#Just because I corrected your work and you're pissy about it
mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Saw that post saying 'explain your job in the simplest/worst way possible' the other day, but I don't know where to find it again. And today has very determinedly reminded me of this:
My job - Explaining to people from other countries who think they speak my native tongue - that I have a literal degree in - more fluently than I do, that no, in fact, they do not.
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harry-styles-obsessed · 6 months
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Warnings:  fluff, self loathing, hateful words/comments, insecurities, struggle with body image.
You had insecurities, hell everyone did but yours specially drained you to the point of exhaustion. Some days were better than others but just one rude comments could ruin your entire week. Some may call it stupid or even silly but you were sensitive, even to harsh comments. You tried to put up a tough demeanour and act like you had a thick skin but in actuality every word knocked down the steps you were building yourself, the steps where you tried to better your insecurities... the steps that would ultimately come crashing down.
"I honestly give up, fucking bullshit, fucking assholes, bastards absolute fuckturds"
Your words came out in a harsh way as you dropped your bag onto the floor kicking the apartment door shut with the heel of your shoe, your best friend river who sat in his gaming chair turning to look at you "what happened?" He asked placing the Xbox controller down onto the coffee table and removing his headphones as he stood up making his way towards you a concerned look on his features,
River was your best friend since childhood, you both grew up together and lived together, you were besties since birth practically or well that's what you and him joked about at least. He was born in the morning and you were born in the evening- late evening, so you're both the same age but he's slightly older and he being the pain in the ass that he is liked to brag about that. Constantly.
As you paced back and forth he watched on with the same confused yet worried look on his face "I was helping a customer... as you do and then suddenly he got angry at me." You said throwing your arms up into the air in defeat as river raised his brows at you "that's retail for you" he said with a soft chuckle being able to empathise with you completely "he continued to make the issue bigger and then he got my manager and my manager got pissy at me" you said anger on your face "been there done that" he said with an empathetic smile "but you know what? This is the cherry on top seriously- the customer got angry at me because I was helping another customer and he couldn't have the patience to wait! And then he called me a fat bitch!" You yelled on the verge of tears rivers eyes widening "he did not" he said in shock that someone would be so cruel.
"I'm so sorry" he said wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hug as he instinctively swayed the both of you back and forth in a comforting assuring manner "don't let it bother you, you're beautiful inside and out" he said with a soft smile, your anger dispersing at his words. He was truly so soothing, he was your best friend of course but sometimes you felt awful as you didn't want it to seem like you were using him as your personal "therapist" but you knew he was simply doing what friends do. "And my manager wants me to work tomorrow now as well, saying if it happens again I'm losing my job." You whispered "and if that happens then that's okay... you're easily likeable and have a wonderful personality. You'll get another job instantly. I promise. And besides you've got me to help you... and remember, it isn't what you know it's who you know" he said beaming, throwing a playful wink into the mix.
That next day- well you didn't have high hopes for it and well your assumptions were correct. It was absolute hell. Actually no- it was being dragged through hell by your hair then dragged back into hell then back through the other way. So yes. Hell but burning burning hell. Your manager was up your ass all the time watching your every move and you felt like you were walking on eggshells around him. As you were putting some loafs of bread onto the shelf you heard a commotion but paid no mind to it. "Her!" A sudden yell grabbed your attention as the man whom had an issue with you yesterday was back once again "she's the fat bitch who didn't satisfy my needs yesterday! Her! Slutty bitch" he spat out his words feeling like acid burning into your heart but you kept your cool staring him down "you done?" You asked your manager staring holes into you, but surely he would side with you- correct? "In fact I am not done! You useless pathetic miserable ignorant human being, you're lucky the world has space for you" he said, clearly on something. He wasn't sober. That was for sure.
His yelling was gaining quite an audience as customers stopped and stared "sir, please just lower your voice" you said calmly feeling belittled by him. He was far much more taller than you and slightly chubby and you knew he would hurt you if he really wanted to. "I will NOT lower my voice you useless bitch! You earn what?! $5.00 an hour? Huh? Well I earn far much more you useless fucking whore. Maybe instead of wasting your life away here you should go exercise before you have a heart attack" tears immediately pooled in your eyes. Was he right? Was he only spitting facts? Maybe he was right?
But before your thoughts could go on any longer you were snapped out of your thoughts but another males voice "is there an issue here?" "Yea there is an issue! This stupid whore of a woman didn't-" but before the bully could continue his words the man had cut him off "gods who hurt you? That's some real pent up rage." The voice was deep and as you turned to look at the man who was actually seemingly stopping the man from yelling you had to stop your jaw from dropping. He had dark hair that was accompanied with luscious curls, his eyes green and sharp and the tattoos that littered his skin... well woah... he was handsome, far too handsome to even be real. No way was he real. He stood beside you his frame tall and menacing but he seemed kind... soft almost. "No one hurt me. But this bitch right here didn't do what I told her to do! She's such a insufferable piece of sh-" but before the man could continue the other man was quick to stand in front of you "dude shut the hell up. You aren't going to get anywhere by discriminating on her. Just leave" He said coldly, his tone dark and unsettling. "I will leave once she gives me what I want!" He yelled and he sighed straightening his posture, the muscles in his back pressing against the thin white shirt he wore as he looked towards the entrance of the store nodding his head and within milliseconds two men in suits walked in, nodding at the mysterious man before stopping in front of the man who continued to insult you "sir you can either come with us willingly or we'll force you" the suited man said, sunglasses adorning his eyes and within seconds he was dragged out of there deathly silent.
The man then slowly turned around, you were then able to get a better look at his face, his skin was perfect- clear... beautiful. The cross pendant on his chest moved ever so slightly as he shifted his weight onto his other foot as he seemingly studied you, his eyes staring into yours. "Uh, thank you... for that." You said with a shy smile and he shook his head, a charming but small smile on his face "don't mention it." He then stuck his hand out towards you "I'm Harry, pleasure to meet you" you glanced down at his hand large rings adorned his fingers but you quickly snapped out of it taking his hand and shaking it "nice to meet you too, Harry. I'm y/n... just y/n" you just a small shy smile staying on your lips "well, just y/n- that asshole of a man won't be bothering you again for a while I assure you" he said the charming smile remaining on his plump lips. "Thank you" you said gently, appreciation remaining on your face as you smiled gratefully at him. "He's been bothering me for a while... saying the same stuff" you said a glimpse of pain forming on your face but you quickly shoved that away but you were quite sure he noticed it by the look on his face, he either chose to ignore it or just didn't notice it at all and you simply hoped it was the second option. You didn't want to seem weak in front of such a handsome kind man. "Seriously?" Harry asked seemingly incredibly concerned "doesnt your manager do something about him?" He asked and you stared at him before letting out a laugh, a slight scoff soon followed "he hates me. Despises me so sides with him daily. Yesterday I couldn't help him due to the fact I was helping another customer and then he yells at me calls me all the names under the sun and yet my manager sides with him" you admitted a frown forming on his godly features "unbelievable..." he whispered shaking his head as he gazed around obviously searching the shop for the manager into which you were quick to stop him from confronting your manager "but it doesn't matter... he's gone now that's all that matters" you said seemingly silencing Harry's next colourful words that he would say about your manager. You looked at the clock on the wall as you smiled sheepishly at him "I'd love to talk more but I've got to continue working I'm so sorry" you said apologetically and he shook his head "don't mention it, it's okay. I'm sure I'll see you around. Have a good rest of your day y/n" he said maintaining eye contact with you for a few moments longer before turning around and walking out of the automatic doors.
You continued working. Bored. Alone. Tired as fuck. It was nearing 7.00 and it was already dark outside, the street lights giving practically no light to the pavement. "Gonna be a joy to walk home in" you muttered to yourself checking the clock again. 20 minutes to go. The hands on the clock ticked by slowly, and before you knew it it was home-time. You grabbed your bag and coat before making your way out of the doors letting out a sigh of relief. Freedom. Finally.
The cold breeze brushed against your cheeks and you let out a breath as you closed your eyes admiring the peace and the gentle sound of cars driving around, you slowly opened your eyes only to come face to face with a familiar man "y/n?" He asked, his voice unsure and you stared at him in awe, how did he remember your name? No way would such a handsome man even pay any attention to you but he was... "what are you doing walking home alone? It's so dark" he said concerned and you studied his features before glancing around "where's your car?" You asked and he gazed at you, chuckling "just over there. Just finished work" he said the dim lights barely acknowledging the suit he wore. "Oh I didn't realise you worked around here" you murmured and he smiled nodding his head. "You still didn't answer my question" he said with a cheeky charming smile and you let out a soft laugh "I don't drive and I don't fancy spending my earnings on a cab" you admitted, shrugging your shoulders "Let me drive you home." He offered with a small smile "no, no need I'm perfectly fine walking."
"I insist"
The simple sentence made you fall silent as you simply smiled, no man other than river had been this kind to you... they had all just shrugged you off or paid no attention to you but Harry... he seemed to care. "I guess I don't have a choice in the matter?" You asked with a small shy smile knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer before you exhaled looking up into his eyes "if you're sure" you said gently and he simply smiled his eyes glistening with kindness "I'm 100% sure.... Besides, I'd prefer for you to come home with me instead of getting mugged" he said looking into your eyes, his hand gently moving to glide against your back as he guided you across the road... why did he care for your safety? Why did he want to care? Why did he care about you?
You stared out the window, watching the city go by as the both of you drove in silence. You had told him your address and he had assured you he knew where it was due to the fact he drove past that part of town every time he made his way to work. The silence between you two was thick but comfortable, you didn't know where to start, your brain mainly focused on the fact that such a handsome man would care for you. You just couldn't wrap your head around it at all. "Can I ask you something?" He asked and you glanced at him briefly, the rings that adorned his fingers sat lightly on the steering wheel, his fingertips gently rubbing against the material of the steering wheel "sure" you agreed with a small smile as you focused on his face getting lost in the fact his jawline was so sharp... he was just perfect. Gods. "Why don't you leave your work?" He asked, "your manager is a prick and you deserve better" he said and you let out a soft laugh "trust me I've thought about leaving. Everyday. For the last few months but I don't want to be left skint." You said softly with a light shrug "the only way I'm able to survive this living crisis is by working my ass off at this damned shop! I get paid good but every week it goes down. And down. And down. I just swear if I leave this job I'm going to be on the streets and I-I... I don't think I'd survive that" you explained, your voice raising more and more the further you spoke the shake in your tone only growing stronger but you soon noticed how the car was now stopped, pulled to the side of the road as Harry simply gazed at you, giving you his undivided attention his green eyes glistening in the light like some beautiful crystals. "But what if you could survive it, hm?"
You turned to look at him, the softness in his eyes making you practically melt as you sighed quietly "what do you mean?" You asked softly and he smiled "you've got a kind personality. You're wonderful. I doubt you'll be doing the same job by next year as you'll be moving onto something even better... why not make things better for yourself and do what you've always dreamed of?" He suggested, raising his brows and you smiled softly before shrugging "no one wants me..."
You frowned slowly looking at him "bullshit?" You questioned and he nodded "yes bullshit, y/n. I know I don't really know you but from what I've seen so far you're an incredibly smart, talented and kind woman who doesn't know how far she can truly go" he said a serious but soft smile on his lips. "Thank you... Harry..." you said quietly and he simply smiled, your eyes soon locking on the street and you recognised it immediately "oh, shit- I'm so sorry I didn't realise we were parked at my house" you said incredibly embarrassed and he shook his head "don't worry. I'm happy I could listen to you... and hopefully make you realise how you can still chase your dreams even at your lowest." he said softly.
A warm smile stayed on your face "I appreciate it. Seriously... can I offer you a drink? At my place?" Your eyes nearly fell out of your head at your own words. No way did you just say that to him. You were just digging yourself a grave weren't you? "As a proper thank you." You said and he gazed at you before smiling "I'd love that... if it's no trouble."
"So y/n tell me about yourself" Harry said holding a glass of Coke in his hand, he had assured you he wouldn't drink due to the fact he had to drive home. "Well I enjoy performing arts, everything and anything to do with acting, singing, dancing... writing even! You know?" You said beaming your eyes practically glistening with happiness and that made Harry's heart practically glow he had never seen someone with the amount of passion that you had. It was beautiful. "Well, why don't you do it? Do what you love?" He asked and you looked at him embarrassed "I would but.... Have you seen me? No one wants a fat slob on their stage. I'd take up all the room." You said forgetting who you were talking to as your cheeks flushed and you looked down "I'm so sorry" you said but he quickly grabbed a hold of your hand stopping you and you looked into your eyes "is that really what what you believe? Hollywood may be about the looks and all that fake bullshit- but acting in films or on stage is about your talent... what's inside of you what character you can build." He said with a smile. "Any director who says differently isn't a director. They're a judgemental piece of shit. And trust me I've dealt with those type of people... they aren't worth your time."
"Seriously?" He nodded his head smiling "seriously." He said gently. You sighed softly "I'm sorry for being such a downer... I'm just not confident at all... all my experiences with men have ended horribly" you said and he tilted his head to the side slightly "well then all those men are idiots." He said with a small smile giving your hand a light squeeze "men suck but you can't let them ruin your confidence and happiness... you especially can't let them ruin your self confidence with how you see yourself. Your body is your temple... your body is your home... treat yourself with respect." A small sad smile remained on your lips you wanted to believe him as he did make you feel somewhat confident but also intimidated. He held your hand in his grip "those men or well... I should say- those boys who hurt you... they're boys. Stupid boys who don't know what a real woman is. A real woman isn't perfect. No. A real woman is real. But that wouldn't matter to the right man as the right soulmate will always find their person perfect and you know what y/n?" He paused and you smiled "what?" You asked gently "you're perfect.... Let me show you how a real man should treat you."
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Kataang is a ship that dared to be different. Not sure why people think Kataang is a sexist ship when Katara and Aang both protect and support each other and neither is the damsel and the hero in the relationship.
And yet people think ZK is better than the average M/F ship when the reason why ZK is so damn popular is because of annoying overdone hetero-normalic tropes. To the point where people think Zuko taking a hit for Katara is romantic coded (and apparently me and my peers are """delusional""" for not seeing it as romantic coded) and that ZK fanfics are such romantic fantasies of Zuko saving Katara and Katara being such a meek little girlfriend for the badass chad fanon!Zuko. (As if the ZK fanbase is aware that Zuko and Katara are both pure yang energy and they have to make Katara meek to make the ZK ship work.)
I mean yes I am annoyed Z/tara is as popular as it is but Kataang is canon and ZK is dipping in popularity and it feels like the bulk of the ZK fanbase is just annoying ass middle aged women who get pissy at a kids show for not being the adult show they want...
Just food for thought...Especially considering ZK shippers act immature trying to 1-up people by saying their ship is popular (I mean, are they unaware Zukka topped Z/tara?) And again, popular doesn't automatically mean good...Especially since Z/tara is only popular because it hits all those hetero-normalic beats that people adore so much.
Guys, come on, let's be serious here. I LOVE kataang, with all my heart, BUT best friends to lovers is as cliche as enemies to lovers, main guy dates main girl is as cliche as hero falls in love with the villain who changes side. To quote my best friend @dragomer "A knife is cliche. It's still what you use to cut shit with."
The problem with Zutara fans is not the they prefer the more "traditional" romance, or that it's cliche, or that it's smutty, or that they sometimes make it a toxic dynamic, or that it's not a "progressive" ship. The problem is they feel entitled to push their preference as the only correct one - it's the same issue that made the fandom for Zukka, an actual non hetero ship, so hated by everyone else. No one likes the people that think only they are allowed to have fun with fanon. No one likes the people that expects them to disregard canon for the sake of their prefered fanon.
And speaking as a bisexual woman: we gotta stop with this nonsense of labeling straight ships "non-hetero normalic" for basic shit (and the reverse of it, the "hetero-normalic gay ship" that is literally just the age old homophobic question of "But which one of you is the woman?" with woke language attached to it). It doesn't matter if Kataang is "heteronormative" or not, because:
1 - All that matters in fiction is if something is WELL WRITTEN AND ENTERTAINING, not if it's progressive or more on the traditional side, if it's cliche or "subverting expectations".
2 - What media you find entertaining has nothing to do with your politic views and real-life sexual preferences. Liking one of H.P. Lovecraft's stories doesn't make you a racist, disliking Freddie Mercury doesn't mean you're homophobic (though it does mean you have shit taste in music), liking the most traditional straight romance ever doesn't mean you're straight yourself.
3 - In the case of Avatar in particular, lets be fucking real: no way two straight writers back in 2005, while working on a kids show in a network that had a long history of banning episodes of shows that tried to hint or full on talk about homosexuality, were thinking "How do we make this straight ship less 'hetero-normalic'?" They were just writting whatever felt right for the characters and story - that's why Avatar, while flawed and a product of it's time, aged WAY better than many shows of the time that had "be progressive" as the goal, it avoided forced narrative choices that were only made to beat the audience over the head with the moral lesson of the day.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
My ask was sent prematurely: it was a freebie prompt for fluff or spice with Gentle Giant Jason
Jason hefted himself up on a barstool and accepted a beer with a smile of thanks- if he were here any other time, he might think you were mad at him but, he was here while you're closing up.
You're busy. And the reason you didn't kiss him hello was because you were counting a drawer and getting things ready to go to the safe. And Charlie expected the count to be correct and if it wasn't, things had to be accounted for.
"You're here early," you observe, finishing the count and leaning over the bar to kiss him hello.
"Wanted to see you," he hummed, nipping your lip. "I missed you."
When you smile and your eyes warm, he feels his heart stutter. "Well, I'll never say 'no' to the company of my night in leather armor."
"At your service, my lady," he said, grinning when you let your feet touch the ground again and flounce off to go finish your cleaning. Watching you huck bags closer to the door to make them easier to take out, Jason slips off the stol and lopes over, "Is this all of it, Beautiful?"
"Yeah," you call, "Thank you- be careful. Skippy is out there again and pissy."
"The raccoon that kept getting stuck in the dumpster last summer."
"You named him?"
"Of course I did- he's cute."
Jason watched you walk into a store room and chuckled, picking up the bags and taking them outside, shaking his head when a raccoon chittered at him and bolted into the shadows when he hurled the bags into the dumpster. "Chill out dude," Jason said, "Gotcha some snacks."
More chitters answer him and he shrugs, turning and going back inside to wash his hands, ducking into the men's room for a second. Only to come back out and freeze, smirking a little. "What's this?" he asked, surveying you where you're sitting, blouse unbuttoned, with lime and a bottle of tequila.
"Want a shot?" you ask him, smirking.
"Is the pope catholic?" he asked, smirking as he crossed the floor to lay you back on the bartop. He didn't give a fuck about the tequila, but- he loved licking the salt from your skin and taking the lime from you before the burn of the liquor seared down his throat and only deepened his sense of disorientation. He wanted the giggling, flustered kisses- he wanted you. And he wanted to taste you. To feel you squirming when he licked just below your navel slowly. And you don't disappoint. You never do. He definitely didn't mind doing your bitchwork if it meant he got his beer and a shot.
"No Jason?" Clark asked, looking around at the assembled bats who were eating a late dinner.
"He's getting his beer and a shot while he waits for Y/N to finish closing up," Steph said smirking.
Bruce frowned, "Her brother has her close up by herself?"
"I mean she's got a broadsword under the-" Dick started
"Charlie told her she can't have the broadsword anymore. It's a baseball bat now," Steph corrected.
"Also she's not by herself," Cass said patting Bruce's arm, "Jason keeps her company."
"Beer and a shot?" Clark asked.
"Sure," Steph shrugged, "He does a little bitch work and gets a drink- and a body shot but-"
"Literally didn't want to know that," Bruce sighed.
"Ditto," Clark chuckled, "And I'm not even sure what that is." He crossed the floor and kissed Bruce hello before rubbing the back of his neck sympathetically.
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greenerteacups · 20 days
Hi GT! Any thoughts on GRRM's (now deleted 👀) blog post about HOTD? Both in terms of content and authorial conduct?
My first reaction was some combination of sympathy and cringe. I can see where his frustrations would arise — especially if he's correct that Ryan Condal intended Helaena to kill herself "for no reason," although I doubt that's the whole story (most of the coming seasons haven't been written yet). GRRM was burned badly by the ending of GOT, which is why he's harping so much on the (to be honest, pretty minor) removal of a child who really has no role in the source material except to be the sacrificial lamb prompting Helaena's suicide. He can repeat the words "butterfly effect" until he's blue in the face, but that still won't actually make Maelor into a major character, and it still won't explain why changing Helaena's arc is necessarily a bad thing for the story the show's telling. Helaena in the books is a very happy person whose death by suicide would be uncharacteristic unless prompted by a slew of gruesome personal tragedies. Helaena in the show is much more melancholy and withdrawn, and the audience doesn't need to see (another) one of her children brutally slaughtered in order to believe that she might pull a Tommen, especially since we don't know what the HOTD team are actually planning for her. Getting pissy about cutting Maelor is like finding out someone's replaced all the furniture in your living room — while you watched — and complaining that the upholstery's the wrong color. My brother in Christ, it's a different chair.
Apart from that, I recently saw one blogger argue persuasively that the choice to eliminate Maelor was not just efficient, but a defensible and deliberate creative decision: whether George realizes it or not, removing Maelor puts Aegon in the same situation his father Viserys was before his marriage to Alicent, where his only choices of heir are his daughter (Rhaenyra/Jahaera) or his brother (Daemon/Aemond), the latter of whom has recently proved himself an untrustworthy and outright dangerous candidate (the King of the Stepstones arc in Daemon's case, and the assassination attempt from Aemond). This traps Aegon, because the only laws supporting him as king require that he pass over Jahaera and place his regicidal brother — who has already tried to kill him once, probably having realized this fact — directly in the line of succession. And I'm pretty sure the show is intentionally going for this, because they make a point of telling us that Aegon can't have more children, so unlike Viserys, he can't get out of this by having more sons. Is this necessarily more compelling than the Maelor/Helaena guilt storyline? No, but we don't know if that storyline would have been compelling either. The success or failure of a narrative decision is almost totally in the execution, and HOTD is, crucially, not finished executing yet.
Siloing the question of the post's merits, it's also incredibly unprofessional for one of the most successful authors in history to start publicly beating up on a writer's room that he's supposedly collaborating with. Like, frankly, I don't care what Ryan Condal said. I don't care if he said he was going to kill off half the cast in S3E1 and turn the show into an isekai about his self-insert avatar falling in love with Rhaenyra. You work that shit out in the writer's room, or, if need be, the negotiating table, and not by dumping on the guy's creative decisions on a platform where the core of the show's fanbase hangs on your every word (most of them in the hope that you've announced the completion of the book you're supposed to be writing). It's catty, it's spiteful, and, judging by the content of the post itself, grossly disproportionate to the scale of the creative conflict at play. If I were an industry creative, I would have serious reservations about working with Martin after this, and the level of poor behavior on display should be evident by the fact that any author whose IP wasn't making HBO a bajillion zillion dollars would have been rightfully shitcanned for doing something like this.
If I sound angry at him, I'm not; I think he's just an old guy who's been told by lots of people that he's good enough to be above the rules, and he's consequently forgotten some of the industry etiquette. I'm also, frankly, a little contemptuous, mostly because most creatives I know would give all the fingers of their writing-hand to have the opportunities that George does, and would conduct themselves with significantly more grace and generosity for their collaborators even if they did disagree on adaptational differences.
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nik-jr-lit · 2 years
Some other M. Paul x Lucy moments that literally had me laughing out loud (or smiling)
the time Rosine begged Lucy to go into M. Paul's class to deliver a message because he was in such a pissy mood and likes Lucy better so she goes in and gives the message that he's needed at the local college and he's all "that's nice but i'm not going" and she just pushes his hat towards his hand but oh no his glasses fall off the desk and literally both of the lenses bust and now she's actually scared but before she can even get an apology out of her mouth he hops up, says "well, what a little mischief maker! what a nefarious little englishwoman!! guess i'll have to go if you're going to threaten me like that! :-)", puts his hat on, and leaves.
later on that night when he comes to the school to read aloud to the pupils and teachers and he forgoes his normal spot to go sit next to Lucy (aw) and she moves to give him room but he says "no don't" but she scooches a little anyway and he immediately gets pissed and is all "oh so you want to treat me like an outcast?! you want distance?!! fine!" and he literally makes everyone else at the table get up and move to the other one and grabs Lucy's stuff and puts all of it on the other side of the table so it's just them at opposite ends and he says "happy?" and she's all "you were the one who wanted it like this..?" and he said "no! you were the one who did this!!" and then he reads a French translation of Shakespeare and Lucy is not at all hiding her disdain and he looks up and sees every single eyeroll and smirk and omfg he's getting so pissed but it's dinner time now and she's engrossed in making her watchguard and tbh she's feeling giddy and smug because making M. Paul so flustered and annoyed was fucking fun and she was enjoying it. he gets up without saying a word, strides towards the door, but turns back for his pencil case and...he puts his pencil in...takes it out...breaks the lead against the table...resharpens it...puts it in his pocket...and finally walks up to Lucy. he asks her what she's working on and she says she's making a watchguard for one of her gentleman friends and omg he's really mad now, i mean he's seriously fuming; he's saying she's impossible to be friends with and that he has never done anything wrong but she continues to regard him with passionate injustice and rebellion and she's all "what? :(" and he's, again, immediately apologizing and correcting himself and saying that she does have good qualities but if she'd quit flirting and caring so much for people whose only good quality was being tall and if she dressed more modestly then things would be better. a few moments pass and he's all, "did what i just said make you hate me? :(" but no, all is well and as he's going out the door he says "it's not that you don't look good in your clothes...it's just....nevermind, continue dressing as you do! goodnight!"
M. Paul's party day when Lucy didn't give him a gift and he asked "in really tragic tones" whether all the presents had been given because he wanted hers, only cared about a gift from her and she was starting to get that giddy feeling again from pissing him off, and she literally tells us as the reader that because he cared so much about whether she got him a gift, he fucking deserved to be fooled and get pissed and if that doesn't make you laugh i don't know what will. then he decides to make his party speech about how much England sucks and the things he says just get nastier and nastier until Lucy can't take it anymore, slams her hand on her desk, and says "long live England, fuck France!" and everyone in the room is gasping but M. Paul is hiding his grin behind his handkerchief because, yes, they both love riling the other up. he ends his speech by saying that he's going to take the whole class out to breakfast on the first day of spring and makes sure to say "only my friends are invited" and Lucy says "i won't be there!" and he says "fine!!"
omfg the fact that he was leaving goodies in her desk, correcting papers for her, and, when he's caught, he asks her earnestly whether she likes the things he leaves her.
how he accused Lucy of playing dumb, knowing Latin and Greek, and plagiarizing because she's a fast learner, but then he brags to his academic friends how smart she is <3
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
wait wait wait avenger we might be on to something here! insult them again! they had three servants work to trap pretender, but not only did they fail to snag their target, they still havent managed to wound the guy they DID trap (yet) despite outnumbering you by a huge margin. how pathetic! what a bunch of losers!
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As these thoughts pass through AVENGER's mind courtesy of the Masters, you both can feel the tension in the room shift. For the worse.
A dagger shot past AVENGER's face, scraping the front of his mask.
A warning shot.
It turns out that maybe blatant insults isn't the way to go. They're triggering your 'something' at the weakest possible level. Tapping at their brains in an irritating fashion, like a fly. That just makes people upset, and considering your 'Avenger' skill made it so that your own allies wouldn't hesitate to slap you across the face, trying to provoke people who don't know you and also wouldn't care if you died and also were probably actively thinking of ways to kill him wouldn't be much better.
AVENGER's in a position where if he asked 'what will you do, stab me'? They'd stab him. And then kick him while he's down.
They're reacting to the negativity, but it feels like to make it so that it doesn't instantly backfire, you'll need something more substantial than just making them upset. Because that'll get AVENGER stabbed and killed.
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"Hehe. How rude of us, playing with our food. Our goal was to trap that bug and squeeze him dry for information before tossing his corpse out into the wild, but like I said before… you'll do. You see, we're at a loss in regards to who we're fighting against. Ruler was obvious, but trying to determine six other Extra-classes is a bit… off. But you know who would know? You."
You see the glint of a dagger as they spin it in their hands, chuckling wryly.
"So, how about it, Servant? Tell us, and I promise we'll make it your death quick."
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Get mad? Like he wasn't already? This was a bad situation, and he was trying to figure out whether to run, hope his ally saved him, or attempt to fight a losing battle.
He was already MAD. How much more mad could he possibly--
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'They didn't say to 'get pissy'. They said to 'get mad'. Are you telling me they summoned an AVENGER who doesn't even remember why he's an AVENGER? At that point you're just a lump of dying mana, aren't you? Poor thing.'
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"Wh... at?"
Something clicks.
Oblivion Correction. About time.
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hoghtastic · 9 months
Am I the only one who finds it very strange that Johanne even changed her profile picture at all to one she took way back in what, like July or August? Especially knowing that her last 3 profile pictures were all pictures taken by Alex. Wouldn't just a new picture he's taken of her suffice if she just "wanted a change?" Because that would still do the trick as the last 3 pictures did if we assume it's to show, "We're together, he's mine, he took my photo, look. See?" Maybe I'm just being pissy and reading way too much into it, but it seems that her every move on Ig is for some kind of sneaky purpose so I just felt like they actually were having issues during the holidays, and now she's just being petty. Am I crazy? Please tell me I'm just crazy and just looking for something to complain about!
And honestly, I thought Alex's New Year's story was a jab at her. That unlike her, his every move didn't have to have a photo and be posted on the internet. We all know he takes pictures of practically everything, and he would know that him saying he "needs to take more photos" is laughable. (And side note, I actually did see at least 2 or 3 fanpages call him out for saying he doesn't take photos by posting the picture Nomi took of him literally taking a photo! 😋) So this is why I think he posted it to basically, "Pull a Johanne." Haha Again, am I just reading too much into it and giving him way too much credit? Definitely need to hear what you guys think......hoping you say I'm crazy....
Haha thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on this, anon! 😆 And, sorry to break it to you, but... no, I don't think you're crazy, not at all. Reading too much into it? Maybe. But aren't we all, especially in a place like this? 😉
Personally, I believe anything is possible at this point, so your theory is a plausible one. Judging by the change in her "posting pattern" during the holidays, it was discussed whether she and Alex had spent that time apart. And then, those assumptions turned out to be correct. What we don't know are the reasons behind this, since them being apart, Johanne not reposting the pictures Sladderkongen shared of her and Alex (but only the one where she was alone) and Alex's "cryptical" New Year's story seemed to denote some kind of "trouble in paradise" between them. However, when a fan's comment asked Johanne about Alex, she was quick to post a picture of the two of them, where he's lovingly kissing her head, as to show that everything is alright. Now, we don't know whether this is a recent picture or not, but the fact that she posted it seemed to serve the purpose of silencing the rumors that something isn't right between them.
What I also find a little strange, is that none of them posted a "2023 recap" so far, when they usually do so and this was supposed to have been a good year for them, especially since it was their first year together (officially) and they even travelled to some beautiful places. Could it be that something happened and that content doesn't make much sense to them right now, so they're refraining from posting it? Or maybe we're just reading too much into it once more, and they just didn't have the time/disposition to work on it yet, but will eventually post it later this month? Time will tell. 😊
Returning to the subject of Alex's story, it could indeed have been a dig at Johanne, just like her refraining from reposting Sladderkongen's picture of them could have been out of pettiness, especially if their hypothetical "quarrel" had anything to do with boundaries of what should and shouldn't be posted on IG. However, there are also other hypotheses to consider. Maybe he wasn't aware of Nomi's story when he posted his? So telling his followers that he didn't take many pictures during the holidays would be in accordance with his public persona — the one who's claimed that self-promoting on IG is boring, and that people could benefit from a day without phones. Or, just like this anon suggested, by mentioning his photography and intention of taking more pictures, he could be trying to direct people's attentions to a photography project in the near future? Or maybe there wasn't anything cryptical about his story at all, and he really meant what he wrote — that his New Year's resolution would be to take more pictures (maybe he would like to improve his photography skills this year?) and that he really didn't have any pictures to share from New Year's party (note that he didn't say he didn't actually take any pictures, just that he had none to show — so maybe none of those were flattering to the ones involved? 😆 Maybe he didn't want his followers to see him & his friends partying while drunk? And that's valid, of course.).
About Johanne's new profile picture, I think that your interpretation is also absolutely valid, especially under the light of "trouble in paradise" theory. However, even if everything is alright between them, maybe she entered 2024 with this "new year, new me" mentality? So if in 2023 a lot of people had this idea about her, that she was basically in "Alex's shadow", reaping all the benefits of being in a relationship with him and even claiming some kind of "ownership" over him, his clothes and his home, as well as the notion that she'd be unknown without him, maybe in 2024 she wants to distance herself from all that? Maybe she wants to prove that she can actually shine as her own person, without needing Alex's help? Or maybe we're reading too much into it once again, and she just really liked the disco balls and pink background. 😆
Whatever their reasons were, I believe that with the little info we have so far, it's only normal to speculate and try to find possible explanations, but we can't really tell with 100% certainty what's happening. However, in due time, I'm sure we'll understand it much better. Guess we'll have to wait and see! But until then, I believe it's okay to share your opinions and theories. So keep bringing them on! 😉
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frenchfrywrites · 3 years
Married to/dating the OM! Brothers but calling them a friend/acquaintance prank
mild angst?
Spiritual successor to: OM! brothers react to you referring to them as your husband/wife on the phone
You and your demon partner are alone for the time being. You pick up your phone, pretending to be answering a phone call,
"No, I'm not busy right now, just with a friend."
He gets pissy. When you pretend to get off the phone he'll be quiet for a bit, just glaring at you, before speaking up, "I wish you would have pride in our relationship." Please explain to him that it's a prank asap because he might actually become insecure about your relationship and doubt himself. Even after he learns its a prank he'll need some reassurance and love. He might hold a bit of a grudge for a bit, but he easily forgives you, as you're his weakness. If you try to prank him again he will be confused as to why (and more than a little disappointed).
He's on the opposite side of the room from you but that will not stop him from correcting you by yelling: "hey!!! I'm your wife!!" His reaction from there can go one of two ways. He may demand lots of cuddles and head pats for the emotional distress you're putting him through, or he will bonk you on the head and remind his stupid human that you're dating/married. Whether or not you tell him it's a prank he will make you apologize and comfort him. Can and will quickly become very sulky if you don't. If you play this prank on him more than once he will fall for it every time.
He is devastated. His insecurities are manifesting right before his eyes. The prank is not worth it when you see the look on his face, like he's on the brink of tears already. Please tell him it's a prank, that you're sorry, and that you'll make it up to him. He needs to be held for a minimum of 4hrs before forgiving you. Doesn't understand why you'd want to prank him like that, and will call you a "mean normie" for a solid week even after forgiving you. Only benefit from this prank is that he's more clingy, but honestly there are better ways to make him cling to you.
He looks at you like you've sprouted another head at first. Then, once it settles in, he is immediately suspicious. You'll think it didn't really effect him until hours later he'll accuse you of cheating. And now you're the one who's confused. You'll have to do a bit more than just explain to him that it was a prank, as he's still in his mystery solving mode and will doubt that you're telling the truth. Once you finally convince him you were really just trying to fuck with him he will get very cranky (but also part of him thinks its kind of funny). He'll forgive you after he calms down and you comfort him.
He'll dramatically gasp and look furious. He's not actually mad, especially since he's already aware of the prank, but he's a little bit hurt and very dramatic. He will never let go of this grudge. Seriously, months will pass and he'll still be moaning and groaning about it. He likes to use it to his advantage and will say things like, "You have to cuddle with me, otherwise I'll break up with you since you already think of me as a friend!" If you try to prank him again he will get more dramatic, and honestly a little pissed that you think doing it again would work.
First he looks super confused, then like a kicked puppy. It makes you want to laugh a bit just at how sudden and dramatic the change between expressions is. Don't laugh though, because he's actually scared that you want to break up. Even after understanding that it's a prank, he needs A LOT of reassurance and comfort. He forgives you faster than any of the other brothers though. He will refer to himself as your boyfriend/husband/wife a lot more afterwards, like he doesn't want you to forget.
I don't think it would register at first, but once it does his eyes shoot open and he's staring Directly At You. He will cut you off with a gentle slap to your arm, "excuse you, I am far more than just a friend," he will not so subtly remind you. If you laugh at his reaction he will get even more irritated. When you explain that it was just a prank he'll roll his eyes and call you stupid. He'll forgive you easily, but secretly he is planning his revenge. Said revenge is that he tries to prank you the exact same way like a week later.
( @t-misaki thank you for this idea!! :))
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Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. I've only been following you for a few months now, but I've already learned so much from you. And as someone who's always been told I need to keep quite about my lack of beliefs because I might offend someone, it's really nice to have someone, even a stranger, say that I don't need to keep quiet and that I should be able to talk openly about it. I hope you have a good day!
Thank you so much.
As far as I'm concerned, we have the exact same right to express our non-belief as believers do to express their religious belief.
There are three things to consider, though:
That it's safe to do so. If it might put your personal safety, or your professional or academic standing in jeopardy, it might be better to keep it to yourself. Safety comes first, and discrimination against atheists occurs in even western, liberal, secular countries. That said, sometimes the boat needs to be rocked. If that's the case, just go into it with your eyes open.
That you want to. Some people don't. And that's fine.
That it's appropriate. Fundie Xian Grandma Hortense's funeral or Evangelical second-cousin Ruthie's full church wedding might not be the place to start a discussion on how Xian mythology is self-canceling. Work or school may or may not be appropriate either, depending how pissy your co-workers or classmates might be to hear that we have no good reason to think Jesus existed at all. When people believe fairytales are real, it's frequently left to the non-believer to be the grown-up.
Aside from these considerations, any time a believer is entitled to say what they believe in, you're entitled to say you do not.
You're not obliged to be drawn into endless god-existence debates, "disprove" the existence of any of the various gods, nor explain how the entire fricking universe exists. A simple one to keep in your holster is "you say a god or gods exist, and I don't believe you." I've never ever encountered a believer who feels obliged to, for example, explain the formation of electromagnetic force, gravitational force, strong force or weak force based on the Genesis creation story. It's unreasonable for them to expect you to do what they will not.
Believers can - and should be expected to - become accustomed to finding themselves surrounded by people who don't blindly affirm their superstitions. Their "offence" is not your problem. It's the mistake of their religion for telling them that they're the default and entitled ot special treatment, and for society pandering to this and not correcting them.
You - and they - will probably even find there are more non-believers than you realized.
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altheterrible · 4 years
You ever go to the pharmacy, and there's only one pharmacist and one technician working, and you’re pissy because you're only there in-person because you can’t get through on the phone, because they keep putting you on hold and then hanging up? Or, like, you know how there's three registers at the pharmacy counter but only one is ever open? You know how it always takes 45 minutes to “put 30 pills in a bottle”? You know how the pharmacy gave you the wrong medication once and almost killed you? You know how you had to wait over an hour for a flu shot while the pharmacist was “just standing there staring at a computer”? You know how you keep transferring pharmacies because they can’t ALL be this slow and incompetent, but they somehow are? You know how all these problems could be solved by having another pharmacist working? Too bad there's such a shortage of pharmacists that they have to be spread so thin!
I'm going to let you in on a secret. There is no pharmacist shortage. In fact, there's more pharmacists graduating every year than can find work.
The problem isn't a shortage, it's that the major pharmacy corporations have simply decided that your safety and convenience are less important than their profits. It used to be common to have 2 pharmacists on staff during a shift, now even very busy pharmacies only have a few hours a week where there's more than one pharmacist working.
There are certain pharmacy operations that, by law, only pharmacists can perform. This is because pharmacists are experts, we have doctorates and know more about medications than any other healthcare professionals. To maintain high standards of patient safety, in a pharmacy, only pharmacists can give immunizations, transfer prescriptions, perform final prescription verification, counsel patients, and a couple other things.
So if you only have 1 pharmacist working, they can get spread thin super fast, leading to long waits for “simple” things. Like, maybe it only takes 3 minutes for a technician to count out 30 pills, but if I'm on the phone with insurance, it could be another 20 minutes before I can verify the prescription is correct. It's not because we’re “incompetent,” it's because there's only one frazzled person who can perform that step. And the more frazzled that person gets, the more errors that happen.
Additionally, retail pharmacists don't get breaks, which is GREAT for patient safety. I used to work 12-hour shifts where the only chance I got to sit down was when I ran to the bathroom. I didn't get breaks. At all. Period. I couldn't be off the clock because the pharmacy would've had to have closed and THAT endangers profits. If I was lucky, I would get 10 uninterrupted minutes in a 12 hour shift to shove a granola bar in my face. So this increases fatigue, which further jeopardizes patient safety.
So next time you're at the pharmacy and it's taking forever, or they made a mistake, place the blame where it belongs and voice your dissatisfaction to the corporation directly. Send them a tweet. Ask why they chronically understaff their pharmacies. Ask them why corporate profit means more to them than patient safety. And then consider transferring to an independent pharmacy.
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sunriseverse · 4 years
Prompt: I think up ciphers to trace on your skin because it doesn't feel safe to just say I love you.
god this prompt gave me. feelings.
"This," Hermann says, punctuating the words with a scowl, "is absolutely horrendous."
He's got chalk on his fingers and a bit on his face, which Newt's pretty sure he doesn't know about, or he would have wiped away by now, and he's wearing Newt's stupid, stupid jacket. It looks great on him. "It looks good on you!" Newt says. "You should wear more of my stuff."
Hermann's face twists. "Absolutely not," he says. "I've only been lowered to this because the heating failed."
That is, actually, true, Newt will admit to that; the heating has always been finicky down in the lab, but usually the issue is that it gets too hot—not that it suddenly stops working. All over the shatterdome, in fact—it crashed about twenty minutes ago, which is fucked, but the good news is that it's late spring so it's pretty warm.
For most people, anyway.
Hermann Gottlieb has, like, the worst circulation of any man Newt has ever known under the age of forty, though, so he started shivering only ten minutes in, at which point they had an argument over the fact that there are no blankets on the sofa.
Five minutes ago, Newt ended their argument by shouting, "Hermann, you little shit, if you're that fucking cold, just take my jacket!" Hermann, surprisingly, for once, actually took it.
That brings them to now; Newt's waiting for the samples in the centrifuge to be ready, and Hermann's sitting on his stool, his notebook thrown off to the side, scowling at Newt. His ears are getting pinker by the second. "The heat had better come back on soon," he grumbles, in what Newt assumes is an attempt to divert his attention.
"You're just pissy I said you look good, aren't you?" Newt teases.
Hermann's scowl grows wider, and the pink tint spreads from his ears across his cheeks. "It's horrendous," he repeats. He does, however, in contrary to his words, tug the jacket a bit tighter around himself.
Newt smiles a bit; rocks back on his heels, and then rocks forward. "Hold still a moment," he says, and reaches out to brush the chalk on Hermann's cheek away.
"...I cannot believe you didn't inform me," Hermann says, batting Newt's hand away after the first stroke, and smudges at his cheek. His tone isn't irritated, though; and his hand falls away from his cheek, tugging at the zipper. "This horrid excuse for a jacket can't seem to properly zip up." "Let me give you a hand," Newt says; and takes a step closer, so he's standing directly in front of Hermann; slots the zipper in easily and zips it up partway, eyes tracking it for a moment before flicking up to Hermann's.
"Hey," he says, softly; partially because Hermann really does look pretty nice, and partially because he's pretty sure that Hermann's actions are because he wants Newt to be sweet to him, and Newt's more than willing to do so.
Hermann's scowl melts away, lips turning at the corners; and his hands rise to rest on Newt's waist. "Hello," he murmurs.
"You look cute when you blush," Newt says; and kisses his cheek. Hermann gives a soft laugh.
"You think everything I do is 'cute'," Hermann says; and draws Newt closer to him.
Newt huffs. "Not everything," he corrects. "I don't think it's cute when you refuse to let me have the last cherry yoghurt, or when you get pissy about the way I put my samples into storage—"
"Shut up and kiss me properly, you horrid little man," Hermann grumbles; and Newt, ever the gentleman, obliges him; leaning into Hermann's touch. The texture of the leather is a bit odd, considering it's Hermann, but not bad; and Hermann kisses back enthusiastically, hands running up Newt's sides.
Suddenly, Hermann shivers and pulls away; scowling, and tugging at the zipper. "It's cold," he grumbles.
"You have the shittiest circulation," Newt says, smiling slightly. "Here, let me hug you, the body contact'll help you warm up some."
Hermann hums, and Newt pulls him into a tight embrace, chin locking over the other's shoulder; hands resting on Hermann's back. "The centrifuge is probably done," Hermann says, after a few moments.
"It can wait a few minutes," Newt says; drawing out patterns against Hermann's back; the lines just curling enough to be mistaken for random, though Newt knows what it means, even if he's not willing to say it out loud; not now.
Usually, Hermann's the one who holds his emotions close to his chest; but Newt would wager he can rival Hermann in this case, considering Newt's the one who made up ciphers to trace—sometimes, when they're lying in bed together, only half-clothed, on Hermann's skin—because it doesn't feel safe to just say I love you.
To be fair, nothing's safe these days, given the fact that giant aliens from another universe are coming from the sea and wrecking lives and cities.
"Newton," Hermann says, "I think the heat's come back on. I'm getting rather warm."
"You sure it's not the body contact?" Newt asks, dragging himself out of his thoughts.
"Yes," Hermann says.
Newt pulls away, cocking his head. "Yeah, you're right," he says, after a moment, "that sounds like the heating's back up. You want to get the jacket off?"
Hermann gives a hum. "I think I ought to keep it," he says, adjusting it a bit. "Just in case."
"Just in case," Newt echoes, lips twitching; and presses a final kiss to Hermann's lips. "Alright," he says, pulling away, "science time, baby!"
"Horrifying," Hermann says, but Newt can feel the fondness in his gaze as he watches Newt move towards the centrifuge.
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eiji-multiverse · 2 years
RP Blog Information
THIS RP BLOG IS ONLY FOR FRIENDS! I do not feel comfortable doing rps with strangers anymore!
Reason for it is because they always ended up pushing boundaries or got pissed that I ended up busy with real life! 
If you’re not a friend, please don’t pester me into rping with you. Because I will more than likely not accept and block you if you continue!
ALSO! If any of you get pissy or triggered about MY oc's pronouns in ANY of their versions, that's a you problem! I will not tolerate people that try to dictate what I do with my own oc(s) because they don't like what I have in mind. All of you can die mad about it if you're like that.
As said in the description of this account, my friends convinced me to make an RP account.
This account will mainly be for my multi-fandom oc Eiji.
I will be including rps for other ocs as well because I would rather keep all rps in one place instead of having them on my main blog.
You will see the #originalverse, the #sonicverse, the #undertaleverse, the #harrypotterverse, the #fnafverse, the #invaderzimverse and the #avatarverse forms of them.
All versions of Eiji are nonbinary and polyamorous.
Any artwork that I share will be done by me and my friends as we draw out our ocs interacting.
1. Original Verse
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•Full Title: Eiji Soval the Commander of Dreams.
•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: Adult. Around their late 20s.
•Gender: Nonbinary. They/them pronouns.
•Height: 12'0".
•Species: Alpha Draconian and Anunnaki hybrid.
•Alliance: Ally of multiple species.
•Family: N/A. From royalty.
•Friends: N/A.
•Personality: Quiet, curious, calm and inventive.
•Likes: History, archeology, music, art, reading, star gazing and swimming.
•Dislikes: Stereotypes, war driven species, discrimination, fire and violence.
•Theme Song: Nate by NF.
•Relationship: Single.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Backstory: CLASSIFIED.
2. Sonic Verse
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•Name: Eiji
•M. Name: N/A
•L. Name: Soval
•Age: 23
•Gender: nonbinary, he/him and they/them pronouns.
•Height: 6'11"
•Alliance: Works with Eggman for a while before going neutral.
•Family: All deceased. Had a wife, a child and seven siblings/sibling in laws.
•Friends: Lotus, Petunia, Misty, Brandon and Chaos.
•Personality: is very traumatized, unintentional lashing out in anger, cares deeply for who they consider family and friends, has their calm moments but is generally closed off and hostile as they don't want to be hurt again.
•Likes: reading, nature, open spaces, swimming, their friends and music.
•Hates: fire, death, the smell of smoke, giant crowds, closed off spaces and silence.
•Theme Song: I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin.
•Relationship: dating Petunia and Chaos.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Brief History: Background is classified, you are unable to obtain this information. Have a nice day.
3. Undertale Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval
•Age: 26
•Gender: nonbinary, they/them pronouns preferred. Fine with he/him and she/her.
•Height: 7'0"
•Orientation: polyamorous
•Species: fish monster
*Dresses more tribal.
*Two additional pictures.
4. Harry Potter Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: 14 to 18.
•Gender: Nonbinary. More fem leaning. They/them and she/her pronouns.
•Height: 6'3" when fully grown.
•House: Ravenclaw.
•Year: year 3 - year 7.
•Family: Parents, they're not supportive of Eiji.
•Friends: Madame, Misty and Brandon.
•Personality: Quiet, curious, calm and inventive.
•Likes: History of Magic, Astronomy, Divination, music, art, reading, star gazing and swimming.
•Dislikes: Flying, Potions, stereotypes, discrimination, fire, violence, Lockheart and unnecessary drama.
•Theme Song: Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin.
•Relationship: Single.
•Sexual Preference: Polyamorous.
•Backstory: As a child they were always interested in the more feminine things, this concerned their parents as they looked and presented as male at the time. Parents wrote it off as their child just being weird and would correct Eiji. Telling them that "Dresses and dolls are for girls.", "Boys don't wear makeup.", etc. Eijis' main thought was usually, "Why are they worried about this and that? There's nothing wrong with it. I'm not hurting anyone.". Eiji just wanted to like what they liked, they didn't understand the reactions of their parents at the time. Then when they were around ten years old, they started to show signs of magic, which definitely didn't help with their parents growing criticisms. Parents would tell them that it was just all in their head and that magic isn't real. That Eiji needed to stop with this nonsense before people started to get the wrong idea about the Soval family. It didn't come as a surprise when they got their Hogwarts letter. Eiji was rather excited about the idea of going to the school, their parents weren't too fond of it. They didn't want to even entertain the thought of their child having magic. But they eventually did give in and decided that as long as Eiji behaved themself, they could go, to which Eiji agreed wholeheartedly. The day came to head out to Hogwarts faster than their parents thought. Eiji was given another talk about behaving before departing.
The train ride to the school was fun. They enjoyed looking at the passing scenery. Seeing Hogwarts for the first time did make them anxious, the school is giant after all. They get sorted into Ravenclaw, which was a surprise as they didn't expect that to be their House.
First year there went by without any incidents as Eiji was more or less nervous and didn't want to make a fool of themself in front of everyone, they just wanted to focus on their studies. Second year was more interesting than the first. They started to question their gender identity and decided to let their hair grow out. Some drama happened with a couple other students when Eiji showed up to class one day dressed more like a girl. Met Madame but didn't hit it off that great. They did become friends after a while once Eiji got over their concerns. They leave that year happy that they made a friend.
The summer before the third year their parents tried getting them to cut their hair. Eiji refused because they liked the long length of it as they could play with more fun hairstyles. Eiji did ask their parents for highlights but that was quickly shot down. Their parents did get them a pet snake for their birthday, which was nice, and Eiji just adores the little guy. Named their snake Vermilion because of the scale colors. They come out as nonbinary to their parents a week before the third school year. Parents basically blew a gasket at the news. Eiji knew it wasn't going to go well but they had already decided that it was better said out loud than not spoken at all. Rest of that week passed by agonizingly slow. Two nights before their third year starts, an argument breaks out between Eiji and their father. The father was insisting that Eiji should stop "acting like a girl" and start being "a real man like his father". Eiji said some choice words in response and stated that they would never be like their father. Father said some choice words back, Eiji fired back more of their own. It all escalated into a clenched fist hitting Eiji. Silence broke out after that, both child and father too stunned to do anything else than stare at one another. Eiji didn't know what to think at the time, their parents had never hit them before. Raised their voices when they acted out or something was accidentally broken, sure, but they had never hit them. Eiji locked themself in their room that night, didn't even budge when their mom came to try and talk to them.
They arrive to the school with a poorly concealed bruise. They don't acknowledge any questions about the bruise. They would rather forget it anyway. Besides, Eiji is more interested in seeing where year three takes them.
4.  FNAF Verse
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•Name: Eiji Soval.
•Age: 25
•Gender: Nonbinary. They/them and she/her pronouns.
•Height: 7'2"
•Family: no direct family. Views the nightguard as a caretaker.
•Friends: Chica, Roxy, Sun and Moon. Is cordial with Freddy and Monty.
•Personality: calmer than most, levelheaded in stressful situations, is carefree at times.
•Likes: music, reading, helping in the daycare and dancing.
•Hates: stereotypes, prejudice, violent people and rumors.
•Backup singer for the group. Helps out in the daycare part time.
•Encourages the kids to be themself and express themselves through their passions.
•Doesn't conform to standard gender norms.
•One eye is usually hidden by hair.
•Belt can come off.
•Kiss mark was put there by Moon.
•Relationship: taken.
5. Invader Zim Verse
"t" - 
A little bit about Eiji: 
Name: Eiji
Age: 28
Gender: nonbinary. They/them and he/him pronouns.
Height: 7'2"
Personality: stern, strict and levelheaded.
Relationship: single.
Additional info: 
Theme song: 
Preferred drink: 
●Human Form
-shown in the picture
6. AVATAR Verse
Name: Eiji.
Age: 23.
Race: Na'vi.
Tribe: t.
Weapons: t.
Height: 9'10".
Rank: t.
Family: t.
Personality: t.
Likes: t.
Hates: t.
Relationship: t.
Background: t.
Outfit design for the original verse @ my friend Randi.
Eiji and drawings @ me.
0 notes