multi-royalty-arc · 1 year
the evening had been passing along pretty smoothly .  caroline had let eris be a plus one to her outing ,  festivities brimming with people that of course the entity had no clue who any of them were .  but in true caroline forbes fashion as the social butterfly ,  she introduced eris to practically everyone .  it wasn’t until dark eyes happened to flicker away from the blonde for a millisecond .  at just the right moment where neither of them caught sight of an approaching person high tailing it straight for the vampire .  by the time the stranger’s movement was detected it was already too late .  one moment caroline is shooting a confused look to the unknown person ,  the next a fist is flying  &  making a pretty impactful  PUNCH  straight into her chin .  that first spark of  ANGER  is struck like a match when sound of knuckles met the structure of caroline’s face ,  but what sets a whole other blaze of red hot rage is when quick hues catch a dribble of rouge leaking from split lip .  that feeling when the roundness of eris’ irises grew three times too big ,  nearly coating the entirety of sclera with the color of onyx .  entity’s face changes as well ,  once femme round features are suddenly sharper ,  FIERCER .  INHUMAN .  it takes all of two seconds before a hand wraps around the perpetrators throat ,  digits curling  &  gripping harshly as eris kindly drags them away from the crowd that’s huddled to care for the blonde .  if caroline yells for eris ,  she doesn’t hear her .  only focused on dealing with this certain problem . it’s almost as if monster  &  defenseless human go by unnoticed through the herd of people .  no one bats an eye towards them at all .  all the while eris is taking them to the back of the room .  sheltered in shadows ,  &  somehow the darkness becomes thicker when she enters it .  the strength of ten men is what hurdles the stranger up against the wall ,  their feet dangling easily six inches off the ground .  eris tells them something .  gets up real close next to their ear  &  whispers something only for them to ever witness the words leaving her mouth .  it’s quick ,  maybe half a minute of a one-sided conversation later but the damage is  EVIDENT  in the way the stranger’s expression morphs into one of horror .  brimming with tears ,  wide eyes snap to eris once she pulls away .  she gives an innocent smile as she finally releases them ,  letting them drop onto noodly limbs that give out beneath them almost instantly .  they’re curling into a tight ball as she’s turning away .  crying on the dirty floor with a snotty nose as she’s returning to caroline’s side .  eyes back to normal .  maybe even  BRIGHTER  than before .         ❛  let’s get you home .  ❜
👊  My muse has just been decked in the nose in front of yours!  How does your muse react? 
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She'd wanted to share a Mystic Falls gathering with Eris for a while, this was the blondes home. She prided herself on always taking care of community events and attending out of respect for the towns folk even long after her hight school days had come to an end. She knew this town like the back of her hand. Eris would be safe, though the vampire knew her friend was far more capable of defending herself if an incident arose. An evening summer music festival seemed like a more relaxed style of event, and when Eris had accepted the offer Caroline had cheered with glee. Showing the entity around her home town, and introducing her to the people who had influenced her upbringing somehow seemed like a bonding experience.
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The punch had taken her by surprise, no one else had seemed to be acting out. It didn't seem disorderly anywhere else around, which made the blonde feel as though it was targeted. Caroline didn't even have a good chance to catch a glimpse of the attacker before Eris had whisked them away. Her own body had slumped to the grounding, sitting among the dry grass at peoples feet. A handful of the locals crowding her and giving her space in unison.
Thankful for Eris's return and helping the vampire to her feet, the suggestion of going home left her heart sore. She'd wanted the night to go well. "where did you go?". A soft whisper from crimson stained lips, the taste of her own blood was sickening. "do you know where I live?" the blonde asked once they were separated from the crowd, her head spinning. She was frightened in case whomever had been there to take her down came back, or worse if they weren't working alone.
"will you stay with me.. please?" it was a meek thing to ask, but Eris made her feel safe.
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scoobydoodean · 1 month
I feel like you’re one of the few people I’d trust to ask this of, but I always find myself wondering at the different reactions Dean has to hunting, i.e: Sam and others. Like I don’t think at all that he forced Sam back or was dragging him around or anything like that. But even way back then with Jo he was always like “get away from this life”. And still, especially early on, he seemed to be offended/angry that Sam didn’t like the life/want it for himself. I always personally understood it as a mix of sibling bickering like “ohh you think you’re so much better”, a front so as to pretend “hey everything is fine don’t look too closely” and Sam himself kinda conflating hunting = family and thus had to cut both out to be free of it, so in turn Dean also associated Sam walking away from hunting as walking away from family (reinforced by Heaven and Purgatory, later on, in slightly different ways) (although which came first and/or how much that was influenced by John first is ultimately a chicken and egg situation, I suppose). But I’d like to know if you have thoughts on this? Sorry for the long ask, I hope it was coherent?
NOTE: For anyone looking for commentary on Dean absolutely not forcing Sam back into hunting, my tags #sam the hunter, #sam the family man, and #in which... I am too lazy to write all that out may be of use.
So if I understand correctly, what we're getting at here is that Dean pretty consistently tries to talk people (especially younger people) out of the life or objects to involving them. For example, Jo (2.06), Adam (4.19), Jimmy (4.20), Krissy and her dad (7.11), Krissy's friends (8.18), Claire (10.20). He tries to protect Jesse and Cesar's retirement. But when it comes to Sam, Dean isn't so into trying to talk him out of the life.
To discuss the premise itself first, I can think of the following instances where Dean is hurt, skeptical, or displays some other sort of objection to Sam vs normal life: 1.01, 1.16, 4.22, 5.16, 8.01 (Pine's rewatch notes help me out here too). On the other hand, I can also think of many moments where Dean is supportive of Sam having a normal life or wishes that for him. Starting from 1.06 and 1.18, Dean says that he wishes Sam could just be normal. By 1.07, Dean is suggesting they just stay in the college town representing Sam's wistful desire for normality. I have a compilation gifset of these and a few other season 1 moments here. In 2.20, Dean beams with happiness that Sam is living a normal life and has Jess by his side—this is also despite the fact that he and Sam are estranged in the Djinn dream universe. In season 8, while Dean is hurt and angry that Sam left him to die and abandoned Kevin, when the opportunity presents itself for Sam to get back together with Amelia in 8.10 and go be normal, Dean tells Sam he should go to her if that's what would make him happy. In 8.14, Dean says he wants to do The Trials so that Sam can survive and go be normal. Basically what I'm getting at is that while moments occur where Dean seems hurt by Sam wanting a normal life or has some other objection, there are more moments where the exact opposite is true. This contrast also opens the door for questions about why Dean sometimes reacts negatively and sometimes doesn't (or maybe has to "come around" to the idea). The mixed bag suggests a lot of different and sometimes conflicting emotions, which is very realistic I think.
I don't think every single one of these reasons factors into every single one of the five episodes I mentioned where Dean seems hurt/skeptical about Sam + normal life, but here we go:
First, while Dean tries to push a lot of people out of the life and is also shown to crave a normal life for himself at various points (ex: 2.20, 3.10, 5.17), he does believe that being involved with the supernatural world is physically unavoidable for some people, and that it psychologically gets its hooks into others to the point they eventually can't get out/turn back (ex: 4.19). Jack, Jesse, and Kevin (and Sam and Dean themselves eventually) are examples of people Sam and Dean see as stuck in the life practically, because demons and angels are after them for reasons out of all of their control. However, Sam and Dean were both psychologically stuck in hunting first. For Dean, the house fire and how he was raised leave him feeling stuck in the hunting world. Sam doesn't remember the fire, but follows on John's heels when Jess dies in the same manner that Mary did. The trauma of losing Jess creates a commonality and drive that wasn't present before, causing Sam to say that he and his father aren't different anymore—in fact, they have more in common than just about anyone (1.20). On many occasions, Sam also talks about hunting as an inevitability/something he can't "come back" from at this point even if he wanted to (ex: 2.10, 4.19, 4.21). Closely interrelated, at various points, Sam also says that hunting has become a life he loves and/or prefers to normality (ex: 2.02, 2.20, 4.08, 4.17, 5.12a, 5.12b, 5.12c, 10.18).
Dean's language in 1.01 "Sooner or later, you're going to have to face up to who you really are" suggests part of Dean sees Sam as a hunter at the core from the beginning who is hiding from who he really is deep down. I think there is some truth to this (see my #sam the hunter tag). In that scene in 1.01, Dean generally expresses skepticism that Sam is really capable of leading the life he's trying to live long term. I think Dean also has reason to think that way, given that Sam outright admits he plans to lie to Jess forever... which kind of means Sam stays in the hunter mindset (where you lie to normal people every day to keep up appearances) and never really gets to be himself either way. Dean doesn't think this is practical or healthy and says so (and he's not wrong). All this to say—I think in 1.01, Dean has difficulty understanding that Sam has not (quite yet) fallen into the hunting world. Dean and John are kind of bonded by the shared trauma of losing Mary, but Sam doesn't share that trauma (as Sam himself points out on the bridge, saying he doesn't even remember Mary). Of course, that changes by the end of the episode. 8.01, Dean is just "?!?!?!?!?" because Sam has told Dean point blank on multiple occasions at that point that he prefers hunting to being normal (2.20, 4.08, 5.12) and has been overall rather into hunting, and has voiced the same thinking as Dean in regards to not being able to get out psychologically even if he wanted to (4.19, 5.12). There's a reason that when Sam says he doesn't hunt anymore in 8.01, Dean thinks he's joking at first. (I talk about why Sam left hunting between seasons 7 and 8 here). The thing is is that (unless driven by a burning desire for revenge as in the season 3-4 gap and the season 9-10 gap) Sam will not hunt without Dean. Not because Dean "makes" him hunt, but because Sam doesn't have the heart for the work without Dean by his side. (See the "I can't do it without my brother" 10.18 speech).
SAM: You know, when Dean came to get me at school, I-I told myself… one last job, you know? One more job. And then when – when I, um…. When I lost Jess, I, again, told myself one more job. There’s always one more job, you know? And one more job, and one more job, and then I was gonna go back to law and – and to my life. CHARLIE: You were the Dread Pirate Roberts of hunting. SAM: Yeah. I guess I really understand now that….this is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t….
Interrelated to the concept of hunting as inescapable and as something Sam voices his enjoyment of multiple times—in 1.01, Dean also (though part bravado) still romanticizes hunting to an extent (though not for much longer—we see this by the time he meets Jo). This definitely factors into how Dean approaches the subject in 1.01, though I don't think it factors into later moments.
Second, Dean is the heart character, and as the heart character, he feels a responsibility to protect people. When he tells Sam in the pilot "You have a responsibility", I think what Dean means is "saving people, hunting things, the family business". It isn't revenge that they have a responsibility toward (Dean will be the one to say he hopes they never find the demon if it means Sam or John killing themselves to end it (1.22) but that from Dean's perspective, Dean's knowledge of what's out there and his proficiency at the job gives him a moral obligation to try and save people in harms way. On the other hand, I don't think Sam feels this way—at least not nearly so strongly. Sam's approach to hunting has always been more family focused imo. Both brothers hunt as a means of coping to an extent, but more largely, Dean hunts because he feels deeply for others and wants—and even feels a duty to—protect people. Sam hunts because hunting makes him feel close to his family and makes him feel known, and because it is where he feels he can be himself (ex: 4.17). More succinctly—for Dean, the order goes, "Saving people, hunting things, the family business" and for Sam, the order goes, "The family business, saving people, hunting things" I think. This difference in motivations occasionally creates interesting tension on the hunt, but it is also creates confusion when Sam has left hunting pre-series, and again in season 8.
SAM: Look, it wasn't like I was... just oblivious. I mean, I read the paper every day. I saw the weird stories… the kind of stuff we used to chase. DEAN: And you said what? "Not my problem"? SAM: Yes. And you know what? The world went on.
8.01 "We Need To Talk About Kevin"
Dean doesn't understand this. He can't wrap his head around it because Dean doesn't think this way, and I'm not sure Dean ever gets exactly why Sam is driven to hunt. He doesn't really get the strength of the family connection for Sam... and Dean has reason not to, because from the outside looking in, Sam cutting Dean out of his life every time he decides he doesn't want to hunt anymore sounds like he doesn't actually care about Dean that much deep down... or at all. So how on earth could Sam's interest in and love for hunting be connected to caring about his brother DEAN???
That brings me to the third reason for some of this occasional hurt from Dean, which is that you're right about Sam (and then Dean in turn) associating normal life with cutting Dean off, because that's what Sam does. Any time Sam goes after a normal life, there seems to be no room for contact with Dean in it. When Sam goes to school, even though his fight was with John, it's implied that he wouldn't take Dean's calls which is why Dean showed up in person (1.01).
NOTE: This period is a little tricky, because the script was supposed to say they hadn't spoken since Sam left at 18, but what accidentally made it into the show is that they may have been in contact for the first two years. The two years wouldn't make things much better though, because with Dean's dialogue "You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing." It still seems like Sam is the one who cut ties.
In 1.16 "Shadow", when Dean brings up wanting to stay together and "be a family again" even after the business with the demon is concluded, Sam makes it clear he's returning to school—which is perfectly fine. However, buried within this conversation is the implication that Dean doesn't want to lose contact with Sam again, and Sam doesn't give any assurances about calling or staying in contact because... he plans to cut Dean off again, even while telling Dean he loves him.
"Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before. [...] I don’t want them to be. I'm not gonna live this life forever. Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way."
Dean looks at this and goes "?????" because how can Sam talk about how much he cares for Dean and then in the same breath, essentially say he doesn't want to see him anymore after this? That makes no sense... right? And the self-hating part of Dean who believes Meg's manipulative framing in 1.16 about him dragging Sam everywhere even though Sam has repeatedly been the race horse raring for revenge and getting angry when Dean can't pull leads on John or the demon out of his ass thinks maybe he IS somehow responsible for every horrible thing that has happened to Sam and how Sam's life is now. And Dean's insecurities are reinforced too because Sam has thrown it in his face that it's his fault in moments where he was angry and felt a loss of control. So Dean doesn't understand how hunting is actually positively connected to family and him for Sam, and Sam doesn't understand how Dean doesn't understand and doesn't know how to reassure him (5.16), and that's how we get Dean unloading his insecurities about Sam not loving him in 4.22 (to Bobby) and 5.16 (to Sam). In both discussions, Dean's lack of belief in Sam's care for him is closely connected to Sam's desire for normality and how Dean felt tossed away like garbage and like his efforts were never enough. I talk about the dialogue in 4.22 more in depth here (added context of Sam calling Dean weak for his trauma and strangling Dean near unconscious matters lmao). In 5.16, Zachariah (imo) repeatedly pushes the brothers toward Sam's memories of normality and being away from Dean as part of his psychological ploy, and it works even though Sam's strongly stated lack of interest in normality is (arguably) at its zenith (4.08, 4.19, 5.12) because the brothers relationship is so weak from season 4. If we didn't already get it, we as viewers realize Sam loves his brother very much and has many happy memories with him despite appearances in 5.22 when happy memories with Dean are what pulls Sam from Lucifer's control.
Another important episode here in regards to Dean’s perceptions of Sam's feelings versus how Sam actually sees Dean is 2.20 "What Is And What Should Never Be". There's a variety of things to be said about how in Dean's dream, he envisions himself as someone his family would look down upon even in a paradise scenario. However, one of the bits we get from the whole dream is that Dean believes that in normal life scenario, Sam wouldn't want to be around him. Dean envisions himself as kind of a terrible person (and as usual, he is being really ugly about himself in a way that isn't at all warranted), but undoubtably, there's also a classist stench to the scenario—Dean the blue collar worker, Sam the hot shot lawyer who looks down his nose at Dean. I don't doubt that deep down, Dean kind of believes the real Sam sees himself as upwardly mobile and Dean as beneath him. One of the ways Dean potentially forms that conclusion is how Sam treats him over money early in the series. That said, the REAL Sam is surprised by their lack of connection in Dean's "paradise". When Dean suggests that without hunting, they never would have connected, Sam makes it clear that he's glad they have.
But yeah! Those scenes in 4.22 and 5.16 aren't even about Sam wanting to be normal—they're about how Dean feels discarded every time Sam goes after normal (and it happens again in 8.01).
Lastly, Dean's also dealing with jealousy in a couple of these moments. Before we ever met him, Dean had his own wistful desires for normal (9.07, 1.06, 1.13). Safety and a home and normality were things he felt he couldn't ever really have (this also comes post-breakup with Cassie). Even in 8.10, when Dean tells Sam to get back with Amelia if he can, he adds,
And, you know, maybe I'm a little bit jealous. I could never separate myself from the job like you could.
I think this line leads directly back to Dean as the heart character who has extreme difficulty with the concept of burying his head in the sand—something Sam was able to do easily (like... too easily RE: Kevin). I think Dean kind of judges Sam for doing that, but at the same time, Dean also knows he has an overactive sense of responsibility—he just can't shake it despite knowing that (2.20, 5.11, 7.04). So he envies that Sam can even if he thinks Sam leans too far the other direction sometimes.
I also don't think this bit from Shifter!Dean in 1.06 was too off:
You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you? [...] See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me.
I think coupled with that jealousy in 1.01, we also see Dean's resentment, because he sacrificed everything for their family. He sacrificed his childhood to take care of his father who was a mess, and play mother and father to his brother, and he had a gun in his hand meant to kill before he was even 10, and Dean resents all of this. Dean was made to be the responsible one when he was just a child out of necessity, and John (someone Dean repeatedly calls a deadbeat in season 5) took advantage and then discarded him (a part of Dean does know he deserves better), and Sam cut Dean out of his life the moment he was no longer of use. It isn't just that Sam doesn't feel the weight of the burdens Dean was made to shoulder—Sam doesn't even seem to realize they exist, and Dean is resentful. He wants someone in his family besides him to shoulder some of the family responsibilities Dean has spent so long carrying alone. His feelings are misdirected toward Sam in 1.01 in that regard, but they're also very human.
Even so, Dean's love supersedes jealousy and resentment. We see this clearly in 1.18 "Something Wicked", which is all about Dean's childhood being stolen and him being burdened with responsibilities that were too big and blamed for people dying when he was just a child and it wasn't his fault, but at the end of the episode, Dean doesn't wish innocence for himself—he wishes it for Sam. Even though the episode is all about Dean's memory of his own trauma. And in 2.20, in his "paradise" dream, Sam gets to be normal, and he and Sam don't even get along, and Dean doesn't care—he's just over the moon that his brother gets to live a normal life.
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rrat-king · 3 months
And what if I tell you my Fight, Flight, Fawn theory for the Appleboys reuniting with Kristen. What then? Going by your age gaps of 2, 4, 8 because they're canon adjacent and the idea of the Applebees having a playpen when three out of four kids were 14, 12 and 10 is too funny. Assuming a reunion between Kris and the younger two happens post her birthday so it's 17, 13 and 9 respectively. Buckys is analysing his actual response we saw from 14 year old him. When I say leave in reference to Kristen, know that I know it wasn't her choice (Mac and Donna when I fucking get you)
Bucky got the Fawn response. I'll be real, when I began theorising that an Applebees brother would feature I thought "Oh god here comes the angst. There will be resentment, Mac and Donna have undoubtedly been talking shit for two years. But we see him and he's happy. He missed her. He hugs her. He wants to hang out. And yeah that probably stems from the fact you'll naturally miss your sibling and the fact he probably had to take the oldest sibling mantle. But he barely even commented on her life and friends (aside from the half baked comment about her living in sin and side eyeing Fig). I was expecting more problematic behaviours to be honest. The theory is he entered full people pleasing mode, desperately tampering down any complicated feelings because he NEEDS to make himself a good brother that Kristen will want to stay for this time (of course not realising Kristen will stay the best she can no matter if he kicks and screams)
Bricker got Fight. Was like 10 when Kris left, and I say this with love, in the absolute throes of puberty. I don't know what it is but this kid just gives me angry vibes, maybe it's the middle child. Very Nico DiAngelo "He looked too young to be so angry". When you're a kid, especially in that horrific period of 10-13 you go to the easy solution which is being mad, and you go to the easy target which is the one who "started" this huge upheaval (read Kristen). To a lesser extent, Bucky, for trying to play big brother (Bricker doesn't even realise this but the anger mostly came from a subconscious desire to preserve Kristen's place in the family for if she comes back).
(Bonus: Once they have a very good conversation and Bricker is reassured Kristen never did stop thinking about and loving him he will cry three years worth of pent up tears and beg her not to leave again)
Cork got Flight. He was only 6 when she left, its been 3 years of experiences (little man went from first grade to third in that time its a Lot). Kristen has physically changed a lot since they last saw each other. All this to say, he takes a minute to recognise this older person who's eyes are all wet at the sight of him. Some part of his brain blocked out memories of her because the way she was just gone one day was so scary to his little brain. When it does register who she is, Cork becomes completely unlike himself and gets shy. He makes Bucky stand close by because all he knows is that 1. This is a heathen who rebuked Helio's light 2. This is Krissy, back after what felt like forever and 3. She's so cool looking and why would someone this cool ever want to talk to him.
(Bonus: She played it off but Kristen's heart did break seeing Cork, the little boy she raised, take a minute to work out who she is, when she never forgot him. Not to quote Taylor but very "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe")
god yeah kristen having partially raised cork only for him not to know who she is anymore/barely recognize her haunts me so much. bucky as a people pleaser is such a good read especially as he is forced into kristen's role as head of the siblings I just. yeah. also angry bricker is so important to me. he got left behind! he's not ok with that and he's gonna be angry. god I just. applebees kids make me crazy this is such a good read.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 days
Adoption Agency
Dean Winchester & Ben, Dean Winchester & Cassie Jr (OC), Dean Winchester & Charlie, Dean Winchester & Krissy, Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous (x2)
Synopsis: Dean is forced to take care of a kid he hasn’t seen for a while—and one he didn’t know he had
A/N: finally another fic! This one’s pretty long. I have the reader and an oc in this one, this is the first (and possibly only, we’ll see) fic I’ve done with this headcannon character I’ve mentioned before; Cassie Jr. She’s the daughter of Cassie, Dean’s old girlfriend who was in (I think??) the first season. I’m usually not a fan of OCs, but Cassie Jr is kind of my exception. Hope you guys like it! (Btw if you guys want to see more of my Ben/Cassie Jr headcannons, let me know and I might hunt down my old stuff and put it in a Masterlist)
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“Ben?” Dean lowered his machete faster than he ever had when he turned the corner and saw not a vampire, but a boy he considered his son. “Ben, what are you doing here?”
“Dean?” Blood drained from Ben’s face when he laid eyes on the only father figure he’d ever trusted. “I didn’t think you’d—I mean—“
“Ben look out!” Dean’s weapon was back up in an instant when he spotted a figure rounding the corner, but Ben jumped in the way.
“Dean, no! That—she’s not a vamp!”
Dean lowered his machete again, but he kept a firm grip on it as he glanced from Ben to the girl behind him.
“Ben, what is this?” Dean asked. “Why do you even remember me? Cas told me that he—“
“He did,” Ben interrupted. “But…but things have changed.”
“Dean?” Dean turned to look at the girl as she spoke. Something about her tugged at his mind, as if he knew her. “You can’t be Dean.” Her eyes turned to Ben. “Why is he—“
“We can talk about this later,” Ben interrupted. “But we’ve gotta finish looking before that vamp comes back.”
“Looking?” Dean asked, choosing for now to ignore the nagging question of why this girl seemed to know who he was. “Looking for what?”
“We took this job because a friend of ours had an uncle go missing in this area. We tracked the vampire kills nearby, and we’re thinking that maybe the vampire is keeping some of its victims alive as blood bags—that’s why only about half the missing people turned up dead.”
“Yeah, or they’re just good at hiding their tracks,” Dean argued. “The priority here has to be killing the monster.”
“That can be your priority,” the girl spoke up. “But we’re gonna find those victims.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Dean scoffed. He was surprised when the question stopped her short, and she looked to Ben for support.
“Later,” Ben insisted. “We can do this later. Look—“ he turned to Dean. “We’re going to check upstairs for any survivors. You can do what you want.”
“You’re not going up there alone,” Dean argued.
“Like I said; do what you want.” Ben turned, grabbing the girl by the arm and encouraging her along. Dean rolled his eyes and followed right behind them.
Dean wasn’t surprised at the first body they found at the top of the stairs—but the kids were.
“Just because one is dead doesn’t mean they all are,” the girl said. Dean grit his teeth at the sound of the shakiness in her voice; she was in for a rude awakening, he could feel it.
“Let’s keep looking.” Ben put his hand on the girl’s arm, and Dean wondered what the connection was between them.
“Watch out!” The girl spoke a split second before you rounded the corner and swung the machete. You froze mid-strike, yanking your arm back at the last second to avoid hitting Ben in the neck.
“Ben?!” You were slack-jawed before your eyes landed on your big brother. “Dean, what is going on?”
“I’ll explain later,” Dean huffed. “Right now we—“
“Oh no.” Dean’s senses heightened at the sound of Ben’s voice.
“What’s wrong?” He demanded, sidestepping his little sister to see what Ben was seeing. “Oh.” Dean couldn’t say he was surprised, but the sight of three more bodies in the entryway of the next room caused his heart to sink.
“They-they can’t…” the girl was gripping Ben’s arm, her voice quavering. “They can’t all be dead.”
Dean didn’t see why not, but he didn’t speak.
“I take it you’re looking for someone specific,” you spoke up.
“Yeah.” Ben’s voice was shaky too, but nowhere near as panicked as his friend’s. “We’re trying to help a friend find her uncle.”
“Then let’s keep looking.” Dean resisted the urge to glare at you for this statement—he wished you wouldn’t give these kids false hope, but he supposed you probably had plenty of false hope yourself; it was just a part of being a young hunter. You hadn’t seen everything that Dean had.
Dean trailed behind while Ben, his friend, and you forged ahead to look for any survivors. As he stared at the three kids, he couldn’t help the nagging feeling at the back of his mind…
The one that said that this was just the beginning—the one that said he’d be seeing a lot more of these kids, two of whom he considered his own.
Dean knew even before he entered the room that it was bad. He heard an intake of breath from Ben’s friend, he heard Ben’s quiet groan, and your “oh no.”
He rushed into the room just behind the three kids, cringing at the sight of half a dozen bodies strewn haphazardly around, all drained of blood.
“Cassie…” Dean whipped his head around to stare at Ben as he finally said the girl’s name. Ben was pulling Cassie into a hug as her eyes landed on a dead man near the center of the floor.
“Cassie,” Dean muttered under his breath, too awestruck to speak. That was why he recognized this kid—she was near identical to a woman Dean hadn’t seen for years.
“I take it that wasn’t a friend’s uncle,” you said quietly from beside Ben and Cassie.
“He was the only family I had,” Cassie whimpered. That sentence caught Dean’s attention.
“The only…” No. No way. He had to be thinking about this wrong, this couldn’t be Cassie’s daughter, because that would mean…
“Dean, look out!” At the sound of your warning, Dean didn’t hesitate. Without turning around, Dean ducked out of the way, stepping away from the doorway and lifting his machete simultaneously. It was good that he didn’t question you—not that he ever had—because the vamp missed him by mere inches.
You came forward swinging, but it was no use as the bigger and faster vampire dodged your attempted blow and grabbed onto your arm, twisting until the machete clattered to the ground.
“Dean!” You cried out as the vampire bared its fangs at you, but before he could spring into action Ben was there, ripping the vampire away from you and opening up Cassie for a shot; she took off the head in a single swing. “Thanks,” you breathed to the teens. “You guys are some decent hunters.”
“Which begs the question; why?” Dean demanded as he stepped closer to the three of you. “Ben, what is going on?”
“What, are you surprised that you actually have to take responsibility for your kids?” Cassie’s outburst surprised both you and Dean, but Ben just sighed exhaustedly.
“Cassie, you know that—“
“Yeah, you recognize that name? Cassie?” Cassie was ignoring Ben, keeping her eyes on Dean. “That old girlfriend you forgot about—my mother. After you left, she had me. And then she died—because she knew you.” Cassie was out the door before Dean could even begin to process her words. Ben was starting after her, but Dean grabbed onto his arm.
“Is…is she saying…she’s mine?” Dean didn’t look like he was breathing anymore.
“She is. And so am I.” Ben pulled his arm from Dean’s grasp and rushed after Cassie.
“Dean?” You grabbed onto your big brother’s arm, hoping to stabilize him.
“What’s going on up here?” The two of you turned at the sound of Sam’s voice. “There was a vamp downstairs, I took care of it…but it looks like I missed all the real action. I just saw Ben on the staircase.”
“It’s a long story,” you said. “Maybe we should bring those two to the bunker and have a talk with them.”
“Yeah.” Your words seemed to snap Dean out of his daze. “Yeah, I’ll go find them.”
“Let me,” you insisted. “I’m not so sure they like you right now.”
You found Ben and Cassie right outside the house—it looked like Ben was trying to convince her to go back inside.
“You guys should come with us,” you spoke up without waiting to hear what they were talking about. “We’ve got a bunker not far from here, it’s a good place to regroup.”
“With Dean?” Cassie scoffed. “I don’t think—“
“Cassie, hear him out,” Ben interrupted. “I told you, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to at least get to know him before you hate him.”
“It’s not like you’ve been searching him out to talk to him,” Cassie argued.
“Look, guys,” you butted into the argument. “I don’t know what you’ve got against my brother, but—“
“My mom is dead.” Ben’s word knocked the wind out of you, and you completely forgot what you were going to say. You’d stayed with Dean, Ben, and Lisa while Sam was in hell. You hadn’t formed a bond anywhere near as strong as Dean had with them, but Lisa was the closest thing you’d ever had to a mother, given that yours left you at John’s motel doorstep when you were a baby. When you and Dean got wiped from Ben and Lisa’s memories, it was one of the hardest things you’d ever done to walk away.
“L-Lisa’s…” you swallowed. “How?”
“Demons,” Ben deadpanned. “Of course, she didn’t know they were demons. She didn’t understand any of it, because she couldn’t remember.”
“Why do you remember?” The three of you turned at the sound of Dean’s voice—he’d come up behind you. You glared at him; he was supposed to let you handle this. But you softened when you saw the tenseness in his jaw and fists, and the pain in his eyes. He had heard Ben say Lisa was dead.
“Not long after you left us, I got into a car accident,” Ben explained. “Had a concussion. Whatever happened knocked those memories loose in my brain, and I started to remember everything that friend of yours made me forget. I didn’t tell mom—I knew she wouldn’t understand. But it didn’t matter, anyway, because she died not long after. You abandoning us didn’t protect us.”
“I wasn’t abandoning you,” Dean forced out through the lump in his throat. “I was trying to protect you.”
Ben’s expression didn’t change from a cold indifference.
“It didn’t work.”
Despite Cassie’s anger and Ben’s hesitance, the teens decided to follow you to the bunker. To your surprise, yet another teen was waiting for you when you got there.
“Hey guys,” Claire greeted before her eyes landed on the extra passengers. “Who are your friends?”
“Who’s she, another kid?” Cassie scoffed, and Ben shot her a look.
“Another kid?” Claire looked from the teens to Dean. “The heck are they talking about?”
“Claire, this is Ben and Cassie—they’re my kids.”
“Only biologically,” Cassie clarified.
“Cassie and Ben,” Dean continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “This is Claire—she’s a friend. What’s going on, Claire?”
“It’s Jody.” Claire must have decided her reason for being here was more important than Dean’s family drama. “She went on a hunt a few days ago, and now she’s not answering her phone.”
Dean was instantly stiff and alert.
“Tell us everything.”
“I will,” Claire promised. “But first—I recruited some help.”
“Charlie.” Dean grinned widely as he pulled the redhead in for a hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too,” Charlie said as she pulled away. “By the way, you have quite a good number of crazy kids in your corner.” Charlie eyed the troop of teens in the war room, including you, Ben, Claire, Cassie, and Krissy—who had come with Claire.
“Yeah, you’d think he’d be celibate by now just out of basic human decency,” Cassie scoffed, and Ben elbowed her.
“Hey, these aren’t mine,” Dean argued.
“That you know of,” Cassie muttered.
“Alright, that’s it,” Dean snapped. “Look, I know you’ve been through some crap, ok? But this chip on your shoulder attitude is getting old, especially considering I wasn’t even told of your existence until a few hours ago. That was your mom’s choice, not mine.”
“Oh yeah?” Cassie challenged. “And was it her choice to get killed by demons?”
“No.” Dean’s voice was solemn now. “No, it wasn’t. And I’m sorry, I’m…I’m so sorry.”
Dean’s tone surprised Cassie, and she went silent.
“I didn’t know she was in danger,” Dean said. “And I didn’t know about you. If I did, I would’ve—“
“What?” Ben cut in. “Would’ve made them forget?”
“Ben, you know why I did that,” Dean argued. “Your mom almost got killed—I didn’t want you to be in danger anymore.”
“Well it didn’t help,” Ben said. “They didn’t care if we remembered that we knew you, they only cared that you knew us.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Dean confessed. “I put you in danger by being there, I put you in danger by staying away. I can’t bring your moms back—all I can say is I’m sorry.”
A tack hitting the floor would’ve sounded like a bomb going off in the war room as the two teens eyed their father.
“Prove it,” Cassie spoke up.
“Name what you want, I’ll do it,” Dean promised.
“This Jody chick. I wanna help you look for her.”
Dean was surprised.
“What? Why?”
Cassie looked from you, to Sam, then finally to Dean.
“Families hunt together, right? You wanna prove you’re sorry? Then let us be a family. If I think I can trust you, then maybe…maybe we can move on.”
“The last thing I want to do right now is put you in more danger,” Dean huffed.
“Tough,” Cassie argued. “Because that’s my only offer.”
Dean eyed Cassie, then Ben. The silence in his indecision reached awkward quickly.
“They saved my butt from a vamp back there,” you broke in. “They’ve got my vote.”
“Maybe a new start is a good idea,” Sam piped up.
“Didn’t realize this was a group discussion,” Dean muttered under his breath. “Alright,” he decided. “Let’s go. But you’d better not get yourselves killed.”
“You’ve been pretty quiet, old man.”
Dean let out a huff as he glanced back at Krissy—just his luck she’d ended up in the Impala when they were separating into cars.
“Yeah, finding out about a kid you didn’t know you had will do that.”
“Well, she can join the club,” Krissy said with a shrug.
“Club?” Dean questioned. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh just the half a dozen kids on this hunt that you’ve adopted,” Krissy said. Dean scoffed.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I don’t know Dean,” Sam piped up from his shotgun seat. “We seemed to have picked up a decent amount of wayward teens over the years.”
“Great, just what I need.” Dena rolled his eyes.
“C’mon—“ Dean had forgotten you were in the car until you reached up and patted his shoulder. “You know you love us.”
“So I hit a dead end trying to track her phone, but with her laptop I’ve managed to track her web usage over the past few days.” Charlie’s fingers were moving a mile a minute on her laptop keyboard as she spoke. She had a Winchester brother over each shoulder, watching her every move as she shuffled through page after page of Jody’s online research.
“Try the most recent search,” Sam offered. “Maybe she looked up a location.”
“Do we even know what she was hunting?” You questioned Claire.
“Werewolf, definitely.” Claire and Sam exchanged a glance—she was nervous. Her last encounter with werewolves hadn’t gone so well.
“Ok, she did look up a location,” Charlie cut in. “Looks like a passport office, except…it’s really sketchy.” Charlie spun around in her chair, and it gave you a view over her shoulder of a website.
“That’s a perfect cover,” Krissy said. “I mean, anyone going to a place that bad is probably looking to disappear—so no one notices when they do.”
“Sketchy is right,” you scoffed as you looked over Charlie’s shoulder. “Wouldn’t be surprised if Jody’s computer has half a dozen viruses now.”
“It did. I took care of them.” Charlie smirked. “She can thank me when we find her.”
“Dean?” You caught your big brother before he went outside.
“Yeah, what’s up?” He asked, glancing out towards the Impala before reluctantly looking back at you.
“Were—um—“ your voice caught, so you swallowed and tried again. “Werewolves…they don’t really keep hostages. What if Jody is—“
“Hey, no,” Dean snapped, but he softened when your lip started to quiver. “Ok, commere.” Dean pulled you into his arms. “We can’t do that, kid. We can’t lose hope.”
“I don’t want to lose her, too,” you whimpered. Dean’s arms tightened around you.
“We’re not losing anyone, ok? Jody’s gonna be just fine—we’re gonna bring her home. I promise.”
“I want to go in.”
“What?” Dean eyed Cassie suspiciously as he parked at the cracked pavement outside the passport office. “Why?”
“Why do you think I came here? Duh, I want to help.” Dean huffed at Cassie’s sarcasm, but he didn’t argue. “You can take me in—pretend you’re my dad getting me a passport.” Dean didn’t miss Cassie’s smirk at the implication. “Shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Fine,” Dean relented. “Sam, if we’re not out in half an hour—“
“I know what to do,” Sam assured him.
“Then let’s go.”
Dean had been in the office all of 2 minutes before he began to get nervous.
“I’ve gotta use the restroom,” Cassie had announced almost as soon as a man had come forward to help them.
“First door on the left,” the man told her; and she scampered off down a dark hallway.
Great, he thought to himself. I’m in werewolf territory with Nancy Drew.
Still, he let her go off to check the back while he kept the counter man distracted. He didn’t really have another choice.
“Do you think Jody’s ok?”
Claire’s question hit Sam hard—mostly because he’d been wondering that all day. Before he could speak, though, Krissy piped in.
“Look, I know I don’t know your friend—but from what you guys have been telling me, she seems awesome. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.”
The tiny twitch of a smile on Claire’s face as she relaxed made Sam feel much better.
“They’ve been in there a while,” Ben interrupted. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the front door since Cassie disappeared behind it. Sam understood the feeling—the fear for your sibling, the helplessness when they went into danger without you. He didn’t know how Ben and Cassie got to be so close, but he couldn’t deny the obvious; they’d do anything for each other.
“Do you think we should go in after them?” Your eyes met Sam’s—you were waiting for his say-so.
“Dean said half an hour,” Krissy argued. “We should give them a chance to get some information.
“I’m not waiting any longer,” Ben insisted.
“Ben—“ Sam tried to reason with him, but Ben was already halfway out of the Impala.
You and Claire followed without a word.
“Hey!” Sam called to the two of you, but you ignored him.
“Ok.” Krissy shrugged, stepping out of the car.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Sam grumbled as he followed the teens. “These kids are gonna be the death of me.”
Dean was in the middle of pretending to fill out paperwork, and he was getting impatient. Cassie still hadn’t returned, and there had been no sounds of struggle either. He didn’t feel like he could go after her yet though—not with the desk worker hanging around; it would look too suspicious.
The moment the desk worker disappeared in the back, Dean dropped his pen and stepped into the hallway that Cassie had gone down.
“Cassie?” Dean hissed. “Cassie!”
A thud broke the silence from behind a door down the hall. Dean rushed towards it, his hand instinctively reaching behind him to pull out his gun. The door was locked, but it came open with a swift kick.
Dean held his gun out in front of him as he entered the room.
“Cassie!” Dean lowered his gun as he rushed towards his daughter, who was tied and gagged on the floor.
“She came outta nowhere,” Cassie gasped after Dean yanked her gag down.
“She?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. This isn’t a one-werewolf job, I guess.” Cassie shrugged.
“When is it ever?” Dean huffed as he started to untie Cassie.
“Dean look out!” Cassie’s warning came a split second too late as Dean felt a flash of pain as something hit the back of his head; then nothing.
“They’re not here,” you mumbled to Sam as the two of you trailed a step behind Ben into the passport office.
“They’re fine, we’re going to find them,” Sam promised.
“How can I help you?” A woman with an unnerving smile greeted as she stepped out from a dark hallway.
“That’s enough of that,” Ben huffed, reaching into his belt and pulling his gun on the woman. “The man and the teenage girl. Where are they?”
“Ben!” Sam glared at the teen. “Subtle much?”
“Subtle was Dean’s plan, and now he and Cassie are missing,” Ben argued. “It’s time for my plan.”
“Fine,” Sam grumbled, reaching for his own gun and directing his attention to the woman. “Answer his question.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She insisted, doing a horrible job of looking aghast.
“Sam!” You we’re halfway down a dark hallway by the time you called out for your big brother. He looked to see what you were gesturing at—a door at the end of the corridor. “Hinge is broken—it looks like it got kicked in.”
“Dean,” Sam muttered under his breath. “Krissy, Claire, go with Y/N. Ben and I are gonna have a little chat with this one.” Sam instructed. He glanced at Ben to make sure he still had his gun up before putting his own away and pulling out a silver knife instead. “First things first—let’s see what you are.”
You slipped into the room with the broken door, Krissy trailing right behind you. You had your gun—the one full of silver bullets—up and ready.
“Dean!” You breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of your big brother, even though he was tied up and gagged. He started shaking his head the moment he saw you, which put you on instant alert. Despite this and Dean’s obvious protests, you stepped forward and pulled Dean’s gag down, keeping your gun ready.
“Two of them,” Dean gasped. “There’s two, and I don’t know where either of them are.”
“Krissy, wait.” You held your hand out to stop Krissy from untying Cassie. “One of us should be ready to fight.” She nodded, stepping away from Cassie and keeping her gun pointed at the door while you untied Dean and Claire freed Cassie.
“Where…where’s Jody?” Claire asked once they were both free.
“I don’t know,” Dean admitted. “I haven’t seen anyone except the werewolves. Hey,” Dean put a firm grip on her shoulder when he saw her countenance drop. “We don’t know anything yet. There’s gotta be more rooms in this place. Let’s keep looking.” Dean turned his attention to you. Where’s—“
Dean’s question was interrupted by the sound of gunshots.
Only about a minute earlier, Sam was questioning the female werewolf about Jody when a man came charging into the main room from a side hallway.
“Ben watch out!” Sam fired two shots at the advancing male werewolf. One missed, and the other buried itself in the man’s shoulder. It didn’t stop him, and Sam wasn’t able to fire off another shot at him because just then the woman pounced on him.
“Hey!” Dean’s voice—followed by the sound of his gun going off—came just in time, and Sam felt the werewolf on top of him collapse completely, three shots to her back finding their mark in her heart. It was only after Sam shoved the creature off of him that he realized it wasn’t Dean who saved him—Dean’s gun was pointed at the now dead male werewolf that had gone after Ben—it was Cassie who had saved Sam.
Sam watched as Cassie and Dean shared a look—a look that Sam didn’t have to be a mind reader to understand; they had earned each other’s trust in the deepest way. They had both saved the most important person in the other’s life—their brothers.
“Jody.” Your voice snapped the lot of them out of their moment.
“Right.” Dean holstered his gun and turned toward the dark hallway he’d just come from. “Come on, there’s gotta be more rooms down here. Let’s find Jody.”
“Hey.” Cassie’s voice got Dean’s attention, and he tilted his head towards her. “I guess you’re not so bad…you know, for an old guy.”
Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I swear, you teens and your jokes,” he grumbled under his breath. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he admitted. “You know, for a kid.”
Cassie’s lips twitched in a smirk.
“Hey, thanks,” Dean said. “For saving my brother.”
This time, Cassie’s smile was big and genuine.
“Right back at you.”
There were three doors at the back of the hallway. The first was a storage closet barely big enough to fit the ancient vacuum inside. The second, a bathroom. The third…
“Hey guys.” Jody’s grin matched that of everyone looking at her. “It took you long enough.”
Charlie, Krissy, Claire, and Jody all returned to their various homes after a quick reunion and goodbye.
“So what’s next for you two?” Dean’s eyes landed on his two children as they lingered in the bunkered war room.
“We have guest rooms,” you piped in, but at Dean’s glare you retreated to your room to give them some privacy, an action followed by Sam a moment later.
“She’s not wrong,” Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I don’t know where you guys are staying but, if you wanted to it wouldn’t be—“
“You’re babbling, old man,” Cassie interrupted her father with a cheeky grin.
“Ok, ok.” Dean held up his hands in surrender. “I’m no good at this, so I’ll get to the point—you guys have a place here if you want it; I know I wasn’t there for you for various reasons, but I’m here now. I don’t like that you guys are hunting, I think it’s too dangerous, but it’s not up to me. All I can do is let you know that you always have me to back you up.”
Ben and Cassie were quiet while Dean gave his speech, and when he was done they shared a long, near telepathic look.
“Hanging around a while couldn’t hurt,” Ben said finally.”
“Yeah, might even be fun,” Cassie admitted. “I hope you like teenagers, old man.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
alrighty!! tw for gore, violence swearing and death
Kris held Katlyn’s hand, as she smiled weakly at him. Blood was pouring from her wounds, and she didn’t look like she had long left. Kris felt hot tears streaming down his face as Katlyn gently cupped his face in her hand.
“Katie… don’t leave me… please…” His voice broke. Katlyn just smiled.
“Do what I couldn’t, huh Krissy, honey? Get out of here. I love you so much…” She managed, before her grip slacked, and her eyes glazed over. Kris let out a strangled sob, still gripping her hand desperately. He shut his eyes, tears streaming down.
“Katie?! Katie! Please, please… this can’t be happening…” He wailed, pressing Katlyn’s hand to his forehead.
Kris felt a hand grip his shoulder harshly.
“C’mon now, kid. Time to go back.”
He didn’t respond, still sobbing as he held Katlyn’s body close. He felt the grip tighten.
“Weapon. Now. Or will I have to force feed you the pills again?”
Something inside Kris snapped… and he turned around, the tears slowly thickening and shifting in colour from transparent to the left one turning cyan and the right one turning hot pink. Kris’s eyes disappeared, the sclera turning pitch black, as his right eye turned cyan with a dark pink cross instead of a pupil, and the left one turned bright pink with a navy blue cross. His mouth stretched into a large grin; his teeth suddenly sharper as black liquid trickled from his mouth.  The two mafiosos backed away slowly, reaching for their guns.
“Such loyal puppies~! Forever listening to the Boss… I’m sure he’s sooo grateful~” He teased, before suddenly lunging at them. It was only too late that they noticed the machete in his hand, before one of the mafioso’s head was rolling on the ground. Kris grinned even wider, blood splattering on the floor and on his face, approaching the second one. The other backed away in fear, pointing the gun fearfully, his hand trembling. Kris grabbed him by his collar, before driving machete right through his chest. The man only had a split second to scream, before going limp as the machete was pulled out. Kris felt the blood gushing out of it, covering his hands. It felt warm… the metallic scent filling the air. He laughed, the unhinged sound filling the quiet streets.
“The loyal puppies didn’t even whimper! Haha~ how disappointing!” He screamed, grabbing the decapitated head by its hair and grinning, “Such tasty treats! Hahahaha!”
He threw the head aside, causing it to roll along the road. He ran his thumb along the blade of the machete, licking off some of the blood, the maniacal grin never fading from his face.
This spectacle had drawn a small crowd, with people emerging hazily from their homes, only to see the bloody scene in front of them. Kris turned his head, staring at all of them.
“Always watching, naughty naughty~ Did nobody ever tell you it wasn’t nice to snoop?” He cackled, throwing his hands up as if in a show, “I suppose I’ll have to teach you!”
Within minutes there was pandemonium. There were multiple dead bodies littering the streets, some missing heads, others missing arms and legs, some having bullet holes through their heads and chest. Men, woman, children, it didn’t matter. They all lay dead on the streets at the road was painted red with their blood. Kris stood in the middle of the carnage, soaked in blood and still grinning. His machete was coated in blood, and his gun was nearly empty.
“Snooping is bad… but I don’t think that’ll be a problem for any of you!” He screeched, his eyes wild with anger and insanity. He cackled, gripping his head in his hands.
“Puppies, puppies, puppies! Weak, pathetic little puppies! All dead, nice and dead and buried! That’s all you were good for!” He crowed, “All dead! Buried underground like good puppies! Good little obedient puppies, dying for their boss!”
He fell to his knees, still laughing madly and gripping his head, his hair poking through the gaps in his fingers. Soon though, the laughs melted into sobs, as he curled up on the road, tears streaming down his face.
“No… why…” He wailed, staring at his blood covered hands, “What have I done…?!”
“…What the fuck…?”
“Xoran… that wasn’t me… or you…?” Kris managed to choke between sobs.
“No… Kris it was both of us.”
“I don’t… know what happened… but I think we must have fused somehow… and brought out the worst in each other.”
“…Oh my god…” He held his hand to his mouth, feeling bile rising up, “What have I done…?!”
First of all: ✨️Slayyyy✨️💅
Second of all: Absolutely Fucking Terrifying, fantastic Job
Third of all: AMAZING ENDING
Fourth: Your narration is spot-on and hits hard, this is beautiful and if You don't get published so I can read this whole thing I will cry.
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keischreiber · 6 months
🙈 don't feel pressured but from the prompt list "how do they achieve a fully-assembled piece of IKEA furniture?" Sounds very interesting 🙈🙈 with almost any character I think 🙈
IKEA day is a dangerous day.
It wasn't even the shopping that was problematic, but the monumental pain that came after, once her very first purchase from IKEA got delivered.
"Minor assembly needed my ass."
When she saw that everything came in a box, a box that when she opened was filled with all sorts of parts and a manual, the young collegiate knew where the rest of her afternoon was going to be allotted to. Seriously, how dare IKEA make her assemble her own furniture after having gone through all of the trouble earning the money to pay for it. Was it not enough that she's working part-time to afford the little necessities in life as she goes through Uni? Was it not enough that she spent hours in their store walking amidst a sea of diversity just to finally meet the sofa bed of her dreams which realistically meant the sofa bed within her budget?
Apparently, not so. Not when she had to furrow her brows over a manual that looked no more than scribbles and doodles to her. Or how she was trying to make sense of the other attachables that were needed in order to make sure the damn thing worked properly.
The audacity.
She simply couldn't get a break. And this was JUST the sofa bed. God forbid what she'd have gone through had she gone and purchased a cabinet or a table instead.
Now, on most occasions, she would just do things herself because Kristina didn't want to bother anyone with her personal belongings. But she just… couldn't be bothered to read a manual. It was a her problem, yes, but one that she was slowly trying to fix; however, not today. So, she called for her partner in crime…
"God, you're such a fucking asshole, I hate you."
…Zeke Yeager WHO she didn't think would come armed with the blonde star athlete of their football team, Reiner Braun.
"But do you really?" Zeke looked as amused as ever as his gaze went from Reiner who was busy with the manual, and Kristina who had walked up to him for complaints. Then again, seeing her flustered annoyance gave Zeke the feeling that she wasn't as angry as she let on. After all, he was doing her a favor. She asked for help, he was there to deliver. "That's the most hostile thank you that I've received from you, Krissy. This is worse than the time I brought you to the Warrior's victory party."
And just for that comment, he won himself a smack to the arm before the girl finally left him– fuming– to once again join Marley U's jock in making sense of her little IKEA conundrum.
"I'm sorry that he roped you into doing this." Kristina was particularly apologetic to Reiner as she continued to fit each piece of her sofa bed with its designated covers. Reiner on the other hand simply waved it off. It wasn't every day that he came over to do this sort of work, and every once in a while, it wasn't too bad. Everyone thought that all he was was a giant meathead that thought about nothing other than sports, and for the most parts, they weren't wrong. However, he wasn't opposed to doing a little bit of charity work or manual labor when he had the free time.
Besides, it's not as if he could really turn down their manager's invitation… let alone, his requests. When he heard about Zeke needing some help fixing up some furniture, it seemed like an easy enough job since he had some experience. The young football star had a modest dorm room when he didn't spend his days at his mother's house; and his dorm room had furniture that he himself assembled… also from IKEA. He could call himself a pro at this by now… after all the trial and error he'd had figuring it out himself.
What he didn't expect was for Zeke to bring him to a girl's place. And if he remembered correctly, it's the same one who he arrived with at the team's victory bash a few weeks ago.
"You new 'round these parts? Don't think I've seen you around that much before." Reiner asked, using the free Allen key to begin assembling some of the pieces that had been fitted with the covers.
"Kind of. To the neighborhood at least." She explained, dragging one of the parts to the 'assembly line'.
It's been a week since she moved from her father's house to this nice little complex. Definitely closer to school, and thankful far enough from the toxicity that came with living with her judgmental old man. She couldn't stand having to hear another reason why she's making a mistake by taking up teaching courses, rather than the path of medicine which he had planned out from the start.
"That so? You enjoying yourself so far— it's Krista- no, sorry, Kristina, right?" He fumbled, slightly embarrassed for mistaking her name for someone else's. A crush who happened to share the first five letters of the name.
"Y-yeah, that's me. And really, you don't need to apologize." She responded. "It's an easy mistake to make."
"Strange, most would expect an apology. Always thought people hated it when others got their names wrong— pass me that bolt, would you?"
And so Kristina did, passing him one of the bolts that would eventually keep the sofa bed together.
"Well, we've only met once. It'd be pretty unfair to assume you would remember. I keep my standards low."
At that sentiment, Reiner found himself lofting a brow, his head raised from what he was doing just to look at her. Did he just get dissed? "You got quite the mouth right there huh, you sayin' I can't remember names?"
"Was I wrong?" Did she hit a nerve? But then he chuckled, returning to the task at hand.
"Nah, I got it wrong the first try, yeah? Won't happen again, I promise." He reassured. For a moment, Kristina had her breath held. She thought it was over, that she wasn't ever going to have a chance to become friends with him all because of this damn mouth of hers. But he seemed more of a sport about it, more than her fears suggested at least.
"Hey, c'mere. I'll teach you how to put this part together. It's pretty easy." He called her over as he aligned the side panel with the storage space that made up one part of the girl's sofa bed. Reiner showed her the bar and screws that were needed to connect them together, and demonstrated screwing one of the screws using the Allen key.
"Pretty easy, right?" He confirmed.
"It is pretty easy, now that you've shown me how." She agreed.
"Pretty sure your boyfriend over there coulda shown you how too." But Reiner knew that Zeke had a bit of laziness in him. If it wasn't at all interesting, he wouldn't be too compelled to lift a finger. Or he'll find a different way to do it… which he guessed is what happened here.
Suddenly however, the blonde felt a sharp smack on his arm, catching him by surprise, followed by a horrified "He's not my boyfriend!" from her part.
"You don't have to be so shy, my dear Krissy. You can tell Reiner here how we've professed our undying lo—" Zeke chimed in, taking a drag of the cigarette that he had lit just a while ago as he watched them both work. Kristina's expression as she snapped her attention towards her best friend's direction almost caused Reiner to laugh, had he not caught himself. He had never seen someone looking so offended over a statement before.
"He sure is trying to sell it." He said, chuckling once again as he hands her the Allen key so that she can try it for herself.
"Please, don't take him seriously. He likes to embarrass me, as a hobby." Kristina explained, focusing on doing what she had been taught. There was a small glimmer in her eyes when the screw locked in place; and when Reiner himself inspected the rest that she had done, he raised his hand for a high-five that she had so rightfully earned.
Small talk persisted between the three of them as the work continued. Reiner had called out Kristina's dislike for manuals and watched her try to reason it out. Zeke often interjected to taunt the girl; finding some strange amusement in her being quite defensive.
It was, all in all, a leisurely day; the work prolonged due to the chit-chats and bickering. A peaceful time for three college kids, and an eventful day for one.
When they had finished with the assembly of the sofa bed, they bid their farewells. Kristina had offered to make them dinner as a form of repayment, but both Zeke and Reiner decided to take a raincheck for today. Zeke simply had something else to do for the night, and Reiner, well, he didn't want to be a bother even if the host had insisted.
"Next time." She remembered him say, with an apology to match. The girl, not wanting to press on for too much, compromised with that. It wasn't a bad deal at all. It would at least give her an excuse to meet Reiner again.
As she stared at her phone, she fondly looked at the new number that had been saved along with a message,
⌊ Reiner Braun ⌉
Hey, got practice in the afternoon tomorrow. Wanna drop by? Not sure if football's your thing, but I can introduce you to the team. Haha! Promise not to get your name wrong this time 'round.
it read.
Kristina never would have thought that this name would become part of her contacts. Maybe being friends with Zeke did have some benefits. Maybe him knowing that she liked the Warrior's 104 was a silver lining.
I'll be there ♪(´▽`)
… and sent.
IKEA day was a dangerous day, because who would have thought that a little trouble was all it took for her heart to skip a few beats all throughout the day?
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goblininawig · 9 months
Red Dwarfcember: Ice Skating
Summary: Spanners takes Krissie ice skating on Mimas.
Prompt: Ice Skating
Words: 642
Rated T (no warnings)
A03 link or keep reading below.
“Well?” Spanners asks, unable to keep the anxiety out of his voice. “What do you think?”
Ace leans casually against the counter of the little ring shop, looking cool as ever. In one hand he’s got a small box from which glints the diamond Spanners is hoping to put on Krissie’s finger. But first, he wants Ace’s opinion. After all, the man’s the most romantic, charismatic fellow in the entire Space Corps. He knows more than a thing or two about the way to a woman’s heart.
“Spanners, old geranium,” Ace drawls, snapping the box shut and tossing it towards Lister. “It’s just the ticket. She won’t say no to a rock like that from a man like you.”
Spanners, who caught the ring box, but just barely, holds it tightly between his palms as he receives a hearty slap on the arm from Ace.
“You reckon?”
“I’d say it was a sure bet, if I didn’t want to cheapen the romance,” Ace winks.
Spanners’ cheeks plump up cheerily as he grins. “Well then, I’d better have it rung up.”
Mimas is known, not for the Space Corps Test Base where Ace and Spanners work, but for the holiday opportunities it offers to spaceship crews and civilians alike. As such, it has a great many attractions designed to separate the visitors from their dollarpounds. Some, like the Zero Gee Orgy Center, are unique to the terraformed moon. Others, like the reproduction of Rockefeller Center Plaza with its iconic skating rink, are designed to cash in on Earth nostalgia. In the real New York, the Plaza is long gone, but on Mimas, it looks just like it does in all the old films.
Spanners, being a sucker for both old films and romantic gestures, is going to take Kristine Kochanski, his long-time girlfriend and the most incredible woman he’s ever met, to skate beneath the reproduction Christmas tree tonight, and propose to her there. Lister has never been skating himself, but Krissie loves it, and he’s sure it’ll be fine. He's a brilliant engineer. How hard can it be?
Lister lands hard on the ice, again. Before he scrabbles around on the slick surface to try to stand back up, he takes a moment to curse whoever came up with the idea of strapping knife blades to shoes in the first place. Krissie slides to a stop just beside him. Her pinball smile shines brightly as she reaches her hands for his, and Spanners feels his resentment melt away.
“Why did you insist on coming here if you can’t skate?” Krissie laughs as she hauls him back up onto his blades. 
“I wanted to do something special for you,” Spanners answers, pulling her closer, and not just because it’s easier to balance that way.
Krissie wraps her arms around his waist and presses a soft kiss to his lips. “I thought we were past this, Dave. You don’t have to do anything grand to impress me. I love you just the way you are.”
Spanners returns the kiss, but then slides carefully backwards from her embrace. “And I love you. That’s why,” he clumsily slides down on one knee, “I wanted to ask you this someplace special.”
Krissie’s gloved hands cover her mouth as Lister pulls the ring box from the pocket of his coat.
“Krissie, will you marry me?”
He opens the box, revealing the emerald-cut diamond on its white gold band. Kristine’s eyes tear up. She pulls the glove off her left hand, holding it out towards Lister.
“Oh, David, of course I will!”
She waits long enough for him to slide the ring onto her finger. Then she hauls him back up to his feet again. The kiss he receives this time is laden not just with affection, but with the promise of an entire future to be lived together.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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gunchamber · 1 year
consider: matias calling krissy his daughter to someone
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                          𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍  𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑  𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐒  𝐒𝐇𝐄  𝐈𝐒      attached  to  elder  hunter  at  his  hip  ,    &    if  he  found  the  constant  company  of  krissy  to  be  tedious  or  vexatious  ,    he  never  let  it  be  known  .    however  ,    she  never  felt  like  a  bother  to  matias  .    anxiousness  that  would  normally  curl    &    settle  in  the  depths  of  her  stomach  ,    always  worried  she’s  only  but  a  nuisance  to  those  she  holds  close  .    it  never  rears  its  ugly  head  when  she’s  around  the  man  who  came  back  from  the  dead  .    his  presence  only  carries  with  it  warmth    &    acceptance  for  the  young  woman  ,    taking  her  in  with  all  her  flaws    &    troubles  .    a  companionship  that  she  wasn’t  accustomed  to  at  all  ,    she  works  every  single  day  to  welcome  his  nurture  .    to  not  try  reading  between  the  lines  of  his  kind  words  for  ulterior  motive  ,    life  had  not  been  kind  to  the  chambers  girl  .  
                        but  maybe  life  was  trying  to  repay  her  with  matias  .    
                        this  day  had  been  a  prayer  answered  ,    sun  casting  a  golden  glow  of  morning  ,    slowly  warming  tips  of  noses    &    pads  of  fingers  as  people  began  to  swarm  at  the  farmer’s  market  .    stands  plenty  lined  in  rows  ,    the  smells  of  fresh  produce  permeated  the  air  as  the  huntress    &    mentor  walked  side  by  side  .    matias  had  offered  that  krissy  stay  back  at  home  ,    aware  that  she’d  come  in  late  the  night  before    &    he  was  an  early  riser  for  the  market  .    but  she  insisted  that  she  go  with  him  ,    wanting  to  spend  as  much  time  as  she  could  with  him  before  she  would  need  to  set  off  again  .    she  could  suppress  her  yawns  at  the  back  of  her  throat    &    between  clenched  teeth  ,    times  like  these  were  priceless  with  the  older  male  .    he  was  worth  the  two  hours  of  sleep  she  grabbed  when  she  could  .
                        they  stopped  more  so  for  krissy  to  pet  the  animals  at  every  other  stand  than  for  the  straight  off  the  vine  fresh  vegetables  for  sale  .    when  she  glanced  up  at  matias  from  her  stooped  form  down  low  ,    a  baby  billy  goat  cradled  in  delicate  hold  ,    she  expected  to  see  exasperation  .    it’s  what  her  dad  would  have  done  to  her  wasting  his  precious  time  ,    time  that  could  be  used  for  intensive  research    &    miles  gained  on  asphalt  .    instead  she  sees  pure  happiness  ,    glittering  hues  so  gentle  while  watching  on  at  the  scene  before  him  ,    like  he  couldn’t  be  more  joyous  that  krissy  was  experiencing  such  precious  soft  moments  .    she  had  to  force  herself  to  look  away  ,    heart  physically  aching  with  how  much  she  cared  for  a  single  human  being  .    how  much  he  meant  to  her  .    
                        time  crept  on    &    the  orb  in  the  sky  rose  higher  ,    with  it  bringing  spring  heat  that  causes  everyone  to  shed  off  their  light  layers  .    krissy  shrugged  off  her  flannel  ,    tying  the  sleeves  around  her  hips  as  something  was  placed  onto  her  head  seconds  later  .    the  rays  that  had  been  blurring  her  vision  seconds  ago  now  shielded  by  a  brim  of  a  straw  weaved  hat  that  now  sat  snuggly  on  her  dome  ,    with  a  quick  inspection  of  the  man  next  to  her  she  lets  infectious  grin  overtake  features  seeing  he  adorned  a  matching  hat  of  his  own  .    he  presses  a  knuckle  to  her  chin  ,    explains  the  sun  gets  too  warm    &    he  didn’t  want  her  to  get  burnt  .    a  thoughtful  gesture  that  to  anyone  else  would’ve  been  overlooked  or  brushed  off  ,    but  to  krissy  she  holds  these  little  moments  so  close  to  her  heart  whenever  they  happen  .    it  hushed  the  negative  noise  at  the  back  of  her  mind  ,    one  that  tells  her  no  one  cares  for  an  orphaned  woman  who’d  rather  push  everyone  away  .    with  all  the  confidence  in  the  world  ,    she  can  say  matias  cares  .    he’s  always  cared  .
                      they  ventured  onward  down  to  the  last  lane  of  the  day  ,    admiring  sweet  smelling  fruit  laid  out    &  what  was  left  for  the  taking  .    the  woman  in  charge  handed  krissy  a  couple  of  strawberries  ,    hair  white    &    pinned  in  a  bun  at  the  back  of  her  head  ,    a  warm  smile  of  encouragement  as  the  huntress  nodded  in  thanks  before  accepting  the  red  fruits  in  her  palm  .    knowing  her  praise  was  what  the  woman  was  waiting  on  ,    krissy  took  a  quick  chomp  of  the  berry  .    closing  her  eyes  at  the  juice  that  spread  over  her  palette  ,    before  giving  a  thumbs  up  at  the  owner  of  the  stand  .    ears  pick  up  on  a  rumbling  chuckle  from  the  man  next  to  her  ,    his  hands  moving  fast  to  pay  for  the  last  few  baskets  of  strawberries  that  were  left  .    when  krissy’s  eyes  reopened  the  woman  giggled  ,    patting  matias  on  his  arm  before  the  inquiry  left  her  in  aged  timbre  ,    “  well  matias  ,  aren’t  ‘ya  gonna  introduce  me  to  the  young  lady  ?  “
                        what  can  only  be  perceived  as  PRIDE  overtakes  matias’  visage  as  a  hand  clamps  down  on  her  slender  shoulder  ,    she  feels  him  give  a  quick  squeeze  before  his  reply  is  spoken  ,    ❛    this  here  is  my  daughter  ,  krissy  .    she’s  visiting  me  a  couple  of  days    &    helping  out  at  the  farm  .    kris  ,  this  is  —    ❜  whatever  he  says  next  is  tuned  out  by  the  thudding  of  krissy’s  heartbeat  that  begins  vibrating  in  her  skull  .    there  was  no  mistaking  what  he’d  called  her  .    bone  digs  into  tender  rims  of  her  lips  as  she  tries  to  reign  in  her  disposition  ,    but  she  already  feels  the  familiar  burn  behind  her  lids  ,    curly  lashes  moistening  as  tears  gather  along  her  waterline  .    without  lingering  around  for  much  longer  ,    krissy  gathers  the  berries    &    spares  the  woman  a  quick  ‘  nice  to  meet  you  ‘  before  her  feet  carry  her  away  .  
                      it  must  have  taken  matias  a  second  or  two  to  really  analyze  what  just  happened  before  she  hears  a  quiet  muttered  curse  behind  her  ,    something  that  sounds  similar  to  ‘  SHIT  !  ‘    then  booted  feet  run  up  behind  her  in  quick  strides  that  easily  caught  up  to  fleeing  huntress  ,    calloused  fingers  reached  for  her  bicep  to  stop  her  midstep  .    turning  her  around  to  face  him    &    she  doesn’t  cower  away  since  she  knew  it’s  just  the  two  of  them  now  .    market  left  behind  yards  away  in  the  distance  .    he  studies  her  wet  eyes  ,    &    misunderstands  her  reaction  ,    ❛    i-i  didn’t  mean  to  call  you  th  -    ❜
                        ❛    did  you  mean  it  ?    ❜  krissy  interrupts  ,    desperation  heavy    &    underlying  quiet  whisper  .    his  gaze  flickers  between  her  glassy  orbs  before  he  gives  a  nod  .    has  the  audacity  to  try    &    explain  that  if  she  wasn’t  comfortable  with  the  title  ,    he  would  understand  but  she  hurriedly  shakes  her  head  .    moving  forward  a  few  steps  before  her  limbs  tangle  around  his  waist  ,    pulling  the  man  tightly  to  her  ,    all  the  love  she  has  for  him    &    all  the  love  he’d  fueled  her  with  since  his  return  is  what  can  be  felt  within  the  embrace  .    strong  ,    yet  tender  .    krissy  doesn’t  even  realize  her  fingers  grasp    &    claw  at  the  back  of  his  shirt  ,    like  she  was  afraid  he’d  disappear  AGAIN  .    
                      ❛    you’ve  been  a  father  to  me  for  as  long  as  i  can  remember  ,    &    nothing  is  going  to  change  that  .    ❜  words  weighted  with  meaning  ,    uttered  into  his  chest  .    ❛    as  far  as  i’m  concerned  ,    you  are  my father  ,  matias  .    &    i’d  be  honored  to  be  your  daughter  .    ❜
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macamadamia · 11 months
Sometimes, You Can Meet Your Heroes Chapter One
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Chapter Fic - Chapter 1 / ???
Ship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen and Up
Chapter Word Count: 1000
AO3 Tags: Parent Dean Winchester, Parent Castiel, Mechanic Dean Winchester, Claire Novak is hell on wheels, Minor Character Death (before the story starts), Teen Claire Novak, Kid Ben Braeden, Mute Ben Braeden, Ex-Con Dean Winchester, castiel is doing the best he can
It’s been a year since Lisa’s death, and Castiel is struggling to help his grieving children. Claire has taken moody teenager to a whole new level, while Ben has retreated into silence. Claire might not share his DNA, but he raised her from birth, meeting Lisa when she was already pregnant. He doesn’t know anything about Claire’s birth father, apart from his name, and that he was in prison when Claire was born. He doesn’t want to know anything else about the man. Until Claire disappears in search of Dean Winchester.
Dean faintly hears the doorbell chime of someone entering the front office, but since he’s buried elbow-deep in the engine bay of a 1970 El Camino, he ignores it. The college kid who works the front desk was in today, and Krissy might be small, but she’s fierce, and would run interference on any customers. Happily. With a rifle, if he let her.
Usually, Dean doesn’t mind the customer service side of his business. He likes talking to people about cars, and he’s good at it, but today was a day he didn’t want to face the public He would have stayed home, only he’d probably end up day drinking until he passed out. The five-year anniversary of Benny’s death wasn’t a day he should be spending alone at home.
So, he’d come into work, told Krissy he didn’t want to be disturbed, and went to work on the recalcitrant El Camino Bobby had dropped off, that’d been taking up real estate in his garage for the last few weeks. 
With AC/DC blasting on the stereo in the corner, head under the hood of the El Camino, he doesn’t hear Krissy’s footsteps until she’s standing by his elbow.
Swearing, he jumps and barely avoids colliding his elbow with the engine block. “Jesus fuck Krissy!” Reaching for a dirty rag, he wipes his hands as clean as he can. “What are you doing sneaking up on me?”
Fixing him with a level stare, she doesn’t even flinch. Any other day, he’d respect it. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Tell them I’m not here.”
“Don’t know if I can do that, boss.” Krissy goes from glaring at him to studying her fingernails with their fancy manicure, the kind that’s never been seen in the garage before she started working there. “It’s a girl.”
He rolls his eyes, turning back to the El Camino and throwing over his shoulder “You’re a girl, you talk to her.” Maybe if he ignored her she’d go away, and he could go back to diagnosing what exactly the hell is wrong with the piece of junk Bobby dumped on him.
She’s undeterred though, opening her phone and doing something with it that ends with the music in the stereo cutting out.
“Boss. She asked for ‘that asshole Dean Winchester’.” Her face is serious, even with the ridiculous air quotes. She stares him down, and its Dean who blinks first. 
“Shit. Okay.” He wipes his hands again on the already dirty rag. “Lead the way.”
They stop by the sink for Dean to scrub his hands as clean as they’re probably ever going to get. His mind briefly flashes back to his dad – coming home with engine grease under his fingernails and on his coveralls.
He scrubs harder, trying to shake the image away. He doesn’t need any more memories today. He’d already run the full gauntlet when he woke up.
Krissy isn’t wrong. There is a girl in the front office.  Waiting by the desk, wearing a school uniform he doesn’t recognise from any of the kids he sees in the neighbourhood. Her head buried in her phone, radiating teenage attitude even at this distance.
She looks up when he opens the door, and he sees the flash of uncertainty cross her face before she schools it back into disinterest. But there’s tension there, Dean can feel it. She isn’t here looking for a job, and she isn’t a rich teenager wanting a custom upgrade to the first car their daddy bought them.
Dean doesn’t know what this is, but he’s got a bad feeling. And his bad feelings are usually right.
Krissy barrels straight through the tension, snorting and folding her arms to lean up against the door frame. “You wanted to see the boss. I found him for you.”
“Yeah, thanks Veronica Mars, I’ll put my check in the mail for you.”
Dean reaches out an arm as Krissy bristles and takes a step forward, shaking his head at her. “Krissy, why don’t you go out to lunch? Charge it to petty cash.”
Again, with the staring competition, but this time it’s Krissy who breaks away first. “Sure thing, boss. But if you need anything, I’ll be right next door at Beth’s.”
She leaves, nearly shoulder-checking the teenager on the way out. The girl flips her the bird. He doesn’t know what went down before he arrived in from out the back, but he’ll quiz Krissy later. He’ll probably get an earful off Beth as well, knowing Krissy she’s next door telling on him to the café owner.
The girl leans back against the counter, sizing him up. She doesn’t appear to like what she sees. “You’re Dean Winchester?”
He pastes an easy smile on his face, going for the charm that usually wins over his female customers. “Yeah, apparently. What’s with the attitude, Miley Cyrus?”
“Eat me, Hasselhoff.”
Charm doesn’t work, so he tries a new tactic. “Okay, cool it. Yes, I’m Dean Winchester. I don’t know who you are though, where the attitude is coming from, or what you’re doing in my garage when we’ve got a big old closed sign on the door.”
She dodges the questions. He sees that uncertainty creeping back under the bluff and bluster. “Why are you closed on a random Thursday, if you and the receptionist are here?”
He can play the avoidance game, too. He’s probably been playing it since before she was born, god help him. “Look. You’re clearly here for a reason. Let’s start over. I’m Dean Winchester, and you are…?” He stretches out his hand for her to shake.
After a heartbeat of hesitation, she shakes it. “I’m Claire Braeden-Novak, and I’m 15 years old and an Aquarius.” 
Oh. Maths was never his strong suit, but the numbers fall into place quicker than he’d like them to.
“My mom was Lisa Braeden.”
Oh shit.
“And you’re that asshole Dean Winchester who bailed on his pregnant girlfriend 16 years ago.”
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the-void-writes · 2 years
Writing Prompt!!
“for you, i would”
Finally managed to get into a Cyval headspace 😅 and I really like this piece so yay! 💖
SOLM - For You
Val’s eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of chirping birds. The grayish-blue light of a winter morning illuminated the bedroom as they put on their glasses, taking note of the empty side of their bed. Cyrus must have woken up early, Val reasoned, leaving them to sleep peacefully for a while longer. Neither of them were steady sleepers, but since Val was the mortal one, their rest was important to Cyrus.
They threw on their sweater and jeans and freshened up in the washroom. In the mirror, they could spot the mark Cyrus had left on their neck. A bite of passion, of course, not of hunger. Val traced their hand over it, smiling at the memory of Cyrus’ lips on their skin, his breath on their collar, and his hands caressing their hip and chest. They couldn’t wait to return that pleasure to him tenfold.
The manor seemed even colder when Val left their room. All of the servants were bundled up in coats and scarves. Freya was carrying a linen basket up the stairs, dressed in so many dark layers that she looked like a wooly blueberry.
“Good morning, Master Danvers,” she said with a smile.
“Freya, do you want some help with that?” Val asked.
“Oh, no need. Just mine and Krissy’s things.”
“All right, then.” Val looked around. “Have you seen Cyrus today?”
Freya sighed. “Poor thing’s out in the garden. Haven’t been able to bring him in all morning.”
Val nodded. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“Thank you, dearie.”
She bowed and continued up the stairs. Val grabbed their scarf and boots, hurried to the back entrance by the kitchen, and stepped out onto the porch. The snow was already above their ankles as they trudged towards the garden. Dark leaves and withered flowers tried to poke through the frost, still just as radiant as they were in springtime.
Val found him by the iced-over fountain, staring into the frozen water. Snowflakes stuck to Cyrus’ dark hair, framing his pale face beautifully. Still, despite his ethereal glow, there was a deep sadness in his emerald eyes. Val walked down the steps and joined him, touching his hand gently.
“You went on a walk and didn’t invite me?” they said.
Cyrus smiled and kissed their hand. “Forgive me, darling. You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bring myself to disturb you.”
“Fair—” They wrapped their arms around his neck. “—but you’re always worth losing sleep for.”
He chuckled. “Worth more than sleep, you say? What an honor, Master Danvers.”
“If you’re just gonna tease me, I’m going back to bed.”
“Then perhaps I’ll join you, in a moment.”
He stared back at his reflection in the ice, and the humor in his expression disappeared again. Val stroked his hair and brought him against their shoulder.
“Please,” they said, “tell me what’s troubling you.”
Cyrus closed his eyes. “Do you truly want the ceremony?”
Val stared at their hands. “I do, Cyrus. Hawthorn and its people mean so much to me. I want to be a part of it.”
“You know what that means, though. Would you honestly give up your life for us?”
He looked down at them, searching for any sign of offense or regret, but Val leaned close and whispered their answer against his lips.
“I’d give up a hundred lifetimes for you.”
Cyrus caressed their head and pulled them in for a kiss. The snow seemed to dance around them, preserving their little moment like a scene in a snow globe. When Val broke away to breathe, Cyrus couldn’t help but smile at their flushed and freckled face.
“If you really want this,” Cyrus said, “then there’s something I want to say.”
He took a deep breath. “I would love for you to join us… as my spouse.”
Val could feel their heart pounding in their chest. Cyrus must have sensed it, stuttering as he tried to comfort them.
“It’s completely up to you, of course. If you don’t want that, we can still have the ceremony, and you’re welcome to stay with us in the manor—”
He stopped as Val kissed him again, nearly knocking him down into the snow. Their glasses fogged up as tears ran down their cheeks.
“Cyrus, my darling, I would be honored to marry you.”
A huge smile spread across his face. He picked them up and spun them around, laughing with his beloved in the falling snow. He placed them back down and caught his breath.
“No, my flower,” he said. “The honor is all mine.”
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multi-royalty-arc · 1 year
caroline is dead ,  how is krissy dealing with it ?  //  she’s inconsolable .  words of condolences don’t penetrate .  she’s a picture of cold ,  unmoving fortress even during caroline’s funeral .  anyone who seemed to be on their way to chambers would halt their approach upon witnessing dead eyes .  &  those who were brave enough ,  cooing to her with  ‘ i’m sorry for your loss .  i know she was very important to you .  ‘  would be met with a cruel ,  harsh huntress .  RAGE  being her primary source of energy ,  the thing that was fueling her to keep going at this point .  ❛  NO  ,  you have no fucking idea who she was to me .  so don’t act like you know anything .  ❜  &  it would be rinse  &  repeat .  more people ,  more unwanted apologies that she had no use for .  what was an i’m sorry going to do ?  it wouldn’t bring her back .   NOTHING COULD . it wouldn’t be until later that overwhelming grief would latch onto her lungs ,  render her so nauseous that if she’d eaten anything in days prior stomach contents would surely be emptied .  krissy enters her apartment ,  slowly closing the door only to lean against it .  head resting back ,  eyes closing as chest finally heaved .  breaths escalating in desperate pants ,  rising  &  falling hurriedly but it wasn’t enough .  krissy couldn’t bring herself to look at her home ,  one that not only provided her comfort but for caroline too .  it no longer felt like anything to her anymore .  there was no warmth ,  no sense of safety . . .  because there was no caroline .  &  there was no point in any of it .  ALONE ,  she was alone in the world again .  it wasn’t fucking fair .  ❛  you said forever ,  care .  ❜  krissy grits to the empty room .  lifeless .  everything looked too in order .  too pristine .  it reminded her of the vampire ,  but what else was new .  EVERYTHING REMINDED HER OF CAROLINE .  jaw jutted out as the first trails of tears decorated pained countenance in wet streaks ,  dripping off her chin as she dropped her bag to the ground .  scanning all of her belongings .  no ,  they belonged to the version of krissy who still had ties to this place .  ties with this town .  the version of krissy chambers that stood there  NOW  was merely a shell .  this place wasn’t hers .  not anymore .  ❛  i can’t do this .  ❜  words are whimpered ,  pitched higher as they left constricted throat .  she looked to her left ,  a picture of a random painting hanging on the wall .  quick fingers ripped it from its hook ,  bloodshot eyes skimming over it before impulsivity took over .  ❛  not without you .  i don’t want to .  ❜  then her arm gears back ,  &  with all of her might framed is smashed against the wall .  glass shattering  &  wood splintering .  a prominent dent left behind as she watches dismantled pieces clatter to the floor .  a switch is flipped ,  mind shuts down  &  EVERYTHING GOES BLACK . when she comes to krissy is in the midst of complete destruction that was once recognizable .  now every inch of the ground was covered in sharp shards  &  parts of herself .  room purged of everything that triggered any form of memory of miss mystic high ,  angel with whisps of blonde hair  &  cerulean eyes that  SAW  krissy chambers .  looked at her heart  &  still loved her .  her own ears barely process that ugly , graveled sobs are coming from her own throat .  form curling in on herself as  FINALLY she’s freed of dark ,  grueling anger that had been eating her  ALIVE .  in its wake leaving that horrid heaviness ,  that  HOLE  in her chest  that she would have to bear the weight of that only seemed to grow bigger as days went on .  shoulders shook  &  cracked as she lowered to the ground ,  not caring that smooth skin landed on razors ,  that sanguine now seeped onto the rug .  ❛  please ,  come back to me . . .  ❜
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
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Death wasn't even the worst of it. She'd died countless times, meeting the darkness for a short while but she always came back, but when a vampire meets its end with a stake to the heart there is no redemption. Caroline's body had desiccated in the woods cold and alone but still, that wasn't the worst of it. Caroline's spirit passed to the other side, and that was the worst of it. She could see, hear and even feel everyone's emotions but none hurt quite as much as Krissy's.
The huntress who so unexpectedly had been the light of very many dark tunnels. When they'd first met, neither of the pair had expected to form a friendship like the one they had. It happened to fast, yet it was so natural. The coming together of two lost souls searching for their place to call home. Something Caroline certainly had found in Krissy.
The other side was cold, and grey. Yet she could see everything perfectly. Watching as the news was broken to the huntress had broken Caroline's own heart. Her best friend and soul mate completely shattered.
❛  you said forever ,  care .  ❜ 
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❛  I'm still here Krissy ❜ 
Except she wasn't- and she would never be. Caroline had always talked about outliving Krissy, because that was the inevitable right? that the vampire would long surpass the lifetime of the human. WRONG.
Having to helplessly watch from the other side as her friend spiralled through grief felt like a punishment for the unfilled promise. ❛ I will always be here for you Krissy, no matter what. ❜ but where was she now? A lonely spirit cupping the cheeks her distraught friend. Pleading that she could feel it. That if Krissy looked up just at the right tome she'd see Caroline's pools of blue staring back at her, but instead she witnesses the destruction. Feeling the bouts of anger, rage and pure hurt that Krissy is going through. Her huntress, broken.
❛  please ,  come back to me . . .  ❜
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❛  I never left . . .  ❜
At least.. she'd never meant to. All Caroline could do now was hope, by still walking at the side of her friend, one day she'd be able to send a sign. Or that there would be some kind of spell- something to bring her back. How long would life on the other side last? Is this where she would stay to watch as her friend aged.. alone.
It wasn't supposed to be like this, yet there was not way of setting things right.
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hellsurvivr · 1 year
25. Your muse finds out mine was lying to them.
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she knew this would happen, that the truth of who she was, would one day come out. it could never stay a secret with someone who was a hunter. and hunted those like payne. she was thankful that she knew how to hide better than most. she could be human for its what she clinged too. but one accident, had revealed the truth. and she could see the anger and betrayal burning in krissy's eyes as she looked at her. sighing softly she looks down at the wound that evealed her truth. the way the iron had burned her.                ❝  i'm sorry krissy, i didn't mean to lie to you.  ❞
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theonlyheartbreakr · 11 months
dear ava, i think i love you. its been a week or two since you broke up with me and you are still all i think about. according to krissy you “hate me” even though you said you broke up with me when you did because you wanted us to end on good terms. are we even friends anymore? i mean i guess the answer is pretty obvious we haven’t spoken in days. you are still my favorite person and i miss your smile and your voice and the way you would look at me and how you would laugh and every single thing about you. im almost sure of the fact that you dont feel anywhere close to the same as i do and im not sure what to do about it other than to just leave you alone and let us eventually stop speaking to each other. just thinking of that feels like bullet wounds but if that’s what makes you happier then ill comply. i miss the times where just me and you would hang out, when i took you to see my favorite band, when i cut my bangs and didn’t know what to do so i snuck out and showed up at your front door, when we would sit on the swing near your house and talk for hours i mean wow i think it was the best 2 months of my life knowing you, knowing that you liked me and i liked you and we liked each other. i would do anything, give any amount of money to have times like that with you again and i can’t bear never having moments like that ever again. it’s november now and ill be gone soon (not dead) please please please remember i really do love you. -josie
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sunrayseer · 1 year
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My love has always loved her boat. A gift from her folks. They bought it the day she was born, but didn't let her have it till her teens, when she was big enough to row
She was shaky in the early days, but she's always in it now, a master seamaness
There was a meteor shower the night she said yes. She rowed home from the far side to seal the deal with a kiss, her eyes glistening like stars
But I wasn't on the shore to meet her. A meteor had hit the meadow nearby, so I ran to it before anyone else. It was billowing. So I tipped some water on, chipped a piece off with my chisel, put it in my pocket
When I got home, covered in soot, I'd never seen anyone looking so smoky
"I had to moor my boat and hike up here alone," she pouted
"There was a fire, at the..."
She stood and walked upstairs, arms folded, eyes closed, like a cloud was over her
I knew a storm was coming when she didn't come down for dinner
Bright and early the next morn, I tapped on the spare room door to invite her for breakfast, but she was gone!
A note on the bed read: "Gone to the Beach! X"
I noticed her bikini was missing from its hanger
I decided to get a salad from the beach bar and gaze out to sea, see what I could see
I saw her, but she couldn't see me. Though it's not like she was trying to hide. The "Blue Beauty" her pride and joy, rode again upon the waves. I could hear the wooden oars clunking in the rowlocks
As I chewed a mouthful of honeyed walnuts with avocado, I thought, "that boat is only meant for two. Why have you squeezed five fullgrown men inside it with you?"
Their tops were off, their pecs were buff and shiny. She was squealing with glee as she let one after the other take turns on the oars
"Do you all want to end up with gobfuls of seafoam?" I mused, with a sip of pineapple juice. "Sigh, let her have her day of fun."
I strolled back to the villa to get some training done
During a King Fu session on the lawn, as I was centering my chi, a eureka hit me!
"That's why she was so glum! I was so hyped at putting out the fire, I forgot even to mention her boat or journey. All her efforts to come see me." I felt bad
"Now look what she's done. Gone off and handpicked five guys from the beach like peaches ripe for plucking. It looks like joy, but this is fury, and I drove her to it."
I released a burst of chi into the air, it shimmered.
"Sigh, you don't have to do that, you know?" I spoke as if she was on the lawn with me.
"Only a lost soul chases sin. One who has found herself walks the righteous way."
I released a second chi burst, setting the shimmer aflame
"I know animals do it, but we gotta be better than that, you know? We who lead. We who set examples. We who hope to make it through the pearly gates."
I sucked the chi back into my chest. It warmed me, like Chinese tea. I realised I was still alone on the lawn. So I did a few more katas, then hit the books
At 2pm she sashayed in with sunglasses and a mocktail, like a black-haired Aphrodite
"Learn some Hebrew with me," I said
She gave me that look. Her eyes were glowing through her shades. She still hadn't had enough. So I finished her off with a deep massage, till she was snoring. I always found that cute. "A cat's life, huh?" I whispered. "This is one cat I know who dreams."
At dinnertime she caught me in the kitchen dicing veggies for the wok
"I'm famished" she yawned, in a pair of Montgomery tartans, with a violet tweed waistcoat
"You look like you're ready for the books," I said
"Yes, yes, after dinner. What is it?"
"Singapore scallops"
"Ooh" she stretched her legs beneath the table and smiled, "yummy."
Amber, my pet Shorthair, leapt onto her lap and rolled over, purring, as Krissy stroked her chest
"How was your voyage yesterday?" I ventured
"Amazing under the meteor rain. But I felt so sad when you weren't there to see it with me, and give me my ring. I had my heart set on that. You know I love stuff from space."
"I had business at Jake's."
"The smith's?"
She humphed. "You always have something better to do than see me, don't you."
"I wouldn't say that."
"What do you think it means, the shower?" She mused
"An event of that magnitude, the day you said yes, can only mean one thing."
"True love."
She thought about it for a moment.
"You can't say there were never fireworks between us." I added
She gave me that look again. The scallops sizzled in the pan
In the morn, she kissed me long and deep. The way you kiss someone you're in love with. And we were, even after all these years. The romance never faded. Never got old, though I was starting to feel it at times
I put my hand on her tum: "Give it a few more years, we'll put some buns in that oven of yours."
"How will we know when the time is right?"
"Did you see the meteors fall last night?"
"There'll be another shower?"
"Another something. The Lord will send a sign."
She sighed. "The Lord, the Lord, the Lord! You love him so much, don't you. But do you love me? Do you even like my boat?"
"I adore it, dear, I do. I'll take you in it every week, keep her in tiptop shape. I'm over the moon about it, honestly."
She hugged and rested her cheek on my chest, listening to my beating heart.
"It's gonna carry us and our kids far and wide on all life's adventures."
She mewed and stroked my abdomen, like Amber, who was likely off chasing mice someplace by now.
"It'll be my pride and joy forever."
She pulled my hand to her lips and kissed.
I slipped the freshly hammered asteroid ring onto her finger. "You're mine now, forever," I said
"By Darwin's beard, I love it!" She hugged me so much, I nearly choked
At midnight, we went out to the lake, and watched the sunset from our boat. It was ours now. It belonged to me as much as her. She had it all her life, but she gave half to me when she said "I do"
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I thumbed the mottled, nickel band on her finger. This meant I would never do all this for anyone else. All my efforts were for this one here, for life
Wed To One, Oh Six, Two Free
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gunchamber · 1 year
“ Give me a kiss right now or else. ” :)
𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃-𝐁𝐀𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 . / * @strnza
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                𝐀  𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒  𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍  𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐉𝐔𝐌𝐏      the  huntress  had  concocted  long  before  eliza  even  opened  her  pretty  eyes  that  morning  .    it  all  started  as  a    CURIOSITY      ,    a  harmless  little  ploy  to  see  how  far  she  could  push  with  some  innocent  teasing  here    &    there  .    when  beautiful  woman  approached  krissy  with  sleepy  hues    &    a  cute  pout  ,    she  admittedly  was  a  little  embarrassed  .    she  damn  near  cracked  right  then    before  it  could  officially  begin  .    with  eliza’s  arms  snaking  around  krissy’s  waist  ,    lips  already  nearing  hers  for  a  proper  good  morning  .    krissy  turned  her  head  right  at  the  moment  their  lips  were  a  breadth  away  ,    tender  pink  flesh  grazing  each  other  before  a  kiss  was  planted  on  her  cheek  instead  .    a  confused  noise  pitches  in  eliza’s  throat  ,    something  akin  to  a  whine  as  she  pulls  away    &    krissy  couldn’t  hide  her  smirk  .    then  huntress’  back  meets  the  wall  of  eliza’s  living  room  ,    a  playful  threat  whispered  in  the  short  distance  left  between  them    &    its  effect  was  instantaneous  .    lashes  fluttering  as  krissy  takes  in  the  persistent  look  that’s  now  fixed  on  her  girlfriend’s  features  ,    head  leaning  back  against  the  wall  to  feign  nonchalance  .    like  she  didn’t  take  eliza’s  words  very  seriously  .    yes  ,    krissy  was  trying  to  set  her  off  .                    ❛    i’d  like  to  see  what  this    OR  ELSE    might  mean  .    —    if  you  want  a  kiss  ,    you’re  gonna  have  to  do  better  than  that  ,    birdie  .    ❜
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