thenorthsource · 2 years
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Catelyn Stark / Donella Hornwood / Jyana Reed / Barbrey Dustin / Bethany Bolton / Lyessa Flint / Sybelle Glover / Maege Mormont
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Ashara Dayne in her swamp queen glory goes out to all the AD=JR truthers for a twitter commission
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hell-heron · 2 months
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Some girls from my latest asoiaf experimental universes, Jyana Snow and Ravella, Sabitha and Rhea Baratheon
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patrocles · 8 months
Top 5 favorite asoiaf theories?
okay so i had to consult the theory ice berg bc i forgot all of them.
1. Jeyne Westerling escaped with the Blackfish. Idk what anyone says I’m always going root for the survival of a teen girl. Plus I think there’s absolute comedy in the Blackfish adopting his grand-nephew’s teenage wife and hitting the road to get her to Greywater Watch.
2. Euron warged the dusky woman to have sex with/spy on Victarion. What else can I say except that Euron is absolutely perverted enough to do that
3. Ashara Dayne = Jyana Reed. There’s no disproving it, really, and I think the most desirable and beautiful woman in the world finding happiness in a quiet swamp with short king Howland Reed to heal after the Events of Everything is what she deserves.
4. Alyssa Targaryen is Alaric Stark’s daughter with Alysanne. Iffc, she was born right after Alysanne got back from the North. It doesnt really do anything for the plot except to poke another hole in Jaehaerys’ Pure Blood Exceptionalism
5. Renly Baratheon is Robert’s first bastard son. This is (unofficially) why he was left Storm’s End over Stannis and why Robert was sent to the Eyrie. Again, I dont think it changes/adds anything to the story, but I think it would be very interesting/ironic if Renly’s campaign for kingship did have more technical legitimacy than Stannis and neither of them realized
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amber-laughs · 2 months
hi !! I hope you're having a good day/night!
how about 5 and 18?
5. A dead female character you need to save
does Ashara count if she’s canonically dead but i don’t believe her to be? i just recently learned that reddit hates the Jyana Reed = Ashara Dayne theory but it just makes so much sense to me i forget not everybody is on bored. i mean people saw Ashara coming out of Ned’s tent in the morning but we the audience know he was sharing a tent with Howland that night and for some reason Howland’s kids know everyone Ashara danced with 16 years later. and “nerdy boy gets the most beautiful girl at the prom” is just something i can see grrm doing. but anywayyy I just think she’s a classic case of haunting the narrative while still having so much information that could be not only useful to the plot but so interesting. she’s one of the few female characters who lived at court with Aerys, she was a lady in waiting and presumably a friend to Elia so she could give us insight to her and Rhaegar’s marriage and what Elia knew. I do think there’s more to her relationship with Ned, not specifically romantic but my guess is she knew Arthur Dayne’s location, therefore Lyanna’s and passed the information to Ned and Howland which is how Ned found her. she’s just so fun to theorize about I hope she makes a living appearance
18. A mystery you need solved NOW
There's this one. but another one i need is how Ned and Howland completely took down the Tower of Joy. i always assumed it was Howland's magic crocodile powers but Ned specifically says he did it
Ned had pulled the tower down afterward, and used its bloody stones to build eight cairns upon the ridge. A Game of Thrones - Eddard X
so what's up? was Ned just hurling baby Jon at the stone until it cracked? Jon's first chore i guess. and also why? i know he said he was making markers for the dead but he needed an entire tower worth of stone to do it? no i definitely think there's something more there. a reason why Ned didn't want anyone to ever go back to there
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visenyaism · 1 year
Visenyaism ASOIAF Theory Rubric Table of Contents
I have done so many of these over the course of this semester that I think it makes sense to start organizing them now. Here's my list under the cut. I tried to put them in little subcategories so it'd be easier to get through at this point:
Weird Magic Shit:
Arrax left dragon eggs in the Winterfell Crypts
Maegor the Cruel was a blood magic baby
Euron dropped out of Bloodraven school
Bran serves the Great Other
The Starks are responsible for the Others
Danny Flint is Coldhands (REAL)
Theon is favored by the Drowned God
Secret Parentages (Rhaegar Targaryen you ARE the father)
Melisandre is Shiera & Bloodraven's kid
Robert Strong isn't Gregor Clegane but rather a descendant of Aemond and Alys Rivers
Pycelle Hill
Tywin is Rhaegar's biological father
Alyssa Targaryen was Alaric Stark's kid
Cersei and Jaime are Aerys II's children
Domeric Bolton was Brandon Stark's Bastard
Daemon is Aemond's real father
Aemond and Alys’ son invented House Whent
Brienne the Tall
Varys Blackfyre
Who Young Griff is Specifically:
Young Griff is a Brightflame
Young Griff is a random
Disguise Time
Quaithe is Shiera
Euron is warging the dusky woman
Assorted Political Conspiracies:
Red Wedding 2.0
Walda Frey's letters are code re: the red wedding
Oberyn poisoned Tywin
Mance Rayder wrote the Pink Letter
Barbery Dustin wrote the Pink Letter
Grand Maester Conspiracy
Galaza Galare is the Harpy
Predicting the Future:
Loras is alive
The Cannibal is alive and on Skagos
Jon will lose an eye
Jaime Lannister is the Valonqar
Jaime YMBQ
Horsie symbolism
Hound warged his horse to avoid dying
Silly Goofy Funtimes:
Jon has no secret Targaryen name but Lyanna gave him a secret Stark name before she died which happens to be theon (this one is mine)
Varys is a merman
Varys is 3 kids in a trenchcoat
Ghost is a good boy :)
Tyrek Lannister was/is a horse
Hater Corner
Exodus Theory
The prestonjacobs one about dany lying about the red door
Euron is time-travelling Bran
Ramsay's mother poisoned Domeric Bolton
Viserys II was a random
Time-travelling fetus tyrion
Meera and Jon are twins and Jyana Reed is Ashara Dayne
Ser Shadrich is Howland Reed
Dunk is Tywin’s grandfather
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jaimebrienneonline · 1 year
Fun with Fics
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
(I got this twice in my inbox, so here goes.)
1. The Wine Is Not Enough
Sam leaned forward and offered Dany some unsolicited wisdom, “Never, ever wear open-toed sandals in a Port-o-Walder.”
2. The Seduction
Jaime lunged forward and pressed his mouth to hers in a sloppy, wet kiss. He pulled back and began kicking off his shoes. "Fine. See. You've won. I yield. You can have your way with me."
3. Vows
He shifted on the bed to lean back against the pillows, angling himself to her. “I left you unprotected in the North. Did that Wildling try to steal you? Did you let him?” His eyes glittered with something she didn’t understand. “Is that why you’re trying to refuse me?”
“No one stole me. Why would anyone even try? I’m not a possession to be stolen,” she huffed.
4. Age Gap
“Seriously though, Tyrion, what’s the point in having a sexy young girlfriend if I can’t have her hold up restaurant menus to prove I can read them from a distance?”
5. The Right Time
He rose from his seat and turned around, facing the bear-like man. With a deliberate swipe of his stump, he knocked the unopened cup to the floor before leaning his perfect muscular backside against the edge of her desk. His voice was like shards of ice as he spoke to the investigator. “Brienne already has plans for lunch. With me.” He then stood straight and took a step closer to the other man. “She has plans today. Tomorrow. Every lunch. Every day. Every dinner, too.”
6. Life's Sweetest Reward
Brienne shoveled a bite of eggs in her mouth and swallowed before answering. “Shuffleboard tournament.” After watching the other couples at parasailing yesterday, she thought she and Jaime were probably the most athletic ‘couple’ on board. “If Jaime manages to get up in time, we’ll likely win.”
Howland drew back from her and his previous affable expression turned into something much harder. Jyana touched his hand, a look of alarm on her face.
“Jya and I have been on ninety-seven cruises. We compete in the shuffleboard tournament every single time.” He leaned in then, his voice dark and low, “And we always win.”
7. The Kingslayer's Speech
No matter how she argued that the first kiss had been an accident, (did you trip and fall into my lips, wench?), he had insisted that he was entitled to a kiss with every goodbye now. It was his due, he said. Just to shut him up, she’d smacked her lips against his and sent him on his way.
8. The Singular Discomfort of Jaime Lannister
He hadn’t thought it possible to be this hard and not explode. “Are you,” he paused, needing to catch his breath, “are you asking me to tell you about the hot, dirty things I want to do to you?”
9. Everyone Has a Price
Aunt Myranda (wife of Stafford, mother of Daven, Cerenna and Myrielle), passed around tequila shots while discussing the benefits of erectile dysfunction medication, but the drawbacks of four-hour erections.
10. Words in the Dark Night
“Or I could warm it on your teats, what little you have, wench. Or perhaps under the sweet curve of your ass.”
Sam watched as the Maid’s gloved hand gripped the hilt of Oathkeeper. He wondered if Ser Jaime planned to die tonight.
Okay..this was a lot of fun. Thank you. I haven't double checked all the links, but you can find all my fics by just clicking one and then my user name. I can't always connect writers to tumblrs, so I'm going with the first few I remember. @ddagent @writergirl2011 @seaspiritwrites @glamaphonic @isolacaramella @quizzicalquinnia @ladym-rules @wackygoofball @wildlingoftarth @bussdowntarthiana
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isefyres-archive · 8 months
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𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖉:
Lady Johanna Lannister. née Westerling, was the Lady of Casterly Rock through her marriage to Lord Jason Lannister. During the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons, Lady Johanna's husband, Lord Jason Lannister, and his twin brother, Ser Tyland, supported the greens. After Jason's death, Johanna ruled the Rock as a regent for their young son, Lord Loreon Lannister. During this time, she fought the ironborn who tried to take Casterly Rock. Dance Era. Canon.
Lady Tyshara Lannister. was a member of House Lannister during the reign of King Aegon III Targaryen and in her youth she saw the dance of dragons. After the death of Queen Jaehaera Targaryen in 133 AC, Lady Johanna set aside her war with the ironmen long enough to write the Hand that her daughters Cerelle and Tyshara were maidens of noble birth and marriageable age. Tysharar remain her brother's Loreon's favorite sister. Dance Era, Canon.
Jon Connington, also known as Griff, was the Lord of Griffin's Roost, the head of House Connington, towards the end of the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen. He served for a short time as Hand of the King to Aerys during Robert's Rebellion. It is implied that Jon was in love with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Jon travels to Westeros with Young Griff, believed to the Aegon, the son of his lost friend and rightful heir to the throne, he took control of his family's castle, keeping his relatives hostages. Canon. Song Era.
Ser Roland Storm. is the bastard son of Ser Ronnet Connington, the Knight of Griffin's Roost. He is most likely named for his grandfather, Ronald Connington. He resides in Griffin's Roost. Ronald is made a captive when Griffin's Roost is taken by Jon Connington and the Golden Company. When Jon orders that Ronald and the other young Conningtons be confined under guard, Ronald tries to bite the spearman closest to him. When Ronald tells Jon that his father will kill him, Jon sends the children back to their cells. Canon. Song Era.
Lady Laenyra Longwaters. Firstborn daughter of Rennifer Longwaters, a bastard house originated from House Valeryon, Laenyra is in charge of making sure the boats and ships are up to standards when making sail and all merchandise is intact. She also, for hte right price, smuggles people in and out of King's Landing. OC. Song Era.
Kira Kingsblood. Gerrick Kingsblood is a raider from the free folk and the founder of House Redbeard. He has a son and three daughters. Kira is the oldest of the daughters, and kissed by fire. Selyse arranges the betrothal of Gerrick's eldest daughter to Ser Axell Florent, her Hand and uncle. Kira considers him old and weak for a man and is often voicing her disagreement with the choice of husband. Semi-Canon, Song Era.
Sariah. Working in Mereen as an exotic dancer at the request of Hizdahr zo Loraq to entertain Queen Daenerys and his own pleasures when needed to gather the illusion. Freed from her work, she works in her skills as seamstress and often makes the Queen her new wardrobe in thankful for her liberation. Not remembering her home, although she believes it to be Asshai, Sariah remains to the queen's side. OC. Song Era.
Carexya Bloodstone. First stablished house of the Stepstones island where Daemon Targaryen had his seat when he proclaimed himself King of the Stepstones. During his stay there, he bastared a son and from him, the bloodline that stablished the house. Carexya is the last of the descendants and has a desire to reclaim Bloodstone as an independent kingdom or at least a princedom. She send letters to both Dorne and Mereen for either help, as her mother was a woman from dorne. OC. Song Era.
Lord Howland Reed. is the Lord of Greywater Watch and the head of House Reed, holding dominion over the crannogmen of the Neck. Howland's children with his wife Jyana are Meera and Jojen, and he is a close friend of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. He remains as the last living person to have witnessed the Tower of Joy incident and knows the truth. He had been away at the Maesters Capitol to gather evidence of what transpire to reveal the truth. Canon. Song Era.
Lady Genna Lannister. is a noblewoman of House Lannister wed to Ser Emmon Frey, with whom she has four children: Ser Cleos, Lyonel, Tion, and Walder Frey. enna is the only daughter of the late Lord Tytos Lannister and Lady Jeyne Marbrand, and she is the younger sister of Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock. Genna is the aunt of Queen Cersei Lannister, Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, and Tyrion Lannister, having taken on a maternal role for the siblings after the death of Tywin's wife, Lady Joanna Lannister. Canon. Song Era.
Prince Doran Martell. Prince Doran Nymeros Martell, also known simply as Doran Martell, is the head of House Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and the Lord of Sunspear. Married to Lady Mellario, of the Free City of Norvos, he has three children: Arianne, Quentyn, and Trystane. He's also the elder brother of Elia and Oberyn Martell. In his early fifties, Doran is a cautious, pensive, and subtle man. He is prone to think long on the matters before him, weighing every word and every action. Doran has been focused for years on getting revenge for the murder of his sister, Elia, and her two young children during the Sack of King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion in 283 AC. Canon. Song Era.
Prince Quentyn Martell. Prince Quentyn Nymeros Martell, better known simply as Quentyn Martell, is a knight from House Martell. He is the second child and eldest son of Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, and Lady Mellario of Norvos. He is cautious by nature and filled with doubts, fears, and insecurities. Quentyn does not want to be remembered as a failure, and cannot bear the thought of his father's disappointment, nor does he want friends to die for nothing. After his injuries by the fires of the dragon, Quentyn is in bad shape but survives, having spend weeks being treated, AU. Canon. Song Era.
Prince Raeonor Qoherys . The remainder Qoherys left and fled to Essos, after spending two decades in Volantis, the family settle in Lys and became one of the few ruling houses of the old Valyrian stronghold. Raeonor seeks revenge for the exile of his house and will offer money to anyone that will take it for them to travel back and regain Harrenhal, as he proclaims that the castle was cursed by his family's blood, carrying dragon blood, the blood magic is strong to this day. OC. Song Era.
Princess Meleya Qoherys. A priestess and a practiciener of R'hallor, Meleya believes only she can undue the curse placed on Harrenhal and every family that was taken down. Unlike her brother, she possesses the Valyrian features, except her eyes remain a shade of clear pink red, most say it's due to the magic she uses. Meleya is also known for being a magnificent dancer and often entertains guests by dancing for them. OC. Song Era.
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mneiai · 2 years
(First theory poll is here)
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smallcatsims · 1 year
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So, I’ve started a new historical neighborhood.
More details and info about these sims below the cut. I rambled a LOT.
I’ve been having technical issues with Riverwood Park for probably over a month. Basically it just crashes every time I try to enter the Fischer household, and the occasional times that it loads everything is just drenched in invisible soup.
I’m not giving up on Riverwood Park. This has happened in other neighborhoods once I’ve been playing them for a while, but I don’t intend to stop that series at all. I have posts queued up for several months and I welcome any advice/solutions anyone might have for dealing with that.
However, I’ve been missing historical gameplay with all of this going on, I was chatting with some friends on the Historical Sims server and one of them was making a Victorian save file of Westeros, which made me completely giddy with excitement. I’ve actually read a couple of regency era asoiaf fanfictions so I kind of knew about the idea of a regency au westeros. But I never thought of doing it in the sims until now. 
It’s a huge undertaking and a LOT of building, so it might be a while before I post any gameplay. I’ll probably try and do shorter rotations since we’ll have a lot of families, and I’ll start actual intro rounds once we have a few more families. I just took a few photos of the sims and gave the adults careers and stuff.
So anyway..
We have the Reeds as our first family!!
Howland and Jyana Reed are very mysterious. We can only guess at their appearances through what their kids look like. All we know about Jyana is her name and all we know about Howland is that he helped Ned at the tower of joy and Ned trusts him a lot.
So technically he could have face 18, we don’t really know. Like I was going to avoid giving face 18 to one of the coolest, most mysterious characters who knows important secrets and lives in a freaking moving swamp castle. Which I was not able to create at all. I made them a nice mini-manse made out of logs and the inside is actually pretty nice, though I didn’t get pictures of it.
So, for Howland and Jyana, I just made them knowledge sims. Idk why, it seemed to fit. Jyana rolled the want to join the education career so I made her a senior schoolteacher. It makes sense that a pretty progressive mother who lets her daughter wear pants and learn combat abilities is just minding her business running a small school for the swamp children.
For Howland, I made him a Marquess, since he’s technically the lord of the borderlands of the north, and Ned trusts him and owes him his life. I feel like he doesn’t really like leaving home, but he does go to the court at Winterfell to visit Ned sometimes.
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glorianas · 1 year
what low stakes asoiaf theory do you want to be true?
i really want ashara dayne=jyana reed to be true
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years
Benjen Theory #2: Benjen Felt Guilty
When Meera Reed told Bran the tale of "The Knight of the Laughing Tree", she was surprised that Bran didn't already know it: this wasn't just HER family's history, it was his too. Meera had thought Bran's Uncle Benjen would tell it, if not Lord Ned.
Why wouldn't Benjen tell his nieces and nephews about the Harrenhal Tourney in his visits and ravens? Perhaps, Benjen felt that in sharing ONE family story (and secret), he would unwittingly spill them ALL.
...and so get them (& their parents) killed... just like Brandon, just like Lyanna. in this theory, Benjen's role as Lyanna's 'Sidekick' and 'Playmate' is at the forefront. In this theory, Benjen is additionally Lyanna's 'Confidant'.
Speculations below the cut.
Lyanna, upon finally meeting this "Robert Baratheon" their brother Ned was so keen on getting her hitched to, finds Robert to be a gross version of their Big Brother Brandon but without the brotherly intent. Benjen nods along, annoyed at how loyal Ned is to this noisy Stormlander and how willingly he plays "sidekick" to him (both Lyanna and Benjen may or may not Hold A Grudge about Ned's being sent all the way to the Vale to foster, where he found a "new dad" and a "new brother").
Lyanna and Benjen joke that Robert is more in love with being Ned's brother "properly" than being married to Ned's sister. As Robert gets more over the top, Lyanna darkly tells Benjen that, if Robert's so in love with "his Northern Princess", he should marry Ned instead: Benjen doesn't quite get why Lyanna is suddenly and properly angry (she caught Robert groping women between waxing poetic on her) but plays along because he's a good little brother.
Between dodging Robert Baratheon, Lyanna and Benjen drag Ned into spending time with his "Real" family. It is during one of these outings that they meet young Howland Reed.
the crannogman is older than Lyanna and Benjen both but they latch onto him as "one of us" because of his shared status as "Other" (Lyanna's the Only Girl and a tomboy, Benjen's the Baby). Ned just enjoys having a fellow quiet person to be friends with (Robert baratheon gets VERY jealous of poor Howland, to his & the younger Starks' amusement and Ned's embarassment).
(obligatory "Jyana Reed is Ashara Dayne" headcanon feature: Lyanna bullies Howland into asking Ashara for a dance but, failing that, gets Brandon and then Ned to bring up the crannogman in THEIR dances with the Dornish woman. Brandon, obviously, shirks his wingman duties: Ned tries but trips over his own face because he is an Awkward Tortoise. after the dancing and Some Silly Harp Song, Lyanna weakly punches Benjen before dragging Howland over to Ashara herself - only to find that Ashara has found Howland on her own and needs no help in That department)
ditched by Howland, Lyanna and Benjen nonetheless conspire to "avenge his honour" and borrow bits of armour as they find it, using Benjen's "innocent baby face" to cover for Lyanna's Grand Plan.
Canon ensues.
Benjen and Ned, anxiously waiting for word of Lyanna's discovery or escape, are relieved at the prince going "idk, man, this place just kinda cursed yo". They are Less Relieved to find Lyanna dead pale back in their tent, freaking the heck out because the Prince had seemed a little TOO interested in Lyanna. She's relieved that the Prince and his lackeys did indeed cover for her but remains Paranoid, as do her brothers (except for Brandon, who is oblivious to it all).
Canon ensues.
As soon as Lyanna can escape the public eye, she goes to wrench the accursed crown from her hair - only for Ned to panic and say Lyanna will be expected to wear the crown at the feasting. The siblings are terrified: Rhaegar had promised not to tell on Lyanna and crowning her seemed like a threat. Benjen volunteered to find the Martell tent and beg for Princess Elia's forgiveness. Lyanna resolves to do it herself - the Starklings do, eventually, manage to convey their panicked horror to the lovely Elia. Thrice over. This is largely with the aid of Ashara Dayne and Howland Reed - but only Ned and Ashara are remembered as sharing company, the others being too short or sneaky to call attention to (Lyanna was avoiding EVERYONE out of fear of Robert, Rhaegar and Aerys).
back in Winterfell, Benjen wonders at how one man could make Lyanna cry in different ways all in a week's time. Lyanna agrees, still shaken by the "sad and beautiful musician", the "too interested, fickle trickster", the "tourney champion", the "treacherous husband".
time passes. a raven is sent out welcoming Prince Aegon to the royal family. Lyanna and Benjen relax, somewhat, assured that the royals have enough to busy themselves. the Starklings shift their thoughts to upcoming nupitals: Lady Catelyn, "a decent sort, poor Ned though, Brandon had best be good to her" and Lord Baratheon.
Lyanna is torn: she hates the betrothal, hates that Ned is older but gets to "stay at home", that Benjen gets to be a child still, that her father wants Southron marriages for his children and that his ambitions would leave his children separated "forever".
Lyanna rides out of Winterfell more than ever, sometimes with permission but sometimes without even telling Benjen. Ned resigns himself to "Lyanna's sulking". Benjen misses his sister already: he starts sneaking out "to try catch up with Lyanna while he still can".
it's on one of these rides, where Lyanna rode out ahead without word nor retinue (where Benjen had to use hounds and quick thinking to track her down, guards and a worried Ned in tow).
the brothers "have a bad feeling" about this particular outing, even Brandon expressing concern. he trusts Benjen's tracking and Ned's diplomacy to bring their sister home.
Lyanna cannot be brought home: she's been taken, by armed men on fast horses and lordly authority.
search parties, ravens, prayers to the heart tree.
news of Whitecloaks in the area. of the Prince himself.
Canon continues.
Benjen blames himself: for not being faster, for not insisting on tagging along, for not being a convincing enough knight for Howland's honour, for not taking Lyanna's unease about the new men in her life more seriously.
we know why Ned blames himself.
Brandon (rightfully) blames Rhaegar, as does Lord Rickard. Lord Rickard had been amongst the lords rallied to Harrenhal by "totally not Rhaegar" and the other concerned Lords Paramount.
canon ensues. Brandon is killed. Rickard is killed. Ned goes to war. Catelyn arrives in Winterfell, the proper lady Lyanna could never be. Lyanna is killed. Ned sends word that he's bringing home a Snow.
Benjen Knows, immediately. He also knows what happened to Princess Elia and her children, in the absence of Rhaegar or his men, at the glee of now-King Robert. Benjen passes the raven to Lady Catelyn and RUNS.
he's sick in the courtyard, runs to the stables only to Remember his sister is dead, flees to the Godswood. it's where Ned always goes.
Benjen stays at the Heartstree all day, alternately breaking down and spacing out. He prays, a bit, hoping for a way to "wake up" from a horrible nightmare.
Ned arrives home. He motions for Benjen's silence. Benjen goes, again, to the Godswood.
There have been crows, lately, staring at Benjen in his distress.
Benjen rides out for The Wall, giving his brother a week with them together before leaving only a note to explain his departure. Cryptic as Benjen tried to be, Ned burns the letter anyway.
Benjen spends his first weeks with the Night's Watch TERRIFIED of blind Maester Aemon, former Targaryen prince. Benjen volunteers himself constantly, solemnly learning every trick to tracking he wishes he'd known earlier.
eventually, Benjen is able to stand the thought of a Winterfell without the family he grew up with: he's a man now, bearded and everything. he is doting of Catelyn's children, paranoid about showing interest in "Ned's Bastard". sometimes he tries to get Ned to Just Tell Catelyn. mostly Benjen remembers Princess Elia, dead.
Benjen worries about Jon joining the Brothers: Maester Aemon, the memoru of Lyanna... he rides out on a long ranging, missing his nephew's arrival entirely.
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hey!! can i just ask what AD=JR means? in terms of asoiaf theories. i've never heard of it before i don't think
Ashara Dayne=Jyana Reed!! Ashara isn't dead, she's happily married and alive and smoking weed at Greywater Watch! Here's the lowdown:
We know that Ashara perhaps spent some time in Ned's tent at Harrenhal, we also know that Howland shared that tent. We're told that Ashara had an allegedly stillborn daughter who would have been conceived around that time. We're also told that Ashara allegedly killed herself from jumping off a tower at her family castle, but her body was never recovered.
We also know that Howland has a daughter who is about the same age as Robb and Jon. Howland was a bachelor at Harrenhal but he would have had to conceive Meera around the time he was traveling with Ned in the rebellion. While it's entirely possible to have had a quickie wedding and bedding like Ned and Cat, the Neck is out of the way and difficult to traverse. Howland likely wouldn't have been able to really slip away and get married and rejoin the party easily. Was Ashara's baby not in fact stillborn, but Meera Reed?
Howland's wife Jyana is listed in ASOS without a family name, she's just listed as "of the crannogmen". His daughter Meera is introduced in ACOK as his heir, which is a uniquely Dornish custom; the Daynes are Dornish(albeit "stony Dornish" who sometimes follow customs of the rest of the continent) and Ashara could have kept absolute primogeniture alive for her daughter.
That's the basics, here's a few more things that I also like to point out:
-Greywater Watch , the seat of House Reed is literally "Howl(and)'s moving castle". Howl in the novel catches falling stars. Ashara Dayne, of Starfall is symbolically a "falling star" caught by her own Howl.
-The Dornish retained the titles prince/princess when incorporated into the 7K and the crannogmen are closely associated with frogs, making Howland and Ashara the princess and the frog.
-One of the historical Daynes we know of is Dyanna, remarkably close to Jyana. Jyana could also be Jon&Lyanna, the secret that bound the survivors of the Tower of Joy.
-Jojen Reed has the unnaturally green eyes of those with greensight, but we're never told the color of his eyes prior to gaining the gift of the sight. Because he is usually portrayed with lighter hair, some fans of this theory speculate that he had purple eyes and light hair like the Dayne we know of close to his age, Edric.
In Deep Geek on youtube also has a great video hashing all this out but I don't think I missed anything in this post, still a great video! Don't know if you wanted this much of an explanation but clearly this is one theory I fully buy into lmao. I just love the idea of two very unlikely people finding love amongst immense tragedy.
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amazingoow · 2 months
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When and for what purpose was the Kabir Chaura Math on the seashore of Puri built.
For more details refer the book "Jyana Ganga".
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Liveon Biolabs at Jyana Vigyana Tantragyana Mele (JVTM 2023) in Adichunchanagiri. Meet us at stall no: 76
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