#Jungle Axe
pabloknives · 9 months
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dragon-inc · 1 year
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ley-med · 1 year
It never ceases to amaze me that my family trusts me to cut people open but they draw the line at giving me sharp objects at home so they will periodically take big knives and axes and saws and the whatnot out of my hands
Anyway yesterday my husband must have hit his head because he accidentally willingly bought me a scythe. A small one, but a scythe nonetheless
Guess who put it in their bed and forgot about it
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ecrivainsolitaire · 8 months
Humans have the capability of perceiving when they're being stared at, even if they can't see it.
Dr. T'Chem was staring at Lieutenant /θkɡɾɑːˈŋæ/ (or as his current fling affectionately nicknamed her, "Tucker-Annie"), whose dorsal spikes were still rattling after the incident at the holodeck. It was his first time at the witness stand, and he didn't want to ruin a young star sailor's life.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie was the combat specialist in charge of the training dojo of Federation Vessel TSN457, named after the Terra-Saturn-Ceres coalition where Dr. T'Chem currently served as the xenoanthropologist charged with facilitating human integration to the local Federation of Fraternal Planets and Satellites. The FFPS had the goal of finding planets with intelligent life to trade resources and technology, and due to their recent incorporation, local research vessels were fitted with diverse crews to acclimate everyone to each other's cultures and biological needs. Dr. T'Chem was the human expert in the ship, and was tasked with helping smooth over interpersonal relations among the crew.
The relations were, at that moment, as bumpy as Lt. Tucker-Annie's dorsal spike line.
An incident had occurred during a training exercise. The squad consisted of a Venusian, two Saturnians, three Ceresians, two monks from the Transcorporeal Temple of Robotic Ascension, and five Terrans (two humans, two dogs and a cybernetically enhanced cat). The exercise consisted of getting through a generic jungle scenario and, unbeknownst to the squad, avoiding a team of ninjas lead by Lt. Tucker-Annie trying to take them out one by one. It was supposed to test the way they would react to a surprise attack.
It was not supposed to reveal that humans could sense when they were being stalked.
Of course, any trained sailor would have an ingrained knowledge of potential threats and how to spot them. Look for the shadows that are too dark, listen for the spot air isn't blowing from, things like that. Basic things most people don't think about but that can be identified if you think about them.
This was not that.
"Something's watching us," said Crew Johnson, in that sloppy way only creatures with lips spoke.
"What do you mean? There's cameras everywhere, of course they're watching us," responded Crew Hessikh, slithering over the vines on a tree branch to cross a river. She grabbed the axe in Crew Johnson's belt with her telekinesis and took down a small tree to serve as a bridge.
"Crew Flufflepaws, could you please take a look?" Asked Crew Johnson, nervously looking around. Crew Flufflepaws got on the tree as well and scanned the terrain from above.
"I can't see anything, or smell anything. And my hearing isn't what it used to be. I'll stay on the lookout for—" a horrendous hiss interrupted the automatic translator's feed. Crew Flufflepaws' comm line cut off.
Hessikh and Johnson looked at each other. That was the strongest fighter of their team, gone. They knew it was a simulation, but it still gave them chills.
The rest of their crew mates were split into two different teams further along the path. Crew Fanning's voice came from the comm line.
"Johnson, Hessikh, are you okay? What happened to Flufflepaws?"
"We don't know, Johnson said something was watching us and it went to check, then we lost comms."
"I felt it too. I know this isn't that kind of exercise but I think— AAAHHH!"
Two blaster shots were heard, then a thud.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie, who was watching Hessikh and Johnson from the mud pit behind the latter, had her tranquilizer dart ready. She got ready to shoot down Hessikh, but then heard a voice over the comm line.
"Code Lithium, we have a Code Lithium, we have to end the simulation, I just took down- I can't-" the breathing was sounding heavier and faster, too fast for a human.
"Fanning, calm down, remember your sutras. We need you focused, what happened?"
"I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and saw this thing and it scared me and I jumped and I thought it was on stun mode and-"
"It's alright, we're calling it off. Captain, we have a Code Lithium! End the simulation now or- fuck, there it is again. Hessikh, do you see any heat sources?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary- why haven't they shot it down alre-"
The next thing Lieutenant Tucker-Annie remembered was the sound of a heel turn over the mud, followed by darkness.
Lt. Tucker-Annie woke up in the hospital bay, getting her tail regenerated by a robot nurse. She looked over and found her underling on the next bed, with a huge bandage on the side of his neck and a wing in a cast. Thankfully, he would be alright as soon as the stem cell bank was reprogrammed after her treatment.
The disciplinary board was called, an investigation was open, and both Crew Fanning and their captain were put on paid leave while the investigation was ongoing. Dr. T'Chem was called in as an expert after a review of the holodeck footage revealed there was no way Crew Fanning could have heard, seen or smelled the hidden sailor.
It was the first time in a while he hadn't helped himself to a glass of Venusian whiskey for breakfast. He really didn't want to mess this up.
"And would you care to explain how this is possible, Doctor?" Asked the prosecution, staring him down with an unnerving amount of eyes.
"I am as astounded as this court; our firm has been looking into Terran medical literature and we're still trying to figure out how it works; they don't even know, but they know it does happen, it's been documented for thousands of years. I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's even testable."
There was a murmur in the court. The judge asked him to elaborate.
"The way eyesight works is the light bounces off of opaque bodies and in its way it collides with the lenses in our corneas, which send it to the brain as electrical signals to be interpreted. The light that doesn't go into our eyes just bounces off our bodies and other opaque objects as well, the photons go everywhere and anywhere. This is the same for most species in this constellation, including humans. But even other Terran species don't have these abilities, as Crew Flufflepaws has testified."
A begrudging meow was heard from the audience.
"Order in the court, please. Dr. T'Chem, what do you suggest is the origin of this mysterious sense?"
The camera drones all hoovered around him. Dr. T'Chem straightened his fins and got close to the microphone.
"I believe it's possible that humans have a sense of touch so sensitive that they can feel the photons that don't bounce back. The ones that go into an eye instead of an opaque body. I think humans can actually feel in their skin when they are being watched."
There was an uproar in the crowd. His paramour, a dark skinned young human from the human settlement known as "Colombia", grabbed the religious symbol on her necklace and made a gesture with it he hadn't quite figured out yet.
The trial had to go on recess.
The implications were incalculable. Three dozen biologists from six different planets, including Terra, had emailed him before the end of the day to ask him to justify himself. Multiple human religious leaders took the chance to link it to demonic possession or moral evils. By the end of the week, four different labs were trying to figure out a way to double blind test shooting a photon cannon on a human's back and trying to get them to sense it.
But most importantly, the news made it outside of the Federation. The rumours about this new species that couldn't be stalked got so far, it ended up affecting the outcome of a border conflict with the Betelgeuse Libertarian Army on the Federation's favour.
Humans were terrifying.
If this is what they evolved to be, what was their planet like?
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rcmclachlan · 3 months
Thin Red Line (bucktommy, 6x11 missing scene)
Me: I'm rewatching "In Another Life" and had a thought. What if Buck met Tommy during his coma dream?
@dadvans: RC I’m going to kill you
Between leaving Christopher to wander the hospital hallways like a ghost in search of Eddie for all eternity and doing absolutely nothing to stop Bobby from popping pills like they’re Flintstones vitamins, Buck’s going to single-handedly bankroll every renovation project Dr. Copeland has over the next ten years. 
He wonders what she’ll say when he tells her about this during their next session. She’ll probably just sit back thoughtfully and muse, "You say you were trapped in a world where your biological family loved you but your chosen family had no idea who you were. Tell me more about that, Evan."
It's a moot point unless he manages to get out of here, so he swings the axe up, throws a sneer in his evil doppelgänger's direction, and is about to bring it down as hard as he can when his right arm is suddenly jerked behind him like someone’s trying to pull it out of the socket. 
Startled, he whirls around, but there’s no one there. Even Bizarro Buck is gone. 
An odd pressure tugs at his fingers. For a second, he thinks there’s something wrapped around them. He looks down but he can’t see anything. He can feel it, though. He tests the tensile strength of it by bouncing his hand back and forth, and whatever it is pulls taut when his hand gets close to his body. 
It reminds him of playing tug-o-war on the playground as a kid, except instead of deliberately allowing himself to be yanked off balance so his parents could later fuss over the bloody state of his knees, he begins gathering the palpable nothing in his palm and, with a last look at the tableau of the real him lying in the hospital bed waiting to die, follows it out of the room and back down the hall. 
He comes to a stop in front of a door that looks like all the others. He must’ve missed this one, although he can’t feel dumb about it, because there’s no way in hell he would’ve guessed this was the exit. 
"Take me home," Buck murmurs, opens the door, and walks out—
—onto an outdoor patio. 
He drops his head back with a groan. "Oh, come on."
With the wicker chairs and mind-numbingly navy umbrellas, it looks like every cafe’s outdoor seating situation in the state of California, right down to the almost oppressive number of ferns in beige planters shoved in between the tables. The only difference is that the place is completely empty. 
Correction: almost empty. 
Through the crush of the basic bitch jungle, he sees a solitary man seated at one of the tables, idly sliding a to-go cup from side to side with his big hands. As he draws a little closer, he’s able to clock the guy’s deep blue flight suit and what looks like the LAFD insignia on his arm.
Everyone who’s made an appearance in this weird-ass dream has been someone he knows. Even Daniel, who died before Buck ever met him, still made something stir with some kind of primordial recognition in Buck’s marrow the second he woke up and clapped eyes on him. He'd taken in the gray hair at high temples, the same nose Buck sees every time he looks in a mirror, the confident smile, and had just known who he was.
Buck has no idea who this guy is. He’s pretty sure he’d remember someone who looked like he bench presses actual benches in the morning and rushes off to be photographed for Men’s Health by lunch. 
As Buck comes up to the edge of the table, the man looks up at him, and the light of the sun catches his eyes. For a second, Buck’s back on the pier, gazing out into a cloudless sky stretched over the sea, but there’s no inhale of the earth, no oncoming wave. Just deep, Pacific blue. A slow smile spreads across the guy’s face, which takes him from unfairly handsome to utterly striking. 
A shiver starts from the very bottom tip of Buck’s spine and travels upwards like ripples on the surface of a lake, spreading out into all of his limbs until he can feel the eddies lapping at even the smallest arteries. For no cogent reason he can think of, his resting heart rate picks up until he’s flirting with full-on tachycardia. Maybe he’s about to code in the real world.
"H-Hey," Buck stutters, feeling caught out. "I—sorry, I’m—I’m a little turned around here."
The man gives him a look that’s both amused and commiserating, then picks up the drink cup he’d been playing table hockey with and holds it out. There's something thin and red tied around his ring finger, but Buck can't concentrate on it for some reason. It fades completely out of view every time he tries. "Want a sip? It’s the worst coffee you’ll ever taste."
It's said around what is clearly a laugh, but Buck doesn't feel like it's at his expense, plus it's so infectious that he can’t help but crack a grin. The muscles in his back, which feel like they've been locked for days, are finally starting to relax.
“If it’s so gross, why’d you get it?” Buck asks, genuinely curious.
The guy shrugs. "I didn't."
Nodding as if that makes any kind of sense, Buck looks around to see if the ferns are hiding anyone else, but it really does seem like there's no one else here. He turns back to the man, who's watching him with that deep, placid gaze. 
It's so strange. He'd been so desperate to find a way out of here, psyching himself up for a battle he was prepared to fight to the death in, but all he wants to do right now is grab the chair across from this stranger and just… let the clock run out.
He reaches for the back of the chair closest to him, but it jerks away with a screech. 
The guy unhooks his foot from the chair leg and, staring straight into Buck's eyes, shakes his head gently. 
Buck swallows around a suddenly dry throat. Under his feet, the patio stones tremble. "D-Do I know you?"
When the man smiles this time, the corners of his eyes crinkle, digging lines that run down his cheeks. Buck thinks of the picture Jee-Yun gave him last week of a beaming sun. She'd drawn deep yellow lines coming off it. Sun rays. 
"No," the man says, his voice as warm as a crayon drawing made with unconditional love. "Not yet."
He lifts his hand and this time Buck can see the little red string tied around his finger, and the long tail of the other end of it draped over the table top, which Buck follows the trail of, heart pounding, until it comes to a stop. He looks down to find the other end is tangled around the fingers of his own right hand. 
When he looks up, shaking and exhilarated, there's a door in the middle of the patio that swings open in obvious invitation. 
The man is no longer at the table, but there are suddenly lips at his ear. "See you soon, Evan."
Before he can close his eyes and sink into the hot wash of breath over his cheek, a large hand slides up to the middle of his back and shoves—
Buck knows he's being an absolute creep and Eddie won't stop giving him weird looks about it, but he can't help it. The pilot who's about to steal a helicopter for them has been nothing but friendly and confident, and he's currently wiring Buck up to his headset with brisk, competent hands, and all Buck can do is stare at him like he's got tonight's winning lottery numbers. 
Tom Kinard—"Tommy, please. Tom is my father, who I hate."—looks up from where he's bent a little at the knees, trying to get the microphone adapter to hook into Buck's belt, and shoots Buck an awkward grin. 
"Is there a spider in my hair or something?"
He hadn't realized how much tension he was putting into the air until Tommy cuts through it with that. Buck ducks his head and laughs, feeling like a dumbass. "Sorry, man. It's just—do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar."
"Maybe I just have one of those faces," Tommy says, all good humor.
For Men's Health, maybe, Buck almost replies, then has to clench his teeth so it doesn't slip out by accident. What a weird thought to have. With his luck, Tommy would've taken it the wrong way and then abandoned the mission altogether. But even thinking it feels like a lie. Buck's known the guy for all of five minutes but he's oddly sure Tommy wouldn't leave them in the lurch because Buck feels the need to share every dumb thought that crosses his mind. 
"All right." Tommy stands up straight and steps back, but not before he gives Buck a friendly pat on the arm. "You're good to go."
Feeling oddly bereft, Buck says nothing as Tommy steps around him to where Chimney's been not so patiently waiting for his turn. 
"Sorry about him," Chim says, jerking a head in Buck's direction. "He was struck by lightning last year and hasn't been the same since. I mean, he was always annoying, but now he's just weird."
Buck deserves an Oscar for the fake outrage in his voice when he shoots back, "The view must be great from your glass house, Mr. I'm Dressing My Kid Up As A Ceiling Fan For Halloween," because the rest of him feels like it's in a tailspin. Every atom in his body is positively screaming for some reason. It's probably because they're all going to die. That makes the most sense.
When Tommy laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
Sun rays, Buck thinks nonsensically, and tangles the headset wire around the fingers of his right hand. 
Now on AO3!
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Chapter 7
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
Trying to balance good writing with getting out chapters quickly so bare with me!
Content warnings - violence and death, cursing
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“It’s a clock!” Katniss exclaims. “Wiress, you’re a genius!”
Katniss explains to the group how the arena works, making you realize that you running into the tribute during the lightning was just a coincidence, and the lightning didn’t always mean danger.
The group decides to go to the cornucopia to survey the arena and test their theory. You would like to grab a weapon but you don’t know if that’s allowed. Katniss already confiscated the arrow she shot you with so all you have is a weak arm and an injured arm.
Finnick walks between you and Peeta, with Katniss behind him. You really need to earn her trust back if you’re going to stay with the group, although, you don’t know how much she trusted you to begin with.
Katniss and Peeta warily eye you as you look through the weapons, trying to find a knife or two. Too many large weapons will just slow you down. You’d rather just have a few knives on you.
“She’s fine,” you hear Finnick tell the pair. “It’s safer for us that she is armed in case we get attacked. She’s already told me she doesn’t want to kill you so I doubt she’ll throw any knives your way. She knows the difference between doing damage in a fight and killing. Just give her space and don’t act so on edge around her. She’s doing her best.”
Katniss lowers her bow but doesn’t make any move to distance herself from you. It seems like the guarding followed you from the capital to the arena.
The group sits down as Peeta draws a map of the arena. Wiress goes down to the water to clean off some wire Beetee got that you assume is for his big smart plan.
“Did you see anything where you went?” Finnick asks you. You shake your head and just point at the lightning Peeta drew on the map.
“Just lightning?” he confirms and you nod your head. Looking at the map, you’re glad you only ended up with lightning. The rest of the jungle looks terrifying.
The group begins chatting about birds in mines when you hear a sudden gasp. You all turn to see Gloss slitting Wiress’ throat. If the capital wanted you to act feral, they were about to get a show.
It happened so fast. Katniss shot Gloss before Johanna threw an axe into Cashmere, killing her instantly. You noticed Brutus and Enobaria going for Finnick and Katniss but you were too far away to stop the knife Enobaria threw from sinking into Finnick thigh. She’s dead.
You charge at her, screaming like a wild animal. She seems ready for your attack, however, and positions herself for your oncoming blow. You collide with her, sending both of you to the ground.
There’s no time to reach for the blade tucked into your belt. You claw at her face, drawing blood, as she attempts to push you off her. She’s successful in rolling the two of you over, putting herself on top. You go to grab for a knife when her teeth sink into your wrist, shooting pain through your whole body. It’s a shock she didn’t bite your whole hand off.
That’s when the cornucopia starts spinning. Enobaria leaps off of you and tries her best to escape with Brutus while the rest of the group is caught off guard by the movement. You clutch onto the rocks with your good arm but you can feel yourself slipping.
Katniss falls off the same time you do, sending both of you into the water. Even with your bad arm, you’re still a better swimmer, so when the water calms you’re able to orient yourself.
You spot Katniss struggling to find the surface a few yards away from you, so you dive back under and swim to her. Bracing yourself for human contact, you grab her arm and start propelling her to the surface. It takes her a second to realize you’re helping, especially with the amount of blood you’re releasing into the water, but she swims with you till you reach air again.
Peeta helps her out of the water, checking to make sure she’s ok. You do your best to pull yourself up but you’re in too much pain. Finnick takes notice and grabs onto you, yanking you onto the rocks.
He doesn’t even have to say what you’re thinking. The bite looks bad. It’s hard to tell if Enobaria punctured the vein in your wrist but you think she did due to the amount it’s bleeding.
“Johanna,” Finnick calls. “Do we have any bandages left?”
“Nope,” she shouts. “The only ones we had went to Volts.”
“Shit,” he mutters, trying to figure out what to do. He uses your knife to cut the arm off your wetsuit, apologizing that he had to cut yours as his was destroyed by the fog. He wraps the fabric tightly around your wrist, trying to stop the bleeding.
“This should work until we can get some sponsors to send us something better,” he states. You shake your head at him. Sponsors wouldn’t send you anything. You were on your own.
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baron-bear · 5 months
When the dragons start attacking after years of peace, the well-fed manly heroes of the realm rise up once again to defend it.
These warriors went after the ice dragons, and although their breastplates no longer fit, it doesn't matter if you can defeat a dragon in one chop. All that extra weight just means more force behind the axe, right? Here's a few posing with their kill.
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The (relatively) more agile roguish types went after the jungle dragons, having to rely on their remembered combat motions and sneaky strategies.
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Some warriors tried to subdue the lava dragons but had a difficult time piecing their hides with conventional weapons. They eventually prevailed and also posed with their kills. One of the larger fellows accidently discovered an excellent strategy when he fell on a dragon's head, crushing it's skull under his mass.
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The mages employed this strategy to it's fullest with their massively mana-bloated bodies. Levitating over a dragon's neck and slamming down vanquished many a foe.
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Then there's this buff weirdo who didn't get the memo of peace and prosperity and has been fighting sand dragons for years, not getting rotund like many of his warrior brethren.
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----------------- Got inspired by @fatlazypanda 's mages and revisited an old concept of mine. \/ -A few nasty details below- \/ Couldn't get much blood or evidence of combat in these without getting some really fucked up body horror. It got REALLY nasty at times, like gallons of intestines pouring out of open wounds. Also the fat folds of the mages kept being turned into pahoehoe lava.
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kit-kat-katie · 1 year
Moonlight Sunrise
A/N: I'm trying to aim for a fic a month for the months that I am in school, and I know I am cutting it close to the deadline, but I made it! I hope you enjoy this third part - it doesn't flow as smoothly as other parts since it was written in three disjointed writing sessions, but I like the final product. See you all in October or whenever I can write next. :)
TW: Canon-typical violence, small bit of bodily gore and blood, brief torture mention, reader throws knives
Pairing: Finnick x GN! Reader (romantic)
Summary: The next day of the 75th Hunger Games brings new allies, new feeling, new foes, new adventure, and new tragedy in your life. Contemplation is not an option - one must act with haste and caution if they want to keep their home safe.
(<- Previous Part | Next Part -> | Series Masterlist)
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You and Finnick both watch Katniss and Peeta say a final goodbye to the female morphling who has died. The cannon is a bleak reminder of all that you’ve lost, and Finnick gives a quick look back to ensure that the mutts have not followed you on to the beach.
The trident finds its way into Finnick’s grasp as he scouts the perimeter. You walk a step closer to Katniss and Peeta as an airship comes from the sky to retrieve the body.
“She sacrificed herself for me and I don’t even know her name.” Peeta looks down, and you can’t help but feel bad.
You take a few steps back to let them talk for a moment as the sunrise distracts you from what’s going on.
It’s a beautiful day, and it’ll be even more beautiful when I’m out of here. The sunrise always looked beautiful from the beaches in District Four.
Finnick finds himself fishing, a comfort for the both of you, and his trident lands a catch. You weren’t sure if District 12 kids were used to having fish for breakfast, but they would make do.
You all would because that’s the only choice you have.
Adapt or die.
Katniss devours the fish in front of her as you and Finnick take small bites of the fish. You finish yours, and Finnick adds another piece of meat to your hands before you can object.
Peeta opens a clam with his knife, and he takes the pearl of the clam to give to Katniss. You nudge Finnick, who rolls his eyes at the gesture, with your elbow. You bite down on your lip to suppress your laugh as Katniss observes the pearl in her hand.
A scream from a forest pulls everyone’s attention to the other side of the arena. You all quickly stand up as you watch the wave crash into one sector of the Cornucopia, and as it crashes over the center, it spreads to the other parts of the Cornucopia in smaller waves. The water comes crashing close to all of you, and your legs are soaked by the waves. It’s refreshing to you, but the dull reminder of a cannon and an airship brings you back to reality.
It all could be gone, just like that.
“Someone’s here.” Katniss grabs an arrow as Peeta ducks. Finnick’s stray hand covers your abdomen as his hand tightly grips his trident. 
Make it more obvious, Finnick.
Finnick peeks from the bushes for a moment as you hide behind them
“Johanna.” He softly says before moving towards the water again.
Your eyes widen as you immediately follow behind Finnick.
“Johanna!” Finnick waves his hand as you look back and gesture for Peeta and Katniss to follow.
“They’re friends,” You say as you navigate the rocky beach, “and I’m friends with Johanna too. You’ll be fine with us.”
They both, reluctantly, follow behind you as you approach the three people in the distance.
“We were all the way deep in the jungle, where I thought it was safe,” Johanna, covered in blood, holds her axe to the side, “I thought it was water. Turned out to be blood. Hot, thick blood that was coming down-“
“Tick-tok, tick-tok.” Wiress approaches Johanna, who pushes her away immediately.
“-and it was choking us. We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind. That’s when Blight hit the forcefield.” Johanna takes a quick moment to compose herself. “He wasn’t much, but he was from home.”
“Tick-tok, tick-tok.” Wiress grabs Johanna’s shoulder, and Johanna shoots you and Finnick a knowing glare.
“What’s wrong with her?” Katniss asks as Wiress continues repeating the same phrase over and over.
“She’s in shock,” Beetee explains as he finishes washing the rest of the blood off of him, “Dehydration isn’t helping. You have fresh water?”
You watch Wiress continue to hang onto Johanna, and you step past Finnick to intervene before Johanna does something she’ll regret.
“We can get some-“
“Tick-tok, tick-tok-“
Wiress clings to Johanna, but you place a hand on Wiress’s shoulder. She immediately places her hands on your shoulders as she continues to talk.
“I know, I know-“ You nod at Wiress, but Johanna’s reached her limit.
“Just- just shut up!” She screams at Wiress, and you lightly push Wiress behind you as Johanna charges at her.
“Hey, lay off her!” Katniss yells before intervening herself.
This can’t possibly end well.
Katniss charges at Johanna and tries to get her hands on her, but Johanna pushes her back. Finnick is quick to push himself between the two of them. You want to help, but Johanna’s stronger than you are, pissed-off or not, and you’re not wanting to test her as is. Finnick pulls Johanna further into the water as Peeta holds Katniss back.
“I got them out for you,” Johanna yells at Katniss before directing her anger to Finnick, “let me go!”
Johanna continues to struggle against Finnick’s grip, but the situation is diffused, for now, so your attention turns back to Wiress.
“I’m sorry, Wiress.” You look at the blood on your hands from Wiress along with the blood on Wiress herself. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.”
You gently lead Wiress into the water as she continues to tell you ‘tick-tok’.
What are you trying to tell me?
You’re too tired and stressed about every little thing to try and figure it out, but you notice that Wiress is focused on Katniss. Katniss’ eyes meet yours, and you happily wave her over to help you clean her off.
It’ll help keep Katniss focused on something besides trying to hurt Johanna.
“I got this.” Katniss says as you gently pour some water onto Wiress’ clothes. 
The murderous intent has left Katniss’ eyes, so you switch spots with her before heading over to Johanna and Finnick.
“Finnick, you’re lucky I didn’t kill her-“
You giggle under your breath after splashing a moderate amount of water onto Johanna and Finnick.
“-Perhaps you could save the murder for after lunch?”
Finnick heartily laughs as Johanna sends you a deadly glare.
“You look like shit. Did you tumble down a mountainside?”
“I did, actually,” A light smirk plays on your face as the next comment flies out of your mouth, “but I think you looked better with blood than without it-“
You choke on the large splash of water that Johanna sends your way. You wipe the water out of your face as you stand there, aghast. Finnick throws his head back and laughs as Johanna manages to crack a smile.
“I missed you too, Johanna,” You roll your eyes before washing the blood off of your hands, “and I wouldn’t laugh, Finnick.”
You lightly flick some water onto Finnick, and his warm smile sends butterflies into your stomach as Johanna carefully observes the both of you. 
The playfulness in his eyes sends you retreating back to the shore, but he manages to grab your arm and pull you under water.
You quickly remerge from the water as Finnick pulls you towards him. You both laugh as you place your hands on his chest.
Finnick takes one of your hands and pulls you towards the shore as you try to shake off any previous shyness or embarrassment. You look back at Johanna, who quirks an eyebrow at you.
Don’t mess that up, she mouths to you as you wink at her.
I wasn’t planning on it.
The cool water feels refreshing against your skin. District 4 had taught you to find comfort in water, and your first round of the Hunger Games taught you how much of a luxury water truly was.
Dehydration was a major player in your Hunger Games as the main careers were the only ones with access to water with their strong set of sponsor. You were, in all senses, a fish out of water. Dead bodies by berry bushes taught you how to forge, but you would have been dead without a few sponsors of your own. The first canister of water came from your mentors, and you showed your gratefulness through a warm smile and a small ‘thank you’.
That moment was played over and over across Panem. Hubris flowed and weaved through most of the tributes, but not you, apparently. Finnick would laugh and tell you that you learned that from your favorite mentor. You wanted to tease him back, to say that you didn’t learn anything from him, but you did learn how humble and kind he truly was.
Instead, you told him that Mags was your favorite mentor, and he didn’t talk to you for three whole hours.
Your eyes fall to Finnick’s form next to you. He was attractive, with plenty of golden boy looks and charms to spare. You’d never live it down if you told him that, but you weren’t sure if you’d live at this moment, so maybe another moment to see his smile would be worth the temporary embarrassment.
“Are you watching me?” A sly smile rests on his face as he stands next to you on the shoreline.
“In your dreams, pretty boy.”
His trident sinks into the sand as his head leans toward you.
“I like when you call me those names, sweetheart.”
His hot breath on your neck sends a wave of shivers down your spine, and you raise an eyebrow at him before turning to face him. His lips are inches away from yours, but you want to tease him before he gets what he wants.
“Oh, and what else would you like me to call you? Handsome, perhaps?” A coy smile, matched with wide eyes, causes Finnick to laugh for a moment before responding.
“Anything would be good, as long as it came from your lips.”
“Finnick!” You lightly push him away before nervously looking around you.
“You’re nervous about one of them seeing you after you kissed me in front of the whole Capitol?”
“That was different,” You slightly whine as Finnick looks at you with amusement, “I wanted to make sure that you knew how I felt in case something happened to me.”
His mood darkens for a moment.
“No one’s going to hurt you, not on my watch,” His eyes light up again, “but it’s sweet to know that you think of me from time to time.”
“Of course I do,” Mischief finds a way to lace itself back into your voice, “you’re my dearest mentor.”
“Not your favorite?” His puppy dog eyes don’t convince you one bit.
“Still Mags,” You laugh after he sighs in defeat, “but you’re my favorite person, if that’s any consolation prize.”
“I still want to be your favorite mentor.” He grumbles as you continue to merrily laugh.
I wish we could spend every day like this on the coastline at home. Life has a different plan, it always does.
“This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock,” Katniss explains as your group walks toward the Cornucopia, “with a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their wedge. It all starts with the lightning, then the blood rain, fog, monkeys… that’s the first four hours. At ten, that big wave hits over there.”
You admire her deducing skills as she points out each sector. You do your best to memorize them - it could help save your life.
“Wiress, you’re a genius.” Finnick softly compliments her as you approach the weapon rack. 
You grab as many throwing knives as possible along with a small satchel to store them in. Being defenseless wasn’t really your style, and you had to prove yourself in some way.
The group discusses the lightning occurrence, and the chatter doesn’t catch your ear as you focus on your surroundings. You’re out in the open, vulnerable on most sides, and someone would get killed if they strayed-
“Relax, you’re tensing up.” Finnick places his hand on your back for a moment before retrieving another small knife from the group.
“I’m just worried,” You say as Finnick offers you the knife, “but thanks-“
He pulls the knife back for a moment with a wicked smile as you dramatically roll your eyes and sigh.
“What do you want me to do, say please?”
“I was going for a kiss, but please will work for me.” He tosses the knife in the air, and you snatch it before he can grab onto it.
“Perhaps you’ll get what you want when there’s less people around,” You tease before you hear the group gathering nearby. “and when there’s less people trying to murder us.”
Wiress sings a childhood lullaby on a rock near the water as Peeta draws a circle on the ground. Finnick moves his hand from your back to his side, but you’re quick grab his hand with yours.
“From twelve to one, there’s lightning, and from one to two, there’s blood,” Peeta divides the circle into even parts as he deciphers the arena, “then fog, then monkeys.”
“Ten to eleven, the wave. What about everything else? Did you guys see anything?”
I think I would remember seeing something bad from this hellhole.
You shake your head as Johanna answers.
“Nothing but blood.”
“It doesn’t matter, as long as you stay clear of whichever sectors active, you’ll be safe.” Peeta counters.
“Yeah, relatively speaking-“ Finnick pauses, as do the rest of you, when you hear a soft gasp from the same spot that Wiress was sitting at.
With a knife in her back from Gloss, Wiress was lifeless in his arms. Your survival instincts kick in as you pull a knife to throw, but Katniss beats you to it with an arrow to his chest. The cannon booms twice in a row as your suspicions are proven right: you’re a target, right where the hunters want you.
Your eyes spot a blob of blonde moving in the distance, so you push Johanna towards it as you look for the other two careers. She can handle herself, along with Katniss. You’re worried about Beetee and Peeta because Finnick cannot protect both of them with an attack on all fronts. You let go of his hand as you prepare yourself to fight like hell for yourself, Finnick, and your friends.
A canon booms as Brutus throws something sharp at the four of you. You duck and pull Beetee down with you as the rest avoid the projectile with ease. You immediately get back up as Brutus charges at Finnick while Enobaria approaches from behind. With a knife in hand, you throw it her way to pull her attention from Finnick. The knife scraps her cheek and leaves a small, bleeding cut where it had once touched her skin.
Enobaria looks at you for a moment, a small bit of fear in her eyes, before baring her teeth at you. With a small glance to Brutus and her fallen allies, she runs to take cover along with Brutus. 
Finnick pushes a charging Peeta back as Katniss and Johanna chase after them. You barely have time to think before the center of the Cornucopia starts to spin rapidly. You fall to your knees but are able to grab onto a rock before you fall into the water. Peeta grabs onto one near you, but you can’t tell if any of the others have fallen in to the spinning death trap or if you all are hanging on by a mere thread. 
Your eyes catch the sight of the shiny weapons above you that rattle rapidly with the movement of the Cornucopia. You curse under your breath as they start to fall off, but you’re able to navigate your body around them with little to no issue. Peeta struggles a bit more, but your focus lands on his hands. He won’t be able to hold on much longer since he’s not used to the waves constantly crashing into his body.
The last of the weapons and crates fly past you as the Cornucopia slows down and eventually stills. You crawl up to level ground before taking a deep breath.
That was… an experience.
Peeta quickly gets off the ground as you hear Katniss coughing in the distance. Johanna and Peeta run to aid her as you simple bask in the warm glow of the sun. The water was cold and unfamiliar against your skin - a feeling that you hated with every iota of your body.
You pull yourself up before Finnick and Beetee approach you.
“You okay?” Finnick asks as Beetee tries to wipe off his glasses.
How did he manage to keep those things on?
“I’ll survive.” You shake off his concern with a light smile.
Concern still rests in Finnick’s irises, but he lets the question rest for now.
“Let’s just get what we need and get off the bloody island.” Johanna convincingly says, and you nod in agreeance.
I knew this wouldn’t be a good idea, and here we are. Another person who is a needless causality.
You stare out at the ocean, reflecting on the events that have just occurred. This activity used to bring you comfort, a moment of relief from the ever-chaotic life of a Victor, but waves of sadness crashed against your heart just as the waves of water splashed your feet.
A couple of tears fall from your eyes as you replay the fight at the Cornucopia again and again. If you had been with Wiress, you could’ve saved her. If you had been more aware and less of a romantic idiot, then one less person’s blood would be on your hands. 
You couldn’t listen to the five of them discuss who was alive, and the next plan. Not so soon after Wiress’ death, after someone you cared about was ripped from your life without any hesitation.
You wipe the tears from your eyes as you imagine the Capitol citizens cheering at your display of affection. You had always had a soft heart for the tributes you trained and your fellow victors, so a moment like this was not uncommon.
You remember how you bawled after the first set of tributes from District 4 died under your mentorship and guidance. You had locked yourself in your room, and Mags was the first one to come knocking on the door.
“Mags, I can’t do this!” You cry out from under the sheets.
She gently knocks, twice, against the door.
“They were counting on me…” You mumble under your breath as another wave of tears fell from your eyes.
She stayed out there all night until you came out for breakfast the next day. You had never felt such strong affection from someone until that moment, when she hugged you as she wiped your tears. Mags always knew what to do. 
What would she do now?
She’d smile and stroke your face with a loving look in her eyes before nodding in front of you. With a small hug, she would send you back in to face whatever had been bothering you.
Mags was your favorite mentor because she understood you like no one else would. She knew who you were under the sunshine, and she still accepted you for it. That, however, didn’t stop Finnick from creeping into your heart.
Maybe Finnick wasn’t your favorite mentor, but rather, your favorite person. You’d have to tell him that sometime, if you got the chance.
Unfortunately, your introspective thoughts had to be put aside as someone stood up from behind you.
“Prim!” Katniss screams before running into the forest.
Your eyes widen as you realize what’s pulling her to the forest.
Mockingjays were your least favorite flying creatures by far. Many other tributes would regard them as an annoyance, but you had watched one tear your District 4 tribute, the one from your first set of Hunger Games, away from you. The birds sung praises of loved ones, and promises of safety and familial love. You knew better, but they didn’t. 
That damned bird was harnessed by the career pack, and they murdered your district partner in cold blood as you watched from the shadows. After they left, you made a small bouquet of flowers and laid it on your ally’s chest. Soon after, you received a parachute from your second sponsor - a set of knives to bring harm to those who had taken your last piece of home away from you.
Here you were, again, watching as your mentor sat silently in the field after being trapped with the mockingjays for an hour. Katniss had Peeta to tell her that everything was okay, but what could you say to Finnick that he didn’t already know? Annie and Mags were safe, for now, and you were here beside him. You were physically here, but your mind kept replaying the image of your fellow tribute bleeding to death on the ground.
The man in front of you started to resemble the kid who was slain in the games, and as soon as a grotesque image of Finnick’s lifeless body entered your mind, you quickly stood up and brushed past a ranting Johanna.
“What are they-“
“Don’t, just don’t.” Johanna quickly defends you from any questioning as you make your way back to the beach, to your safe place.
You sit on the sand, waiting for some answer to rise out of the water. The waves had always calmed your mind, but between Wiress’ death and the Mockingjays, you couldn’t find anything relaxing about the water. Everything felt suffocating, like you were drowning in a tide pool of your thoughts and emotions.
You sit down on the sand and let everything crash over you. There are no more tears, no more sadness… just an empty, horrible feeling at the bottom of your stomach.
“Mind if I join you?” Finnick’s voice floats to your ears, but you can’t find the energy to respond to him.
You’re drained, tired, and ready to go back to District 4, but there was no going back from what was already planned out.
Finnick chooses to take your silence as an answer as he slowly sits next to you. You think about how odd you look, tribute and mentor, side-by-side. You’re not a teenager any more - neither is he - but you feel childish, refusing to talk to him after he went through something as horrible as those Mockingjays.
“I’m sorry.” You bluntly say while cutting out any mental excuses that your brain is making up.
Finnick doesn’t respond, and you don’t have the courage to look at him. You, subconsciously, place your hand to the side in an attempt to ground yourself in the moment. You needed to be here, now, in the moment-
His hand, ever-so-gently, is placed on top of yours.
Everything has felt so fucked-up as of late.
But this? Being close to Finnick - getting all of his touch, his teasing,  his kindness, his everything - it was everything to you.
For the first time since you entered the arena, you felt at home.
A familiar tune plays as your group stops to look at those who have been killed today. Familiar faces appear in the sky, both ones you love and hate, but there is no time for any regret to be spared. There is a plan - one that is highly dangerous and highly unlikely to work - but you have no time. The clock ticks in your head, in your heart, in your body, until midnight.
You’ll be dead, a slave to the Capitol, or on your way to an uncertain future.
What great options.
You approach the tree right behind everyone else as Beetee begins to work. You back away and let him do the rest as midnight ticks closer with every waking breath.
Beetee hands Katniss the rest of the electrical wire, and instructs you, Katniss, and Johanna on what to do and where to meet. Like any decision made so far, someone has to disagree with the plan that was crafted beyond their awareness.
“I’ll go with them as a guard.” Peeta says, but Beete quickly disagrees.
“No, no, you’re staying here to protect me… and the tree.”
The suspicions quickly clouds around Katniss and Peeta as you exhale deeply.
Why does every decision have to start and end with an argument? 
“No, I need to go with her.” Peeta harshly says.
“There are two careers out there, and I need two guards.” Beetee matches Peeta’s intensity as you glance over at Finnick.
Do something, you mouth at him before he turns back towards everyone else.
“Finnick and Johanna can protect you just fine.” Peeta tries to reason with him, and Katniss, as always, jumps in with her own opinion on the matter.
“Yeah, why can’t Finnick and Johanna stay with you while Peeta, Sunny, and I take the coil?”
Your ears perk at the second mention of your name as you turn to look at Katniss, but she’s staring holes into Beetee.
“You all agreed to keep me alive until midnight, correct?” Beetee approaches Katniss, who stays silent.
“It’s his plan,” Johanna chimes in, “we all agreed to it.”
“Is there a problem?” Finnick, finally, decides to speak up as you cross your arms.
“Excellent question. Is there a problem?” Beetee matches Katniss’ glare, and you watch her back down.
“No, there’s no problem.”
You would’ve stepped in, but the hostility that Katniss has displayed in the current moments has made you question that action. You’d like to walk out of here with as few arrows in your body as possible.
Peeta and Katniss share a parting kiss as you glance over at Finnick again.
Be careful, he mouths to you as you prepare to take your leave.
I always am, you silently say back before you depart with Katniss and Johanna towards the water.
Your mind is in a state of complete disarray as you make your way towards the beach. Katniss makes a point to hand you her bow instead of Johanna, but she’s quick to snatch it back as soon as she can.
I don’t blame her for being on edge. I am too.
Regret is the ugly feeling consuming you - regret for not telling Finnick something in that last moment, the last moment you might ever see him again.
Don’t say that, don’t think that. You will find your way back to home, you always do.
Thoughts of home kept you safe, calm, and sane in your first Hunger Game. Home, then, was your family home with all of your loved ones inside. Home was the beach where you and your school friends would play after lessons were through. Home was the smell of freshly cooked fish in the air that mingled with the sea salt smell of the water. Home was everything that District Four was.
Thinking about home, now, lead you back to the same person again and again. His golden locks that you spent far too long admiring, his sugary smile that melted your heart at the mere mention of it, and his sweet gestures and sly words that had you both toeing the line between fellow mentors and something more.
You wondered if you would get another chance to kiss him, to tell him every emotion that he inspired in you. If you didn’t, wherever you ended up, you would tell them about Finnick: the man he was, is, and always will be.
“C’mon, I want to put as much distance between us and this beach as possible,” Johanna sternly tells Katniss as she brings the wire behind the three of you, “frying is not the way I want to go.”
“There’s something…” Katniss trails off as she tugs on the wire behind her.
A few more tugs from Katniss, and the wire comes free. The knife naturally comes to the front of your hand as Brutus approaches from the distance.
A quick look from Johanna causes you to throw said knife at him. He dodges it before stopping, but the sickening smile on his face sends shivers down your spine. You hear Johanna hit Katniss on the back of the head as you grab another knife. 
So it begins.
You throw another knife at Brutus, and his dodging skills worsen as the knife cuts open part of his uniform and stomach. The cut isn’t too deep, not enough to kill, but it gives enough of a distraction for Johanna to cut the tracker out of Katniss’ arm.
Enobaria appears next to him, and your eyes widen as Johanna tells Katniss to stay down. You ready another knife, but Johanna shoves you to her right.
“Go,” She say before preparing to strike with her axe, “and don’t look back. Haymitch isn’t the only person I made a promise to.”
You nod in solemn agreement before taking off back towards the tree. 
After a minute of running, you hide among the bushes for the moment as you hear footsteps approach.
“Johanna, Sunny, where are you?” Finnick calls out before stopping not too far from you.
Every cell inside you is reaching out to say something, to call out to him, but you can’t.
You tear off a small part of your tribute outfit before preparing to plunge your knife into your left arm.
The tracker has to go out one way or another.
Katniss was ready to go, and with a clean knife cut, yours was out too. The pain was immeasurable, but you quickly stop the bleeding with your makeshift bandaid. You throw the tracker towards the beach as you hear Finnick walk away from Katniss and yourself.
You can hear Katniss struggling to stand, so you quietly approach her while cutting off another part of your shirt. Once you emerge from the bushes, an arrow is pointed at your chest, but Katniss doesn’t put her bow down.
“You have to trust me, just for a while longer.” You toss her the strip of clothing, and she puts her bow down to tie up her arm before heading back to the tree. 
You quietly trail behind her, nerves on edge, as you hold your knife in anticipation for an attacker. Katniss holds the wire in her hand as she looks at the tree curiously.
Sparks by the left side of the tree send Beetee flying as you quickly pass Katniss to check on Beetee.
He’s twitching and non-response, but breathing.
You pause as Katniss spots a makeshift spear nearby. Your eyes widen as you look at the tree in front of you - a ticking death machine as far as you were concerned.
You pull Beetee as far away from the tree as you can manage before another cannon fires.
“Peeta!” Katniss screams as her anger flares towards you.
The arrow is lined straight at your heart - if she releases it, you’re dead.
But you don’t fear death, not for a moment. If your death saves her and everyone else, then it would be a worthy sacrifice.
A tear falls, but not of fear or sadness, but pity. Pity for the poor girl in front of you who only knows how to solve violence with more violence.
You could only hope that Peeta was alive out there, and that Brutus or Enobaria were the one dead. 
Rummaging through the nearby bushes causes her to misfire, as the arrow makes it mark into your knee. You crumble to the ground in horrendous pain as you only hope that this all will work out. You wonder if you will be able to walk again - your mentors had warned that injuries to the lower-half of your body would wound you for life if it didn’t cause your death in the arena.
You can only be a spectator as Katniss prepares another arrow, one to fire at the person who’s headed this way.
“Katniss, where are you?” Finnick cries out as Katniss prepares to fire her arrow at her.
You can only writhe in pain and be a spectator as Finnick notices Katniss. Pain constricts your throat, so you can’t tell him that you’re out of the way, that you’re safe, but he’s not.
You can’t watch someone else, someone from your home, die right in front of your. You were a helpless kid then as you watched someone die, but now, you were an adult.
Hell will have frozen over if you don’t do something about it.
You try to move your injured leg after a little pain subsides, but a shooting pain in your knee keeps you from moving your legs anymore than you have to.
“Katniss, remember who the real enemy is.” Finnick warns her as she continues to stay on-guard with her arrow pointed at his chest.
You look over at Beetee as guilt washes over you. You won’t let anyone else you care about die, not even the girl who shot you in the damn knee. With one hand in front of the other, you pull yourself out of the shadows and towards the two of them. Pain shoots through your body, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins counteracts it.
You try to stay as far away from the tree as possible as Katniss decides what to do next. She lowers her bow for a moment as thunder starts to collect around the tree of you. A bush blocks your view for a moment as you continue to crawl, but you hear Finnick warn Katniss to stay away from the tree. The last thing you remember was Finnick charging forward and Katniss releasing an arrow towards the lightning strikes before sparks clouded your vision until it faded completely black.
The only color you see around you is white. Your arms are restricted by some sort of holding device behind you. You struggle against them, but your effortless are completely and utterly useless.
“We had a deal, Sunny.” 
Shivers run up your spine as a clean set of black boots approach you. You know that voice, you’ve heard it all over speakers and right in front of you, and you hate its smugness. Its owner, however, is objectively the worst part.
Your eyes glance up to meet his as Snow cruelly smiles at you.
“And here I was, thinking that you would be something so much greater than yourself,” He chides you before pulling something out from behind his back, “what a fool I was.”
“I think, Sunny,” He continues as the weapon in his land comes to life with electric sparks, “that you and I need to become reacquainted with one another. Who, truly, is the real Sunny?”
Your screams aren’t heard from the soundproof rooms, and he doesn’t stop after you feel yourself fade away to nothingness.
The gently rocking of a carrier ship disturbs your unpeaceful rest. An oxygen mask helps you calm your breath as you open your eyes. The lights blind your vision, and for a moment, you’re scared that your nightmare was about to come true.
“Well, that went about as well as possible.” Haymitch mumbles before setting Katniss down next to you. Your eyes dart to the other side, where Beetee gently rests next to you.
“She needs time to adjust,” Another man, one that you don’t quite recognize, says before his eyes meet yours, “but they look less violent.”
Haymitch turns to you as he lets out a deep sigh.
“Sorry about your knee, and sorry about the shit job I did wrapping it up. Finnick re-wrapped it, by the way-“
You immediately sit up as Haymitch gently grabs your shoulder.
“Yes, yes, your lover boy is okay, calm down. You’re not going anywhere fast for a long time.” You look at your knee with Haymitch as you see the wound bleeding through the bandaging. It’s carefully wrapped, not too tight, just like Finnick did whenever you got cuts on your hands from the rocks back at home.
You push Haymitch away with the strength of a toddler as Finnick approaches this part of the plane.
“Okay, I got it, you two need some alone time.” Haymitch stands up before heading to the front of the plane. “Plutarch-“
“You did good, protecting the Mockingjay. If you feel like fighting again, we could always use someone like you.” Plutarch says before following Haymitch to the front of the carrier ship.
Finnick quickly passes both of them as the door closes behind him. Once he reaches your side, he pulls the oxygen mask off your face and lightly caresses your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You, in response, raise a hand towards the bruises on his face.
“Your cheek-“ You croak out as Finnick shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. How’s your knee?”
“Hurts.” You mumble softly.
His eyes never leave yours, and the adoration in his eyes melts your core. You two stay in a comfortable silence as you place your hand on his chest.
“I won’t let anything else hurt you, I promise. We’ll be safe in District 13, I-“
You cut him off with a sweet kiss to the lips.
“I love you,” You lovingly whisper after your lips leave his, “now and forever.”
“Even with everything we’ve been through?” He quietly says as you reassure him.
“Especially considering everything we’ve been through.”
This time, his lips meet yours as you melt into Finnick’s chest, and, for now, this feels enough like home.
tagging -> @yokolesbianism , @avoxrising (send an ask or reply to be added for any future updates!)
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thedovesaredying · 4 months
Guardian of the Temple
König finds you alone in the jungle and decides to hunt you down for some entertainment. Unfortunately for him, the Temple Guard is still in the area.
A/N: Wanted to do something small for @ghouljams fun little König-killing event. This little story is based within an AU I'm working on currently - a crossover between CoD and Dinotopia - weird mix, I know, but trust me, I promise it works. Going to be a series of individual ships set in the same universe with Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, and Nikto.
Pairing: Ghost x F!Reader (he doesn't make an appearance)
Warnings: MCD (obviously lmao), Kinda Gorey??, König is a dick who has it coming.
Rating: SFW
Masterlist: WIP
If you were paying more attention than you wouldn’t be in such a situation.  
There’s an Outsider hunting you down, tainting the steps of the temple with his foul presence alone. You’ve been working for weeks to restore the ancient ruins enough for you to begin deciphering some of the forgotten runes. Just gaining access to the site had taken months of preparation, and it could all be thrown away because of this one individual.  
You’ve heard of him before, some crazy man who’s styled himself “King” after hunting down and killing a tyrannosaurus rex on his own. You’ve heard him lord the achievement over his underlings, having them worship him as if he’s some kind of warrior God rather than a mere man.
You were spotted while collecting water from a nearby river, and the terrifying mountain of a man had been quick to sprint after you, laughing like a complete madman. You’re by no means slow, but the man’s lengthy stride has him quickly catching up to you, his huge hand grabbing you by the back of your shirt.  
He throws you to the ground and you hit the stone of the temple hard with a loud yelp. You try to crawl away from him, but you’re unable to get your legs under you before you’re grabbed again. The man, and he’s definitely König from the signature hood over his face, forces you onto your back, pinning you to the floor with a heavy foot to your chest.  
“And who might you be, little bird?” His voice is heavily accented, but the amused sneer in his tone is easily recognisable, “the Rainy Basin is no place for such a small creature, did no one tell you what terrible creatures there are out here?” 
You grip at his boot, trying to shove it off you, but swiftly giving up when it doesn’t so much as budge. “What, like you?” you snap, scowling up at him.  
“Such a feisty thing,” he laughs, pressing down harder on your aching ribs, “are you certain you aren’t one of mine?” He pulls his axe from the side of his belt, resting the edge of the blade against your throat.  
Your disgusted face must be answer enough, because he continues, “do you know why they call me, ‘König’, sweet pet?” the cold steel of his blade presses dangerously against your chin, forcing you to keep your head raised and your eyes on his, “it’s because I killed the most powerful beast on this island, that so called “king” of the Scalies, you should mind yourself, girl.”  
“Really?” You ask, before adding, “because I heard you were a coward that killed a mother rex just trying to protect her babies.” You can’t help the way you spit it at him, scowling at his ugly hood, “you really think that makes you impressive? Killing mothers and babies to feed your own ego?” 
The monstrous man pulls back his axe, readying to separate your head from the rest of your body. You can only imagine how his face is screwed up in rage at the slight to his pride, and you can’t help but smile, for you know this will not be where you die. He swings his weapon down and there’s a sickening crunch as muscle and bone are split apart. But it isn’t you that wails in agony.  
It was his mistake, really, for thinking that the rex was the biggest, baddest king in the jungle. 
König’s body falls to the side in shock, his one remaining hand reaching up to fruitlessly try and stanch the bleeding where his shoulder now abruptly ends. He had mocked you so ruthlessly for your fear moments ago, but now, the man’s eyes have nearly been consumed by his frantic pupils. His legs kick out, trying to push himself as far away from the threat as possible.  
The giganotosaurus tilts its head back, allowing the man’s arm to roll down its gullet without needing to so much as chew once for the entire limb to be small enough for it to swallow it whole. Its eyes slowly track the trail of blood across the floor, before landing on the wounded human in question.  
Like a bird playing with an insignificant insect, it takes a step toward him, using its snout to roll the man across the stone, nostrils flaring at the potent scent of iron. You can see König torn between playing dead in the hopes of boring the animal and trying to make a run for it, but it seems to matter little in the end, for the theropod grabs him around the waist with its eight-inch teeth and begins to bite down.  
The man screams, and you have the less than pleasant privilege of listening as his agonised cries quickly turn into wet gurgling. The giga’s teeth are designed for slicing through meat to let their prey bleed out, but there’s very little meat on a creature as small as a human, and so it isn’t long before the Outsider’s body falls completely limp.  
The lifeless body is dropped to the ground where the lizard begins to crunch at the remains with its hind teeth.  
You stand on shaky legs, the adrenaline very quickly causing you to crash. With a sigh, you slowly slide down one of the nearby walls of the temple, resting your head against the cool stone and moss. After a few moments, the giga makes another appearance, his massive head drifting into view. He makes a concerned rumble, nudging at your tiny body when you continue to stay resting for another few moments. 
“Thank you, Fireblood,” you breathe, gently resting a hand against the theropod’s snout, “I know you can’t understand me, but it’s much appreciated big guy.” Fireblood settles himself down beside you with a soft huff, allowing you to caress his hard scales.  
No doubt Ghost will find this rather amusing; he always did dislike that weird guy.
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tango-but-everywhere · 5 months
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I’m going to start making my way through my one million drafts (maybe)
etho, season 10 episode 1
[ID: a minecraft screenshot from hermitcraft 10, taken in Etho’s jungle. Tango and Pearl are both looking at the viewer. They’re both in full iron and holding shields, but Tango is holding an axe too. Some of Etho’s hotbar is visible, including his shield and some raw copper. there’s a few chests and furnaces visible in the background. End ID]
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Capitol Punishment X
Haymitch x Reader
Summary: The Capitol continues to torture it’s victors no matter how long ago they won through punishment, exploitation, and worst of all; their relationships.
A story in which Haymitch’s lover is a plaything for the Capitol.
Warnings: Canon level violence, rape (though never explicit), alcohol, murder, systemic poverty, exploitation, rebellion (?), more reliance on movie than book, suicidal thoughts, swearing, illness, pregnancy, miscarriage
Word Count: 3.1K
Part IX | Masterlist | Part XI
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A/N: Sharing this because I think it’s kind of cute. Since the movies don’t dive into Annie super deeply I based her character off one of my friends because she’s literally the sweetest person in the world
“It’s a clock, with a new threat every hour, and every threat is confined to its wedge,” Katniss explained, leading the group to the cornucopia. “Where that big tree is, that’s 12, which strikes every night at midnight. Next is the blood rain, next to that is the toxic fog, and then monkeys. And then at 10, that big waves comes from over there.”
“Okay, so we just stay out of whatever section is active, should be easy enough,” you put together, resting against the cornucopia. You were all then interrupted by a gasp. Turning your gaze you saw Gloss pull a blade from Wiress’ neck and heard the canon go off. Katniss didn’t waste a second before launching an arrow into his chest, another canon.
The other careers appeared as members of your group began fighting them off. Cashmere ran towards Katniss, causing Johanna to move her out of the way before launching an axe into Cashmere’s chest, another canon.
You looked over, finding Haymitch in a sword vs spear fight with one of the women from two. “Duck!” you yelled, pulling out a knife. Just as the woman was about to stab her spear at him again, he ducked, rolling to the side, allowing you to put a knife in her chest. It wasn’t enough to put her down at the moment though, as she merely pulled it out, attempting to throw her spear at you now. But before she could release it Haymitch put the blade through her stomach, stopping her short. Another canon.
And another canon as the body of the other female from 1 fell into the water. District 1 was officially out of the games now. Katniss went to chase a fleeing Brutus and Enobaria but Haymitch stopped her, telling her to let them go.
We couldn’t even stop to catch our breaths as the island started spinning. You were pretty sure you screamed “What the hell?” as you fell, grabbing onto the rocks desperately.
Weapons were flying out of the cornucopia and all you could do was pray nothing would hit you. You could feel your hands slipping as you continued to be whipped around. Fortunately the spinning slowed just as you couldn’t take it anymore. Once it stopped you stood up, immediately becoming dizzy but you didn’t care, too worried about your husband. You spotted him, throwing up next to the water. Not far away you could see some of the others helping Katniss out of the water. You reached Haymitch, patting his back as he finished emptying his guts.
“Are you okay?” he asked, placing an inconspicuous hand on your waist.
“Yeah,” you agreed, knowing what his hand placement meant. “Everything feels fine.”
“Y/N! Haymitch!” Finnick called, “we have to go.” You helped Haymitch up, grabbing a spare sword for him as the two of you followed the others off the island.
You, Haymitch, Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Beetee, Annie, and Finnick all settled in the tree line, Beetee informing you that he had a plan. But before he could explain it you heard a scream from the jungle. “Katniss!”
She stiffens. “Prim?” she yells, running off in the jungle.
“I’ll get her, stay here,” you tell the others, “no sense in splitting up the group more.” You run after Katniss, jumping over hazards on the ground. Eventually you find her, “Hey, what’s-”
You’re cut off by a deep scream. Haymitch’s voice was screaming your name? As you tan towards the sound you wondered if he had followed you and run into a tribute on his way to find you. You didn’t really care as you continued into the jungle.
“Y/N It’s not him!” Katniss called after you. “It’s a jabberjay.”
“Jabberjay’s copy,” you insisted, Haymitch and Prim’s screams getting louder. Another voice you recognized as Gale’s started screaming too.
“Get to the beach,” Katniss called as the mutts started swooping down. They were screaming in your ear, beaks pecking at your skin as you ran. Eventually you spotted the others, your mind not connecting why it looked like they were banging on glass. Once you hit the forcefield you understood. Haymitch was looking at you, yelling something but you couldn’t hear him. All you could hear were tortured screams. You crouched down low, Katniss doing the same, trying to cover your ears and protect your head from the screaming, pecking birds. You felt tears flowing down your face as they continued, Haymitch desperately trying to keep your attention from the other side of the forcefield. You knew he was okay, he was right in front of you, but his screaming and yelling were still torture.
From the other side of the forcefield Haymitch was banging on it desperately. When he heard you shout for him he thought you may have run into another tribute. When he hit the forcefield and couldn’t get to you, that was the scariest moment of his life. Not when he was reaped, stood in the arena the first time, or even when he received an almost fatal wound in his first arena. Not when you got into fights your first games, not when you were taken from him the first time, and not even when the Quarter Quell was announced. It was torture to hear his wife scream but not be able to reach you. And when you came into view and reached the forcefield, screaming and crying, that was the most pain he felt. He was desperately trying to keep your focus on him but you were crouched in a fetal position, trying to protect yourself from the jabberjays. Unable to do anything, both he and Peeta sat down, trying to comfort each of you.
Haymitch wondered to himself whether or not the Capitol suspected or knew of your relationship yet. He wondered what the commentators had said when you reunited. It didn’t matter whether Snow was angry you both may have revealed the secret, Snow was trying to kill everyone from 12 anyways. After so many years of torture he wanted to send a “fuck you” to the Capitol, showing them that they didn’t own his wife.
You had no clue how long it was until the jabberjays flew away but it was very suddenly silent and Haymitch collapsed next to you, having been leaning up against the forcefield. “Y/N!” he immediately cried, pulling you towards him. “What happened?”
“I heard you screaming,” you sobbed. “I reached Katniss when I heard you yell. I thought you ran into another tribute but it was just the jabberjays. They sounded like you, they were screaming for me to help you.”
“Hey,” he shushed you. “I’m okay,” he stroked your hair. “And so are you. C’mon let’s go to the beach with the others. The water may calm you down.” You nodded, standing up on shaky legs as he led you to the ocean.
You settled down on the sand next to Katniss and Johanna as Haymitch went to find Peeta who was getting water.
“You know Peeta was right,” Johanna told Katniss. “The Capitol won’t touch your sister. If they tortured her or did anything to her, forget the districts there’s be riots on the fucking Capitol.” She turned her attention up to the sky. “Hey how does that sound Snow? What if we set your backyard on fire?” Katniss looked appalled at Johanna’s dare to outwardly defy Snow. “What? There’s no one left I love. He can’t hurt me,” she informed cavalierly.
Finnick and the others approached along with Haymitch and Peeta each cupping leaves of water. “I have a plan,” Beetee informs. “Where do the careers feel safest? In the jungle?”
“Jungle’s a nightmare,” Johanna countered.
“Probably here on the beach,” Peeta guessed.
“And why aren’t they here?” Beetee asked. You felt like you were in school again.
“Because we claimed it, it’s ours,” Johanna stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“And if we left they would come?”
“Or stay hidden in the tree line,” Finnick suggested.
“Which in just under four hours will be soaked from the 10 o’ clock wave,” Beetee remarked smugly. “And what happens at midnight?”
“Lightning strikes that tree,” you returned.
“Here’s what I propose. We leave at dusk, we head to the lightning tree, that should draw them back to the beach. Prior to midnight we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone on the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted.”
“How do we know the wire’s not gonna burn up?” Haymitch asked.
“Because I invented it. I assure you it won’t burn up.”
We all exchanged looks, everyone in the know about this plan except Katniss, Peeta, and probably Annie. “Well it’s better than hunting them down,” Johanna said, perfect in her begrudging attitude. “What do we do?”
“Keep me alive until midnight,” was all Beetee said.
Seeing as you all had a little while until you could set Beetee’s plan in motion you and Haymitch found a spot on the sand with Finnick, Annie, and Johanna. “Ugh everyone and their partners,” Johanna remarked in disgust. “Even District 1. Cashmere and Gloss were too close to just be sibling.”
Everyone laughed. “You could always date Beetee,” you joked, looking over at the man still fiddling with the wire.
She scoffed, “Not in a million years. Besides,” her tone became serious again, “I’m not gonna give the Capitol anymore ammo.”
“Fair,” you replied. “They didn’t have the chance to take anything from me.”
“What do you mean?” Annie asked curiously from Finnick’s arms.
“My mom died having me. It’s common in 12, there aren’t any real doctors. We have healers like Katniss’ mom but if you need surgery or something… you’re out of luck. And then my dad died when I was 12 in a mining accident. Also pretty common unfortunately,” you explained.
“You didn’t have any friends?” Annie asked, genuine concern painted on her face.
“No, not really. After my dad died I had to go to school and appealed to work in the mines. In 12 you’re supposed to wait until you’re 18 but because I had no way to get any money, I was allowed to work.”
“That’s awful, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. What about you Finnick? What’s your tragic backstory?”
He chuckled, thinking for a second. “Umm well, my parents had me, they’re both still alive. I had a lot of friends in school,” he shot a smug smile at you to which you rolled your eyes, “and then I was reaped at 14 and you all know the rest.”
“Better to be unremarkable than-” Johanna began.
“Excuse me? Unremarkable? I’m the youngest ever victor,” Finnick cut in with feigned offense.
“With a mommy and daddy who loved each other and plenty of food on the table,” Haymitch mocked.
“Okay Haymitch, what’s your story?” Finnick countered.
“I also grew up poor and then I was reaped for the deadliest Hunger Games. After, everyone I loved was dead so yeah,” Haymitch countered. It was all such sad, tragic information but the way each of you delivered it and framed it, it became a game to see who had suffered the most and each of you wanted to be the winner.
“Johanna?” you asked.
“Pretty much the same as Haymitch,” was all she said.
She shrugged. “I was raised like Finnick,” she answered shyly.
“So I win,” Haymitch concluded proudly.
“I had the same fate as you,” Johanna scoffed.
“Yeah but my games had 48 tributes,” he countered.
“No I said backstory,” you interrupted, “which I win unless anyone else can beat orphan with no friends pre-their games. No one?”
“Okay fine,” Finnick conceded. “But if we’re talking post-games? I win.” You gave him a look. “Fine we both win.”
“Everyone I cared about was murdered,” Haymitch insisted.
“Yeah!” Johanna agreed. As they began to bicker you wondered if the Capitol was broadcasting this conversation. You doubt they’d allow the country to hear how they killed victors’ families and sold them into prostitution.
Finally Beetee interrupted the argument. “It’s time.”
You had helped Beetee wrap the wire around the tree and now it was time for you, Katniss, and Johanna to take it to the beach. “Make sure it doesn’t break, we need the connection,” Beetee stressed for the fifth time.
“Yes, Beetee, I know how electricity conducts,” you gave a sarcastic smile.
“Maybe I should go with them… as a guard,” Peeta interrupted.
You glanced at Johanna. Shit, you needed Katniss alone long enough to make the game makers think she’s dead. Fortunately Beetee stepped in. “No, I need you here to protect me. There are four tributes left, two of which are careers.”
“Why can’t Johanna stay?” Katniss asked.
“Look, it’s his plan,” Johanna interrupted. “Just do what he says.”
“Thank you,” Beetee said, turning back to the tree.
Katniss conceded, picking up the roll of wire. “Wait,” Haymitch said, stepping towards you. He then did the last thing that you expected. He placed a hand on our waist, the other on your jaw before pressing a kiss to your lips. You were surprised but returned the kiss nonetheless. when you finally pulled away Haymitch said, “Come back to me, okay?”
“Of course,” you agreed with a smile that he returned.
“Can we go?” Johanna called. “I don’t wanna be anywhere near the tree or the beach when the lightning hits.” So you complied, following the two girls.
You weren’t walking for very long when Katniss stopped. She tugged on the wire when it suddenly snapped. “Get down,” Johanna whispered, essentially tackling Katniss onto the ground. As she began cutting out Katniss’ tracker you spotted Brutus and Enobaria.
“I’ll lead them away,” you whispered. You threw a knife, barely scraping Brutus’ shoulder. He spotted you as you climbed out of the little valley you were in. Once you reached the top you ran off into the jungle, hoping to lead the careers away. Brutus and Enobaria were chasing after you as you ran around the jungle, gradually leading them towards the beach, away from Beetee and the others.
You were getting tired and you knew you couldn’t keep this up. Enobaria had become distracted by some other tribute but Brutus was still hot on your tail. As you reached the beach you found it extremely difficult to run in the sand given your legs that felt like lead. Brutus had the opportunity and he took it, tackling you to the ground. Hard. You didn’t notice anything at first, just trying to grab one of your knives as quickly as possible. Brutus had dropped his sword as he had tackled you, leaving him to try to get the knife from you. Fortunately you were quicker as you shoved the knife up into his throat, blood spilling all over you.
As you pushed his body off you heard a canon go off. And then you felt it. Intense cramping in your stomach like none you had ever felt. Tears began to slip down your face as you realized what was happening. You could faintly feel blood pooling in your pants as you rolled over, curling into a fetal position.
You felt sobs wrack your body as you realized you were having a miscarriage. You had made it through the games, you were almost to the end but it happened now? Why couldn’t Brutus have just not tackled you? How were you going to tell Haymitch? He so rarely let himself get excited over things but he was excited to start new and have a family.
Just then the entire arena went dark. Not even a minute later there was a hovercraft over you, the death claw scooping you from the sand. Had they accidentally grabbed you instead of Brutus? But before your questions could be answered you blacked out from blood loss.
“Katniss!” Finnick yelled just as she released the arrow into the forcefield. Haymitch and he had been running towards her but were blown back as lightning hit the tree, causing the explosion. Fortunately for him and Finnick they were far enough away that they didn’t get hurt too badly but Katniss was still half conscious as a hovercraft appeared, lifting her out of the arena like on of the deceased. “Go!” Finnick told Haymitch as a ladder dropped. “I’ll get Beetee.”
“What about Y/N and Annie?” Haymitch asked.
“Annie is near the other pickup site, Johanna should’ve brough Y/N there too. We gotta go before the Capitol gets here!” So Haymitch reluctantly went up the ladder, following up after Katniss. He looked down briefly, finding Finnick climbing the ladder with Beetee wrapped around his shoulders like a sack of flour.
Once Finnick was a couple feet off the ground the ladder started to be pulled up automatically. As soon as Haymitch got inside, he turned to help Finnick with Beetee.
Once everyone was safely inside the hovercraft, Plutarch made his presence known. Finnick was the first to speak. “You got Annie and Y/N?” All Plutarch did was purse his lips and look down. Haymitch felt dread fill him. “What?” Finnick demanded sharply. “You got them out right?”
“There was an issue. The Capitol found out sooner than we anticipated and were were only able to secure this hovercraft and because you were all close to Katniss. The people on this ship are the only ones we were able to rescue.”
Both Finnick and Haymitch were angry and terrified. “You left them in there?!” Haymitch yelled. “Why didn’t-”
“You both knew the risks!” Plutarch interrupted. “You both knew not everyone was coming out of that arena and that Katniss was the target. I’m sorry but there’s nothing that we can do. We can’t get back into Capitol airspace and the arena is swarmed with Peacekeepers now.”
Haymitch was furious. More so than when he was reaped, his family was killed, or all those times when you were taken from him. If he and you couldn’t get out together, at least you should’ve gotten out. You and his child that you were carrying.
Part IX | Masterlist | Part XI
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sepublic · 4 months
So the jokes comparing Skar King to King Louie over their appearances, with a remix of I Wan’na Be like You playing in the background, are funny and all. But they’re also more true than most might realize???
In the Godzilla vs Kong novelization, it explains that the Great Apes were like any other titans in Hollow Earth… But then they became very intelligent. They got into groups, formed languages. They established hierarchies, made tools, created architecture… And also began enslaving other titans. They conquered and pillaged, expanded past their original roles in the ecosystem.
In essence, the Great Apes became too human. Which is a great way to build off of Kong showing how human he can be in that very film, which introduced his sign language, as well as emphasized that in Mothra’s absence only Kong can defend humanity. He’s always had a symbiotic relationship with the Iwi, and with the stereotype of apes and humans being alike, you could say Kong is the most human of our giant monsters.
So the inverse of that is fascinating to take into account as to why Godzilla fought with Kong’s ancestors, and blasted their empire back into the Stone Age as retaliation for the above-mentioned advancements, which in his eyes were transgressions; I dunno if humanity had already begun the same as the Great Apes, which came first, but one must’ve reminded Godzilla of the other. In fact maybe they evolved into civilizations alongside one another.
And that brings us to Godzilla x Kong and the introduction of Skar King, who is revealed as the original leader of the Great Apes that started that entire backstory. Adam Wingard described him as the most human of the Monsterverse Kaiju, in the worst way possible; He’s the dark reflection to Kong and us in that way. He wanted the Great Apes to become human; Maybe not in the sense that he was emulating us specifically, but in that he wanted to make his species act in all the ways associated with humanity. Dude even has a harem which hammers in how depraved he is.
And like any human leader, he’s not much on his own; But the armies he leads, the tools he has, the beasts he tames, that makes him dangerous. He is just a man in the end; Nothing without his followers and society. Skar King’s ambition in the past led to Godzilla knocking down the Great Apes a massive notch, which led to some fleeing to Skull Island; This sets Kong’s destiny in stone when the Skull Crawlers emerge there and kill his parents. The Godzilla-killing axe must’ve been created under Skar King’s rule, in fact he may have personally made and/or wielded it to begin with; Skar King could’ve recognized that weapon, and been reclaiming it when he first met Kong.
Skar King is responsible for Kong in a sense; To him, Kong is a feral child who just now has reconnected with society and begun to realize how intelligent he can really be; Hence the traps at the beginning of Godzilla x Kong. He’s a reverse Tarzan, funnily enough; Lost his parents and spent more time in the jungle with humans, who are his ‘apes’. Skar King created Kong, in other words his own downfall, just as he sired Suko who rebelled, enslaved Shimo who retaliated, crafted the axe that spelled his downfall, and angered Godzilla who fought back. Skar King made his own demise, he brought his kind to ruin in his attempts to control nature.
So when we go back to the comparisons with another red-haired ape who also wants to act human, in a very destructive way via mastering fire. Yeah I guess Skar King Louie really does wanna be like us.
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lauren-ce · 3 months
Time for some hornyposting analysis of Eunectes re: body hair!
This snake girl lives in the jungle, sleeps in the dirt by choice, and gives so few shits about clothing that what little she wears is constantly in danger of literally falling off of her. When you promote her, she starts wearing even less—you have to buy an extra outfit for her if you want her to wear pants!
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By default, she doesn't wear a bra OR panties, and you think she cares about shaving? This girl has never MET a razor in her life!
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And yet. Her character art depicts her as clean-shaven, which opens the door to two possibilities:
1. Pythians don't have body hair (boring, uninspired, factually untrue)
2. The more hilarious and badass truth:
Zumama shaves everything with her axe. Armpits, legs, pussy, everything.
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ax-killjoy · 2 years
☆ Vulnerability
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Synopsis 𖦹 : for the time in what seems like a life time. Jake Sully is terrified.
note 𖦹 : I hope this synopsis makes sense :,) i’m bad at these. Also i rlly hope this makes sense, if not it becomes part of Killjoy’s sleep deprived nonsense.
Jake Sully x Male!Reader
Tw !: panic attack, mentions of weapons, arguments (nothing bad !)
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Jake doesn’t remember it completely. Almost as if a soldier took over his body. One second he hears his youngest son tell him that a couple of avatars were found on forbidden territory. The next second he can feel the rain against his skin, and then hears the sound of his axe strike an avatar at the neck. The second after, he hugs his children who are silently crying, trying to reassure them but the world around him seems distant.
The next he’s arguing with you, scared at the inevitable that he has to leave this place. Leave being Toruk Makto behind him to protect his family. “We cannot be here, Quaritch is hunting us down. We are active targets !” He says, your lips turn to a thin line. “You cannot ask this, Ma Jake ! you-you cannot ! YOU CANNOT ! This jungle, this tent, the people, the kids. THIS IS OUR HOME”
“HE HELD OUR KIDS, HE HAD OUR KIDS RIGHT UNDER HIS KNIFE” He loudly grits, and the tent falls silent. His eyes begin to get glossy, “I-“ His voice is stuck in his throat, he finds it hard to breathe, it’s harsh like waves breaking. Suddenly he’s hot and cold at the same time, his body numbing.
He feels small again, as if he was back in his human form. Stuck in a wheelchair and a mask just so he can breathe. God he feels pathetic. He hasn’t felt this way, since…since he found out his brother died. He hasn’t felt this terrified since he found his brother in a body bag.
“Ma Jake ?” he hears, but his hearing becomes muffled and his sight is beginning to get blurry. His hands start to tremble, he was so stuck in his head that he doesn’t notice you walking towards him. “I don’t know what to do.” He chokes out. He tries to say more but it feels as if he’s being strangled.
“Love, breathe.” he hears, he feels something warm grab his hand and lift towards something else warm. His palm lands on a surface, he can feel it pulse. A heartbeat.
“Ma Jake, breathe with me. Come on, Inhale.” He hears, and he feels his other than grabbed being grabbed towards a plush stomach. That rises up and down ever so slowly. “Again, with me. In-“ he hears, and does. His sucks in as much breath as possible, and he lets it out just ask you commanded . “Good job, again. In-“ and he does, suddenly things are slowly coming back. He cries still, he tries to not make a peep. Only small whimpers come out, with soft tears down his cheeks. “I don’t know what else to do.” He whisper out, his ears falling back. He leans into your touch, finding safety in your warmth. “the kids shouldn’t be here to expierence this, to go what we went through.” He rasps, and he feels you hum.
He looks at you, “and look, I don’t got a plan. I don’t know what to do. But i can protect this family, that i can do.” He grits, he tries to seem strong but he cries still. Tears are salty, his tears taste salty. He watches as you close your eyes, and your lips slightly quiver as well, a tear falls from your cheek and onto his shoulder. “okay.” you whisper, it’s quiet.
“i love you so much, Ma Y/N” he sniffles, hugging you tightly. Hiding his tears in the crook of your neck, softly kissing your neck and shoulders. You hug back, as you silently cry. “We’ll get through this.” he hears you say, and he wonders whether that was for him and you, or maybe a prayer to Eywa, or if you were saying it to give yourself the silghtest comfort. He couldn’t tell.
“Yeah.” He affirms, “We’ll get through this.” He repeats, and his thoughts. This was a prayer to eywa to protect his children. Begging for the children to experience a Quaritch free childhood and adulthood, to expierence no more Sky people. Begging that his children never see him this vulnerable ever again.
The exact children that watch from outside the tent, scared for their future, and their parents.
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dan-the-womans-blog · 2 months
Crimson Rain and Golden Sands
(Finnick Odair x reader)
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The jungle air was thick and humid, clinging to every inch of exposed skin. The cacophony of sounds from unseen creatures echoed through the dense foliage, creating a disorienting atmosphere that made it difficult to discern friend from foe. The Quarter Quell arena was a masterpiece of cruelty, designed to break even the strongest tributes. And it was succeeding.
You pressed forward through the jungle, your heart pounding with anxiety. You had been separated from Finnick Odair, your ally and anchor in this nightmare. His reassuring presence was a balm to the constant threat of death, but now, without him, the oppressive weight of fear was almost too much to bear.
You stumbled through the underbrush, every rustle making you flinch. The canopy overhead barely let in any light, casting eerie shadows that danced at the edges of your vision. The memory of Finnick’s last words before you were separated echoed in your mind. “Stay safe. I’ll find you.” You clung to that promise, hoping it would guide him to you.
Suddenly, you broke through to a clearing and found yourself face to face with Johanna Mason. Her eyes were sharp, and she held her axe with a confidence that was both reassuring and intimidating. She regarded you with a mix of annoyance and concern.
“You look like hell,” Johanna remarked, her voice rough but not unkind. “Come on, we need to keep moving.”
You nodded, too exhausted to argue. Johanna was fierce and abrasive, but she was a survivor. And right now, you needed that strength. As you followed her, you couldn’t shake the unease that gnawed at you. The arena was a living entity, constantly shifting and presenting new horrors.
It wasn’t long before you understood why Johanna was so insistent on moving quickly. The sky began to darken unnaturally, and the oppressive humidity seemed to thicken. A distant rumble filled the air, growing louder with each passing second. Then, without warning, the heavens opened, and blood began to rain down.
You froze, your breath catching in your throat. The sight of the crimson rain was horrifying, an assault on your senses. You could feel it soaking through your clothes, its metallic scent overwhelming. Panic clawed at your mind as you tried to move, but your legs felt like lead.
Johanna grabbed your arm, pulling you forward. “Keep moving! We need to get out of this!”
But it was too much. The blood was everywhere, and your vision began to blur. You stumbled, your strength ebbing away. The world around you seemed to warp and spin, and you could barely hear Johanna’s shouts over the roaring in your ears.
Your knees buckled, and you collapsed to the ground. The last thing you saw before darkness claimed you was the red-stained leaves above, swaying in the tainted rain.
When you woke, the first thing you noticed was the sound of waves crashing against the shore. The air was cooler, and the oppressive weight of the jungle had lifted. You blinked, trying to clear the fog from your mind. You were on the beach, the golden sand a stark contrast to the nightmare you had just endured.
Then you saw him. Finnick was there, kneeling beside you, his expression a mixture of relief and worry. He looked haggard, his usual effortless charm marred by exhaustion and fear. But he was alive. And he was here.
“Finnick,” you croaked, your voice weak.
His eyes met yours, and a smile broke through his weariness. “You’re awake.”
Without thinking, you pushed yourself up and launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him with all the strength you could muster. He caught you, holding you close, his grip strong and reassuring. Tears streamed down your face as you buried your head in his shoulder.
“I thought I lost you,” you whispered, your voice choked with emotion.
Finnick’s arms tightened around you. “I promised I’d find you,” he said softly. “I always will.”
You pulled back just enough to look at him, your heart swelling with gratitude and love. In that moment, the horrors of the arena seemed distant. All that mattered was that you were together again, and as long as you had each other, there was hope.
As the sun began to set over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach, you allowed yourself a moment of peace. The battle was far from over, but with Finnick by your side, you felt ready to face whatever came next.
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Requests are open!!!!!!
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boujeebunny8 · 1 month
Going back to the horror Matt idea with Zatz, another idea I had with it was 5 levels, each being the main 5. Rico ranging from the easiest to Maya being the hardest. So:
Rico - easy
Chimi - more hard but still easy
Picchu - medium
Zatz - hard
Maya - extremely hard.
And each level would have its own boss and challenges
So Rico would have Grand Bruja and the villagers of Luna Island. You’d have to go around and collect 6 orbs or sm
Chimi would have the Jungle lands king with his army. You would have to find 5 animals to save.
Picchu would have the bog worriers along with the leader. You would have to find the two axes owned by his perents
Zatz would have to face the evil gods. This is basically just that first concept.
Maya would have to avoid lord Mictlan, while in her own kingdom.
Feel free to do anything with this concept.
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