yemme · 2 years
Remember KCPD said there was 'No basis' for the social media rumors of a serial killer.  The community knew a killer was targeting black women and they didn’t care.  So many black women dying in a week but their concerns were not taken seriously.  A black woman had to escape for the truth to come to light. 
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Daily Mail: Moment Kansas City officer pins a Walmart customer to the ground and kneels on his neck
A Kansas City, Kansas, police officer pinned down a Walmart customer and knelt on his neck after accusing him of stealing a $5 frozen pizza - despite the 24-year-old man having a receipt for the purchase. 
Dayton Borisouth, 24, claims he was tackled to the ground on June 1 inside a Kansas Walmart store after he refused to show an off-duty officer his receipt - as he didn't think he was legally obligated to show one.
He had purchased the frozen pizza just moments before at self-checkout and had opted for no bag to avoid unnecessary waste, he said. When an officer asked him if he had a receipt, he replied 'yes,' but did not stop to show the officer. 
Moments later, he claimed he was pinned to the brick wall by the cop. 
'I shook my head no [when I saw him coming], and said: "Stop chasing me. You don’t have the right to detain me. I didn’t break any laws," and then he pinned me in the corner where the claw machine was,' Borisouth told WIFR. 
The Kansas City Kansas Police Department said two of the three unnamed officers involved in the incident are being disciplined and will undergo additional training. 
Kansas City officer kneels on Walmart customer over pizza he PAID for
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Dayton Borisouth, 24, claims he was tackled to the ground on June 1 inside a Walmart store after he refused to show an off-duty officer his receipt, as he didn't think he was legally obligated to
At one point an officer was seen kneeling on his neck while they restrained him 
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Borisouth immediately went to grab his receipt, which was in his left pocket, and told the officer he was doing so, but the policeman reportedly told him to 'stop reaching in your pockets.' 
Borisouth, who was shirtless at the time, said he had a 'work blade' on him, but did 'not intend to use it.' 
This is when his uncle, Christopher Enloe, began filming the interaction, which has now gained more than 400,000 views on TikTok. 
By this time, the officer has his arms around Borisouth's shoulders as the latter yelled: 'Here's the f****** receipt, bro, read it, dumba**.' The officer made no move to locate the receipt. 
The unidentified officer pinned Borisouth onto his stomach, just a foot away from his defrosting pizza. Borisouth asked the officer several times if he has 'read the receipt' as his uncle pleaded with him not to resist. 
'Can you have him read the receipt?' Borisouth asks his relative as two other officers arrive, violently grabbing at his arms, which the victim pulls under his head and asks officers to 'calm down.' 
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Borisouth was charged with refusing to comply, but it was later dropped.
The Kansas City Kansas Police Department said two of the three officers are being disciplined and will undergo additional training. Borisouth believes the officers should face 'at least a suspension' for the 'serious' offenses 
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Officers can be seen trying to pull his arms out before threatening to 'break your nose.' Borisouth said he put his hands under his head because he thought they would slam it into the ground.
Moments later, the same officer pinned his knee to Borisouth's neck as he screamed in terror as two officers kneeled on him while a third handcuffed him. Customers began yelling in protest, but no one stepped in to stop the altercation.
When the blue-haired victim was lifted to his feet, his receipt was lying on the ground.
He was taken into the back of a police car, where he would stay for an hour. He was then told he was being released due to the receipt proving that he paid for the pizza.
However, he was charged with refusing to comply, but it was later dropped.
The Kansas City Kansas Police Department said two of the three officers are being disciplined and will undergo additional training.
The names of the officers involved have not been released.  
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Borisouth had purchased the frozen pizza just moments before at self-checkout and had opted for no bag to avoid unnecessary waste. When an officer asked him if he had a receipt, he had replied 'yes,' but did not stop to show the man
Moments later, he claimed he was pinned to the brick wall by the officer
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The department stated that one officer employed a technique that was 'not approved, nor trained, by the department.' 
'It is our determination that the officer should have disengaged at that time due to the circumstances,' the department said. 
Borisouth believes the officers should face 'at least a suspension' for the 'serious' offenses. 
'George Floyd died from that,' he told WIFR. 
However, now that the charges are dropped, Borisouth says he 'feels a little bit better that they’re starting to realize that I’m not a criminal.' 
'I was just trying to buy a pizza for my family to eat. No matter what, this is going to stick with me for the rest of my life. I’m probably always going to be scared of cops now and fearing for my daughter and my son and what they’re going to have to go through as they get older,' he told the outlet. 
DailyMail.com has contacted Walmart for comment. 
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sexinkansascity · 2 years
Player Two On Deck
Circa 2021 They’re all the same anyways… let’s see what this is about.
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antifakc · 2 years
Attached is a link to not only Former KCPD Associate General Counsel Ryan McCarty's cover letter that has been quoted by news stations and uploaded to social media, but also the over 300 pages of emails that Ryan intended to be distributed with the letter. This evidence shows how KCPD's corruption are as rampant within their top ranks as we've seen within their public-facing ranks. Their department is clearly beyond reform or repair, and many aspects of the corruption within this are echoed across other departments across the nation as it relates to retaliation against those who speak out against systemic departmental issues.
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theusarticles · 2 years
Toddler among 4 recent victims of deadly fentanyl overdoses in Kansas City
Toddler among 4 recent victims of deadly fentanyl overdoses in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In a two-week period this month, Kansas City, Missouri, police say they have investigated the deaths of four people – including a toddler – caused by fentanyl overdoses. Police took to social media Wednesday afternoon outlining the number of cases, describing the crisis as “getting worse.” In addition to the four deaths, police say they have been called to other deadly…
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bunnygirlism · 1 year
hi guys 2morrow I will b drawing the lesbian cogs (nd duck shuffler) from ttcc but only 1 person will get 2 c it so uhhmm uhhhh suck it ig lawl
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melpcmene-a · 2 years
*Takes Josephs’ notebook and runs*
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Oh no, not the shenanigans! ( always accepting the shenanigans )
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"——Wait, I was using that!" And he was currently jotting something down, and then the pen skidded across the paper and soon his notebook was gone. Joseph immediately chased after this bastard. "Get back here!"
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rickmymanrick · 1 year
one rule | chapter one |
[rick grimes x original female character slowburn]
summary: unbeknownst to them, best friends glenn rhee and daphne ayala spend the last 48 hours of normalcy they’ll ever have before their lives are changed forever.
note: this story will include a Shane Walsh romance BUT it will be unrequited. Do not worry. This is VERY unedited but I wanted to get at least one chapter out. We'll get into the events of the show by the next chapter. also, acab. the plot calls for this small bit but acab forever.
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Tap, tap, tap-tap-tap!
The light pattern on my door stole my attention from the array of papers scattered across the coffee table.
I tried to scan the last sentence of the page quickly.
Suddenly, a loud TAP!
"Delivery!" A high-pitched tone squeaked from the other side of the door. I grinned down at the document and rushed to open the door. I heard someone clear their throat and opt for a more caveman-like growl. "DELIVERY—"
I laughed, swinging the door open and narrowly avoiding my best friend's fist. If I'd taken any longer, he would've banged the door down with his knocks alone.
I went for the box of pizza in his grasp and placed a fleeting kiss on his cheek before rushing over to the kitchen island.
"Wow, no 'hi? How are you? How was work?' Is this what society has come to?" I heard the door shut and a flurry of movements. I didn't bother to look up from my current task.
"Glenn Rhee," I began in the sweetest voice I could muster. "Hi. How are you? How was work?"
"Great! Got cursed out by some asshole for doing my job today," said Glenn pleasantly, accepting the beer I held out for him.
I smiled at him through my mouthful of pizza. "That's fun. What was it today?"
"Got to this dude's house 29 minutes after he ordered," he chewed on his slice aggressively. You'd think he would hate pizza from the amount of shit he has to go through at work.
"You're an expert at what you do, Rhee."
"That free pizza comes out of my paycheck," Glenn scoffed. He clearly took the 30-minute rule very seriously.
"Did he leave a tip?"
"What an asshole."
Glenn nodded at the mess on our coffee table. "Looks like you've had a busy day."
I rolled my eyes at his dramatic cringe. "'Member the car chase that was all over the news last week?"
Glenn nodded.
"Got assigned to the case. The cop that got shot, he's not doing too hot right now," I told him, grabbing my second slice. I picked off a pepperoni and shoved it in my mouth.
I resisted the strong urge to eat the rest of the pepperoni on my half of the pizza. I eyed Glenn's half distastefully—I would never, ever appreciate pineapple on pizza. I'll die on that hill.
He took a large swig of his beer. "That's a pretty big upgrade from petty theft, Daph."
"Yeah, I guess it is." I tried not to focus on the subject of my investigation, gulping down a large amount of beer.
"Have you made any progress?" I appreciated Glenn's interest.
"Well, it's definitely not the officer's fault. They had every reason to believe that there was only two people in that overturned car." I eagerly crossed the living room and snatched up my half-written report. "The KCPD failed to inform the responding officers so I mean, technically Grimes can sue."
"Grimes?" Glenn raised his eyebrows in recognition. "You mean super hot hip-swaying cop?"
My ears felt hot. "That's the one."
My heart pummeled to my chest the more I thought about it. Out of all the people that could've been wounded on the field, it had to be Officer Rick Grimes, a coworker of mine that I saw pretty often around the precinct. I was fully convinced he had fully forgotten about my existence seeing as our respective lines of work didn't cross paths too often. We'd only interacted a handful of times in the last three years I'd been working at King County PD, but that didn't stop me from noticing him as soon as I got hired.
It's unfortunate he's married-- Rick Grimes was the most attractive man I've ever met and of course, Glenn was the first to know about it. I wouldn't deny that he was, without a doubt, my work crush. I mentally cringed at the thought. I felt like a teenage girl again.
The sudden sound of the news filtered in from Glenn's bedroom.
There was a split second of pure fear that flashed in Glenn's eyes and I gave him an amused smile. "We gotta change that tv one of these days."
He quickly snatched up another slice and shoved it in his mouth. "I'm busy, Daph. Can you please go turn it off?"
I poked his side before moving around him to enter his room. His tv had started turning on by itself almost every day since he bought it in July.
"Your 30-day warranty is almost up, Glenn!" I pointed out loudly, reaching for the remote that was thrown on his bed. "Where did you buy this haunted shit from aga--?"
"Several cases have been reported across the continental US, leading us to believe that this new virus may be more serious than we thought. Joining us here from Atlanta is CDC virologist Dr. Edwin Jenner, giving us the latest updates—"
Glenn strolled into the room just as I finished raising the volume. "Your beer is getting hot—what's going on?"
"Thanks, Anne. As of today, August 26th, the President of the United States has declared a national emergency due to the spread of the Wildfire-10 virus. The CDC has been in constant communication with the White House and we expect President Milton to announce a mandatory evacuation this afternoon in his address."
Glenn and I eyed each other in confusion.
"Evacuation?" The New York reporter responded in equal confusion. I faintly heard someone behind the camera that the mic must've picked up – "How is a whole country going to evacuate?" – and I would've laughed if I wasn't so damn confused right now.
"It's hard to say, Anne, we're not entirely certain which states will receive this order but what we do know is that it's imperative that we do our best to avoid leaving our homes for anything other than work and necessities. Practice social distancing and listen to the advice the CDC has been giving you for the past week.
"And for those viewers who might've missed it, do you mind recapping the earlier update given to us by CDC director Holt?"
"Sure," Jenner smiled. It made me feel uneasy. "This is an extremely life-threatening virus that could very well spread more rapidly than other illnesses we've seen before. The CDC has been working diligently with other health organizations across the globe, primarily The Primrose Team in France, and we can confidently say we're working on an effective vaccine."
"Thank you, Dr. Jenner. To all those watching from home, this isn't a cause for mass panic. Soon, the world will resume just as we know it..."
But something told me it wouldn't ever be the same.
"Ayala! How's my favorite girl doing?"
Ah, the oh so pleasant voice of my favorite coworker greeted me the second I walked through the doors of the precinct.
"Doing just fine, Walsh. How about you?" I forced a smile on my face. I didn't hate Shane Walsh... he was just... too chirpy for this bright hour. In fact, he was too witty for any hour. My natural reaction to his presence was usually automatic irritation.
"Just fine myself, pretty lady." There it was. The relentless flirting. I had gotten a break when his partner first ended up in the hospital -- my heart sunk at the reminder -- but now that it had been a month or so since, he's slowly started to resume his regularly scheduled programming. Partner or not, shooting or not, Shane Walsh would forever be a manwhore.
I entertained him sometimes. It was just a bit of harmless flirting for the most part. He knew where the line was, which is more than I can say for a lot of other men.
I dropped my briefcase on my desk and Shane crossed the space to hover right over my work area. I threw myself down onto my seat with a small groan.
My head was pounding. I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my neck tenderly. A shuffle of movement caused me to end my massage much faster than I wanted to.
I opened an eye, swearing to the heavens above that if Shane was still hovering with that stupid grin on his face, today would be the day I finally resort to violence.
The shit-eating grin was surprisingly not looking back at me. Instead, it was a sympathetic smile with a steaming coffee in his outstretched hand.
I snatched the damn thing before he could change his mind.
"You're a lifesaver," I moaned. "Seriously Shane, you might just be the best cop in Georgia. Have I ever told you that?"
"No, but I've heard it once or twice," boasted Shane. I rolled my eyes. It certainly wasn't from the chief.
"You're unbelievable, Walsh," I shook my head with a laugh. I eagerly sipped from the coffee and then wanted to kiss the everloving shit out of this man.
I scorched my throat but I didn't care. "How do you know the way I like my coffee?" I gaped.
Shane shrugged. "I'm observant."
"Clearly," I said. "Thank you. I needed this."
"That's one mean hangover," said Shane with a smirk.
I tried not to spill my coffee as I leaned forward to look at my reflection in the little desktop mirror I had. My hair turned out pretty nice today, it wasn't very frizzy or anything and sure the darkness under my eyes was a bit more prominent but nothing too out of the ordinary. I leaned back when I was satisfied with my look.
"Vanity doesn't suit you, sweetheart," Shane said lightly. "I was only teasing. You look as beautiful as you did yesterday, and the day before that, and the week before that."
"Do you not have anything else to do other than flirt with me?" I joked. Secretly, I didn't mind it all too much. Shane wasn't a bad looking guy, especially with the grown-out hairstyle he was currently sporting. I'm a sucker for long hair.
"As it turns out, I actually don't--" I rolled my eyes again and logged into my computer. "--partner."
I slowly shifted my gaze from the computer screen to Shane.
"Talked to the chief today. She didn't mind switching it up for this week. I was getting sick of Stone over there--" we both looked over at the grumpy guy who acted like happiness was a first degree crime. "-- and besides, you're prettier to look at--" I shoved him off the edge of my desk. He stumbled a bit and corrected himself quickly. "-- you're easier to work with, Jesus."
"What do we have for today then?"
Shane grinned.
For the next eight hours, I'd spend most of it in the car with Shane. I wanted to say it was a miserable time but it wasn't. Shane wasn't too bad once he stopped purposely being obnoxious. We mostly talked about the most interesting King County cases over the years, bonded over subs from some gas station just outside of our area of jurisdiction, and after the first five hours, Shane had started to talk about his personal life.
"I told Lori-- maybe it's time she starts preparing Carl for the worst. You know, just in case. Man, Rick - he's my best friend, my brother - you know - but it's been a while. I'm tryin' to avoid Carl some pain."
"I understand," what else was I supposed to say? "It isn't an easy situation."
"No," Shane agreed. "And let me tell you something, it's only gonna get worse. This whole virus thing going around - if it turns out we gotta evacuate soon, who knows how far Rick will be transferred?"
I felt bad for the way my heart sank at the prospect. Rick has a wife and a child. Where he gets relocated and the progress of his recovery shouldn't matter this much to me. Maybe I wouldn't feel as bad if I wasn't harboring this silly little crush.
It was nearing 4 o'clock when Shane and I finally clocked out, walking side-by-side towards the parking lot. I noticed his car was parked on the far opposite end and began to say my goodbyes--
"Hey, you don't happen to have any plans tomorrow, would you?"
"I don't think so. They didn't put me on the schedule last minute, did they?" I asked, somehow missing the growing redness on Shane's cheeks.
"No," he said quickly. "I - well, uh - I was wondering if you - "
I froze, clutching the satchel that was thrown over my shoulder and suddenly feeling just a bit uncomfortable. I could tell this wasn't work related.
"Uh, I don't normally get nervous like this," he chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "You and me, dinner tomorrow? We can go to that Italian place you said you really like - "
"Ilio's," we chorused. It was the bare minimum, but I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was actually listening earlier.
Oh why the fuck not? Shane wasn't a bad looking guy, and with the imminent threat of quarantine around the corner, I could use a night out before we were forced to stay away from society for God knows how long.
The longer I thought it through, the more nervous Shane became. It was honestly quite entertaining and I reserved my response for just a bit longer just so I could watch him fidget in his spot.
I finally spoke. "Pick me up at 7, then."
A look of surprise flashed across his face. I couldn't blame him - I had been rejecting every single one of his advances for the past three years we'd known each other. He was a dedicated guy, I'll give him that.
Laughing at his expression, I began to walk away before I could regret it.
"I'll call you!" He finally said. I could hear the smile on his face.
I threw him a thumbs up without looking back. I was a few steps away from my car when I suddenly recalled him mentioning something about visiting Rick tomorrow afternoon. "Let me know how Rick is doing!" I glanced back to make sure he heard me.
Redness spread across my cheeks when I saw him still standing in the same spot, staring at me with a dazed look.
I pushed a curl behind my ear, the wind wasn't on my side today. I waited for a response and it seemed he hadn't processed what I said. "Will you?" I pressed.
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, I will!"
"Okay," I smiled. "Bye!"
Before he could respond, my phone began to ring in my back pocket. I fished it out and pressed it against my ear, holding it against my shoulder as I searched for my keys.
"Hey," I greeted, unlocking the car and shifting into drive as soon as the engine turned on.
"Daph, you on your way home?"
The call connected to my car and I saw Shane finally getting into his car as I drove out onto the small street. "Yeah, I am. Why?"
"We gotta start packing."
"Um, why?"
"Turns out, we're in the evacuation zone."
I caught my last glimpse of Shane, realizing our date would likely be rescheduled.
Glenn continued. "It's more serious than we thought."
next chapter...
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mckitterick · 7 months
Exhibit A: Cops are worthless
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More than 800 police were on duty Wednesday - 600 KCPD cops and an additional 250 from outside cop shops - for the Chiefs Super Bowl win parade and rally at Union Station. Despite their heavy presence, they failed to stop a mass shooting.
One person, local KKFI radio DJ Lisa Lopez-Galvan, was killed. An additional 22 people were injured, with three still in critical condition. About half the victims are children.
It's believed that the shooting occurred because of a dispute between teenagers who missed each other at least 23 times, not because of terrorism or extremism.
In the wake of this mass shooting - during a run of ever-increasing gun violence (though other crimes are dropping) - Kansas City residents are demanding stricter gun laws. But Missouri state law doesn't allow cities to pass gun-related laws (to stop KC from doing so, specifically), and Missouri has famously lax gun laws.
Cops do almost nothing to protect citizens, and nothing to prevent crime.
They exist merely to punish perpetrators, which has very little effect on violence, especially when state law essentially allows anyone to possess whatever weapons they wish, at any age, regardless of gun safety education, stability, or maturity.
Lots more info on the local NPR news site: X
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tinycaprisun · 3 months
i know i never post on here guys, but please... per my last two retweets, spread that info everywhere.
my friend maple dent is missing. she was last seen at 4:30 today at her house. she left us a concerning note, and we want her to come home safely.
she drives a black mazda 3, and she was wearing all black. she has a pink and black shoulder bag with her.
even if you don't live in the kansas city, missouri, or lawrence, kansas areas, we beg you to reblog. we miss her so much already, and if you hear, or find out any information that could help find her, contact the kcpd
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ap41cu5 · 3 months
Released Tension
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Joseph Oda x F! Reader Rating: NSFW smut Genre: Fluff + Smut Word Count: 5351 Short synopsis: The reader and Joseph have been close friends since her recruit as a detective for the KCPD. As a result of how easily Joseph was taking it on Kidman, the new rookie, the reader grew jealous, suspecting that Joseph developed feelings for her. Luckily, they had both been called into a case that took place in a neighboring city. This resulted in the both of them having to share a hotel room together. But low and behold, there's only one bed. A/N: sorry if there's any mistakes in this bc i am too lazy to proof read all 5k+ words of my fics before posting them so i usually just edit them after but pls lmk if theres any errors or anything that sticks out to you and ill fix it :3
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1:32 AM, the clock read as the car sped through the pouring rain. You and Joseph had just been ordered to go on a trip to a neighboring city near Krimson to investigate a bank robbery. Normally, these cases don’t take up too much time out of the day. But after so much time had passed of gathering evidence and performing however many arrests, you were both finally done. 
It was nice to be out of the city for once, though. It was just you and Joseph on the case tonight as well. Sebastian was out getting married to Myra, and thankfully the Lieutenant didn’t allow Kidman to accompany the both of you since she was still a rookie. Kidman had been getting on your nerves recently. At first it was just her entitled, lone-wolf attitude, but now it was how easily Joseph was taking it on her. Both you and Sebastian agreed that Kidman was odd, and Joseph seemed to be the only one to disagree. Going as far as to say that the both of you were just being sensitive.
“Whew, what a case. Took far longer than I had expected,” you stretched in your seat, your back cracking.
“I’m just glad it’s over,” Joseph replied, adjusting his glasses as he drove.
The sound of the rain splattering against the windows of the car as he cruised through the highway was strangely therapeutic. On top of the light music emitting from the speakers, you could feel your eyelids begin to get heavy. But you had to fight the urge to give into sleep. You could just barely see the hotel in the distance. The warm lighting shone through the windows, creating a very inviting atmosphere. It seemed to glow in the distance– standing out against the night blue sky.
“Feels nice to travel again, at least somewhat. I know we’re only here for the case, but it’s nice to be somewhere else other than Krimson city for once. What do you think, Jojo?” you yawned, the side of your forehead resting against the wall of the car.
You could see him glance at you for a moment before quickly returning his gaze to the road ahead. He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment as he periodically turned on the windshield wipers.
When you first started calling him the nickname ‘Jojo’, he wasn’t sure how to feel at first. He normally hated nicknames, and his first instinct normally would’ve been to correct you, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a nagging sense of warmth and fuzziness every time you’d call him the silly nickname. In a sense, it was a pinnacle for how close the two of you had become upon your recruit. 
“It’s a nice change of scenery, I agree,” Joseph replied as he adjusted his rear view mirror. “I’ll bet Sebastian is having the time of his life right now, seeing as he and Myra just got married.”
You blew a raspberry. “I’ll bet. He would’ve had to get dragged along with us to a whole different city had his wedding not been scheduled for earlier this week. Him and Myra make a good team,” you commented.
“Sebastian deserves that time off. He’s an amazing detective,” Joseph mentioned.
He seemed to contemplate something for a moment.
“Just out of curiosity,” Joseph paused for a moment. “What do you think of the new recruit, Kidman?” You huffed. You had a feeling you knew where this conversation was going.
“I just– I just don’t like her,” you curtly responded.
You could feel your heartbeat pick up at the mention of Kidman. You could just barely hear the frustrated sigh that Joseph let out through the jarring noise of the car engine.
“(First Name), please just be honest with me. You and I both know that’s not true,” Joseph retorted.
He was right. While you weren’t lying that you weren’t exactly fond of her attitude, that wasn't the whole reason you found such distaste towards her.
“I am being honest! Even Sebastian thinks there’s something off about her.” You pouted, “why are you so concerned with what I think of her, anyway?”
“It’s a bit strange, is all. You’ve been acting differently ever since her arrival. You’re my friend and I care about you. You know that,” Joseph replied.
Things like that were the reason that you fell for him. He was just so kind and compassionate, not to mention easy on the eyes.
“You’re not telling me something. I know you’re not,” added Joseph as he switched lanes.
You weren’t sure if you loved or hated that he could always see right through you.
“Can we just– can we just not talk about this right now?” You requested, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
You hated the thought of Joseph having feelings for someone else, let alone Kidman. She was beautiful. Is that all it took for Joseph to fall for her instead of you? Was there something you did, or even the way that you acted, that made him only consider you as a friend? 
Joseph didn’t respond, only sighed as he continued driving. The next few minutes were filled with awkward silence as you tried to keep yourself from crying. The fact that he brought her up showed that he cared about her, right? But why? What did she have that you didn’t? Thoughts like these stirred in your mind for what felt like ages until the lights of the hotel finally came into your peripherals.
“C’mon. We’re here. Careful about the rain. There should be an umbrella in my glove compartment,” Joseph mentioned as he reached over.
Opening his glove compartment, moving around various tools and other miscellaneous objects, he handed you his black portable umbrella.
“You should take it. You drove us all the way here, it’s alright, really,” you insisted, trying to hand the umbrella back to him.
“It’s fine, (First Name). Let’s just head inside,” replied Joseph as he exited the car.
You felt a bit bad. You could tell he was uncomfortable but he was still being considerate of you, even allowing you to take his umbrella even though he drove for over an hour to get the both of you to the hotel.
As you exited his car, grabbing your backpack full of clothes and other necessities, you rushed over to Joseph to get the both of you underneath the umbrella.
“Thanks,” Joseph quietly muttered as you both hurried up the steps to enter the building.
The lavish exterior immediately caught your eye. The decorative plants that coated the exterior of the building created a lush atmosphere. The rain somehow amplified its already extraordinary elegance. 
As the automatic doors opened as you approached, sending a refreshing gust of wind through your hair, the scented air freshener immediately captivated your senses. You could just barely hear the low melodic tones of one of Chopin’s famous pieces amidst the background. The warm lighting on top of the peaceful ambience of the front desk was utterly breathtaking. There were two spiral staircases on either side of the receptionist’s desk, lined with exorbitant looking carpet. 
How expensive was this hotel? You thought to yourself. You could hardly believe that the KCPD was covering your expenses for such a sumptuous stay.
“Woah..” you sighed, taking in the new environment.
“A room for two please, double bed. Should be under the names (First & Last Name), and Joseph Oda,” Joseph said, in his usual respectful tone.
“Alright, you both made it just in time! Our front desk closes in just a few minutes. But you both should be good to go! Here are your room keys,” the receptionist replied, handing Joseph two keycards.
Joseph handed one to you before already making his way up the stairs. You could feel the tension radiating off of him from the moment you asked him to drop the topic regarding Kidman.
The moment you both reached the hotel room, the tension only grew thicker. You racked your brain, trying to think of some sort of conversation starter, when you noticed Joseph was strangely still. He just stood there, frozen at the end of the short hallway when you both entered.
“..Joseph?” You asked, as you carefully approached him from behind.
He was blushing all the way up to his ears. Confused, you averted your gaze to where he was looking. 
One bed?
You felt your lips part as your cheeks grew hot.
What is this, some sick joke? Joseph doesn’t even like me in that way! And now we have to share a bed?
“I– I can hurry back downstairs! There might be a few minutes left! Maybe they haven’t closed yet–” you suggested before Joseph quickly interrupted you.
“It’s fine. They’re probably already closed. I’ll just take the floor,” Joseph replied, completely avoiding your gaze.
His ears were still pink as he began to set his stuff down to prepare his station on the floor.
“No– no, I couldn’t possibly let you do that. It’s alright, Joseph. Let’s just share the bed. I trust you, I know you’re not some weirdo creep,” you reassured him as you leaned onto the wall beside you.
His back is still towards you, “you’re sure that’s alright?” He asked, his voice slightly cracking mid-sentence.
It was strangely cute how embarrassed he was to be sharing a bed with you. You had no idea he was such a prude, but he did it in such a cute way.
“I am. I’m going to change real quick, alright Jojo?” You told him as you entered the bathroom. You could see him stiffly nod as he picked his things back up off the floor. 
The moment you entered the bathroom, he let out a heavy sigh as he felt his shoulders finally relax. He sat down on his side of the bed, rubbing his face as he tried to get his blush to die down.
“Jesus, what is wrong with you, Joseph?” He quietly muttered to himself as he stared down at his shoes for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck.
After a couple minutes passed, you exited the bathroom in a baggy tee-shirt, which loosely hung down one of your shoulders, and pajama shorts. You had just washed off your makeup, completely bare face with sleepy eyes and messy hair. It took everything in Joseph to pry his eyes away and to not stare at the undoubtedly attractive sight. You looked so.. you. In your rawest form. And that in itself was beautiful.
He could already feel his face begin to heat back up as you threw yourself face down on the other side of the bed. 
“I should– I should go change as well,” Joseph hurriedly excused himself.
Was he.. nervous? Why? He knows I’m not going to make this weird. We’ve been friends for years now. Sure, I kind of, well, I really like him, but I’d never do anything to make him uncomfortable. 
After about 10 minutes, Joseph emerged from the bathroom in a plain white tee shirt and plaid pajama pants. You didn’t take him as the type to enjoy pajama pants, but we learn new things every day. They suited him, though. His arms were more toned than you thought they would be underneath his KCPD uniform. You took a moment to admire his form and how broad his shoulders were. But you valued your dignity and his comfort, so you made sure to only glance at him for a moment. Staring likely would’ve made him even more uncomfortable than he already was.
“I’m going to shut the lights off now, if that’s alright?” Joseph asked, his hand hovering over the light switch.
“Yeah, it’s pretty late,” you agreed, turning onto your back.
Shortly after he shut the lights off, you could hear the sheets rustling beside you as he climbed into bed. The street lights and neighboring buildings barely illuminated through the hotel window, just barely making anything visible.
You turned onto your side to face him. He appeared to be laying on his back, his glasses still on as he stared up at the ceiling.
“Jojo, your glasses,” you reminded him as you carefully removed his glasses from his face.
He didn’t try to stop you, only watched as you gently folded up his glasses and set them on the nightstand.
“Thanks,” he replied, internally begging that you couldn’t see the blush on his face through the darkness of the room.
You both laid in silence for the next few minutes. It seemed neither of you could fall asleep. You could feel him tense again. It was like you could read his thoughts, was he thinking about the whole situation with Kidman again? Although the tension wasn’t nearly as thick as before, it was probably best to get that conversation sorted out now rather than later.
“Hey, so.. about the whole thing with Kidman,” you began, unsure of what to say next.
Pausing for a moment, “what makes how I feel about her such a concern?” You softly asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, like I said earlier: you’ve just been acting differently since she arrived. You just seem more.. distant than usual. I suppose I just don’t understand why you’ve hated Kidman so much since we began working with her. I want to know what’s bothering you, (First Name). I’ve known you for years. That’s what friends do,” Joseph replied, getting up to turn the lights back on.
You sighed, “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you worry. It’s just– ugh,” you stopped yourself.
“What is it?” Joseph pressed as he laid back down into bed.
Your lips pursed.
“Can I just– we’ve been friends for a really long time. And we tell each other everything, right? Would it be alright if I just– if I just asked you something really quickly? Promise you won’t be mad?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Where are you going with this?” He asked, turning to face you.
You broke eye contact, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Do you– do you have feelings for her, or something? Is that what brought this on?” You asked as you tightly gripped the milky white blanket in your hand.
He didn’t even respond for a few seconds. A long, painful few seconds.
“I–I’m sorry that I even– I’m sorry I asked. That was a really personal– and a dumb question, I’m sorry–”
“No, no, don’t be. Why would you– did you really think I had feelings for Kidman?” He asked, part of him unsure if he actually heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, sorry. You don’t have to answer that–” “(First Name), just stop for a second. To answer your question, I do not, and never have, had feelings towards Kidman. The only reason I thought you and Sebastian were being a bit sensitive was because I’ve seen a couple rookies in the past who had the same attitude as her. Where they think they can do everything without any proper training. That’s all,” Joseph quickly explained, his gaze meeting yours again.
You immediately felt a bit stupid. All those nights you spent thinking, and even crying, under the impression that Joseph had feelings for Kidman was all for nothing, thankfully. A weight immediately felt lifted off of your shoulders.
“Is that what this is all about?” Joseph inquired, seemingly connecting all the dots together. “The way that I treat Kidman?”
Oh God. He figured it out. You thought to yourself as you groaned, covering your beet red expression with your hands. 
“(First Name), you can’t be serious,” Joseph said, a dumbfounded tone in his voice.
“Why?” He inquired, confusion obvious in his tone.
You could feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with anxiety. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your breathing grew heavier.
“I–I don’t.. I don’t–” you stammered as you quickly sat up and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
Joseph quickly placed his hand on your shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. There’s no pressure. Just take your time,” he comforted you.
His hand was warm, and the sound of his voice was always soothing.
“I– I can’t believe I have to spell this out, given how smart you are. Even Sebastian figured it out but– ugh,” you rambled for a moment. “Promise you won’t hate me after this. Or want to stop talking to me– or–” 
Joseph hushed you, his hand moving upwards to the base of your neck, and his thumb tracing your jawline.
“I could never hate you (First Name). You know that,” he leaned in closer to you.
Your faces were just inches apart, and you could just barely smell what was left of his cologne.
“Joseph.. I..” you gulped, “I’ve had these.. feelings for you. For a really long time. Shortly after we became friends. And I know that you don’t feel the same way, but I guess my anger was misdirected. So I took it out on Kidman, and you, and I started acting really out of line–” You confessed, your voice wobbly and your breath speeding up again.
“(First Name), look at me,” Joseph gently tilted your chin up to face him. “You are the only woman I have had eyes for. Ever since we met. This whole time, I really thought that you only saw me as a good friend. But, telling when people like me has never been a strong suit of mine.” He chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
 “R-really?” You asked, your heart fluttering.
“I.. yeah,” he admitted, looking away.
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “Jojo. I thought it was obvious. I mean, not on purpose I mean. But Sebastian figured it out right off the bat.” “...was I seriously the only one who couldn’t see it?” 
You nodded, a smile gracing your features.
“Oh, God. I mean, that’s.. that’s–!” He was quickly cut off by the feeling of your lips pressing against his.
He stood still as a statue for a moment, still processing what had just happened, before he finally melted into the kiss. One of his hands snaked around your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you in closer as both of your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
You leaned towards him, pushing him back down onto the bed and placing yourself on top of him. You didn’t take him as the submissive type, but he didn’t seem opposed to you straddling him.
“(First Name)- I– I uh.. are you sure that this is– that this is okay?” He asked, his face suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
You could feel his hands slightly tremble against your skin, almost as if he was afraid to touch you. Like you’d break if he even laid the slightest amount of pressure against you.
You leaned down, your noses just barely touching as your hair draped down, just barely grazing the sides of Joseph’s neck.
“I’ve been sure about this for a while now, Joseph,” you whispered into his ear, the feeling of your breath against his neck sending a chill down his spine.
He unconsciously gripped the bedsheets next to him as you cupped his face in one of your hands. Your eyes scanned his face as you slowly tilted your head and pressed your lips against his. You could feel him shakily exhale into the kiss as you licked his bottom lip, asking for an entrance.
He hesitantly opened his mouth as you slowly intertwined your tongue with his. All the time you spent fantasizing about this moment apparently came in handy, and it all seemed to come naturally to you. His nervousness was adorable, and he didn’t know how to kiss back at first. He started to get the hang of it after just a few seconds, earning a soft moan from you.
You could hear him sharply inhale at the sinful noise that had just escaped your lips.
“Just like that, Jojo,” you encouraged him, pulling away for just a second before quickly leaning back down to kiss him.
Your words of praise earned a stifled groan from him as he unconsciously bucked his hips upwards into you. 
“S–sorry, fuck–” Joseph swore as he held your face in his hands as you lined yourself up with him, gently grinding on him as you planted a kiss on his jawline.
“Don’t be,” you softly hushed him as you kissed down his neck.
He stifled a whimper through his teeth as you felt him tightly grip the back of your oversized tee shirt. You could feel him try to stop himself from bucking his hips into you again, so you gladly fulfilled his repressed desires. Lightly pressing yourself down onto his already aching erection, his stomach tightened. The pressure of you grinding on him along with the electric sensation from the kisses you so carefully granted his neck made his head spin. 
You could feel how big he was as you gently pressed yourself against him. The sensation was wonderful, and you could feel a heat shoot throughout your entire body. You couldn’t help the small moans that escaped your lips as you softly exhaled into his mouth.
His hands gripped the sides of your waist as he tried his hardest to be gentle. His breath grew heavy as he slowly began to buck his hips into you, giving into his carnal desires. You let him for a few seconds, until you decided he was enjoying himself a bit too much too fast. So you stopped, completely. You sat up, and raised up your hips so he couldn’t grind on you anymore. You stopped giving him neck kisses as you took a moment to gaze back down at him. His hair was much messier than before, his cheeks burned a bright red, and his lips were swollen from biting them. 
“W-why.. why did you stop?” He whined, letting one of his hands travel south to indulge himself in the pleasure that had just been stolen from him.
You held his wrist in place, softly pinning it against his chest. 
“I will indulge you at my own discretion. You’ll be good for me, won’t you?” You cooed, your face millimeters away from his.
He nodded profusely. “Anything– anything for you, (First Name).” He stammered as he looked back up at you with slightly parted lips.
That response hit you straight in the heat of your core, making your underwear even more soaked than it already was, if that was even possible. It took everything in you not to just start grinding on him again, but you wanted to draw this out and make it as fun as possible. Seeing him like this was truly a sight to behold. Joseph was always so serious and uptight, and seeing him so vulnerable was like no other.
Letting out a shaky breath, your hand slid down from his chest down to his lower stomach, just above his crotch. You bit the inside of your cheek at the large bulge protruding from his pajama pants. Its plaid pattern only exaggerated his length and size. You licked your lips, allowing your hands to shakily make their way to his drawstrings. One hand undid the knot while the other cupped his clothed erection. You dragged your fingers lightly across the surface of his cock, earning a slight whimper from the man beneath you.
You gently pulled down his pajama pants, revealing his dark navy boxers. His erection strained the fabric, his cock dripping with precum. It throbbed under your hands, every touch making his stomach tighten in pleasure. 
“God, fuck– (First Name), I need you. I’ve– I’ve.. I’ve needed you for so long,” Joseph whined, clutching the bedsheets and trying to hold himself back. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to touch you. Both of his hands clutched your hips, as he looked up at you. His eyes pleadingly asking for you to take off your shorts so he could finally feel you.
“Alright, only since you’ve been so good,” you lightly chuckled, pulling your shorts down your thighs.
He marveled at the sight of you in your underwear, your fluids already soaking through your underwear and almost dripping down the side of your leg. His eyes were glued to you, so you took your time slowly pulling your underwear down your thighs. He could feel himself get even harder at the sight of your dripping arousal, his cock twitching.
“You’re.. you’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Joseph shifted in his position on the bed, unbelievably aroused. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. He always had such a way with words, at least to you. 
You didn’t even give him a chance to think as you harshly leaned downwards, encapsulating his lips in another passionate kiss. Your back arched as you tried to line up his cock with your entrance, wanting more than anything to finally feel him. 
His hands found their way under your shirt as he quickly pulled it off of you and over your head. He gulped as his eyes traveled your body. He seemed unsure of what to do with his hands, his awkward nature getting the better of him. Gently grabbing his wrist, you placed his hand on one of your breasts, applying the slightest bit of pressure as his palm sunk into the soft mass. 
“Oh, God..” Joseph barely whispered, “you’re so beautiful.”
You gently pulled the bottom of his shirt upwards, looking up at him to ask him to lift his arms up to remove his shirt. He immediately obliged, pulling his shirt off over his shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. 
You pressed your heat against his bare erection, coating the surface of his cock with your oozing slick. His eyes rolled back at the warm electric sensation of your wetness pressing against him. He groaned in response, his hands traveling to grab your hips and push you down onto him with significantly more pressure.
You let out a few noises that sent shivers down his spine. His fingers lightly dug into the soft flesh around your hips as he tried to stifle a few whimpers. 
“Fuck,” you swore under your breath as you reached downwards, trying to line him up with your entrance.
Your slick covered the topside of his cock. You could feel it throb within your grasp as you felt the tip just gently run over your clit.
“I–I don’t have any condoms..” Joseph grumbled through his teeth as he clutched the bedsheets in one of his hands.
“Then you’d better hold it in. If you can handle that,” you muttered as you ever so slightly pushed yourself around him.
He bit his lip as he tried not to make too much noise.
“I don’t.. I don’t know if I can–” 
“Then you’ll be a dear and get me some morning after pills, won’t you?” You requested as you gently rested your forehead against his.
“Oh– oh I’ll do anything for you, (First Name),” Joseph whimpered as he cupped one of your cheeks in his hand, gently pulling your face closer to his for a kiss.
You winced as you tried to push yourself onto him further. His cock stretched your inner walls, and it was dreadfully painful. 
“F-fuck, Joseph..” you whined as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.
“Start off slow, my love,” Joseph gently cooed as his hand found its way to your crotch.
His middle and ring fingers explored near your entrance. Coating his fingers in your slick as he gently inserted them inside of you, eliciting a moan from you at the feeling. You always loved his hands– how veiny they were along with how long and nimble his fingers were. 
“I– I’ve never done this before.. so I hope that I’m doing this right..” Joseph muttered as his thumb felt around your labia. 
His fingers were warm as he swirled them inside of you. He made waves with his fingers, shooting a pang of pleasure through your core. You couldn’t help but moan as your back arched. You had to grit your teeth to stop from moaning too loud, not wanting the neighboring rooms to hear you.
“My God, you sound so beautiful,” Joseph groaned as one of his other arms tightened around your waist, pushing your torso against him as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
He slowly began to feel your walls begin to tighten before he quickly pulled his fingers out of you as they dripped with your slick. 
You bit the inside of your cheek once he pulled out. You were so close to finishing and he knew that.
“Ugh– fuck, Joseph–” you swore as you raised your body up again, encapsulating Joseph in another kiss.
Joseph held onto your hips, helping you line yourself up with him as you finally sunk your body down, his cock sliding into you with relative ease. It still hurt, but far less than before. The feeling of your warm cunt encapsulating his twitching erection made his eyes roll back as he thrust his hips upward into you. His hands gently squeezed your hips as he helped you move up and down on his cock. 
“Y-you take me so perfectly, (First Name),” Joseph barely sputtered out.
The sensation, the look in Joseph’s eyes, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin, it was better than you could have ever imagined. Not even in your wildest dreams.
You couldn’t find the words to respond. The feeling of him stretching out your inner walls as you moved up and down on him at such a steady pace jumbled up all of your thoughts into complete nonsense. You moaned with every movement, savoring each and every bit of him. The sound was beyond sinful as you stared into each other’s eyes, admiring each other’s features. 
Every thrust in and out of you filled your entire body with pleasure, the sensation was so grand you couldn’t contain the moans that escaped from your lips. Joseph gently pushed your head downwards, muffling your soft pleas with a kiss.
Seconds passed, the pleasure building up as a knot in your core. It slowly continued to build until it felt like you were about to burst. You were so close until you felt him sharply exhale against your lips. He quickly motioned for you to get off. 
“F-fuck.. I’m– I’m gonna.. I’m gonna cum, (First Name),” Joseph panted as he quickly lifted your hips upwards.
He groaned as he used his hand to continue stroking himself as he came onto his stomach. The white fluid spilling onto himself as he prayed he pulled out in time. 
You both finished at the same time, panting as you looked into each other’s eyes.
Rolling over, you let your weight fall onto the bed next to Joseph. You watched him lay there for a moment before he quickly grabbed a few tissues to start cleaning himself up.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, closing your eyes and slowly getting sleepier.
He turned, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you felt him clean you up.
“Thank you, Jojo,” you thanked him, your voice laced with drowsiness. 
“Of course,” he replied, pulling the sheets over you.
He grabbed a fresh pair of shorts and a baggy shirt from your backpack as he walked back over to you. He practically dressed you all by himself, while you would raise or lower your arms whenever he would tell you to. 
He gave you one last kiss on the cheek before he quickly dressed himself and hopped into bed with you. 
“I love you, (First Name). I’ve loved you for so long,” Joseph whispered into your ear.
“I love you, Joseph,” you whispered back, cuddling up to him.
With your head in his chest and his arms around your waist, you don’t know if you’ve ever fallen asleep quicker. 
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detectivesebcas · 11 months
White Noise (Preview)
As a homicide detective for KCPD Sebastian has seen more than a few suspicious deaths, but there’s something especially nefarious about his latest string of cases.  As one crime scene leads to another, Sebastian and his partner Joseph are forced to question everything they know about Krimson City, the police department, and even themselves.  Something is very wrong in the city they’ve sworn to protect, and the key to the whole case just might be one mysterious artist.
[Police drama/psychological thriller about our favorite pair of detectives and their unlikely artist companion.  This story will deal heavily with themes of suicide, trauma, and mental illness and will include eventual romance between Sebastian and Stefano.]
Preview below.   I expect to post the first chapter on AO3 on November 18th.
“Don’t come any closer!”
The man’s words are almost lost in the howling wind and the darkness.  The sky is black above them, and the water is black below them, and the lights of Krimson City might as well be miles away.
Sebastian throws his hands up, palms facing forward.  “I won’t!” he shouts back.  “Just don’t move.”
He wants to glance over his shoulder, but his eyes are locked on the man in front of him.   He’s young, maybe in his mid-twenties, with wild dark hair and heavy scarring on one side of his face.  Even as Sebastian watches, he turns his gaze back down to the water under the bridge.
“Hey!” Sebastian calls out, loud enough to get the man’s attention again, but hopefully not loud enough to startle him into giving up his tenuous grasp on life.
The man’s head whips around, and his one visible eye meets Sebastian’s.  In that moment he looks afraid.
“What’s your name?” Sebastian asks.
He’s pretty sure he’s supposed to establish some kind of rapport, as absurd as that seems in this situation, but he’s also painfully aware that he’s not qualified for this.  When the call came out, he was the only detective anywhere nearby.  He’s got two patrol units blocking traffic on either end of the bridge and a trained negotiator on the way, but the look in this man’s eye says there’s not going to be time for that.
The man shakes his head.  “Just let me go,” he calls back.  “Let me slip beneath the waves.”
“That’s not how it works,” Sebastian calls back.  “We’re a hundred feet in the air.   It’s like hitting concrete!”
Maybe it’s the wrong thing to say, but it’s the first thing that comes out of his mouth, and it’s true.  A look of surprise flashes across the man’s face, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Look,” Sebastian says, taking a deep breath and trying to collect his thoughts to find the right words for this situation.  “I’m Sebastian, and I want to help you-”
“It’s your job to help me,” the man snaps.
“It’s my job to investigate murders,” Sebastian says reflexively, “but I also really don’t want you to jump off this bridge.”
There’s something on the man’s face then- almost a thoughtful look- and Sebastian wonders if he’s making some headway.
“Can I come a little closer?” Sebastian asks.  “You know, so we don’t have to yell?”
The man seems to consider for a moment, then slowly nods.  He keeps his gaze locked on Sebastian, as Sebastian steadily moves forward, hands still held in the air.
“Stop,” he says suddenly when Sebastian is about six feet away from  him, and Sebastian stops, letting his breath out in one long, slow exhale.  His heart is pounding so hard that the sound of the blood rushing in his ears almost drowns out the wind.
“Are you from Krimson City?” Sebastian asks, stalling for time as he gauges the distance between them.  He’s still not close enough to make a move.  If the man lets go, he’ll fall faster than Sebastian can grab hold of him and pull him back over the railing.
“No,” the man replies, “from Florence.”
Now that they’re a little closer and he can hear him better, Sebastian can detect the man’s accent.  He’s still looking at Sebastian, eye wild and hair swept up in the wind.  Florence seems like such an exotic, interesting place compared to Krimson City that Sebastian has to ask, “How’d you end up here?”
There’s a tiny hint of a smile on the man’s face.  “That’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time,” Sebastian says.  He can feel a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth until the man’s next words make his blood run cold.
“I don’t.”
He turns his head to look down at the water again, and Sebastian can see his chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Wait!” he calls out, every muscle in his body coiled and ready to spring forward.
The man slowly turns back toward him, and this time his eye is cold and his face is expressionless.
“You will remember in time,” he says.  “I can show you.”
Sebastian opens his mouth to ask what the hell that means, but his eyes snap down to the man’s hands, which are spasming on the railing of the bridge, clenched tight one moment and almost slack the next.
He’s out of time.
He lunges forward, hurling himself against the railing so hard he’s in danger of flying over himself, but he wraps his arms around the man’s chest, hauling him back over the railing and onto the bridge where they collapse in a heap on the ground, panting and shaking.
He holds the man firmly against his chest.
“What?” Sebastian says, his brain struggling to process what the man is saying.
“My name is Stefano.”
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antielevator · 4 months
Headcanon question time (in case this is not addressed in canon): but a guy with a name Sebastian Castellanos has to have some Spanish / Hispanic origin (and one of the reasons I appreciate you for using Santiago as his FC!). Do you headcanon this to be true and can your Sebastian speak any Spanish?
Sebastian is canonically mixed-race Hispanic, yes! He's a Latin American mestizo, though we don't know where his parents come from. In my headcanon, his father's from Chile and his mother's from Mexico, but because he never had much conversations with the latter, the Spanish he speaks and the accent he has skews Chilean even if he also speaks Mexican Spanish thanks to classmates in school.
Sebastian was born in the U.S., making him a second generation immigrant. Spanish was the primary language at home, and so he considers it his native tongue whilst his American-accented English is the product of his environment everywhere else. He can switch between both languages easily, but tends not to do so when he usually speaks one or the other with certain people. For example, as most of the folks he worked with at the KCPD were English-speaking, he spoke straight English there, and when he goes to family gatherings, he only speaks in Spanish around his relatives.
When Lily was born, he and Myra agreed that she ought to speak Spanish as well. However, Myra only spoke it in a professional capacity as opposed to Sebastian's cultural roots, and didn't really speak it in the context of a "language at home". As a result, conversations that involved Mum were mostly in English, whilst conversations with Dad alone were in Spanish.
Now that he's raising Lily alone, it's a mix of both languages as she's being homeschooled (and American sign language, considering her verbal communication issues). The moment she starts going to school with other children, though, he'll speak Spanish more to keep her in practise.
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sexinkansascity · 2 years
Bonus Player
Help me find who shot my daughter. Send me video or a person who can ID him. Give me a name or other solid information. What do you get? The fantasy. Do whatever you want with me for one night, or however long you need if it’s less. Westport. New Year’s Eve. 1:30am. By the steps of the FedEx building. Me. Circa 2021
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wither-shadow · 8 months
Run or I will kill you. Ruvik x GN!Reader angst Part one
Part Two
TW: Mention of guns and shooting, mention of gore, mention of death.
You were on a case with Sebastian, Joseph, and Kidman. You don't know what was happening but suddenly the ground breaks beneath you and you fall into what seems to be a much colder and darker part of the hospital you look up to see if you can find a way out but you can't even see the light that was once above you "Shit." you mutter to yourself before taking out your gun and checking how many bullets you had, you had used almost your entire clip earlier for the criminal before hand that you had to shoot down. "Double shit." you heard a growl and you shouted "Whose there?! This is the KCPD!" a monster darts out at you and you quickly shoot it in the head.
"What the fuck." you think to yourself out loud "Best to avoid whatever those things are." you walk slowly throughout the maze attempting to find your way out as soon as possible finding from the monsters lurking inside when needed and killing them quickly if they spotted you, you quickly find an elevator and you quickly lock yourself inside of it as you hear one of those things scream attracting the rest you were sure of it and you were right but now you are trapped in a very rickety elevator that looks like it belongs to the sixteen hundreds. The elevator shook as they tried to grab you or the straps of your outfit you were practically glued to the wall furthest away from them looking at their arms and faces covered in blood. Fear can't even begin to describe what you felt in that moment but a crash is heard inside the maze, then a scream. It drove them away, you felt bad for whomever that was but you were safe now and you can only cry silently for a moment and you pressed the up button but as it began to move up it paused and you fell with a scream. Hours later you wake up with a groan and you look around you as you are still safely in the elevator "Gotta move." you say to yourself and you quickly get up and pry open the doors of the elevator. You wince at the pain in your side and you look down at your waist to see blood coming out steadily "shit..." you put pressure on the wound and walk through the room looking for bandages its a big room with a tall ceiling that almost resembles a church in a way there is a long dark hall in front of the elevator that you don't remember being there "What the..." you try your best to forget about it and you see that nothing is in this room so you go into the hall and you see an old security room which you go into thinking that they may have cameras or a map but they have something better. Bandages and ammo along with a shotgun "Fuck yes." you grab the things and you clean your wound before stitching it up with the first aid kit you found underneath the desk there is no working power but there is walkie talkies on the dead guards which you take. "Sorry but I'm going to need these..."
this is only the first part. I wrote this in class so please forgive me if it seems rushed or if the grammar is bad, German is my first language so I'm not the best at English
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thundergrace · 2 years
Thanks to the true crime podcasts *I* listen to, I know that this is the second time such a thing has happened. Not too long ago, about thirty years ago, I think, a white man abducted Black women sex workers and held them captive in his basement. He killed one woman just to keep the others in line. I won't get into details on that. One of the women earned his trust (after appearing to become his ally and turning on the other women) and he took her out and I believe that's when she called the cops. I said on Twitter she'd escaped and called them, but I don't think that's quite accurate. Anyway, she tells the story herself on a show called I Survived. Worth digging up. My point being that twice isn't a lot, but it's too many damn times for this to happen.
Back to this disgusting ass, lying ass, police department that called concerned residents of this city liars and did absolutely nothing about the missing girls in early September when they started disappearing. These people gave names of these girls AND a description of this man. And the police said there was nothing to the claims of missing women and a serial killer. Now most of those girls are dead (according to the survivor). That blood is on their hands.
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