#Julian keller
rikebe · 25 days
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hellions a girl now. she told me in a heavenly vision
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^ just like this
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have you done your daily click
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zed-sabre · 9 months
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I just miss these kids
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xfactor7aurora · 3 months
I come back to offer beaubier twins hello
I have been making more art but that's for oomf and oomf only
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Beaubier twins tiktoks
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Actual art ig
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Then xme concepts (me and oomf have a whole thing) ft moonstone my favourite non X or alpha girl
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demon64 · 7 months
You know what would be pretty cool? An X-Men animated movie in a style similar to the Spider-Verse movies. Just instead of the usual X-Men characters, make it about the younger mutants Like say this group:
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They all got varying powers and abilities, and you kinda gotta admit, the visuals some people could do with these could be awesome.
While X-23 is a top contender for lead, I say make the lead of this theoretical movie Prodigy. That's the guy with the bug-eye looking goggles for those that don't know. He can telepathically copy any skill from anyone. As an example, say he's playing basketball, he can copy the basketball skills of the person he's playing against.
Mostly anybody of this group could be the main character. I only say mostly anybody, because while I love Rockslide, I think he works best as a secondary or supporting character.
We don't need more multiverse movies, so it being set in a singular universe works. Have the usual X-Men characters act as mentors, they've seen enough that they could pass down that knowledge to students and help them.
If anybody wants to add some ideas, that's cool.
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hellix-fan · 6 months
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Haters in law commission by cadaverart
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chrisgayfield · 18 days
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lovecatsys · 8 months
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quite possibly the funniest transition between two comic panels i have ever seen
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btlyus · 1 month
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two of my all time favorite mutants, Hellion and Chamber!! didn't add too much into their design since i already think they're always goated.
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p-perkeys · 9 days
Because she went through this:
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I have never and will never condone these ships or interactions:
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I strongly disagree with anyone who says they don’t like the way Laura dresses if they turn around and ship her with any of these boys/men.
I think Laura should be completely asexual with no special exceptions. I think she would emotionally do best with Jubilee, but I don’t think she should ever be physically intimate after all that trauma at such a young age.
The only reason she would be with these guys is because she’s defaulting to what she was groomed to do and not because it’s anything she genuinely wants and my mind is set on that, I will die peacefully on that hill.
I wont even touch on her weird ass dynamic with adult and teenaged Cyclops or the fact that adult Warren worked with her on X-Force when she was a child and how strange it was that his teenaged self wasted no time jumping her.
Marvel doesn’t sexualize her by her style choices, they sexualize her by writing her as the subject of a wet dream while dismissing the horrifying experiences she went through just because men like girls they can control.
THAT’S the problem.
Not her crop tops ✌🏻😗
Rereading her story has me feeling sick over all the glossed over problems in it. Although it does make her so relatable and it’s very parallel to what victims go through in the real world.
But damn.
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cyclops-was-left · 9 months
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Their friendship means so much to me
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rikebe · 11 months
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more julian and quentin shenanigans (the crowd goes ballistic)
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616nightcrawler · 7 months
we as a people have to stop being precious about how julian is written in x23 like no marjorie liu didn't character assassinate him, the way he reacts to rejection in the context of what was happening in his life + how he was being written is completely in line with his character and makes total sense for a 16 year old boy. like he was literally in the middle of his "oohh julian is actually evil" arc that every writer was doing at the time, honestly he got away easy and with a lot more sympathy than he was awarded by other writers (like, this was the era where every teacher at the school was discussing whether he was going to turn on the x-men within earshot of him because he was angry his friends died and he lost both of his hands). and its not liu's fault that that's the only appearance people read of him bc he's a F lister coasting off of laura's wolverine clout so they think he sucks ass. and like honestly people i love the kid but he DOES suck ass sometimes, that's like half of his character. of course he reacts badly and lashes out. he's a hurt teenager with an anger problem. we need to lay this argument to rest
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newx-menfan · 2 months
Since this pops up literally ALL THE TIME…
Feel free to comment- I’m interested in hearing people’s reasoning…
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tournament-of-x · 9 months
The Hole
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Contestants Index
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averyho · 2 days
I love characters who try so hard to be good and protect what they love but are also fundamentally assholes <3 shout out to noriko and julian you both suck so bad and that's the best thing about you <3 what if you wanted to save the world but were also a massive cunt about it the whole time <3
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