#June Pride bingo
forpiratereasons · 1 year
meeting stede bonnet
a slow meandering through June. second prompt: trust!
day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7 | day 8 | day 9 | day 10
“Cough up, you lot,” Lucius said, sliding into the sticky booth at Spanish Jackie’s. “I was right, so that’s fifty each, thank you, I take small bills, large bills, piggy banks—”
“No way,” Oluwande snorted. “Nope, don’t believe it.”
“And yet, it’s true.” Lucius pressed a kiss to Pete’s cheek, stole a long sip of his frozen margarita. Strawberry. Pete had terrible taste; Lucius loved him.
“That’s not possible,” Roach cut in.
“Gotta say, lover, I don’t buy it either,” Frenchie agreed.
Lucius took a moment, preening, and then turned to Jim. “Jim, darling?”
Jim sighed. Rolled their eyes. And people said Lucius was dramatic—Jim went through life like they were starring as a very annoyed spy in their own biopic.
“It’s mostly true,” they said.
“It’s all the way true.”
“Mostly. Probably.”
“It’s very, definitely, extremely true.”
“It’s a little vague.” Jim waved a hand in the space between them. “It’s more like—he’s in the process.”
“But he is?” Oluwande asked. “Coming out?”
“Little rainbow pin, right there on his shirt yesterday,” Jim said, nodding. “He didn’t say anything, but I thought he was going to shit himself every time he had to come up to one of us. He had it on again today, with one of those stringy little rainbow friendship bracelets you can get in the park on Sundays.”
“Kept rolling and unrolling his sleeve,” Lucius added. “I think he sweat through his shirt, actually—he was wearing a different one after lunch.”
There was a pause as the group considered this.
“You know,” Frenchie said, after he’d tipped the remainder of his beer back, “I didn’t think Stede could even get nervous. He’s like, the most balls-to-the-walls guy I know.”
The group around the table murmured in agreement. Stede tended to recklessly throw himself into things, as if he’d forgotten they could go badly, but maybe that was why they largely tended to work out instead. Sometimes it looked like insane courage; sometimes it just looked a bit insane.
Mostly, it looked like someone desperately trying to make up for lost time.
So it’d been unnerving, really, to watch Stede flit anxiously through the shop, jittery in an old, familiar way that reminded Lucius of being twelve. Like he was trying to say something but was terrified that someone else might know.
Nevermind that Lucius had definitely already known Stede was gay as a pink flamingo—hence the fifty dollars everyone now owed him, thanks ever so.
“So what’d you say to him?” Pete asked.
“Nothing.” Lucius took another drink of the strawberry margarita; it was ghastly. “You didn’t see him, he was like a skittish little horse. I didn’t want to startle him.”
“Probably better to give him space.”
“You just don’t want him to cry on you, Jim,” Frenchie pointed out.
Jim shrugged. “I really do not, yeah.”
“I could talk to him,” Roach offered.
Pete reached a hand out for a high five. “We’ll go together.”
“Absolutely not,” Oluwande said, loud and stern.
“Nobody’s talking to him,” Lucius cut in over everyone. “No—no, do not give me the eyes, Pete, I’m serious. We’re not ambushing him on this, yeah?” Roach opened his mouth to argue; Lucius shook the margarita threateningly at him. “No. We’re going to let Stede come to us, yeah? We are all going to respect Stede’s boundaries, and when he’s ready we’re going to be chill about it so this bizarre little man has safe little gays to go to in his time of need.”
“Not sure you can describe us as safe little gays, babe,” Frenchie mused.
That was fair. Lucius soldiered on anyway.
“Think about when we were coming out, yeah? And how much better that would’ve been if we’d had people in our corner who were patient, who we could trust, who let us go at our own pace?”
Everyone thought. Jim, who would never volunteer anything in their life, still looked significantly at Olu in a jaw-droppingly sentimental thank-you-for-being-that-person sort of way. Frenchie leaned over and kissed Roach’s cheek.
“So it’s decided then,” Pete said, supportive to the end. Lucius loved him. “We’ll let him come to us.”
“When he’s ready.”
“And only when he’s ready.”
“That settles it, then. Cheers, m’queers,” Frenchie said, and everyone clinked their glasses over the table. “To trust!”
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Will you do lesbian rep with Dis and Dwarf OC/Reader? Please!
Of course, dear anon, I can do that :)
Words: 1.5 k
Characters: Dís x OC
Warnings: Implicit homophobia, hesitation, slight sadness
Prompt: Lesbian Rep
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“I am not sure about this,” Sami whispered, her hand twitching nervously as she smoothed down her formal dress. “You are a princess.”
“Sure,” Dís replied with a bright smile, “and, with you by my side, I’m even a queen. Or do you think me in any way inferior to my mulish brother?”
Seeing the challenging gleam in those sapphire eyes, Sami had to chuckle despite the debilitating knot in her stomach—after all, it had been the pugnacious resilience of the dam at her side that had first caught her attention and then her heart.
“Evidently not,” she replied soothingly. “Thorin has nothing on you—he’s a mere hill compared to a mountain, he’s but a coin and you’re a treasure…”
Dís threw her head back and laughed so heartily that Sami believed that the very foundations of the Lonely Mountain must have been echoing with her joy.
“We share a complexion though, so you better not say that he’s unattractive,” Dís added with a wink before taking Sami’s shaking hand and encasing it safely in her own broad palm.
“I have never given the king much thought, I must admit,” Sami conceded with a half-hearted shrug.
She had been born on the road and had never known Thorin very well as they had lived exceedingly different lives—as a male dwarf and the heir to a lost throne, he had been preoccupied mainly with the defence and the well-being of his people while Sami had known her own, much more intimate and much less consequential struggles.
Dams were rare and precious—this had been impressed upon her for as long as she could remember and while she had never been interested in warfare, she had dabbled in different crafts in the desperate hope to escape the bane of matrimony by becoming indispensable to some master or another.
Indeed, for reasons she had not been able to fully understand at that time, the mere thought of taking a husband and bearing his children filled her with cold dread, and Sami would have done much to avoid ending up in a situation in which her only choice was to either forfeit her happiness or humiliate her parents in an unforgivable manner.
When she had not shown much talent or exceptional skill in any of the domains she had been looking into, her parents had made a desperate last-ditch effort to find her a place where she would be safe by petitioning the young prince to allow their daughter to become part of his sister’s entourage.
Sami had—until that day—been highly doubtful when it came to the unwavering faith her family had in Mahal; she had found it extremely unlikely that some remote entity would truly take an interest in someone as unimportant as she was, but—upon glimpsing Princess Dís for the first time—she was converted lastingly.
Dís had been and still was the single most beautiful being Sami had ever beheld. Regal in deportment and speech, she had a fiery temperament and a quick wit that had led to many an epic squabble with her esteemed brother.
From the very start, they had gotten along splendidly. Under Dís’ care, Sami slowly started to thaw out of the fearful immobility she had maintained all her life, terrified of disappointing or dishonouring her parents by speaking up at the wrong moment or contradicting the wrong person.
Being of the uncontested royal line of old, Dís had never known such qualms—she was an accomplished diplomat and a charming host, of course, but she didn’t hesitate to make her voice and her opinion heard either.
Moreover, they soon discovered that they shared a feeling of frustration linked to the fact that—as female representatives of their family tree—they were side-lined and pushed aside much too often in favour of counsellors and leeches who did not have the realm’s and the population’s best interest at heart.
From this helpless anger as much as from the many hours spent in companionable study, arose a deep and steady friendship and soon, Dís and Sami relied upon one another unconditionally.
Neither one knew when their complicity had bloomed into something else—more illicit and far more passionate than was conceivable for two well-born ladies—it had been a slow development that endured Dís’ wedding and widowhood, the birth of her sons, and the fateful departure of the company to reconquer Erebor, but, throughout the lonely months of waiting and fretting, they had created a bubble of intimacy and mutual solace that they were now loath to burst.
“This is a bad idea, Dís, my beloved,” Sami tried to reason with the one she had devoted her whole life to. “You are the king’s sister, the heir’s mother—you are the most precious of invaluable dams in the kingdom…and I am but me, a child abandoned to the endless mercy of your house. This cannot be how I repay Durin’s line for their generosity.”
Scoffing, Dís tightened one of her braids. “I have never had a bad idea in my life,” she declared decisively and lifted Sami’s hand to her lips. “I am my own person and I have my own mind.”
“Please,” the other pleaded, her eyes sparkling like gems slumbering at the bottom of a lake. “Remember all the practical jokes we’ve played on your brothers—your intuition is far from flawless.”
“I stand by my actions,” Dís asseverated. “I always do.”
With a deep sigh, Sami allowed herself to let her brow sink against Dís’ shoulder; she loved the princess for her bravery and her self-assured determination, but she was also afraid that her own selfish wish to be with one so far above her own station would end up costing Dís, the king, and their fragile kingdom more than they were able to lose.
The sound of approaching steps echoed from the high walls and Sami jerked upright, staggering back a few paces instinctively—she desperately tried to ignore the hurt flaring in those deep, blue eyes she so loved, telling herself that it was all for the best if they were not caught unawares by a passing patrol or some tardy guests on their way to the feast.
“I have done my duty,” Dís hissed, “and I deserve to live my life the way I want.”
“For the love you bear your brother, in the name of your duty towards your people,” Sami begged under her breath, “do not speak up just yet. The realm is fragile and Thorin needs you by his side—a symbol of hope, of fertility, of a bright future—and we owe him our silence. For now…”
She knew and adored the scowl of impatience spreading across Dís’ beautiful face and so, Sami smiled through the tears threatening to overflow from her burning eyes.
“I will be there, by your side, the way I always have—I will not desert you to let you fulfil a destiny we had almost given up on all alone,” she promised vehemently, tucking the bead Dís had plaited into her hair under a cluster of elaborate braids discreetly. “Let the dust settle, love, and then, we’ll reevaluate our situation.”
“I am sick and tired of their expectations dictating my life!” Dís exclaimed passionately.
Throwing a quick glance down the corridor to make sure that they were indeed alone, Sami leaned forward and pressed a short but passionate kiss onto that displeased moue.
“We’ve played this game for too long not to know the rules, dear,” she then reminded Dís gently. “We cannot force them to change their mind. Don’t do it for them—do it for those you’ve almost lost and who have a right to heal and find their bearings before being ambushed with such potentially distressing news.”
“I shall tell Thorin,” Dís insisted. “I want him to know.”
“You may do that,” Sami agreed, “and I am sure the king would also recommend a path of caution and political astuteness.”
“Of course, he would,” Dís groaned. “He’s the last person who should lecture me on the obligations of wedlock. I am a widow!”
Pressing Dís’ hand tenderly, Sami pulled her down the hallway carefully. “Soon,” she promised, letting go of that hand she had held through their darkest nights as they arrived in front of the doors to the banquet hall.
Demurely, she stepped behind Dís, her head bowed and her eyes glued to the stone floor—at least on the surface, she would slip back into the role for which she had been chosen and trained.
Sami decided to do her best to keep up appearances and buy everyone more time to properly convalesce and grow accustomed to this new world they were going to build.
“Soon,” Dís repeated with much more decisiveness and fire.
The doors swung open, and the noise swelled like an ocean around them.
“Dís, my dear sister,” the king croaked, still leaning heavily on his intricately decorated cane. “And this must be your friend.”
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@fellowshipofthefics here is the second entry for the Pride Bingo
As always, lots of love from me and thank you dear anon for this request!
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multifandom-flash · 11 months
Multifandom-Flash Bingo Events
No minimum words. Multifandom and Original works are welcome.
Any artworks are welcome.
You can combine squares from all the events.
When you post, tag @multifandom-flash, make sure to let me know: Card number/s & which rounds you wrote for.
Don't forget to add your stories to the collection: AO3 Collection Mini-Events:
Holidays in a Flash
If anyone wants to sign up for round 1 & 2 + Halloween/Taboo/Thanksgiving, the links are open
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Fear Flash Bingo - Sign Up
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Calendar Events:
March - sign up
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April - sign up
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May - sign up
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1st Birthday Celebration Bingo
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June - Sign Up
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Pour Me A Bingo
Alcohol Version - 18+
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Non-Alcohol Version - under 18/SFW
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Marvel Bingo
Example for Character Bingo
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Example for Team Bingo
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Sing Us A Pride Song
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Here There Be Monsters Bingo
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Calendar Event: July
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9-1-1 Theme Bingo
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Teen Wolf Theme Bingo (the picture below, are only an examples)
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CE: August
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libraford · 4 months
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(I have permission to share this.)
Text- from Walking Distance Brewing Company
Happy Pride month! We are here another year to celebrate Pride with you! Thank you for your love and support through a difficult year of slander and harassment. Your support has not just kept us afloat but has made us thrive! Our inclusive community isn’t here just for Pride - we’re here all year. It's not always easy being inclusive in town. The library, community organizations, and yes, even Walking Distance have been targets. In this post, we're going to discuss the attacks against the library and against us. Last June, the library had a pride book display [1]. On July 3rd, (now ex) city councilmember Deb Groat wrote an email to the library at the request of the Union Faith Family Coalition [2]. In this email, she wrote: “I am deeply offended by explicitly sexual material on display in the children’s section of our library. Shame on you and your staff for pandering to any social agenda in displaying reading material to children.” [3] Later on in the email she wrote: “The library may well want to pass a levy in the future, or have input in a community TIF.” [3] On November 27, 2023 - Deb Groat was joined by city councilmember Mark Reams in voting for a TIF that would divert money away from the library for 30 years. Luckily, the extension did not pass. [4] According to Union County Faith Family Coalition’s founder, Mark Reams is a member. [2] Deb Groat and Mark Reams vote together to divert money from the library. Let’s move on to us. In June 2023, we had a drag show. On July 8th, Mark Reams’ wife, Leslie Reams posted on Facebook calling Walking Distance “Little Epstein Island” [5] joining in the same rhetoric spread by the Union County Faith Family Coalition, who nicknamed us, “Walking Distance Grooming Co.” Additionally, on April 15th, 2024 - while on-shift at her job, Leslie Reams called us a “den of depravity bar [that] preys on children,” and called our bartenders and customers, “pedophiles” and “drunks.” Let’s be clear. Leslie Reams, the members of the Union County Faith Family Coalition, and their followers have never called law enforcement (to our knowledge) - something we would expect and want to happen if pedophilia was happening. Law enforcement has never been called, we suspect that even they know that it’s not true. We have heard many rumors, as bad as, “Walking Distance is full of pedophiles” to more innocuous rumors that hurt our reputation. Our guess is that the same people who don’t believe we’re pedophiles, but want to demonize queerness, also know their audience and are able to tone it back to do the damage they can. We saw sales dips directly following Leslie Reams’ statements. We have heard city council members echoing similar rumors. Last summer, we had around 10 citations against the owner’s house and the business from the city and council - none of these citations asked us to remedy anything (except for the one about mowing…oops), and in fact there were instances when the local officials said that we were doing everything right, but they are only reaching out to us because they had so many calls. The year prior, Walking Distance and the owner's house had 0 citations. We’ll never know exactly how much business we lost due to the slander against us. We do know, we lost a lot. Similarly, we’ll never know exactly how much the support of our community has meant. We do know, it meant a whole lot. The support has kept us afloat, and with time, it's made us thrive. We know that we have survived to see another June. And we are ready to celebrate it, in the face of the hate. There would be no pride with no hate. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday for drag BINGO; Saturday for drag brunch; and also visit us on Saturday during Marysville Pride. We have more Pride events this week and month, keep your eyes peeled! And even if it's not a pride related event, we are always inclusive. Oh, and there's a city council meeting next Monday, June 10th at 7PM.
Here's some photos of the extremely offensive library display:
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They haven't given a call to action yet.
So anyways, that's what's happening in a nearby town. Marysville's pride event is this weekend and if you'd like to show up for local queers its going to be a very fun time.
I'm thinking of grabbing some of my local gays and giving them our patronage, of course. Its somewhat unrealistic to ask strangers on the internet to do take a hike all the way to Ohio for drag bingo.
So I think I would just like to call attention to it- if this is happening in our area, its probably happening in yours too. If you were thinking of attending a drag show but were on the fence about it, I think you should. They're a fun time.
Being involved in the queer community can be as simple as attending a drag show. Or going to a silly queer-focused event. Or supporting a queer-owned business. Every little bit of support for your queer community counts!
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rookthorne · 7 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧
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The first port of call, whether you intuitively chose it or not, was always going to be Bucky — rain or shine, he was there to lift your spirits, and at that moment, you needed it more than ever. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✾ Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✾ 1.8k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✾ Fluff, angst, comfort ✾ If you want a big hug and a kiss on the forehead from Bucky? this is the fic for you.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ✾ I have missed these two, and I know they've been wanted for a little while as well.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ✾ No Milk Today by Joshua James and The Forest Rangers ✾ Crash This Train (Acoustic) by Joshua James
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ✾ @buckybarnesevents Alternate June-iverse 𝗖𝟰 — Tattoo Artist AU — Masterlist ✾ @buckybarnesevents Build a Bucky Bingo ჻჻჻ Forehead Kiss (February) —   Masterlist ✾ @sweetspicybingo Sweetheart Bingo — Heart Of Gold —  Masterlist
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𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You hadn’t meant to make your way to 107th Ink — truly, you hadn’t. 
After the exhausting trials and frustrating moments that spanned the entirety of the day, you aimed to make your way back home and sit yourself down on the couch with a pint of ice cream to wind down, your favourite movie playing on the screen while you ate your fill. 
But no. On autopilot, your instincts took you straight to the soon to close shop and parked your car out the very front. 
Through the decorated glass that spanned the front of the shop, you could see Sam — the newest addition to the crew, and Steve. Both of them milled about and performed various duties to close up shop for the night. Peter appeared from a doorway, a broom in hand to sweep the floor. 
You suspected Nat had a hand in making the boys work hard. 
A deep breath made your shoulders rise and fall, then, a small sniffle startled you, and you realised with a jolt that you had started to cry. The fresh burn of tears on your waterline only made you more frustrated — it began a replay of all the events of the day in your mind, from everything going wrong to just plain horrid, bad luck. 
The quiet clinking of your keys was quiet next to your stifled sobs, and you made your way haltingly to the front door of Bucky’s shop, his haven — the epitome of his pride and hard work. 
While you approached, Steve looked up from whatever chore he was doing and smiled, though it was wiped from his face before you could muster something that resembled a smile back. His deep frown only made you whimper, and he made towards the door with a fast jog. 
His lips moved as though he was saying something to Sam and Peter who startled at his hurried movements, before the door swung open with a loud clink from the bell, and he rushed over. “Sunny? What’s happened, sweetheart?”
You furiously blinked back the tears, but it was to no avail. “Just– Just a bad day, Stevie, I’m sorry, I–”
“Nuh-uh, you’re not apologising.” The warmth from his body when he pulled you into his chest was soothing — an all-encompassing embrace. His arms squeezed you against him before he tucked you against his side. “C’mon, let’s get you to Buck.”
The awkward shuffle to the shop entrance made you laugh as your feet stumbled, and Steve smiled heartily as he pulled open the door to usher you inside. Both Peter and Sam looked up from their chores to greet you, but they blanched in unison with worry before Steve shook his head at them. 
You could barely manage a smile at them through the silent tears that still streamed down your cheeks. 
“Sunny, love,” Steve said, pointing towards Bucky’s booth, his other hand resting on your shoulder where he squeezed reassuringly. “He’s just through there, sweetheart.” Louder, he called, “Buck! Your girl is here.”
The soft footfalls from your shoes couldn’t be heard over the music playing on the overhead speakers. Before you reached Bucky’s door, you looked at Steve over your shoulder. “Thanks, Stevie.”
He smiled at you sadly and nodded. “Anytime, sweetheart. Go on now.” 
Your hand pushed open the familiar door to reveal Bucky’s booth. The walls were a deep burgundy, populated with frames of various artworks by the man himself as an ambitious teenager, to the more refined, finessed works of a seasoned artist. 
There was no need to look for your love — Bucky was sitting on his wheeled stool with a stricken expression, lips pulled downwards in a frown and brows pinched as he took in your glossy eyes. “Baby? What–” The stool clattered backwards with the speed he stood up, and you sobbed as he hugged you. “Oh, baby girl, c’mere—you’re alright.”
Bucky held you tight, one hand splayed over the small of your back, and the other rubbed up and down between your shoulders. The soft brush of his lips over your forehead tickled, but he never ceased the constant reassurances and soothing words; how he was relieved you came to see him instead of going straight home to wallow. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, still sniffling as you rested your cheek against him. “I didn’t mean to butt in–”
“No, that’s enough,” he interrupted. “‘M here for whatever and whenever you need me, sweetheart. I promised you and that will never change.” There was another kiss pressed to your forehead — you couldn’t voice just how it filled you with an unwavering sense of comfort.
“That wasn’t up for discussion, baby—now lemme hold you, I know you love hugs.”
You sighed, defeated. “Okay.”
His lips pressed harder against your forehead, a firm kiss that trailed to your temple and back; the cycle repeating on itself. The creak of his leather boots sounded while he rocked the two of you gently side to side. 
Moments passed in his embrace, when he suddenly said, “Why don’t I cheer you up a lil’? Then we can talk—I just wanna see my girl smile again.” 
In lieu of an answer, you squeezed your arms around him, and he took the initiative to walk you both towards the padded, tattoo chair. The papers that were scattered over the base of the seat were piled neatly onto his equipment cabinet, and he hummed along to the song that played from the speaker connected to his phone as he moved around. 
“What are you going to do?” you asked, watching him curiously. 
“I am gonna make you smile,” Bucky teased, a smirk on his lips. “It’ll be a surprise. But I need you in my lap, alright?” Without waiting for your reply, he jumped up onto the chair and hung his legs off either side — a tattooed hand slapped the space between his thighs in an invitation to sit. “C’mere.”
With only an ounce of hesitation, you moved to sit between his thighs — your back pressed to his chest and his chin sat tucked in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. The stubble from his beard tickled your skin, making you giggle quietly. “There’s my girl, huh? Alright, it’s a good thing you’re wearin’ a dress today.”
You looked at him quizzically over your shoulder. “What–?”
“I’m gonna draw on your thighs, jus’ somethin’ small,” he murmured while he dug through the draws of his supplies. There were glimpses of paint brushes and pens, fine line points to broad, chiselled markers — each labelled neatly and organised according to colour. “I thought my idea was fittin’ for my baby girl, given she’s my Sunshine.”
Tears sprang to your eyes again from his earnest words. “Buck–”
“Shh,” he hushed. “Lemme treat you, I wanna make you smile again. Close your eyes for me.”
“Okay,” you whispered, and you fluttered your lids closed. The hard press of his muscled chest against your back as you leaned into him earned you a kiss on the cheek. It was easy to give in to the warmth that consumed you in his presence, the way he brought peace to your constantly whirring mind — how, even on your worst days, he could make everything better by just being there. “I trust you.”
Another soft kiss was placed on your temple in reply. 
The sudden strange sensation of ink on your skin felt remarkably ticklish — the tip of the marker danced over your thighs, moving in long, wavy lines, to short, finer bursts of movement. Bucky continued to hum softly to the song that played on the speaker while he worked. 
There was no distinct way to decipher just what Bucky was up to, or what vision he was bringing to life in that moment, but you were content to just sit there in his company. 
Until the sensation ceased on that thigh and began on the other. “What are you–” The movements froze while you squirmed.
“No, don’t look just yet, sweetheart,” Bucky scolded. “It’s a surprise.” 
An exaggerated pout played on your lips to truly sell your displeasure. “I don’t like surprises.”  
He chuckled. “I know, I know. This will be worth the wait, though, baby.”
The way time froze while you basked in Bucky’s attention and warmth made it seem like forever passed, when finally, he pulled the pen away from your skin, and cleared his throat. 
A beat of silence hung in the air while he seemingly admired his work. Then, “Okay, open your eyes.”
The sudden exposure to the bright lights overhead made you wince as you focused your eyes. “Damn, it’s bright,” you said sarcastically, and Bucky chuckled. His hands rubbed up and down your arms to ground you. 
Slowly, you lowered your gaze to your thighs and found them both decorated in the delicate, beautiful petals of a pair of sunflowers. The saturation of the golden yellow blooms stole your breath, and the tinges of orange in the shadowed strokes of the pen made the contrast unlike anything you’d ever seen, the beauty forever unmatched. 
The deep, sage green bud of each flower smoothly transitioned into the softer, vibrant parrot green of the stalk and leaves. “Holy–”
In the background was a symmetrical, matching, fine filigree of swirls that if you looked closer, you could make out the patterns of rose thorns. “Oh, Buck,” you gasped, your hand flying to cover your open mouth. 
Bucky’s hand rested just below the bottom of the left design. “One day, I want to get this on my own skin—so I have my sun with me, always.”
You were unable to speak or articulate a single word in your awestruck state. The meld of colours became blurred by tears of gratitude. 
“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered. The pad of his thumb brushed over the skin of your cheek to collect the trailing tears, and he hugged you tightly. “I’ve got you.”
Eventually, after you made it back home with Bucky, you expressed your distress at losing the artistry that decorated your thighs, only he smiled and winked. It left you puzzled and confused. “What are you up to…?”
For the umpteenth time that day, Bucky’s lips brushed your forehead in a kiss. His breath was warm as it fanned over your skin, and he said simply, “Don’t you worry that pretty head a’yours, baby.”
The plan of which he kept under wraps came to fruition only a couple days later, to your utter glee. You woke up late that morning and padded into the kitchen to make breakfast, when something in the living room caught your eye. 
You backtracked the few shuffled steps and blinked sleepily, trying to focus on the wall directly in front of you, and it almost bowled you over with the shock of what you found in your sleep-addled state. 
Hung high on the wall was a frame made of ash wood. Within the frame was a sketch — beautifully and masterfully rendered — of a pair of sunflowers side by side, entwined with the thorny stem of a rose. 
An identical recreation of what Bucky created for you to lift your spirits.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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guardianbingo · 4 months
Guardian Bonus Bingo Amnesty Period
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Welcome to Guardian Bonus Bingo!
Over ten weeks, we’ll post five prompts (one prompt every other Sunday). You’ll have two weeks to fill each prompt, plus an amnesty period at the end for any prompts you might have missed. Fill all five to earn a bingo!
Bonus Bingo Prompts:
B (June 9-22): Pride
I (June 23-July 6): Swelter
N (July 7-20): Frustration
G (July 21-August 3): Starlight
O (August 4-17): Answer
Amnesty Period (August 18-31): Any previous fills you missed (you can even post fills for all five prompts during this period if you want to)
Remember that prompts are meant to be inspiration only. Follow them as strictly or as loosely as you’d like. The point is to have fun and create fanwworks!
This is a low-stress fest, so there are no min/max length/content requirements and pretty much any new creation counts as a fill. Full info is available in the FAQ.
Feel free to post creations on the platform of your choice, including in the AO3 collection. If you @ this account, we’ll happily reblog your fill.
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feedists4fat-lib · 5 months
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🌈Growing with Pride: Celebrating Our Queer Feedist Community 
Join FFL for an inclusive gathering where we celebrate our identities and our stories. Growing with Pride is more than just an event; it's a space where LGBTQIA2S++ feedists can come together to connect and share.
Saturday, June 8
11AM PT / 2PM ET / 6PM GMT
Register here: https://bit.ly/FFL-PRIDE
Queer Feedist Bingo: Test your knowledge, discover new facts, and engage in friendly competition.
Community Connections: Forge connections with members of the queer feedist community. 
Celebrating Queer Chefs: Celebrate the culinary talents of queer chefs. From delectable dishes to innovative creations, we'll shine a spotlight on the contributions of LGBTQIA2S++ folx in the culinary world.
Embracing Our Multiple Identities: Join us for an engaging discussion where we explore the intersectionality of our identities. 
Reading List: Explore books that celebrate queer narratives in the world of food and feedism. 
All Queer Feedists Welcome: We welcome feedist folx of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and expressions. 
Mark your calendars and come join us for a celebration of pride, diversity, and deliciousness! Together, let's grow with pride and nourish both body and soul.
Register here: https://bit.ly/FFL-PRIDE
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goldenheart-week · 6 months
Goldenheart Week 2024 FAQ
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What is this?
Goldenheart Week is a celebration of our favorite gay knights, in both their movie and comic incarnations. We're hoping to encourage new fanworks of all kinds!
When is it?/Why those dates?
We will be reblogging tagged posts from June 27 - July 3, 2024. June is Pride Month, June 30th was the Netflix release date for Nimona (and is the midpoint of Goldenheart Week), and July is Disability Pride Month.
Are there prompts?
Yes! Here they are along with the tagging system. Credit to @candyskiez and everyone who filled out our survey for some good suggestions, and thanks to everyone who voted in our survey to finalize the list.
What can I make?
You can make or write basically anything: haikus, limericks, 100 word drabbles, ficlets, long fics, traditional art, digital art, gifsets, cosplay, embroidery, etc. If you have an existing WIP and want to use a prompt for a new chapter, that's fine too.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes! It will open just before the start of Goldenheart Week and will stay open indefinitely.
How can I help?
@zyrafowe-sny would love graphic design support and someone else with blog access to reblog tagged posts during Goldenheart Week. Signal boosts are also always appreciated.
Are there any other Nimona fandom events?
Yes! Beta reader sign ups for the @nimonabigbang are open through July 28th, and final fics and fanart will be revealed in September. Reach out if you have other event ideas/plans — we're always happy to signal boost! @zyrafowe-sny could probably be talked into helping run another theme day/week, bingo, AO3 prompt fill, AO3 fic exchange, or something else after the Big Bang is over.
What about...
Feel free to send asks if you have questions! We'll also be updating the FAQ as needed.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Rachel House; GuzKhan; Police Menacing Max: Pride Month; Tell Tale TV Awards Reminder; Emmy Considerations: #Emmy4ConONeill Day; June 3 Fuckery with AdoptOurCrew; FanSpotlight; Mermay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
Well, Chaos Dad Chose violence today.
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Rita's new Music Video came out at midnight last night, and I was planning on just having this one picture, but now I gotta put in the whole video so you can see Taika in his Laundromat glory.
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
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Source: Kiaora29's Twitter
== Rachel House ==
Rachel out with friends <3
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
Quick Guz Khan sighting!
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
= Reminder to Vote =
You can vote for the Tell-Tale TV Awards every day! Please do! Let's get OFMD and Rhys and Ruibo an award! Vote here.
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Source: SaveOFMD Crew Instagram
= Upcoming Emmy Considerations =
Today 5/31/24 is the push for #Emmy4ConONeill! You can get useful graphics on the Our Flag Means Fanfiction linktr.ee or make your own! The biggest goal is to make #Emmy4ConONeill Trend! Rhys is up next on June 1! and Taika on June 8!
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== June 3 Fuckery with Adopt Our Crew ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew will be pushing #DontStreamOnMax with any other relevant hashtag (#OurFlagMeansDeath, #SaveCoyoteVsAcme) on June 3rd during the Stockholder Meeting! Feel free to come out for the fuckery if you can!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Instagram
== Max Menacing: Pride Month ==
Thank you to @patchworkpiratebear for sharing these, there's lots of posts you can go to and polite menace max on for trying to make money off of pride month after cancelling OFMD and other queer shows. Feel free to hop onto your favorite platform and "unleash hell".
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7mTElVseN1/?igsh=MWVubW8wM3lzZmZseA==
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVFwdJb/
Twitter: https://x.com/StreamOnMax/status/1796211911052161511
==More Under the Cut==
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is our very near and dear Jes Tom! Thank you so much @melvisik for making sure they get their spotlight!
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== MerMay ==
Today is the final day of Mermay! Have you filled out your Bingo cards? If you've done any please be sure to tag @bizarrelittlemew! I've really enjoyed this month's prompts and so many wonderful submissions for them! Thank you again Ida for putting this together!!
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= xoxoemynn =
Our dear friend @xoxoemynn put together a fic for Mermay 2024! Please check it out below!
= Snejpowa =
Oh you glorious person you, @snejpowa this is going to make me cry. The intensity in those eyes, and the detail, my heart 😭 
Day 30: Nine Guns
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= Blueberreads =
Huzzah! The absolutely brilliant and delightful @blueberreads is keeping us fed with more MerMay Pixel gifs!
Day 30: Nine Guns
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== Eros The Artist ==
The lovely, creative, and talented @erostheartist has done it again! This time with Izzy and the color teal prompt. I love the swallows, lovely connection to Izzy.
Day 26: Teal
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= Spencer Does Art =
Poor Edward.. I love the dripping eye make up on this one it really is haunting. Thank you as always to the fantastic @ spencerdoesartt on IG!
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= Stjernegaupe =
More vector art from the lovely @stjernegaupe. I saw Calypso's Birthday on Samba's Instagram stories the other day! Congrats!
Day 17: Have you ever been sketched? / Day 18: Calypso's Birthday / Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On a Rocky Ledge / Day 21: Sandwich
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies. It's finally here, it's Friday! I know this has been a bit of an up and down week for everyone, so please remember to take a break this weekend and get some much needed rest. I'm running behind on all the things today so I'd just like send you some love notes from the wonderful @ TheLatestKate. If you don't already follow her, please head over there and do so because she brings me so much peace when she posts. Happy Friday crew, <3
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Well, couldn't resist the Taika lean back and stare gif tonight, my contribution of ridiculous pairings is poor Rhys and the anal beads (and not knowing what they are).
Darby Gif by the absolute ultimate Rhys Rhysource, @wastingyourgum
Taika Gif by one of the best folks @eddie-redcliffe
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queenofbaws · 4 months
! Pride Month Challenge 2024 !
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Well hi there, everyone! With May winding down to a close and June just around the corner, it's about that time again...the time where @jadedsunshine, @unicornaffair, and I host our yearly create-a-thon! 🥳
What's the Pride Month Challenge, you might find yourself asking? Well, this year it's a little bingo game we've put together, featuring some classic tropes. The aim of this particular game? Make something!!! Anything! Just get those creative juices a-flowin' and see if you can snag a B-I-N-G-O along the way!
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone who wants to take part, whether you know the three of us or not! We're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for the stuff we create, so if you decide to join in on the fun and games, feel free to stick that tag on whatever you make, too! If you're interested in more details, you can check below the cut or reach out and ask ;)c
Either way, happy almost-pride, and happy creating!!!
I don't write fic - can I still participate?
Ab. So. Lutely!!! We've done this challenge for a few years now (we've missed a year or two for weddings and other life stuff, whoops!), but in the past we've had people doodle, sketch, draw, make edits, create props or other physical art, and even curate playlists! The three of us are writers, so you're very likely to see fic or ficlets from us...but you? Oh. Oh, you can do whatever your heart desires!!!
Are there word limits/expectations for a finished product?
NO!!! :D Zero. Literally zero expectations. We aren't putting together an exchange, we aren't holding a competition, we're just trying to get the spirit of creation in the air. That's it! So whether you're writing 50 words or 5,000, whether you've made a rough sketch on a notebook page or fully lined/colored a scene, you're good! You're so good. As long as you've made something, you've earned a stamp on that bingo card, baby!!!
What if I don't want to do something fandom-y? Can it be OCs/original work?
OF COURSE!!! 100%. You don't even have to ask!!! Show the world your OCs! Tell the world about your story's worldbuilding! It's all fair game :)
What if I don't want to post what I made?
Don't sweat it! Again, this is...the farthest thing from official. This is for fun, and this is for the sake of making something. Sharing your work can be nerve-wracking - don't feel like you have to! We'd love to see you playing along with us, of course, but as long as you've made something that you're proud of, you've earned that stamp! No ifs, ands, or buts!
Is it cool if my creations aren't necessarily pride-themed?
Totally! We host this challenge during pride month because (1) it traditionally works better for the three of us than NaNoWriMo because of our schedules, and (2) we're queer creators ourselves! But if you're feeling a prompt and can't find a way to make it relevant to pride, PLEASE don't sweat it! As I've been known to say (and then get laughed at for saying), this challenge is no rules, just right, Outback Steakhouse :P
Let's say I get a bingo...what do I win?
:) Nothing. <3
Wait, really?
:) Really <3 Hehehe, in all seriousness, this challenge has been a fun way for us to sit down, take our minds off of life and our bigger projects and just...make some fun stuff! In our humble opinion(s), being able to point at a finished piece and say "I did that! I made that!" is its own kind of reward. The bingo board itself is really more for bragging rights ;)c Which, of course, we encourage wholeheartedly. Nothing wrong with a little bragging!!!
We hope to have you along for our month-long adventure! Again, we're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for our own stuff, so if you'd like to use that tag - or tag any of us!!! - in whatever you end up creating, feel free!!! We love seeing what everyone comes up with, and this challenge is always so much more fun, knowing other people are taking part! <3 Hope to see you along for the ride!
*The bingo board was made by the lovely @jadedsunshine 🥰
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khaoray · 4 months
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Everything's okay, but they took Yuriko. Let me save her at least. I beg you. Lee Ha Nee as Park Cha Gyeong & Park So Dam as Yoshinaga Yuriko Phantom (2023) | Dir. Lee Hae Young
@asiandramanet june bingo: colour @kdramaspace pride bingo: wlw & physical touch @userdramas creator bingo: rainbow & layout
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thunder-pride · 5 months
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It’s the 1st of May! One month until June and a whole lot of fun awaits us! While you’re counting down with us, now’s the time to gather your art supplies, sharpen your pencils (and your typing skills!), and queue up your faves!
Whether you want to use each day to explore headcanons both new and old, get ready to take part in events, or celebrate Pride with us - we’re excited to have you and look forward to seeing what you make!
If you’d like some inspo - you could combine these prompts with our random identity generator!
A post regarding the Gift Exchange sign ups is forthcoming and when posted, a link will be added [HERE] SIGN-UPS CLOSED
A text version of the calendar can be found under the cut below 😊
EVENT - 1 & 2 June - Ask Game
3 June - Bingo #1 Prompts
4 June - Gordon Day
5 June - Gay Men and Lesbian Day
6 June - Scott Day
7 June - Agender and Bigender Day
EVENT - 8 & 9 June - Palette Challenge
10 June - Bingo #2 Prompts
11 June - Aromantic and Asexual Day
12 June - Tin-Tin and Kayo Day
13 June - Genderqueer and Genderfluid Day
14 June - Virgil Day
EVENT - 15 & 16 June - Headcanon Weekend
17 June - Bingo #3 Prompts
18 June - Alan Day
19 June - Transgender Day
20 June - Brains and Jeff Day
21 June - Multisexual Day (e.g. Bisexual, Pansexual, Omnisexual)
EVENT - 22 & 23 June - Photo Prompts
24 June - Bingo #4 Prompts
25 June - Polyamorous Day
26 June - John Day
27 June - Demisexual and Demiromantic Day
28 June - Lady Penelope and Parker Day
EVENT - 29 & 30 June - Gift Exchange
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
can we get some Curumo x Aiwendil for the pride bingo?💕
I'm thinking gay rep/coming out/first date, maybe demisexual or demiromantic Curumo, also proud parent Aulë and/or Yavanna🏳️‍🌈☺️
Of course, my dear friend...
The Burning Bush
Words: 2.3k
Characters: Aiwendil x Curumo (Yavanna x Aulë), Background Angbang
Warnings: I have no experience with writing a demi-character, so this is a shot in the dark...
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The first indication Curumo got of how different this day was going to be was the broad, knowing grin on Aulë’s face as he stormed into the forge, uncharacteristically late and a little flushed. His apprentices guessed—quite correctly—that it had been his revered wife who had kept him and avoided making any comment that might have ruined his mood.
The next clue was the insistent chirping of birds just outside—usually, the stench of fire and the loud ringing of hot steel being hammered into shape made the sensitive beasts flee as fast and as far as they could.
Nevertheless, he was entirely focused on his work and on the delicately interwoven design he had been working on in secret for so long; this time, he was sure, he would surpass Mairon and impress their master with the undeniable genius and quality of his craft.
“Curumo,” Aulë called as he walked along the workstations slowly, inspecting every single object his apprentices were working on. “I think someone is waiting anxiously to speak to you.”
Instantly, the young Maia’s eyes flitted to his rival—Mairon was a beguiling and annoying mystery to him—but his peer didn’t waste a single thought or glance on someone he deemed to be so woefully inferior. Rumour had it that he had found someone who had intrigued and interested him enough to get him to drop his haughty façade and invest a little more than his usual sneer into their communication.
Curumo could not deny that the mere thought made him feel weak and nauseous with envy—had Curumo himself been different, he would readily have believed and accepted that he was infatuated with Mairon, but, as things were, he was not sure if it was not merely his own pride and insecurity that drove him to desperately crave the approbation, admiration, and even affection of the Maia Aulë treasured and respected the most.
In a way, Curumo didn’t want to have Mairon or even be him—he wanted to surpass him, he yearned to humble him, and a wicked part relished in the idea of making the proud, arrogant, aloof bully bow to his skill and authority.
“Curumo?” Their master tapped a pair of heavy pincers against his workbench impatiently. “Don’t you want to go out and check on this? I’d rather not have you distracted at work.”
Bristling, Curumo wanted to bring to Aulë’s attention that he had had no prior knowledge of any interviews he was meant to attend and thus could not be discountenanced by their imminent occurrence, but he simply nodded and kept his peace as the whole forge had turned to him in curiosity.
Curumo liked being the centre of attention; of course, he would largely have preferred to awe his fellows with the supremacy of his output in the forge, but he was not above taking this moment in the spotlight when it was handed to him and so, he held his head high as he strode out of the workshop at a steady pace to deal with this unwelcome interruption.
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“I am going,” Aiwendil muttered, half-heartedly swatting away the birds and other critters that dogged his every step to make sure that he could not turn around and dash off to hide in the deepest parts of the forest.
He had sought the counsel of his Lady Yavanna who had encouraged him warmly to seek out a private conversation with the object of all his desires.
For many cycles of the flourishing shrubs in their care, Aiwendil had been nurturing a seedling of stubborn hope and fragile affection within his own heart, sheltering it from the blazing fires of the forges and the icy winds of the turning seasons.
True to his nature, he watched and waited, unsure whether the tender sprout would find fertile soil, enough sun, and clement rains to keep it thriving and growing.
Many a time, he had almost hoped that adverse conditions would stifle it or that it would wither on its own. This state of nervousness and anticipation was embarrassing and distracting, and it would surely have been best for everyone involved if it just faltered and dissolved like premature blossoms nipped in the bud by a sudden cold.
Much too quickly though, that nascent crush took over more of his conscious thoughts than he wanted to admit.
Moreover, he couldn’t deny that the constant worry sapped him of all energy which made him feel excessively guilty as he owed it to Lady Yavanna to pour his heart, soul, and essence into their tremendously important work.
How humiliating it had been, at first, when she herself had called him to her side so she could investigate why one of her favourite Maiar had seemed so distracted and mysteriously saddened to her lately.
In halting words of intermingled apology and confession, Aiwendil had ultimately taken heart and had entrusted his most shameful and yet most cherished secret to her benevolent wisdom.
“These smiths always have their heads in some sulphurous cloud,” she had joked while pruning a young tree that—much like Aiwendil’s love—had grown too fast and too recklessly. “You have to lure him out of the forge and ask him directly whether he wants to accompany you to Manwë’s celebration.”
She had shrugged indulgently. “Being a smidgen oblivious to these things is, unfortunately, more common than you would believe—even amongst the most powerful and wise.”
Far was it from Aiwendil to doubt his Lady’s words or refuse her sage counsel and so, he had summoned all his courage and asked her leave to walk over to where Curumo was certainly absorbed by his daily tasks to offer him that fragile, tender-leafed heart of his without subterfuge or flowery dissimulation.
In spite of this decisive burst of initiative, doubt still gnawed at him from the inside like the pervasive rot that some dark power had implanted into the roots of their most beloved trees to weaken and fell them without a single blade having to be lifted against them.
While Aiwendil loved with all the reckless fervour of ivy sprawling across every space it could encroach upon, Curumo had always struck him as distant and even cold.
His favour was given reluctantly and to a chosen few only.
Even though Aiwendil could hardly understand how such a thing could be possible and what tremendous control over mind and body such a stance must demand, he could respect and accept the reticent nature of one who seemed so fair and honourable in his starry eyes.
Great, imperious, and often impatient, Curumo had indeed proven to be a good friend and a wise counsellor—he knew many things and enjoyed the confidence and the trust of the Valar and did not hesitate to share his knowledge and insight with even the least articulate and studious of his peers.
Lately, Aiwendil had been able to make a few remarks that had been witty and pertinent enough to win him a fond smile or a conspiratorial wink from Curumo and—shameful as it was to admit as much—these rare moments of complicity had been enough to coax the hesitant buds of his own infatuation into full bloom.
Every kind word, every approving smile, and every shared joke watered the frail growth until its vines constricted Aiwendil’s heart almost painfully.
“You can do it,” his faithful friends chirped and rumbled beside him, “you can fan those dignified embers into roaring flame. Your patience and benevolent modesty must prevail upon his own secret misgivings or doubts. Worry not, we are with you.”
Thus encouraged and supported, Aiwendil stopped outside the forge just as Curumo strode out, his face a mask of scowling disapproval and haughty impatience.
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“Hello,” Aiwendil squeaked, betraying his nerves by the way his voice cracked in the middle of the word.
“Good day to you,” Curumo replied with a minute frown, “has something happened?”
He knew the small, furtive Maia to be exceedingly discreet and unobtrusive, so naturally, he was worried that some major catastrophe or emergency had brought him so far from his Lady’s sphere of influence,
“No…” The reply was slightly delayed and definitely hesitant. “It’s about the festival.” “What about it?” Even as he spoke the words and saw Aiwendil’s sweet face fall drastically, Curumo became aware of how harsh and querulous his question must have sounded. “Is there a problem? Do you need help with anything?”
“No.” This time, Aiwendil’s answer was fast and hard as a stone cast with all his might against an unyielding wall. “I…I wanted to ask you whether you would like to accompany me.”
“We are all expected to appear,” Curumo commented uncertainly, “and I’d surely never neglect my duties by not showing my face at such a momentous occasion.”
A pained groan escaped the other, making Curumo all the more anxious—he should have been in the forge, working on his project, instead of making a fool of himself by entirely missing the point if Aiwendil’s indulgent distress was anything to go by.
“Verily, it surely is so,” Aiwendil conceded, “but I wanted to invite you to spend the day by my side and share a meal with me, apart from our peers and friends maybe?”
Curumo had heard of such meetings—Mairon, it was said, indulged in them quite frequently—but he had never expected to partake in that particular kind of unnecessary folly himself. As he looked into the huge, hopeful eyes of someone who only knew selfless care and patient kindness, he found that he was not categorically opposed to the idea after all.
“Do you know what you are insinuating, little one?” he inquired, just to make sure that he had not, yet again, misinterpreted the situation by letting his own doubts and desires override his better judgement and knowledge.
Blushing, Aiwendil nodded slowly. This was the first time that he had ever dared to make such a request and he was terrified of the implications and potential consequences, but, now that the moment of truth had come, he stood his ground stubbornly.
He was very aware of the risk he was taking by petitioning someone whose form was too similar to the one he had chosen for himself while their essence was just a smidgen too divergent from his own sweet, gentle nature.
If Curumo was to react negatively to this invitation, Aiwendil might well be ostracised, punished, or worse for his trespass against the customs and unwritten rule of their kind—it followed quite naturally that, with everything that was on the line for him, he desperately hoped and wished that this would not be the case.
“So be it then,” Curumo heard himself say; a ripple of surprise and discomfort disturbed the calm self-control of his mien as he realised that he had not consciously decided to accept this invitation before the words had left his tingling lips.
Maybe this was a petulant attempt to show Mairon that he really didn’t care about the secret rendezvous the dismissive fire spirit apparently attended, or it was a despairing effort to overcome the natural disinterest that was as much part of his innermost truth as his sharp, calculating mind or his powerful, persuasive voice.
Either way, he had agreed to spend the day with one he thought of with a strange, melancholic mix of unfair disdain and unbridled envy more often than he let anybody, least at all Aiwendil himself, know.
Aiwendil caressed where others struck and his kindness was as enduring and steadfast as rock and iron—at first glance, his effaced, nervous way of comporting himself might make anyone believe that he was weak-willed and charmless, but that was not so.
Curumo was ashamed of how long it had taken him to realise just how precious that little wood creature was; as a matter of fact, that initial realisation had only led to a slew of others—all of them humbling and none of them humiliating—which he earnestly treasured and recalled whenever he felt his own pride and vanity get out of control within his untameable breast.
Far from being dull, Aiwendil—once he had gotten comfortable with another soul—could reveal and share fascinating secrets about the world they lived in and his benevolent awareness of all things living and thriving had oft nourished Curumo’s uninterrupted musings about existential questions for many a mingling.
“I…Oh, all right,” the young Maia now stammered, his face lighting up with a glow that seemed to combine the familiar light of the Trees and yet sublimated it into a unique gleam that could not be found anywhere else.
“You are aware that I am not…I am not used to this kind of togetherness. I do not want to disappoint you,” Curumo exclaimed passionately—how could he clothe into words those elusive skills, demeanours, and instincts he suspected were underdeveloped or even entirely lacking in him if he had no way of knowing what the presence of those traits would even feel like?
“Worry not,” Aiwendil promised, laying a comforting, reassuring hand on Curumo’s shivering forearm. “All things grow according to their season, their kind, and their own undisclosed destiny—I know, respect, and welcome that. I’ll let you return to your work, and I’ll see you very soon, I hope.”
As if he was afraid that his courage would fail him, he sauntered away quickly, blending into the bushes surrounding the forge like one of the critters that followed him everywhere he went.
There were too many things Curumo didn’t know and couldn’t predict to count them, but—as his eyes followed Aiwendil until he could no longer make out anything other than the softly swaying leaves of the distant trees—he felt warm and comfortable and that had to be enough for now.
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@fellowshipofthefics Here is my first entry for the June Pride Bingo :)
As always, lots of love from me and special thanks to @cilil for submitting this beautiful prompt!
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fellowshipofthefics · 4 months
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June is truly a beautiful month that celebrates all sorts of love. What better way to show that off than with a bingo board?! Below is the board that has a variety of sexualities, as well as some activities that are near and dear to LGBTQIA+ community!
Many of these can still be used in canon-verse! They don't necessarily have to be modern universe. Just have fun with them!
And of course don’t forget to send in your fics to us when you are done so we can put it in our queue using this form! Be creative!!
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sambuckylibrary · 3 months
SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 Month 1
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Thank you all for participating in the SamBucky Summer Bingo 2023 thus far! There were a lot of fun and wonderful pieces in June and we hope you all keep up the fantastic work. Here is the full list of everything made from June 1-30th.
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Vacation Fills
| Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...Or Whatever by @siancore | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K | Long, Separate Vacations, Social Media AU, Mixed Media | AO3 |
| All yours to take by @heyitsyav | Rated: E | WC: 12.6K | Cookout, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut | AO3 |
| Beach Day by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: G | WC: 683 | Beach Day, Post-TFATWS, Post-Docter Strange: Multiverse of Madness | AO3 |
| Work It On Out by @glittercake | Rated: E | WC: 13.9K | Long, Separate Vacations, Canon Divergence, Getting Together | AO3 |
| I Can Be Your Damsel in Distress by @siancore | Rated: M | WC: 3.5K | Lifeguard AU, Thirsty Bucky Barnes, Getting Together | AO3 |
| I'm Coming With You by @siancore | Rated: G | WC: 1.2K | Pride Parade, Pre-Slash, Fanfic with Fanart | AO3 |
| Pride Parade by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: N/A | WC: 638 | Pride Parade, Everyone is Gay, Crafts | AO3 |
| The 76th Annual Delacroix Sandcastle Competition by @thatmexisaurusrex | Graphic Edit | Beach Day, Rivals to Lovers | Architects AU |
| not a date. by @thatmexisaurusrex | Graphic Edit | Hiking, Not a Date, Situationship |
| If You Were Eurydice and I Was Orpheus by @thatmexisaurusrex | Rated: T | WC: 1.5K | Stargazing, Getting Together, Domestic Fluff | AO3 |
| Long, Separate Vacations by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: N/A | WC: 1.3K | Long, Separate Vacations, Mutual Pining, Texting | AO3 |
| Long, Separate Vacation, You Say? by @thatmexisaurusrex | Graphics Edit | Long, Separate Vacations, TFATWS Vibes, Sam and Bucky Quotes |
| A Falcon's Guide to Boat Maintenance by @thatmexisaurusrex | Graphics Edit | Meanwhile, on the Boat..., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff |
| Meanwhile, On the Boat... by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: N/A | WC: 1.5K | Meanwhile, on the Boat..., Crack Treated Seriously, Grief/Mourning | AO3 |
| Can You Remember? (The Rain) by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: N/A | WC: 1.4K | Free Space, Storms, Anxiety, Past SamRiley | AO3 |
| Avengers Camp! by @thatmexisaurusrex | Graphic Edit | Summer Camp AU, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Crack and Fluff |
| Before the Parade by @thatmexisaurusrex | Rated: T | WC: 1.4K | Pride Parade, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff | AO3 |
| Shop Talk by @six2vii | Rated: E | WC: 2.1K | Free Space, Vacation, Fluff and Smut | AO3 |
| Outside by @questionableratatouille00 | Rated: N/A | WC: 1.1K | Cookout, Summer Camp, Stargazing, Hiking | AO3 |
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Mission Fills
| Tell Me You Want Me Too by @siancore | Rated: E | WC: 3K | Madripoor, Undercover, Only One Bed | AO3 |
| Untitled by @funsized-loser | Rated: M | WC: 1.6K | Only One Bed, First Kiss, Getting Together |
| My Whole World by @siancore | Rated: M | WC: 4.4K | Thunderbolts, Bucky Takes Care of Sam, Angst with a Happy Ending | AO3 |
| High Spirits by @siancore | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K | Redwing, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff | AO3 |
| The Science of Things by @siancore | Rated: T | WC: 3.8K | Multiverse, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together | AO3 |
| Coming Home to You by @siancore | Rated: T | Hurt/Comfort, Thunderbolts Era, Mixed Media | AO3 |
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Loving Fills
| Head Over Heels by @jemgirl86 | Rated: N/A | WC: 4.5K | Angst with a Happy Ending, Thunderbolts Speculation/Pre-Captain America 4, Established Relationship | AO3 |
| Until the Morning, You're Mine by @cobrafantasies | Rated: M | WC: 2.4K | Summer Fling, Partners to Lovers, Getting Together | AO3 |
| Whole Lotta Something Goin’ On by @jemgirl86 | Rated: N/A | WC: 8.1K | And They Were Roommates, Everyone Loves Sam, No Powers AU | AO3 |
| Hello, Goodbye by @jemgirl86 | Rated: N/A | WC: 4.7K | Meet-Cute/Meet-Ugly, Widower Sam Wilson, Reformed Disney Dad Bucky Barnes | AO3 |
We're looking forward to more of your SamBucky Summer Bingo fics!
- The Mods
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Now Accepting Submissions: CFWC Pride Bingo!
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In celebration of Pride Month, CFWC is delighted to host Pride Bingo again.
The event will run from June 1st through June 30th.
One lucky winner will receive a fanart commission for a 2-person, full-body chibi with a full background from the lovely and talented @bayleedraws-sometimesx.
The winner will be randomly selected using the Wheel of Names and announced by Tuesday, July 2nd.
The prompts are inspired by Pride Month themes worldwide over the years.
We have purposely left them broad for you to interpret them for your characters as you see appropriate.
Prompts are:
Submissions must focus on characters who are part of the LGBTQ+ community (or 2SLGBTQIA+, as we say in Canada).
For contest rules and guidelines, please see below.
Event Rules & Guidelines:
Submissions must be about Pixelberry Choices LGBTQ+ pairings or characters (canon of fanon).
Write fics or create artwork based on the bingo card categories.
Each submission is eligible for one chance at winning a prize.
If you get “Bingo” - three in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally - you will get three chances to win a prize. (3 chances max per person).
Each submission can only be assigned to one category. Please indicate the category/prompt in the header.
Only direct submissions to this blog are eligible for a prize. @choicesficwriterscreations must be tagged and use the tag #cfwc pride bingo.
If time allows, fics or artworks found in main tags that meet event criteria will be reblogged and included on the event masterlist, but they will not be eligible for the prize.
Submissions can be cross-listed with other fandom Pride events; in fact, we encourage you to do so.
NSFW and mature-themed submissions will be accepted, but they must be rated Mature or Explicit, and any trigger warnings should be noted.
The content creator must be following @choicesficwriterscreations to be eligible for the prize.
While anyone can participate in the event, creators who have won an art commission from a CFWC contest in the last 6 months and CFWC mods/admins are not eligible for the prize.
For questions or clarifications, please send an ask or DM @liaromancewriter.
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