cecexwrites · 8 months
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A Murder of Crows
The Lestrange family has a long dark history behind them. They are ruthless, deceitful and will always get what they want. Corvus oculum corvi non erui - a crow will not pull out the eye of another crow. But the rest of the world is fair game.
Merit Vander Wende hates me.
A fact she's never kept secret, but when her darling fiancé crossed me he all but signed her death warrant.
Merit might hate me, but she will be mine.
Revenge is a bitch.
Especially when you've don't nothing wrong. Ivan Karkaroff might think women are just a pawn in his game but he's in for a rude awakening. His pawn is a queen with her own game to win.
14 years locked away like a rat.
My loyalty gained me my freedom, got me back into a society I never quite fit into. My betrayal will seal my fate and hers and change everything among our ranks.
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2magpies · 6 months
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digitkame · 17 days
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Karkaroff pulling his ultimate move and T-posing Snape into a corner after he’s had enough of Snape avoiding him during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
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sctumsempra · 2 months
it has been. 15 years and i’m STILL sad they deleted this scene. it’s so pretty and he’s so pretty and they axed it for What reason
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zacksnydered · 7 months
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─ requested by @safarigirlsp | part 2.
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thescarleteagle · 9 months
Barty Crouch Jr. and Evan Roiser is a ship that really makes sense because at Karkoff’s trial in Goblet of Fire, Karkoff said Evans name, and in my own professional opinion, that’s what makes Barty get progressively more angry and ultimately leads to lash out even more then he might’ve even when Karkoff told Winzengamot that he helped torture Frank and Alice. I also think Barty liking Evan made Barty’s relationship with his dad more difficult, which leads Barty to kill him later.
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poitionsprince · 6 days
I don't need to "be real",
I need a fanfiction with the GoF scene of Igor Karkaroff trying to look at Severus' dark mark, but with Karkaroff just pinning him to the carriage when Severus flinches.
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casasupernovas · 2 years
i dont think people truly deep just how much snape was on thin ice in 'the goblet of fire'. that man was unknowingly telling voldemort's most loyal supporter to his face that he was 100% team dumbledore. big yikes. and most of snape's significant moments in this book are him being team dumbledore (when he's not being a general asshole as per usual, or acting wildly out of character when insulting hermione because let's be real, snape bullies the kids in general but it is very unusual for him to attack someone's physical appearance, he never ever does this in any other book).
in the scene after harry's name is called, his primary source for his animosity towards harry is because he's making dumbledore look bad. the other schools think dumbledore is cheating, giving hogwarts twice a chance to win and using an underage student to do so.
when harry sees snape in the pensive, unbeknownst to us unless you have already read all the books, he's relaying crucial info to dumbledore about how the dark mark is returning and how igor karkaroff is *this* close to doing a runner.
when he comes across 'mad eye moody' and the aforementioned wizard implies dumbledore doesn't trust him, snape is insulted and outraged. moreover, confirms to this death eater's face that not only is he dumbledore's man, but ashamed of ever being a death eater, given how much he wants to get rid of those 'spots'. very damning.
and of course, when voldemort does return, snape exposes that he used to be a death eater to everyone in the room. which implies that dumbledore's vouching in the ministry of magic must have stayed within the ministry walls because no one, apart from dumbledore and harry knew. so he exposes his shameful past in front of molly, ron, harry, sirius, mcgonagall and of course cornelius fudge. all to defend dumbledore.
and considering most of snape's contention with dumbledore comes from his perception that dumbledore does not trust him, it is telling just how far he'll go to prove his loyalty. he was probably very angry to hear that 'mad eye moody' was coming to hogwarts in the first place. i expect he may have thought that dumbledore had more than one reason to bring an auror famous for rounding up dark wizards, particularly death eaters into the school where one of the members of the faculty was an ex death eater. this ties into what i said above about the harry and the egg falling down the stairs scene.
so, when voldemort said he wanted to kill the person he believed wholeheartedly had left him forever he meant it.
and i for one, am very grateful that harry tells voldemort in 'the deathly hallows' that he was truly an idiot for ever thinking snape would come back to him. and that doesn't even touch snape's main motivations for switching sides either.
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honeybcj · 2 months
so first off, thank you to @foursaints & @remlvrs for telling me to speak my truth…
that said, bear with me as i give you my input on karkaroff.
karkaroff was VERY isolated growing up and i think that fed into a lot of the choices he made. he’s constantly left with his own thoughts and it’s Not Great. he was a very odd child growing up. fascinated by the abnormal. thing is, he never acted on any of these impulses; impulses that consisted on a string of desire to inflict pain, manipulate, & pull things apart piece by piece. like kind of the stereotypical serial killer kind of vibe, but again, isolated child that didn’t have the means to act on these desires. so, needless to say, when he was finally a student, his exploration of the dark arts soared. he excelled well beyond any means when it came to the subject. similar to barty, he was smart. like more than you might think, and he genuinely thrived on it. he used it to his advantage all the time.
it comes as no surprise that he joined the death eaters. enthralled by the level of “excellency” and devotion to a level of cruelty he never truly had the chance to explore growing up. his intelligence comes to a minor fault because he’s messy when it comes to attacks and killings. he has all this knowledge, but putting it into action takes time for him. makes him question his capabilities, but then… (and TRULY bear with me) he’s in this circle, surrounded by death and violence and pure hatred when he meets evan for the first time. evan is precise, dedicated. not a single fucking stone goes unturned. where karkaroff lacks in order, evan makes up for it. there’s this point where the two of them manage to get along which is surprising because there are far and few people that evan can tolerate for more than a few minutes. this is a crucial turning point for karkaroff because the amount of knowledge he gains from evan rosier is absurd. he’s a little wooed, if you would.
there’s like…this feeling he gets in the pit of his stomach when he sees evan dissect something for the first time. staring at his hands and it’s more than magic. it’s beyond magic. the skill and precision he puts into his craft is beyond anything karkaroff has seen before. but the problem lies in the hands of barty crouch jr because karkaroff knows there’s something there between crouch and rosier. always leaning on one another, and despite all of them being death eaters, there’s always a bit of jealousy that karkaroff feels because he will never have whatever it is that’s happening between barty and evan. they are on a whole other level and karkaroff is immensely jealous of barty, and more often than not they are at each other’s throats because their intellect is so high above everyone. it’s concerning. like just imagine two “top dog” academics going at it while being simultaneously angry while trying to be part of the same team.
for the first time, karkaroff feels seen and heard. he hasn’t had that in his life. just as soon as he has it in his grasp, it’s stripped from him. taken in the blink of an eye. evan’s death changes him, but it doesn’t take his appreciation for the dark arts away. if anything, it fuels his need to keep going. in turn, both him and barty are Not on good terms really. because barty is dedicated to this. he won’t stop, but karkaroff? he lets it fester. he lets it eat and gnaw and prey until there’s nothing else but a fucking coward because he doesn’t know what to do. all he knows is that he’s passionate about the dark arts and dark magic.
insanity gets the best of him, truly. he never really recovers from it all. blames all the wrong people and never himself for succumbing to something like this. he doesn’t find a problem in his actions, but what he does realize is that he has an anger lying in the hands of evan rosier, an anger for showing him the best parts of his life and just dying. he’s fucking dramatic and cold about it. doesn’t give two shits when he says evan’s name during his trial, but he says it to stir something up in barty. because he’s still angry. still mad. in anguish that barty would let something like that happen to evan. all he feels is this anger, and when the name evan rosier leaves his lips, it’s like coming home. it’s even better when he gets to finally say the name that has been trapped at the base of his skull for ages: barty crouch…junior. it’s the closest thing to revenge he can get.
years later, as he does become the headmaster at durmstrang, he knows he cannot go back to the life he had before because that means facing the people that took everything from him, drove him to a place of madness, so what does he do? he runs like a coward because he cannot face it any longer. he cannot face his past nor can he accept it, no matter how much he craves those days again. the hunt, the chase, the kill. it’s in his blood, his every waking thought, his dreams. but he can no longer face it, even if he desperately wants to because he knows what he did, and he cannot take it back.
okay yeah so that’s where i’ll stop with all my karkaroff thoughts but i genuinely do think i could go into so much more detail so…yeah. hahahah please just remember this are my opinions and silly thoughts…don’t hate me…or do i don’t care. mmm come talk to me about karkaroff <3
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cyberneutral · 4 months
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But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been.
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The Death Eater sign they have on their arm (sorry, not a native speaker idk its proper term) is probably also ingrained on their soul or something since it can't be removed. But what if a Death Eater lost their arm with the sign, would it automatically reappear somewhere else on their body? Or only when activated by someone like Tom? Or will it still summon them but they themself can't use it since there's no longer a physical manifestation for them to use? I know this is not in the source text but what is your idea how that sign works?
Previously on this blog, why the Dark Mark even exists.
The thing is we don't know.
We don't see Death Eaters with missing arms who tried to get rid of it. We just know that Lucius wasn't able to get rid of his and had to falsify being under the imperious curse, Snape couldn't get rid of his even when he got a position at Hogwarts and had to wear long sleeves forever, Peter couldn't get rid of his when he was living as a rat, and Karkaroff never got rid of his even when he ran away.
There was more than one person canonically who wanted it gone, some desperate enough to try, one desperate enough to try to make his escape canonically, but for whatever reason couldn't get rid of it.
What we do know is that Karkaroff died.
We don't know how, only that it was reportedly in Bulgaria and Bulgaraia wasn't far enough. We don't know what he tried, if he tried to cut off his arm and couldn't, if he couldn't do something like that though he knew he had to, if he cut off his arm and it made no difference, or if Tom didn't find him via the dark mark at all.
However, it seems to me given the speed with which he was disposed of, the ease of it... Karkaroff didn't get that mark off and the way he was acting, he was probably desperate enough to chop it off.
On the other hand, You-Know-Who didn't seem to know or care where Regulus's body ended up until he realized all his horcruxes were gone. (Or, perhaps, he did know but he assumed Regulus just got eaten by zombies and not by horcruxes).
Given Karkaroff though, I think you can't get rid of it, and it can certainly be used to track you as well as summon you at a moment's notice. The mark itself may simply be just how it shows up on the skin, but not the magic itself, which as you note is likely attached to you as a person.
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alien-slushie · 11 months
*Harry when his name comes out of the Goblet*
Harry, pointing at Dumbledore: Fuck you.
Harry, pointing at Fleur: Fuck you.
Harry, pointing at Snape: Fuck you.
Harry, pointing at Cedric: You're cool.
Harry, pointing at Karkaroff : And fuck you, I'm out!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
New Harry Potter OCs
1 – Maretta Longbottom; Neville's twin
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2 – Dulcinea Ollivander; Ollivander’s daughter, Remus Ship
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2a – Clio Lupin; Dulcinea & Remus’ oldest daughter
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2b – Maia Lupin; Dulcinea & Remus’ younger daughter
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3 – Lucinda Bones; Amelia Bones’ daughter
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4 – Tabitha Scamander; Newt Scamander’s daughter
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4a – Alora Scamander; Tabitha’s daughter / Rolf Scamander’s sister
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5 – Laurel Prewett; Fabian Prewett’s daughter
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6 – Iliana Prewett; Gideon Prewett’s daughter
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7 – Corvina Karkaroff; Karkaroff’s daughter
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8 – Zaria Selwyn; Malea’s sister
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8a – Elvira Lestrange; Zaria & Rabastian Lestrange’s daughter
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9 – Malea Selwyn; Zaria’s sister
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9a – Amalthea Black; Malea & Regulus Black’s daughter
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huge huge huge huge huge thanks @ginevrastilinski-ocs for helping me with names and @cecexwrites for encouraging me to embrace the chaos and not fight the ideas even though they kept growing
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pssherri · 10 months
im sorry the erotic tension between severus and igor in goblet of fire??????
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zacksnydered · 7 months
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─ requested by @safarigirlsp | part 1.
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