#Jungian Types
randomfoggytiger · 8 months
Personality Typing: What Happens Later
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W. Davis and W. Davis meet again in an airport 25 years after their love life took a slow nosedive. Now, curious about each other's decisions since the breakup, they slowly surrender to uncomfortable truths, healing each other and drawing closer together. Their love, which never disintegrated, becomes more open and honest after a night of new revelations and clearer understanding.
I've already written an overview of their miscommunication (post here); but found it really interesting to dig into their Types' frictions and fluidities.
**Note: Will ghost edit later~**
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ESTJs are structure-based, "take charge", direct, initiating, and control Types: meaning, they have no problem opening or closing conversations with ease, saying what they mean upfront, planning for an ultimate end goal and keeping those plans until completion, and deal more solidly with concrete tangibles than metaphysical hypotheticals. As they age, they dabble more in philosophical abstracts (with their "Shadow" functions); and can aspire to be very crafty with their careful strategies and executions. ESTJs are the quintessential "Structure" Types, seeking or creating order out of a continually chaotic world; and, while plodding along their paths with that outcome in mind, they become guardians to those around them that need structure or protection in their own lives, as well. Because of this, they are the Types most successful at following the beaten path, upkeeping it for the rest of humanity in their wake.
The Hero Function: The Heroic Function is the Type's first and easiest function to use in its stack of eight. Thinking Extroverted, Te for short, Hero focuses on rational, statistical data: "I can do x/y/z if it's proven to be safe or advantageous or beneficial"; and are more likely to put more trust in established institutions or beliefs than individual ideas or new theories. Because of this, they will also more likely categorize and dismiss alternate lifestyles or opinions with a label or privately held opinion (i.e. "'Endure this dangling'? ...Now I remember Ginny.") This ability is actually an essential tool for society at large: an ESTJ has the ability to sort and rank large amounts of people and information into easily designated groups, helping others as efficiently as possible while also helping themselves to climb the ladders of achievement. (However, unlike most ENTJs-- post here-- ESTJ's find it more comfortable to take and delegate orders rather than directly give them, fitting them perfectly into second-in-command or managerial positions.)
The Parent Function: The second "parental" Function of the eight is the most guiding or reinforcing for the Hero, steering it away from too easy, pleasure-seeking solutions. Sensing Introverted, Si for short, Parent dictates a person's dedication to duty, long-term memory, responsibility, and loyalty; in essence, the "should do"s of life. For an ESTJ, it makes them responsibly loyal, not willing to hand out trust or commitment to anyone until they've earned it (or in Bill and Willa's case, earned it back.) It'll give others a helping hand, keep an eye out for them, even go out of their way for that person; but trust with all their heart and soul is worked at, not just handed over.
The Child Function: The third Function is the Type's propensity for their specific brand of overflowing optimism or ability to make "miracles" for themselves and others. Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, Inferior has the "miracle" of making anything possible, pulling impossible solutions or improbable second chances out of thin air for their loved ones (and themselves.) It is also the place where a Type can be "abused" and deeply wounded: "child abuse" to an ESTJ is when others do not communicate their intent, wants, or needs: it leaves Ne Child to flounder and spiral and guess and second guess, breaking down their Si Parent's security and trust and scaring an ESTJ into a wrong choice with their Ni Trickster (which is what lead to the breakdown of Bill and Willa's relationship.) An ESTJ must feel wanted; and if they're acts of service are taken for granted and unappreciated, they will feel used and unwanted.
The Inferior Function: The fourth Function is an aspirational function, acting as the vanity and insecurity of a Type and leading either to their positive Unconscious or negative Superego (post here.) Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, fears that it is not morally strong enough-- that they lack good principles or are lacking as a person (Bill's fear of having failed his daughter, and later Willa and their daughter); but, if mature, can out-moral stronger Fi Users in short bursts, becoming brave enough to seek individual meaning outside the confines of fear or expectation.
The Nemesis Function: The fifth Function serves as a speedbump for the Hero, its anti-hero that can be transformed from a guilt-trip to a Type's necessary counterpoint perspective. Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, Nemesis always fears that it's and other people's thinking is faulty or incorrect; and, if used to an ESTJ's advantage, will drive them to cross-reference their beliefs or (possibly outdated) information. (This was the core reason behind Bill's suspicions before Willa even proposed an open relationship: Willa struggles with articulation, and her communication was never clear enough for her then-boyfriend's worries, which created suspicion.)
The Critic Function: The sixth Function is either the crotchety old grandparent or the wise, matured elder of the eight functions. Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Critic is an elitist hypocrite, equating external appearance with intelligence and criticizing others' appearance or mannerisms or ways of life that don't reflect "decently" back on them (ex. Bill's "Oil of newt?" and "You don't have a phone? Of course you don't have a phone!" to Willa.) At the same time, their own presentation or personal lives could be lacking without them realizing (Bill yelling at Willa for her being a "mess" while his own life was also in shambles.)
The Trickster Function: The seventh Function is the blind-and-deaf of the eight functions. Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Trickster deceived an ESTJ into thinking they know what want-- they DO NOT. It is imperative that they do not make big decisions, especially big ones, alone or without input or proper outsourcing; otherwise, they will be tricked into a faulty decision by malevolent actors... or by themselves (Bill's decision to break up with Willa instead of communicating contributed to the relationship's end.) If matured, this function helps sort through what an ESTJ really wants versus what it thinks it wants.
The Demon Function: The eighth and most powerful Function of the stack, the Demon is reserved for punishment or retribution if a person's needs are routinely being ignored or disregarded. Extroverted Thinking, Fe for short, stops caring about what others feel if others mischaracterize them as selfish, greedy, or horrible humans. Their anger transforms into a determination to make sure "no one will feel good until I feel good; and even then, MAYBE I'll let others feel good" (which is why Bill snapped at Willa after she labeled him wrongly in their first major fight and snapped at her later, again-- wrongfully-- for trying to help him out of his comfort zone.)
Virtue and Vice: Serenity and Chaos (Leaf Blower)
Purpose-- what humanity chases perhaps to our graves. Virtue and Vice distill that purpose into two "yin and yang" (if you will) opposites that strive to coalesce into one healthily, balanced individual.
What is an ESTJ's purpose? Bill Davis tells us himself:
"...You know what I do love? What I really, really love? My leaf blower. ...Gettin' those leaves into one big pile and then blowing that pile into smithereens; and making order out of disorder and then disorder out of order-- over and over and over again-- 'This is my backyard.' I love my leaf blower."
ESTJ's are trying to bring order out of the chaos because they hate chaos. The world, however, is balanced by both: too much order and life and new discoveries and advancements and possibilities stagnate; too much chaos and the world falls apart without the guardrails of morals and ethics and basic human decency. Bill is seeking serenity, quite literally walking from one airport terminal to another to escape the disruption of modern music and its effects on his tranquility. They spot chaos coming from a mile away. Not only that, but a person or thing that brings chaos into their life without consideration builds up resentment in an ESTJ, and contributed to his frustrations with Willa most of the movie (chastising her for her rain stick swinging, snapping at her good and bad prodding, etc.) But then why is Bill drawn to Willa despite his blatant aversion to her naturally chaotic state of being? That's where his Vice factors in.
How does it factor in? An ESTJ fervently quests to find and retain rigid order; and when that fails, apathy kicks in and chaos reigns supreme. In What Happens Later, baby Kevin is crippling Bill's ability to do his job, the storm is crippling his ability to escape the from his blunder with Rose through work, the airport music is crippling his ability to escape into his mind and recuperate, Willa is crippling his ability to avoid confrontation about their past, and the airport announcer is crippling his ability to leave it all behind and make a final escape on Willa's flight in her stead. Bill breaks, railing at the airport overlord who he sees as the orchestrator of this mess.
So, too much serenity had Bill limp-wristedly coasting from one aggravation to the next, and too much chaos had him yelling at Willa and quite literally stomping his feet. The lesson he learned is balance; and he learned that balance by becoming serene in, and in spite of, chaos: taking the power outage in stride (by offering a ride around on the cart), powering through tough conversations and giving Willa her power back (by cleansing Willa with the rain stick), and accepting her soft rejection but acting on her second acceptance later (smoothly motioning through the chaos of both their planes taking off.)
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ESFPs are starter-based, "hit the ground running" initiating, informative, and interest Types: meaning, they are freedom-based, make-it-up-as-we-go people, avoidant of permanence and the possibility it might trap them in a situation opposite to their interests or desires. Life, they feel, is ruled by give and take investments; and if they are performing at their best for another person but that person's personal attention or interest wanes, then ESFPs feel disenchanted, discarded, and set aside as second-best; and they end up leaving to pursue a (hopefully) better path forward. The goal of a journey is its path, not its outcome; and they move passionately from one person or object or thing to the next as quickly as possible, often half-finishing or ditching their progress to "start" something new. This serves society because they are rapid-fire propagators of new or better ideas, handing off those ideas to the other Types who can more skillfully hammer out and execute their plans.
The Hero Function: The first Function of an ESFP's stack of eight is its Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Hero: it hones in on physical "in the moment" awareness, engaging fully with others, providing variety, demonstration, or observation. It is unavoidably present, with little memory of the past and little desire to focus on the future (Ni Inferior); and wants to constantly share experiences or gain and give as much attention as possible. ESFPs live and die for attention, and particularly for credit and kudos for their actions (because of Fi Parent and Te Child.) They struggle the most with making a decision, their (Ni Inferior) fear hampers them from making stronger commitments (or any); and ends up costing them future freedom because of their present mistakes (Willa slowly losing Bill after she suggested they open the relationship.)
The Parent Function: The ESFP's Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, Parent cares more about its own morals, principles, values, or moods over those around them-- or even the truth-- and must have others feel good about them to feel good about themselves (which Willa realized after painting Bill as the jerk for disliking her "personality".) If mature, an Fi Parent learns to responsibly test their morality, weighing the pros and cons of their beliefs and helping others decode their own skewed or wavering worth (which Willa also did, admitting and owning up to her past mistakes and going the extra mile to help Bill correct his.)
The Child Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Thinking, Te for short, Child is often labeled ignorant or unbelievable because of their short retention span. This wounds them deeply, and pushes an ESFP to prove others wrong by knuckling down and ingesting vast amounts of information to disprove others' assumptions and improve their own status (hence why Willa lied, pretending that she was a successful practitioner when she was neither a healer nor successful.) With maturity, Te Child learns to thirst for knowledge separate from status-seeking, becoming a sponge of information and delightedly picking apart the intellectual brains of other people (hence why she respects and wants to understand Bill more in the present than she had in the past.)
The Inferior Function: The aspirational Function of the ESFP's stack is its Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Inferior, which consumes itself simultaneously with willpower and hope for the future and an ingrained, deadly fear of it. ESFPs are afraid of making the wrong choice, often choosing limbo or pushing off the chance to reconsider an action before leaping in, feet first (e.g. Willa's asking for an open relationship and adopting out her second daughter.) Because Ni Inferior is unaware there will always be more choices created from one choice selected, they fear their journey will end with one wrong turn-- that they'll be stuck with irreparable regrets that can't be fixed... and usually end up there, regardless, after many, many faulty turns of their own (Bill, meanwhile, was the one who freed her from the Inferior's paralysis.) With maturity, ESFPs learn that one choice is better than none; and that the first one-- while always the hardest-- shakes off the shackles and shows them what true freedom is (and which is why she chose Bill at the end of the movie, making a first, independent step on her own.)
The Nemesis Function: The first of an ESFP's "Shadow" Functions are its Introverted Sensing, Si for short, Nemesis, which twists an Si's drive to act on honor, duty, and loyalty into an incessant worry. It fears tomorrow won't be as good as today, and stalls an ESFP's hesitant Ni Inferior into complete inaction ("failure to launch" syndrome), worsening its ability to make a choice forward. With maturity, this Function learns to force ESFPs into an action it dislikes or fears, using that experience to prove that, yes, they will survive; and, yes, they have come out the other side stronger and more capable for it (Willa facing Bill's anger at her past decisions, learning to accept his reproofs, and confessing her life of limbo because of her self-doubt all these years.) Si Nemesis is also aware that it needs comfort but isn't good at consistent cleanliness or orderliness in their own or immediate environments (and is often why they pair up with SJ types, who are usually more tidy and organized); and if chastised unsympathetically for these struggles, they shut down, throw their hands up, and silently brood as the problem continues to worsen.
The Critic Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Feeling, Fe for Short, Critic supports only one person: itself, believing others aren't as deserving of their support. With maturity, it learns to ignore the little voice of suspicion and prove that they themselves are good before judging other people as "bad" (Willa seems to have reached this maturity already, though she does Bill's judgments of her-- and almost comments on her ex's ex-wife.)
The Trickster Function: The ESFP's seventh Function is its Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, which believes ANYTHING can be true or false-- that there are no absolutes (as typified by Willa's belief in Leap Days and her herbal practices and affirmation that she and Bill were bound to meet again.) ESFPs do not have "logic", superseding it with their beliefs of reality; however, they can mature this process by collecting data with their Te Child, becoming a master at spotting inconsistencies embedded in different opinions (Willa's "You're already living your worst scenario" makes, as Bill Davis says, "a good point.") Futhermore, they fail at articulation, and are the perpetual Achilles Heel of their relationships (and was especially destructive because Bill is highly suspicious of any communication other than direct, even brutal, truth.)
The Demon Function: And lastly, the eight Function of an ESFP's stack is its Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, which bursts forth if the Ni Inferior is stripped from its freedom of choice, setting fire to everyone else's choices and future because it wasn't granted one (forcing her ex to work through each painful conversation about their past because he denied them closer by never telling her the full truth.) As destructive as it can be, the mature Demon can be used to set others free, using their prescience to craft a possible future from potentialities (swapping plane seats with Bill so he could go back to his daughter's recital, etc.)
Virtue and Vice: Delayed Gratification vs. Instant Gratification
What is an ESFP's purpose?
ESFPs are trying to find themselves, thinking that pursuing life and people at breakneck speed will bring them closer (and faster) to the answers they're searching for. The reality is, because they live so exclusively in the "now", these Types often end up making decisions based on what feels good momentarily rather than what would be wise in the long run. This, in turn, leaves a body of mistakes behind them which they the attempt to flee from, futilely. Willa's Virtue is Delayed Gratification, putting her own ill-formed or fleeting ideas on pause to carefully consider her next move, learning the difference between trying what everyone else is because or picking and choosing what is (or was) best for her and her relationship.
But an interesting aspect develops because of an ESFP's irresponsible lifestyle: they learn to pause and study their past mistakes, maturely diagnosing where they went wrong and how they could have avoided this or that problem. It makes them wiser and better able to instruct someone else on how to navigate their own labyrinth (i.e. the simple and straightforward advice she offered William about Rose.) But, like Bill, too much Virtue and not enough Vice creates its own negative pathway for Willa.
Too much Self-Gratification leads to irresponsibly chaotic and destructive decisions; and too much Delayed Gratification causes anxiety over making any decision at all. When in balance, Wilhemina Davis learned (before she met up with William Davis again) to reassess her choices and their consequences and chose (with William Davis's help) to take an increasingly confident step forward, breaking the chains of her old cycles and forging the paths of her new ones.
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There were already issues brewing that we, the audience, are never told in detail; but suffice to say, there was tension on Bill's part before Willa even proposed an open relationship (which began the slow descent to the end.)
Bill's Ti Nemesis picked up an articulation issue from Willa (though we don't know what); and, unsure what she was trying to communicate with him, began to worry and question her end goal. Willa sensed a skepticism or withdrawal from Bill; and, because Bill refused to communicate his Si Parent's concerns (read: fears) about her long-term loyalty and stability, she began to worry he wasn't investing as much into their relationship anymore. So, she messed everything up by acting impulsively with her Se Hero: Willa tested his loyalty by asking for an open relationship. That stabbed Bill's Te Hero ("I don't think highly of you") and Ne Child ("I don't want you") in the heart, confirming his suspicions that he would never be "enough"; and, heartbroken, he withdrew his Si Parent's trust while still giving his consent. That confirmed Willa's suspicions but didn't break her heart; instead, she gave up the idea of other relationships and was fully committed to theirs by the time she accidentally became pregnant. She fell more in love with Bill during the pregnancy; and Bill stepped up to fatherhood (Te Hero standards and Si Parent traditions) even though he had deep-rooted paternity doubts.
When the miscarriage happened, Willa fell even more in love with Bill because of his strength... but began to notice his withdrawal once again. Bill, meanwhile, was convinced this was a second chance; and, giving in to his Ni Trickster's lure away from the complicated exploration of his feelings and sense of betrayal, he withdrew enough so that he and Willa could separate what he deemed friendly terms. By the time of the breakup, both thought the other had wanted a life separate from each other; and both, while heartbroken, soothed themselves with dreaming up a happier ending for their ex-partner.
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W. Davis and W. Davis were still in love with each other when they met again twenty-five years later; but how did their mangled and broken trust manage to heal in the matter of a few hours? Willa first showed Bill she'd changed, winning him back with her consideration and prodding him open with her maturity; and Bill reciprocated piece by piece, carefully sharing scraps with Willa to test how far he could extend that trust.
Every Type has eight functions, and each of those eight functions need to be catered to for a person to feel loved, appreciated, or "seen"-- this was important for Bill, who had felt used and minimized in the past; and for Willa, who realized, nearly too late, that Bill had left because of her, not because of a lifestyle change.
An ESTJ feels loved if they're thought highly of-- more specifically, if they're thought of; and will melt at the words "I think highly of you" because of their Te Hero's incessant drive to be in tip-top shape in every aspect of their lives. Their Si Parent doles out care and thoughtfulness to everyone in their life, and feels special and loved if their loved one takes the time to remember important, small details that contribute to their happiness or comfort (watch a favorite movie with them, remember their favorite room temperature, help them before they have an anticipatory anxiety attack, etc.) An Ne Child just wants to be wanted; and if an Si Parent's is cared for, then an ESTJ's Ne feels doubly so (especially if an ex keeps seeking them out after fights and still and makes way for their many picky needs.) Fi Inferior's love the spotlight (because of the respect it commands), and it means the world if others not only give it to them but actively make room for them to have it (ex. Willa congratulating him on his successful career and daughter.) Ti Nemesis needs to know the brutal facts because they have worries that only 100% honesty will salvage-- and if you communicate through feelings instead of facts, it makes them suspicious and kick down to their Fe Demon. Se Critic needs for others to have their nose wiped and shoes tied, often looking down on others for their lack of presentation (or sneering up the chain of command at the new mangy top dog that somehow outshine his twenty plus years of dedicated service.) Ni Trickster needs to be told what to do, because they can't figure out which path forward is the best for them-- and those who sit down to untangle and council them on their decisions are appreciated and treasured (ex. Bill admired Willa's useful advice.) Lastly, ESTJs feel loved if others avoid appealing to their sense of duty and integrity rather than their mixed up and complicated feelings.
An ESFP's Se Hero feels loved when their loved ones provide them with attention (listening to them prattle on or reminisce about the good times, etc.) Fi Parent must give feedback, even if it's scalding; and feels loved if they are at least patiently listened to, even if the other person doesn't take their advice (ex. Bill listening to whatever Willa wanted to say, from light-hearted banter to more painful, wounding remembrances.) Te Child wants to be respected and regarded; and their feelings-- often a byproduct of their feelings and beliefs rather than the truth of a situation-- are often hard for them to communicate outside of an oftentimes rambly conversation (because of Ti Trickster.) Ni Inferior needs, not wants, absolute freedom; and, must be guided, not forced, into any final decision. Si Nemesis need others to share their comfort including them in no-fuss bonding where they can let their hair down and relax (i.e. a nice, zigzagging cart ride and dance-off in the dark.) Fe Critic invest into relationships with their all; and need to know those investments are valued and that the person values themselves enough to know how valuable an ESFP sees them. Ti Trickster must be asked what they believe or feel, not what they think: articulation is a massive struggle for ESFPs, and issues with extracting and identifying logos add too many layers to an already complicated form of communication. And finally, Ni Demon doesn't trust what other people want-- suspecting others of wanting something of or from them that would strip their freedom-- and need to be told what the other person needs instead (i.e. why Willa kept pressing Bill on his answers then and in the present, trying to figure out what he needed not what his Ni Trickster thought it wanted.)
In the early scenes between them, Willa showed how much she'd matured and changed, treading carefully about his family, nodding along with Bill's struggles and worries, and following him wherever he wandered to escape another uncomfortable environment. Bill then began to trust Willa more, turning the conversation from his job to his job struggles, from his anticipatory anxieties to his concerns about his daughter, from his anger at her past "faithlessness" to his respect of her (and his) growth and ability to change. After each conflict, resolutions were able to be worked to swiftly because of their present acknowledgment and acceptance; and by the end of the movie, both had kindled not only their love but also their trust.
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W. Davis and W. Davis's relationship was torn apart by miscommunication; but the strength they gleaned from each other drew them back together, both strong enough now to properly bear up under each other's weaknesses and frailties and sorrows.
Love conquered all-- but it first had to have a good foundation to build back upon.
Thanks for reading~
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beyondwenet · 3 months
I love how gender add its layer and dimensions to saturnian personalities
Like masculine iterations are dark, gloomy, strict and resolved in their conception of duty and self sacrifice
And feminine iterations are like "once imma walk from my slumber, I'm gonna slay the demons that overruns earth, burns every lies you cherished, reduce your kingdoms to ashes, the sun will never rise on a soil filled with your sterile seeds, and then I'll go back to sleep, finally at peace"
And I love that. Truly I love them. I love you Saturn.
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windudemon · 23 days
typing question example
asking the person their favorite artist or band and then asking the reason why.
if the reason is technical, like appreciating specific qualities of the music itself, they might be a thinker—engaging with it analytically, focusing on sound, structure, or SKILL!
if the response highlights how inspiring the artist is or involves emotional investment, they’re likely a feeler—connecting with the artist on a PERSONAL level.
both of these things can be true, especially for the most favorite artist. if that's the case, then move to the second and third most favorite.
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cordelia-archer · 2 months
Everyone keeps saying Anthony Lockwood is an ENFJ not an ENTJ because he is empathetic, emotionally supportive, sweet, constantly caring... But HEAR ME OUT, Anthony Lockwood is DEFINITELY an ENTJ!!!📣
Generally, ENTJ is described as "Decisive, Strategic, Organized, Energetic, Articulate", which is the perfect description for Anthony Lockwood.
To be more specific, we can look into the 2 functions that separate an ENTJ and an ENFJ:
📍1. Te as primary function:
📍Lockwood makes it quite clear that he cares about efficiency the most. That's why he left for the case before George finishes his research and is complained repeatedly by George because of how he does everything so fast, without enough preparation.
📍Lockwood is relentless, achievement-oriented, action-oriented, and is described as the exact opposite to George, an INTP (we all know that ENTJ and INTP have the exact opposite functions).
ENTJ: Te, Ni, Se, Fi
INTP: Ti, Ne, Si, Fe
"In many ways, Lockwood was the complete opposite of George,... He had no interest in the mechanics of ghosts, and little in their individual desires or intentions. All he really wanted was to destroy them as efficiently as possible." (from book 2)
Lockwood doesn't care about exploring and figuring out how things work, what causes the Problem,... He just wants to focus on the next goal, get work done in the most efficient way, wants to achieve, to make Lockwood & Co. become the best agency and so on. He is impatient with what he perceives as inefficient, which is spending a lot of time on preparing and researching like George always does. His Te primary function is obvious when compared with George's Ti primary function.
📍However, this doesn't mean he doesn't care about others' well being and feelings. You all need to stop saying Lockwood is an ENFJ because he has golden retriever energy, he is sweet and caring, etc... WHY CAN'T AN ENTJ BE EMPATHETIC, ENCOURAGING AND SWEET? An ENTJ is so much more than those harsh, controlling freak ENTJ stereotypes. Have you seen Gordon Ramsay, an ENTJ, spending time with kids and his own daughters? He's also really sweet, supportive and encouraging when the kids make mistake and stressed out.
Having said that, it doesn't mean Lockwood isn't being a jerk sometimes. Because of his Te primary function, he ignores Lucy's words to leave her out of public attention and go on to talk about to talent in order to promote his agency. Lockwood also left for the case without waiting for George and his research, leading to their enormous debt, just because of the same reason: his Te primary function.
📍2. Fi as inferior function
📍"Fi is ENTJ's last function. Fi helps them to assess situations to see how things match up to their values and beliefs. They may think of their Fi as their “gut instinct”. It helps them learn to be sensitive to the values and feelings of those around them. It can act as a warning system when they think a decision makes sense logically, but somewhere inside, Fi is the alarm saying it’s a bad idea. However, because Fi is the TeNi’s weakest function, they will often act with the swift decisiveness of Te first, before considering how their actions might affect the feelings of others or taking time to think about whether their decision lines up with their values."
Lockwood risks his life a lot just to build his agency's reputation. He loves dangerous cases as they make the agency famous, and also makes a lot of money to keep the agency working. Though this may sound like the fastest and most efficient way to achieve his goal, it is a bad idea. But since Fi is his weakness, Lockwood couldn't hear that inner voice and just do it anyway.
In the books, when Lockwood is stressed and in a weaker mental state, his Fi inferior function comes out. Then he will start to think about all of this, wonder why he does what he does, and if it aligns with his personal values...
📍We can also compare with ENFJs. ENFJ has Fe as their primary function, which means they rub off with others' emotions, they love to connect with people and they focus heavily on relationships.Lockwood, an ENTJ, on the other hand, is a bit reserved, he keeps personal feelings close to his chest and he DOESN'T connect with other people at all (at first, it takes quite a long time for him to actually open up, and before that, he just stays distant.)
Relationships is actually his WEAKNESS, since Te is his primary function and Fi is his inferior function. Lockwood prioritizes efficiency and task completion over personal relationships and emotional well-being (in both himself and others, but mostly himself), which is a very ENTJ thing to do. He risks his life for dangerous cases because those make the agency more famous, he avoids Lucy's personal questions and refuses to develop his relationships with George and Lucy any furrther at first. Then he grows and learns to open up, becoming a better ENTJ.
📣 Besides, he leads the team well mainly because of his charm, his determination, his recklessness and also his logical thinking, rather than his empathy and compassion, like an ENFJ does. 📣
📍I think his craving for public attention is an Te primary function.
📍The craving for public attention is rather a craving for achievements, because he wants his agency to grow and become famous.
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internetdweller3 · 6 months
I think a very bad issue within the typology community is how people shape themselves to adhere to their typology.
I recall a friend of mine who identified as an TiNe it(n) sp5 and they ensured the way they acted and responded to things were how a “typical e5 should respond”. It’s just kinda sad to see because people within the typology “community” will go against their natural human nature and response to comfort themselves that they’re the typology placements they are, if that makes ANY sense.
It should really be vice versa; you adjust your typology placements accordingly when you find that something doesn’t quite align with your behaviour, not you adjust your behaviour when you fine that it doesn’t align with your typology. But even then, one TiNe and another TiNe person are the same. It’s just really silly.
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phlve · 1 year
IN(F) — Introverted Intuition supported by Feeling
Continues to work instead of seeking treatment for failing health. Sometimes has phobias. Likes to go out, to dance, knows how to tell a stor. Experiences hypochondriac neuroses, claustrophobia. Before an important event experiences strong emotions, may lose appetite. he Is blind to his own hunger. He ponders what is the point of something, the meaning, symbolical nature. "What will this do for me?", he worries about what he can do to affect others, what are people thinking about, how society, the collective, perceives him, how his friends feel about him. He often smiles, has a cheerful nature, but it is usually fake, not so sincere. Neurotic, obsessive pedantic and egoist yet soft, friendly and welcoming. Expressive, he likes to maintain a comfortable emotional ambient, he focuses on making human relationships and Keeping everyone united. A hopeless romantic, prone to stalking crushes and compulsive overthinking They fall in love, they aren't loving, they are within limerence. "Teen love" - this is a good name for it. He idealizes everything, he doesn't has clear opinions, his beliefs are dictated by the collective: he either believes or gets skeptical about love, because he usually understands love only in a specific sense - the standard sense. When he thinks about emotions, he thinks about pop. mainstream. generalized emotions. Humanity for a long time idealized and represented love as romantic or erotic; so this type suffers from this: he easily believes in doing anything in the name of love, he would do anything for his loved ones, if he ever falls in love with someone, of course. Avoids showing his true feelings, he could be crying in one moment, and then in the other, he enters in a group, a collective, and he adapts to it, he stops crying and starts smiling, "acting". Very inclined to escapism, hallucinations, delusions and religion, ideology, existentialism and politics. He often relies on external sources, academics, he doesn't know how to explain things, so he needs to talk about his sources, he shows what people think, out of fear of being wrong. Anxious about being humiliated, he has a weak selt-esteem. The romantic dreamer likes to lay on a sofa with a book, or go to the countryside to spend time amidst nature. Many manifestations are inclined to cosplay, they like to live alternatives - finds ways to avoid boredom, uses old things and people in a new way and bringing the positive future into the present and past, staying light and hopeful in spite of anxieties. Struggles with videogames and orders: he is verv trial-and-error. He mav be cold. withdrawn. asocial. timid and extremely introverted; a gloomy figure with low confidence.
He hides his insecurities. runs into situations of trust and marriage. Intense connections. Fantasizes about people, delusional imagination of being accepted, praised. They find difficulty to express what they want, often times they do not realize what they wish in life; they ask people "how do you create interest?" because they lack actual desires and passions. Individualistic in some manner. Creates music, laments his own existence, prone to atheism, agnosticism. Diligent but unfocused, non-disciplined, often loses concentration, but he is always doing something - it could even be living in his dreams. He compares himself with other people, tends to be jealous, envious, yandere. Inclination towards mysticism and superstition, beliefs in prophetic dreams and omens. He is a person who is emotionally labile and uninhibited, does not control his own emotions, some manifestations of the type make fun of people and are sarcastic. Some versions, instead of comforting people with the warmth of his soul, begins to manipulate other people and act capricious and touchy. "Everything is wrong" and "things didn't turn out to be as desired". Many times expresses a desire to be hugged, to be protected and helped, he is weak and thinks of himself as someone "not prepared", he worries and worries. Some people of this type spend their time alone, don't have many friends (may not even have friends. He likes to dive himself in meditation. It is important to understand everything. Therefore, if you ask him about the difficult things sometimes, you can hear the answer that he understands them (only a very peculiar). It is important that everyone knew him as well. If understanding is impossible, that human self-esteem drops, so it does not like to admit that something is not understood. It is important to praise the consistency, likes to boast that he was up to something thought of himself. Often he loves to refer to some everyday stories, because nobody will not even think to check their authenticity, in general likes to refer to someone as a way to protect their reasoning. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. "If I understand correctly, then I am a good person". The fear of turning out to be incompetent greatly narrows down the areas in which the person dares to demonstrate or apply their knowledge. This type wants to solve his problems by collecting objective data. It is necessary to consult the experts, to obtain the data and results of studies, to receive objectively reliable new information. "Any unpleasant sensation or experience it's best to endure and wait over, than to seek how to improve one's state or move to another place that offers better conditions."
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sherkirti · 2 years
JUNGIAN ARCHETYPES & their Astrological Counterpart
The Jester (Aries)
The Lover (Taurus)
The Magician (Gemini)
The Caregiver (Cancer)
The Creator/Artist (Leo)
The Sage (Virgo)
The Everyman (Libra)
The Rebel (Scorpio)
The Explorer (Sagittarius)
The Ruler (Capricorn)
The Hero (Aquarius)
The Innocent (Pisces)
1. The Innocent Pisces/12th house
Motto: Free to be you and me
Core desire: to get to paradise
Goal: to be happy
Greatest fear: to be punished for doing something bad or wrong
Strategy: to do things right
Weakness: boring for all their naive innocence
Talent: faith and optimism
The Innocent is also known as: Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer.
2. The Everyman  Libra/7th House 
Motto: All men and women are created equal
Core Desire: connecting with others
Goal: to belong
Greatest fear: to be left out or to stand out from the crowd
Strategy: develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch
Weakness: losing one’s own self in an effort to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships
Talent: realism, empathy, lack of pretense
The Everyman is also known as: The good old boy, regular guy/girl, the person next door, the realist, the working stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor, the silent majority.
3. The Hero Aquarius/11th House
Motto: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Core desire: to prove one’s worth through courageous acts
Goal: expert mastery in a way that improves the world
Greatest fear: weakness, vulnerability, being a “chicken”
Strategy: to be as strong and competent as possible
Weakness: arrogance, always needing another battle to fight
Talent: competence and courage
The Hero is also known as: The warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player.
4. The Caregiver Cancer/4th House
Motto: Love your neighbour as yourself
Core desire: to protect and care for others
Goal: to help others
Greatest fear: selfishness and ingratitude
Strategy: doing things for others
Weakness: martyrdom and being exploited
Talent: compassion, generosity
The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter.
5. The Explorer Sagittarius/9th House
Motto: Don’t fence me in
Core desire: the freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world
Goal: to experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life
Biggest fear: getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness
Strategy: journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom
Weakness: aimless wandering, becoming a misfit
Talent: autonomy, ambition, being true to one’s soul
The explorer is also known as: The seeker, iconoclast, wanderer, individualist, pilgrim.
6. The Rebel Scorpio/8th House
Motto: Rules are made to be broken
Core desire: revenge or revolution
Goal: to overturn what isn’t working
Greatest fear: to be powerless or ineffectual
Strategy: disrupt, destroy, or shock
Weakness: crossing over to the dark side, crime
Talent: outrageousness, radical freedom
The Outlaw is also known as: The rebel, revolutionary, wild man, the misfit, or iconoclast.
7. The Lover Taurus/2nd House
Motto: You’re the only one
Core desire: intimacy and experience
Goal: being in a relationship with the people, work and surroundings they love
Greatest fear: being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved
Strategy: to become more and more physically and emotionally attractive
Weakness: outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own identity
Talent: passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment
The Lover is also known as: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, team-builder.
8. The Creator/Artist Leo/5th House
Motto: If you can imagine it, it can be done
Core desire: to create things of enduring value
Goal: to realize a vision
Greatest fear: mediocre vision or execution
Strategy: develop artistic control and skill
Task: to create culture, express own vision
Weakness: perfectionism, bad solutions
Talent: creativity and imagination
The Creator is also known as: The artist, inventor, innovator, musician, writer or dreamer.
9. The Jester Aries/1st House
Motto: You only live once
Core desire: to live in the moment with full enjoyment
Goal: to have a great time and lighten up the world
Greatest fear: being bored or boring others
Strategy: play, make jokes, be funny
Weakness: frivolity, wasting time
Talent: joy
The Jester is also known as: The fool, trickster, joker, practical joker or comedian.
10. The Sage Virgo/6th House
Motto: The truth will set you free
Core desire: to find the truth.
Goal: to use intelligence and analysis to understand the world.
Biggest fear: being duped, misled—or ignorance.
Strategy: seeking out information and knowledge; self-reflection and understanding thought processes.
Weakness: can study details forever and never act.
Talent: wisdom, intelligence.
The Sage is also known as: The expert, scholar, detective, advisor, thinker, philosopher, academic, researcher, thinker, planner, professional, mentor, teacher, contemplative.
11. The Magician Gemini/3rd House
Motto: I make things happen.
Core desire: understanding the fundamental laws of the universe
Goal: to make dreams come true
Greatest fear: unintended negative consequences
Strategy: develop a vision and live by it
Weakness: becoming manipulative
Talent: finding win-win solutions
The Magician is also known as:The visionary, catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, shaman, healer, medicine man.
12. The Ruler Capricorn/10th House
Motto: Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
Core desire: control
Goal: create a prosperous, successful family or community
Strategy: exercise power
Greatest fear: chaos, being overthrown
Weakness: being authoritarian, unable to delegate
Talent: responsibility, leadership
The Ruler is also known as: The boss, leader, aristocrat, king, queen, politician, role model, manager or administrator.
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m-v-tique · 2 months
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Intro to the Character Class System
Welcome to the Character Classification System! This is a personality system used to categorize patterns of behavior within characters across all forms of media. This system is broken down into six colors, which each character will possess three of. These colors are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Indigo.
The Character Classification system proposes the belief that the differences in the values that a character prioritizes leads to diverging perspectives and subsequent behavioral patterns. In other words, the things we care about are determined by the people we are and the way we interact with others. These being: Nature, Experience, Direction, Structure, Sentiment, and Connection. Everyone wants all six, but it is the priority of importance in the eyes of the character that determines their class.
There are twenty classes in total. These are:
The Vagabond
The Warrior
The Sage
The Artist
The Tactician
The Warden
The Inventor
The Captain
The Dancer
The Merchant
The Athlete
The Judge
The Bard
The Knight
The Courier
The Jester
The Maestro
The Scholar
The Priest
The Lover
When presented with a situation, the character will most likely respond in accordance with their relevant colors. This response varies between the colors present of each individual classification, but presents itself as a natural baseline that a character will tend to rely on.
Now the real question: how is this helpful? Beyond identifying patterns of behavior in pre-existing characters, this system can be used as a template for new storytellers to create balanced and internally consistent characters from. 
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levis-wii-controller · 8 months
Hello there!
I'm curious about those four personality classifications in your bio after the mbti and enneagram 🧐 what kind of tests are they? Also yay a fellow leo!! 🦁
1-3-5 is Tritype, sx/sp is Instinctual Varient, ILI is Socionics, IT(N) is Classic Jungian!
Hope this helped ::3
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
Hank Moody, Maggie Scully, and ESTPs
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When I set aside time to study Hank Moody the character, I found an interesting little surprise: he is the same Type as Maggie Scully, the famed mother of Special Agent Dana Scully of The X-Files. There's already a "stick to the facts" deep-dive I dedicated to Maggie here; but, seeing this as the perfect opportunity for a juicier, meatier analysis, I dove right in, got lost in the weeds, and surfaced a (very waterlogged) fascinated little amateur Typist.
How can debaucherous "playboy" Hank Moody have anything in common with buttoned-up Catholic Maggie Scully? Quite easily, actually: the differences are born from a lack of maturity. To put it simply, everything that is wrong for Hank Moody's Type to do (without malice), he's doing it. So, let's read him for filth.
Here we go~
A Summary of Typing Functions
Every Personality Type is comprised of 4 main Functions (Hero, Parent, Child, and Inferior) and 4 secondary Functions (Nemesis, Critic, Trickster, and Demon) that "shadow" or mimic the 4 main ones. These 8 combine to create the "Ego" (main) and "Unconscious" (secondary) parts of a person's brain. There are two other sides of the mind (Subconscious and Superego); but that information didn't need to be touched on in this post.
Below are the 8 Functions:
Ni = Introverted Intuition: Personal Willpower, Choice, Desire, Focus, Goal, Freedom (“my wants, my goals”)
Ne = Extroverted Intuition: Metaphysics, Possibilities, Potential, Desirability (“everyone’s wants, goals; collective fate, future”)
Si = Introverted Sensing: Tradition, Duty, Sharing, Loyalty, Security, Habit (“what’s my comfort, what I’m loyal to”)
Se = Extroverted Sensing: Physical Performance, Finesse, Realism, Observation, Demonstration (“others’ collective experiences; joins with or copies others”)
Fi = Introverted Feeling: Morals, Principles, Mood, Investment, Worth, Measure (“what I feel, what I believe”)
Fe = Extroverted Feeling: Ethics, Inclusivity, Acceptance, Culture, Balance, Support (“how others feel, how we’re bonding”)
Ti = Introverted Thinking: Deduction, Filter, Verification, Facts, Criticism (“what I think, what the facts say”)
Te = Extroverted Thinking: Achievements, Standards, Metrics, Rules, Induction, Beliefs, Labels (“what’s collectively thought or proven”)
Hank Moody and Maggie Scully, the ESTP
ESTPs are often labeled as the "alpha" of the Personality Types because they naturally draw people to them-- a little wolf pack of friends and family, if you will-- and effortlessly take the lead, carving through the world to make their own path. They are concrete and direct in communication, take the initiative in relationships and conversations, figure out their own and others' best interests, and pragmatically dole out solutions with a "forgiveness instead of permission" attitude. Their Introverted Thinking (ES-Ti-P) uses facts and hard truths to filter what is socially acceptable; and their Extroverted Sensing (E-Se-TP) uses their freedom of choice to observe others and create memories with them. ESTPs are wired around strengthening others because it makes them stronger, something which they must try (and fail) at before they succeed.
Their Typing Functions in chronological order:
Sensing Extroverted (Se for short) is fully tuned to the present-- mastering the tangible, physical world-- but must have someone to experience it with to truly appreciate life. They struggle with metaphysics: consequences and long-term implications; and tend to be highly reactive because of how strongly expressive Se Hero is. Thinking Introverted (Ti for short) is personalized, independent thought: ESTPs want to improve the people around them, cheering on others' success and improvements. Feeling Extroverted (Fe for short)-- rooted in ethics, inclusion, and support-- craves to be involved in every aspect of their loved ones' lives, delightedly lavishing intense attention on them at every available opportunity; and will be devastated if they are not someone's top priority, too. They are also known for their sexual escapades, seeing intimacy as a way to give back as well as receive. In fact, ESTPs often chase multiple skirts or shorts as a way to connect with that singular person's unique, individual qualities (this, however, leads them to many predictable problems if they have an underdeveloped Ni Inferior.) If-- note the if-- an ESTP is healthy, they combine their Ti Parent with their Fe Child to push the people around them toward needed improvement, feeling fulfilled and loved when their efforts help another person. Introverted Intuition (Ni for short) focuses on personal choice: specifically, an ESTP's inability to make one, unhealthily leading them to string along potential partners out of fear of commitment as well as overly relying on others to make important decisions for them. And because they don't know what to choose, ESTPs can be sold on anything as long as someone else has “tried it” and recommended it– which leads them to crashing headlong into disaster. To overcome their fear of picking wrong, ESTPs have to learn that there will always be another choice (and another and another) for them to continually make; and that a decision now is not the end-all-be-all. Lower down Introverted Sensing (Si for short) gives ESTPs horrific long-term recall, trading their sharper memories in favor of the ones that glorify the past; which possibly leads them to repeated mistakes that should have been learned the first time. It also makes them paranoid that they'll miss a deadline, a date, an anniversary, etc.; and, ultimately, that those obligations will end up cramping their freedom in the long run. Thinking Extroverted (Te for short) measures rationale, pre-established standards, and achievements: ESTPs are very critical of others’ thinking, inclined to believe that everyone is stupid but them. LOLs and mainstream forms of communication are likely unwelcome to a grouchy, 'high-art' writer with 'standards'; but an ESTP's mind can be changed after observing positive and prolonged outcomes from newer options or methods. Introverted Feeling (Fi for short) focuses on personal morals and values: and in this slot, it causes ESTPs to have none. Everything can be true or false; and this sense of rudderlessness leads them to either find someone with high moral fiber to learn from or attempt to fill that unsettled feeling by making others happy with various pleasure-seeking behaviors. Extroverted Intuition (Ne for short) struggles with metaphysics: ESTPs don't care about the intentions of other humans-- only the outcome of their actions-- which allows them to clearly read the motives of those around them. If their needs aren't met, ESTPs will fight and rage to the bitter end; and if their anger won't help them, they then turn that energy into sundry depraved means as a way to soothe their (metaphorical) injuries, bleeding out while in the furious pursuit of their passions.
The Foundational Flaw: A Lack of Self-Awareness
ESTPs are Se+Fe Types-- Se Hero, Fe Child-- which means they have zero awareness of cause and effect. Because Se is so focused on people-observation and the now and Fe is so focused on giving and taking emotionally from others, this Type is left with almost zero internal self-reflection. Hence, a stunning lack of social awareness: Hank Moody chooses to react instead of reflect, twirling around in the same circle of rakes and stepping on them over and over and over again.
What is each rake in the circle called? Well, I'm glad you asked.
Ni Inferior and Fi Trickster: Indecision and Commitment Issues
At the heart of Hank Moody's issues is the immaturity of his Inferior function; and that lack of development stems back to-- as always-- his childhood.
Pre-adolescent children need the guidance of their parents to help hone-in on and mature that function because it is, while initially weak, a source of great strength and a gateway to true contentment and fulfillment. Ni Inferior, specifically, struggles with choices. Introverted Intuition focuses on one's own path forward-- their willpower, what they want to accomplish, what they strive for-- but in an Inferior position, it loses the clarity of knowing which path to follow. Every choice-- person, place, thing, or idea-- seems to be filled with endless possibilities, good and bad; so, they end up not making any choice at all for fear of crippling possible potential in their future.
But it's not just Ni Inferior that is holding him back: the curse of Hank's existence is his Fi Trickster.
Post adolescent kids usually graduate from "Ego" work (the first four functions) to focus on burgeoning "shadow" work (the last four functions): there is an immense shift from living in a primary "easy" side of the mind and having to shift, forcefully, into functions that, if not tempered or trained, can become very handicapping. Again, Hank Moody likely didn't have enough parental support or guidance during this next crucial stage.
Putting it bluntly, Fi Trickster is more than willing to break a few (or all) social rules if it doesn't understand the importance of the context behind them. Personally self-destructive habits are second nature to Moody because he doesn't fully grasp or 'actualize' the ramifications of his actions; and if said actions trick him into thinking they help-- or make him feel temporarily better--then Hank won't see what the big deal is... until he's face-to-face with the consequences later.
To quote my paragraph from the Maggie Scully assessment: "Introverted Feeling (Fi for short) focuses on personal morals and values– what is right or wrong rather than what is true or false. ESTPs are completely unaware of what they value, creating a black hole of self-esteem issues they try to fill by making others feel good with their Fe Child. Siphoning off of that person’s happy experiences allows them to reflect that satisfaction back to themselves, “proving” that they are, indeed, a good person. In the worst-case scenario, these weaknesses lead to debaucherous, pleasure-seeking behaviors– smoking, food or alcohol or drug or lifestyle addiction– and when combined with a bitter Ne Demon... and an unruly Se Hero, ESTPs are the types most likely to become nymphomaniacs, seeking out the pleasure of intimate relationships without any of the fulfillment (because sex to them is an extension of one’s own personal worth.) Of course, the feeling of emptiness grows, their self-worth continues to plummet; and if they haven’t forced themselves to get out of their Ni Inferior’s rut, an ESTP will become a restless “addict” to this substanceless way of life: stuffing their face with delusory satisfaction."
Hank admitted this himself in a moment of honesty: “It’s my purgatory, really-- dinner, drinks, whatever. I’m never really all that interested, but I end up telling her she’s beautiful, anyway. Because it’s true: all women are, in one way or another. Y’know, there’s always something about every woman… my life’s work. But then there’s the morning after: a hangover, and realizations that I’m not quite as available as I thought I was the night before. Then she’s gone, and I’m haunted by yet another road not taken." This statement perfectly sums up the tag-team of Fi Trickster ("all women are, in one way or another") and Ni Inferior ("another road not taken.")
Maggie Scully may appear to be his polar opposite (because her Fi Child found something to cling to-- faith) but she still displayed these two indecisive functions in One Breath, trusting her older daughter to make the necessary moral choice. It also explains why she married her husband, a military man with fixed ideas of 'should dos' and 'what was right' and 'what was duty.' She tells Dana Scully "You were always the strong one" in Memento Mori, leaning on her daughter even during Scully's fatal diagnosis. Hank, meanwhile, has no one long-term to rely on for rock-solid stability; nor has he put in the work to fix the gaps that were never filled-in when he was growing up.
Of course, these aren't Mr. Moody's only flaws.
Truth-Telling Hypocrites and Rose-Colored Glasses
ESTPs are wired to correct, instruct, and help move people forward in life. A sympathetic ear, a well-placed hug, and a motivating check-in are all trade-offs for the brutally honest truth. Hank doesn't mean to (or want to) hurt anybody when he tells it like he sees it: it's the truth, he's gotta say it. He's a truth teller, period.
However, he also has a nasty habit of dismissing others' bad behaviors or actions to justify his own. Te Critic takes the measure of a person once, writes it down, and doesn't deviate from that opinion no matter how many years have passed. Life happened, that person changed? Nope. More mature ESTPs will verify with their Ti Parent, turning over the facts to challenge their opinions. But he doesn't want to, not really. Why? Because he can use it as an excuse for his own behavior.
Hank Moody has a short-term memory, so to speak (Se Hero): he lives in the now, isn't aware of the consequences, and decides that to keep scores would be unfair to others because they would then start to keep scores on yours truly. It's a covert contract-- "I'll accept you with no judgment, you accept me with no judgment"-- and yet another symptom of how much "growing up" he still has to do.
And worse, it breeds a haze that tints his clarity. Because of Hank's short-term memory, he can go from feeling absolutely betrayed by a person one day, hating them the next, and loving them the third after a faint apology on their part. Rose-colored glasses, in other words. He keeps drowning himself in unhealthy-bordering-on-abusive cycles; and, of course, he expects others to treat him and his mistakes in exactly the same way. It's why he surrounds himself with flip-flopping, unstable, neurotic people; and they all return the favor.
The only person in Moody's life to shake him out of said patterns-- to truly devastate or crush him-- is his daughter, who refuses to accept his 'let bygones be bygones' attitude. It is her criticism that cuts the most: Becca is stalwart and immovable; and he cannot excuse himself around her. Their flawed relationship becomes a constant reminder of his constant failures; and this sets off a swift and strong spiral into self-loathing.
Self-Esteem, Self-Sabotage, and Spiraling
Hank Moody will fail. Constantly. He's wired to do so: as previously discussed, Se+Fe is so out-of-tune with reflection and their inner world that they flub, mess up, trip over, fail, fail, fail until, finally, they succeed. His personality will always be a work-in-progress; and successful relationships with him must be built from the idea that he cannot achieve perfection except through very, very hard work.
Unfortunately, Hank-- and, more broadly, the ESTP Type-- hates failure, fears failure, runs from failure. Not only does he fear it, but his Ni Inferior is even more in-tune with the probabilities of failure, stun-locking him in indecision. Failure, to him, represents rejection: not of what he hasn't accomplished, but of himself. Thus, if he fails, he hates himself. Loathes himself. Cannot stand living with himself. Seeks out distractions of any sort to stay so in-tune with the moment that what little self-reflection he does have gets swiftly shoved away in the closet. His Fi Trickster then comes into play: he berates himself for his morals, or lack thereof; tries to course-correct with impossibly high standards; and lapses back into failure. Thus, he runs back to his tried-and-true lifestyle, basking in its toxicity and crowing that it reads 'safe' on the label.
Becca, however, doesn't accept that from him, forcing her father to face failure over and over (and over); and over time, this eats and eats (and eats) away at him until he must choose to move forward or lapse back into fear. That fear swiftly turns into a conviction that he'll never be able to change, which starts the second phase of his self-hating spiral.
Because he spirals into further self-hatred, Hank's anguish then lashes out at the people he loves the most, hurting them in turn. Hank then ruminates and agonizes dispiritedly, resigning himself to never being 'good enough' for anyone. Instead of fixing his faults, he hyper-fixates on the other person's hurt, begging for forgiveness but refusing to forgive himself. That person becomes a reminder of all the wrongs he's done until the pain is so great he withdraws, either minimizing the relationship or cutting it off completely.
Rarely is this a full-on devastating spiral: often the scenario is a routine argument that follows these motions, or a bad week or a few bad weeks that is cleared up and rectified. Mostly, these spirals serve as a wake-up call to ESTPs: a behavioral mirror to prove that Hank needs to get into his head and sort a few things out. Maggie Scully had a few of these moments sprinkled throughout the series (an implied rift when her younger daughter joined the FBI, her daughter's withdrawal when she was diagnosed with cancer, etc.); but chose to learn from her mistakes and grow as a person.
But Hank, again, doesn't want to change. So, how are these relationship 'oopsies' unhealthily resolved?
Hank Moody lives and dies by justifications. As discussed above, his 'rose-colored glasses' philosophy allows him to get away with murder by permitting others to get away with their own crimes as well; but if the current catastrophe is his fault and his fault alone, Hank immediately seeks out that justification through absolution.
Namely, he picks fights. By fighting about the issue, it allows him and the other person to blow off steam, feel better, swap acknowledgements, and move on with a feeling of accomplishment while not having changed a thing. Hank craves being told what he did was understandable in some way or other-- it allows him the ability to shift and share blame, then feel justified when both exonerates the other. Further, it builds up goodwill for the next big mistake he makes and allows him to dodge the reality that he's failed, hardcore, in the present. He spirals, yes, in the minutes to hours that the fight lasts; then he settles, content that he's 'not all that bad', that he's even loveable, that he doesn't have to face the fear that he'll never, really, be able to change.
Maggie Scully behaves similarly in Memento Mori, ranting at her daughter (spoken through her wounded Fe Child) before sweeping it all under the rug once Dana Scully didn't rebuke her outburst. However, Maggie's blow up is 'understandable' (there's that word, again), since it seemed to be a one-off, stress-induced reaction. Hank's behaviors? Not so much.
...Repeating Mistakes
Once absolution is achieved, stasis is reattained, and no forward progress is made. Because of that, Hank repeats the entire cycle all over again: Se+Fe living in the moment; Ni Inferior flopping between ill-advised choices; Fi Trickster soothing a sense of immoral self-loathing with wine, women, and song; surrounding himself with low-bar company to excuse his own bad behavior; perpetuating abusive or toxic cycles; and, ultimately, spiraling into self-hatred, acting out, and seeking others' absolution instead of earning their forgiveness.
How Hank Moody Can 'Grow Up'
Boiling it all down, Hank Moody is petrified by failure; but his low threshold for moral understanding (Fi Trickster), his inability to stick to one 'fix-it' route for fear of choosing wrong and losing his freedom (Ni Inferior), and his constant failures hurting his loved ones (Fe Child) keep him from taking the next step in his character development. As a child, Hank wasn't shown that it's okay to keep trying and keep losing until he eventually won; as an adult, his personality is wired around helping others improve... but Moody is stuck, because he doesn't believe he can improve.
Well, how can Hank prove (to himself) that he can 'grow up'? Simple: by tackling his Ni Inferior.
Firstly, Mr. Moody must learn to make choices; it will prove to him how largely unfounded his fears are. Not only will he always be given a second (and a third and a fourth and so on) option down the line, but he will also prove to himself that he can make sound decisions without destroying everything he's afraid to lose.
Secondly: remember how Mr. Moody could meet a person once, jot down their character, and refuse to deviate from that initial assumption? He's shot himself in the most valuable foot: with wisdom, Te Critic learns that those initial assumptions are often biased, incomplete, or wrong; and because those initial assumptions are often wrong, Hank is missing out on the smarts that person has to offer: he must learn to outsource. Asking for feedback and running his choices and decisions by another person first provides an outlet for him to gain a clearer understanding and-- because he is 'locked out' internally-- thoroughly develop his thoughts and opinions. But he must do so wisely: not simply accepting the first answer he's given (another Ni Inferior pit fall), but taking the time to weigh all the pros and cons.
And lastly, Mr. Moody must learn to give others the choice to reject him, realizing that his zeal to avoid rejection strips them of the right to leave or stay of their own freewill. If his friends or family don't choose to stay of their own accord, then Hank can't truly accept that they love, forgive, completely absolve, and want to continue forward with him.
If Hank Moody can take on an important decision, not wig out, ask for advice, choose wisely, and wait until life proves to him that this is not the end of the world, he will finally be able to face himself in the mirror with unshakeable, worthy pride. And it will go a long way in his forward journey and healing process.
Thank you for reading~!
Dedication: Thanks to @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure and @perpetually-weirdening for fanning the flames of curiosity-- this Hank Moody post wouldn't have existed without the both of you.
Disclaimers: This is a self-assessed analysis. This information is not based on the abominable MBTI system (which has been butchered from its original Jungian typology since ~WWII); instead, it’s a combination between the works of Jung’s type psychology, Dr. Linda Berens’ Communication styles, Dr. Dario Nardi’s EEG brain scan compiled research, and others’ data and practices as compiled and simplified by CSJoseph. This system is based only on the Nature side of Nature/Nurture; and each “type” is not a “box” to fit everyone into– simply a tool to help understand the basics of the human mind that science has only begun to fathom in its limited scope.
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windudemon · 17 days
ne creative
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ne creative is infp and intp. second slot ne. it's strong but cautious. it's creative as opposed to heroic. it goes "hmmm" first, then does whatever it does. it's not impulsive. it's "whimsically refined".
intps and infps explore different ideas in a thoughtful, reflective way.
these types, also being se blindspot, do not want to be impactful. so they often go for "slightly messy" aesthetics.
i think they think imperfection adds character. also perfection is boring ofc.
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monarchtyphoon · 2 years
Can someone (an experienced typology expert) explain completely about INTJ 8w7 (as thoroughly as possible) ? Also please elucidate the differences between INTJ 8w7 and INTJ 8w9 in depth.
I realize I am asking for a lot but please take enough time to answer my query in depth and precision.
[P.S -
*Don't tell INTJ 8 does not exist. If you believe as such then don't answer.
*Don't copy paste from websites as I have read from enough websites already.
*Answer as briefly as possible.
*Provide examples if possible. ]
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ancientvenus · 1 year
anyone else interested in mbti and jungian cognitive functions? drop your profiles, i would love to connect with you all !! :)
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phlve · 1 year
The Introverted Sensation Type // Inferior Extraverted Intuition
Many years ago, in the Psychological Club, we had a meeting at which members were asked to describe their type in their own words, instead of just quoting Jung's book on the types. Members were to describe how they experienced their own superior function. I have never forgotten an excellent paper that Mrs. Jung gave. It was only after hearing it that I felt I understood the introverted sensation type. In describing herself, she said that the introverted sensation type was like a highly sensitized photographic plate.
When somebody comes into the room, such a type notices the way the person comes in, the hair, the expression on the face, the clothes, and the way the person walks. All this makes a very precise impression on the introverted sensation type; every detail is absorbed. The impression comes from the object to the subject; it is as though a stone fell into deep water - the impres-I sion falls deeper and deeper and sinks in. Outwardly, the introverted sensation type looks utterly stupid. He just sits and stares, and you do not know what is going on within him. He looks like a piece of wood with no reaction at all - unless he reacts with one of the auxiliary functions, thinking or feeling. But inwardly the impression is being absorbed.
The introverted sensation type, therefore, gives the impression of being very slow, which is not actually the case. It is only that the quick inner reac tions go on underneath, and the outer reaction comes in a delayed way. These are the people, if told a joke in the morning, will probably laugh at midnight. This type is very often misjudged and misunderstood by others because one does not realize what goes on within. If such a type can express his photographic impressions artistically, they can be reproduced either in painting or in writing. I have a strong suspicion that Thomas Mann was such an introverted sensation type. He describes every detail of a scene, and in his descriptions he gives the whole atmosphere of a room or a personality. This is a kind of sensitivity which takes in every smallest shade and detail.
The inferior intuition of this type is similar to that of the extraverted sensation type, for it also has a very weird, eerie, fantastic quality. But it is more concerned with the impersonal, collective outer world. With the builder I mentioned, for example, you can see that he is an extraverted sensation type. He picks up intuitions that concern himself. In his extraverted sensation, he is concerned with the collective outer world - with road building, or the building of big houses. But his intuition is applied to himself; it is highly personal and mixed up with his personal problems. With the introverted sensation type, the movement comes from the object towards him. The novels by Thomas Mann have a very subjective character. But the intuition of this type is concerned with events that go on in the background; he picks up the possibilities and the future of the outer surroundings.
I have seen in an introverted sensation type material which I would call very prophetic - archetypal fantasies which do not mainly represent the problem of the dreamer but those of his time. The assimilation of these phantasies is very difficult because sensation, the dominant function, is a function with which we comprehend the here and now. The negative aspect of sensation is that the type gets stuck in concrete reality. As Jung once noted: for them the future does not exist, future possibilities do not exist, they are in the here and now, and there is an iron curtain before them. They behave in life as though it will always be the same as it is now; they are incapable of conceiving that things might change. The disadvantage of this type is that when these tremendous inner phantasies well up, such a person has great difficulty in assimilating them because of the accuracy and slowness of his conscious function.
If such a type is at all willing to take his intuition seriously, he will be inclined to try to put it down very accurately. But how can you do that? Intuition comes like a flash, and if you try to put it down it has gone! So he does not know how to deal with the problem and goes through agonies, because the only way his inferior function can be assimilated is by loosening the hold of the superior function.
I knew a woman, an introverted sensation type, who for many years had very accurately painted the contents of her unconscious. It took her about three weeks to complete a painting. The paintings were beautiful and worked out in every detail, but, as I heard later, she did not paint the contents of her unconscious as they came; she corrected and improved the colors and refined the details. She would say: "Naturally I improved them aesthetically." Slowly the need to assimilate the inferior function became imperative, and she was told that she should speed up her painting and take the colors exactly as they were, however crude, and just put them on paper quickly. When I translated the contents of her dreams in this way, she got into a panic and said she could not, it was impossible. To have this put to her was like being knocked out, she could not do it, and she continued to paint in her usual way. Again and again she missed the coming up of the unconscious intuition, for she could not put it down as it came.
That is how the fight looks between the superior and inferior function in the introverted sensation type. If you try to force him to assimilate intuition too quickly, he gets symptoms of giddiness or sea-sickness. He feels carried away from the solid ground of reality, and because he is so stuck there, he gets actual symptoms of sea-sickness. I knew one introverted sensation type woman who had to go to bed to do active imagination, otherwise she felt exactly as if she were on a boat.
Because the introverted sensation type's superior function is introverted, his intuition is extraverted and therefore is generally triggered off by outer events. Such a type might, while walking down a street, see a crystal in a shop window, and his intuition might suddenly grasp its symbolic meaning: the whole symbolic meaning of the crystal would flood into his soul. But that would have been triggered off by the outside event, since his inferior intuition is essentially extraverted. Naturally, he has the same bad characteristics as the extraverted sensation type: in both, intuitions are very often of a sinister character, and if not worked upon, therefore, the prophetic contents that break through will be pessimistic and negative.
Negative intuition sometimes does hit the target. It either hits the mark exactly, or it goes wildly astray. In general, when intuition is the main function and one of the other functions - either thinking or feeling - has been developed, the person can judge whether it might be the bull's eye or off in the woods, and therefore he holds back. But inferior intuition is primitive, and the sensation type either surprises you by hitting the bull's eye, which you can only admire, or else he comes up with hunches in which there is no truth - just pure invention!
Source: Von Franz on the Four Irrational Types
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