#Josh Washington x male reader
I will stay with you in the dark and beyond
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Josh Wahsington x fem!reader
warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, kissing, mental health issues
Summary : A preparation for the meeting after the tragedy, ghosts of the past still haunting him. Cold snow on them as she realizes she just has to stay with him this time…together against the dark abyss inside him.
Info : In short i have to write for ud again (and this is the second time i deleted the first version yayyy) so i hope you like it and Josh just needs some love.
Snow flew down and up the big dark mountain as the bus stopped at the single stop in the middle of nowhere. The light broke through the early evening as two people got off the bus, knowing full well that this nowhere held a grisly and bitter sweet secret.
The snow began to creak under their sturdy shoes as they made their first steps off the road and onto the grounds. ,,Still as cold as ever," she muttered, pulling her hat a little more over her ears to protect them from the cold and especially the wind.
A glance to her side, however, let her know that her friend seemed more like an excited child and not a freezing one who still had a long climb ahead of him. ,,As always…but if you're cold, I can keep you warm," he grinned and approached his friend, his hands playing with the bobble on her hat before he pulled the sleep tightly around her neck to keep the cold out.
His green eyes showed love and joy but she knew it had been different a few hours and days ago. She had seen how this journey had weighed on him and how he had tried not to let it show. ,,Josh, my hero," she said, but she knew that if she brought it up now, it would not only ruin his mood but also his world for the day.
She knew how stubborn he could be, she also knew that he always appreciated her help, but now that they were here. It was different. The mountain as they started to walk up seemed bigger, scarier and colder, as if after a year everything would be less inviting, as if she was looking out for them but not in a good way.
But at the latest when Josh took her hand, she felt his cupped hand run over hers, a smile on his lips and always a sweetly cheeky saying and an even worse joke. ,,How about a kiss for the passage," he suggested as they arrived in front of the large iron gate that separated the still wild area from the private one and also told other people they weren't allowed in.
While Josh had climbed over the wall with ease, she knew that with her backpack and not exactly the best grade in sports, it wouldn't be so easy, it was cold, the stones might be icy and who knows what else. ,,A kiss?" she asked curiously, stepping closer to the gate, her hands gripping the cold ice as she was forced to carry her hand and still feel Josh's hand on hers as he stepped closer to the gate.
Green soul mirrors looking back at her, a smile on his lips as he saw her lean forward, but it was he who crossed the last barrier between them.
A brief, intimate kiss, a kiss that she knew would not be the first or the last on this chilly evening. The gate opened shortly afterwards and Josh let her through, putting his arm around her as they walked side by side, laughing and admiring nature to bridge the silence.
A short break in the cable car where she rested her head against his shoulder and he told a little trivial story from his school days about Chris and him. A story of amusement and yet she saw the amusement and the glint of envy in his green eyes.
Eyes that had a goal after they had left the last stretch behind them as they crossed the last few meters and arrived in front of the wooden hut. ,,Frozen like every year," she heard him say as she held the backpacks for a moment and turned away from the forest that lay cold and dark behind them but now saw that Josh had learned.
She smiled as she heard the click of a fire train You've learned not to get a cold from this again she thought back to the last time they were all still standing here outside the door and it had taken so long that the first two days were spent in the beds and they had a cold. ,,And yet you've learned not to make us sick again," she joked, squeezing past him before finally putting down her bags and backpacks and looking inside.
It really hadn't changed, how could it have since the incident a year ago, no one had been here except a few white plush covers had been thrown over the furniture to keep out the dust.
Walking further in and placing her jacket on one of the chairs, she was in the process of removing the platsik covers when she saw Josh still standing at the open door.
Green eyes that seemed to see something in the interior reminded her of what was going on in his head. ,,Josh? Are you all right?" she asked uncertainly, moving from the couch towards him and slowly taking his hand in hers, seeing how he still didn't quite realize where he was.
That it was no longer the tragedy of a year ago, that his medication was supposed to be working. Questions to which she had no answer but suddenly, before she could reach for her cell phone, he seemed to catch himself again.
,,Yes-yes, I'm fine…just distracted for a moment, let's unpack" he interrupted her, ignoring the open door, the snow and the furniture and taking the things they had with them before heading upstairs and down to the basement one by one.
,,Josh…I won't leave you alone again," she said resolutely, closing the door and making a fire in the fireplace before setting to work on the glorious meal that was canned rafioli while she listened to his mumbling in the house from time to time between their conversations.
But he seemed to have caught on, at least for today, as they sat together on the couch again, the TV showing something trivial about bears and their hibernation while they sat under the covers together and enjoyed their feast.
,,You are a true master chef," he praised and took the empty plate from her hand when she saw the smirk on his lips, ,,Well, what can I say, I'm just the best," she replied and put her hands on her hips before she felt Josh pull her slightly towards him.
She held on and she felt his hands grip her tighter and tighter almost as if he was afraid she would disappear, disappear like his sisters, like everything they had experienced.
But she allowed it, knowing that in the time that had passed Josh had gotten help, that in the dark times they had shared together she had been afraid for him when she had seen him at his darkest point and had run away.
But now, never again, she would stay with him, she knew that now, she knew she would stay with him. ,,I'm here Josh…I won't leave you," she reminded him and pulled him even closer to her, feeling a shaky breath come over his lips as he mumbled a thank you before she felt something slightly wet on her shirt.
She didn't have to let go of him to know that he was crying into the crook of her neck, hiding his mind from the house, the world that had taken his siblings from him. ,,Together, the two of us and the other one, we'll get everything sorted out, you hear?" she continued, stroking his back slowly, giving him all the time he needed before she heard him sniffle several times and he slowly detached himself.
My brave darling she thought as she looked into his face her hand I put to his cheek he nestled against it lightly seeking help green teary eyes looking into hers seeking help meeting giving help.
The pain that was behind the green and he seemed to realize now just how much her Josh had suffered…that he had apparently never left the darkness of the night a year ago.
That he hadn't found his way out alone and probably wouldn't if she left him. ,,Thank you for everything for being here and not leaving like her," he murmured, the hint of a smile on his lips that had stopped trembling.
Before she slowly came closer to him, waiting to see if he wanted a kiss, if he needed affection, the moment of calm passed with his slow nod of assent and she kissed him.
She could take away his worries for today at least, because something she knew was healing was the love between them and that, despite the pleasure, the future did not depend on it.
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defectivevillain · 1 year
hold me like a grudge
pairing: josh/reader
reader’s pronouns are unspecified. 
“Did you see that?” Josh asks frantically. Your first instinct is to respond, and you quite nearly turn around to look at where your friend is pointing. Just before you can do so, you realize that the fear in his voice is manufactured. You remember the elaborate tricks he set up. Anger boils in your chest and you grab him by the collar to shove him against the wall.
“Don’t even start with me,” you hiss, entirely unwilling to entertain Josh’s revenge plot. The fact that Josh can stand here and joke about everything… knowing damn well that he would inflict so much pain on his friends…
You're given several chances to fix things on that fateful night at Blackwood Mountain. This attempt, you decide not to entertain Josh's foolishness.
[ao3 version, which contains an alternate ending]
word count: around 5k
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warnings: canon-typical violence & gore, spoilers, panic attack, hyperventilation
The first time you live through the night on Blackwood Mountain, you’re overwhelmed. Your entire world has been flipped on its axis, as your friends become enemies and your enemies become friends. Josh’s betrayal is difficult to swallow, but his death hits you even harder. Everyone else manages to survive. Everyone else can walk away from the night bruised and bleeding, but still very much alive. Josh, on the other hand… You can’t finish that thought. Right now, above all, you need rest. Once the helicopter arrives and you’re safely strapped in, you feel your eyelids slipping shut of their own accord.
You wake up to find yourself standing on the snowy path leading up to Josh’s lodge. You blink a few times and stare at it in confusion. What’s happening here? Are you lucid dreaming? Surely, that’s the only logical explanation. You walk up the steps and knock on the door. It swings open within a few moments and Josh welcomes you in. You step in warily, only to find that everyone else has already arrived. Dread coiling in your chest, you keep quiet and listen to their conversations. None of this seems right. You subtly pinch at your arm—hard enough to be rather painful—but nothing happens.
It looks like you’re living through the night all over again. You push away your growing anxiety and try to pretend that everything’s fine. Hell, you’re getting a second chance at things—you should be grateful. This time, you proceed with a little more caution. You make sure to keep a closer eye on Josh and, sure enough, the betrayal feels rather obvious once you’re expecting it. Still, you’re unable to get to Josh and interfere with his plans. At the end of the night, you’re alive. Matt, Emily, Chris, Ashley, Josh, and Jessica are all dead. Mike and you are the only survivors. It’s apparent that the two of you don’t know what to do with yourselves once the sun rises. When you’re taken away by helicopter once more, you’re willingly closing your eyes and hoping you get another chance.
Against all odds, you get another chance… and another… and another. Your third and fourth attempts are better, but you’re still unable to entirely prevent death. The fifth attempt is horrible—you’re the only one who survives. The survivor’s guilt stays with you, especially when you consider the fact that you had lived the night multiple times before. You should’ve been able to prevent those deaths. During that helicopter ride, you stare out the window in complete silence. It takes you a long time to find rest.
By the sixth attempt, you’re exhausted. You’ve lived the same horrible night over and over again. You’ve outran Wendigos and narrowly avoided death countless times. Somehow, the exertion is taking a toll on your stamina. You feel slightly slower, clumsier. You don’t respond as fast as you did before, and when a Wendigo throws itself at you, you’re thrown to the ground. The creature’s jaw nearly unhinges as it lurches toward you with sharpened teeth and a drooling maw. You try your best to push it off, but your efforts are to no avail. The Wendigo leans down and snaps your head right off. For a moment, there is intense pain. As soon as it comes, shadows overtake your vision and you’re swallowed by darkness.
The next time you open your eyes, you’re startled. You thought that sixth attempt would be your last—what with you dying and all. A traitorous part of you doesn’t even want to continue. You’ve tried countless times already—will anything really change? Is this night just destined to bring death and destruction?
A bird chirps loudly, breaking you out of your thought process. The brisk mountain air hits your skin and you shake your head, resolutely walking forward and towards the cabin looming in the distance. You have to do this again. You have to save your friends.
When you’re finally on the doorstep of the lodge, you realize you’re one of the first to arrive; thankfully, the rest of your friends arrive in due time. Once all of you are gathered in the common area, you realize that you may have been focusing on the wrong things in your past attempts. You lock eyes with Josh and come to a realization. He is the only person who had the same fate, regardless of your six different attempts. No matter what you did, Josh perished at the hands of a Wendigo. Something about that makes you pause. Maybe if you tried to stop Josh from all of the cruel tricks he planned… Maybe, just maybe… You take a deep breath.
“Josh, I need something from the basement,” you announce, deciding to bite the bullet, “Can you come with me?” You need to talk to him—the sooner, the better. The group seems a little surprised by your request, which only serves to confuse you. You’re closer to Josh than you are to the rest of them. Did they expect you to go with someone else? You don’t get to pursue that thought process too far, as Josh answers.
“Sure,” Josh grins, smirking at you. You refuse to find that attractive. “Eager to go into the basement with me?” His tone is suggestive and you roll your eyes. He wishes, you think to yourself. You decide to remain silent and watch as the rest of the group pairs off. Unsurprisingly, Emily and Matt go together. Chris goes with Ashley and Mike sticks with Jessica. You’re left standing in the foyer with Josh.
“Let’s go,” you suggest, shoving your hands in your pockets and walking towards the basement. You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice Josh’s suspicious gaze tearing holes into your back. You bound down the basement stairs and take a few turns, making sure that you’re out of earshot from the others. Josh follows you and comes to a stop next to you, clearly a bit confused about your sudden unfounded confidence. You don’t bother to explore the halls, since you remember everything from your past attempts. You’re about to turn the corner when there’s a hand on your shoulder.
“Did you see that?” Josh asks frantically. Your first instinct is to respond, and you quite nearly turn around to look at where your friend is pointing. Just before you can do so, you realize that the fear in his voice is manufactured. You remember the elaborate tricks he set up. His lighthearted pranks ended up being far more than pranks, though. Josh’s fake death—or, well, Ashley’s real one—was traumatizing for everyone involved.  Anger boils in your chest and you grab him by the collar to shove him against the wall.
“Don’t even start with me,” you hiss, entirely unwilling to entertain Josh’s revenge plot. The fact that Josh can stand here and joke about everything… knowing damn well that he would inflict so much pain on his friends… Safe to say, you’re not happy about this situation. There’s a strange expression on Josh’s face, and it almost looks as if he wants to dissect you before his eyes. You take a deep breath. “Now, you’re going to shut the fuck up and let me speak.”
“Ooh, feisty,” Josh grins, looking entirely amused and interested with this turn of events. You tighten your grip on his shirt, both to get him to stop and to reassure yourself that everything around you is real. This isn’t a dream. You’re living through this hellish night once more. And, this time, you’re not going to die. None of your friends are going to die—you’ll make sure of it. You take a moment to close your eyes and regain your composure.
“I’m serious, Josh,” you sigh, hoping that your tone will convey your sincerity. Josh seems to believe you, as his eyes widen minutely and he falls silent. “I’ve done this before. Your little game? It never ends well.” Josh’s eyes go comically wide at that.
“How-?” He chokes out. You silence Josh with a look.
“It never works out for you,” you continue. “You masterminded all this for revenge, right? You want us to feel the pain, the humiliation that your sisters did? Well, your game isn’t just a game—it has real consequences, Josh.” For the first time, there’s genuine emotion on Josh’s face. There isn’t a fake smile or a flat line. Just as you begin to hope that he’ll believe you, however, Josh continues to speak.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Josh says. You know that he’s in a bad place, that he has struggled with mental illness since long before his sisters died. Even so, that remark is unacceptable. You can’t dismiss the sudden wave of frustration and rage you feel.
“I wouldn’t understand?”  You look at him in disbelief. There’s nothing but sincerity written on his face and it makes your stomach turn. “I lost two good friends that day, Josh.”
“Good friends?” Josh remarks sardonically. “Don’t make me fucking laugh. If you were such good friends with Hannah, then why didn’t you stop that prank?” You freeze. The hollow feeling you’ve grown to associate with grief is returning, and your chest burns. You clench your fists at your sides.
“Josh, I think about that night constantly, and I know you do the same,” you sigh, swallowing past the lump in your throat. You’ve spent the past year regretting every single decision that led to that night, to Hannah and Beth’s disappearances. You’re not going to let Josh guilt you for it, not when you’ve been living with regret and remorse every damn day since then. “Don’t put this all on me; each and every one of us is responsible—including you.”
“I know,” Josh whispers, so quietly that you have to strain to hear it. He seems to finally have given up on arguing, so you let your hand fall from his collar. Josh massages his neck and you pretend not to notice. Instead, you take a deep breath and contemplate what to do next. Josh still looks confused, so you decide to explain what you can to him. You describe how you’ve lived this night over and over, how you’ve seen everyone—including yourself—die in increasingly gruesome ways. “Wow,” Josh remarks, once you’re done telling him everything. You feel inclined to agree with the sentiment.
“If everyone is going to survive, then we’re going to need to work together,” you say, “Are you with me or not?” You extend a hand to him and for a long moment, there is nothing but silence. The lights flicker in the dimly lit hallway and the expression on Josh’s face is far too complicated for you to pin down. It is rather hard to believe—that you’re stuck in some fucked up time loop. Just as you’re about to rescind your offer of cooperation, Josh reaches out and clasps your hand.
“Let’s do this, then,” he agrees. You spontaneously decide to squeeze his hand in a reassuring gesture, before letting your hand fall back to your side. Josh’s eyebrows furrow and he pushes himself off the wall, coming to stand next to you. “So… what now?”
“Honestly, I didn’t think I’d be able to convince you…” You trail off, your confidence from before slowly dissipating. Josh shakes his head in disbelief and you’re quick to defend yourself. “What? I have a plan, sort of. I just… made it under the guise that I’d be alone.” You hadn’t tried to work with someone in your prior attempts. That may have been the problem, though.
“Well, you’re not alone,” Josh reminds you without hesitation. His confidence is reassuring—it pushes your nerves aside. Sure, there’s a million different ways this night could go wrong. Maybe this time, though, you’ll do it right.
“I know,” you eventually sigh.  You pinch the bridge of your nose and try to maintain your composure; the night is far from over. “Hm. Okay, well. Emily and Matt should be on their way back. Mike and Jessica are heading to the guest cabin- Oh shit. Oh shit!”
“What?” Josh asks, evidently startled by the sudden exclamation.
“We need to get to Mike and Jessica right now,” you answer, remembering that Mike and Jessica will encounter a Wendigo if they make it to the guest cabin. You don’t have the time to explain that to Josh. Hell, they could be in danger already. “Fuck,” you mutter under your breath, spinning around and racing back to the stairs. Josh pauses for a moment before running to catch up to you. You sprint through the house and down the path outside.
Thankfully, Mike and Jessica didn’t get far; in fact, it looks as if they’re having a snowball fight just off of the path. “Hey, guys. You should come back. We…” You’re suddenly struggling to come up with an excuse. The pair is staring at you with thinly-concealed suspicion and, for some reason, you’re blanking. You ran all the way out here with the fear that they would be in danger. They’re not, but now you need an excuse for them to avoid the guest cabin.
“We’re going to use a spirit board,” Josh interjects, before you can awkwardly stammer through an unconvincing explanation. You send him a grateful glance. Mike and Jessica both squint at you, as if they know something you don’t. “You guys in? It’s pretty cold out here; probably not the best idea to go to the guest cabin.” You’re momentarily amazed by how calm Josh sounds. You then remember that his calm demeanor was the reason you were so blindsided by his betrayal in the first place. You have to make a conscious effort to forget that realization.
“Sure, why the hell not?” Mike shrugs, looking to Jessica for confirmation. She shrugs and, with Josh’s guidance, the two of them walk back to the lodge. You let out a breath of relief once they’re out of earshot.
“I can buy you time,” Josh whispers, despite the fact that Mike and Jessica are now too far away to hear. You turn to him and raise your eyebrows. He looks thoroughly convinced. “I’ll fake the spirit board again,” he explains. How is he going to do that, exactly? Josh must sense your thoughts—sometimes, you swear he can read your mind—and he rolls his eyes. “Relax, I’ll just make it look like a ghost or something.”
“Okay, sounds good,” you nod, already planning out what to do with the time he’s buying for you. The two of you stare at each other in silence. Apparently, the conversation is over. You take a step forward, fully intent on walking towards the cabin, when Josh’s hand falls on your shoulder. You glance at him, only to find a conflicted expression on his face.
“Hey,” You blink at him in confusion, thrown off by the sudden remark. You look at him expectantly. Josh takes a deep breath and looks at you with a rather intense gaze. “How many times have I died?”
Your heart stalls in your chest, and you’re completely unable to hide an instinctual wince. You really hoped he would overlook that part. Josh senses that you’re evading the question and he sighs. “I think I deserve to know.”
You swallow hard. He does deserve to know. You inhale shakily. “Six,” you whisper, averting your eyes. You don’t want to remind him that you’ve lived this same night only… six times. Unfortunately, Josh seems to come to that conclusion on his own.
“My death is unavoidable,” Josh realizes aloud. There aren’t any words that can describe the tortured expression on his face—it’s a horrid mix of fear and resignation. Your eyes are burning and you wipe at them quickly, hoping he doesn’t notice. Josh’s own eyes look glassy in the pale moonlight and your chest tightens. You can’t even imagine how he must feel. You feel the overwhelming need to reach out to him, but you’re not sure if that will help. Instead, you swallow your nerves and muster as much confidence as you can.
“When I said we’re saving everyone, I meant everyone,” you remark. Josh looks at you in confusion. “That means you, too.” You clarify, crossing your arms over your chest. He stares at you more.
“Why are you giving me a second chance?” Josh asks, turning his back to look up at the stars. You can’t see the expression on his face, but the tension strung in his shoulders gives you a hint of what he’s feeling. “After everything I’ve done. Or, I guess, everything I… did.”
“Because I know you,” you respond, once the words start to feel heavy on your tongue. You have to avert your eyes as you say it, for fear of letting Josh see the emotion in your expression. “I know you and… you understand better than anyone.” You understand the grief better than anyone, goes unsaid. At that, Josh turns around to meet your eyes. There’s a complex expression on his face—something between disbelief and hope. The sight hurts to look at. He’s staring at you as if you’re some sort of hero. You choke on a wry laugh and put a hand on your face. If only he knew of the things you’ve done these six nights.
The snow crunches underfoot as Josh turns around to head to the cabin. You hesitate and eventually settle for following behind him, making sure to keep your distance. He seems to be rather rattled by what you told him—an understandable sentiment. You’ll give him some space. Once the two of you are safe within the walls of the cabin, you manage to gather everyone in the foyer.
The next few hours pass surprisingly fast. Josh and you manage to engineer ways to keep the group busy, mostly with silly games like Truth or Dare and Hide and Seek. They’re childish, sure, but they distract the group quite well. Hide and Seek gives you enough time to confront The Stranger and receive some flares to fend off the Wendigos.
Unfortunately, your luck soon runs out. The Wendigos had been lurking outside, but they’re starting to approach the cabin. You can catch glimpses of their shadows in your peripheral vision, and you don’t realize just how close they are until you spot one lurking on the doorstep. Its claws scratch against the door mockingly. Your heart races in your chest and you turn to the group.
“Everyone, go to the basement,” you order, knowing you don’t have the time to explain everything. The Wendigos are far too close now. Your friends all stare at you in confusion and you feel yourself snap. “Go!” The group breaks free of their stupor and races down to the basement, which is more secure than the other levels of the cabin. “Josh, you too.” To your surprise, Josh doesn’t argue. Instead, he gives you a knowing look before turning the corner and heading for the stairs. You try to push aside your betrayal at that—you thought you’d be met with a little more resistance than that. The Wendigo lets out a strange noise and breaks through the window, effectively breaking you from your thought process. You pull one of the flares out of your pocket and freeze in place. Despite your refusal to move, you think you can feel your hands shaking out of fear.
The Wendigo must notice the miniscule movement, and it lunges at you so fast that you don’t get the time to react. You’re roughly slammed down to the ground, hard enough to turn your vision grainy. The flare falls from your grip and clatters along the floor. The Wendigo leans closer, excreting drool from its gaping maw. It leans down further and you’re forced to grab at its jaw and push it away. Unsurprisingly, the creature is much stronger than you and its teeth rip into your hand. You bring a knee up and try to throw it off of you, but it doesn’t budge. You come to one earth-shattering conclusion: you’re going to die. You feel as if you’re watching in slow-motion, as the Wendigo lets out a loud screech and brings its hand back for another blow. You close your eyes and push at it desperately. Memories begin to flash before your eyes and it’s as if time freezes. You wait for unfathomable pain and infinite darkness.
Just as its teeth graze your skin, the Wendigo screeches in pain and moves back. You take the afforded opportunity to scramble towards the flare and throw it at the Wendigo, which immediately scampers backwards at the threat of flame. There’s the loud sound of a shotgun discharging and you turn to the side, only to find Josh with a shotgun in hand. The combination of the flare and the shotgun seems to keep the Wendigo at bay for now.  You know that you don’t have much time, though. You grab Josh’s arm and he seems to get the idea; the two of you sprint down to the basement and race through the winding halls, before finding an isolated corner and remaining still. You’re both breathing hard and trying to remain quiet at the same time. It takes several moments for you to catch your breath.
“Did you really think I’d leave you?” Josh asks breathlessly, still panting from the exertion. You can’t find anything to say. The ensuing silence must speak volumes, because Josh shakes his head at you disbelievingly.  “You alright?” He then levels you with a worried gaze that shouldn’t affect you as much as it does. The thought of being on the receiving end of that concern is enough to send your heart racing out of your chest once more.
“Yes, thanks to you,” you eventually murmur. Josh sends you another heated look and you avert your eyes, instead deigning to walk back through the halls. Josh seems to know where he’s going, so you follow him. Sure enough, before long, the two of you manage to regroup with everyone else in the basement. Your friends seem to be debating what to do for the rest of the night. Josh asserts that you all should stay in the basement. Mike brings up one core fault to that plan—namely, what you’re supposed to do if you need to sleep. Josh motions for you all to follow after him. You’re the first one to do so and, eventually, your friends get over their hesitation and follow you.
Josh leads you to a nondescript looking cabinet and opens it up. Before you can ask what he’s doing, he’s pushing the back of the cabinet back to reveal another room. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. This is a new twist; you hadn’t seen this in any of your prior attempts to live through this night. The others don’t seem to know about this secret space either, as they all have different surprised expressions on their faces. Once everyone is standing in the hidden room, Josh pushes the back of the cabinet into place and turns to look at the group.
“We should be safe here,” he maintains, his gaze wandering across the group before settling on you of all people. He looks over you thoroughly and you feel your skin prickling. You’re not quite sure what he’s looking for, and you don’t have the time to figure it out. “There are four bedrooms down here.”
“That’s convenient,” Matt remarks casually. Emily raises an eyebrow at him and they seem to have a telepathic conversation amongst themselves. Matt then turns his attention back to the rest of you. “Em and I can share a room. Then, Mike and Jessica… Chris and Ashley… That leaves one room, with-”
“You two,” Emily interrupts, pointing at Josh and you. Josh’s eyes widen and he sends you a strange glance. He almost looks nervous, and you’re not quite sure why. There’s a devious smirk on Emily’s face and you can sense that same mischief in your other friends’ eyes. Just what are they planning? You don’t get the chance to find out, as the group splits up and moves to their respective rooms. Josh exhales slowly, before leading you to the bedroom you’re supposed to share.
Your mind is reeling, even as Josh closes the door to the bedroom and takes a seat on the bed.  You had no idea that these rooms existed before. Would you have even found them without Josh’s help? You were adamant on living through this night alone—just how much did that hinder you? Were you really just too prideful to reach out for help before? You’re certainly relieved that you all seem to be safe [for now], but… This all feels like a slap in the face. You feel ashamed, humiliated, remorseful. The guilt is eating you alive.
Trying to remain calm, you kneel down to sit on the floor. Your head falls back against the wall. It’s far from comfortable, but you’re far too exhausted to care. Within the few seconds that your eyes are closed, you’re about ready to fall asleep. At least, until Josh interjects.
“What the fuck?” your friend asks. You open your eyes and look at Josh, only to find him staring at you with a scrutinizing gaze. “Why are you on the floor?”
“Oh, I just assumed-” You break off, not quite sure how to explain your thought process. In all honesty, you assumed that Josh would be the one to take the bed. That thought must be ludicrous, because he looks at you like you’re absolutely crazy.
“Get up here,” Josh says, moving over to leave you ample room on the bed. You push yourself up from the floor and sit down next to him. Silence stretches across the space and it’s both uncomfortable yet welcome. You rub a hand over your face, unable to calm your racing heart.
You’ve never made it this far before, and you can’t rid yourself of the fear that everything will reset again. You’ve already lived this night six times. Each time, you thought your actions would be final. Each time, you woke up to find yourself walking along the snowy path towards Josh’s lodge. This time, you think that you’ve done things right. No one died, and you want things to stay that way.
“I really don’t want things to reset again,” you murmur, unable to hide your fear any longer. You don’t realize that you’re trembling until Josh is reaching out and clasping your hands. There’s a strangely concerned expression on his face.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he reassures you. His gaze burns into the side of your face, but you can’t find the courage to meet his eyes. Josh’s thumb skims over your knuckles and a shiver rolls down your spine. “I won’t let that happen.”
You desperately want to believe him, but every time you close your eyes, you see your friends’ corpses. Each time you blink, you see Josh’s crushed skull, Jessica’s unhinged jaw, Mike’s smashed face, Emily’s broken body, Chris’s twisted neck, Matt’s corpse left to rot at the bottom of the cliff, Ashley’s gouged out eyes. You feel as if the breath is being robbed from your chest. You’ve seen so many horrible things over the course of this night, and none of it really settled in until now. You were forced to watch as each of your friends died—over and over and over again. Hell, you even died once yourself. The realization comes crashing down on you all at once and you find yourself gasping for air.
“Whoa,” Josh remarks. His voice sounds garbled and warped, as if he’s underwater. You watch with blurred vision as he squeezes your hands and stares at you, willing you to meet his eyes.  “Hey, breathe with me. In, out. In, out. Come on.” You take a ragged breath in at his command, and exhale in unison with him. It takes several minutes, but you eventually manage to regain your composure. You’re holding Josh’s hands in a death grip, but he doesn’t show any sign of pain.
“Sorry,” you say moments later, releasing his hands.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Josh shakes his head. There’s worry written all over his face, and it hurts when you know that you’re the reason for it. You adjust your posture a bit and lean back against the numerous pillows behind you. Your body is incredibly fatigued but your mind refuses to slow down. You don’t want to let your guard down. “Hey, why don’t you rest? You look like you could use it, no offense.”
You don’t even have the energy to respond with a witty comment. “Honestly, I don’t think I can.” You stare at the ceiling, pretending not to remember that there are vicious Wendigos still roaming around. The effort is rather difficult. Your eyelids are stinging and burning with the lack of sleep, but you don’t want to rest. You can’t rest—not until this night is over.
“You can go to sleep,” Josh eventually says. He then pauses for a moment, contemplating his next words. “I’ll be right here, keeping watch.” That’s a generous offer. You tell him as much and he chuckles. However, you know he needs sleep too. You remind him of that fact but he shakes his head. “You need rest more than I do. I’ll be fine.”
You bite your lip and look at him, trying to find a trace of dishonesty in his expression. There’s nothing to be found. You eventually give in, pulling the covers back and burrowing under them. Josh moves to turn some of the lights off and before long, you can feel your drowsiness catching up to you. You’re definitely nervous at the thought of sharing a bed with Josh, but your fatigue and exhaustion outweigh any potential embarrassment. Just before you succumb to slumber, you feel a feather-light touch on your cheek and you sink into the darkness.
You’re not sure how long you’re asleep, because at one point, you’re roused awake by an arm around your waist. You open your eyes, only to find that you’re practically trapped in Josh’s hold. He’s clearly sleeping and you don’t want to wake him… However, even your slight movement is enough to jostle him awake.
“What’s wrong?” Josh asks. Despite the fact that he’s awake, he makes no move to stop holding you. He squints at you sleepily and you feel a fond smile growing on your face.
“Nothing,” you say with a shake your head, leaning back into his chest and closing your eyes once more.
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there’s a second chapter over on ao3 with a different ending. check it out if you want!
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synnamonroll666 · 1 year
Wicked Temptation
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Pairing: Josh Washington x Fem!Reader Description: You decided to stay in the shed with Josh until dawn, letting Chris and Mike go back to the lodge for some much needed rest. But Josh knows a little secret that you've been hiding for a couple years and unfortunately for you, Josh has no mercy to spare tonight... Warnings: Mutual Pining, Mild Violence, Thigh Riding, Grinding, Edging, Humiliation, Degradation, Strip Tease, BlowJob (Male And Female Receiving), Cock Warming, Teasing, P In V, Creampie, Switch!Josh, Switch!Reader, Bondage??? Shibari??? I Don't Know, I Just Went All Out With This One. 😅 Word Count: 10k!!!!! A/N: This is not only my very first Josh Washington smut fic, but it's also the first time I've ever written a fic 10k words long! I've been working on this since January and let me tell you, it's been a struggle to finish it. It started out as some 2k idea but then I decided, since I was changing fandoms, I might as well go big for my first smut fic for Josh. I've put a lot of work into it between editing it dozens of times and watching that shed scene probably billions of times to get the lines correct. Since I have taken so long to write it and put so much effort into it, it's kind of like my baby now and I'm so excited to share it with all of you. As some of you know, I've been going through quite a lot of shit lately but focusing on this has helped me greatly, and that's another reason why this fic means so much to me. So here's to new beginning, because there will definitely be more of this good stuff to come in the future too! Enjoy! 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, and @raven-the-cryptid. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I followed closely behind Chris and Mike, who had their hands full with a very uncooperative Josh. It had been one hell of a night. First I got chased around by some demented psychopath, then I found a video of my crush of five years being sawed in two; and then I found out that he was actually the psycho all along and he possibly killed one of my close friends, Jessica. I was exhausted, but at least the deadly grip of the cold mountain air around my frame did help to wake me up a bit. I could only think positively at this point. It was the only way to stay sane.
But unfortunately, that did not last long as my thoughts continued to wander down a darker path. It was as if I wasn't even there at all. I had transitioned from reality and found myself trapped within my own racing mind, desperately looking for answers to clarify just what happened on this horrific night. But after a few minutes, Josh yelling in pain brought me out of my dark thoughts.
"Come on, guys…" He whined as his eyes pleaded to us with a look of remorse and guilt. "Seriously — this is crazy, you know?"
"Shut up." Mike spat sternly as he pushed him along the snowy path. It would have looked so beautiful if this was just a late night walk in the woods.
But this wasn't just some late night walk…
Did I feel good about what we were doing? No. But was it necessary? Yes.
I always knew that Josh had some mental health issues since his sisters went missing — I mean, who wouldn't become some level of fucked up from that happening to two people you love. But this — this was something different, and I was beginning to feel very concerned for Josh and our safety.
But as sympathetic as I was towards Josh regarding that situation, it still didn't take away the sting of what he did tonight; especially since me, Chris and Sam had nothing to do with the events that occurred one year ago.
Still — despite the judgmental glares he was given — Josh wasn't going to give up on trying to convince us to free him.
"Chris… Bro…" Josh's eyes met Chris' as he begged for him to have some sort of mercy. After all, they had been best friends since children. But to his surprise, Chris looked away.
"I'm not your bro." Chris spoke lowly in a disappointed tone. And at that moment, I saw Josh's heart break through his eyes. He looked so lost and saddened by Chris' words that it made me want to cry.
Without warning, Mike grabbed Josh's forearm and began pushing him further down the path again, despite Josh digging his heels in the snow to stop him. Josh was a lot bigger than Mike and a lot taller, too. But in this case, Mike's strength won. I figured Josh was weakened due to the blow he took to the head when Mike pistol whipped him.
"Where are we going?" Josh asked — his voice now frantic and full of worry. I could see that he was beginning to panic. "Where are you guys taking me?"
"Locking you up, bro!" Mike revealed as he pushed Josh onto the ground. I wanted to help him back up, since he was tied up and couldn't just simply push himself back to his feet. But I had to hold back; it probably wasn't safe to go near him anyway…
"What?!" Josh shrieked as he struggled to get back up, succeeding after a very weak attempt.
"So you can't do anything stupid before we call the police in the morning."
I couldn't help but agree with Mike's words. It hurt to do, but he was right. Josh was so unpredictable right now, so it was better for all of our safety and Josh's as well, that he got locked up for the rest of the night.
"Come on!" He cried out in another desperate attempt to convince us that he's just an innocent victim in all this. "I didn't do anything—"
"Are you serious, bro?" Despite the dramatic and stressful situation, I literally had to hold back laughter as I remembered Chris declaring only seconds ago that he was no longer his 'bro'.
But that moment was short-lived when Mike piped in…
"You're a God damn murderer is what you are!" He raised his voice as he pushed Josh down once again, his stance becoming dominant and intimidating as he towered over Josh.
I didn't agree with him there. I just couldn't see Josh going as far as killing Jessica. And when Mike told us what had happened — it didn't make sense nor did anything add up. Though I disagreed, I chose to stay silent, not wanting any more fights to occur.
"I didn't do it!" Josh cried as he stood up again. His sorrowful eyes burrowed into Mike's, hoping that he would believe him. "Michael, please! Just listen to me, man! I did not hurt Jessica—"
"Are you insane?!" Chris yelled unexpectedly, surprising us all since he had been fairly quiet for a little while now. "Like really? Do you not understand what you've done?!"
"I'm a healer, man! I bring people together!" Josh's voice began to rise with each word he said, clearly getting frustrated by this whole situation as well. I couldn't blame him… "Not like you assholes!"
His last sentence… It hurt my heart. I had been there for him — I was the one who was there. It made me clench my teeth along with my fists to resist the urge to do something I may have regretted later on.
"That's enough!" Mike finally put his foot down, having enough of Josh's bullshit. But just when I thought it was over — just when I thought that Josh would shut up and we would just get this shit over with, he began to approach me…
"(Y/N)…" He whimpered like a hurt puppy, his sad eyes didn't help either. "Please… You know I wouldn't harm any of you…"
"Josh…" I whined, my voice breaking before I could say anything else. He was only inches away from me now — his face so damn close to mine that I could feel his shaky breath on my cold-bitten skin. Any other day, the warmth would have felt nice on such a cold night. He lowered his head so his mouth was right by my ear.
"Please," he whispered softly. "You know me…"
"That's it!" Merely two seconds after Mike's enraged voice was heard, he was pulling Josh away from me as he begged and cried for my forgiveness. I felt a couple of tears escape my eyes and slowly fall down my cheek, so all I did was look away to hide my pain.
It had only been a peaceful snowfall when we arrived — peaceful like how the night began. But now it was colder, more hectic; a storm much like the one that had erupted during the events of the night. Nothing was peaceful anymore, and I was beginning to wonder if it ever would be again.
"You only see what you wanna see! You're blind!" Josh's rant brought me out of my thoughts again to see Mike pinning Josh face down on the ground. I tried to step in — worried that one of them would get hurt — but Chris put his arm in front of me to stop me from interfering. I knew he was only looking out for me, but it frustrated me greatly.
"Stop talking!" Mike ordered angrily.
"You are— Argh—" Josh struggled to speak as he continued writhing against Mike's hold — but once again, Mike's strength overpowered him.
"Dude!" Chris yelled at Mike, since he was now going too far with his little intimidation tactics. I was glad that at least Chris decided to step in, since he wouldn't allow me to.
"It's not my fault you suckers can't take a joke!" Josh spat bitterly at the three of us and I clenched my fists again until there were angry crescents engraved in my palms, resisting the urge to take advantage of him being pinned on the ground.
"Oh, oh, wait — did I hurt you?" Mike asked when Josh grunted out in pain. Something told me that he didn't care about Josh's well-being though. "Did you just feel a little — little bit of pain right now? I am so, so sorry!"
Mike began pushing Josh's arms into his lower back, causing him to yell out in agony. "Stop it!"
"Mike, please — don't!" I cried out, not wanting any more people to get hurt. I couldn't take it.
"Jesus, dude!" Chris said in disapproval of Mike's actions while Josh continued to yell, "Stop!"
Luckily, Mike listened and lifted Josh back up to his knees.
"Michael… I'm sorry, man…" There was something so genuine in Josh's voice as he spoke — something that only convinced me further that Josh didn't do it… He didn't kill Jessica… "I can't tell you how sorry I am that something happened to Jessica but I swear — I swear to you that I have no idea what happened to her!"
"Shit… Mike, this…" Chris muttered lowly — a look of uncertainty clear on his face as he furrowed his brows."I dunno… Something feels really wrong here, man…"
"Are you joking?" Mike turned around. He looked shocked and… Angry at Chris?
"I–I'm just having a really hard time figuring out that he would — like — do anything to hurt Jess…" Chris explained in a calm manner, despite the look of distress his face held. He clearly didn't want to upset Mike but I knew he felt that this was important enough to bring up.
"Mike…" I spoke up, approaching him slowly. "Did you actually see him murder her? How did he butcher her like you said and drag her away at a speed that you couldn't catch up on at the same time?"
"I saw what he did to her with my own eyes! This—" Mike gestured to his jacket, which was stained with blood. "This is her blood!"
"It just… Something doesn't add up…" I muttered as I backed away slowly.
"Can't we all just get along?" Josh giggled and his change in attitude — his sudden lack of sympathy shocked me. Mike began pulling him to his feet and he winced in pain. "Ow! Dammit!"
"We are not dicking around!" Mike growled in his ear — his tone threatening and harsh.
"This is not right… Nope…" Josh muttered as his brows furrowed together — a sudden disappointment darkening his once sorry eyes. "This is not how it's supposed to go down! You are just a bunch of bullies!"
We all chose to ignore his insults as Mike continued to push him closer to the shed door. My patience was wearing thin and I was honestly getting more and more sick of Josh's shit. And the way he had just reacted to Mike's accusations… It was leading me down another path — the path that told me Josh was guilty…
"You can't just hang out a guy to dry like this, guys… Huh?" He continued to ramble on, putting on what seemed to be a fake, wounded animal act again. "Not like… Not like you got the guts to do anything about it anyway!"
Mike snapped again and pushed him onto the ground once more, only this time a blanket of snow wasn't there to break his fall, since we were now in the shed.
"Oh, stuff it! You're the biggest coward there is!" Chris snarled at Josh, his brows knitted together due to frustration and resentment towards his best — ex-best friend.
"Uh huh?" Josh scoffed. "I did something! I made you believe in the world I created and showed you parts of yourself that you were too afraid to visit!
I couldn't help but shake my head at Josh's gloating while I wondered what had happened to that remorseful, empathetic guy that was here only moments ago.
"You manipulated us, you tricked us, you hurt your friends and you did it all while you hid in the shadows! You're a coward, Josh! That's all you are!" Chris yelled, showing that he officially had enough of Josh's crap. And by that point, I was sure that we all had.
Mike grabbed Josh again, pulled him up and dragged him further into the shed. Once my eyes landed on the stool that was sitting in front of a beam, I knew what was coming. Mike and Chris forced Josh down onto the stool and began unting his hands to retie them around the beam instead. They both told me to stay back but it was hard to do so once they began to hold Josh down and he became erratic as a result.
"Ok, tying me up now! Ok!" Josh acknowledged what they were doing as if he was accepting it, but his body language told me otherwise as he continued to thrash and writhe against his restraints.
"Stay still, man!" Mike demanded as both he and Chris struggled to hold him down and tie his hands back up.
"Right, right, right, right… Still…" Josh parroted and for a brief moment, I thought he was finally going to cooperate…
Man, was I wrong…
"Well, c–can't tie 'em up if they just wiggle around!" Josh shouted as he began squirming around like a child who refused to stay still during time-out.
"Josh, come on!" Chris snarled as he fought Josh to stay still long enough for them to wrap the ropes around his wrists.
"Leave me a little wiggle room, huh?!" Josh continued to squirm as he began to giggle like an immature, defiant little brat. I am ashamed to admit it, but it was painfully hard repressing a giggle of my own at that moment.
"What will it take to shut you up?!" Mike yelled, clearly getting more and more annoyed by the second.
"Ow! Not so tight, ok?! Not so tight, ok…" Josh whined as he winced in pain. Although I doubted that the pain was as severe as he let on.
Then Josh started rambling about plastic ties or something and I zoned out, wondering what was really wrong with him. He clearly wasn't his self anymore and he seemed very, very unhinged at the moment. And then I remembered when Chris said that he was off his meds… He must have been a lot more sick than I thought, and for a lot longer too.
"What… In God's name is he talking about?" Mike muttered to Chris, who was looking as equally confused as both of us.
Chris brought his hand up to his face to rub the bridge of his nose while letting out a stressed sigh. "This is hard to watch…"
"He ever say this kind of shit before?"
"No, I've never seen him like this."
"Maybe he needs some help?" I suggested while glancing over at Josh out of the corner of my eye. "Like, help from a professional."
"Everybody's stupid… Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid…" Josh muttered under his breath, moving on from the plastic tie rant and catching all of our attention. "Chris and Ash… Chris is an ass. Ashley's a dumb-dumb!"
"I'm sorry, what did you say?!" Chris raised his voice slightly as the features of his face contorted with anger. He stepped closer to Josh, who had an obnoxious smirk plastered on his bruised face.
"Well, I said you're a dummy, dummy!" Josh laughed and the mocking sound made Chris' fingers curl into fists.
"What is wrong with you?" Chris asked, clenching his fists so tight that the skin on his knuckles turned pale. I wanted to step in, but just as I took a step forward to insert myself between the two, Mike looked in my direction and shook his head.
"Oh, Ashley… Oh…" Josh sighed as his voice trailed off into a breathless whisper as if he began to zone out. But unfortunately, that didn't last long. "Oh, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that you liked me!" He teased in a mocking tone as his smirk broadened with pride in the way he was taunting his friend.
"Stop." Chris warned and Josh started to make obnoxious kissing noises at Chris.
"Do you know what that sound is? It's the sound of never kissing Ashley, you pussy!"
"Stop!" Chris warned again, rasing his voice louder than before.
"Yeah, you know? Maybe you should let Mike sleep with Jess! I mean, at least he's got some notches in his belt! He'll treat! Her! Right!" With each word in his last sentence, he thrusted his hips in the air as if he was trying to fuck it. I couldn't peel my eyes away. My mind began to wonder what it would feel like if he was thrusting into me that way — how his cock would feel slamming into me at that angle.
"You're fucking pathetic, Christopher!" Josh yelled, knocking me out of my little fantasy.
"I'm going to beat his fucking head in!" Chris growled while winding back the wooden plank he was holding, as if he was actually going to do it.
"Chris! No!" I yelled without even giving it a thought, worried that he was serious.
"Don't listen to him! Not worth it!" Mike said as he put his hand up to get Chris' attention. Chris looked at Mike and then me before slowly lowering the plank, looking pretty embarrassed by his outburst.
"You know what, Josh?" Chris' voice lowered a couple octaves as he spoke — his eyes growing dark with resentment as he did so. He let the plank slip from his fingers to hit the floor with an ear piercing thud. "I'm not keeping your little secret anymore. You are the one who's pathetic!"
Me and Mike glanced at each other in confusion, neither of us having a single idea what Chris was talking about. Though we both instantly noticed the way Josh narrowed his eyes at Chris, growing cold with anger and what seemed like a bit of fear.
He muttered one word — his voice so low that we could barely hear him, "Don't."
"No, no — I think I will!" Chris began to yell again — his frustration clearly exploding into pure anger as he spoke. "How can you sit there and talk about me and Ash, when you've been sitting on your ass and pining away for (Y/N) for the last two fucking years?!"
My mouth fell open after receiving this new information. My heart began to race, picking up speed so fast that I thought I would drop dead of a fucking heart attack. I replayed the words in my head a few times, trying to decide whether or not I heard Chris right or if it was actually real. I couldn't believe it — I just couldn't.
"Don't!" Josh's voice began to sound more like a feral growl than anything, shooting daggers at Chris with his eyes. The air became thick with tension fast and it became all too awkward just standing there, especially since I was the reason for this new argument that had sprouted between the two boys.
"No! You started this, so now I'm going to fucking finish it!"
Chris stepped forwards towards Josh in an aggressive manner, almost seeming as if he was going to punch him. I didn't necessarily think he would and I knew Mike didn't either, but just as a precaution, Mike stepped towards Chris and put his arm in front of him to block him. Chris looked at Mike, his eyes seemed filled with pain due to how the night had carried out. Mike gave him a sympathetic look and stepped back, once Chris seemed a bit more calm. But then Josh let out another obnoxious laugh.
"Hey, Mike!" Josh spoke up but we all stayed silent due to fear of what he might say next. "Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike!"
"What?!" Mike growled impatiently as his head snapped in Josh's direction to give him the most brutal glare.
"What happened with Jess, Mike?"
"You know what happened."
"No. No, I–I don't." Josh stammered awkwardly — the tone of his voice and the stutter adding just a little bit more of doubt within me, though I didn't want to admit it to myself or the others. "I've got a problem, Mike. I don't remember killing Jess."
"Chirst…" Mike muttered in frustration. I could tell that he was trying not to snap and I felt so bad for him.
"I mean — like — I feel like I would remember killing her, you know? She's so soft and she's probably got, like, a really tight bod—" He flashed a smirk and for a moment, I felt a bit — no — a lot of jealousy surging through my veins due to his filthy words about my deceased friend. I went to say something — anything to get him to shut up but Mike beat me to it.
"Shut your fucking mouth!" He roared as he pointed his gun right at Josh's head. Josh's mouth fell agape in shock as he stared down the barrel of the gun, quiet for the first time in awhile. Panic ran through me as I subconsciously grabbed Mike's arm to stop him but he pushed me back with his free hand before placing it back on the gun with the other, holding the firearm in a death grip.
To my surprise and Mike's as well, Chris swung the plank he was holding down and hit Mike in the arms, forcing him to drop the gun as he let out a yell in pain and shock.
"Seriously?" Mike grunted as he straightened back up, narrowing his eyes at a very confused Chris.
"W–What?" Chris seemed surprised by Mike's reaction, which was odd to me, because who wouldn't be pissed off at somebody for doing that?
"Did you think I was going to shoot him?" Mike questioned him and I chose to stay silent although my mind was screaming 'yes'.
"I–I dunno…" Chris stammered as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I could tell he was starting to feel dumb due to his actions.
"Come on, Chris! You know me better than that!" Mike scolded him. I wanted to step in — to tell Mike that it was just a mistake. But before I could say anything to make the situation better, Josh had to open his big mouth again.
"Yeah, Chris! You know me better than that!" He mocked with laughter heavy in his voice. I turned and gave him a glare that clearly said 'shut the fuck up' before turning back to the conversation.
"Ah… Yeah… Well, next time, just give me a heads up, alright?" Chris asked and I could tell that he was still a bit startled by what happened. I understood where he was coming from — he just didn't want to see his friend get hurt.
"Oh, you poor little piggies! You can't even get your 'good cop, bad cop' routine to work! Leave it to the pros, bros!"
At that moment, I had enough. I no longer found Josh funny — he was getting on my nerves and I was tired of everything. I turned to the smug bastard and didn't even think twice about what I was about to say.
"Oh, shut up!" I snapped, clearly surprising everyone in the room, including myself. Josh's eyes widened as his mouth fell ajar. But not only five seconds later, his eyes narrowed with mischief and his lips turned up into another smirk.
"Oh, really?! You really, really want me to? A–And what about you, (Y/N)? Huh?" I felt a chill go down my spine as he said my name, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. "A little bit of advice: You should probably keep a lock on your diary."
I froze completely still as if I was paralyzed from fear and embarrassment. I remembered each dirty thought about Josh that I had written in that diary and I winced.
"W–What?" Was the only word I could speak out of disbelief.
"Fuck, with that many pages, you could publish a God damn porn novel!" He laughed and I cringed even more, falling deeper and deeper into the abyss of eternal embarrassment with each word he said. "Or is it a movie you want to make?"
He wiggled his brows as he licked his lower lip, eyes darkening as they traveled up and down my form for a brief moment. Luckily, Chris noticed how tense I was and decided to step in.
"O–Ok, that's enough!" He shouted at Josh and he responded with a sly smirk.
"What? She wants it! Just read the dozens of dirty thoughts she had written in her little book. Fuck, I should be getting paid for how much she used me in her naughty little stories!"
"Josh, shut the fuck up!" Mike's voice came out like a roar as he stepped closer towards the bound man in an attempt to intimate him.
"And I saw your needy eyes oogling my junk as I humped the air! Don't pretend, (Y/N)! Don't deny what you're dying for!"
"Alright, everybody shut up!" Mike screamed so loud that it almost didn't sound like him. We all froze in shock, since we had never seen him this angry before — not even after every time him and Emily would fight. "Chris, (Y/N), you guys go back to the lodge and make sure everything's alright. I'll stay here with this lunatic until the morning."
The first thought in my head was to protest. Not only was I worried about leaving Josh alone with Mike for Josh's safety against Mike's anger, but I was also worried about what Josh would say about me to Mike. I wondered just how much of my diary he had read and winced again when I thought about the dirty things I had written. I opened my mouth to reject Mike's plan but instantly got cut off.
"Oooo, sleepover!" Josh piped in before I could say a thing to Mike — a childish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "C–Can we order pizz–ah?"
Me, Chris and Mike all let out an audible sigh and I resisted the urge to smack the smile right off Josh's face. Chris grabbed my arm and lightly tugged me in the direction of the exit, but I pulled away, leaving Chris cocking his head and arching his brow in confusion.
"Listen — you go back to the lodge with Chris. I'll stay here with him." I offered as I approached Mike and he narrowed his eyes at me, seemingly equally as confused as Chris was.
"No. I can handle Josh. It's fine." Mike spoke calmly yet his eyes still told me that he was wary of my offer.
"Mike, you've had a rough night and Josh will just antagonize you until dawn if you stay. You deserve to rest." I placed my hand on his shoulder while looking into his eyes to show my sincerity. "I can handle Josh for the rest of the night. It's no big deal."
He raised a brow while chewing on the inside of his cheek, contemplating my offer. Finally, after an awkward moment of silence, Mike sighed and nodded his head in agreement.
"Alright. We'll be back first thing in the morning, ok?" He said and I nodded as I let go of his shoulder.
"Ooooooo, a sleepover with (Y/N)! That's even better than with Mr. Grumpy Face! Fuck pizza! Let's skip it and go straight to the pillow fight in our underwear!" My jaw dropped as my attention snapped over to Josh, who was wearing a big smirk — so proud of what he had just said. I couldn't see Chris and Mike's faces, since my eyes were too busy trying to kill Josh with a death stare — but due to the awkward silence that instantly filled the room, I could imagine that they held expressions similar to my own.
"Are you sure?" I heard Mike whisper over my shoulder. I slowly turned to face him but my eyes stayed glued to the floor, being too embarrassed to look anybody in the eyes at this moment.
"Yes, Mike. It's ok." I sighed as I brought my hand up to my face to massage the bridge of my nose.
"Here," to my surprise, Mike handed me his gun, cocking it as he did so. "Just in case."
"I don't think I'll need it but thank you." I said and he nodded at me before giving Josh a 'be good' glare, then turning his heel and heading towards the exit of the shed.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." Chris smiled at me awkwardly and then followed Mike to the door.
"Goodnight, guys." I called out as I sat down on a nearby stool, turning my attention to the man bound before me. This was going to be a long night…
"Alright, you squirrely little fuck. It's just you and me." I uttered while glancing at Josh out of the corner of my eye, feeling rather frustrated with the way he was behaving and quite obviously embarrassed by the words he had just spat out at me in front of my friends. A few minutes of unexpected silence had passed which had surprised me greatly. Unfortunately, that silence didn't last.
"(Y/N)?" Josh spoke shyly and I instantly winced at the sound of his suspiciously calm voice.
"What?" I growled as I glared at him through narrowed eyes.
"I want pizza!" Josh whined like a bratty child. Though his voice was laced with a child-like innocence, I could see the evil mischief in his green eyes — now appearing grey under the dim light of the room.
"Oh, not this again!" I muttered as I rubbed my hands down my face, feeling so tired already of babysitting this little brat. But I had to protect what little privacy I had left and to keep the boys from fighting again. I just had to be smart with this. I looked away, hoping that if I ignored it, it would eventually shut up. But I was greatly wrong.
"Please, please please please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeease!" He continued to beg until I finally had enough.
"Fine!" I snapped as I took my phone out of my pocket.
"Yay!" Josh cheered excitedly as his eyes lit up and his lips parted to make a toothy grin.
I walked into the middle of the room and set my phone down in the middle of the floor before walking back to my stool and sitting back down. Josh stared at my phone a moment and then turned his head to look at me, confused by what I had just done.
"Go ahead — order your pizza." I said with a cocky smirk growing on my face.
"W–What?" He yelped in shock, which made me feel quite satisfied.
"Aww, what's the matter? You can't? Well, I guess you're not getting your pizza then!" I teased him in a whiny baby voice as I stuck my lower lip out to pout.
"What?! Why?!" He shrieked at my mockery and I just chuckled darkly.
"Well — first off, the pizza guy can't get here because they don't deliver this far — genius. And second, consider it payback for all the shit you put us through tonight!" I subconsciously raised my voice at the man–child before me and he only responded with a roll of his eyes and a scoff as if I was the one in the wrong.
"Oh, for fuck sakes, (Y/N)! It was just a prank!" He sneered and I scoffed at his remark, feeling shocked and angered that he had the audacity to say such a thing. "And I didn't even want the damn pizza! I was just trying to piss you off."
"Oh, was it?! Well, I don't think it was very funny! First, you put on a show of you getting sawed in half for me, Chris and Ashley to get traumatized from; and then you chase me around the lodge while pretending to be some stupid movie serial killer?!" I vented out my rant, feeling my body heat up with rage as I did so. I didn't even notice how hard I clenched my fists, cutting angry crescents into my palms as my knuckles turned white.
I chose to ignore his confession about the pizza, since I knew this. He knew that I couldn't get one for him at the moment, so there was no other reason for him to ask. But I decided not to say anything about the matter, because I was too pissed off about what he had said prior to the confession.
"Come on! You have to admit that was pretty epic!" He gloated with a laugh with a look on his face as if he was remembering the events of the night, all crafted by his hand.
"Oh, fuck off!" I growled through gritted teeth, growing pretty close to punching him right in the face.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't expect you to react the way you did. And here I thought your feelings were only sexual." He said with the same smug smirk plastered on his face. But something had changed; there was a sudden hint of softness laced within his eyes and voice — something he was trying to mask by his cockiness but slowly began to break through the cracks only a tiny bit, just enough for me to see it.
I shuddered as the memory replayed itself in my mind. There I stood, helpless and screaming while banging on a cage-like door, begging for mercy on my two friends. I couldn't choose, so Chris had to make the decision — a decision that ended with me weeping on Chris' chest over the loss of a love I never got the chance to have, while the man I wished to experience it with screamed in pure agony as his body got torn in half — or so I thought it did.
I turned my head away without saying another word, mostly because I could not trust my voice enough to actually speak. I stared at the door as if I actually took an interest in it, just to avoid eye contact with the man. Of all the ways he had to find out about my feelings for him, it had to be this way; I was so mad and embarrassed.
Some time had passed and the temperature had only seemed to drop lower and — despite my anger and embarrassment heating me up — it didn't stop the feeling of a thousand little needles poking into me all over my body as the harsh cold embraced me. Things had been completely silent, which I appreciated because I knew that I would not be able to speak without my teeth chattering. And I knew that Josh would only mock me for that. I crossed my arms over my chest, hugging my torso tightly in an attempt to warm myself and stop myself from shivering before Josh took notice.
"Cold?" I heard him finally speak up.
'Shit!' I cursed in my head. 'So much for trying to warm up before he noticed.'
"Y–Yeah…" I mumbled, still not daring to look at Josh after the things he had said. Lord knows my face was probably as red as a rose.
"Well, why don't you come over here and warm yourself up on my lap?" My eyes widened at his words and I scowled at the tone of his voice; I could practically hear his smirk in it.
"Oh, God—"
"I want him to be the reason I feel warm in the winter. I want to melt into his arms as he makes love to me and make the harsh winter feel like a beautiful summer." I froze as my eyes widened in terror when I recognized those words from my diary. "What? I–I'm just goin' by the book!"
"Just— How much of my diary did you read?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
"Hmmm… Well, I started at a couple months ago and ended at: 'And then Josh bent down to place a gentle kiss on my clit before dragging his soft tongue between my folds.'"
'Shit! He read about my dream last night!' My heart began to race with humiliation and the regret of asking my question as he recited every word from my diary, dragging out and exaggerating every word like he was a porn star.
"And I kept calling out his name. 'Oooh, Josh! Harder! More! Dominate me! Oooh, Daddy!'" I jumped up from my seat as he moaned out those words, shocked and appalled by his lies and behavior.
"I did not write that!" I screeched in anger as my body heated up with rage, making it easy to forget about the painful cold.
"Oh, admit it, little kitty! Those words might not be down in your little book, but you and me both know damn well that that's what you hear in your head." He snapped back and I stood in silence. I couldn't deny it because he was right. Suddenly, a wicked idea popped into my head as my lips twisted into a mischievous grin.
"Why so creative with it, Josh? Maybe instead of those words being in my head, those are the words that are in your head!" I accused as I pointed a finger at him.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, baby." He scoffed while rolling his eyes. "Why don't you just be honest with yourself, honey? You want to ride the Josh express and be taken to the bone zone! Just admit it! Come on, (Y/N)! Admit i—"
"Fine!" I yelled, interrupting him and, to my surprise, his eyes widened as if he was a bit stunned by my outburst. "I want to fuck you! Alright?! I've dreamed about you doing things to me every fucking night since we fucking met! And I can't take anymore!"
His shocked expression formed into a cocky one as his lips turned up into a smirk again. He just stared at me for a moment in silence as I tried to look everywhere but in his direction, terrified to make eye contact after my naughty little confession.
"We're alone here; Chris and Mike went back to the lodge, so is there really any reason to hold back?" His words pierced into my mind like a fishing hook, stabbing that curious part of my brain and reeling me into his sick grasp. I shyly looked up at him and bit the inside of my cheek, not knowing what to do or say.
His eyes darkened further with lust as they peered up at me while his tongue slipped out to lick his lower lip before sucking it between his teeth. He knew exactly what he was doing — he was killing me with temptation. But was he just toying with my emotions? He was hell bent on humiliating everybody else tonight, so what made me so different? For all I knew, there was a camera hidden somewhere to humiliate me as well. I heaved a deep sigh, feeling tired and quite frankly sick of caring. I took a few steps closer to the bound man in front of me before making my very first move.
I stopped right in between his open legs and raised my hand to his head, running my fingers through his surprisingly soft curls and then clenching my digits into a fist, pulling his head back and forcing him to open his mouth as he let out a hiss in pain. I took the opportunity to clash my lips against his and slide my tongue into his mouth, pushing it harshly against his with much need and passion.
A wild fight for dominance began as I lowered myself onto his lap and started to grind myself on his thigh. The sensation it brought me was dull but just enough to add a little more fuel to the fire and dampen my panties. As our mouths explored each other, my other hand roamed his chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath the button-up shirt he wore, that I so badly wanted to tear off.
It was then that I realized I couldn't do that without taking off his overalls first. And even then, I had some layers that needed removing as well. I pulled away and he let out a groan of protest while looking up at me with needy eyes. I couldn't help but smile down at him before unzipping my jacket and letting it slide off my shoulders to hit the ground. Understanding what I was doing, Josh's eyes lit up with excitement like a puppy watching his master prepare his food. He watched as I took off my shirt and pants, throwing them on the floor in a messy pile, along with my discarded winter jacket.
Leaving my bra and panties on to tease him, I stepped closer towards him and ran my finger down one of the straps of his overalls before popping its button open, letting it fall to reveal more of his shoulder. I repeated the same actions with the second strap and then pulled the overalls down, just passed his knees. I took a moment to admire his already huge erection — which was pressing firmly against his boxers as if it was dying to escape from its fabricated prison — before slowly working on the buttons of his flannel shirt.
"Ah! Would you hurry up!" He whined as I took my sweet time, taking at least three seconds to pop each button open.
"Ah, ah, ah—" I scolded teasingly. "Be patient. After all, you deserve a little teasing after the shit you pulled tonight."
He responded with another groan and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling at his childish nature. I pulled his shirt open but realized that he had a shirt on underneath — one that could not be opened.
"Oh… I guess you'll just have to keep wearing that." I commented and he gave me a questioning look.
"Because you're tied up."
"For fuck sake." He grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "Why can't you just fucking untie me?"
"You know why. Besides, it's ridiculously cold outside, so extra layers are a good thing." 
Then I kneeled down, ignoring the shock of the cold floor touching my bare knees. I ran a single finger over the throbbing erection through his boxers and he visibly shivered as a reaction. Smiling with satisfaction due to his response, I decided to give him a little more by darting my tongue out and lightly dragging it over his cock, the same way I had done with my finger only moments ago. He let out a soft moan as he let his eyes fall shut, savoring the moment the best he could.
I then hooked my fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers and began pulling them down. He responded to my actions by lifting his hips up, allowing me to pull them down his legs and finally release his cock into the cold night's air. I stared in amazement at his thick length. Josh was a big guy — 6'2" tall to be exact — so I expected there to be quite some girth in his size. But fuck — I thought shit like this was only possible in pornography.
Noticing some of the pre‐cum building up in the slit of his swollen tip, I couldn't stop myself from darting my tongue out to lap it up in one quick sweep. Then I wrapped my lips around his head and sucked on it as hard as I could, earning a deep satisfied groan from him as he jerked his hips up to force me to go deeper — but I pushed them back down with my hands.
"Fuck, if you don't give me something— anything—"
"You'll do what?" I interrupted after pulling his tip out of my mouth with a loud pop. I smirked at him as he let out a strained whine — now completely dominated and owned by me. "Fine. Since you've been such a good boy, I'll give you a little more — how does that sound?"
"Oh— Oh, yes please!" He begged desperately — his voice laced with a pathetic whine
as his eyebrows turned up, making him appear far more innocent than both me and him knew him to be.
I stood up and reached behind my back to unhook my bra and then allowed it to slide down my arms and hit the cold floor beneath me. After letting his hungry eyes linger on my 'girls' for a minute, I turned around so my back was facing him before letting my fingers hook into the waistband of my panties. I made sure to bend over and push my ass out to give him a great show as I slowly pulled them down and let them join my bra on the floor. I straightened up and twirled around, only to be surprised by the dangerous look in Josh's eyes. They were dark and full of pure lust and hunger; it made my core ache for him.
I slowly walked over to him as he licked his lips impatiently like a starving wolf waiting to devour his next meal. The sound of my bare feet slapping against the cold concrete went insync with each passing second, adding to the growing anticipation that was driving me wild. I finally stood just an inch away, staring down at the hungry man before me and admiring his bound form. I buried my hand in his thick hair again but this time, I pulled his head forward, forcing his lips to crash into my pussy.
Taking the hint like a good little boy, his tongue began to work away at my mound, flicking the little bundle of nerves at a rather fast pace. The sensation was incredible — I felt my whole body heat up in a matter of seconds due to the burning arousal his tongue was bringing me. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, he wrapped his soft lips around my clit to suckle on it as his tongue did it's magic.
Tears began to pool into the corners of my eyes as I felt my orgasm fast approaching. I couldn't fucking believe that I was this close already. His green eyes peered up at me, burning with nothing more than determination to make me cum as his brows furrowed. That sight alone was enough to push me closer to the edge — but when he started moaning, my legs were turning into jelly.
I tossed my head back and moaned so loudly that I wouldn't have been surprised if the others at the lodge could have heard me. My heart was beating so fast that I could have bet that it was going to explode out of my chest. This felt so amazing. I felt so free — hell, so alive! But although I was so close to my climax that I so desperately wanted and needed, I didn't want to cum like this. Not yet, at least…
I pulled away and he let out yet another groan of frustration. Lifting his chin so he would be forced to look up at me, I admired my work, taking in the image of his mouth and chin glistening with my juices as he licked his lips to taste my leftovers. Deciding that I didn't want to waste another second and that it was time, I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself before allowing myself to sink down onto his lap — but not all the way. He wasn't getting this that easy.
The stinging sensation of his tip pushing into me and stretching me out was so fucking pleasurable that it was nearly impossible not to continue going all the way, but I wanted to rile him up — I wanted this to last. He let out an annoyed grunt when I stopped and smirked down at him. His eyes shot daggers into mine, gleaming at me with want and frustration and nothing more. I couldn't help but chuckle at how pathetic he was at that moment — how he teased me for being such a needy little slut and now that's exactly what he had become.
"I bet it's killing you right now, being tied up and not in control for once. How does it feel?" I chuckled darkly as I sat completely still, enjoying the tip of his cock twitching within me with much need. But to my surprise, his lips turned up into a dark grin as he let out a combination of a laugh and a growl.
"Y–You think I'm not in control? Oh! Ooooh, you naive little bird! You are so wrong!"
Before I could say anything, he jerked his hips up, forcing each inch of his length into me within a second until his tip slammed into my cervix. I cried out in shock as my core stung with pain due to the lack of preparation for his size until that pain melted into nothing but pure pleasure. He was so much bigger than me, it was overwhelming.
His cock continued to twitch within me — on purpose to tease me or with arousal, I'm unsure. I felt my mind fog with pleasure as I began to fall sedated from my arousal before remembering what I was planning to do. I wasn't here to fall to submission at the hands of this man but to teach the little brat a very valuable lesson: Don't fuck with me.
I gripped his shoulders tightly, digging my nails into the fabric of his shirt for leverage before lifting myself up and slamming myself down hard, knocking unexpected moans from both of our mouths. I wasted no time to start bobbing myself up and down at an incredibly fast pace, bringing the needy sonuvabitch to the edge of his orgasm and then stopping at the very second I felt his shoulders tense up and his cock twitch within me.
A frustrated growl left his lips as he glared at me. I responded with a cocky smirk before lifting myself up again — as slowly as possible — and slamming down again, making the stool beneath us creak a little. Burying my fingers into his soft locks again, I forced his head upwards so I could make eye contact with him as I tortured him. I ground my hips down onto his, rotating them in a circle and his eyes widened — almost pleading to me while he pursed his lips as if he was trying to stifle his moans.
"Ah, ah! If you want more, you have to let me hear it!" I teased before clenching my hand that was tangled in his hair into a fist, pulling on his locks hard and forcing his mouth open.
He openly and shamelessly moaned for me as tears formed in his eyes. I chuckled at his neediness and then leaned down to let my lips graze the side of his neck before giving the sensitive skin a little nip. And I have to admit, I really enjoyed the sound of him gasping in shock at my action.
I then began planting slow kisses along the length of his neck until my lips pressed against the sweet spot right under his jawline to feel his racing pulse quickening by the second. After giving him another little nip and earning another cute, little gasp from him; I began giving him more wet, hard, open-mouth kisses; repeating the same patterns up and down his neck.
After a couple of minutes of completely savoring his delicious taste, I decided to end the torture on a wild note and licked a stripe up his throat from the base to his jaw, feeling the vibrations of his sweet melodic moans while he lifted his head to give me more access as I did so.
I pulled away slightly to look into his wide eyes and smirked before planting a quick kiss on his lips. It was difficult to keep myself from giggling at his shocked expression from my most recent actions. Now that the torture was over, it was time to get straight to business. I lifted myself up and sank back down again, deciding to move at a more neutral pace to savor the moment. I never thought that I'd be here, fucking Joshua fucking Washington, so I was going to milk every second out of this special occasion.
I squeezed his shoulders tightly as I pushed myself up, his cock sliding out of my walls until only the tip remained. I slammed back down, moaning as his head hit right into my g-spot. The way his eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled back as I slammed myself down sent chills straight down my spine. I had wanted this for so long — too long. And I definitely wasn't done with my little teasing game.
I lifted up again and held still in my position, earning a frustrated groan from my lover. Only his tip remained within me, leaving an empty feeling within my core as it ached for what was no longer there. I wanted to absolutely rail him until he was speechless — the pleasure that I so desperately craved just within reach. I felt the speed of my heartbeat increase with each passing second. The cold night's air dragged its chilling fingers down my back, sending chills down my spine and awaking goosebumps upon my skin. I wanted this so, so bad.
But I had to stay strong — I had to keep control.
I swallowed thickly and took a deep breath in an attempt to stifle my growing arousal for a bit longer. But just when I finally regained the little bit of control that had been slipping through my fingers, Josh let out another frustrated growl before his eyes burrowed deeply into mine with anger.
"That's it!" He yelled and before I could react, he jerked his hips upwards, forcing his thick shaft deep into my hole. I couldn't hold back — it was too much. I let my head fall back as a moan pushed passed my lips. My walls stretched and clenched around him, swallowing his length within my heat and savoring the stinging pleasure it offered me.
He continued to buck his hips into mine, his strength and speed overwhelming me in an orgasmic bliss. I was in such a trance that I didn't even notice my hand traveling below my waist to play with my sensitive mound that was swelling for attention. Well — I didn't notice until Josh pointed it out, of course.
"Oh, yes! Good girl!" He praised my actions — his voice dipping a few octaves lower than before, only pushing me closer to the edge of ecstasy. "Touch yourself for Daddy!"
His words sent a buzz to my mind that no alcohol could replicate. It was as if he was casting a spell on me, and each word he spoke had me falling deeper and deeper into his grasp.
I knew that there was no escape now. After hours of trying to run away, the killer had finally caught his prey — and I was oh, so willing to be his helpless victim.
"You are so, so wet right now." He whispered in my ear, a light chuckle on the edge of his tongue. "You're such a slut for me."
I sobbed at his harsh words and he let out an evil laugh.
"Come on — I wanna hear you say it."
"I–I'm — ah!"
I could barely even speak under his cruel gaze. It was as if his bold eyes had me frozen in place, only allowing me to let out moans and uneven breaths as I approached my climax. But just as I thought I had gotten off the hook from disobeying Josh's orders, he slammed his hips up in what felt like a new angle, pushing his cock deeper inside of me and pressing it so hard against my g-spot that I literally saw stars. I barely let out a squeak as my breath caught in my throat, trapping any sound from escaping me.
"I. Said. Say it!" He growled through gritted teeth. His eyes were growing in size with what I thought was anger, pupils dilating and nearly covering his light green irises completely.
"I–I–I'm your s–s–s–slut–t!" I struggled to say in a strained voice. I felt so small under his judgmental gaze, but I assumed that was what he wanted. Though his features softened at my weak declaration and he smiled sweetly — so sweet it almost made me cry.
"That's right — you're my precious little slut." He cooed lovingly. "Good girl."
With that being said, he began to move again. His movements were slow at first, but his pace quickly picked up to a speed that I thought was damn impossible. My trembling fingers gripped his shoulders as I felt myself nearing the end. Even he began to shiver as his once steady breaths became uneven and deep, telling me that he must have been close as well.
I wrapped an arm around his neck as I placed my finger on my clit once again. We remained in eye contact — foreheads pressed together as we shared breaths — while my finger quickened its pace in fast little circles over my throbbing mound.
But then, it happened — my climax covered my body like a tsunami and drowned me in a sea of intoxicating pleasure. It was as if a spark had lit within my core and spread throughout my body as fast as a wildfire; it was magical. I could barely even hear myself scream out as blood rushed to my ears and made my heartbeat the only sound they could comprehend.
I was lucky that I just barely came out of my post–orgasm daze just in time to see Josh releasing within me. His eyes squeezed shut as his head lolled back and his mouth fell wide open while he let out a moan that was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.
It was an image that I had imagined hundreds of times, but the real thing could never compare to any fantasy I had ever conjured up in my mind — and I'd treasure it forever.
"Are you… Ok?" I heard Josh whisper. His voice was now soft and breathless, soothing me in my fragile state.
I let out a hum in response, not bothering to lift my head from where it rested on his shoulder or speak words that were bound to be pronounced wrong due to my shaky voice. I was too tired to do anything at that moment. I felt him beginning to soften inside of me and I let out relaxed sigh while closing my eyes.
"No…" Josh whispered again — his tone now more concerned and sympathetic. I finally lifted my head to meet his gaze and noticed that his eyes looked just as sympathetic as his voice sounded — so sad and remorseful. "I mean, are you ok from the prank? I'm so sorry."
His voice broke on the last sentence, and for the first time that night, he looked as if he was going to cry. My heart felt heavy for him. He seemed so broken and messed up since his sisters went missing. How could I blame him for wanting us to feel a tiny bit of the same pain he felt? I decided to just brush off my feelings now — for his sake. I let out a soft laugh and nodded my head slowly.
"Well, Josh — one thing's for sure: you are going to make one hell of a film producer." I chuckled while brushing the loose strands of hair out of his eyes. Josh's eyes widened while his mouth fell open dramatically as he let out an over-exaggerated gasp.
"D–Does this mean you actually liked my prank?!"
I giggled at his childish behavior. I didn't want to admit it, but it was probably a little too late for holding back now. I heaved a defeated sigh before speaking my confession.
"If I'm being honest, your prank was actually kind of — really impressive." I reluctantly admitted, thinking back to all the things he somehow managed to pull off by himself.
"I fucking knew it!" He gloated as that too familiar smirk returned to his lips. I rolled my eyes while letting out a huff of laughter.
"Don't get so cocky.* I narrowed my eyes at him — though the smile on my face most likely told him that I wasn't as angry as I was prior to our fuck. "Honestly, I'm not angry anymore. but that doesn't mean I fully forgive or trust you again — not yet, at least."
"What? Just little old me?" He whispered so quiet it was barely audible, while giving me a look of pure innocence. "Just little old me, tied up here and helpless?"
I shook my head as my smile reluctantly broadened. "Keep acting cute like that and I might just have to untie you."
"Oh — so, it's working?" His lips curved up into a sly smirk and I rolled my eyes again while letting out a huff of laughter.
Finally — after so long — everything had finally melted into silence. Josh just gazed into my eyes lovingly, without saying a word. I felt so calm — so peaceful. I laid my head on his shoulder and relaxed again. Despite the cold air chilling my body to the bone and the feeling of warm liquid turning cool between my thighs, I felt so content to just stay on his lap the whole night.
But then I remembered something important: I could only do that until dawn, since Josh would most likely end up getting arrested then. I was grateful for the long moment of silence, because it gave me time to think.
While thinking, I must have lifted up my head without realizing because when I barely came out of my thoughts, Josh was staring at me with a puzzled expression. I barely reacted to him as my mind went elsewhere again.
"Hey… Do you have the keys for the cable car?" I asked after a couple of very quiet minutes — my voice just above a whisper as I continued to stay lost in my thoughts.
"Yeah... Why?" His face studied mine while his brows furrowed and lips pursed from confusion.
I continued to think for a few seconds. What I was thinking of was quite reckless and dangerous, but in the end, it might have been worth it. Finally deciding on what I was going to do, my lips turned up into a sly smile as I studied his beautiful features that were contorted with confusion, knowing that what I was going to say about going to change the butterfly effect of tonight drastically.
"Let's get the fuck out of here."
You made it to the end! Good for you! I hope you enjoyed it! 😃 What was your favorite part of the story? Feel free to let me know in the comments! I love getting feedback! Oh, and if this fic does well, I might just write a sequel someday... 👀
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0ceanic-cosm0s · 18 days
To the Hellfire - chapter 1
[Josh Washington x F! Reader]
3.7k words
masterlist zero - one - two
chapter wrote by @sharkology & @xghostcr0wx
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[mature language, mental health issues]
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You and Sam were on the bus for a while, occasionally making conversations in between comfortable silence. You learned she was a big animal lover and adored nature. She was also vegan, and a bit of a pacifist. She told you the others tend to make fun of her a bit for her morals and beliefs in that area, but she didn’t let it get to her. She was comfortable in her own skin and was herself no matter what anyone said. You admired how strong willed she was, how she was so confident. Characteristics you had in yourself yes, but not as much as her, which you envied a little.
You were listening to your music, looking out the window when Sam nudged your elbow slightly. You take out an earbud, looking at her curiously. “What’s up?”
She offers you an earbud from her wired headphones. “How much has Josh told you about his sisters?”
You shrug, taking it in your hand. “Not much honestly. I’ve only heard a bit, but I never pressed him further on the matter. Why?”
She gestured to the earbud, and you hesitantly put it in, raising an eyebrow at her. You put it in and she played something on her phone. A male radio host speaks from the phone. He started off saying it was the one year anniversary of the tragic deaths that took place on the Washington mountain. Josh’s family’s mountain. The radio host began to introduce a detective from the case, inquiring about if there’s an update on the disappearance of the two sisters, Hannah and Beth Washington. You mentally note how the radio host said they were ‘missing’, and not found dead.
Annie, the detective, began by explaining how the two sisters left the safety of their parent’s lodge on this day last year and ran outside into a snowstorm. Never to be seen again. The radio host, Marty, asks if there was any foul play, but the detective denies-saying officially there hasn’t been any evidence found. She proceeded to say there was a person of interest they were suspicious of considering they have an ‘interesting’ history with the Washington family. But this person’s whereabouts were currently unknown. She said that this suspect had warned the family about pursuing their construction project, proclaiming that the mountain was sacred to his forefathers.
The radio host then mentioned a sanatorium, asking if the suspect could be there. The detective said that her officers searched the grounds, but that not even the two sisters could have made it up that far. The host notes that something about the mountain seems to breed tragic events. “That’s for damn sure.” You mentally think to yourself, finding the whole conversation crazy and weird. The detective replies, saying “More than you know, Marty.”
He thanked Annie for joining him on the radio, and proceeded to announce to his listeners, “To all the Washington’s tonight…Their son Josh on this the anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of Hannah and Beth Washington.” Sam shifts her phone sideways, leaning it closer to you so you can see better. Interested, you lean in slightly.
Josh appeared suddenly on the screen, and a certain feeling in your stomach started to flutter. You couldn’t help but feel a little giddy anytime you saw his face, and heard his voice. Your face softens lightly, Sam noticing and taking a mental note on it, possibly going to tease you later on about it.
The video plays, starting out with Josh speaking to the viewers/listeners, “Well hello friends and fans…Alright let’s do that again..” He walks up to the camera, adjusting the zoom in to be focusing more on his face. You laugh to yourself as it captures a crazy shot into his face, considering if you should poke fun at him for it when you see him. He backs away as the camera adjusts and repeats again with that dorky grin, “Alright. Well hello friends and fans! It’s beyond awesome to have you guys all back this year. Um, first off, I gotta say I am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual blackwood winter getaway!”
He pumps his fist in the air, whispering-yelling a cheer. You have to mentally stop yourself from letting out a noticeable cringe face at how corny that was. You take a deep breath to calm down as he continues, and even though you found it a little weird, a smile was on your lips at his playful actions. You did miss them a lot. “So, um..Let me just let you know, let’s take a moment to..Address the “elephant in the room” for a second..” You notice how Sam’s face saddens a bit, and you place a comforting hand on her shoulder, not sure if she’d be ok with it. But thankfully she gives you an appreciative smile, and you two focus your attention back to her phone.
Josh starts again slowly. “I know you’re all probably worried about me..And I know it’s gonna be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year. But-I just want you all to know, um..It means..It means so much to me that we’re doing this. And I..”
He trails off, his mouth hanging slightly open as he tries to get together his next words, “I know it would mean so much to Hannah and Beth that we’re-we’re all still together. Thinking of them. I really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you and um, just share some moments we’ll never forget. For the sake of my sisters, you know? Ok..So! Let’s party like we’re fucking porn stars, ok? And make this one a trip we’ll never forget. Alright? Yes!”
He exclaimed, making an odd emphasis on the ‘fucking’ part. You clasp a hand around your mouth, an audible laugh trying to escape your throat. You had to hold it back otherwise the whole bus would be filled with your uncontrollable laughter. Sam looked over at you confused, but joined into your laughter. She had to admit it was pretty cringe, but that’s Josh for you.
After a 2 hour bus ride, you and Sam finally arrived at the lodge. You both gather your things and get ready to hop off the bus. As you take your first step outside, you can hear the satisfying crunch of snow beneath your boots. The first thing you did was look around you. There was a tall wooden sign that wrote ‘Blackwood Pines’. The harsh, cold air smacked you in your face as you silently followed Sam, letting her lead the way.
It's such a beautiful area, the landscape has a blue overcast from the snowy mountains and ice that covers the scenery. You can hear the calm whirling of the icy wind, but there's also the sound of movement and twigs snapping in the distance.
You and Sam both break your necks to look at your surroundings, seeing if anyone else has also shown up to the mountain yet.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Sam calls out into the dark, cold forest only to be met with silence.
“Hm, I guess it was just an animal then.” You say in response to the silence, and Sam nods her head.
You two continue to the cable car station, only to see a locked gate in the way. Sam walks up to the note and pulls it off the gate.
“Awh come on! Really?” Sam exclaimed in response to the note.
“What does it say?” You ask curiously, peaking over her shoulder to see the note. Sam turns the paper so you can get a good view of it.
‘Gate’s busted, climb over - Chris’
“Man that sucks.” You say as you and Sam make your way over to the wall to climb over. It was kind of a big task, you were in thick winter clothes and had your big backpack of essentials on your shoulders. Once you made it over the wall, you felt relief and finally caught your breath.
Continuing down the path, You and Sam made it to the cable car station. You were scoping the area out while Sam walked up to a plaque with a map that has words written in red.
“Wow, graffiti way up here..” Sam mumbles. You look at the graffiti in question which read: The past is beyond our control.
Reading that reminded you of what Josh told you his therapist, Dr. Hill, would tell him related to the disappearance of his sisters. Thinking about that alone gave you a weird feeling in your stomach, an unsettling one.
You soon meet Chris, right after Sam makes the smart decision not to snoop through his belongings. You remember Chris from all the funny stories Josh would tell you. He's a humorous guy, but you can tell he cares for his friends a lot from just listening to him eagerly tell the story of how he and Josh met. Chris was Josh's closest friend and you're glad Chris is there for him. Learning about how they became friends was such a sweet thing to hear. You catch yourself smiling every time Sam or Chris bring up Josh, but you can't help it.
“So how did you meet Josh, [Y/n]?” Chris asks curiously and Sam looks at you, awaiting your response. A million thoughts run through your head at once because, what do you say? You don't want to tell them you met at a mental hospital, especially since you don't know if Josh is comfortable with them knowing about his stay there in the first place.
“Oh, we met in college!” You make up a lie quickly and hope they buy it. “We were partnered up for an assignment. We stayed friends after that, but I switched majors and schools. We've kept in contact since.” You praise yourself on the inside for effortlessly coming up with a believable lie. You all continue to converse the rest of the cable car ride, and you find yourself very comfortable with Josh’s friends so far.
You get off at the next building where the cable car drops you off. You guys head inside, but find the door locked. Sam and Chris bang on the door, getting someone’s attention as a girl walks by.
“AHH! What the hell?” She exclaims. Chris calls out, “Jess hey!”
“Jessica over here!” Sam shouts from behind the window on the door. Jess walks over, looking at us curiously and somewhat annoyed.
“Uhh..Are you three having a really weird stroke?” You find that an, odd comment to reply with. But Chris speaks up. “We’re stuck in this stupid thing.”
“Can you please let us out? Pretty please?” Sam asks. Jessica presses a button and lets you all out. Chris starts to exaggerate our situation, saying he thought we were all goners and that if another ten minutes went by he would’ve chewed off his leg. You chuckle lightly as Sam calls him sick, but he just shrugs and says he has a lot of meat on his bones. Claiming it was “All muscle down there.” You shake your head, but find them all to be amusing. Sam sarcastically agrees.
Jess seemed to have an envelope in her hands, and Chris snags it away from her, earning a protest from Jess.
“Chris..” Sam says in a warning tone. You walk over to Sam and watch the situation unfold as she gives you an apologetic look for their childish behavior. After Chris and Jess stopped bickering about what is in the letter, apparently a love one to her boyfriend Mike, Jess snatches it back from him.
Chris suggests we all hurry and head up to the lodge, he was “Getting tired from all the nature and junk.”. Jess says she’ll stay behind, and wait to see who else may come up.
Chris teasingly calls back, asking if she meant Mike. Jess gets flustered a bit, fumbling over her words, “What? I mean, you know, whoever.” Jess says dismissively. You three continue on your way, Sam taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the mountains, and the way the snow falls all around. You smile as you take in the sight with her, taking out your phone and snapping a few pictures before heading along the trail.
The three of you are only a few minutes away from the lodge, and you can feel more anxiety building up as you get closer and closer.
“We should be seeing Josh any minute now.” Chris informs and you feel your ears perk at the mention of Josh.
“Great, because I'm getting way too cold to stay out here for much longer.” Sam says in relief but you only feel more nervous.
You know there's nothing to worry about. You and Josh are technically close, you both text and call everyday, and you would talk all the time. But that didn't stop you from feeling that sinking feeling in your gut.
‘Maybe he'll change his mind about being friends with me.”
Anxious thoughts plagued your mind, your stress and intrusive thoughts wracking your head with doubts. You felt your mouth go dry. You needed to keep yourself together though. Josh might be here any second.
"Hey Josh!" You hear Chris call out and you look over to see Josh himself. Your heart is pumping in your chest even faster then before, which you didn't know was possible. You and Josh lock eyes for a moment and he gives you a smile that you return. You get a good view of him for the first time outside of the hospital in normal clothes, and man does he look good. He's wearing a cream colored beanie, with a tan vest, plait long sleeve, and black long sleeve shirt underneath. His black bracelets attract your eyes to his exposed forearms and hands. His veins bulge from small movements. If you didn't have a big crush before, you definitely had one now.
"Chris, Sam," he gives them a nod of acknowledgement and then he looks over to you "[Y/n]~" he says your name in a sing-songy voice that has you feeling a certain way. You can tell he's leaning in for a hug and you gladly return it. It was a short, almost side hug. This is the first time you've ever been in close proximity with Josh, and it was only for a split second. You were able to catch a whiff of his scent, some sort of cologne with a woody scent.
"It's been too long." Josh says to you after pulling away, and looks to Chris and Sam as well. "How was the trip here?"
"Man it feels like the mountain gets bigger every time I climb it." Chris complains in an unserious manner.
"Oh yeah? Feels the same to me." Josh smuggly smiles. You enjoy listening to their banter, but you're ready to get inside and warm up.
“Chris, I'm going to need your help getting inside." They both walk up to the front door and you take that as your cue to break off with Sam; there’s still 2 other people you have to introduce yourself to.
Josh and Chris find out that the door is iced so they make their way down the stairs. Chris stops in front of a girl named Ashley, briefly talking to her, allowing you to sneak glances at Josh’s moonlit frame, thinking he didn’t notice. Once they are done, Josh flashes you a flirtatious wink as he catches you staring, and goes with Chris towards the side of the lodge to find another opening, while you talk with the others. Your heart thumped hard against your chest again.
As Josh and Chris make their trek to find an opening, Josh speaks up, “Ashley was looking pretty hot today, right?” They stop in the middle of the trail and Chris turns to him.
“She’s kinda like a ‘sleeper hit’ kinda gal, you know? Now I just want to rip that parka right off her..Make some snow angels. Right?” Chris takes a minute to ponder, but eventually agrees to humor Josh. “Yes..Absolutely.” He says in mock agreement, crossing his arms over his chest.
“When are you gonna take her to the bone zone?” Josh inquires. Chris smirks, replying back. “Speaking of, I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at [Y/n]. Did you invite her here for some alone time?” He nudges Josh, giving him a playful grin.
Josh chuckles, continuing on walking. “Well, maybe I am looking for the chance to take her to my bone zone, vip exclusive.” He admits, adding in a shrug. Chris scoffs and shakes his head. “You’re such a weirdo man.” He stops him again, getting his full attention.
“Listen dude. Look around you. Look at these beautiful mountains. Do you see any parents? I mean can you imagine a more perfect, ripe scenario, just dripping with erotic possibilities? You and Ashley, me and [Y/n], alone together at last. And you’ve laid all the groundwork..You’ve been a perfect gentleman. Now you come in for the kill!” Chris huffs, and nods.
“Maybe you’re right.” He says. Josh grins approvingly. “You’re a hunter, bro. No fear. No mercy. I mean she won’t even know what hit her.” Josh walks off, leaving Chris to think over his words and laugh at how cringe his words were. “Alright, alright. I got it. Jeez.” Chris follows after him, and begins to work on getting inside the window they found to be unlocked.
You and the girls, along with a guy named Matt, were still outside freezing your asses off. You heard Chris make some corny ‘ghost’ noises. Sam sighs, walking up to the window on the door, “Hi Chris, very funny.”
“Aw, how’d you know it was me?” He replied, hiding from the window. Sam ignores him and continues. “Shouldn’t you be, like, getting the lock open or something?” Chris faces the window and replies, “On it!” You guys hear what sounds like fire from behind the door and see the flames lighting up his face. He finally opens it, giving us a playful bow.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week-“ Chris was saying, and then shrieked as a wolverine ran from in between his feet and out the door. “Shit, that thing freaked me out.” He sighs out, his heart racing from the shock. Ashley asked if he was ok, and what it was. He said it was a bear or a tiger or something, which it obviously wasn’t because bears were far larger, and tigers would not be this high up in the mountains.
But you didn’t think to bother commenting on it. Sam however does, saying it was just a cute little baby wolverine in a baby-like voice, probably to mock Chris. You giggle at it though, and Sam smiles more as you did. Chris was about to protest, when all of a sudden Josh quickly came up behind you guys. “Don’t worry buddy, you’re gonna be a big boy soon.” Chris raises a brow at him, replying with a teasing tone. “Oh yeah? So are you.” He looks at you, giving you a small wink.
You had no fucking clue what these two goofballs were talking about, probably some inside joke. Chris did say they had quite a few. So you shrug it off and everyone heads inside, Josh following close behind you. He brushes past, purposely caressing his hand against yours and heads into the living room. It makes your cheeks flush a bit red, but quickly calm yourself down, thinking it must’ve been an innocent accident. Josh stops in the middle of the room, “Home sweet home!” He exclaimed. However, Matt protested in disagreement.
Ashley notes that it was nice to be inside, even if it was still cold. Josh acknowledges her words, and says he’ll get a fire going. Matt remarks how the place doesn't look any different. You walk over to the couch and sit down, taking in the decor as they continue coversing. “That’s because no ones been up here.” Josh replies. Ashley asks, “Even with all the police coming in and out?” Chris answers her question, “Not a lot of action up here lately.”
After that, you set your bag down as the silence fills the room besides the small chatter between Chris, Sam, and Ashley. Matt was sulking though. You wanted to ask, but didn’t feel it was your place to. You head over to Josh as he was trying to start a fire, and kneel down beside him. “Hey, just wanted to say you have a really nice place here. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it before.”
Josh looks at you, grinning at your compliments. “Thanks, but it’s really all my Mom and Dad’s work. Dad has the money, and Mom is the home furnishing expert, so she loves making fancy ass homes look neat.” You nod at his words, noticing his struggle with the fire. You slowly grab it from his hands, and start to prep the wood correctly. “It’s easier if you stack them like a teepee..” You put small pieces of kindling underneath the larger pieces of wood, and use the lighter to set it on fire, and slowly but surely a fire begins to start.
“..And that’s how you do it.” You proudly state, looking at him with a smile. He chuckles, looking at the fire you made for him. “Ok Ms. Girlscout, you didn't have to show off like that.” He teases, and you hand him back his lighter. “What can I say? A girl knows a thing or two when you’ve been camping for years.”
You two continue to converse by the fire, catching up on stuff you haven’t told each other over the phone and how the ride was here. He sneakily and slowly leaned his shoulder against yours, craving more intimacy with you in this perfect mood by the warmth of the flames. You noticed, but tried not to show it, mentally having to keep yourself calm at his small touches.
Now we all were just waiting for the three other people to come. Which would lead to a very stressful and anxiety inducing situation for everyone.
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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redcoralpot · 2 years
Rules + Introduction (Redone)
Hello! My name is Red, and my pronouns are he/him. I like to read, write, draw, and analyze characters I’m interested in. English is not my first language, so please be patient! <33
I only write for male (ftm included) or gender neutral readers.
I write fluff, angst, and smut, but smut may come a bit slower and shorter than the rest.
I only write x male or non-binary characters from the media I write fanfiction for.
When requesting smut, know that I will not accept piss/shit kinks, non-con, zoophilia, pedophilia, yandere, dub-con, etc.
When requesting smut, know that I will only write top + dom reader.
I will not write x Shane (TWD), Josh Washington (UD), or The Governor (TWD).
Typical fic length is around 1K-2K words.
Media I’ll Write For:
The Walking Dead (TWD)
Sally Face (Sal Fisher and Travis Phelps only)
The Amazing Spider-Man 1-2 (Peter Parker only)
Read Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2)
Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF)
SCREAM (Billy Loomis + Stu Macher)
Until Dawn (UD)
The Quarry (TQ)
Will be edited in the future! 😵‍💫
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devine-star · 2 years
Short King!
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Josh Washington, Connor (RK800), Gavin Reed, Jesse, Dylan Lenivy, Nick Furciilo x Male!Reader! (All seperate!) 
Warnings: Small sexual mentions, 
Note: decided to take this request and do it with a few of my favorites from each fandom I wrote for! This is a part one! If you’d like a part 2 let me know! 
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Josh Washington (Until Dawn): 
-Josh LOVES your height!  -He is 6′ even himself so when he first meets you, he thinks you’re ADORABLE!  -That quickly changes when he sees how buff you truly are.  -Hiding it behind baggy and lose clothes, often others will think you’re just chunky.
-He knows the truth thought.  -LOVES when you two are wrestling (Not sexually, get your mind out of the gutter) and you EASILY pin him to ground or man handle him!  -WILL make jokes about you doing that in the bedroom but plays it off as a joke. -Follows you to the gym claiming its to “Watch your form” But in reality, just wants to see you bench press his weight.  -You would tease him CONSTANTLY about him watching you.  -He would go so far that he would trip on the tredmil and go flying almost half way across the gym.  -But Josh didn’t care! It led to you two back at the lodge with you patching up the few scrapes on his arms and legs. 
Connor (RK800, DBH):  -Doesn’t understand the height thing when it comes to humans. -”Why is height important?” He would ask this CONSTANLY when someone mentions they could never date someone shorter than him. -Admires your form anytime he can honestly, -You’re the main reason he became a deviant but he would NEVER admit that. -Just the way your muscles would press against your shirt as you moved things around the house or even just as you did yard work; it drove him CRAZY -Didn’t fully become deviant until the day the two of you were walking downtown -He went to cross the road and failed to see the car coming straight for him.  -Yelling his name you reach out, grabbing him -Almost lifting him over your head to get him out of the way.  -He sits on the ground as a blue blush covered his face as his eyes covered with red lines as a rush of new emotions filled him. 
Gavin Reed (DBH):  -A somewhat short king himself. -5′9 but tells everyone he’s 6′. -Constantly picks on you for your height but it’s only because he loves you! -Keeps his feelings hidden.  -”Gav, could you get that mug for me?” You would ask not knowing he put it up so high so you would need his help. -But the one, and only, time you asked Connor for help? Gavin is fuming! -Gavin has had his fair share of deviants getting away, why? Because he would be distracted by the way your thighs looked in your jeans as you ran.  -Always wants to sit on the other side of the interigation room, why? Because he wants to watch you go in there in a tank top to intimidate whoever was on the other side. -In a tank top, leaning against the table as you crossed your arms.  -He would be lying if he said he wouldn’t get a small rush of horny whenever you would slam your hands on the table to scare the person you were questioning. 
Jesse (The Last Of Us):  -Doesn’t care for height honestly  -Loves that when you hug him, your face in tilted into his neck.  -CONSTANTLY on edge when you two go on patrol and get ambushed by infected. -He loses you for a solid 10 minutes but once everything is killed, he can’t find you anywhere.  -Comes to find you under a table holding a gash in your hand.  -Panicking, thinking you were infected, he quickly pulls you from your hiding spot before seeing its just a gash from a bottle.  -”What happened?” Quickly pulling out his medical kit -”Oh..uh,” You chuckle while blushing “I busted a bottle due to how hard I was holding it,”  -SWOON!!! -He then convinces you that you need sparing lessons, only so he could be tossed around by you; shamlessly. 
Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry):  -TALL BF LOVES HIS SHORT BF!!!! -You first caught his eye when he brought his group of campers to the archary range.  -The heat of summer was nothing campred to the heat he felt watching you draw your arm back to aim the bow -Dylan even goes as far as to ‘tripping’ near you so you would catch him. -When everything started going down and Dylan sprained his ankle running; you had no issue or struggle picking him up bridal style to carry him back to the lodge.  -Even in the heat of the fight, you fighting a werewolf, fist to fist. He couldn’t stop his swooning.  -Hiding behind you was a THING for him.  -Just knowing how strong you were made him feel SO safe but he knew how rediculous it must look. 
Nick Furcillo (The Quarry):  -Mr. Furcillo is 6′2. The tallest in camp besides Dylan.  -He LOVES watching you teach the kids how to play guitar.  -Sitting there watching the way your muscles move under your skin as you pluck the strings and the way your hands looked; drove him INSANE.  -Now when everything went down and he was attacked; the wolf inside of him CRAVED you.  -Not just sexually.  -All the thoughts Nick had about the way it would feel to have you hold him close and just calm him down ran wild.  -Half of him hoping that when he was hurt that is what you would do.  -Right before he turned he demanded to see you.  -The way you sat on your knees next to him, reaching over to dab the sweat away gently.  -A rush of arousal and anger filled him when you shoved him off after he tried to pull you close to him. -Once everything was over and he found you again; apologies and tears were shared as you FINALLY took him into your arms. 
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poptod · 4 years
The Marriage of Fear (Josh Washington x Reader)
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Description: The circumstances of your meeting are preposterous and sound like absolute lies. The trail of deceit and murder that follows you after is even more so. 
Notes: woah, me writing a story that could possibly becoming a series that’s not about ahkmenrah? fucking unheard of Word Count: 3.5k
Rain batters down on you, soaking through your jacket and to your skin. The scrapes and tears on your knuckles burn with the cold, bundled into a tight fist as you ran, looking over your shoulder every time you turn. With the puddles scattered across the pier wood, you fall into a slip that scrapes the skin off your knee. You hiss as you jump back to your feet, paying the biting sting no mind as you continue onwards, blinking away the rain that fall upon your eyes.
Your heart pounds as you catch sight of an unlocked stall. Shouts and the light of a flashlight still follow you––instinctively you bolt towards the red and white stall, vaulting over the counter and slipping right underneath it.
There's someone beside you.
Instantly the pocket knife hidden in your glove ends up in your hand, fingers expertly flicking it open till you hold the blade against a warm neck gasping in breath. He looks in the same state as you––tired, filthy, wet, and completely out of breath. The difference is the type of fear in your eyes. Yours is of a known fear; you've done this before, run from cops and hidden yourself away. His eyes display a new fear––a fear of death.
"Don't say anything," you hiss out, and he's shellshocked enough to follow your command.
Footsteps sound loud on the pier, the vibrations reaching you and tightening your fingers into your palm. You bite into your cheek, eyes never leaving the stranger's as the flashlight cast its' gaze elsewhere.
"(Y/N)," you whisper, holding out your other hand for him to shake, while still keeping one hand holding your knife against him. You won't move it––just need him to do what you say without question for a single, hot second.
"... Josh," he breathes out, taking your hand and shaking with a weak grip. "Did he try to kill you too?"
Your brain opts out for a second to try and decipher what it is he's saying. Cops are bastards but generally they don't immediately try to kill you.
"The – the guy with the axe. You didn't..? The hell are you hiding from?"
"The cop, obviously," you say, but he just squints his eyes in confusion.
The both of you stare at each other for a moment––fortunately you both stay quiet, and if there are any footsteps around you, they're muted by the downpour.
"Okay, just to clarify, this isn't a cop with an ax?"
"No," you say.
"Okay," he says with a deep, shaky breath, breaking eye contact with you to stare at the ground. "I need – we both need to get the fuck out of here."
"Absolutely agree, questions later," you say immediately. He seems a decent enough person––a little scared, but you're happy to form a temporary alliance to get out of here. Besides, if what he says is true, you can't just leave him here.
It takes a second since both you and the floor are wet, but you manage to move onto your knees, allowing you to just barely peek your head over the counter. Your grip on your pocket knife loosens as you find nothing. Just the rain pounding and totally obstructing your field of view.
"Looks okay," you mumble to him, moving back beneath the counter.
"Do you know which way's the shore?"
"Yeah.. jus' came from there. This way," you say.
You motion him forward and he follows, adopting your posture of staying low to the ground. It's far easier to stay hidden in the rain––the fog alone eradicates your shadow, and the rain gives you silent footsteps if you sneak. As you move you look every which way, constantly scanning your surroundings for any sign of movement. Waves lap at the support beams of the pier, splashing sea water up to your feet, and instantly you're reminded this is a storm. Of course the waves are going to be massive. That's why the pier was locked off.
Tremors course through the wood beneath you, rocking your balance as Josh, still behind you, whimpers and slips. You take his hand and pull him to his feet.
"C'mon," you mutter, pushing him in front of you.
He leads the way now that you've pointed him in the right direction––that way you, the one with the knife, can make sure he's safe. Your breath comes out in pants as you try to keep up with his faster pace. Anxiousness fuels him, evident in his shaking fingers and wide, panicked eyes.
The black gates are visible now, and soon you're standing in front of them, pushing him up over the side before climbing it yourself. You land beside him with a huff, looking back for any sight of either of your aggressors.
"Let's get the hell out of here," he says to you, sure to keep his voice quiet. You nod before leading the way.
What comes first are lights––lights of the city, shining even in the fog so thick you can feel condensation on your tongue. Every one of your pants draws water into your mouth. Your shoes slosh with every step, but the sound of massive waves crashing beneath you drowns out everything. You've managed to keep these things to your advantage––a murderer would give you no such nicety.
Despite mostly being in the clear, both of you are rather safe than sorry in this situation. Both of you keep low to the ground, look over your shoulders every other second, and constantly check to make sure the other is still there. Your heart is pounding against your chest and his nerves are screaming.
The sound of a running chainsaw stops you dead in your tracks. Neither of you can see anyone, but your reaction is instant. He runs to you, cowers next to you with his hands wrapped around yours, but you can't really say anything––you're doing the exact same thing. No one is here but the grinding continues, louder and louder, and you're out in the open. This early on in the pier there's no buildings in which to hide––all that's left is to hope it's not coming from the direction of land.
It's coming from the land.
He steps out of the mist, movements laced with malice and cold eyes trained on you. The mask he wears is like someone duct-taped skin to his face––you're not sure this is even human. His steps are heavy, each one echoing even in the storm.
You look at the chainsaw. You look at Josh. You look at the ocean and a slab of thin wood from the construction site. All of these things––you look at them, and you make a calculated guess.
Grabbing his hand in yours you force him away, out of his petrification and towards the construction site.
"Take off your jacket!" You yell over the roaring growl of the chainsaw growing nearer. The man's footsteps pound behind you, marking every step closer to you.
Josh does as he's told and you copy him. Your beautiful, vintage leather jacket adorned in paint and patches, and you throw it into the building frame. As you run past the materials pile you grab a long plank of wood, diving headfirst over the edge of the pier.
"Are you fucking insane?!" You hear from above you. Before you can answer you crash against the waves, slave to their pull and the never-ceasing torment.
"CHAINSAW!!" You yell up, the only justification you can give.
Two seconds later a shadow is growing, ending in Josh splashing in right beside you. When he emerges from the deeper water he gasps for breath, wide eyes impossibly stressed, and teeth already chattering.
"Don't let go of this plank," you tell him, feeling the cold biting you through your ripped jeans and torn shirt.
Surfing isn't something you're particularly accustomed to nor fond of, but you know how it works, and you've done it before. Sometimes the waves are tall, and it looks impossible to get back to shore with the waves breaking so close to it. Fortunately, you learned how to surf at Waimea beach, home to some of the most relentless and merciless waves around.
You have to guide him, tell him when he needs to hold his breath, when you can go above a wave and when you have to dive under. Together you both kick the short way back to the shore, a distance you believed to be short enough to be most likely non-lethal. That was the only reason you'd done this, and soon you're proved right––the shore is right there, walls of water keeping you from it.
"We're gonna get tossed around a lot," you try to get out through the saltwater in your mouth, "and if you go under, protect your head and let the waves wash you ashore. Got it?"
You push forward and drag him with, forcing his head underwater every time a massive wave comes up behind you. The sight of it looming above you is terrifying––a force of nature you will never be able to contend with. The current does its' job well, sucking you under and keeping you there for what feels like minutes at a time. Pressure grows in your head till your ears bleed, tons worth of water force rushing your body through the crashing waves. When you both breach the surface, you're right beside the shore, and as exhaustion calls your muscles to stop the both of you are thrown onto the rocky earth.
This place used to be sandy. Now it's littered with large, round stones. All of them are pulled up from the deep ocean by these waves, battered onto a soft shore till it's nothing but rock for miles.
God, your body aches––fighting waves nonstop has exhausted you after a long run from that policeman, and being smashed up against hard rocks has done your body no favors. The cold alone has worn against your joints, making every movement sting and throb. Your fingers no longer belong to you.
Before waves can claim you again, you lug yourself and Josh up the shore, stopping only when sand surrounds you. Then you collapse, breaths leaving you in rapid, deep pants. It takes a bit of work for you to be able to lift your head, but when you do you turn to Josh. He's in a similar state––his lips are blue with the cold, drenched hair plastered to his face just as sand sticks to his wet cheek. What matters is that he's still breathing, up and down in great, heaving breaths.
"Not over yet," you say, half to yourself and half to him.
With great effort you bring yourself to your feet, offering Josh a hand. He takes it.
"How far's your place from here?" You ask softly, looking up to the seemingly quiet pier. If all's gone well, the cop has discovered the man with the chainsaw. Whether or not the cop is alive doesn't really matter––what matters is that he's bought you time to get the hell out of here.
"Up in the mountains," he says, gesturing to the mountains in the distance that tower over the city.
"Fuck. Mine's in the city but it's, like, five miles from here. No way we're making that." You're mumbling now, staring at the ground as you walk, trying to understand the way it swirls and spots from nothing to something.
"I've got.. two dollars for bus," he offers.
"I got jack."
"Who's jack?"
"... jack shit," you say under your breath. He belts out a loud, high pitched laugh that has you chuckling.
You simultaneously remember you should be staying quiet. Both of you fall silent, beginning to spare glances behind you to the pier stairs. So far you can't see anything. Your arm falls when Josh finally stands on his own, apparently over his sickness.
"Good?" You ask.
The bus station isn't all that nearby, but when you arrive the bus is already there. Since you can't afford tickets, the only option left is to hitch a ride on the back, and pray neither of you fall off. This is something you've done often when in a pinch, but it's obvious Josh has never done this before. He's a bit shaky as he holds on, staring at the passing ground too intently for it to not be the first time. It doesn't help that the bus is wet with rainwater; it's not raining, or at least not as hard anymore, but both of you are still soaked to the bone.
Brakes screech to a halt in front of a red light. Here is your home––a house deep in the suburbs, with a garden crammed with statues of gnomes. Like most people you take home, he stops to stare at some of the larger statues, before quickly following you inside.
"Jesus fucking Christ," you breathe out when you finally lock the door behind you. All the tension in you breaks. It's not ensured safety, but it's a hell of a lot better than being out in the dark without anything to light the way.
"Holy shit, I am so fucking glad I found you," he says, clearly in the same state of elated relief. "Never would'a made it with two of those fuckers."
"There was two of them?"
"Oh yeah," he says with an ardent nod. "Chainsaw dude looked totally different from axe man."
"God... what time is it?" You mumble, mostly to yourself as you spin on your spot, searching for any clocks. Instinctively you stop your spinning once your eyes are on the microwave.
3.42 AM.
"Do you need to get home tonight?" You ask, turning back to Josh.
"Nah. Even if I did I... shit, I just don't wanna go back out there," he says, and you fully understand.
"Don't have to. You can stay the night, my mom's not home but, uh – she'll be cool with it," you say, pulling at your soaked shirt. It looks like you just stepped out of a pool fully clothed.
Part of the see-through fabric sticks to your skin, creating uncomfortable creases of moisture along your waist and arms. Shivering from the sensation you pull your shirt off, tossing it in the direction of your room down the hall, before promptly sending your pants in the same direction. Your underwear is just as wet, but you've still got some sense of preservation.
With wet feet you pad into the kitchen, an unpleasant slapping noise following your every step. It makes you laugh, just a little––giggling while naked in front of a man you barely even know.
"Do you, um... have some clothes I could borrow?" He asks, looking jealous of your no-wet-clothing body.
"Yeah, um – jus' choose anything from my room. First door on the left," you say, pointing him down the hallway. He leaves with a quick thank you, and you're left alone in your kitchen, wondering if there's anything to eat.
While you contemplate that, you grab two glasses of water, setting one on the counter and downing the other one in one, prolonged gulp. You gasp for breath as you slam the glass down, taking only a moment to breathe before going in for a refill. Josh comes out when you're about halfway through your third glass. Your cups are pretty small and you're still shooting them down.
His grey, long-sleeved shirt has been replaced with one of your bigger black hoodies––one with an Against Me! symbol printed on the back. Blue jeans have been exchanged for ripped sweatpants that once belonged to your mom, and honestly, it suits him quite a lot better than it does you.
Dark hair that was once plastered to his forehead is now spiky, his weak attempts at drying it doing a fine job of messing up the already-mussed curls. It's now, in the bright, flickering lights of your kitchen that you note the features of his face––the full brow and gentle lips, tanned skin dotted by tiny freckles that highlight the dark of his eyes. It's as though a shadow follows him, darkening his eyelids to make way for the cold grey of his actual eyes. He sniffs and you note his nose is a little red. Probably from the cold.
"Got you some water but now that I'm thinking about it, you might be wanting somethin' else," you say with a chuckle, pushing the glass towards him anyways. He laughs softly as he takes a seat at the counter, reaching for the cup and taking a small sip.
"What've you got?"
"Coffee, hot chocolate, tea... um, beer," you say, grinning when he looses a chuckle.
"Hot chocolate."
While two cups of milk and water sit spinning in the microwave, you race back to your room to get dressed. Most of your clothes are strewn about the floor, but very separated from the wet pile of clothes in the corner that has to belong to Josh. There's about a minute on the microwave––gives you little time to consider fashion, so you pull on a nearby kilt and a massive Dead Kennedys shirt. You have a fancier kilt elsewhere, gifted to you by an uncle, but the red and black stripes is the nearest one.
He laughs when he spots you. Eyes bulge and gawk as he bursts out in giggles, apparently finding much amusement in your dress. You grin, happy to be humorous, and make a funny crab-like walk towards him.
"Do you like my fashion sense?" You ask, rushing over to the microwave when it beeps loudly.
"Fuckin' amazing," he chuckles lowly, shaking his head.
Once you're done mixing in the hot chocolate powder, you set one of the cups in front of him, taking a seat on the counter with your own mug in hand. Already the both of you have found intense comfort in each other––the bonding powers of shared fear are stronger than one would imagine. 
"What were you doing out there?" You ask, tilting your head slightly when he looks up to meet your eye.
"What, you mean getting chased by a lunatic?"
"Yeah, that whole thing. We said we'd talk about this later and it's later, and I'm honestly very curious," you say. It's definitely not a lie––you've been thinking about this ever since you were too exhausted to speak, which was on the walk to the bus stop.
"I was, um, out with some friends, jus' getting drunk and all that," he says, looking down as he tries to recall the details. "Got separated from them at the bar when they left without me. Tried to find my phone, couldn't find it, and uh––you know that churro cart they have on the pier?"
"Oh, yeah. Really good."
"So good. I got hungry and tried to go there, but this guy started following me. When I got to the pier I looked and he had an axe, and I just... ran. He was literally at the entrance to the pier, so I couldn't go that way, and um – then I found you," he says.
"Sounds unpleasant," you say softly, to which he mutters a quiet agreement.
"What about you?" He asks, sipping through hot steam. "What was happening with that whole cop thing?"
"God. A minor offense. I was up on the church roof, the one in downtown. Must've been too loud or somethin' cause next thing I know, this dude is yelling at me from the sidewalk. I pull the fuck outta there cause I don't need another thing on my record, and uh, yeah. Ran to the pier and found you," you say, nudging his shoulder with your fist.
"Glad you found me," he mumbles, shaking his head in disbelief.
"So am I. I don't think that's the first time those two have done something like this. They seemed pretty experienced," you say.
"There haven't been any reported murders, though," he mentions, to which you nod.
"Yeah, but people go missing. It's not as hard as you think to hide a dead body."
"And you know this how? From experience?"
"No," you laugh, "television."
"Ohhh," he nods with a smile. "Makes sense."
You take the last sips of your hot chocolate with mild disappointment that it's gone so soon. Once finished you set the mug on the counter, hopping down and making your way back around the counter. Josh finishes shortly after and you take his mug, cleaning them up in the sink as he wanders, looking around your living room.
"Do you think we should tell the police?" He asks, turning back around to face you when the water shuts off. You reach for the towel, drying your hands as you meet his gaze.
"You can," you say, "but I am staying as far away as I can from those fuckers."
"I get that. Maybe I should do it anonymously," he says thoughtfully.
"You can do what you want. I'm going to get high and try to forget about everything that happened tonight," you say, making your way back to your room.
"May I join you?" He asks in a deep, rolling British accent that sounds too silly to be genuine.
"'Course, man," you say, and he runs on over to you, a bright smile on his face.
"Can't wait to forget absolutely everything."
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Showering at the other’s house + Wearing the other’s clothing + "You know I can't just be friends with you" for Josh Washington x male reader? Angst and smut where there's been sexual tension between them for a long time and it blows up in their face when Josh's car breaks down and reader picks him up and takes him to his place? Bottom reader, please?
To be on the safe side, I’m going to warn for a slight reference to drunk driving.
* * * * *
Glancing at the clock on your dash, you groaned thinking about how early you had to be up for work tomorrow—technically today.
 Fucking Josh Washington.
 Why you were still friends sometimes escaped you, but as soon as Josh slid into your passenger seat and the smell of his expensive cologne swallowed you in one breath, you remembered.
 Because you want so much more than that.
 “Fun party?” you asked, hitting the turn signal even though the road was deserted.
 “Look, man. I’m sorry about calling so late but I know your place is close.”
 “And now I have to take you all the way across town—”
 “Can’t I just crash with you? I mean—if it’s not a big deal.”
 Not a big—fucking fucker.
 Taking a deep breath, you whipped your car around and began heading back to your apartment.
 Josh leaned back in the seat and out of your peripheral, you could see his fingers twitching against his knee, banging out a rhythm only he could hear.
 “Are you drunk?” you asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
 “Nah,” Josh huffed, his eyes closed as his fingers continued to tap.
 Slamming on the brakes was the last thing Josh had expected you to do, and when he was jostled forward, he made a muffled noise as the seatbelt tightened against his chest.
 “What the fu—”
 “Get out.”
 Josh’s bloodshot eyes were blown wide and his mouth opened and shut as he stared at you, your own face twisted in anger as you looked back at him.
 “Get. Out.”
 “Please don’t do this now, Y/N.”
 Josh’s eyes begged for your forgiveness and you felt that deep-down itch of sympathy, like an almost healed mosquito bite that had just enough poison left to make you remember it was there.
 “Why the fuck are you always calling me to come bail you out? Is it because I’m stupid enough to keep fucking doing it?”
 “No,” Josh murmured, his eyes dropping to the center console.
 “Is it because—”
 “Can we please just talk about this at your place not in the middle of the fucking road in the middle of the fucking night?”
 Your eyes flicked to the rearview mirror and even though no one was coming, you gripped the wheel again and pressed your foot to the gas.
The rest of the short drive was silent, the tension blaring loud enough to drown out both of your thoughts.
 Exhausted, you tossed your keys on the counter and kicked off your shoes before slowly pulling your hoodie over your head and tossing it on the living room recliner.
 “You know where the couch is,” you stated tonelessly as you walked back the hall to your bedroom and shut the door.
 Discarding your t-shirt and your sweatpants, you crawled back into your abandoned bed and tried to go to sleep. Josh turned the shower on and you rolled over, trying not to imagine what he looked like, naked and wet as the bathroom grew foggier and foggier.
 He pissed you off like no one else.
 And he turned you on like no one else.
 But nothing had ever come of your shared looks, your inside jokes, or your casual, seemingly accidental touching. Instead, this sort of chasm settled between the two of you and you spent less and less time together. At first, you were sad. Then, you were pissed that someone who was supposed to be your friend, someone you had known for almost ever, was just willing to let the ugly void grow rather than talk about what was happening.
 And once Josh lost his sisters, the void became cavernous. He wouldn’t let anyone get close to him, not even you.
 Sighing, you punched your pillow and rolled onto your back to stare up at the ceiling. You supposed that was why you were still always there for him—the loss of Hannah and Beth, yes, but also because you wanted to get him to let you in. You wanted to be there for him—as a friend or as more.
 Either way, Josh needed someone. That much you were sure of.
 A soft knock on your door drew you out of your thoughts, and you mumbled, “It’s unlocked.”
 Josh peeked in, the light from the hallway framing his body and making him seem more shadow than man.
 “Can I borrow some sweats?”
 “Bottom drawer,” you motioned, rolling on to your side to avoid looking at him with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
 Which wasn’t wrapped around his waist for long because you heard it hit the floor. You squeezed your eyes shut tight and tried to ignore the rustling as Josh pulled on your clothes.
 After a few moments of silence, Josh cleared his throat and when you didn’t say anything, he shuffled closer to your bed.
 “You sleeping?”
 “For fuck’s sake, Josh. No.”
 “I really am sorry I woke you up—”
 “Are you really?” you spat, turning over and sitting up to face him, anger once again coursing through your body at his wretched apology.
 “Yeah. I am! I really appreciate that you came!” Josh yelled, his eyes smaller than usual as anger began to take hold of him, too.
 “You have a real funny way of showing appreciation.”
 “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his bottom lip disappearing as he bit down on it.
 “It means that you don’t call me unless you need something stupid.”
 Josh shrugged, but before you could yell at him to get the fuck out, he said, “I know you’ll always pick up.”
“You can kiss this stand-in Uber driver the fuck good-bye because this was the last—"
 “I call you because I want to see you.”
 Josh’s words were coarse, spoken from deep inside of his chest as if he couldn’t believe he was actually letting them articulate.
 You stared at him in stunned silence, wondering if it was possible . . .
 “Josh,” you said softly.
 And as your mind worked to form a response, Josh interrupted, his voice cracking as he loudly said, "I can't just be friends with you anymore! I can’t just hang out like, like I’m not feeling . . . whatever the fuck this is.
 “And I know you feel it too.”  
 Your heart was in your ears, so even if you wanted to say something, you couldn’t.
 Hand slightly shaking, you pulled off the covers and swung your legs over the edge of the mattress. The feeling of your bare feet on your cold, wooden floor starkly contrasted the overheated feeling of your torso and face as you stood.
 Josh was frozen, his Adam’s apple working double-time as he looked anywhere but at you, clearly wishing he had kept his infamously big mouth shut.
 When you were finally inches from him, his eyes swung to meet yours and the intensity in them nearly took your breath away.
 Thinking back, you still have no idea who moved first, but in an instant, Josh’s mouth was on yours.
 His kiss was bruising, teeth before tongue, then teeth again as he claimed you.
 Your thoughts were an incoherent stream as Josh pushed you on to the bed and shoved his hand in your boxers, his own erection rubbing against your thigh as he began to jerk you off.
 Gasping, you broke the kiss and shut your eyes, unable to believe this was finally happening.
 “Do you feel this?” Josh hissed as his forehead is pressed against yours. “Do you feel how bad I want you—need you?”
 “Didn’t want to ruin our friendship?” Josh panted as he gave the head of your cock a little twist. “I’d say it’s pretty fucking ruined now.”
 You moaned and reached up to fist the headboard, your biceps flexing as you held onto the wooden slats, your hips pushing up into Josh’s hand.
 “Should I stop?”
 “Fuck—no! Don’t stop,” you begged and you could see the confident smirk on Josh’s lips.  
 “Come for me,” he demanded, his hand tightening around you, still moving at a quick, even pace.
 “God-fucking-damn-it Josh!” you cried out, eyes again shut tight as cum spilled over his hand and smeared on to your stomach.
 After milking you through your orgasm, Josh pressed his forehead to yours, tiny beads of your sweat mingling with his as your breath puffed across each other’s lips. It occurred to you that he definitely used your toothpaste and knowing Josh, probably your toothbrush.
 You reached up to grasp his face, your thumbs rubbing across his cheekbones as you asked, “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
 “Kinda better to just show you?”
You rolled your eyes.
 “Stop deflecting.”
 “Scared,” Josh mumbled, his mouth moving closer to yours.
 “Of what?” you asked into his parted lips.
 “Losing you.”
 “Never,” you answered and kissed him, your mouth begging to be dominated by his as you tentatively touched your tongue to his and Josh didn’t disappoint, controlling the kiss until he released your mouth with a gasp as you both fought for air.
 Pushing Josh onto his back, you straddled his thigh, your cum-coated belly completely forgotten as you pulled down the sweatpants he was wearing—your sweatpants—and you lowered your mouth to take in his impossibly hard cock.
 “Oh fuck,” Josh groaned.
 Teasing wasn’t on your mind as you sucked his dick, hollowing your cheeks and relishing in the taste of the precum that seeped from his head. You dragged your tongue through his slit and Josh made a noise that was somewhere between a whine and a groan.
 You sucked lightly on the head of his cock before swallowing him down, and when you grasped the base of him, Josh bucked up into your mouth, almost choking you, as he came—your name and a string of Sorry—so sorrys tumbling from his lips. You laughed a little as you swallowed his cum and used the back of your mouth to wipe what had escaped.
 Josh’s eyes were soft as they looked at you, one final apology issuing from his mouth.
 “It’s cool, Josh. I think we were both pretty enthusiastic.”
 “You have no idea—”
 “—how long you’ve—I’ve—wanted to do that?”
 Josh looked a little surprised, but then his face split into his trademark grin, his white teeth flashing in the dim lighting of your room.
 “Does this mean we’re more than friends?”
 “Is that what you want?” you asked, studying his face to make sure his happiness wasn’t a façade.
 “I think . . . I think it’s what I need.”
 You smiled, your eyes detecting only honestly and as much as it pained you to do it, you tore your eyes from his and looked at the clock.
 “Work. I’ve gotta—”
 “I’m filthy fucking rich. You don’t ever “have to” again.”
 “Of course I do,” you said with exasperation. “But maybe not . . . tomorrow.”
 Josh smiled and adjusted your pillow before holding his arms open so you could fall onto his chest.
 “Night, Y/N,” Josh mumbled sleepily into your hair.
 “Goodnight,” you answered, your lips holding their soft smile as you fell fast asleep.
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mlmdarkfiction · 5 years
Josh Washington x male reader fanfic. Josh dressed as The Psycho kills Mike and Emily with a machete. Josh's s/o is upstairs in the shower and hears the screams, and only dressed in a towel, they go downstairs and witness Josh hacking the bodies up. A chase happens and Josh's s/o trips and the towel falls off. But it's revealed that Josh's s/o knew all along about his revenge plan. Then Josh fucks his s/o in the mouth and they both burn down the lodge.
Are you the same person who sent in like a Myer’s request and a Frank request? because if you are you’re a level of chaotic violent horny and I’m here for it. 
if those aren’t all sent by the same person i have a series of chaotic violent horny followers and i support and love all of your requests
anyway sorry this took 800 years it was one of the more recent things in the inbox when I shut requests
This was really fun to write!!
Read on AO3
Read Below:
It’s… an interesting feeling. Being back at the lodge with all of your friends after so long. Part of you hadn’t wanted to return, not after what happened but…you had to be there for Josh. He was your boyfriend, and he wanted this, he deserved this. So you followed along up the mountain, and to the lodge, freezing your ass off as you went.
On the bright side the way up was spent with lots of flirting, although it’s flirting that would, ultimately, go nowhere on the trip. After all this wasn’t about you, or you and Josh’s relationship. This was about your friends.
So once everyone’s arrived, and Emily and Jess have already started fighting you kiss Josh on the cheek. “Since you got the hot water on, hot stuff, I’m gunna go warm up. I’ve not stopped shiver since the minute we started up the mountain.”
Josh watches you go, and just before you’re out of his reach swats at your ass.
Honestly it’s cruel of him to tease you at a time like this.
It’s easy enough for the psycho stalking the group of teens at the lodge. He bides his time and waits. It’s Mike he’ll take out first, without Mike there’s no one to play the hero.
So when he gets frustrated with Jessica, and goes to let of steam for a while in another room he strikes.
It’s a good fight. Mike seemed to know it was know joke, and fought as if his life depended on it, which it did. But sadly for him, in the end, it was for not. See, Mike put all his strength into the beginning of the struggle, which is fine, at least until he’s too tired to continue putting in that level of effort. And then it was easy enough to force Mike to the ground, on his knees, and slit his throat.
It’s…an anticlimactic end. The psycho had expected, wanted something better. Something gorier.
A clean death like this?
It wouldn’t get the reaction he wanted from the others.
But he still has a machete, and so he gets to work. If Mike’s body didn’t naturally meet an end complimentary to his vision, then he’ll hack the body up until it meets his standards.
-A scream. That’s what draws you out of your post shower daze. You had been lazily working yourself over in the shower, attempting to get all your sexual frustration out here and now so that you can actually enjoy the rest of the time in the cabin.
At first you assume it’s just Chris scaring someone with a dumb joke, but then you hear the scream again. Now you pause, hands still lingering bellow your waist.
There’s no follow up scream. There’s no sound at all.
Only now do you realize, aside from the running water, the cabin sounds eerily quiet. No dumb drunken laughter or the sound of conversation from your friends.
You turn the water off and listen.
Something’s not right.
The anxiety is resting in the pit of your gut, and your libido has successfully been killed by the strangeness of it all. Grabbing a towel you make your way out from the bathroom and into the hall.
Really…You should have asked Josh where he’d put your bags before you’d taken a shower. Not having any clothes to change into…sucks.
If you get murdered with your junk out that’ll be embarrassing.
You call out for your boyfriend, voice echoing in the overwhelming silence of the cabin.
How could it be so…empty?
There was a whole group of people here only an hour ago!
“Josh this isn’t funny!”
Bare feet padding across the cold wooden floor you make your way to Josh’s room. It’s like a seen in the movie, you throw the door open suddenly as if it’s burned you- only to be met with an empty room.
Incredibly relieved you start to laugh at your own anxiety. After all, what were you expecting-
The closet bursts open suddenly.
The door hits the wall hard enough to leave a dent, and your met with a sight from someone’s nightmare. A masked stranger covered in blood, but more than that. He in one hand he held a machete, just as stained as his clothing, and in the other Emily’s decapitated head.
Suddenly you feel sick to your stomach.
You’re frozen in your spot, legs not wanting to move due to fear.
This stranger, a psycho, a killer just stares at you. You can feel the predatory smile he must have under the mask radiating off of him in waves. He drops Emily’s head. It bounces, and rolls to you, eventually stopping near your foot.
A small scream leaves you, as her blood dried hair touches your once clean leg, staining you crimson.
Finally you tear your terrified gaze away from the decapitated ex friend to the killer. He’s holding up 3 fingers.
2 fingers.
Realization hits you like a freight train and you take off down the hall, not stopping or hesitating even after the towel flies from your body. Who cares if you’re naked? You don’t have time to worry about modesty when your head is on the line.
Despite your attempts at running…You don’t get very far.
See, you’re at a very significant disadvantage.
You hadn’t bothered to actually dry off before attempting to find Josh, and so you’d left a wet trail in your wake. It didn’t take long before your slick trail resulted in you skidding into a nearby wall, your head connecting to the corner, and knocking you to the ground.
You’re caught.
You don’t get up. You don’t even try. There’s no point.
The slow steady footsteps of the killers boots are only inches away. Holding your head you close your eyes and wait.
“Shit! Babe are you okay?”
Josh’s concerned voice rings out, and you open your eyes to see him already ditching the mask to get a better look at your head wound. It’s cute, how concerned he is. The two of you have played this little cat and mouse game before, although never as thrilled or involving any actual deaths before, and it often ended with you injured like this. Every time it resulted in Josh breaking character to make sure your clumsy self was okay. “Yeah, I think I’m good.” You smile up at him ignoring the hand he offers in hopes of helping you up. Instead you rise to just your knees. “Hurts, but I’m good.” He smells like blood. It’s absolutely radiating off of him.
It does nothing to hinder your growing arousal though, especially when you notice the obvious bulge he’s sporting.
“What are you-”
Sex isn’t on his mind now, despite how much his dick wants to disagree, after all Josh cares about you. It’s cute.
You’ll assure him that you’re fine later. For now you just want to suck the soul out of him while he runs those bloody fingers through your hair.
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ramimami-blog · 6 years
Josh going down on a male reader.
A/n: This is the male counterpart to Josh going down on a female reader.
Warnings: unprotected oral sex.
Tumblr media
It would start right in the kitchen.
Kisses up and down your neck, pecks teasing your lips, hands grabbing your flannel.
His knees crack while he starts to squat down.
When he reaches his knees he starts pulling your jeans down.
Your jeans pool around your ankles.
It's cold so he just pulls your length out of your boxers instead of pulling them down.
His tongue licks you up and down eagerly.
He takes you into his mouth and bobs his head.
You're groaning as you pull his beanie off, your hands tangle in his hair while you help push his head down.
Your hips buck against his lips gently.
His hands keep a firm grip on your thighs.
Josh's mouth has the taste of your precum lingering in it and he loves it.
Your breathing is heavy as you hold his head down, cumming hard into his mouth.
Josh groans as he swallows every last drop, not letting any of it go to waist.
You're both lightheaded now, and all you want to do is fall asleep with him.
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urfavbooblover · 3 years
☆ Main-Big-Masterlist :
requests are open
All about my fanfic’s, imagines and writing
~ All my stories and imagines will either be “x non-male reader” , “x female reader” , “x gender neutral reader” or “x male reader/non-female reader”-(only gay fanfics) ~
~ I will also write ship imagines, if I’m interested in the ship’s, or if I ship the characters myself ~
the last of us / part 2
until dawn
resident evil village
life is strange 2
life is strange: true colors
house of ashes
resident evil 2
resident evil 3
the quarry
life is strange
detroit: become human
resident evil 4
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Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Joel Miller
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Sam Giddings
Emily Davis
Jessica Riley
Ashley Brown
Beth Washington
Hannah Washington
Matt Taylor
Chris Hartley
Mike Munroe
Josh Washington
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Alcina ( Lady ) Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
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Sean Diaz
Lyla Park
Daniel Díaz ( only the older versions of him )
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Alex Chen
Stephanie ( Steph ) Gingrich
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Rachel King
Jason Kolchek
Salim Othman
Nick Kay
Eric King
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Claire Redfield
Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy
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Jill Valentine
Carlos Oliveira
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Emma Mountebank
Kaitlyn Ka
Abigail Blyg
Dylan Leviny
Ryan Erzahler
Jacob Custos
Nick Furcillo
Laura Kearney
Max Brinly
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• Chloe Price
• Max Caulfield
• Rachel Amber
• Ada Wong
• Leon Kennedy
• Ashley Graham
• Luis Serra Navarro
Things I do not write about: rape, sexual assault / harassment, abuse, animal abuse, heterosexual smut
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synnamonroll666 · 7 months
Casting Couch
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Pairing: Josh Washington x Fem!Reader Description: You get a chance to play the lead role in the most famous and successful Hollywood producer's—Josh Washington's—new film. And it seems like you got the part! But there is only one thing left for you to do—a sweet deal that's just too perfect for you to refuse…  Warnings: Movie Producer X Actress, Strip Tease, BlowJob (Male Receiving), Female Riding Male, P In V, Creampie. Word Count: 2.6k A/N: FINALLY I'm going to repost this! I don't know why it has taken me so long to, but I hope my new followers enjoy it just as much as my other ones did on my other account. Just to warn you all, this is lightly reedited. So it's not quite like my new writing style but not like my old one either. I hope you enjoy it regardless! 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, and @raven-the-cryptid. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
"I'm here to see Mr. Washington." I said confidently to the middle-aged woman sitting at her desk before me.
The lady merely glanced up at me and then continued to type on her keyboard at a speed that showed me just how long she had been working as a secretary while saying, "Mr. Washington will be ready for you in a moment, dear. Please, take a seat." before gesturing to the chairs in the spacious waiting room. Though her body language seemed cold, her tone was sweet and kind. I knew that she was just busy; after all, she did work for one of the biggest film producers in Hollywood, so it was understandable.
Speaking of, it was a huge opportunity to meet up with Mr. Washington for a role. I had already done my audition, but Mr. Washington had requested that I meet him in his office for a more personal review. Despite meeting one of the most successful men in the film industry at the time, I didn't feel nervous. I was more excited and ready for anything. And I had every right to be. It was just one of those days where everything felt right—my hair was perfectly done, my dress hugged my form just the right way, my make-up was on fucking point; I felt like I was on fucking fire.
After a few minutes of reading some useless magazine about 'Top 10 Beauty Tips for Women Trying to Find a Man.', the secretary, who I had learned was named Betty, granted me permission to enter Mr. Washington's office.
I nodded my head as I stood up before saying a quick thank you and entering the room where Mr. Washington sat behind his desk. I looked around the big office and noted just how much it looked like a horror movie producer's office in particular. The walls were painted black with framed posters of all the movies he had done hung upon them, the carpet floors were blood red, and the furniture within it seemed more of a Gothic style than the usual furniture producers would keep. He was casually reading over some paperwork until he noticed my arrival just a few seconds later.
"Ah, Ms. (L/N)! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" He greeted me as he stood up while gesturing to the seat in front of him. "Please sit down. We have so much to discuss."
I walked over to the offered seat and sat down, crossing my legs afterwards and resting my arms on the armrests of the quite comfy chair. Mr. Washington was definitely more attractive in person, especially in that all-black suit he had on. The man sat back down in his seat and smiled seductively, all while his eyes roamed my form for a brief moment. I could see the wheels turning in his brain as he undressed me with his orbs and it was quite a turn-on, especially with how his pupils dilated his light green iris' the more his eyes stayed on my body.
"So, you liked my audition tape?" I asked nonchalantly, knocking him from his brief fantasy and bringing him back to reality.
"Uh- Yeah! You are quite a talented young woman." He responded in a sort of dazed tone, as if he were slowly coming back from being unconscious.
"Thank you, Sir." I said with a smile.
That title I gave him seemed to do a lot for him, as he visibly shuddered after the word left my lips. He swallowed thickly and adjusted his tie, as if he were trying to fight his urges. But I had a feeling that that battle would soon be lost.
"U-Um... However, there is an additional requirement you'll have to proceed with ifyou want this part badly enough." He added, and I titled my head to the side slightly, causing my hair to flip over my shoulder and flow down my arm gracefully as I raised a questioning brow. He cleared his throat while adjusting his tie yet again, making me smirk slightly at the effect I was having on him. "The thing is, ladies who work for me not only have to show me how well they do on set, but behind the set as well."
After speaking his last sentence, Mr. Washington gestured to a black leather couch that was placed against the left wall of the office. It didn't take long to know what he meant, and I was more than willing to show him just how badly I wanted this part.
"Well, Mr. Washington, what are we waiting for?" I asked in a low and seductive tone as my lips curled up into a devilish smirk. My tongue cut through their seam to glide across them slowly, wetting them in a rather suggestive manner.
Mr. Washington's sexy smile only grew wider, since he clearly knew he was getting exactly what he wanted. He stood from his chair and walked over to where I was seated before he offered me his hand, which I gladly took without hesitation.
He helped me stand, guided me to the couch, and then sat down on it, resting his arms on the headrest. I smiled down at him sweetly—instantly getting the hint of what he was suggesting—before I kneeled down onto my knees.
Though the extra-soft carpet was so nice against my bare knees, I could barely take time to appreciate it as I stared down at the growing bulge in Mr. Washington's pants with awe. Clearly, he was just as excited about this as I was—maybe even more.
I licked my lips hungrily and began undoing his belt. No longer than a couple seconds later, I was unzipping his expensive dress pants and pulling out his erect member to meet the cool air of the room. I held his length in my hand, admiring the girth of it as I bit my lip to stifle my smirk. It wasn't until I heard the agitated clearing of Mr. Washington's throat that I got snapped out of my little wanton of fantasies and appreciation.
"Are you just going to hold it like it's a trophy?" I looked up upon hearing his words to see him staring down at me with a raised brow. "Trust me, honey, you'll have plenty of those to man-handle once I reward you for your services. Now, get to work."
Immediately after he gave me his order, I began moving my hand up and down his shaft, tightening my fingers around its width, and pumping it slowly before taking the tip into my mouth.
He let out a strained moan at the contact of my lips wrapping around his tip, and I could see him fighting to keep himself from moving one of his hands down onto my head to force me to go deeper. But being a good little servant, I took the hint and lowered myself on his cock. I opened my throat as I took him deeper into my mouth, consuming each thick inch and practically having to fight back a moan due to the delicious taste of his flesh.
It didn't take long for the salty taste of his pre-cum to meet my palette and satisfy my taste buds, earning a deep groan from me to vibrate against his cock. He clenched his eyes shut and threw an arm over them as his mouth hung open, while his voice was producing the most beautiful sounds that had ever greeted my ears.
I tightened my lips around his length and began sucking as hard as I possibly could. I bobbed my head up and down slowly, though I quickly made sure to pick up speed each time his member reentered my mouth. Since I wanted this experience for him to be the best it could be, I let one of my hands move to his balls and grip them firmly. His voice grew louder due to my actions, and I took it as meaning that I was doing a good job. Now massaging his balls in my hand, I wiggled my tongue against his dorsal vein as I decided to work even faster.
But just as I had started to increase my speed even more, Mr. Washington's fingers clenched into a fist, gripping my hair firmly in his grasp. He pulled my head away from his cock, forcing his length out of my mouth with a wet pop.
"I-I think that's enough." He whispered breathlessly, and I cocked my head with confusion. It wasn't until he patted his lap that I understood what he wanted. I stood up, quickly obeying his orders with a lot of excitement for what was to come next.
After standing to my full height, I turned around so my back was facing him. Then I reached behind me to clasp the metal zipper—the one that was holding my dress closed—in my fingers before slowly pulling it down. I let the straps fall off my shoulders, and the only thing hiding my partial nude form fell to the floor, leaving me in my black lace bra and panties.
Mr. Washington's eyes roamed my form slowly, growing more hungry with every passing second, making it clear that I was his next meal to devour. I approached him, taking slow steps as I did so. I wanted to drag this out for as long as I possibly could. Smirking at him, I hooked my fingers under the waistband of my panties and pushed them down my legs as well. Mr. Washington's eyes never left my hands as one went to my core to let a finger brush through my folds, showing him just how wet I was for him.
I brought that finger up to my lips and sucked it into my mouth, letting my eyes flutter shut and moaning a little over dramatically as the salty taste hit my tongue. After I was done with my little performance, my eyes opened again to see that Mr. Washington's eyes had widened with what seemed like crazed lust and want. Smirking smugly due to the effect I still had on him, I climbed onto his lap to allow him to line his tip up with my dripping hole.
I slowly sank down onto his length, letting my heat consume each thick inch. I bit my lip hard as I tried to stifle all the crude noises that my body was dying to release. But to my surprise, Mr. Washington grabbed my face with one hand, squishing my cheeks and forcing my mouth open.
"Don't hold back those beautiful noises." He growled his demand and I visibly shuddered, letting out a shaky breath as I did so.
I stayed still for only a moment, allowing myself to adjust to his large size. But once that stinging shock melted into delightful pleasure, I lifted myself back up and sank back down in a swift motion. The feeling of his size stretching me out was arousing enough, but that look on his face was something else. It lit a fire within me in an instant and only sent me further into a downward spiral of pure ecstasy.
His eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth had fallen agape, his cheeks were a nice tint of red, his slicked back hair slowly became disheveled, and a thin coat of sweat glossed his tanned skin. It was quite a sight to behold, and I felt so lucky that I was the one who was lucky enough to witness it.
I leaned forward and kissed his neck, attacking all the spots that I knew were his weak spots. Though I just couldn't hold back for long, I sank my teeth in, right by his collarbone. To my pleasant surprise, Mr. Washington let out a loud gasp in shock as his hands flew to my back so he could dig his nails into my soft flesh.
"My, my, Mr. Washington." I leaned back to smirk at him. "I didn't take you as the sensitive type."
He responded with a low growl as his eyes burrowed into mine intensely with hunger and need. He clenched his teeth so tight, as if he were fighting back words of frustration—though his eyes said it all. And soon after, he couldn't refrain from letting his lips do so as well.
"Just... Do... Your... Fucking... Job..." He rasped between ragged breaths, and I instantly nodded as my cocky smirk grew.
I rolled my hips in just the right way, not only making the moment more enjoyable for him but for me as well. I tossed my head back as I let out a loud moan, suddenly not caring who heard me—suddenly not caring who heard how I'm his little slut.
Taking the hint, Mr. Washington's thumb flew to my clit, pressing down hard and rubbing the swollen little bead in quick circles. I almost couldn't take it. I wanted to hold on for as long as I could so he could be satisfied first, so I clenched my teeth together tightly and tried to ignore the burning pleasure within my core the best I could.
But then Mr. Washington caught on rather quickly. He leaned in until his lips just grazed my ear, letting his breath fan its shell ever so gently.
"Cum for me." He spoke in a low, deep growl.
Merely a second later, I let go. Between his deep voice in my ear and his cock twitching against my g-spot, I fell into the void of blinding pleasure as I screamed through my climax. His words, his voice, his touch, his scent—it let off an explosion within me quicker than gasoline hitting a match. Shortly after my orgasm, Mr. Washington came too. I was blessed with the sight of him coming undone before me, and the only thing that went through my mind was, 'I did that—I've ruined this big, powerful man.'
Nothing had ever felt so empowering.
I rested my head on Mr. Washington's shoulder as we both slowly came down from our highs. The feeling of his hand gently rubbing my back in slow, smooth circles was a nice contrast to the rough fucking we just had and helped me to come back down to my senses and reality.
After a few minutes of sitting in complete silence, I leaned back to smile down at him. He returned my smile and brought his hand up to gently caress my cheek. I responded by leaning into his touch as my eyes fluttered shut again in contentment. I felt so at peace at that moment, as if nothing else mattered.
He kissed me on the lips one last time—sweetly—compared to the careless ones he had given me prior, as if I didn't even matter to him. But I knew differently then, like I do now. I slowly pulled myself off of him, earning more moans due to the oversensitivity both of us were experiencing in our post-orgasmic state.
After dressing myself while Mr. Washington stayed on the couch, I readjusted my dress and slowly walked to the door of the office. But when I placed my hand on the door handle, I turned around one last time to see Mr. Washington looking at me with a loving smile on his lips—a loving smile that I returned.
"See you at home around eight, hun?" He asked as he slowly sat up and began buttoning up his shirt.
"I'll have dinner ready on the table, sweetheart." I confirmed before blowing my husband a kiss, which he caught, then I turned my heel and walked out the door.
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casualwriters · 3 years
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Request open/ send them please | Prompts !!
Peaky Blinders
Raising a little girl with John Shelby
Being Luca sugar baby 
Finn Shelby with a S/O who part of the Circus 
Beautiful in all shapes Bonnie 
Finn with a Naive S/o 
Boys dating someone who is Def 
Hogwarts Moodboard 
Protester John Shelby 
Jealousy Finn Shelby 
Telling Micheal your Pregnate 
JJ Catching you Dancing 
Them with a Shy Chubby S/O 
Topper dating there S/o who struggles with PTSD 
Outerbanks in Percy Jackson House Moodboard   
JJ being mad when he see you with Topper 
The Lost Boys 
Polly Lost Boys X Nonbinary reader who has piercings and tattoos 
Rainy day Polly Lost Boys X Female reader 
There S/o who lost someone close to them 
Full Moon Gone wrong Paul x Reader 
Eddie munson S/o being apart of The Lost boys 
The lost Boys with a werewolf partner 
Lost boys going to the murder house 
being the oldest Emerson sibling and sneaking out to see Paul.
Horror and More  
Polly  Lost boys with piercings and Tattoos 
Slasher with a tall S/o 
Billy Loomis liking Stu Older sister. 
slasher taking there s/o home when there drunk
Slasher characters s/o dealing with rascism
Slasher falling for there S/O who a mermaid 
Slasher character with a demon S/O
Jason Dean with a naive s/o
playing in the leafs with Walter De’ville 
Being the third De’ville bride 
Rise of the pink ladies  
‘‘ Best friends “ Richie x fem reader 
Sons of Anarchy 
S/o being Ima sister and dating Happy 
Video Games
Drawing a portrait of them ( Life is strange ) 
( Nathan Prescott ) S/o who has bad anxiety 
Josh Washington  prompt ( Until Dawn ) 
Reader helping Nathan with a break down
single mother | Fez x reader WARNING ABUSE   
Enemies  | Elliot x female reader 
Stranger things 
( Billy Hargrove | I Won’t go away 
Billy with a Witchy s/o 
Shoot to Thrill Billy x female reader 
Sleepy cuddles with there s/o
American Horror Story 
Ahs characters when someone flirt with there S/O
Austin Sommers  with a male musician mate 
Marvel & Dc Fandom
Dancing in the rain - Bucky Barnes 
Claimed as mine (mid smut )   - Bucky Barns  
Kara Danvers helping you out of a meltdown [ Autistic reader]
Dick Grayson stuck in the elevator with reader
Love on the Line of fire ~ Roy Harper
Dc boys giving readers hickeys when jealous
The witcher
Arrange marriage drabble / Cahir
Baulder Gates 3
Oh yeah, we're parents ( Gale X Teifling fem reader)
My favorite Tav's Moodboards
Suprise Vistor - Halsin
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elliebean714 · 2 years
☆What I write☆~
I write character x character, character x oc and character x reader.
♡Romantic♡, ◇Platonic◇, whatever.
Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere, Poly Relationships, Character Reactions, Character Diary Entries, Light Nsfw, My Oc's, Female, Gender Neutral And Male Readers/Characters/Oc's
♡Gay♡ and ☆Not Gay☆
Headcanons, fics, one-shots, maybe Au's....
Fandoms I write for. (It's all games. I'm not sorry.)
Until Dawn~
Josh Washington
Chris Hartley
Ashley Brown
Sam Giddings
Mike Munroe
Jess Riley
Emily Davis
Matt Taylor
Beth Washington
Hannah Washington
The Quarry~
Jacob Custos
Emma Mountebank
Nick Furcillo
Abigail Blyg
Max Brinly
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Dylan Lenivy
Ryan Erzhalher
Travis Hackett
Chris Hackett
Bobby Hackett
Life is Strange~
Season 1~
Max Caulfield
Chloe Price
Warren Graham
Nathan Prescott
Victoria Chase
Kate Marsh
Mark Jefferson
Before The Storm~
Chloe Price
Rachel Amber
Steph Gingrich
Nathan Prescott
Samantha Myers
Season 2~
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz
True colours~
Alex Chen
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Gabe Chen
Charlotte Harmon
Jason Pike
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNaF 1 ~
Golden Freddy
FNaF 2~
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Freddy
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
FNaF 3~
FNaF Sister Location~
Circus Baby
Funtime Freddy/Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
FNaF Pizzeria Simulator~
FNaF Security Breach~
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
William Afton
Michael Afton
Henry Emily
Note~ Unless specifically requested otherwise all animatronics will not have the children's souls inside them, if you want the soul inside the animatronic it will automatically be platonic (Springtrap is the exception)♡
Bioshock 1~
Jack Wynand
Frank Fontaine
Bridget Tenenbaum
The Little Sisters
The Big Daddies
Bioshock 2~
Subject Delta
Augustus Sinclair
Eleanor Lamb
Sophia Lamb
Grace Holloway
Stanley Poole
Gil Alexander
Mark Meltzer
The Big Sisters
Bioshock Infinite~
Elizabeth Comstalk
Booker DeWitt
The Walking Dead: Telltale~
Season 1~
Lee Everett
Ben Paul
Season 2~
Season 3~
Javi Garcia
Kate Garcia
Gabe Garcia
Season 4~
Detroit: Become Human~
The Last Of Us~
Part 1~
Part 2~
Drake's Fortune~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Among Thieves~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Harry Flynn
Drake's Deception~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
A Thieves End~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Sam Drake
Rafe Adler
Nadine Ross
Death Stranding~
Sam Porter Bridges
Higgs Monaghan
Amelie Strand
Dr Heartman
Clifford Unger
Doki Doki Literature Club~
Obey Me!~
☆Overall Note☆~ All Under 18 Characters Will Be Platonic, Unless Shipped With A Character/Oc Of The Same Age.♡
♡Protect the Children♡
◇What I won't write◇~
Heavy Nsfw
Non-Con/ Dub-Con
Self Harm
Big Age-Gap Relationships
Other people's oc's
Cheating (Except Comfort)
Send Requests, I'm Depressed💐
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Spooky Season Special: Until Dawn (Male!Reader x Chris)
Prologue: Bystander
-One Year Ago-
Let's just say, you had been shocked when Beth Washington winked at you and slipped a sparkly envelope into your hand. Hannah had gotten overzealous with the glitter glue again, and it was a wild mess that had held your invitation to Blackwood Pines for the annual winter getaway party weekend hosted by the Washington siblings.
Mike and Emily had grinned when you told them, which was gratifying. To tell the truth, you had never felt like anything more than a satellite to the group. They all seemed so tight with each other, and all you really knew were Mike and Em. Mike because he'd been your best friend since you were toddlers, and Em since she was Mike's girlfriend and you both shared multiple advanced courses. Even despite him being athletic and your typical big man on campus, Mike had been at your side for years, even when your interests diverged. You even helped make posters for his class president campaign in your spare time, which he joked made you responsible for his victory.
But still, you never really considered yourself part of that group until Beth handed you the invitation. You had only really hung out with the group on occasion, but you knew what it was really about.
Damn Mike. He had told Beth about your crush on Chris. He or Emily had. And now they were going to play matchmaker. You weren't about to let that happen, but you figured this was your ticket to making more friends and hanging out with Mike more. ...And Chris.
And really, partying with the Washingtons was fun. Who gets to go up to a HUGE lodge in the mountains only accessible by cable car? Even the vaguely sinister sensation of being trapped couldn't undo your feeling that you were now part of an exclusive gang. You ended up on the cable car with Ashley and Sam, who immediately drew you into a conversation (Sam protested playfully when Ashley turned the conversation to a book she was reading about ghosts) and the fun began.
There was the requisite teasing of Sam as she went upstairs to take a luxurious bath in the Washingtons' simply enormous tub in the master bathroom ("Try not to use all the hot water this time, Sam!" from Beth and a "Hardy-har" from Sam as a retort.)
It started out simple enough. Hannah and Matt brought down some board games from a closet and you all began playing. At one point someone suggested Jenga and everyone held their breath as you watched the tower wobble...
Don't Move. .. . .. . .. . .. .... .. ..... ... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. . . . .
...and you finally breathed again when it was certain the tower wouldn't collapse. And then, of course, Josh and Chris arrived on Emily's turn, and she promptly knocked over the wooden blocks. She complained a little, but clearly was happy the group was all together.
Chris and Josh promptly forced open the liquor cabinet and led a toast to old friends, and lifted a glass to you and added "and to new friends!" Beth, ever-responsible, gave a disapproving look at her older brother and passed around cream sodas instead. But really, only you, Sam, and Beth chose to remain sober. Chris and Josh started a drinking game by singing the Pokerap from the Pokemon anime and drinking whenever they got the words wrong, and quickly started devolving into drunken messes. Mike and Emily started making out, and Sam was catching up with Ashley and Matt - Jessica was talking to Hannah.
Beth invited you up to her room to watch Pride and Prejudice on the new TV she had gotten in there, but really, it was just a pretext. You knew it the moment the movie started playing and Beth looked over at you. "So... Chris, huh?"
Secretive - "What about him?" Exasperated - "Ugh, Mike told you?"
Beth grinned apologetically. "Emily, actually. But don't worry, I won't blab. I think it's cute. And hey, I'm here for you."
You smiled a little. It might actually be good to have more friends you can talk to about this. When you told Mike you liked boys, and that you liked Chis, he had teased you about having a hunk of prime beef in front of you - himself - and you chose the nerd anyway. Beth, at least, seemed less likely to ridicule you.
"It doesn't matter, though." you had groaned. "He's got a crush on Ashley."
"So?" Beth asked. "Josh once had a crush on Britney Spears at the same time he discovered Leo DiCaprio. People can have multiple crushes. And I'm pretty sure Chris doesn't just like you because you can beat him at Street Fighter."
"Fine, you may have a point. But I'm not gonna make any moves tonight! Looks like Chris is on a one-way trip to Hangover City."
She smiled wryly. "Ugh. Guess I have to make hangover cures in the morning. If you and Sam are the only other sober ones, wanna help? We can make vegan pancakes just the three of us!"
You grinned. "That actually sounds really fun."
You watched the rest of the movie, and finally decided it was time to check on the others, realizing you hadn't heard much during your little party.
"Guys?" Beth called, a little confused when no one answered. The two of you wandered down, only to find Chris and Josh, slumped over the kitchen island, a few empty bottles of liquor between them. Beth gave a chuckle that became a sigh. You remember this part so much more clearly.
Beth looked out the window, and frowned. "There's someone out there! I thought Mom and Dad said it would be just us this weekend."
"Maybe it's the trees? They're pretty creepy at night." you suggested, not wanting the creepy idea of someone else being on the mountain to take root.
She looked away, unsure, then glanced at the bottles.
"Ugh... Once again, big brother, you've outdone us all." Beth said, her eyes roving over the bottle-covered table. She picked up a piece of paper and read it, wincing. "This is - what has my naïve sister gotten herself into now?"
You take the paper, only really having time to read the words "Hannah" and "Mike xoxo" before someone went running by, sobbing. Beth went charging after them...
Wake Chris Follow Beth
...but you quickly tried shoving Chris to wake him up. But even with you yelling in his ear, he was dead to the world. You ran out after Beth, only to run right into Matt's back.
"You know, Mike, I think you're the last person she wants to see right now." Sam was saying.
"What the hell is going on?" you asked, looking from face to face. Emily disgusted, Sam worried, Mike and Jessica looking uneasy... "Where's Beth? And Hannah?"
"Hannah overreacted to this prank we pulled," Ashley frowned. "And Beth ran after her."
"What do you think, Y/N? Should we go looking for them?" Mike wondered.
Concerned - "Beth said someone else was out there..." Responsible - "We should get help..."
"They say you really shouldn't split up in a snowstorm. Beth's smart. I'm sure she'll bring Hannah back. But just in case, let's call the ranger station?" you said. You remember the group all nodding, more at ease now that there was a plan. Emily went to call, while Mike and Matt tried to wake up Chris and Josh, and you tried to get what happened out of Jessica and Ashley, because Sam refused to talk to any of them.
A horrible prank... and two deaths. For a whole year, the idea that maybe, if you had made some other choice, you could have prevented it, consumed you. Maybe if you had chased after Hannah more quickly you could've stopped her, or maybe at least convinced Beth not to run and to call the ranger station instead... maybe at least one of the twins would still be alive.
Things only got worse after the trip. You thought it might bring you more friends, but the group fractured down the middle. Eventually Em and Mike broke up, making it really awkward to choose between them. Sam had distanced herself from the others, angry at them for the prank, and you hadn't heard from her for months. And Chris... you two had gotten a little closer, but really this tragedy had struck all of you and changed everything.
You hadn't known Josh that well, so it was surprising that he asked you to come back up to the lodge. And although it might be weird, definitely uncomfortable... you find yourself on a bus, headed right back up to Mount Washington.
With no idea of what the night will hold...
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deviatedwinter · 4 years
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(Josh Washington x Reader)
Come back
Request: A Josh x Reader angst where reader breaks up with Josh after the prank (requested by @frostca11, I didn't know which prank so I did Josh's!)
Word count: 1.7k
Authors's note: Aight just so y'all know: I feel sympathy for Josh and I know that in his mind he thought he was in the right, but for the sake of the angst, reader is going to be against Josh's actions and not understand his reasonings.
All you could remember was your assailant's terrifying grip. The obsidian eyes of the clown stared into your own as an oxygen mask was brought up to your mouth. The cold gas burned at your nostrils before your eyelids gained weight and your vision faded, his grip appearing to soften as he laid you on the cold floor.
"I'm sorry.." You could faintly hear before you drifted off.
Now, you were in a dark room, the only light coming from a hanging lightbulb on the ceiling, the only sound being a moth that buzzed as it collided with the warm glass.
Your mind was groggy as you accustomed to your surroundings. A thick layer of dust rested on everything in the room except for you.
Where were you?
You had to be in the lodge. There were no signs of any melted snow on your body, so you couldn't have been taken outside.
You gazed down at your body as it sat in a wooden chair, your ankles free from restraint while your hands weren't.
You wiggled your wrists, but the nylon restraining them wouldn't budge.
Oh God, where did the maniac go? What was he gonna do to you?
Fear set in. You unconsciously let out a whimper as you began to struggle.
Then, you heard voices.
"What was that?" A feminine voice asked, it laced with concern.
It was Sam.
"I don't know, where did it come from?" Answered a male.
"Sam! Mike!" You cried, your wrists starting to itch from the restricting fabric.
You heard footsteps before their two faces met yours in the doorway.
Quickly, Sam knelt behind you to undo your binds while Mike stayed in the doorway on lookout.
"This guy..he.." You began, still in a daze.
"We know, we're gonna get out of here. Are you alright?" Sam asked, looking you over.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank God you found me." You replied, slowly standing.
"Where's Josh?"
A silence set over the room, a brief glance being shared between Sam and Mike that you almost didn't notice.
"The psycho..he got to him." Sam explained, knowing she couldn't stomach a lie to her friend.
You felt like the world turned upside down and gravity was shut off, your body flying into the darkness of space. The darkness consuming you like you were drowning. Your heart hurt, and tears broke the surface of your eyes before spilling over like a splintered dam.
"Hey, stay with us, come on." You heard Mike's voice, it snapping you from your pained daze. His hands were on your shoulders as Sam looked at you with a sad look as well.
You only nodded, your eyes still having a far away look to them as your mind raced.
If only you had stayed with him, you could have protected him.
You could have saved him.
But no, after the seance, you were dead set on being alone. The thought of communicating with Hannah's spirit took a toll on you. You needed to think, and so did Josh as Chris and Ashley explored the library.
Meekly, you followed Sam and Mike as they snuck down a grimy corridor. You tried not to think about the amount of dust you were inhaling as the particles danced in front of your face.
Then, you heard crying. It was muffled, but there.
"Is that.. crying?" Mike questioned before hesitantly opening a large metal door.
The sight that was brought to your eyes caused your breath to catch in your throat.
Ashley and Chris were tied to chairs, a gun in Chris's hand as he sobbed, a pair of rotating sawblades slowly descending upon them.
Coming in for the kill.
The three of you rushed over, a mix of yells coming from all of you.
Then, a figure stepped in from the shadows, his mask sickeningly familiar.
The sawblades slowly stopped moving, the dwindling whir of them leaving the room in silence.
The silence was interrupted when Chris pointed the gun at the masked man, firing it several times.
But there was no blood. The man didn't even flinch.
"Ah, Chris, Chris, Chris. You've heard of blanks before, right?" 
Your blood ran cold as the maniac reached up to take his mask off.
But nothing could prepare you for who lied under it. 
The small smile, the glint in his eyes.
Josh. Your Josh.
"Josh?!" you cried, confusion gripping you. Was everyone pranking you? Why would Sam tell you he was dead? What was going on?
"See, did you feel humiliated, scared? Like my sisters did one year ago? It's not fun being pranked now is it?" He wasn't talking to you, but rather the group standing in front of him.
"What the hell is happening?! Because as far as I know, I've been knocked out for the past hour." You snapped, feeling like everything was hitting you at once.
"Your boyfriend dressed up as a killer and has been terrorizing us all night!" Ashley cried from her seat as she trembled.
Your gaze met Josh's, his mouth slightly agape as he was met with your hurt expression.
"Babe..I didn't hurt anyone..I made sure you were just asleep, nothing more." He said, his tone sounding like a child who was just scolded.
"Josh that's still-"
You were cut off by Mike, his voice filled with rage.
"You're fucking lying, Jessica is dead!" 
The room stood still, a breathe catching in your throat. 
"What?" Josh whimpered.
"She's dead! You're gonna fucking pay you-!"
He was cut off as you intercepted him, your hand grabbing his wrist before the gun in his hand could touch Josh.
"Mike! Let's think clearly for a second!"
He was seething, his dirt covered face portraying a scowl.
"You were in on this, huh?! You a fucking murderer too?!"
He shoved you aside before grabbing a hold of Josh, Chris joining him as they restrained him.
"Babe! I didn't do anything wrong! Tell them that! I did not hurt Jessica!" Josh yelled as the two men pulled him out of the room.
Your gaze was locked into the ground, your frame trembling as a hand rested on your forearm. Sam gave you a sympathetic look before backing off to check on Ashley, who was distraught as well.
You shakily ran out of the room, finding a set of stairs before making your way outside. From there, you followed the sets of footprints to an outbuilding beyond the lodge.
"Mike, she didn't do anything, don't hurt her!" Was the first thing that met your ears. Josh, his voice was desperate as he pleaded.
The snow crunching under your feet alerted the three, causing you to become uneasy as they turned to look at you.
"I'm not gonna hurt her you asshat." Mike huffed at Josh before facing your distraught expression.
"Can I please just talk to him? For a minute?" You asked, your eyes pleading more than your words.
Chris and Mike exchanged a look before shrugging and stepping out, Chris speaking as he passed you.
"Good luck. He's totally out of it."
And with that, they were out of sight.
You shakily stood in front of your boyfriend, his wide eyes softening at your presence.
"I didn't kill anyone.."
You gulped, wanting to believe him. Why hadn't you known this was going to happen? What had you missed?
After his sisters went missing he went to therapy. He stayed at an institution for a while. Meanwhile, you responded to every call, every text. You visited as much as you could, and you held him as he sobbed into your shoulder. Was there more you could've done?
"Josh... if that's true, a lot could've still gone wrong! What if the sawblades killed Ash and Chris?? What if you gave me too much gas when you grabbed me?"
His head tilted, his jaw clenching.
"I made sure it wouldn't! Why don't you believe me?!" He yelled, his eyes filling with anger and hurt.
"Josh, you dressed up as a clown and chased me like you were going to kill me! I can't trust you right now, even if I want to!" You cried, not believing what you were hearing. You wanted so desperately to wake up and this be a dream.
"They turned you against me! You're just like Mike and the others huh? Go and sleep with Mikey boy if you don't trust me!" He yelled, his outburst ending in random mumbles as he shook his head, his shoulders slouched.
"Josh.." Tears pricked your eyes "What you did turned me against you. You need help.."
"Shut up! I should've known you were like them! You can't take a joke either! You're a fake! A phony!"
His words felt like stabs in your chest, tear spilling over onto your cold cheeks.
"Josh, you're a good person, but until you get help, we need to be apart. I can't be with you when you're like this, when you think torturing your friends is right!" You tried your best to steady your wavering voice, trying your best to stay strong.
"You never loved me! If you did, you'd understand! Go! Leave me alone! Let those assholes beat me up if that's what, what you want!" He panted, his mouth forming more mumbles as he rocked back in forth in his restraints.
"No Josh, That's not-"
You couldn't hide the sob that escaped your throat as you backed up into the cold outdoors. You turned your back on him as you ran towards the lodge, the bitter wind not hurting your skin as much as his words hurt your heart.
He's not himself. We'll take him to get help and he'll be alright. He needs to take his meds, it'll be alright.
Josh gazed down at his blue overalls as he rocked back and forth in his stool, tears slowly running down his cheeks. A shrill shriek sounded in the distance, and he wasn't sure if it originated from his mind or not.
"Please..please come back. I'm sorry. I didn't..I didn't mean it..I love you.."
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