#Dylan Lenivy x male reader
defectivevillain · 19 days
shivering in the absence
pairing: Dylan Lenivy/Reader
The reader is implied to be transmasculine/nonbinary & has undergone top surgery. Otherwise, no pronouns or physical descriptors are used; race is ambiguous.
summary: “Were you really going to take your shirt off?” Dylan asks, averting his eyes. You get to your feet and take a sip of your water, pretending not to feel flustered by the question. “Did you want me to?” You counter, sounding much more composed than you actually are.
word count: 3.2k | ao3 version
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author's notes: So I was watching Friday the 13th and came up with this… then I realized the character I wrote it for was pretty much unimportant… and so this happened. (Hence the Friday the 13th tag) …No horror elements are in this, though!
warnings: stripping/changing clothes, implied hypothermia
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“I hate Monopoly,” Abi sighs. 
You nod in sympathy. Abi, Dylan, Emma, and you are all cooped up in Dylan’s cabin for the night. It’s one of the last days that the counselors will remain at Hackett’s Quarry, before you all leave for the summer. The four of you had planned on meeting up before rejoining the rest of the counselors at the fire pit outside, but the unexpected rainstorm that came curbed those plans—leaving you somewhat stranded in Dylan’s cabin. 
“Well, you’ve never played strip Monopoly, have you?” Emma grins, breaking you out of your thoughts. Abi, Dylan, and you exchange looks. Emma notices and sighs. “Come on. It’ll be fun. Besides, it’s terrible outside.” You follow her gaze to the open window across the room. Indeed, there’s a steady rain coming down now. There were a few thunderbolts, but nothing too serious. Unfortunately, returning to your own cabin would mean getting your clothes soggy and drenched. Safe to say, you’re stuck here—and stuck playing strip Monopoly to pass the time. 
“Fine,” you acquiesce. Dylan and Abi follow your lead and surrender too. Emma really is too stubborn for her own good—there’s no way you’d be able to get out of this one. There are just some battles you can’t win, and strip Monopoly isn’t that laborious of a task. It’ll be more embarrassing than anything else. “How do we play, though?” You ask. 
“We strip,” Abi responds with a deadpan voice. Dylan chokes on a laugh and Emma smiles. 
“I got that much,” you huff defensively. “I mean, when? And why?”
“Clothing is currency, pretty much,” Emma explains. “The simple stuff—socks, shoes—are worth less. Underwear is worth the most… You get the idea.” You feel yourself frown and, when you look around the table, Abi and Dylan are wearing similar expressions of apprehension. Emma looks at you three and rolls her eyes. “If you don’t want to take your underwear off, then just play well. Duh.”
“Easier said than done,” Abi mutters. The remark goes unheard by Emma; you exchange an amused smile with Abi and she seems to relax a little. The four of you decide to make Dylan the banker; then, each of you choose your pieces and roll to see who goes first. You end up rolling the highest. Your first turn lands you on Oriental Avenue—one of the properties towards the middle of that first stretch of the board. 
“So… if I want to buy it…?” You trail off, looking to Emma for help. She glances over at the property and hums. 
“It’s $100,” she says, “so it’s worth two shoes.”
“This is weird,” you feel the need to announce, after taking your shoes off and throwing them onto the ground next to you with an exaggerated movement. Dylan hands you the Oriental Avenue property card with an amused smirk. 
“No one’s going to land on that.” Dylan remarks. You raise a brow and hand him the dice. He’s conveniently located a few spaces away from the property, ironically; if he rolls a six, he’ll land on it. Dylan rolls the dice and the dice skitters across the board, before landing to reveal a six. 
“I think you owe me a shoe,” you grin. Dylan pulls his shoe off and places it onto your open palm with a flourish. Within moments, you recoil and drop it onto the ground. “Why is there so much mud, what the fuck-?” You choke out, glancing down at the offending sneaker. Sure enough, there’s a solid layer of dirt on the sole. With the way Dylan handed it to you, you hadn’t seen the mud until it was too late. You get to your feet and head to the sink to wash your muddied hand. Abi and Emma are laughing hysterically, and Dylan joins them—wiping hysterical tears out of his eyes. You rejoin the table with an exaggerated groan. “I don’t think I want to play anymore.” You mutter. 
“Oh come on, that’s just the game,” Emma chastises you, taking the dice and rolling. She rolls a three and moves the Scottie Dog piece three spaces. She decides to buy the property and gives up a shoe; soon, it’s Abi’s turn and the game continues. 
After several rounds, you’re relieved to find that no one has needed to take off anything too revealing. Dylan’s shirtless; Emma doesn’t have socks or shoes; you don’t have shoes; and Abi is still wearing all of her clothing. When you reach your fourth or fifth turn, you land on North Carolina Avenue: a green property that costs $300. When you do the math in your head, you realize you’d need to give up two socks—not really a big deal—and your shirt—a much bigger deal. You stare at the property for several moments, contemplating whether you should take the risk. 
“We don’t have all night,” Abi remarks helpfully, breaking you away from your thoughts. You stare at her with a faux expression of irritation and she just shrugs. 
“I mean, she’s right,” Emma pipes up. “Just buy it already. Unless, that is, you’re scared… ”
It’s such an obvious trap. But you fall for it anyway. “I’m not scared,” you argue. And maybe, a small part of you is ultra-aware of your company right now—of a certain counselor sitting next to you, who you don’t want to look foolish in front of.
“Then buy it,” Emma dares you. 
Fuck, she’s got you now. You walked yourself right into that one, didn’t you? “......Fine.” You say. Taking off your socks is a relatively quick and painless affair. Unfortunately, that leaves you an infinitely more difficult one: taking off your shirt. You’re not necessarily insecure or unhappy with your body; you’re just not the type of person to constantly flaunt it or reveal a ton of skin. You’ve certainly had moments where you’ve felt confident enough to do so—but now, in the far too bright light of the cabin, surrounded by friends (and someone who you have feelings for), you feel extremely hesitant. 
“Well?” Emma demands. Abi elbows her in the side harshly and she promptly presses her lips shut, albeit with an outraged hiss at the temporary pain that the action caused. Abi and Emma aren’t really the ones you’re worried about… The two of them are rather hopelessly infatuated with one another, even if they don’t recognize it just yet. No, the problem happens to be sitting right next to you: staring at you with a surprisingly intent gaze. 
Feeling as if you’ve been shoved under your microscope, you take a deep breath and reach for the hem of your shirt. Dylan’s shirtless too, you remind yourself. It’s not like you’ll be completely alone in your discomfort. And you’re not ashamed of your chest—you’re proud of how far you’ve come. You’ve felt more at home in your body these past few months than you’ve ever felt. It’ll be okay, you reassure yourself. 
You’re about halfway through the motion, your shirt moving up along your ribs, when Emma’s phone pings. Everyone freezes, including you. Emma sighs dramatically and picks up her phone, eyes widening when she evidently stares down at the notification. When she notices that you’re all staring at her expectantly, she elaborates. “It’s Jacob,” she remarks, grabbing her socks and shoes and beginning to put them on. “Gotta go, guys. We’ll pick this up some other night.” She promises, tying her shoes before tugging her hood over her head and retreating. 
Abi stares at the doorway with a frown on her face, evidently not happy with the new development. You look over at Dylan, only to catch him as he looks up from where you’re pulling up your shirt. You then realize that you’re still awkwardly frozen with it halfway off. You quickly drop your hand and pretend that nothing happened. 
“I should probably go too,” Abi announces, placing her hands on the table and standing up. She’s looking at Dylan and you; it appears as if she’s going to say something else, but she seems lost for words. “I… left an excuse outside.” She immediately grimaces. You laugh and tell her it’s fine; she loosens up and leaves you both with a quick goodbye. 
Now it’s just Dylan and you sitting at the table, staring down at the abandoned Monopoly game. For a long moment, there’s nothing but silence. Then, just as you’re about to break it by forcing yourself to say something, Dylan speaks. 
“Were you really going to take your shirt off?” He asks, averting his eyes. You get to your feet and take a sip of your water, pretending not to feel flustered by the question. 
“Did you want me to?” You counter, sounding much more composed than you actually are. 
“Maybe,” he says, a lopsided grin rising on his face. 
“Hm,” you say calmly, pretending to think about it. And if you are actually thinking about Dylan and you alone in this cabin, with no one else… then only you have to know.  “I’ll keep that in mind.” You respond cheekily, putting your socks on and slipping your shoes on—tying them with slightly shaking hands. You’re jittery all of a sudden. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Dylan asks, squinting at you. 
“To the bathroom…?” You remark. Unfortunately, as nice as the cabins at Hackett’s Quarry are, they don’t have bathrooms in them. The camp is still stuck in the twentieth century in that regard—as there’s a cabin with all the bathrooms located a short walk from the counselors’ cabins. You refocus on what Dylan just asked you. “Do I need a hall pass?” You ask snarkily, with no real heat behind the remark. 
Dylan just rolls his eyes. You roll your eyes in return and leave the cabin, closing the door behind you. The rain is coming down hard now. It’s a relatively short walk to the bathroom, though—so you don’t bother to head back in for a raincoat or umbrella. The flashlight you snagged from Dylan’s living room is a godsend—as it illuminates the beaten path leading to the restrooms. 
Thankfully, the walk to the restroom is quick and relatively painless—save for how soggy your clothing is becoming. After you use the bathroom and wash your hands, you stand under the awning at the entrance and turn on the flashlight. You flick the switch a few times, but it doesn’t turn on. You groan and head out into the rain, putting a hand to your temple to prevent the water from getting into your eyes. You trust your muscle memory to take you back to your cabin. 
…Unfortunately, in the dead of night and amidst the brutal downpour, your muscle memory is worth jack shit. You get lost rather quickly, and soon you’re stumbling through thicketed trees with an increasing feeling of fear and dread coiling in your chest. You don’t want to spend all night roaming the forest. You’re somehow away from all the counselor cabins now. You try the flashlight one more time, even hitting it a few times, but it still doesn’t work. Groaning, you take a deep breath and try to retrace your steps. 
By some miracle, you manage to make your way back to the restrooms and you head off in a different direction. A few minutes pass and relief courses through you as you spot the lights of Dylan’s cabin. You’re quick to run over and stand under the awning, before knocking on the door with an unnecessary amount of force. Dylan opens the door within moments, an annoyed expression on his face. 
“What took you so long-?” He asks, breaking off as he looks at you. Dylan’s gaze wanders up and down your form, evidently taking in your drenched clothing. You’re sure you look like some sort of wet cat—soaked and unhappy. “Should’ve worn a raincoat.” He clicks his tongue, stepping aside to let you in. 
You groan in frustration, moving past him and sitting on one of the chairs at the table. You’d love nothing more than to lay on the couch, but you don’t want to ruin the upholstery. “I know, I know,” you seethe. You have no one to blame for this but yourself. And maybe the flashlight—if the stupid thing had a better battery, you would’ve made it back much faster. But instead, you were left to stumble around the campground for twenty minutes. 
Dylan rounds the table and stares at you, an uncharacteristic expression of concern on his face. You feel a shiver roll down your spine. “You’re freezing,” he states, looking at your wet clothes. “You’re going to get sick.”
You sigh in exasperation. “I’ll be fine,” you assert. The universe then decides to spite you, as you’re forced to sneeze. Dylan stares at you knowingly. You stare back unflinchingly. 
Eventually, he sighs. “You’re not fooling anyone,” he continues, gesturing to your forearms. “You have goosebumps.” You continue to stare at him stubbornly. Sensing that you won’t give in, he sighs. “Fine,” he announces. Rather than retreating to the couch as expected, Dylan leans forward and picks up your Monopoly piece. Dylan taps your Monopoly piece on a space, then another, then another—before finally letting it go. “Oops. Looks like you landed on Park Place… And what do you know? It’s my property. I think you owe me… all of your wet clothes.”
You resist the urge to groan, immediately understanding what he’s trying to do. “I see how it is.” You sigh. 
“You need to change,” he maintains with uncharacteristic sincerity. 
“Desperate to get me out of my clothes, huh?” You deflect. The effort doesn’t work, and he looks entirely unimpressed. You rack your brain for another excuse. “I don’t have a spare set of clothes—my stuff is in my cabin.”
Dylan holds up a finger, gesturing for you to wait, before leaving the room and heading for his bedroom. When he returns, he’s holding a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. He places them on the table and stares at you expectantly. 
“Fine, fine,” you acquiesce. Admittedly, now that he mentions it, you realize that you’re freezing —so much so that your teeth are chattering. You push yourself up from the chair and to a standing position clumsily, before fumbling for the button of your jeans and taking them off. Dylan kindly averts his eyes, looking endearingly awkward as he shifts his balance from side to side. You pull the sweatpants on and very nearly sigh in relief. You hadn’t realized how uncomfortable wet denim was until you removed it. 
Next is your shirt. You take a deep breath and manifest some confidence, before reaching down to the hem of your shirt. But your hands are shaking and trembling—so much so that you’re struggling to simply pull your shirt off. Your struggle must take longer than expected, because soon Dylan glances at you and frowns. 
“Here-” Dylan says, swiftly breaking the distance between you and grabbing the hem for you. Before you can protest, he’s gently pulling it up. And while you recognize that he’s trying to remove your shirt without touching you, his efforts aren’t really working. His fingertips brush against your ribs and your heart starts to race. Dylan mutters an apology and pulls your shirt off of you faster. Shirtless in front of him, you feel yourself instinctively taking a half-step backwards, only to nearly crash into the back of the couch. You stick a hand out to brace yourself and try to regain your composure. Moments later, Dylan is pushing the shirt he grabbed for you into your hands. 
While you want nothing more than to tug it over your head rapidly and forget about this whole situation, your body doesn’t want to obey. You’re still shaking ever so slightly—and your uncharacteristic sluggishness is making this task seem nearly impossible. Before you can attempt some strange contortion to get the shirt over your head, Dylan’s helping you. In the blink of an eye, the grey shirt is tugged over you. The fabric is soft and, most importantly, dry. 
“Better?” Dylan murmurs, still standing far too close for comfort. 
“...Yeah,” you say, your tongue feeling thick in your mouth. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Dylan answers easily, finally taking a step backwards and giving you some more space. You immediately miss the warmth that was practically emanating off of him. Silence settles in the air, thick and strangely uncomfortable. Everything unspoken lingers between the two of you.  
“Well, I guess I should go…” You eventually mutter. 
“Are you crazy?” Dylan blinks at you in disbelief. “You’re just going to get drenched again.” Your traitorous mind wants to attribute his insistence to something more than just friendly concern; you’re quick to push those thoughts away, though. 
It seems like Dylan is expecting another argument, because his eyes widen in momentary surprise as he realizes you’re remaining silent. Truthfully, you want nothing more than to put up a fight, but you feel as if the energy has been completely drained out of you. And despite the fact that you changed into fresh, dry clothing, you’re still cold. 
Dylan notices that you’re still shivering slightly and frowns, before evidently coming to a decision. “Here, come on,” he says, placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you towards his bedroom. You’re so dazed that you don’t really grasp the implications until you’re standing before his mattress. You immediately glance back at him in confusion, only for him to gently push you towards his bed. You’re too exhausted to overthink everything that’s going on. 
Dylan helps you settle in and tugs the comforter over you. Even despite the added layers, you’re still a bit chilly. You burrow into the blankets and try to find a comfortable position, before settling for reclining on your back and staring up at the ceiling. Sleep is dragging your eyelids down and you blink furiously, your eyes dry and stinging. You see Dylan lingering in the doorway, seemingly unsure of what to do. You reach out to him wordlessly and his eyes widen for a brief moment.  
“Don’t want me to leave?” He then says, a playful grin on his face. He rounds the side of the bed and gets under the covers. “I guess I am pretty irresistible.” You can’t quite see the expression on his face, but you somehow know that he’s wearing a cheeky smirk.
Once he gets settled, you realize that, somehow, Dylan is just radiating heat. You try to tell yourself that you’re just cold, that you’re seeking him out for warmth and nothing more. But you know that’s a lie. You’ve grown quite fond of Dylan over the course of this summer, after all. You inch closer to him and practically burrow into his side, resting your head on his chest and feeling any of your remaining energy seep out of you. 
Despite your exhaustion, your mind is beginning to run wild as you try to justify your actions to yourself. This is just a friendly gesture. Amongst friends. Because you’re nothing more than friends… Right? 
Dylan must be a mind reader, because he looks over at you and hums. “Just sleep.” He whispers. Somehow, the remark is enough for your thoughts to calm down—for you to accept that he’s okay with this, that you’re not taking advantage of his kindness. And maybe a sizable part of you is still desperately hoping that even a fraction of your feelings are returned—that maybe, just maybe, he likes you too. 
But right now, you’re drifting off into sleep in his arms, and one thing is for sure: you’re warming up already.
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endnotes: as i said, i had some of this fic written up for a character in friday the 13th… until i realized he wasn’t an important character and ended up dying… but then!!! i realized hackett's quarry is also a camp… and this happened. (*captain holt voice*) boom! had it both ways! no regrets.
i sprinkled in a bit of Abi/Emma. teehee. the gay agenda.
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
could you do the quarry guys reacting to reader getting attacked by werewolves? can you also make it angsty, thank u!
A/N: ofc, thanks for the request! I tried to make it angsty, idk if I did it right though. Also I know it’s been a while since we’ve posted, we’ve both been caught up with our lives. After this, I hope to be able to post a little more frequently. Thank you for your patience!
Please be aware this fic contains: Mentions of blood, gore, violence and spoilers. 
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Ryan Erzahler:
He shouldn’t have let you come with him and Laura, you weren’t already infected like she was and neither had the desire to save Chris.
But no matter how he felt you persisted that you go with him.
You wanted to make sure he wouldn’t get harmed.
That brings us to now, Ryan’s been infected and you were on the hunt for Chris.
The three of you walked into a dark room, you stopping near the door with Ryan “How are you feeling?” You hold him up.
“I’ve been better.” He muttered.
Laura moved into the middle of the room “I think we found Chris.” she looked into the darkness.
You and Ryan follow Laura, seeing a werewolf Chris tied up to a pole.
Ryan was about to speak when Chris charged at us, breaking through the floor.
Chris was on top of you trying to maul you while Laura had just begun to transform.
Ryan ducked for the table, quickly grabbing the gun.
Laura jumped towards Travis, attempting to attack him.
Ryan looked over to the now werewolf Laura until he heard a blood-curdling scream. He whipped his head over to you, watching as your organs were ripped out of your torso.
He yelled as he lifted the gun, shooting Chris.
He watched as his manager dropped to the ground.
Laura had turned back and begun to thank Travis for sparing her while Ryan just dropped.
He held his now-dead lover in his shaking arms.
“I’m so sorry..” He muttered through broken sobs. “I shouldn’t have let you come.”
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Dylan Lenivy:
Ryan and Laura had just left for the Hackett house and Kaitlyn, Dylan, Abi and I had gone out to check if we could leave with the van.
The four of us made it to the van and Kaitlyn decided that Abi should hide in the bunker.
As she was walking down, the rest of us walked towards the van.
“I don’t know if it’s just me, but the van looks like it’s moving?” Dylan points out.
“You’re right.” Kaitlyn lifts the gun “Open the door.” she nudges you.
You cautiously walk over to the van, ghosting your hand over the handle, you look towards Kaitlyn as she nods your way.
You start to push down the handle when the door aggressively opens from the inside, throwing you far into the dirt.
You rush back to try and get behind Kaitlyn as the werewolf jumps towards you. You turn around, face to face with the werewolf as you yell for Kaitlyn.
“SHOOT IT!” Dylan yells.
Kaitlyn shakes as she tries to fix her aim onto the werewolf.
You cry out as its sharp teeth tear into you, ripping through your limbs.
“SHOOT IT KAITLYN!” Dylan screams before it tears into your torso, clawing out your organs.
Kaitlyn shoots the werewolf, a shivering screech being heard before it jumps and runs off into the woods.
Dylan can’t help but stare at your now lifeless and dismembered body. His heart dropping and his eyes watering at the sight.
He mutters a mantra of ‘No’ and ‘Please’ as he drops down beside your mutilated corpse.
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Jacob Custos:
(Maybe a bit too inspired by his interaction with Emma but that's alright)
You were walking around an unfamiliar part of the forest you had run into trying to shake off the werewolf on your tail.
You look around hoping to find someone or something to help you find somewhere safe to camp the night out.
It took a while but you eventually found a figure that looked human.
You ran to the figure, noticing it was Jacob upon getting closer.
He turns your way as you call out his name, remaining still as you hold onto him.
“You’re alive!” You exclaim, pulling away to look at him. Your hand resting on his cold cheek.
“No, I’m not?” He responds dryly. He pulls away, “I’m- I’m nothing..”
“What do you-” “Stop it!”
You take a step back as Jacob starts hysterically cry-laughing, words becoming incoherent.
His voice lowers and words start sounding more inhuman. 
You watch in horror as your boyfriend’s body bursts into blood, the familiar look of a werewolf now charging your way.
You scream as your body’s mauled by the man you loved. All noise stops as the sharp teeth rip into your neck, throwing your head off to the side. 
The sun rises and waking back up in his own body, Jacob sees the bleeding head of his lover, glancing at the torn corpse beside it.
He falls down beside you, moving to rest his head on your chest, tears falling down his cheeks as he whispers apologies to your deaf ears.
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Nick Furcillo:
You and Emma never got along but you never thought she would stoop this low.
Everyone knew that you and Nick had something going on, even if the two of you never outwardly said it.
You shake your head, maybe you were overreacting a bit.
You lift your gaze, cursing as you realize you have no idea where you are.
You turn around, trying to retrace your steps before you hear a faint voice calling out your name.
You smile as you recognize the Aussie’s unmistakable voice.
“Over here!” You call back. 
He pants as he stops in front of you.
“Sorry, got a little too serious for me.” You look off to the sky.
“Yeah, I understand.” He shoots a half smile, moving closer to you.
You look his way at the sound of the steps.
Your faces now inches apart and eyes locked together.
You both move closer before-
Your heads turn, now being faced with a terrifying humanoid figure. 
“RUN!” You hear Nick yell before sprinting in the opposite direction of the beast.
You stand for a second before your legs find the strength to run.
You start turning and twisting through trees to try and trick it, somehow catching it off guard a couple times.
You drop down behind a rock, trying to hold your breath as you hear the ragged breathing and scratchy growls approach. 
Your head feels airy and your lungs feel like they’re going to explode, you can’t hold it any longer.
Tears start falling down your cheeks as you attempt to silently let your breath out, failing as you choke on the collected saliva in your mouth.
You hear a screech before it starts crawling towards you. 
You stumble on your feet before eventually pulling yourself up and running towards Nick.
You were so close.
Your body hits the ground as it jumps on your back, it’s clawed hands slamming your head into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” Nick screams, running towards you as the beast rips into your body.
The beast leaps onto him biting a chunk out of his leg before the sound of a gunshot echoed into his ears. 
He watched as it ran away, quickly glancing at your unmoving body before pushing himself backwards and wobbly running to the campfire.
Tears flowing as he collapses in front of the other counselors.
“Nick?! What hap-” “Y/N!” He frantically bawls. “I- He’s- Help him!” His choked out sobs becoming incoherent.
A/N: Sorry if the pacing is weird or if it doesn't flow that well, I wrote these half-asleep. 
- Written by Owner 1
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despairots · 2 years
fight or flight , dylan lenivy.
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you don’t actually believe you too are just friends who relate to eachother, right? wrong, you’re just friends, nothing more.
cw: angst, reader doesn’t know who he is, reader is a male, reader is self-awared, reader is [sexuality], reader bottles up their emotion, reader is a good actor, unrequited love (or is it?)
pairing: dylan lenivy x male!reader.
song to listen to … fight or flight by conan gray.
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man, you hated this part; where everything you worked for was for nothing. you’re genuinely selfish for thinking you could have him as a friend, let alone a lover.
how could you ever think you could have a chance with him? you two were better off as bestfriends. i mean, it was so easily shown that dylan was into ryan, the glances to him and the constant flirting.
“this is activating my fight or flight.” you muttered to kaitlyn as your heart tugged, watching dylan willing kiss ryan, kaitlyn watched as you fiddled with your ring.
‘don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you sucked it up as you felt an empty feeling in your stomach as everyone oohed and clapped. you faked a smile as dylan sat back down, feeling all giddy.
“ew, affection.” you gagged as dylan jokingly rolled his eyes before nudging you, you felt yourself grow all giggle from the small touch; like igniting a fire.
“okay, [name] - truth or dare.” ryan asked you as you sat there wide eyed, “okaaaay, anything you ask me better not be some freaky, weird shit. truth.” you scoffed, “boo, you pussy.” “hardy har har.” you rolled your eyes at kaitlyn.
“do you have a crush on anybody?” he asked as everyone oohed at such a basic truth question, “mmm, absolutely not, nice try though.” you took a sip from your drink.
“i call bullshit!”
jacob called out as you glared at him, “ooh, you kiss your mom with that mouth?” you crossed your legs as kaitlyn chuckled. “oh come on, you HAVE to have a crush.” kaitlyn insisted.
“i used, used, to have a crush on someone.” ‘and it’s someone here.’ you lied as you empathized the used, “gasp, you’ve never told me this?” dylan dramatically gasped with a hand on his heart. you scoffed with smile.
“is it a boy?”
“very basic emma, next!” you joked before jacob said something, “i bet it’s dylan.” dylan snapped hsi head towards you as you furrowed your eyebrows, “wrong. he’s just my bestfriend, and plus why would i snatch ryan’s man? wow jacob.”
you faked as the more you lied, the more closed you are to breaking down and you do not want dylan to you like that.
dylan lightly got hurt from just-a-friend mention, “okaay, sure, whatever you say, [name].” jacob didn’t believe as you grew irritated.
the game went longer before you felt sick to your stomach, “i’ll be back.” you placed your drink down before leaving, “hey- [name] it’s dangerous out there, you know that, right?” nick shouted for but you waved it off.
before you knew it, you were down at the dock trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out, “fuck. stop crying, stop crying, stop crying.” why’d you have to fall in love?
love… such beautiful word yet a word that can bring somethings to destruction.
you heard heavy breathing and footsteps behind making you wipe your eyes quickly and taking a big deep breath before you saw a familiar figure sit down beside.
“hi, jacob.”
“hi.” you noticed the way his mouth quivered and his eyes watering, “are you okay? what happened?” you asked as you placed a comforting a hand on his shoulder.
“when i thought emma still had feelings for me, she went a full on french kissed nick, abigail ran off and so did i.” jacob explained as you pitied him.
“jacob, i’m so sorry.” “no, no, it’s fine. i shouldn’t have chased her.” he shaked off.
“i wish i could accept something like that easily.” jacob furrowed his eyebrows, “easily?” “yeah.” you sniffled as jacob noticed the way you bite your lips and eyes fluttering with water.
“[name]? you’re crying…”
“yeah- yeah, i know.” you didn’t bother jacob seeing you about to breakdown, you wanted someone, just someone, to know who you really are but that’s the thing, you don’t know who you are.
“what’s wrong?” you sadly smiled, “can’t tell you that.” you whispered as you continued to sniffle, “come here.” he opened his arms as you scooted closer to jacob, accepting his hug.
and as soon he wrapped his arms around you, you broke down.
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dumps-write · 2 years
Aftermath: Side Effects
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Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
Synopsis: After Dylan almost killed you in his werewolf form, you both return to the lodge but Dylan had other plans after cleaning wounds and blood, quite the abnormal and animalistic one.
TW // Explicit Sexual Content —READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, Teensy Guilt Angst, Violence at the start, First Aid Corny Jokes, Author does not know if potrayed Dylan correctly, Kaitlyn gets to see somethings she does not want to see, Reader has an attitude, Established Relationship with Dylan Lenivy.
Sexual Warnings // Rough!Dominant Top Dylan, Anal Sex, Eating Out, Unprotected Sex, Lubeless Sex/Saliva as Lube, Bareback, Cum Filling/Breeding, Marking, Biting, Overstimulation, Dylan goes overboard, Butt Squeezing, Sex with Werewolf Instincts (Hinted), Sleepy Sex, Rough Sex, Possessive Sex, Prostate Stimulation. (Tell if I forgot to tag anything.)
A/N: This is the first I've written smut other than the people I'm used to write for so please give feedbacks and improvements tips about like Dylan's Personality cuz this is beyond my comfort writing zone (which I'm trying to widen.) This idea came to me when I saw Dylan still having his humanity before turning rather than Nick/Emma who were aggressive as fuck. So in turn Dylan had a drawback moment and needed to release frustrations and anger or stuff through intercourse (IK KINDA WEIRD IDEA).
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You let out ragged breaths as Were-Dylan was on top of you, a painful whimper slipped out of your tongue as his teeth sank into your shoulders — struggling immensely as you reached for the shotgun loaded with silver bullets that Kaitlyn left you with. A scream was trying to get out of your throat as you felt blood spill from where the werewolf broke skin. The tip of your fingers was touching the shotgun as you tried to grab the silver-loaded firearm — turning it against Were-Dylan’s head, your finger prepared to pull the trigger....
“I—AH! Fuck, Dyl.. Dyl! Please, I'm sorry..!” you cried out, closing your eyes with a deep intake of air.
A sob slipped from your lips, fingers tight around the trigger — till the sound of blood splash made you suddenly shoot your eyes wide open, you were now face-to-face with a human Dylan biting into your bloody, messed up arm — His mouth slowly pulling away from your skin, awkwardly as his eyes confused staring into your irises. “Uh...?”
Dylan looked slightly over to the left as he was met with a shotgun pointed into his face, “AHHH!!!” he screamed bloody murder, getting away from you as soon as possible, — Your eyes wandering up to his clothes tattered up with red surrounding his skin to his terrified expression and his teeth dripping blood.
“Wha— W-What are you doing?! WHAT WAS I DOING?!” He panics, breathing uncontrollably and looking distressed as he tries to remember what actually happened. Water welled up in your eyes as you sucked in large breath
You clutched your bleeding arm, “W-Well, you were about to turn me into your 5-star gourmet, that's for sure. Hah..” you joked, a warm expression on your face before wincing from the bleeding pain as tears fell from your eyes, not totally from the pain but from the relief you felt when he turned back.
Your hands flew up to your bleeding shoulder, as you hiked yourself up with your healthy arm and threw the shotgun further. “Y/N...”
“Y/N — b-babe, I didn't mean to, I was just—” Dylan started, hyperventilating as he repulsed at the taste of iron embedded on his tongue.
“That wasn't you, Dyl, don't mention it.” You solace, cutting the man of his upcoming pity speech which you didn't really need right now.
Dylan's bloody face showed a regretful expression.
“Hey, it's fine but can you please help me before we go over what happened. Cuz.... I really need a hand, or a non-bleeding arm.” You jest, to which made Dylan stand up eventually and finally brought a smile back to his face.
“Oh my god, I'm hurt — I need a tall, wise-cracking man to come save a gallant in distress” You acted, wailing falsely as you rolled your eyes in the back of your head and leaning your head back as an addition to your IRL stage play to which Dylan responded with a humorous laugh and walked over.
“I didn't expect you to be into that.” Dylan said mischievously, guilt is still written over his face but he's still the Dylan Dylan you know of.
“Into what?” You asked, eyes wandering into his as he leaned down, sliding his arm below your injured body before he lifted you up bridal style with ease, shocking you — “Woah, there — Easy....” you gasped out, hand still in your shoulder and a surprised expression at his strength.
“—Into kinky werewolf biting.” he mumbled near your face, snickering under his breath making you look up at his face and hitting him on his mostly-revealed chest; staining his revealed skin with even more blood in the process — and somehow he still managed to keep you balanced in his arms.
“Shut up.” you huffed at his unnecessary joke, earning you a laugh. “Also, how are you like lifting me so easily like this?” you asked, confused at his immense strength and stability.
“Remaining werewolf power!” He said, voice full of energy and looked at you as he curved his eyebrow sexily at you — you look at him strikingly and fake disgusted expression at that. “We can now definitely have powerful werewolf se—”
“Oh my god, do not finish that sentence. I'm starting to wonder if a frown on your face is better now.” You gave him the keening look at his inappropriate jokes while blood is leaking from the injury his were-teeth gave, leaving a trail of blood as he walks you back on his arms into the direction of the lodge.
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Dylan joked around while walking towards the large house, some inappropriate, some actually funny and some out of pocket. You just rolled your eyes at him and told him that he's unbelievable. Cuz yeah, imagine forgetting that you were inches close to putting silver into his brain or the fact that you almost became wolf chow. I mean, as much as you'd like to remind him — his guilty face also made you feel guilty in a way that what if almost putting a bullet through his head was selfish of you... It was survival though, right?
After putting up with Dylan’s snarky remarks and clownery, a relieved sigh came out of your throat when you were met with the sight of the lodge. “Okay, big boy, you can put me down now — I still have legs, but thank you..., though.”
You tapped Dylan’s chest softly.
But the unexpected happened and Dylan pulled you closer, his grip tightening against you — your eyes widened and laughed it off awkwardly as one of Dylan’s jokes. “Okay, Dyl- Ha ha, very funny and werewolf-y.” you respond with a short-lived chuckle.
“You smell so...”
Dylan’s voice got cut off by a certain girl though, “Hey you guys! Are you both okay?” Kaitlyn called out, waving as she managed to spot both of you in one of the windows earlier.
“Oh my god, Y/N— What happened?!” Kaitlyn freaked, looking at your wound with a worried expression. She walked over to you, reaching out with her hand and Dylan flinched immediately and protectively caged you away from the approaching and getting-a-bit-to-handsy friend.
“Almost got killed by werewolf boy here.” You said, eyes going dumbfounded at the prank Dylan was playing right now, you already told him to let you go once but it seemed like his brain is still undergoing rewiring still.
“Woah, woah, buddy — You good?” Kaitlyn said with widened eyes as she backed away slowly with her hands up like a waving white flag when he started growling under his breath.
“Dyl? Dylan? DYLAN!”
That shout managed to somehow wake up Dylan from his weird trance and got his brain juice up and running. “Okay, okay. Sorry, um— What was happening? Oh, Kaitlyn!” he calls her as if nothing just happened, a genuine smile on his face as he finally loosened his grip on you before putting you down after you told him a second time.
Kaitlyn uncomfortably smiled as she went on to lead you back to the lodge with Dylan just trailing right after like a puppy fetching his stick. Kaitlyn couldn't help but look back at Dylan from time to time as her guard was fully up from the earlier scenario. Honestly, you weren't as bothered as much because it seems like the lack of sleep and exhaustion had taken a toll on you.
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“Kait, you can help find the others— I can rest at the nursery, I'm assuming that every one of those werewolves turned back already.” You instructed as Kaitlyn helped you up the stairs, she took a peek back at Dylan before looking at you seriously.
“Are you sure that I should leave you with him? Why are you not freaking out about earlier when Dylan looked like he was about to take you back to the forest where he can feast on your organs!” Kaitlyn whispered to you, the last part of the sentence getting a bit too loud which Dylan could catch, she turned back momentarily to Dylan again to find out he was now glaring at her.
“See?” her mouth projecting suspiciously at Dylan.
“It'll be fine, probably still got the instincts, something like that.” you whisper back as she help you through the hallway as Dylan still follows. “Take care of him, alright?” She said earnestly, nudging your scary boyfriend hesitantly. She let you go as you trudged the rest of the way to the nursery room, grunting at the burning pain of the wound. Dylan insisted he could carry you again but you dismissed the idea and said that it was just a few meters left and just like that Kaitlyn vanished to look for the others.
Arriving at the nursery room, you sat down on one of the beds and asked Dylan: “Hey Dyl, can you um grab the first aid? If it isn't used up then there should still be some betadine or some hydrogen peroxide. If not, then um..... towel and warm water would do.” You employed a warm smile on your face. You couldn't help but keep your eyes away from Dylan's still half-naked bloody body and then you remembered something after Dylan's agreement: “Okay.”
“Actually, get some bandages or gauzes as well and just bring a towel so we can wipe the blood off of you.” You added, leaning back against the headboard; trying to get comfortable
“Why? So you can see my body more clearly, hmm?” he teasingly articulated — swaying his hips left to right and a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, to which you respond with a roll of the eyes. “Sure.”
“C'mon, babe — why the long and cold face.” Dylan huffed annoyed, tapping his foot irritably at where your sense of humor went. He sat down next to your bed, and held your hand — placing his hand over on your moderately bleeding arm. “Lost of blood.” You answered honestly, as you did not really know how to answer his rhetorical question.
“Just go get it. Promise that we'll bond over later how you almost ate me after we get properly fixed and dressed.” you sighed tiredly, eyes wandering to your held hands, squeezing slightly and sniggering a bit.
“Hey, I can still eat you later — If you know what I mean~” He goads, winking twice at you and rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb to which you just slumped and gave up trying to be serious with him for once. You love his funny personality, but he should really keep it when you're not about to bleed to death in this small bed.
“Dylan. Just get it, I'll be happy to hear your flirty remarks and jokes after I don't look like a bleeding animal.” You stated, a long exhale coming out of your lips to which Dylan just chortled at before he finally stood and went to be a lamb — finally going out of the nursery to get the much needed supplies.
“Kay'” he mumbles before leaving.
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“Finally! Took you long enough...” you said, sarcasm dripping from your tone. Dylan groans at your attitude, putting the medical supplies bag down on the floor carefully as well as the towel and bowl of warm water on the bed, being extremely delicate with the water specifically — a wet bed is not easy to clean at all but that's the least of his worries.
“Welp, that's all the remaining med supplies.” he mumbled, looking at you before reaching out and caressing your face softly which you couldn't help but smother your face against his hand even though dried blood is still on it.
“This night’s over finally...” you trailed off, the effects of the recent events putting a heavy weight on your shoulder, you look back at Dylan with a thankful smile before getting up a bit to scan the medical supplies.
“Mmkay.. Let's see here........ Stitches! I forgot to remind you about these earlier as well, hmmm, also cotton and other stuff. Okay, this should be enough. You should go, you know..” Gesturing with your hand in a wiping motion on your face and chest as Dylan got the idea fairly.
“Are you sure you don't need help?” Dylan asks.
“The last time you stitched someone was that one kid who kept crying that you were hurting him and I had to take him off your hands, remember?” you quip with a small smirk, remembering a certain patient from the 2 months you were working in the nurses' office.
Dylan sighed displeased, “He was really annoying alright? Like, he kept saying that this and that was painful, and do I look like a doctor to you?” Dylan coughed out, remembering that specific kid you were talking about with a deep grunt of resentment.
You laughed slightly at his reaction, “Was it that bad really or were you just salty that he had the balls to tell me that he liked me right then and there.” you continued to tease the man, raising a single eyebrow at him — knowing that he was in fact jealous of a kid.
“They were kids dude, calm down.” you snickered loudly.
“Whatever." he dismissed, grabbing the towel and dipping it in the warm water before squeezing it to pump out the excess before slowly starting to clean his bloody body with it — starting with his face of course.
A short laugh slipped out of your mouth as you looked at his pretty face with a shine on your eyes, “Looks like your best asset is finally clean.” you hummed, taking a long-drawn deep breath before grabbing the diluted hydrogen peroxide and applying it on the bite wound. “Fuuuckkk...” you grunted. Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Dylan looked at you, who was in pain before picking the wrong time to respond to your comment earlier. “You know that's not my best asset right?” he remarks, raising his eyebrows at you seductively.
You choke on your spit accidentally causing a hysterical laugh to emerge from the tall man, “Dylan, you are not helping my situation, not even a little bit!” you chastised , a stern glare directed at the laughing Dylan.
Dylan’s laughs were slowly coming into a silence, while you were busy hissing and tearing up from the pain while trying to clean the wounded area.
“Okay fuck, let's do this.” you proclaimed with gritted teeth as you picked up the surgical sutures after sterilizing the area with cotton rubbed with betadine solution
Oh god, this would not be fun or pretty at all.
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After minutes of pained whines, muffled hisses and grunts, the perpetual agony finally came to a halt. Dylan couldn't even bear to look at the wound he caused without a surge of guilt running through his pain so he opted to hold your hand as you work the needle through the skin. Dylan had his eyes away the entire time, one hand cleaning his bloody chest, back and leg and his other hand never leaving your own throughout the miniscule operation.
“Oh my god.” You mumbled, exhaling a long breath of relief as the sutures stayed — immediately grabbing the bandages and placing it over the sutured bite.
“You good, babe?” Dylan asks, eyes still wandering in the room in anywhere BUT the injury.
“Yeah, yeah — Just gonna need actual medical assistance later but it should hold.”
“Let me help you clean up, yeah?” You assisted as soon as Dylan gave the nod of confirmation, he handed over the towel as he turned his back on you, humming tunes as you wiped the blood off his skin, dipping the towel on the water occasionally until the liquid slowly turned into a crimson hue.
“Hey, babe?”
A questioning hum left your lips at the call out, “Hm?”
“Why do werewolves separate themselves from friends?”
“Dylan, no.” Giving him a glare pointed at the back of his head.
“Because...” Dylan started, his dimple popping out due to his grin which you could spot.
“It's not mating season!”
He delivered the punchline along with a series of snickers and chortling laughter.
After a while Dylan's laughter died down, to which he noticed you were not saying anything and looked over his shoulder — only to be met with your blank face. “You know, cuz mates.. Uh, equals friends— equals mating therefore mating therefore— dude, you get it...” He spluttered.
“Okay, sorry.” He awkwardly voiced, scratching his head and his face started blushing with embarrassment.
You chuckled at the redness of his ears as he looked down at his hands, to which Dylan heard and wore his shit-eating grin once again.
“And that should be it!” You informed with a smile as Dylan finally turned to you, his chest still on full reveal and everything — You let out a small cheer of celebration as you cleaned yourselves up and got the wound secured with a bandage. Dylan lets out a small laugh at your antics and rubs your shoulder in a loving gesture.
“Okay, DJ Dyl. Now we just have to wait for Kaitlyn to return.” You said with a hefty voice, stretching your healthy arm and cracking your stiff neck from all the still-suturing.
“We could do that... Or? Or... We could do something else? I mean, Kaitlyn is probably gonna be searching for a while.” He hinted, eyes glinting with enticement as he now rubbed your thigh seductively causing you to look at him strangely.
“Really? Really, Dyl? We both were on the brink of death and now you're thinking about having sex? Unbelievable.” You criticized, giving him the judgmental look as he pouted at your harsh tone.
“Come on! What doesn't kill make you stronger, you know?” He rebuked with a grin, as if you hadn't heard that line for the millionth time already — his hand getting well— a bit too handy.
You still looked at him with the 'are you serious?' look but in the end, you gave into him as he somehow always makes you; truth be told, trying to resist Dylan's charms is like trying to resist a bear from killing you which of course is a near-impossible thing.
“We don't have protection and lube — And the bed is too small, I'm on the verge of falling asleep too.” You pointed out the obvious, too which Dylan was still grinning about as if a lightbulb popped out of that brain of his.
“Lube problem could be easily solved, you know.” He said, licking his lips seductively to which you responded with a roll of the eyes but least to say, you do need some relief from all of this; from the horror of this night.
“I'm clean, you're clean and there's a bedroom down the hallway!” He added, an overjoyed cheer coming out of his lips.
“Fine, fine.” you hum in agreement.
Dylan taking that as your consent as go, he got up from the bed — leaving the bloody bucket of water and immediately got to lifting you up from the bed with no problems
“Woah, what the f—” You got cut off by the sudden bold move that Dylan just did, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you as if you weighed like air. Again.
“Did getting infected make you this strong or what?” You shot the man a question as he kept a tight grip on your waist with his arms, his hand wandering down to your buttocks.
“I was always this strong, babe~” he boasts with an annoying smirk on his face.
“Ugh.” Another roll of the eyes was directed at the man.
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Dylan carried you over the bed before kicking the door behind him closed, locking it — just to be safe and careful.
You felt your back hit the soft mattress as you gasped at the feeling of the sheets. You could just close your eyes at any moment and you would drift off to the sea of dreams. However, Dylan had other plans and those did not include you sleeping.
“Now now, don't fall asleep on me~” He pouts, undressing you slowly as you groan at him. He was careful with your wound and all and managed to get your shirt off of you, he moved on to the pants , as he was lifting your pants — your knees managed to hit his clothed bulge; causing an erotic moan to shoot out of Dylan.
You looked up at Dylan with foggy eyes and allowed him to do the work, you were too tired to reach or wrap your hands around his back. “I wanna fuck you doggy style, babe!” He whined, as he managed to get you down to your boxers to which he reciprocated by also removing his somehow intact boxers, kicking it off the bed. You looked at his semi-hard cock hanging between his legs, his length barely touching your own underwear.
“Well, too bad then~” You groggily murmur, Dylan went in for a kiss before flipping you over to your stomach, “Hey!—” he laughed as his eyes slowly darkened when your ass was now on perfect display for him.
“You can just take it while I you know, fuck you.” he says in a goofy way with a dopey expression. His hands were touching your cheeks and spreading it. “Shut up and fuck me, Dylan.” you sighed, not really one to beg for it
“Sassy and impatient, hot.” he taunted, Dylan also felt his head getting a bit dazed. He closes his eyes and grunt at something to which you were to relaxed in the bed to notice — Dylan felt weird, something feels different
Dylan pulled down your underwear, leaving it hanging on your knees as his breath hovered over your puckering rim, chill ran down your spine at the cold exhale. You couldn't help but let out a lulled moan at it.
As Dylan's saliva dripped down to your entrance, you felt your head getting into a mist of pleasure. Dylan and you fooled around in camp and before becoming counselors, while you both only really started dating during these two months. You always knew Dylan fucked good but it was always slow, rather tender — he treats you as if you were porcelain honestly but it still felt great but it's always the same old same old.
You let out an audible gasp as Dylan's tongue finally dipped down into your hole, the sleepiness washed away as the one of the most sensitive parts of your body started getting worked.
Your eyes shut closed and chased after the numbing pleasure as the soft muscle increased depth, you squeezed out a few groans here and there as his tongue touched your soft walls — Dylan's approach was rather different than normal, more aggressive and rapid. His large hands were squeezing your ass in a bruising grip as well. A shrill moan left your mouth as you felt him spread your cheeks more and went deeper until he hit your sensitive spot. The obscene slurping sounds bounced of the wall made your head pound and your cock getting hard at the erotic noises.
“Dyl— Fuck... Fuckkkkk..., you're gonna make me cum too fast..” You piped out, a breathy tone surrounding your voice. You felt his tongue pull out so suddenly, before moving his mouth to your taint then to the back of your balls. He mouthed at it, your knees buckling back at the feeling of his teeth scraping sensitive skin.
“I'll fuck the attitude out of you.” He whispered with a tone with an underlying bite before pulling away and spitting at your wet hole.
It was not like you to find that sentence hot but something about it flared up that warm feeling at the pit of your stomach, this was different though from the soft, caring and tender Dylan you knew.
Dylan's head was throbbing, it's as if humanity turned off inside of him while something animalistic turned on.
Dylan lined up his own dick at your saliva-slick rim. You felt your knees tremble as you felt his head pressing against you.
“Dylan, your fingers firs— I don't think—!”
He eagerly thrusts into you with force, his hearing was blocked off as he only cared about you, mind drifted off as when Kaitlyn got too close to you — she touched you too much when walking up the stairs.
The painful thrust shocked you as you felt your body jolt and hit the bed. Dylan's shadow loomed over your body as you felt him leaning down to your back, kissing upwards before biting down hard on your shoulders.
The first few thrusts had pain embedded on them, but your hole managed to adjust fairly well to Dylan’s cock. You were now biting at the sheets — muffling your screams and crumpling it with your fingers.
A purple mark was created as Dylan continued to mark your skin up, his cock even going deeper.
Dylan's breathy grunts could be heard from earshot as you stopped biting on the sheets before letting out a series of high-pitched whines as Dylan made use of you to his heart's content
His hands on your hips were tight as he used you. “Y-You... smell— so... fucking... good, babe.” He groans out, you felt the feeling of orgasm about to reach you as your dick sensually rubbed against the bed on each powerful thrust.
Dylan pushed your body flat against the bed, his weight on your back present. Your cock was leaking against the sheets little by little until the downpour started, orgasm hit hard, untouched as Dylan selectively attacked your prostate with each harsh thrust — It continued releasing against the now-sticky sheets; your stomach uncomfortably stained with your own cum.
“D-Dylan A-Already came!” you managed to choke against the dirty sheets. The overstimulation made your cock throb continuously.
Dylan, overtaken by an inhuman force made it so he kept hitting your sensitive bundle of nerves sending each a jolt of overfilled pleasure that your body couldn't handle — till you hear an adamant sigh from the man. You feel yourself get lost in a second orgasm in a bit until Dylan’s hips finally go into a stop as you feel his cock milking itself on your ass. A wave of relief washed over you as his seed flowed into you, your back numbed from Dylan’s teeth-piercing skin.
You feel him pull out slowly, clambering on top of you as he releases breaths of exhaustion.
“G-God, Dyl? What the fuck, dude. No prep at all, plus my back is extra painful now— Not only did you give me a possible limp, but also marks! How the fuck would I explain this to the coming authorities?!" You chastised with a not-so-happy-possibly-im-going-to-kill-you-later huff, also glowering at the dumb guy.
Dylan could barely look at your dissatisfaction.
“Fuck, fuck— I don't know! Something came over me, and I just— I don't know!” he reasoned, trying to find the right words to say but in truth; he was just as confused as you — added with guilt.
“Look, Dyl. I'm not saying I didn't like it — You being rough and controlling and etcetera, is hot and all.. and new.... but give me a heads up first before you go on a weird rampage like that..” You trailed off, softening your tone a bit.
Now you're all sticky and dirty again, semen leaking out of your abused hole and on your stomach. “You clean me up, I swear to god.” you said with a glare as the man looked like he shrunk a little emotionally.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry... wait, shit— I'll go get new towels.” he murmured, rushing on his feet as he tripped on clothes. You sighed at him, a bit shaken up by that. Though yes, it felt good, painful at first; amazing, fantastic after a bit — however this would not be something you would like to explain to the police once they arrive.
“Hello, good sir— the tall, cute man just reassembled my insides— that's why I'm this kind of messy, so we were having kinky wild sex while everyone was getting mauled by bears.” you explained to yourself in a barely-audible voice. Your mind was too jumbled to come up with a proper excuse.
Dylan managed to catch your inner dialogue and snorted too loudly before covering his mouth. He turned around and found your deathly stare against him. It was a frightening sight so he immediately looked away. “S-Sorry.” He quickly apologized for it.
“Just get the towels!” you shouted.
He nodded and went to open the door, not expecting what came next.
Before he could unlock it, the lock of the door turned and in a moment — A blood-curdling scream was heard when Kaitlyn went face-to-face with a fully naked Dylan and his dangling thing, the keys to the room fell to the ground from her shock as she saw something she shouldn't have.
You immediately covered yourself with a blanket.
Behind Kaitlyn was an already-shocked Nick, bloody and all, and in his boxers. One more thing to add to things Nick had to experience or see.
“DYLAN LENIVY, WHAT THE FUCK!!” Kaitlyn yelled loudly as she covered her eyes at the sight.
To his surprise, Dylan’s brain was not functioning properly as he let out a late, un-manliest scream at the sight of his considered best friend and a bloodied-up jock. “SHIT! Sorry!” Dylan said before slamming the door on their faces.
He looked back at you with a horrified expression as you held back your laugh, you covered yourself before anything was seen so you didn't get bothered by it that much. A shuffling was heard behind the door as the two people ran away,
You couldn't contain the immense laughter bubbling from inside of you as you started cackling on top of your lungs.
Dylan looked at you aggrieved, “What if I kick you out of this room naked and all dirty huh?” His tone firm, rendering your laughs silent.
“Do a little walk of shame? Hmph.” He tuts, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
You look at him with a ridiculed smile at his darkened expression.
He drops the serious act in a bit before grinning mischievously, flopping on the foot of the bed as he pulled at your legs threateningly — his devious plan already planted in his mind.
“NO! DYL! I swear to go—”
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gayfanservice · 9 days
Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
Reader teaches kids archery bcuz I want to learn it and think it’s cool (edited lol)
Putting chairs in place, art supplies in the right area, filling up the towel bin or praying the radio turns on for just one more year, picking up garbage that somehow got there and cleaning away cobwebs. Except Jacob, who refused to go into the cabins until the spiders were gone. Whatever needed to be done to prepare for the kids’ arrival.
There wasn’t much that needed to be prepared at the archery corner of the camp, just a little shack cleaning and inspecting the arrows and testing the bows to make sure they wouldn’t break on a kid. There was one bow in particular that the kids were not allowed to touch, and that bow belonged to (Y/N). It looked like every other bow, only having a different color scheme and being slighter bigger than the others. He even had his full name carved into the wood in case the children can read.
“I’m sure Mr. H. wouldn’t mind if I take a few practice shots. Probably. Hopefully… meh.” (Y/N) shrugged, Mr. H. wouldn’t come this way anyway, and there was still half an hour before the counselors had to meet at the lodge to greet the campers.
He grabbed arrows, not counting the exact amount and dropping them on the ground beside him, disobeying his own rules that he will make the children follow. No one’s here to witness his crimes, so it’s fine. (Y/N) snickered at himself, loading the bow and straightening his stance, taking a deep breath to steady his hands, I wish I ate breakfast. his stomach growled. His hand stretched back, the familiar faint burning creeping up his muscles as he aimed towards the round target.
(Y/N) took another sharp breath, straightening his arms and legs as he pulled back the string. The chirping of birds and rustling of the wind drowning into the background, focusing on nothing but the target in front of him.
With one swift movement, his fingers left the arrow and away it flew into the target, hitting the red inner circle but not smack-dab in the middle. So close to being a cool movie character. He sulked, picking up another arrow from the ground and equipping it to the bow’s string.
“Whoa, good job!” Clapping ensued behind him, the sudden noises making (Y/N) literally jump and land on an arrow he left on the ground with a SNAP.
“Fuck!” From both being startled and breaking an arrow.
The guy, Dylan as (Y/N) saw when he turned, wore a guilty expression has he nervously smiled, “Oh shit, sorry, man,” (Y/N) picked up the broken arrow pieces, groaning and thanking god that was the only damage done.
“Mother- fuck me, man.” He picked up the other two arrows, finally counting how many he had.
“Whoa, you want to fuck your mother?” (Y/N) stopped, staring into the void of dumbass-ness (Dylan).
“I- what- huh? Dude,” He stammered, completely dumbfounded at what Dylan just fucking said him after causing him to break camp equipment, even though it was his fault. Dylan still had that goofy smile on his face, obviously trying to make the mood lighter. A smile broke onto (Y/N) face, then cackling as he gave up trying to stone-face Dylan, “Dude, what the fuck?” He laughed, suddenly remembering how Dylan made him quite literally jump and laughing harder, wheezing almost. Dylan joined in, his dorky grin growing. “Bro, why’d you do that? I could’ve hurt myself!” (Y/N) playfully scolded, walking towards the target and ripping the arrow out of it.
“I just wanted to come see how the others were doing, I didn’t know you were a wuss,” he followed (Y/N) to the shack, “besides, isn’t it, like, your number one rule to not put equipment on the ground?” Dylan held the door open as (Y/N) put his bow and arrows away, deciding to hide the broken one and hopefully blame it on a kid later.
“Three, actually,” (Y/N) replied, walking out and locking the shack with the keys Chris gave him. “No one was supposed to see; no witnesses, no crime.” He shrugged, “I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kids,” He joked as he walked towards the lodge, Dylan following behind, hands in a surrendered pose, “I won’t tell if you won’t,” (Y/N) rolled his eyes, “Sure, buddy,”
“So,” Dylan started, eyes glancing around the trees and trail, “you arch?”
“Huh?” (Y/N)’s face contorted in confusion, wondering what the fuck is going through his head.
“Archery, you arch, y’know?”
“… uh, yea-s?” (Y/N)’s favorite, socially awkward boys. Cute, socially awkward boys.
“Cool, cool,” He trailed off, “So, how long have you been into it?”
“Oh, uh, well, did it on a school field trip once, like, eight years ago maybe? I don’t know, but I liked it so I begged to do lessons and now I’m here.” Good story telling skills.
Dylan hummed, keeping his eyes to the ground in front of him as they talked. “So, is it fun?” He paused for a moment, “Like, just shooting stuff?”
(Y/N) snorted, Just shooting stuff. Sure. “Well, it’s more than ‘just shooting stuff,” he quoted with his fingers, “It’s, uh… it’s kinda just nice, I guess. Feeling the arrow zoom away and hearing it hit what you were aiming for. It could also be a good stress relief.” (Y/N) shrugged, kicking a tiny rock in his path.
“Cool. I’ve always thought about trying it, seems interesting.” His eyes scavenged the area around them, feeling heat rise up his neck and into his face. Probably the heat.
“Well,” (Y/N) started, sheepishly, “If you want, maybe one of these days I can show you the ropes.”
“Don’t you mean ‘string’? Heh, get it? ‘Cause-” (Y/N) interrupted Dylan with a soft punch to his arm, a grin on both of their faces.
“Yes, Dylan. I get it.” Dylan’s goofy smile stayed on his face as he rubbed his arm in fake pain, “So, you in?”
He pretended to be in deep thought, crossing his arm and rubbing his chin as he hummed, “Y’know what? Sure, it’s a date!”
(Y/N) coughed, suddenly forgetting how to breathe as he felt his face become warmer, “Yeah, okay then, it’s a date.”
Dylan’s face began to hurt from smiling so much, but it was worth it when (Y/N) was the cause of it.
“Fuck, what time is it?” The two panicked, not having phones to check the time didn’t help. “Fuck, run?”
It’s short, its bad, i dont care hope someone likes it and maybe request some quarry
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Dylan lenivy mlm dating aesthetic
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devine-star · 2 years
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Dylan x Male!Reader
Warming: SMUT! 
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(Side note; I HC that Dylan is a switch!) 
Early mornings at camp were Dylan’s favortie espcially when the camp was empty of kids; waiting for the new bus load to bring the rowdy kids that kept him away from his boyfriend. 
Y/n was asleep. 
The way his chest rose and fell as he slept soundly. Turning to look at his boyfriend Dylan admired everything about him the way his nose was shaped to the little splots of achne across his face. 
Dylan’s eyes wandered down Y/n’s chest reaching over to run his hands over the hair that had grown on Y/n’s chest. His hands slowly going lower until he stopped at the waist band of Y/n’s boxers. 
“Getting a bit frisky huh?” Dylan jumped at the sound of Y/n’s voice before blushing a deep red “I-I...uh” Y/n chuckled before leaning over for a sleepy kiss. 
Humming softly, Y/n reached over to pull Dylan closer to deepen the kiss. Dylan slowly leaned over to hover over his lover while swinging one leg over his waist; sitting hip to hip. 
“Someone has a little bit of morning wood huh?” Dylan pulled back staring at his boyfriend lovingly “Only for you handsome,want to help me with it?” 
Y/n paused and pretended to be thinking for a moment before smiling “Only if you help me with this,” Dylan was confused for a moment before he felt Y/n grind up into him; he was just as turned on. 
Groaning Dylan dove back in for a heated kiss. Pushing his tongue into Y/n’s mouth loving the sound of Y/n’s moans as his hands wander all over Dylan’s body. 
“I think we’re both overly dressed for the occasion,” Dylan smirked leaning back to pull his shirt over his head enjoying the way Y/n’s eyes left a burning trail against his skin. 
Y/n gently pushed Dylan off so he could shimmy his pants down, watching as Dylan did the same. 
Normally when the two would get ‘busy’ in the morning, they would just stay in a spooned postion, back to front, while the other went to town; just holding each other close. But today was different, Dylan wanted to see the pleasure on Y/n’s face. 
Pushing Y/n back onto the bed Dylan waisted no time. Reaching up to stick two fingers into Y/n’s mouth, moaning as his tongue swirled around the digits quickly as he sucked. 
Slowly pulling his fingers away, Dylan groaned softly at the pornographic sight of his boyfriend’s tongue hanging out of his mouth and the spit trail coming from his fingers to Y/n’s mouth. 
“Fuck baby, you’re going to be the death of me, you know that?” Y/n smiled innocently at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dylan narrowed his eyes. 
“Don’t be a brat now, I was going to take you on a trip to pound town,” Y/n laughed while shaking his head “Never say that again you big doof,” before pulling Dylan back into a rough kiss. 
Y/n gasped into the kiss as Dylan slid one finger into him then the next before pumping them quickly. 
“Shit Dyl! No warning?” Y/n moaned arching his back as he felt Dylan begin to kiss down his neck. Harshly sucking and biting the skin; knowing the two would get clowned by the other counselors late that day. 
“Want everyone to know that you belong to me,” Dylan growls roughly pulling his fingers out while hoisting one of Y/n’s shoulders over his leg. 
“This isn’t going to be our normal soft morning session is it?” Y/n asked with a soultry voice that turned Dylan on even more than he currently was “No it isn’t baby,” He places a kiss to Y/’n thigh before lining himself up. 
Hissing Y/n closed his eyes tightly when Dylan pushed in roughly “Gonna make you feel good baby boy,” Dylan mumbles rocking his hips into Y/n’s to let him adjust for a moment. 
“Don’t go easy on me Dyl, we havne’t had a session like this in a long time,” Y/n panted softly. 
The sight of Dylan balls deep inside of Y/n as he leaned over him was almost too much. The way his necklace hung from his neck along with the way he panted; obvioulsy holding back until Y/n was ready caused Y/n’s gut to stir. 
“Fucking move already Dylan, we don’t have long before the kids-” Y/n cut himself off with a loud almost pornographic moan as Dylan snapped his hips roughly. 
“Don’t.be.a.brat.” Dylan puncuated every word with a rough thrust, causing Y/n’s back to arch slightly as he cried out in pleasure. 
“Fuck Dylan!” 
The sound of Y/n yelling his name was like music to his ears, if Y/n would allow him to Dylan would record their sessions to mix into songs or just listen to them when Y/n wasn’t around to help Dylan get off. 
“Oh god baby, you gotta let me record you,” Dylan mumbled off whatever was on his mind “Want to hear you moan my name as I jerk off when you’re away at work,” Dylan moans as he bit Y/n’s calf. 
Y/n’s face flushed deeply as he heard Dylan’s pleasured mumble rants “Grab your phone baby, record me,” Dylan almost came right then and there. 
Frantically reaching for the phone he convinced Ryan to steal back from Mr. H, Dylan quickly opens his recording ap hitting the big red button to record the lewd sounds his boyfriend was letting out. 
Tossing the phone back to the nightstand, Dylan began thrusting harder; wanting every heavenly sound that Y/n let out to be recorded clear as day. 
Dylan smirked down at Y/n as his moans seemed to be a lot louder than normal “You’re getting off to this arent you?” Y/n nodded slowly “Like the thought of me listening to you as I jerk off huh?” 
“Yes! God yes!” Y/n cried. 
“Maybe the thought of me holding one of your hoodies close, smelling your cologne while I moan your name hm?” Dylan mumbles close to Y/n’s ear, moaning softly himself once Y/n mewed in his ear. 
“I know you’ve done that with my shirts,” Dylan admited softly. “I know you moan my name late at night when I’m in my cabbin,” 
Y/n didn’t reply knowing Dylan mumbled things like this when he was close to cumming. 
“Cum baby,” Y/n panted feeling his own orgasm creeping up on him rather quickly. 
Groaning to himself, Dylan reached between their bodies quickly jerking Y/n’s swollen cock roughly “Cum with me handsome,” he whispered. 
Y/n clenched his eyes shut tightly once again as his orgasm came at him like a speeding train “DYLAN!!” Y/n yelled. 
Dylan leaned back watching as Y/n spurted cum across his chest and over Dylan’s own fist while his thighs began shaking. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Dylan chanted as he slowly fell out of rythm for a moment before remaing still inside of Y/n as he came; groaning lowly leaning his head back. 
Suddenly the sound of someone banging rythmically on the door and fake moans could be heard “Oh Dylan!!!” 
It was Jacob and Kaityln. 
The two began laughing when Dylan slid his boxers on and swung the door open to flip them off “At least I’m getting some,” He responded crossing his arms. 
Y/n blushd while chuckling as he reached to hit the ‘Stop recording’ button on Dylan’s phone, listening to the three of them bicker back and forth. 
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hyperfigations · 2 years
Male!Reader struggling to get his laptop turned on to work on a project, Dylan notices them struggling and finally reveals his actual interest to the reader and fixes their problem, resulting in reader being happy to get to know the actual dylan
A/N: Sorry this took so long 😭😭 getting back into writting is so hard. And getting back to being good at writing is even harder. This isn't my greatest piece LMAO but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
(Dylan x M!Reader)
Summary: Dylan lets Reader get to know him better.
Words: 1,452
TW: None
    It was kind of funny, the way he looked at you. His face was twisted in confusion which quickly turned into a playful annoyance. If it wasn’t for your urgency to get your crap done, you would have started teasing him about his “kicked puppy” look. 
 “Mr.H let you keep your laptop?” He groans.Your lips pursed whilst exhaling slowly.
“Only for like an hour, Dylan,” You roll your eyes. “He’s just letting me finish this stupid college application.”
“That is so lame,”
“Dylan,” You sigh. “Is that a yes or no?”
“For what?”
“OHHHHHH, about using the station? Um, yeah, you can but on one condition.”
You give him a look, one that could kill, but he returned it back. The clock was ticking and all you want to do was to get this shit done so you could go back to your job. 
“I gotta keep an eye on you. Ya know, can’t trust anyone after the Jacob Incident,” Dylan shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. You scoff out a dry chuckle, remembering a few weeks before when Jake lost a bet with Nick and it ended with him breaking into the station and 2 PA speakers blown. Poor Dylan spent nearly every early morning trying to get those speakers up and running again. “Never again,” He had claimed after fixing up the last speaker. 
Ever since, Dylan was way overprotective of the radio station. He wouldn’t even let Jacob even glance its way. 
“Ugh, Jake ruins everything,” You grumble grumpily. Dylan smirks slightly, gently pushing you with his elbow.
“Don’t worry, I’m not like… ‘babysitting’ you. Think of it as us hanging out but Im like watching your every move making sure you don’t mess anything up,” 
You blink at your fellow counselor, staring at him.
“Fine. But you can’t distract me, I really have to get this thing done,”
“Yeah, I am known for being incredibly distracting,” He winks at you. You couldn’t help but chuckle slightly, shaking your head. 
The radio hut was honestly one of the more peaceful places at camp. Secluded and silent, away from all the screaming campers. Even though this is only your second time in there, you noticed a considerable difference from your first. You couldn’t help but remember how garbage this place looked before. Wood planks, trash scattered all over the ground and it was splinter city. When Dylan and you first scouted out the station, you had been pulling splinters out of your fingers for days. After the first time, you vowed never to step back in there but it wasn’t so bad now. Dylan put all his love into it. And it definitely paid off. It looked a hell of a lot better than it did before. 
“Damn, Dylan. Nice job,” You complemented, looking around in approval. Dylan looked a little shocked by your comment, but a bashful smile creeped up on his lips. He looked down, his shoulders going up slightly. 
“Y-yeah, thanks. It was nothing. Just cleaned it up a bit,”
“Since when were you ever humble? It looks great.” 
Dylan smiles even wider. You sit down on the chair in front of the radio, placing your laptop on the wooden table. A sigh escaped your lips as you opened it up. Dylan makes himself comfortable by leaning on the table facing you. His head tilted ever so slightly as he looks over you curiously. You could feel his eyes on you, but you decided to ignore it. You really need to get this thing finished, and you probably only had 45 minutes left to do so. 
“So what college-”
“Dylannn, I said you couldn’t distract me.” You huff. 
Dylan barks out a laugh, “Sorry.”
The computer lit up with the start-up screen, playing a small little jingle to let you know it's awake. Although your computer wasn’t exactly ‘a new model’ it had always done the job. Sure, it took a little slow to get to where you wanted it to go, but it was a small price to pay for a cheap laptop. Except this time… the start-up screen wasn’t budging. Your lips curve downward as you stare at the screen. Your fingers drift over the keyboard, pressing every button you think would help to make it go faster. Alas, nothing was working. “What the fuck-” you mumbled below your breath. 
In the corner of your eyes, you catch Dylan trying to chuckle quietly to himself. You glare at him, “What.” 
“I’m sorry but the 90s called and they want their computer back, man,” He laughs.
“Would you shut up, I’m trying to get this working, jerk,”
“You’re never gonna get it to work by just button mashing,”
Your face scrunched up in aggravation as you pushed away from the computer in Dylan’s rolling chair, gesturing toward your computer. “Fine. If you’re suuuccch an expert, why don’t you do it.”
Dylan looks at you, then the computer. He shrugs slightly and puts himself imbetween. The hut was caught in silence. Nothing to be heard except the outdoors, the clacking of your keyboard and the low humming of Dylan as he concentrated. You watch him from the back but curiosity  began to take over. You roll the chair to the left to get a view of the screen. You expect your computer to still be stuck in its limbo but it… was already fixed? It was on your homescreen!
    Dylan glances behind himself and gives you the most cocky look you’ve ever seen. The smirk on his face was confident and lop-sided. You were completely speechless. It took him, what? Maybe like 2 minutes to fix your computer. 
    “Um… what the fuck just happened,” You finally got out. 
Dylan smiles proudly at you, “Just my techno magic, are you impressed?”
You were. You were incredibly impressed.
A lie. A bald faced lie.
He knew you were lying because his smile grew wider. More cocky.
"Okay, I'll bite," You sigh. "How did you know how to fix it?" 
Dylan rolls his eyes ever so slightly, chuckling. "I fixed up the Hut and I fixed the PA speakers. This computer was nothing," 
"Dylan. I mean, how did you like… do all that though." 
He looks at you, a little shocked. No one really was interested in "the how" he does what he does. He just… does. That's all anyone needs to know. But you wanted to know more. His heart began to speed up at this thought. 
"Oh. Um… well," Dylan says, turning around back to your computer. So he didn't have to look you in the eyes. It was as if he was embarrassed. You stood up from the rolly chair, sauntering over to where he was to get a better view of him. Dylan's eyes avert you at all costs, making you frown just a little. 
"I mean, I've always kind of.. been into it, I guess?"
"So, you wanna go into techie stuff in the future?"
You stare at him, all ears, as if telling him to continue. Dylan sighs and hesitantly goes on, "Tech is like great and all but I dont know… I guess I kind of want to go into…"
Your whole body wiggles in anticipation, making Dylan's awkward frown become an amused smirk. 
"Quantum Phsyics. Or whatever…"
The silence was completely loud. The chirps of the birds keeping it from being completely quiet. Dylan takes a peak at your expression, which is in total shock. 
"Yeah, I know it's kinda dum-"
"Yeah but-"
Dylan becomes a little surprised when you tippy toe up to throw your hands on his shoulders, squeezing them affectionately.
"That's so amazing man!" 
He stares down into your eyes for just a second longer than he had intended to, butterflies swirling in his tummy. 
"You think so?"
"Dude, that's literally the coolest thing! Im like dead ass being serious."
"Haha," Dylan chuckles, suddenly feeling extremely small. 
He falls quiet, staring at his feet.
"You don't have to hide who you are with me, you know that right?"
You cared. You actually cared enough to ask. Even better, you didn't shy away from him? Even when he showed his Dylan Dylan side. Oh god… he feels his palms became sweaty, his heart was racing at the speed of light.
 In that moment, he realized, he liked you. He really, really liked you.
He always flirted of course but this was it. This was the period of an already written sentence. Dylan liked you so, so much.
"U-um, anyways, you should get that application done… right?"
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beingthegayindigo · 1 year
The Quarry Masterlist
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Jacob Custos
Nick Furcillo
Ryan Erzahler
Dylan Lenivy
Max Brinly
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riosquarry · 2 years
(ʚɞ) RIO CAÑERO . . !
© 2022 ━ the quarry.
ꔛ﹅ ۰ ۰ ۰ 一 ♡﹕𝒅. 𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒚 !
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RIO CAÑERO ❨ nicknamed RIVER by those who never even attempted to pronounce his name ❩ could not hate his punishment of staying in HACKETT’S QUARRY for the summer any more than he currently did now; babysitting a bunch of ungrateful brats was one thing, but dodging his newfound feelings for fellow camp counselor DYLAN LENIVY while avoiding getting killed by what seemed to be an extremely hungry WEREWOLF was way above his pay grade.
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(ʚɞ) CRUEL SUMMER . . !
© 2022 ━ table of contents.
ꔛ﹅ ۰ ۰ ۰ 一 ♡﹕ 𝒅𝒚𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒚 !
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▐   002. TRUTH OR DARE!   ⇲
▐   004. DON’T PANIC!   ⇲
▐   005. WHITE NOISE!   ⇲
▐   006. PRAYERS BY NIGHT!   ⇲
▐   007. THE PAST BEHIND US!   ⇲
▐   008. THE BELLY OF THE BEAST!   ⇲
▐   009. THE MATRIARCH!   ⇲
▐   010. BRICKS AND MORTAR!   ⇲
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itsemi-8356 · 2 years
I got my license | Dylan Lenivy x male!Reader oneshot
It's been a year since the incident and y/n finally meets his ex boyfriend from summer camp again, after he ghosted him and never returned his calls.
Tw//mentions of faded werewolf scars
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i-smell-sass · 2 years
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Staring at the Stars
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Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
A/N: I haven't played The Quarry in about 4 months so forgive me if he's a little ooc.
It was a starry night, you had just finished listening to Ryan's stories by the campfire. You started to put out the fire as Ryan took the kids back to the cabins. Dylan also stayed back to clean up the wrappers and the kids uneaten snacks.
As the flames died down, you turned to Dylan, "I was thinking, we should stay out a little longer." Dylan looks up at you, confused. You point up at the lit up sky. "Go stargazing for a bit. Before we have to go to sleep."
He quickly glanced behind him, making sure all the campers were out of sight, turning back to you with a grin. "Fuck yeah."
The two of you walked the rocky path to the boat house, conversations of the busy day the two of you had, flowing. It didn't feel like long until you had made it, stopping at the edge of the deck, quickly taking a seat with your legs dangling just above the water.
"It's been a while." You hear Dylan sigh beside you, you nod. "Yeah, we don't get much time to ourselves like this." You mumble as you stretch your neck, arms raised. As you lower your arms you take a glimpse at the brunette beside you, his eyes entranced by the bright lights.
Your eyes follow his as you lie back against the cool wood, Dylan turning to you at the sound. It takes a few seconds before he copies your movements, the both of you now staring at the stars.
"The views are so pretty on nights like this." Your eyes wander across the different constellations above you, trying to form familiar shapes. "It really is." You turn to see Dylan staring back at you, his eyes gazing upon your own. "You're really pretty." A wide goofy grin finds place on his face as he says that.
"You're such a romantic." You chuckle at his antics, playfully rolling your eyes. He rolls over onto his stomach as he leans his face closer to yours. "I know." He whispered, his breath grazing upon your lips. You reach over and rest your hand onto his neck, slowly leaning in as the two of you share a kiss.
As he pulls back, he moves to rest his head against your chest. "We should head back before anyone notices we're gone." Dylan sighs. "Let's just stay like this for a little longer." You whisper against his forehead, before placing a kiss against it.
You both like against each other as the night grows darker, making use of the shirt time the two of you had left that night.
A/N: Completely unrelated, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to make that the title (It's a song from the game in the not-copyrighted version.) I listen to it too often, even now.
Also, would you guys like us to put summaries at the start of our fics?
- Written by Owner 1
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dreamqueenkala · 2 years
Hii! Do you think you mind to do the quarry boys' kinks headcanons? You can do it as gn if you'd like to. Thanks (really enjoy your works btw hehe x)
Headcanon Series #2
The Male Counselors and their Kinks
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Collaring/Manhandling—As much as the guy loves to appear like the protective, strong, dominant male in public, in bed he’s a total sub. He loves to feel your hands on the back of his neck forcing him to move a certain direction or keeping his head in place between your thighs. Despite the originally harsh memories it brought up the first time you suggested it(having been a werewolf and all), Max actually adores wearing a collar. Not in public, of course, but at home he’ll gladly kneel or let you drag him around the house by the thick black leather clasped around his throat.
Thigh Riding/Thigh Fucking—Max is a very horny man. If he can’t fuck you right then and there when he’s in the mood, whether it’s due to the location or fatigue or you’re just not up for it at the time, he’ll gladly settle for fucking your thighs in a bathroom stall or over the bed. When you’re the one that’s needy, Max will gladly lay himself out over the couch or the backseat of the pickup you both own and allow you to ride his thigh til you reach your high. It’s not much of a secret that he can get off to the praise you give him for helping you through your release.
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Body Worship—It may sound like a strange kink, but honestly it depends how far it goes. For Jacob, he simply wants to shower every inch of you in love. As a man with severe insecurity and a strong desire to satisfy and please those he cares for, he wants nothing more than to make you feel loved and feel comfortable in your own skin at all times. Hence, he’ll shower your thighs, chest, belly, ass, neck—every inch of your body in kisses, bites and murmured praises. When you return the favor by kissing his biceps or his hips or his thighs, the male is left a stuttering, submissive, pink-cheeked mess, his heart swelling with adoration and eyes swimming with awe.
Little Spooning—He may not seem like the kind of guy to enjoy this at first glance, but Jacob adores cuddling. Especially when he gets to be the little spoon. He loves falling asleep with your arms and legs curled around his back like a koala, and he adores resting his head over your chest, hips placed between your thighs as he drifts off listening to your heart thrum and the feeling of your fingers in his hair. It may not necessarily qualify as a kink, but let’s be real, unless you ask him to Jacob is more than likely gonna be the biggest golden-hearted teddy bear ever—even during sex.
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Hair Pulling—As soft spoken and mysterious as he may seem, Ryan has a bit of a dark side in the bedroom. Sure, he’s touch starved and awkward most of the time, but once he’s grown comfortable enough with you he’s bound to tell you all his dirty fantasies in extreme detail. His favorite, of course, is grasping a fistful of your hair, a familiar lust-ridden smirk settling on his face everytime you moan or whimper with a tug here and there. He’s a softie, though, so he’s bound to cuddle and soothe you after a deep session. He may even run his fingers through your soft tresses to soothe your scalp.
Bondage—Ryan LOVES bondage, more specifically, you tying him up. Despite how rough he can be in bed and on the occasion that he lets you lead, his only request is that you bind him. Granted, he finds being unable to touch you while you ride him or he’s forced the devour you incredibly arousing, but he mainly asks because he knows watching you bounce in his lap and hearing the sweet whimpers leaving your perfect pink lips may be too much for him to resist. When it comes to you, he has no control. For your sake, I suggest you learn how to tie a good knot.
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Degradation—He is deeply in love with being talked down to. That’s right, he wants to be degraded. He’s a bit of a soft Dom, fucking you slow and gentle with powerful thrusts, but when he’s edged you far too long, it’s perfectly normal for you to lose your cool. “Pathetic, you can’t even fuck me like you mean it. Needy bitch.” That strikes a chord in him that has his hips hammering into your own and his teeth digging into your shoulder, whimpers muffled against your skin. You talk your shit and he’ll have your hips bruised from the sheer force of his thrusts jackhammering against you. You won’t be able to move for at least three days.
Cockwarming—Nick is shy, that much is certain, and that also means that he’s not likely to voice his desires often, especially in public. Once you’ve been together long enough, you start to pick up on his tells, and eventually work your way into convincing him to speak up. He’ll tell you after one sweet intimate night that he’s been dying to stay buried inside you—the next night you let him. He’ll be wrapped around you, cock buried between your thighs and still pulsing inside you slightly as you both drift off. When he wakes, often after you’ve already woken, he’s likely to find you enjoying your own morning, your hips rolling against his own. He doesn’t last long then.
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Edging—Dylan is a HUGE tease. Absolutely 100% the biggest tease you’ll ever meet. He’ll toy with you in public once you’re together, working you up and then leaving you dry. It’s his favorite thing to watch your cheeks warm with both embarrassment and arousal, your thighs clenched and your hands tugging your shirt down over your hips. When he’s got you in bed, the man will push you to your limits. He loves the feel of you clenching around his fingers or tongue, watching your cheeks flush and hearing you whimper. It’s got him throbbing in his own jeans painfully, edging you with his mouth over and over and over again til he’s got you begging him to fuck you, tears of overstimulation and desperation in your eyes. At that point, Dylan will kiss them away and pepper you with the most affectionate praise, finally fulfilling your wish.
Sensory Deprivation—Dylan isn’t really a very “kinky” person, per se, however, he does have good taste. As a man of science(even though most of it revolves around physics), he’s got quite a bit of knowledge in anatomy. He’s well aware what the limits to one’s senses are and fully intends to test them in bed. Not on you, but rather on himself. He’ll have you tie a blindfold around his eyes, and occasionally he’ll have you cover his ears with noise canceling ear muffs. You’ll have to guide him, then, because he can’t see or hear, but whether you’re riding him or he’s fucking you into the mattress, the sensation is a thousand times more pleasurable than normal. He typically doesn’t cum first, but in that situation, he’ll cum twice before you have the opportunity to cum at all.
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dumps-write · 2 years
Aqua-drowned Comfort
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(Part one of Summer Escapades)
Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
Word#: 4.4K
Synopsis: Following the silence that envelop the camp during nightfall, you had a brilliant idea of pulling Dylan (the only one awake + your favorite counselor-buddy) along to your plan of sneaking out and swimming in the lake. You didn't expect that Dylan would be in such a bad mood, so you cheered him up only for things to start getting heated.
TWs and CWs // Explicit Make-out session, Skinny Dipping, Bad Mood Dylan / Snappy Dylan, Bad Words, Reader's personality is as the same as the usual Dylan aka they're also a clown, Mentions of the campers, Other counselors are mentioned here as well, Blossoming Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Camp Crushes Mentioned, Emma and Reader are besties as well(implied), Dylan and Reader are somehow good swimmers.
A/N: A series for Dylan? Oh I couldn't have- This account was supposed to be for multiple fandoms but my Quarry imaginations has not yet burnout so.... You all have to keep up with my Dylan simp train cuz I'm like the driver of said-train. As always, please leave thoughts and stuff cuz I appreciate it alot! Oh and the hot stuff (ifykyk) would be on the part 2!
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Dylan was closing up the radio hut for the night of the full moon, kids are already asleep in their cabins and other counselors are probably too. You creeped behind Dylan and tapped the tall man on the shoulder.
You felt his body jump at the sudden contact, Dylan looked back slowly and saw your face with an amused grin. “Really, dude? Shouldn't you be asleep?” he aggravates, locking the door to the radio hut before fully turning to you; a questioning look on his face, raising both his arm to his sides. “Out with it..?”
“Can't sleep, so.... how about me and you go on an adventure..? A planned one, of course.” You humbly persuaded, ignoring Dylan's unhappy tone. Your eyes wandered around the dark silent cabins and not a single peep could be heard.
Dylan raised an eyebrow at you before dryly laughing, clearly bothered by your 'plans'. “Nuh-uh, We'd both get fired definitely.” Dylan shook his head, twirling the keys to the shack in his fingers.
You looked at Dylan like he was a party pooper, that's weird, really weird. “Oh, I hear that now? Mr. H’s car is gone therefore he's not here, plus we'd only get fired if someone decides to show and tell. Come on, sneak out into the night with me, man.” Huffing as you tried to coax Dylan into carrying out a super secret mission.
“Look, dude... I have to wake up tomorrow early for my announcements. Hm... but, I'll bite, so what is this 'plan' of yours?” Dylan queried, his fingers making air quotes.
Dylan walked towards his cabin, you striding alongside him with furrowed eyebrows — getting slightly bored of Dylan. “Skinny Dipping.” you deadpanned.
Dylan looked at you with a weird expression, tripping over a rock as you let out a chuckle, catching him in the near-demise of his pretty face. “I’m going to sleep.” he gawked after thanking you for stopping his fall.
“Boo~ come on! It'll be fun, plus you seem like you're in a sour mood for some reason...” You try to convince one last time, putting on the most join-worthy face with a goofy grin.
Dylan hesitates turning on the door to his cabin and lovely bed, he looks back to you with a resigned sigh.
“Fine, BUT, I won't go full-on commando on the lake, alright?” he said, lifting a finger at you to make sure you knew he was serious; to which he rarely ever was.
A small celebratory cheer slipped out of you before you covered your mouth with your hands, looking around the place with no soul in sight to make sure no one really heard you.
“Alright, alright... I just needed someone to accompany me, that's all.. Also how'd you know I was referring to the lake, we have a pool, you know?”
“I saw a CCTV camera near the pool area, so I don't think you'd want Mr. H to see you with your dong waggling out and all.” Dylan responds, finally smiling lightly ever since the first time you approached him in the radio shack earlier. He looked at you smugly as you pulled at his hand to go down the small cabin staircase.
You gasped scandalously at Dylan's sentence before a small chuckle left your lips.
“Excuse me?! But... Fair enough, but why do you think I wouldn't want that?” you gaped with jaw drop, nodding your head in question of Dylan accusatorily, laughing lightly at the morphing of Dylan's smug face into the 'are you serious' expression.
“Don't give me that look, Mr. 'I make juice jokes about Mr. H' Lenivy.” You sassed, huffing slightly at Dylan's for-the-first-time stoic behavior.
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The walk on the way to the lake was long through the dense, dark forest but Dylan kept you company and finally started to seem more like himself rather than his earlier 'Ryan-like personality'. However, you were worried at the way Dylan avoided your questions throughout the walk about his bad mood earlier. Whenever you raised that question, he managed to switch the topics to something else like an expert. It was worrying alright, you have to ask for the gossip tomorrow with Emma or get it out of him during the full-moon sneaky swim on the lake. You also brought a bag, you hid in the back of the outside of your cabin, it contained clothes, just in case your clothes or Dylan's got wet.
“Also, dude, how come you were still awake? The kids would definitely not approve of you leaving their cabins without supervision, especially not the twins.” Dylan asked, playing with the keys to the radio shack in his fingers, a relieved sigh leaving his mouth as the lake docks were visible.
“Oh my god, don't even mention them. I snuck out after putting the whiners to sleep, also, Didn't I begged you to let us switch cabins cuz my group will kill me literally before I reach a ripe age. They are devouring my sanity...” You cried, an aggrieved expression visible on your face as Dylan tried to keep himself from bursting into laughter but ultimately, failed to do so.
“Don't laugh at my suffering, you dick.” You reprimanded, clenching your fist — ready to hit this man with full force.
“Okay, okay...” He said, raising his hands up above his head in surrender.
“But sorry man, You're on your own there, my kids are not the best either but I sure as hell know that yours are a 100 percent times worse.”
“They are not! Um! The guy with the glasses, Uhm... Flinn! He's a good kid!” Scoffing at the audacity of Dylan and his ludicrous statement.
“Well, there's bound to be some good fruits among rotten ones but sorry to say, Y/N... That you have the most stinky basket of fruits.” He responds with a playful smile, but at the same time he consoled your unluckiness with his tone.
“You—! Ugh, that analogy isn't true, you know?!” You denied his words fully with a frown, his condescending grin looked very punchable right about now.
“Uh-huh, Keep telling that to yourself, it's totally bound to be factual at some point.” He sarcastically rebuked, swaying his arms as both your feet stepped on the planks of the docks, finally the cold lake breeze somehow relaxing both of you.
“Lucky Abi though, her basket of fruits has definitely the best ones.” Dylan added, taking in the breeze with a long inhale.
“I know right, Mr. H was unfair in separating them in groups, ugh.” You hissed with gritted teeth at the memory of your punishment for being late to the counselor's meeting on the first day aka he assigned the worst of the worst on you.
“Welp, we are here, Jesus christ... Let's stop talking about the brats and start swimming!” You cheered, Dylan laughing at your sheer enthusiasm and energy despite it being late at night.
You started removing pieces of clothing, starting from your top down to your underwear. As you hooked your fingers on your boxers, you stopped motions for a moment, the noticeable pair of eyes fixated on your strip tease made you freeze. “Dude, I can feel your eyes on the back of my head, some privacy.”
You looked back at Dylan with a leer, causing him to cough awkwardly before looking away. “Another man can look, it's not like you got a lot to hide anyway.” he said, rolling his eyes.
You huff out a laugh before removing your underwear completely and running toward the wooden docks’ end before diving a cannonball on the lake with a splash, a fun shout accompanying it.
“Come on, DJ! Get in here!” you said loudly, waving at him with a giddy expression.
“Yeah yeah... On my way, you... hyper-active merman..” he called out after you, going over to the edge of the dock before removing his shirt and frankly noticed your stare as your head was half-underwater with your other half plus body submerged, creating air bubbles with your mouth.
“That’s kinda creepy. Didn't you know that the bathroom waste from the island goes in there?” He explains, removing his pants before going in carefully with still his underwear on. Dylan's body shivered at the icy feeling of the water, being careful of ruining and wetting his hair.
“Gross.” you immediately straightened your body at Dylan's words of wisdom.
He chortles before swimming over to you as you were now face-to-face with the renowned DJ of the camp.
“Also, boooo! You should've removed all of it!” you jeered, giving Dylan two thumbs down to which Dylan responds with a roll of the eyes. “I told you earlier.” And now it was your turn to roll your own eyes.
“Nothing wrong with two guys fully naked on the lake, pussy.” you taunted him with a playful look, to which he gasped and dismissed with a disapproving exhale.
“Not every person is the same, you know?” he snapped, to which you furrowed your eyebrows out and looked at him in solemn apology.
“Sorry, sorry.. dude, what's up anyway? Spill, why are you upset?” you respond with both an apology and question causing Dylan to ignore the question and just nodded, “It’s fine.” he mumbled out, swimming away as your curiosity peaked at his abnormal and unusual behavior.
You grab him by the arm, causing the man's body to jolt and looking at you, confused. “No, I'm serious, Dylan. What's going on?” you said firmly, not letting this one go as you were not only curious but also extremely worried for Dylan.
“It’s nothing, just mood swings. Alright? Just let it go.” he responds, uttering it silently —barely to be heard as tried to shake your hand off of him, causing some small splashes of water
“No, you're not usually like this and mood swings are not a reason and you know it.” you were not buying his half-assed explanation as much as you wanted to mind your business, you just couldn't.
Dylan stayed silent, glancing at you hesitantly.
“Is it because... I invited you here..?” You said cautiously, your throat swallowing the horrible feeling creeping up your spine, the last thing you'd want is for Dylan to hate you. Your grip on his arm slowly loosening at the gloomy feeling. At some point, you thought all of the counselors hated you, well except Dylan who you get to make jokes and laugh with. His blasè-ness rubbing off of you as days pass by.
“No, No! God, no, it's not you.” Dylan chided, sighing in forfeit as he peeped at you in embarrassment. Dylan reached and squeezed your hand underwater.
“Just... I saw my summer crush, getting chummy with one of the other counselors.” He confessed awkwardly, his face tinting in red at what he just admitted. He bit his cheek as he waited for your much-needed response.
“Oh.” Was all you could mutter though as you released a long exhaled breath that you didn't know, you were holding.
You wanted to laugh at your earlier presumption but the air was a bit tense for you to do so. “Well, whoever they are, they're clearly missing out on a lot of things.” You said with a small chuckle scanning Dylan's face and the upper part of his torso which was visible thanks to the moonlight.
“Thanks, means a lot man.” He blurted, smiling awfully wide to himself.
You drag him by the hands harshly, surprising him and causing him to suddenly scream in the most high-pitched tone you could imagine, the sound of your loud-ass laugh echoing in the air as you pulled him towards the middle of the lake which he protested slightly before agreeing. His sulking face earlier was fully vaporized into nothing as his normal and usual goofy smile was back now.
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You and Dylan were now underneath the docks, back against the wall as you both were tired from splashing and swimming around. His mood seemed to improve quickly.
So now, you are now having 1-on-1 conversation with Dylan again instead of playing around the water earlier. “So who's this summer crush?” You asked curiously, thinking of all the possibilities. Truth be told, you don't even know if Dylan likes men or women.
“Nope, not happening. What about you? I have a strong feeling that it's Mr. H~ At this point, you should ask for his number.” Dismissing the question entirely and started to tease you as he curled his eyebrows at you.
You stared at him with daggers for eyes.
“Kidding~ but I feel like if you did have a crush, Hm... Let me see... It would be Emma and like you always talk with her and— sometimes it looks more like you're his boyfriend rather than you-know-who.” Trying to expose your secret feelings harbored for one of the counselors for with his detective smarty skills.
“Emma, really? That's your take? She has a himbo for a boyfriend already.” Rolling your eyes at Dylan's take on your nonexistent love interest.
“Is that you admitting that you're a himbo? Plus nothing wrong with being interested with someone in a relationship, well, as long as you don't try and ruin it. See, forbidden love and all.” He exclaimed, a soft laugh following right after his words.
“Dick.” You croaked, ignoring his words and criticizing his terrible "cupid" know-hows.
“Love is not my fortè but..! My love detector is detecting beep beep... It say it's Emma, basically.” He finalized his answer with a smug expression, treating it as some kind of who wants to be a millionaire game. You scowl at him as he laughed to himself loudly. “You were the one who wanted to get me out of my bad mood, so now you have to deal with this dirtbag!”
“It's not Emma, or any of the counselors or anybody in general.” You certified seriously, moving closer to Dylan as your shoulder made contact with his.
“Okay, maybe now I should regret it. Like dude, you were like Ryan 2.0 but much more snappy.” you groaned out, taking a deep breath of midnight air. It was getting late.
Dylan huffed at the mention of Ryan’s name and poked you on the waist, “Mr.... Mounte... bank” He teased, trying not to cackle as he tilts his head side to side with each syllable.
Dylan looked at you with a cheeky grin as you smiled to yourself at his antics. “Oh my god, stop.” you laughed at the way he phrased it, nudging him with your elbow on the side as the atmosphere was filled with laughter as your eyes wandered upwards then the ambience suddenly came to a silent halt with Dylan and you just relaxing.
You look at the sky with a cheesy grin, “You know, what if I say something cliché, like moon's pretty but you're pret—” You stopped your words to avert your eyes to the silent guy.
Turning your head towards him — Dylan staring at you with a blank expression as if the cogs of his brain was turning. “Hello? Anybody home?” You were about to wave in his face in confusion of his stasis before you felt a sudden force shove you into the wall of the docks. “Ow—!”
As you were rammed suddenly, you felt something soft against your lips till you finally blink out of the confused state to find Dylan.
Dylan was the one who pushed you and now is kissing you with closed eyes, Dylan's hands on the side of your face as Dylan brushed out some hair strands on your forehead as he sensually kissed you.
He pulled away to look into your shocked eyes, blinking eyes.
“Sorry..” he mutters shortly, a look of embarrassment on his eyes.
You find yourself suddenly wrapping your hands around Dylan's neck and reconnecting your mouths, as Dylan shoved you into the wall impossibly further. He felt surprised, giddy and excited as his hands wandered down to your bare hips submerged in water. You were busy tasting his mouth for you to notice as your other hand moved up to his hair, despite it being drenched in water.
His lips tasted a bit weird due to the water but it didn't phase you one bit as you made out with Dylan under the shadow of the docks. A feeling of fire igniting just right below your belly as the clash of lips got more intense. Not a single word was uttered and the moonlight shining below you like a spotlight. The tension between the two of you was suffocating but the sound of water slightly splashing — drowned out the heavy mingling breaths that was drifting into the night air.
Your hand rested on the front of Dylan's underwear, he didn't seem to mind it but you kept it there just to make sure you weren't going too far.
However Dylan's frisky hands had other plans as he cupped your bare butt against the wall as his tongue started to push against the crack of your lips.
It all became a mess of saliva and tongue in just a few seconds, you couldn't pull away as does he.
Somehow Dylan manages to keep you both afloat the water.
You feel Dylan hiking your legs to wrap around his waist underwater — suddenly biting your lips when your semi-hard dick rested against his stomach.
Dylan pulled away from devouring your lips and looked at your eyes for your reaction but you tried to catch your breath first. “Wow... That was..” you exasperatedly mutter under your breath.
“Good?” he responds with a flushed face, resting his forehead against yours as you both tried to catch your breaths from the abrupt yet intense make-out session that you and Dylan definitely didn't expect to happen but still continued.
“Yeah... And that was gay of you..” you breathed out with tinted smile, face still a bit warm from the shuddering experience.
“I think you kissing back was gayer.” He responded with a long laugh that made his eyes twinkle beneath the bed of stars in the night sky.
“Well, let's get out of the water, first, Romeo.” You instructed, winking at him as you swam over to the edge of the dock with Dylan just right behind you.
The wide smile on Dylan's face made butterflies appear on your stomach, it was a nice... feeling.
You hoisted yourself up on the dock with a groan, completely forgetting you were naked from the waist down. “Nice ass, man!” Dylan whistled from the water with a series of laughter.
“Shut up!” you grunt out as you run over to your bag immediately and wrap a towel around your waist, sitting down in one of the chairs. Dylan already rose up from the lake too, damping his hair after you threw him a towel also.
Dylan sat right next to you and found you just staring into the dark lake with the only remaining light are the array of stars and the big white cratered dot on top of the sky, which made the vibe all silent and deafening.
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“Okay, now, the elephant in the room.” you point out and clapped your hands together for the discussion causing Dylan to giggle like a high school girl causing you to look at him with one raised eyebrow. This man is driving you crazy, both mentally and physically.
“What was that?” you asked, straight to the point.
“I may or may not have found you too handsome and pretty at the moment and I wanted to make out with you.” He said with a tone that you couldn't define if it was a joking type or a serious one.
“Dylan... The truth, please.” you whisper in a way that made you look too vulnerable, it looked like all the hidden, ignored feelings you had for him in quote 'a while' was about to just pop a bottle open that should be kept in its box.
“I like you. In a gay type of way.” he mutters seriously looking at you before you started to burst into laughter at the way you said it.
“T-That's...." Your voice wavers for a bit, laughing lightly the cold air making your skin crawl as you now lay your head on Dylan’s shoulder. The dim lights lit the surrounding barely but the comfort of Dylan's presence made you feel safe.
“Was I your summer crush then? I didn't get all chummy with anyone, though.” You said matter-of-factly, tone calming when Dylan snaked his arm around your shoulders. The dripping sound of water from your soaked bodies on the ground made you relax against the tall guy, the atmosphere set as you just stared at the white circle of a moon.
“Nope. Doesn't really matter who it was though.” he responds simply,
“Oh? okay...” You wanted to say more about the particular topic but kept your prying mouth away instead.
“We'd better get back, someone will probably tell on us if they find us missing.” You mumbled against Dylan's neck as the romantic setting was making your head feel a bit light. This feeling of your heart drumming against your chest? You yearned to chase it.
“I mean, if you want us to wake up to the kids teasing either of us because of the wet sheets that we'll probably have when we go to sleep like a wet baby duck, then.... I am definitely all for it.” Dylan quips with a comical, witty tone. Nudging your head teasingly as he looked towards his shoulder to find you staring at him with your chin laying against his joint.
You snort at his words, rolling your eyes at him. “Okay then, smartass. What's your plan for the night?” You asked, an arrogant look on your face.
“Well, let's sit here for a bit until we get all dry and cozy.” He recommends, smiling at you and ignoring your directed condescending look towards him.
Dylan's hand on your bare waist started to rub circles against your skin causing a momentary of sheepishness to slip on your expression.
“Oh my, the short-tempered counselor is getting all sappy.” Dylan pipes dramatically, causing you to groan at his words elbowing his side before grabbing Dylan's towel skillfully ripping it off his body, leaving him once again in his boxers causing him to gasp at the glacial air hitting his lower regions.
You started to run away from the man in a fit of giggles, his towel on your hand and your other hand gripping your own so as to not go butt-naked in the heat of the fun.
“Hey! Man..! Hey! Ow! Get back here!” Dylan starts to chase you in his underwear, accidentally hitting his head something as he stands up.
Sadly, the moment was cut short as Dylan managed to catch up to you, pulling you down to the wooden ground with him. He snatches the towel on your hand and pins you in place.
You struggle to no avail against him as you were still laughing despite Dylan's funnily serious expression.
“Okay, okay... I give up.” You said with a light-hearted chuckle. Dylan's grip isn't loosening one bit though.
“How about revenge, Mr. Thief?” Dylan was snickering evilly as he straddled you against the ground, hooking his finger around your towel — loosening the grip it has on your waist, to which you looked at him with panicked eyes
“H-Hey! Uh— Unless you wanna see my dick, I suggest you don't do that.” You prattled, a nervous laugh accompanying your words.
“Who said that I don't want to?” He whispers seductively when he leaned down against your ears.
“H-Heh.. Hah.. Hardy har har, Dyl..” you tried to sound the least bit humorous, but the apparent quiver on your voice was not very well-hidden.
Dylan got off you with a victorious smile, an overbearing expresion visible on his face. “You owe me one~” He jests, causing you to roll your eyes at him as you stand back up with a wry of amusement curdling your lips.
You dismissed what he said with a huff of disbelief, dusting off your towel as you secured it back on because Dylan made it hang awkwardly. “That was already payback though, you shoved your tongue down my throat earlier, remember?” You mused, walking over him as you hit him in the middle of his chest.
He looks at you quizzically, raising his eyebrows at you. “Oh no no no, you kissed back therefore you wanted it as well.” He reminds you, sticking his tongue out at you. Dylan wrapped his towel around his waist again as he winked at you alluringly as he walked towards the road on the wrong way.
“Wrong way, idiot. The camp's over here!” You pointed out, a chortle slipping out of you.
“Plus I'm not dry yet!” You added as Dylan started to walk to the other direction with sass.
“You're on your own~! My bed is awaiting the great ol' Dyl. And my job starts early~!” He replies with a wave of the hand and with that he's gone, the guy doesn't even know the direction to anywhere so what's the point.
You look at Dylan's discarded shirt and pants with a grunt and a conceded look on your face,
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After collecting every single clothing and the radio shack key that he somehow forgot, a tired sigh slipped out of your lips. Not only does a guy suddenly make-out with you and you do it back, he also left you alone in the dark. You still wonder if it is Dylan experimenting or what, you couldn't read the guy like an open book, he has a sharp tongue for jokes and a silly, goofy behavior. On the contrary, you can barely tell if he's serious or if he's doing things for his own amusement. Sure, he has his moments of weakness when he's feeling shy or overwhelmed at times but a bitter taste is still left from your mouth from the event earlier: Is he just fucking around with you, or if he is actually serious about all of this? You'd beat yourself up to sleep, maybe not even go to sleep at all because of this but then, you have duties tomorrow at dawn as well...
“Is this a good idea?” you mumble to yourself, clutching the bag of clothes, dropping the radio shack keys into it in a bit. It felt like an anvil had just dropped itself on your shoulder and your heart somewhat sinks at your collective thoughts.
Hopefully morning duties won't be awkward at all.
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gayfanservice · 7 days
Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
Request from wattpad because im surprisingly still on there
“Good morning, Hackettiers!" Dylan's voice boomed over the PA system as children and counselors alike dressed themselves, "Today's weather forecast includes mosquitoes, butterflies, and bees, and maybe a squirrel if you're unlucky." Dylan was one of those people who you can almost hear the smile in his voice as he read off the announcements, a nice sound that can make anyone smile as they listen.
As the children settled in their chairs in the mess hall for breakfast, (Y/N) made his way towards the radio shack with a lame excuse towards the others, "I'm going to go get Dylan. Because, uh, yeah." Smoothest guy in the west, (Y/N) is. Surely no one knows that he's just going to the shack just to hang out with Dylan, there was definitely truth in his excuse.
The walk to the shack was nice, the sun was annoyingly hot, but the breeze, birds chirping, and smell of pine made up for the short uncomfortable-ness of summer weather. Grass crinkled and dirt flattened under (Y/N)'s feet, a few loose stones being kicked away as he walked towards the bridge separating the cabins from the rest of the camp. The wood creaked as he crossed it, echoing in his ears from the otherwise quiet surroundings. 'Please don't break on me.'
Walking across the area, passing the tree with "EMMA + JACOB 4EVER" newly carved into it, passed the tire swing, and finally to the radio shack's steps.
(Y/N) jumped up the stairs, "Knock-knock, please don't be naked!" He yelled, opening the shack's door to see Dylan playing with a portable radio.
"You don't want to see me naked? How could you," Dylan put a hand to his forehead, dramatically slumping in his chair, feigning hurt and acting like a woman from the '50s. It was almost believable, if he didn't drop the tiny radio, "Fuck!" He scrambled, fumbling all his limbs to catch it before it could hit the ground. He did it, somehow.
(Y/N) cackled at the display, finally closing the shack's door and praying no kids were around too hear Dylan's profanity, "Meh, if there weren't kids around I wouldn't mind," He teased, coming up behind Dylan's sitting figure and wrapping his arms around his neck. Dylan set the radio down, leaning back into (Y/N).
Dylan sighed, "I missed you," A content smile on his face as he bathed in (Y/N)'s warm-ness.
"It hasn't even been an hour since we saw each other," (Y/N) laughed, ruffling Dylan's hair as he spun the chair around.
"One hour too long," He mumbled, hugging (Y/N)'s midsection. (Y/N) played with Dylan's hair, softly massaging his scalp, feeling Dylan melt underneath him, putting more of his body weight against (Y/N). He bent down to place a kiss on Dylan's head, holding the sides of his face and squishing Dylan's cheeks together. "What are you doing?" Dylan slurred, keeping his hands on (Y/N)'s hips as he leaned away from him.
"Man, you are so adorable, you know?" He blurted, staring into Dylan's eyes. Dylan's face turned red, the heat of rushing blood putting the summer heat to shame.
"Um, y-yeah, you too," He stuttered. (Y/N) trailed kisses down his forehead to his cheek, holding the chair's arms to steady himself on top of Dylan, who was smiling that dorky smile of his as (Y/N) placed quick pecks to every inch of Dylan's face as he could.
"My," He kissed Dylan's left cheek, "Handsome," He kissed Dylan's right cheek, "Adorable," He kissed Dylan's forehead one last time, "Dork." (Y/N) landed on Dylan's lips, who was awkwardly craning his head upwards, breaking away as both couldn't stop smiling. Dylan's face hurt from smiling so much, body full of warmth and face full of blood. (Y/N) felt warm himself, unable to stop looking at the man made from the gods themselves in front of him.
They leaned in again, sliding the chair until it hit the desk, stabilizing it so Dylan wouldn't move. It was a short kiss, no movement between the two as they basked in each other's company. Until the door swung open and Jacob came sauntering in, "Knock-knock- oh, man!"
(Y/N) jumped away from the chair, both pairs of eyes wide as (Y/N) glared at Jacob for ruining the moment. "Dude, what the hell?" (Y/N) stuffed his hands into his pockets, mood soured from the uninvited guest.
Jacob grinned, "Oh-hoo!" He finger gunned at the two, making the already awkward moment more awkward. Dylan's face was still beet-red, swiveling the chair as he faked calm-ness, internally yelling at Jacob for cock-blocking them. "So, you two, eh?" He made gestures.
Dylan groaned, "Jacob, what are you doing?"
Jacob suddenly became serious, deepening his voice as he saluted, for some unknown reason, "My deepest apologies, sirs, but it seems your presence is needed at breakfast."
"Get out."
"Okay, okay. I'll see you at the tables," He held his hands up, "Just uh, remember to wear protection, yeah?"
Some say the smile on Jacob's face was bigger than his asscrack, some will deny Jacob saw anything. No one knows what Jacob actually saw, because no one listens to what he says.
Is this fandom alive? Barely but I don’t care lol
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