#Jungle Flower Dragon Heart
turiyatitta · 6 months
Jungle Flower
A Beacon of Inspiration and Healing In 2012, I had the incredible fortune of crossing paths with a remarkable soul – Jungle Flower. A former photographer, poet, speaker, writer, workshop and sound bath facilitator, Jungle is a mosaic of talents and a beacon of inspiration. Our first meeting was at a social gathering with R.I.S.E. Edutainment members, where she played the violin with such grace,…
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scourgeblooms · 5 months
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wanted to do a physical timeline for my commander and highlight how he’s changed through the years. this is mostly for my own entertainment BUT I do enjoy seeing the same thing from other folks so I’m posting it here in the hopes that other people share my sentiment. 
(I was ALSO totally inspired by @/manasurge’s hair timeline. it kicks ass. go look at it.) 
elaboration/rambling below the cut!
Personal Story, LW1-2: Popped out of the pod blunt, solicitous, and already maybe a little too paranoid for someone who was born yesterday, but all those traits made him uniquely qualified for a position in military leadership.  Healthy and floral, soft aspen-bark-like skin, delicate petals. black anthers produce pollen. undergoes more fashion changes than physical transformations during this time. gets a little banged up here and there (and maybe has some lasting respiratory effects from the toxic alliance era) but overall feelin a-okay. 
Heart of Thorns: it’s all gone to shit. took a spectacular headdive in both a physical and mental sense with breakneck speed. never “officially” answered mordremoth’s call, but anyone who spent time around him would notice a distinct lack of self control and logical thinking. took on a more sickly pallor, stress caused leaves to shrivel, rot, and decay. lost his lil flower top notch and ability to produce pollen. pupils narrowed to take on a more animalistic look, and enamel growth resulted in sharper, larger teeth. fingers also elongated into claws. never fully physically and mentally recovered from the hell jungle. 
LW3: chopped off most of his leaves to encourage fresh growth. lots of physical healing during this time, though it takes quite a while for his complexion to fully recover. takes on the role of aurene’s champion with gusto. relatively unaffected by bloodstone, but feels the effects of mordremoth’s loose/uncontrolled magic deeply. continues to hear mordremoth’s “voice” and is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. 
Path of Fire: still healing from HoT. continues to grow out his leaves. glow returns, as well as some of his eye color. likes the crystal desert, but finds the harsh, dry climate to be particularly challenging; he’s definitely more of a ‘temperate’ sylvari. does not handle dying well. death only adds to his paranoia and psychosis. has an increasingly hard time picking apart what is real and what is…. not. 
LW4: let’s get ready to kill an undead lich!!!! absorbs even more magic after the death of joko and kralkatorrik, and it starts to show in a there-and-gone shimmery aura that takes on a similar appearance to ley lines. starts to suffer from migraine auras. flower top notch grows back, but stays closed and dormant. picks up a few nifty necromancy tricks from the elonians, and the tips of his fingers start to show signs of necrotic decay; all that death magic can’t be good for the complexion, can it? 
Icebrood Saga: having another dragon in his head does not help his mental health in the slightest. braided leaves (courtesy of braham <3) to protect against frostbite. his ley “aura” gets more intense, hard to miss, and is a near constant. flower topnotch remains closed due to the cold weather conditions. after being shot by bangar, his wound is covered/healed by aurene’s brand. migraines increase in frequency, makes it difficult for him to focus. a bone deep exhaustion starts to set in, and more often than not, he catches himself thinking that a nice long nap underneath a blanket of snow doesn’t sound so terrible….
End of Dragons: back in a more agreeable climate, his topnotch finally blooms, but does not grow anthers or produce pollen. easily physically corrupted by void magic, and he feels soo-won’s pain and struggle deeply. the void corruption eventually shows up in the form of darkening leaves, and seeping out of his eyes/tearducts (it’s fine. don’t worry about it.). starts to incorporate chaos magic into his own necromancy practices. has a fucking terrible time in gyala delve. has a fucking terrible time saying goodbye to aurene. 
Secrets of the Obscure: nothing feels entirely real to him anymore. still willing to help, to fight, but it’s done on autopilot at this point. this magical, floating palace in the sky looks and feels like a dream, with the kryptis acting as the encroaching, inevitable turn to a real, living nightmare. still uses a bit of leftover void in his magical practices, but most of the corruption has left his system. that respiratory illness he picked up back in kessex hills comes back to bite him in nayos. finally grows back his anthers, but instead of producing pollen, it's an outlet for void/magic energy.
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always-hetalian · 2 months
Hetalia Characters Playing Minecraft
- plays on peaceful. he's TERRIFIED of hostile mobs
- his fav biome is the flower forest. he always tries to build there bc he thinks it looks pretty
- has a fully organised 10x10 storage room, with item frames for every chest and everything. not automatic tho
- he has a pet cat named Carbonara
- probably built a tiny hut in the mountains. it's a pain to get up and down and he kinda regrets it now
- has a pet dog. he actually takes it on walks sometimes
- "why would i fight the dragon?"
- he actually likes wandering traders
- likes making redstone stuff. most of his farms are automatic
- he has like 20 bases that he travels between through the nether
- builds nicer houses for the villagers
- he just likes building in general
- always has the worst luck finding diamonds. he could mine through 7 iron pickaxes at y -58 and still not find any
- trying to get every achievement in the game (he can actually do it)
- pure chaos
- doesn't even have a base, he just moves from place to place and sets things on fire
- tried to get a pet creeper, which ended very badly. anyway, he's now trying to befriend a guardian
- "enchantments?? pfft, who needs those?"
- thinks the warden is easy to kill, also died to it like 15 times
- he names every mob he sees. his current favourite is a cow he calls Jim and he accidentally transported to the nether
- leaves trees mid-air
- trying to get every achievement in the game (he absolutely won't do it)
- probably gets the worst seeds ever
- he built a village for his base but he doesn't want to kidnap villagers and bring them there, so it's kinda empty
- his most common death is probably something like getting suffocated by gravel
- he really likes endermen but he doesn't wanna go to the end bc he'd feel bad to bother them at their home dimension
- really enjoys fishing
- doesn't build farms, he just steals crops from villages
- went to the nether once and got killed by a piglin. he refuses to ever go there again now
- actually likes the illagers
- loves enchanting. he probably has a book for every enchantment in the game
- tries VERY hard to be a good builder, fails miserably
- has a pink pet sheep he named Mr Wilson
- definitely prefers pretty farms over efficient farms
- wants to take over a woodland mansion
- may or may not switch to peaceful when he has half a heart left
- absolutely loves armour trims
- digs straight down, dies, gets confused, repeat
- he thinks the warden is hot
- built a huge base, he constantly expands on it actually
- probably made golden tools / armour at least once
- he doesn't understand how to spawn the wither, but still somehow makes better redstone contraptions than Germany
- has a pet panda that he built an entire bamboo mansion for
- tries to get max trades with every villager, insists none of them are useless
- regularly dies to desert / jungle temple traps
- loves the snow biomes, he always builds there and says they feel like home
- kills iron golems for early game iron
- probably built a really tall evil looking tower and decorated it with flower pots and pink wood inside
- he didn't kill the ender dragon and actually bridged through 1k blocks of air to get to the other end islands
- he hates acacia wood with a burning passion
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enigmaticexplorer · 5 months
I Yearn, and so I Fear - Part I - Chapter I
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Masterlist | Next Chapter
General Summary. Nearly a year since the Galactic Empire’s rise to power, Kazi Ennari is trying to survive. But her routine is interrupted—and life upended—when she’s forced to cohabitate with former Imperial soldiers. Clone soldiers. 
Pairing. Commander Wolffe x female!OC
General Warnings. Canon-typical violence and assault, familial struggles, terminal disease, bigotry, explicit sexual content, death. This story deals with heavy content. If you’re easily triggered, please do not read. For a more comprehensive list of tags, click here.
Fic Rating. E (explicit)/18+/Minors DNI.
Chapter Word Count. 4.8K
Beta. @starstofillmydream
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“The risk of love is loss and the price of loss is grief. But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.” - Hilary Stanton Zunin
16 Telona
Kazi would never again visit the lighthouse with her sister.
The place where they peeled citrus-stars, watched oceanic storms, danced in puddles, played and laughed, and smacked the other when they argued. It was their sanctuary. And, of course, the ragged lighthouse overlooking Outlook Harbor preserved their culture—the eldest of Ceaian legend.
The legend of the dragons.
As legend claimed, a dragon guarded each Ceaian harbor, its fire a source of light for ships navigating the rugged surf and rocky cliffs. Without the dragons’ guidance, sailors would crash and drown, and the Ceaian population waste away.
When the last of the dragons died, lighthouses replaced their source of light and guidance. But a lighthouse could never replace the security and warmth of a dragon. 
A lighthouse could never replace the visceral reaction of seeing a dragon. Of knowing you were home.
Dominated by childlike wonder, Kazi decided, when she was six, that she would buy the old lighthouse and fix it up. Beside it, she would build an inn. And one day her inn—adorned with her sister’s flowers and succulents—would be the most lauded across all of Ceaia. 
For years the dream sustained her and her sister. She would run the inn and manage the finances, meanwhile her sister would oversee decorations and meal planning. Nothing else mattered. Except for a rowdy sailor here or there. But Kazi would handle them too. Because she would protect her sister. She would always protect her little sister.
And so those girls dreamt of their future and planned for endless happiness.
But life never cared much for dreams. 
Nowadays, Kazi tried to forget the lighthouse’s existence. It made it easier to ignore the ache in her heart and guilt in her mind. 
Slashing rain warmed her fingers as Kazi snapped the final window shut, securing the house from the onslaught of the torrential rainstorm. The sunroom’s windows—spanning the entirety of the wall—overlooked the rolling hills of Eluca’s endless jungle, the planet’s three moons hidden behind clouds pregnant with more rain.
Housing a small couch, four armchairs, a game table, and a handful of potted plants Daria fawned over, the sunroom was Kazi’s favorite place in the house. It boasted the best view of sunrises, and the best views of Eluca’s near-daily rainstorms. 
Tonight, the storm was the worst Kazi had seen since arriving on Eluca two months ago. It wasn’t an oceanic storm, but it was close enough. 
Thunder boomed, loud enough to rattle the windows. Rain harshened its upheaval; lightning spider-webbed chaotic rictuses across the blackened sky. 
Kazi started to smile—the awe and terror of raging storms a memory buried—but the muscle movement strained. Her half-smile fell away. She wasn’t sure how long it had been since she last smiled. At least two months. Probably the day before the Purge—
“I met a man at the marketplace today.”
Kazi stiffened. From the corner of her eye, her sister approached the windows, hands clasped loosely before her stomach. A healthy distance—a meter—separated their bodies. Daria seemed to maintain the distance instinctively. Kazi both noted and despised it.
There was a time when Daria would sneak into her bed late at night. Usually scared from the storms, her sister sought refuge beneath her bed covers. She hadn’t minded. What else was a big sister for? 
Now, the distance was a physical phenomenon. Tangible; representative of the emotional distance built over the last decade. Kazi held the blame and responsibility. But she still craved the missing connection. The muffled laughter in the middle of the night; sneaky grins; warm hugs. 
Daria observed the lashing rain with a blasé countenance that belied her usual calculation. “He’s kind but also ambitious, and his financial situation is sound. I want you to meet him—”
“No.” Kazi crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve told you, repeatedly, that I won’t entertain arranged dates—”
“This one is good,” Daria interrupted, facing her. “Give him a chance—”
“I said no.”  Kazi kept her voice quiet and controlled, refusing to yell and risk waking Neyti. “I’m too busy with work and taking care of you—”
Daria recoiled. A flash of lightning emphasized the blush staining her cheeks. Kazi bit her tongue. Her sister was sensitive to any mention of her illness. 
“I only ask that you consider meeting him.” Daria straightened, her gentle poise sharpening, like a vibroblade sparking to life. “I’d like to see you married before I die.”
Kazi bit back her annoyed groan, opting for a glare. Currently, she had three goals, and marriage was not one of them. 
The first goal was treatment for her sister’s illness. It should have been simple to accomplish, and while she had found a healer specialized in palliative care, Daria’s symptoms were still ubiquitous and worrisome. Even now sweat beaded her sister’s forehead, and her fingers spasmed unintentionally. 
The problem laid with ineffective medicine, according to Healer Natasha’s most recent report. 
“As I’ve told you,” Kazi said slowly, “I’m not interested in wasting my time on arranged dates—”
“How are you not lonely?”
Kazi scoffed. “Loneliness is not a reason to get married.”
“Maybe not,” Daria said, “but you have no one to rely on. No parents. No friends. No husband.” 
A hollow sensation gaped in her chest but Kazi ignored it. 
Daria took her silence as permission to continue. “Marriage is a necessity in life. Humans desire companionship—women desire the stability a man can bring to our lives. We’re not meant to be alone.”
Kazi took a few seconds to organize her thoughts and counterarguments. After years with a mother who shared Daria’s sentiment, she was prepared for this specific debate. 
“Marriage isn’t something you can force between two people who don’t know one another,” Kazi started, forcibly calm. “Marriage should be based on love. Not desperation or settling out of loneliness. Marriage is about two people who realize they want to share life together. Who feel life is complete when the other is in it.”
Daria snorted. “That’s quite the idealistic notion of romance I wouldn’t expect from you.”
“It’s not idealistic—”
“But it is.” Daria quirked a manicured eyebrow. “Marriage is a pact to maintain the traditions and ideals of two families, and to implement those beliefs in a future generation. It’s more than just love.”
At the condescension in her sister’s tone, Kazi gritted her teeth. She wasn’t an idealist; she preferred realism as her chosen form of analysis. But love wasn’t an idealistic notion for hopeless romantics. She had read the stories and myths. Love was attainable. Maybe not for her, but it still existed. And she refused to settle for a marriage borne out of duty rather than respect and trust and emotional connection.
The argument represented the sisters’ different lines of thinking, and Kazi couldn’t help but wonder: if their father hadn’t died when they were so young and their mother imposed Reformist teachings on an impressionable Daria, would Daria have shared Kazi’s beliefs?  
Then again, Daria was the perfect mold she was trained to be: a dutiful wife. And nothing more.
“Think about Neyti,” Daria said. “She’s a child who needs stability in her life—who needs the stability a man can provide.”
Kazi sniffed. “I don’t need a man to provide stability to Neyti’s life. I can provide it.”
“I know you feel responsible for upholding your promise to her mother,” Daria placated, “but you need to think about this situation logically. Neyti needs a family. She needs two parents. She needs emotional support and love.”
“I can be her family.” Kazi frowned at her sister. “I can raise her. I can love her. I can take care of her.”
“Oh, Kazi.” Daria gave her a sympathetic look that itched. “Do you truly believe that?”
“You have no emotional capacity for a child. You can’t take care of her the way she deserves to be taken care of. Not when you’re alone.”
Kazi resisted the urge to flinch, and instead, shifted her attention to the game table where a bedraggled stuffed dog laid. The toy belonged to a six-year-old girl—a girl shoved into her arms when she was fleeing Ceaia. A child who no longer spoke and remained an enigma she couldn’t figure out. Neyti. 
The second goal was to find Neyti suitable, loving parents. Parents who could raise the sweet child in an insecure world fraught with instability and fascism. However, the goal was proving difficult. 
Entering a child into a credible adoption center required extensive documentation. Medical records, education certificates, familial-history records. Kazi didn’t even know Neyti’s last name, much less have access to any of the required documents. 
Their first week on Eluca, she enrolled Neyti in the local primary school, and she secured baseline medical tests. The medical tests proved useful for Neyti’s therapy. Still, the adoption process was slow and arduous. 
Daria wasn’t aware of Neyti’s impending adoption. She believed Kazi was committed to raising Neyti herself. It was a secret Kazi wanted to maintain. Still, Daria’s concern for her lacking competence to care for Neyti hurt. 
“I have emotions, Daria.” Her voice was too strained and Kazi grimaced, clearing away the twinge of hurt. “I’m passionate, I feel things, I experience a wide range of emotions. Just because I don’t allow them to dictate my decisions doesn’t mean I’m unfeeling and emotionless.”
 “I never said you were.” Daria waved a dismissive hand. “All I’m saying is that your emotional capacity is not sustainable nor durable for a child. You work all day; you work late into the night. You aren’t physically around much for her, and you’re too aloof to provide her the emotional stability she needs. Have you ever considered why she still doesn’t speak?”
“She’s grieving—she lost her mother two months ago,” Kazi said disbelievingly. “She needs space to grieve, and I’m not going to force her to do something she finds solace in.”
“But have you considered the possibility that she doesn’t feel comfortable or safe with you to speak?” Kazi winced at the accusation but her sister wasn’t finished. “Neyti needs emotional support, which you can’t give if you’re not physically present.”
“This conversation is over.” Kazi uncrossed her arms, fisting her hands behind her back to hide their trembling. “I’m not entertaining a marriage for the sake of a false notion of stability.”
“It’s not a false notion,” Daria argued. “You may refuse to acknowledge it in yourself, Kazi, but I see it. I see your struggles, and I know that you need someone—”
“That’s enough.” She turned away from the windows. “You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about my own wants. So don’t you dare try to pretend that you’re interested in securing me a marriage outside of your own personal goal of making me live up to Mama’s teachings.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to do—”
“It is. Just because you failed to get married and have children, doesn’t mean I want that for myself.”
Daria flinched. Disbelief wrinkled her forehead, and for a long moment, she merely stared at Kazi, as if uncertain who stood before her.
“Every woman wants to be married and have children,” Daria finally said, securing her hurt behind a well-practiced mask. “It’s in our nature.”
“You’re delusional.” Kazi ignored Daria’s affronted glare. “Forget Mama’s teachings. They did nothing to help you, and she was wrong about most things.”
“Don’t disrespect the dead.”
“I didn’t respect her when she was alive. What’s the difference now?”
“Maybe Mama was right.” Daria sneered at her. “Your access to emotions died the day Papa did.”
Kazi opened her mouth—what to say, she wasn’t sure—but two loud knocks on the front door interrupted. A signal. It was a reminder of her third and final goal: to survive the rebel network.
Relations with the rebel network were new and difficult to navigate. Kazi was indebted to them. She owed them her life—and Daria and Neyti’s lives—and for that reason, she served the network’s needs. However, the network wasn’t a benevolent entity, and being indebted to its cause rattled Kazi more than she liked to admit. 
Typically, she avoided debts. They forced her into a compromising position, allowing someone the opportunity to control her. She preferred self-reliance to kindness, and when she did indebt herself, she always paid it back quickly. 
Her father believed it a question of honor and a true demonstration of character. Her mother took a more cynical approach: “To be in someone’s debt is to give them power over you,” she once told Kazi. “Only fools put themselves in such situations.”
Sometimes she wondered how her mother would have responded to the Purge. Would the Ennari matriarch humble her obstinance to secure a means for survival? 
Whatever her mother would have decided didn’t matter. Kazi sought the network’s aid, and now she owed them. So far, she had met Eluca’s five rebels, the cohort a tight-knit group. It was one of many belonging to the larger network slowly establishing a presence in the Outer Rim. 
Kazi rarely interacted within the cohort, receiving orders from Fehr or Bash, the network’s main contacts, and acted alone. But that morning, she received a comm from Fehr asking her to join an unexpected meeting. The message left her unsettled, and her arrival at the abandoned warehouse used for most meetings heightened her consternation. 
Some days, like that morning, she questioned if she was walking into a trap, wary of Imperial stormtroopers posed for her capture. Today, only the five other rebels were present. 
“My contact has informed me that three men want to establish a safehouse out of reach of the Empire,” Fehr said. A human woman at least twenty years Kazi’s senior and the owner of one of Hollow Town’s highest employed farms, Fehr preferred brusqueness to political coyness. It was something Kazi appreciated. “Their operations will be separate from ours.”
Carinthia, a data courier for Moff Harpy of Veridian Sector and a skilled identification and chip saboteur, narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “How do you mean?” 
“These men will be running rescue-and-relocate missions.” Fehr glanced across the five other members. “They’re former employees of the Empire.”  
Kazi pursed her lips, noting the discomfort of those around her. Bash, Head Treasurer of Eluca’s national bank and a well-respected member of the Elucan government, furrowed his brows. Lore and Sparks, married pilots, shared a skeptical look.
“Former employees of the Empire can’t be trusted,” Carinthia argued, her skin eerily pale in the warehouse’s shadows.
“We trust you,” Lore said casually.
Carinthia sneered. “I never worked for the Empire—”
“But your family—”
“Is of no importance.” Carinthia swiped her hand through the air. “How do we know we can trust these men?”
“The more important question is,” Kazi interrupted, irritated by Fehr’s lack of transparency, “who are these men? You say they’re former employees, but where did they work?”
“Former intelligence workers would be nice to have,” Sparks said. Lore nodded her agreement.
Fehr took a deep breath, black eyes settling on Kazi. “These men are former soldiers.”
Kazi tensed, an unwelcome burst of panic clogging the back of her throat. Fehr wouldn’t risk the dangers of— 
“They’re clones.”
In the silence that followed Fehr’s declaration, Kazi forced herself not to react. She bit her tongue until it hurt, controlling her features and ordering her panic to calm the fuck down. She could not appear incompetent nor afraid. 
But the panic in her chest was as sharp as an electric shock. Simultaneously heart-stopping and heart-quickening. 
“Clones are loyal to the Empire,” Bash said diplomatically. 
A silky voice imbued with a calm that complimented Fehr’s usual bluntness, Bash was a difficult person to read. With bronze skin and cunning silver eyes, he and Fehr were the sole rebels indigenous to Eluca. His position within the planetary government, as well as his contacts within the rebel network, made him the most important and powerful member of the cohort. 
To learn that Bash wasn’t aware of the clones’ arrival intrigued Kazi. Similar to the Empire’s backstabbing politicking, it seemed the rebel network didn’t share all their information with each of its contacts. Kazi tucked away the information. 
“We can’t trust them,” Bash continued.
“Be reasonable, Fehr,” Carinthia said, her smile wan. “Clone allegiance is to whichever government is in control.”
Fehr straightened, and though her tone was collected, it was lined with an edge that could cut. “These men have denounced their allegiances—”
“And their allegiances could switch again.” Sparks shook his head. Even the adventurous pilot was hesitant. “If you need an example: look at the Republic.”
Agreement swept through the small group. But Fehr was staunch in her decision. 
“The clones are operating a rescue-and-relocate mission. Our paths will rarely cross, and they won’t be working planetside.” Fehr stared them down, her glare unapologetic. 
Shortly after, the meeting dissolved. Kazi made to leave but Fehr motioned for her and Carinthia to stay, the latter throwing a perplexed look at Kazi. The moment Bash left, his eyes narrowed in skepticism, Fehr faced the two women.  
“There’s more about the clones that I didn’t share with the cohort,” Fehr said. “The clones will be staying planetside.”
To her annoyance, Kazi noticed Carinthia studying her. They were similar in age, and yet their backgrounds were vastly different. Carinthia hailed from a wealthy family that lived in the Inner Rim, and her shrewd personality bordered conniving. 
“They need somewhere spacious to make their base. Somewhere far enough away from the city where they can easily hide.” Fehr squared her shoulders and stared Kazi in the eye. “I offered the men the basement.”
Kazi blinked, uncertain if she had heard correctly. 
“The basement…” Her voice hitched and she cleared her throat. “You want the clones to stay in the basement. At the house where I’m living.”
Fehr nodded.
Her hands started to tremble and Kazi clenched her jaw. Clenched it so hard she thought it might break. 
“The clones are the reason I’m on this damned planet, Fehr.” The strain in her voice was palpable but she didn’t care. Fehr was the sole rebel she considered somewhat benevolent, and this new information was a betrayal she wasn’t prepared for. “Have you forgotten that?”
“I haven’t,” Fehr said calmly. Too calmly. “But these men deserted. They don’t serve the Empire and they need a place to stay. I considered one of the apartments in town but people will be curious and could start talking. The house is an ideal location.”
The house, not your house. 
Because the house didn’t belong to Kazi. It belonged to Fehr who had gifted it to her when she first arrived on Eluca, homeless and penniless. 
The memory still rankled her. Her pride cringed at her forced reliance on another person. Her chagrin was further heightened by her financial helplessness. Years of frugality, investments, and savings were made obsolete by the rise of the Empire. 
“It’s not that awful, Kazi,” Carinthia said. “The house is large. Large enough for you three to survive cohabitation with a few clones.”
Before Kazi could respond, Fehr raised her hand. “I know your history with the clones isn’t ideal. And if you’re uncomfortable—” Carinthia released a derisive scoff that had Kazi tensing. Fehr shot the younger woman a hard look. “If it’s too much, I can look at other locations. But the basement—”
“Is ideal,” Carinthia cut in. “It’s large enough, and it connects to the communications tower. I assume that’s a necessity for them.” Carinthia twirled a crimson curl around a finger, her expression contemplative. “Eluca’s proximity to a well-plotted hyperlane, and the surgent of Imperial military bases across Veridian Sector and the Outer Rim, at large, make this planet the most effective base.”
Fehr nodded, her attention returning to a still-silent Kazi. “It’s your choice.”
Except it wasn’t. Not really. The house wasn’t even in her name—an attempt to protect her sister and Neyti. To prevent Imperial officials looking into their sudden immigration and ambiguous history. 
It was an older yet well-maintained home settled in a forgotten neighborhood five kilometers from Hollow’s Town. The neighborhood stood empty except for two other houses located a kilometer away. 
Built a century prior in the midst of a planetary civil war, the basement served as a bomb shelter. One of four designated for the neighborhood. Fortified by duracrete and buried deep in Eluca’s soil, the basement housed five bedrooms with ten bunks each, three refreshers equipped with full amenities, and a war room dedicated to military strategy. The war room was still wired to the communication tower in the capital. The only communication tower available for public use in Veridian Sector with consistent and reliable access to the Mid and Inner Rims. 
Kazi had visited the basement once. The darkness, and the knowledge that hundreds of tons of dirt could easily bury her, convinced her never to return. It was the ideal location for rescue-and-relocate missions. Which irked her.
“It’s fine.” She clasped her hands behind her back. She was indebted to Fehr, anyway. “We can make it work.”
Three more knocks, rapid and quieter, followed the first two. The completion of the signal. Kazi followed Daria through the kitchen and toward the front door, her body tensed to a point of pain. Anxiety itched her skin, like thousands of ants crawling along her spine and burrowing in her hair. 
She opened the door and then retreated a safe distance. Fehr stepped into the small entryway. Behind her, three males followed. Dark gray ponchos hid their upper bodies and hoods cast their faces in shadows. 
Kazi schooled her features into insouciance. One of the few benefits of etiquette lessons: she could control her expression. For the most part. 
Rain frizzed Fehr’s ebony hair and the older woman patted her braids, nodding at Kazi. She scanned the kitchen behind the two sisters. “Is Neyti—”
“Asleep.” Her tone was curt and she ignored Daria’s disapproving scowl. 
The older woman chuckled. “School must have been exhausting if she can sleep in this weather.”
“The thunder was louder back—” Well, it didn’t matter. 
Silence ensued, eclipsed by the echoing thunder and the rain from the clones’ ponchos dripping onto the hardwood floor. Ever the dutiful host, Daria stepped forward, her smile practiced kindness and warmth. 
The ease in her sister’s friendliness was a point of jealousy for Kazi. Growing up, she yearned to exude the same gentleness Daria effortlessly managed. She never perfected it. 
“Welcome,” Daria said. She gestured to Kazi. “We made up three of the beds downstairs and stocked the fridge with extra food.”
It was a lie. Kazi didn’t shop for the food—only Daria—and she didn’t make the beds. She lugged the sheets and pillow cases from the upstairs closet to the basement but she refused to make a bed for a grown adult. 
The clone to the left stepped forward and removed his hood. Beneath the dimmed lights in the entryway his skin was dark brown and his eyes even darker. A white scar threaded itself from his temple to his cheek. Black hair was trimmed precisely, long enough to run a hand through. He looked to be a year or two older than Kazi. Possibly twenty-eight.
“That was generous of you,” the clone said. He gestured to the two other clones. “We’re grateful for this.”
A blush darkened Daria’s cheeks and Kazi almost rolled her eyes. Her sister extended her hand and the clone accepted it. “I’m Daria, and this is my sister, Kazi.”
Kazi didn’t step forward; she didn’t offer her hand. She merely nodded. The clone assessed her for a moment, his eyes flitting from her face to Daria’s, probably noting their differences. 
Trained for society, Daria carried herself with an easy elegance. Her hair was honeyed and loosely curled. The green of her eyes was darker than the jungle after a rain shower. Hours gardening over the years had softened the curves of her body.
Unlike her sister, years of swimming left Kazi with an athletic and toned build. A body type undesired by high society Ceaian males, as she was told, repeatedly, by her instructors. 
And even though she attended the same finishing classes as Daria, she never mastered her sister’s posh demeanor. She was well-mannered and polite, but she spoke with a bluntness considered too judgmental, further heightened by the darkness of her eyes with their slashes of hazel. 
“Like a bird of prey,” her instructor for Poise and Deportment once complained to her mother.
Her mother considered her with a critical eye, and Kazi steeled herself. “I would counter: sunlight in a meadow.”  
It was one of the rare times her mother complimented her, and it had stuck with her the last seven years. To this day, her eyes remained her favorite feature.
A throat cleared and Fehr glanced at her chrono. “Kazi, Daria, let me introduce you to former commanders Cody, Wolffe, and Fox.” 
Kazi’s heart faltered. 
Commanders. The clones weren’t just soldiers. They were fucking commanders.
She shot Fehr a baleful glare. The older woman’s gaze was already on her face, and imperceptibly, she dipped her chin, acknowledgement and confirmation of Kazi’s unspoken accusation. 
The woman had known all along the clones were former commanders. She had known and had refused to mention it. 
If the situation hadn’t affected her life, Kazi would have admired Fehr’s sly play. Instead, she ignored the woman, fisting her hands tightly behind her back to hide their trembling.
The two other clones removed their ponchos. Kazi tried not to stare but the rumors were true. They were identical. Except for a few distinctive traits.
The one on the right—Commander Fox—bore a scar on his chin; his hair was similarly styled to Commander Cody’s. At her perusal, the clone arched a brow. His eyes swept across her face, in both assessment and curiosity. 
She moved her gaze to the last one. Commander Wolffe.  
He was observing her with a neutrally-controlled countenance. Narrowed eyes. Rigid shoulders. Calculated expression. 
Kazi recognized the look in his face—the subtle wariness and hardened reticence. It was the same shrewdness she practiced. One she relied on to determine genuine from disingenuous; trustworthy from unreliable. 
Emphasizing the guarded calculation in his gaze was a stark white scar. Like a bolt of lightning, it seared the skin above his right eye and slashed down to his cheek. Whatever had torn his skin must have ruined his eye, for a silver cybernetic sat in his socket.
“I have business to attend to,” Fehr said, drawing Kazi’s attention away from her analysis. The lack of explanation and the urgency in Fehr’s tone warned Kazi the ‘business’ was network-related.
Once the darkness of night swallowed Fehr’s form, Daria showed the clones to the basement. Surreptitiously hidden behind a white bookcase bereft of personable touches other than a dragon figurine and a few succulents Daria had purchased the last few weeks, the staircase to the basement was dimly lit by a buttery-yellow light. The stairs descended into a blackness thicker than the ocean’s surface on a moonless night.
Few words were exchanged. Kazi didn’t bother with false pleasantries, she left it to Daria, and soon the basement door swung back in place. The bookcase rested snugly against the white wall. Even the most observant soldier would overlook the entrance’s location.
“They seem…nice,” Daria said, shifting the pot of a vibrant blue succulent. “You could have been more inviting.”
“Why?” Kazi gave her sister a condescending smile. “Are you wanting to match me with one of them?” 
“Kazi.” Daria released an exasperated sigh. “I’m trying to help you prepare—”
“I don’t need your help. And I certainly don’t want it.” 
“Fine.” Dabbing at her forehead, Daria sniffed. “I’m sorry for caring.”
Kazi snorted. “Caring? Is that what you call this nagging?”
“I do care.” Daria started to tremble. “I have always cared and—” She cut off, pressing a palm to her temple, her face screwed in pain.
Kazi reached for Daria’s shoulder, her stomach dipping with concern. But her sister backed away. The dismissal silent yet resoundingly loud. Louder than the thunder rattling the old windowpanes. Her hand fell to her side; she tried to ignore the guilt bittering her mouth. 
Lifting her chin, Daria smoothed the fabric of her pale purple dress. She looked Kazi over once, disappointment thinning her lips, and then made her way toward the staircase opposite the bookcase. The old stairs creaked beneath her labored pace.
The moment her sister’s door clicked shut, Kazi collapsed on the bottom step, rubbing her temples. 
She didn’t want the clones here. Hell, she didn’t want to be here. On this planet. In this fucking house.
It was too much. 
Daria’s disease.
Neyti’s adoption.
Spying for the network.
Three clone commanders.
A disappointment. Incompetent. Indebted. Possibly endangered.
She looked out the kitchen windows toward a clearing sky. Eluca’s three moons peeked through the clouds like a child peering through a curtain. The urge to run—to ignore all of her problems, to avoid the responsibility—hit her. 
But she couldn’t run. Not this time. 
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Masterlist | Chapter 2
A/N: Next chapter release – January 11th
Kazi Ennari: kah-zee ; uh-nar-ee Daria: dar-ee-uh  Neyti: nay-tea Fehr: fare Eluca: eh-look-ah (emphasis on first syllable)  Ceaia: say-ee-uh (emphasis on second syllable)
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starsfic · 10 months
Done For
Summary: Azure Lion is sent to negotiate with a monster.
He finds a monkey.
Notes: So you know when you have this grand plan set out because you're so close to having both 500 works and a million words written on AO3 but the word count is off but you're so excited to share your 500th work?
The news came early in the evening.
A small group of celestial soldiers had been sent to the realm of the one known as Sun Wukong, the Monkey King of Flower Fruit Mountain. The plan had been to scout out the mountain and see the monkey’s forces. Considering his history of violence and threats against those who stood in the way, it was just in case. According to several nobles, the Dragon Kings were starving for a fight.
But the soldiers had been unable to complete the mission. One had returned, looking like he had been through a warzone.
“They…they came out of nowhere!” he had stammered. “An army of monkeys- they took everyone and then that-” A golden monkey, carrying the iron pillar stolen from Ao Guang’s palace, had allowed him to escape. To deliver the news. “He wants to negotiate.”
The Gold Star of Venus had perked up. “To negotiate?” The soldier had nodded. “Did he say what he wanted?”
The soldier had taken his head. “No, no,” he stammered. “But he promised that the others would be treated well.”
The debate in the court raged for days. Several wanted to just plummel this monkey into the ground. Others, like the Gold Star, wanted to negotiate. He had the right to take prisoners. The company had snuck on his land.
In the end, it was agreed. A negotiator would be sent to negotiate the release of the prisoners.
And that was when Azure Lion volunteered himself.
As Gold Star agreed, he didn’t notice the lion celestial’s satisfied grin as he stared at the floor. 
Azure’s smile faded when he landed on the golden beach of Flower Fruit Mountain. The very moment his foot touched the sand, he could feel eyes digging into him. The lion took a deep breath. He needed to keep calm. He was a celestial warrior. He had faced bigger things than this.
With that, he began to walk for a few seconds before he found himself pausing at the beginning of the path.
Azure swore a trail hadn’t been there before, reaching up through the beach and disappearing into the jungle's green. It was clear. The king of this mountain knew he was here. He was expecting him. This was practically a red carpet and a welcome mat, rolled out and displayed just for him.
How powerful was Sun Wukong? Could he manipulate the entire mountain?
The warrior took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Keep your wits, Azure Lion.” He was a warrior of the Jade Emperor’s court. Nothing was more powerful than that.
He stepped forward.
The moment his foot landed on the dirt of the trail…nothing happened. Azure blinked as he stepped fully on the trail. Honestly, he had thought something would happen. But nothing did.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
The trail was surprisingly nice. The eyes glaring at him hadn’t let up, but Azure was more distracted by his surroundings. He had never seen such verdant green trees or beautiful multi-colored flowers before. Butterflies, bees, phoenixes, and other such flying creatures could be seen. Occasionally, he caught a glimpse of a white tail of a monkey, but more often, he saw deer with glossy brown hides, sunny turtles with multi-colored shells, and cute little lizards running about.
Slowly, the trail began to move up. Azure almost didn’t notice until he came to a pause and realized he could see the ocean. He looked out and his heart skipped a beat at the vast expanse of natural beauty.
He had seen beautiful gardens. Flower Fruit Mountain had them all beat.
But the glares of unseen eyes were even fiercer now. He was getting closer to the king and the monkey knew it. Azure took another deep breath in, deep breath out.
The trail was still nice and easy (even if you noticed how easy it would be to have spears or arrows aimed at you), but Azure was still winded when he reached a flat pane. Like the survivor had said, there was a giant waterfall. A small river with stones popping out was the path forward.
Azure continued forward.
It would be easy to just walk through the river. The water was barely up to the ankles. But he could not resist jumping from stone to stone, feeling very much like a small child. Maybe it was just this place, but Azure found himself laughing like a small boy that had found something extraordinary.
Before he reached the last stone, there was a rumble. Azure paused. His eyes widened as the waterfall glowed gold and a seal formed like water lilies blooming on a still pond. It looked like a heart-shaped blossom, spreading its petals across the water, before the water parted like a curtain.
Sun Wukong knew he was here.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. Ignore his racing heart.
Azure stepped through.
He must’ve been inside the mountain itself. A wide cave met his eyes. Still, there was no shortage of life. Flowers that bloomed in darkness shared space with glowing fungi. In spaces where sunshine shone through, sunshine-eating flowers and actual crops grew.
He crossed a bridge and came to a stop.
In the most immense cavern he had ever seen stood a stone manor. The survivor had described it as monstrous and hulking, but Azure couldn’t bring himself to agree. It was elegant, working with the space it had, and practically glowed with radiance.
What was even more amazing, however, were the monkeys.
Several nobles had personal zoos. Azure had always thought the animals looked rather sad, and that included the monkeys. Here, however, the monkeys gleamed with good health and joy. Until they all turned as one to stare at him.
That explained the glares.
Azure took a step forward and a few monkeys moved off the staircase. He took the path with a polite bow of the head.
The inside was even more beautiful, with bright colors and soft shades. It was more color than he had ever seen in Heaven. Even more monkeys waited inside, on either side of a path. Azure took a deep breath and continued to walk.
He was led to a set of grand red doors. The handles were the only horrifying or scary thing, sitting in the mouth of hideous monkey faceplates. Before Azure could study them, the doors opened.
The throne room was just as grand as the mountain. Wide windows allowed sunlight and a gentle breeze inside. It felt more like a garden with how much plant life and monkeys existed inside. A simple stone throne sat at the very end, perched on top of a large dias.
And, standing to the side and watering some flowers, was Sun Wukong.
He wasn’t a monster. He wasn’t even ugly.
He was beautiful.
Soft golden fur shone in the sunlight. More golden fur was leaking past a cute yellow cap. A tail swished back and forth, giving the monkey an air of casualness. If they stood facing each other, Azure was certain he would have to crane his head down, the monkey was so small.
“Are you the lord of the palace, Sun Wukong?” His only response was a simple hum. “My apologies for just barging in, but I heard a disturbing rumor that you are holding a squad of soldiers hostage. I wish to keep things peaceful and I did not want to start a fight. So, I must ask: Did you do something to them?” He tried to keep his voice serious, but also warm. He wanted peace, not a fight.
“Who, me?” His voice was warm and sweet, honey-sweet laughter lining the words. A pleasant shiver shot up Azure’s spine. “I only showed them their place.”
“You’re holding them hostage.”
“Hmph.” Sun set down the jug and whirled around, revealing flashing golden eyes and sweet lips twisted into a sneer. Azure’s heart skipped a beat as he glared at him. “I don’t know who you are, but let me make one thing clear.” The room darkened as he stepped down the steps. The monkeys backed away, giving room for Sun Wukong and the golden glow of his magic. “I’ve got people to protect, monkeys I can’t neglect, so I’m not taking chances here.”
And there it was.
The staff, red and gold, right in his face. Sun began to stalk around him, looking more like a fierce jungle cat than a monkey.
“If you make one wrong move,” The door slammed shut. “ Anything I don't approve, then you're done for,” The monkeys vanished. “Boy, you better run or soon you will done for-”
“I know.”
There was a pause. A stutter.
“Excuse me?”
Azure turned. Deep breath, in and out. “I know we are not evenly matched. I know better than to dare to fight you.” He knelt at the king’s feet. “That is why I am here to pledge my loyalty.”
The room brightened.
“Um, what?”
Oh, this was better than he hoped. Everything was going to plan.
Truth be told, Azure had already met the terrifying Sun Wukong. Or, had seen him. Azure had followed the rumors of a monkey demon, a king, to the island. For a while now, anger at the bureaucracy of Heaven had burned in his heart, especially at the court’s rotten center.
The Jade Emperor.
However, as tempting as the idea was, Azure could not take the throne. He had no knowledge of how to rule. His only example in leadership was commanding armies and that was rare, only done if needed. And, he hated to admit, he was not the strongest one there. Cleverness and a willingness to learn had helped him rise.
He had followed those rumors to an island paradise hoping to find someone worthy.
He had found that and more in Sun Wukong.
It had been torture to stay away from the island from that first glance. Azure’s heart ached as he forced himself to walk away. It was so tempting to throw himself at the feet of his beloved and beg to be his. It was almost frightening- Azure had never felt this way towards anyone, not even the maidens and soldiers he had dalliances with.
This was love. True, all consuming, love. Even if Sun killed him now, Azure would happily die with a smile on his face. He didn’t like the idea of dying, but still. The pause was giving him hope.
“I am Qingmao Shizi, also known as the steed of the bodhisattva Manjusri, commonly known as the Azure Lion, and I am tired of corruption." He had a speech planned and everything. "The Jade Emperor is the heart of corruption, stretching from the Heavenly Court to the mortal realm. I have seen how mortals suffer. I have tried my best to help and I have begged the emperor to help, but he is unmoved. He thinks there is nothing wrong.” Azure didn’t dare look up. “And then I found you. I’ve seen how you love your subjects, your people, your home. You told me yourself that you are willing to kill any intruders.” The end of a tail wagged in his vision. “You have made this place a paradise. I wish to leave the Jade Emperor’s service and-”
“Be my sworn brother?!”
“What.” Azure craned his head up, not expecting those words. Sun’s frown had disappeared, replaced by a dazzling smile. “I don’t think I’m worthy to-” He held his hand up, not sure of what to do or say, mind in a daze.
Did he mean sworn brothers as in allies? Or sworn brothers as in husband ?
A warm hand wrapped around his and Azure was yanked to his feet. “I mean, I already have sworn brothers, but you seem pretty smart! I didn’t know animals were part of the court-” Azure was being dragged somewhere, still in a daze, almost unhearing of the babble.
“You want me to be your sworn brother. Sun, I-” The very idea of being husbands was enough to make Azure feel faint with want. “I don’t think I’m worthy.”
The monkey turned and grinned at him and there went his heart again. “Oh, hush. Sure you’re worth it!” That tail gently tapped his knee. “And, please. Call me Wukong.”
The thought of the soldiers he had sent here was barely a thought.
Instead, the sunshine smile of Sun Wukong filled his mind.
“Of course…Wukong.”
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sage-nebula · 2 months
From ages eight to ten in elementary school, whenever I went outside to play at recess . . . well, there were a few games I would play. But in the latter half of the school year, on days with brilliant sunshine and spring breezes that were cool enough to be refreshing but still nowhere near cold, and carried the scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers—on those days, especially, I would pretend I was a Pokémon Trainer.
Specifically, I pretended I had a Charizard, and that I could fly around on dragonback. Whether it was by flying high on the swings before jumping off, scaling to the tops of the jungle gyms and monkey bars, throwing myself off the jungle gyms to swing down the firemen poles—whatever I was doing on those warm, sunny spring days, in my mind, I was really flying on my Charizard.
Now, 26 odd years later, I obviously don't have recess anymore. But there are days when I walk outside in the spring and the sun shines brilliantly against a bright blue sky, and the refreshing breeze carries the scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers, and my heart swells with the thought, This would be the perfect day for a dragon flight.
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msc-ddv-ss · 5 months
Character Request Sheet:
The list of all the characters I will write/take requests for:
Walt Disney Animated Movies:
Mickey Mouse and Friends:
Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck
Minnie Mouse
Daisy Duck
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
Snow White
The Evil Queen
The Seven Dwarfs
Jiminy Cricket
Timothy Q. Mouse
The Three Caballeros:
Panchito Pistoles
Jose Carioca
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad:
Ichabod Crane
Mr. Toad
Prince Charming
The Fairy Godmother
Alice in Wonderland:
The Mad Hatter
The Queen of Hearts
The Cheshire Cat
Peter Pan:
Peter Pan
Captain Hook
Wendy / John / Michael
Lady and the Tramp:
Tramp (Butch)
Sleeping Beauty:
Prince Philip
Fauna / Flora / Merryweather
101 Dalmations:
Cruella De Vil
The Sword and The Stone:
Wart (Arthur)
Madam Mim
The Jungle Book:
King Louie
Shere Khan
The Aristocats:
Thomas O’Malley
Marie / Toulouse / Berlioz
Robin Hood:
Robin Hood
Maid Marian
Little John
Prince John
Winnie the Pooh:
Winnie the Pooh
Christopher Robin
Kanga / Roo
The Rescuers:
Miss Bianca
The Fox and The Hound:
The Black Cauldron:
Fflewddur Fflam
The Horned King
The Great Mouse Detective:
Basil of Baker Street
Professor Ratigan
Oliver & Company:
Bill Cykes
The Little Mermaid:
Prince Eric
King Triton
Beauty and The Beast:
The Beast
The Genie
The Nightmare Before Christmas:
Jack Skellington
Oogie Boogie
The Lion King:
Timon / Pumba
A Goofy Movie:
Max Goof
John Smith
Governor Ratcliffe
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Captain Phoebus
Claude Frollo
Fa Mulan
Li Shang
Shan Yu
The Emperor's New Groove:
Emperor Kuzco
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Milo Thatch
Princess Kida
Commander Rourke
Helga Sinclair
Lilo & Stitch:
Lilo Pelekai
Nani Pelekai
Treasure Planet: (Please Gameloft, I'm begging you...)
Jim Hawkins
John Silver
Captain Amelia
Dr. Delbert Doppler
Brother Bear:
Home on the Range:
Mrs. Calloway
Alameda Slim
Chicken Little:
Chicken Little
Buck Cluck
Meet the Robinsons:
Wilbur Robinson
The Bowler Hat Guy
The Princess and The Frog:
Prince Naveen
Dr. Facilier
Mama Odie
Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Mother Gothel
Wreck-It Ralph:
Wreck-It Ralph
Vanellope Von Schweetz
Fix It Felix
Sergeant Calhoun
King Candy / Turbo
Big Hero 6:
Hiro Hamada
Honey Lemon
Judy Hopps
Nick Wilde
Chief Bogo
Raya and the Last Dragon:
Mirabel Madrigal
The Madrigal Family
Strange World:
Searcher Clade
Ethan Clade
Meridian Clade
Jaeger Clade
King Magnifico
Live Action Movies:
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
Hector Barbossa
Davy Jones
Robert Phillip
Prince Edward
Hocus Pocus:
Mary Sanderson
Sarah Sanderson
Winfred Sanderson
Pixar Movies:
Toy Story:
Bo Peep
Monsters Inc.:
James P. Sullivan
Mike Wazowski
Celia Mae
Randall Boggs
Finding Nemo:
The Incredibles:
Mr Incredible
Edna Mode
Lightning McQueen
Carl Fredrickson
Charles Muntz
Miguel Rivera
Hector Rivera
Mama Imelda Rivera
Ernesto De La Cruz
Ian Lightfoot
Barley Lightfoot
Joe Gardner
Turning Red:
Meilin “Mei” Lee
Disney Television Animation Shows:
Scrooge McDuck
Louie / Dewey / Huey Duck
Launchpad McQuack
Webby Vanderquack
Bentina Beakley
Phineas and Ferb:
Phineas Flynn
Ferb Fletcher
Candace Flynn
Perry the Platypus
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Gravity Falls:
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Grunkle Stan
Soos Ramirez
Wendy Corduroy
Bill Cipher
Anne Boonchuy
Sprig Plantar
Polly Plantar
Hop Pop Plantar
Sasha Waybright
Marcy Wu
Owl House:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne
King Clawthorne
Amity Blight
Gus Porter
Willow Park
(The list will be updated whenever any new films release, new characters release in Dreamlight Valley, and when I feel comfortable writing for some of the other shows)
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creepy-feathers · 2 years
Okay y'all, I see a lot of people listing off various t-word scenes in movies/books, yet they always somehow manage to leave out my favorites?? Like does nobody know they exist or something?
Well anyway. I'm here to fix that.
There is a really good one in Love Comes Softly (the movie, idk if it's the same in the book), and I can't give a timestamp cause I haven't watched it in forever, but it's after Marty has had her baby. A short chase scene, then the magic happens.
The Vow, and oml this movie is a gold mine. A literal. Gold mine. The best ones happen within the first fifteen - twenty minutes (if I'm remembering correctly), and last several seconds. Here's a mind blower - it is openly said that Paige (the girl that receives it) likes to be tickled, so her husband does it often. I was so happy, even though my mom was in the same room, like I could barely contain the euphoric laughs I wanted to release while watching it.
Liar Liar. Yes, the Jim Carrey movie. There's a short one at some point in the beginning (again, haven't watched it in years but these scenes stay in my memory), in which a father pulls out "The Claw" and gives his son a good laugh, and right before the credits roll, it's heavily implied that tickling is happening behind the walls of the house we can no longer see.
RV, and this is pretty similar to Liar Liar, in which case a dad is shown tickling his kid - a little girl - this time. If I recall, it doesn't last more than a couple of seconds, but still cute all the same.
Pixar - A Bug's Life, Toy Story, Up, Inside Out, Ratatouille, Cars 2. If I'm leaving any out, please let me know. Most of these are brief (what one would probably expect) but I wrote them down anyway.
Disney - Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid 3, Alice In Wonderland, Lilo & Stitch, Tarzan 1 and 2, The Rescuers: Down Under, Bridge To Terabithia, etc. This kinda bums me out, as Disney often included tickle scenes in their movies back then, but they don't anymore. At least we have nice ones to look back on!
Annihilation, and this is honestly one of my all-time favorites. There's only one, from what I remember, but it's so good! Basically Natalie Portman and her hubby are laying in bed together, and (I think?) she says some sassy remark and it prompts him to tickle her.
Coraline. So the producers actually included this scene in the trailer, and I was probably eleven the first time I saw it. The moment I did, I was urging my family "yeah, it looks like a good movie! Let's watch it!" so we did. It was awesome. Also, I will shamelessly admit that I want my own Snap Dragons.
My Little Pony. Okay, I know this isn't a movie or book, but it's still worth mentioning, most notably  "The Magic Duel", "Just For Sidekicks", and "It's About Time".
Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Claire Robinson. This book is absolutely full of beautiful tickle scenes, and if you're willing to deal with the tragedy and brutal nature of its characters' culture, you will be pleasantly surprised. My favorite one happens over the halfway mark, but there are plenty to keep you satisfied 'til then :) Just keep in mind that this story is not a light-hearted one, so if you decide to read it, prepare to sob. A lot.
Dragon Tails. This is another children's show that would showcase tickling a lot. In every other episode, I'd say - there was even one about actual tickle monsters, and one that had a flower that tickled you, so that was a gleeful time for my kid self.
This one is exceedingly random and I swear I just remember tidbits because I was like four, but there is a short scene in ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie’. I literally have no clue when, or where, or who it happens to, but I know it does happen. That was like half the reason I was so obsessed with that movie when I was little XD
Be More Chill, the recording with the original cast. It’s like a two-second scene but I swear it looks like Michael reaches over and tickles Jeremy, hence why the latter reels away the way he does. I’m unconvinced it’s anything less than that, and maybe that’s just cause I’m obsessed with the idea of Michael being a super physically affectionate (yet still mischievous) lil’ bean, but I digress. This is the video, and the timestamp is roughly 26:12. 
Little Monsters. Despite how stupid this movie may be, it was still a large portion of my childhood, and I recently went back and watched it. I rediscovered a very solid tickle scene that I somehow never recalled between Brian and his father. It was very cute and I was pleasantly surprised. It’s around the first half, I think? When Brian stays in Eric’s room the first time.
These are all I can think of at the moment, though I will probably be adding more eventually! It just annoyed me how so many great scenes were being missed out on because nobody remembered/knew about them. So here they are! I hope I informed you~
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cypriathus · 9 months
The Drakuzlogens and Evithofunas
Drakuzlogen (plural noun: Drakuzlogens):
The Drakuzlogens are impressively large and are one of two Ufrajozlen tribal breeds that possess animalistic traits. They have tanned porcelain skin and fur-covered backs that match their hair colour. They also have hands with the sharp talons of an eagle, stag antlers, bull ears and a long, serpentine tail with the glistening scales of a carp. Unlike the other Ufrajozlen tribal breeds, they have specific eye colours and they’re commonly described as either resembling a flaming pearl, a pristine sunset, a dreamy ocean, or a fogbound bismuth. They often wear intricate robes with a rope-like sash and a pair of straw sandals or fur boots. Some Drakuzlogens are seen wearing a draconic helmet or mask, and a cuirass with a gorget, shoulder guards, sleeves, tassets, thigh protection, greaves, and shin guards. They are also seen carrying box-like backpacks that contain scrolls full of stories, art supplies, and basic necessities. Their ancestors are commonly believed to be literal dragons, which helps to explain their draconic appearance and powers. Unlike their ancestors, the Drakuzlogens are unable to shapeshift, but they’re able to harness other abilities such as breathing a poisonous miasma and splitting oceans. Their tribal roles are that of fierce warriors, gift-giving artists, and wise storytellers amongst the Ufrajozlens. They live in the heart of jungles and near beaches, and they possess architecture that’s a mixture between Ottoman, Hanok, and Karnataka.
Evithofuna (plural noun: Evithofunas):
The Evithofunas are the second Ufrajozlen tribal breed that possess animalistic traits unique to their kind. They have beige or umber skin, two massive wings that adorn their back, bird feet, and clawed hands. They also have feathery patches on their chest, back, thighs, crotch, and armpits. The natural colours of Evithofuna hair and feathers resemble those of all known bird species such as bearded vultures, bluejays, Eurasian magpies, and shoebills. They often wore draped garments made from a single piece of cloth or robes dyed from natural flowers. They are also commonly seen wearing jewellery around their neck and a well-decorated mask reflecting their personality and associated bird. Their abilities consist of shapeshifting into an avian hybrid (this version is a larger form of the mythological harpy), communicating with birds, flight, and atmokinesis (weather manipulation). Their tribal roles are that of spiritual hierophants and priestesses as well as musicians who play religious hymns and other harmonious melodies. They are also responsible for carrying out various postal duties. They inhabit hilly and mountainous regions, and they possess a blend of Herodian and Vijayanagara architecture.
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the-grey-hunt · 2 years
A Comprehensive Guide To the Ancient Ways
i was joking in my last post, but this ended up taking me almost precisely two hours. Behold: a compilation of every Way, Hub, or relevant Magykal shenanigan mentioned in canon (well, mentioned in the TodHunter Moon trilogy)
Way VII — the Wizard Tower blind Way (from this blind Way, Tod takes nine Hubs to get home (starchaser p259)). Garmin came out of II into VII 
Way XI—leads to Overgrown Hub
Way II—leads to peaceful wild-rose Hub
OVERGROWN HUB: contains a small spring with copper bowl, near a beach with ocean waves, overgrown garden, yellow flowers. Located on a small island off the “long coast of the Blue Mountains” according to Marwick. Marwick says it takes “Fifteen Hubs” to get back to the Castle from here (contradicts Tod’s PathFinding in previous book, though it's not explicitly stated that this is the same Hub as from the end of PathFinder. The named numbers on the archways match up between PathFinder and SandRider, but the descriptions of these locations are very different. I'm assuming these are the same place, since the lore matches even if the prose doesn't.)
Way II—blocked with sand (Singing Sands Hub)
Way VII—leads to the Keep
Way ?—leads to somewhere Not Nice At All (Sandrider p41) (possibly Red City? is this where Sam & Marwick were imprisoned?)
Way ?—leads Tod on path back to Wizard Tower Way (starchaser p277)
SINGING SANDS HUB (UNSTABLE): lost Hub in Pit of Singing Sands—the one Kaznim falls into
Way XI—leads to Overgrown Hub
FAR HUB: located in the Far Fortress near the PathFinder village
Way VII—blind Way into Castle, outside wall above the Moat to Rupert’s paddleboats
Way II—the arch through which Red Queen and Marissa entered in StarChaser (see footnote)
Way ?—leads to white marble arena in hot place
Way ?—Leads to hub drowned in muddy pool full of tadpole
Way ?—leads to slate quarry hub in a cold place
Way ?—leads to the interior of a house with singing doors on each arch. Family, or at least small child, in residence on above floor
Way ?—leads to Temple With Priest Expecting Gift
Way ?—leads to the Maze
MAZE HUB. Described as having lingering pockets of Darke Magyk in the maze corridors. 10ft tall brick walls which force one to go deeper into the Maze in order to find another archway
Way ?—leads to Far Hub
Way ?—leads to snow-covered Hub inside a wall topped by stunted trees
Way ?—leads to Hub full of dried grass like hay
THE HEART OF THE WAYS: the central Hub of the Way network
Circular tunnel between Way I and Way XII (leads out to Snow Kingdom)
Way VI—the Way taken by Grula when leading the expedition at the end of PathFinder into the HotW (presumably same Way Tod &co took, as Simon followed Lucy’s ribbon trail)
Way IX—first Way taken by Tod when leading PathFinders home
Many of the Hubs and Ways described are not given specific numbers or names, as they're more set dressing than plot. Here's all the ones I could find and my best guesses, in some cases.
Tod’s journey to the Heart of the Ways takes us through (PathFinder p384):
“Hub full of small, writhing green snakes”
“Hub deep in a cave”
“[Hub] covered in snow and ice”
“[Hub] used as an aviary for exotic birds”
“[Hub] that was...a busy market”
“[Hub] where a lone old woman sat knitting...with wide, sightless eyes” (old woman Hub leads directly to HotW)
the Temple of the Dragon Boat (underneath Keeper’s Cottage) has a blind Way leading to the Jungle Hub (mentioned by Marwick, & the Jungle is labeled on front of book map on west African coast)
there is also a blind Way out of the Manuscriptorium (leads somewhere near the Port of Singing Sands)
    Darius’ directions to Port of Singing Sands: II-X-IV-I-XI-X-V-III-IV-VIII
“It took her through a nest of snakes, a giant spiderweb, a tar pit, a circle of wailing spirits, and many other strange and frightening places” (sandrider p179). ends in Blind Way in PoSS. the snake pit is labeled on front of book map (in brazil)
blind(?) Way into charcoal-burners’ huts in the Forest
Jim Knee: “i followed you...the first one I tried I ended up in some ghastly snowy forest. So I tried the next and when I got into the courtyard I saw your footprints.”(sandrider p361)
(now hold on a second, didn’t they use a charcoal-burner hut in Queste somehow? is that the snowy forest? am i going crazy or remembering correctly? either way, Jim Knee seems like he's describing the huts as the Hub)
Way in courtyard with palm tree in Red City—leads to charcoal burner hut Way (no Hub? Kaznim doesn’t describe a Hub in the courtyard—sandrider p317. possibly the Forest huts are Hub)
& on sandrider page 278, when Tod goes through random archways as she tries to escape the Kraan:
    “Four more Hubs went by. There was another temple, this time small, dark and damp. There was a circle of huts inside a palisade, each hut with a Way inside. There was a Hub in the basement of a castle, where hundreds of rats emerged from their burrows in the walls...
    “...Tod was already in the next Hub—a lake of milky green water. The sky was a deep blue, air warm and scented with blossom, noisy with...cicadas. The Hub was bordered by a low wall of crumbling sandstone...from each arch a line of stepping-stones led to a...flat rock in the middle...”
and finally, the last Way to be mentioned is the blind Way under the Metal Fish crater in the ocean (starchaser p395)
FOOTNOTE: the Red Queen and Marissa request to go into Way Four, but are led to, and go through, Way Seven (VII) into the Castle. What is the truth, angie
if you know what i'm talking about re: Queste, please @ me. I haven't read the original heptology since like 2013.
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bluecube92 · 1 year
Anime Movie List *UPDATED*
My Neighbor Totoro Castle in the Sky Ponyo Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Howl’s Moving Castle The Secret World of Arrietty Kiki’s Delivery Service The Cat Returns Porco Rosso Spirited Away Pom Poko Whisper of the Heart Princess Mononoke My Neighbors the Yamadas Tales from Earthsea Grave of the Fireflies From Up On Poppy Hill The Wind Rises When Marnie Was There Only Yesterday Ocean Waves Earwig and the Witch
Pokemon The First Movie Pokemon The Movie 2000 Pokemon 3 The Movie Pokemon 4Ever Pokemon Heroes Pokemon: Jirachi: Wishmaker Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai Pokemon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life Pokemon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions Pokemon the Movie: White-Victini and Zekrom Pokemon the Movie: Black-Victini and Reshiram Pokemon: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Pokemon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened Pokemon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Pokemon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages Pokemon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution Pokemon: Secrets of the Jungle
Case Closed:
The Time Bombed Skyscraper The Thirteenth Target The Last Wizard of the Century Captured In Her Eyes Countdown to Heaven Phantom of Baker Street The Crimson Love Letter Zero the Enforcer Episode "One": The Great Detective Turned Small
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Summer Wars Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Digimon The Movie Card Captor Sakura The Movie Card Captor Sakura The Movie 2: The Sealed Card Revolutionary Girl Utena The Movie Night on the Galactic Railroad Spring and Chaos Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Paprika Memories Tokyo Godfathers Patema Inverted Steamboy Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror Perfect Blue Wolf Children A Letter to Momo Princess Arete Akira Millenium Actress The Boy and the Beast Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Tekkonkinkreet Ghost in the Shell (1995) Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 5 Centimeters Per Second The Garden of Words Appleseed (1988) Appleseed (2004) Appleseed Ex Machina Appleseed Alpha Miss Hokusai Your Name Cowboy Bebop The Movie In This Corner of the World The Sky Crawlers Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society Mary and the Witch's Flower The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya Steins;Gate the Movie - Load Region of Deja Vu Robot Carnival Napping Princess Flavors of Youth Eden of the East: King of Eden Eden of the East: Paradise Lost Legend of the Millennium Dragon Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness First Squad Children Who Chase Lost Voices Mirai Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle Godzilla: The Planet Eater Fireworks No Game No Life 0 Short Peace A Silent Voice Like The Clouds, Like the Wind Jungle Emperor Leo A Wind Named Amnesia The Fantastic Adventures of Unico Unico in the Island of Magic Fuse: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl Mai Mai Miracle Ni No Kuni The End of Evangelion Strait Jacket Evangelion 1.01 You Are (Not) Alone Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time Modest Heroes Okko's Inn A Whisker Away Tiger and Bunny The Rising Children of the Sea Little Norse Prince Redline Weathering With You Origin Spirits of the Past Genius Party Genius Party Beyond Promare The Life of Budori Gusuko Ride Your Wave The Night is Short, Walk On Girl Welcome to the Space Show Project A-Ko Project A-Ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group Project A-Ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody Project A-Ko 4: Final Birthday Wonderland Blood: The Last Vampire Venus Wars Maquia - When the Promised Flower Blooms Re: Cyborg 009 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop Penguin Highway Golgo 13: The Professional Golgo 13: Queen Bee Puella Magi Madoka Magica Rebellion Lupin III The First Escaflowne The Movie Stand By Me, Doraemon Stand By Me, Doraemon 2 Expelled From Paradise Child of Kamiari Month Bubble Dirty Pair Affair On Nolandia Dirty Pair Project Eden Dirty Pair Flight 005 Conspiracy Trigun Badlands Rumble Urusei Yatsura Beautiful Dreamer The Place Promised In Our Early Days Belle K-ON! The Movie A Tree of Palme Drifting Home The Princess and the Pilot Fruits Basket Prelude Hells Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic Black Jack the Movie Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish
Short Movies: Little Witch Academia Kakurenbo - Hide and Seek Voices of a Distance Star
Movies I want to watch: The House of the Lost on the Cape Goodbye, Don Glees! Giovanni's Island
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ofoz · 2 years
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Below is all the areas of Oz that I’m acknowledging. Some areas have been expanded on, or completely removed. There are also species of creatures / people I’ve removed entirely - either for the comfort of myself or for the comfort of others (for example the people who would keep giants as slaves, Oz is supposed to be a utopia so there’s no need for slavery to exist). Or simply because I didn’t want to have to write them into my version of OZ.
This is going to be a super long headcanon so it’s going under readmore, thanks ahead of time to those who take the time to read this!
Please take note that the compass rose in oz is different than in the 'real' world. East and west are switched
To state it again: Alot of the following information is taken from the land of oz Wikipedia, but I have condensed/reworded or expanded upon most pieces of information.Some places have also been completely removed from oz, either because certain creatures made me uncomfortable, not enough information, or I did not find them necessary in a utopian setting.
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The dominant color of Gillikin Country is purple, and its people are occasionally described as wearing purple clothes and even sometimes having purple hair. Of the four quadrants of Oz, Gillikin is known as the wildest and least explored, home to vast forests and mountains.
Known Locations
The forest of the Winged Monkeys, creatures that obey whoever wears the enchanted Golden Cap. They keep the Cap hidden within their forest so they cannot be used again.
The palace of the Good Witch of the North. The Current Good Witch of the North is Locasta.
The house and farm of Mombi, the former Wicked Witch of the North and former ruler of Gillikin Country, who kidnapped Ozma as a child and raised them as Tip.
The Rolling Lands, an area of vast hills and valleys
The castle of Mrs. Yoop. Formally a shapeshifter and magic user, she is stuck in the form of a green monkey currently. She stays in her castle but it's mostly abandoned now.
The Dragon's Lair. there are Dragons living beneath the earth's surface, allowed to come out once every 100 years in search of food. Ozma will also greet them when they come up.
The Magic Isle and nearby diamond palace of the Lonesome Duck
The Forest of Gugu. A deep forest that not many have discovered every inch of.
Mist Maidens, fairies who live in a fog bank in some of the north most reaches of the land.
Pumperdink, is an elaborate fairy tale kingdom that is known for dipping its criminals in ink.
Up Town, proclaimed the capital of the Gillikin Country after the former Good Witch of the North abandoned her post. It is inhabited by the Uplanders
Bookville, a town of animated books
Icetown, a frozen town. Near the fog bank of the Mist Maidens
Regalia, the sister city of Pumperdink. The Regalians are said to be proud but kind-hearted and enjoy feasting and celebrations.
Upandup Mountain. A tall mountain that no one has ever reached the top of.
The village of the Lanternesians. the Lanternesians are creatures shaped like lanterns and come and many different designs of a lantern. They are kept alive by the flame which lights them up
Candy County. A delicate area where almost all its citizens are made out of candy. There is signage around the county to warn visitors of the rule against eating candy
Purplefield. Everything is purple here. the grass, the trees, the flowers, and even the sky overhead occasionally looks purple-tinted.
An unidentified jungle where the Leopard with the Changeable Spots lives
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  Red is the dominating color and is also mostly the color worn by the locals.Glinda, the Good Witch rules the south and lives in a ruby studded palace guarded by an all female adolescent army of beautiful solider girls.
Singra, the Wicked Witch of the South once ruled the red land in a wicked way until The previous Glinda defeated her and put her in a 100-year sleep and the previous and current Glinda rules Quadling Country in a good and peaceful way.
Known Locations
The ruby studded palace of Glinda the Good Witch and Sorceress of the South.
The forest of Wild Beasts, a forest whose animals hail the Cowardly Lion as their king after he killed a giant spider that was menacing their forest. This is Onyx's birthplace and home aswell where he's hailed as the prince of beasts.
The little hidden enclave, known as the "Dainty" China Country. all the people and architecture here is made from fine china. this is suyin's home.
The forest of the ancient Fighting Trees. They will throw apples or other items at people passing by on the yellow brick road near them.
The enclave of Miss Cuttenclip, who cuts and makes living paper dolls. high walls protect her paper made country from harsh winds.
Fuddlecumjig, where the inhabitants are made from puzzle pieces and have to be reassembled often.
Utensia, a kingdom inhabited by animated eating and cooking implements.
Bunnybury, where intelligent rabbits walk on their hind legs and wear clothes.
Rigmarole Town and Flutterbudget Center, where people either explain things in a roundabout way or worry over nothing.
A Trick River which changes direction every little while.
Jinxland, a monarchy separated from the rest of the Quadling Country by a gorge
The Great Waterfall, the highest in all the land.
Morrow, home of King Pastoria's, Ozma's father's, hunting lodge.
Story Blossom Mountain, where Ozana 's Story Blossom Garden was transported to from Mt. Illuso. Every flower in the garden tells a different story.
Scare City, a city of spooky monsters that like to scare visitors.
Ragbad, a small autonomous kingdom in the southeast corner of Quadling Country, whose main export is rags.
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The Munchkin Country is the area in Oz where the heroine named Dorothy Gale and her little pet dog named Toto find themselves at after being swept away from their home by a Kansas cyclone which transported them to Oz while aloft in a prairie farmhouse.Munchkin Country is also sometimes also called The Land of Munchkins or simply Munchkin-Land for short. The eastern country is also the first land to be linked to Oz's Imperial Capital aka Emerald City by means of the Yellow Brick Road.
Known Locations
The Wogglebug's college: A College of Art and Athletic Perfection, according to those in charge
 Deadly Poppy Field - This field interrupts the Yellow Brick Road and would have put travelers into a deep sleep, but Ozma has officially undone the curse, so it's simply a normal poppy field now.
 Fiddlestick Forest - A musical forest. Everything here makes music in some way, shape, or form
 Keretaria - A small kingdom in the north near Gillikin Country. They are on friendly terms with the rest of munchkin land and the emerald city.
 Lake Orizon - A beautiful lake, home to the Sapphire City.
 Sapphire City - The capital of Munchkin Country. It is a large city almost made entirely out of sapphire and resides in the middle of Lake Orizon.
 Ozure Isles -Islands in Lake Orizon that aren't the Sapphire city.
 Moojer Mountain - A peak near the Emerald City and the poppy field.
 Mount Munch - A peak at the eastern edge of Munchkin Country, closer to the deadly desert.
 Mudge - A desert kingdom in the south on the edge of the deadly desert, home to the warlike Mudgers. They have a begrudging respect for Princess Ozma, but no one else.
 Munchkin River - A river which flows in the north, interrupting the Yellow Brick Road at a point or two.
 Munchkin Village - Where Dorothy's house landed. It has become a famous location and many visit to pay their respects to Dorothy. Her grave isn't here but a shrine to her is.
 Seebania - A small kingdom in the south, which once ruled most of Munchkin Country. They have a treaty with the emerald city, so they haven't ruled over munchkin land in quite some time.
 Unicorners - An area inhabited by Unicorns.
 Yellow Brick Road - The iconic road to Emerald City. It has a northern and a southern branch.
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Distinguished by the color yellow which is the Winkie mascot color and it also represents it's side of Oz's Flag because the color yellow is mostly worn by the native people of the west lands called the Winkies. It is also the color of much of their surroundings, plants, trees, grass etc.
Known Locations
The Wicked Witch of the West's castle. Currently under guard by the tinman's soldiers to make sure no wannabe wicked witches steal her secrets
The Scarecrow's Mansion, which is shaped like an ear of corn. The scarecrow lives here when not working in the emerald city.
Jack Pumpkinhead's House, a giant hollowed-out pumpkin. he also has pumpkin fields surrounding his home.
The palace of the Tin Woodman, was created because the Wicked Witch's castle was too damp.
The Truth Pond, which anyone can bathe in and be freed of enchantment, but must always afterward only tell the truth.
Oogaboo, a monarchy where items of value grow on trees; it is separated from the Winkie Country by a mountain range. They have a treaty with the emerald city, and wish for no conflict.
Bear Center, in a forest where the stuffed bear residents are ruled by the Lavender Bear and guided by the wind-up Little Pink Bear
The Marsh Land takes up a lot of the country. Various creatures can be found within.
Farm lands also take up a large portion of the country.
Sun Top Mountain. a mountain that is shaped in such a way that at a certain time of day, it looks like its holding the sun.
Wish Way, It is said that any wish can come true here.
Black Forest, home of Gloma the witch, where everyone and everything is pitch black
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The Emerald City, is the largest and most relevant city in the magical Land of Oz. It stands in the very center of Oz, being the official imperial capital of the entire country.
The city is a magnificent place, being described as stately, statuesque, imposing and even intimidating. The equal of which has never been seen or discovered, (even in other enchanted realms and fairylands.) In fact, it is so magnificent that a bright green glow can be seen far off into the distance many miles away that shines brightly high up, above the city and into the sky even in broad daylight. The closer you get to the city, the more its glow intensifies, and becomes brighter and brighter until everything surrounding the city, including the rays of the sun appear to be of a greenish tint.
Known locations
Four large gates into the city, The Gatekeeper works at the most important one, the main entrance from the yellow brick road.
There are pillars just within the city by the gates that act as watch towers for guards, and there is a second level of the city that they can march along with ease to get to and from these pillars.
Many buildings of kept houses, apartments, shops, beauty parlors, markets, restaurants, libraries, workshops, toy stores, theaters, plazas, pools, and hundreds of solid gold towers reaching over 100 feet high
The Emerald City palace, home to the royal family and the Wizard. This also acts as a town hall of sorts with citizens being able to approach Princess Ozma about concerns they have, and where the meetings for the council take place.
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sonorous-eisfyl · 8 days
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. (bow)guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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manwalksintobar · 2 months
Face Lost in the Wilderness // Fadwa Tuqan
Do not fill postcards with memories Between my heart and the luxury of passion stretches a desert where ropes of fire blaze and smolder, where snakes coil and recoil, swallowing blossoms with poison and flame.
No! Don't ask me to remember. Love's memory is dark, the dream clouded; love is a lost phantom in a wilderness night. Friend, the night has slain the moon. In the mirror of my heart you can find no shelter, only my country's disfigured face, her face, lovely and mutilated, her precious face ...
How did the world revolve in this way? Our love was young. Did it grow in this horror? In the night of defeat, black waters covered my land, blood on the walls was the only bouquet. I hallucinated: "Open your breast, open your mother's breast for an embrace priceless are the offerings!" The jungle beast was toasting in the tavern of crime; winds of misfortune howled in the four corners. He was with me that day. I didn't realize morning would remove him. Our smiles cheated sorrow as I raved: "Beloved stranger! Why did my country become a gateway to hell? Since when are apples bitter? When did moonlight stop bathing orchards? My people used to plant fields and love life Joyfully they dipped their bread in oil Fruits and flowers tinted the land with magnificent hues - will the seasons ever again give their gifts to my people?" Sorrow - Jerusalem's night is silence and smoke. They imposed a curfew; now nothing beats in the heart of the City but their bloodied heels under which Jerusalem trembles like a raped girl.
Two shadows from a balcony stared down at the City's night. In the corner a suitcase of clothes, souvenirs from the Holy Land - his blue eyes stretched like sad lakes. He loved Jerusalem. She was his mystical lover. On and on I ranted, "Ah, love! Why did God abandon my country? Imprisoning light, leaving us in seas of darkness?" The world was a mythical dragon standing at her gate. "Who will ever solve this mystery, beloved, the secret of these words?"
Now twenty moons have passed, twenty moons, and my life continues. Your absence too continues. Only one memory remaining: The face of my stricken country filling my heart.
And my life continues - the wind merges me with my people on the terrible road of rocks and thorns. But behind the river, dark forests of spears sway and swell; the roaring storm unravels mystery, giving to dragon-silence the power of words. A rush and din, flame and sparks lighting the road - one group after another falls embracing, in one lofty death. The night, no matter how long, will continue to give birth to star after star and my life continues, my life continues.
From Modem Palestinian Poetry, translated by Patricia Alanah Byrne with the help of the editor [Salma Khadra Jayyusi], and Naomi Shihab Nye.
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busybuns · 2 months
Artfight thingy :>
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Why do I choose what I chose?
Artic: Between ALL themes, this is my least favorite but I despise even more the jungle-ish aesthetic.
Clouds: I found clouds a really intereating phenomenon! And honestly, caves scare me a little bit-
Comedy: C'mon, I love to laugh and make people smile. Besides, I have a lot of characters based on theater concepts.
Creation: I'm an artist! I LOVE to create worlds for my silly little beans.
Flora: I like to draw flowers and learn about their Victorian meaning. Now, imagine hidden messages inside my illustrations!! OMG, I would scream with joy if someone understood them hehe-
Crystals: Sorry mini me, you would loved to be part of the other team... But crystals are SO SHINY AAAGH!!!
Soul: Lugia, should I say more?!
Heroes vs Villains: I can't choose, let Artfight decide!
Dragons: My first love~ But I kinda felt bad for my Knight OCs lol
Rain: I like both! But the soft sound of the rain has a little special place in my heart.
Autumn: Sorry, but the aesthetic superiority of Autumn is out of discussion.
Time vs Space: Idk what to choose here neither! I like the concept of time and Dialga, but I'm in love with the idea of dimensions + one of my MC is the personification of it! Any option would be perfect (but I slightly opt by time).
Trinkets: A treasure would be more useful, but trinkets are funnier!
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adelha-mathilde · 4 months
A Visit With Demons (Obey Me!) drabble
summary: Adelha has a moment to visit with several of the Demon Brothers at her apothecary shop in the Devildom.
characters: Adelha Mathilde (main OC of this blog), Beelzebub, Belphegor, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Paw Posse (namely all of Adelha's pets)
content: established relationships, casual talk, cuddling with Paw Posse
Lucifer walked up to the front door of the apothecary shop with Satan and Leviathan in tow. His hand reaching up to ring the doorbell as Leviathan grumbled under his breath. "Seriously. Why did you have to drag me out of the house to come along? If Beelzebub and Belphegor fell asleep on Adelha, then the both of you would be able to carry them home on your own."
Satan gives Leviathan a frown to hold up his D.D.D. "Because Adelha specifically requested that you come along to see her. Do not ask me why, but this particular lady really adores you. Did you want us to tell her you refused to see her to hide in your room?" Leviathan flinched at this to shake his head. "No. Not when it's Adelha. I don't have the heart to hurt her." This has Lucifer smile ever so slightly as he looked to his younger brothers. "Who would have thought a Fae woman of the dragons would wrap so many of us around her finger?"
The door to the apothecary shop opens for the little bell above the door to ring. But the one to run out is not the lady in question. Instead, it is her feline named Aqua who scampers out. The cat going right to Satan to jump into his arms. Which has Satan blush to then just melt as he gave the spoiled princess attention as the sound of purring takes to the air. Which has Leviathan and Lucifer smile when Adelha walks up to her front door. The woman giving a soft chuckle to extend her gloved hands to Lucifer first. Words of warmth laced with her Irish heritage wafting from her lips. "My eyes see with joy. Lucifer. I am so grateful you heeded my request. Do come in. Satan. Leviathan."
Lucifer took Adelha's hands to bow his head and place a chaste kiss to her cheek. His words silken and warm. "It is always a pleasure to see you, Adelha. I do apologize if my brothers gave you any trouble." Adelha chuckles to lead Lucifer into her shop as Satan followed with Aqua in his arms. While Leviathan hesitated to then huff and follow behind. Which had Leviathan close the door to the shop and lock it properly. The apothecary shop looked pristine as always. The scents of flowers and herbs mixing with scents of cooking from the second floor living area. The sounds of happy barks and laughter coming from Adelha's living area on the second floor for Luicfer to look to the ceiling. "Might I assume that Beelzebub and Belphegor are currently keeping your puppies occupied?"
Adelha nods to wave the demons towards the counter and the back door where the staircase is located. "Indeed. Belphegor hasn't had any chance to nap while he's been here. Since one of my Tibetan Mastiff puppies keep crawling into his lap to give him face kisses. Beelzebub has been a very happy jungle gym for all four of them. While Wesson decided to stay with me most of their visit. We just had dinner for all of them to settle in for some down time. I did set aside some extra food for when you all showed up." Lucifer smirks to kneel down as the sound of yips and paws come down the stairs. With a small beagle mixed puppy comes charging up to Lucifer to welcome him. So Lucifer scoops up the eager puppy to smile as Wesson gives him chin kisses. "Ah. Someone is very pleased to see me again. Good day to you, Wesson. Such a good puppy you are."
Adelha turns to see Leviathan doing his best to be invisible for her to take leisurely steps over to him. Which has Leviathan tense up to then blush as he says to her, "Uh... Hello again, Adelha. So... Did you want to see me for any particular reason?" Adelha gives a huff of air to then hold her gloved hands out to Leviathan in offering. Which has his blush deepen to reach his shaking hands up and take both of her own. A warm smile is his reward as Adelha hums at Leviathan with good cheer. "It is so very good to see you, Levi. I heard from Asmodeus that you won your recent gaming tournament. Congratulations. I asked for you to visit to include you in our socializing. As well as spoil you with a gift I made just for you." Leviathan goes wide eyed to then smile. "Really? You made something just for me? You didn't have to do that..."
Adelha gives a laugh to lean in and give Leviathan a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth with a purr of noise. Which has Leviathan go ram rod straight and blush as red as a rose. His demon form taking over in his shock for his tail to go nuts behind him. While Adelha smirks to give his hands a gentle kneading as she waits with warm patience. "Breathe, Levi. I know you never expect for such affections to happen to you. But giving such love is my joy. But I will stop there so as not to overload your emotions. When you are ready, we may join your brothers in my kitchen."
Leviathan takes a minute to calm himself down. His tail slowing in it's movement for him to get a sappy smile on his face. "Okay. Yeah. I'm glad you wanted to see me, Margaret. Really. You make me feel special. Maybe... You might like to come with me to a special concert? It's for a video game series that uses a full orchestra for the songs. So it should be really fun." Adelha grins to nod her head and walk with Leviathan to the stairs. "I would love to."
The second floor of the apothecary shop was done in a cozy open layout. Where the group was currently enjoying the sight of Beelzebub laying on the living room floor. The Avatar of Gluttony grinning and chuckling as three of the four Tibetan Mastiff puppies just dog piled on him. Belphegor sitting on the couch with the fourth Tibetan Mastiff to give the spoiled puppy a brushing. Satan was laying on the other couch to openly cuddle Aqua with sheer delight. Lucifer had seated himself in the rocking chair to be playing with Wesson. Meaning all the occupants currently in the living room are enjoying the moment without concern for what Leviathan and Adelha are up to. So Adelha leads Leviathan to the kitchen to fetch him a special fish container. Inside the container is a colorful little fish that has Leviathan go as wide eyed as possible. "Wait! This is- This is a Peppermint Angelfish! You got me a rare fish for my aquarium?!" Adelha nods to place her gloved hand to Leviathan's arm to hum at him. "Another friend for your fish to welcome into their fold. So I hope you enjoy your newest addition to your room and take good care of her. I keep calling her Patty."
Leviathan snickers to set the rare fish back down. His arms soon sweeping Adelha into a bear crushing hug for her to squeak and laugh. His words full of pure happiness. "It's the best gift ever. I know the taboo for thanking the Fae. But I am so happy right now, I might slip. You are the best, Margaret."
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