Sherlock escorted him to a hospital, the imbecile had declared that he was doctor of the ward and did not need any stitches. It is a grand thing perhaps Doctor Watson could not fathom the memory of yelling too proudly that his medicine could be only found in the elixir of a woman’s warm cunny.
His nurse, a dirty bird at heart had giggled at this...that nurses name was Mary Mortenson. And she became the very enamoured Mrs Mary Watson.
Sherlock was not fond of his friend becoming so besotted with his bride. He tolerated the woman’s presences at best. Unspokenly, the detective saw competition to gain the doctors attention and it was becoming far too obvious that Mrs Watson would win. Every. Single. Time.
After a month of young love the married pair had decided their honey-moon should be experienced back in John’s birth land...Delhi, a city in India. Mary was to meet the senior Mr and Mrs Watson. Coincidently, the English rose was not averse to the foreign lands…she so happened to have been born in Agra. Happy and married, they boarded and sailed across the sea.
Sherlock had high hopes their ship would run scarce of supplies so they might return quickly. He missed his dear friend and even his annoying wife.
The letter in between if thumbs and fingers were the first words from them he had gotten in nearly three months. The letter read as followed...
“Dear Sherlock,
Mary and I have come to my home I grew up in as a boy. I was blessed with my parents merry welcome. However, unfortunate circumstances have designed two coffins. For merely a week into our visit my beloved parents have passed. I have yet to decide whether to bury them in the English tradition or burn them in the Hindi ritual. My predicted return back to Baker Street may appear futile and non-existent. Please. Come visit us as soon as it is convenient.
13, 25, 27, 16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 20, 19, 27, 8, 23, 5, 27, 2, 5, 5, 14, 27, 13, 21, 18, 4, 5, 18, 5, 4.
Your sincere faithful friend, Doctor John H. Watson.”
Sherlock’s eyes raced over the page, and cupped his mouth staring at the plethora of numbers. They were not any numbers. John was a simple man, he wasn’t the smartest being but Sherlock appreciated his humble attitudes, he liked the doctor admitting he wasn’t a world genius, just a man who knew his medicines.
So when an enigmatic set of numbers was written at random Sherlock thought of the most simplistic cypher.
For every number was a letter. 1 being A and 26 being Z, leaving 27 to be a space between a word.
His brows lifted. The message was clear and alarming.
“My Parents Have Been Murdered.”
He determined his dear doctor had written this cryptic message under the desire of secrecy. His eyes lit up. It meant John needed Sherlock’s help. A case. Something was amiss. John did not know the killers name. If he did, he would’ve written it or not bothered to write asking Sherlock to visit at all.
He couldn’t have run faster to his rooms to start backing as soon as possible.
Sherlock Holmes had know idea what he was going to find in a land he had only heard stories from Watson’s childhood. He was eager to see his friend, to help him and to finally have an adventure.
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01:35pm Friday 11th July 1890, Anglo Arabic Secondary School, Desh Bandhu Gupta Rd, Ajmeri Gate, Delhi.
You dragged the piece of white chalk across a black board and sketched a simple phrase in the English language. You smiled to the young faces that filled the room, sitting in long benches and desks. Their eyes wide and curious, eager to learn.
You waved your hands, “Now, clean your chalk slates students, you are going to learn how to spell good afternoon in English.”
They wipe them down with their small damp clothes and tucked them away in the groove at the top of their slanted desk. You waited patiently until they all sat with their hands resting flat on the wooden desks, mouths shut, eyes seeking knowledge.
You underlined each letter of the first word, “Gee, ouw, ouw, dee, this spells ‘Good’ and now ‘Afternoon’ is Aya, eff, tee, Ee, Ara, eynnn, ouw, ouw, eynn.”
The young boys sounded it out with you. Their sweet pubescent voices unionised. You smiled. They were so advanced at such a young age, most of the boys had come from average and wealthy families that could afford them to come to such a fine school. Many were Muslim, others Hindu, it was a good sign of peace. The youth coming together despite their differences. And on odd days you would teach the white children, boys and girls of British and French families who wanted their children to learn Hindi, Arabic and Urdu.
You didn’t mind teaching white children, some of the boys could be very disrespectful but you gathered it was behaviour picked up from their arrogant fathers. It wasn’t the young boys who had pillaged these lands, it was their fathers and grandfathers.
“The gee,” you circled the G, “Remember in English is also pronounced like Guh and,” you tapped the double o’s, “Ouw ouw in english together when two is said ‘oooowa’. Followed by dee being said as Dah. So, let’s say it together?”
You dragged a white line under the word and sounded it out with your students.
You smiled.
You repeated, “Good.”
“Now let’s look at the word ‘afternoon’,” you announced.
You cleaned the board and looked back at your students. One of the little boys who sat in the front was rubbing his eyes. You smiled softly. He was only six years old. His older brother, a young man now would most likely be the one to collect his brother from school and carry him sleeping back home. You looked at the bell tower just outside the window. It was nearly time for your students to go home and you to return back to your lodgings.
“Aye and eff is said as AAaff, then tee is a quick Tuh! And what is Ee and Arrra sound together children?”
“Errr,” they all purred.
You sounded out half of the word with them, “Aafftuherrr.”
You rubbed your chalk dust covered fingers together and further explained as you pointed to each important letter, “eynnn makes a Na, sound. And we just practiced double ouw, so sound it out.”
Like a symphony of speech, you all said together, “Guh-oooow-dah Aafftuherrr, Na-ooow-na. Good Afternoon.”
The deep bowing clang of the bells outside rang through the yard and open window shutters. The children looked eager to leave. Their hands were readily holding their slates, ready to put them inside the empty wooden box in the corner of the classroom where they kept all their slates and dusters and the bucket for where they kept their chalk.
“Good afternoon students,” You bided.
“Good afternoon Teacher Madam,” They called back.
“You may go back home now. Practise your English alphabet song.”
The boys were fast as rabbits, leaping from their desks and fleeing the classroom out the hall and down the stairs. But some at least saluted you as they left. It was a habit they’d picked up from the white boys who saluted their male teachers. You smiled to yourself as you waved them out. Each left with beaming smiles and playful chatter among themselves.
As you went about sweeping the floor after wiping the chalk from the board, you wondered if you should go to the temple and pray for your students successful education or if you should consider washing your clothing today. It had been very dry today, any moment and you knew the wet season and humid rain would arrive to flood the streets clean of dust and fill the forests with life of green goodness.
As you put away the English education books on the small shelves by the door, a familiar face came rushing in, flushed and excited
If it wasn’t her jingling anklet and bangle that announced her To your classroom, it was her shrill cry of your name that did.  
“Y/N! Quick!” Miss Anjuli Paraiyars exclaimed, “You need to come with me.”
Her dark ink hair was peaking out from her sun patterned veil. The wispy curls stuck to her sweaty forehead and framed her dazzling walnut eyes. They were flooded with mischief that matched her biting lip. Her brows wriggled lightly.
Placing the last book onto the shelf you turned to acknowledge your dear friend.
“Anjuli,” you happily sighed, “Whatever is the matter?”
She waved her hands about, hoping to quicken you along and out the door, “It is the Watson son, Doctor Watson, he wants to speak with you with important news.”
Your eyes widened. ‘What on earth does that poor soul wish to say to me? After the death of the good Mr and Mrs Watson, I would assume he was still in mourning, why would he call upon me?’
Following your friend outside into the scorching sun, you lifted your saree over your head. She had her family Ox and cart waiting outside the school gates.
“What important news Anjuli?” You said a little standoffishly.
“He’s offering you a job,” She said giddily. She climbed up into the cart and leant down offering her hand to you.  Once in the cart side by side she sighed, “That’s all he would tell me,” She grabbed the reigns and cane and tapped the Ox to start moving out onto the dirt road, “But we all know how very generous he can be like his dear parents.”
Anjuli was right. The late Victoria and Hamish Watson’s were angelic to the local community. Victoria had been the very soul to teach your late mother English and she was the one to encourage you to attain education enough to become one of the very few first female Indian teachers. She was a well known philanthropist, often aiding the sick and homeless and funding the Indian hospitals. Hamish was a local accountant, financial advisor and lawyer. He was known to be good to the children particularly. He would often hand out sweets as he walked down the street with his briefcase bag. He often aided the locals find new homes when the British planned to evict them and replace white families in their place. The English couple had lived in the country for many decades, long before you were even born. They spoke fluently enough and mimicked the culture so well that you could’ve believed they were born here themselves.
You sat back and nodded, “May their souls attain moksha.”
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02:45pm Friday 11th July 1890, Willingdon Crescent, Central Ridge Forest, Delhi, India.
The sun baked down on the streets of Dehli. The Ox cart rolled along, it’s tail flicking the flies circling it’s flank every so often.
You pinches your saree scarf and covered your face before a bug could fly into your mouth.
Anjuli had to hold the reigns and cane, she leant closer to you and giggled as she nodded to the khaki covered soldiers. Walking by in many small groups.
Anjuli had a terrible habit, she fell in love too easily. For some ungodly reason Anjuli admired the foreigners that had come so long ago and invaded your beautiful country. Maybe she liked how different they looked. The flaxen hair and ice blue gazes in the faces of pale freaks were so opposite to the raven manes and hairy russet warmth of Indian men. It was erotic for her. You just didn't understand how she could so easily find infatuation with the people you considered an enemy, and so should she.
“Oh look at them,” she giggled girlishly.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m looking.” There was a timid strain in your voice. You had no real interest to entertain Anjuli’s fascination.
When Anjuli noticed how you in fact we’re not looking but rather looking ahead on the road path she playfully smacked your arm.
“Look!” She sucked her teeth and teasingly scolded, “Do you not know delight at the sight of men?” She reached forward and abruptly touched the front of your blouse, squeezing around for the softness of your breasts, “Are you sure you’re a full grown woman?” she smiled wickedly and prodded her finger in between your legs covered by your top petticoat.
You squeaked loudly and batted her hand. She howled with laughter and kept giggling even as you scowled at her beneath your veil.
You turned your head away from her and scoffed, “I am not as easily swayed by British soldiers. They look so sickly as pale as they are,” your nose wrinkled, “How could I righteously take a husband in front of beloved Lakshmi and her Vishnu when they look like they tempt Yama too take them at any moment?”
Your friend rolled her eyes, “Oh nonsense,” she tapped your hand and waved her fingers into a crowd of soldiers, “See there that one, his hair the colour of wheat, he is a handsome man. He would make a fine husband.”
And as the cart rolled passed, you couldn’t help gag at the smell of the same man Anjuli proclaimed would make a fine husband.
‘A fine swine perhaps. Many sow in heat could come trotting to him from miles with such a putrid scent.’
Your head wobbled and your flat palm waved at her, “A husbands good qualities are not to stand on his appearance alone. One day he will grow old, fat, bald and ugly.”
A long dragging sigh came out from the woman beside you. She managed to move both reigns into one hand and playfully tugged your saree away from your face
“You’re no fun, come on,” she jerked her chin out to the same street as the ox was about to pass another group, “Tell me you don’t find any of them a little attractive?”
You stared at the oncoming group and now sucked your teeth. You crudely stated, “They’d be far more attractive if they left. Went back to their lands, leave our villages and the people of Bharat in peace.”
Anjuli stared blankly at you. Before she could pinch and prod you again you relented and noticed one of the men in the crowd so different from the others.
He was tall, his hair a dark chestnut that matched the shade of his suit. His face was bare and clean in comparison to the soldiers who all adorned moustaches and muttonchop beards on their faces. He was carrying a rather large brief case and walking stick.
“Fine...that one,” you nodded, “In the brown English clothes.”
“The one wearing a suit?” Anjuli snickered, “He’s not a soldier though?”
You giggled,“And it is for such a reason I find he is most handsome among them.”
You both gazed at him as the ox fully passed by. Anjuli smiled at you.
“He is rather tall. Strong. What do you think he does?” She asked, “Maybe he is a farmer, or a bricklayer?”
You shook your head. ‘No. He couldn’t be.’
“He dresses too finely. It is not their Christian Sunday Sabbath today. He probably is a rich businessman, with a wife and children.”
You looked back to the path as the dusty road became thicker in trees and travel further away from the street. You thought about that strangers wife, what she might look like, probably some English rose with a house full of servants at her command, surrounded by maids and wet nurses for her children. She would live in a grand house and hold soiree’s, welcoming guests from all around to celebrate life. She would have a massive library and a place of worship. It was the life you should’ve had, the life you were owed and denied merely by the changing events of history and the extinguish of your father’s birthright.
Your soft smile faded; you felt a twinge of repulsion mixed with a hint of anger. You’d think after all these years you would’ve chosen to forget this, ignore this, let go and accept your circumstances in this life.... You didn’t live with your father anymore who would remind you practically daily why not to trust the English or any white man, as if you didn’t witness their subjecting abuse and consistent disrespect.
Your eyes fluttered shut, you reached to your side and touched Anjuli’s wrist. She was your truest friend despite her differences and low status. Anjuli came from a Shudra family, and you? You were the daughter, the descendant of Brahims and Kshatriyas...now lowered to the Shudra caste class…You never knew the lavish life of the Jhansi palace, nor tasted the rich foods served on golden plates and surrounded by pretty creatures of the palace menagerie. You would never know the joys of running through the gardens with other children in the royal family.
Everyone was gone, everything was gone. All that was left was your father who scarcely remembered that life but shared all he remembered so his memories would live on through you and bring you hope that one day it would be yours. It was a cruel false hope…
Eighteen years ago, you had been born inside of a nice house in Indore to the daughter of a prestige painter Vasudeoraobhau Bhatavdekar. As far as you knew, your father loved your mother very much for the incredibly brief time that they were married. A rare jewel in beauty is how he described her often. A marriage of love and choice. Your father said she was softly spoken and obedient, but it was her unconditional love for him and his dreams that held his heart in appreciation.
It was by unfortunate command that she would fall ill to childbed fevers after you were born. After you…a girl...not a son. You were nothing in the eyes of the British raj and had no chance of being installed as an heir for any restoration…you were the last hope and failed before your first breath. And that was something you’d never forget.
For a small time, you were raised in that home and then it was decided by your father that you would learn English. His tutors were not available, so he cut your hair short and shipped you off to Delhi with your young uncle Save to the Anglo Arabic Secondary School…It did not take the teachers and headmaster long to discover you were a girl. Before you were to receive the beating of a lifetime it was Mr Hamish Watson who so happened to be accounting the school costs to save you. He took you to his wife who taught you English and then set you to live with his maid servants, Anjuli’s mother.
Your friend spoke after some time of silence, “Oh, I’m meant to tell you- My cousin Vijay sent word this morning, he’s seeking a wife. My mother wants me to ask if you’d like to meet him, a prospective match.”
Your lips curled into a sneer, “Isn’t he the one that use to tie our braids together in a knot during Diwali and chase us around the street making animal noises?”
You recalled a young teenage boy about five years your senior with a tooth gap and ruffled hair. He was so annoying, calling you names and bullying you by calling you fat and ugly. He was spoilt and rude. He mocked you when you told him you were a princess. He said you were a princess of pimple pox and nothing more. Oh how you remembered the way your blood boiled.
“We were children, he was playing, only a boy,” she smiled, “He’s a man now, studying to be a barrister in Bombay but he will be visiting in a few weeks to help us move.”
Ah yes, the dilemma you needed to find a solution too soon. It was a month ago that a letter had been nailed to the house door, it was an eviction commandment made by the British military and government. The Paraiyars family and you had to leave the home in Raisina hill, why? Because the British do what they like…building concrete monstrosities over beautiful land and demolishing the history of your people like it was worthless dust. Rumours spread about a grand governors palace was to be built there, but they couldn’t burn the village to ash with people living inside...well....at least not on their "morally good Christian conscious."
“Vijay I believe owns a cottage near the seaside. You could be his bride and live with him instead of moving back to Indore to your father.”
Moving back was not possible...not after his most recent letter.
“Father has…felt it improper for me to move back to Indore. He believes that my existence would cause me more harm than good under his jailers’ eyes…His pension he shares I give mostly to your mother for board. I have saved my wages, I am considering…moving to a boarding workhouse in Jhansi or Agra, but tell your mother I would like to greet Vijay when he arrives…”
You smirked looking down at your fingernails, “Lakshmi forbid I run out of money and need to resort to the ‘charity’ of Christians or to prostitution.”
Anjuli made a face, shaking her head and brushed her shoulder into yours, “You wrinkle your nose at every man, white, black or bronze,” she smiled cheekily, “I doubt you’d make a good prostitute.”
“Anjuli!” You shrieked.
Both you and her erupted into a large happy shrill of giggles enough to gain head turns from passing public. You and her playfully poked your elbows into each other. Anjuli was right, there was no chance that you could make a suitable prostitute…you hadn’t had sex and didn’t know how to please a man, most men you barely liked. They could be selfish. Anjuli on the other hand, she was a frisky thing. She had kissed a hundred men and given her ‘precious flower’ to a boy back when she was thirteen. She had no shame. Anjuli had shared her sordid tales of lust to you many times. You knew her boyfriends that snuck her out at night and returned her by morning. You promised never to tell her mother or father who surely would’ve disowned her if they knew how promiscuous she was. It was best if they believed she made money with her parents in the markets selling dyed clothes and wooden jewellery boxes.
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03:04pm Friday 11th July 1890, 5 Bistdari Road, Central Ridge Forest, Delhi, India.
Arriving to the Watson Bungalow was simple enough, the ox cart rolled and bumped over the rock and sandy grooves of the path. Anjuli pulled the reigns of her beast and helped you both down. She tied her ox to the outside gate posts, the precious creature lowered its head and munched on dry grass that still was hinted in green. The ox would be glad as soon the wet season would hit and all the food delight lush and green would return.
You and Anjuli stepped inside and removed your sandals, Anjuli then led you through the house. It had been some time since you had been here. Anjuli’s mother was dismissed as Mrs Victoria Watson’s maid when the new Watson bride had arrived.
Doctor Watson, their son was a short ferrety man. His face was covered in a long mutton mustache like a snake of hair slithering along his face. He was a grown man from the teenager you had met many years ago. His parents had sent him to Europe to school, as far as you were aware he had join the army and fought in some notorious war battles like The of Battle of Abu Klea.
As you entered the bureau office, you found him hunched over some paperwork, his brows scrunched. His eyes lifted up and brightened his face on seeing you both.
“Oh Miss Paraiyars, Anjuli dear,” he said clapping his hands and opening a drawer in his desk, “Thank you so much dear for bringing darling Miss Newalkar here. Here,” he handed Anjuli a small bag and slipped four rupees into her hand, “and take these sweets back to your Mataji, Mrs Paraiyars.”
Anjuli put her hands together and smiled, wobbling her head before leaving you alone to return outside back to her ox cart.
You had your hands pressed together peacefully while the doctor hobbled over to you from around the desk. He was smiling brightly and nodded his head to you, offering you a chair in front of the desk.
“Y/N thankyou for coming on such short notice. I requested your presence in person to offer you a job position.”
Your smile fell, you sheepishly explained to the man, “I am currently employed at the Anglo school Doctor, Babu.”
The doctor nodded, “Yes…Anjuli tells me you are still teaching the children English and Hindi?”
“Yes Doctor Babu,” you confirmed.
“How much are you paid per month?” he asked quickly, touching his lips lightly in thought.
“Twenty five rupees,” you said softly, you didn’t dare try to sound prideful.
The doctor smiled and pulled out a piece paper contract, he then stated, “I will pay you a hundred per month.”
Your eyes widened, and then narrowed. It was too spectacular to be true, it sounded Impossible. Your fathers pension was only a hundred and fifty rupees a year, for the doctor to give you a hundred per month was unfathomable wealth. What on earth was he wanting from you!?
“What is the position,” you swallowed breathlessly, “Doctor Babu?”
“Housekeeper and…a carer,” he sighed, “I need you to live here, and watch over one of my friends. He is from England and I am afraid he might not understand the customs here.”
He leant against the desk cocking his head and looking down at his feet awkwardly. “Please,” he begged, “he is different to other men. He is particular and perhaps rather spoilt. I need you to make sure he doesn’t get lost, harmed or too upset. It is pressing that I should return to my wife in Agra. I would have hired Mrs Paraiyars, in fact I did offer this role to her, but I have been informed she will be moving and her English is not as it once was…and my English friend is rather…particular and impatient with broken speech...”
He wrote a signature across the bottom of the document and held it out for you to read. It was real…your mouth watered. You could save more than your regular wage and easily move back to Indore without burdening your father or mother’s family.  
“If you accept my offer, you may live here as a free lodging, you recall where the servant quarters are I am sure? You will also receive a handsome budget for food. And-” he paused looking up and pocketing the cheque, he gasped, “Sherlock! Dear god man! Did you walk here from the train station?!”
You turned around in the chair and took in the sight of a familiar looking soul.
He was the gentleman from the road. The supposed businessman with his briefcase. He was taller standing here with you then when you sat above in the ox cart. He was standing in the doorway to the office. He stepped inside and lowered his walking stick and briefcase.
“My friend,” the handsome stranger gleefully called, “My dear John Watson, I came the moment I read your message. One of the khaki coated lads pointed me here.”
Up close now you could observe his features on a better judgement. Sherlock Holmes was well known in the British gazette for his distinct physical appearance. With his broad angular frame, sharp hard features, and mighty frame, he exuded a striking and intimidating aura that commanded respect. He reminded you of warriors you imagined before bed in story's of battles your father described at Jhansi Fort.
His face was marked by a strong, sharp pointed nose and intense, deep-set sapphire eyes. His hair was kept combed and short below his ears short and slicked back, revealing his angular eyebrows, and his pink lips that were tightly pursed. He wore a grand brown suit coat with a crisp white shirt, and woolen sweater vest beneath it. And at the base of his throat was a dark burgundy tie. Something about the time reminded you of blood. A cut throat. You felt cold.
His eyes smoothly shifted to you and your presence, his lips parted softly, he glanced back at John, “A patient of yours Doctor?”
The moustached man bristled and shook his head, he stuttered and leant his hand out to you. you carefully chose to take it and rise from the chair as he introduced you.
“Oh- I- Sherlock…um, Sherlock Holmes, I would like you to meet Miss Y/N Newalkar.”
“Miss Newalkar,” the doctor waved his hand over the figure of the giant stock of a man, “This is the very gentleman I was informing you about. This is my friend Detective Sherlock Holmes.”
You pressed your hands together and nodded in greeting. One of Sherlock’s brows raised and his lips hardened in a straight line.
Doctor Watson explained back to the detective, “I was in the middle of discussing whether this dear lady would like to accept a role of housekeeping during your stay here.”
“Whatever for?” Sherlock snickered, “Is your lady wife not up to par with her duties?” he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his leather shoes while his eyes scanned all the way down to your bare feet. It was a crude look of judgement. The westerner seemed to forget not everyone shared the same styles and habits here. You tried not to roll your eyes at him as he scanned your arms and the parts of your belly that the saree did not cover.  Those dark blue orbs crawled up and settled over your faux sweetened smiling face.
“Some…plans have come up unexpectedly. Mary is back in Agra, staying safe with her family,” John stated, his fingers rubbed together, “I need to be with her. And the hospitals are in desire of my services as a surgeon. I ask that you will look around, see if you can find anything here…” he leant in closer and whispered to the man, “I will visit every couple of days, to check up on you and see if there is truth to be founded in my suspicions.”
“John…” the detective pat his friends shoulder, “I am happy to see you. I promise I will do my very best.”
“Thankyou,” said the doctor.
Sherlock jerked his chin to your direction, “How much does the dear girl here know?”
“Well, I…not much,” the doctor blushed and looked back to you, “Miss Newalkar, your thoughts on the job position role?”
You swallowed and nodded slowly, “I accept the conditions, thankyou for your most gracious offering, Doctor Babu.”
The doctor smiled and carefully touched your back, leading you to the exist of his office as he happily stated.
“Splendid! Please, this is the contract. Sign it and return with your belongings later on a few hours while I converse with my friend and guest.”
You looked back at the mysterious Sherlock Holmes and back to the contract. You wobbled your head in goodbye and went on your way. The way you could feel his eyes over your body walking away made you shiver. He was a intimidateding looking man. You left the home and slipped your sandals on.
You thought about how you would now be the housekeeper of a prestigious British family in the community. A wave of relief to your stability washed over you. You didn’t need to crawl to your father and your mother’s family. You started smiling ear to ear. All you needed to do was take care of a house and baby-sit an Englishman who was vulnerable to these new lands.
“Did you see him go in?” Anjuli smirked from the ox cart, waving you over, “The British man you fancied?”
You jerked your chin up proudly exclaiming, “I met him.”
Your friend gasped with a wide smile, “What is he like?”
“I don’t really know,” you shrugged before waving the contract in front of your friends face, “but I am going to be his housekeeper, I need to inform the school of my resignation.”
Anjuli looked at the contract, she couldn't read english but made a light sad sound and sucked her teeth before sighing, “Oh, those children will miss you dearly.”
And that you could both agree. You grabbed the ox reigns and tapped its flank with the cane rolling back to the school again quickly to collect your last wage.
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imaginemalereader · 3 years
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Anonymous request: Imagine being Sherlock’s young assistant and confusing John when he moves in
“Um, Sherlock?”
Sherlock looked up from his microscope, raising an eyebrow in questioning.
“Why is there a child in our flat?”
Sherlock glanced past John and saw you lounging on the couch.
“Ah. That’s [Y/N].”
John looked back at you, you waved, and he looked back at Sherlock.
“Great. Why is he on our couch?”
“He’s been following my cases for a while now. Used to think he was annoying but he has proven rather useful on occasion.”
You smiled at Sherlock calling you useful. You knew that was high praise from him.
“Sherlock.” John snapped. You knew why, Sherlock still had yet to explain to John why his young assistant was making himself at home in the flat. “I don’t care who he is, I want to know what he is doing in our flat, right now!”
“Well I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?” Sherlock replied, looking back to the microscope.
John both shook his head and covered his face in exasperation. 
“So, [Y/N], will you tell me why you’re in the flat?” He asked. You had a smug smirk on, enjoying his frustration though you did feel a little bit bad about it.
“I came to bring Sherlock some updates on the pink lady. Mrs. Hudson let me in. She does that when she knows Sherlock is on a case and probably won’t come to the door. Like he said, I help out with investigations when I can. It’s amazing how many people don’t notice you when they think you’re just a dumb kid.”
“Right. Do you plan to come by often?” He asked.
“As often as I’m needed. Don’t worry, I do have somewhere else to live, I won’t be sleeping on your couch every night. I’m assuming you’re the doctor Sherlock asked to move in. If you’d prefer I not just come in unannounced, I can try to give you a heads-up when I’m coming over.”
“Oh uh, no that’s all right.” He said, processing your explanation. “Do you, shouldn’t you be in school?”
“It’s Saturday John.” Sherlock added, without looking up. You chuckled.
“I am in school. I only help when I’m not in classes. Or when the classes are especially dull.” John frowned at that part. “I’m only joking. Can’t go getting expelled for helping solve murders.”
“Good. And do-”
“Don’t make this an interrogation of the boy.” Sherlock interrupted.
“It’s fine Sherlock. If he’s going to be helping you out too, I don’t mind getting to know him. It was Dr. Watson right?”
“Yes, sorry. John Watson.” He said, offering his hand as he realized Sherlock had said your name but he hadn’t introduced himself. Though clearly Sherlock had talked about him since you knew he was a doctor without Sherlock saying it, unless you shared his crazy observational and deductive skills.
“Good to meet you Dr. Watson. I look forward to working with you.”
“Oh just John, please.” He told you. “I look forward to it too. I think.”
You laughed and John joined. Sherlock was silent but he was secretly glad the two of you were getting along. He would hate to deal with you two bickering since he wanted both of your assistance moving forward.
You had always found working with Sherlock satisfying if sometimes thankless, but you suspected adding John was going to make it a little better.
 John, for his part was already worrying about you being safe around murder investigations but if first impressions were anything to go by, he thought you were a good kid. It was going to be strange, stranger than he had anticipated working with Sherlock would be, but he did think it would be good.
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shinyasahalo · 2 months
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