#Jurassic world x you
multi-fandom-imagine · 11 months
Alan grant - nodding off
A/n: I hate that tumblr never notifies me.
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It wasn’t often that Alan had a chance to rest or take a break, know matter how much you begged the man to do so. So when he came slinking into the office you were a little surprised he didn’t pass out right in front of you.
Instead, he sat down in the seat next to you. A tired sigh escaping his lips.
“Rough day.”
A snort, followed by an exhale was his only response until you notice that he was nodding off.
The man jolted away only for his body to sway and before you knew it his head was resting on your shoulder, a sloth snore escaping his lips.
Chucking for a moment, you adjusted your body so he would be more comfortable. His arms then snaking around your waist tugging you close.
“Get some sleep Alan, you deserve it.”
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anonymouscheeses · 13 days
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So I watched all the episodes up to episode 7 and had the draw this cuz the idea jst couldn't leave my mind.
Ladies, Ben is grieving and yall is kissing? 😭 /j
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viquipo · 12 days
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Y'all were not in the benji trenches like I was in 2021
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livsmessydoodles · 1 month
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right person, wrong time
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silverthelovebug · 15 days
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Waiter! Waiter! More unethical dino-human hybrid yuri please!
A compilation of my Camp Cretaceous Dinosaur-Human Hybrid Experiment AU drawings :3
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+ them being happy <3
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crocs-simp · 1 month
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pinksweetpotato · 14 days
there’s a lack of roxie x mae content in this fandom
where are the fanarts? fanfics? edits??!!!
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 7 months
Not enough people understand the true nature of Jurassic Park methinks. Can it be enjoyed as a dinosaur horror? Absolutely. But I personally think it's much more enjoyable as a biological sci-fi. These aren't dinosaurs, they are biological monsters made in the shape of dinosaurs. They cut corners, they used frog DNA to fill in what they didn't have. John Hammond brought these experts along to see if their reactions would be "Oh my god that's a dinosaur" and then moved along when it was exactly that. But idk, that's just me.
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It sucks shipping both Kenji/Brooklynn and Darius/Brooklynn because Chaos Theory is a kids show, and they wouldn't make a poly relationship canon and also it's really in poor taste to say Brooklynn has two hands
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Thinking about the Ian/Ellie/Ian reunion through a romantic lens. Spending decades trying to convince themselves that they didn’t miss each other and then they meet up and it’s like?? Alan and Ellie are already gazing at each other like long-lost lovers. When they walk into Ian’s lecture, he pauses and looks like his world has just shifted on its axis. Ellie and Ian always had something going on between them but now Alan’s realizing that his own feelings for Ian are maybe less platonic than he thought. And then later they’re all bickering lovingly like they’ve been married for years. I’m unwell
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multi-fandom-imagine · 11 months
OMG I love the Alan Grant x reader you wrote! Please write more! He looks SO GOOD in the new film! 💕🤤
A/n: Old ask, I’m very sorry but I 1000% agree with you.
Prompt used:
[ caress ] sender soothes a nervous receiver by stroking their hands up and down receiver's arms
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He was on his way to another stupid ass island, filled with something he told himself he rather not deal with again. He felt sick to his stomach and right now he would rather be on solid ground.
Snapping out of his thoughts he turned his attention to you. A frown was on your lips, your brows furrowed in concern. “Are you alright.”
Flexing his hand, he cleared out his throat as he gave you a forced smile. “I’m fine. It’s just nerves you don’t gotta sorry about me alright.” Leaning over he pressed a kiss to the side of your head hearing your sigh.
You weren’t about to press the matter, you’ve been dating Alan for two years. You knew what made him tick, the things that got under his skin. Smiling, you grasped his hand, letting your thumb glide over the back off it. You did your best to sooth him and it seemed to work judging by the man exhaling, his shoulders relaxing as he then gave you a grateful smile.
“Thank you.”
Bringing his hands to your lip you face a smile shake of your head. “Of course.”
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gingericywolf · 7 months
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Scenes that I'll never get tired of redrawing
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iaf · 1 year
Listen– listen to me. Kenji and Ben are foils to eachother's character.
Let me explain, you have this kid who was neglected by his parental figure for the majority of his childhood. He was given too much "freedom" and materialistic possessions to keep him busy and away. This kid hides behind a facade of cool confidence and constantly feels the need to prove themselves to someone.
Then there's this other kid, who had a present parental figure that insistently urged them to branch-out. A kid that was fine with hiding from the world and living in their own comfort zone. An honest kid that is also easily frightened. He was uncertain with his abilities and not intrested in proving he was "cut-out" for the outdoors.
And as the story progresses, they go through different experiences. They change as individuals but ultimately remain as foils to one another.
Everyday, Kenji becomes more uncertain with who he is as a person. He begins to question who he is without money and status. He wonders what real family means. His loyalties are questioned and tested. This boy no longer knows what it is that he wants. Kenji is held back by the past (his father) and scared of what the future holds. It's all too confusing and unclear. He doesn't know where to go and what to do.
However, with everyday Ben also changes. He becomes more certain with who he is as a person. He accepts the new him, someone free of socialtal expectations. He gains confidence in himself and recognizes his abilities. He holds his ground and states what's on his mind (staying with Bumby). Ben let's go of the past and isn't afraid to embrace whatever mystery the future holds for him.
See season 1 for example. Kenji doesn't want to admit how scared he is, so he tries to act cool and take the lead. Ben however is sharing his doubts and is jumpy but he's honest about how he feels. The last two episodes of the season completely flips the script. Ben takes the lead and does something brave, suppressing his fears. But once Ben is gone, Kenji facade fully disappears. He's honestly states he doesn't know what he's doing.
There's also season 3. Kenji's taking more responsibility. He seeks leadership roles and starts thinking more collectively. Ben is still very much part of the group but is less of a team player (due to inner turmoil). He thinks more independently and silently struggles connecting with the others again.
This is probably why they butt heads so often, right? It's clear Kenji and Ben contrast eachother but they are not complete opposites, at least that's not how I perceive it. You see, these two boys are on the same journey of self discovery and I believe that they recognize that in eachother. Even if they struggle to stay on the same page most of the time, they still get along and one can only imagine how much more solid and understanding their relationship became post-rescue.
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step 1: roll up to biosyn sanctuary in an undercover mission with your beloved ex step 2: loudly judge everyone together
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Do I want to write another Owen Grady book....yes?? Do I have an idea in mind yet no
Any suggestions??
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@annielr @abaker74 @oldmanwithashield
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dearinglovebot · 8 months
I see the occasional claire/owen au prompt surface but 60% of the time fandom interprets it in the most incorrect way. and it makes me so irrationally mad. it’s like “mafia x fbi au. owen is a mobboss—“ claire canonically is the evil capitalist and owen is the one thought she was crazy. she would revolutionize mobbossing. they now have dental care included in the health care package. she just ordered Little Tony to be dipped in acid for maxing out their transportation budget for the second time. she would consider it feminism to take over a typically male dominant position such as crime lording. and in this scenario owen would be brooding over the evils of humanity or whatever for creating this heartless woman but ultimately morals are not stronger than ass so.
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