#Julia Albu
emptymasks · 1 month
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After months of saying I'll finish these, they're finally done. Castlevania chibi stickers and badges are up on Etsy. There's three listings, one for the video game characters, one for the cartoon, and one for the cartoon sequel Nocturne. Making these stickers were a reward unlocked in mine and Julia_boo's donothon back in April.
Castlevania video game characters available: Aeon, Albus, Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes, Genya Arikado, Carmilla, Charlotte Aulin, Christopher Belmont, Cornell, Death, Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, Elisabetha Cronqvist, Elizabeth Bartley, Eric Lecarde, Grant Danasty, Hector, Isaac Laforeze, Joachim Armster, John Morris, Jonathan Morris, Julia Laforeze, Julius Belmont, Juste Belmont, Leon Belmont, Lisa Tepes, Loretta Lecarde, Lucy Westenra, Maria Renard, Mathias Cronqvist, Maxim Kischine, Mina Hakuba, Nathan Graves, Reinhardt Schneider, Richter Belmont, Sara Trantoul, Shanoa, Simon Belmont, Soleil Belmont, Soma Cruz, Sonia Belmont, Stella Lecarde, Trevor Belmont, Walter Bernhard, Yoko Belnades.
Castlevania cartoon characters available: Abel, Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes, Carmilla, Death, Vlad 'Dracula' Tepes, Godbrand, Greta, Hector, Isaac, Lenore, Lisa, Morana, Striga, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Varney.
Castlevania Nocturne characters available: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes, Anette, Drolta Tzuentes, Edouard, Erzsebet Báthory, Julia Belmont, Juste Belmont, Maria Renard, Mizrak, Olrox, Richter Belmont, Tera.
I can’t link to my Etsy without risking Tumblr hiding the post from tag search results, but the link is in my pinned post, my carrd, I’m emptymasks on Etsy. Reblogs help support artists more than likes ❤️
[ID: Individual pixel art chibi drawings of 86 characters from various European musicals (listed above) that are available as stickers. These drawings are also available as badges where they are placed inside circles to show what they will look like as physical button badges, some of them with plain colour backgrounds and some with 1-3 different pride flags as examples of how you can customise the backgrounds.]
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castlephantom · 2 months
Castlevania Characters Nationality because I'm bored
Leon Belmont: French
Sara Trantoul: French
Rinaldo Gandolfi: Italian
Mathias Cronqvist: Hungarian (at first I want to put Swedish, but then I thought that this wouldn't make sence)
Elisabetha Cronqvist: French or Polish
Walter Bernhard: German
Joachim Armster: Danish
Justine Gandofi: Italian
Lisa: German
Alucard/Genya Arikado: Hungarian-German (since Mathias is Hungarian and Lisa German, thats the headcanon I go with)
Trevor Belmont: German
Sypha Belnades: Spanish
Grant Dinasty: Romaian
Isaac Laforeze: Italian
Julia Laforeze: Italian
Hector: Greek
Rosaly: Romanian
Saint Germain: French
Christophor Belmont: German
Soleil Belmont: German-French
Simon Belmont: German
Juste Belmont: French-German
Maxim Kishine: German
Lydie Erlanger: German
Richter Belmont: German
Annette: French
Maria Renard: French
Iris: German
Tera: German or Romanian
Shaft: German
Shanoa: French
Albus: French
Barlowe: German
John Morris: American
Eric Lecarde: Spanish
Elizabeth Bartley: Hungarian
Drolta Tzuentes: Hungarian
Jonathan Morris: American
Charlotte Aulin: Irish-American
Stella Lecarde: Spanish
Loretta Lecarde: Spanish
Brauner: German
Julius Belmont: Romanian (because his both parents are Romanian and I go with this headcanon)
Yoko Belnades: Japanese-Spanish (I decide that her father is Spanish and her mother is Japanese)
Soma Cruz: Japanese-Spanish (this little headcanon that his father is Spanish and his mother is Japanese)
Mina Hakuba: Japanese
Hammer: American
Graham Jones: American
Celia Fortner: British or American
Dario Bossi: Italian
Dimitri Blinov: Russian
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apehome · 3 months
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Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes OC: Athena! (reposted from my main blog; I forgot how I used to introduce my OC’s on here so I’m just jumping in lol)
Name: Athena
Age: Adult
Species: Bonobo
Sex: Female
Status: Alive
Family: Proximus Caesar (Former husband(forced marriage)), Farah, Orchid, Julia (daughters), Albus, Felix, and Arlo (sons)
Allies: Noa, Soona, Anaya, Dar, Raka (depends on use but also Sylva and Lightning)
Enemies: Proximus Caesar, humans (depends on use but also Mae)
Appears in: The King’s Shadows https://archiveofourown.org/works/56893177
Personality: Athena was Sylva and Lightning’s childhood friend but their friendship was purposefully destroyed by Proximus Caesar when he forced Athena to marry him and had her isolated from her friends. She attempted to escape once but was betrayed by Sylva and Lightning when she tried to convince them to come with her. She had six children with Proximus and while she loves all of them, she and her children fear and hate Proximus for all that he stands for.
By extension, Athena also hates Caesar’s teachings and is highly distrustful of humans-this is made worse later after Mae causes the explosion in front of the vault. She doesn’t hate humans, but she thinks they are inherently selfish and anything they do they do to benefit themselves.
She and Sylva and Lightning grew up together and were very close (much like Noa, Soona, and Anaya) so their betrayal by taking her back to Proximus after her escape attempt broke all trust and confidence she had in them. She was also deeply hurt and saddened to see how brutal Sylva became as Proximus’ follower and that Lightning went along with it. Despite this, she still cared about them and was heartbroken when they both died.
Athena later joins Eagle Clan with her children, happily throwing away all ties to Proximus’ kingdom for a new life. Ultimately, Athena just wants to be free and her children to live happy lives somewhere safe.
Edit cause I forgot!: Somewhere in the back of my mind, there’s an AU where Sylva and Lightning survived and left the coast for a new life with Athena and her children somewhere far away. Their friendship with Athena rekindled and restored and her children seeing Sylva and Lightning as their uncles.
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the-crow-binary · 11 months
Looking up CV names' meanings :)
Joachim: Established by God (Hebrew)
Walter: Commander of the army / Powerful warrior / Ruler of the world (derived from Old High German Walthari)
Leon: Lion (Greek. Fun fact: its meaning is said to be steeped in heroism and bravery)
Mathias: Gift of God (fucking LMAO) (Hebrew)
Elisabetha: My God is an oath, my God is abundance (Hebrew)
Rinaldo: Ruler's advisor (Latin/German)
Sonia: Wisdom (Greek)
Trevor: Great (or large) settlement / The large village / Wise (Welsh)
Ralph: Wolf counsel / A courageous counselor (Scandinavian)
Dracula: Son of Dracul / The devil (Romanian)
Isaac: He will laugh, he will rejoice (or "one who laughs or rejoices") / Laughter (Hebrew)
Julia: Youthful (Latin)
Sypha / Syfa / Cipher: The sword / Caring, Master of their own destiny, charisma / Freedom-loving, free-spirited individual (???)
Hector: Steadfast / To have / To hold / To possess (Greek)
Rosaly/Rosalie: Rose / Rose garden (French, derived from the latin word for rose)
Grant: Tall / Big (ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT) (English, French and Scottish)
St Germain: Holy Brother (French)
Christopher: Christ bearer / Christ within (Greek)
Soleil: Literally the french word for "sun" (...french)
Simon: To hear, be heard / reputation (Hebrew and Greek)
Juste: Just, upright, righteous (french, literally, like Soleil)
Maxim: Greatest (Roman)
Lydie: The seller of purple / (a maiden) From Lydia (French)
Richter: Judge / To make right (German)
Maria: Beloved / Bitter / Rebellious (Latin)
Annette: Grace / Favor (French)
Shanoa: Black cat (Castlevania???)
Albus: White (lol) (Latin)
John: God is gracious (English)
Eric: Sole ruler / Eternal ruler (Old Norse)
Elizabeth: God's promise / God is my oath (Hebrew)
Drolta: Knowledgeful / Inventive / Elegant (??)
Nathan: Gift of god / He gave / Given (Hebrew)
Hugh: Soul / Mind / Intellect (British)
Camilla: Servant for the temple / Free-born / Noble (Latin)
Jonathan: God has given / Gift of God (Hebrew)
Charlotte: Free man / Petite (French)
Julius: Youthful / Downy; soft and tender hair (Latin)
Yoko: Sun child / Ocean child / Good, positive child (Japanese)
Soma: Lunar nectar /Moon (Indian, though its mostly feminine) / Creation, genesis, origin + truth, reality, genuine (Japanese, can't find one precise meaning) (It can also have a Hungarian origin wich in this case means "dogwood tree" lmao)
Mina: Royalty (Greek) / Protection/Protector (German) / Eternity, permanence (Japanese, chose the simplest meaning but i'm not even sure about it because. Kanji. Someone help)
Bonus: Belmont means Beautiful Mountain in french <3 (very fitting)
Feel free to add more! Or correct me because some of them were very confusing to me :')
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hotchocolatefanfics · 3 months
Hi! I loved your The King's shadows fic and I was wondering what would have happened If Lightning and Sylva did run away with Athena? Would they join another clan or just go wherever Proximus wasnt
Thank you! ❤️
I think they’d travel for a while before settling in a meadow somewhere. While I don’t see Noa (or anyone from Eagle Clan) wanting revenge for the attack and what happened at the beach, they’d still avoid Eagle Clan’s territory altogether.
Understandably, it wouldn’t necessarily be sunshine and rainbows if they had left and started over; Athena and her children having suffered significant trauma from Proximus’ physical and mental abuse over them and Sylva and Lightning killing and kidnapping other apes for his ‘kingdom’ and now having to adjust to a non-violent lifestyle.
I’m not sure how exactly they would have survived the flood (maybe Lightning got shot in the arm? And Sylva chose to get himself and Lightning, Athena and the children out of harms way instead of going after Noa?) but I would guess the circumstances of how they survived (if saving each other had been the case) would be enough for the three of them to speak honestly and freely to each other and be the spark that rebuilds their friendship.
They’d have to re-earn Athena’s trust, and probably earn the trust of her children, but I do think they’d eventually see Sylva and Lightning as their uncles (Especially the younger ones, Felix, Orchid, Julia, and Arlo; Farah and Albus will too but it would likely take longer for them to trust them).
I can imagine Lightning being the fun and cool uncle-the one who always makes the kids laugh and the one who takes them on ‘don’t tell your mother’ type of (mis)adventures while Sylva would be the tough but gentle uncle who teaches the kids how to ride a horse or fire arrows for hunting.
I’m sorry, I’m rambling here! 😅 But basically, Sylva and Lightning would be fine with every other ape from the coast and Eagle Clan believing them to be dead and seeking redemption in the eyes of their old friend and choosing a happier, better life for themselves…Mixed with wholesome and found family vibes! 😆
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riveriafalll · 3 months
hiii i love nttd, it's been one of my fav fics since the moment I found it!
any chance you still remember how you came up with the concept for it? it's so cool, and all of the reprecussions really work for me
also, any chance of an out of context sentence from the next chapter? 🌹
I may have squealed when I saw this ask, thank you anon, you guys mean the world to me <33333
NTTD was actually the first Harry Potter fic I ever wrote, aside from a very cringy twin sister fic I wrote when I was thirteen. What I really wanted to do with this, was write something new. I’m sure somewhere someone has written something like this, but personally I’ve never seen a fic where Draco dies at this point in canon, and it was such an interesting part to start with, especially with the goal of making it a Drarry fic.
The very start of the process was probably thinking about how traumatic the entire ferret situation was for Draco - there’s so many memes made about the entire thing, and hcs about ppl making fun of it in world (think Albus Potter bringing a ferret to school), but that’s gonna leave a scar on your pysche.
Your body was forcefully changed into something foreign, probably painfully, and then you were humiliated in front of the entire school, turned back, and then not believed when you claimed that you were injured, despite having visibly hit the floor (book canon). And then my brain went, okay, but what if he d i e d.
And hence ghost!Draco was born.
I had a very vague idea of what the story was going to be - I knew I wanted ghost!Draco and Harry to date, I knew I wanted the Slytherins to adopt Harry and for there to be house unity, and I knew how I was going to resurrect Draco at the end (spoiler!).
Everything else has been completely unplanned - the Slytherins personalities developed along the way, Theo started flirting with Hermione out of the blue, Hannah bounded into the scene from no where, Luna started being cryptic, half the plot was made up as we went. Even now, I have a few plot points I want to get to, and a few scenes that are crystal clear in my head (I have one of the Yule Ball that makes me laugh), but everything else happens as it happens.
In the most recent chapter, ive ended up with the POV from the dragon that Harry and Cedric are fighting! I mean, I don’t even know where *Julia* came from!
So NTTD has always been very much a character driven plot, with focuses on the relationships between the characters, and I’ve very much gone off topic and started rambling, but essentially it was such a unique and striking place to start, something that changes the entire dynamic of the series to the point where canon is completely out the window, that I couldn’t *not* write it.
It’s also been a chance to explore all the tropes and fixes I would have loved to see in the actual canon, as well as poking fun at the stupid things JK thought we were going to let slide.
And yes, you may have an out of context line <3
According to Theo, who had run after her [Hermione], Cedric had burst into tears at the sight of the book, and had been inconsolable until someone went to fetch Cho.
New chapter incoming soon-ish (it’s at 3k already and I’m only half done 😭) and thank you for your ask!
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beevean · 1 year
top 5 castlevania side characters? you know the ones who are chilling on the edges
protagonists who then become side characters dont count :p
*puts Trevor and Maria aside* :<
To make things easier for me, I'm counting characters who are playable in the alt mode. I'm arbitrarily choosing who counts as being a major character and who doesn't :P
5) Joachim Armster. Utterly fascinating minor antagonist, in design and powers and backstory. A guy attempting to overthrow his vampire creator, only to be tortured into insanity? What did they plan to do with him?
4) St. Germain. While in the grand scheme of things he was a bit of a waste, I can't deny how funny he is and how engaging the fight against him is. He has that trickster charm, I can't help it!
3) Laura (OoE). Yes, very minor, but still. She's the most interesting villager for me, for very, uh, shippy reasons lmao. I just like her calm attitude and her determination in making Shanoa smile no matter what :)
(I would have counted Albus because I love him and his relationship with Shanoa, but his role is too major for the scope of this question :P he would rank high up in a hypothetical top 5 rival list, just sayin' ;) )
2) Maxim Kishine. ... listen I'll count him as a side character because technically the villain is his evil side, shut up my list my rules >:( anyway. I already talked about him. I love the he and I wish more was done with him <3
Julia Laforeze. I also talked about best merchant witch. She deserved more. Like being appreciated for who she is and not for who she looked like :(
Honorary mention to Rosaly, who... saying that she's chilling on the edge is being very generous, but she's still my girl and I love her <3
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trashyangelic · 9 months
𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕔'𝕤 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
01. Prompts request is open but it required on this list. 02. I do not accept NSFW since I have never experienced of making it before. 03. If there is a specific question you want to ask do it right after I recieved the request from others. Having questions and prompt request at the same time is clogging my ideas. 04. When requesting a prompt just say it like this, 'trashyangelic's request : prompts' & details.
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𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 | prompts, isekai, fics . . .
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Levitate | female harry x draco : : ON-GOING
Its their sixth year meaning its coming to the end. A letter was brought to Minerva for her to read. They are forced to watch Julia Potter's life. Although Julia was taken from her own birth family no thanks to Albus Dumbledore. To many in magical and muggle world they know that El-Melloi is a royal family that strived from pureblood family. • CASTS, PLAYLISTS, TRIGGER & CREDITS, PROLOGUE, CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2 • QUOTEV, AO3
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 | prompts, fics, bashings, haphne, dramione, blinny . . .
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LIFETIME | fanfiction, dramione, watching the future
Hermione misses her cousin Clary the most they were like sisters when they were little. She can be a badass if she wants to. Her father trained her to be one of the best shadowhunters ever known. She is a childhood friend to Isabelle Lightwood after her parents had decided to move to London. Turns out Mrs. Lightwood is her godmother which makes Isabelle her godsister. But now the magical world will be watching Hermione Granger's life along with her relatives. Blaise didn't know that Hermione is his godsister but he will be in shock. AVAILABLE on Wattpad, Quotev, AO3 TUMBLR PARTS are CASTS, PROLOGUE, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 | prompts, isekai . . .
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𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 | prompts, fanfic (depends on cibby or seddie) . . .
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Search Inside | prompt, seddie, cibby : : COMING SOON
Let's say Sam is now famous but in secret as she haven't told her friends about it except her mother and sister who know about it but decided to play it along of not knowing that Samantha is famous. She is a fashion designer and a figure skater champion, a youtuber influencer, but also a model included.
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𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓 | prompts, fanfic (mainly creddie) . . .
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𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐁𝐔𝐆 | prompts, fics, salt, pairings, redemptions . . .
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Fearless | felinette, lila salt, adrien salt, bustier salt : : ON - HOLD
Marinette had enough and decided to take that high road advice up to their asses. And do whatever she takes to take down Lila or better yet get her out of Paris for good perhaps a prison would be good in her plans. She decided to look online to see how will she able to do this without failing as she has spoken to her parents about Lila and Bustier in her class they decided to transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class from that toxic classroom that they have been hearing alot from Chloe after visiting the bakery for her lunches. • PART ONE , PART TWO
Invited to Met Gala | felinette, lila salt : : COMING SOON
on twitter there is an invitation to the met gala for her to attend but she need a date so she ask chloe if she knows someone who got invited to met gala to go with her and that would be felix as in adrien's cousin. this is also broadcasting on live for many who will be watching from. this also may cause some reveal that lila gets in trouble the way she sprouts lies about going to met gala but lies about the end date to go there she will be going but the met gala is in two days. • PART ONE , PART TWO
Midas Touch | Feligaminette, DJWifi, Julerose, Lukadrien, Chlolix : : COMING SOON
Luka, Kagami, and Felix decided to be in Mrs. Mendeleiev's class while Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, and Alix are in Ms. Bustier's class as they work in the shadows to get rid of a liar along with her posse who had the audacity just to bully Marinette into keeping silent. But with Sabrina as spy for Chloe's ideal when she found out that Lila was a liar. Kagami and Felix who are Agros and Ryuko both felt in love with Marinette the day they found out her identity as Ladybug. Adrien found out he is gay after he accidentally kissed Luka in front of his sister and Rose. Alya went to apologize to Marinette for not believing her that Lila is a liar but also found that Adrien is gay when kissing Luka then the other time she saw Marinette with Kagami and Felix but deep down she missed alot. She had apologized the celebrities that were lied to but told them who did this to gain popularity it didn't look good for Lila if she was in school. At the end, Lila was brought back to school by her mother when the school nurse called her about her aliments of fake disabilities. Lila's mother decided to keep Lila in school instead of going for new schools. But warn the principal and teacher if they fail to inform her she had no other choice to get the school board involved caused of their negligence. • PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE, PART FOUR
A Student Spotted A Familiar Girl | Lila Salt, Marinette Deserves Better : : UPDATED
Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet. • PART ONE, PART TWO, & PART THREE
A Field Trip to RMS Queen Mary Ship | Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt : : COMING SOON
Marinette decided to do some research on RMS Queen Mary turn out to be haunted in some areas and rooms. There is one thing she never told her friends about except her family knew this ever since she was very little she can see spirits and talk to them but she doesn't deal with demons but she doest help spirits to cross over from a mirror portal. So she asked if her group of friends wanna come but decided to set up for a field trip since some of her classmates and teachers doesn't believe in ghost unlike her friends from her group. Chloe suggested to take the Full Suites for herself, Kagami, Marinette, Felix, Luka, and Adrien. But the rest of the class gets Mini Suites. Marinette stated that Lila, Alya, Bustier, and Damocles gets the haunted room. While Lila decided to take credit of Marinette of assigning field trips and make some lies about RMS Queen Mary. But some students in the class doesn't believe it they did their own search on their phone. But at the end it goes really bad for Lila, Alya, Bustier, and Damocles they all have marks from a demonic entity who isn't very happy with them or perhaps provoking any spirits in the room they are staying in which is B340. • PART ONE & PART TWO
No Tears Left to Cry | Song Fic, Felinette, Chlogami, Lukadrien : : requested from elthiansangel @ wattpad
Do one where Marinette sings No Tears Left to cry from Ariana Grande during the Diamonds' Dance from season 5 episode 18? For Felinette & Lukadrien, Chlogami. • PART ONE + PART TWO
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𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎 | prompts, fics, hurt/comfort, action, bashings . . .
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𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 | prompts, angst, horror . . .
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𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐄𝐗𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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A Very Potter Musical by Team Starkid
Description: Youtube Playlist (23/23 Videos)
Summary: Harry and his pals are in for adventure when the Dark Lord returns from the dead to take revenge on The Boy Who Lived! So take a ride on Voldemort’s flying machine and get ready to go back to Hogwarts!
Published: Youtube; 2009 Last Updated: 2016
Cast: Harry Potter - Darren Criss Ron Weasley - Joey Richter Hermione Granger - Bonnie Gruesen Ginny Weasley - Jamie Lynn Beatty Draco Malfoy - Lauren Lopez Quirinus Quirrell - Brian Rosenthal Lord Voldemort - Joe Walker Albus Dumbledore - Dylan Saunders Severus Snape - Joe Moses Bellatrix Lestrange - Britney Coleman Cedric Diggory/Cornellus Fudge - Tyler Brunsman Cho Chang - Devin Lytle Neville Longbottom - Richard Campbell Vincent Crabbe - Julia Albain Lavender Brown - Sango Tajima Gregory Goyle - Jim Povolo Pansy Parkinson/Molly Weasley - Lily Marks
Crew: Director - Matt Lang Assistant Director - Nick Lang Writer - Brian Hoden Music - Darren Criss & A.J. Holmes
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sansajonquil · 1 year
Isabel and i were at our house, in her bedroom. She could see I was trying to talk to friends at high school. it was year 11, and subjects were more relaxed for me. I also had a white folder with looseleaf paper binded, better than my exercise books.
I drew a doodle of a blue rose girl and a dragon prince boy in the margins, during class. she had been brandishing a sword in the courtyard, wearing a blue rose in her hair, that the prince handed her in tourney of his war. my favourite subject was english, my teacher was mr o’kane where we learned about belonging and distinctively visual. we saw a play called ‘ moth. ‘
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she thought it was quite mean, with some girls bullying me at high school - I had thought they were my friends during maelstrom. yuki, her white wolf agrees, she next to Isabel on the sofa, and waving hi to my direwolf, eponine.
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she was a fashion blogger, she wearing clothes. she went to japan, in which her boyfriend took a picture of her wearing a pink beanie, golden sprayed jeans, and silver jumper in the snow. she had her hair up in ponytail.
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we are in japan, i having gone there with family during summer holidays - before studying digital journalism. there is white snow on the fruit trees and grey ash ground.
Isabel is tugging her beanie to her head as we walk. we have a snowball fight, she turning to look at me, her black hair swinging to the side, as she catches the red and blue star snowball.
we went to disneyland afterwards, we seeing bucky barnes scrape his metal arm across the asphalt, a sugary powder trace.
we went to several hotels which was themed ; one being Alice in wonderland that was Julia’s favourite. pink rice curtains were pinioned by the balcony walled window, where I was a soldier of the rabbit ; I was looking at the window, as I wear my dark grey soldier jacket with silver buttons, my eyes a little haunted, torso pointed to its direction - the glass is brightening, a strange weather occurrence.
a low-rise table was on the matted floor, which we kneel down and cross our legs to eat.
a Disney shop we went to was Harry Potter, where I see a Slytherin white and green scarf 🧣, which I buy. ‘ I like Albus and Scorpius, ‘ I say to Julia. I also look at wands, Ollivander helping me choose a wand, a white blond colour that was a victorian style.
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or "jesus fucking christ chaya how the everloving fuck did you write 78k in three weeks" (i don't know the answer to that. insanity, perhaps.)
fics are grouped by fandom (alphabetical), then by length. there are 29 of them. whoops.
fandoms: Bridgerton Series (Quinn), Cabots Series (Cat Sebastian), Chronicles of Narnia (Lewis), Harry Potter, Mad Men, Miraculous Ladybug (TV), Original Work, Spinning Silver, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The End of the Fucking World (TV), Yuri!!! on ICE
Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
if i could paint paradise, it'd be you • Hyacinth/Gareth • Modern AU (part of my & kitsunerei88's existing modern American AU) • 1037 words • Rated E • Gregory just had to have a destination wedding. Gareth really isn't disappointed with how things turn out.
tell me darling, do you think we have a future? • Hyacinth/Gareth • Modern AU • 2103 words • Rated M • Hyacinth Bridgerton was not going to be another one of Gareth St. Clair's conquests.
Cabots Series - Cat Sebastian
peering through a window • Peter/Caleb • Time Travel AU • 1405 words • Rated T • Peter wakes up, not next to Caleb, but back in his bed in Cambridge.
Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
blind dates and bourbon • Edmund/Aravis's Brother • Modern AU • Part of the Ren Faire AU • 1415 words • Rated T • Edmund isn't desperate.
a royal pleasure • Edmund/Caspian • Sequel to "a royal duty" • 1443 words • Rated T • Caspian is adjusting, but Narnia is still strange.
parallel worlds • Edmund/OMC • 2107 words • Rated M • Edmund wanted to tell him, really.
Domestic Policy • Edmund/Caspian • Modern AU • Part of the Model UN AU • 2833 words • Rated T • Edmund and Caspian have been together for five years – half a decade! – and sometimes Edmund still can't believe it.
Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling
drops in the bucket • Percy-centric • 845 words • Rated T • It starts off simple.
Love Matches • Neville/Luna • Victorian/Muggle AU • 1053 words • Rated T • Unlike most gentlemen of his station, Neville Longbottom is the product of a love match.
day after day (we still go on) • Neville/Luna; golden & silver trio • 1349 words • Rated T • After the war, they all live together. It's easier.
a helping hand • Sirius & Regulus • 1565 words • Rated G • Regulus is mostly anxious about starting Hogwarts, more than anything. Sirius helps him out.
you're the reason i can't sleep • Draco/Harry • 2733 words • Rated E • Draco didn't know why he ever thought this would be a good idea.
luck is just the half of it • Scorpius/Albus • 2962 • Rated E • Scorpius spends the entire first month worried that they’ll spoil their friendship. He’s worried about it until Albus pulls him aside to kiss him and tell him (affectionately) that he’s being an idiot. That they’re going to be together forever – as friends or boyfriends or whatever else. That what matters is they’re each other’s most important person.
conflicted looks good on me • Regulus/Barty; Regulus & Evan & Barty & Severus • 5457 words • Rated T • Regulus exchanged a look with Snape. Evan and Barty could be ridiculous, but Regulus was really quite fond of them regardless. Evan was right: Regulus would miss him once he graduated. He made a note to enjoy this year as much as possible. He had to savour it.
pull you from the tide • Regulus-centric • Regulus Lives AU • 10,000 words • Rated T • Regulus wakes on a beach.
Mad Men
damage control • Pete-centric • 1611 words • Rated T • Pete Campbell is a bona fide heterosexual.
Miraculous Ladybug
tying you to me • Lovesquare • 3743 words • Rated T • All the clues they didn't see. (or: for two smart people, Adrien and Marinette are both really stupid sometimes.)
Original Work
just double dare me (and i promise now that i'll stay) • OMC / OMC (scene4scene) • 3665 words • Rated E • They were best friends; they had been ever since Austin had moved there the year before. His hair had been purple back then; Skyler hadn’t been able to look away. And maybe Skyler thought he’d get over all of this eventually. Maybe he was failing fucking spectacularly.
Spinning Silver - Naomi Novik
the witch's get • Mirnatius/Irina • 1200 words • Rated E • Mirnatius knows what he must do on his one night as a free man.
a torturous inheritance • Mirnatius/Irina • 1224 words • Rated T • Mirnatius deserves love not at all.
keep me around to see what i'd endure • Mirnatius/Irina • 1321 words • Rated M • He falls a bit more in love with her each day.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
the tournament • Ahsoka & Anakin & Obi-Wan & Padmé • 1238 words • Rated T • Ahsoka found the ad. She was going to crush Lux Bonteri.
The End of the Fucking World (TV)
P.S. Good luck with everything • James/Alyssa • 1951 words • Rated T • Dear Alyssa, I don’t want to see you again, ever. Because of you, I killed someone. I can’t ever take that back and it’s made me hate you. So whatever you feel about me, you should know I don’t feel it in return. Please leave me alone. Sincerely, James. P.S. Good luck with everything.
so much time to figure out the rest of my life • James/Alyssa • 2010 words • Rated T • Alyssa gets help. [podfic (not by me) available here]
tonight feels impossible • James/Alyssa • 2307 words • Rated E • James and Alyssa have sex on the beach. It's not really romantic.
matching ten dollar tattoos • James/Alyssa • 3606 words • Rated M • There's never been anyone else for James. It's always been Alyssa.
if i went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same? • James/Alyssa • Soulbond AU • 3884 words • Rated E • James still can't walk, but Alyssa stays. He's pretty sure the soulbond has something to do with it.
just what it's like to be loved • James/Alyssa • 9025 words • Rated E • James doesn't write the letter to Alyssa.
Yuri!!! on ICE
in which yuri plisetsky breaks his ankle and yet does not learn to chill • Otabek/Yuri • 2804 words • Rated E • Yuri can actually hear the fucking crack.
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Harry Potter and the Godfather Who Lived
Harry Potter and the Godfather who Lived by MedeaStars
What if Sirius Black lived? What if Harry wasn't so alone and helpless in his hunt for horcruxes? This is our first fic! Please be kind, we have no clue what we're doing xD Updates will probably not be in a clean schedule
Words: 174, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dobby, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Molly Weasley, Delores Umbridge, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, George and Fred, Severus Snape, Cho Chang, Nagini, Medea Tonks (OC), Julia Riddle (OC)
Relationships: Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindlewald, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/ Nymphadora Tonks, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Apple, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Rubeus Hagrid/Olympe Maxime, Medea Tonks (OC)/ Luna Lovegood, Julia Riddle/Draco Malfoy/Apple
Additional Tags: Keeping Up With The Malfoys, Harry Potter is a Little Shit, Sirius Black Lives, Bellatrix is cray, Keeping up with the terrified Death Eaters, Nagini slays, and eats, Sirius takes care of Harry, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, I love Luna Lovegood, Other Author loves Draco Malfoy, Self-Insert, No beta we die like Cedric Diggory
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42315624
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Your recs melt my brain. How about a rec list for Snarry fics *not* on AO3? 🤓
Oh, I'm flattered! Goodness knows I've read enough fic to keep these recs going endlessly! 😂
And gosh, now you're speaking my language, anon! There are many goodies not found on AO3!! (Though, thankfully, many many goodies are!)
Note: I finished this list and they're all on WTP!! I stopped there because I felt the list would get out of control if I started looking elsewhere. 😅 Also, anything else I have non-AO3 and non-WTP will take me longer to dig up. Most of my reading I do on Kindle now so I'll have to remember where I found some of them originally!
So if you want more after this, feel free to send me another ask and I'll dig up what I have that's LJ, ffnet, random-weird-websites, etc. 🌻
Walking the Plank
The Boy Who Lived a Bit (E, 58k) / Care of Magical Teenagers (E, 108k) by Barbarella
Post-Hogwarts, though the War still rages. Harry is holed up at 12 Grimmauld Place with Lupin as his primary protector. Some of the best distractions in these days are provided by one Severus Snape.
[sequel to The Boy Who Lived A Bit] The War is finally over. Now Severus and Harry have yet another battle before them - how to carry on their relationship when the whole world wants to marry Harry Potter.
Illumination (M, 3k) by atypicalsnowman
Years after the war, Severus believes he has settled for his relationship with Harry. In order to appreciate Harry for who he really is, Severus must let go of the past. All it takes is a moment.
Crucius (E, 18k) by Dolores Crane
Harry hates being a schoolboy and Snape hates being a teacher; what else do they have in common, and how can they escape?
But It's Better If You Do (E, 4k) / It's Best If You Don't (E, 5k) by dracofiend
After killing Voldemort and escaping the wizarding world, Harry is seventeen and depleted, with nothing but himself to sell. Lapdances are easy to give, because he doesn't think--until he dances for Severus Snape.
Sequel to But It's Better If You Do. Harry's learned to do more than lapdance. He won't be saved by anyone but Snape.
Love Sans Romance (E, 300) by fidelis_amor
Ron can't always see the whole picture.
Better Late Than Never (T, 22k) by I Got Tired of Waiting
The year is 2016 and Harry is happily married to Severus Snape. Or is he? When an accident wipes Harry's memories back to a time when Snape was his hated foe and Draco his lover, Harry finds himself required to make a choice. Does he remarry his husband, or does he answer the siren call of a former lover who has seized this opportunity to win him back?
Sunrises (E, 73k) / Happily Ever After (E, 26k) by Julia the Younger
Harry's eighteen, he's just destroyed Voldemort and saved the world and now he's returning to Hogwarts, this time as the new Assistant Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Unfortunately he's still not quite over the events of the summer and, stuck at Hogwarts without his friends, with a Professor who seems to resent Harry for breathing, a developing awareness of his horny eighteen year old sexuality and some rather disturbing nightmares, Harry's not feeling the best.
Sequel to Sunrises. Harry Potter has returned to Hogwarts as assistant Defence teacher after destroying Voldemort in the summer. Severus Snape on the other hand has finally been given the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, albeit with Harry as his assistant. Both of them have a few issues to deal with, not withstanding their developing feelings for each other. At the end of Sunrises, Albus' helpful little conversation made Severus realise that he wasn't afraid to risk being with Harry and told him so. Now they can live happily ever after.
Know Thine Own Heart (E, 74k) by necromanticnoir
London, 1816. Genteel young clerk Harry Potter is blackmailed by the sinfully wicked Severus Snape. By what does Mr Snape truly desire, and what does it take for Harry to know his own heart? This is Regency-style Harry Potter with cock-fighting *wink*, some good old-fashioned duelling and some scandalous lovemaking – plus a dash of spiritual true, true love.
Dirty Story (E, 6k) by Predatrix
Madam Hooch sees Snape swimming in the lake. What can he have been doing to get dirty? Kink warning: this is imagining Sev as the sort of perv who gets his jollies sniffing around young men in changing rooms. But in a nice way.
The Love Song of Bastard and Idiot (E, 24k) by Predatrix
Pomfrey thinks she's detected usage of a Potion that suppresses the libido. A reverse-aphrodisiac love-story.
Cloistered (M, 24k) by Siobhan Parker (translated by RaeWhit)
During fifth year, Harry is stunned to discover that in a previous life he was a novice in a monastery...and that Snape was there with him…
Fever (E, 5k) by Spirit
Harry has been cursed with an ancient spell and is lost in a world of delirium. Contains dark thoughts, SS/HP Slash and graphic blood related image descriptions.
The Civil War series (E, lotsa words) by Sushi
You know, the CW-verse is an odd story. I don't mean that whole mess with... well, it's right here if you want to find out. *grin* What I mean is that the whole thing started with a vague, half-baked PWP idea that hit me one morning before I was lucid enough to do anything more than go, "Oh, that could be really, really nice, Snape and Harry finding some common ground and a bit of comfort in the process". (This was back in very late November of 2001, when there were hardly any Harry-Snape fics to be found.) The whole Sparta aspect was meant to be a secondary story running parallel to the events of "Marching Off To War". It had a very dream-like quality about it, full of shadows and poetic images and this sub-story about two ancient soldiers finding surcease of torment in each other before a battle. Very pretty, very much a one-shot thing.
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reacemontez · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The whole main cast for the origin comic is complete! Now I can finally rest and start the actual comic work.
! Comic begins in 1995 ! -----
Louis Astle. Age 39  May 10th  1956 Sex Male Height 5’11 Sexuality Heterosexual
Role - Leader of the High Gliders Gang. ======================
Jayce Russo. Age 44  August 1st  1950 Sex Male Height 5’10 Sexuality Heterosexual Role - Right Hand Man to Louis. | Single Dad.
Relatives: Daughter  Julia Russo Age 4 November 6th 1990 ======================
Giorgi Casciano  Age 27  October 6th  1967 Sex Male Height 5’10 Sexuality Heterosexual Role - Enforcer | Louis’ Driver.
Relatives: Younger Brother. Cody Casciano Age 21
Younger Sister. Mari Casciano Age 24 ======================
Ayliex Tuffin. Age 24  March 5th  1971 Sex Male Height 6’3 Sexuality Asexual / Aromatic
Role - Enforcer.
Relatives: Two younger sisters. Ages 16  - 18 ======================
Reace Montez Age 17  December 29th  1977 Sex Male Height 5’9 (Still growing) Sexuality Pansexual (Discovering) Role - Rookie | Simple gang member. ======================
Florin Albu Age 49 June 26th  1945 Sex Male Height 5’11 Sexuality Heterosexual
Role - Boss | Don of the Romanian mafia The Monarchy.
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beevean · 2 years
Top 5 most overlooked Castlevania characters
I don't know if I can answer this properly - I'm still a new fan and not quite into the Deepest Lore, nor am I super aware of who's popular and who's not 😂
Honorary mention to Juste Belmont: while he is one of the Greatest Five, I feel he's the most neglected of the bunch. Granted, it's because he only defeated the Dracula Wraith, and also because the fandom has no taste and doesn't appreciate HoD :P but yeah, Juste is super OP, he has a funny personality, and he also is tied to the theme of fate and the burden of his legacy.
5) Brauner: I think? Brauner is quite the tragic antagonist and I didn't see many people talk about him. He went insane after the loss of his daughters and got convinced that two random girls were their reincarnation? And vampirized them so that they wouldn't die again?? And also he has art powers??? He's cool and compelling! Probably my third favorite non-Dracula villain after Barlowe and Isaac.
But seriously, I am so glad that she was fleshed out by the two prequel mangas. I hate how in CoD she simply gets namedropped and we never see her, much like Elizabetha before her (who is also overlooked but... there is... very little to say about her in canon). But Sasakura-san and Kojima-san, bless them, took this plot device and turned her into this adorable, optmistic young woman who is brave enough to pick a stranger from the streets and take care of him without asking for anything in return, accepting his very obvious oddities. I love her. Isaac you're my babygirl but also fuck you so much for what you did to her.
3) Julia: well at least Rosaly got to star in two well written mangas! Can't say the same for poor Julia, who is stuck in CoD. I said my piece about her already. She needs a hug and a shoulder to cry on. In my heart, Rosaly lived and she and Julia became BFFs <3
2) Christopher Belmont: the first Belmont who defeated Dracula alone, defeated him twice, and he even rescued his son while at it - with all my respect for Juste, he should also be remembered. I understand that his main game is a waste of a cartridge, but his feats are nothing to sneeze at... and then there's the implied tragedy of Soleil, which speaking of...
Soleil Belmont: man, what's with all these underappreciated Belmonts? :P well, in his case, he has the dubious honor of being the first "possessed rival" in the series - and not a good friend like Hugh, Maxim, Isaac and Albus, but the protagonist's son, his legacy. Imagine how much it would hurt if BR was remade with proper cutscenes. Interestingly, Soleil being possessed by Dracula didn't affect the Belmonts' relationship with the VK, unlike Richter's own possession... maybe because the possession wasn't based on his hidden weakness? It's worth trying to think about how this would fit into the actual lore.
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trashyangelic · 3 months
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ New Fanfic! It is called 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄
Its their sixth year meaning its coming to the end. A letter was brought to Minerva for her to read. They are forced to watch Julia Potter's life. Although Julia was taken from her own birth family no thanks to Albus Dumbledore. To many in magical and muggle world they know that El-Melloi is a royal family that strived from pureblood family.
Available on WATTPAD , AO3 , QUOTEV
I am planning to put it on tumblr as well but I do need a yes or no from all of you if you want me to make it.
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