#Just random melon posting
onii-onahole · 16 days
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Soft 💕
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melonpond · 2 years
hhhnngggggg pencil art
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heywriters · 3 months
To aesthetic blogs & writing blogs...
please don't share random images from pinterest or instagram without credit. doesn't matter how pretty they are, you uploaded them without permission or credit
please do not share "advice" from another source without crediting the person who wrote the advice. a random link to pinterest is not a source! who was the author of the advice? do they have a website? respect other writers by not passing off their work as your own
DO NOT repost tumblr posts that you found on pinterest. the source is often in the image itself! just go to their blog and do a little research! reposts are NOT welcome on tumblr
research information for yourself before sharing. you are not your silly aunt on facebook who thinks moon melons are real. stop the spread of disinformation by simply checking the facts
gifs are not inherently free use! if the creator of a gif wants you to take it down off a post or wants credit for how often you use their gifs in your posts, you should respect that
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jaegersdevil · 10 months
boyfriend!eren headcanons (summer edition)
it is currently winter in aus, but i need summer eren rn in my room asap
warnings: some suggestive but not that bad
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boyfriend!eren walks around shirtless 24/7
boyfriend!eren gets so tan in the sun, he is golden!!
boyfriend!eren wears white swimming shorts, the reallyyyy short ones. lord. (he has 3 pairs of the same ones)
boyfriend!eren complains about sand in his hair nonstop (it’s his fault for laying on the sand instead of on a towel next to you!!!)
boyfriend!eren digs holes in the sand when he’s bored (e.g. waiting for you to finish your chapter/sunbathing/napping—he can’t nap on the sand, hence why he starts digging and building sand hills HASHDJAH)
boyfriend!eren volunteers to put sunscreen on you just so he can cop a feel (gets distracted and rubs the lotion into your back for literally 9 minutes)
when boyfriend!eren orders ice cream, he gets cookie dough or chocolate, sometimes the rainbow kids one
and when boyfriend!eren buys you ice cream, he will ask if he can taste yours and take the biggest bite :( in return, he lets you do the same to his <3
boyfriend!eren tucks a tshirt in the back of his shorts
boyfriend!eren wears birks 🫣 (hot)
boyfriend!eren will pull you underwater by your ankles if you aren’t careful, so keep an eye on him at all times when in the water with him
boyfriend!eren’s hair goes curly from the salt water and you have rinse it out for him in the beach showers otherwise it gets all tangled and frizzy
boyfriend!eren eats any melon like it’s his last meal, especially at the beach and on the boat. bring a container of it (or just an entire melon and a spoon) and he will go to town (the juice from the melon always drips from his chin onto his bare chest — just gonna leave you with that one)
boyfriend!eren is actually good at beach sports, so when you go with your friends, expect a game of beach football, with you on opposite teams because sasha and connie said it was unfair :/
boyfriend!eren in sunglasses >>>
boyfriend!eren drives jean’s boat (he won rock, paper, scissors at the start of summer)
boyfriend!eren DRIVES THE BOAT 😵‍💫
boyfriend!eren can wakeboard and wakesurf and looks hot doing it
boyfriend!eren wears a wide brimmed straw hat whenever on the boat because he’s cute ok
boyfriend!eren isn’t allowed to control the music on the boat or at the beach (group rules)
boyfriend!eren has to have you on his lap whenever he can’t be bothered to drive the boat anymore, and puts his hat on your head (you look so cute he could DIE)
boyfriend!eren fishes off the side of the boat with jean & armin, waits until he gets a bite, and then drags you in front of him to let you reel it in
boyfriend!eren has a photo of you holding the fish he you caught as his lock screen lmao
boyfriend!eren always throws the fish back though!!!!
boyfriend!eren buys you a pool float for the lake (it’s always something random like a watermelon (his obsession continues…), a flamingo, a champagne bottle etc etc)
boyfriend!eren inevitably pops said pool float when he backflips from the boat onto it :/
boyfriend!eren and jean want photos, they want paparazzi!!!!, when they do simultaneous backflips off the side of the boat and they always make the instagram
boyfriend!eren roasts marshmallows and tries to feed them to you but he burns them to a literal crisp so you roast your own (makes him pouty)
but boyfriend!eren gets over it when you feed marshmallows to him that aren’t burnt to a crisp <3
boyfriend!eren and connie (and sometimes jean if he’s drunk enough) will jump over the fire because they are shitheads (they only get one go each before everyone stops them)
boyfriend!eren gets all warm and cuddly when he’s drunk (after his usual unhinged activities with connie) so expect him to lay all over you when you’re around the fire
boyfriend!eren gets a sunburnt back and shoulders so you gotta sit on his bum and rub aloe vera everywhere while he whines about the pain
boyfriend!eren posts an end-of-summer dump and 6/10 photos are of you <3 (the rest consist of: his and jean’s backflip; a photo of him, mikasa, and armin around the campfire; him and connie clinking beer bottles; and him, armin, jean, and connie around a pool table: eren smiling wide with a single backwards rock and roll hand sign (he’s winning), armin with a smile and thumbs up, jean emotionless holding his pool cue (he’s losing), and connie with double middle fingers, his pool cue falling mid-air)
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miratastic · 25 days
Random Feyd HCs?
you said random so prepare yourself 😭 also i went way too far into this, the amount of research i did into the first few hcs alone is insane
feyd has a thing for imported cheeses and wines. giedi prime does not have the correct atmosphere nor natural resources to make soft, delicate cheese. the planet doesn’t have any photosynthetic potential, no room for grazing animals (let alone grass and greenery) and is so polluted that those who come visit are stuck with oxygen concentrators and advanced oxygen masks. almost, if not all food is imported from other planets: slig (a cross between a giant slug and a pig) from tleilax (feyd didn’t like it much, it was too sweet and not game-y enough for him.), milkbugs (arachnids the size of a small hand) and turtlebugs (sweet insects) from harmonthep (he didn’t like either. bugs weird feyd out and he doesn’t like looking at them.), paradan melon and pundi rice from caladan (the melon was just okay, but feyd loved having the rice with gyrak (heavily seasoned meat from zimia) as his post-arena meal.).
now let’s get into the wines. champia from rossak was something he only drank at dinner parties and official meetings. it’s a cloyingly sweet white wine, and bubbly, which feyd thinks is the only thing that makes it bearable. it’s too flowery and heady for him to properly enjoy. feyd has a high alcohol tolerance, but champia has a way of getting everyone wine-drunk quicker than they think. zincal is a very popular wine from caladan, which makes it the most accessible to the harkonnens. it’s a light red wine, clean and woody and cherry-like (cherries are one of feyd’s favourite fruits, he likes the acidity of them and enjoys chewing on the pits.) it’s a basic wine that feyd neither hates nor loves. now casyrack? his absolute favourite. it’s a dry, intense red wine, that needs to be aged. less than 5 years and it tastes thin and harsh and not at all enjoyable. it needs to be drunk before it’s eighth birthday, but feyd prefers it aged seven years exactly. it’s velvety and rich, with a smoky, spicy aftertaste that leaves feyd’s stomach feeling warm and his head pleasantly thrumming. it’s not popular across the known universe, leaving thousands of bottles sitting idly in the atreides family compound. feyd had to pull a lot of ropes to get a steady supply of the smooth wine.
now, cheeses. again, feyd is not a fan of sweet things. he likes his food salty, bitter, sour. thick cottage cheese is a yes from him. not the runny type and it specifically needs to be made from sheep milk. while he doesn’t like arrakis in general, he has a secret fondness for the food. feyd loves aged camel milk cheese. it’s rich and creamy with a clean finish and pairs well with meats. on that note, camel meat is one of his favourites to have. he eats all his meat bloody and basically raw (like.. feyd… it’s basically still alive…), but he likes how fatty the camel meat is, leaving it tender and juicy. he also likes thick cream cheese made with goat milk. feyd stuffs the cheese into dates and then rolls them in spice as a special treat for not killing too many people who pissed him off during the day.
feyd loves dark chocolate. he doesn’t like sweets and only enjoys them on very special occasions, which is why dark chocolate is so perfect for him. it’s hard to source, but when he’s able to get it imported he does not share with a single person. his favourite would be the 99%-100% cocoa bars. it helps make him slightly more manageable and puts him in a better mood.
he hosts the best parties on the planet. they’re exclusive and elusive, and all the harkonnen elite want nothing more but to be invited to a feyd-rautha party. supplies the guests with the best alcohol and food one can get their hands on. he generally sticks with his pets, stroking their skimpy, scantily-clad bodies while he drinks his wine. he doesn’t have many friends, but he has acquaintances that he has to keep up appearances with, so feyd is sure to make his way around and greet (threaten) everyone.
ends up fucking one of his pets over a table at one of his parties and ‘accidentally’ starts an orgy.
elite music taste. only knows bangers. gatekeeps the good stuff though.
has a blood kink and would willingly eat you out on your period if you’ve behaved. in fact i feel like he’d be more inclined to eat you out even if you haven’t been the best, purely because he is bloodlusting and wants to taste iron on his tongue.
on that note, would be into wound-fucking .. 🤷
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a-d-nox · 7 months
wyrd web: what to gift a person based these three numbers
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent earthly desires. this is not to say that you can't enjoy things not listed in your category / under your energetic number. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would enjoy receiving as a gift.
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1 - the magician
flowers / garden seeds, gear for their passion project(s), business/self-help books, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, art supplies, things that are homemade/artisanal, careof for brain support, things for their computer or car, a diary or journal (moleskine), sunglasses or blue-light glasses, joke books (for the dads with 1 placements here), paid classes, rosetta stone subscription, genetic tests (ancestry.com or 23&me), manicure/pedicure voucher, merchandise from their favorite singer / group / tv show / movie, mittens / fingerless gloves, house plant, sewing/knitting/crocheting supplies, stationary, or tickets to a concert
2 - the high priestess
things that support their spiritual practices, things that support feminine health (hum women's probiotics bundle, honey pot oral vaginal care probiotic, etc), bake goods / baking gear, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads pt 2), bar in a jar (for those of drinking age) or really any beverage tester kit, bath/spa kit, beach vacation, boat, cruise, careof for brain support, truly nice melons boob butter, candles (it doesn't have to be yankee candle either - bent candles, spiced votive candle, etc) or candle making kit, imported cheeses, clothing staples (blue jeans, black turtleneck, etc), juice cleanse or other things that support digestive health, cooking classes or meal kits (hellofresh, homechef, etc), a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, or outdoor cameras or other home security tools
3 - the empress
pillows, stuffed animals, rose quartz, personal celebrity cameo, clothing, tickets for an art museum tour, ballet tickets or classes, art supplies, makeup pallets and/or brushes, flowers, jewelry, candy/sweets, money, bells / wind chimes, clothing, designer pieces, cosmetics, dolls, a trip to a fancy restaurant, fruit basket / dried fruits, gardening supplies, jewelry, concert/orchestra tickets, poetry book, tickets to a play, a purse, lingerie (if y'all are close like that), trip to a vineyard (for those of drinking age), couples' dancing classes, or a wallet
4 - the emperor
skincare, rock climbing voucher or some other physical activity they enjoy, an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), careof for brain support, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), coffee trials/samplers, sunglasses, blue light glasses, hair care products/supplies, scalp treatments/care, oral health care (thera breath, whitening products, etc), meditation app subscriptions / in person sessions for meditation, or a planner
5 - the hierophant
moss agate (don't question how random that sounds this is some intuitive stuff), artwork, an architectural tour, beauty products/supplies, historically significant objects, pastries or sweets/candies, earrings, sour dough starter kit, jewelry in general, piano/organ lessons, singing lessons, a wallet, or any classes where they can learn something fun and new to them
6 - the lovers
car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), bicycle or bicycle accessories/gear, books (the more educational the better), briefcase / work tote, bus tickets for a day trip, gym membership or soulcycle classes, crystals, a standing desk / cute office supplies (for the work girlies both those who work in office and from home), hand & foot message, manicure voucher, newspaper subscription (i am a fan of new york times, washington post, and the new yorker), language classes or rosetta stone subscription, magazines subscription, merchandise from their favorite singer / group / tv show / movie, train trip, or we're not really strangers card packs
7 - the chariot
gardening supplies, hermit crab, baked goods, bath products / beauty products, boat, cruise, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), truly nice melons boob butter, juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, glassware / blown glass, stuff they need / need for their home (security system, chest freezer, etc), hotel or bed & breakfast stay, kitchenware, lake trip, pearls, real estate / land, restaurant voucher / gift card, silver jewelry, shopping gift cards, a trip, or intention journal
8 - strength
amusement park tickets, supplies for their passion projects, ballroom dancing classes, tea sampler, games (video games or board games), movie theater gift card, personal celebrity cameo, flower garden supplies/seeds, stuff for their pet, or a belt
9 - the hermit
pet related gifts (if they have a pet that is), bookshelves (they probably need one), juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, a cat, clothing, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), stationary, emergency preparedness (ready to eat meals, fire blanket, etc), cook books, dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), careof subscription, gloves, herb garden kit, a one way ticket to anywhere, or a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
incense, cleansing herbs, bow and arrow, sapling, land, dried berries, budget book, gym/exercise membership, religious/spiritual/philosophical books, poker set, cloth (if they like sowing), wool (if they like weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), wool clothing, a coat, trip to a country or place they have never been, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), etiquette classes/books (this is great for the traveler because they are often interested in learning customs before going on their trip), figs, fruit basket (like edible arrangements), honey sampler / royal jelly, horseback riding lessons, lottery tickets, merchandise from their favorite singer / group/ tv show / movie, shoes, really any game, any subscription they have not tried, things that support their spiritual practices, or book on positive mindset
11 - justice
personal celebrity cameo, tickets to a ballet or to an art gallery, air purifier, portable heating pad, spa voucher, cosmetics, lingerie (if y'all are close), closet organizational items (space saving hangers, linen bins, accessory hanger, etc), pastries and sweets, diamonds (perhaps propose to your lover), a dress, tickets to a fashion show or exhibit, flowers, a luxury chair, jewelry, concert tickets, poetry books, any quartz pieces, chocolates dipped strawberries, hair extensions, logic puzzles, a voucher for an escape room, or a kitchen/baking scale
12 - the hanged man
bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), a book on angel numbers, a book on natural medical remedies, ballet classes or tickets to see a ballet, bath bombs and other bath goodies (salt, bath table, candles, sugar scrub, bath teas, etc), beach vacation, tea or coffee sampler, butterfly farm kit with caterpillars, disposable camera or a camera they would like (polaroid, filming, etc), scientific kits (geode kit, grow your own crystals, etc), cigars (for the dads in your life), unsolved mysteries or crime kit, dance classes, smutty/romance/fantasy books, fairy garden, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, budget book, makeup palettes or other cosmetic they enjoy, concert tickets, paint, poetry books, clue the board game, a pass to an indoor pool, a book on poppet making, meditation membership or a voucher for in-person sessions, or something to support their curiosity for new spiritual insight
13 - death
hermit crab, a jumping spider, a reptile, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, operation the game, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, beginners chemistry kit, a colon cleanse, sea monkeys, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, philosophy of death books, books on magic, magic the gathering the card game, period products (portable heating pad, the diva cup, etc), poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), a frog pond, a scorpion, a snake, a burr/boo basket (these people love seasonal stuff), or marie kondo's life changing magic of tidying up
14 - temperance
a hunting trip, bow and arrows, books on religion or philosophy, book of devotions, book on dream meanings (hello, freud haha), a certification course or college class, horseback riding lessons (for the newbie or a younger sibling or your child/niece/nephew), horse drawn carriage ride (for the couples *smirk*), logic puzzles, things that support their goals, or a book of angel number meanings
15 - the devil
a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it a cow/horse/goat, kinetic tape, arnicare bruise cream (this is a joke... unless...), coal or a diamond (this is also a joke... unless...), a clock or a watch, cuticle trimmer (and other nail care things), room darkening curtains, a happy lamp, lotion/cream, hat/scarf/gloves, hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), leather fashion-ware, gardening supplies, ice maker, or a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
tiger balm or other pain relieving ointment, acrobatic/gymnastic classes, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, first-aid kit, baking kits, barbecue sauce sampler, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads), gift card for haircut, dollar shave club (for the dads pt 2), metal works (spoon handle rings, metal roses, etc), boxing lessons, boxing match tickets or monster truck tickets, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), cactus plant, beginners chemistry kit, cookbook, pocket knife or leatherman/multitool, tool kit, jenga, emergency kit, food, first aid kit, merchandise for their favorite superhero(es), electric lighter, liqour or bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), rock music (a vinyl or concert tickets), pepper plant, pipe for smoking (if they like to smoke that is - my grandfather had a collection), lego kit, or lincoln logs
17 - the star
friendship bracelets, a fan / ac unit, model airplane, flight lessons, compression stockings/socks, architectural tour, astrology reading, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), electronic devices (a new phone, amazon fire stick, solar portable charger, etc), movie on blue-ray or dvd, movie gift card, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, shadow work journal, aesthetically pleasing bluetooth retro radio, streaming service subscription, a book on health or mental health, or a book on positivity
18 - the moon
abstract art, bar in a jar (if they are of legal age), a fish, a fish tank, tickets to an aquarium, cocktail book (if they are of legal age), a fishing trip (for the dads), book of conspiracy theories, the conspiracy theory map, a crystal ball, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, a jellyfish, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, poetry book, hydroponic starter system, games that involve bluffing (clue, poker, herd mentality, etc), shoes, sleeping eye mask, silk pillow cases, new bed sheets, bonnet, socks, a computer keyboard, typewriter, a book on shadow work, a puppy, or a book on dream meanings
19 - the sun
maine coon, autobiographical books, ballroom dancing lessons, poker set, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), card games, personal celebrity cameo, circus fruit basket, chocolate gold coins, classes that encourage creativity (create it and break it sessions, pottery classes, etc), jewelry or an engagement ring (if it's been more than 2 years y'all should know what you are doing at this point), flowers, indoor herb garden, tickets to race of some sort (cars, horse, sporting events, etc), sporting equipment, ivy plant, a pottery painting voucher / gift certificate, or something for their passion project / hobby
20 - judgment
a reptile, ant farm, a guide on astral projection, operation the game, the chameleon game, clue game, unsolved case files game, grand theft auto video game, assassins creed video game, dungeons and dragons the game, yahtzee, emergency preparedness kit, magician kit, poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), the divine comedy, puzzles, a rodent of some sort, or lingerie (if y'all are close)
21 - the world
gardening supplies, acoustic guitar, air conditioning or fan, architectural tour, teddy bear, snow globe, boots, calendar or planner, supergoop (sun protectant) products, wooden objects (cutting board, chest, box, etc), carpet, clay (air drying or via kiln), a clock or watch, compression stockings/socks, collectible coins, pain patches or kinetic tape, crystals, budget book, lotions for dry skin, dried fruits, gloves/mittens, hair care products, ice machine or ice making trays, ice cream subscription, pottery classes, rain coat, real estate or land, zen sand garden, sculpture, or snake
22 - the fool
flight lessons, model airplane, a flight to anywhere, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), an astrology reading, bath products, biking gear, movie theatre gift card, clock or watch, club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), mood lighting or strip lights, a train ride, fun magnets, motorcycle accessories/training, microphone (maybe they are filming or recording something), patterns for cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, stuff for the tv (surround sound, sound bar, streaming subscription, etc), or classes for one of their interests
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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lady-of-endless · 27 days
Ghiaccio x reader romantic headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
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Author's Note: I'm so soft after this, it's pathetic. You voted for this to get posted first so here it is. Sorry that it's all over the place but so is my heart. Hope you will enjoy it! Warning: longer than my usual posts because I love him.
Other general and random headcanons are here.
- He doesn't have a type, he doesn't care if you're a ray of sunshine or a badass. All he cares about is trust and if you can stick with him and his harsh exterior when everything goes wrong. However, if you are also a Passione assassin like him, things will go more smoothly than having feelings for some outside of the mafia. He already thinks that having feelings for someone is a double-edged blade because of his occupation but it would be even worse if you're not in Passione as it can endanger both of you more.
- Ghiaccio generally feels a lot. He goes through many emotions and thoughts at once, and that's why he needs to lash out so often. But when it comes to feelings about you, they're so contradicting that he can't even get rid of them by letting them out at once. For example, he rolls his eyes at your antics and then the next minute he stares at your smile like it's the cure for anything in this world. You're both the bane of his existence and his personalized paradise. Ghiaccio isn't the type to be confused about his feelings, contrary to the general belief, he knows the meaning of his feelings. However, he prefers not to think about why he wants your presence, as it might trigger something he knows exists deep inside him. A complicated feeling.
- You will have to be the first one to confess. When you do, Ghiaccio's whole body freezes (and not because of his Stand). He stares at you in disbelief and a slight hint of terror crosses his eyes. Why terror? Because he realizes that he was falling for you too for long before. He craves this kind of happiness but he is also scared of it. He lets your words sink in for a while.
"Say it again..." He demands, staring at you.
- He loves that you can stand up against him when he teases you as a form of affection he's comfortable with but he can't get rid of a constant thought from the back of his mind. The thought that one day, his words would hurt you, that one day you'll get sick of him being like that.
- Ghiaccio doesn't fall in love easily but when he reaches that point, his intensity is directed to this new feeling. Expect his love to be intense but profound and honest. He didn't get the chance to care for someone so deeply and he wants to do it right.
- If you ever get severely injured and you're recovering, no one will get him to leave your bedside. When he first finds you like that, he will shake you by the shoulders, calling out your name with palpable despair in his tone. He will stay by your side constantly, demanding more coffee from Melone and a break from any mission from Risotto, only to watch over you. It's unhealthy and he will deny everything once you get better. The thought of losing the one who accepts, understands, and loves him, makes him sick with worry.
- Typical ice meets fire trope, but not as you think. Ghiaccio is all about ice, even his name means that, sure, but he has fire inside of him that keeps him going, keeps him on the edge every time. It's a fire that matches your calmness which is grounding for him. Sometimes, the roles switch, so there will always be a contrast.
- Ghiaccio is extremely honest and it's both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes this will spark some arguments and sometimes it will fix them by being honest about his thoughts. His words are straightforward and his intentions are clear. He's not trying to be subtle and he's not trying to hide anything.
- Ghiaccio is not afraid of showing affection, he's not a coward, but he's just learning how to express it more efficiently. He's analytical and this applies to gestures of affection as well, he'll take his time to observe what you like the most and what you don't. Please be grateful for that.
- However, whatever you might like, his preferred love language is banter and physical touch, in private. He is a blunt man, but that doesn't mean he's extroverted to have words of affirmation as a love language. Don't expect compliments from him but don't be surprised when he encourages you in a way that might come off as intense.
You might be frowning in the mirror, fixing your looks, and he'll come from behind you to tell you in an annoyed tone
"You're already pretty as hell stop fussing about it for fucks sake." and then roll his eyes and give you a kiss on the forehead.
But that's it, don't expect more words from him. Ghiaccio is also touch-starved because no one dared get close enough to him to touch him affectionately so when you do, he finds himself wanting more. But he's also curious about how it feels to touch someone like that and that's how it starts. He discovers that he enjoys giving it more, the feeling, your reactions, and everything about it.
- How do others see it? Many don't see a change in his usual behavior besides the fact that he always glances over you for many reasons. Risotto is presenting a mission? Ghiaccio looks at you for a reaction. Are you fighting a target? His eyes are on you. You do your usual stuff around? He's observing you. Are you not feeling well? His eyes follow you until you two are alone and he asks what's wrong. In conclusion, he gets more thoughtful.
- Ghiaccio is quick to discover that getting intimate with you clears his mind and gets him sharper. Letting out his strongest and boldest emotions with you, the one he trusts the most and loves, clears his mind. It's just an observation, he already enjoys getting physical with you too much to care for other benefits.
- He's touch-starved, so he's relatively easy to fluster and he hates that. It doesn't take a lot for you to turn him on. One day, you notice that the lenses of his glasses are a bit dirty and feel bold enough to do something about it. If you decide to just take them off without warning and wipe the lenses casually like nothing happened, he's shocked. This audacity of yours gets him bewitched. So, Ghiaccio is a simple man regarding turn-ons, just show him that you care about those little things about him and show some willingness to take risks and he's done.
- His hair is unexpectedly sensitive. Play with his curls and it will make him shiver. He'll become all yours in that moment.
- Despite what everyone thinks, he'll never accept letting his anger out on you in bed. But that doesn't mean that his mannerisms will be soft either. With Ghiaccio, is hard to predict how it will go. Most of the time it will be rough but also slow and deep.
- He's a genuine switch but leading to dom. He is fine with you taking the lead from time to time but having control over you is much more appealing. He enjoys being a brat tamer but he's also a whining brat.
- He has a ridiculously high stamina. Seriously, where does he store all this strength? He's also motivated. Seeing you frowning a bit when you move your legs the next day is stroking his ego.
- So, because Ghiaccio is intense in bed too, aftercare is a must. Aftercare consists of him putting your pieces back together by throwing a blanket over you, making you tea, and holding you to his chest as he stares at the ceiling (don't worry, it's a good sign, you blew him away). However, shortly after that, he's knocked out, getting the best sleep of his life.
- He doesn't leave marks on purpose but he just can't help it. Surprising enough, he's not as possessive as you'd expect, to leave marks to show that you're his. No. Ghiaccio just enjoys hearing your gasp coming from the bathroom as you notice the aftermath of his desire. He smirks to himself like a brat.
He might be a fan of quickies and he's also the one to come up with the idea. After the session, he goes on with whatever he had to get done like he hadn't destroyed you earlier. It's both hot and annoying.
- Vocal, of course, a lot of grunting, and growling. It goes hand in hand with his primal tendencies. You'll get used to the consensual biting, hair-pulling, pushing down. He lives for raw passion when it gets too much to handle.
- Any kinks? Temperature play is something you already expect him to enjoy. For him, it's about how ice - something that has been in his life for years since he got his Stand, meets an element of you - your warm skin. Besides your reactions, he is hypnotized by how the heat of your skin melts the ice and how dewy it looks afterward. Other than that he's not very experimental because his almost aggressive passion is enough.
- Of course, he takes off his glasses but he hates that because his point of view gets blurry, and can't enjoy your details. However, you can't be able to stop him from wearing them when you're on top. That's a sight he needs to see clearly.
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 2
Pairing: Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: nudity, vague medicine
Missed Chapter 1?
Red Menace
It took the better part of an hour to drag your new friend to the spring and another good chunk of time to tug him out of his clothes. Wet clothes were a pain in the ass to deal with in the first place, but this guy seemed to be wearing everything in a size too small, which made it worse. The clothes were now laid out in the sun, post-rinse in the spring. After exerting yourself, you felt your stomach cramp. Well... I can't do anything on an empty stomach. Fishing around in your pile of goodies, you felt the strap of the goggles you had found. Shrugging, you threw them over your head. They thumped against your chest, too big to stay on top of your head. Fishing around some more, you found one of the jars. Cracking it open, you gave Blondie a brief once-over to triage the situation. You gave the jar's contents a cautionary sniff. Oh! Spiced peaches. What a treat! Slurping back a few slices straight from the jar, you put your hand on your hip and contemplated the next step. You wiped your mouth on your shoulder before kneeling down.
Luckily, most of Blondie's injuries seemed shallow, but there was a gash in his thigh and he definitely had a head laceration. Idly, you hoped that he didn't have a skull fracture under that lac. The guy had barely twitched or made any indication he was alive. A quick look at his pupils and a cursory cranial groping gave you some relief that it was just a flesh wound. Pressing your knuckles against his sternum and rubbing earned you a grimace and a groan from him. "Hey... there you are, pal. That's great." You patted his chest. There was a sound of tearing fabric as you sacrificed a piece of your shirt to make a rag. Being in saltwater for however long definitely helped keep the wounds clean but the sand from the beach and the dirt that you may or may not have dragged him through were not exactly infection prevention. It didn't take long to clean away the dried blood and grime. Actually, it seemed like he was in better shape than you initially thought, just the two main injuries and a series of random scrapes and bruises. He probably did lose a good bit of blood though, hence his current state. 
You hummed to yourself, pleased with the progress. It was strange. This feeling of giddiness. Certainly, it was because of this shake-up in your miserable island life, but it was an unfamiliar feeling nonetheless. Honestly, you didn't remember the last time you felt even a sliver of hope. How sad. It was a bit preemptive to get excited about anything. What if no one was coming for him? What if they were but they didn't want to help you? What if he died? What if he lived and murdered her? He can fucking try. That made you laugh a little. But you supposed that was really what hope was about in the first place, the potential that something good could happen. At the very least, you could be stuck here together. Maybe he was friendly. He's sure not bad to look at.
With your good eye, you appraised your work. Unfortunately, you didn't have any supplies to properly stitch Blondie up and the rag tied around his wound would have to work until you could make a trip to snag your kit. "Fantastic news, Mini. My memory has been refreshed in the dicknballs department," you mumbled, draping a leaf over him to protect his dignity. "Can you watch him for a minute while I get my things?" You looked expectantly towards a mound of brush. "Come on. Stop ignoring me. I know you're there." Sighing, "Look, I will share my peaches with you. I'm sorry I ate your melon." You stood up to leave. Mini was fairly reliable, except when you made her mad. She would probably still do what you asked this time since she was most likely just as curious about the island's newest inhabitant. His clothes will probably be dry once I get him patched up too. 
It took a little too long for you to notice that the birds had gotten quiet. You were already at a disadvantage, having only one eye, and you could never use observation haki, not to mention you had been fairly pre-occupied. There was a pressure against your throat that dragged you backwards. Your hands reflexively tried to pry the...the goggles? away from your neck. What the fuck? 
The words deafened you. At the same time, the wind was knocked out of you and your feet were no longer touching the ground. Wood scratched the back of your legs. The tightness around your neck increased. Your vision probably would have been doubled for a second if it was physically possible. A few seconds went by before you realized your situation. An ogre held you by the neck against a tree. 
"If I was deaf, how would I hear you a second time?" You rasped. You may not be used to being happy or giddy, but fighting and being a total asshole was second nature. "I'm- not- a killer." It was the truth in this instance only. It was a mistake to only have one hand on you. He probably didn't expect it. The balls were everyone's disarming go-to. You kicked him as hard as you could straight in the throat. He held you high enough that it was an easy target. Instantly, you hit the floor and assumed a fighting position, removing the goggles around your neck so he couldn't get you however he got you in the first place. 
He was on his hands and knees coughing. Not an ogre, but a sopping wet beast. He must have washed up in a separate place and moved before I got around to it. For the first time, you took in the man before you. You'd seen hundreds of wanted posters. "Oh, what the fuck? You're Eustass 'Captain' Kid." Which means... "Killer"... Blondie is Massacre Soldier Killer. 
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sosarie · 24 days
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⳽atᴜrᥒ r͟e͟t͟u͟r͟n͟s͟ : s/o vent again
okay so i know my significant other LOVES this drink in japan where it’s melon soda and there’s ice cream in it, i for one- hate ice cream and soda because ew?? but he loves it and every second i think about it, just to see his pretty smile i’d try it just for him.
i don’t know why i’m up to post this random thought i had but i’m really starting to feel a little suffocated with how much i’m thinking about the little things, even going to the store ill look at shampoo and think about shampooing his hair or like his favorite snacks, at this point clearly anything will make me think of this boy and it’s driving me insane.
it just makes me think of how different we are, he’s no picky, i am very picky. he wears street wear clothes and i wear preppy clothing, he raps, i sing. the list can obviously go on but it’s the similarities that are adorable like we both have the favorite drinks and i could literally go on forever about him. i don’t think yall understand, i don’t even understand but yeah.. i just needed to get this feeling out because it’s suffocating but it’s also nice to know i can feel this way about someone yk? it’s bittersweet.
i’m up @ 3AM, i cannot make this up, this boy is on my mind all day.
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sageistrii · 1 month
But do you think that because of jk's songs like seven, snty and 3D which were like gp friendly jk's popularity in sk might have increased? See i know that the sk industry or gp does challenges that fit the tiktok kinda vibes and even jisoo's flower was done by many many ppl (it actually reached my country too where i didn't just see the kpop fans doing the trend but even some celebs who never does anything related kpop doing the challenge or using the song) and jk's all these three songs were are actually pretty popular in sk. alot of idols has mentioned him as their fav/role model and even has recommended other songs from his album too. isn't it like being popular and having strong fb a different case? So do you think jk is more popular?? I'm just talking about it based on how much ppl i have seen doing his challenge/mention his songs/mention him as their fav etc. If there's other criteria through which this get's calculated then I'm not well aware. I actually saw someone asking this question so i was wondering too.
Seven did well in SK because it did well all over the world. 3d and snty not so much, like crazy did better than both those songs in all major aspects. If a song's acclaim and chart placement lies on how many people joined it's challenges, then I luv it by Kamila cabello would be number 1 on the hot 100 right now. Some people just join these challenges for fun, doesn't mean they're listening to the song. Like we can all see the chart placements of both songs
Also this man has been everywhere since 2022, Hybe made sure of that and you're surprised he's being name dropped by every kpop idol. That's literally how idols move, they name drop songs or artists that are trending at that particular moment. If this year some other soloist that isn't jk gets the same coverage and success that jk got in 2023, they're going to ignore him and talk about that person. You think none of those idols listen to other BTS members especially jimin? Or have y'all deluded yourself into thinking jk's album was the only one these idols listened to and liked? I guarantee you that they're also tons of idols who listen to rapline and love their music.
But they're going to mention the one member that was being shoved down their throat because that's how they also get publicity for themselves. And it's one reason why unlike some pjms I will never hype these random name droppings from idols because I know how it goes. Next year they're going to focus on the next trending idol or group and not even acknowledge your fave. It's like how idols jump on TikTok trends, it's not because they like the song or the singer, it's for visibility.
Let me use le sserafim as an example (no shade to them), during their promotions last year they danced to flowers by Miley because it was popular when they probably don't even listen to it but what they got in return was publicity because Miley posted them on her Instagram. They mentioned Taylor repeatedly during the time when her name was all over the media for the release of her re-recordings, they've name-dropped Beyonce in a song they teased in Coachella which makes sense because she's been the most talked about person on social media this year and has one of the most popular songs of the year so far, now they've also been linked to Sabrina carpenter in Light of her new found chart success. That's how the industry works. Name dropping or joining challenges doesn't necessarily mean they're listening because those idols could drop their 2023 Spotify wrapped, and you probably wouldn't find any Jungkook song.
Jimin has spent a long time at the top of Spotify Korea and like crazy got almost 200k unique listeners on melon, just a 100k+ below seven, you think none of those listens came from idols? But why would they name drop him after all the shit that happened with his debut and also when bang and scooter made sure all jk's achievements stifled his?
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g1rltalk · 5 months
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Like a Girl is the seventh mini album of the fictional South Korean girl group, GIRL TALK, released on November 16, 2023, through Delphi Entertainment and XG Labels. It’s available digitally and physically and has seven tracks with “Get It” being its title track. There are three versions of the album; “Get”, “Kill”, and “Hit”. GIRL TALK promoted “Get It” and “Nobody Knows” for six weeks.
“Get It” received nine music show wins. The music video received 70.4 million streams and 5.3 million likes in 24 hours. They posted daily content videos of “Sleep-Over with GIRL TALK” on their YouTube channel, held several online and in-person fansigns, as well as appearing on multiple variety shows. They also released the “Kill It” and “Hit It” dance practice versions. As usual, their girl crush and mature concepts always go viral, and this time, it was no exception.
Two weeks after Like a Girl was released, Delphi Entertainment announced GIRL TALK’s documentary film; The Girls Talk. Produced by Jordan Hwang, The Girls Talk is a documentary film that emphasizes each members’ individuality and struggles. According to Hwang, the girls “get real”. The Girls Talk was released on November 30, 2023, in select theaters worldwide. Due to popular demand it re-entered theaters in select countries on December 20 and 21 2023. The film is to be released on YouTube Premium on February 24, 2023.
Get It title track
Nobody Knows promoted bside
Eyes Roll
Love Me Like This
ICU (쉬어가도 돼)
THREE VERSIONS ( GET, HIT, KILL ) … EACH 1 disc + 1 photobook (112 photos) + 1 random photocard out of 5 types + 1 out of 5 mini solo posters + 1 out of 2 large group posters + 1 lyric book (16 pages) + 2 sets of stickers sheet + 1 random bookmark out of 5 with a member’s kiss stain on it
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LEFT Get It RIGHT Nobody Knows
The comeback was announced on October 20th, giving fans and the public a few weeks to prepare. After it was announced, Yuuri went live with the title “AND THE GIRLS ARE BACK!” where she would spoil Nobody Knows, giving fans the first taste of their newest album. Soojin came in a moment after and took her phone away like she was a child, ending the live with a swift but sweet goodbye.
Now that fans knew that the album would involve a mature concept, boy, were they excited. Of course, they love all concepts by the girls but there’s always something about their mature concepts. Of course, non fans were excited, too.
Minji helped write Get It with Cho Yoonkyung, Holly helped Yoonkyung with Nobody Knows. Minji completely wrote ICU and all the girls wrote 21:29.
The music video would get 70.4 million streams and 5.3 million likes within 24 hours. Therefore beating their previous record of 79.8 million with Devil.
Get It debuted high on the charts, #1 on Bugs, #5 on MelOn, #7 on Genie, and #50 on Flo. It was #19 on Billboard 200. Nobody Knows also debuted #4 on Bugs, #6 on MelOn, and #90 on Flo. The girls tweeted a ten second video of them just screaming. No talking, no pausing, just screaming and then it ends. They followed up with another video, thanking the fans and everyone who listened to them.
Minji said ICU was to a close friend of hers, letting them know she’s always there for them, even oceans apart. She didn’t say which friend, but from the girls’ reactions, it’s safe to assume it’s about someone else.
The girls wrote 21:29 for the fans, one of the many. It was a tearjerker, Holly tears up when they first performed it live at an in person fansign.
Get It and Nobody Knows were promoted for six weeks from November 17th to December 17. Their first out of nine win for Get It was two days later on Inkigayo. They had two additional wins for Nobody Knows— which one of them they won against Get It.
As usual, the girls were active on social media. They especially posted a lot on TikTok, posting videos nearly every day and when they skipped one, Blossoms jokingly wondered if the girls were kidnapped or dead. They replied to fans on social media and had one or two lives each week.
They went on variety shows such as Knowing Bros and Minji and Mei guest starred in Running Man. Yuri joked on Knowing Bros that she wished We Got Married was still airing, she wanted to be on it. You can imagine netizens’ reactions. They also went on Jimmy Kimmel and performed.
Throughout the era, they released all three versions of Get It’s dance practices. They also released their MMA and GDA performance dance practices. On December 25, they released a special dance practice video where they wore similar outfits to the Mean Girls’ Santa dresses. Soojin and Mei got the cutest outfits and solo stans were pissed.
Most of the girls stayed their natural dark hair color, while Yuri was blonde and Minji dyed her hair blonde halfway through the era, saying that the blonde hair in her photocard was a wig.
Oh, this was Minji and Holly’s eras. They just shined really brightly in this one, going viral almost every other day for a fancam or something they did or said.
People gave Minji such backhanded compliments for her lyrics and voice while somehow degrading her to a ‘dumb blonde’. Holly went viral for her Nobody Knows fancam, people stating it was her choreo like she just does it like it was made for her.
As usual, Yuuri went viral for all the wrong things. People took her words a bit too seriously like her We Got Married comment, and her saying their comeback was the best comeback the entire year. Stupid things like that.
Antis didn’t have one thing to complain about Mei this era for, but you know— they still did.
It’s not a GIRL TALK comeback if there’s not at least one dating rumor. This era’s victim was Soojin, what a surprise.
All of the girls went viral for Nobody Knows, multiple fancams of theirs for the song had more than two million views. This brought more attention to them, both bad and good.
Some people thought it was somehow too raunchy …? As Holly said, “They don’t like people showing their ass, I guess.”
Twitter was in hell for Blossoms. Like it was a constant war every day. They had to defend the girls from so many other fandoms, who called them sluts or untalented, etc. You know the works.
They attended Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York and all stops of the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball tour, meeting a few celebrities such as Sabrina Carpenter, Olivis Rodrigo, Doechii, Melanie Martinez, SZA, and more.
GIRL TALK went to AAA, MMA, SMA, GDA, and CCMA. They went home with at least one award every show.
They released their documentary film The Girls Talk on November 30 in select theaters. The girls shed light on past incidents, reminisce together, and even visit their families in the film as a way to go back to their roots after finding stardom. It will be released on YouTube Premium on February 24, 2024.
On midnight January 1st, the girls dropped a music video for 21:29, a thank you gift to them, concluding the Get It era.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
let’s talk about the “surge” of xz & wyb related hot searches…. and what they are both doing about it.
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It’s usual for both of them to go on on hs as individuals even for the most random thing. what’s interesting is them being on one together, as in xz & wyb, considering it’s been some time since they have been on the same stage and the animosity between their so/o fans.
Turtles have been talking about the recent searches that link them being more frequent than before — starting from that infamous same phone case topic to last 5/28 with two ( or three ) hot searches tying them up like it’s 2019 :
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even the the recent “same style” maison kitsune top made it there:
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This is not the norm, having it on consecutive days is surprising. Having a topic on HS can either be paid ( promotion ) or something organic and all of theirs fall on the latter. because honestly, from both their sides, there is so much more to lose ( fan wars ) than gain from being associated with each other. They also have nothing to “promote” so that takes it out of the equation. The HS are mostly good-natured and if you read it, looks harmless, but I don’t think that means it won’t lead to something negative ( like the phone case ). They had a recent HS together too cause their passport was leaked so there’s that too.
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this brings up a conversation on a couple of things:
1. Is this good or bad? We honestly can’t tell. It is definitely nice to see their names together like that for cpfs but it should mostly be about “safe” topics.
2. They are not “banned” from being together as some people are saying. You know what I mean, there are those who say it’s not allowed for their names to be associated because of 2/2/7. That’s not true. It never was. They continue to be tied to each other and mentioned together whether certain groups like it or not.
3. The melon / entertainment accounts who pick up the tags and increase views & interactions for topics to make it on HS. This one is a wildcard. These accounts can’t be trusted no matter how cpf-friendly they are. We don’t know their true motives for picking things up and it’s creepy how they get photos from cpf accounts — like for the same phone case & maison kitsune. It’s not hard to search something up about them, the bjyx supertopic is so active that you can easily pick up the latest news about them. I think they should be more careful and bring back the watermarks marking “fake” or something like that. I know that won’t stop them from replicating but it’s a start. I just don’t want a good natured cpn turned into something bad for them.
4. Even last night, there were these ones, the (p1) is cpn friendly and all that but even turtles were trying to cover it up. (p2) started as an edit of their characters but made into a tag about their acting skills — which we know will lead to fan wars. Why does it have to be compared right? One is a drama airing now. One is a film that just finished it’s run. So what’s the purpose? Other than try and invite their fans to fight why one is better. I think that’s also why turtles were trying to denounce the first tag because there is a sense that these recent associations are becoming shady.
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5. So what do they do about it? I wanna say nothing drastic really but turtles have noticed that it depends on the topic. I say this all the time but for celebrities like them — they have staff who keep an eye out on what’s being said about them online. Not necessarily HS, because there’s this thing about WYB and people are saying he doesn’t pay to have negative HS be taken down. Way to go. Honestly. Sina weibo can go f*** themselves. If it’s defamatory, YH can always sue.
If you read comments on YH’s post, even YBO sometimes, the replies of fans are not exactly nice. A number of them are complaining that there are a lot of “black” hot searches about WYB and they are not doing anything. I think in this case doing “nothing” is the best. It can’t be helped. They can’t spend their money every time this happens. It’s in WYB’s character really — Wugan. It’s all noise. What matters is the work he puts out and he won’t be disheartened by black hot searches.
Same goes for XZ, who doesn’t take things down mostly and clarifies through that 🦐 fan account as needed. It’s like saying, this is not enough for me to spend money on. It’s not important and I don’t care.
Going back to their associated HS, turtles have observed the trend for some of those searches….
Let’s take the acting skills HS ( Xiao Chunsheng vs Ye Mi ) as an example. It was pulled out quickly. It is said that the hot search was withdrawn before 9 o'clock, and they should have withdrawn it. They were unwilling to have this kind of HS stay up too long. The same style of phone case, fans singing Wuji by the sea, and the same style of shirts were not gone so fast.
If you look at this table ( column 2 ) shows how long it lasted on the HS ranking. Acting skills was not even an hour. The topic comparing their “salute” ( Ace Troops vs Born to Fly ) was 1 hour and 11 minutes the rest you can see for yourself. The HS updates every minute and even then, knowing how large their fanbase is, even cpf related won’t go down and disappear that quickly. leading people to believe it was paid to be taken down.
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The CPN speculation is, it’s okay for them to be associated with each other on HS. As long as it doesn’t pit them against e/o. The two examples I mentioned show what. You can say that this is preemptive, trying to stop a potential fan war but why this quick? In that short time — it’s not even enough for the fans to band in and quarrel. It’s like they have a condition of what topic to put out quickly when it comes to them. If they are “rivals” and loathe e/o as some people claim, then why not let that hang in there? Why do they make an effort to still keep their association neutral to somewhat positive?
Anyway, no matter what this all means, the mantra will always be bjyxszd. ����🏼😂
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Super random question: from one of your fics, what was that species of melon that Matt was trying to grow when he was staying with Arthur in England? What is its significance to Matt?
Trigger warning for pretty bad emotional neglect of a child, non graphic illness and some shockingly nice headcanons.
And ah, the Montreal melon. It's a type of muskmelon or honey dew or honey rock from Canada around the Montreal reason and it's a bit peppery! Like a sweet slightly tart nutmeg flavour. It's one of those few things that Matt just... really associates with one of the somewhat rare fucks given about him lol.
It's supposedly from the 19th century but there are images of it or something very similar going back quite a bit earlier. That headcanon post thing was in early spring in the late 18th or very very early 19th century. Matt's under Arthur's roof because the economy sucks ass after the American revolution so it's not worth the money to really do anything with him. Arthur's vaguely hoping Francis will buy him back lol. So no one much pays him much mind, he's more or less left to his own devices so he tries to keep himself entertained and productive and out from underfoot. Wars with France are going full tilt again so no one wants to socialize with the French welp.
He does his work, doesn't complain, cries outside if he's sad or homesick or lonely so he doesn't get on anyone's nerves. He eventually rescues the cat from the dairy yard that Arthur lets him keep but it's in one of these episodes of loneliness one of the gardeners asks him if there's anything he'd like to put in the garden that year and Matt asks for the nutmeg melon. The gardener doesn't want to risk square footage on something he hasn't tested so he says if Matt can grow it somewhere and prove it'll do all right, he'll put it in the garden. So for a year or two, at the very end of winter he's always out in the mud beyond the back garden where he won't get yelled at trying and failing to start up his melons. They keep dying and he's sad lol. They need a green house but he's not really allowed in there with his stupid little experiment.
But they're dead, he flops over ill with the economy in the gutter and gives up. In a whim while on a walk, Arthur follows the cat outside one day into the parkland beyond the gardens, finds Matt's little failed attempt and, pulls up some not entirely mud rotted melon vines and hands it over to the greenhouse. He vaguely recognizes it as one of Matthew's silly attempts to grow something in the windowsill and well he's been even mopier than usual so maybe if it lives he'll stop being so bloody depressing. Matt's kind of stopped doing anything except his work, sluggishly dragging himself to get the eggs and feed the chickens and other poultry.
He kind of just falls over in a feverish heap one day, one of the staff puts him to bed and they're kind of at a loss "who's even in charge of this one?" The uncle who's expressed half a fuck is overseas, Admiral Kirkland hasn't so much as mentioned the boy. He's just kind of there? But someone finds Rhys down in the valleys with the sheep so he marches back up to the house, doesn't even take his wellies off, and tells Arthur off because he is in charge of the lad and it's not as if Francis is going to take him back in the middle of another war for Christ's sake.
So Arthur tells the household to go feed the lad something decent and checks in on him. He's not too poorly off just sad, weak and a bit miserable but Arthur sits down to chat a bit, make sure he's not about to have to clean up a death and Matt just kind of leans over and kind of wants to be held. Arthur's not really... there yet with him so he just awkwardly, if gently scolds him to get back under the covers, he's getting too old for this kind of nonsense anyway. Matt apologizes, rolls back over and curls back up. Arthur gives him an awkward pat and grimaces about the show of what for Arthur at the turn of the 19th century is practically hysteria. Good lord, that was awkward and undignified. Matt just kind of unravels. Nothing matters, much less him. Not a serotonin in this kids body. He misses Alfred like mad, he hasn't had a letter from his uncle in a year. He feels like shit so he just kind of starts shutting down. Fever spikes, he doesn't start hallucinating but he's confused and crying a lot and no one really wants to do much about it so again someone tells Arthur about it and he kind of sighs "very well, easier than paying off witnesses to a resurrection." Hauls him over to the actual family side of the house, and tries to get his temperature down and indulges the incessant need for human contact the boy wants. And lord, it's annoying how much Arthur enjoys parenting but much resistance he puts against having another child but even his anglo ass is kind of touched by how much Matt enjoys his father's company. He's yours you dumb ass!!!! Love him a little and he'll do whatever you want for centuries!!! Long before antibiotics or even real painkillers all Arthur can really do is ply him with Willow bark tea and keep him company and that makes most of the difference. Like oh, surprise, some basic affection gives him the will to live. Who'd've fucking thought? When he's feeling a bit better, Arthur starts stashing him in the library near his desk piled up with blankets by the fire and Matt is more interesting than he's ever been. He sleeps and reads mostly but occasionally asks questions and perks up. Takes a bit, pre modern medicine but he hops too it just in time for spring and oh, well look at those melons coming from hot houses now. They'll have to plant a few rows! Cue getting barrelled into and squeezed and having one whole feeling about making Matthew happy.
So voila, melons are love.
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
fritz finally gets to try his jacket on :>
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Originally, curly antennae meant that Comet was flustered, but i... always draw curly antennae, out of habit. So instead they coil up!
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also fritz would try to eat comet's face at least once now that his jaws have been given the size and flexibility to open that wide.
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Random thing I keep forgetting about Fritz? His eyes are just little rectangles underneath the glasses that i constantly forget to make explicit that they're glasses.
Despite being in someone else's body, they're reminiscent of the eyes he used to have before the unsuccessful attempt at bringing back Yasmin (context in pics)
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Despite having Lucas' soul, he has no memories of being Lucas, nor any memories before he was "resurrected."
But because of his new memories and new life, he acts nothing like Lucas. He's someone else now.
(quite a literal approach to the trans experience of "being in the wrong body," huh.)
(unrelated but also, he DIY'd his top surgery and made a homemade, custom guillotine to chop those melons right off. He almost died.)
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Bonus: very shitty and indecipherable sketches of Comet's "new" vocal organs, a weird bundle of flesh pipes. I've put a lot of thought into how he'd sound, not much thought into how he'd make that sound. Even though once I made this post I realized a 4-sectioned syrinx does accomplish the deed of singing 4 notes at once just fine, So I accomplished.... like... nothing, doing this.
Though, I really need to figure out an organ for Bass. I always imagined he'd have a Whole Different Thing for that, but I never drew it. That and percussion, though I imagined his molars might be made a certain way so it'd make a noise when he snapped his jaws at something but. I'm not sure how. I know he has a speaker built in but he's a MUSIC man. I feel like it would be cool if he was able to make music off of pure Body Weirdness
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fritz dance
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earthnashes · 10 months
Just wanted to say that I love your artwork. It's very expressive, very colorful and very unique. My favorite things you post are the Mario stuff (especially yoshi having "melon" as a name) keep up the good work and continue doing what makes you happy :3
I appreciate it, thank you! :)
As a lil funfact, "Melon" and "Yoshi" are not the same yoshisaur! Melon is the parent of Yoshi (hence the different markings and colorings), and you'll eventually see a little more about that when I finally make the time to draw/talk more about it. ;w;
Speaking of, and this is mostly just me speaking out loud, but I think I'm gonna be switching strategies with how I handle the artwork and story of my headcanons and AUs.
I was initially attempting something more story-heavy and chronological, but I'm not really in the position to do that right now, so what I might do just to increase my art output is draw small instances and random stuff that happens in the AU. Still story driven and there will be a chronological timeline, but at least this way I'm hopefully not nearly as pressured to get something super serious or anything of that nature out every time I draw them ;w;
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fortnightthere · 1 year
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hi!! i’ve reached 1k followers like three months ago and i’m so so grateful that 1,000 people want to stick around and don’t mind seeing the gifsets i frantically make in the middle of the night, or me venting about the most random things happening in my life on your dashes. so as a way to thank you all for being here, i’d like to make a fun little (very random) ask game for everybody to participate in <333
also special thanks to melone (@ketterdam-snack-bar ) bc when i saw your post i remembered that i need to get this done 😭
🧚‍♂️: send me your mbti, enneagram (wing and tritype if you’d like), 4temps, and/or big 5 personality types and i’ll make you a taylor gifset!
🌙: i shuffle my tarot cards and give you one, along with its meaning
🎸: (for moots only) i tell you what song i associate with you!
tagging some moots under the cut, i’m sorry if i missed anyone just know i appreciate and i love every single one of you <333
@rorybangs @howls-movingcastles @nothingsnews @stood-onthecliffside @thehoax @kimberly-wexler @daenerys-targaryen @gracieabramss @thisdevotion @1989tv @sadgirlautumn @iwishyouwouid @maryoliveoil @cupidfiftyfifty @dead-endsstreet @tayloralison @bougainvilea @missegyptiana @tisthedamnseasns @theneverendingsong @thingsiwishyousaid @cruel-style @fitsinthepalm @hightowres @spendforevers @actual-sleeping-beauty @speaknowworldtour @anervousmirrorball @alwaysleadstoyou @holysickdivinenights @dumdum0515 @bejeweledlive @lookingforclovers @vdunns @saturnsuv
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